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                     ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy - Pilot School

Founded in 1976, Technical High School 'G. Marconi' is situated in the north east of Italy
and provides the very best in modern education for approximately 1,250 students divided
into two specialist subjects: Electronics and Informatics.

Institute “G. Marconi” is a certified Cisco networking Academy, a Microsoft IT Academy
and a European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Test Center as well.
Institute Marconi is one of the Italian VOLKSWAGEN Academies and has also signed a
formal agreement with Italian Railways.

ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy
                         NanoYou, Page 1
At present Technical High School “G. Marconi” is highly involved in European and
international cooperation with different countries.
Since 1997 we have had a formal agreement of cooperation with the American University
of Minnesota, Morris. The agreement deals with the ELTAP project (English Language
Assistant Program).
Since 1996 we have offered our students an internship experience thanks to close
connections with local industries.
Since 2004, have been involved in C L I L (Content & Language Integrated Learning):
teaching of non-linguistic subjects (Calculus, Computer Science, Electronics, Maths,
Systems programming) through the medium of a foreign language (English).

ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy
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                         Nano t e c hno lo g y : o ur po int o f v ie w

Nanotechnology is the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules – is going to
have a huge impact on both business and our daily lives. Nanotechnology is the understanding and
control of matter at the scale of single atoms and small molecules. The word "nano" means "dwarf"
in Greek: a nanometrer is one millionth of a millimetre. The diameter of a human hair is fifty
thousand times larger. The object of researching of nanotechnology is the specific fabrication of tiny
particles and structural units. This enables the production of materials with novel properties. Thus
nanotechnology opens up totally new application areas.
   •   Surface properties can be directly influenced
   •   In the automotive industry nano - particles make paints more scratch-resistant
   •   Plastics (eyeglass lenses) can also be hardened with nanoparticles
   •   In leather care soil-resisting properties are strengthened
Nano devices are measured and are expected to be used in the following areas:
   •   Nanocomputers: Chip makers will make tiny microprocessors with nanotransistors, ranging
       from 60 to 5 nanometres in size.
   •   Nanomedicine: By 2020, scientists believe that nano - size robots, or nanobots, will be
       injected into the blody’s bloodstream to treat diseases at the cellular level.
   •   Nanomaterials: New materials will be made from carbon atoms in the form of nanotubes,
       which are more flexible, resistant and durable than steel or aluminium. They will be
       incorporated into all kinds of products, for example stain-resistant coatings for clothes and
       scratch-resistant paints for cars.

Nowadays a lot of people make profit investing in nano stocks and nano initiatives. You can be one
of them. Imagine you are about to take a holiday in Europe. You walk out to the garage and talk to
your car. Recognizing your voice, the car’s doors unlock. On the way to the airport, you stop at an
ATM. A camera mounted on the bank machine looks at you in your eyes, recognizes the pattern of
your iris and allows you to withdraw cash from your account. When you enter the airport, a hidden
camera compares the digitized image of your face to that of suspected criminals. At the immigration
checkpoint, you swipe a card and place your hand on a small metal surface. The geometry of your
hand matches the code on the card, and the gate opens. Ubiquitous devices, can be anything from
smartphones to tiny sensors in homes, offices and cars, connected to networks, which allow
information to be accessed anytime and anywhere – in other words, ubiquitously. In the future
people will interact naturally with hundreds of these smart devices every day, each invisibly
embedded in our environment and communicating with each other without cables. In the ideal smart
home, appliances and electronic devices work in sync to keep the house secure. For example, when
a regular alarm system senses that someone is breaking into the house, it usually alerts the alarm
company and then the police. A smart home system would go further, turning on the lights in the
home and sending a text message to the owner’s phone. Smart homes can remember your living
patterns, so if you like to listen to some classical music when you come home from work, your
house can do that for you automatically. They will also know when the house is empty and make
sure all appliances are turned off. They cooperate to make our lives more comfortable.

ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy
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The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector has undergone rapid expansion as
work and social activities are transformed by new and varied technologies. This has required
computers to become faster, enabled by the production of smaller transistors through advanced
fabrication processes. Decreasing the size of the transistor allows more to be placed on an integrated
circuit, increasing the performance of the computer. Devices will be faster, more powerful and have
a greater number of features thanks to Nanotechnology. Conventional transistor manufacturing is
constantly striving for smaller transistors. New architectures and increased fabrication complexity
enable more advanced circuitry to be developed. By using the inherent properties of Nanomaterials
to perform calculations, future computers may not need to rely on traditional Si-based technology.
Materials such as single nanowires or quantum dots could be used. New fabrication techniques
allow the synthesis of compliant circuits, making flexible and stretchable devices a reality. These
devices can be rolled or folded without damaging the performance of the device.

A nd re a M., 5 A i

A basic definition: Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale.
This covers both current work and concepts that are more advanced. In its original sense,
'nanotechnology' reefers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using
techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products.This
technology implies a series of benefits because with this you can monitor diabetics blood sugar, call
ambulances for the sick and elderly, it's very important and without research we hope to cure
cancers. This is a little part of the potential of nanotechnology but i think is the most important so
there are a lot of possibilities: for example you can change the flavor of food, microwaves release
the relevant chemicals from nanocapsules, other ingredients pass through your body unused.

At the same time nanotechnology is essential in ICT because this sector is in a very rapid
exspansion and this is very required in pc to became faster, then offers the opportunity to
exploit,rather than avoid, quantum effects for the development of the next generation of integrated
circuits. Devices will be faster, more powerful and have a greater number of features.

Fe d e ric o C., 5 A i

Nanotechnology is a branch of science that was born in the 1980s but it was thought in ‘60s. iIt
works with matter with dimension less than one micrometer, such as atoms and molecules. This
new form of science, in our period, is not present in our lives like other technologies, but in the
future it will become essential in many fields as electronics, computers, medicine, mechanics and

How nanotechnology will enter in our lives? Nanotechnology can be used in medicine to replace
surgical procedures, so there will be less errors by doctors and many diseases such as cancers and
tumors may be cured successfully. Nanotechnology will can be food healthier, so micro-organism,
bacteria and viruses can be remove and the taste can be release at the right moment, to complement
ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy
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wine for example. An Oxford company has designed clothing that prevent colds and never need
washing, but it costs very much! In the future, nanotechnologies will can even protect us by robbers
with special alarms that calling immediately the police. We don’t know the risks of nanotechnology,
but nobody can say nanotechnology will be dangerous for humans.

ICT, stands for Information and Communication Technology, and it has increased the performance
of computer with the production of small transistors, and it allows to be placed more things on an
integrated circuit. This process, called miniaturization, will continue because their properties begin
to be determined and dominated by quantum effects and if it will not continue, we will need new

Marc o M., 5 A i

Nanotechnology is the science that studies the possibility to control atoms and molecules of matter
to produce small devices, on the order of nanometres, which are useful in many fields of human
interest as medicine, computers and home security.
Nowadays, nanotechnology is still undeveloped but it will play a key role in our future.
The use of nanotechnology devices will be introduced gradually in the coming years, to focus only
after a lot of practice time, on solving problems related to human health.
In the near future there will be security systems at homes, able to collect information on possible
criminals and immediately alert the owner and the police. You’ll also look in stores technological
objects ever less cumbersome and slowly everything will become distance manageable.
Nanotechnology can provide to the constant demand of most powerful computers, allowing the
creation of ever smaller devices with better performance. This depends essentially on the possibility
of inserting more transistors on electronic cards.
Nanotechnology will also affect the ITC from other points of view, developing wireless
technologies and devices for video playback, ensuring higher quality and lower consumption.

Franc e s c o M., 5 A i

Nanotechnology is a branch of applied science and technology that deals with the control of matter
at dimensions less than micrometer scale and design and manufacture of devices that scale.
The term "nanotechnology" refers generically to the manipulation of matter at the atomic and
molecular level, and in particular relates to lengths of the order of a few lattice steps.
Nanotechnology operates in a multidisciplinary field of investigation, involving several research
areas, including: molecular biology, chemistry, materials science, physics, mechanical engineering,
chemical engineering and electronics. It can be seen both as an extension of existing sciences on the
nanoscale, or as their "rearrangement".

In everyday life, nanotechnology can produce good results in the medical field, because in medicine
there are wide sectors where modern technology can take root and improve results.
On the other hand, however, there is a downside, namely nanotechnology could be used for ultra-

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modern weapons and a power unprecedented, so is the need to understand exactly what actually
may contribute to the good of society or at the end lead only damage.

Nanotechnology undoubtedly would help the field of industry and mass communication, the true
power of this new insight transported industry in general would no doubt substantial benefits in all
fields of technology. There would undoubtedly be much more powerful computers but they occupy
less space, or there would be a very great saving of space, but means much more efficient and
From this point of view, nanotechnology can really make an important and decisive difference, but
always considering that everything has its limits.

Mic he le T., 5 A i

  ”N an o t e c h n o lo g y is t h e    s c ie n c e o f m ak in g   d if f e re n t k in d o f d e v ic e s
                                        f ro m s in g le at o m s ‘

Nanotechnology is the science which allows us to make lot of devices that can be used for many
different things.
The term is formed by the words “nano”, which stands for nanometers and technology.
Actually, the studies of nanotechnology are about the following areas:
     - nanocomputers, to go on reducing the dimension of nanotransistors and so the dimension of
        the microprocessors
     - nanomedicines, to create nanobots (nano-sized robots) which will be able to treat human
     - nanomaterials, to create new materials formed by carbon atoms in the form of nanotubes , to
        guarantee more flexibility, more resistance and durability (more than steel). Other features
        of these new materials are, for example, water impermeability, flexibility, and more.
Earlier, these technologies will become part of our daily life, and so we will become part of a new
life concept, based on strange objects which will allow us to improve our life style.
Nanotechnology will play a primary role in ICT (Information and Communication Technology),
because it will allow us to intercommunicate in new ways (faster and safer), increase and improve
the features of our actually daily used electronic devices, create new sorts of gadgets to guarantee
better performance of our personal computers or mobile phones.
For example we'll be able to build longer batteries for our notebooks and for our mobiles,
transparent displays (e.g. TVs and monitors), different kind of sensors to monitor the environment
and so on (these were only a few examples).
To conclude nanotechnology will became an integrated part of our daily life, but actually we aren't
sure yet of the dangers caused by this new curious and fascinating sector of the technology.

S im o ne P., 5 A i

Nanotechnology is the atoms and molecules manipulation on << nano-scale >> (one nano-meter is
about one million times smaller than the diameter of the tip of a pin). In nano-scale level the
material can be “fitted” due to show qualities that can be used for the realization of faster, lighter,
more resistant and more efficient devices and systems, besides new classes of materials. The

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prevision shows that this technology will influence every form of our existence, between them
health care, computers, consumer goods, energy, self-defence and feeding.
However nanotechnologies can also create problems. The most of the questions are about the health
hazardous, because of the few information we have about the nano-application toxicity. In fact
there’s the risk of some nano-particles unwanted effects on man and environment as ultra-thin
powders like vehicle’s exhaust fumes particles. Further risks can rise cause of potential damages
that can be caused by the eventual military use of this technology.
The medicine improvements will lead to a better health-care and more advantageous medical prices.
The electricity distribution will move from the actual centralized model to a more localized one,
thanks to the help of generators to activate in case of a larger request of energy, within advanced
storeing ways and new management strategy.
The main domestic use gases, methane and carbon dioxide, introduce the difficulties in controlling
and handling its polluting impact. Experts say that monitoring process will be reliable before 2025.
Genetic studies improvement will benefit farming.
Computer will be given an even more important role in everyone’s life: every good, from washing
machine to house alarm, as also mobile telephone and television, will be controlled by pc. Nano-
materials, in nano-technology basis, will change their function and from passive they’ll become
active thanks to the use of valves, switches, pumps, motors and other components. Security will
make important steps ahead, favoured by new automatic video-cams given algorithm able to
perceive and identify any human behaviour.
Furthermore transport ways will be transformed in more safe and rational ones thanks to networks,
information systems and obviously internet. Out drivers will be given sensors that will send every
information to on-board computers and high-speed trains.
Information and communication technology, means the whole technologies that allow to elaborate
and communicate the information through digital systems.
The ICT final aim is the dates’s manipulation through converting, storing, protecting, transmitting,
and safe recovering of information.
Professional ITC are characterized by many intervention capacities, from installing to projecting
telematics architectures, from manageing basis dates to projecting integrate services for the
computer and wireless telephony convergence in data transmission for the new information
transmission methods.

To m m as o A ., 5 A i

Nanotechnology is a science, born in the 1980s, that               makes devices from single atoms
and molecules.
This science is used in many fields , like medicine, electronics and computers.
This technology is vey developed, but it’s not always used because there are some problem, for
example it can be dangerous for the environment.
It can help medicine for curing bad sickness, like cancer. In the future it will be possible because
scientists believe that nanobots will be injected into the sick body to treat diseases at cellular level.
The work of ICT requires computers to become faster.
ICT with nanotechnology is an innovation because allows to occupy less space, or there would be a
very great saving of space, but it means much more efficient and advanced.

A nie llo A ., 5 A i

ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy
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Nanotechnology is the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules.
The word "nano" means "dwarf" in Greek: a nanometrer is one millionth of a millimetre.
Throughout history, human nature has pushed us to search for new knowledge and information that
would lead to a better society.
We surf the web, watch television, and read books, all to contribute to our everyday satisfaction.
Advancement in technology has then enhanced our quality of life. Things we take for granted today;
cellular phones, handheld computers, mp3 players, were not imagined 10 or 20 years ago. These
machines as well as many new technologies today possess some sort of nanotechnological device in
their system. Though a significant number of breakthroughs in nanotechnology have occurred,
scientists believe that they have only “scratched the surface” of this field.
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector has undergone rapid expansion as
work and social activities are transformed by new and varied technologies.
This has required computers to become faster, enabled by the production of smaller transistors
through advanced fabrication processes. Decreasing the size of the transistor allows more to be
placed on an integrated circuit, increasing the performance of the computer. Devices will be faster,
more powerful and have a greater number of features thanks to Nanotechnology.

Is m ailji I., 5 A i

Nanotechnology is the science that, at minute levels, change the proprierties of the materials.
For example, nanotechnology can turn red wine into white.
With the nanotechnology the researchers have created materials one hundred times stronger than
steel and they promise health food without viruses and bacterias.
There are an infinity of things that nanotechnology allows to do.
In medic field, the objectives of nanotechnology are made artificial body parts and, with
nanosensors and nanobots, monitor diabetics’blood sugar or detect sichness.
In our day life, we have a lot of applications that are fruit of the nanotechnology. For example, ICT
is a new emerging technology that allow the electronics devices to be more fast, more powerful and
to have more benefits. In fact, our computers and our smart phones have these features.
But can we totally agree with the nanotechnology science? Aren’t risks?
At the moment we don’t know the risks but only the benefits.
Some people support that free nanoparticles inhaled can go straight to the brain.
Ultimately, the claims are justified because the nanoparticles are foreign elements for our body.

Marc o F., 5 A i

Nanotecnology is an new and innovative tecnology. It is the science of making devices from single
atoms and molecules. Nano device are measured in nanometers. At this minute level, ordinary
materials change their properties.
Today nanotecnology is increasingly used in daily lives. In particular is used in:
Nanocomputers: Nanotecnology is used for making tiny microprocessors with nanotransistor

ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy
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Nanomedicine: scientists are working for creainge nano-sized robots, or nanobot. They'll want to
inject into the body.
Nanomaterials: with carbon atoms in the form of natotubes is possible to create a new materials,
which are more flexible, resistant and durable than steel or aluminium.
With nanotecnology new dispositive for Information and Communication Tecnology are and will be
created. An example is new genration of cellulars, they allow to connect and surfing the net
everywhere you are. Or new OLED films (about 200nm) for new kind of TV spot.

A nt o nio G., 5 A i

Nanotechnology is a branch of science and technology that deals with the control of matter below
the micrometer and the design and manufacture of devices that scale. The term "nanotechnology"
refers generically to the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular level.
There are many applications of nanotechnology. For example, scientists are able to change the
flavor of certain foods. Moreover they are also trying to make some foods less calories, such as ice
cream, reduce by 15% fat, 1%. Some technologies are allowing the design of waterproof clothes
with the ability to prevent colds, and need not be washed. One of the main problems of these clothes
is their cost. With nanotechnology, a large amount of materials and products will be enhanced, in
fact, a coarse material, nanotechnology may affect the mechanical properties of materials, such as
rigidity or elasticity.
Technological development has required the development of technologies such as powerful
computers faster and more efficient. It is also trying to decrease the size of circuits, so will also
increase the performance of individual machines. More materials become little more than their
properties are caused by the quantum. Quantum effects: When it comes down to nanometric
dimensions, optical properties, magnetic and electrical properties change radically. On the one hand
there is the challenge of reducing size, 'On the other hand with nanotechnology to develop new
generations of chips, but the miniaturization can no longer proceed with today techniques, so you
need new approaches.

A le s s and ro T., 5 A i

Controlling atom could be very important in the word, this is what study nanotechnology. With it
we can change the unreal to real creating objects that some times ago, we could saw only in science
fiction. Nanotech is applied in different places like medicines, studying new method for heal
incurable diseases, computers creating hardware more small etc. and they develop it with something
that increase our daily life.
Many objects like oven or washing machine could be more powerful to do their work . so they
increase free time so people can do what they like to do.
A branch of the nanotech that ICT study allow to communicate using dispositive every day with less
dimension but with the same or better proprieties.
The problem of nanotech is that also weapons are modified so if a war starts that could be very

Edo ardo S ., 5 Ai

ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy
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Nanotechnology works at minute levels, because the ordinary materials change their properties such
as color, strength and conductivity. For example the carbon nanothubes are 100 times strongher than

Nanotechnology is used in many fields, for example in food. Some researchers invented various
things to change the colors of drinks or food with nanocapsules (for example to drink purple
caffeine). An another function of nano is making the food healtier. Nano is also in clothes. Coats
made with durable waterproof nanoparticles or garments that prevent cold and never need washing.
Another field is how to keep us healthy. Nanoparticles make body parts or will monitor diabetics
blood sugar and it is very high. We don’t know the risks. Supporters of nanotech insist that it is
natural, uses non new substances. Others disagree is that nanoparticles can cross the body’s barrier.
Metals that kill nanobacteria are being developped for food packaging. Animal studies show the
nanoparticles may cause inflammation. By 2014 a lot of money has been spent on consumer
nanotech if it is not rejected by the public.

The ICT (Information and Communication Technology) sector need a fast computers. To do this it
is necessary to decrease the size of transistors to increase the performance of computers. Another
field in ICT for nanotechnology is the gadgets. For example the wireless sensing and
communication or display technology and OLED (organic light emitting diodes). In these fields the
nanotechnology include new battery technology, integration into textiles, transparent elettronics and
novel display technology while OLED display consume less power than LCD display, good picture
quality but the disadvantages are: poor lifetime due to molecolar degradation, molecules are
sensitive to moisture so expansive packaging is needed.

Dam iano T., 5 A i

ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy
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  • 1. NanoYou NanoYou ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy - Pilot School Founded in 1976, Technical High School 'G. Marconi' is situated in the north east of Italy and provides the very best in modern education for approximately 1,250 students divided into two specialist subjects: Electronics and Informatics. Institute “G. Marconi” is a certified Cisco networking Academy, a Microsoft IT Academy and a European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Test Center as well. Institute Marconi is one of the Italian VOLKSWAGEN Academies and has also signed a formal agreement with Italian Railways. ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 1
  • 2. NanoYou At present Technical High School “G. Marconi” is highly involved in European and international cooperation with different countries. Since 1997 we have had a formal agreement of cooperation with the American University of Minnesota, Morris. The agreement deals with the ELTAP project (English Language Assistant Program). Since 1996 we have offered our students an internship experience thanks to close connections with local industries. Since 2004, have been involved in C L I L (Content & Language Integrated Learning): teaching of non-linguistic subjects (Calculus, Computer Science, Electronics, Maths, Systems programming) through the medium of a foreign language (English). ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 2
  • 3. NanoYou Nano t e c hno lo g y : o ur po int o f v ie w Nanotechnology is the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules – is going to have a huge impact on both business and our daily lives. Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at the scale of single atoms and small molecules. The word "nano" means "dwarf" in Greek: a nanometrer is one millionth of a millimetre. The diameter of a human hair is fifty thousand times larger. The object of researching of nanotechnology is the specific fabrication of tiny particles and structural units. This enables the production of materials with novel properties. Thus nanotechnology opens up totally new application areas. • Surface properties can be directly influenced • In the automotive industry nano - particles make paints more scratch-resistant • Plastics (eyeglass lenses) can also be hardened with nanoparticles • In leather care soil-resisting properties are strengthened Nano devices are measured and are expected to be used in the following areas: • Nanocomputers: Chip makers will make tiny microprocessors with nanotransistors, ranging from 60 to 5 nanometres in size. • Nanomedicine: By 2020, scientists believe that nano - size robots, or nanobots, will be injected into the blody’s bloodstream to treat diseases at the cellular level. • Nanomaterials: New materials will be made from carbon atoms in the form of nanotubes, which are more flexible, resistant and durable than steel or aluminium. They will be incorporated into all kinds of products, for example stain-resistant coatings for clothes and scratch-resistant paints for cars. Nowadays a lot of people make profit investing in nano stocks and nano initiatives. You can be one of them. Imagine you are about to take a holiday in Europe. You walk out to the garage and talk to your car. Recognizing your voice, the car’s doors unlock. On the way to the airport, you stop at an ATM. A camera mounted on the bank machine looks at you in your eyes, recognizes the pattern of your iris and allows you to withdraw cash from your account. When you enter the airport, a hidden camera compares the digitized image of your face to that of suspected criminals. At the immigration checkpoint, you swipe a card and place your hand on a small metal surface. The geometry of your hand matches the code on the card, and the gate opens. Ubiquitous devices, can be anything from smartphones to tiny sensors in homes, offices and cars, connected to networks, which allow information to be accessed anytime and anywhere – in other words, ubiquitously. In the future people will interact naturally with hundreds of these smart devices every day, each invisibly embedded in our environment and communicating with each other without cables. In the ideal smart home, appliances and electronic devices work in sync to keep the house secure. For example, when a regular alarm system senses that someone is breaking into the house, it usually alerts the alarm company and then the police. A smart home system would go further, turning on the lights in the home and sending a text message to the owner’s phone. Smart homes can remember your living patterns, so if you like to listen to some classical music when you come home from work, your house can do that for you automatically. They will also know when the house is empty and make sure all appliances are turned off. They cooperate to make our lives more comfortable. ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 3
  • 4. NanoYou The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector has undergone rapid expansion as work and social activities are transformed by new and varied technologies. This has required computers to become faster, enabled by the production of smaller transistors through advanced fabrication processes. Decreasing the size of the transistor allows more to be placed on an integrated circuit, increasing the performance of the computer. Devices will be faster, more powerful and have a greater number of features thanks to Nanotechnology. Conventional transistor manufacturing is constantly striving for smaller transistors. New architectures and increased fabrication complexity enable more advanced circuitry to be developed. By using the inherent properties of Nanomaterials to perform calculations, future computers may not need to rely on traditional Si-based technology. Materials such as single nanowires or quantum dots could be used. New fabrication techniques allow the synthesis of compliant circuits, making flexible and stretchable devices a reality. These devices can be rolled or folded without damaging the performance of the device. A nd re a M., 5 A i A basic definition: Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. This covers both current work and concepts that are more advanced. In its original sense, 'nanotechnology' reefers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products.This technology implies a series of benefits because with this you can monitor diabetics blood sugar, call ambulances for the sick and elderly, it's very important and without research we hope to cure cancers. This is a little part of the potential of nanotechnology but i think is the most important so there are a lot of possibilities: for example you can change the flavor of food, microwaves release the relevant chemicals from nanocapsules, other ingredients pass through your body unused. At the same time nanotechnology is essential in ICT because this sector is in a very rapid exspansion and this is very required in pc to became faster, then offers the opportunity to exploit,rather than avoid, quantum effects for the development of the next generation of integrated circuits. Devices will be faster, more powerful and have a greater number of features. Fe d e ric o C., 5 A i Nanotechnology is a branch of science that was born in the 1980s but it was thought in ‘60s. iIt works with matter with dimension less than one micrometer, such as atoms and molecules. This new form of science, in our period, is not present in our lives like other technologies, but in the future it will become essential in many fields as electronics, computers, medicine, mechanics and more. How nanotechnology will enter in our lives? Nanotechnology can be used in medicine to replace surgical procedures, so there will be less errors by doctors and many diseases such as cancers and tumors may be cured successfully. Nanotechnology will can be food healthier, so micro-organism, bacteria and viruses can be remove and the taste can be release at the right moment, to complement ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 4
  • 5. NanoYou wine for example. An Oxford company has designed clothing that prevent colds and never need washing, but it costs very much! In the future, nanotechnologies will can even protect us by robbers with special alarms that calling immediately the police. We don’t know the risks of nanotechnology, but nobody can say nanotechnology will be dangerous for humans. ICT, stands for Information and Communication Technology, and it has increased the performance of computer with the production of small transistors, and it allows to be placed more things on an integrated circuit. This process, called miniaturization, will continue because their properties begin to be determined and dominated by quantum effects and if it will not continue, we will need new approaches. Marc o M., 5 A i Nanotechnology is the science that studies the possibility to control atoms and molecules of matter to produce small devices, on the order of nanometres, which are useful in many fields of human interest as medicine, computers and home security. Nowadays, nanotechnology is still undeveloped but it will play a key role in our future. The use of nanotechnology devices will be introduced gradually in the coming years, to focus only after a lot of practice time, on solving problems related to human health. In the near future there will be security systems at homes, able to collect information on possible criminals and immediately alert the owner and the police. You’ll also look in stores technological objects ever less cumbersome and slowly everything will become distance manageable. Nanotechnology can provide to the constant demand of most powerful computers, allowing the creation of ever smaller devices with better performance. This depends essentially on the possibility of inserting more transistors on electronic cards. Nanotechnology will also affect the ITC from other points of view, developing wireless technologies and devices for video playback, ensuring higher quality and lower consumption. Franc e s c o M., 5 A i Nanotechnology is a branch of applied science and technology that deals with the control of matter at dimensions less than micrometer scale and design and manufacture of devices that scale. The term "nanotechnology" refers generically to the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular level, and in particular relates to lengths of the order of a few lattice steps. Nanotechnology operates in a multidisciplinary field of investigation, involving several research areas, including: molecular biology, chemistry, materials science, physics, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and electronics. It can be seen both as an extension of existing sciences on the nanoscale, or as their "rearrangement". In everyday life, nanotechnology can produce good results in the medical field, because in medicine there are wide sectors where modern technology can take root and improve results. On the other hand, however, there is a downside, namely nanotechnology could be used for ultra- ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 5
  • 6. NanoYou modern weapons and a power unprecedented, so is the need to understand exactly what actually may contribute to the good of society or at the end lead only damage. Nanotechnology undoubtedly would help the field of industry and mass communication, the true power of this new insight transported industry in general would no doubt substantial benefits in all fields of technology. There would undoubtedly be much more powerful computers but they occupy less space, or there would be a very great saving of space, but means much more efficient and advanced. From this point of view, nanotechnology can really make an important and decisive difference, but always considering that everything has its limits. Mic he le T., 5 A i ”N an o t e c h n o lo g y is t h e s c ie n c e o f m ak in g d if f e re n t k in d o f d e v ic e s f ro m s in g le at o m s ‘ Nanotechnology is the science which allows us to make lot of devices that can be used for many different things. The term is formed by the words “nano”, which stands for nanometers and technology. Actually, the studies of nanotechnology are about the following areas: - nanocomputers, to go on reducing the dimension of nanotransistors and so the dimension of the microprocessors - nanomedicines, to create nanobots (nano-sized robots) which will be able to treat human diseases - nanomaterials, to create new materials formed by carbon atoms in the form of nanotubes , to guarantee more flexibility, more resistance and durability (more than steel). Other features of these new materials are, for example, water impermeability, flexibility, and more. Earlier, these technologies will become part of our daily life, and so we will become part of a new life concept, based on strange objects which will allow us to improve our life style. Nanotechnology will play a primary role in ICT (Information and Communication Technology), because it will allow us to intercommunicate in new ways (faster and safer), increase and improve the features of our actually daily used electronic devices, create new sorts of gadgets to guarantee better performance of our personal computers or mobile phones. For example we'll be able to build longer batteries for our notebooks and for our mobiles, transparent displays (e.g. TVs and monitors), different kind of sensors to monitor the environment and so on (these were only a few examples). To conclude nanotechnology will became an integrated part of our daily life, but actually we aren't sure yet of the dangers caused by this new curious and fascinating sector of the technology. S im o ne P., 5 A i Nanotechnology is the atoms and molecules manipulation on << nano-scale >> (one nano-meter is about one million times smaller than the diameter of the tip of a pin). In nano-scale level the material can be “fitted” due to show qualities that can be used for the realization of faster, lighter, more resistant and more efficient devices and systems, besides new classes of materials. The ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 6
  • 7. NanoYou prevision shows that this technology will influence every form of our existence, between them health care, computers, consumer goods, energy, self-defence and feeding. However nanotechnologies can also create problems. The most of the questions are about the health hazardous, because of the few information we have about the nano-application toxicity. In fact there’s the risk of some nano-particles unwanted effects on man and environment as ultra-thin powders like vehicle’s exhaust fumes particles. Further risks can rise cause of potential damages that can be caused by the eventual military use of this technology. The medicine improvements will lead to a better health-care and more advantageous medical prices. The electricity distribution will move from the actual centralized model to a more localized one, thanks to the help of generators to activate in case of a larger request of energy, within advanced storeing ways and new management strategy. The main domestic use gases, methane and carbon dioxide, introduce the difficulties in controlling and handling its polluting impact. Experts say that monitoring process will be reliable before 2025. Genetic studies improvement will benefit farming. Computer will be given an even more important role in everyone’s life: every good, from washing machine to house alarm, as also mobile telephone and television, will be controlled by pc. Nano- materials, in nano-technology basis, will change their function and from passive they’ll become active thanks to the use of valves, switches, pumps, motors and other components. Security will make important steps ahead, favoured by new automatic video-cams given algorithm able to perceive and identify any human behaviour. Furthermore transport ways will be transformed in more safe and rational ones thanks to networks, information systems and obviously internet. Out drivers will be given sensors that will send every information to on-board computers and high-speed trains. Information and communication technology, means the whole technologies that allow to elaborate and communicate the information through digital systems. The ICT final aim is the dates’s manipulation through converting, storing, protecting, transmitting, and safe recovering of information. Professional ITC are characterized by many intervention capacities, from installing to projecting telematics architectures, from manageing basis dates to projecting integrate services for the computer and wireless telephony convergence in data transmission for the new information transmission methods. To m m as o A ., 5 A i Nanotechnology is a science, born in the 1980s, that makes devices from single atoms and molecules. This science is used in many fields , like medicine, electronics and computers. This technology is vey developed, but it’s not always used because there are some problem, for example it can be dangerous for the environment. It can help medicine for curing bad sickness, like cancer. In the future it will be possible because scientists believe that nanobots will be injected into the sick body to treat diseases at cellular level. The work of ICT requires computers to become faster. ICT with nanotechnology is an innovation because allows to occupy less space, or there would be a very great saving of space, but it means much more efficient and advanced. A nie llo A ., 5 A i ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 7
  • 8. NanoYou Nanotechnology is the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules. The word "nano" means "dwarf" in Greek: a nanometrer is one millionth of a millimetre. Throughout history, human nature has pushed us to search for new knowledge and information that would lead to a better society. We surf the web, watch television, and read books, all to contribute to our everyday satisfaction. Advancement in technology has then enhanced our quality of life. Things we take for granted today; cellular phones, handheld computers, mp3 players, were not imagined 10 or 20 years ago. These machines as well as many new technologies today possess some sort of nanotechnological device in their system. Though a significant number of breakthroughs in nanotechnology have occurred, scientists believe that they have only “scratched the surface” of this field. The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector has undergone rapid expansion as work and social activities are transformed by new and varied technologies. This has required computers to become faster, enabled by the production of smaller transistors through advanced fabrication processes. Decreasing the size of the transistor allows more to be placed on an integrated circuit, increasing the performance of the computer. Devices will be faster, more powerful and have a greater number of features thanks to Nanotechnology. Is m ailji I., 5 A i Nanotechnology is the science that, at minute levels, change the proprierties of the materials. For example, nanotechnology can turn red wine into white. With the nanotechnology the researchers have created materials one hundred times stronger than steel and they promise health food without viruses and bacterias. There are an infinity of things that nanotechnology allows to do. In medic field, the objectives of nanotechnology are made artificial body parts and, with nanosensors and nanobots, monitor diabetics’blood sugar or detect sichness. In our day life, we have a lot of applications that are fruit of the nanotechnology. For example, ICT is a new emerging technology that allow the electronics devices to be more fast, more powerful and to have more benefits. In fact, our computers and our smart phones have these features. But can we totally agree with the nanotechnology science? Aren’t risks? At the moment we don’t know the risks but only the benefits. Some people support that free nanoparticles inhaled can go straight to the brain. Ultimately, the claims are justified because the nanoparticles are foreign elements for our body. Marc o F., 5 A i Nanotecnology is an new and innovative tecnology. It is the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules. Nano device are measured in nanometers. At this minute level, ordinary materials change their properties. Today nanotecnology is increasingly used in daily lives. In particular is used in: Nanocomputers: Nanotecnology is used for making tiny microprocessors with nanotransistor (miniaturisation); ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 8
  • 9. NanoYou Nanomedicine: scientists are working for creainge nano-sized robots, or nanobot. They'll want to inject into the body. Nanomaterials: with carbon atoms in the form of natotubes is possible to create a new materials, which are more flexible, resistant and durable than steel or aluminium. With nanotecnology new dispositive for Information and Communication Tecnology are and will be created. An example is new genration of cellulars, they allow to connect and surfing the net everywhere you are. Or new OLED films (about 200nm) for new kind of TV spot. A nt o nio G., 5 A i Nanotechnology is a branch of science and technology that deals with the control of matter below the micrometer and the design and manufacture of devices that scale. The term "nanotechnology" refers generically to the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular level. There are many applications of nanotechnology. For example, scientists are able to change the flavor of certain foods. Moreover they are also trying to make some foods less calories, such as ice cream, reduce by 15% fat, 1%. Some technologies are allowing the design of waterproof clothes with the ability to prevent colds, and need not be washed. One of the main problems of these clothes is their cost. With nanotechnology, a large amount of materials and products will be enhanced, in fact, a coarse material, nanotechnology may affect the mechanical properties of materials, such as rigidity or elasticity. Technological development has required the development of technologies such as powerful computers faster and more efficient. It is also trying to decrease the size of circuits, so will also increase the performance of individual machines. More materials become little more than their properties are caused by the quantum. Quantum effects: When it comes down to nanometric dimensions, optical properties, magnetic and electrical properties change radically. On the one hand there is the challenge of reducing size, 'On the other hand with nanotechnology to develop new generations of chips, but the miniaturization can no longer proceed with today techniques, so you need new approaches. A le s s and ro T., 5 A i Controlling atom could be very important in the word, this is what study nanotechnology. With it we can change the unreal to real creating objects that some times ago, we could saw only in science fiction. Nanotech is applied in different places like medicines, studying new method for heal incurable diseases, computers creating hardware more small etc. and they develop it with something that increase our daily life. Many objects like oven or washing machine could be more powerful to do their work . so they increase free time so people can do what they like to do. A branch of the nanotech that ICT study allow to communicate using dispositive every day with less dimension but with the same or better proprieties. The problem of nanotech is that also weapons are modified so if a war starts that could be very destructive. Edo ardo S ., 5 Ai ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 9
  • 10. NanoYou Nanotechnology works at minute levels, because the ordinary materials change their properties such as color, strength and conductivity. For example the carbon nanothubes are 100 times strongher than steel. Nanotechnology is used in many fields, for example in food. Some researchers invented various things to change the colors of drinks or food with nanocapsules (for example to drink purple caffeine). An another function of nano is making the food healtier. Nano is also in clothes. Coats made with durable waterproof nanoparticles or garments that prevent cold and never need washing. Another field is how to keep us healthy. Nanoparticles make body parts or will monitor diabetics blood sugar and it is very high. We don’t know the risks. Supporters of nanotech insist that it is natural, uses non new substances. Others disagree is that nanoparticles can cross the body’s barrier. Metals that kill nanobacteria are being developped for food packaging. Animal studies show the nanoparticles may cause inflammation. By 2014 a lot of money has been spent on consumer nanotech if it is not rejected by the public. The ICT (Information and Communication Technology) sector need a fast computers. To do this it is necessary to decrease the size of transistors to increase the performance of computers. Another field in ICT for nanotechnology is the gadgets. For example the wireless sensing and communication or display technology and OLED (organic light emitting diodes). In these fields the nanotechnology include new battery technology, integration into textiles, transparent elettronics and novel display technology while OLED display consume less power than LCD display, good picture quality but the disadvantages are: poor lifetime due to molecolar degradation, molecules are sensitive to moisture so expansive packaging is needed. Dam iano T., 5 A i ITIS Marconi, Verona, Italy NanoYou, Page 10