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Social Business Imperative
Liz Brown Bullock, Director Social Media & Community, Dell
Liz Brown Bullock (LinkedIn)
Global Marketing
Business is
2 Confidential 5/2/2013
Graphic thanks to Hugh MacLeod
Global Marketing
This discussion will cover…
Social Media
landscape and
business value
Planning: 10 tips
to implement in
your business to
be more
Global Marketing
What is social media?
• Any tool or service that uses Internet to
facilitate conversations
• Words, pictures, video, audio, experiences,
observations, opinions, news and insights
• Connections and collaborations between
friends, peers, and influencers
• The redistribution of influence
• An opportunity and privilege
Social Media definition thanks to Brian Solis, “Engage!”
Global Marketing
The Social Media Revolution
Video Thanks to Erik Qualman
Global Marketing
Power of social media
More than ever – a company’s
brand is influenced by what
consumers are saying about the
How companies
market, sell to and
support their
customers is
25% of search results
for the world’s top
20 largest brands are
links to user-
generated content
(Socialnomics, ’09)
80% of consumers
research products
online every week
(2012 Consumer Views of Live
Help Online, A Global
Perspective, Oracle)
CEO’s predict social media will
become #2 way to engage with
customers, pushing past websites
and call centers.. (IBM CEO Study 2012)
Global Marketing
Customers want to interact
• 93% of Americans believe a company
should have a social media presence
• 85% believe a company should be
active with customers in social media
• 56% feel a stronger connection with
companies they interact within in
social media
Confidential7 5/2/2013
Source: Cone Research of 1000+ Americans, September 2008
Global Marketing
Dell aligns
for success
August 2006
Blog outreach
expanded beyond
tech Support
December 2006
Ratings and
reviews launched
July 2006
Direct2Dell launched
Today Direct2Dell exists in
English, Spanish, Norwegian,
Japanese and Chinese.
February 2006
Michael Dell asked
Why don’t we reach out and help
bloggers with tech support issues?
January 2007
StudioDell launched
Dell’s video and podcast site, with
helpful tips and tricks. Eventually
expanding this into the YouTube
channel making sharing easier.
February 2007
A voting based site allowing
customers and others to
submit Questions for Dell.
June 2007
Dell joined Twitter
Internal Blogs Launched
for Employees.
October 2007
Michael Dell quoted in Business
In response to Jeff Jarvis question around
whether companies want to be part of the
online conversation: ”My argument is you
absolutely do. You can learn from them. You
can improve your reaction time. And you can
be a better company by listening and being
involved in that conversation.”
November 2007
The first investor
relations blog by a
public company.
March 2008
Accepted Solutions
launched on Community
Dell France begins Online
Community Outreach
May 2008
Dell Outlet achieved
$0.5M in sales via Twitter
April 2008
Inside IT launched
Blog focused on business
customers, and Cloud
June 2008
January 2009
Dell Organizes
into four
business units
Spring 2009
Members of
within each of
the new Dell
Business units
June 2009
$2M+ Sales
via Twitter
Dell TechCenter
June 2009
Global Twitter
revenues of
$6.5 M
Post Blog
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
recognized Dell
with “Open
Leadership Award
for Innovation and
Social Media &
University (SMaC U)
5,000 team
members trained by
end of year
B2B pages on
the No.
1 most
6 Awards for the
Social Media Listening
Command Center
June 2010
CAP Days launched
In-person events for vocal
online customers
December 2010
Social Media
Center launched
Seven years journey of embedding social to be a better
Global Marketing
Where is the
ROI Business
Value of
Social Media
Global Marketing
Social Media creates business value for Dell
Touches all
• B-to-C, B-to-B
• Marketing & Brand, Awareness, Demand Gen, Sales, Support, Loyalty,
Conversion, Quality, Competitive Insight, etc.
• Social engagement drives traffic and higher conversion
• Dell Community members spend more with Dell
• Benefits across full customer lifecycle
• Listening delivers new leads and sales
• Optimized Costs & Process Improvements:
• Customer driven innovation, Support, Early Warning System, Marcom Efficiency,
Enhanced business intelligence on competitors, acquisitions, etc.
• Improvements in Health of Business by becoming a trusted advisor
Global Marketing
• Insight: Social media improves
Dell’s reach and share of voice
• Insight: Social Media provides the
highest ROI demand gen vehicle
• Insight: SM keeps customers
engaged, provides solutions
and improves loyalty
• Insight: Social media based
support improves sentiment
and correlates with higher
• Insight: Established causality
between social media activity
and purchase
Impact through customer lifecycle
Global Marketing
13 Confidential 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Your social strategy needs as much forethought as any
other business process
Confidential14 5/2/2013
1. Planning
2. Listening
3. Engaging
4. Measuring
Idea 1: Write up a plan
According to CRM industry
analyst, Brent Leary:
“Strategic users are almost
3xs more likely to execute
activities for engaging prospects
than informal users (53% vs. 19%)”
Source: Brent Leary’s Strategically Social: 5 Keys to Becoming a Social Business
Global Marketing
Questions to Ask in the Planning Stage:
• What are the organizations’ goals?
• What is the business plan?
• What is the current relationship with our customers?
• What is the relationship we want with our customers?
How does social media support these goals?
Idea 2: Tie social media to your business and customer objectives
Confidential15 5/2/2013
I think it starts with understanding what the organization’s goals
are…part of the problem is that too many people want to jump into a
Facebook “strategy” or a Twitter “strategy” – Shel Holtz
Source: Shel Holtz:
Global Marketing
Foundation of social strategy: Focus on Value Drivers
Value to Customers Value For Dell
Social connections meet variety of needs
across customer segments, and enable
customers to …
Social connections create potential for tangible
impact against Dell’s key value drivers …
• Retention
• Profitability
• Brand awareness
• Lead generation
• Net Promoter Score
• Support
• Sales and marketing
• Unique visitors
• Visits/page views
• Indirect R&D savings
Deepen connections
based on shared interests
Express themselves
Receive exclusive
rewards & recognition
Get advice & validation
about decisions
Solve a specific problem
(theirs or someone else’s)
Marketing Spend
Customer Lifetime Value
Cost Savings
Customer Insights Drive
Global Marketing
Dell’s social strategy:
Confidential17 5/2/2013
• Embed social in the fabric of the company, deepen customer relationships as a
better way to do business
• 8,000+ certified Dell team members
Global Marketing
18 Confidential
Global Marketing
Questions to Ask in the Listening Stage
Idea 3: Identify and target your community
• Any social strategy first begins with listening to feed & inform your strategic
• Listening should be for conversations about the company, product(s),
category, competitors and the industry
• By listening, you gain insights on what people are talking about & how they
talk about companies and products
– What are people saying about your brand?
– What are the popular topics about your brand?
– Who are the advocates, detractors and influencers in your industry?
– Where are the conversations happening?
Confidential19 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Dell’s Social Media Listening Command Center
25,000 posts a day
Global Marketing
What the heck is a #hashtag?!?
• Relevant keyword or phrase prefixed with the symbol
# (no spaces)
• Objective: categorize on common topics & allows
• Searching by hashtag, allows you to see all
• Hashtags are extremely popular at events. It allows
likeminded folks to connect, plus share conference
insights to the outside world
• Before you publish a new hashtag, check & see if it is
being used
• Keep it short! Only 140 characters in Twitter
• Publish out your hashtag everywhere before events
Confidential22 5/2/2013
Global Marketing23
Listening to conversations: Twitter search
Global Marketing24
Listening to conversations:
Global Marketing25
Listening to conversations:
Global Marketing
Fish where
the fish
26 Confidential
Global Marketing
Where? Broad use social media platforms
Global Marketing
Let’s start
28 Confidential 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Engagement pyramid
Confidential29 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Standard conversation values for engagement:
• Authentic
• Personal
• Transparent
• Inclusive
• Honest
• Conversational
• Educational
It’s not just about being out
there and participating, it’s
about being authentic and
bringing value
Confidential30 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Engagement Questions to get started…
• ReTweet relevant, useful content and provide comment
• Reply promptly
• Twitter events with hashtag #WPO
• Provide status update
• Share business relevant content
• Post a comment on relevant blogs
• Upload most recent, relevant presentation
• Tweet, LinkedIn, Google+ that you uploaded presentation with link to share
Confidential31 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Thanking Customers #DellLove
Surprise & delight our customers to create memorable experiences
• Weekly videos created to thank customers
• Ability to answer questions or offer Product Recommendations
• 200+ videos created to date with 4MM+ reach
Confidential32 5/2/2013
“By creating this video to thank me, Dell has
successfully evangelized itself … I will go on
and on about this incident anytime
someone talks to me about Dell or seeks
my advice while buying a computer. And so
I act as an evangelist for Dell which can
possibly get them more business.”
– Social Paparazzi,
Global Marketing
content and
make it
Global Marketing
Content rules – 80/20
• People more likely to do business with a friend
• You need to make friends to influence people
• Follow 80/20 rule: 80% to support others and
20% self promotion
• Being real on social media makes 80% target
easy to reach
• When you share a great article or blog
post, use their twitter name
Confidential34 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Identifying good content to share:
• Idea 5: Follow @lizstrauss (twitter)
– What publications do you already read?
› Follow their Twitter account
– Follow customers, partners and your industry
thought leaders
– Follow industry experts and thought leaders in
social media
– Stay up to date with industry blogs
Confidential35 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Sign up for an RSS Reader
Various options:
• Google Reader closing 7/31
• NetVibes
• NewsBlur
• The Old Reader
• Feedly
Confidential36 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Online curated sites for relevant content:
Idea 6: Vary your content and keep target audience in mind
Lionel Menchaca’s, Dell’s Chief Blogger, recommendation:
Guy Kawasaki recommendations:
Smartbrief (customize industry topics
for daily top stories via email)
Stumbleupon (customized by your
interests includes photography)
Alltop (top stories by popular media)
My recommendation:
LinkedIn Today
@LinkedInToday (twitter)
Confidential37 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Schedule posts via
• Buffer: Available for
Twitter, Facebook &
Global Marketing
Customer Experience
Social Outreach team formed in 2006
• Tech support experts were then hand-
selected for their tech problem-solving
expertise and superior interpersonal skills
• On average team addresses 3,000 posts a
week in 11 languages
– 98% resolution rate
– 45% ranters to ravers conversion
– Team proactively developing helpful
content based listening and engagements
• Idea 7: Listen to your customers to
determine relevant content needs
Confidential39 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
fans &
40 Confidential 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Increasing fans and followers:
• Idea 8: Adopt a relationship mindset. Just as you do with
your friends, engage fans and followers in meaningful ways
– Keep asking questions
– Create virtual projects
› Brainstorming for a campaign or raising $$ for disaster relief
– Celebrate follower activities & achievements
– Add value
› Give sneak peeks, exclusive content and special promotions
– Complete the circle
› Tie off the communication: Thank them for reaching out and ask if
you can be of additional assistance
Confidential41 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Build stronger relationships by bridging social & in-
• Idea 9: Take advantage of in-person interaction to deepen relationships
• Events are powerful opportunities to build relationships
• Recommended tools: Twitter & Slideshare
– Offer inside access by “live-tweeting” during the event & use hashtag
– Join conversations to share your thoughts and opinions
– Connect with influencers attending or covering the event
– Post-event, share presentations on Slideshare
Global Marketing
Dell’s CAP Days & Social Think Tanks
Customers giving feedback on Dell’s business Dell facilitating topic-based discussions &
brainstorms with influencers not customers
Outside In Inside Out
Global Marketing
44 Confidential 5/2/2013
Global Marketing45
No single measurement for social media
• Idea 10: Select key performance indicators based on your objectives
Ex. # page likes,/shares, external
RTs, # of subscribers
Ex. Monthly gross impressions, #
of fans/followers
Ex. Message delivery, sentiment,
Ex. Total interactions, # fan
photos/videos, % engaged on
page, comments/posts
Global Marketing
IdeaStorm & Storm Sessions
Launched in 2007 to provide customers with
avenue to share Questions on
products, services and operations
• 60,000+ User Accounts
• 18,000+ Questions
• 739,000+ Votes
• 97,000+ Comments
• 520 Questions Implemented
Most recently supported new product
launch (Project Sputnik) to address new
target audience (developers)
• Ideastorm members 50% higher in
revenue vs. non members
• Purchase Frequency 33% higher
Confidential46 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Top Ten Ideas:
Idea 1: Write up a plan
Idea 2: Tie social media to your business and customer objectives
Idea 3: Identify and target your community
Idea 4: Sign up for free Listening tools if you haven’t already…
Idea 5: Follow @Lizstrauss (twitter) for content inspiration
Idea 6: Vary your content and keep target audience in mind
Idea 7: Listen to your customers to determine relevant content needs
Idea 8: Adopt a relationship mindset. Just as you do with your friends, engage fans and
followers in meaningful ways
Idea 9: Take advantage of in-person interaction to deepen relationships
Idea 10: Select key performance indicators based on your objectives
Confidential47 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Top Ten Questions Executive should ask:
Question 1: How will social support my business goals?
Question 2:What is the conversation volume and sentiment about my business, products or services?
Question 3: Which online communities are important to my business and is my team involved in
those conversations?
Question 4: Are there other technology conversations taking place that my team should be a part of
and if so where?
Question 5:Are there specific content gaps or customers questions that aren’t getting addressed?
Question 6: Who are my industry’s Influencers?
Question 7: Which of my customers are online?
Question 8: Am I connected with our most important customers online?
Question 9: Have I identified subject matter experts on my team to connect with those influencers?
Question 10: Am I taking advantage of customer feedback and insights via social media?
Confidential48 5/2/2013
Global Marketing
Don’t forget
about your
49 Confidential
Global Marketing50
“Transparency, vision and open communication are key to great
leadership. Social media plays such an influential role in shaping
a company’s brand image.
What’s more, customers expect to hear from the executive
leadership team on social media channels, as a direct way to
connect and engage with the brands they love..”
Aman Singh, Editorial Director, CSRwire
Global Marketing
WHO are you?
Decide perception framework and how to build your online reputation
WHY are you engaging and participating in social media?
Objectives to achieve and how social activities will impact your Dell role
WHERE will you engage in the social space?
Understand where customers, influencers and industry are most active
WHAT is your content and engagement strategy?
Determine topics and subject matter that you can speak on as an expert
Every action needs to align to your personal brand
Confidential51 Confidential51
Global Marketing
Make time for social media
52 Confidential
• Add 30 minutes to your calendar 2x a week to
listen or engage in social media
• Don’t go overboard – just start with 1-2 platforms
• Download social applications to your phone
• Find a social media mentor
• After a customer meeting, thank the customer in
social media
• Use relevant hashtags to connect with event
attendees, speakers, etc.
Global Marketing
When you rock, the world pays attention…
Confidential53 5/2/2013
Graphic thanks to Hugh MacLeod
Global Marketing54 Confidential 5/2/2013
Thank You

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Social Business Imperative Women's President Organization

  • 1. Social Business Imperative Liz Brown Bullock, Director Social Media & Community, Dell @lizbbullock Liz Brown Bullock (LinkedIn) #WPO
  • 2. Global Marketing Business is socializing with purpose 2 Confidential 5/2/2013 Graphic thanks to Hugh MacLeod
  • 3. Global Marketing This discussion will cover… Social Media landscape and business value Planning: 10 tips to implement in your business to be more effective Confidential3
  • 4. Global Marketing What is social media? • Any tool or service that uses Internet to facilitate conversations • Words, pictures, video, audio, experiences, observations, opinions, news and insights • Connections and collaborations between friends, peers, and influencers • The redistribution of influence • An opportunity and privilege Confidential4 Social Media definition thanks to Brian Solis, “Engage!”
  • 5. Global Marketing The Social Media Revolution 5 Video Thanks to Erik Qualman Source:
  • 6. Global Marketing Power of social media More than ever – a company’s brand is influenced by what consumers are saying about the brand How companies market, sell to and support their customers is changing… 25% of search results for the world’s top 20 largest brands are links to user- generated content (Socialnomics, ’09) 80% of consumers research products online every week (2012 Consumer Views of Live Help Online, A Global Perspective, Oracle) CEO’s predict social media will become #2 way to engage with customers, pushing past websites and call centers.. (IBM CEO Study 2012) Confidential6
  • 7. Global Marketing Customers want to interact • 93% of Americans believe a company should have a social media presence • 85% believe a company should be active with customers in social media • 56% feel a stronger connection with companies they interact within in social media Confidential7 5/2/2013 Source: Cone Research of 1000+ Americans, September 2008
  • 8. Global Marketing January 2008 Dell aligns organization for success August 2006 Blog outreach expanded beyond tech Support December 2006 Ratings and reviews launched on July 2006 Direct2Dell launched Today Direct2Dell exists in English, Spanish, Norwegian, Japanese and Chinese. February 2006 Michael Dell asked Why don’t we reach out and help bloggers with tech support issues? January 2007 StudioDell launched Dell’s video and podcast site, with helpful tips and tricks. Eventually expanding this into the YouTube channel making sharing easier. February 2007 QuestionStorm launched A voting based site allowing customers and others to submit Questions for Dell. June 2007 Dell joined Twitter EmployeeStorm launched Internal Blogs Launched for Employees. October 2007 Michael Dell quoted in Business Week In response to Jeff Jarvis question around whether companies want to be part of the online conversation: ”My argument is you absolutely do. You can learn from them. You can improve your reaction time. And you can be a better company by listening and being involved in that conversation.” November 2007 DellShares launched The first investor relations blog by a public company. March 2008 Accepted Solutions launched on Community Dell France begins Online Community Outreach May 2008 Dell Outlet achieved $0.5M in sales via Twitter April 2008 Inside IT launched Blog focused on business customers, and Cloud Computing. June 2008 Channel blog launched January 2009 Dell Organizes into four customer focused business units Spring 2009 Members of Community and Conversations deployed within each of the new Dell Business units June 2009 $2M+ Sales via Twitter 2009 Dell TechCenter June 2009 Global Twitter revenues of $6.5 M December 2009 Huffington Post Blog March 2010 Dell joins Sina Weibo in China 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Altimeter recognized Dell with “Open Leadership Award for Innovation and Execution” Social Media & Community University (SMaC U) launched 5,000 team members trained by end of year B2B pages on Facebook Dell named the No. 1 most social brand 6 Awards for the Social Media Listening Command Center June 2010 CAP Days launched In-person events for vocal online customers December 2010 Social Media Listening Command Center launched Seven years journey of embedding social to be a better business 8 2012
  • 9.
  • 10. Global Marketing Where is the ROI Business Value of Social Media 10
  • 11. Global Marketing Social Media creates business value for Dell Confidential11 Touches all Business • B-to-C, B-to-B • Marketing & Brand, Awareness, Demand Gen, Sales, Support, Loyalty, Conversion, Quality, Competitive Insight, etc. Engagement drives Revenue • Social engagement drives traffic and higher conversion • Dell Community members spend more with Dell • Benefits across full customer lifecycle • Listening delivers new leads and sales Additional Value • Optimized Costs & Process Improvements: • Customer driven innovation, Support, Early Warning System, Marcom Efficiency, Enhanced business intelligence on competitors, acquisitions, etc. • Improvements in Health of Business by becoming a trusted advisor
  • 12. Global Marketing • Insight: Social media improves Dell’s reach and share of voice • Insight: Social Media provides the highest ROI demand gen vehicle • Insight: SM keeps customers engaged, provides solutions and improves loyalty • Insight: Social media based support improves sentiment and correlates with higher revenue • Insight: Established causality between social media activity and purchase Impact through customer lifecycle
  • 14. Global Marketing Your social strategy needs as much forethought as any other business process Confidential14 5/2/2013 1. Planning 2. Listening 3. Engaging 4. Measuring Idea 1: Write up a plan According to CRM industry analyst, Brent Leary: “Strategic users are almost 3xs more likely to execute activities for engaging prospects than informal users (53% vs. 19%)” Source: Brent Leary’s Strategically Social: 5 Keys to Becoming a Social Business
  • 15. Global Marketing Questions to Ask in the Planning Stage: • What are the organizations’ goals? • What is the business plan? • What is the current relationship with our customers? • What is the relationship we want with our customers? How does social media support these goals? Idea 2: Tie social media to your business and customer objectives Confidential15 5/2/2013 I think it starts with understanding what the organization’s goals are…part of the problem is that too many people want to jump into a Facebook “strategy” or a Twitter “strategy” – Shel Holtz Source: Shel Holtz:
  • 16. Global Marketing Foundation of social strategy: Focus on Value Drivers Value to Customers Value For Dell Social connections meet variety of needs across customer segments, and enable customers to … Social connections create potential for tangible impact against Dell’s key value drivers … • Retention • Profitability • Brand awareness • Lead generation • Net Promoter Score • Support • Sales and marketing • Unique visitors • Visits/page views • Indirect R&D savings Deepen connections based on shared interests Express themselves Receive exclusive rewards & recognition Get advice & validation about decisions Solve a specific problem (theirs or someone else’s) Marketing Spend Efficiency Traffic Customer Lifetime Value Cost Savings Customer Insights Drive Innovation
  • 17. Global Marketing Dell’s social strategy: Confidential17 5/2/2013 • Embed social in the fabric of the company, deepen customer relationships as a better way to do business • 8,000+ certified Dell team members
  • 19. Global Marketing Questions to Ask in the Listening Stage Idea 3: Identify and target your community • Any social strategy first begins with listening to feed & inform your strategic plan • Listening should be for conversations about the company, product(s), category, competitors and the industry • By listening, you gain insights on what people are talking about & how they talk about companies and products – What are people saying about your brand? – What are the popular topics about your brand? – Who are the advocates, detractors and influencers in your industry? – Where are the conversations happening? Confidential19 5/2/2013
  • 20. Global Marketing Dell’s Social Media Listening Command Center 25,000 posts a day
  • 21.
  • 22. Global Marketing What the heck is a #hashtag?!? • Relevant keyword or phrase prefixed with the symbol # (no spaces) • Objective: categorize on common topics & allows search • Searching by hashtag, allows you to see all conversations • Hashtags are extremely popular at events. It allows likeminded folks to connect, plus share conference insights to the outside world Reminders: • Before you publish a new hashtag, check & see if it is being used • Keep it short! Only 140 characters in Twitter • Publish out your hashtag everywhere before events Confidential22 5/2/2013
  • 23. Global Marketing23 Listening to conversations: Twitter search Confidential
  • 24. Global Marketing24 Listening to conversations: Confidential
  • 25. Global Marketing25 Listening to conversations: Confidential
  • 26. Global Marketing Fish where the fish are… 26 Confidential
  • 27. Global Marketing Where? Broad use social media platforms Confidential27
  • 30. Global Marketing Standard conversation values for engagement: • Authentic • Personal • Transparent • Inclusive • Honest • Conversational • Educational It’s not just about being out there and participating, it’s about being authentic and bringing value Confidential30 5/2/2013
  • 31. Global Marketing Engagement Questions to get started… Twitter • ReTweet relevant, useful content and provide comment • Reply promptly • Twitter events with hashtag #WPO LinkedIn • Provide status update • Share business relevant content Blogs • Post a comment on relevant blogs Slideshare • Upload most recent, relevant presentation • Tweet, LinkedIn, Google+ that you uploaded presentation with link to share Confidential31 5/2/2013
  • 32. Global Marketing Thanking Customers #DellLove Surprise & delight our customers to create memorable experiences • Weekly videos created to thank customers • Ability to answer questions or offer Product Recommendations • 200+ videos created to date with 4MM+ reach • Confidential32 5/2/2013 “By creating this video to thank me, Dell has successfully evangelized itself … I will go on and on about this incident anytime someone talks to me about Dell or seeks my advice while buying a computer. And so I act as an evangelist for Dell which can possibly get them more business.” – Social Paparazzi,
  • 33. Global Marketing Develop compelling content and make it shareable Source: Confidential33
  • 34. Global Marketing Content rules – 80/20 • People more likely to do business with a friend • You need to make friends to influence people • Follow 80/20 rule: 80% to support others and 20% self promotion • Being real on social media makes 80% target easy to reach • When you share a great article or blog post, use their twitter name Confidential34 5/2/2013
  • 35. Global Marketing Identifying good content to share: • Idea 5: Follow @lizstrauss (twitter) – What publications do you already read? › Follow their Twitter account – Follow customers, partners and your industry thought leaders – Follow industry experts and thought leaders in social media – Stay up to date with industry blogs Confidential35 5/2/2013
  • 36. Global Marketing Sign up for an RSS Reader Various options: • Google Reader closing 7/31 • NetVibes • NewsBlur • The Old Reader • Feedly Confidential36 5/2/2013
  • 37. Global Marketing Online curated sites for relevant content: Idea 6: Vary your content and keep target audience in mind Lionel Menchaca’s, Dell’s Chief Blogger, recommendation: techmeme Guy Kawasaki recommendations: Smartbrief (customize industry topics for daily top stories via email) Stumbleupon (customized by your interests includes photography) Alltop (top stories by popular media) My recommendation: LinkedIn Today @LinkedInToday (twitter) Confidential37 5/2/2013
  • 38. Global Marketing Schedule posts via • Buffer: Available for Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn Confidential38
  • 39. Global Marketing Customer Experience Social Outreach team formed in 2006 • Tech support experts were then hand- selected for their tech problem-solving expertise and superior interpersonal skills • On average team addresses 3,000 posts a week in 11 languages – 98% resolution rate – 45% ranters to ravers conversion – Team proactively developing helpful content based listening and engagements • Idea 7: Listen to your customers to determine relevant content needs Confidential39 5/2/2013
  • 41. Global Marketing Increasing fans and followers: • Idea 8: Adopt a relationship mindset. Just as you do with your friends, engage fans and followers in meaningful ways – Keep asking questions – Create virtual projects › Brainstorming for a campaign or raising $$ for disaster relief – Celebrate follower activities & achievements – Add value › Give sneak peeks, exclusive content and special promotions – Complete the circle › Tie off the communication: Thank them for reaching out and ask if you can be of additional assistance Confidential41 5/2/2013
  • 42. Global Marketing Build stronger relationships by bridging social & in- person • Idea 9: Take advantage of in-person interaction to deepen relationships • Events are powerful opportunities to build relationships • Recommended tools: Twitter & Slideshare – Offer inside access by “live-tweeting” during the event & use hashtag – Join conversations to share your thoughts and opinions – Connect with influencers attending or covering the event – Post-event, share presentations on Slideshare Confidential42
  • 43. Global Marketing Dell’s CAP Days & Social Think Tanks Customers giving feedback on Dell’s business Dell facilitating topic-based discussions & brainstorms with influencers not customers Outside In Inside Out Customer Feedback Customer Feedback Customer Feedback Customer Feedback Influencer Dialogue Influencer Dialogue Influencer Dialogue Influencer Dialogue
  • 45. Global Marketing45 No single measurement for social media success • Idea 10: Select key performance indicators based on your objectives Confidential Influence Ex. # page likes,/shares, external RTs, # of subscribers Awareness Ex. Monthly gross impressions, # of fans/followers Advocacy Ex. Message delivery, sentiment, recommendations Engagement Ex. Total interactions, # fan photos/videos, % engaged on page, comments/posts
  • 46. Global Marketing IdeaStorm & Storm Sessions Launched in 2007 to provide customers with avenue to share Questions on products, services and operations • 60,000+ User Accounts • 18,000+ Questions • 739,000+ Votes • 97,000+ Comments • 520 Questions Implemented Most recently supported new product launch (Project Sputnik) to address new target audience (developers) • Ideastorm members 50% higher in revenue vs. non members • Purchase Frequency 33% higher Confidential46 5/2/2013
  • 47. Global Marketing Top Ten Ideas: Idea 1: Write up a plan Idea 2: Tie social media to your business and customer objectives Idea 3: Identify and target your community Idea 4: Sign up for free Listening tools if you haven’t already… Idea 5: Follow @Lizstrauss (twitter) for content inspiration Idea 6: Vary your content and keep target audience in mind Idea 7: Listen to your customers to determine relevant content needs Idea 8: Adopt a relationship mindset. Just as you do with your friends, engage fans and followers in meaningful ways Idea 9: Take advantage of in-person interaction to deepen relationships Idea 10: Select key performance indicators based on your objectives Confidential47 5/2/2013
  • 48. Global Marketing Top Ten Questions Executive should ask: Question 1: How will social support my business goals? Question 2:What is the conversation volume and sentiment about my business, products or services? Question 3: Which online communities are important to my business and is my team involved in those conversations? Question 4: Are there other technology conversations taking place that my team should be a part of and if so where? Question 5:Are there specific content gaps or customers questions that aren’t getting addressed? Question 6: Who are my industry’s Influencers? Question 7: Which of my customers are online? Question 8: Am I connected with our most important customers online? Question 9: Have I identified subject matter experts on my team to connect with those influencers? Question 10: Am I taking advantage of customer feedback and insights via social media? Confidential48 5/2/2013
  • 49. Global Marketing Don’t forget about your personal brand 49 Confidential
  • 50. Global Marketing50 “Transparency, vision and open communication are key to great leadership. Social media plays such an influential role in shaping a company’s brand image. What’s more, customers expect to hear from the executive leadership team on social media channels, as a direct way to connect and engage with the brands they love..” Aman Singh, Editorial Director, CSRwire
  • 51. Global Marketing WHO are you? Decide perception framework and how to build your online reputation WHY are you engaging and participating in social media? Objectives to achieve and how social activities will impact your Dell role WHERE will you engage in the social space? Understand where customers, influencers and industry are most active WHAT is your content and engagement strategy? Determine topics and subject matter that you can speak on as an expert Every action needs to align to your personal brand Confidential51 Confidential51
  • 52. Global Marketing Make time for social media 52 Confidential • Add 30 minutes to your calendar 2x a week to listen or engage in social media • Don’t go overboard – just start with 1-2 platforms • Download social applications to your phone • Find a social media mentor • After a customer meeting, thank the customer in social media • Use relevant hashtags to connect with event attendees, speakers, etc.
  • 53. Global Marketing When you rock, the world pays attention… Confidential53 5/2/2013 Graphic thanks to Hugh MacLeod
  • 54. Global Marketing54 Confidential 5/2/2013 Thank You Q&A

Editor's Notes

  1. People are social animals. Businesses are social groups, not machines. What holds these social groups (businesses) together is a collective sense of "purpose", 3. A business without a strong "Purpose-Question" is at a considerable disadvantage.
  2. Before video - Ask attendees which social media platforms they are using today?Let’s take a deeper look into this social media revolution. TA Script: “Let’s start the class by watching a video that does a great job of communicating how important social media has become to modern society and business.”[Watch video]“Has anyone ever seen that video before? It’s a great video produced by a company called Socialnomics and they update it every couple of months since the statistics around social media are constantly changing as more and more people get involved.”
  3. TA Script:“In fact, more than ever – a company’s brand is influenced by what consumers are saying about it. 25% of search results for the world’s top 20 largest brands are links to user-generated content.Visitors to Facebook and Twitter spend more money on the Web than other Internet users.People are more likely to buy from brands they follow (51% more likely to buy following brands on Facebook. 67% Twitter).We know that word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising. Well, social media gives each of those mouths a megaphone. A negative customer review on YouTube, Twitter or Facebook can cost a company about 30 customers. That’s not customers just getting a bad impression of us, these are customers that will likely never buy from us again.”
  4. Social Media offers Dell more opportunities to listen, engage and ultimately understand our customers better than ever before. Our strategic approach to the growth of social media is to build a social business. We’ve been seven years in the journey to embed social in the fabric of the company – across the entire organization: marketing, sales, product group, online, HR to bring our customer front and center. Social Media has proved to be about more that business transactions or top of marketing funnel. After 7+ years, we have concluded that social impacts every aspect of customer experience and lifecycle in positive ways and sometime even more impactful vs. other mediums. Today, we see social media as tool to be used across the fabric/functions of our businesses to build better business and be more connected with customers (i.e. the social web is not just about marketing or a customer support channel, rather it is a tool to be used to collaborate, connect and constantly do more with customers, from quality, to innovation, to building better business processes, to connecting and sharing real time, as well as solving technical or customer care issues) In March 2006 we established the Online Community Outreach team, a group of tech support experts that reached out to bloggers around the world who had questions or required assistance. Later that year we expanded blog outreach beyond tech support to include any conversations about Dell.  2006 was also the year we launched our blog, Direct2Dell.Moved into communications – using as a channel to tell our story – Direct to DellDeveloped into crowd sourced product and service development with QuestionStormGone multi-lingual – multi-platforms – from our own .com/blog out to those customers select for themselves – no good just listening to the conversations in English, in your own front room - got to get out into the street to hear what customers really thinkInternal and external – agent for collaboration and innovation within the organisation e.g. Employee Storm; ChatterDirect sales (or facilitation) channel – lot made of our sales on platforms like twitter with @delloutlet but also important to realise that buying behaviours for products and services are also now heavily influenced by the social web – the opinions of trusted friends often first port of call (social web friends; bloggers)…so bringing those views into the buying process is impactful – so brings reviews/ratings front and centre with customersPower of advocates/ambassadors not to be underestimated – your team members are powerful voices for your brand/products and services… SMaC training and open access to all the tools they need at work to both LISTEN and ENGAGE
  5. TA Script:“Social media isn’t just a feel-good effort for Dell. We know that it drives true business value across the customer lifecycle. From awareness, to consideration, to demand gen and lead gen, to support, all the way through to loyalty, there is both qualitative and quantitative data that demonstrates the many ways in which social makes a difference.The key to these successes are customer engagement. Whenever we engage with customers in two-way dialogue and build authentic trust-based relationships with them, we reap the benefits in terms leads, sales, order value, customer satisfaction, loyalty, brand sentiment, customer insights and much more.For example, Facebook fans spend more with Dell than non-fans, and this applies as much to B2B segments as it does to B2C. Social allows us to have large wins in the enterprise space like the Illinois Tool Works account, where the customer’s engagement with the Dell Tech Center community allowed us to both identify the opportunity and radically shorten the sales cycle time for an account that was otherwise not engaged with Dell.When we successfully drive customer engagement, we are rewarded with their consideration. Analysis of community activity on sites like Alienware Arena and the Dell Tech Center shows a corresponding spike in revenue whenever customer engagement spikes.”
  6. At Dell, we use a tool called Radian6 to listen to customer conversations, but there are also a lot of free services available. enables you to see all recent tweets around a particular topic. allows you to sign up for daily or weekly email alerts for particular keywords. I’d recommend that each of you set up a weekly google alert tied to your company name at a minimum to listen to what customers and the media are saying about you. Finally, will provide the most robust listening analysis. It allows you to search on particular channels such as blogs, microblogs, video or all social media sites as well as identifying topic sentiment, top keywords, top hashtags and top users of a topic.
  7. What Motivates us to Share?Interesting or Insightful Material – People share material because they have found it useful or think others might find it interesting. The motivation is to bring relevant information to those we care about the most. On the other hand people might share content which is relevant for them but not necessarily the recipient. This might be done to show off their knowledge or define themselves.Advocative Sharing – We share to get the word out about causes (or brands) we believe in. Sharing is driven by our desire to maintain and shape relationships with others. Therefore if we are passionate about a cause we would want others to build a relationship with it as well.Social Validation – People share to define themselves to show what they care about and give people a sense of who they are and why they care. For example, some social networkers regularly post updates of their day to day lives. They do this for a sense of importance and because it makes them feel connected and more involved with the world.To Pass on Something Entertaining – We share to bring entertaining content to others. Humour is one of the main reasons why we are sharing content online. Just think of the memorable Old Spice campaign, which was one of the most talked about and shared viral campaigns ever.Duty or Incentive – Using an incentive is a great way to motivate someone to react to your content. This could be in the form of a discount or sale. A good example of this is LoveFilm who have sent free trials to their current customers provided they sign up a friend. They are sharing the discount and the service in exchange for a reward. This is an offline strategy but it works the same online.
  8. SPEAKER NOTE: Have attendees open their toolkits to the events checklist
  9. Customer Advisory Panel (CAP) Days:The goal for these events is to hold open, honest and collaborative dialogues in person with up to 20 customers at a time who are ranters or ravers online about Dell products.  It provides an opportunity for Dell and participants to build relationships and learn from each other, bring their collective communities and feedback together and have an engaging conversation.  CAP Days is a time for Dell to listen to customers’ feedback first-hand, show off the latest and greatest products, discuss improvements they’ve made to the business and foster a relationship with the group and their social communities. Dell has hosted CAP Days events in the U.S., Canada, Germany, UK and China on topics ranging from laptops to customer support to its enterprise storage offerings.The original CAP Days event had more than 128 million impressions on Twitter. That original group was brought back to Round Rock one year after the first event for a reunion event where Dell shared the progress it had made implementing the suggested changes.  Social Think Tanks:Dell’s Social Think Tanks evolved out of the CAP Days program. However, rather than a dialogue with customers, these are in-person conversations with online influencers covering a particular industry or technology. And rather than a discussion about Dell solutions, the discussion centers on the challenges, opportunities and the future of a particular industry or technology.These events are in person for a group of up to 20 influencers and are moderated by a 3rd party expert such as an analyst or professorDell has held social think tank events on topics such as healthcare, education, small business, cloud computing, and customer support.These events provide an opportunity for Dell to listen and understand key priorities and needs of potential customer base and build relationships with important influencers in the given industry.Dell’s CAP Day & Social Think Tank program has grown from 2 events in 2010 to 5 events in 2011, 20 events in 2012, and 8 events so far in 2013. 
  10. AwarenessThe total audience exposed to your owned and earned messagingEx. Monthly gross impressions, followersEngagementThe total level of participationEx. Total interactions, # fan photos/videos, % engaged on page, comments/postsInfluenceHow an information source is deemed relevant, authoritative and credibleEx. # page likes (Fans), external RTs, # of subscribersAdvocacyThe messages, opinions and recommendations about a brandEx. Message delivery, sentiment, recommendations
  11. According to ReadWrite Enterprise, “QuestionStormis one of the touchstones of the enterprise social media age.” Launched in 2007, Dell’s QuestionStormis a community site where anyone can submit Questions about improving Dell’s products/services, and allows the community to vote for their favorite submissions. Recently reinvigorated, the redesign supports more robust Questiontion, more prominent member presence and better social sharing. Dell has 28 QuestionStormPartner employees, representing every aspect of our product line, who promote two-way dialogue between Dell and the community, QuestionStormis also used to for customer feedback when Dell is in the process of designing/developing new products. In this situation, Dell puts its own Questions on QuestionStorm, hosting a “Storm Session.” Taking place in real-time, participants join a session to provide feedback on issues/proposed products.
  12. DIRECT ATTENDEES TO PAGE 3 IN WORKBOOKBefore you begin engaging on the social web, first think through your social media strategy. Serving as your road map, a social media strategy will help you navigate important social networks, groups, forums and emerging platforms. Additionally, it builds the foundation of your online presence. WHO…are you? Decide how you want to be perceived – who you are and what you stand for – and how you can leverage your expertise and knowledge to build your online reputation.Tip: Write your bios/profiles for the people you serve rather than a recruiter or trying to write to everyone. This will show that you are invested and enjoy what you do rather than appearing to have one foot out the door.  WHAT…is your content and engagement strategy?Determine topics and subject matter that you can speak on as an expert that offers valuable content and delivered in an authentic way.Ask: What publications do you already read? You can share interesting articles from those publications rather than always trying to create unique content.  WHY…are you engaging and participating in social media?List the objectives you want to achieve and think about how your social media activities will impact your role at Dell and the brand. WHERE… will you engage in the social space?Select the best social media channels and platforms to participate in by understanding where customers, influencers and the industry are the most active.