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Workplace Scenarios
This electronic mail message serves as a follow–up of your inquiry to the Privacy and Diversity Office (PDO), U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP). On November 30, 2017, you contacted CBP EEO Officer Jamar Fowler, via telephonically discuss a workplace situation. You alleged unlawful
discrimination on the basis of race (Arabic) and Religion (Muslim). You stated that you experienced harassment for the past five years by up to 15 of
your coworkers who make derogatory comments about Arabic people and the Muslim religion. You reported some of the derogatory comments
1.A CBP officer said to you in regards to a Mosque being built in Michigan, "Thank God no Mosque is being built in Sterling Heights."
3.A CBP Officer said... Show more content on ...
Reprisal in the EEO forum provides protection for individuals who participate in the EEO complaint process, or who oppose perceived discriminatory
practices. Your contact information will be maintained as a matter of record with the PDO Office. In the event that you should need assistance from the
PDO Office in the future, please keep in mind that you must initiate contact with an EEO Officer within 45 calendar days of the date of the alleged
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Short Story Of My Story
My story begins in London, England. I have two parents who seem to form an oxymoron, because even from a young age I could tell that they
were the complete opposites from each other. I vividly recall living with my school friend for around a week and wondering what I had done to
deserve such a fantastic vacation. When I was finally allowed to return to my parents, I did not return to the apartment I was familiar with, but a
duplex house with another family I had never met before. It was much later in life, through discussion with my parents, that I learned that we were
evicted. This kind of financial struggle has followed me all throughout my life. There has only ever been enough revenue to make sure our stomachs
are full and to pay the bills. Afterwards, barely anything. However, these struggles have taught me that money is not happiness. In my house, there
was and still is, consistent laughter. The oxymoron made it known that they loved me, no matter what the circumstance may have been. They taught
me that family is important; life is can never terrible when family is there. I vowed that when I have my family, I would work as hard as I can to
maintain happiness at home because happiness is the greatest medicine, the healer of all ailments. My father's "pie in the sky" has always been the
United States. When the American Lottery finally fell in our favor, he did whatever he could to make sure we could get on that plane heading to the
Land of the Free. My mom and I were
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Persuasive Essay On Racial Profiling
In the United States racial profiling affects thousands of Americans every single day. Not many people think about what racial profiling is, some
people think it don't even think it exists or how it affects everyday lives, but you or anyone could have possibly done it. Racial profiling is the use of
race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone to committing an offense. According to American Civil Liberties Union, "Racial profiling is a
nation wide problem. Stories have been reported across the country–– not only by everyday citizens, but doctors, lawyers, judges, legislators, police
/military officers, and celebrities". Even though racial profiling is widespread, it should be stopped because of its negative effects on people and
So why does racial profiling affect most races or ethnicity?
In an article by Evan Horowitz from The Boston Globe, was a great point about racial profiling Horowitz says, "When police start targeting people
based on their race, it effectively puts a whole community under suspicion. What is more, it virtually guarantees that the innocent will regularly find
themselves stopped by police, for little reason beyond the color of their skin". A good example which proves the statement he made is true is police
brutality. A lot of police brutality cases have happened in the recent past of this year in addition to starting the Black Lives Matter protesting. But, a
case of police brutality that deals with racial profiling that stands out to me
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Persuasive Essay On Racial Profiling
If you were black, Hispanic, or colored, then you were more likely to be stopped by the police. Racial profiling refers to the discriminatory practice
by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. This is
similar to criminal or offender profiling, the analysis of a person's psychological and behavioural characteristics, so as to assess whether they are likely
to have committed a crime under investigation. Both seem to be similar, but make no mistake that racial profiling is illegal, immoral, and irrational.
Racial profiling should not be the only thing used when making an arrest because there are other means to root out potential ... Show more content on ...
The police had no reason to stop him and yet soley did so because they were looking for a black male. That is racial profiling, unlike criminal profiling
which is calculated, not impulsive.
Racial profiling is an impulsive gamble which makes police officers jump to the conclusion that this person of race is automatically a criminal and
should be stopped. One of these gambles which did not lead up to an arrest is a video showing two Orlando police officers pulling over Aramis Ayala,
Florida's first African–American elected state attorney. Ayala asked for the officers' names and has submitted a public records request in which the
body camera footage finding the two officers pulling her over on June 19, 8:15 pm. There have been claims that this is racially biased encounter as
CNN commentator Keith Boykin tweeted, "Florida's only black state attorney Aramis Ayala pulled over by Orlando police even though she had not
violated any traffic laws" and Boing Boing news tweeted "Watch: White Florida cops racially profile black female driver, then learn she's state
attorney Aramis Ayala" (Rogan). Tom Rogan, a white political journalist of the Washington Examiner, posts his opinion in his article stating, "Those
comments all fail to offer the true context of what happened" and "Ayala, on the other hand, was somewhat petty" (Rogan). Those comments did not
provide 100% accurate context as it was standard procedure to run
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Racial Inequality And Police Brutality
"Racial inequality is a disparity in opportunity and treatment that occurs as a result of someone's race" (Racial Inequality, 1996–2017, line 1). Racial
profiling and police brutality falls under racial inequality. According to Nazgol Ghandnoosh (2017), " Officers' racially biased use of discretion–
either intentional or unintentional – is one cause of racial disparities in police contact that are not explained by differences in crime rates" (p. 6). When
one group is targeted more than another it will cause the group that is targeted the most to have more involvement. The crime rates for black people is
higher than those of white people because more black people are arrested than white people. Nazgol Ghandnoosh (2017), states that, "Almost
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The Problem Of Racial Profiling
Twists of Humanity
Has one ever sit down and thought about the use of racial profiling in our country today? Many individuals have a role in racial profiling and do
not realize it. Racial profiling is using one's race or ethnicity against them as a foundation of suspecting someone to committing an offense of some
sort. For example, racial profilers could say that Pit Bulls are more likely to bite than any other breeds of dogs, and to keep this from happening, all
Pit Bulls should be euthanized. Of course, like all breeds of dogs, some Pit Bulls may bite, but not all of them deserve the punishment of being
euthanized. The main problem with racial profiling is that innocent individuals are targeted due to past cases with their race. This leads to 36 year old
Shoshana Hebshi, who is half–Jewish and half–Arab. She was targeted on a plane in Detroit due to her race. Although Shoshana Hebshi was targeted
through racial profiling, the use of iron triangles saved Shoshana from unlawful accusations.
On September 11, 2011, Shoshana Hebshi was travelling on the Frontier Airlines that landed in Detroit when her and two Indian–American men were
targeted by federal agents who entered the plane and demanded them to exit. Shoshana was handcuffed, pushed down steps, and into a vehicle
(Warikoo, 2013). Shoshana was later retained in a cell, ordered to strip bare, squat, and cough while the officers checked her over (Warikoo, 2013).
Hebshi stated, "I was frightened and humiliated" (Warikoo,
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Racial Profiling
Racial Profiling Within Airlines Federal agencies and Airline companies should not be allowed to remove people from a plane and detain them for
their skin color, making this a wrongful practice of racial profiling. The American public forms and influences Iron Triangles into spreading their own
beliefs that are then practiced within certain government agencies. Policies are then written and passed that allow such acts as this to be used on the
general population. Shoshana Hebshi and two other men became victims of these acts while on a plane in 2013. These acts of discrimination can be
changed only if the American public will stand up and force these Iron Triangles to push the Federal agencies andAirline companies to change their
ways. On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, Shoshana Hebshi and two other Indian–American men were removed from a Frontier Airlines flight. Shoshana
was "...strip–searched, and jailed more than four hours in a dirty cell because of her ethnic background." (Warikoo) According to Hebshi, the two
men that were with her on the plane were detained after some passengers had complained of suspicious activity all because they had gotten up and
went to the restroom. Hebshi just so happened to be sitting next to them and had similar skin color, so that is why she was detained as well. She
repeadtedly asked what was going on, but no one would ever tell her anything. Hebshi describes her emotions as "...frightened and humiliated..."
(Warikoo). The main cause of this
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Racial Profiling
Racial Profiling is a typical concern and a continuing problem in the United States. What does it mean? From the American Civil Liberties Union,
racial profiling – "refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the
individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin." However, it is not only law enforcement officials underracial profiling problems, it is involved
with all citizens determining of profiling an individual because of their ethnicity. This being illegal is still a national problem that concerns all citizens
of a different race or ethnicity. The iron triangle can be used in the systematic solution to be a helpful tool and the problem with racial profiling.
A case involving a racial profiling victim by the name of Shoshanna Hebshi, a 36–year–old, half–Jewish, half–Arab woman from Ohio Filed a lawsuit
against the FBI and other agencies after she was forcefully taken off of an airplane at the Metro Airport in Detroit, Michigan, involving racial profiling.
She stated in a comment that she made with the media saying, "I was frightened and humiliated," said Hebshi, a freelance journalist and mother of
7–year–oldtwins. "As an American citizen and a mom, I'm really concerned about my children growing up in a country where your skin color and
your name can put your freedom and liberty at risk at any time." Which leads to the question, how and why does racial profiling continue even
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Racial Profiling And Criminal Profiling Essay
Racial Profiling Vs Criminal Profiling
Camilo Paez
Briarcliffe College
Professor Keirnan
Executive summary
Racial Profiling is a big problem is society. Over time you become biased of certain groups which is good and bad. Criminal profiling helps keep the
bad guys off the streets. This maybe be also linked with being racist according to the people stopped by police. As a police officer you never win
because no one wants to go to jail. It is very hard to Racial Profiling Vs Criminal Profiling Racism is defined as "the belief that all members of each race
possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." We live in
a nation mixed with many ethnicities, we are known as the "melting pot" of the world. Everyone that was born here has a family member that
immigrated here from a different country unless they are of Native American decent. Often times people are stopped by police because of their race
even if they are not doing anything wrong. Many times when they are stopped by police and they did do something wrong they swear up and down to
the District Attorney or judge that the cop was racially profiling him or her. Being a Police officer isn't easy. You see many things that the public does
not and this leads to high stress levels. Racism isn't something you are born with it is taught throughout your life. During the NYPD Academy there is a
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Racial Profiling Essay
How Would You Feel If You Were a Victim Of Racial Profiling? Racial profiling is a serious issue of social importance in the United States. This topic
has become a significant issue due to the fact that it discriminates against one of the most basic human rights––the freedom to be whoever they want
and believe in whatever they want. It also makes many people feel uncomfortable when being searched, pulled over, and looked at as if they were
criminals when all they are guilty of is having a different skin color or a different religion. Even if in some cases racial profiling assists police to
arrest people for committing real crimes, it makes a larger amount of innocent individuals feel as if they were criminals; therefore, I am against it.
Racial profiling is any police action taken based on race rather than on behavior, evidence, or information provided about an individual and law
enforcement should start taking action against it because it is not humane in any shape or form.
Some level of racial profiling has probably always existed in the United
States. The article "What is Racial Profiling?" found on the website, speaks to the general public by providing information about racial
profiling. They say that many people get pulled over or suspected of criminal acts based on their ethnicity, religion, or skin color. In addition, during an
investigation of a crime, police tend to use race as a principal if not the only factor in determining who is suspicious of
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Criminal Profiling Essay
For many years criminal profiling has been used in crime shows such as CSI, Law & Order, and Criminal Minds. The audience is always on edge
and thrilled as to how they accurately and briskly catch the perpetrator; and get a detailed and heart felt confession at the end of the hour long
episode. However, as we have focused on in this Psychology class, that is not an accurate portrayal of the real thing. Criminal profiling and forensic
science is useful, but can we really say exactly how useful they are in the real world? In this article review, it focuses on the crime solving tools used in
history, the evolvement of forensic science and the explanation of criminal profiling and its actual use in real life cases, it is titled "The Utilization ...
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The most killers were caught by someone who knew them personally, and was reported to police. It seems as though forensic science, such as
fingerprinting or DNA widen the field, but does little to catch a suspect. These tools are mainly used to create a conviction of a crime against killers
that are already in custody. As for criminal profiling, it cannot be treated as an investigative tool according to this study. It has to be used as an "extra"
that can be utilized to somewhat narrow the scope for investigators, but not identify the killer. According to this study, the utilization of the public is the
most helpful in catching a serial
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Racial Profiling
Racial Profiling has been around for many decades, but over the past few years it has gotten even worse. It has gotten to the point where children are
supposed to be the most comfortable and open. Also, it has gotten to the point where even children's sports games are having a racial issue. Children
shouldn't feel like outsiders, just because of the color of their skin. Lastly, they shouldn't they should stop doing what they love the most just because
someone out there is making a racial or racist statement.
There are two sides to every issue in life. There are people that are for that issue and there are people that are against it. The issue that I am trying to
prove today is how exactly did basketball become the metaphor for racial profiling in the Kentucky Community? In "Us Against The World" the kids
that were being transferred to Cordia High School were black and they came there for basketball. That actually wasn't the case for most of them. Most
of the boys that transferred was to leave a bad situation back in New York.
For example, Ramon Mercado aka "Momo" moved to Kentucky to attend Cordia because he was trying to get away from a profile that he didn't that
he didn't fit back home. But he didn't know that he would be but right back into another profile when he started playing basketball for
Cordia."Momo" used to live in the lower Manhattan of New York, where his profile was either sale drugs and rob people or die trying. So him moving
and attending Cordia was a
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Racial Profiling In The Criminal Justice System
Racial Profiling is used often by law enforcement and is a social problem that displays racial inequality. Many people are losing lives because of our
Criminal Justice System. Most police officers are prejudice and use stereotypes while pulling over minority groups which include ethnicity's other than
Caucasian. Caucasian's carry the figurative white privilege, so racial profiling is not as common for white people. Providing examples of how racial
profiling in our criminal justice system is necessary since these are huge problems in American Society. Much evidence exists on the American
institutional systems, cultural norms and values, and even individual experiences that display racial profiling in the criminal justice system. African
Americans, ... Show more content on ...
Dykstra–Crookshanks once said, "The criminal justice system is set up to prosecute crimes committed by those of lower social economic status"
(2018). One descriptive example is when people wear hoodies to hide their face while committing crimes while others wear them when due to
comfort or weather conditions. When a white person wears their hood up over their face, police officers do not grow alarmed. When a black
person wears their hood up, officers play the tactic that they are in danger. The described situation is how Trayvon Martin was killed for his
wearing his hood up. Martin, who was discussed earlier in the paper, was stalked and killed because he had his hood up, even though he was not
participating in criminal activity. George Zimmerman displayed a personal experience of racial profiling, assuming Martin was a criminal because he
was black and wearing his hood up. Zimmerman was "doing" race by attacking Martin, only because he was black. I learned in my race and ethnic
course, "Young black men in America have come to symbolize a criminal threat" (Dykstra–Crookshanks 2018). This comment describes how black
people as a whole are assumed to be criminals or a threat to society by the criminal justice system. Recent research has concluded, "In the entire African
American subsample of the National Survey of American Life, 27.94% (weighted) reported experiencing
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Racial Profiling And The American Civil Liberties Union
Police brutality has been in the headlines for years. Reports continually stream in, exhibiting the needless force displayed by police. However, the
people don't always have all the information. The media shows the aftereffects itself, not the reasons why the victim was targeted. Perhaps it was a
justified arrest. Maybe it was simply because the target of the attack wasn't white. Police are constantly put on trial for their crimes, but the community
may never know the whole truth. The pain and misery caused by racial profiling greatly outweighs the positive aspects.
Racial profiling is vastly different from criminal profiling. Racial profiling, as stated by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), "refers to the
discriminatory practice ... Show more content on ...
Maybe the cashier who was on shift when their store was robbed saw the crook's hand, and there was a long scar from the wrist to the middle
knuckle, and the hand was extremely pale. The police would then be on the lookout for a white person with a long scar on their hand. This is a
perfectly legal, legitimate classification as it's based on true facts, or at least as many as they were given. However, criminal profiling can easily turn
into needless racial profiling and racial profiling can be excused as criminal profiling. Regardless, certain people are wholly targeted more than others.
CARD is an acronym that stands for class, age, race, and dress (Meeks, 19). This means that if the police–– or most anyone–– see a line up of people,
certain members of this group would be targeted. For example: Imagine a line of four people. One is an elderly, well–dressed white woman. Next to
her there is a middle–aged black man in a suit. On his left, there is a teenage, grungy–looking hispanic girl. And on her left, there is an Asian man,
wearing street clothes. Regardless of who committed the crime, the populace would most likely pin the crime on the young woman or the Asian man,
as lower class, young, minorities in "street" or "hip–hop" clothes are targeted most by CARD (Meeks, 19). Every single person racial profiles, whether
they realize it or not. As stated in the previous paragraph, racial profiling doesn't necessarily mean you're racist, as one would be led to believe
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Kops Argument Against Racial Profiling
Racial Profiling has been in the practice of Law Enforcement since the 1940's. The use of Racial Profiling should be eradicated because of the effect it
has in the court system, discrimination, excessive brutality, and the change in lifestyle. Racial Profiling is an unnecessary practice, there are
alternatives to the practice.
Racial profiling is when a police officer uses an individual's race for foundation to question he/she with the expectation of he/she committing a crime.
Copious amounts of minority races are prone to this practice that such law enforcement use, such as African Americans, Latinos, and Middle Eastern
Americans. Levels of racial profiling are exercised by certain law enforcers. Consequently, there are various factors that ... Show more content on ...
Brock Turner and Cory Batey were both found guilty for their crimes in the court system. The only difference is Brock Turner whom is a privileged
Caucasian received a lower sentence than Cory Batey. Cory Batey is an African American male who received a fifteen–year sentence for committing
aggravating rape. Both Brock and Cory were attending prestigious colleges Stanford and Vanderbilt, and were nineteen years of age. Brock was an
exceptional Stanford swimmer who was sentenced six months' jail time and was able to get out earlier with good behavior. Cory Batey was a
remarkable football player who was on a scholarship. In the Brock Turner there was a substantial amount of evidence including eyewitnesses catching
him in the act of raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster. However, in the Cory Batey there was ample evidence as well as security cameras
that exposes Batey and others carrying an unconscious woman into a dorm room. In addition, in the Batey incident the evidence involves photos and
videos of the uncalled–for act. Consequently, Corey and Brock received different sentences for the same crime. Corey Batey an African American
man is spending most of his premier life locked up whereas Brock Turner received a slap on the wrist for his crimes. Aaron Persky who was the judge
for the Brock Turner case was very similar to Brock Turner for the reason that he as well was an impressive Caucasian athlete at Stanford.
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Persuasive Essay On 9/11
The issue of discrimination has been one that has been with our country for years. It became an issue again with the September 11th attacks on the
World Trade Center in New York City. It is known that people of Arab decent were behind the attack. Because of that, a huge issue of racial
profiling has come up as people look at all people of that decent as evil terrorists. Most of these people have been living in the United States all their
lives, and have done nothing to warrant the accusations. The question then becomes, should we let these people go on living innocent until proven
guilty, or should we make an exception in this case? Our nation has lived by the code of "innocent until proven guilty" since its creation so many years
ago,... Show more content on ...
The pilot didn't say anything. He just kind of nodded at her and he walked up to the front, looked at me, looked at the two in front of me –– didn't say
nothing. Next thing I know one of the gate agents is calling our names." (Hirchkorn & Okwu) Dasrath is 32 years old, works as an analyst for
Morgan Stanley, and more importantly is a full fledged US citizen. That is clearlyracial profiling. Of course, we go back to the burning question right
now. Was the airline just being safe? And does the airline have a responsibility to remove an individual from the flight who is making another passenger
Of course, most of the airlines either declined comment or gave the standard "we do not support discrimination of any kind" answer. Only one airline
gave a statement with any meaning, and that was American Airlines. "American supports our captains when those decisions are made," said
spokesman Todd Burke. He declined further comment. (Hirchkorn & Okwu)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) spokesman Reggie Shuford disagrees with the airlines. "When a passenger –– a fellow passenger –– is given
veto power over somebody else's ability to fly based on nothing other than hysteria and discrimination, then we all need to take
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How Racial Profiling Led to the Death of Trayvon Martin
Racial Profiling
As I walk to the store to pick up snacks for the next half of the super bowl, I am trying to make it quick. I finally arrive at the store and quickly get
my two favorite items, skittles and an ice tea. Thinking to myself that this is all I need, not knowing that it would be my last meal. On the walk back
home, I have a feeling that I am being followed. I speed up. I turn around to find that a grown Hispanic man, mid–age, and heavily built is in fact,
following me. In my head, I just want to make it home safely. Every move I make, he makes the same moves. Finally I turn around, quite nervous, to
see if there was a problem. Next thing I know, we are on the ground fighting. Here I am, seventeen years old, up against a man ... Show more content on ...
A person may not be a threat to society, but just because a citizen or officer of the law felt like they were does that make it okay to take matters in
their own hands? Law enforcement has a job to protect, if their racial profiling judgment is in fact wrong, they can lose trust and creditability. Through
there may have been cases were racial profiling has worked, due to luck; the cases in which they have been wrong have ended in devastating ways.
Racial profiling continues to be a prevalent and egregious form of discrimination in the United States.
Racial profiling is discrimination, and discrimination is wrong. Discrimination taints the entire criminal justice system. Racial profiling is nothing
but public stereotyping. Therese extreme tactics make the justice system look bad in cases which their racial profiling was incorrect. It publicly
puts all races in once category, bad or good. Discrimination has being going on for years and years in history. African Americans are one group of
people who have worked so hard not to be discriminated against, and with racial profiling they are constantly being brought back down to the Jim
Crow Era. When will it ever stop?
Racial profiling does not work and it is used for the wrong reason. History shows that racial profiling have been going on for years, and in most cases
they are false. In 2006, Sean Bell, a 23 year old man was
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Racial Profiling And The Law Enforcements
Literature Review This paper outlines the studies, incidents, facts and statistics that have found evidence of racial profiling which causes distrust in
the law enforcements (police, government etc0. Studies of racial profiling shows that blacks, Hispanics, Middle Eastern and other racial minorities
are more likely to be stopped than those who are white. They are more likely to be stopped and searches, traffic stops, license and registration
checks. In addition they are more likely to be ticketed or arrested after being stopped and search. Some scholars and studies believes that minorities
being that are frequently stopped and searched has nothing to do with them being racially profiled. According to Roh and Robinson," studies raise the
possibility that minorities may be more involved in criminality (Gaines, 2006), some drug crimes (Lichtenberg, 2006), and speeding offenses (Lange,
Johnson, & Voas, 2005), thereby justifying higher stop and arrest rates bypolice of some groups." (Roh, S., & Robinson, M.) On the other hand, some
authors believe that racial profiling is very much known in society and it is widespread, According to the author there have been a study by the New
York State Attorney General which was conducted in 1999 of the New York City Police Department's "stop and frisk" practices of pedestrians found
further evidence suggestive of racial profiling. The study found that although Blacks make up just 26% of the population, they accounted for 51% of all
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Racial Profiling by Police Is Ineffective and Reduces...
September 11, 2001, was a very tragic day for many people living in the United States. Millions of people were affected by the terrorist attacks. Since
then airport security has changed as well as police techniques. When police are at work they use many techniques to decrease their suspect pools.
Racial profiling is the most common technique used. The dictionary definition for racial profiling is "the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for
suspecting someone of having committed an offense." This is the most controversial technique that our government uses today. Minorities are the most
affected, being mistaken for a criminal because a person "fits the profile", a common scenario in the United States. The issue with racial profiling is ...
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Racial profiling in many cases has altered lives and destroyed families. Racial profiling is one reason why many African American and other
minorities sit in prisons across the nation. Many of these people were guilty until proven innocent, instead of the other way around. For example
Cornelius Dupree Jr. was a Texas man who was accused of rape. Court documents stated that a 26 year old woman and a male friend were robbed
at gunpoint by two black men in the parking lot of a Dallas liquor store in November 1979. The two men ordered the couple to drive, they forced
the man out of the car and took the women to a nearby park where they raped her and stole her fur coat. Cornelius Dupree and another man
Anthony Massigill were arrested in December 1979, after the lady picked their photos out of a photo lineup. Both men had no clue who the other
one was, they were unable to identify each other. Mr. Dupree was sentenced in 1979 for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon. He was
sentenced with 75 years in prison. He lost his job, his family, and eventually his house and his car. His case was overturned due to DNA testing in
2011 (Stanley et al., 2008). Although racial profiling has many defects, it is necessary to keep our communities safe. The airport is where racial
profiling is used the most. Since other security measures have failed and terrorists managed to get around airport security, racial profiling along with
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Arguments Against Racial Profiling
I strongly believe that racial profiling should not be used in law enforcement. Racial profiling is irrational and leads to discrimination by targeting
individuals based on race, ethnicity, or religion. In the United States, everyone has the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty, but racial
profiling allows the authorities to consider people guilty until proven innocent. Racial profiling is exceptionally unethical, unreasonable, and ineffective.
Racial profiling is unethical because it is a violation of the 14th amendment. The 14th amendment states that " State shall make or enforce any law
which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,
without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws..." ... Show more content on ...
Ethnic minorities are not likely to commit more crimes than whites. If police officers spend too much time suspecting ethnic minorities, they are likely
to miss potential suspects. According to the Public Health Service, approximately 70% of drug users are white, 15% are black, and 8% are Latino, but
the Department of Justice reports that among those imprisoned on drug charges, 26% are white, 45% are black, and 21% are Latino. A 2002 study in
Minnesota found that African–American, Hispanic, and Native American drivers were all stopped and searched more often than Whites, but smuggled
goods were found more frequently in searches of White drivers' cars. Another study in Arizona shows that during 2006–2007, Native Americans,
Hispanics, Middle Easterners, and Asians were more likely to be stopped and searched than Whites on the highways, but Whites who were searched
were more likely to be transporting drugs, guns, or other illegal imports. Stereotypical assumptions should not be used as a tool to capture
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Criminal Profiling Research Paper
Marian Reyes
Junior Research Period 5
6 April 2017
The Reliability of Criminal Profiling Since the late 1800s, the reliability of criminal profiling has been a very controversial topic in regards to
whether it is is an art or a science. Many factors go into play when it comes down to determining the correct perpetrator of a crime such as observation
and analysis of crime scenes, victims and most importantly looking into the criminal's mind. Psychology plays a great part in the apprehension of
criminals, profilers aim at predicting a suspect's possible residence, family life and most importantly the characteristics of the person such as height,
weight and any other clues that would prove helpful. Despite few similarities, criminal ... Show more content on ...
"The Reality of Criminal Profiling"The Law Dictionary. The Law Dictionary, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.
Holmes, Ronald M., and Stephen T. Holmes. Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool. Los Angeles: Sage, 2009. Google, 1 Oct.
1989. Web. 2 Apr. 2017.
Institute, Police Science. "Private Investigation Training, Police Science Institute."Police Science Institute. Police Science Institute, n.d. Web. 02 Apr.
Kocsis, Richard N. and George B. Palermo. "Criminal Profiling as Expert Witness Evidence: The Implications of the Profiler Validity Research."
International Journal of Law & Psychiatry, vol. 49, Nov2016 Part A, pp. 55–65. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.05.011.
Kratz, Diane. "Do You Know Who Was the First Profiler in the FBI?" Profiles of Murder. Diane Kratz, 17 Apr. 2012. Web. 05 Apr. 2017.
Lowe, Andrew (2002) "Criminal profiling in the investigative process," The National Legal Eagle. Bond University, Apr 2002.Web.7 Mar. 2017.
Mburu, Lucy and Marco Helbich. "Evaluating the Accuracy and Effectiveness of Criminal Geographic Profiling Methods: The Case of Dandora,
Kenya." Professional Geographer,
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Racial Profiling, An Unjust Act And A Big Problem
According to the 11 Facts about Racial Discrimination, "The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that an African American male born in 2001
has a 32% chance of going to jail in his lifetime, while a Latino male has a 17% chance, and a white male only has a 6% chance" (11 Facts about Racial
Discrimination 1). Racial profiling, or discriminating against a whole group of people based on their race, is an unjust act and a big problem in our
society today. Arresting people because of how they look like, or what they believe in is absurd. According to ACLU, "Racial Profiling refers to the
discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual 's race, ethnicity, religion or
national origin" (ACLU 1). Although law enforcement assumes they are doing their job, they need to remain objective and fair in all situations,
because they are violating rights, lacking protection and risking lives.
Law enforcement violates the rights of people by unfairly stereotyping minority groups. By stereotyping minorities, law enforcement officers are
violating the rights of the citizens being falsely accused because of their race. Some law enforcement programs are highly known for violating an
entire group of people's rights (FBI 1). According to the article by Driscoll and Newton, "racial profiling violates individuals' civil rights, alienates both
individuals, and entire populations, and often backfires as an ineffective
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The Good and Bad of Racial Profiling
It has been said that racial profiling has been used more than once as a way to detain suspects that arouse suspcion according to NAACP. Racial
profiling is the suspicion of people based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or other immutable charateristics rather than evidence based behavior.
Eventhough statistics say otherwise racial profiling should not be used as a reasnoable right to detain an individual because it is unlawful, discrinmatory,
and ineffective.
Even though statistics say otherwise racial profiling is actually a good way to determine if a person is a suspect or not. Because of hard statistical
evedence that shows young black and hispanic men commiting disproportionate numbers of crime. The crimes mostly ... Show more content on ...
Many racial profiled victims walk away with minor traffic tickets, too often are unlucky and their outcome is death. Some law enforcers seem to
have the stereotypical idea that all african americans are ignorant and poor. In relations to that if seen differently then that will arouse suspcion to
the law enforcer because it is so called unheard to see a blcak man with a nice car. Theres even an actual story where that has happened "On Oct 12,
1995, Johnny Grammage , a 31 yr old african american male was shot and killed after being pulled over while driving the jaguar of his cousins". That
is just despicable an officer is only allowed to use a weapon if his life was in danger or if he had weapon but in this case neither was true. Racial
profiling does not only affect race but it also affects religion. In most recent research " In South Dakota there is a widespread reports of racial
profiling led to hearings before the state legislature, where indians testified about being stopped and searched not only based on race but religion" the
constitution does foucs on that too whereas where we a free right to practice and not be judged. A suspect should not be searched or even stopped
because of their race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, and orgin. They should be detained because of a logical and ethical reason if not then their only
making them another victim of racial profiling. Bringing back up this term again
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Reasons Why Martin Luther King Jr Went Wrong
Why are people so worried about someone's skin color.People judge people on their skin because they might think they are a terrorist because of
where they came from.Sometimes people judge people for their religion because they don't not belief in what someone else believes in.People still
don't trust some people because of some terrorist attacks so they don't like to think they are the good people and they think they are bad guys. One
example why people should get along and not be racist or judgemental is because it could lead to what happened to Martin Luther King jr he was
shot one time and the face and killed at a hotel in memphis Tennessee.The reason why Martin Luther King jr was killed is because the person who
killed him was a confirmed
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Racial Profiling
Racial profiling is a serious issue in America. In Florida, 80% of those stopped and searched on highways are Black and Hispanic. Many people in
America might be shocked that this issue still happens in today's society. However, people of color are still discriminated against. The ACLU conveys
the message on racial profiling by using visual design elements, pathos, and ethos to engage readers on the issue.
The visual design elements of the ad are eye–catching. The title is bold and stands out to the audience. The title is the hook that makes you want to
read more. The title is bigger and longer because they want the audience to wonder why they're comparing the two. "The man on the right" and
"the man on the left" is big and bold because the ACLU wants you to see the two people next to each other. The ad resembles a wanted poster.
Posters like that aren't used anymore because of modern technology and the new ways people communicate. The poster shows how long this issue
has been around. Racial profiling has been an issue for years and not so long ago children of all races were allowed to sit next to each other. The ad
is showing that black and white people are still somewhat separated. The advertisement pictures are black and white showing that the issue is more
than just a racial profiling issue but a race issue in general. The designs of the ad grab the audience and make them think about the issue of racial
profiling in America.
The ACLU ad builds pathos with the audience
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Profiling is a Necessary Means for Discovering and...
Many studies have been made in the field of criminology, concluding that profiling is a necessary means for discovering and apprehending criminals.
There are many different types of profiling and many people think of profiling differently; however, all types of profiling does work and is proven to
help stop crime. This paper will explore the following: profiling and different forms of it, the closely related stop and frisk policy, different cities that
have proven statistics that profiling does work, how airports are now profiling, and different serial killers that have been apprehended due to work
from profilers.
9/11 led to a re–evaluation of racial profiling as a means of combating crime, and terrorism. Indeed, many people who have ... Show more content on ...
They take what they know about an unknown suspect and his actions and try to generate additional information (Grabianowski).
What exactly is profiling is what many people wonder and they don't always get the right definition. What they usually think first is that it is racial
profiling and it is bad, we should not do it, but that's only one type of profiling and it is not necessarily bad in all cases. The Merriam–Webster
dictionary defines it as, "the act of or process of learning information about someone based on what you already know." Under the narrow definition,
racial profiling occurs when a police officer stops, questions, arrests, and/or searches someone solely on the basis of the person's race or ethnicity.
Critics typically use this definition when condemning racial profiling, as do law enforcement agencies when denying the existence of racial profiling
(Cleary). Most people think that the profiling is a bad thing because of controversial topics like NYC's stop and frisk policy and from what the liberal
news puts out. But in most cases profiling is good for communities and helps to catch criminals before they can do harm. The main difference between
what people think and what profiling is comes down to two words disparity and discrimination.
Disparity and discrimination are closely related but there is one major difference between them that sets them far apart. Disparity is
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Racial Profiling And Native Americans
Racial Profiling and Native Americans
Keith A. Kuhn
Criminology 410–005
9 October 2014
When you hear the words "police racial profiling" your mind may automatically jump to images of white cops stopping young black men in expensive
cars, the Rodney King beatings, or even the Rev. Al Sharpton giving a deposition about racial tensions. This is because those images are the
hot–button, go–to stories that media often bombards the six o'clock news with. As Americans, we have seen so much of these images that we tend to
think that the racial divide is only "black and white." However, what if you were to be told that racial profiling is more than just white–on–black? There
is a group of Americans who face more racial discrimination than African Americans: Native Americans. Native Americans are under represented as
victims and over persecuted as offenders. This paper will attempt to define the issue of racial profiling and how it affects Native Americans, provide a
review of the current research being done, and provide a brief interview that shows how this subject is viewed in real world scenarios.
Racial discrimination is defined by "as unequal treatment of persons, for a reason which has nothing to do with legal rights or ability."
Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in many facets of society. However, racial profiling by law enforcement is commonly defined as a
practice that targets people for suspicion of crime based
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Arguments Against Racial Profiling
There are so many things that are going on in this world that people can't keep up with everything that is happening. One of the topics that many
people talk about is racial profiling. Racial profiling is when a person feels that someone has been targeting someone about their race by talking down
on them. In the article Ohio woman sues FBI, airline for racial profiling, Hebshi talks about how she had filed a law suit against the FBI and federal
agencies because she was taken off her flight because of her ethnicity. She has also described that two other men that were a different ethnicity also
had been taken off the flight for the same reason. As the FBI pulled her off the airline they were rude and handcuffed and pushed her down the stairs
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Argument Against Racial Profiling
In today's society, there are a lot of crimes taking place. The biggest part of being a part of the police force is to protect and serve justice. Some
believe that the police officers are doing their job while others protest against what some of the police force is doing. Racial profiling is the use of
characteristics to determine whether a person maybe engaged in illegal activity.
Some of the ways that blacks are stereotyped is, maybe around twenty–five years–old, unemployed construction worker with two children less
successful in Los Angeles and other cities nationwide has been elimination of the gross stereo typing, or profiling, of young blacks as dangerous,
drunk, drug–crazed or who can be controlled only with extreme force. There ... Show more content on ...
In New York City, 80% of the stops made were blacks and Latinos, and 85% of those people were frisked, compared to a mere 8% of white people
stopped. Host a poetry slam to educate others on racism and reduce prejudice in your community (Racial Discrimination). Many people believe that
African Americans are harmful and need to be killed on stop but others believe that they have all the rights that everyone else has. Many people follow
the amendments; well it states in the amendments that all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are
citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or
immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to
any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Chapters of
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Overview of Criminal Profiling Essay
Being a criminal profiler is not like it is on all the television shows, but it is still an interesting and important job. Criminal profilers have been used
to close many police and federal cases. They work in several homicide cases involving rape, racial killings, brutal killings, and involving serial killers.
They help make it easier for the police to find the right person by examining the crime scene. Being a criminal profiler is a tough job but with hard
work and dedication it is a great career choice. A criminal profiler gives a description of what they think the suspect looks like and acts like. They do
this by examining the scenes of where the victims were murdered and looking for clues on why the suspect did it, how they did it, ... Show more content
on ...
A criminal profiler can work for the state, federal, or local law. Many work for the FBI, CIA, and as private investigators. They can also work as
an independent consultant or at colleges. Criminal profilers are also able to testify in the court room (CriminalJusticePrograms). Some personal
qualifications to be a criminal profiler are they must be able to examine gruesome crime scenes and be able to deal with appalling killers; having a
weak stomach would not be good for this job. They must also be well organized and ready for some tough work (Denis). An overemotional, easily
spooked, or somebody who does not understand others emotions well would not be a good match with this career. Somebody with a logical mind
and enjoys solving puzzles would fit much better in this career (Dwilson). Not all profilers fit in these characteristics but it will help one
understand if they could be a potential good match. "I would only recommend people if they have the right temperament and personality: you
cannot be timid or scared in this line of work (Wilson). Educationally there is not a certain degree one needs to take because this field is so small.
There are several different options to choose from. Taking courses in topics of police investigation or death investigation is a good start. Having a
master's degree or a Ph. D will improve the chances of finding somewhere to get a job. Most profilers have a degree in psychology or more
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Immigrants Essay
Traditionally immigrants are face numerous challenges on a daily basis. Whether it be learning a new language, raising their children, work, housing,
accessing services, transportation, cultural barriers, and many more. But, have we as society really thought who is to blame for this and why as we
should care. How this affects them in the long run. Having all these different emotion inside them from the not knowing. There are about 1.5 million
children and youth that are brought over undocumented. . In the book Lives in Limbo there is a saying which goes " ni de aqui ni de alla" meaning
that they don't feel like they belong to either side. They know they don't belong here because everyone is telling them they don't belong but then they
don't belong from where they came from because they grew up here and that's all they know. Many of these children are often faced with discrimination,
racial profiling, bullying, forcibly taken away from their families and even deportation. These events can not only scar them but cause them severe
issues while growing up. They can become depressed, have anxiety, PTSD, and become socially isolated. These children should not have to experience
these types of situations. Many of these children lose their only support system . In some cases some of the youth became so hopeless that they their
last resort was suicide. The first problem immigrants face is language. It's hard enough to be a(n) undocumented immigrant having the fear of being
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Police Misconduct On The Street Still Continue Throughout...
Over the years, law enforcement has been involved in many of unethical events that caused the community to lose trust in them. There are many of
reasons why it is difficult for the police to have interaction with the citizens of the community. One reason the community do not trust the police is
because of racial profiling. Racial profiling has been going on for years and now the community is getting tired of it. An example of racial profiling
is a group of black teenagers being pulled over because of the kind of car they are driving. Along with this act and many of other police corruption acts
has caused the community to question themselves about law enforcement. Many of concerns about police misconduct on the street still continue
throughout the community. Cities across the globe have experienced intense altercations stemming from deadly shootings of citizens and allegations of
excessive use of force. Police are sworn in to "Protect and Serve" everyone in the community no matter what race they are. Less than a week after
Katrina hit New Orleans on September 4, 2005, police executed 40 year old Ronald Madison and 17 year old James Brissette and injured four others.
Five of the New Orleans covered up the corruption by lying saying that people was shooting when they arrived at the scene. When the officers arrived
at the Danziger Bridge they just started shooting at unarmed victims. Officers covered up the killing by planting a gun at the scene, fabricated
witnesses and
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The Differences Of Racial Profiling And Iron Triangles
Imagine that you are going on a plane to some far exotic country. You get to the airport, but you notice people staring at you and give you disgusted
looks and even looks of fear, almost like you're a monster. You are going through security you look to the left of you and you see a curtained box,
suddenly you get nervous. You know what happens in those boxes what if they pull you out of the line and make you go in there. There is no one to
help you, there is no one to help you stop them if they do. You are completely helpless. This is what it felt like going to the airport when I was 12.
Racial profiling is meant to serve a good purpose but there are other more accurate ways of getting the same result without discriminating against an
entire group of people. Iron triangles are meant to help the public effectively communicate and participate more in their government but the
drawback of this method is that sometimes the iron triangle will begin to only care about its components and not the public it is meant to serve. In
this essay, I will explain what happened to Shoshanna and how she was racially profiled on a plane. Then I will compare how racial profiling and
iron triangles are alike. Lastly, I will explain how iron triangles have the power to change or institute policies and how that power can be used to end
racial profiling. Shoshanna was a 36–year–old American citizen. On September 11, 2011, she and two men who were sitting beside her were forced
out of the plane
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The Necessity to Swap Ethnic Profiling for Behavioral...
Humanity has always strived to become more "civilized". Whether it was the manipulation of fire, the domestication of animals, the invention of
electricity or the exploration of space, the goal has always been to become more advanced than our predecessors. We think of "civilization" as the
opposite of "brutality" and we associate the former with peace and the latter with violence. For this reason, we are unable to deem a race that has
walked on the moon as a "violent" race. However, "civilization" doesn't abolish violence it simply removes the individual's right to be violent and
bestows it into the hands of a separate entity (like the military). (Lancaster)
Historically, civilization has demonstrated the greatest degree of violence ... Show more content on ...
For this reason, ethnic profiling should carry less weight in the decision making of law enforcement agents and in the realm of criminal justice. In turn,
the criminal justice system should promote the use behavioral profiling, a more effective alternative with a lesser rate of wrongful arrests.
There is no scientific proof that links crime and race. In fact, most psychologists admit that ethnic profiling is not scientifically reliable. (Boylan)
Nevertheless, no one has attempted to eradicate it until recently. This is because America's imprisonment rates were not rising at an alarming rate
until a couple of decades ago. Now that hyper incarceration is a problem experts have begun searching for its root, and ethnic profiling has surfaced as
a probable cause of hyper incarceration. When you analyses the inner–workings of racial profiling you find a direct correlation between the impact of
ethnic profiling and the anxiety levels of the population. In other words, as people become more scared the likelihood that they will perform or tolerate
racial profiling increases.
Fear and violence go hand in hand, and the 50's and 60's left America trembling with fear. During this period we observed the height of the Cold War
and the Civil Rights Movement. Apparently, the threat of communism and the empowerment of blacks turned out to be a poor combination
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Racial Profiling in Different Ways
Racial Profiling has been used by law enforcement officials from early 60's during the civil rights movement. The term "racial profiling" which was
introduced to criticize abusive police practices against people of different race, ethnicity or national origin. One must assess how to understand the
practice, and how to keep it distinct from other issues. Racial profiling is defined as "any police–initiated action that relies on the race, ethnicity, or
national origin, rather than the behavior of an individual or information that leads the police to a particular individual who has been identified as being,
or having been, engaged in criminal activity." (Ramirez 5).
This definition leads us to discussion on what racial profiling has been over the years and how it cannot be combined with other aspects of
discrimination. Racial profiling has been solely based on, (1)The use of race, ethnicity, or national origin and not (2) the use of an individual's behavior
or information that helps apprehend somebody who has been identified as being, or having been, engaged in criminal activity. (1) provides different
investigative methods( race, ethnicity or national origin) while (2) tells us about investigative methods and the goals or outcomes of these investigative
methods and uses specific information on suspicious activities like individual's behavior. Including this contrast in the definition raises two problems.
Even though because of these classifications this article would be
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Racial Profiling And Its Impact On Society
If love has no color, how about justice? Is justice defined by any color in the United States of America, a country that is well known for its diversity
and prosperity? Sadly to say, the existence and the usage of the word "stereotype" has raised doubts about justice since it has existed and progressed
as part of the American culture for a long time. Stereotype can be classified into many subcategories, one of which is racial profiling. This issue, where
authorities target certain individuals based on their racial characteristics, has never ceased. According to many influential claimsmakers, racial profiling
has stained the United States by negatively affecting society and disturbing the certainty of justice. It is unconstitutional and ... Show more content on ...
There is the implication that the police 's unreasonable stops are illegal and unconstitutional. In compliance with the above claims, racial profiling is a
public concern which requires authorities to intervene and make changes.
On a legal level, many authorities and people agree that racial profiling is a common and inappropriate issue that needs to be prohibited. According to
the U.S. Supreme Court, "racial profiling violates the constitutional requirement that all persons be accorded equal protection of the law" (Lawson,
Henderson, and Chanin 2011). On top of that, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that racial profiling is illegal and unjust since it discriminates
one group against others (Lawson et al. 2011). The issue receives legislative attention because it is among locals and police – the representatives of
authorities that are supposed to protect and serve their people. In a 1999 Gallup Poll, the poll result indicated that 77 percent of African Americans
and 56 percent of Caucasians believed that racial profiling was widespread and unacceptable (Lawson et al. 2011). Racial profiling seems to be
ubiquitous and has found its way to stay as a problem in the U.S. society. In 2007, a third–year evaluation report sponsored by the City of Cincinnati
has, once again, recorded and analyzed one of the most common forms of racial profiling – stops made by
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The Pros And Cons Of Racial Profiling
What is racial profiling? Racial Profiling refers to the 'discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of
crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin' (American Civil Liberties Union). There are certain races that face racial
profiling from law enforcement officials driving or in other important locations. Black races face racial profiling especially when driving; law
enforcement officials target black driver for minor traffic violations. Spanish race might be racial profile while walking or driving to search for illegal
drugs or guns. Since the attacks of September 11 2001, the Arab race and South Asian race has faced many racial profiling from law enforcement and
even regular people for any terrorist attack that is taking place or any immigrant violation.
I do not know how the media does it but I think it is difficult to try to gather information to figure out what individual ... Show more content on ...
For example in Ferguson, Missouri 67% of the population is black. There are high chances that a white police officer will stop more black people than
any other race in Ferguson and the officer might be assumed to be a racial profiler. The city of Brentwood, Missouri is 87.5% white, there are also
high chances that a black cop will stop more white drivers than any other race and that cop will be assumed to be racial profiler. Numbers do not
do any favor to cops and this might influence cops not to stop cars because they do not want to be labeled as racial profilers. I have a white friend
who is a Cambridge cop, he tells me that there were times that he conducted traffic stops only to be told by the operator that the reason he stopped
the car was because the driver was 'driving while black'. He complained to me that it does really aggravate him because he was just doing his job and
now he is labeled as
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The Pros And Cons Of Racial Profiling
Take a moment and think about what it would be like to be judged merely because of race or gender. In the twenty–first century many would be
surprised how prevalent this attitude is. Niraj Warikoo (2013), brought the case of Shoshana Hebshi to the world's attention. This case is about one
woman's struggle due to racial profiling. Racial profiling happens every day and is an issue that must not be taken lightly. This problem can present itself
in many forms, it happens even though it is unconstitutional, and it is affected by iron triangles.
Racial profiling can be shown by singling people of different races out and forcing them to undergo a strip search and keeping them in a jail cell
for hours, such as what happened to Shoshana Hebshi when she was aboard a Frontier Airlines flight (Warikoo, 2013). She, among two other men,
were taken to a cell and humiliated simply because she was not white. This happens more often than one may think. It can be as large as Hebshi's
case, which quickly became international, or it can be as small as a snide comment thrown into someone's face, based purely on the color of their
skin (Warikoo, 2013). Most cases of racial profiling are not discussed and people who live in other areas are unaware of them.
While the Constitution states that "all men are created equal", it does not appear to have much truth in it. What would be more accurate might be "all
white men are created equal", as America seems to have a habit of racially profiling people.
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Criminal Profiling
Many crime shows have started to depict some form of criminal profiling. However, Criminal Minds is one of the shows that focuses on these
premises the most. Some of the depictions mirror real life profiling, while others falsify our image of a real profilers work. This false depiction could
have implications for the way society views profilers and their job.
Some of the more accurate portrayals of criminal profiling where for example the use of some of the right terminology such as Unsub to describe the
perpetrator of the crime. Further, the show depicts that some of the FBI profilers' knowledge comes from apprehended serial murderers and their
behaviour, either won from looking at their crimes or through interviews conducted by the FBI. As real profilers due, the profilers on Criminal Minds
look at a crime scene and the body of the victim to infer characteristics of the Unsub. In the case of this episode they found beheaded women placed in
public areas. Since ... Show more content on ...
Usually criminal profilers do not get involved in the police investigation but only provide a profile that is supposed to provide help as a small part in
the overall investigative process. On the show, the profilers are not only responsible for the profile, but also for the interviewing of witnesses and
family members of the victims, for talking to the press and for arresting the Unsub. Another inaccurate portrayal is the fact that the FBI profilers are
in charge of the investigation. As depicted in the show, as soon as they arrive they take control over the local police force and are the head of the
investigation. This is inaccurate since it is uncommon for the FBI profilers to take charge over the investigation. Usually they are just a resource for
the local police and work to help them focus and narrow down their
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Workplace Scenarios

  • 1. Workplace Scenarios This electronic mail message serves as a follow–up of your inquiry to the Privacy and Diversity Office (PDO), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). On November 30, 2017, you contacted CBP EEO Officer Jamar Fowler, via telephonically discuss a workplace situation. You alleged unlawful discrimination on the basis of race (Arabic) and Religion (Muslim). You stated that you experienced harassment for the past five years by up to 15 of your coworkers who make derogatory comments about Arabic people and the Muslim religion. You reported some of the derogatory comments included: 1.A CBP officer said to you in regards to a Mosque being built in Michigan, "Thank God no Mosque is being built in Sterling Heights." 2. 3.A CBP Officer said... Show more content on ... Reprisal in the EEO forum provides protection for individuals who participate in the EEO complaint process, or who oppose perceived discriminatory practices. Your contact information will be maintained as a matter of record with the PDO Office. In the event that you should need assistance from the PDO Office in the future, please keep in mind that you must initiate contact with an EEO Officer within 45 calendar days of the date of the alleged discriminatory ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Short Story Of My Story My story begins in London, England. I have two parents who seem to form an oxymoron, because even from a young age I could tell that they were the complete opposites from each other. I vividly recall living with my school friend for around a week and wondering what I had done to deserve such a fantastic vacation. When I was finally allowed to return to my parents, I did not return to the apartment I was familiar with, but a duplex house with another family I had never met before. It was much later in life, through discussion with my parents, that I learned that we were evicted. This kind of financial struggle has followed me all throughout my life. There has only ever been enough revenue to make sure our stomachs are full and to pay the bills. Afterwards, barely anything. However, these struggles have taught me that money is not happiness. In my house, there was and still is, consistent laughter. The oxymoron made it known that they loved me, no matter what the circumstance may have been. They taught me that family is important; life is can never terrible when family is there. I vowed that when I have my family, I would work as hard as I can to maintain happiness at home because happiness is the greatest medicine, the healer of all ailments. My father's "pie in the sky" has always been the United States. When the American Lottery finally fell in our favor, he did whatever he could to make sure we could get on that plane heading to the Land of the Free. My mom and I were ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Racial Profiling In the United States racial profiling affects thousands of Americans every single day. Not many people think about what racial profiling is, some people think it don't even think it exists or how it affects everyday lives, but you or anyone could have possibly done it. Racial profiling is the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone to committing an offense. According to American Civil Liberties Union, "Racial profiling is a nation wide problem. Stories have been reported across the country–– not only by everyday citizens, but doctors, lawyers, judges, legislators, police /military officers, and celebrities". Even though racial profiling is widespread, it should be stopped because of its negative effects on people and America. So why does racial profiling affect most races or ethnicity? In an article by Evan Horowitz from The Boston Globe, was a great point about racial profiling Horowitz says, "When police start targeting people based on their race, it effectively puts a whole community under suspicion. What is more, it virtually guarantees that the innocent will regularly find themselves stopped by police, for little reason beyond the color of their skin". A good example which proves the statement he made is true is police brutality. A lot of police brutality cases have happened in the recent past of this year in addition to starting the Black Lives Matter protesting. But, a case of police brutality that deals with racial profiling that stands out to me ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Racial Profiling If you were black, Hispanic, or colored, then you were more likely to be stopped by the police. Racial profiling refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. This is similar to criminal or offender profiling, the analysis of a person's psychological and behavioural characteristics, so as to assess whether they are likely to have committed a crime under investigation. Both seem to be similar, but make no mistake that racial profiling is illegal, immoral, and irrational. Racial profiling should not be the only thing used when making an arrest because there are other means to root out potential ... Show more content on ... The police had no reason to stop him and yet soley did so because they were looking for a black male. That is racial profiling, unlike criminal profiling which is calculated, not impulsive. Racial profiling is an impulsive gamble which makes police officers jump to the conclusion that this person of race is automatically a criminal and should be stopped. One of these gambles which did not lead up to an arrest is a video showing two Orlando police officers pulling over Aramis Ayala, Florida's first African–American elected state attorney. Ayala asked for the officers' names and has submitted a public records request in which the body camera footage finding the two officers pulling her over on June 19, 8:15 pm. There have been claims that this is racially biased encounter as CNN commentator Keith Boykin tweeted, "Florida's only black state attorney Aramis Ayala pulled over by Orlando police even though she had not violated any traffic laws" and Boing Boing news tweeted "Watch: White Florida cops racially profile black female driver, then learn she's state attorney Aramis Ayala" (Rogan). Tom Rogan, a white political journalist of the Washington Examiner, posts his opinion in his article stating, "Those comments all fail to offer the true context of what happened" and "Ayala, on the other hand, was somewhat petty" (Rogan). Those comments did not provide 100% accurate context as it was standard procedure to run ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Racial Inequality And Police Brutality "Racial inequality is a disparity in opportunity and treatment that occurs as a result of someone's race" (Racial Inequality, 1996–2017, line 1). Racial profiling and police brutality falls under racial inequality. According to Nazgol Ghandnoosh (2017), " Officers' racially biased use of discretion– either intentional or unintentional – is one cause of racial disparities in police contact that are not explained by differences in crime rates" (p. 6). When one group is targeted more than another it will cause the group that is targeted the most to have more involvement. The crime rates for black people is higher than those of white people because more black people are arrested than white people. Nazgol Ghandnoosh (2017), states that, "Almost ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Problem Of Racial Profiling Twists of Humanity Has one ever sit down and thought about the use of racial profiling in our country today? Many individuals have a role in racial profiling and do not realize it. Racial profiling is using one's race or ethnicity against them as a foundation of suspecting someone to committing an offense of some sort. For example, racial profilers could say that Pit Bulls are more likely to bite than any other breeds of dogs, and to keep this from happening, all Pit Bulls should be euthanized. Of course, like all breeds of dogs, some Pit Bulls may bite, but not all of them deserve the punishment of being euthanized. The main problem with racial profiling is that innocent individuals are targeted due to past cases with their race. This leads to 36 year old Shoshana Hebshi, who is half–Jewish and half–Arab. She was targeted on a plane in Detroit due to her race. Although Shoshana Hebshi was targeted through racial profiling, the use of iron triangles saved Shoshana from unlawful accusations. On September 11, 2011, Shoshana Hebshi was travelling on the Frontier Airlines that landed in Detroit when her and two Indian–American men were targeted by federal agents who entered the plane and demanded them to exit. Shoshana was handcuffed, pushed down steps, and into a vehicle (Warikoo, 2013). Shoshana was later retained in a cell, ordered to strip bare, squat, and cough while the officers checked her over (Warikoo, 2013). Hebshi stated, "I was frightened and humiliated" (Warikoo, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Racial Profiling Racial Profiling Within Airlines Federal agencies and Airline companies should not be allowed to remove people from a plane and detain them for their skin color, making this a wrongful practice of racial profiling. The American public forms and influences Iron Triangles into spreading their own beliefs that are then practiced within certain government agencies. Policies are then written and passed that allow such acts as this to be used on the general population. Shoshana Hebshi and two other men became victims of these acts while on a plane in 2013. These acts of discrimination can be changed only if the American public will stand up and force these Iron Triangles to push the Federal agencies andAirline companies to change their ways. On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, Shoshana Hebshi and two other Indian–American men were removed from a Frontier Airlines flight. Shoshana was "...strip–searched, and jailed more than four hours in a dirty cell because of her ethnic background." (Warikoo) According to Hebshi, the two men that were with her on the plane were detained after some passengers had complained of suspicious activity all because they had gotten up and went to the restroom. Hebshi just so happened to be sitting next to them and had similar skin color, so that is why she was detained as well. She repeadtedly asked what was going on, but no one would ever tell her anything. Hebshi describes her emotions as "...frightened and humiliated..." (Warikoo). The main cause of this ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Racial Profiling Racial Profiling is a typical concern and a continuing problem in the United States. What does it mean? From the American Civil Liberties Union, racial profiling – "refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin." However, it is not only law enforcement officials underracial profiling problems, it is involved with all citizens determining of profiling an individual because of their ethnicity. This being illegal is still a national problem that concerns all citizens of a different race or ethnicity. The iron triangle can be used in the systematic solution to be a helpful tool and the problem with racial profiling. A case involving a racial profiling victim by the name of Shoshanna Hebshi, a 36–year–old, half–Jewish, half–Arab woman from Ohio Filed a lawsuit against the FBI and other agencies after she was forcefully taken off of an airplane at the Metro Airport in Detroit, Michigan, involving racial profiling. She stated in a comment that she made with the media saying, "I was frightened and humiliated," said Hebshi, a freelance journalist and mother of 7–year–oldtwins. "As an American citizen and a mom, I'm really concerned about my children growing up in a country where your skin color and your name can put your freedom and liberty at risk at any time." Which leads to the question, how and why does racial profiling continue even ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Racial Profiling And Criminal Profiling Essay Racial Profiling Vs Criminal Profiling Camilo Paez Briarcliffe College Professor Keirnan 11/13/2016 Executive summary Racial Profiling is a big problem is society. Over time you become biased of certain groups which is good and bad. Criminal profiling helps keep the bad guys off the streets. This maybe be also linked with being racist according to the people stopped by police. As a police officer you never win because no one wants to go to jail. It is very hard to Racial Profiling Vs Criminal Profiling Racism is defined as "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." We live in a nation mixed with many ethnicities, we are known as the "melting pot" of the world. Everyone that was born here has a family member that immigrated here from a different country unless they are of Native American decent. Often times people are stopped by police because of their race even if they are not doing anything wrong. Many times when they are stopped by police and they did do something wrong they swear up and down to the District Attorney or judge that the cop was racially profiling him or her. Being a Police officer isn't easy. You see many things that the public does not and this leads to high stress levels. Racism isn't something you are born with it is taught throughout your life. During the NYPD Academy there is a ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Racial Profiling Essay How Would You Feel If You Were a Victim Of Racial Profiling? Racial profiling is a serious issue of social importance in the United States. This topic has become a significant issue due to the fact that it discriminates against one of the most basic human rights––the freedom to be whoever they want and believe in whatever they want. It also makes many people feel uncomfortable when being searched, pulled over, and looked at as if they were criminals when all they are guilty of is having a different skin color or a different religion. Even if in some cases racial profiling assists police to arrest people for committing real crimes, it makes a larger amount of innocent individuals feel as if they were criminals; therefore, I am against it. Racial profiling is any police action taken based on race rather than on behavior, evidence, or information provided about an individual and law enforcement should start taking action against it because it is not humane in any shape or form. Some level of racial profiling has probably always existed in the United States. The article "What is Racial Profiling?" found on the website, speaks to the general public by providing information about racial profiling. They say that many people get pulled over or suspected of criminal acts based on their ethnicity, religion, or skin color. In addition, during an investigation of a crime, police tend to use race as a principal if not the only factor in determining who is suspicious of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Criminal Profiling Essay For many years criminal profiling has been used in crime shows such as CSI, Law & Order, and Criminal Minds. The audience is always on edge and thrilled as to how they accurately and briskly catch the perpetrator; and get a detailed and heart felt confession at the end of the hour long episode. However, as we have focused on in this Psychology class, that is not an accurate portrayal of the real thing. Criminal profiling and forensic science is useful, but can we really say exactly how useful they are in the real world? In this article review, it focuses on the crime solving tools used in history, the evolvement of forensic science and the explanation of criminal profiling and its actual use in real life cases, it is titled "The Utilization ... Show more content on ... The most killers were caught by someone who knew them personally, and was reported to police. It seems as though forensic science, such as fingerprinting or DNA widen the field, but does little to catch a suspect. These tools are mainly used to create a conviction of a crime against killers that are already in custody. As for criminal profiling, it cannot be treated as an investigative tool according to this study. It has to be used as an "extra" that can be utilized to somewhat narrow the scope for investigators, but not identify the killer. According to this study, the utilization of the public is the most helpful in catching a serial ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Racial Profiling Racial Profiling has been around for many decades, but over the past few years it has gotten even worse. It has gotten to the point where children are supposed to be the most comfortable and open. Also, it has gotten to the point where even children's sports games are having a racial issue. Children shouldn't feel like outsiders, just because of the color of their skin. Lastly, they shouldn't they should stop doing what they love the most just because someone out there is making a racial or racist statement. There are two sides to every issue in life. There are people that are for that issue and there are people that are against it. The issue that I am trying to prove today is how exactly did basketball become the metaphor for racial profiling in the Kentucky Community? In "Us Against The World" the kids that were being transferred to Cordia High School were black and they came there for basketball. That actually wasn't the case for most of them. Most of the boys that transferred was to leave a bad situation back in New York. For example, Ramon Mercado aka "Momo" moved to Kentucky to attend Cordia because he was trying to get away from a profile that he didn't that he didn't fit back home. But he didn't know that he would be but right back into another profile when he started playing basketball for Cordia."Momo" used to live in the lower Manhattan of New York, where his profile was either sale drugs and rob people or die trying. So him moving and attending Cordia was a ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Racial Profiling In The Criminal Justice System Racial Profiling is used often by law enforcement and is a social problem that displays racial inequality. Many people are losing lives because of our Criminal Justice System. Most police officers are prejudice and use stereotypes while pulling over minority groups which include ethnicity's other than Caucasian. Caucasian's carry the figurative white privilege, so racial profiling is not as common for white people. Providing examples of how racial profiling in our criminal justice system is necessary since these are huge problems in American Society. Much evidence exists on the American institutional systems, cultural norms and values, and even individual experiences that display racial profiling in the criminal justice system. African Americans, ... Show more content on ... Dykstra–Crookshanks once said, "The criminal justice system is set up to prosecute crimes committed by those of lower social economic status" (2018). One descriptive example is when people wear hoodies to hide their face while committing crimes while others wear them when due to comfort or weather conditions. When a white person wears their hood up over their face, police officers do not grow alarmed. When a black person wears their hood up, officers play the tactic that they are in danger. The described situation is how Trayvon Martin was killed for his wearing his hood up. Martin, who was discussed earlier in the paper, was stalked and killed because he had his hood up, even though he was not participating in criminal activity. George Zimmerman displayed a personal experience of racial profiling, assuming Martin was a criminal because he was black and wearing his hood up. Zimmerman was "doing" race by attacking Martin, only because he was black. I learned in my race and ethnic course, "Young black men in America have come to symbolize a criminal threat" (Dykstra–Crookshanks 2018). This comment describes how black people as a whole are assumed to be criminals or a threat to society by the criminal justice system. Recent research has concluded, "In the entire African American subsample of the National Survey of American Life, 27.94% (weighted) reported experiencing ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Racial Profiling And The American Civil Liberties Union Police brutality has been in the headlines for years. Reports continually stream in, exhibiting the needless force displayed by police. However, the people don't always have all the information. The media shows the aftereffects itself, not the reasons why the victim was targeted. Perhaps it was a justified arrest. Maybe it was simply because the target of the attack wasn't white. Police are constantly put on trial for their crimes, but the community may never know the whole truth. The pain and misery caused by racial profiling greatly outweighs the positive aspects. Racial profiling is vastly different from criminal profiling. Racial profiling, as stated by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), "refers to the discriminatory practice ... Show more content on ... Maybe the cashier who was on shift when their store was robbed saw the crook's hand, and there was a long scar from the wrist to the middle knuckle, and the hand was extremely pale. The police would then be on the lookout for a white person with a long scar on their hand. This is a perfectly legal, legitimate classification as it's based on true facts, or at least as many as they were given. However, criminal profiling can easily turn into needless racial profiling and racial profiling can be excused as criminal profiling. Regardless, certain people are wholly targeted more than others. CARD is an acronym that stands for class, age, race, and dress (Meeks, 19). This means that if the police–– or most anyone–– see a line up of people, certain members of this group would be targeted. For example: Imagine a line of four people. One is an elderly, well–dressed white woman. Next to her there is a middle–aged black man in a suit. On his left, there is a teenage, grungy–looking hispanic girl. And on her left, there is an Asian man, wearing street clothes. Regardless of who committed the crime, the populace would most likely pin the crime on the young woman or the Asian man, as lower class, young, minorities in "street" or "hip–hop" clothes are targeted most by CARD (Meeks, 19). Every single person racial profiles, whether they realize it or not. As stated in the previous paragraph, racial profiling doesn't necessarily mean you're racist, as one would be led to believe ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Kops Argument Against Racial Profiling Racial Profiling has been in the practice of Law Enforcement since the 1940's. The use of Racial Profiling should be eradicated because of the effect it has in the court system, discrimination, excessive brutality, and the change in lifestyle. Racial Profiling is an unnecessary practice, there are alternatives to the practice. Racial profiling is when a police officer uses an individual's race for foundation to question he/she with the expectation of he/she committing a crime. Copious amounts of minority races are prone to this practice that such law enforcement use, such as African Americans, Latinos, and Middle Eastern Americans. Levels of racial profiling are exercised by certain law enforcers. Consequently, there are various factors that ... Show more content on ... Brock Turner and Cory Batey were both found guilty for their crimes in the court system. The only difference is Brock Turner whom is a privileged Caucasian received a lower sentence than Cory Batey. Cory Batey is an African American male who received a fifteen–year sentence for committing aggravating rape. Both Brock and Cory were attending prestigious colleges Stanford and Vanderbilt, and were nineteen years of age. Brock was an exceptional Stanford swimmer who was sentenced six months' jail time and was able to get out earlier with good behavior. Cory Batey was a remarkable football player who was on a scholarship. In the Brock Turner there was a substantial amount of evidence including eyewitnesses catching him in the act of raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster. However, in the Cory Batey there was ample evidence as well as security cameras that exposes Batey and others carrying an unconscious woman into a dorm room. In addition, in the Batey incident the evidence involves photos and videos of the uncalled–for act. Consequently, Corey and Brock received different sentences for the same crime. Corey Batey an African American man is spending most of his premier life locked up whereas Brock Turner received a slap on the wrist for his crimes. Aaron Persky who was the judge for the Brock Turner case was very similar to Brock Turner for the reason that he as well was an impressive Caucasian athlete at Stanford. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On 9/11 The issue of discrimination has been one that has been with our country for years. It became an issue again with the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. It is known that people of Arab decent were behind the attack. Because of that, a huge issue of racial profiling has come up as people look at all people of that decent as evil terrorists. Most of these people have been living in the United States all their lives, and have done nothing to warrant the accusations. The question then becomes, should we let these people go on living innocent until proven guilty, or should we make an exception in this case? Our nation has lived by the code of "innocent until proven guilty" since its creation so many years ago,... Show more content on ... The pilot didn't say anything. He just kind of nodded at her and he walked up to the front, looked at me, looked at the two in front of me –– didn't say nothing. Next thing I know one of the gate agents is calling our names." (Hirchkorn & Okwu) Dasrath is 32 years old, works as an analyst for Morgan Stanley, and more importantly is a full fledged US citizen. That is clearlyracial profiling. Of course, we go back to the burning question right now. Was the airline just being safe? And does the airline have a responsibility to remove an individual from the flight who is making another passenger uncomfortable? Of course, most of the airlines either declined comment or gave the standard "we do not support discrimination of any kind" answer. Only one airline gave a statement with any meaning, and that was American Airlines. "American supports our captains when those decisions are made," said spokesman Todd Burke. He declined further comment. (Hirchkorn & Okwu) American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) spokesman Reggie Shuford disagrees with the airlines. "When a passenger –– a fellow passenger –– is given veto power over somebody else's ability to fly based on nothing other than hysteria and discrimination, then we all need to take ... Get more on ...
  • 17. How Racial Profiling Led to the Death of Trayvon Martin Racial Profiling As I walk to the store to pick up snacks for the next half of the super bowl, I am trying to make it quick. I finally arrive at the store and quickly get my two favorite items, skittles and an ice tea. Thinking to myself that this is all I need, not knowing that it would be my last meal. On the walk back home, I have a feeling that I am being followed. I speed up. I turn around to find that a grown Hispanic man, mid–age, and heavily built is in fact, following me. In my head, I just want to make it home safely. Every move I make, he makes the same moves. Finally I turn around, quite nervous, to see if there was a problem. Next thing I know, we are on the ground fighting. Here I am, seventeen years old, up against a man ... Show more content on ... A person may not be a threat to society, but just because a citizen or officer of the law felt like they were does that make it okay to take matters in their own hands? Law enforcement has a job to protect, if their racial profiling judgment is in fact wrong, they can lose trust and creditability. Through there may have been cases were racial profiling has worked, due to luck; the cases in which they have been wrong have ended in devastating ways. Racial profiling continues to be a prevalent and egregious form of discrimination in the United States. Racial profiling is discrimination, and discrimination is wrong. Discrimination taints the entire criminal justice system. Racial profiling is nothing but public stereotyping. Therese extreme tactics make the justice system look bad in cases which their racial profiling was incorrect. It publicly puts all races in once category, bad or good. Discrimination has being going on for years and years in history. African Americans are one group of people who have worked so hard not to be discriminated against, and with racial profiling they are constantly being brought back down to the Jim Crow Era. When will it ever stop? Racial profiling does not work and it is used for the wrong reason. History shows that racial profiling have been going on for years, and in most cases they are false. In 2006, Sean Bell, a 23 year old man was ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Racial Profiling And The Law Enforcements Literature Review This paper outlines the studies, incidents, facts and statistics that have found evidence of racial profiling which causes distrust in the law enforcements (police, government etc0. Studies of racial profiling shows that blacks, Hispanics, Middle Eastern and other racial minorities are more likely to be stopped than those who are white. They are more likely to be stopped and searches, traffic stops, license and registration checks. In addition they are more likely to be ticketed or arrested after being stopped and search. Some scholars and studies believes that minorities being that are frequently stopped and searched has nothing to do with them being racially profiled. According to Roh and Robinson," studies raise the possibility that minorities may be more involved in criminality (Gaines, 2006), some drug crimes (Lichtenberg, 2006), and speeding offenses (Lange, Johnson, & Voas, 2005), thereby justifying higher stop and arrest rates bypolice of some groups." (Roh, S., & Robinson, M.) On the other hand, some authors believe that racial profiling is very much known in society and it is widespread, According to the author there have been a study by the New York State Attorney General which was conducted in 1999 of the New York City Police Department's "stop and frisk" practices of pedestrians found further evidence suggestive of racial profiling. The study found that although Blacks make up just 26% of the population, they accounted for 51% of all the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Racial Profiling by Police Is Ineffective and Reduces... September 11, 2001, was a very tragic day for many people living in the United States. Millions of people were affected by the terrorist attacks. Since then airport security has changed as well as police techniques. When police are at work they use many techniques to decrease their suspect pools. Racial profiling is the most common technique used. The dictionary definition for racial profiling is "the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offense." This is the most controversial technique that our government uses today. Minorities are the most affected, being mistaken for a criminal because a person "fits the profile", a common scenario in the United States. The issue with racial profiling is ... Show more content on ... Racial profiling in many cases has altered lives and destroyed families. Racial profiling is one reason why many African American and other minorities sit in prisons across the nation. Many of these people were guilty until proven innocent, instead of the other way around. For example Cornelius Dupree Jr. was a Texas man who was accused of rape. Court documents stated that a 26 year old woman and a male friend were robbed at gunpoint by two black men in the parking lot of a Dallas liquor store in November 1979. The two men ordered the couple to drive, they forced the man out of the car and took the women to a nearby park where they raped her and stole her fur coat. Cornelius Dupree and another man Anthony Massigill were arrested in December 1979, after the lady picked their photos out of a photo lineup. Both men had no clue who the other one was, they were unable to identify each other. Mr. Dupree was sentenced in 1979 for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced with 75 years in prison. He lost his job, his family, and eventually his house and his car. His case was overturned due to DNA testing in 2011 (Stanley et al., 2008). Although racial profiling has many defects, it is necessary to keep our communities safe. The airport is where racial profiling is used the most. Since other security measures have failed and terrorists managed to get around airport security, racial profiling along with ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Arguments Against Racial Profiling I strongly believe that racial profiling should not be used in law enforcement. Racial profiling is irrational and leads to discrimination by targeting individuals based on race, ethnicity, or religion. In the United States, everyone has the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty, but racial profiling allows the authorities to consider people guilty until proven innocent. Racial profiling is exceptionally unethical, unreasonable, and ineffective. Racial profiling is unethical because it is a violation of the 14th amendment. The 14th amendment states that " State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws..." ... Show more content on ... Ethnic minorities are not likely to commit more crimes than whites. If police officers spend too much time suspecting ethnic minorities, they are likely to miss potential suspects. According to the Public Health Service, approximately 70% of drug users are white, 15% are black, and 8% are Latino, but the Department of Justice reports that among those imprisoned on drug charges, 26% are white, 45% are black, and 21% are Latino. A 2002 study in Minnesota found that African–American, Hispanic, and Native American drivers were all stopped and searched more often than Whites, but smuggled goods were found more frequently in searches of White drivers' cars. Another study in Arizona shows that during 2006–2007, Native Americans, Hispanics, Middle Easterners, and Asians were more likely to be stopped and searched than Whites on the highways, but Whites who were searched were more likely to be transporting drugs, guns, or other illegal imports. Stereotypical assumptions should not be used as a tool to capture ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Criminal Profiling Research Paper Marian Reyes Junior Research Period 5 Mr.Ryder 6 April 2017 The Reliability of Criminal Profiling Since the late 1800s, the reliability of criminal profiling has been a very controversial topic in regards to whether it is is an art or a science. Many factors go into play when it comes down to determining the correct perpetrator of a crime such as observation and analysis of crime scenes, victims and most importantly looking into the criminal's mind. Psychology plays a great part in the apprehension of criminals, profilers aim at predicting a suspect's possible residence, family life and most importantly the characteristics of the person such as height, weight and any other clues that would prove helpful. Despite few similarities, criminal ... Show more content on ... "The Reality of Criminal Profiling"The Law Dictionary. The Law Dictionary, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017. Holmes, Ronald M., and Stephen T. Holmes. Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool. Los Angeles: Sage, 2009. Google, 1 Oct. 1989. Web. 2 Apr. 2017. Institute, Police Science. "Private Investigation Training, Police Science Institute."Police Science Institute. Police Science Institute, n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017. Kocsis, Richard N. and George B. Palermo. "Criminal Profiling as Expert Witness Evidence: The Implications of the Profiler Validity Research." International Journal of Law & Psychiatry, vol. 49, Nov2016 Part A, pp. 55–65. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.05.011. Kratz, Diane. "Do You Know Who Was the First Profiler in the FBI?" Profiles of Murder. Diane Kratz, 17 Apr. 2012. Web. 05 Apr. 2017. Lowe, Andrew (2002) "Criminal profiling in the investigative process," The National Legal Eagle. Bond University, Apr 2002.Web.7 Mar. 2017. Mburu, Lucy and Marco Helbich. "Evaluating the Accuracy and Effectiveness of Criminal Geographic Profiling Methods: The Case of Dandora, Kenya." Professional Geographer,
  • 22. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Racial Profiling, An Unjust Act And A Big Problem According to the 11 Facts about Racial Discrimination, "The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that an African American male born in 2001 has a 32% chance of going to jail in his lifetime, while a Latino male has a 17% chance, and a white male only has a 6% chance" (11 Facts about Racial Discrimination 1). Racial profiling, or discriminating against a whole group of people based on their race, is an unjust act and a big problem in our society today. Arresting people because of how they look like, or what they believe in is absurd. According to ACLU, "Racial Profiling refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual 's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin" (ACLU 1). Although law enforcement assumes they are doing their job, they need to remain objective and fair in all situations, because they are violating rights, lacking protection and risking lives. Law enforcement violates the rights of people by unfairly stereotyping minority groups. By stereotyping minorities, law enforcement officers are violating the rights of the citizens being falsely accused because of their race. Some law enforcement programs are highly known for violating an entire group of people's rights (FBI 1). According to the article by Driscoll and Newton, "racial profiling violates individuals' civil rights, alienates both individuals, and entire populations, and often backfires as an ineffective ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Good and Bad of Racial Profiling It has been said that racial profiling has been used more than once as a way to detain suspects that arouse suspcion according to NAACP. Racial profiling is the suspicion of people based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or other immutable charateristics rather than evidence based behavior. Eventhough statistics say otherwise racial profiling should not be used as a reasnoable right to detain an individual because it is unlawful, discrinmatory, and ineffective. Even though statistics say otherwise racial profiling is actually a good way to determine if a person is a suspect or not. Because of hard statistical evedence that shows young black and hispanic men commiting disproportionate numbers of crime. The crimes mostly ... Show more content on ... Many racial profiled victims walk away with minor traffic tickets, too often are unlucky and their outcome is death. Some law enforcers seem to have the stereotypical idea that all african americans are ignorant and poor. In relations to that if seen differently then that will arouse suspcion to the law enforcer because it is so called unheard to see a blcak man with a nice car. Theres even an actual story where that has happened "On Oct 12, 1995, Johnny Grammage , a 31 yr old african american male was shot and killed after being pulled over while driving the jaguar of his cousins". That is just despicable an officer is only allowed to use a weapon if his life was in danger or if he had weapon but in this case neither was true. Racial profiling does not only affect race but it also affects religion. In most recent research " In South Dakota there is a widespread reports of racial profiling led to hearings before the state legislature, where indians testified about being stopped and searched not only based on race but religion" the constitution does foucs on that too whereas where we a free right to practice and not be judged. A suspect should not be searched or even stopped because of their race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, and orgin. They should be detained because of a logical and ethical reason if not then their only making them another victim of racial profiling. Bringing back up this term again ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Reasons Why Martin Luther King Jr Went Wrong Why are people so worried about someone's skin color.People judge people on their skin because they might think they are a terrorist because of where they came from.Sometimes people judge people for their religion because they don't not belief in what someone else believes in.People still don't trust some people because of some terrorist attacks so they don't like to think they are the good people and they think they are bad guys. One example why people should get along and not be racist or judgemental is because it could lead to what happened to Martin Luther King jr he was shot one time and the face and killed at a hotel in memphis Tennessee.The reason why Martin Luther King jr was killed is because the person who killed him was a confirmed ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Racial Profiling Racial profiling is a serious issue in America. In Florida, 80% of those stopped and searched on highways are Black and Hispanic. Many people in America might be shocked that this issue still happens in today's society. However, people of color are still discriminated against. The ACLU conveys the message on racial profiling by using visual design elements, pathos, and ethos to engage readers on the issue. The visual design elements of the ad are eye–catching. The title is bold and stands out to the audience. The title is the hook that makes you want to read more. The title is bigger and longer because they want the audience to wonder why they're comparing the two. "The man on the right" and "the man on the left" is big and bold because the ACLU wants you to see the two people next to each other. The ad resembles a wanted poster. Posters like that aren't used anymore because of modern technology and the new ways people communicate. The poster shows how long this issue has been around. Racial profiling has been an issue for years and not so long ago children of all races were allowed to sit next to each other. The ad is showing that black and white people are still somewhat separated. The advertisement pictures are black and white showing that the issue is more than just a racial profiling issue but a race issue in general. The designs of the ad grab the audience and make them think about the issue of racial profiling in America. The ACLU ad builds pathos with the audience ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Profiling is a Necessary Means for Discovering and... Many studies have been made in the field of criminology, concluding that profiling is a necessary means for discovering and apprehending criminals. There are many different types of profiling and many people think of profiling differently; however, all types of profiling does work and is proven to help stop crime. This paper will explore the following: profiling and different forms of it, the closely related stop and frisk policy, different cities that have proven statistics that profiling does work, how airports are now profiling, and different serial killers that have been apprehended due to work from profilers. 9/11 led to a re–evaluation of racial profiling as a means of combating crime, and terrorism. Indeed, many people who have ... Show more content on ... They take what they know about an unknown suspect and his actions and try to generate additional information (Grabianowski). What exactly is profiling is what many people wonder and they don't always get the right definition. What they usually think first is that it is racial profiling and it is bad, we should not do it, but that's only one type of profiling and it is not necessarily bad in all cases. The Merriam–Webster dictionary defines it as, "the act of or process of learning information about someone based on what you already know." Under the narrow definition, racial profiling occurs when a police officer stops, questions, arrests, and/or searches someone solely on the basis of the person's race or ethnicity. Critics typically use this definition when condemning racial profiling, as do law enforcement agencies when denying the existence of racial profiling (Cleary). Most people think that the profiling is a bad thing because of controversial topics like NYC's stop and frisk policy and from what the liberal news puts out. But in most cases profiling is good for communities and helps to catch criminals before they can do harm. The main difference between what people think and what profiling is comes down to two words disparity and discrimination. Disparity and discrimination are closely related but there is one major difference between them that sets them far apart. Disparity is ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Racial Profiling And Native Americans Racial Profiling and Native Americans Keith A. Kuhn Criminology 410–005 9 October 2014 Introduction When you hear the words "police racial profiling" your mind may automatically jump to images of white cops stopping young black men in expensive cars, the Rodney King beatings, or even the Rev. Al Sharpton giving a deposition about racial tensions. This is because those images are the hot–button, go–to stories that media often bombards the six o'clock news with. As Americans, we have seen so much of these images that we tend to think that the racial divide is only "black and white." However, what if you were to be told that racial profiling is more than just white–on–black? There is a group of Americans who face more racial discrimination than African Americans: Native Americans. Native Americans are under represented as victims and over persecuted as offenders. This paper will attempt to define the issue of racial profiling and how it affects Native Americans, provide a review of the current research being done, and provide a brief interview that shows how this subject is viewed in real world scenarios. Definition Racial discrimination is defined by "as unequal treatment of persons, for a reason which has nothing to do with legal rights or ability." Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in many facets of society. However, racial profiling by law enforcement is commonly defined as a practice that targets people for suspicion of crime based ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Arguments Against Racial Profiling There are so many things that are going on in this world that people can't keep up with everything that is happening. One of the topics that many people talk about is racial profiling. Racial profiling is when a person feels that someone has been targeting someone about their race by talking down on them. In the article Ohio woman sues FBI, airline for racial profiling, Hebshi talks about how she had filed a law suit against the FBI and federal agencies because she was taken off her flight because of her ethnicity. She has also described that two other men that were a different ethnicity also had been taken off the flight for the same reason. As the FBI pulled her off the airline they were rude and handcuffed and pushed her down the stairs ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Argument Against Racial Profiling In today's society, there are a lot of crimes taking place. The biggest part of being a part of the police force is to protect and serve justice. Some believe that the police officers are doing their job while others protest against what some of the police force is doing. Racial profiling is the use of characteristics to determine whether a person maybe engaged in illegal activity. Some of the ways that blacks are stereotyped is, maybe around twenty–five years–old, unemployed construction worker with two children less successful in Los Angeles and other cities nationwide has been elimination of the gross stereo typing, or profiling, of young blacks as dangerous, drunk, drug–crazed or who can be controlled only with extreme force. There ... Show more content on ... In New York City, 80% of the stops made were blacks and Latinos, and 85% of those people were frisked, compared to a mere 8% of white people stopped. Host a poetry slam to educate others on racism and reduce prejudice in your community (Racial Discrimination). Many people believe that African Americans are harmful and need to be killed on stop but others believe that they have all the rights that everyone else has. Many people follow the amendments; well it states in the amendments that all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Chapters of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Overview of Criminal Profiling Essay Being a criminal profiler is not like it is on all the television shows, but it is still an interesting and important job. Criminal profilers have been used to close many police and federal cases. They work in several homicide cases involving rape, racial killings, brutal killings, and involving serial killers. They help make it easier for the police to find the right person by examining the crime scene. Being a criminal profiler is a tough job but with hard work and dedication it is a great career choice. A criminal profiler gives a description of what they think the suspect looks like and acts like. They do this by examining the scenes of where the victims were murdered and looking for clues on why the suspect did it, how they did it, ... Show more content on ... A criminal profiler can work for the state, federal, or local law. Many work for the FBI, CIA, and as private investigators. They can also work as an independent consultant or at colleges. Criminal profilers are also able to testify in the court room (CriminalJusticePrograms). Some personal qualifications to be a criminal profiler are they must be able to examine gruesome crime scenes and be able to deal with appalling killers; having a weak stomach would not be good for this job. They must also be well organized and ready for some tough work (Denis). An overemotional, easily spooked, or somebody who does not understand others emotions well would not be a good match with this career. Somebody with a logical mind and enjoys solving puzzles would fit much better in this career (Dwilson). Not all profilers fit in these characteristics but it will help one understand if they could be a potential good match. "I would only recommend people if they have the right temperament and personality: you cannot be timid or scared in this line of work (Wilson). Educationally there is not a certain degree one needs to take because this field is so small. There are several different options to choose from. Taking courses in topics of police investigation or death investigation is a good start. Having a master's degree or a Ph. D will improve the chances of finding somewhere to get a job. Most profilers have a degree in psychology or more ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Immigrants Essay Traditionally immigrants are face numerous challenges on a daily basis. Whether it be learning a new language, raising their children, work, housing, accessing services, transportation, cultural barriers, and many more. But, have we as society really thought who is to blame for this and why as we should care. How this affects them in the long run. Having all these different emotion inside them from the not knowing. There are about 1.5 million children and youth that are brought over undocumented. . In the book Lives in Limbo there is a saying which goes " ni de aqui ni de alla" meaning that they don't feel like they belong to either side. They know they don't belong here because everyone is telling them they don't belong but then they don't belong from where they came from because they grew up here and that's all they know. Many of these children are often faced with discrimination, racial profiling, bullying, forcibly taken away from their families and even deportation. These events can not only scar them but cause them severe issues while growing up. They can become depressed, have anxiety, PTSD, and become socially isolated. These children should not have to experience these types of situations. Many of these children lose their only support system . In some cases some of the youth became so hopeless that they their last resort was suicide. The first problem immigrants face is language. It's hard enough to be a(n) undocumented immigrant having the fear of being ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Police Misconduct On The Street Still Continue Throughout... Over the years, law enforcement has been involved in many of unethical events that caused the community to lose trust in them. There are many of reasons why it is difficult for the police to have interaction with the citizens of the community. One reason the community do not trust the police is because of racial profiling. Racial profiling has been going on for years and now the community is getting tired of it. An example of racial profiling is a group of black teenagers being pulled over because of the kind of car they are driving. Along with this act and many of other police corruption acts has caused the community to question themselves about law enforcement. Many of concerns about police misconduct on the street still continue throughout the community. Cities across the globe have experienced intense altercations stemming from deadly shootings of citizens and allegations of excessive use of force. Police are sworn in to "Protect and Serve" everyone in the community no matter what race they are. Less than a week after Katrina hit New Orleans on September 4, 2005, police executed 40 year old Ronald Madison and 17 year old James Brissette and injured four others. Five of the New Orleans covered up the corruption by lying saying that people was shooting when they arrived at the scene. When the officers arrived at the Danziger Bridge they just started shooting at unarmed victims. Officers covered up the killing by planting a gun at the scene, fabricated witnesses and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Differences Of Racial Profiling And Iron Triangles Imagine that you are going on a plane to some far exotic country. You get to the airport, but you notice people staring at you and give you disgusted looks and even looks of fear, almost like you're a monster. You are going through security you look to the left of you and you see a curtained box, suddenly you get nervous. You know what happens in those boxes what if they pull you out of the line and make you go in there. There is no one to help you, there is no one to help you stop them if they do. You are completely helpless. This is what it felt like going to the airport when I was 12. Racial profiling is meant to serve a good purpose but there are other more accurate ways of getting the same result without discriminating against an entire group of people. Iron triangles are meant to help the public effectively communicate and participate more in their government but the drawback of this method is that sometimes the iron triangle will begin to only care about its components and not the public it is meant to serve. In this essay, I will explain what happened to Shoshanna and how she was racially profiled on a plane. Then I will compare how racial profiling and iron triangles are alike. Lastly, I will explain how iron triangles have the power to change or institute policies and how that power can be used to end racial profiling. Shoshanna was a 36–year–old American citizen. On September 11, 2011, she and two men who were sitting beside her were forced out of the plane ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Necessity to Swap Ethnic Profiling for Behavioral... Humanity has always strived to become more "civilized". Whether it was the manipulation of fire, the domestication of animals, the invention of electricity or the exploration of space, the goal has always been to become more advanced than our predecessors. We think of "civilization" as the opposite of "brutality" and we associate the former with peace and the latter with violence. For this reason, we are unable to deem a race that has walked on the moon as a "violent" race. However, "civilization" doesn't abolish violence it simply removes the individual's right to be violent and bestows it into the hands of a separate entity (like the military). (Lancaster) Historically, civilization has demonstrated the greatest degree of violence ... Show more content on ... For this reason, ethnic profiling should carry less weight in the decision making of law enforcement agents and in the realm of criminal justice. In turn, the criminal justice system should promote the use behavioral profiling, a more effective alternative with a lesser rate of wrongful arrests. There is no scientific proof that links crime and race. In fact, most psychologists admit that ethnic profiling is not scientifically reliable. (Boylan) Nevertheless, no one has attempted to eradicate it until recently. This is because America's imprisonment rates were not rising at an alarming rate until a couple of decades ago. Now that hyper incarceration is a problem experts have begun searching for its root, and ethnic profiling has surfaced as a probable cause of hyper incarceration. When you analyses the inner–workings of racial profiling you find a direct correlation between the impact of ethnic profiling and the anxiety levels of the population. In other words, as people become more scared the likelihood that they will perform or tolerate racial profiling increases. Fear and violence go hand in hand, and the 50's and 60's left America trembling with fear. During this period we observed the height of the Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement. Apparently, the threat of communism and the empowerment of blacks turned out to be a poor combination ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Racial Profiling in Different Ways Racial Profiling has been used by law enforcement officials from early 60's during the civil rights movement. The term "racial profiling" which was introduced to criticize abusive police practices against people of different race, ethnicity or national origin. One must assess how to understand the practice, and how to keep it distinct from other issues. Racial profiling is defined as "any police–initiated action that relies on the race, ethnicity, or national origin, rather than the behavior of an individual or information that leads the police to a particular individual who has been identified as being, or having been, engaged in criminal activity." (Ramirez 5). This definition leads us to discussion on what racial profiling has been over the years and how it cannot be combined with other aspects of discrimination. Racial profiling has been solely based on, (1)The use of race, ethnicity, or national origin and not (2) the use of an individual's behavior or information that helps apprehend somebody who has been identified as being, or having been, engaged in criminal activity. (1) provides different investigative methods( race, ethnicity or national origin) while (2) tells us about investigative methods and the goals or outcomes of these investigative methods and uses specific information on suspicious activities like individual's behavior. Including this contrast in the definition raises two problems. Even though because of these classifications this article would be ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Racial Profiling And Its Impact On Society If love has no color, how about justice? Is justice defined by any color in the United States of America, a country that is well known for its diversity and prosperity? Sadly to say, the existence and the usage of the word "stereotype" has raised doubts about justice since it has existed and progressed as part of the American culture for a long time. Stereotype can be classified into many subcategories, one of which is racial profiling. This issue, where authorities target certain individuals based on their racial characteristics, has never ceased. According to many influential claimsmakers, racial profiling has stained the United States by negatively affecting society and disturbing the certainty of justice. It is unconstitutional and ... Show more content on ... There is the implication that the police 's unreasonable stops are illegal and unconstitutional. In compliance with the above claims, racial profiling is a public concern which requires authorities to intervene and make changes. On a legal level, many authorities and people agree that racial profiling is a common and inappropriate issue that needs to be prohibited. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, "racial profiling violates the constitutional requirement that all persons be accorded equal protection of the law" (Lawson, Henderson, and Chanin 2011). On top of that, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that racial profiling is illegal and unjust since it discriminates one group against others (Lawson et al. 2011). The issue receives legislative attention because it is among locals and police – the representatives of authorities that are supposed to protect and serve their people. In a 1999 Gallup Poll, the poll result indicated that 77 percent of African Americans and 56 percent of Caucasians believed that racial profiling was widespread and unacceptable (Lawson et al. 2011). Racial profiling seems to be ubiquitous and has found its way to stay as a problem in the U.S. society. In 2007, a third–year evaluation report sponsored by the City of Cincinnati has, once again, recorded and analyzed one of the most common forms of racial profiling – stops made by ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Pros And Cons Of Racial Profiling What is racial profiling? Racial Profiling refers to the 'discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin' (American Civil Liberties Union). There are certain races that face racial profiling from law enforcement officials driving or in other important locations. Black races face racial profiling especially when driving; law enforcement officials target black driver for minor traffic violations. Spanish race might be racial profile while walking or driving to search for illegal drugs or guns. Since the attacks of September 11 2001, the Arab race and South Asian race has faced many racial profiling from law enforcement and even regular people for any terrorist attack that is taking place or any immigrant violation. I do not know how the media does it but I think it is difficult to try to gather information to figure out what individual ... Show more content on ... For example in Ferguson, Missouri 67% of the population is black. There are high chances that a white police officer will stop more black people than any other race in Ferguson and the officer might be assumed to be a racial profiler. The city of Brentwood, Missouri is 87.5% white, there are also high chances that a black cop will stop more white drivers than any other race and that cop will be assumed to be racial profiler. Numbers do not do any favor to cops and this might influence cops not to stop cars because they do not want to be labeled as racial profilers. I have a white friend who is a Cambridge cop, he tells me that there were times that he conducted traffic stops only to be told by the operator that the reason he stopped the car was because the driver was 'driving while black'. He complained to me that it does really aggravate him because he was just doing his job and now he is labeled as ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Pros And Cons Of Racial Profiling Take a moment and think about what it would be like to be judged merely because of race or gender. In the twenty–first century many would be surprised how prevalent this attitude is. Niraj Warikoo (2013), brought the case of Shoshana Hebshi to the world's attention. This case is about one woman's struggle due to racial profiling. Racial profiling happens every day and is an issue that must not be taken lightly. This problem can present itself in many forms, it happens even though it is unconstitutional, and it is affected by iron triangles. Racial profiling can be shown by singling people of different races out and forcing them to undergo a strip search and keeping them in a jail cell for hours, such as what happened to Shoshana Hebshi when she was aboard a Frontier Airlines flight (Warikoo, 2013). She, among two other men, were taken to a cell and humiliated simply because she was not white. This happens more often than one may think. It can be as large as Hebshi's case, which quickly became international, or it can be as small as a snide comment thrown into someone's face, based purely on the color of their skin (Warikoo, 2013). Most cases of racial profiling are not discussed and people who live in other areas are unaware of them. While the Constitution states that "all men are created equal", it does not appear to have much truth in it. What would be more accurate might be "all white men are created equal", as America seems to have a habit of racially profiling people. ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Criminal Profiling Many crime shows have started to depict some form of criminal profiling. However, Criminal Minds is one of the shows that focuses on these premises the most. Some of the depictions mirror real life profiling, while others falsify our image of a real profilers work. This false depiction could have implications for the way society views profilers and their job. Some of the more accurate portrayals of criminal profiling where for example the use of some of the right terminology such as Unsub to describe the perpetrator of the crime. Further, the show depicts that some of the FBI profilers' knowledge comes from apprehended serial murderers and their behaviour, either won from looking at their crimes or through interviews conducted by the FBI. As real profilers due, the profilers on Criminal Minds look at a crime scene and the body of the victim to infer characteristics of the Unsub. In the case of this episode they found beheaded women placed in public areas. Since ... Show more content on ... Usually criminal profilers do not get involved in the police investigation but only provide a profile that is supposed to provide help as a small part in the overall investigative process. On the show, the profilers are not only responsible for the profile, but also for the interviewing of witnesses and family members of the victims, for talking to the press and for arresting the Unsub. Another inaccurate portrayal is the fact that the FBI profilers are in charge of the investigation. As depicted in the show, as soon as they arrive they take control over the local police force and are the head of the investigation. This is inaccurate since it is uncommon for the FBI profilers to take charge over the investigation. Usually they are just a resource for the local police and work to help them focus and narrow down their ... Get more on ...