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5^Bc - 5^Cc ; A.S. 20172018
Affrontando lo studio del poeta ed incisore inglese William Blake, le classi
5Bc e 5Cc, sotto la supervisione delle docenti di lingua inglese prof. Ssa
Casalboni, prof. Ssa Gasperini e la docente di sostegno prof. Ssa Donini,
hanno svolto un approfondimento particolare riguardo le opere dell'autore,
seguendo un percorso di innovazione didattica.
Dopo aver svolto una lezione incentrata sull'autore e la sua produzione
artistica, gli studenti hanno scelto un’incisione svolgendo ricerche individuali
su di essa e producendo un commento personale.
Il passo successivo ha riguardato la produzione estemporanea in classe di
una poesia ispirandosi all'immagine che ogni studente aveva
precedentemente scelto ed analizzato.
Tutti i componimenti sono stati poi raccolti e riordinati nella presentazione
finale in formato digitale.
La realizzazione del lavoro ha comportato l'affinamento di differenti
competenze trasversali.
William Blake is – without doubt- one of the most influential people in English literature.
Thus, having studied his works both in and out of class, we have followed in his footsteps.
Classes 5Bc and 5Cc, guided by their respective English teachers, prof. Casalboni and prof.
Gasperini aided by prof. Donini, delved deep into the works of said author following a new and
innovative course of study. A lesson was held concerning the author’s painting and etchings,
and afterwards each student chose a painting or etching to take inspiration from. Subsequently
each student produced a comment describing and analyzing the piece of art they chose and
moving on from it they wrote a poem about it. All the students’ works have thus been collected,
digitalized and organized in the order you will see hereafter. This project has been quite an
innovative one because it has added to the canonical teaching and studying a new and
innovative element; the students’ ego, that has here stepped forward and let his voice be heard.
This is, undoubtedly, a work that has stimulated the students on various cognitive levels: from a
simple extension of their portfolio of knowledge to a more profound push to not only express
themselves but also to be able to express their ideas in a way other than plain prose, thus
gaining a new level of writing consciousness.
No matter where I go
no matter what I do.
I know
there are angels who live among us
they keep on watching
letting us know there is
an hidden an higher meaning
to everything.
-Emma Balestra; 5^Cc-
Man and nature meet themselves
they become one thing now
untouchable .
A compass makes a perfect form
they suffer pain together
but who is man in front of this hugeness?
-Sofia Berretti; 5^Cc-
Title:”THE PITY”
In the darkness, a girl
who lies down, prostrated
under the hits of life
but there isn’t life in her.
There isn’t any power
so she can’t react.
There is nothing in her mind,
the only thing that she want is pity.
Oh, pity, is arriving with its horses and
you come in your limitless brightness.
I know: you are here for this brittle soul.
Your mercy helps her
not to feel the only one:
the only one to suffer,
the only one to die.
I know pity: you will comprise her,
you will caress the silky neck.
And, you will need her too
pick herself up, again.
-Ilenia Catalano; 5^Cc-
Oh ancient, ancient, ancient of days!
You, the beginning, statement of everything,
the origin of life, of joy, that every man says,
make every bird in the sky dance and sing.
You, so powerful, so strong that the whole world see you,
a black, cold world and without any kind of life
that you, with your touch, make hot and free,
so sweet, but also so sharp like a knife.
Shall I compare thee to the sound of waterfalls,
that astound the man who hear theme,
to the falling star so gleaming like balls,
you stronger and more fierce than a lion.
The world is totally devoted to thee,
thee, by which everything comes from,
and each man could not but agree, that in your hand we are like dead
-Fabio Cuni; 5^Cc-
On human mind, how amazing it is!
So national in its thoughts,
so creative in its imagination,
so deep in its emotions.
Evil and good,
reason and sensibility,
heartily and heavenly.
This is the mind, low and high:
so high that seems divine,
an overflow of celestial essence
which overpasses the animal instinct.
What would a man be without his mind?
Not a man,
but a human being lost
without his essence.
-Antonella De Palo; 5^Cc-
Inclined in his own blindness,
lies Newton, patron of science,
diffident about what in the world represent
true greatness,
fooled by his mere analytic experience
of the depths, of reality and the abyss
he refuses the colors of the things that pass
yet he wants to ignore the boons he missed
and even rejoices, focusing on a compass.
-Mattia De Sanctis; 5^Cc-
Love of life is fear of death,
and now while we are living
our death is coming.
But in our useless fears
we forget that life is
light, happiness, smile, liveliness but also
darkness, sadness, silence.
You have to see the beauty of life,
no one will give it back to you.
So catch the life, and make it yours.
It’s your life
it is something special that you have
only one time.
Don’t worry about the time that goes by quickly.
If you are happy in life
you will be happy in death.
Death is patient waiting, and it’s door
is still close.
So don’t worry about this
and live.
-Brikena Domi; 5^Cc-
Title:”THE PITY”
When my glance on “Pity” rests,
all that blue pervades my mind
piteous blue, for my sleepless mind you are a rest,
for my soul, an unattended refuge
piteous blue, you are the sky
the sea, the ocean
where all my storms finally pacify.
-Fosca Ferruzzi; 5^Cc-
A beast, that lived into the wild
in a rock cave he crawled
a king, that lost his mind,
for his insolence was punished.
A man, only for the eyes:
they were frightened and
conscious of human
-Giulia Forlesi; 5^Cc-
Black, fear, old, immobility:
so rocks talk to us.
Man, hand, white, consciousness:
this is the universe’s project.
Rocks and man
black and white
the opposites speak to each other.
-Chiara Giunchi; 5^Cc-
Title:’’THE PITY’’
At the end of all the days
improve your pity
don’t close out the angels
from the realm of the Trinity
as a ray of light
in a dark night
the face appears, it take my soul
riding the winged horse
and while my body lies on the gross
far away,
an artist represents the divine pass.
-Sofia Lasi; 5^Cc-
Your lost eyes
wondering why
I am the sinner
don’t lie- I am the Actor
you just stare
and you’re just hiding
I take the roots of innocence
I feed them with sin- I feed them with my dark self
‘til they become cloouds of leaves
of a Dead tree.
Hope’s up
but I turn her off
your words are left unsaid
none but me is falling- I can’t see anyone
your lost eyes
wondering why
you didn’t save me.
-Eleonora Rossi; 5^Cc’’
While the painting brightens my body
my mind slackens
and looks beyond
to something that is indefinite.
An angel’s body
is my guide,
I don’t know where it leads me
but I’m not be afraid of it,
in its light death
will never scare me again.
-Stefania Tornani; 5^Cc
In a dark and bright night
with stars there and upright
there’s a man who sleeps, dreams
his consciousness dawns in streams
of breeze.
Above his head descends a stair
it is full of angels, gentle and fair
from the heven a stair reaches the sleeper
and washes his sins as if he is the keeper
of the secret about this dark night,
full of light.
-Alice Tumedei; 5^Cc-
In a colored day
dominated by strong and contrasting colours
and by a clear light that dominates the streets,
two figures emerge: Dante and Beatrice.
The angels indicate the way of virtue,
of faith, of hope and charity.
But there is also a griphon;
symbol of evil.
What therefore illuminates the
path of the two lovers:
the angels or their love?
-Verena Valenti; 5^Cc
A man in a nest, the sin is next,
run and run through the black hill
the power of God is over here.
A man in a nest, the sin is next.
It can be said: «Do your best!»
Evil has not a breack, it doesn’t arrest.
A man in a nest, the sin is next.
Why do you have so much fear?
Think at the end, good is near.
-Matteo Ventrucci;5^Cc
Stick in the middle
with one little action to do.
Holding that lantern as if
your life depends on it,
but no matter how bright it is:
it will fall.
And looking at the door won’t help you,
those dark bricks are there for you.
You are meant to disappear.
Push it and walk,
leave all behind.
-Martina Ziulu; 5^Cc-
Welcome to the house of death
the last stand of human kind.
Since we have lost our paradise,
many arrived, nobody left.
Oh poor adam, how unfair is what you have done to our race
for now death has got to embrace the human lives and leave despair.
Standing up with no eyes blind she will hold a scroll that's blank.
Is she death or god himself? there's no difference in your mind.
Oh poor adam, how unfair no one told you about that fruit
no more pleasure to pursue just the ashes are going to stay.
And now, just look at what are we, bodies, dead, with hope no more
by the waves brought back ashore not able more to gaze the sea.
-Mirko Morganti, 5Bc
In stillness awaits
me the soundless abyss, yet
on my lips blossoms
the dappled flower of hope
-Jacopo Stringara, 5Bc-
Two horses, swift and gray
in blue deep azure ride,
above a woman layed
despearing in the wide
vast desert for his heir
who has been rode so far
from his sweet mother's fairs
until the edge of dark.
-Pietro Rossi, 5Bc-
Title:’’THE PITY’’
The splendor of who creates,
but is humble.
The splendor of life
against death:
red and black
pulsating heart and dark nothing
the splendor of love:
wedded union of two pluralities,
two bodies in a unique so
as the two needles of a compass.
-Elena Ravarotto, 5Bc-
Oh dear son
open your eyes
let that last tear
slip on your pure cheeks
just talk to me
for a last time
just a word
just a breath
rise your sight to the sky
what a red sun
the clouds are fighting
against each other
may your soul
become shining
may it fly
and reach our supreme
oh dear son
open your eyes
taste your last tear
may it be your best memory
-Emmanuele Ceraso 5Bc-
Luminous, transcendent.
One foot on land,
the other on the sea;
two fiery pillars
burning in flames.
A giant figure
looking at the sky
clothed with a cloud
Seven thunders are following
grey is all around.
An explosion of light
upon his head
with the colors
of a mystic sunset:
revelation, not imagination.
On the island of Patmos
a little figure,
a pen in his hand:
saint John sees for us.
-Alessia Riceci, 5Bc-
Crying World, everyone needs to be perfect, but nobody is.
Perfect Nature, mankind is envious of you and keeps going mad.
Somebody is shouting for help, but nobody can hear.
Inner fights, you against you; three words: «I can't».
Happy, sad, angry, evil,
it doesn’t matter how you feel;
whenever you break a rule
it seems like you wanted to kill.
Crying World, I’m a prisoner of myself, is there anyone to free me?
Perfect Nature, you’re embounded, tell me: «Is there anyone to do it?».
Maybe Hope will come alone and she will rescue such a bleeding world.
-Sara LaRovere,5Bc-
Two angels of light,
silently, flying
near the moon of the night.
Hi,angels! I’m the dead man
with no sight, no voice.
Can you hear me screaming?
Dirty blood on my hands
covered by a pure blanket
of faith, is that a smile
on my mouth?
My thoughts are destroying me
my fears, my tears hidden
by the darkness of my sins.
Give me life, a new rebirth
I forgot my bloody sins
I’m so high I can’t stand up.
This judgement is my fall
without an end, my dear Angels/
Will you be my hope or my killers?
Now I can read your empty eyes
Celebrate my decay!
Will you save me?
I need a leap of faith.
-Melissa Curri, 5Bc-
Weeping thunder
you made my dull heart sing
you from across the valley
from across the lake
from across the bridge
and even now
though time has passed
my heart still screams
and cringes
for you know nothing of me
not even my name, and sadly
I don’t think you ever will.
-Caterina Vaccari, 5Bc-
Full of misery
dark and dead
all equals
death is blind
don’t fall
we had eaten the forbidden fruit.
-Giulia Pieri, 5Bc-
All i want
I was the king, the holy king
I surrounded the world with my body
but nobody could see me,
nobody could hear me.
I am the king, the holy king,
and all i want is to be human.
-Serena Davoli, 5Bc-
Emptiness. Stillness.
A tortured soul
plagued by bone-deep solitude.
The curse of being the first
is that of knowing
the overwhelming agony of a life
spent drowning in deafening silence.
He was there when nothing else was
and from nothing he shaped the Earth.
His blood thickened into meat
and you
came to life.
And then came screams, and laughter,
and the fierce thumping of your heart;
he held you, like you were
the most beautiful being to ever exist
and you never realized how holy it was
to be father first than son,
to love so profoundly it hurt.
And at night he cried,
kneeled, and prayed to deaf ears,
is that of knowing
that there's no one who'll ever listen.
You didn't care and spat in his face,
bathed in darkness and mocked
his motherly worries.
You fell and burned,
filled your lungs with ashes,
you befriended despair
and wobbled through life,
scratching until you bled
just to taste the sour flavour of hopelessness.
You let him go, and
forgot all about yourself,
tore the world into shreds
and forsook your own spirit into the dirt,
because the curse of being the second
is that of never understating
how rare and precious it is
to even have something
to waste and leave behind.
-Martina Fantini, 5Bc-
I’m here on the edge again
I wish i could let myself go.
I know I’m only a step away
From falling deep down.
I’m here on the edge again
I can see my reflection in the ice.
Fear –I’m shuddering-
I look for myself
I’m here on the edge again
I can feel the dark around me.
Dread –I’m screaming-
I look for my light.
I’m here on the edge again
I can’t breathe anymore.
Terror – I fall down on my knees-
I look for my will.
I’m here near the house of death.
She is so sweetly full of sad memories.
She is me, my light and my will.
She will be my greatest friend.
-Letizia raggini, 5Bc
In the depth of the sea
there is a fish with no company
I looked down and around
but no one I have found.
Look to the moon, look how it shines,
do you see me at night?
Too busy now to see the sky
you’d see fire in his eye.
And now we have run out of time,
no more chance to cross the line.
-Sara Zaccherini, 5Bc-Title:’’NEWTON’’
A journey in hell, down
in a turbine.
Love is like a bullet, quick,
deadly, a second or less;
love is like a turbine,
caotic and confused, It kills you inside, from your stomach,
like a journey in hell,a bad dream,
miseries and pain,
it kills you inside, day by day,
night by night, the hand of
fate can't help you, alone again
in that turbine, lost in despair and hoping in
better days, better feelings,
top fast, too confused,
and you can't realize anytime,
'cause love is already finished, yet she's gone
and you're still in the turbine.
-Gabriele Dellamotta, 5Bc-
I remember when you were six and golden blonde
dancing in the playground
quiet and alone
-before time started growing teeth -
I remember when you were twelve and cherry blonde
singing in the churchyard
mystic and alone
-before time started building up -
I remember when you were twenty and dusty blonde
laying in the graveyard
mute and alone
-after time aborted you
he placed your nest inside my eyes -
-Emily Gasperini, 5Bc-
Agony and bad moments destroy the man,
you can fight it or fall everytime,
you can’t do anything in you are not calm.
During the ages, agony,
terror and fear tormented people,
the secret is being strong
and never being alone.
-Francesco Grilli, 5Bc-

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Words Inside Blake's images 5^cc 5^bc a.s. 2017 2018-rev

  • 2. Affrontando lo studio del poeta ed incisore inglese William Blake, le classi 5Bc e 5Cc, sotto la supervisione delle docenti di lingua inglese prof. Ssa Casalboni, prof. Ssa Gasperini e la docente di sostegno prof. Ssa Donini, hanno svolto un approfondimento particolare riguardo le opere dell'autore, seguendo un percorso di innovazione didattica. Dopo aver svolto una lezione incentrata sull'autore e la sua produzione artistica, gli studenti hanno scelto un’incisione svolgendo ricerche individuali su di essa e producendo un commento personale. Il passo successivo ha riguardato la produzione estemporanea in classe di una poesia ispirandosi all'immagine che ogni studente aveva precedentemente scelto ed analizzato. Tutti i componimenti sono stati poi raccolti e riordinati nella presentazione finale in formato digitale. La realizzazione del lavoro ha comportato l'affinamento di differenti competenze trasversali. William Blake is – without doubt- one of the most influential people in English literature. Thus, having studied his works both in and out of class, we have followed in his footsteps. Classes 5Bc and 5Cc, guided by their respective English teachers, prof. Casalboni and prof. Gasperini aided by prof. Donini, delved deep into the works of said author following a new and innovative course of study. A lesson was held concerning the author’s painting and etchings, and afterwards each student chose a painting or etching to take inspiration from. Subsequently each student produced a comment describing and analyzing the piece of art they chose and moving on from it they wrote a poem about it. All the students’ works have thus been collected, digitalized and organized in the order you will see hereafter. This project has been quite an innovative one because it has added to the canonical teaching and studying a new and innovative element; the students’ ego, that has here stepped forward and let his voice be heard. This is, undoubtedly, a work that has stimulated the students on various cognitive levels: from a simple extension of their portfolio of knowledge to a more profound push to not only express themselves but also to be able to express their ideas in a way other than plain prose, thus gaining a new level of writing consciousness.
  • 3. Title:”THE ANGELS HOVERING OVER THE BODY OF CHRIST” No matter where I go no matter what I do. I know there are angels who live among us they keep on watching letting us know there is an hidden an higher meaning to everything. -Emma Balestra; 5^Cc-
  • 4. Title:”NEWTON” Man and nature meet themselves they become one thing now untouchable . A compass makes a perfect form compass, compassion they suffer pain together but who is man in front of this hugeness? Nothing -Sofia Berretti; 5^Cc-
  • 5. Title:”THE PITY” In the darkness, a girl who lies down, prostrated under the hits of life but there isn’t life in her. There isn’t any power so she can’t react. There is nothing in her mind, the only thing that she want is pity. Oh, pity, is arriving with its horses and you come in your limitless brightness. I know: you are here for this brittle soul. Your mercy helps her not to feel the only one: the only one to suffer, the only one to die. I know pity: you will comprise her, you will caress the silky neck. And, you will need her too pick herself up, again. -Ilenia Catalano; 5^Cc-
  • 6. Title:”THE ANCIENT OF DAYS” Oh ancient, ancient, ancient of days! You, the beginning, statement of everything, the origin of life, of joy, that every man says, make every bird in the sky dance and sing. You, so powerful, so strong that the whole world see you, a black, cold world and without any kind of life that you, with your touch, make hot and free, so sweet, but also so sharp like a knife. Shall I compare thee to the sound of waterfalls, that astound the man who hear theme, to the falling star so gleaming like balls, you stronger and more fierce than a lion. The world is totally devoted to thee, thee, by which everything comes from, and each man could not but agree, that in your hand we are like dead leaves. -Fabio Cuni; 5^Cc-
  • 7. Title:”APHORISM ON MAN” On human mind, how amazing it is! So national in its thoughts, so creative in its imagination, so deep in its emotions. Evil and good, reason and sensibility, heartily and heavenly. This is the mind, low and high: so high that seems divine, an overflow of celestial essence which overpasses the animal instinct. What would a man be without his mind? Not a man, but a human being lost without his essence. -Antonella De Palo; 5^Cc-
  • 8. Title:’’NEWTON’’ Inclined in his own blindness, lies Newton, patron of science, diffident about what in the world represent true greatness, fooled by his mere analytic experience of the depths, of reality and the abyss he refuses the colors of the things that pass yet he wants to ignore the boons he missed and even rejoices, focusing on a compass. -Mattia De Sanctis; 5^Cc-
  • 9. Title:”THE DOOR OF DEATH” Love of life is fear of death, and now while we are living our death is coming. But in our useless fears we forget that life is light, happiness, smile, liveliness but also darkness, sadness, silence. You have to see the beauty of life, no one will give it back to you. So catch the life, and make it yours. It’s your life it is something special that you have only one time. Don’t worry about the time that goes by quickly. If you are happy in life you will be happy in death. Death is patient waiting, and it’s door is still close. So don’t worry about this and live. -Brikena Domi; 5^Cc-
  • 10. Title:”THE PITY” When my glance on “Pity” rests, all that blue pervades my mind piteous blue, for my sleepless mind you are a rest, for my soul, an unattended refuge piteous blue, you are the sky the sea, the ocean where all my storms finally pacify. -Fosca Ferruzzi; 5^Cc-
  • 11. Title:”NABUCODONOSOR” A beast, that lived into the wild in a rock cave he crawled a king, that lost his mind, for his insolence was punished. A man, only for the eyes: they were frightened and shocked conscious of human helplessness. -Giulia Forlesi; 5^Cc-
  • 12. Title:”NEWTON” Black, fear, old, immobility: so rocks talk to us. Man, hand, white, consciousness: this is the universe’s project. Rocks and man black and white the opposites speak to each other. -Chiara Giunchi; 5^Cc-
  • 13. Title:’’THE PITY’’ At the end of all the days improve your pity don’t close out the angels from the realm of the Trinity as a ray of light in a dark night the face appears, it take my soul riding the winged horse and while my body lies on the gross far away, an artist represents the divine pass. -Sofia Lasi; 5^Cc-
  • 14. Title:’’THE TEMPTATION AND FALL OF EVE’’ Your lost eyes wondering why I am the sinner don’t lie- I am the Actor you just stare and you’re just hiding I take the roots of innocence I feed them with sin- I feed them with my dark self ‘til they become cloouds of leaves of a Dead tree. Hope’s up but I turn her off your words are left unsaid none but me is falling- I can’t see anyone your lost eyes wondering why you didn’t save me. -Eleonora Rossi; 5^Cc’’
  • 15. While the painting brightens my body my mind slackens and looks beyond to something that is indefinite. An angel’s body is my guide, I don’t know where it leads me but I’m not be afraid of it, in its light death will never scare me again. -Stefania Tornani; 5^Cc Title:”THE ANGELS HOVERING OVER THE BODY OF CHRIST”
  • 16. Title:’’JACOB’S LADDER’’ In a dark and bright night with stars there and upright there’s a man who sleeps, dreams his consciousness dawns in streams of breeze. Above his head descends a stair it is full of angels, gentle and fair from the heven a stair reaches the sleeper and washes his sins as if he is the keeper of the secret about this dark night, full of light. -Alice Tumedei; 5^Cc-
  • 17. Title:’’DANTE AND BEATRICE’’ In a colored day dominated by strong and contrasting colours and by a clear light that dominates the streets, two figures emerge: Dante and Beatrice. The angels indicate the way of virtue, of faith, of hope and charity. But there is also a griphon; symbol of evil. What therefore illuminates the path of the two lovers: the angels or their love? -Verena Valenti; 5^Cc
  • 18. Title:’’THE HOUSE OF DEATH’’ A man in a nest, the sin is next, run and run through the black hill the power of God is over here. A man in a nest, the sin is next. It can be said: «Do your best!» Evil has not a breack, it doesn’t arrest. A man in a nest, the sin is next. Why do you have so much fear? Think at the end, good is near. -Matteo Ventrucci;5^Cc
  • 19. Title:’’JERUSALEM, FRONTISPIECE’’ Stick in the middle with one little action to do. Holding that lantern as if your life depends on it, but no matter how bright it is: it will fall. And looking at the door won’t help you, those dark bricks are there for you. You are meant to disappear. Push it and walk, leave all behind. -Martina Ziulu; 5^Cc-
  • 20. Welcome to the house of death the last stand of human kind. Since we have lost our paradise, many arrived, nobody left. Oh poor adam, how unfair is what you have done to our race for now death has got to embrace the human lives and leave despair. Standing up with no eyes blind she will hold a scroll that's blank. Is she death or god himself? there's no difference in your mind. Oh poor adam, how unfair no one told you about that fruit no more pleasure to pursue just the ashes are going to stay. And now, just look at what are we, bodies, dead, with hope no more by the waves brought back ashore not able more to gaze the sea. -Mirko Morganti, 5Bc Title:’’THE HOUSE OF DEATH’’
  • 21. Oblivion In stillness awaits me the soundless abyss, yet on my lips blossoms the dappled flower of hope -Jacopo Stringara, 5Bc- Title:’’ THE RED DRAGON AND THE WOMAN CLOTHED IN THE SUN’’
  • 22. Two horses, swift and gray in blue deep azure ride, above a woman layed despearing in the wide vast desert for his heir who has been rode so far from his sweet mother's fairs until the edge of dark. -Pietro Rossi, 5Bc- Title:’’THE PITY’’
  • 23. The splendor of who creates, but is humble. The splendor of life against death: red and black pulsating heart and dark nothing the splendor of love: wedded union of two pluralities, two bodies in a unique so as the two needles of a compass. -Elena Ravarotto, 5Bc- Title:”THE ANCIENT OF DAYS”
  • 24. Title:’’THE BODY OF ABEL FOUND BY ADAM AND EVE’’ Oh dear son open your eyes let that last tear slip on your pure cheeks just talk to me for a last time just a word just a breath rise your sight to the sky what a red sun the clouds are fighting against each other may your soul become shining may it fly and reach our supreme father oh dear son open your eyes taste your last tear may it be your best memory -Emmanuele Ceraso 5Bc-
  • 25. Title:’’THE ANGEL OF REVELATION’’ Luminous, transcendent. One foot on land, the other on the sea; two fiery pillars burning in flames. A giant figure looking at the sky clothed with a cloud Seven thunders are following grey is all around. An explosion of light upon his head with the colors of a mystic sunset: revelation, not imagination. On the island of Patmos a little figure, a pen in his hand: saint John sees for us. -Alessia Riceci, 5Bc-
  • 26. Title:’’URIZEN IN CHAINS’’ Crying World, everyone needs to be perfect, but nobody is. Perfect Nature, mankind is envious of you and keeps going mad. Somebody is shouting for help, but nobody can hear. Inner fights, you against you; three words: «I can't». Happy, sad, angry, evil, it doesn’t matter how you feel; whenever you break a rule it seems like you wanted to kill. Crying World, I’m a prisoner of myself, is there anyone to free me? Perfect Nature, you’re embounded, tell me: «Is there anyone to do it?». Maybe Hope will come alone and she will rescue such a bleeding world. -Sara LaRovere,5Bc-
  • 27. Two angels of light, silently, flying near the moon of the night. Hi,angels! I’m the dead man with no sight, no voice. Can you hear me screaming? Dirty blood on my hands covered by a pure blanket of faith, is that a smile on my mouth? My thoughts are destroying me my fears, my tears hidden by the darkness of my sins. Give me life, a new rebirth I forgot my bloody sins I’m so high I can’t stand up. This judgement is my fall without an end, my dear Angels/ Will you be my hope or my killers? Now I can read your empty eyes Celebrate my decay! Will you save me? I need a leap of faith. -Melissa Curri, 5Bc- Title:”THE ANGELS HOVERING OVER THE BODY OF CHRIST”
  • 28. Weeping thunder you made my dull heart sing you from across the valley from across the lake from across the bridge and even now though time has passed my heart still screams and cringes for you know nothing of me not even my name, and sadly I don’t think you ever will. -Caterina Vaccari, 5Bc- Title:’’THE REUNION OF THE SOUL AND THE BODY AT THE RESURRECTION’’
  • 29. Title:‘’THE HOUSE OF DEATH’’ Full of misery dark and dead all equals death is blind don’t fall we had eaten the forbidden fruit. -Giulia Pieri, 5Bc-
  • 30. All i want I was the king, the holy king I surrounded the world with my body but nobody could see me, nobody could hear me. I am the king, the holy king, and all i want is to be human. -Serena Davoli, 5Bc- Title:”THE ANCIENT OF DAYS”
  • 31. Title:’’PRAYING GOD’’ Emptiness. Stillness. A tortured soul plagued by bone-deep solitude. The curse of being the first is that of knowing the overwhelming agony of a life spent drowning in deafening silence. He was there when nothing else was and from nothing he shaped the Earth. His blood thickened into meat and you came to life. And then came screams, and laughter, and the fierce thumping of your heart; he held you, like you were the most beautiful being to ever exist and you never realized how holy it was to be father first than son, to love so profoundly it hurt. And at night he cried, kneeled, and prayed to deaf ears, is that of knowing that there's no one who'll ever listen. You didn't care and spat in his face, bathed in darkness and mocked his motherly worries. You fell and burned, filled your lungs with ashes, you befriended despair and wobbled through life, scratching until you bled just to taste the sour flavour of hopelessness. You let him go, and forgot all about yourself, tore the world into shreds and forsook your own spirit into the dirt, because the curse of being the second is that of never understating how rare and precious it is to even have something to waste and leave behind. -Martina Fantini, 5Bc-
  • 32. I’m here on the edge again I wish i could let myself go. I know I’m only a step away From falling deep down. I’m here on the edge again I can see my reflection in the ice. Fear –I’m shuddering- I look for myself I’m here on the edge again I can feel the dark around me. Dread –I’m screaming- I look for my light. I’m here on the edge again I can’t breathe anymore. Terror – I fall down on my knees- I look for my will. I’m here near the house of death. She is so sweetly full of sad memories. She is me, my light and my will. She will be my greatest friend. -Letizia raggini, 5Bc Title:‘’THE HOUSE OF DEATH’’
  • 33. In the depth of the sea there is a fish with no company I looked down and around but no one I have found. Look to the moon, look how it shines, do you see me at night? Too busy now to see the sky you’d see fire in his eye. And now we have run out of time, no more chance to cross the line. -Sara Zaccherini, 5Bc-Title:’’NEWTON’’
  • 34. Title:‘’THE LOVERS’ WHIRL’’ A journey in hell, down in a turbine. Love is like a bullet, quick, deadly, a second or less; love is like a turbine, caotic and confused, It kills you inside, from your stomach, like a journey in hell,a bad dream, miseries and pain, it kills you inside, day by day, night by night, the hand of fate can't help you, alone again in that turbine, lost in despair and hoping in better days, better feelings, top fast, too confused, and you can't realize anytime, 'cause love is already finished, yet she's gone and you're still in the turbine. -Gabriele Dellamotta, 5Bc-
  • 35. I remember when you were six and golden blonde dancing in the playground quiet and alone -before time started growing teeth - I remember when you were twelve and cherry blonde singing in the churchyard mystic and alone -before time started building up - I remember when you were twenty and dusty blonde laying in the graveyard mute and alone -after time aborted you he placed your nest inside my eyes - -Emily Gasperini, 5Bc- Title:’’VISIONARY HEAD’’
  • 36. Agony and bad moments destroy the man, you can fight it or fall everytime, you can’t do anything in you are not calm. During the ages, agony, terror and fear tormented people, the secret is being strong and never being alone. -Francesco Grilli, 5Bc- Title:”NABUCODONOSOR”