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What Is Over Grooming Behaviour
Cats generally have a very complicated and specific way of expressing behaviours. Behaviour is
going to be different for every cat as they each have their own personalities and this can make it
difficult to interpret the meaning for an individual with an unfamiliar cat.
Grooming is a normal behaviour in cats, as they do this to keep themselves clean. If they didn't
groom it could be a sign of pain and discomfort, this happens most often with older cats who are
limited in their movement. Over grooming is an abnormal behaviour which can be linked to illness
and stress. Illnesses involved with over grooming can include thyroid issues, skin diseases and fleas.
If a cat is over grooming it is best to seek veterinary advice to make sure it isn't ... Show more
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The domesticated cat is usually given processed food and biscuits, but sometimes raw meat, so they
don't have any purpose of hunting. However, they do still possess the hunting instinct and will
sometimes catch animals such as mice and small birds, but instead of eating their catch, they usually
play with it, sometimes whilst it is still alive. The Scottish wildcat has to hunt for its survival and
will kill the prey instantly after it is caught. The domesticated cat is more of a social animal as they
often spend time with humans and animals, including other cats, however the Scottish wildcat is
solitary and very wary around humans. They are also very elusive and rare to see (as they are a
nearly extinct species) unlike house cats, which are very common. The domestic cat usually needs
socialising when they are young so they will become used to interacting with humans and this will
influence this social behaviour. The wildcats won't have this socialising as they are solitary animals
(they only meet with another wildcat once a year to mate) and this will be a cause of the aggressive
and wary behaviour around humans.
Aggressive behaviour is similar in both cats. They will raise their hackles, arch their backs and
flatten their ears and then hiss or grow, which is demonstrated in the two pictures. Both cats do this
when they will feel threatened, but house cats will usually always fight and attack, however these
fights are rarely serious. The wildcat will only attack if the competitor doesn't back down or they
feel they must and if they do attack, then they will most likely fight to the death which can cause
severe injury if they make it out
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Exotic Animal Abuse
In the past, approximately five exotic species a year had gone extinct. Now, the Earth is losing
dozens of exotic species every day. That's 1,000 to 10,000 times the previous rate. Sometimes any
unique or wild–looking pet is called an exotic pet. "Exotic" generally refers to a species which is not
native or indigenous to the owner's locale, and "pet" is a companion animal living with people.
Keeping animals in their natural habitat is important because it keeps the ecosystem in balance. If
we lose one, not only would we lose a species, we would also lose a part of the food chain and a part
of the animal community. Many are abused while being captured, in transit, and at their final
destination, they never lose their animal instincts and lash ... Show more content on
You may not know that your pet has a disease like ringworms or even rabies if you don't know how
to diagnose it. Animals catch diseases just like humans do and can transfer them as well. "...Animal
diseases that people can catch are called zoonoses. Many diseases affecting humans can be traced to
animals or animal products. You can get a disease directly from an animal, or indirectly, through the
environment..." (Animal Diseases and Your Health, MedlinePlus) Exotic animals can catch diseases
from the natural habitat they were taken from or the new environment they are introduced to. These
diseases can be fatal to humans. In fact, 70% of diseases come from non–human species. "...The
monkeypox outbreak that affected dozens of people in the Midwest in 2003 was traced to a
Gambian rat from Africa. The animal had been housed with prairie dogs in an Illinois animal
dealer's shed. Prairie dogs also have been known to carry the plague and tularemia. The herpes B
virus, which is nearly 70 percent fatal to humans, can be transferred from macaques to humans.
Human contact with reptiles and other exotic animals accounts for 70,000 cases of salmonellosis
each year. Parrots can transfer psittacosis, which can be deadly to humans..." The diseases that
animals carry can affect humans even if it's an animal disease. They should stay in the wild so we
don't catch any of these foreign diseases. "...Diseases that can be transmitted
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Bacterial Infections of Humans Caused by Bites of Animals...
Bacterial Infections of Humans Caused by Bites of Animals (NOT insects)
Animal bites on humans may cause open wounds or even crushing injuries. Like us, all animals
carry certain bacteria or viruses that can cause illness if passed on to humans via the open wounds.
The pathogen entry pathway for these zoonotic infections include bites or scratches, and direct
contact saliva or waste. These diseases bring about a considerable amount of inconvenience to
humans and therefore, the greatest concerns are of young children and immunocompromised
patients. Children are especially susceptible to getting bitten and an adult supervision is always
recommended because their immune systems are still weak and an infection that might mildly ...
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Symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, fever, headaches and fatigue, and usually resolves without
treatment. This is a mild disease that rarely leads to long term complications.
This is a critical illness contracted through the infected saliva of an animal. This disease has a long
onset time and therefore, a vaccine following a bite of a rabid animal is available. The early
symptoms for rabies include fever and tingling at the site of infection. In the rare fatal cases, the
virus can cause acute inflammation of the brain. These domestic pets are common carriers of the
virus. However, widespread immunization has been successful in decreasing the chances of
transmission of rabies from animals to humans.
Also known as tinea, is a fungal infection of the skin caused by fungus found in soils and on the skin
of pets. Children can get ringworms by touching infected dogs and cats. Ringworm of the skin is
usually a non–fatal, scaly round area with a raised red bumpy border and a clear center. Ringworm
infections are treated with antifungal or oral medications.
The parasitic roundworm Toxocara, resides in the intestines of dogs and cats. As such, the eggs of
the worms are passed through the stools of the animals, contaminating the soil where kids play.
When a child accidentally takes in the contaminated soil, the eggs hatch in the intestine and spread
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Bobcat Population Research Paper
Hunting and Trapping Bobcats in New Hampshire
In 2010 the University of New Hampshire did a study and estimated about 1400 bobcats in the state
of New Hampshire. Since 2007 the population has been growing by approximately ten percent each
year (NH Fish and Game). As they breed the population will continue to increase and this could
cause problems. This could increase diseases and property damage. In order to control New
Hampshire's bobcat population fifty hunting and trapping permits should be issued. Bobcat hunting
and trapping was first restricted in 1989 when the bobcat population went down. The decline was
blamed on overharvesting, but it was actually because of the weather patterns. The 1970s was a
snowy decade ... Show more content on ...
They can find out the age of the animal, take tissue samples to find out if they have diseases and
they can find out how big they are to make predictions about winter. Hunters are asked where they
hunt, so the Fish and Game can see what the hunters are seeing. They can find out if the hunters are
violating the
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Felis Cat Research Paper
The scientific name for a cat is Felis Catus.
Most house cats – although they're much safer inside from disease and danger tend to be overweight
and underactive. Cats like people and dogs benefit from being both fit and active. Exercise is a need
for your cat's mental and physical health because it relieves stress and boredom, improves
circulation, builds muscle, and can prevent or reduce behavioral problems. Cats like movement so
the toy must be one that can move rapidly and in unpredictable ways just like a mouse or bird. Cats
like to scratch and stretch and need to exercise their paws to keep their claws in good shape. Many
cats like squeaky toys but some cats are startled by it so introduce them carefully. You can increase
the interest ... Show more content on ...
The reason for this is because the cats eyes have tapetum lucidum, which reflects any light that
passes through the retina.
Cats also have awesome hearing. They can hear high–pitched sounds better than dogs or humans.
They can detect frequencies from 55 Hz to 79,000 Hz. A range of 10.5 octaves, while humans and
dogs have ranges of about 9 octaves. Cats can hear ultrasound which is important while hunting
because many rodents make ultrasonic calls.
Cats have a very good sense of smell due to their well developed olfactory bulb. Cats are sensitive
to pheromones such as 3–mercapto–3–methylbutan–1–ol, which they use to communicate through
urine spraying and marking with scent glands. Many cats also respond strongly to catnip. About
70%–80% are affected.
Cats have fewer taste buds compared to humans. Cats have 470 while humans have 9,000 on the
human tongue.
The average cat lifespan is 15 years old. Although the oldest living cat was Creme Puff, which lives
38 years.
Cats can fit into any opening the size of their head because they don't have a collar bone.
You should play with your cat everyday. Provide toys that allow them to chase and run after the
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Outline Of The Workup Of Cervical Lymphadenopathy
Discuss the workup of cervical lymphadenopathy. How would your recommendations differ for
adult, pediatric, and geriatric patients? Cervical lymphadenopathy is the enlargement or swelling of
the cervical lymph nodes. Cervical lymph nodes are the lymph nodes located at the anterior and
posterior aspect of the neck and under the jaw. A thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the neck is
essential to formulate a differential diagnosis. Cervical lymphadenopathy is not uncommon,
especially in children and therefore differential diagnoses are broad (Lang, & Kansy, 2014). The
causes of cervical lymphadenopathy can be infections, autoimmune disorders, or malignancy. What
test would you do first and why? First and foremost, thing to do when a patient comes with cervical
lymphadenopathy is to get a detailed history. The history should include questions such as the onset
of lump; pain on lump; if the lump is unilateral or bilateral and other lumps present anywhere else in
the body; any associated symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, hemoptysis,
night sweats, weight loss, or poor appetite; and any recent foreign travel, upper respiratory infection
or TB exposure. It may be necessary to obtain a detailed sexual, smoking and drug abuse history.
Next step is the physical examination by palpating the nodes to assess the size, shape, matting and
consistency (Mohseni et al., 2014). In addition, check for tenderness, mobility, erythema and
warmth. It is important to
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Code Of Welfare For Cats Essay
For cats to be kept healthy physically and mentally, standards should be set to meet the Five
Freedoms and specific guidelines kept in the Code of Welfare for Cats and the Animal Welfare Act
1999. These include proper and sufficient food and water, adequate shelter, the opportunity to
display normal behaviours, handling that minimises the risk of pain or distress, and protection from,
and rapid diagnosis of, significant injury and disease.
The cats in the video do not appear to have a clean and appropriate supply of food and water, as
their surroundings are unhygienic and a water source is not easily seen. There should be fresh water
should be constantly available to the cats at all times, the water bowl should be cleaned daily. Food
requirements can vary between ... Show more content on ...
The cats will need to be handled to improve the current situation, so the cats will need to be handled
securely and gently, with as little stress as possible. The cats should be transported in a secure, quiet
manner to keep them calm, this should be done with an appropriate cat carrier. The cats are likely to
be anxious about human interaction, so steps should be taken to keep them as calm as possible
before attempting to handle them in order to minimise the risk of distress and injury to both the cat
and the human.
The cats do not appear to be kept groomed or to be taken to annual vet checks. The cats should be
observed closely to ensure that they are not sick or injured. The cats should be kept groomed, with
long haired cats needing their coats taken care of particularly, along with their nails and teeth are
taken care of. The cats need to be vaccinated, treated for parasites and neutered to ensure that the
population of cats is kept healthy and that breeding does not occur while there is already a large
number of cats needing care. Annual vet checks are important in keeping on top of the cat's
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Persuasive Essay On Animal Shelters
Without animals shelters, what would our world be like? To me, a normal day would go something
like this, "It is a sunny day in August. I am out taking a walk, since it is such a nice afternoon. The
streets are crowded; not with people, but animals. Dozens of cats and dogs flood the pavement, each
running in a different direction. They seem to be ricocheting off of one another. I try to keep my
balance as I maneuver over the energetic pooches, but a huge, smelly dog, covered in mud barrelled
by me, pushing me over as he was chasing a cat. As I fell to the blacktop, I cut my palms and knees.
To make matters worse, as I was dusting pebbles off of my knee, a horribly foul smell reached my
nostrils. " Oh crap." Literally." The United States needs animals shelters to prevent overcrowding, to
prevent the transmission of animal diseases to humans, and to give abandoned animals a chance to
become adored pets. To begin with, the United States needs animals shelters to prevent
overcrowding. Over crowding can possibly come from neglectful pet ownership. Pets, regardless of
size, are a huge responsibility. For example, my older sister, Valeri, bought my niece a kitten for her
fifth birthday. Aubrey's eyes opened as wide as the sun; clearly she was ecstatic. Immediately, she
fell in love with the gray ball of fluff and called him Pete. At first, Pete was the perfect pet. He slept
most of the day, and when he was awake, he tossed around his tiny toys contently. As he grew, his
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How To Be A Veterinarian Essay
Veterinarians have to work with injured and sick animals. If one wants to become a veterinarian, one
must have lots of patience and experience.
To start out, you must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree and, though not always
necessary, a bachelor's degree. Many seekers must spend years studying subjects such as science,
biology, anatomy, chemistry, zoology, etc. Fewer than half of those who apply may be accepted into
class, due to very competitive admission. Veterinary medicine programs can take up to 4 years to
complete.These programs include; classroom, laboratory, and clinical work. Once they graduate,
they can become a veterinarian of their choice. A graduate can become some of the following
veterinarians: companion animal veterinarian, equine veterinarian, wildlife veterinarians, food
animal veterinarian, food safety and inspection veterinarian, or a research veterinarian. All but one
of these have to do with treating hurt of infected animals, though research veterinarians do their
work for humans. A Companion animal veterinary must work with animals that are domesticated
and can be kept in a regular home, such as dogs and cats.
Research vets do legal experiments on animals. These experiments are usually performed for
research on important issues to humans, such as a vaccines ... Show more content on ...
They may prescribe some medication for the animal. Sometimes, a vet might need to keep the
animal for a period of time if there's something wrong with it. In more serious cases, they may need
to operate or start surgery on the animal. A vet also can tell the patients owner what to do if the
animal has medication, a cast, or other problems. A vet also must know which is the right medicine
for the animal, because one species may need a different type of medicine for a disease than another
one. An average vet works for about 50 hours a week. This is because the rising demand of animals
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Alcoholism In The Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe
Poe and the narrator are similar in that they were both alcoholics. The narrator mentions how his
disease [alcohol] grew on him and how he would often return home intoxicated (224). Poe was
known to be a heavy drinker and people have even speculated that he died because of alcohol
poisoning. In addition, the narrator and Poe show signs of aggressive and irritable behavior. In the
story, the narrator states how he "grew... more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feeling
of others" (224). Poe was mentioned to be increasingly unstable, especially after the death of his
wife, and with the alcohol use, Poe became erratic. Evidence that the events in the story was caused
by natural actions is when while he was intoxicated he grabs the ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, it is the idea that people are able to watch the degradation of their mind and even
comment on it without the degradation beings
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Cat Scratch Fever Essay
Cat scratch fever– also called cat scratch disease, or CSD– is a bacterial infection. "Cat scratch
disease is an infection that is characterized by an indolent, occasionally suppurative regional
lymphadenitis frequently occurring following a scratch or close contact with a cat. The cutaneous
lesion resulting at the site of inoculation may look like an insect bite." (Springer US:n.p.,1985.
Http://–1–4613–2415–7_96. Springer US. Web.) Cat
scratch disease is a disease that infects cats with a bacterium known as Bartonella henselae.
Bartonella henselae is also formerly known as Rochalimea. This bacteria is a "proteobacterium, it is
also the bacteria that is causative for cat scratch disease". (Stoppler, Melissa. "Cat Scratch Fever
Symptoms and Treatment on") ... Show more content on ...
About 40% of cats carry the bacteria sometime in their lives. It usually effects kittens but does not
limit to elder cats as well. The kitten or cat can get this bacterium from infected fleas. The owner of
the animal may not even know that their pet is infected because the cats can also be carriers and
some may not even show symptoms.
If a human is bitten or scratched or even touches a cat that is infected, and rubs their eyes, then the
human may be infected. Some symptoms of cat scratch disease in a human are bumps or blisters
where the human was bitten or scratched. "Fatigue, headaches, and a low–grade fever are also
symptoms of the disease." (Springer US:n.p.,1985.
Http://–1–4613–2415–7_96. Springer US. Web.)
Bartonella henselae attacks the immune system of a human when infected, especially if the have a
very weak immune system. If infected then the doctor would perform a physical examination on the
patient to check if the spleen is enlarged, and to have a blood test to check if it is anywhere else in
the body. Usually, Antibiotics work perfectly fine if
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Austio Catarosis Persuasive Speech
Have you ever gotten the sudden urge to meow, scratch your furniture, or use the litter box? If you
have even gotten the slightest temptation to do any of these, then it's too late. These are all the first
symptoms of Austio Catarosis. This is a fatal disease that is on a rampage, spreading across the
globe. However if you have not gotten any of these symptoms, then there is still hope. Not only do I
have hope, but I also have a plan. I have a strategy that will save us all, so I ask that you trust me
and do exactly as I instruct. I tuned on the television this morning and my heart sank as I perceived
the atrocious news. The news program stated that there was an old, rich woman who lived on an
island in the Caribbean. She had eighty–five cats living with her. She noticed that one of her kittens
were starting to act weird, so she loaded all eighty–five cats on her boat and headed to America. Her
reasoning: she heard that the world's finest veterinarian was stationed in Atlanta, Georgia, and she
would stop at nothing to get the best care for her babies. By the time she made it to America, all of
her cats were sick and she wasn't feeling too well herself. Even the world's best veterinarian couldn't
figure out what was wrong ... Show more content on ...
This illness cannot survive the cold, so the only logical reasoning is to move to a year–round cold
environment. I propose that we move to the North Pole since it is closer than other cold climates.
We could make our shelter from the evergreen tree branches, or I have instructions on how to make
an igloo. Another reason that we should move to the North Pole is because it is a remote area and
away from basically all civilization. Not a single cat or cat/human hybrid can find its way to our
shelter, or survive long enough to find our shelter for that matter. Not only would they freeze to
death, but they would also starve, which brings me to our next challenge that we would face while
living in the North
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Human And Animal Health : A Critical Branch Of Public...
Veterinary public health is a critical branch of public health and a key component of a healthy
society. Zoonotic diseases are brought about by pathogens that can infect both animals and humans.
Without proper disease control interventions, zoonotic pathogens can cause catastrophic effects on
humans, animals, and the ecosystem as a whole. Zoonotic diseases account for nearly 75% of
emerging infectious diseases, so it is quite obvious that human and animal health are inextricably
linked (Economics and One Health). The "One Health" approach calls for interdisciplinary
collaboration in all aspects of health care for humans, animals and the environment (cantas). It is
common practice in the American culture for small animals to be regarded as ... Show more content
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Healthy People 2020 intends to identify health improvement priorities, provide measurable
objectives, increase awareness, promote best practices, and measure the impact of prevention
activities. 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families has similar goals, however is focused more on the
intertwined relationship of animal and human health. The goals of 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy
Families are to create animal health goals based on the latest research, track trends in animal health,
and create programs that improve both animal and human health. 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy
Families has seven focus areas:
1. Zoonotic disease prevention
2. Bite prevention
3. Disaster preparedness
4. Spay–neuter requirement
5. Pet obesity
6. Second hand smoke
7. Vaccine preventable diseases
This case study attempts to analyze the effectiveness of the 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families
campaign using the Health Belief Model.
Overview of the Initiative 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families was launched in 2010 by the
Veterinary Public Health sector within the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. The
idea for the campaign came from the Acting Director of the Veterinary Public health program, Dr.
Karen Ehnert. Dr. Ehnert is responsible for strategizing ways to improve the program, and after
noticing gaps in promotion of prevention and community education she decided to design an
initiative. 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families combines the One Health movement with the
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Cat Scratch Fever Research Paper
Cat scratch fever, also known as cat scratch disease (CSD), is given to human by cats. It can be
contracted from a bite or scratch from a cat, it comes from a bacterium known as Bartonella
Henselae which is a gram–negative rod. About 40% of cats carry the disease but most of them are
around the age of 1 year old or younger. Kittens at this age are learning how to use their teeth and
claws as ways to protect themselves or catch their prey. People who have kittens are more likely to
get it since the kittens tend to scratch and bite as a way of playing. Cats get the bacteria from either a
bite from a tick or from the feces of fleas on their skin. When a cat scratches or bites at a flea, the
bacteria will either get stuck underneath their claws or in their teeth, causing the cat to be infected
with the bacteria. Cats can also get it from fighting or playing with a cat that is already infected with
the disease. Bartonella Henselae started showing up around 1992 along with a bacterium called
Rochalimaea henslae. In 1981, Dr. Wear made the discovery of Cat Scratch Fever when he checked
the lymph node of an 11–year–old girl. Out of 100,000 people per year, the ... Show more content on ...
This disease causes the lymph nodes to swell, low grade fever, and fatigue. Before the disease was
thoroughly studied, this disease was easily mistaken for tuberculosis. As stated before, Bartonella
Henselae is the main bacteria or etiologic agent that is the cause of Cat Scratch Fever. Bartonella
Henselae hides in the blood vessels of the host and it will change its proteins. What is amazing about
this specific bacterium is that it can change its strategy, depending on which host it is invading.
Bartonella Henselae is not the only bacterium that can cause this disease. There are a few rare cases
where B. Clarridgeiae, A. Felis and a few other unidentified organisms that were the etiologic agents
of this
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What Is Zoonotic Infectious Disease?
Zoonotic infectious diseases has significantly increased concerns to humans since the beginning of
the domestication of animals. Commonly threating both animals and human's health and welfare.
Mainly these diseases are due to a wide range of pathogens including fungi, bacteria, parasites, and
many more. Many diseases which plague the human species can be life threatening. Be more alert
about a single scratch from a friendly paw.
Researchers discovered how cats can quickly spread an infectious fatal disease such as Bartonella
henselae bacteria. Also, known as cat scratch disease or CDC. Most infections cases commonly
occur after scratches from fetal or domestic cats, especially kittens. CSD arise wherever fleas are
found on cats. The most common symptoms include enlarged, tender lymph nodes which could
develop 1–3 weeks after exposure; ... Show more content on ...
Kittens are more likely to have bacteria in the blood of cat scratch and are known to scratch more
aggressively. Individuals who have been bitten or scratched by a kitten are at higher risked of
getting infected again, and those who have a kitten with fleas are at higher risk of an infection than
people whose animals were free of fleas.
Patients diagnosed with CSD do not always required antibiotics. They are usually requested a
follow–up by their doctors in about three to six months; however, if symptoms do not get better or
worsen, their doctor should be contacted immediately. Patients who are have an impaired immune
system need weekly follow–up even when responding well with antibiotics. Rare cases some
patients could be in need of hospitalization for treatment of complications.
Cat scratch disease could be treated and prevented. Always stay alerted and do your best to keep
your cats nails trimmed. Zoonotic diseases can be prevented with simple caring of animals. Treat
and care for your animals as if they were your own
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Cat Scratch Disease Essay
Treatments for cat scratch disease By Jonas Wilson, Ing. Med. Transmitted by the bite or scratch of
a cat and occasionally by fleas or ticks, cat scratch disease (CSD) is a common bacterial infection. It
is caused by Bartonella henselae and has a high prevalence in humid and warm climates. Children
and adolescents are more likely than adults to have a higher risk of exposure. People who become
infected present within 1 – 2 weeks with mild infection at the site of inoculation, which is followed
by proximal lymphadenopathy and possible systemic symptoms such as fever, anorexia and malaise.
Diagnosis is made on the grounds of clinical history and symptoms in addition to serology (best
initial test) and is supported by other investigations, such as hematology and lymph node biopsy, if
necessary. CSD is usually a self–limiting disease and as such generally only requires symptomatic
and conservative treatment in patients with a mild or moderate presentation. Analgesics and
antipyretics may be administered as necessary and applying localized heat to the affected lymph
nodes may also be done. Patients with more severe presentations of CSD and ... Show more content
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Those who are immunocompetent with any signs of systemic disease may be followed up in an
outpatient clinic with a scheduled appointment several weeks later to ensure that resolution of CSD
lymphadenopathy has been achieved. However, a patient should seek medical attention if
neurological complications occur or if the lymphadenitis progressively enlarges. The latter could be
a sign of something more sinister, such as a neoplasm. In preventing CSD parents should instruct
children to always exercise caution to avoid scratches and bites. Proper pet hygiene is also
recommended to prevent flea and tick infestations. Treating cats with antibiotics may also be done,
but has not shown to reduce the risk of transmission to
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CAT: Tracial Infection Disease (CSD)
CAT–SCRATCH DISEASE Overview Cat scratch fever is also called cat scratch disease (CSD), it
is a bacterial infection. The infection takes its name because most of the people get from cats
infected with Bartonella Hensel ae, which is one of the most common bacteria in the world that
mostly spread by the cat. Causes CSD is a bacterial infection spread which occurs by the bite and
scratch by the cat but sometimes Dog and monkey bites also have been implicated, as well as thorns,
pins, and splinters. Nerves, bites and human–to–human transmission also have been supposed as
possible sources but none has been clearly proved. Symptoms The most common symptoms you can
see after 3–10 days of the site of the scratch that are following: Most common
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How To Be A Veterinarian Essay
"Veterinarians salary– 84,460 , The medium annual wage for veterinarians was 84,460 in may 2012 .
the medium is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount
and half earned less. the lowest 10 percent earned less than 51,530 and top 10 percent earned more
than 144,100. Veterinarians diagnose and treat diseases and dysfunctional animals. Veterinarians
who treat animals use medical equipment that are capable of treating animals and helping them.
Veterinarians working in research use a full range of sophisticated laboratory equipment. There are
so many reasons veterinarians study diseases and health maintenance for animals. There are so many
students that have prepared for the careers of being a veterinarian and helping animals. When you
want to become a vet you do have to take many special science classes. Veterinarians science is also
so they can study and protect animals and practice many monitoring ways to find spreads of
widespread diseases. ... Show more content on ...
Veterinarians aren't the only that cure animals they, do many test on animals to find out if they have
heartworms and canine, they also give them vaccinations and do x–rays on the animals which is to
find out if the animals have anything like broken or have eaten anything that they weren't suppose to
eat. aAso vets aren't always the ones who are always taking care of the animals or checking on what
wrong with them. they also supervise on the technicians and assistance to see if they are doing their
job correctly. Also the vets clean teeth to help the animals with bad breath and on trying not to catch
any disease or any bad things that could happen if the owners don't take care of the animals like they
are suppose
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Argumentative Essay On Stray Cats
I think many students' attitude towards the stray cat is irrational.We had interviewed with 50
students.50% of them admitted that when they meet a stray cat,will try to touch them.In fact,it's
dangerous,stray cats are very aggressive.Researchers at the federal Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention say,efforts to care for abandoned cats could mean more humans will be exposed to
Approximately 300 rabid cats are reported each year in the United States, says Jesse Blanton, a CDC
epidemiologist. The CDC estimates that 16% of people in the United States who undergo rabies
treatment are exposed to the deadly virus from cats. They must be treated with a series of shots.
(CDC,2013) [5] More important,stray cats carry a lot of ... Show more content on ...
A person living in New York who commits aggravated cruelty against a stray cat or animal can
receive a fine of up to $5,000 dollars and five years of imprisonment.Animal Abandonment Laws:
Leaving the animal to die in a public place, the owner is guilty of a misdemeanor and will receive
punishment in the form of a fine, possible imprisonment or both. (Animal Cruelty Laws) [7] They
also have professional organizations to carry out related activities.They can treat stray animals
scientifically as well.So I think China should learn some good practices from abroad.
The problem of stray cats on STU is urgently needed.According to such a purpose,we made a
Project to enhance the this mission, we were also refer to some of their practices in
protecting the stray animal.First,we did some publicity by making posters and leaflets,appealing to
the students to rationally treat stray cats.They should not hurt them or get too close to
them.Second,we will ask the school leader to pay attention to the stray cats problem on campus.We
had wrote an article and sent e–mail to the headmaster Jiang Hong.Finally,we also try to call for
legislation to protect stray animals.We wrote some suggestions,and posted it on the government
website.And i also got in touch with the animal protection organization in Shantou,they promise
trying to cooperate with our school.
When we hand out
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Essay On Lyssavirus
Syndrome recognition and notification "Rabies virus, the type species of the genus Lyssavirus of the
family Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales, is the causative agent of rabies" (Detrick, et al.,
This bullet–shaped, enveloped RNA virus is one of the most formidable, zoonotic, neurologic
diseases due to the prognosis almost invariably fatal in both humans and animals. Rabies is a
genotype 1 Lyssavirus and can be found throughout the world, with the exception of Taiwan,
Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Japan, the majority of Western Europe, Fiji,
Hawaii and Guam (Sykes, 2014).
Classical rabies is the most prevalent strain of rabies, endemic to more than 150 countries
worldwide and responsible for more than 55,000 ... Show more content on ...
Australian bat Lyssavirus is very similar to that of rabies and has been responsible for the death of
three humans since it was detected in 1996. All three cases were in the state of Queensland after
they were reportedly bitten or scratched by bats infected with ABLV. The existence of ABLV does
not affect the rabies–free status and there have been no known cases of the rabies virus occurring in
terrestrial mammals (NSW Government Health, 2016). There are seven genotypes of Lyssaviruses,
belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, known to exist worldwide; however, through experimental
inoculation, dogs and cats have shown a relative insusceptibility to bat–derived Lyssavirus as
opposed to inoculation with terrestrial rabies virus strains. This suggests differences in mammalian
infections with bat–derived Lyssavirus to that of terrestrial strains (Greene, 2012).
Lyssaviruses Belonging to the Family Rhabdoviridae (Greene, 2012)
Genotype Description of strains (Abbreviations) Geographic Location (Reservoir Hosts)
1 Classical rabies virus, including street and fixed varieties Worldwide, terrestrial (carnivores and
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Typhus Research Paper
Typhus is a deadly disease. It is caused by infection, which comes from rickettsia bacteria. Fleas,
lice, ticks, and mites transmit rickettsia bacteria when they bite you. There are 3 types of Typhus.
The 3 types are endemic, epidemic, and scrub. Epidemic Typhus is caused by lice, ticks, and body
louse. Endemic Typhus is caused by flea, rats, and cat flea. Scrub Typhus is caused by louse, mites,
fleas, ticks, and lice. You can easily get scrub Typhus in lice–infected areas. Once the bacteria is in
the bloodstream, they continue to reproduce and grow. Typhus can last for 10–12 days at a time. All
of the symptoms can occur. Typhus leaves red dots on the human skin. It can become deadly if left
untreated. Although the 2 major (most common) types ... Show more content on ...
It was in so many camps, because Typhus occurs in regions of poverty, with close human contact,
and not much sanitation. Those reasons are the definition of concentration camps. There was a huge
lack of medicine in those camps, so it kept spreading. This caused many people inside of the camps
to die slow, painful, and agonizing deaths. Many Jewish people lived in overcrowded spaces, and
that made it spread even faster. There was also much lack of healthcare, so they were forced to work
while dying from Typhus, or get beaten to death for not being able to walk. "Typhus outbreaks were
at their worst in the ghettos and labor camps..." (Ushmm, Raoul Wallenberg Place, 5/31/18). While
Jewish people were dying, Germans had disinfection baths to protect themselves from getting the
disease. Very rarely did people survive Typhus, because they had no treatment. It was pretty much
impossible not to get Typhus, because one person gets it, then their whole bunk would get it, then
the whole camp, then they would get transported to different camps, and it would spread even more.
Typhus wasn't only in camps and ghettos though, because of the bacteria, it did occasionally spread
to nearby
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Cat Scratch Disease Research Paper
Cat–Scratch Disease
Cat–scratch disease is a rare infection that can be passed to people through the scratch or bite of an
infected cat. The infection causes a red bump at the site of the bite or scratch. It may also cause
swollen lymph glands and other symptoms.
In most cases, the infection is mild and does not cause serious problems. However, a more severe
infection can develop in people with other illnesses or problems that weaken their body's defense
system (immune system).
This condition is caused by a type of bacteria called Bartonella henselae. These bacteria are present
in the mouth or on the claws of cats.
Common symptoms of this condition include:
A red and sore pimple or bump, with or without pus, on the skin where the cat ... Show more content
on ...
Sore throat.
This condition may be diagnosed based on your symptoms and history of a scratch or bite from a
cat. Your health care provider will examine the skin sore and look for swollen lymph glands. You
may also have tests, such as:
Culture tests of any drainage or pus from the injury site.
Blood tests.
Removal of a tissue sample from a swollen lymph gland (biopsy) to be looked at under a
microscope. This may be done to confirm the diagnosis and to make sure a different infection or
disease is not causing your illness.
If the condition is mild, treatment may not be needed. You may be advised to take pain medicine and
apply heat to the affected area. A more severe infection can be treated with antibiotic medicine.
People with immune system problems will usually be treated with antibiotics because they are at
risk for developing a severe infection. This includes people with HIV or AIDS, with an organ
transplant, or who take medicines that may modify their immune system.
Rest until you feel better.
Take over–the–counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care
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Comparing Cats And Dogs Tyesha Fricks
Compare and Contrast between cats and dogs Tyesha Fricks My paper is going to be on animals and
how they are the same and how their different from each other. I have a cat so I know how cats act
and how their different from dogs. They have many things in common with one another. Differences
between cats and dogs are, the life expectancy. A cat's life expectancy is 12–25 years and a dog is 7–
20 years. So that means that cats are able to live longer then dogs. Cats and dogs have different
habits, such as how cats don't like water. Dogs only need to be bathed sometimes depending on how
long their hair is. I think that dogs are way more expensive then cats ... Show more content on ...
They have the same kingdom, phylum, class, and order. They both have 4 legs, long tails, a kind of
like horizontal body, the size of one another, and have similar digestive systems and teeth. Both of
them have hair on their bodies to keep them warm, clean their fur by licking themselves, they
sometimes have different color combined with their fur. They drink milk when they're babies, kept
as pets, they want love and affection from their owner to show that they care about them, when you
pet them there's cat and sometimes dog hair everywhere. Some dogs and cats suffer from the same
intestinal worms and other things. They could both have ticks or a disease of some sort. They could
be infected with tapeworms or roundworms. Flea infections could kill the dog or cat. Infected cats
have a higher chance of dying then dogs do. Common things between the two is that they're both
living, are breathing animals, and are carnivores. Cats and dogs are domesticated animals that
people want to keep as pets. They sometimes eat the same type of food, they barely eat vegetables
because it's mostly meat products. Cats and dogs both grow an attachment to their owner knowing
who they are after a while of living
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Difference Between Dogs And Cats
Of all the various domestic pets the modern world has to offer, dogs and cats are still the most
common by far. You've likely heard that someone is either a cat person or a dog person, but what
makes one better than the other? What are their differences, and what do these animals possibly
have in common? It is important to know the specifics of an animal in order to decide which pet is
best for you. So, what are some things the prospective pet owner should know about our feline and
canine friends before adopting? While both of these animals are mammalian, cats are member of the
feline family, and dogs a part of the canine family. Like most pets, it is highly recommended that
they are spayed or neutered in efforts to prevent overpopulation. ... Show more content on ...
This is the act of tufting up the fur along the animal's spine and tail and is a widely–recognized sign
of aggression. Cats are known for their focused stare and stiff body stance. They also perform a
sharp twitching of their tails to provide a warning of their frustration and may even swat with the
paws. The most common sign of anger and fear in a cat is the vocalization of a hiss or a growl. This
is usually the final warning that the cat is preparing to attack.
Whenever aggressive behavior occurs, it is pertinent that the cause of the behavior is determined.
There are several medical conditions that can result in aggression. It is recommended that a
veterinarian is contacted to rule out any serious complications that could be causing the unwanted
behavior. If all else fails, it is best to contact a trainer and/or behavioral specialist to work to correct
the problem.
Although it is obvious that cats and dogs have many more differences than similarities, they both
share the same environmental factors that can greatly affect their physical and mental health. It is
important to provide your pet with love, affection, and a safe living situation to ensure that they
receive the best quality of life possible. To own a pet is to take on the responsibility of providing
that animal with any and all care it may
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Viruses : A Bacterial Infection Caused By Bartonell...
Catch scratch fever disease is a bacterial infection caused by Bartonell henselae bacteria. This
disease gets in name because people contract it from cats. It is one of the most common bacteria in
the world. Most infections usually occur after scratches from domestic or feral cats, especially
kittens. CDS occurs whenever cats and fleas are around. Common symptoms include fever; enlarged
lymph nodes, scab or pustule at the scratch site. In the United States, most cases occur in the fall and
winter and illness is most common in children less than 15 years old.
Disease Causative Agent
Bacteria Taxonomy: (website 2)
Specific Name: Bartonella henselae, formally Rochalimæa
Domain – Bacteria – Most common group of bacteria, they live in ... Show more content on ...
(website 1) Less common symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, and sore throat. If you
notice any of these symptoms visit a doctors office or preform home care.
Cats and dogs show symptoms just like humans however they generally don 't get sick from the
bacteria so you cannot always tell if they are carriers. (website 4) Therefor, I think its important for
us to know the signs and symptoms for our pets and strays as well. Cats and dogs will show
symptoms such as fever, vomiting, lethargy, red eyes, swollen lymph nodes and/or a decrease in
appetite. If you notice any of these signs or symptoms it is suggested that you take your furry friend
to see a veterinarian.
In order to cause disease, pathogens must be able to enter the host body, adhere to specific host
cells, invade and colonize host tissue, and inflict damage on those tissues. Bartonella diseases of cats
are vector–borne, whereas human Bartonella disease can be vector–borne or non–vector–borne,
directly transmitted, zoonotically by cats (9). Bartonella is a facultative intracellular parasite and
opportunistic pathogen. It can be
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Feral Cat Population
Reducing the Feral Cat Population in Thayer The feral cat population in Thayer, Missouri has
exploded. Cats are everywhere you look. Many of the animals appear half starved and diseased.
Without intervention to prevent the excessive over breeding of feral cats' disease will spread and
they will die from starvation. The cats need our help. City of Thayer residents my plea to you is to
help me stop the cats from destroying our community. On any given day, as a citizen of Thayer, I see
twenty or more cats cross my yard. Trash cans on the street are overturned and rubbish is continually
scattered across the ground. This is a headache for most people in the area. Many of our towns
people are elderly and disabled. This creates a hardship ... Show more content on ...
Vaccinate your pets.
Educate your children regarding the importance of caring for their animals.
Board up holes in your sheds and under porches to reduce the likelihood of feral cats taking up
Fill your flower beds with sharp rocks and pebbles to discourage them from using flower beds as a
litter box.
Use natural cat repellents such as cayenne pepper and ground mustard if you have children.
Use ammonia soaked rags and moth balls in areas children are not present to help repel cats.
Do not buy cats with the intention of breeding them.
This will help reduce contact with feral cats and impact the unrestricted breeding of domestic cats
with feral cats. This is not a total solution to the problem. However, it is just a step in the right
direction. Without community involvement and resources from our city we will not be able to
completely rid our town of unwanted cats. As a community, it is essential to speak to our City
Council members and Mayor with our concern. Volunteering your time and money to this cause is
worthwhile. Everyone in our community benefits from the lowered risks of disease and increased
city beautification. Speaking to your neighbors and friends to help raise awareness of this issue and
ask that they speak to their community leaders also will affect the decisions of our city law makers.
Together we can make Thayer a feral cat–free city and a safe place for our kids to play
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Diseas Disease Research Paper
Did you know that
If you love to spend time with animals or pets or you owe the cat and love to spend time with her
then you must need to read this article as here's a warning?
Women lived in Ohio love to spend her time with her lovely cat and the cat usually licked her face
but the fact is that she has gone blind in one eye due to the cat as cat transmitted the infection to the
women face that blind her from left eye.
Women explained about her blindness:
The women explains about the accident that she is spending time with her lovely cat and cat was
licking to her face and when she woke up in the next morning, she was unable to see from her left
eye as eye gone blind and she thought it is conjunctivitis.
She went to the hospital for checkup of her eye from the professionals as doctors examined the eye
of the lady for long time and last they discovered that she lost her eye due to cat scratch i.e. a virus
transmitted from her lovely cat. ... Show more content on ...
bacteria and it is common in the cat as it is found in the fur of the cat or mouth and the virus is
transmitted to the human through a scratch and the process of transmitting the virus to human is
known as cat scratch – Actually, the fact is that nearly 40 percent of the cat in the world has
Bartonella virus that is dangerous for humans and cause effects to the human
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Persuasive Essay On Cat Declawing
Perfect Paws Intro sentence. When casually browsing cable television during the day you're bound
to come across one of those sad ASPCA commercials. You turn the channel, mute the commercial or
sit and watch. Why would anybody in their right mind do such a thing to an animal? But, what you
might not know is, you're probably doing it right now. You've already hurt your trusty pet by
forcefully amputating their paws. Declawing your pet cat causes irreversible physical and
psychological damage that can easily be avoided. To begin, the psychical consequences of
declawing a cat are many. What is declawing your cat? The Humane Society explains the process of
declawing as, "Declawing traditionally involves the amputation of the last bone of each ... Show
more content on ...
Anxiety in newly declawed cats come from their lack of feeling secure in their own home
environment. This leads newly declawed cats to misbehave. Anxious cats can react in a whole bunch
of different ways. Hiding is a big one. Newly declawed cats who were once very social and timid
seem to become skittish and antisocial after handling a surgery. Another way cats with anxiety cope
with declawing surgery is self inflicted injury. Cats who are anxious regardless of surgery tend to
over groom. Over grooming can lead to increased amount of hairballs and even can break skin
creating dangerous wounds, that if not treated can lead to
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Cat Scratch Fever Research Paper
Cat scratch disease (CSD) or cat scratch fever is a bacterial infection that most commonly spreads
through cats. Cat scratch fever can only be transmitted if a cat infected with Bartonella henselae
licks an open wound or breaks the skin. CSD can also be spread through the mucous membranes. It
is possible to contract CSD from just petting a kitten or grown cat because the bacteria can also be
on the fur. The severity of CSD is unique to each case but overall CSD is a mild bacterial infection
that can be easily controlled.
Symptoms of cat scratch fever includes bumps or blisters near infection site, swollen lymph nodes
near infection site, fatigue, headaches, low grade fevers, nausea, chills, and overall discomfort.
Some of the more rare symptoms include loss of appetite, sore throat, and weight loss. Symptoms
such as blisters, bumps, and swollen lymph node do not appear randomly, they will appear around
the source of infection. All symptoms will take about three to fourteen days to show up. ... Show
more content on ...
Most people who become infected do not even remember ever being scratched or bitten by a cat or
kitten but because CSD can be transmitted through mucous membranes exposure to any cat fur can
result in infection. Prolonged exposure to an infected cat could result in a more severe case of CSD.
Keeping up with basic hygiene after coming into contact with any cats, like washing your hands,
should prevent infection and lower the severity of the disease if caught. Cat scratch disease is more
dangerous for people with a weakened immune system, such as people who have AIDS or
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Argumentative Essay On Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats
William Holland 6A Dogs are better than Cats There has been a long standing argument about
whether dogs are better than cats. I am not sure why this argument is still going because the
immediate answer should be, "Dogs!". These animals are extremely useful, while cats just suck up
resources and lounge about. Dogs are often used by various members of society to help with their
lives. They are great animals that are good for people in general and while help people with their
jobs and everyday life. Cats scratch people, break belongings, and have an annoying habit of
running away Dogs are much better than cats for the average person and are much more useful.
Dogs are used to help people ... Show more content on ...
In the early years of the fire department dalmatians were used to run ahead of the fire truck (which
at the time was a horse–drawn water cart) to clear the area, as they were easily spotted do to their
black and white coloration. Dogs are now brought along by the fire department to let people know
that help is on the way. They are also used to sniff out and kill mice that have infested the fire
station. Dogs are also used by the police in major cities to help in law enforcement. They are used to
track criminals, search buildings, locate bombs, and sniff out illegal substances. Cats are not, and
have never been used by the law enforcement. Dogs are also used to help treat people with
rheumatoid arthritis. Dogs help people with RA to move more often and encourage play as well as
helping them get their mind off of their condition. This activity can help the people with RA to
relieve their stress, although this can be done by dogs for a person without disease. These animals
are very useful and help people with a variety of different illnesses and disabilities. As you can see,
there are many important reasons that dogs are better than cats. They help keep our cities safe. They
help people with disease get over it quicker. They help various branches of the government with
security and safety. They can be used to research cancer to help find a working cure for the disease.
They also work with the military
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Bartonella Henselae Essay
A bacterium called Bartonella Henselae is transmitted from ticks to cats via their feces. Once this
bacterium is transmitted to the cat it can be easily passed on to a human via the saliva through a cat
scratch, lick or bite. The disease associated with this bacterium is known as Cat Scratch Fever
(disease). Although being called cat scratch fever this disease is more common in kittens as they
maybe too young for flea treatments making them more susceptible to acquire the infected flea.
Bartonella Henselae is not typically considered dangerous but this disease has multiple signs and
symptoms that can be troublesome. You should be on the lookout for swelling of the lymph nodes
near the site of infection. For example, if the sight of infection is in the arm then swelling in the
armpit or elbow is expected. Also common are red bumps or blisters, a low–grade fever, headache,
fatigue and poor appetite within ... Show more content on ...
Pain relievers such as ibuprofen and naproxen can be taken as needed if necessary. If symptoms last
anywhere from a month to two months this could be a sign of infection. The point of infection
happens when the disease has travelled to the bones, liver or other organs and may require
antibiotics such as azithromycin, clarithromycin, rifampin, trimethoprim – sulfamethoxazole or
ciprofloxacin. Like with many other diseases Bartonella Henselae has many preventative measures
that can be followed to keep your family healthy. Hand washing with soap and water after handling
your cat is a must. Also, being gentle with the cat so that it doesn't play rough by scratching and
biting is important. Seeing as the infection is transmitted via saliva it is important that your cat does
not lick your skin, eyes, mouth or any open cuts or wounds. Lastly, making sure to keep up with flea
treatments for your pets will decrease the risk for obtaining Bartonella
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A number of anomalies have been found in the cat through out the dissection sessions. The
anomalies were an enlarged spleen, enlarged thymus and enlarged lymph nodes.
3.1 The Spleen
The spleen is an organ of the immune system (lymphatic system). It function is filter the blood and
maintain it in a healthy way. The spleen produces two types of pulp to perform its function, the red
and the white pulp (Goodenough & McGuire, 2014). The red pulp filters the damaged blood cells,
palates and foreign materials in the blood, so it recycles the blood. On other hand, the white pulp is
composed from lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells that help clean the blood. These two
pulps work interchangeably to make sure the blood is filtered completely from any foreign materials
and dead cells.
Splenomegaly, which is the enlargement of the spleen, could happen due to four main causes, which
were cancer, infection, liver or blood diseases (Kuntz, 2006). An enlarged spleen causes
hypersplenism; it is a process where the spleen increases the filtration process of the blood cells.
This causes the spleen to recycle more blood and consider it to be a foreign material. Consequently,
more RBCs, WBCs and palates in the blood plasma are ... Show more content on ...
After witnessing the enlarged spleen, thymus gland and lymph nodes, it was evident the cat had
undergone some dilemmas with its lymphatic and immue system. With the first discovery, which
was the spleen, the following discussion was presented: the chances that the cause of splenomegaly
is a liver or blood diseases are low, because of the normal appearance of cat's liver and the blood of
the cat was drained. The chances are higher with the other causes, which are more related to the
lymphatic system. There might have been an infection, lymphoma or inflammation of the nodes in
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Research Paper On Cat Scratch Disease
What is cat scratch disease? By Jonas Wilson, Ing. Med. Cat scratch disease (CSD), also known as
subacute regional lymphadenitis or cat scratch fever, is a common bacterial infection caused by
Bartonella henselae. As one may deduce, infected cats are disease vectors and transmit the bacteria,
which is found in their saliva via bites or scratches. It is estimated that up to 50 percent of cats may
be carriers of the microorganism responsible for CSD and these cats may show no signs of infection.
Occasionally, fleas, which are responsible for spreading the infection from one cat to another may
also transmit the disease to people. In addition to fleas, bites from infected ticks may also lead to
disease transmission. Disease history The first description of CSD may have been as early as 1889
by Henri Parinaud, who observed enlargement of the preauricular lymph nodes with conjunctivitis.
However, he did not make any association of his findings with cats and the clinical oculoglandular
syndrome was only seen to be present in a small number of patients with CSD. In 1931 doctors
Debre and Semelaigne, observered a young boy with cat scratches and a suppurating adenitis who
tested negative for tuberculosis. This finding led them to search for a possible link to a feline
transmitted disease. While they were unable to find a link bacteriologically, they observed several
more similar ... Show more content on ...
In their report, they were able to describe a broad spectrum of the clinical manifestations of the
disease, which led to further investigations into CSD. The microorganism implicated in CSD was
first successfully isolated and cultured in 1988. Ultimately, the discovery of the etiologic agent for
CSD and its classification was considered a great success of contemporary microbiology. This
allowed for understanding its pathogenesis and developing effective means to diagnose, manage and
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Essay on How Serious Can a Cat Bite Be?
Pets can make our lives much happier. We must be very careful, though, when it comes to being hurt
by a pet. Playful scratches and bites are common, but some of these bites can become serious and
cause complications.
Animal Bites
The American Pet Association reports that there are about 150M dogs and cats living in the United
States, with cats outnumbering dogs. Animal bites are therefore very common in the US, with about
two to five million people being affected each year, accounting for one percent of emergency room
visits. It is estimated that bout 10–20 people die yearly from animal bites.
Children are the most likely victims, and dogs are the most likely attackers. In fact, up to 90% of all
animal bites are caused by dogs, with cats ... Show more content on ...
Lymph nodes in the armpits may become swollen. You may lose sensation in the fingers or hand, as
well as ability to move the hand or arm. Fever, chills, sweating and loss of energy may also occur.
These symptoms should send you to the emergency room or to your doctor's office. More serious
complications include meningitis (affecting the brain coverings) and sepsis (widespread or
disseminated infection).
A recent study published in the Journal of Hand Surgery showed that about a third of patients who
sought emergency treatment for cat bites needed to stay in the hospital for further treatment of
wound infections. Most of these cat bite victims were middle–aged women. Those who were bitten
over the wrist or other joints were the most likely to be hospitalized since antibiotic treatments failed
to prevent infection. The joints are good breeding sites for bacterial growth, and treatment usually
involved flushing the wounds and removing infected tissues every other day, in addition to antibiotic
One patient reported washing her bitten wrist and applying antiseptic but was unable to move her
wrist after a week, prompting her to seek further treatment. She ended up spending eight weeks in
the hospital and spending about $150,000 for medical bills.
Cat Bite Infections
According to the results of a three–year study on patients who suffered from cat bites treated in one
institution (Mayo Clinic), one–third of the patients needed hospitalization
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Cat Statching Research Paper
Scratching is an all natural cat behavior. Regrettably, often, cat owners who come to mind about the
furniture will need the cat to become declawed. Most cat owners usually do not actually understand
precisely what the implications of declawing their cat could be.
there are many different techniques which may be used. And by detatching the bone, the claw can be
So far, there is absolutely no studies to confirm the amount of discomfort the cat is experiencing,
nevertheless many owners have noticed that their cats refusal to place weight on the declawed paws.
A cat may continue steadily to experience discomfort in the paws for times afterward.
Based on the over, it serves many purposes:
– Defending against predators
– Marking
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Microbiology 150 Lab 3-Selective vs. Differential Media
Online BIO 150 Introductory Microbiology #3 Lab Report
NAME __ Lab Group 2_____
Answer the following questions as you work your way through the lab material typing in your
answers. Then submit your finished lab report as a Microsoft Word document. This lab report is
worth 100 points towards your final lab grade. Each Q is worth 2 points unless otherwise noted.
Also, per the Honor Code, this work must be your own. This is due Mon. 10/8 at 11:59 PM. The
theme of this lab is the identification of unknown bacteria and viruses in a lab.
Selective vs. Differential Media
Selective vs. Differential Media
Use the following website to help you answer Q 1 and 2 ... Show more content on ...
The Alcohol in the agar interferes with the DNA synthesis of Gram–negative organisms which
inhibits growth.
Please read over this section. Differential media usually distinguish or differentiate different species
of bacteria based on the color of the individual colonies or the areas surrounding them.
Look up these tests and answer the following questions: Blood Agar, Catalase, Citrate, Coagulase,
Indole, Methyl Red, Motility, TSI, Urea,
11. What is a hemolysis and what type of bacteria produce it? (2 pts.)
Hemolysis is the exotoxin of gram positive cocci (streptococcus, enterocus, and aerocccus) that
destroy RBCs and hemoglobin.
12. What are the 3 major types of hemolysis and their descriptions? (2 pts.)
The three types of hemolysis are B, A, Y. B is complete clearing or destruction of the RBCs or
hemoglobin and it results in a clearing of the medium around the colonies. A is partial destruction
and a green color forms around the colonies. Y is non–Hemolysis and shows simple growth and no
change to the medium.
13. When would you use the Catalase test? (2 pts.)
This test should be used when trying to identify organisms that produce catalase. It is used when
differentiating between Catalase positive micrococcaceae and catalase negative streptococcaceae
and some variations of the catalase test are for mycobacterium.
14. The Citrate Tests is part of what test series?
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Cat Scratch Disease Essay
Cat–scratch disease is a slowly progressive, chronic lymphadenopathy that typically more prevalent
in young children and immunocompromised individuals. Cat–scratch fever is just as the name
suggest is passed to humans by being either being scratched or bitten by a cat that has been infected
with Bartonella henselae. B henselae is the rod–shaped gram–negative bacteria that causes cat–
scratch disease. When looking at this disease it will important to discuss the Epidemiology, the
incubation and duration, signs and symptoms, diagnosis as well as treatment as well as case studies.
The Epidemiology There is roughly 25,000 cases of cat–scratch disease recognized each year. Most
of the cases tend to occur during the summer and first part of winter. Of all the reported cases eighty
to ninety percent of them occur in subjects younger than twenty one. The cats that have been
exposed to B henselae can still be considered contagious since the ... Show more content on ...
It is recommended to use a warm compress applied against the swollen lymph nodes to help reduce
the sharp pains associated with CSD. The majority of all CSD cases physician's advice against
antibiotic treatment. The exception to this is when CSD infected individuals are
immunocompromised, then the antibiotics help eliminate the bacteria and by doing so reduce the
possible The list of possible complications is broad and be found in almost every organ system. .
Such as encephalopathy (coma), pneumonia (respiratory problems), osteroyelthis (bone pain),
neuroretinitis (possible blindness) otic neuralgia (hearing loss), and hepatitis (abdominal pain). .
That being said there is no certain antibiotic that is proscribed to treat CSD even though it is
resistant to several penicillin based antibiotics it is entirely left up to the treating physicians to
choose what he feels will work best for the
... Get more on ...
Ringworm Disease
Pets can make fantastic companions and fun playmates. Most pet owners are aware of the more
disgusting parts of owning a furry loved one, such as cleaning out the litter box, scrubbing up the
occasional accident and enduring slobbery kisses. Unfortunately, these may not be the grossest
things that your pet can make you deal with. Pets can spread dangerous diseases that can sometimes
be deadly if left untreated. Be aware of these diseases the next time you are playing with your pet to
keep you and your family safe.
1. Ringworm
A highly contagious fungal infection, ringworm is commonly found in cats and dogs. Animals with
the infection normally have patches of missing hair on their fur with red spots on their bare skin. In
humans, a circular patch forms on the skin. It can be prevented by washing sheets twice a month in
hot water and ... Show more content on ...
Children are most susceptible to getting tapeworm from their four–legged friends because they are
the least likely to wash their hands. Tapeworms are spread through flea, so keeping your pet flea–
free is the best prevention. In humans, tapeworms can cause weight loss, as the parasites attach
themselves to the intestines and digest the food that is eaten, diarrhea, stomach pain and vomiting.
9. Rabies
A rare, but extremely fatal, disease, rabies can be prevented by avoiding wild animals and getting
your pet vaccinated. Symptoms in pets include foaming of the mouth, staggering and behavioral
changes. Humans who have been bitten by a rabid animal may experience itching by the bite,
anxiety, confusion and hallucinations. If your pet has symptoms, call animal control and stay away
from them, because the disease is transmitted through saliva.
10. Hookworms
These parasites attach to your dogs' intestines and can kill them if they drink enough of their blood.
The parasites are contracted through eggs in the dogs' feces, so cleaning them up promptly will
prevent them from hatching and attaching themselves to your dog or to
... Get more on ...
Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Cat
Neutering alternatives Some of the cats cannot undergoes the neuturing process because of allergic
reaction to the anesthesia,size of a cat or suffered from disease that require to recover before surgical
process of neutering. There are also alternatives that can be taken beside of neutered the cat
(VetInfo, 2012). Firstly, quarantine can be a method to control the population of the cats. The cats
that are on heat are kept on the cage to separate it from male cat. This is beneficial as when the
penetration not occur during on heat. The female cat does not make the oily marking that alert males
when on heat that are difficult to clean. There is also a disadvantage of quarantine, cat will scratch at
the door and carpet to escape. Its cause ... Show more content on ...
The cat was kept on the cage for 7 days before claimed by its owner. The fine charge for owner is
RM15 per cat. If there is no owner to claim, the cat are adopt or kill by euthanasia. Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animal (SPCA) are one of non–profit NGO based in Ampang Jaya,
Selangor. According to SPCA "the aim of the SPCA is to protect defenceless animals and to alleviate
their suffering". This animal welfare organisation focuses on three aspect education, abortion and
rehabilition. SPCA was founded in 1958. The abortion can be done in Klinik Kembiri SPCA. SPCA
had received and followed up on 530 reports in 2014. Then, SPCA investigates the mistreated or
neglected of cat by advice the owner. The cases being forward to Department of Veterinary Services
(DVS) if the owner fail to change their attitudes to their pets include cat."The Inspectorate also
handle a variety of other tasks – they carry out emergency rescue operations for animals involved in
accidents, stranded on rooftops/drains and also in various other states of distress. The officers also
actively investigate and follow up on complaints of mistreatment or neglect of animals kept in zoos,
horse riding facilities, farms and other recreational facilities. They also represent SPCA Selangor at
meetings with local councils and the DVS on humane stray/pound management."
... Get more on ...

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What Is Over Grooming Behaviour

  • 1. What Is Over Grooming Behaviour Cats generally have a very complicated and specific way of expressing behaviours. Behaviour is going to be different for every cat as they each have their own personalities and this can make it difficult to interpret the meaning for an individual with an unfamiliar cat. Grooming is a normal behaviour in cats, as they do this to keep themselves clean. If they didn't groom it could be a sign of pain and discomfort, this happens most often with older cats who are limited in their movement. Over grooming is an abnormal behaviour which can be linked to illness and stress. Illnesses involved with over grooming can include thyroid issues, skin diseases and fleas. If a cat is over grooming it is best to seek veterinary advice to make sure it isn't ... Show more content on ... The domesticated cat is usually given processed food and biscuits, but sometimes raw meat, so they don't have any purpose of hunting. However, they do still possess the hunting instinct and will sometimes catch animals such as mice and small birds, but instead of eating their catch, they usually play with it, sometimes whilst it is still alive. The Scottish wildcat has to hunt for its survival and will kill the prey instantly after it is caught. The domesticated cat is more of a social animal as they often spend time with humans and animals, including other cats, however the Scottish wildcat is solitary and very wary around humans. They are also very elusive and rare to see (as they are a nearly extinct species) unlike house cats, which are very common. The domestic cat usually needs socialising when they are young so they will become used to interacting with humans and this will influence this social behaviour. The wildcats won't have this socialising as they are solitary animals (they only meet with another wildcat once a year to mate) and this will be a cause of the aggressive and wary behaviour around humans. Aggressive behaviour is similar in both cats. They will raise their hackles, arch their backs and flatten their ears and then hiss or grow, which is demonstrated in the two pictures. Both cats do this when they will feel threatened, but house cats will usually always fight and attack, however these fights are rarely serious. The wildcat will only attack if the competitor doesn't back down or they feel they must and if they do attack, then they will most likely fight to the death which can cause severe injury if they make it out ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Exotic Animal Abuse In the past, approximately five exotic species a year had gone extinct. Now, the Earth is losing dozens of exotic species every day. That's 1,000 to 10,000 times the previous rate. Sometimes any unique or wild–looking pet is called an exotic pet. "Exotic" generally refers to a species which is not native or indigenous to the owner's locale, and "pet" is a companion animal living with people. Keeping animals in their natural habitat is important because it keeps the ecosystem in balance. If we lose one, not only would we lose a species, we would also lose a part of the food chain and a part of the animal community. Many are abused while being captured, in transit, and at their final destination, they never lose their animal instincts and lash ... Show more content on ... You may not know that your pet has a disease like ringworms or even rabies if you don't know how to diagnose it. Animals catch diseases just like humans do and can transfer them as well. "...Animal diseases that people can catch are called zoonoses. Many diseases affecting humans can be traced to animals or animal products. You can get a disease directly from an animal, or indirectly, through the environment..." (Animal Diseases and Your Health, MedlinePlus) Exotic animals can catch diseases from the natural habitat they were taken from or the new environment they are introduced to. These diseases can be fatal to humans. In fact, 70% of diseases come from non–human species. "...The monkeypox outbreak that affected dozens of people in the Midwest in 2003 was traced to a Gambian rat from Africa. The animal had been housed with prairie dogs in an Illinois animal dealer's shed. Prairie dogs also have been known to carry the plague and tularemia. The herpes B virus, which is nearly 70 percent fatal to humans, can be transferred from macaques to humans. Human contact with reptiles and other exotic animals accounts for 70,000 cases of salmonellosis each year. Parrots can transfer psittacosis, which can be deadly to humans..." The diseases that animals carry can affect humans even if it's an animal disease. They should stay in the wild so we don't catch any of these foreign diseases. "...Diseases that can be transmitted ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Bacterial Infections of Humans Caused by Bites of Animals... Bacterial Infections of Humans Caused by Bites of Animals (NOT insects) Introduction Animal bites on humans may cause open wounds or even crushing injuries. Like us, all animals carry certain bacteria or viruses that can cause illness if passed on to humans via the open wounds. The pathogen entry pathway for these zoonotic infections include bites or scratches, and direct contact saliva or waste. These diseases bring about a considerable amount of inconvenience to humans and therefore, the greatest concerns are of young children and immunocompromised patients. Children are especially susceptible to getting bitten and an adult supervision is always recommended because their immune systems are still weak and an infection that might mildly ... Show more content on ... Symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, fever, headaches and fatigue, and usually resolves without treatment. This is a mild disease that rarely leads to long term complications. Rabies This is a critical illness contracted through the infected saliva of an animal. This disease has a long onset time and therefore, a vaccine following a bite of a rabid animal is available. The early symptoms for rabies include fever and tingling at the site of infection. In the rare fatal cases, the virus can cause acute inflammation of the brain. These domestic pets are common carriers of the virus. However, widespread immunization has been successful in decreasing the chances of transmission of rabies from animals to humans. Ringworms Also known as tinea, is a fungal infection of the skin caused by fungus found in soils and on the skin of pets. Children can get ringworms by touching infected dogs and cats. Ringworm of the skin is usually a non–fatal, scaly round area with a raised red bumpy border and a clear center. Ringworm infections are treated with antifungal or oral medications. Toxocariasis The parasitic roundworm Toxocara, resides in the intestines of dogs and cats. As such, the eggs of the worms are passed through the stools of the animals, contaminating the soil where kids play. When a child accidentally takes in the contaminated soil, the eggs hatch in the intestine and spread to ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Bobcat Population Research Paper Hunting and Trapping Bobcats in New Hampshire In 2010 the University of New Hampshire did a study and estimated about 1400 bobcats in the state of New Hampshire. Since 2007 the population has been growing by approximately ten percent each year (NH Fish and Game). As they breed the population will continue to increase and this could cause problems. This could increase diseases and property damage. In order to control New Hampshire's bobcat population fifty hunting and trapping permits should be issued. Bobcat hunting and trapping was first restricted in 1989 when the bobcat population went down. The decline was blamed on overharvesting, but it was actually because of the weather patterns. The 1970s was a snowy decade ... Show more content on ... They can find out the age of the animal, take tissue samples to find out if they have diseases and they can find out how big they are to make predictions about winter. Hunters are asked where they hunt, so the Fish and Game can see what the hunters are seeing. They can find out if the hunters are violating the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Felis Cat Research Paper The scientific name for a cat is Felis Catus. Most house cats – although they're much safer inside from disease and danger tend to be overweight and underactive. Cats like people and dogs benefit from being both fit and active. Exercise is a need for your cat's mental and physical health because it relieves stress and boredom, improves circulation, builds muscle, and can prevent or reduce behavioral problems. Cats like movement so the toy must be one that can move rapidly and in unpredictable ways just like a mouse or bird. Cats like to scratch and stretch and need to exercise their paws to keep their claws in good shape. Many cats like squeaky toys but some cats are startled by it so introduce them carefully. You can increase the interest ... Show more content on ... The reason for this is because the cats eyes have tapetum lucidum, which reflects any light that passes through the retina. Cats also have awesome hearing. They can hear high–pitched sounds better than dogs or humans. They can detect frequencies from 55 Hz to 79,000 Hz. A range of 10.5 octaves, while humans and dogs have ranges of about 9 octaves. Cats can hear ultrasound which is important while hunting because many rodents make ultrasonic calls. Cats have a very good sense of smell due to their well developed olfactory bulb. Cats are sensitive to pheromones such as 3–mercapto–3–methylbutan–1–ol, which they use to communicate through urine spraying and marking with scent glands. Many cats also respond strongly to catnip. About 70%–80% are affected. Cats have fewer taste buds compared to humans. Cats have 470 while humans have 9,000 on the human tongue. The average cat lifespan is 15 years old. Although the oldest living cat was Creme Puff, which lives 38 years. Cats can fit into any opening the size of their head because they don't have a collar bone. You should play with your cat everyday. Provide toys that allow them to chase and run after the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Outline Of The Workup Of Cervical Lymphadenopathy Discuss the workup of cervical lymphadenopathy. How would your recommendations differ for adult, pediatric, and geriatric patients? Cervical lymphadenopathy is the enlargement or swelling of the cervical lymph nodes. Cervical lymph nodes are the lymph nodes located at the anterior and posterior aspect of the neck and under the jaw. A thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the neck is essential to formulate a differential diagnosis. Cervical lymphadenopathy is not uncommon, especially in children and therefore differential diagnoses are broad (Lang, & Kansy, 2014). The causes of cervical lymphadenopathy can be infections, autoimmune disorders, or malignancy. What test would you do first and why? First and foremost, thing to do when a patient comes with cervical lymphadenopathy is to get a detailed history. The history should include questions such as the onset of lump; pain on lump; if the lump is unilateral or bilateral and other lumps present anywhere else in the body; any associated symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, night sweats, weight loss, or poor appetite; and any recent foreign travel, upper respiratory infection or TB exposure. It may be necessary to obtain a detailed sexual, smoking and drug abuse history. Next step is the physical examination by palpating the nodes to assess the size, shape, matting and consistency (Mohseni et al., 2014). In addition, check for tenderness, mobility, erythema and warmth. It is important to ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Code Of Welfare For Cats Essay For cats to be kept healthy physically and mentally, standards should be set to meet the Five Freedoms and specific guidelines kept in the Code of Welfare for Cats and the Animal Welfare Act 1999. These include proper and sufficient food and water, adequate shelter, the opportunity to display normal behaviours, handling that minimises the risk of pain or distress, and protection from, and rapid diagnosis of, significant injury and disease. The cats in the video do not appear to have a clean and appropriate supply of food and water, as their surroundings are unhygienic and a water source is not easily seen. There should be fresh water should be constantly available to the cats at all times, the water bowl should be cleaned daily. Food requirements can vary between ... Show more content on ... The cats will need to be handled to improve the current situation, so the cats will need to be handled securely and gently, with as little stress as possible. The cats should be transported in a secure, quiet manner to keep them calm, this should be done with an appropriate cat carrier. The cats are likely to be anxious about human interaction, so steps should be taken to keep them as calm as possible before attempting to handle them in order to minimise the risk of distress and injury to both the cat and the human. The cats do not appear to be kept groomed or to be taken to annual vet checks. The cats should be observed closely to ensure that they are not sick or injured. The cats should be kept groomed, with long haired cats needing their coats taken care of particularly, along with their nails and teeth are taken care of. The cats need to be vaccinated, treated for parasites and neutered to ensure that the population of cats is kept healthy and that breeding does not occur while there is already a large number of cats needing care. Annual vet checks are important in keeping on top of the cat's ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Animal Shelters Without animals shelters, what would our world be like? To me, a normal day would go something like this, "It is a sunny day in August. I am out taking a walk, since it is such a nice afternoon. The streets are crowded; not with people, but animals. Dozens of cats and dogs flood the pavement, each running in a different direction. They seem to be ricocheting off of one another. I try to keep my balance as I maneuver over the energetic pooches, but a huge, smelly dog, covered in mud barrelled by me, pushing me over as he was chasing a cat. As I fell to the blacktop, I cut my palms and knees. To make matters worse, as I was dusting pebbles off of my knee, a horribly foul smell reached my nostrils. " Oh crap." Literally." The United States needs animals shelters to prevent overcrowding, to prevent the transmission of animal diseases to humans, and to give abandoned animals a chance to become adored pets. To begin with, the United States needs animals shelters to prevent overcrowding. Over crowding can possibly come from neglectful pet ownership. Pets, regardless of size, are a huge responsibility. For example, my older sister, Valeri, bought my niece a kitten for her fifth birthday. Aubrey's eyes opened as wide as the sun; clearly she was ecstatic. Immediately, she fell in love with the gray ball of fluff and called him Pete. At first, Pete was the perfect pet. He slept most of the day, and when he was awake, he tossed around his tiny toys contently. As he grew, his energy ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. How To Be A Veterinarian Essay Veterinarians have to work with injured and sick animals. If one wants to become a veterinarian, one must have lots of patience and experience. To start out, you must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree and, though not always necessary, a bachelor's degree. Many seekers must spend years studying subjects such as science, biology, anatomy, chemistry, zoology, etc. Fewer than half of those who apply may be accepted into class, due to very competitive admission. Veterinary medicine programs can take up to 4 years to complete.These programs include; classroom, laboratory, and clinical work. Once they graduate, they can become a veterinarian of their choice. A graduate can become some of the following veterinarians: companion animal veterinarian, equine veterinarian, wildlife veterinarians, food animal veterinarian, food safety and inspection veterinarian, or a research veterinarian. All but one of these have to do with treating hurt of infected animals, though research veterinarians do their work for humans. A Companion animal veterinary must work with animals that are domesticated and can be kept in a regular home, such as dogs and cats. Research vets do legal experiments on animals. These experiments are usually performed for research on important issues to humans, such as a vaccines ... Show more content on ... They may prescribe some medication for the animal. Sometimes, a vet might need to keep the animal for a period of time if there's something wrong with it. In more serious cases, they may need to operate or start surgery on the animal. A vet also can tell the patients owner what to do if the animal has medication, a cast, or other problems. A vet also must know which is the right medicine for the animal, because one species may need a different type of medicine for a disease than another one. An average vet works for about 50 hours a week. This is because the rising demand of animals in ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Alcoholism In The Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe Poe and the narrator are similar in that they were both alcoholics. The narrator mentions how his disease [alcohol] grew on him and how he would often return home intoxicated (224). Poe was known to be a heavy drinker and people have even speculated that he died because of alcohol poisoning. In addition, the narrator and Poe show signs of aggressive and irritable behavior. In the story, the narrator states how he "grew... more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feeling of others" (224). Poe was mentioned to be increasingly unstable, especially after the death of his wife, and with the alcohol use, Poe became erratic. Evidence that the events in the story was caused by natural actions is when while he was intoxicated he grabs the ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, it is the idea that people are able to watch the degradation of their mind and even comment on it without the degradation beings ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Cat Scratch Fever Essay Cat scratch fever– also called cat scratch disease, or CSD– is a bacterial infection. "Cat scratch disease is an infection that is characterized by an indolent, occasionally suppurative regional lymphadenitis frequently occurring following a scratch or close contact with a cat. The cutaneous lesion resulting at the site of inoculation may look like an insect bite." (Springer US:n.p.,1985. Http://–1–4613–2415–7_96. Springer US. Web.) Cat scratch disease is a disease that infects cats with a bacterium known as Bartonella henselae. Bartonella henselae is also formerly known as Rochalimea. This bacteria is a "proteobacterium, it is also the bacteria that is causative for cat scratch disease". (Stoppler, Melissa. "Cat Scratch Fever Symptoms and Treatment on") ... Show more content on ... About 40% of cats carry the bacteria sometime in their lives. It usually effects kittens but does not limit to elder cats as well. The kitten or cat can get this bacterium from infected fleas. The owner of the animal may not even know that their pet is infected because the cats can also be carriers and some may not even show symptoms. If a human is bitten or scratched or even touches a cat that is infected, and rubs their eyes, then the human may be infected. Some symptoms of cat scratch disease in a human are bumps or blisters where the human was bitten or scratched. "Fatigue, headaches, and a low–grade fever are also symptoms of the disease." (Springer US:n.p.,1985. Http://–1–4613–2415–7_96. Springer US. Web.) Bartonella henselae attacks the immune system of a human when infected, especially if the have a very weak immune system. If infected then the doctor would perform a physical examination on the patient to check if the spleen is enlarged, and to have a blood test to check if it is anywhere else in the body. Usually, Antibiotics work perfectly fine if ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Austio Catarosis Persuasive Speech Have you ever gotten the sudden urge to meow, scratch your furniture, or use the litter box? If you have even gotten the slightest temptation to do any of these, then it's too late. These are all the first symptoms of Austio Catarosis. This is a fatal disease that is on a rampage, spreading across the globe. However if you have not gotten any of these symptoms, then there is still hope. Not only do I have hope, but I also have a plan. I have a strategy that will save us all, so I ask that you trust me and do exactly as I instruct. I tuned on the television this morning and my heart sank as I perceived the atrocious news. The news program stated that there was an old, rich woman who lived on an island in the Caribbean. She had eighty–five cats living with her. She noticed that one of her kittens were starting to act weird, so she loaded all eighty–five cats on her boat and headed to America. Her reasoning: she heard that the world's finest veterinarian was stationed in Atlanta, Georgia, and she would stop at nothing to get the best care for her babies. By the time she made it to America, all of her cats were sick and she wasn't feeling too well herself. Even the world's best veterinarian couldn't figure out what was wrong ... Show more content on ... This illness cannot survive the cold, so the only logical reasoning is to move to a year–round cold environment. I propose that we move to the North Pole since it is closer than other cold climates. We could make our shelter from the evergreen tree branches, or I have instructions on how to make an igloo. Another reason that we should move to the North Pole is because it is a remote area and away from basically all civilization. Not a single cat or cat/human hybrid can find its way to our shelter, or survive long enough to find our shelter for that matter. Not only would they freeze to death, but they would also starve, which brings me to our next challenge that we would face while living in the North ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Human And Animal Health : A Critical Branch Of Public... Veterinary public health is a critical branch of public health and a key component of a healthy society. Zoonotic diseases are brought about by pathogens that can infect both animals and humans. Without proper disease control interventions, zoonotic pathogens can cause catastrophic effects on humans, animals, and the ecosystem as a whole. Zoonotic diseases account for nearly 75% of emerging infectious diseases, so it is quite obvious that human and animal health are inextricably linked (Economics and One Health). The "One Health" approach calls for interdisciplinary collaboration in all aspects of health care for humans, animals and the environment (cantas). It is common practice in the American culture for small animals to be regarded as ... Show more content on ... Healthy People 2020 intends to identify health improvement priorities, provide measurable objectives, increase awareness, promote best practices, and measure the impact of prevention activities. 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families has similar goals, however is focused more on the intertwined relationship of animal and human health. The goals of 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families are to create animal health goals based on the latest research, track trends in animal health, and create programs that improve both animal and human health. 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families has seven focus areas: 1. Zoonotic disease prevention 2. Bite prevention 3. Disaster preparedness 4. Spay–neuter requirement 5. Pet obesity 6. Second hand smoke 7. Vaccine preventable diseases This case study attempts to analyze the effectiveness of the 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families campaign using the Health Belief Model. Overview of the Initiative 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families was launched in 2010 by the Veterinary Public Health sector within the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. The idea for the campaign came from the Acting Director of the Veterinary Public health program, Dr. Karen Ehnert. Dr. Ehnert is responsible for strategizing ways to improve the program, and after noticing gaps in promotion of prevention and community education she decided to design an initiative. 2020 Healthy Pets Healthy Families combines the One Health movement with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Cat Scratch Fever Research Paper Cat scratch fever, also known as cat scratch disease (CSD), is given to human by cats. It can be contracted from a bite or scratch from a cat, it comes from a bacterium known as Bartonella Henselae which is a gram–negative rod. About 40% of cats carry the disease but most of them are around the age of 1 year old or younger. Kittens at this age are learning how to use their teeth and claws as ways to protect themselves or catch their prey. People who have kittens are more likely to get it since the kittens tend to scratch and bite as a way of playing. Cats get the bacteria from either a bite from a tick or from the feces of fleas on their skin. When a cat scratches or bites at a flea, the bacteria will either get stuck underneath their claws or in their teeth, causing the cat to be infected with the bacteria. Cats can also get it from fighting or playing with a cat that is already infected with the disease. Bartonella Henselae started showing up around 1992 along with a bacterium called Rochalimaea henslae. In 1981, Dr. Wear made the discovery of Cat Scratch Fever when he checked the lymph node of an 11–year–old girl. Out of 100,000 people per year, the ... Show more content on ... This disease causes the lymph nodes to swell, low grade fever, and fatigue. Before the disease was thoroughly studied, this disease was easily mistaken for tuberculosis. As stated before, Bartonella Henselae is the main bacteria or etiologic agent that is the cause of Cat Scratch Fever. Bartonella Henselae hides in the blood vessels of the host and it will change its proteins. What is amazing about this specific bacterium is that it can change its strategy, depending on which host it is invading. Bartonella Henselae is not the only bacterium that can cause this disease. There are a few rare cases where B. Clarridgeiae, A. Felis and a few other unidentified organisms that were the etiologic agents of this ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. What Is Zoonotic Infectious Disease? Zoonotic infectious diseases has significantly increased concerns to humans since the beginning of the domestication of animals. Commonly threating both animals and human's health and welfare. Mainly these diseases are due to a wide range of pathogens including fungi, bacteria, parasites, and many more. Many diseases which plague the human species can be life threatening. Be more alert about a single scratch from a friendly paw. Researchers discovered how cats can quickly spread an infectious fatal disease such as Bartonella henselae bacteria. Also, known as cat scratch disease or CDC. Most infections cases commonly occur after scratches from fetal or domestic cats, especially kittens. CSD arise wherever fleas are found on cats. The most common symptoms include enlarged, tender lymph nodes which could develop 1–3 weeks after exposure; ... Show more content on ... Kittens are more likely to have bacteria in the blood of cat scratch and are known to scratch more aggressively. Individuals who have been bitten or scratched by a kitten are at higher risked of getting infected again, and those who have a kitten with fleas are at higher risk of an infection than people whose animals were free of fleas. Patients diagnosed with CSD do not always required antibiotics. They are usually requested a follow–up by their doctors in about three to six months; however, if symptoms do not get better or worsen, their doctor should be contacted immediately. Patients who are have an impaired immune system need weekly follow–up even when responding well with antibiotics. Rare cases some patients could be in need of hospitalization for treatment of complications. Cat scratch disease could be treated and prevented. Always stay alerted and do your best to keep your cats nails trimmed. Zoonotic diseases can be prevented with simple caring of animals. Treat and care for your animals as if they were your own ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Cat Scratch Disease Essay Treatments for cat scratch disease By Jonas Wilson, Ing. Med. Transmitted by the bite or scratch of a cat and occasionally by fleas or ticks, cat scratch disease (CSD) is a common bacterial infection. It is caused by Bartonella henselae and has a high prevalence in humid and warm climates. Children and adolescents are more likely than adults to have a higher risk of exposure. People who become infected present within 1 – 2 weeks with mild infection at the site of inoculation, which is followed by proximal lymphadenopathy and possible systemic symptoms such as fever, anorexia and malaise. Diagnosis is made on the grounds of clinical history and symptoms in addition to serology (best initial test) and is supported by other investigations, such as hematology and lymph node biopsy, if necessary. CSD is usually a self–limiting disease and as such generally only requires symptomatic and conservative treatment in patients with a mild or moderate presentation. Analgesics and antipyretics may be administered as necessary and applying localized heat to the affected lymph nodes may also be done. Patients with more severe presentations of CSD and ... Show more content on ... Those who are immunocompetent with any signs of systemic disease may be followed up in an outpatient clinic with a scheduled appointment several weeks later to ensure that resolution of CSD lymphadenopathy has been achieved. However, a patient should seek medical attention if neurological complications occur or if the lymphadenitis progressively enlarges. The latter could be a sign of something more sinister, such as a neoplasm. In preventing CSD parents should instruct children to always exercise caution to avoid scratches and bites. Proper pet hygiene is also recommended to prevent flea and tick infestations. Treating cats with antibiotics may also be done, but has not shown to reduce the risk of transmission to ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. CAT: Tracial Infection Disease (CSD) CAT–SCRATCH DISEASE Overview Cat scratch fever is also called cat scratch disease (CSD), it is a bacterial infection. The infection takes its name because most of the people get from cats infected with Bartonella Hensel ae, which is one of the most common bacteria in the world that mostly spread by the cat. Causes CSD is a bacterial infection spread which occurs by the bite and scratch by the cat but sometimes Dog and monkey bites also have been implicated, as well as thorns, pins, and splinters. Nerves, bites and human–to–human transmission also have been supposed as possible sources but none has been clearly proved. Symptoms The most common symptoms you can see after 3–10 days of the site of the scratch that are following: Most common ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. How To Be A Veterinarian Essay "Veterinarians salary– 84,460 , The medium annual wage for veterinarians was 84,460 in may 2012 . the medium is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. the lowest 10 percent earned less than 51,530 and top 10 percent earned more than 144,100. Veterinarians diagnose and treat diseases and dysfunctional animals. Veterinarians who treat animals use medical equipment that are capable of treating animals and helping them. Veterinarians working in research use a full range of sophisticated laboratory equipment. There are so many reasons veterinarians study diseases and health maintenance for animals. There are so many students that have prepared for the careers of being a veterinarian and helping animals. When you want to become a vet you do have to take many special science classes. Veterinarians science is also so they can study and protect animals and practice many monitoring ways to find spreads of widespread diseases. ... Show more content on ... Veterinarians aren't the only that cure animals they, do many test on animals to find out if they have heartworms and canine, they also give them vaccinations and do x–rays on the animals which is to find out if the animals have anything like broken or have eaten anything that they weren't suppose to eat. aAso vets aren't always the ones who are always taking care of the animals or checking on what wrong with them. they also supervise on the technicians and assistance to see if they are doing their job correctly. Also the vets clean teeth to help the animals with bad breath and on trying not to catch any disease or any bad things that could happen if the owners don't take care of the animals like they are suppose ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Argumentative Essay On Stray Cats I think many students' attitude towards the stray cat is irrational.We had interviewed with 50 students.50% of them admitted that when they meet a stray cat,will try to touch them.In fact,it's dangerous,stray cats are very aggressive.Researchers at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say,efforts to care for abandoned cats could mean more humans will be exposed to rabies, Approximately 300 rabid cats are reported each year in the United States, says Jesse Blanton, a CDC epidemiologist. The CDC estimates that 16% of people in the United States who undergo rabies treatment are exposed to the deadly virus from cats. They must be treated with a series of shots. (CDC,2013) [5] More important,stray cats carry a lot of ... Show more content on ... A person living in New York who commits aggravated cruelty against a stray cat or animal can receive a fine of up to $5,000 dollars and five years of imprisonment.Animal Abandonment Laws: Leaving the animal to die in a public place, the owner is guilty of a misdemeanor and will receive punishment in the form of a fine, possible imprisonment or both. (Animal Cruelty Laws) [7] They also have professional organizations to carry out related activities.They can treat stray animals scientifically as well.So I think China should learn some good practices from abroad. The problem of stray cats on STU is urgently needed.According to such a purpose,we made a Project to enhance the this mission, we were also refer to some of their practices in protecting the stray animal.First,we did some publicity by making posters and leaflets,appealing to the students to rationally treat stray cats.They should not hurt them or get too close to them.Second,we will ask the school leader to pay attention to the stray cats problem on campus.We had wrote an article and sent e–mail to the headmaster Jiang Hong.Finally,we also try to call for legislation to protect stray animals.We wrote some suggestions,and posted it on the government website.And i also got in touch with the animal protection organization in Shantou,they promise trying to cooperate with our school. When we hand out ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Essay On Lyssavirus Syndrome recognition and notification "Rabies virus, the type species of the genus Lyssavirus of the family Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales, is the causative agent of rabies" (Detrick, et al., 2006). This bullet–shaped, enveloped RNA virus is one of the most formidable, zoonotic, neurologic diseases due to the prognosis almost invariably fatal in both humans and animals. Rabies is a genotype 1 Lyssavirus and can be found throughout the world, with the exception of Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Japan, the majority of Western Europe, Fiji, Hawaii and Guam (Sykes, 2014). Classical rabies is the most prevalent strain of rabies, endemic to more than 150 countries worldwide and responsible for more than 55,000 ... Show more content on ... Australian bat Lyssavirus is very similar to that of rabies and has been responsible for the death of three humans since it was detected in 1996. All three cases were in the state of Queensland after they were reportedly bitten or scratched by bats infected with ABLV. The existence of ABLV does not affect the rabies–free status and there have been no known cases of the rabies virus occurring in terrestrial mammals (NSW Government Health, 2016). There are seven genotypes of Lyssaviruses, belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, known to exist worldwide; however, through experimental inoculation, dogs and cats have shown a relative insusceptibility to bat–derived Lyssavirus as opposed to inoculation with terrestrial rabies virus strains. This suggests differences in mammalian infections with bat–derived Lyssavirus to that of terrestrial strains (Greene, 2012). Lyssaviruses Belonging to the Family Rhabdoviridae (Greene, 2012) Genotype Description of strains (Abbreviations) Geographic Location (Reservoir Hosts) 1 Classical rabies virus, including street and fixed varieties Worldwide, terrestrial (carnivores and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Typhus Research Paper Typhus is a deadly disease. It is caused by infection, which comes from rickettsia bacteria. Fleas, lice, ticks, and mites transmit rickettsia bacteria when they bite you. There are 3 types of Typhus. The 3 types are endemic, epidemic, and scrub. Epidemic Typhus is caused by lice, ticks, and body louse. Endemic Typhus is caused by flea, rats, and cat flea. Scrub Typhus is caused by louse, mites, fleas, ticks, and lice. You can easily get scrub Typhus in lice–infected areas. Once the bacteria is in the bloodstream, they continue to reproduce and grow. Typhus can last for 10–12 days at a time. All of the symptoms can occur. Typhus leaves red dots on the human skin. It can become deadly if left untreated. Although the 2 major (most common) types ... Show more content on ... It was in so many camps, because Typhus occurs in regions of poverty, with close human contact, and not much sanitation. Those reasons are the definition of concentration camps. There was a huge lack of medicine in those camps, so it kept spreading. This caused many people inside of the camps to die slow, painful, and agonizing deaths. Many Jewish people lived in overcrowded spaces, and that made it spread even faster. There was also much lack of healthcare, so they were forced to work while dying from Typhus, or get beaten to death for not being able to walk. "Typhus outbreaks were at their worst in the ghettos and labor camps..." (Ushmm, Raoul Wallenberg Place, 5/31/18). While Jewish people were dying, Germans had disinfection baths to protect themselves from getting the disease. Very rarely did people survive Typhus, because they had no treatment. It was pretty much impossible not to get Typhus, because one person gets it, then their whole bunk would get it, then the whole camp, then they would get transported to different camps, and it would spread even more. Typhus wasn't only in camps and ghettos though, because of the bacteria, it did occasionally spread to nearby ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Cat Scratch Disease Research Paper Cat–Scratch Disease Cat–scratch disease is a rare infection that can be passed to people through the scratch or bite of an infected cat. The infection causes a red bump at the site of the bite or scratch. It may also cause swollen lymph glands and other symptoms. In most cases, the infection is mild and does not cause serious problems. However, a more severe infection can develop in people with other illnesses or problems that weaken their body's defense system (immune system). CAUSES This condition is caused by a type of bacteria called Bartonella henselae. These bacteria are present in the mouth or on the claws of cats. SYMPTOMS Common symptoms of this condition include: A red and sore pimple or bump, with or without pus, on the skin where the cat ... Show more content on ... Headache. Sore throat. DIAGNOSIS This condition may be diagnosed based on your symptoms and history of a scratch or bite from a cat. Your health care provider will examine the skin sore and look for swollen lymph glands. You may also have tests, such as: Culture tests of any drainage or pus from the injury site. Blood tests. Removal of a tissue sample from a swollen lymph gland (biopsy) to be looked at under a microscope. This may be done to confirm the diagnosis and to make sure a different infection or disease is not causing your illness. TREATMENT If the condition is mild, treatment may not be needed. You may be advised to take pain medicine and apply heat to the affected area. A more severe infection can be treated with antibiotic medicine. People with immune system problems will usually be treated with antibiotics because they are at risk for developing a severe infection. This includes people with HIV or AIDS, with an organ
  • 44. transplant, or who take medicines that may modify their immune system. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS Rest until you feel better. Take over–the–counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Comparing Cats And Dogs Tyesha Fricks Compare and Contrast between cats and dogs Tyesha Fricks My paper is going to be on animals and how they are the same and how their different from each other. I have a cat so I know how cats act and how their different from dogs. They have many things in common with one another. Differences between cats and dogs are, the life expectancy. A cat's life expectancy is 12–25 years and a dog is 7– 20 years. So that means that cats are able to live longer then dogs. Cats and dogs have different habits, such as how cats don't like water. Dogs only need to be bathed sometimes depending on how long their hair is. I think that dogs are way more expensive then cats ... Show more content on ... They have the same kingdom, phylum, class, and order. They both have 4 legs, long tails, a kind of like horizontal body, the size of one another, and have similar digestive systems and teeth. Both of them have hair on their bodies to keep them warm, clean their fur by licking themselves, they sometimes have different color combined with their fur. They drink milk when they're babies, kept as pets, they want love and affection from their owner to show that they care about them, when you pet them there's cat and sometimes dog hair everywhere. Some dogs and cats suffer from the same intestinal worms and other things. They could both have ticks or a disease of some sort. They could be infected with tapeworms or roundworms. Flea infections could kill the dog or cat. Infected cats have a higher chance of dying then dogs do. Common things between the two is that they're both living, are breathing animals, and are carnivores. Cats and dogs are domesticated animals that people want to keep as pets. They sometimes eat the same type of food, they barely eat vegetables because it's mostly meat products. Cats and dogs both grow an attachment to their owner knowing who they are after a while of living ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Difference Between Dogs And Cats Of all the various domestic pets the modern world has to offer, dogs and cats are still the most common by far. You've likely heard that someone is either a cat person or a dog person, but what makes one better than the other? What are their differences, and what do these animals possibly have in common? It is important to know the specifics of an animal in order to decide which pet is best for you. So, what are some things the prospective pet owner should know about our feline and canine friends before adopting? While both of these animals are mammalian, cats are member of the feline family, and dogs a part of the canine family. Like most pets, it is highly recommended that they are spayed or neutered in efforts to prevent overpopulation. ... Show more content on ... This is the act of tufting up the fur along the animal's spine and tail and is a widely–recognized sign of aggression. Cats are known for their focused stare and stiff body stance. They also perform a sharp twitching of their tails to provide a warning of their frustration and may even swat with the paws. The most common sign of anger and fear in a cat is the vocalization of a hiss or a growl. This is usually the final warning that the cat is preparing to attack. Whenever aggressive behavior occurs, it is pertinent that the cause of the behavior is determined. There are several medical conditions that can result in aggression. It is recommended that a veterinarian is contacted to rule out any serious complications that could be causing the unwanted behavior. If all else fails, it is best to contact a trainer and/or behavioral specialist to work to correct the problem. Although it is obvious that cats and dogs have many more differences than similarities, they both share the same environmental factors that can greatly affect their physical and mental health. It is important to provide your pet with love, affection, and a safe living situation to ensure that they receive the best quality of life possible. To own a pet is to take on the responsibility of providing that animal with any and all care it may ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Viruses : A Bacterial Infection Caused By Bartonell... Catch scratch fever disease is a bacterial infection caused by Bartonell henselae bacteria. This disease gets in name because people contract it from cats. It is one of the most common bacteria in the world. Most infections usually occur after scratches from domestic or feral cats, especially kittens. CDS occurs whenever cats and fleas are around. Common symptoms include fever; enlarged lymph nodes, scab or pustule at the scratch site. In the United States, most cases occur in the fall and winter and illness is most common in children less than 15 years old. Disease Causative Agent Bacteria Taxonomy: (website 2) Specific Name: Bartonella henselae, formally Rochalimæa Domain – Bacteria – Most common group of bacteria, they live in ... Show more content on ... (website 1) Less common symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, and sore throat. If you notice any of these symptoms visit a doctors office or preform home care. Cats and dogs show symptoms just like humans however they generally don 't get sick from the bacteria so you cannot always tell if they are carriers. (website 4) Therefor, I think its important for us to know the signs and symptoms for our pets and strays as well. Cats and dogs will show symptoms such as fever, vomiting, lethargy, red eyes, swollen lymph nodes and/or a decrease in appetite. If you notice any of these signs or symptoms it is suggested that you take your furry friend to see a veterinarian. Pathogenesis In order to cause disease, pathogens must be able to enter the host body, adhere to specific host cells, invade and colonize host tissue, and inflict damage on those tissues. Bartonella diseases of cats are vector–borne, whereas human Bartonella disease can be vector–borne or non–vector–borne, directly transmitted, zoonotically by cats (9). Bartonella is a facultative intracellular parasite and opportunistic pathogen. It can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Feral Cat Population Reducing the Feral Cat Population in Thayer The feral cat population in Thayer, Missouri has exploded. Cats are everywhere you look. Many of the animals appear half starved and diseased. Without intervention to prevent the excessive over breeding of feral cats' disease will spread and they will die from starvation. The cats need our help. City of Thayer residents my plea to you is to help me stop the cats from destroying our community. On any given day, as a citizen of Thayer, I see twenty or more cats cross my yard. Trash cans on the street are overturned and rubbish is continually scattered across the ground. This is a headache for most people in the area. Many of our towns people are elderly and disabled. This creates a hardship ... Show more content on ... Vaccinate your pets. Educate your children regarding the importance of caring for their animals. Board up holes in your sheds and under porches to reduce the likelihood of feral cats taking up residence. Fill your flower beds with sharp rocks and pebbles to discourage them from using flower beds as a litter box. Use natural cat repellents such as cayenne pepper and ground mustard if you have children. Use ammonia soaked rags and moth balls in areas children are not present to help repel cats. Do not buy cats with the intention of breeding them. This will help reduce contact with feral cats and impact the unrestricted breeding of domestic cats with feral cats. This is not a total solution to the problem. However, it is just a step in the right direction. Without community involvement and resources from our city we will not be able to completely rid our town of unwanted cats. As a community, it is essential to speak to our City Council members and Mayor with our concern. Volunteering your time and money to this cause is worthwhile. Everyone in our community benefits from the lowered risks of disease and increased city beautification. Speaking to your neighbors and friends to help raise awareness of this issue and ask that they speak to their community leaders also will affect the decisions of our city law makers. Together we can make Thayer a feral cat–free city and a safe place for our kids to play ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Diseas Disease Research Paper Did you know that If you love to spend time with animals or pets or you owe the cat and love to spend time with her then you must need to read this article as here's a warning? Women lived in Ohio love to spend her time with her lovely cat and the cat usually licked her face but the fact is that she has gone blind in one eye due to the cat as cat transmitted the infection to the women face that blind her from left eye. Women explained about her blindness: The women explains about the accident that she is spending time with her lovely cat and cat was licking to her face and when she woke up in the next morning, she was unable to see from her left eye as eye gone blind and she thought it is conjunctivitis. She went to the hospital for checkup of her eye from the professionals as doctors examined the eye of the lady for long time and last they discovered that she lost her eye due to cat scratch i.e. a virus transmitted from her lovely cat. ... Show more content on ... bacteria and it is common in the cat as it is found in the fur of the cat or mouth and the virus is transmitted to the human through a scratch and the process of transmitting the virus to human is known as cat scratch – Actually, the fact is that nearly 40 percent of the cat in the world has Bartonella virus that is dangerous for humans and cause effects to the human ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Persuasive Essay On Cat Declawing Perfect Paws Intro sentence. When casually browsing cable television during the day you're bound to come across one of those sad ASPCA commercials. You turn the channel, mute the commercial or sit and watch. Why would anybody in their right mind do such a thing to an animal? But, what you might not know is, you're probably doing it right now. You've already hurt your trusty pet by forcefully amputating their paws. Declawing your pet cat causes irreversible physical and psychological damage that can easily be avoided. To begin, the psychical consequences of declawing a cat are many. What is declawing your cat? The Humane Society explains the process of declawing as, "Declawing traditionally involves the amputation of the last bone of each ... Show more content on ... Anxiety in newly declawed cats come from their lack of feeling secure in their own home environment. This leads newly declawed cats to misbehave. Anxious cats can react in a whole bunch of different ways. Hiding is a big one. Newly declawed cats who were once very social and timid seem to become skittish and antisocial after handling a surgery. Another way cats with anxiety cope with declawing surgery is self inflicted injury. Cats who are anxious regardless of surgery tend to over groom. Over grooming can lead to increased amount of hairballs and even can break skin creating dangerous wounds, that if not treated can lead to ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Cat Scratch Fever Research Paper Cat scratch disease (CSD) or cat scratch fever is a bacterial infection that most commonly spreads through cats. Cat scratch fever can only be transmitted if a cat infected with Bartonella henselae licks an open wound or breaks the skin. CSD can also be spread through the mucous membranes. It is possible to contract CSD from just petting a kitten or grown cat because the bacteria can also be on the fur. The severity of CSD is unique to each case but overall CSD is a mild bacterial infection that can be easily controlled. Symptoms of cat scratch fever includes bumps or blisters near infection site, swollen lymph nodes near infection site, fatigue, headaches, low grade fevers, nausea, chills, and overall discomfort. Some of the more rare symptoms include loss of appetite, sore throat, and weight loss. Symptoms such as blisters, bumps, and swollen lymph node do not appear randomly, they will appear around the source of infection. All symptoms will take about three to fourteen days to show up. ... Show more content on ... Most people who become infected do not even remember ever being scratched or bitten by a cat or kitten but because CSD can be transmitted through mucous membranes exposure to any cat fur can result in infection. Prolonged exposure to an infected cat could result in a more severe case of CSD. Keeping up with basic hygiene after coming into contact with any cats, like washing your hands, should prevent infection and lower the severity of the disease if caught. Cat scratch disease is more dangerous for people with a weakened immune system, such as people who have AIDS or ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Argumentative Essay On Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats William Holland 6A Dogs are better than Cats There has been a long standing argument about whether dogs are better than cats. I am not sure why this argument is still going because the immediate answer should be, "Dogs!". These animals are extremely useful, while cats just suck up resources and lounge about. Dogs are often used by various members of society to help with their lives. They are great animals that are good for people in general and while help people with their jobs and everyday life. Cats scratch people, break belongings, and have an annoying habit of running away Dogs are much better than cats for the average person and are much more useful. Dogs are used to help people ... Show more content on ... In the early years of the fire department dalmatians were used to run ahead of the fire truck (which at the time was a horse–drawn water cart) to clear the area, as they were easily spotted do to their black and white coloration. Dogs are now brought along by the fire department to let people know that help is on the way. They are also used to sniff out and kill mice that have infested the fire station. Dogs are also used by the police in major cities to help in law enforcement. They are used to track criminals, search buildings, locate bombs, and sniff out illegal substances. Cats are not, and have never been used by the law enforcement. Dogs are also used to help treat people with rheumatoid arthritis. Dogs help people with RA to move more often and encourage play as well as helping them get their mind off of their condition. This activity can help the people with RA to relieve their stress, although this can be done by dogs for a person without disease. These animals are very useful and help people with a variety of different illnesses and disabilities. As you can see, there are many important reasons that dogs are better than cats. They help keep our cities safe. They help people with disease get over it quicker. They help various branches of the government with security and safety. They can be used to research cancer to help find a working cure for the disease. They also work with the military ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Bartonella Henselae Essay A bacterium called Bartonella Henselae is transmitted from ticks to cats via their feces. Once this bacterium is transmitted to the cat it can be easily passed on to a human via the saliva through a cat scratch, lick or bite. The disease associated with this bacterium is known as Cat Scratch Fever (disease). Although being called cat scratch fever this disease is more common in kittens as they maybe too young for flea treatments making them more susceptible to acquire the infected flea. Bartonella Henselae is not typically considered dangerous but this disease has multiple signs and symptoms that can be troublesome. You should be on the lookout for swelling of the lymph nodes near the site of infection. For example, if the sight of infection is in the arm then swelling in the armpit or elbow is expected. Also common are red bumps or blisters, a low–grade fever, headache, fatigue and poor appetite within ... Show more content on ... Pain relievers such as ibuprofen and naproxen can be taken as needed if necessary. If symptoms last anywhere from a month to two months this could be a sign of infection. The point of infection happens when the disease has travelled to the bones, liver or other organs and may require antibiotics such as azithromycin, clarithromycin, rifampin, trimethoprim – sulfamethoxazole or ciprofloxacin. Like with many other diseases Bartonella Henselae has many preventative measures that can be followed to keep your family healthy. Hand washing with soap and water after handling your cat is a must. Also, being gentle with the cat so that it doesn't play rough by scratching and biting is important. Seeing as the infection is transmitted via saliva it is important that your cat does not lick your skin, eyes, mouth or any open cuts or wounds. Lastly, making sure to keep up with flea treatments for your pets will decrease the risk for obtaining Bartonella ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Spleen A number of anomalies have been found in the cat through out the dissection sessions. The anomalies were an enlarged spleen, enlarged thymus and enlarged lymph nodes. 3.1 The Spleen The spleen is an organ of the immune system (lymphatic system). It function is filter the blood and maintain it in a healthy way. The spleen produces two types of pulp to perform its function, the red and the white pulp (Goodenough & McGuire, 2014). The red pulp filters the damaged blood cells, palates and foreign materials in the blood, so it recycles the blood. On other hand, the white pulp is composed from lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells that help clean the blood. These two pulps work interchangeably to make sure the blood is filtered completely from any foreign materials and dead cells. Splenomegaly, which is the enlargement of the spleen, could happen due to four main causes, which were cancer, infection, liver or blood diseases (Kuntz, 2006). An enlarged spleen causes hypersplenism; it is a process where the spleen increases the filtration process of the blood cells. This causes the spleen to recycle more blood and consider it to be a foreign material. Consequently, more RBCs, WBCs and palates in the blood plasma are ... Show more content on ... After witnessing the enlarged spleen, thymus gland and lymph nodes, it was evident the cat had undergone some dilemmas with its lymphatic and immue system. With the first discovery, which was the spleen, the following discussion was presented: the chances that the cause of splenomegaly is a liver or blood diseases are low, because of the normal appearance of cat's liver and the blood of the cat was drained. The chances are higher with the other causes, which are more related to the lymphatic system. There might have been an infection, lymphoma or inflammation of the nodes in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Research Paper On Cat Scratch Disease What is cat scratch disease? By Jonas Wilson, Ing. Med. Cat scratch disease (CSD), also known as subacute regional lymphadenitis or cat scratch fever, is a common bacterial infection caused by Bartonella henselae. As one may deduce, infected cats are disease vectors and transmit the bacteria, which is found in their saliva via bites or scratches. It is estimated that up to 50 percent of cats may be carriers of the microorganism responsible for CSD and these cats may show no signs of infection. Occasionally, fleas, which are responsible for spreading the infection from one cat to another may also transmit the disease to people. In addition to fleas, bites from infected ticks may also lead to disease transmission. Disease history The first description of CSD may have been as early as 1889 by Henri Parinaud, who observed enlargement of the preauricular lymph nodes with conjunctivitis. However, he did not make any association of his findings with cats and the clinical oculoglandular syndrome was only seen to be present in a small number of patients with CSD. In 1931 doctors Debre and Semelaigne, observered a young boy with cat scratches and a suppurating adenitis who tested negative for tuberculosis. This finding led them to search for a possible link to a feline transmitted disease. While they were unable to find a link bacteriologically, they observed several more similar ... Show more content on ... In their report, they were able to describe a broad spectrum of the clinical manifestations of the disease, which led to further investigations into CSD. The microorganism implicated in CSD was first successfully isolated and cultured in 1988. Ultimately, the discovery of the etiologic agent for CSD and its classification was considered a great success of contemporary microbiology. This allowed for understanding its pathogenesis and developing effective means to diagnose, manage and prevent ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Essay on How Serious Can a Cat Bite Be? Pets can make our lives much happier. We must be very careful, though, when it comes to being hurt by a pet. Playful scratches and bites are common, but some of these bites can become serious and cause complications. Animal Bites The American Pet Association reports that there are about 150M dogs and cats living in the United States, with cats outnumbering dogs. Animal bites are therefore very common in the US, with about two to five million people being affected each year, accounting for one percent of emergency room visits. It is estimated that bout 10–20 people die yearly from animal bites. Children are the most likely victims, and dogs are the most likely attackers. In fact, up to 90% of all animal bites are caused by dogs, with cats ... Show more content on ... Lymph nodes in the armpits may become swollen. You may lose sensation in the fingers or hand, as well as ability to move the hand or arm. Fever, chills, sweating and loss of energy may also occur. These symptoms should send you to the emergency room or to your doctor's office. More serious complications include meningitis (affecting the brain coverings) and sepsis (widespread or disseminated infection). A recent study published in the Journal of Hand Surgery showed that about a third of patients who sought emergency treatment for cat bites needed to stay in the hospital for further treatment of wound infections. Most of these cat bite victims were middle–aged women. Those who were bitten over the wrist or other joints were the most likely to be hospitalized since antibiotic treatments failed to prevent infection. The joints are good breeding sites for bacterial growth, and treatment usually involved flushing the wounds and removing infected tissues every other day, in addition to antibiotic treatment. One patient reported washing her bitten wrist and applying antiseptic but was unable to move her wrist after a week, prompting her to seek further treatment. She ended up spending eight weeks in the hospital and spending about $150,000 for medical bills. Cat Bite Infections According to the results of a three–year study on patients who suffered from cat bites treated in one institution (Mayo Clinic), one–third of the patients needed hospitalization ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Cat Statching Research Paper Scratching is an all natural cat behavior. Regrettably, often, cat owners who come to mind about the furniture will need the cat to become declawed. Most cat owners usually do not actually understand precisely what the implications of declawing their cat could be. there are many different techniques which may be used. And by detatching the bone, the claw can be removed. So far, there is absolutely no studies to confirm the amount of discomfort the cat is experiencing, nevertheless many owners have noticed that their cats refusal to place weight on the declawed paws. A cat may continue steadily to experience discomfort in the paws for times afterward. Based on the over, it serves many purposes: – Defending against predators – Marking ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Microbiology 150 Lab 3-Selective vs. Differential Media Online BIO 150 Introductory Microbiology #3 Lab Report NAME __ Lab Group 2_____ Answer the following questions as you work your way through the lab material typing in your answers. Then submit your finished lab report as a Microsoft Word document. This lab report is worth 100 points towards your final lab grade. Each Q is worth 2 points unless otherwise noted. Also, per the Honor Code, this work must be your own. This is due Mon. 10/8 at 11:59 PM. The theme of this lab is the identification of unknown bacteria and viruses in a lab. Selective vs. Differential Media Selective vs. Differential Media Use the following website to help you answer Q 1 and 2 ... Show more content on ... The Alcohol in the agar interferes with the DNA synthesis of Gram–negative organisms which inhibits growth. ATLAS SECTION 7: DIFFERENTIAL MEDIA Please read over this section. Differential media usually distinguish or differentiate different species of bacteria based on the color of the individual colonies or the areas surrounding them. Look up these tests and answer the following questions: Blood Agar, Catalase, Citrate, Coagulase, Indole, Methyl Red, Motility, TSI, Urea, 11. What is a hemolysis and what type of bacteria produce it? (2 pts.) Hemolysis is the exotoxin of gram positive cocci (streptococcus, enterocus, and aerocccus) that destroy RBCs and hemoglobin. 12. What are the 3 major types of hemolysis and their descriptions? (2 pts.) The three types of hemolysis are B, A, Y. B is complete clearing or destruction of the RBCs or hemoglobin and it results in a clearing of the medium around the colonies. A is partial destruction and a green color forms around the colonies. Y is non–Hemolysis and shows simple growth and no change to the medium. 13. When would you use the Catalase test? (2 pts.) This test should be used when trying to identify organisms that produce catalase. It is used when differentiating between Catalase positive micrococcaceae and catalase negative streptococcaceae
  • 73. and some variations of the catalase test are for mycobacterium. 14. The Citrate Tests is part of what test series? ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Cat Scratch Disease Essay Introduction Cat–scratch disease is a slowly progressive, chronic lymphadenopathy that typically more prevalent in young children and immunocompromised individuals. Cat–scratch fever is just as the name suggest is passed to humans by being either being scratched or bitten by a cat that has been infected with Bartonella henselae. B henselae is the rod–shaped gram–negative bacteria that causes cat– scratch disease. When looking at this disease it will important to discuss the Epidemiology, the incubation and duration, signs and symptoms, diagnosis as well as treatment as well as case studies. The Epidemiology There is roughly 25,000 cases of cat–scratch disease recognized each year. Most of the cases tend to occur during the summer and first part of winter. Of all the reported cases eighty to ninety percent of them occur in subjects younger than twenty one. The cats that have been exposed to B henselae can still be considered contagious since the ... Show more content on ... It is recommended to use a warm compress applied against the swollen lymph nodes to help reduce the sharp pains associated with CSD. The majority of all CSD cases physician's advice against antibiotic treatment. The exception to this is when CSD infected individuals are immunocompromised, then the antibiotics help eliminate the bacteria and by doing so reduce the possible The list of possible complications is broad and be found in almost every organ system. . Such as encephalopathy (coma), pneumonia (respiratory problems), osteroyelthis (bone pain), neuroretinitis (possible blindness) otic neuralgia (hearing loss), and hepatitis (abdominal pain). . That being said there is no certain antibiotic that is proscribed to treat CSD even though it is resistant to several penicillin based antibiotics it is entirely left up to the treating physicians to choose what he feels will work best for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Ringworm Disease Pets can make fantastic companions and fun playmates. Most pet owners are aware of the more disgusting parts of owning a furry loved one, such as cleaning out the litter box, scrubbing up the occasional accident and enduring slobbery kisses. Unfortunately, these may not be the grossest things that your pet can make you deal with. Pets can spread dangerous diseases that can sometimes be deadly if left untreated. Be aware of these diseases the next time you are playing with your pet to keep you and your family safe. 1. Ringworm A highly contagious fungal infection, ringworm is commonly found in cats and dogs. Animals with the infection normally have patches of missing hair on their fur with red spots on their bare skin. In humans, a circular patch forms on the skin. It can be prevented by washing sheets twice a month in hot water and ... Show more content on ... Tapeworms Children are most susceptible to getting tapeworm from their four–legged friends because they are the least likely to wash their hands. Tapeworms are spread through flea, so keeping your pet flea– free is the best prevention. In humans, tapeworms can cause weight loss, as the parasites attach themselves to the intestines and digest the food that is eaten, diarrhea, stomach pain and vomiting. 9. Rabies A rare, but extremely fatal, disease, rabies can be prevented by avoiding wild animals and getting your pet vaccinated. Symptoms in pets include foaming of the mouth, staggering and behavioral changes. Humans who have been bitten by a rabid animal may experience itching by the bite, anxiety, confusion and hallucinations. If your pet has symptoms, call animal control and stay away from them, because the disease is transmitted through saliva. 10. Hookworms These parasites attach to your dogs' intestines and can kill them if they drink enough of their blood. The parasites are contracted through eggs in the dogs' feces, so cleaning them up promptly will prevent them from hatching and attaching themselves to your dog or to ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Cat Neutering alternatives Some of the cats cannot undergoes the neuturing process because of allergic reaction to the anesthesia,size of a cat or suffered from disease that require to recover before surgical process of neutering. There are also alternatives that can be taken beside of neutered the cat (VetInfo, 2012). Firstly, quarantine can be a method to control the population of the cats. The cats that are on heat are kept on the cage to separate it from male cat. This is beneficial as when the penetration not occur during on heat. The female cat does not make the oily marking that alert males when on heat that are difficult to clean. There is also a disadvantage of quarantine, cat will scratch at the door and carpet to escape. Its cause ... Show more content on ... The cat was kept on the cage for 7 days before claimed by its owner. The fine charge for owner is RM15 per cat. If there is no owner to claim, the cat are adopt or kill by euthanasia. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal (SPCA) are one of non–profit NGO based in Ampang Jaya, Selangor. According to SPCA "the aim of the SPCA is to protect defenceless animals and to alleviate their suffering". This animal welfare organisation focuses on three aspect education, abortion and rehabilition. SPCA was founded in 1958. The abortion can be done in Klinik Kembiri SPCA. SPCA had received and followed up on 530 reports in 2014. Then, SPCA investigates the mistreated or neglected of cat by advice the owner. The cases being forward to Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) if the owner fail to change their attitudes to their pets include cat."The Inspectorate also handle a variety of other tasks – they carry out emergency rescue operations for animals involved in accidents, stranded on rooftops/drains and also in various other states of distress. The officers also actively investigate and follow up on complaints of mistreatment or neglect of animals kept in zoos, horse riding facilities, farms and other recreational facilities. They also represent SPCA Selangor at meetings with local councils and the DVS on humane stray/pound management." ... Get more on ...