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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
West Waves City
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350
FNBE February 2014
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Introduction - 3
A City - 4
Investigation & Data Collection on: The Ancient City - 7
Investigation & Data Collection on: The Present City - 9
Investigation & Data Collection on: The Future City - 11
Case Study on: Floating on Water City - 13
West Waves City - 15
The Conclusion - 19
References list - 20
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
This project is the final project of ENBE,
titled “Better Cities of the Future”.
Students are required to learn and
understand what a city is, and do
research on one ancient city, one present
city, one future city, and factors to make a
better city.
From compiling and the understanding of
all the research, students are then asked
to plan their own city. A certain city is not
liveable by humans anymore, so
students, acting as the mayor of the city,
has to come up with a plan of a city quick
so that the citizens have a place to stay
and survive.
By doing this project, students get to
understand the elements in building
a city, and also into considering how
does the landscape, geometry,
structure and more affects the city.
Other than that, students also got to
look into the people and their
lifestyle when planning a city.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
The City
In this society, developments are growing rapidly
that we never realized the things around us had
been affected by the technology these days. Like
technology, the areas human sheltered in was
once called a little town, but when development
happened, without realizing a city was born, and it
spread all over the world. So, what exactly is a
The City Definition
A city, are actually like towns, but just a larger
version of them. It is designed so that it is suitable
for permanent human settlement, which means it
provides everything a human being needs for
survival, mostly local government services. Not
only that, it also includes some buildings involving
cultural and religious services such as churches or
mosques. A city is also the most involved area in a
country, as it usually has a large population and
many events are held in cities. One thing a city is
important to a country, is that it is the most
developed area of the country. Though not really
specified, but the height of buildings in city matters.
Brief History of Cities
When the first true city was named, it had been
considered that cities are large settlements with a
more developed system, where citizens no longer
produce their own food as farming areas are not
included in the city. This explains why the citizens
had to pay taxes to the king as the food supply was
supported by the king. Trading business increased
rapidly in cities, as it is needed to keep a strong
economy in the cities, along with the taxes. These
“laws” about historical cities was published by V.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Gordon Childe, an Australian archaeologist and philologist in 1950.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Between 4500 and 3100 BC, the very first
city had developed in Mesopotamia (ancient
Iraq), known as the city of Uruk. In the
current world, Uruk is considered as one of
the oldest city on earth. There was no
confirmation on how the development
started, but it was said that the weather and
environmental conditions show them light to
start an urbanization development. It was
the lacking in rainfall and growing heat
cause them to start building canals to
shelter, and the other reason is to protect
their opened land by building up walls. After
Mesopotamia started this culture, it was then
passed to Syria and Anatolia, Turkey, which
then passed to the whole world.
Making a city
The most important part of what made a city
up is a capable leader, who is the mayor of
the city. The mayor should be concerned
about the social issues of the citizens, food
distribution, cultural and races issues, and
the lifestyles. Besides that, having certain
regulations applied in the city by the
organized government is important to keep
the city civilised. There should be facilities
for the citizens to live and survive, that are
the residential areas, commercial areas,
health and services areas, business areas,
shipping ports, proper transportations,
educational areas and much more. The city
square is also important as citizens could
keep track of the events happening in the
city. These are the ingredients in making a
civilization, a city.
A Good City
There are many factors that can make a
good city, it is all about the people in the city
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
working as one to prevent disagreements
that could cause war. Priority is to keep the
city peaceful and free from war. The mayor
should plan the city as such that all the
citizens could have a shelter to cover over,
that includes providing sufficient jobs and
also enough residential areas to live in.
Food supply and health issues should be
taken into serious consideration as a
healthy lifestyle would keep the citizens
satisfied living in the city. A city should look
into economy issues as well because it is
the key to keep the city wealthy and more
civilised. Besides the lifestyle and economy,
environmental issues should be taken
seriously too. The mayor should look into
providing a greener space and free from
pollution to keep the lifestyle healthier. This
is why it is important that a mayor need to
be capable to plan a city properly.
The Future City
In the current world, technology had almost
taken up 50 percent of everyone’s lifestyle,
without doubt in the future, it would become
a higher percentage. Most probably in the
future, vehicles travel using hydrogen,
electricity or solar power, or the technology
in cities would be so advance that vehicles
wouldn’t even need to get in contact with the
ground! The buildings would probably be
built using the green building system, that is
having plants growing on the tiny terrace of
each floors of the buildings, and they would
equip solar power as solar panels would
become the main energy source in the
future. If anyone were to picture how future
city would look like, most probably they
would see a clean city, free of pollution,
peaceful lifestyle and greener than earth is
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Investigation & Data Collection on:
The Ancient Cities – Rome
History of Ancient Rome
There had been many legends in how the City of Rome came about, but
the most well-known story happened on 21st
of April, 753 BC. Two
brothers, Romulus and Remus, went over to the land and fight over who
should rule the land. In the end Romulus killed his brother and later
claimed the land over his name. The Roman Republic only started building
up during the 509 BC, and on the 484 BC, the first temple was built in
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Significance of the City
 Was known as the largest city in the ancient times
 Started trading business through a navigable waterways to travel
goods (soon it leaded from a trading country to a prosperous
 Borrow and improve other cultures as their own’s
 Has government buildings, temples, palaces, entertainment arena
and more.
Elements for Future City
The ancient Rome started their
business through massive amount of
trading business, which was how it
initially built up a strong economy.
With that, to start out with the new
city’s economy is through business
that involved friendly social
business, like trading business.
The easily accessible pathways in
between buildings in the city made
a good inspiration to create a
creative way of connecting the
citizens together.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Investigation & Data Collection on:
The Present Cities – New York City
History of New York City
New York City was first discovered by Giovanni da Verrazano, a
European, in 1524, through sailing around the area. He encounter the
native Lenepe (Native Americans), and then left on 17th
of April, after
naming the area New Angouleme. In 1690, arriving the New Angouleme
were the Englishmen, one of them Henry Hudson started a settlement
there while sailing out to search for a new route to Asia. He then named
the settlement New Amsterdam. In the 18th
century, New York City had
become one of the greatest trading business cities and important sea
ports by them. Until now, New York City had turned into a famous and
wealthy city that is also one of the top tourist’ attractions.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Significance of the City
 Most populous city in the US
 Have the world’s busiest pedestrian intersections (from out of the
 Have bridges, parks, skyscrapers, entertainment industry,
Chinatowns, universities and more.
 24/7 most extensive metro system worldwide
 Includes finance, media art, fashion studios, researching labs,
technology offices, and educational areas all in one city
 A lot of pedestrian walkways, so that people can walk as a daily
basis comfortably
Elements for Future City
In the current New York City, they
have very easily accessible routes to
travel from the outskirts of the city
into it. Not only does this benefits the
mobility and travelling, but it ease the
problem of delayed delivery of goods
transportation. It also has a city
square where the citizens meet up for
events held in the city. The mobility in
New York City is even better at the
fact that there are a lot of walkways
so that people would walk around the
city while enjoying the view of the
beautiful skyscrapers. There are also
little towns for different races, like
Chinatown, so that all races can be
included and shared in the city, all
teaming up as one.
The fact that there are many
walkways to walk around so that the
citizens in NYC would use less of the
vehicles is a good way to start a
greener city.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Investigation & Data Collection on:
The Future Cities – Tokyo City
History of Tokyo City
The current Tokyo City was once called Edo, in the 12th
century, and it
was a little town village, situated between the crossing of Sumida River to
Tokyo Bay. Because Edo was the centre of politics and culture of Japan,
it later grew into a new city and the population increased to over a million
by the mid-18th
century. Japan started to use the western settlements
construction techniques using bricks and stones for mansions for the
wealth and lords. In 1869, there was the first communication line between
Tokyo and Yokohama, and by that time Tokyo started having the first
steam locomotive, which is the railway. The first modern political system
was published in 1889.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Significance of the City
 Model of urban efficiency, widely known as the world’s cleanest and
safest city
 Would have a stadium of 80,000 seats with a retractable roof for any
 Aiming for the world’s most greenest city
 Cars would no longer be on land, and train system instead of being
underground, they would be on flyovers or even floating above
ground, and cable cars hovering over cities.
Elements for Future City
The elements chosen from Tokyo future
city would involve the high technology
to add into the new city. For
transportation, there would be
overhead transportations, which hovers
over ground, so that the ground could
be used to do plantations. Petrol cars
would be replaced by electric or even
hydrogen cars. Electricity would be
replaced by solar energy, wind energy,
or wave energy, and much more
renewable energy.
Having more advance energies
supplies that are renewable would be a
very efficient system to the city.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Case Study on:
Floating on Water City
Floating on Water City
A floating on water city, also known as sea steading, is to build a
permanent dwellings on the sea but away from lands. It has a separated
government system from the closest land region. On the current day, not
a proper floating on water city had been built on Earth. The closest
resemble of it are ships that has a proper population that is constantly
staying on sea as cities.
Important Consideration
Planning a city is not like buying a toy for a kid. One needs further research
and consideration when planning the city. The three main factors to look
into are economy issues, environmental issues, and social issues. It had
to be made sure that there is a strong economy to support the city’s status,
that includes the citizens’ jobs are civilised jobs as they matters to the city.
One city could never neglect the green cities planning people all over the
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
world are planning for. There are several ways to promote a green city,
such as using renewable energy resources, and also having enough
greeneries to keep up with saving greens on Earth. Social issues are not
a small deal among the three. In order to keep up good relationship with
other cities, a city had to be capable of the social issues, together with a
good attitude and civilised lifestyle.
Other than that, there are still other important factors when planning a
floating on water city. The structure and concept makes a big deal to how
the city would developed. It is important to make sure the city built would
not sink during the years of development. Also, it would be a double
benefits if the concept of the city can be connected to how energy
generated, like using sea water to generate electricity, or the sea breeze,
or even a large piece of floating solar panel. One more factor to consider
is the size of each real estate projects available on the city. Since the land
is limited, planning the buildings should be with concern. Lastly, one of the
most important issues are asking the citizens for their suggestions. It
would be better to make sure the citizens feel comfortable living above
sea water, after all, the citizens are the bricks, and a house would not be
built up if the bricks does not work as one.
 Getting personal freedom as living on a floating on water city would
change the citizen’s lifestyle a whole lot differently.
 There would be rooms for economic opportunities because a
floating on water cities are the latest project people had been
working on, and if it really did work, it would be blast for settlements.
 Citizens would get a better way of living as in the future, floating on
water cities would be built accommodating environmental, social
and economy issues, which can provide the citizens a higher
standards of life.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
West Waves City
Aim of City
Creating a city to a whole new level by making use of the surface of the
sea. (In the future, the sea would expand to a large area and land would
decrease, so in order to not let nature slow down the development, we
use the sea as our “land”.)
Ideas of City
The idea came from a Ferris Wheel lying on the water. The reason for this
design is because every little small part counts, so that it can join up as
one. The other reason is because some of the water generator uses the
Ferris Wheel system.
Inspiration from Researches
 Rome first started to develop is through trading business on
 Lively area in the city areas, with more skyscrapers and buildings
 Having green buildings
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
 Lesser use of petrol vehicles, instead, using city boats and ships
 Comfortable walkways and pathways
Why Floating on Water?
 In the future where the ice caps melts, causing the amount of sea
water to increase rapidly, my city will make full use of the water to
generate energy.
 At the same time, my city can have city boats traveling around the
city instead of having on road vehicles running around. Using boats
as public transport is a good way to bring life to the city.
 Not only that, my city is able to create aquariums without catching
the animals out of the sea, but instead building a tube for people to
visit underwater. This is mainly for tourist attractions of people who
wants to relax and also easier to find special creatures underwater.
Things the City Provides
 An environment that will encourage citizens to walk around the city
 Boats as public transport
 Unique underground aquarium
 Easily accessible to every area in city
 A beach to relax and enjoy the sunset sceneries
Important Elements
 Green environmental systems
 Easy and convenient transportations
 Public spaces for social issues
 Maintaining a strong economy
 Advance technology that can improve citizens’ lifestyle
 City Boats: act as public bus transportation. Use sea water to
generate energy (fuel) to move. Stops at every 8 points of city and
move every 5 minutes (efficiently).
 Tour Boats: only for tourists or if citizens wants a day off to explore
the city. Moves very slowly. More comfortable. One day pass ticket.
 Pathway tubes: because they are built beside sea, there is a cover
(roof) over from the side to the top of the pathway. The roof will
extend to cover the whole pathway if necessary (like raining).
 Underground Shipping System: only for shipping goods. An
underground tube that connects the port to the commercial areas.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
1. Residential Areas: Two residential areas for people of different
2. Educational Areas: Close to residential area, able to walk without
taking the public transport (city boat), safety for kids.
3. Commercial Areas: Convenient as close to residential and
business areas.
4. Government Buildings: Near business areas.
5. Energy Supply Industrial: Right at the centre among all the other
buildings when needing to supply to all the other areas.
6. Industrial Areas: Close to port, convenient transportations.
7. Port: Close to industrial area.
8. Beach: Close to tourism area, tourist attraction.
9. Business Areas: Convenient from residential and commercial.
10. Services Areas: Close to residential, available at two sides of
11. Hospital: Close if needed to transfer from small hospital
(services area) to the larger hospital.
12. Hospitality and Tourism Areas: Close to beach, recreational
area for visits.
1 9
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
13. Recreational Areas: Away from causing danger (kids,
educational area).
14. Religious and Cultural Areas: Close to residential area.
15. City Square: Close to residential.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Transportation Routes
 Boats Routes: There are four lanes for boats, two for each
directions. It stops at all the "X" points.
 Pathway Routes: Wherever possible to walk on
Sustainable Approaches
 Say no to pollution
 Use more of renewable energy
 More green buildings
In order to plan the best city one could, is to include the technology and
systems the world is currently using the change the world, from the past,
and also from the future.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
The Conclusion
From doing this project, I’ve learned that city is not just an area with
skyscrapers and advance technology playing on big screens on the
buildings along streets. They are the specific factors for a city to be
considered as one.
Sometimes, doing thorough research towards ancient, present and future
cities would make a big difference when planning a city as you can see
how the world is changing and how the current city can start from scratch
into something we admire these days. The future city also one of the
important part as people nowadays had already started planning how our
future cities would look like, and that is the key to the future city we are
Planning a city, too is not trying to put a few buildings together and that’s
it, but needing to connect the people’s lifestyle to the city is also the key
to make a successful city.
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
References Links
A City
Investigation & Data Collection on: The Ancient City
Investigation & Data Collection on: The Present City
Investigation & Data Collection on: The Future City
ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation
Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University
Case Study on: Floating on Water City
West Waves City

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West waves city report

  • 1. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 1 West Waves City Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 FNBE February 2014
  • 2. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 2 CONTENTS Introduction - 3 A City - 4 Investigation & Data Collection on: The Ancient City - 7 Investigation & Data Collection on: The Present City - 9 Investigation & Data Collection on: The Future City - 11 Case Study on: Floating on Water City - 13 West Waves City - 15 The Conclusion - 19 References list - 20
  • 3. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 3 Introduction This project is the final project of ENBE, titled “Better Cities of the Future”. Students are required to learn and understand what a city is, and do research on one ancient city, one present city, one future city, and factors to make a better city. From compiling and the understanding of all the research, students are then asked to plan their own city. A certain city is not liveable by humans anymore, so students, acting as the mayor of the city, has to come up with a plan of a city quick so that the citizens have a place to stay and survive. By doing this project, students get to understand the elements in building a city, and also into considering how does the landscape, geometry, structure and more affects the city. Other than that, students also got to look into the people and their lifestyle when planning a city.
  • 4. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 4 The City In this society, developments are growing rapidly that we never realized the things around us had been affected by the technology these days. Like technology, the areas human sheltered in was once called a little town, but when development happened, without realizing a city was born, and it spread all over the world. So, what exactly is a city? The City Definition A city, are actually like towns, but just a larger version of them. It is designed so that it is suitable for permanent human settlement, which means it provides everything a human being needs for survival, mostly local government services. Not only that, it also includes some buildings involving cultural and religious services such as churches or mosques. A city is also the most involved area in a country, as it usually has a large population and many events are held in cities. One thing a city is important to a country, is that it is the most developed area of the country. Though not really specified, but the height of buildings in city matters. Brief History of Cities When the first true city was named, it had been considered that cities are large settlements with a more developed system, where citizens no longer produce their own food as farming areas are not included in the city. This explains why the citizens had to pay taxes to the king as the food supply was supported by the king. Trading business increased rapidly in cities, as it is needed to keep a strong economy in the cities, along with the taxes. These “laws” about historical cities was published by V.
  • 5. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 5 Gordon Childe, an Australian archaeologist and philologist in 1950.
  • 6. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 6 Between 4500 and 3100 BC, the very first city had developed in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq), known as the city of Uruk. In the current world, Uruk is considered as one of the oldest city on earth. There was no confirmation on how the development started, but it was said that the weather and environmental conditions show them light to start an urbanization development. It was the lacking in rainfall and growing heat cause them to start building canals to shelter, and the other reason is to protect their opened land by building up walls. After Mesopotamia started this culture, it was then passed to Syria and Anatolia, Turkey, which then passed to the whole world. Making a city The most important part of what made a city up is a capable leader, who is the mayor of the city. The mayor should be concerned about the social issues of the citizens, food distribution, cultural and races issues, and the lifestyles. Besides that, having certain regulations applied in the city by the organized government is important to keep the city civilised. There should be facilities for the citizens to live and survive, that are the residential areas, commercial areas, health and services areas, business areas, shipping ports, proper transportations, educational areas and much more. The city square is also important as citizens could keep track of the events happening in the city. These are the ingredients in making a civilization, a city. A Good City There are many factors that can make a good city, it is all about the people in the city
  • 7. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 7 working as one to prevent disagreements that could cause war. Priority is to keep the city peaceful and free from war. The mayor should plan the city as such that all the citizens could have a shelter to cover over, that includes providing sufficient jobs and also enough residential areas to live in. Food supply and health issues should be taken into serious consideration as a healthy lifestyle would keep the citizens satisfied living in the city. A city should look into economy issues as well because it is the key to keep the city wealthy and more civilised. Besides the lifestyle and economy, environmental issues should be taken seriously too. The mayor should look into providing a greener space and free from pollution to keep the lifestyle healthier. This is why it is important that a mayor need to be capable to plan a city properly. The Future City In the current world, technology had almost taken up 50 percent of everyone’s lifestyle, without doubt in the future, it would become a higher percentage. Most probably in the future, vehicles travel using hydrogen, electricity or solar power, or the technology in cities would be so advance that vehicles wouldn’t even need to get in contact with the ground! The buildings would probably be built using the green building system, that is having plants growing on the tiny terrace of each floors of the buildings, and they would equip solar power as solar panels would become the main energy source in the future. If anyone were to picture how future city would look like, most probably they would see a clean city, free of pollution, peaceful lifestyle and greener than earth is now.
  • 8. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 8 Investigation & Data Collection on: The Ancient Cities – Rome History of Ancient Rome There had been many legends in how the City of Rome came about, but the most well-known story happened on 21st of April, 753 BC. Two brothers, Romulus and Remus, went over to the land and fight over who should rule the land. In the end Romulus killed his brother and later claimed the land over his name. The Roman Republic only started building up during the 509 BC, and on the 484 BC, the first temple was built in Rome.
  • 9. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 9 Significance of the City  Was known as the largest city in the ancient times  Started trading business through a navigable waterways to travel goods (soon it leaded from a trading country to a prosperous country)  Borrow and improve other cultures as their own’s  Has government buildings, temples, palaces, entertainment arena and more. Elements for Future City The ancient Rome started their business through massive amount of trading business, which was how it initially built up a strong economy. With that, to start out with the new city’s economy is through business that involved friendly social business, like trading business. Conclusion The easily accessible pathways in between buildings in the city made a good inspiration to create a creative way of connecting the citizens together.
  • 10. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 10 Investigation & Data Collection on: The Present Cities – New York City History of New York City New York City was first discovered by Giovanni da Verrazano, a European, in 1524, through sailing around the area. He encounter the native Lenepe (Native Americans), and then left on 17th of April, after naming the area New Angouleme. In 1690, arriving the New Angouleme were the Englishmen, one of them Henry Hudson started a settlement there while sailing out to search for a new route to Asia. He then named the settlement New Amsterdam. In the 18th century, New York City had become one of the greatest trading business cities and important sea ports by them. Until now, New York City had turned into a famous and wealthy city that is also one of the top tourist’ attractions.
  • 11. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 11 Significance of the City  Most populous city in the US  Have the world’s busiest pedestrian intersections (from out of the city)  Have bridges, parks, skyscrapers, entertainment industry, Chinatowns, universities and more.  24/7 most extensive metro system worldwide  Includes finance, media art, fashion studios, researching labs, technology offices, and educational areas all in one city  A lot of pedestrian walkways, so that people can walk as a daily basis comfortably Elements for Future City In the current New York City, they have very easily accessible routes to travel from the outskirts of the city into it. Not only does this benefits the mobility and travelling, but it ease the problem of delayed delivery of goods transportation. It also has a city square where the citizens meet up for events held in the city. The mobility in New York City is even better at the fact that there are a lot of walkways so that people would walk around the city while enjoying the view of the beautiful skyscrapers. There are also little towns for different races, like Chinatown, so that all races can be included and shared in the city, all teaming up as one. Conclusion The fact that there are many walkways to walk around so that the citizens in NYC would use less of the vehicles is a good way to start a greener city.
  • 12. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 12 Investigation & Data Collection on: The Future Cities – Tokyo City History of Tokyo City The current Tokyo City was once called Edo, in the 12th century, and it was a little town village, situated between the crossing of Sumida River to Tokyo Bay. Because Edo was the centre of politics and culture of Japan, it later grew into a new city and the population increased to over a million by the mid-18th century. Japan started to use the western settlements construction techniques using bricks and stones for mansions for the wealth and lords. In 1869, there was the first communication line between Tokyo and Yokohama, and by that time Tokyo started having the first steam locomotive, which is the railway. The first modern political system was published in 1889.
  • 13. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 13 Significance of the City  Model of urban efficiency, widely known as the world’s cleanest and safest city  Would have a stadium of 80,000 seats with a retractable roof for any events  Aiming for the world’s most greenest city  Cars would no longer be on land, and train system instead of being underground, they would be on flyovers or even floating above ground, and cable cars hovering over cities. Elements for Future City The elements chosen from Tokyo future city would involve the high technology to add into the new city. For transportation, there would be overhead transportations, which hovers over ground, so that the ground could be used to do plantations. Petrol cars would be replaced by electric or even hydrogen cars. Electricity would be replaced by solar energy, wind energy, or wave energy, and much more renewable energy. Conclusion Having more advance energies supplies that are renewable would be a very efficient system to the city.
  • 14. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 14 Case Study on: Floating on Water City Floating on Water City A floating on water city, also known as sea steading, is to build a permanent dwellings on the sea but away from lands. It has a separated government system from the closest land region. On the current day, not a proper floating on water city had been built on Earth. The closest resemble of it are ships that has a proper population that is constantly staying on sea as cities. Important Consideration Planning a city is not like buying a toy for a kid. One needs further research and consideration when planning the city. The three main factors to look into are economy issues, environmental issues, and social issues. It had to be made sure that there is a strong economy to support the city’s status, that includes the citizens’ jobs are civilised jobs as they matters to the city. One city could never neglect the green cities planning people all over the
  • 15. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 15 world are planning for. There are several ways to promote a green city, such as using renewable energy resources, and also having enough greeneries to keep up with saving greens on Earth. Social issues are not a small deal among the three. In order to keep up good relationship with other cities, a city had to be capable of the social issues, together with a good attitude and civilised lifestyle. Other than that, there are still other important factors when planning a floating on water city. The structure and concept makes a big deal to how the city would developed. It is important to make sure the city built would not sink during the years of development. Also, it would be a double benefits if the concept of the city can be connected to how energy generated, like using sea water to generate electricity, or the sea breeze, or even a large piece of floating solar panel. One more factor to consider is the size of each real estate projects available on the city. Since the land is limited, planning the buildings should be with concern. Lastly, one of the most important issues are asking the citizens for their suggestions. It would be better to make sure the citizens feel comfortable living above sea water, after all, the citizens are the bricks, and a house would not be built up if the bricks does not work as one. Benefits  Getting personal freedom as living on a floating on water city would change the citizen’s lifestyle a whole lot differently.  There would be rooms for economic opportunities because a floating on water cities are the latest project people had been working on, and if it really did work, it would be blast for settlements.  Citizens would get a better way of living as in the future, floating on water cities would be built accommodating environmental, social and economy issues, which can provide the citizens a higher standards of life.
  • 16. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 16 West Waves City Aim of City Creating a city to a whole new level by making use of the surface of the sea. (In the future, the sea would expand to a large area and land would decrease, so in order to not let nature slow down the development, we use the sea as our “land”.) Ideas of City The idea came from a Ferris Wheel lying on the water. The reason for this design is because every little small part counts, so that it can join up as one. The other reason is because some of the water generator uses the Ferris Wheel system. Inspiration from Researches  Rome first started to develop is through trading business on waterways  Lively area in the city areas, with more skyscrapers and buildings  Having green buildings
  • 17. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 17  Lesser use of petrol vehicles, instead, using city boats and ships  Comfortable walkways and pathways Why Floating on Water?  In the future where the ice caps melts, causing the amount of sea water to increase rapidly, my city will make full use of the water to generate energy.  At the same time, my city can have city boats traveling around the city instead of having on road vehicles running around. Using boats as public transport is a good way to bring life to the city.  Not only that, my city is able to create aquariums without catching the animals out of the sea, but instead building a tube for people to visit underwater. This is mainly for tourist attractions of people who wants to relax and also easier to find special creatures underwater. Things the City Provides  An environment that will encourage citizens to walk around the city  Boats as public transport  Unique underground aquarium  Easily accessible to every area in city  A beach to relax and enjoy the sunset sceneries Important Elements  Green environmental systems  Easy and convenient transportations  Public spaces for social issues  Maintaining a strong economy  Advance technology that can improve citizens’ lifestyle Transportations  City Boats: act as public bus transportation. Use sea water to generate energy (fuel) to move. Stops at every 8 points of city and move every 5 minutes (efficiently).  Tour Boats: only for tourists or if citizens wants a day off to explore the city. Moves very slowly. More comfortable. One day pass ticket.  Pathway tubes: because they are built beside sea, there is a cover (roof) over from the side to the top of the pathway. The roof will extend to cover the whole pathway if necessary (like raining).  Underground Shipping System: only for shipping goods. An underground tube that connects the port to the commercial areas.
  • 18. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 18 Zoning 1. Residential Areas: Two residential areas for people of different careers. 2. Educational Areas: Close to residential area, able to walk without taking the public transport (city boat), safety for kids. 3. Commercial Areas: Convenient as close to residential and business areas. 4. Government Buildings: Near business areas. 5. Energy Supply Industrial: Right at the centre among all the other buildings when needing to supply to all the other areas. 6. Industrial Areas: Close to port, convenient transportations. 7. Port: Close to industrial area. 8. Beach: Close to tourism area, tourist attraction. 9. Business Areas: Convenient from residential and commercial. 10. Services Areas: Close to residential, available at two sides of city. 11. Hospital: Close if needed to transfer from small hospital (services area) to the larger hospital. 12. Hospitality and Tourism Areas: Close to beach, recreational area for visits. 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 9 1 10 91 11 09 1 10 91 12 09 1 13 10 91 14 10 91 15 10 91
  • 19. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 19 13. Recreational Areas: Away from causing danger (kids, educational area). 14. Religious and Cultural Areas: Close to residential area. 15. City Square: Close to residential.
  • 20. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 20 Transportation Routes  Boats Routes: There are four lanes for boats, two for each directions. It stops at all the "X" points.  Pathway Routes: Wherever possible to walk on Sustainable Approaches  Say no to pollution  Use more of renewable energy  More green buildings Conclusion In order to plan the best city one could, is to include the technology and systems the world is currently using the change the world, from the past, and also from the future.
  • 21. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 21 The Conclusion From doing this project, I’ve learned that city is not just an area with skyscrapers and advance technology playing on big screens on the buildings along streets. They are the specific factors for a city to be considered as one. Sometimes, doing thorough research towards ancient, present and future cities would make a big difference when planning a city as you can see how the world is changing and how the current city can start from scratch into something we admire these days. The future city also one of the important part as people nowadays had already started planning how our future cities would look like, and that is the key to the future city we are preparing. Planning a city, too is not trying to put a few buildings together and that’s it, but needing to connect the people’s lifestyle to the city is also the key to make a successful city.
  • 22. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 22 References Links A City 1. 2. 3. 4. tech-garden-smart-redefine 5. 6. makes-a-city-great/ 7. 8. the-future.html Investigation & Data Collection on: The Ancient City 1. 2. Investigation & Data Collection on: The Present City 1. 2. 3. Investigation & Data Collection on: The Future City 1. 2. 3. drawings-of-future-tokyo-scarily-accurate-hilariously-off-base/ 4. olympic-venues.56985 5. cities-predicted-in-2050.html
  • 23. ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Chan Pei Shan | 0318350 | Group Ms Ida | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 23 Case Study on: Floating on Water City 1. city.htm 2. city-seastead-with-substantial-autonomy-by-2020/ 3. 02/seastead-ahoy 4. floating-city West Waves City 1. 2. ottawa-official-plan-and-master-plan-review