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ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131

                                                   Editorial viewpoint

     Viewpoint on ISA TR84.0.02 Ð simpli®ed methods and
                       fault tree analysis
                                                Angela E. Summers *
                 SIS-TECH Solutions, LLC, PMB-295, 2323 Clear Lake City Blvd, Houston, TX 77062-8032, USA

   ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996 and IEC 61508 require the establishment of a safety integrity level for any safety instru-
mented system or safety related system used to mitigate risk. Each stage of design, operation, maintenance, and testing
is judged against this safety integrity level. Quantitative techniques can be used to verify whether the safety integrity
level is met. ISA-dTR84.0.02 is a technical report under development by ISA, which discusses how to apply quantita-
tive analysis techniques to safety instrumented systems. This paper discusses two of those techniques: (1) Simpli®ed
equations and (2) Fault tree analysis. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Safety integrity level (SIL); Safety instrumented system (SIS); ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996; IEC 61508; ISA-dTR84.0.02

1. Introduction                                                      been issued as ®nal and three are waiting for ®nal
                                                                     vote on the ®nal draft international standard. The
  In 1996, ISA, the international society for mea-                   intent is to release the entire standard as ®nal in
surement and control, voted unanimously for the                      early 2000. Instrumented systems designed in the
approval of ISA-S84.01. In 1997, the standard was                    next millennium must comply with this standard
accepted by the American National Standards                          with the exception of US installations that must
Institute (ANSI) and is now known as ANSI/ISA-                       follow ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996.
S84.01-1996 [1]. This standard is considered by the                     Both standards are performance-based and
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and                         contain very few prescriptive requirements. The
Occupational Safety and Health Administration                        ``performance'' of the safety instrumented system
(OSHA) as a generally accepted good industry                         (SIS) is based on a target safety integrity level
practice [2,3]. Any US based instrumented systems                    (SIL) that is de®ned during the safety require-
speci®ed after March 1997 should be designed in                      ments speci®cation development [6]. According to
compliance with this standard.                                       the standards, the ability of the SIS to achieve a
  Internationally, IEC 61508, ``Functional safety of                 speci®c SIL must be validated at each stage of
electronical/programmable electronic (E/E/PES)                       design and prior to any change made to the design
safety-related systems'' [4,5], is getting very close to             after commissioning. The entire operation, testing,
being released as a ®nal standard. The standard                      and maintenance procedures and practices are also
consists of seven parts, four of which have already                  judged for agreement with the target SIL. Thus,
                                                                     the successful implementation of a validation pro-
  * Tel.: +1-713-320-4777; fax: +1-281-461-8109.                     cess for SIL is very important for compliance with
  E-mail address:                              either standard.
0019-0578/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0019-0578(00)00018-5
126                                A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131

   The SP84 committee is working to complete a                suciently simple for the hand calculations. For
technical report, ISA-dTR84.0.02, which will dis-             SIL 3 systems, the complexity of the design often
cuss three techniques for the quanti®cation of SIL.           makes the Simpli®ed equations not so simple to
These methods are simpli®ed equations [8], Fault              use. Therefore, the technical report recommends
tree analysis [9], and Markov modeling [10,11].               the use of Simpli®ed equations for ``simple SISs.''
The technical report introductory material states                For more complex SISs, Fault tree analysis or
that the purpose of dTR84.0.02 is to provide sup-             Markov modeling is recommended. Fault tree
plemental information that would assist the User              analysis is widely used by the general risk assessment
in evaluating the capability of any given SIS                 industry for de®ning the frequency or probability of
design to achieve its required SIL and to reinforce           particular incident scenarios. The calculations can
the concept of the performance based evaluation               be done by hand, but since computer software
of SIS. The technical report further states that the          models are readily available, most Fault tree analy-
quanti®cation of the SIL is performed to ensure               sis is performed using a computer program.
that the SIS meets the SIL required for each safety              Many risk analysts are not familiar with Mar-
function, to understand the interactions of all the           kov modeling and the fundamental math behind
safety functions, and to understand the impact of             the method will be a rude awakening to those
failure of each component in the SIS. Therefore,              Users who have forgotten how to do matrix math
the technical report emphasizes the importance of             or how to solve Laplace transforms. However,
evaluating the SIS design [7].                                Markov modeling should be used for the evalua-
   The technical report also acknowledges the                 tion of any programmable logic solver [11], since
importance of spurious trip rate to the operation of          Markov modeling can take into account time
the facility. Spurious trips are often not without            dependent failures and variable repair rates found
incident. There is a process disruption; alarms               in most TUV Class 5 and 6 certi®ed logic solvers.
sound; and PRVs lift causing ¯ares many meters                It is best to leave the Markov modeling to the
high. Consequently, the technical report presents             Vendor and ask the Vendor for the PFDavg at the
the mathematics involved in determining the spur-             anticipated logic solver testing frequency. Users
ious trip rate. When viewing the calculations pre-            should focus instead on learning how to apply
sented and interpreting the results, it is important to       Simpli®ed equations and Fault tree analysis to
understand that the spurious trip rate is a frequency         evaluate the ®eld design, including the input and
with the units of failures per unit of time and the           output devices and support systems.
SIL is a probability, i.e. a dimensionless number.
   ISA-dTR84.0.02 presents three quantitative meth-
ods: (1) Simpli®ed equations, (2) Fault tree analysis,        2. Determining SIL of a SIS via simpli®ed
and (3) Markov modeling. The technical report is not          equations [8]
a comprehensive textbook or treatise on any of the
methods. All of the parts assume that the User of the            The Simpli®ed equation technique involves
technical report has a basic understanding of prob-           determining the PFDavg for the ®eld sensors (FS),
abilistic theory and the method being presented. It           logic solver (LS), ®nal elements (FE), and support
also assumes that the User knows how to obtain and            systems (SS). The ®eld sensors are the inputs
evaluate the appropriateness of the data for a speci®c        required to detect the hazardous condition. The
application. The intent of the technical report is to         logic solver accepts these inputs and generates
provide guidance on how to apply this knowledge to            correct outputs that change the state of the ®nal
safety instrumented systems.                                  elements in order to mitigate the hazardous con-
   Many Users will choose to use Simpli®ed equa-              dition. The support systems are those systems that
tions for an initial estimation of the Average                are required for successful functioning of the SIS.
Probability to Fail on Demand (PFDavg) for various            If the valves are air-to-move, the instrument air
design options. It may also be used to evaluate SIL 1         supply must be analyzed. If the SIS is energize-to-
and SIL 2 systems where the architecture is                   trip, the power supply must be considered as part
A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131                             127

of the SIS. Once the individual PFDs for each               is estimated as a percentage of the failure rate of
input, logic solver, output and support system are          one of the devices in a redundant con®guration,
known, these PFDs are summed for the PFDSIS.                assuming both devices have the same failure rate
                                                            (note third term above). Therefore, the common
€phsis ˆ Æ€phpƒ ‡ Æ€phvƒ ‡ Æ€phpi                           cause failure rate or dependent failure rate would
       ‡ Æ€phƒƒ                                             be   lh… and the device failure rate or indepen-
                                                            dent failure rate would be …1 À † Â lh… . For the
   The Simpli®ed equations used for calculating             purposes of Part 2, …1 À † was considered to be
the PFDavg were initially derived from Markov               equal to 1, yielding conservative results. For large 
models; however, the simpli®cation of the models            factors, …1 À † should be considered, which would
resulted in some limitations. Unlike Markov                 yield the following equation for a 1oo2 architecture:
models, this method does not handle time depen-                                              !
dent failures or sequence dependent failures. Due                         À          Á2 TI2
                                                             PFD—vg ˆ …1 À †lh… Â
to these limitations, this method should not be                                            3
used to analyze programmable logic solvers.                             Â h…     hh
                                                                     ‡ l  l  MTTR  TI
   Part 2 includes equations for 1oo1, 1oo2, 1oo3,                                     !              !
                                                                                    TI            TI
2oo2, 2oo3, and 2oo4 architectures. These equa-                      ‡  Â lh… Â         ‡ lh Â
tions have been derived from Markov models,                                          2             2
assuming the rare event approximation. The rare
event approximation can only be used when the               The published data in OREDA [12], CCPS [13],
failure rate (l) multiplied by the testing interval         and RAC [14] sometimes provide the undetected
(TI) is much smaller than 0.1. This can be stated           dangerous failure rate; however, many times, only
mathematically as lTI ( 0X1. Simpli®ed equations            a total dangerous failure rate is published. If only
results in the calculation of the PFDavg for each           the total dangerous failures are known, the User
voting con®guration. The extended equations do              must make an assumption concerning the percen-
include some variables for which published data is          tage of the total dangerous failures that can be
not available. These variables must be estimated            detected with diagnostics. If the percentage is not
from experience. Consequently, an experienced               known, the total dangerous failures can be used to
risk analyst and/or engineer is required for correct        obtain a conservative estimate of the PFDavg.
estimation of these variables. For instance, the              The second term is the probability of having a
equation for 1oo2 architecture is as follows:               second undetected failure (lh… ) during the repair of
                          !                                 a detected failure (lhh ). This numerical value of this
              À   Á2 TI2
 PFD—vg ˆ lh… Â                                             term is generally very small, since the repair time
                       3                                    (MTTR) is typically less than 24 h. Consequently,
            Â h…    hh
         ‡ l  l  MTTR  TI                                this term often can be considered negligible.
                           !             !                    The third term represents the probability of
                        TI           TI
         ‡  Â lh… Â         ‡ lh Â
                                 p                          common cause failure based on the beta factor
                         2            2
                                                            method. The beta factor must be estimated by the
  The ®rst term is the undetected dangerous failure         User, since there is almost no published data
of the SIS. It shows the e€ect that the device unde-
                                 À    Á                     available for current technology. The technical
tected dangerous failure rate lh… and testing               report states that the value is somewhere between
interval (TI) have on the PFDavg. This term is the          0 and 20%. Many Users have determined that
most important part of this equation in determin-           with proper design practices [15] that a beta factor
ing the unavailability of the SIS. This term is actu-       in the range of 0.1 to 2% can be used. The beta
ally simpli®ed from the full Markov solution.               factor has a profound e€ect on the PFDavg
  In explanation, the beta () factor method is a           obtained for redundant architectures, so it must be
technique that can be used to estimate common               selected carefully. For initial comparisons of
cause failure e€ects on the SIS design. The  factor        architecture and testing frequency, it is best to
128                               A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131
                                                                  Â À        ÁÃ Â À       ÁÃ
assume that this term is negligible. E€ective design         STR ˆ 2 lƒ ‡ lhh ‡  lƒ ‡ lhh ‡ lƒ
can minimize common cause failure. However, if
an analysis of the design indicates that common                 The ®rst term contains the failures associated
cause failures can occur, such as shared process             with a device experiencing either a dangerous
taps or a shared ori®ce plate, a beta factor should          detected failure which forces the logic to the trip
be selected and included in the ®nal calculation.            state or a safe failure. Due to spurious trip con-
  The fourth term is the probability of systematic           cerns, many Users choose to fail a detected device
failure. Systematic failures are those failures that         failure ``away'' from the trip. This converts the logic
result due to design and implementation errors. Sys-         to 1oo1 for the remaining device until repair is initi-
tematic failures are not related to the hardware fail-       ated. If this type of logic is utilized, the dangerous
ure. Examples of systematic failures are as follows:         detected failure rate contribution to the spurious
                                                             failure rate can be assumed to be zero.
  1.   SIS design errors                                        The second term is the common cause term and
  2.   Hardware implementation errors                        the third term is the systematic failure rate. E€ec-
  3.   Software errors                                       tive design and good engineering techniques should
  4.   Human interaction errors                              minimize both of these terms. The equation can
  5.   Hardware design errors                                then be reduced to the following:
  6.   Modi®cation errors
                                                             STR ˆ 2lƒ
   The systematic failure rate (lh ) is extremely dif-
®cult to estimate. Also, many of the listed sys-                Similar reduced equations can be derived for the
tematic failures will a€ect all of the architectures         other architectures.
equally. If software design is poor, it does not                When STR is known for each combination of ®eld
matter whether there is one, two or three trans-             sensors, logic solver, ®nal element, and support sys-
mitters. This term assumes that the systematic               tems. The overall STR is calculated by summing the
failures can be diagnosed through testing. There-            individual STRs. The ®nal answer is the frequency
fore, e€ective design, independent reviews, and              at which the SIS is expected to experience a spurious
thorough testing processes must be implemented               trip.
to minimize the probability of systematic failures.
When good engineering design practices are uti-
lized, these failures can be considered negligible.          4. Limitations of the simpli®ed equations
   Based on the repair time being short and on the           methodology
common cause and systematic failures being mini-
mized through good design practices, these terms               The published equations in ISA-dTR84.0.02 do
can be neglected yielding the following equation:            not allow the modeling of diverse technologies.
            hÀ    Á2      i                                  The sensors or ®nal elements used in each voting
              lh… ÂTI2                                       strategy must have the same failure rate. Conse-
PFD—vg ˆ                                                     quently, this method does not allow the modeling
                                                             of a switch and a transmitter or a control valve
  Similar reduced equations are provided for 1oo1,           and a block valve. During the derivation for the
1oo2, 1oo3, 2oo2, 2oo3, and 2oo4 architectures.              equations in Part 2 and those shown in Part 5, it
                                                             was assumed that the failure rate of voted devices
                                                             were the same. It must be emphasized that this is a
3. Determining spurious trip rate via simpli®ed              limitation of the equations presented in these
equations                                                    parts. It is not a limitation of the mathematics of
                                                             the methodology.
  For the spurious trip rate (STR), the full equation          However, a signi®cant limitation of the mathe-
for 1oo2 is as follows:                                      matics is the requirement that the testing frequency
A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131                                        129

be the same for all voted devices. To perform the             Fault tree analysis, the PFDavg is calculated for
Markov model derivation, the integration is per-              each device and then Boolean algebra is used to
formed over the range of time 0 to time ``testing             account for the architecture and voting. Conse-
frequency.'' Consequently all devices in a voted set          quently, the equations used for some architectures
must be tested at the same interval.                          will be di€erent when Simpli®ed equations are
  The method also does not allow the modeling of              used rather than Fault tree analysis. When the
any SIS device interactions or complex failure                equations are di€erent, of course, the PFDavg value
logic, such as 1oo2 temperature sensors detecting             will di€er. However, both methods provide accep-
the same potential event as 2oo3 pressure sensors.            table approximations of the PFDavg for the SIS.
The actual failure logic may be that the event will             A Fault tree analysis begins with a graphical
not occur unless both temperature sensors and                 representation of the SIS failure. For example, in the
2oo3 pressure sensors fail. This method will only             1oo2 voting of two identical devices, the fault tree
look at the sensor failures as separate issues.               would look as shown in Fig. 1. The failure of the SIS
Consequently, this method is used to model simple             would only occur if both device 1 and device 2 failed.
SISs only. However, the math is easy and all this             The and gate is used to illustrate this logic.
method requires for execution is a pad of paper                 The data would be collected and used to calculate
and a pen (or computer).                                      the PFDavg of each device:

                                                              PFD—vg ˆ lh… TIa2
5. Determining SIL of a SIS via fault tree analysis (9)
                                                                Boolean algebra, also known as cut-set math, is
   Part 3 discusses the use of fault trees analysis for       used to calculate the and gate. This yields:
modeling the SIS. Fault tree symbols are used to                                            À      Á2
show the failure logic of the SIS. The graphical              PFD—vg ˆ lh… TIa2 Â lh… TIa2 ˆ lh… TI a4
technique of Fault tree analysis allows easy visuali-
zation of failure paths. Since the actual failure logic         Since these calculations are based on the PFDavg
is modeled, diverse technologies, complex voting              for a single device, it is easy to examine cases
strategies, and interdependent relationships can be           where the failure rates and testing frequencies of
evaluated. However, Fault tree analysis is not read-          the two devices are not the same. The PFDavg for
ily adaptable to SISs that have time dependent fail-          each event is simply calculated based on its failure
ures. As with Simpli®ed equations, Fault tree                 rate and testing frequency. These PFDavg values
analysis is not recommended for modeling pro-                 are combined using the cut-set math.
grammable logic solvers. The User should obtain                 Any of the terms discussed in the Simpli®ed
the PFDavg for the logic solver from the Vendor at            equations overview can be included in the fault
the anticipated logic solver testing frequency.               tree as events, such as systematic failure and com-
   Fault tree analysis is one of the most common              mon cause failure. The 1oo2 voting devices, includ-
techniques applied for quantifying risk in the pro-           ing common cause, would appear as shown in Fig. 2.
cess industry. Computer programs, books, and
courses are available to the User to learn how to
apply Fault tree analysis. The technical report
recommends the use of Fault tree analysis in SIL 2
and SIL 3 SIS applications. It does require more
training and experience than the Simpli®ed equa-
tions, but will yield more precise results.
   The mathematical approach for Fault tree analy-
sis is di€erent from Markov model analysis. Fault
tree analysis assumes that the failures of redundant
devices are independent and unconditional. In                      Fig. 1. Fault tree for PFDavg for 1oo2 voting devices.
130                                A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131

                                                                Fig. 3. Fault tree for spurious trip for 1002 voting devices.

Fig. 2. PFDavg for 1oo2 voting devices with common cause         The spurious trip rate is calculated as follows:
                                                              ƒ„‚ ˆ ƒ„‚devi™e 1 ‡ ƒ„‚devi™e 2
  The independent failure rate contribution would
be calculated as follows:
                                                              7. Limitations of the methodology
PFD—vg ˆ …1 À †lh…
                                                                 The derivation methodology for fault tree analysis
                      TI È           É2 TI2
                                                              is di€erent from the Markov derivation methodol-
         Â …1 À †lh…     …1 À †lh…
                      2                  4                    ogy used in the other parts of TR84. While not truly
 The common cause contribution to the PFDavg                  a limitation of the methodology, the di€erence in the
would be calculated as follows:                               PFDavg values for some architectures has resulted in
                                                              disagreement among TR84 members about the true
                       TI                                     de®nition of PFDavg. However, the di€erence in the
PFD—vg ˆ  Â lh… Â
                       2                                      overall results is seldom signi®cant, but the reader is
                                                              warned that there will be instances where Simpli®ed
  The common cause failure contribution can                   equations and Fault tree analysis will not yield
then be added to the independent failure rate                 identical results.
contribution using cut-set math. For rare events,                There are three principle bene®ts associated with
the PFDavg calculations would be as follows:                  using Fault tree analysis for SIL veri®cation. First,
           Â         Ã2                                       the graphical representation of the failure logic is
           …1 À †lh… TI2             TI                      easily understood by risk analysts, engineers, and
PFD—vg   ˆ                ‡  Â lh… Â                         project managers. Second, the method has been
                  4                   2
                                                              used by the process industry for risk assessment
 The systematic failure contribution to the                   for many years, so there is already a resource base
PFDavg can be added in a similar fashion.                     within many User companies, as well as outside
                                                              consultants. Finally, the availability of software
                                                              tools to facilitate the calculations improves the
6. Determining the spurious trip rate via fault tree          quality and precision of the calculation.

  For the spurious trip rate calculation, the same            8. Conclusions
graphical technique is used, as well as the same
cut-set mathematics. However, the equations used                ISA-dTR84.0.02 is intended to provide guidance
to describe the individual events are based on fre-           on how to calculate the SIL of a SIS. Since ISA-
quencies not probabilities. For the 1oo2 voting               dTR84.0.02 is a guidance document, there are no
devices, the fault tree is drawn as shown in Fig. 3.          mandatory requirements. The document was not
A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131                                    131

developed to be a comprehensive treatise on any                   [4] Anon. Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Pro-
of the methodologies, but was intended to provide                     grammable Electronic Safety Related Systems, Parts 1, 3,
assistance on how to apply the techniques to the                      4, and 5 (IEC 61508, 65A/255/CDV) International Elec-
                                                                      trotechnical Commission, Final Standard, December
evaluation of SISs. Each part expects the User to                     1998.
be familiar with the methodology and suggests                     [5] Anon. Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Pro-
that the User obtain additional information and                       grammable Electronic Safety Related Systems, Parts 2, 6,
resources beyond that contained in the technical                      and 7 (IEC 61508, 65A/255/CDV) International Electro-
report. The technical report was issued in draft in                   technical Commission, Final Draft International Stan-
                                                                      dard, January 1999.
1998 and should be released as ®nal in 2000.                      [6] A.E. Summers. Techniques for assigning a target safety
  Simpli®ed equations and Fault tree analysis are                     integrity level. ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 95±104.
two excellent techniques that can be used together to             [7] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety Integ-
cost e€ectively evaluate SIS designs for SIL. Initial                 rity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 1: Introduc-
                                                                      tion (ISA dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 4, March 1998.
assessment of proposed options for input and out-
                                                                  [8] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety
put architectures can be performed quickly at var-                    Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 2:
ious testing frequencies using Simpli®ed equations.                   Determining the SIL of a SIS via Simpli®ed Equations
When the overall SIS needs to be evaluated, Fault                     (ISA dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 4, March 1998.
tree analysis is a proven technique that can model                [9] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety
even the most complex logic relationships.                            Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 3:
                                                                      Determining the SIL of a SIS via Fault Tree Analysis (ISA
                                                                      dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 3, March 1998.
                                                                 [10] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety
Acknowledgements                                                      Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 4:
                                                                      Determining the SIL of a SIS via Markov Analysis (ISA
  This paper was presented at Interkama, Dussel-                      dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 4, March 1998.
                                                                 [11] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety
dorf, Germany, October 1999.                                          Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 5:
                                                                      Determining the PFD of SIS Logic Solvers via Markov
                                                                      Analysis (ISA dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 4, April 1998.
References                                                       [12] Anon. OREDA: O€shore Reliability Data Handbook. 3rd
                                                                      Ed., DNV Technica (Det Norske Veritas Industri Norge),
 [1] Anon. Application of safety instrumented systems for the         Norway, 1997.
     process industries (ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996). ISA, Research    [13] Anon. Guidlines for Process Eqiupment Reliability Data,
     Triangle Park, NC                                                Ceter for Chemical Process Safety of the American Insti-
 [2] Anon. Process safety management of highly hazardous              tute of Chemical Engineers, New York, 1989.
     chemicals; explosives and blasting agents (29 CFR Part      [14] Non-Electronic Parts Reliability Data. Reliability Analy-
     1910). OSHA: Washington, 1992.                                   sis Center, Rome, NY, 1995.
 [3] Anon. Risk management programs for chemical acci-           [15] A.E. Summers. Common cause and common sense,
     dental release prevention (40 CFR Part 68). EPA:                 designing failure out of your safety instrumented systems
     Washington, 1996.                                                (SIS), ISA Transactions 38 (1999) 291±299.

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Viewpoint on ISA TR84.0.02 - simplified methods and fault tree analysis

  • 1. ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131 Editorial viewpoint Viewpoint on ISA TR84.0.02 Ð simpli®ed methods and fault tree analysis Angela E. Summers * SIS-TECH Solutions, LLC, PMB-295, 2323 Clear Lake City Blvd, Houston, TX 77062-8032, USA Abstract ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996 and IEC 61508 require the establishment of a safety integrity level for any safety instru- mented system or safety related system used to mitigate risk. Each stage of design, operation, maintenance, and testing is judged against this safety integrity level. Quantitative techniques can be used to verify whether the safety integrity level is met. ISA-dTR84.0.02 is a technical report under development by ISA, which discusses how to apply quantita- tive analysis techniques to safety instrumented systems. This paper discusses two of those techniques: (1) Simpli®ed equations and (2) Fault tree analysis. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Safety integrity level (SIL); Safety instrumented system (SIS); ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996; IEC 61508; ISA-dTR84.0.02 1. Introduction been issued as ®nal and three are waiting for ®nal vote on the ®nal draft international standard. The In 1996, ISA, the international society for mea- intent is to release the entire standard as ®nal in surement and control, voted unanimously for the early 2000. Instrumented systems designed in the approval of ISA-S84.01. In 1997, the standard was next millennium must comply with this standard accepted by the American National Standards with the exception of US installations that must Institute (ANSI) and is now known as ANSI/ISA- follow ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996. S84.01-1996 [1]. This standard is considered by the Both standards are performance-based and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and contain very few prescriptive requirements. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration ``performance'' of the safety instrumented system (OSHA) as a generally accepted good industry (SIS) is based on a target safety integrity level practice [2,3]. Any US based instrumented systems (SIL) that is de®ned during the safety require- speci®ed after March 1997 should be designed in ments speci®cation development [6]. According to compliance with this standard. the standards, the ability of the SIS to achieve a Internationally, IEC 61508, ``Functional safety of speci®c SIL must be validated at each stage of electronical/programmable electronic (E/E/PES) design and prior to any change made to the design safety-related systems'' [4,5], is getting very close to after commissioning. The entire operation, testing, being released as a ®nal standard. The standard and maintenance procedures and practices are also consists of seven parts, four of which have already judged for agreement with the target SIL. Thus, the successful implementation of a validation pro- * Tel.: +1-713-320-4777; fax: +1-281-461-8109. cess for SIL is very important for compliance with E-mail address: either standard. 0019-0578/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0019-0578(00)00018-5
  • 2. 126 A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131 The SP84 committee is working to complete a suciently simple for the hand calculations. For technical report, ISA-dTR84.0.02, which will dis- SIL 3 systems, the complexity of the design often cuss three techniques for the quanti®cation of SIL. makes the Simpli®ed equations not so simple to These methods are simpli®ed equations [8], Fault use. Therefore, the technical report recommends tree analysis [9], and Markov modeling [10,11]. the use of Simpli®ed equations for ``simple SISs.'' The technical report introductory material states For more complex SISs, Fault tree analysis or that the purpose of dTR84.0.02 is to provide sup- Markov modeling is recommended. Fault tree plemental information that would assist the User analysis is widely used by the general risk assessment in evaluating the capability of any given SIS industry for de®ning the frequency or probability of design to achieve its required SIL and to reinforce particular incident scenarios. The calculations can the concept of the performance based evaluation be done by hand, but since computer software of SIS. The technical report further states that the models are readily available, most Fault tree analy- quanti®cation of the SIL is performed to ensure sis is performed using a computer program. that the SIS meets the SIL required for each safety Many risk analysts are not familiar with Mar- function, to understand the interactions of all the kov modeling and the fundamental math behind safety functions, and to understand the impact of the method will be a rude awakening to those failure of each component in the SIS. Therefore, Users who have forgotten how to do matrix math the technical report emphasizes the importance of or how to solve Laplace transforms. However, evaluating the SIS design [7]. Markov modeling should be used for the evalua- The technical report also acknowledges the tion of any programmable logic solver [11], since importance of spurious trip rate to the operation of Markov modeling can take into account time the facility. Spurious trips are often not without dependent failures and variable repair rates found incident. There is a process disruption; alarms in most TUV Class 5 and 6 certi®ed logic solvers. sound; and PRVs lift causing ¯ares many meters It is best to leave the Markov modeling to the high. Consequently, the technical report presents Vendor and ask the Vendor for the PFDavg at the the mathematics involved in determining the spur- anticipated logic solver testing frequency. Users ious trip rate. When viewing the calculations pre- should focus instead on learning how to apply sented and interpreting the results, it is important to Simpli®ed equations and Fault tree analysis to understand that the spurious trip rate is a frequency evaluate the ®eld design, including the input and with the units of failures per unit of time and the output devices and support systems. SIL is a probability, i.e. a dimensionless number. ISA-dTR84.0.02 presents three quantitative meth- ods: (1) Simpli®ed equations, (2) Fault tree analysis, 2. Determining SIL of a SIS via simpli®ed and (3) Markov modeling. The technical report is not equations [8] a comprehensive textbook or treatise on any of the methods. All of the parts assume that the User of the The Simpli®ed equation technique involves technical report has a basic understanding of prob- determining the PFDavg for the ®eld sensors (FS), abilistic theory and the method being presented. It logic solver (LS), ®nal elements (FE), and support also assumes that the User knows how to obtain and systems (SS). The ®eld sensors are the inputs evaluate the appropriateness of the data for a speci®c required to detect the hazardous condition. The application. The intent of the technical report is to logic solver accepts these inputs and generates provide guidance on how to apply this knowledge to correct outputs that change the state of the ®nal safety instrumented systems. elements in order to mitigate the hazardous con- Many Users will choose to use Simpli®ed equa- dition. The support systems are those systems that tions for an initial estimation of the Average are required for successful functioning of the SIS. Probability to Fail on Demand (PFDavg) for various If the valves are air-to-move, the instrument air design options. It may also be used to evaluate SIL 1 supply must be analyzed. If the SIS is energize-to- and SIL 2 systems where the architecture is trip, the power supply must be considered as part
  • 3. A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131 127 of the SIS. Once the individual PFDs for each is estimated as a percentage of the failure rate of input, logic solver, output and support system are one of the devices in a redundant con®guration, known, these PFDs are summed for the PFDSIS. assuming both devices have the same failure rate (note third term above). Therefore, the common €phsis ˆ Æ€phpƒ ‡ Æ€phvƒ ‡ Æ€phpi cause failure rate or dependent failure rate would ‡ Æ€phƒƒ be  lh… and the device failure rate or indepen- dent failure rate would be …1 À †  lh… . For the The Simpli®ed equations used for calculating purposes of Part 2, …1 À † was considered to be the PFDavg were initially derived from Markov equal to 1, yielding conservative results. For large models; however, the simpli®cation of the models factors, …1 À † should be considered, which would resulted in some limitations. Unlike Markov yield the following equation for a 1oo2 architecture: models, this method does not handle time depen- ! dent failures or sequence dependent failures. Due À Á2 TI2 PFD—vg ˆ …1 À †lh…  to these limitations, this method should not be 3 used to analyze programmable logic solvers.  h… hh à ‡ l  l  MTTR  TI Part 2 includes equations for 1oo1, 1oo2, 1oo3, ! ! TI TI 2oo2, 2oo3, and 2oo4 architectures. These equa- ‡  lh…  ‡ lh  p tions have been derived from Markov models, 2 2 assuming the rare event approximation. The rare event approximation can only be used when the The published data in OREDA [12], CCPS [13], failure rate (l) multiplied by the testing interval and RAC [14] sometimes provide the undetected (TI) is much smaller than 0.1. This can be stated dangerous failure rate; however, many times, only mathematically as lTI ( 0X1. Simpli®ed equations a total dangerous failure rate is published. If only results in the calculation of the PFDavg for each the total dangerous failures are known, the User voting con®guration. The extended equations do must make an assumption concerning the percen- include some variables for which published data is tage of the total dangerous failures that can be not available. These variables must be estimated detected with diagnostics. If the percentage is not from experience. Consequently, an experienced known, the total dangerous failures can be used to risk analyst and/or engineer is required for correct obtain a conservative estimate of the PFDavg. estimation of these variables. For instance, the The second term is the probability of having a equation for 1oo2 architecture is as follows: second undetected failure (lh… ) during the repair of ! a detected failure (lhh ). This numerical value of this À Á2 TI2 PFD—vg ˆ lh…  term is generally very small, since the repair time 3 (MTTR) is typically less than 24 h. Consequently,  h… hh à ‡ l  l  MTTR  TI this term often can be considered negligible. ! ! The third term represents the probability of TI TI ‡  lh…  ‡ lh  p common cause failure based on the beta factor 2 2 method. The beta factor must be estimated by the The ®rst term is the undetected dangerous failure User, since there is almost no published data of the SIS. It shows the e€ect that the device unde- À Á available for current technology. The technical tected dangerous failure rate lh… and testing report states that the value is somewhere between interval (TI) have on the PFDavg. This term is the 0 and 20%. Many Users have determined that most important part of this equation in determin- with proper design practices [15] that a beta factor ing the unavailability of the SIS. This term is actu- in the range of 0.1 to 2% can be used. The beta ally simpli®ed from the full Markov solution. factor has a profound e€ect on the PFDavg In explanation, the beta () factor method is a obtained for redundant architectures, so it must be technique that can be used to estimate common selected carefully. For initial comparisons of cause failure e€ects on the SIS design. The factor architecture and testing frequency, it is best to
  • 4. 128 A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131 Â À ÁÃ Â À ÁÃ assume that this term is negligible. E€ective design STR ˆ 2 lƒ ‡ lhh ‡ lƒ ‡ lhh ‡ lƒ p can minimize common cause failure. However, if an analysis of the design indicates that common The ®rst term contains the failures associated cause failures can occur, such as shared process with a device experiencing either a dangerous taps or a shared ori®ce plate, a beta factor should detected failure which forces the logic to the trip be selected and included in the ®nal calculation. state or a safe failure. Due to spurious trip con- The fourth term is the probability of systematic cerns, many Users choose to fail a detected device failure. Systematic failures are those failures that failure ``away'' from the trip. This converts the logic result due to design and implementation errors. Sys- to 1oo1 for the remaining device until repair is initi- tematic failures are not related to the hardware fail- ated. If this type of logic is utilized, the dangerous ure. Examples of systematic failures are as follows: detected failure rate contribution to the spurious failure rate can be assumed to be zero. 1. SIS design errors The second term is the common cause term and 2. Hardware implementation errors the third term is the systematic failure rate. E€ec- 3. Software errors tive design and good engineering techniques should 4. Human interaction errors minimize both of these terms. The equation can 5. Hardware design errors then be reduced to the following: 6. Modi®cation errors STR ˆ 2lƒ The systematic failure rate (lh ) is extremely dif- p ®cult to estimate. Also, many of the listed sys- Similar reduced equations can be derived for the tematic failures will a€ect all of the architectures other architectures. equally. If software design is poor, it does not When STR is known for each combination of ®eld matter whether there is one, two or three trans- sensors, logic solver, ®nal element, and support sys- mitters. This term assumes that the systematic tems. The overall STR is calculated by summing the failures can be diagnosed through testing. There- individual STRs. The ®nal answer is the frequency fore, e€ective design, independent reviews, and at which the SIS is expected to experience a spurious thorough testing processes must be implemented trip. to minimize the probability of systematic failures. When good engineering design practices are uti- lized, these failures can be considered negligible. 4. Limitations of the simpli®ed equations Based on the repair time being short and on the methodology common cause and systematic failures being mini- mized through good design practices, these terms The published equations in ISA-dTR84.0.02 do can be neglected yielding the following equation: not allow the modeling of diverse technologies. hÀ Á2 i The sensors or ®nal elements used in each voting lh… ÂTI2 strategy must have the same failure rate. Conse- PFD—vg ˆ quently, this method does not allow the modeling 3 of a switch and a transmitter or a control valve Similar reduced equations are provided for 1oo1, and a block valve. During the derivation for the 1oo2, 1oo3, 2oo2, 2oo3, and 2oo4 architectures. equations in Part 2 and those shown in Part 5, it was assumed that the failure rate of voted devices were the same. It must be emphasized that this is a 3. Determining spurious trip rate via simpli®ed limitation of the equations presented in these equations parts. It is not a limitation of the mathematics of the methodology. For the spurious trip rate (STR), the full equation However, a signi®cant limitation of the mathe- for 1oo2 is as follows: matics is the requirement that the testing frequency
  • 5. A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131 129 be the same for all voted devices. To perform the Fault tree analysis, the PFDavg is calculated for Markov model derivation, the integration is per- each device and then Boolean algebra is used to formed over the range of time 0 to time ``testing account for the architecture and voting. Conse- frequency.'' Consequently all devices in a voted set quently, the equations used for some architectures must be tested at the same interval. will be di€erent when Simpli®ed equations are The method also does not allow the modeling of used rather than Fault tree analysis. When the any SIS device interactions or complex failure equations are di€erent, of course, the PFDavg value logic, such as 1oo2 temperature sensors detecting will di€er. However, both methods provide accep- the same potential event as 2oo3 pressure sensors. table approximations of the PFDavg for the SIS. The actual failure logic may be that the event will A Fault tree analysis begins with a graphical not occur unless both temperature sensors and representation of the SIS failure. For example, in the 2oo3 pressure sensors fail. This method will only 1oo2 voting of two identical devices, the fault tree look at the sensor failures as separate issues. would look as shown in Fig. 1. The failure of the SIS Consequently, this method is used to model simple would only occur if both device 1 and device 2 failed. SISs only. However, the math is easy and all this The and gate is used to illustrate this logic. method requires for execution is a pad of paper The data would be collected and used to calculate and a pen (or computer). the PFDavg of each device: PFD—vg ˆ lh… TIa2 5. Determining SIL of a SIS via fault tree analysis (9) Boolean algebra, also known as cut-set math, is Part 3 discusses the use of fault trees analysis for used to calculate the and gate. This yields: modeling the SIS. Fault tree symbols are used to À Á2 show the failure logic of the SIS. The graphical PFD—vg ˆ lh… TIa2 Â lh… TIa2 ˆ lh… TI a4 technique of Fault tree analysis allows easy visuali- zation of failure paths. Since the actual failure logic Since these calculations are based on the PFDavg is modeled, diverse technologies, complex voting for a single device, it is easy to examine cases strategies, and interdependent relationships can be where the failure rates and testing frequencies of evaluated. However, Fault tree analysis is not read- the two devices are not the same. The PFDavg for ily adaptable to SISs that have time dependent fail- each event is simply calculated based on its failure ures. As with Simpli®ed equations, Fault tree rate and testing frequency. These PFDavg values analysis is not recommended for modeling pro- are combined using the cut-set math. grammable logic solvers. The User should obtain Any of the terms discussed in the Simpli®ed the PFDavg for the logic solver from the Vendor at equations overview can be included in the fault the anticipated logic solver testing frequency. tree as events, such as systematic failure and com- Fault tree analysis is one of the most common mon cause failure. The 1oo2 voting devices, includ- techniques applied for quantifying risk in the pro- ing common cause, would appear as shown in Fig. 2. cess industry. Computer programs, books, and courses are available to the User to learn how to apply Fault tree analysis. The technical report recommends the use of Fault tree analysis in SIL 2 and SIL 3 SIS applications. It does require more training and experience than the Simpli®ed equa- tions, but will yield more precise results. The mathematical approach for Fault tree analy- sis is di€erent from Markov model analysis. Fault tree analysis assumes that the failures of redundant devices are independent and unconditional. In Fig. 1. Fault tree for PFDavg for 1oo2 voting devices.
  • 6. 130 A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131 Fig. 3. Fault tree for spurious trip for 1002 voting devices. Fig. 2. PFDavg for 1oo2 voting devices with common cause The spurious trip rate is calculated as follows: consideration. ƒ„‚ ˆ ƒ„‚devi™e 1 ‡ ƒ„‚devi™e 2 The independent failure rate contribution would be calculated as follows: 7. Limitations of the methodology TI PFD—vg ˆ …1 À †lh… 2 The derivation methodology for fault tree analysis TI È É2 TI2 is di€erent from the Markov derivation methodol-  …1 À †lh… …1 À †lh… 2 4 ogy used in the other parts of TR84. While not truly The common cause contribution to the PFDavg a limitation of the methodology, the di€erence in the would be calculated as follows: PFDavg values for some architectures has resulted in disagreement among TR84 members about the true TI de®nition of PFDavg. However, the di€erence in the PFD—vg ˆ  lh…  2 overall results is seldom signi®cant, but the reader is warned that there will be instances where Simpli®ed The common cause failure contribution can equations and Fault tree analysis will not yield then be added to the independent failure rate identical results. contribution using cut-set math. For rare events, There are three principle bene®ts associated with the PFDavg calculations would be as follows: using Fault tree analysis for SIL veri®cation. First,  Ã2 the graphical representation of the failure logic is …1 À †lh… TI2 TI easily understood by risk analysts, engineers, and PFD—vg ˆ ‡  lh…  project managers. Second, the method has been 4 2 used by the process industry for risk assessment The systematic failure contribution to the for many years, so there is already a resource base PFDavg can be added in a similar fashion. within many User companies, as well as outside consultants. Finally, the availability of software tools to facilitate the calculations improves the 6. Determining the spurious trip rate via fault tree quality and precision of the calculation. analysis For the spurious trip rate calculation, the same 8. Conclusions graphical technique is used, as well as the same cut-set mathematics. However, the equations used ISA-dTR84.0.02 is intended to provide guidance to describe the individual events are based on fre- on how to calculate the SIL of a SIS. Since ISA- quencies not probabilities. For the 1oo2 voting dTR84.0.02 is a guidance document, there are no devices, the fault tree is drawn as shown in Fig. 3. mandatory requirements. The document was not
  • 7. A.E. Summers / ISA Transactions 39 (2000) 125±131 131 developed to be a comprehensive treatise on any [4] Anon. Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Pro- of the methodologies, but was intended to provide grammable Electronic Safety Related Systems, Parts 1, 3, assistance on how to apply the techniques to the 4, and 5 (IEC 61508, 65A/255/CDV) International Elec- trotechnical Commission, Final Standard, December evaluation of SISs. Each part expects the User to 1998. be familiar with the methodology and suggests [5] Anon. Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Pro- that the User obtain additional information and grammable Electronic Safety Related Systems, Parts 2, 6, resources beyond that contained in the technical and 7 (IEC 61508, 65A/255/CDV) International Electro- report. The technical report was issued in draft in technical Commission, Final Draft International Stan- dard, January 1999. 1998 and should be released as ®nal in 2000. [6] A.E. Summers. Techniques for assigning a target safety Simpli®ed equations and Fault tree analysis are integrity level. ISA Transactions 37 (1998) 95±104. two excellent techniques that can be used together to [7] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety Integ- cost e€ectively evaluate SIS designs for SIL. Initial rity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 1: Introduc- tion (ISA dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 4, March 1998. assessment of proposed options for input and out- [8] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety put architectures can be performed quickly at var- Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 2: ious testing frequencies using Simpli®ed equations. Determining the SIL of a SIS via Simpli®ed Equations When the overall SIS needs to be evaluated, Fault (ISA dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 4, March 1998. tree analysis is a proven technique that can model [9] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety even the most complex logic relationships. Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 3: Determining the SIL of a SIS via Fault Tree Analysis (ISA dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 3, March 1998. [10] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety Acknowledgements Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 4: Determining the SIL of a SIS via Markov Analysis (ISA This paper was presented at Interkama, Dussel- dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 4, March 1998. [11] Anon. Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Ð Safety dorf, Germany, October 1999. Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques, Part 5: Determining the PFD of SIS Logic Solvers via Markov Analysis (ISA dTR84.0.02). Draft, Version 4, April 1998. References [12] Anon. OREDA: O€shore Reliability Data Handbook. 3rd Ed., DNV Technica (Det Norske Veritas Industri Norge), [1] Anon. Application of safety instrumented systems for the Norway, 1997. process industries (ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996). ISA, Research [13] Anon. Guidlines for Process Eqiupment Reliability Data, Triangle Park, NC Ceter for Chemical Process Safety of the American Insti- [2] Anon. Process safety management of highly hazardous tute of Chemical Engineers, New York, 1989. chemicals; explosives and blasting agents (29 CFR Part [14] Non-Electronic Parts Reliability Data. Reliability Analy- 1910). OSHA: Washington, 1992. sis Center, Rome, NY, 1995. [3] Anon. Risk management programs for chemical acci- [15] A.E. Summers. Common cause and common sense, dental release prevention (40 CFR Part 68). EPA: designing failure out of your safety instrumented systems Washington, 1996. (SIS), ISA Transactions 38 (1999) 291±299.