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Vegan Research
For my primary research I did an interview with some people how are not vegan and then
also people who are on the verge of becoming vegan.
Where did you find out about Veganism?
Most of the people I Interviewed said they found out about veganism on social media
mostly Facebook or twitter if they didn’t have Facebook. They said there were tweets about
people who were vegan and they found there stories interesting. One of the person I
interviewed got into veganism through a famous person that he is a fan of. This person is
Mike Tyson who is a boxer and he found out that he became vegan and read up more about
to inform him more on the subject. He even tried to become vegan but struggle to not eat
products that are from animals or dairy. One person saw it through watching TV and a
advert came up about veganism and healthy eating which is were he found out about
veganism. Before this he thought that vegan and vegetarians were the same type of people
and there was no difference but know he knows the difference.
Would you become vegan for a month?
Most of the people I interviewed gave a response of yes for this question. They would be
willing to give it a go and a lot of them believe they would be able to complete the entire
month without eating a meat or dairy product. One person said he would give it a shot but
didn’t think he would be able to do the entire month. The reason he gave was because that
his family were all meat people and when they have meals they generally have a meat and
some vegetables so he would have to make a meal just for him or his parents would have to
cook two meals. He said that he didn’t mind doing this but he would find it hard being
would struggle to find out what meals they could have so they were having a variety and
not the same couple of meals and they had no idea if they went out for a meal they would
be able to order anything.
Do you know where to eat out and what you can eat?
Most people said they didn’t know where they could go to eat out, there reasons where
that they didn’t know what they could eat for instance if they went to pizza hut they didn’t
know if there is something that they could eat. One person said he felt like he wouldn’t be
able to eat out because of the amount of people who would be eating meat and he would
feel like he is being left out and also if he was to go out with friends he would feel out of
place because most of his friends would order a meal with meat. After I told them about
them what veganuary told me about the multiple eating out options and what they could
eat they were surprised that there were that many options for a vegan person.
Do you think it is a health lifestyle to be a vegan person?
All the responses for this question was they believed that all vegan people are healthy
people. They believe this because that they are not getting much protein and they are not
putting on much weight because of the foods they eat. There was one person out of the
people I asked said they fought that they wouldn’t be healthy as they are not getting
enough protein and they would become anorexic. They believed because of the lack of
food and the exercise they would get but must people are not because they get protein but
just as much and generally will get a lot of there protein from types of smoothies and they
would have multiple meals and smoothies which because of the amount they eat they
would not become anorexic.
What would you miss the most about being vegan?
One of the biggest responses to this question was they would miss bacon or eating from takeaways. Even
though you could eat out at takeaways they would miss the types of pizza or the chicken they could get
from KFC. One person fought he would get bored of eating the same food so he would miss everything
because not being vegan allows him to eat anything but being vegan limits what he can eat.
Do you know anyone how is vegan?
The response to this question was about 50/50 because half said they knew someone that had know
someone that was vegan and the other half was the opposite. One person said that one of his family
members tried this in the past and ended up lasting for a month or so before going back to being a non-
vegan person. This was one of there motivators to try this and the others said they knew people they
went to school with how had tried it but most of the responses were that people knew people how were
vegan and are not anymore. The people who said they didn’t know any vegans said that they have never
know any vegans in there life but would like to know some and think that knowing a person who is vegan
would help them becoming vegan as it would give them a influence. It would also boost there confidence
in doing something like this knowing that there are people out there how do it and it is second nature to
Do you know any athletes that are vegan?
One of the responses I got was a yes because it was his inspiration on potentially becoming vegan in Mike
Tyson the boxer. One of the responses that he didn’t know any athlete but know someone famous who
was vegan and that was Ariana Grande but they didn’t know any one who is an athlete. Couple of people
had no idea of any sports athletes that were vegan. The final response was he knew a sports athlete that
was and this was because I told him when watching the athlete in a UFC match an that is Nate Diaz.
Do you think it benefits athletes to be vegan?
The response for this question was mostly yes because you would be healthier and more athletic to be
able to do things within your sport and they believed that it would benefit them because it would give
them an advantage over there opponent if they weren’t a vegan eater. They believed thought that I
would depend on the sport that person would do because they believed if you needed to be a big guy
within your sport that it would make it harder to keep that weight and eat vegan. After telling them
about a person I found out about in research who was an American football player who was 300 pounds
but was vegan really surprised them and they didn’t thing a person who would play that position would
be able to be vegan because of the weight you have to be. They were also told about the amount h
would eat everyday to be able to do this they couldn’t believe that he eats that much just to be vegan
and a linebacker in the NFL. But overall the response that it would benefit them in there sport and would
make them better at there sport which is what most vegan athletes believe that after coming vegan it
improves there game and they become a better player.
What sport would you play if you were vegan and you could play a sport?
The response to this question was different depending on what there favorite sports were but none gave
a sport like NFL because they didn’t think that they would be able to eat the amount you would need to
keep the weight you need. A lot said football because it wouldn’t have a bad side to it and would have
multiple benefits like potentially make them faster more athletic and make them better at the sport then
they previously were. One response was a boxer because he loves boxing and said that if one of the
greatest boxer of all time Mike Tyson can do it then I could do it as well all though that Mike Tyson did it
for health reasons he believes he could do it and be a good boxer as it would make him lighter and faster
o it would make it harder for his opponent to be able to keep up with him and this would give him the
Relevant tags
Donald Watson,
Vegan, Vegan Nutrition, Vegan
The summary of this article is that
this person (Donald Watson) wanted
to find a name for people how are
100% vegetarian. It talks about a
news article he started to get
people to know about veganism. He
talks about the reasons in why you
should go vegan. He talks about
having a variety in your diet.
"Well-planned vegan diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle,
including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence.”
(Donald Watson article Appeared on
"the practice of living on fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains, and other
wholesome non-animal products.”
(Donald Watson article Appeared on
"100% vegetarian”
(Donald Watson article Appeared on
Further research
I could research further into the person himself and find more articles on
him and the Vegan News that he created. I could read the reviews of the
article to find out more information. I should look into the person who they
are talking about and find out about his background. I could look into
further detail about the website and the people how are on it and write up
there stories.
Vegan society, Vegetarian, Ethical meat,
Environment, Health, For the people, For the
animals, why go vegan
This talks about everything
to do with veganism. They
talk about the effects this
could have on the planet
and on your health. They
go into detail saying what
could be done to the
planet if more people
would become vegan. They
also talk about vegetarian
and how they believe that
this isn't enough to help
save the planet. They talk
about the impact on the
animals and how it effects
them. They talk about
ethical meat what it is and
the benefits of this.
(Appeared on
'free range’
(Appeared on
(Appeared on
'food animals’
Further research
I could do further research into this by going and finding out more information
about what could happen to the planet if more people don’t become vegan and see
the effects on if they do become vegan. I could also look into people health and
look and see the differences between people how are vegan and people how are
not and see what it does to them. I could also find out more why being a vegetarian
is not as good as being a vegan for the planet. I could see the impact on the animals
if more people went vegan and see how much it would effect the animals and how
much it would effect the planet.
Veganism, Animal products,
diet, commodity status of
animals, dairy products,
environment, dietary
Wikipedia goes into detail about describing
veganism and where it originally came from.
It talks about the benefits of become vegan
and what it can do for humans and how it
could help the environment. It shows the
demographics of different countries and
how may people are vegan in those
countries. It says about the diet and what
people can eat when they become vegan
and it shows you what foods you need to
replace to have vegan foods for instance
they show the types of eggs that vegan
people eat. They talk about the health
effects and what you can get out of being
vegan. They talk about how it can help
curtain types of people like children or
pregnant women.
"non-dairy vegetarian”
(Veganism article Donald Watson words appeared
"the doctrine that man should live without
exploiting animals".
(Veganism article Donald Watson words appeared
(Veganism article American people promoted
veganism as glamorous appeared on
(Veganism article referenced from a book
appeared on
Further research
I could research the demographics and see how
up to date they are and see if the numbers have
increased from what the demographic on
Wikipedia says. I could research into the types of
foods that vegan people eat and find out
popular meals from what they eat. I could find
out about the positives it has on the planet and
see how it would benefit humans in more depth.
“The Baddest Man on the Planet.”
(Mike Tyson article nickname appeared on
“that he ate the smallest piece of meat, and he became
really sick, throwing up and had extreme stomach pains.”
(Mike Tyson article his words appeared on
“was congested from all the drugs and bad cocaine”
(Mike Tyson article his word appeared on
(Mike Tyson article nickname appeared on
Further research
I could look into the reason why Mike Tyson decide to
stop being vegan. I could find out about the bad parts of
his life and find more details into why he started doing
drugs. I could find out about why his wife decided to
become vegan. I could research further into the foods he
ate before he was vegan to the foods he ate when he was
vegan. I could look into the interview he did to find out
more information about his life change.
Mike Tyson, Vegan, Meat is
poison to the body and
mind, Healthier, clean, plant
based diet,
This article talks about how
mike Tyson became vegan and
it saved his life. He was taking
drugs and was in rehab so in
2009 became vegan. His wife
became vegan and he
followed in her footsteps. Tells
you his morning routine. Talks
about how becoming vegan
was the best decision in his
life. 31 October 2015
Healthy eating,
Forest Green Rovers
FC, Eco-Friendly,
solar panels, world
health organization,
Vegan, Vegetarian
'Staggering numbers’
(Forest Green Rovers FC Article said by the BBC appeared on
"The gap between vegetarian and vegan food is actually quite small;
it's a step rather than a leap to take.
(Forest Green Rovers Article said by Dale Vince chairman of team
appeared on
"A lot of our food has been vegan for some time now, and this
season we've taken the last small step.”
(Forest Green Rovers FC Article said by Dale Vince chairman of team
appeared on
"As the WHO report this week makes plain, meat is bad for human
health, being a major cause of cancer.
(Forest Green Rovers FC Article said by Mr. Vince founder of wind
turbine company appeared on
"Making these facts plain and demonstrating what a plant based diet
looks, and tastes like, is an important part of our work.”
(Forest Green Rovers FC Article said by Mr. Vince founder of wind
turbine company appeared on
This article is all about how forest green rovers want to make people more aware and
make them change there eating habits. It talks about the differences between vegan
and vegetarian and how they are not that far apart. They changed after hearing about
the new world health organization report. They are also looking into making there
stadium more eco friendly by adding solar panels to the roof. The owner of the
football club is vegan and wanted the club to be the first all vegan club but he believes
that there is still more they can do to make there club 100% vegan. The pitch they play
on has become an organic pitch so they avoid the use of any chemicals on there
ground. The owner believes this year that they have taken the last step on turning all
the foods served vegan but there are stills things that can be done to the ground. He
wants more clubs to do what he has achieved and become vegan, because of the club
being a very small club a lot of bigger clubs have not court on with this idea but if
there was a big team like Manchester United or Chelsea do this then there could be
ore teams doing this because they see the bigger clubs doing it. Forest green are
looking to create a multi million pound green technology center. The team are creating
this for all sorts of different things to get more people involved in the vegan plan that
the club has. They are allowing schools to come to the Centre to learn and also there
will be weddings done there as well.
Further Research
I could do further research into the chairman and find out more about him like why he
became vegan. I could look more into the organic pitch and the team fitting in the solar
panels into the ground. I could find out more information on the technology Centre they
are creating for people and find out when it will be ready and how successful it will be. I
could find out more information about the world health organization and the report that
they released to lead to the change that the club is doing. I could do research into how the
fans feel about the change and see what there opinions are on the change and being the
first vegan team. I could see why he wanted to change the entire club and where he sees
the club and there vegan goal in the future. Another thing I could research into cancer and
how much that had an effect on the decision to make the club vegan and this links into the
report that was released and find out if the report never came out would the club of ever
changed in the first place. March 23, 2016
UFC, Vegan, Nate Diaz, Connor
McGregor, Animal-Free, Plant
based diet
A summary of this article would be that it is talking about how being vegan helped him win
the UFC match that he had. He had only 11 days to pre pare for the match and he said that
if it wasn’t for him being vegan he would not be prepared for this match and probably lose
the match which he wasn’t even the favorite for. He also talks about over fighters
becoming vegans. He believes that become a vegan it make you a smarter and more
intelligent when fighting. It talks about his brother and how they have been doing it a long
time and that they are at the top of there game so that they must be doing a good thing in
being vegan and that it must of helped there game. It talks about the type of food that
Nate is allowed to eat and talks about the benefits of eating like this. It talks about the
health risks but very briefly as it doesn’t go into detail about the effects of eating meat but
does mention about how Nate cant go obese because of the diet he is on and over people
how do this will not go obese and will not be affected by what meat can do to you. It talks
about the first ever fighter that became vegan and then goes on to say about the female
side of things and mention how some of the female fighters are also getting into this type
of food and having a plant based diet. He talked about the effects it had on his body and
what happened when he tried to eat meat again after not doing so for a long time he
mentions how it rejects the body which is similar to what happened with Mike Tyson and
how he was sick after eating meat, after going on a vegan diet.
Further research
I could research more into the reason in which Nate Diaz became a vegan and who
were the influences on it. I could research into Nate Diaz and find out about this
changed his life and what other impacts it had on him and his brother, I could see how
became vegan first out of him and his brother and was that the reason the other one
did it. Also talk about how it had an impact on his fighting and weather it was
something that he fought would make him a better fighter and then he decided to
change vegan or if it was a decision that did not involve his career in the UFC. I could
look into the foods that he eats and find out what he enjoys and what if anything he
misses whilst being a vegan. I could do research into his brother and see why he
became a vegan and the impact it has had on his life. I could find out about more
people in UFC becoming vegan and how it is making them a better fighter and how it
has changed there life. I could look into the fighter Mac Danzig who was the first UFC
fighter to become vegan.
"I like to promote the vegan industry," Nate enthuses. "I hear a lot of criticism from people
saying you need meat to be strong and for recovery, and it’s a bunch of bullshit, because I
train harder than everybody. It’s so easy to argue with these people. I’m like, ‘Dude, have you
done a tenth of what I’ve done?’”
(UFC Article said by Nate Diaz appeared on
"If anything, meat’s gonna slow you down”
(UFC Article said by Nate Diaz in a interview with Men’s Journal appeared on
"People are jumping on slowly but surely,”
(UFC Article said by Nate Diaz appeared on
"but I think it’s cool. I think you’re a smarter and more intelligent fighter. Me and my brother
are at the top of the game and have been for a long time. We’re obviously doing something
right. Besides knowing how to kick somebody in the head, you should know how to feel good
(UFC Article said by Nate Diaz appeared on
"I stopped eating dairy when I was about 17 for a fight," Diaz recalls. "And about a month
went by that I didn’t eat cheese or milk, and then after the fight was done I got a big bowl of
Fettuccine Alfredo, and I was like, ‘Finally, I get to eat what I want.’ Then I went home and
was sick and had a headache and was in and out of the bathroom for a week. That shit really
messed me up. So after that cleared up, I was like, ‘OK, I don’t need that anymore.’ I felt
better and realized I work better without that stuff.”
(UFC Article said by Nate Diaz appeared on
Baseball ace, Vegan, The
China study, Blood work
endorsed, Pat Neshek,
Animal products, Meat,
Dairy, Health Benefits
This article talks about he becomes vegan and how it changed him as a person he was unfit
and by becoming vegan it made him a lot fitter. It was thanks to his wife and a book called The
China study which changed him from eating multiple McDonald from traveling with his team
in baseball to not eating meat and becoming a vegan. He said he became vegan because of
the health issues he was having from the McDonalds all the time. Becoming vegan changed
his career and he believed it would make him a better player and made him feel good about
himself. It also talks about his time in the baseball scene and what teams he played for and
what team he plays for know. Also talks about his career achievements. He had an unusual
delivery ball which made him more successful he had this because of an accident in high
school which was due to baseball. Ever since he has become vegan his wife believes that he is
better with food and also the lifestyle change has also made him healthier and made him
realize that being healthier has developed his game and made him have more success in the
game. The book he read The China study was all about the health consequences of eating
animals and through this book he believed it was bad to eat animals and then became vegan
so hat these health consequences that came with eating meat he would never get them. He
at first just became a vegetarian not eating meat but after a while he stopped eating the dairy
products. The only reason was for the health benefits but in the 2005 season he realized that
he became a better player so he continued to do be a vegan to make his game get even
better. He thinks that becoming vegan will take his game to the next level and make him one
of the best players in the game. He likes to know that every thing that he eats is served in a
humane way and is glad that he is not eating like he was.
"I was doing things on a minor league budget of $20 a day and travelling all the time, so the best place to
find food was next door to the hotel at the McDonald's. When I first met [my wife] she was like, 'I can't
believe you eat that stuff!' That off-season we lived together, and she was like, 'Why don't you try this out
and see how it feels?' I noticed when I got on the treadmill I didn't get tired as quick, and I started
noticing more results.”
(Vegan Athletes article said by Pat Neshek appeared on
'The China Study’
Vegan Athletes article The China Study book referenced by the this appeared on
"I decided to become a vegan and get rid of all the animal products -- meat and dairy. At first, it was
basically just for the health benefits -- I was intrigued by the 2005 season when I cut a lot of that stuff out
and got a lot better. It really changed my career, and I thought, 'This might be something that helps me
take my career to the next level.' And it wasn't the main reason, but I like knowing everything I eat was
served in a humane way.”
(Vegan Athletes article said by Pat Neshek appeared on
"I'll have a granola and fruit smoothie in the morning, and for protein I'll throw a rice protein substitute in
my smoothie...I just got my blood work back and everything checked out perfect. I think you have that in
the back of your mind that maybe you're missing something [because of eating vegan]. It's pretty neat to
know you don't have to use animal products and can still function -- most of my results had improved.”
(Vegan Athletes article said by Pat Neshek appeared on
Being our relief pitcher means I'm coming in late in games and during close scores. It's really tough
mentally. You have to get your sleep and take care of yourself and all that stuff - it's not a cakewalk. It's
220 days out of the year we're playing, and if you're not ready, somebody else is going to take your job.”
(Vegan Athletes article said by Pat Neshek appeared on
Further research
I could look into the book that made Pat change. I could look and see
what it is all about and why it would have so much of an impact on
someone life. I could look into his before he became a vegan and see
the transformation of his life from going to McDonalds all the time to
only eating a vegan diet. I could look into his wife and see how much
of an impact she had because she was the one how was not happy
with the food he would eat. Also I could see how much of a health
effect eating McDonald had on him and compare that to his health
now eating a vegan diet. I could look into his 2005 season and
compare that to previous seasons and see how the vegan diet helped
and see if that was the main reason why he became a better player. I
could find out about how he is keeping his health lifestyle and if he
misses eating meat and dairy products.
David Carter, Vegan,
Muscle fatigue, Protein,
Dairy, Meat
A summary of this article would be that it is talking about David Carter and how he became
known as the 300 pound vegan. It talks about his past and what he use to eat. It talks about
the injury he had and how what he was eating was the reason he was in so much pain. He
decided to change his lifestyle after watching a documentary on veganism. He found out
that dairy could be the reason for his injury. So the very next day he decided he would
become vegan and he has been vegan ever since. He was losing weight which is not great for
the position he played but he realized that he was moving faster because of the reduce
weight. He was able to get rid of the pain and back up to the 300 pound which is what he
wants to be. He has to eat 5 meals a day to keep that amount of pounds with the vegan diet.
He would like to be able to skip a meal but he realizes that if he does he will lose weight and
that is not what the linebacker would like to do. He talks about where he gets his protein
and he talks about how much he must eat to gain weight. He also wants to show
other vegans and people who are looking to become a vegan that there are plenty
different food options. He talks how that when people ask to go for a meal and they
want to get steak and he says he cant they are surprised because of how much he
weighs and the fact that he is a vegan but they will not say anything because of the
size of him. Finally it goes into what he eats and when he eats those meals, he has to
have multiple snacks and meals to keep the weight that he needs to be a linebacker.
In the off season he is not able to miss a meal and he finds this hard because of the
amount of food that he has to consume in one day so he wants to eat less food but
knows that is not an option because if he loses to much weight he will not be able to
contend in that position and will have to luck for a different one or would have to find
a new job. He has to have 10,000 calories a day to keep the weight he has which
means he is eating every two hours of the day. He also will be drinking smoothies. He
has one of theses every morning and that adds up to 100g of protein in one drink of
cannellini beans and sunflower seed smoothie. He adds to this throughout the day to
get more protein through the course of the day. He is a better NFL player for
becoming vegan but just finds eating the amount hard but it has improves the player
game as it has made him fitter and faster than before when he ate animals. The first
product that he ate when becoming a vegan was a bean burger and since eating that
burger he has not eating a diary or meat product.
“I realized I was making everything worse,”
(NFL Article said by David Carter appeared on
“I was feeding the tendonitis, the muscle fatigue, everything. So the next day I went
vegan. The first thing I ate was a bean burger and haven’t eaten meat since.”
(NFL Article said by David Carter appeared on
“I try to eat 1.2 grams of protein per pound per day,”
(NFL Article said by David Carter appeared on
“otherwise it’s really hard to gain weight.”
(NFL Article said by David Carter appeared on
“People ask me if I want to get a steak and I tell them I actually don’t eat that, or
any meat or dairy. They’re usually thinking, ‘Wait, you’re supposed to be small and
weak.’ But of course they can’t say that when they’re looking at me.”
Further research
I could look into the documentary that made him become vegan and I could look into his
injury that he has had in his hand. I could look at how it was becoming vegan at the start and
how the transition was like and how he finds it know. I would look into how he could maybe
get more from his meals so he doesn’t have to have five meals a day. See if there are vegan
products where he could get more protein so he doesn’t have to eat the amount he does. I
could look into the time when he started losing weight and what his plan was, there a time
when he would of given up and not eaten the amount he eats to stay in the NFL and stay a
linebacker or see if he had a backup plan. Find out how it made him a better player and see if
the effect was all to do with being a vegan. I could find out what it is like to eat 10,000
calories a day and see what that would be like when eating meat and dairy products and
compare the two sides. I could find out if he has ever skipped a meal or weather he has not
reached a target that he set himself for instance like the amount of protein he needs to eat
everyday. I could talk about what it is like in the locker room and if it hard being like the only
vegan and does this make it difficult to bond with his teammates or not and does he go out
with teammates and have vegan meals whilst friends are eating meat. I could also look to
see if he has turned anyone vegan like teammates or friends.

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Vegan research

  • 3. For my primary research I did an interview with some people how are not vegan and then also people who are on the verge of becoming vegan. Q1. Where did you find out about Veganism? Most of the people I Interviewed said they found out about veganism on social media mostly Facebook or twitter if they didn’t have Facebook. They said there were tweets about people who were vegan and they found there stories interesting. One of the person I interviewed got into veganism through a famous person that he is a fan of. This person is Mike Tyson who is a boxer and he found out that he became vegan and read up more about to inform him more on the subject. He even tried to become vegan but struggle to not eat products that are from animals or dairy. One person saw it through watching TV and a advert came up about veganism and healthy eating which is were he found out about veganism. Before this he thought that vegan and vegetarians were the same type of people and there was no difference but know he knows the difference. Q2. Would you become vegan for a month? Most of the people I interviewed gave a response of yes for this question. They would be willing to give it a go and a lot of them believe they would be able to complete the entire month without eating a meat or dairy product. One person said he would give it a shot but didn’t think he would be able to do the entire month. The reason he gave was because that his family were all meat people and when they have meals they generally have a meat and some vegetables so he would have to make a meal just for him or his parents would have to cook two meals. He said that he didn’t mind doing this but he would find it hard being
  • 4. would struggle to find out what meals they could have so they were having a variety and not the same couple of meals and they had no idea if they went out for a meal they would be able to order anything. Q3. Do you know where to eat out and what you can eat? Most people said they didn’t know where they could go to eat out, there reasons where that they didn’t know what they could eat for instance if they went to pizza hut they didn’t know if there is something that they could eat. One person said he felt like he wouldn’t be able to eat out because of the amount of people who would be eating meat and he would feel like he is being left out and also if he was to go out with friends he would feel out of place because most of his friends would order a meal with meat. After I told them about them what veganuary told me about the multiple eating out options and what they could eat they were surprised that there were that many options for a vegan person. Q4. Do you think it is a health lifestyle to be a vegan person? All the responses for this question was they believed that all vegan people are healthy people. They believe this because that they are not getting much protein and they are not putting on much weight because of the foods they eat. There was one person out of the people I asked said they fought that they wouldn’t be healthy as they are not getting enough protein and they would become anorexic. They believed because of the lack of food and the exercise they would get but must people are not because they get protein but just as much and generally will get a lot of there protein from types of smoothies and they would have multiple meals and smoothies which because of the amount they eat they would not become anorexic.
  • 5. Q5. What would you miss the most about being vegan? One of the biggest responses to this question was they would miss bacon or eating from takeaways. Even though you could eat out at takeaways they would miss the types of pizza or the chicken they could get from KFC. One person fought he would get bored of eating the same food so he would miss everything because not being vegan allows him to eat anything but being vegan limits what he can eat. Q6. Do you know anyone how is vegan? The response to this question was about 50/50 because half said they knew someone that had know someone that was vegan and the other half was the opposite. One person said that one of his family members tried this in the past and ended up lasting for a month or so before going back to being a non- vegan person. This was one of there motivators to try this and the others said they knew people they went to school with how had tried it but most of the responses were that people knew people how were vegan and are not anymore. The people who said they didn’t know any vegans said that they have never know any vegans in there life but would like to know some and think that knowing a person who is vegan would help them becoming vegan as it would give them a influence. It would also boost there confidence in doing something like this knowing that there are people out there how do it and it is second nature to them. Q7. Do you know any athletes that are vegan? One of the responses I got was a yes because it was his inspiration on potentially becoming vegan in Mike Tyson the boxer. One of the responses that he didn’t know any athlete but know someone famous who was vegan and that was Ariana Grande but they didn’t know any one who is an athlete. Couple of people had no idea of any sports athletes that were vegan. The final response was he knew a sports athlete that was and this was because I told him when watching the athlete in a UFC match an that is Nate Diaz.
  • 6. Q8. Do you think it benefits athletes to be vegan? The response for this question was mostly yes because you would be healthier and more athletic to be able to do things within your sport and they believed that it would benefit them because it would give them an advantage over there opponent if they weren’t a vegan eater. They believed thought that I would depend on the sport that person would do because they believed if you needed to be a big guy within your sport that it would make it harder to keep that weight and eat vegan. After telling them about a person I found out about in research who was an American football player who was 300 pounds but was vegan really surprised them and they didn’t thing a person who would play that position would be able to be vegan because of the weight you have to be. They were also told about the amount h would eat everyday to be able to do this they couldn’t believe that he eats that much just to be vegan and a linebacker in the NFL. But overall the response that it would benefit them in there sport and would make them better at there sport which is what most vegan athletes believe that after coming vegan it improves there game and they become a better player. Q9. What sport would you play if you were vegan and you could play a sport? The response to this question was different depending on what there favorite sports were but none gave a sport like NFL because they didn’t think that they would be able to eat the amount you would need to keep the weight you need. A lot said football because it wouldn’t have a bad side to it and would have multiple benefits like potentially make them faster more athletic and make them better at the sport then they previously were. One response was a boxer because he loves boxing and said that if one of the greatest boxer of all time Mike Tyson can do it then I could do it as well all though that Mike Tyson did it for health reasons he believes he could do it and be a good boxer as it would make him lighter and faster o it would make it harder for his opponent to be able to keep up with him and this would give him the advantage.
  • 8. Relevant tags Donald Watson, Vegan, Vegan Nutrition, Vegan News Summary The summary of this article is that this person (Donald Watson) wanted to find a name for people how are 100% vegetarian. It talks about a news article he started to get people to know about veganism. He talks about the reasons in why you should go vegan. He talks about having a variety in your diet.
  • 9. Quotes "Well-planned vegan diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence.” (Donald Watson article Appeared on "the practice of living on fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains, and other wholesome non-animal products.” (Donald Watson article Appeared on "100% vegetarian” (Donald Watson article Appeared on Further research I could research further into the person himself and find more articles on him and the Vegan News that he created. I could read the reviews of the article to find out more information. I should look into the person who they are talking about and find out about his background. I could look into further detail about the website and the people how are on it and write up there stories.
  • 10. Tags Vegan society, Vegetarian, Ethical meat, Environment, Health, For the people, For the animals, why go vegan Summary This talks about everything to do with veganism. They talk about the effects this could have on the planet and on your health. They go into detail saying what could be done to the planet if more people would become vegan. They also talk about vegetarian and how they believe that this isn't enough to help save the planet. They talk about the impact on the animals and how it effects them. They talk about ethical meat what it is and the benefits of this.
  • 11. Quotes 'ethical’ (Appeared on 'free range’ (Appeared on 'unnecessary’ (Appeared on 'food animals’ Further research I could do further research into this by going and finding out more information about what could happen to the planet if more people don’t become vegan and see the effects on if they do become vegan. I could also look into people health and look and see the differences between people how are vegan and people how are not and see what it does to them. I could also find out more why being a vegetarian is not as good as being a vegan for the planet. I could see the impact on the animals if more people went vegan and see how much it would effect the animals and how much it would effect the planet.
  • 13. Tags Veganism, Animal products, diet, commodity status of animals, dairy products, environment, dietary products, Summary Wikipedia goes into detail about describing veganism and where it originally came from. It talks about the benefits of become vegan and what it can do for humans and how it could help the environment. It shows the demographics of different countries and how may people are vegan in those countries. It says about the diet and what people can eat when they become vegan and it shows you what foods you need to replace to have vegan foods for instance they show the types of eggs that vegan people eat. They talk about the health effects and what you can get out of being vegan. They talk about how it can help curtain types of people like children or pregnant women. Quotes "non-dairy vegetarian” (Veganism article Donald Watson words appeared on "the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals". (Veganism article Donald Watson words appeared on "glamorous” (Veganism article American people promoted veganism as glamorous appeared on "flexi-vegan” (Veganism article referenced from a book appeared on Further research I could research the demographics and see how up to date they are and see if the numbers have increased from what the demographic on Wikipedia says. I could research into the types of foods that vegan people eat and find out popular meals from what they eat. I could find out about the positives it has on the planet and see how it would benefit humans in more depth.
  • 15. Quotes “The Baddest Man on the Planet.” (Mike Tyson article nickname appeared on “that he ate the smallest piece of meat, and he became really sick, throwing up and had extreme stomach pains.” (Mike Tyson article his words appeared on “was congested from all the drugs and bad cocaine” (Mike Tyson article his word appeared on ‘Iron’ (Mike Tyson article nickname appeared on Further research I could look into the reason why Mike Tyson decide to stop being vegan. I could find out about the bad parts of his life and find more details into why he started doing drugs. I could find out about why his wife decided to become vegan. I could research further into the foods he ate before he was vegan to the foods he ate when he was vegan. I could look into the interview he did to find out more information about his life change. Tags Mike Tyson, Vegan, Meat is poison to the body and mind, Healthier, clean, plant based diet, Summary This article talks about how mike Tyson became vegan and it saved his life. He was taking drugs and was in rehab so in 2009 became vegan. His wife became vegan and he followed in her footsteps. Tells you his morning routine. Talks about how becoming vegan was the best decision in his life.
  • 16. 31 October 2015 gloucestershire-34680213
  • 17. Tags Healthy eating, Forest Green Rovers FC, Eco-Friendly, solar panels, world health organization, Vegan, Vegetarian Quotes 'Staggering numbers’ (Forest Green Rovers FC Article said by the BBC appeared on "The gap between vegetarian and vegan food is actually quite small; it's a step rather than a leap to take. (Forest Green Rovers Article said by Dale Vince chairman of team appeared on "A lot of our food has been vegan for some time now, and this season we've taken the last small step.” (Forest Green Rovers FC Article said by Dale Vince chairman of team appeared on "As the WHO report this week makes plain, meat is bad for human health, being a major cause of cancer. (Forest Green Rovers FC Article said by Mr. Vince founder of wind turbine company appeared on "Making these facts plain and demonstrating what a plant based diet looks, and tastes like, is an important part of our work.” (Forest Green Rovers FC Article said by Mr. Vince founder of wind turbine company appeared on
  • 18. Summary This article is all about how forest green rovers want to make people more aware and make them change there eating habits. It talks about the differences between vegan and vegetarian and how they are not that far apart. They changed after hearing about the new world health organization report. They are also looking into making there stadium more eco friendly by adding solar panels to the roof. The owner of the football club is vegan and wanted the club to be the first all vegan club but he believes that there is still more they can do to make there club 100% vegan. The pitch they play on has become an organic pitch so they avoid the use of any chemicals on there ground. The owner believes this year that they have taken the last step on turning all the foods served vegan but there are stills things that can be done to the ground. He wants more clubs to do what he has achieved and become vegan, because of the club being a very small club a lot of bigger clubs have not court on with this idea but if there was a big team like Manchester United or Chelsea do this then there could be ore teams doing this because they see the bigger clubs doing it. Forest green are looking to create a multi million pound green technology center. The team are creating this for all sorts of different things to get more people involved in the vegan plan that the club has. They are allowing schools to come to the Centre to learn and also there will be weddings done there as well.
  • 19. Further Research I could do further research into the chairman and find out more about him like why he became vegan. I could look more into the organic pitch and the team fitting in the solar panels into the ground. I could find out more information on the technology Centre they are creating for people and find out when it will be ready and how successful it will be. I could find out more information about the world health organization and the report that they released to lead to the change that the club is doing. I could do research into how the fans feel about the change and see what there opinions are on the change and being the first vegan team. I could see why he wanted to change the entire club and where he sees the club and there vegan goal in the future. Another thing I could research into cancer and how much that had an effect on the decision to make the club vegan and this links into the report that was released and find out if the report never came out would the club of ever changed in the first place.
  • 20. March 23, 2016 time-since-beating-mcgregor-and-says-it-played-a-significant-role-in-his-success
  • 21. Tags UFC, Vegan, Nate Diaz, Connor McGregor, Animal-Free, Plant based diet Summary A summary of this article would be that it is talking about how being vegan helped him win the UFC match that he had. He had only 11 days to pre pare for the match and he said that if it wasn’t for him being vegan he would not be prepared for this match and probably lose the match which he wasn’t even the favorite for. He also talks about over fighters becoming vegans. He believes that become a vegan it make you a smarter and more intelligent when fighting. It talks about his brother and how they have been doing it a long time and that they are at the top of there game so that they must be doing a good thing in being vegan and that it must of helped there game. It talks about the type of food that Nate is allowed to eat and talks about the benefits of eating like this. It talks about the health risks but very briefly as it doesn’t go into detail about the effects of eating meat but does mention about how Nate cant go obese because of the diet he is on and over people how do this will not go obese and will not be affected by what meat can do to you. It talks about the first ever fighter that became vegan and then goes on to say about the female side of things and mention how some of the female fighters are also getting into this type of food and having a plant based diet. He talked about the effects it had on his body and what happened when he tried to eat meat again after not doing so for a long time he mentions how it rejects the body which is similar to what happened with Mike Tyson and how he was sick after eating meat, after going on a vegan diet.
  • 22. Further research I could research more into the reason in which Nate Diaz became a vegan and who were the influences on it. I could research into Nate Diaz and find out about this changed his life and what other impacts it had on him and his brother, I could see how became vegan first out of him and his brother and was that the reason the other one did it. Also talk about how it had an impact on his fighting and weather it was something that he fought would make him a better fighter and then he decided to change vegan or if it was a decision that did not involve his career in the UFC. I could look into the foods that he eats and find out what he enjoys and what if anything he misses whilst being a vegan. I could do research into his brother and see why he became a vegan and the impact it has had on his life. I could find out about more people in UFC becoming vegan and how it is making them a better fighter and how it has changed there life. I could look into the fighter Mac Danzig who was the first UFC fighter to become vegan.
  • 23. Quotes "I like to promote the vegan industry," Nate enthuses. "I hear a lot of criticism from people saying you need meat to be strong and for recovery, and it’s a bunch of bullshit, because I train harder than everybody. It’s so easy to argue with these people. I’m like, ‘Dude, have you done a tenth of what I’ve done?’” (UFC Article said by Nate Diaz appeared on "If anything, meat’s gonna slow you down” (UFC Article said by Nate Diaz in a interview with Men’s Journal appeared on "People are jumping on slowly but surely,” (UFC Article said by Nate Diaz appeared on "but I think it’s cool. I think you’re a smarter and more intelligent fighter. Me and my brother are at the top of the game and have been for a long time. We’re obviously doing something right. Besides knowing how to kick somebody in the head, you should know how to feel good tomorrow.” (UFC Article said by Nate Diaz appeared on "I stopped eating dairy when I was about 17 for a fight," Diaz recalls. "And about a month went by that I didn’t eat cheese or milk, and then after the fight was done I got a big bowl of Fettuccine Alfredo, and I was like, ‘Finally, I get to eat what I want.’ Then I went home and was sick and had a headache and was in and out of the bathroom for a week. That shit really messed me up. So after that cleared up, I was like, ‘OK, I don’t need that anymore.’ I felt better and realized I work better without that stuff.” (UFC Article said by Nate Diaz appeared on
  • 24. Tags Baseball ace, Vegan, The China study, Blood work endorsed, Pat Neshek, Animal products, Meat, Dairy, Health Benefits
  • 25. Summary This article talks about he becomes vegan and how it changed him as a person he was unfit and by becoming vegan it made him a lot fitter. It was thanks to his wife and a book called The China study which changed him from eating multiple McDonald from traveling with his team in baseball to not eating meat and becoming a vegan. He said he became vegan because of the health issues he was having from the McDonalds all the time. Becoming vegan changed his career and he believed it would make him a better player and made him feel good about himself. It also talks about his time in the baseball scene and what teams he played for and what team he plays for know. Also talks about his career achievements. He had an unusual delivery ball which made him more successful he had this because of an accident in high school which was due to baseball. Ever since he has become vegan his wife believes that he is better with food and also the lifestyle change has also made him healthier and made him realize that being healthier has developed his game and made him have more success in the game. The book he read The China study was all about the health consequences of eating animals and through this book he believed it was bad to eat animals and then became vegan so hat these health consequences that came with eating meat he would never get them. He at first just became a vegetarian not eating meat but after a while he stopped eating the dairy products. The only reason was for the health benefits but in the 2005 season he realized that he became a better player so he continued to do be a vegan to make his game get even better. He thinks that becoming vegan will take his game to the next level and make him one of the best players in the game. He likes to know that every thing that he eats is served in a humane way and is glad that he is not eating like he was.
  • 26. Quotes "I was doing things on a minor league budget of $20 a day and travelling all the time, so the best place to find food was next door to the hotel at the McDonald's. When I first met [my wife] she was like, 'I can't believe you eat that stuff!' That off-season we lived together, and she was like, 'Why don't you try this out and see how it feels?' I noticed when I got on the treadmill I didn't get tired as quick, and I started noticing more results.” (Vegan Athletes article said by Pat Neshek appeared on 'The China Study’ Vegan Athletes article The China Study book referenced by the this appeared on "I decided to become a vegan and get rid of all the animal products -- meat and dairy. At first, it was basically just for the health benefits -- I was intrigued by the 2005 season when I cut a lot of that stuff out and got a lot better. It really changed my career, and I thought, 'This might be something that helps me take my career to the next level.' And it wasn't the main reason, but I like knowing everything I eat was served in a humane way.” (Vegan Athletes article said by Pat Neshek appeared on "I'll have a granola and fruit smoothie in the morning, and for protein I'll throw a rice protein substitute in my smoothie...I just got my blood work back and everything checked out perfect. I think you have that in the back of your mind that maybe you're missing something [because of eating vegan]. It's pretty neat to know you don't have to use animal products and can still function -- most of my results had improved.” (Vegan Athletes article said by Pat Neshek appeared on Being our relief pitcher means I'm coming in late in games and during close scores. It's really tough mentally. You have to get your sleep and take care of yourself and all that stuff - it's not a cakewalk. It's 220 days out of the year we're playing, and if you're not ready, somebody else is going to take your job.” (Vegan Athletes article said by Pat Neshek appeared on •
  • 27. Further research I could look into the book that made Pat change. I could look and see what it is all about and why it would have so much of an impact on someone life. I could look into his before he became a vegan and see the transformation of his life from going to McDonalds all the time to only eating a vegan diet. I could look into his wife and see how much of an impact she had because she was the one how was not happy with the food he would eat. Also I could see how much of a health effect eating McDonald had on him and compare that to his health now eating a vegan diet. I could look into his 2005 season and compare that to previous seasons and see how the vegan diet helped and see if that was the main reason why he became a better player. I could find out about how he is keeping his health lifestyle and if he misses eating meat and dairy products.
  • 29. Summary A summary of this article would be that it is talking about David Carter and how he became known as the 300 pound vegan. It talks about his past and what he use to eat. It talks about the injury he had and how what he was eating was the reason he was in so much pain. He decided to change his lifestyle after watching a documentary on veganism. He found out that dairy could be the reason for his injury. So the very next day he decided he would become vegan and he has been vegan ever since. He was losing weight which is not great for the position he played but he realized that he was moving faster because of the reduce weight. He was able to get rid of the pain and back up to the 300 pound which is what he wants to be. He has to eat 5 meals a day to keep that amount of pounds with the vegan diet. He would like to be able to skip a meal but he realizes that if he does he will lose weight and that is not what the linebacker would like to do. He talks about where he gets his protein
  • 30. and he talks about how much he must eat to gain weight. He also wants to show other vegans and people who are looking to become a vegan that there are plenty different food options. He talks how that when people ask to go for a meal and they want to get steak and he says he cant they are surprised because of how much he weighs and the fact that he is a vegan but they will not say anything because of the size of him. Finally it goes into what he eats and when he eats those meals, he has to have multiple snacks and meals to keep the weight that he needs to be a linebacker. In the off season he is not able to miss a meal and he finds this hard because of the amount of food that he has to consume in one day so he wants to eat less food but knows that is not an option because if he loses to much weight he will not be able to contend in that position and will have to luck for a different one or would have to find a new job. He has to have 10,000 calories a day to keep the weight he has which means he is eating every two hours of the day. He also will be drinking smoothies. He has one of theses every morning and that adds up to 100g of protein in one drink of cannellini beans and sunflower seed smoothie. He adds to this throughout the day to get more protein through the course of the day. He is a better NFL player for becoming vegan but just finds eating the amount hard but it has improves the player game as it has made him fitter and faster than before when he ate animals. The first product that he ate when becoming a vegan was a bean burger and since eating that burger he has not eating a diary or meat product.
  • 31. Quotes “I realized I was making everything worse,” (NFL Article said by David Carter appeared on “I was feeding the tendonitis, the muscle fatigue, everything. So the next day I went vegan. The first thing I ate was a bean burger and haven’t eaten meat since.” (NFL Article said by David Carter appeared on “I try to eat 1.2 grams of protein per pound per day,” (NFL Article said by David Carter appeared on “otherwise it’s really hard to gain weight.” (NFL Article said by David Carter appeared on “People ask me if I want to get a steak and I tell them I actually don’t eat that, or any meat or dairy. They’re usually thinking, ‘Wait, you’re supposed to be small and weak.’ But of course they can’t say that when they’re looking at me.”
  • 32. Further research I could look into the documentary that made him become vegan and I could look into his injury that he has had in his hand. I could look at how it was becoming vegan at the start and how the transition was like and how he finds it know. I would look into how he could maybe get more from his meals so he doesn’t have to have five meals a day. See if there are vegan products where he could get more protein so he doesn’t have to eat the amount he does. I could look into the time when he started losing weight and what his plan was, there a time when he would of given up and not eaten the amount he eats to stay in the NFL and stay a linebacker or see if he had a backup plan. Find out how it made him a better player and see if the effect was all to do with being a vegan. I could find out what it is like to eat 10,000 calories a day and see what that would be like when eating meat and dairy products and compare the two sides. I could find out if he has ever skipped a meal or weather he has not reached a target that he set himself for instance like the amount of protein he needs to eat everyday. I could talk about what it is like in the locker room and if it hard being like the only vegan and does this make it difficult to bond with his teammates or not and does he go out with teammates and have vegan meals whilst friends are eating meat. I could also look to see if he has turned anyone vegan like teammates or friends.