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Associate director, Deloitte Digital Africa


Attract, intercept,



Sell, deliver,
process, supply
Innovate for
new value
§ Words to make innovation happen
§ Organising a place for innovation
§ Structure and process so you know
where you are
§ Mapping the customer experiences
§ Ideation techniques
§ Experimentation with hypotheses
§ Prioritisation with impact maps
Digital Banking Disruptors Will Not Grab Much
Market Share . . . Yet
Make no mistake, digital disruption is coming to banking,
and it will reshape the industry in every country.
But new entrants and disruptors will not grab major market
share from established banks in 2015. […] digital teams
should use 2015 to innovate and get ahead of the curve.
starts to follow
Moore’s law:
doubling in power
every 1-1.5 years.
And everything is
information enabled.
Started 1990
Target: 15 years to sequence a full human genome.
After 7 years: 1% complete.
Experts pointed out: 700 years to finish the sequencing!
Ray Kurzweil: “That means we’re halfway done.”
The amount sequenced was doubling every year.
The project was completed in 2001, early and
under budget.
696 years earlier than expected by the experts.
TED: “Ideas worth spreading.”
Google: “Organize the world’s information.”
X Prize Foundation: “Bring about radical breakthroughs for
the benefit of humanity.”
Quirky: “Make invention accessible.”
Singularity University: “Positively impact one billion people.”
Drive outward-focussed, exponential thinking.
Rally crowds, fan, teams and talent.
Machine learning Genomics
Biometrics Internet of Things
Robotics3D Printing
Wearables Connected Cars
Super Disruptors… Exponential Disruptors…
Kodak invented the CCD: key to digital photography.
In 1981, they investigated whether this would turn photography on its
During the 1980s…
	 •	The quality of prints from electronic images will not be
generally acceptable to consumers as replacement for
prints based on the science of photography
	 •	The consumer’s desire to handle, display, and
distribute prints cannot be replaced by electronic
display devices.
	 •	Electronic systems (camera and viewing input device
for TV) will not be low enough in price to have
widespread appeal.
• Operate more efficiently, to maintain margin.
• Provide an excellent, joined up, multi-channel
service experience, to gain new customers
and extend customer LTV.
• Create and grow new markets and products
that match changing customer needs and
Finding worthwhile
new things to do.
Finding better ways to
do what we already do.
10% 10x
“Optimisation?” “Disruption?”
Scott Berkun, 

The myths of innovation
All you need is the ability to make
things that are good consistently,
since few companies do.
A corporation is a permanent organisation designed to
execute a repeatable and scalable business model.
Innovation teams and startups are temporary organisations
designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business
Steve Blank
The godfather of lean innovation
“Your organisation’s world-class capabilities in brand, supply chain,
distribution, sales and financial metrics are all tailored to execute
the existing business model, not to help search for new ones.
The resources and capabilities optimised for execution
interfere with the processes needed to search for a new
business model.
Steve Blank
The godfather of lean innovation
““In large organisations, just one out of fifty managers
can resist an idea—and in doing so, kill it.
By comparison, if just one of fifty investors likes a
startup, it’s off to the races.”
Robert Goldberg
VC, Founder IdeaLab, Senior exec Zynga
There’s no social proof for a real innovation. The whole point is
that no-one else is doing it. if no one else is doing it, celebrate!
rizon 3
rizon 2
rizon 1
Spells “AAARRR!” Pirate metrics!
• Create organisations at the edge of yours, to disrupt other markets.
• Create internal and external organisations to attack the mothership and each other.
• Create a lab for breakthrough, moonshot technologies at a budget price.
If you’re a manager at Amazon and a subordinate comes to you with a
great idea, your default answer must be YES.
If you want to say no, you are required to write a two-page thesis
explaining why it’s a bad idea.
In other words, Amazon has increased the friction entailed in saying no,
resulting in more ideas being tested (and hence implemented) throughout
the company.
Salim Ismail on an idea instituted by
CEO Jeff Bezos and CTO Werner Vogels
Creating a truly groundbreaking, 'customer-centric,'
rapid, simple and efficient model of interaction, in
which the customer receives the best his bank has to
offer, requires constant efforts to innovate in both
the organisational and cultural arena and in the
technological field.
Francisco González, 

BBVA CEO and chairman since 2001
• Steering committee sets priorities and accepts applications for
• Agile throughout the bank: planning and delivery.
• Build an architecture that facilitates rapid front end dev/release
cycles. Strong services layer needed.
• Customer metrics and adoption for each digital innovation.
• Promote the right culture: gather ideas from everyone, deliver
change with agile, empower with the right tools, link collaboration
and innovation to staff incentives.
• Create robust redundancy with: Employee involvement, academic
and agency ties, innovation centre, open talent incubator,
hackathons, beta community, venture fund, acquisitions.
• Champion innovation with innovation centre, blogs, magazines,
You’ve gotta start with the customer
experience and work backwards to the
Steve Jobs
Market feedback
Where do 


come from?


come from?
Where do
• Their own/organisational hallucination.
• Adding complexity: “And we could also…”
• Forgetting customer contact and even analytics.
The infamous Ford Edsel
Team vision and discipline 

over individuals and interactions 

over processes and tools
Validated learning 

over working software 

over comprehensive documentation
Customer discovery 

over customer collaboration 

over contract negotiation
Initiating change

over responding to change

over following a plan
— Kent beck, 2011
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Select the right problems
to solve, and solve them
Find the right concept,
structure, workflow,
Roll out to more users,
and roll out extended
Stage 0
Understand root causes
and key user needs
behaviours and
Human-centred design
Lean startup
Lean UX
• Deliver small batches quickly. Everyone can perceive
progress, cause and effect when they happen quickly.
• Eliminate waste. Don’t make or do things that will not get
used in the process of delivering value to customers.
• Learn and improve. Make sure that you inspect the impact
of your steps, through measurement and observation.
• Empower the team. The people close to the problem are the
best positioned to understand and solve it.
• Build quality in. Focussing on quality ends up delivering
results faster.
• See the whole. Considering just one part of a system in
isolation will yield unpredictable results.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Select the right problems to
solve, and solve them elegantly
Find the right concept,
structure, workflow, incentives.
Roll out to more users, and roll
out extended features
Stage 0
Understand root causes and
key user needs behaviours and
Software: MVP experiments.
User-tests.Observe users, analyse
patterns, identify problems.

Technical PoCs.
Pirate metrics. User tests.
Production software releases.
Pirate metrics. User tests.
Business metrics.
Maps and models
Solutions that are worth it. Who wants it, in what form
and how much they’ll pay.
Detail: Features, forms, tweaks
that work .
Problems and opportunities.
No opinion Tentative opinion Strong opinion
Not using
Trying out
Casual user
Evangelist/Beta group
• Lab test a mockup
• Concierge
• Wizard of Oz
• Storyboard
• Prototype spaces
• Catalogue/data sheet/home page
• Call to action
• Ad tracking
• Video and link
• Split testing
No plan survives
contact with the
– Helmuth von Moltke the Elder
Prussian Army Field Marshall
Stage 2 Stage 3
Find the right concept,
structure, workflow,
Roll out to more users,
and roll out extended
Stage 1
Select the right problems
to solve, and solve them
Stage 0
Understand root causes
and key user needs
behaviours and
“There are no facts inside the building. The facts
exist outside the building.
Get out of the building.
Steve Blank, 

Customer development guru
Day in the life: Understand the full breadth of customer
activity in your target space. Discover needs no-one is
addressing. Great for innovation.
As-is customer experience: Map the current customer
experiencer your organisation offers. Spot the
optimisations, and maybe innovations.
Customer experience vision: Map the experience you
want to offer. Great for ideation and alignment.
Service blueprint: Understand what it will take to
deliver the experience you want to, with backstage
people, process and technology. Great for programme
management and scoping.
The whole process, not just the parts where they touch your organisation.
That opens up more opportunities for innovation.
Journey model
Journey stages
Search engines
Social media
Public relations
TV commercials
Where do I want to go?
Who can I trust?
Where can go to get a beach?
Discover> Explore> Decision> Book / P>
The family
Brian & Sally
The miserly
The business
Overall boo
What do I do with this?
Where do I get customers number?
Do I add 15% onto my rate?
How do I reply to this quote?
Will the customer get it if I apply to this email?
How do I block this out in calendar?
Why is the customer asking for more people than I can
Where will this go?
Do I have to complete my profile now?
This is confusing who can help me?
Do I have to list each establishment
one by one?
I only have hard copy photos?
Do you have a photographer?
Does someone come to vet the place?
Can I specify race or gay etc?
Now what?
Can I change my login details?
How do I find out my GPS location?
B&B owner
Live fast, die
young agent
Know it all retired
How does it work?
What will I need?
How long will it take?
Is it safe?
Is the person coming to stay legit?
Do I have to accept all quotes?
What is a live booking?
How do I update rates and availability?
Why doesn't it look like I thought it would?
Journey stages Discover> Evaluate> Register/ List> Live> Book/>Decision>
Search engines
Social media
Public relations
Sales calls
Request a quote
Book now
List your
Profile Vetted
Profile not complete
I want to see interesting pictures.
Where can I go that has hot weather right now?
What has a pool?
Can I imagine myself in this place?
Is it safe?
Overall decision: Request a quote: Quote received:
Holiday type
Distance from me
Sea (beach)
List of
Price range
# people it sleeps
# of beds in rooms
detail page
Recently Viewed
( Wish list )
Quote received
Quote needed
Book now
Submit quote
Ignore quote
View other EST…
Will it work with what I have got?
What will I need
Who will give me the right price?
I am going to Langebaan where can I stay?
Where can I go this weekend?
Where can I get a good deal?
What accommodation specials are available?
What are the benefits to using SafariNow?
What is available in my area?
Is there wifi?
Where can I go to be near a river?
What is available two hours drive from me?
What is like Montagu?
What is happening in Ballito?
What can I afford?
Who can give me the best price?
What do other people think?
How does it look?
Which one looks the nicest?
What is the view like?
Does it give me food?
Can my kids be entertained while I chill
with my man?
Can I take my dog?
Can I take my children?
Which one looks the nicest?
How long will this take?
Is it the price right?
Is it near the beach?
What are people saying about this place?
Recent reviews?
Is the person reviewing like me?
Why can I not see a price?
Can I get it cheeper direct?
Does it have wifi?
Can I book right now?
Is this place real?
How quickly will they get back to me?
How do I know what my room
preference is?
Do I have to select a room?
Who is this quote going to?
Why must I enter my contact details?
I just want to know availability?
Where is my quote - not immediate?
Why should I book with SafariNow?
What do I do now?
How do I pay?
Have they answered all my
I do not understand the quote?
What does the total mean?
Why is this different to online?
What does it include?
Why have you not answered my
Is this the actual price?
What room am I getting?
How does this compare to
other quotes?
What currency is this quote in?
What is the deposit?
Is my card sa
When is the
Why I am giv
How can I tr
Is my bookin
Why did you
How do I kn
How else can
Why is my b
Is my bookin
Will it work with my systems?
How much does it cost?
How long will it take?
What do other establishments think?
Are they reputable?
How will I get paid?
Why do I need to do this?
Do you really need all the info?
What do you want photos of - establishment
and specifics (rooms)?
Why can I not see my page now?
Why do you not offer sliding scale?
Why can I not just list right away?
Why do you require municipal documents?
Do I have to complete my profile now?
How long is this going to take?
Can somebody else do this for me?
Can you post the photos for me?
Can I upload a photo from my phone?
Why can I not see my page now?
Other: I haven’t put my establishment up why
is it on your site ?
Why should I update rates and availability?
Why doesn't it look like I thought it would?
Can somebody else update my rates and
availability for me?
Why is this so time consuming?
Why doesn't it look like I thought it would?
Why can’t I edit my description?
Why have you changed my description?
Why is that photo first?
How much are they going to charge me?
Will the customer get it if I apply to this email?
Why am I getting an enquiry for dates that are already
Why can I not contact customer directly?
Why does my number not appear?
Can I give a discount?
Who am I sending it to?
I don’t have availability at this listing but I do at another?
I can recommend a place for you?
When am I getting my money?
Please stop smsing me.
Do you block this out in my calendar?
Why should I reply to a quote that I am not accepting?
I am listed on SafariNow?
I don’t own this anymore how do I cancel it?
How d
Help, w
Can I s
Why is
Why is
Why am
Will th
15% is
Why ar
Accept quote
Decline Quote
Book now
You ha
Accept /
Pseudo real time
Real time
(Eg: fully booked)
Offer something else?
Ignore quote
Send message
List of locations
4 6
ba c
A customer job could be:
• The tasks they are trying to perform and complete,
• The problems they are trying to solve,
• Or the needs they are trying to satisfy.
Lift my right finger
Become a fully-
human being
What is the job that a customer is
hiring your product to do?
Lower-than-expected benefit. “The food was cold when it finally reached us.”
Lower-than-expected easiness. “I can’t get the necessary documents.”
Emotional: “Running at the gym makes me feel so bored.”
Social: “It’s embarrassing to have to ask for directions.”
Negative expectations. “I won’t run it because it will probably mess up my hard drive.”
Things that annoy your customers - and might stop them from taking action.
Benefit - effort - social - emotional - financial.
Expected and required. “I can make a call on my smartphone.”
Desired. “I wish all my devices would work together seamlessly.”
Unexpected. “I didn’t ever think a touchscreen smart phone linked
to an app store could exist.”
Social. “People would respect me if I drove a BMW.”
Emotional. “I will be happy when I have a puppy to love.”
Benefit - effort - social - emotional - financial.
Basic expectations 

Perform its primary function elegantly, completely and consistently
Power and performance

Deliver new value through new tools & systems
Beauty and enchantment

Enchant customers with beauty, thoughtfulness and care
AKA the Kano Model
We feel first, and our thinking is defined by what we feel.
Stylish products and environments are perceived to be:
• More valuable, even when they fail
• More trustworthy and credible
• Easier to use
than expected
than expected
than expected
than expected
Surprise, delight

Disappointment, anger,
BJ Fogg’s
diamond of user delight
Meets expectations
Stage 0
Understand root causes
and key user needs
behaviours and
Stage 2 Stage 3
Find the right concept,
structure, workflow,
Roll out to more users,
and roll out extended
Stage 1
Select the right problems
to solve, and solve them
Aristotle Guildford Osborn ParnesChamberlin
Dialogue Multiple working
Brainstorming How might we?
Divergent thinking Convergent thinking
Divergent thinking tactic 1
Divergent thinking tactic 2
Remove boundaries and blockages
Remove boundaries and blockages
Remove boundaries and blockages
Divergent thinking tactic 3
Automatic Manual
People Numbers
Money Outcomes
Visuals Numbers
Avoid pain Attain goal
Choice Simple
Social Private
Dimension 2 value Dimension 2 value Dimension 2 value
Dimension 1 Value “How might we…?” “How might we…?” “How might we…?”
Dimension 1 Value “How might we…?” “How might we…?” “How might we…?”
Dimension 1 Value “How might we…?” “How might we…?” “How might we…?”
Dimension 1 Value “How might we…?” “How might we…?” “How might we…?”
Edward Tauber’s HIT technique, 1972
Explore idea space systematically.
Stimulate ideation through strange combinations.
Take time to frame the problems, assemble stimulus.
Time to sketch problems alone.
And time to present iterate problems.
Machine learning Predictive
Biometrics Mobile
3D printing Cloud
Genomics Sensors
Blockchain iBeacon
Confidence Personal
Relationship Transparency
Tedium Self service
Timing Efficiency
Delight Trust
Visualised Free
Taxi Fleet
Research Libraries Classifieds
Book Stores Long Distance
Hotel Chains
Your business is shown to drivers
You decide how much you’re willing to pay
for each view as well as your total monthly
It’s super simple to set up and see results.
makes games available for free
Candy Crush generates daily revenues of ~$979 000
Source: Singularity University
3D Printing will democratise the
ability to distribute personalised
production around the planet
Leveraging individuals inputs to
build and influence other
institutions’ potential success
Your turn:
Ideate 1: Set up the challenge
Start alone.
Pick a pain or a gain to
tackle (could be a theme or
group of related ones.)
Pick two “easy/appealing”
stim words: one from blue
and one from purple. Then
pick two “unpleasant/
difficult” stim words.
Make a grid. Then stop.
Machine learning Predictive analytics
Biometrics Mobile
3D printing Cloud
Genomics Sensors
Blockchain iBeacon
Augmented reality Wearable
Confidence Personal
Relationship Transparency
Tedium Self service
Timing Efficiency
Delight Trust
Visualised “Free”
Your turn:
Ideate 2: Ideate and iterate
Design as many ideas for your grid as you
can in 10 minutes. If stuck, try another
square. “How might we…?”
Pick a partner and share you ideas.
Work together for 2 minutes to add new
ideas for person 1.
Work together for 2 minutes to add new
ideas for person 2.
James Young, Advertising Man of the year 1946
Real artists ship.
Steve Jobs
Stage 1
Select the right problems
to solve, and solve them
Stage 0
Understand root causes
and key user needs
behaviours and
Stage 3
Roll out to more users,
and roll out extended
Stage 2
Find the right concept,
structure, workflow,
Divergent thinking Convergent thinking
There is often a set of assumptions that are hidden in
the instruction “thou shalt build this particular feature”.
Impact mapping is a great tool for understanding the
value of delivering a particular piece of software.
Gojko Adzic
Use social proof
stats and stories to
drive action
Make calculator
easier to
Add a video
choose to invest
with us
More customers
choose to invest
disinvest less
First time

of customer money
In the lab…
• Find this.
• Achieve that without help.
• Explain that correctly, as if to a friend.
But NOT “would you use this?”
Stage 0
Understand root causes
and key user needs
behaviours and
Stage 2
Find the right concept,
structure, workflow,
Stage 1
Select the right problems
to solve, and solve them
Stage 3
Roll out to more users,
and roll out extended
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Stage 0
MVP Experiment MVP

We believe that 

building this feature 

for these people 

will achieve this outcome.
We will know this is true when we see
this quantitative measure 

AND this qualitative response.
We believe that 


for NEW, inexperienced investors 

will achieve An increase in customer acquisition
from the landing pages.
We will know this is true when we see A 20%
increase in people starting and finishing signup
during the sprint after release AND 50% of users
show A positive response in the user testing.
Increasing numbers of visitors,
counted cumulatively
Awesome, right?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Go for trial
Try once
Try 5 times

Raw data that tells you the scale of your
The proportion of your visitors achieving the
goals you want to enable.
Move slowly. Measure products that have
reached scale.
Customer outcome metrics
Scale metrics
Business metrics
Registration rate
Transactions per month
Visits per month
Conversion rate
Referrals rate
Pages viewed
Sales completed
Market share
“…We will know we are right when we see a
50% conversion rate.”
What if you saw 49%? 45%? 30%?
Set a fail condition: “…We will know we are
wrong when we see conversion <50%…”
A fail condition is less easy to quibble with.
Fail? We’re not allowed to do that!
Fail means two different things.
Horizon 1 failure: Failure to correctly execute a prescribed
business process. Bad.
Horizon 3 failure: Proving that customers don’t want a certain
thing, is a successful experimental result. Good.
• Show vivid evidence
• Count the number of experiments conducted
• Show the list of what you’ve learned
• Identify and envision competitive opportunities
• Show hard numbers
…and the funding will keep coming.
Goal Funnel Feb 1, 2011 - Feb 28, 2011
Comparing to: Site
35,472 visitors finished | 53.18% funnel conversion rate
/checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 23,282
/checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 6,604
/checkout/pipeline/ 5,390
/page_templates/searchresults.aspx? 2,879
47,550 (74%)
proceeded to Vouchers
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket.asp 1,149
/page_templates/searchresults.aspx? 856
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket.asp 656
/checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 48
/checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 41
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_payment_ 16
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket_mu 7
45,685 (96%)
proceeded to Payment
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket.asp 485
/checkout/help/help.aspx 88
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_vouchers.a 55
/checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 118
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_payment_ 40
/checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 9
33,409 (73%)
proceeded to Checkout
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket.asp 1,274
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_vouchers.a 807
/checkout/help/help.aspx 506
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_payment_ 1,546
/checkout/help/help.aspx 21
/checkout/pipeline/xpress_vouchers_ 11
/checkout/help/payjar.aspx 11
53.18% funnel conversion rate
Google Analytics
• Exponentials
• Horizons
• Lean product process
• Jobs, pains and gains
• Ideation matrix
• Impact maps
• Hypotheses
Tim Brown, IDEO
In today's fluid business environment,
innovation has become nothing less than a
survival strategy.

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Eric Ries
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Eric Ries
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Pitch incredibly
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UX SA Conference 2015: Innovation Toolkit

 Associate director, Deloitte Digital Africa
  • 5.
  • 7. INOURUTILITYBELT § Words to make innovation happen § Organising a place for innovation § Structure and process so you know where you are § Mapping the customer experiences § Ideation techniques § Experimentation with hypotheses § Prioritisation with impact maps
  • 9.
  • 12. NOTSEEINGDISRUPTIONYET? Digital Banking Disruptors Will Not Grab Much Market Share . . . Yet Make no mistake, digital disruption is coming to banking, and it will reshape the industry in every country. But new entrants and disruptors will not grab major market share from established banks in 2015. […] digital teams should use 2015 to innovate and get ahead of the curve. Forrester
  • 13. THEERAOFEXPONENTIALINNOVATION Anything information-enabled starts to follow Moore’s law: doubling in power every 1-1.5 years. And everything is becoming information enabled.
  • 15. FOREXAMPLE…THEHUMANGENOMEPROJECT Started 1990 Target: 15 years to sequence a full human genome. After 7 years: 1% complete. Experts pointed out: 700 years to finish the sequencing!
  • 16. ONEPERCENTMEANSHALFWAYDONE Ray Kurzweil: “That means we’re halfway done.” The amount sequenced was doubling every year. The project was completed in 2001, early and under budget. 696 years earlier than expected by the experts.
  • 18. MASSIVETRANSFORMATIVEPURPOSE TED: “Ideas worth spreading.” Google: “Organize the world’s information.” X Prize Foundation: “Bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity.” Quirky: “Make invention accessible.” Singularity University: “Positively impact one billion people.” Drive outward-focussed, exponential thinking. Rally crowds, fan, teams and talent.
  • 19. Machine learning Genomics Biometrics Internet of Things Blockchain Robotics3D Printing Drones VR Wearables Connected Cars Mobile Analytics Social Cloud Web Content EXPONENTIALTECHNOLOGIES Super Disruptors… Exponential Disruptors…
  • 20.
  • 21. Kodak invented the CCD: key to digital photography. In 1981, they investigated whether this would turn photography on its head. THEMOSTDANGEROUSASSUMPTION? During the 1980s… • The quality of prints from electronic images will not be generally acceptable to consumers as replacement for prints based on the science of photography • The consumer’s desire to handle, display, and distribute prints cannot be replaced by electronic display devices. • Electronic systems (camera and viewing input device for TV) will not be low enough in price to have widespread appeal. KODAKWASRIGHT**FOR15YEARS
  • 24. PITCH:3OPPORTUNITIESFORGAIN • Operate more efficiently, to maintain margin. • Provide an excellent, joined up, multi-channel service experience, to gain new customers and extend customer LTV. • Create and grow new markets and products that match changing customer needs and expectations.
  • 27. WHATKINDOFINNOVATIONAREYOUREADYFOR? Finding worthwhile new things to do. Finding better ways to do what we already do. 10% 10x “Optimisation?” “Disruption?”
  • 29. “ Scott Berkun, 
 The myths of innovation All you need is the ability to make things that are good consistently, since few companies do. DOTHINGSBETTER
  • 30. “ A corporation is a permanent organisation designed to execute a repeatable and scalable business model. Innovation teams and startups are temporary organisations designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. Steve Blank The godfather of lean innovation BUT10XINNOVATIONNEEDSADIFFERENTM.O.
  • 31. “Your organisation’s world-class capabilities in brand, supply chain, distribution, sales and financial metrics are all tailored to execute the existing business model, not to help search for new ones. The resources and capabilities optimised for execution interfere with the processes needed to search for a new business model. Steve Blank The godfather of lean innovation
  • 32.
  • 33. ““In large organisations, just one out of fifty managers can resist an idea—and in doing so, kill it. By comparison, if just one of fifty investors likes a startup, it’s off to the races.” Robert Goldberg VC, Founder IdeaLab, Senior exec Zynga LARGEORGANISATIONS:“NO”MACHINES
  • 34. BUTNO-ONEELSEISMAKINGANEWPRODUCTLIKETHAT! There’s no social proof for a real innovation. The whole point is that no-one else is doing it. if no one else is doing it, celebrate!
  • 37. DISRUPTIONINLARGERORGANISATIONS • Create organisations at the edge of yours, to disrupt other markets. • Create internal and external organisations to attack the mothership and each other. • Create a lab for breakthrough, moonshot technologies at a budget price.
  • 38. “ ADVANCED:AMAZON’SINSTITUTIONALYES If you’re a manager at Amazon and a subordinate comes to you with a great idea, your default answer must be YES. If you want to say no, you are required to write a two-page thesis explaining why it’s a bad idea. In other words, Amazon has increased the friction entailed in saying no, resulting in more ideas being tested (and hence implemented) throughout the company. Salim Ismail on an idea instituted by CEO Jeff Bezos and CTO Werner Vogels
  • 39. “ CASESTUDY:BBVA Creating a truly groundbreaking, 'customer-centric,' rapid, simple and efficient model of interaction, in which the customer receives the best his bank has to offer, requires constant efforts to innovate in both the organisational and cultural arena and in the technological field. Francisco González, 
 BBVA CEO and chairman since 2001
  • 40. BBVA’SINNOVATIONAPPROACH • Steering committee sets priorities and accepts applications for funding • Agile throughout the bank: planning and delivery. • Build an architecture that facilitates rapid front end dev/release cycles. Strong services layer needed. • Customer metrics and adoption for each digital innovation. • Promote the right culture: gather ideas from everyone, deliver change with agile, empower with the right tools, link collaboration and innovation to staff incentives. • Create robust redundancy with: Employee involvement, academic and agency ties, innovation centre, open talent incubator, hackathons, beta community, venture fund, acquisitions. • Champion innovation with innovation centre, blogs, magazines, competitions…
  • 43. “ FORSUCCESS,INNOVATECUSTOMER-FIRST You’ve gotta start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology. Steve Jobs
  • 45. Where do 
 come from? 
 come from? Where do
  • 46. • Their own/organisational hallucination. • Adding complexity: “And we could also…” • Forgetting customer contact and even analytics. DON’TLISTENTOHIPPOS
  • 49. Team vision and discipline 
 over individuals and interactions 
 over processes and tools Validated learning 
 over working software 
 over comprehensive documentation Customer discovery 
 over customer collaboration 
 over contract negotiation Initiating change
 over responding to change
 over following a plan BEYONDTHEAGILEMANIFESTO — Kent beck, 2011
  • 50. A LEANINNOVATIONPROCESS Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Select the right problems to solve, and solve them elegantly. Find the right concept, structure, workflow, incentives. Roll out to more users, and roll out extended features. PROBLEM/SOLUTIONFIT PRODUCTMARKETFIT SCALEANDEXTENDPROBLEMDISCOVERY Stage 0 Understand root causes and key user needs behaviours and motivations. Human-centred design Lean startup Lean UX
  • 51. “LEAN”ACTUALLYMEANS… • Deliver small batches quickly. Everyone can perceive progress, cause and effect when they happen quickly. • Eliminate waste. Don’t make or do things that will not get used in the process of delivering value to customers. • Learn and improve. Make sure that you inspect the impact of your steps, through measurement and observation. • Empower the team. The people close to the problem are the best positioned to understand and solve it. • Build quality in. Focussing on quality ends up delivering results faster. • See the whole. Considering just one part of a system in isolation will yield unpredictable results.
  • 53. LEANINNOVATIONACTIVITIES Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Select the right problems to solve, and solve them elegantly Find the right concept, structure, workflow, incentives. Roll out to more users, and roll out extended features PROBLEM/SOLUTIONFIT PRODUCTMARKETFIT SCALEANDEXTENDPROBLEMDISCOVERY Stage 0 Understand root causes and key user needs behaviours and motivations Software: MVP experiments. User-tests.Observe users, analyse patterns, identify problems. Mock-ups.
 Technical PoCs. Pirate metrics. User tests. Production software releases. Pirate metrics. User tests. Business metrics. Measure Build Maps and models Learn Solutions that are worth it. Who wants it, in what form and how much they’ll pay. Detail: Features, forms, tweaks that work . Problems and opportunities.
  • 54. WAITINGFORFEEDBACKISNOTENOUGH Feedback Silence No opinion Tentative opinion Strong opinion Not using Trying out Casual user Evangelist/Beta group User
  • 55. MVPEXPERIMENTS F2F/121 • Lab test a mockup • Concierge • Wizard of Oz • Storyboard • Prototype spaces • Catalogue/data sheet/home page Quant/online • Call to action • Ad tracking • Video and link • Split testing
  • 58. No plan survives contact with the enemy. – Helmuth von Moltke the Elder Prussian Army Field Marshall “
  • 60. Stage 2 Stage 3 Find the right concept, structure, workflow, incentives. Roll out to more users, and roll out extended features. PRODUCTMARKETFIT SCALEANDEXTEND Stage 1 Select the right problems to solve, and solve them elegantly. PROBLEM/SOLUTIONFITPROBLEMDISCOVERY Stage 0 Understand root causes and key user needs behaviours and motivations. STAGES0AND1
  • 61. “There are no facts inside the building. The facts exist outside the building. Get out of the building. Steve Blank, 
 Customer development guru
  • 63. 4KINDSOFJOURNEYMAPPING Day in the life: Understand the full breadth of customer activity in your target space. Discover needs no-one is addressing. Great for innovation. As-is customer experience: Map the current customer experiencer your organisation offers. Spot the optimisations, and maybe innovations. Customer experience vision: Map the experience you want to offer. Great for ideation and alignment. Service blueprint: Understand what it will take to deliver the experience you want to, with backstage people, process and technology. Great for programme management and scoping.
  • 64. “DAYINTHELIFE”JOURNEYMAPPING The whole process, not just the parts where they touch your organisation. That opens up more opportunities for innovation.
  • 65. Journey model Journey stages Search engines Google Social media Facebook Referrals TripAdvisor Friends Staff Public relations TV commercials Radio Questions Where do I want to go? Who can I trust? Where can go to get a beach? Discover> Explore> Decision> Book / P> Evita The family mom Brian & Sally The miserly couple Steve The business traveller Overall boo Questions What do I do with this? Where do I get customers number? Do I add 15% onto my rate? How do I reply to this quote? Will the customer get it if I apply to this email? How do I block this out in calendar? Why is the customer asking for more people than I can accommodate? Where will this go? Do I have to complete my profile now? This is confusing who can help me? Do I have to list each establishment one by one? I only have hard copy photos? Do you have a photographer? Does someone come to vet the place? Can I specify race or gay etc? Now what? Can I change my login details? How do I find out my GPS location? Patricia Conservative B&B owner Brad Live fast, die young agent Walter Know it all retired businessman How does it work? What will I need? How long will it take? Is it safe? Is the person coming to stay legit? Do I have to accept all quotes? What is a live booking? How do I update rates and availability? Why doesn't it look like I thought it would? Journey stages Discover> Evaluate> Register/ List> Live> Book/>Decision> Search engines Google Social media Facebook Public relations Adverts Sales calls Request a quote Book now List your establishment Profile Vetted Establishment page Profile not complete Declined I want to see interesting pictures. Where can I go that has hot weather right now? What has a pool? Can I imagine myself in this place? Is it safe? Gather> Overall decision: Request a quote: Quote received: Inspiration Holiday type Vibe Distance from me Mountain Forrest Sea (beach) Remote Location details List of Establishments Photos Reviews Price range Availability # people it sleeps # of beds in rooms Location Features Establishment detail page Recently Viewed ( Wish list ) Quote received Quote needed Book now Submit quote Ignore quote View other EST… Cost Benefits Contract Commitment Will it work with what I have got? What will I need Reviews Who will give me the right price? I am going to Langebaan where can I stay? Distance? Where can I go this weekend? Where can I get a good deal? What accommodation specials are available? What are the benefits to using SafariNow? What is available in my area? Is there wifi? Where can I go to be near a river? What is available two hours drive from me? What is like Montagu? What is happening in Ballito? What can I afford? Who can give me the best price? What do other people think? How does it look? Which one looks the nicest? What is the view like? Does it give me food? Can my kids be entertained while I chill with my man? Can I take my dog? Can I take my children? Which one looks the nicest? How long will this take? Is it the price right? Is it near the beach? What are people saying about this place? Recent reviews? Is the person reviewing like me? Why can I not see a price? Can I get it cheeper direct? Does it have wifi? Can I book right now? Is this place real? How quickly will they get back to me? How do I know what my room preference is? Do I have to select a room? Who is this quote going to? Why must I enter my contact details? I just want to know availability? Where is my quote - not immediate? Why should I book with SafariNow? What do I do now? How do I pay? Have they answered all my questions? I do not understand the quote? What does the total mean? Why is this different to online? What does it include? Why have you not answered my questions? Is this the actual price? What room am I getting? How does this compare to other quotes? What currency is this quote in? What is the deposit? Is my card sa When is the Why I am giv guaranteed How can I tr Is my bookin Why did you space? How do I kn How else can Why is my b Is my bookin Will it work with my systems? How much does it cost? How long will it take? What do other establishments think? Are they reputable? How will I get paid? Why do I need to do this? Do you really need all the info? What do you want photos of - establishment and specifics (rooms)? Why can I not see my page now? Why do you not offer sliding scale? Why can I not just list right away? Why do you require municipal documents? Do I have to complete my profile now? How long is this going to take? Can somebody else do this for me? Can you post the photos for me? Can I upload a photo from my phone? Why can I not see my page now? Other: I haven’t put my establishment up why is it on your site ? Why should I update rates and availability? Why doesn't it look like I thought it would? Can somebody else update my rates and availability for me? Why is this so time consuming? Why doesn't it look like I thought it would? Why can’t I edit my description? Why have you changed my description? Why is that photo first? How much are they going to charge me? Will the customer get it if I apply to this email? Why am I getting an enquiry for dates that are already booked? Why can I not contact customer directly? Why does my number not appear? Can I give a discount? Who am I sending it to? I don’t have availability at this listing but I do at another? I can recommend a place for you? When am I getting my money? Please stop smsing me. Do you block this out in my calendar? Why should I reply to a quote that I am not accepting? Other: I am listed on SafariNow? I don’t own this anymore how do I cancel it? How d Help, w Can I s Why is Why is Why am sms’s? Will th 15% is Why ar booked Accept quote Decline Quote Decline Book now You ha book Accept / Pseudo real time Real time (Eg: fully booked) Offer something else? Ignore quote Send message Query Editorial Pictures Reviews List of locations EndusersEstablishmentManagers/Owners 1 2 3 4 6 5 10 a ba c VISION+PERSONAS+ECOSYSTEM
  • 66. JOBSTOBEDONE A customer job could be: • The tasks they are trying to perform and complete, • The problems they are trying to solve, • Or the needs they are trying to satisfy. Lift my right finger Become a fully- self-actualised human being What is the job that a customer is hiring your product to do?
  • 67. PAINS Lower-than-expected benefit. “The food was cold when it finally reached us.” Lower-than-expected easiness. “I can’t get the necessary documents.” Emotional: “Running at the gym makes me feel so bored.” Social: “It’s embarrassing to have to ask for directions.” Negative expectations. “I won’t run it because it will probably mess up my hard drive.” Things that annoy your customers - and might stop them from taking action. Benefit - effort - social - emotional - financial.
  • 68. GAINS Expected and required. “I can make a call on my smartphone.” Desired. “I wish all my devices would work together seamlessly.” Unexpected. “I didn’t ever think a touchscreen smart phone linked to an app store could exist.” Social. “People would respect me if I drove a BMW.” Emotional. “I will be happy when I have a puppy to love.” Benefit - effort - social - emotional - financial.
 Perform its primary function elegantly, completely and consistently Power and performance
 Deliver new value through new tools & systems Beauty and enchantment
 Enchant customers with beauty, thoughtfulness and care AKA the Kano Model
  • 70. We feel first, and our thinking is defined by what we feel. Stylish products and environments are perceived to be: • More valuable, even when they fail • More trustworthy and credible • Easier to use ENCHANTMENTMAKESPEOPLEENGAGEBETTER
  • 71. BUTDEEPDELIGHTCOMESFROMFUNCTION than expected EASINESSMORE than expected EASINESSLESS than expected BENEFITMORE than expected BENEFITLESS Surprise, delight
 Loyalty Disappointment, anger, Churn BJ Fogg’s diamond of user delight Satisfaction Meets expectations
  • 73. PROBLEMDISCOVERY Stage 0 Understand root causes and key user needs behaviours and motivations. Stage 2 Stage 3 Find the right concept, structure, workflow, incentives. Roll out to more users, and roll out extended features. PRODUCTMARKETFIT SCALEANDEXTEND Stage 1 Select the right problems to solve, and solve them elegantly. PROBLEM/SOLUTIONFIT STAGE1
  • 74. IDEATIONISATHING.WITHALONGHISTORY. Aristotle Guildford Osborn ParnesChamberlin Dialogue Multiple working hypotheses Divergent thinking Brainstorming How might we?
  • 81. PROVOCATIONANDSTIMULI Divergent thinking tactic 3 Automatic Manual People Numbers Money Outcomes Visuals Numbers Avoid pain Attain goal Choice Simple Social Private
  • 82. “HIT”HEURISTICIDEATIONTECHNIQUE Dimension 2 value Dimension 2 value Dimension 2 value Dimension 1 Value “How might we…?” “How might we…?” “How might we…?” Dimension 1 Value “How might we…?” “How might we…?” “How might we…?” Dimension 1 Value “How might we…?” “How might we…?” “How might we…?” Dimension 1 Value “How might we…?” “How might we…?” “How might we…?” Edward Tauber’s HIT technique, 1972 Explore idea space systematically. Stimulate ideation through strange combinations.
  • 83. 6-5-3/3-12-3/X-Y-Z Take time to frame the problems, assemble stimulus. Time to sketch problems alone. And time to present iterate problems.
  • 84. Machine learning Predictive analytics Biometrics Mobile 3D printing Cloud Genomics Sensors Blockchain iBeacon Augmented reality Wearable Confidence Personal Relationship Transparency Tedium Self service Timing Efficiency Delight Trust Visualised Free SOMESTIMULITOCROSS
  • 85. DEMATERIALISATION Taxi Fleet Research Libraries Classifieds Book Stores Long Distance Hotel Chains
  • 86. DEMONETISATION Your business is shown to drivers approaching. You decide how much you’re willing to pay for each view as well as your total monthly spend. It’s super simple to set up and see results. makes games available for free Candy Crush generates daily revenues of ~$979 000 Source: Singularity University
  • 87. DEMOCRATISATION 3D Printing will democratise the ability to distribute personalised production around the planet Leveraging individuals inputs to build and influence other institutions’ potential success
  • 88. Your turn: Ideate 1: Set up the challenge Start alone. Pick a pain or a gain to tackle (could be a theme or group of related ones.) Pick two “easy/appealing” stim words: one from blue and one from purple. Then pick two “unpleasant/ difficult” stim words. Make a grid. Then stop.
  • 89. Machine learning Predictive analytics Biometrics Mobile 3D printing Cloud Genomics Sensors Blockchain iBeacon Augmented reality Wearable Crowd Dematerialisation Confidence Personal Relationship Transparency Tedium Self service Timing Efficiency Delight Trust Visualised “Free”
  • 90. Your turn: Ideate 2: Ideate and iterate Design as many ideas for your grid as you can in 10 minutes. If stuck, try another square. “How might we…?” Pick a partner and share you ideas. Work together for 2 minutes to add new ideas for person 1. Work together for 2 minutes to add new ideas for person 2.
  • 91. SLEEPONIT James Young, Advertising Man of the year 1946
  • 94. Stage 1 Select the right problems to solve, and solve them elegantly. PROBLEM/SOLUTIONFITPROBLEMDISCOVERY Stage 0 Understand root causes and key user needs behaviours and motivations. STAGES2&3 Stage 3 Roll out to more users, and roll out extended features. SCALEANDEXTEND Stage 2 Find the right concept, structure, workflow, incentives. PRODUCTMARKETFIT
  • 96. IMPACTMAPS There is often a set of assumptions that are hidden in the instruction “thou shalt build this particular feature”. Impact mapping is a great tool for understanding the value of delivering a particular piece of software. Gojko Adzic
  • 98. PRIORITISE Use social proof stats and stories to drive action Make calculator easier to understand Add a video More customers choose to invest with us More customers complete purchase Customers choose to invest more Customers disinvest less First time investors R100m
 of customer money invested
  • 101. In the lab… • Find this. • Achieve that without help. • Explain that correctly, as if to a friend. But NOT “would you use this?” DON'TTRYTOMEASUREMENTALSTATE
  • 102. PROBLEM/SOLUTIONFITPROBLEMDISCOVERY Stage 0 Understand root causes and key user needs behaviours and motivations. STAGES2AND3 Stage 2 Find the right concept, structure, workflow, incentives. PRODUCTMARKETFIT Stage 1 Select the right problems to solve, and solve them elegantly. Stage 3 Roll out to more users, and roll out extended features. SCALEANDEXTEND
 ABOUTOUTCOMES We believe that 
 building this feature 
 for these people 
 will achieve this outcome. We will know this is true when we see this quantitative measure 
 AND this qualitative response. We believe that 
 for NEW, inexperienced investors 
 will achieve An increase in customer acquisition from the landing pages. We will know this is true when we see A 20% increase in people starting and finishing signup during the sprint after release AND 50% of users show A positive response in the user testing. AMAZON.COM >60%FAIL
  • 105. AVOIDVANITYMETRICS Weeks Increasing numbers of visitors, counted cumulatively Awesome, right?
  • 106. COHORTANALYSIS 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Go for trial Register Try once Try 5 times Pay Weeks 

  • 107. 107 MEASURECUSTOMEROUTCOMES Raw data that tells you the scale of your operation. The proportion of your visitors achieving the goals you want to enable. Move slowly. Measure products that have reached scale. Customer outcome metrics Scale metrics Business metrics Registration rate Transactions per month Visits per month Conversion rate Referrals rate Pages viewed Sales completed Profit Revenue Market share
  • 108. SETAFAILCONDITION “…We will know we are right when we see a 50% conversion rate.” What if you saw 49%? 45%? 30%? Set a fail condition: “…We will know we are wrong when we see conversion <50%…” A fail condition is less easy to quibble with.
  • 109. “FAILFASTANDPIVOT” Fail? We’re not allowed to do that! Fail means two different things. Horizon 1 failure: Failure to correctly execute a prescribed business process. Bad. Horizon 3 failure: Proving that customers don’t want a certain thing, is a successful experimental result. Good.
  • 110. MAKETHELEARNINGANDVELOCITY CLEARFORYOURSTAKEHOLDERS • Show vivid evidence • Count the number of experiments conducted • Show the list of what you’ve learned • Identify and envision competitive opportunities • Show hard numbers …and the funding will keep coming. Goal Funnel Feb 1, 2011 - Feb 28, 2011 Comparing to: Site Checkout 35,472 visitors finished | 53.18% funnel conversion rate 64,120 /checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 23,282 /checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 6,604 /default.aspx 6,069 /checkout/pipeline/ 5,390 /page_templates/searchresults.aspx? 2,879 Basket 64,120 47,550 (74%) proceeded to Vouchers 16,570 (exit) 3,531 /default.aspx 2,160 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket.asp 1,149 /page_templates/searchresults.aspx? 856 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket.asp 656 252 (entrance) 82 /checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 48 /checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 41 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_payment_ 16 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket_mu 7 Vouchers 47,802 45,685 (96%) proceeded to Payment 2,117 (exit) 805 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket.asp 485 /default.aspx 268 /checkout/help/help.aspx 88 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_vouchers.a 55 268 /checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 118 (entrance) 58 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_payment_ 40 /checkout/pipeline/signin.aspx?Retur 9 /default.aspx 4 Payment 45,953 33,409 (73%) proceeded to Checkout 12,544 (exit) 1,797 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_basket.asp 1,274 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_vouchers.a 807 /default.aspx 576 /checkout/help/help.aspx 506 2,063 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_payment_ 1,546 (entrance) 388 /checkout/help/help.aspx 21 /checkout/pipeline/xpress_vouchers_ 11 /checkout/help/payjar.aspx 11 Checkout 35,472 53.18% funnel conversion rate 1 Google Analytics
  • 111. HOLYINNOVATION,BATMAN! • Exponentials • Horizons • Lean product process • Jobs, pains and gains • Ideation matrix • Impact maps • Hypotheses
  • 112. “ Tim Brown, IDEO INNOVATION=COMPETITIVEADVANTAGE In today's fluid business environment, innovation has become nothing less than a survival strategy.