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US Immigration Policy
The Intersection of Immigration Policy and Compassion
US Immigration Policy in modern America is an embarrassment, compounded by many politicians
apathetic and sometimes avaricious stance regarding these human transplants. For example, The
Immigration Act of 1990 requires that those seeking Diversity Immigrant Visas obtain a high school
diploma and have two years' work experience, as well as two years' job training before applicants
can be considered to receive said Visa. In countries with destitute economies and little access to
education for the masses, what chance do ordinary citizens have of meeting these criteria? These
prerequisites share parallels with Jim Crow Laws of the 20th century such as a literacy tests and poll
taxes, which not only disenfranchised blacks but also poor whites. If we only allow the educated and
previously employed a foot through the door, we are doing a disservice to those not afforded the
same opportunities and stealing from them the possibility of a new life in the land of opportunity. I
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A Ph.D. Postulates that "Today we ask too little of too many of our immigrants. We apparently don't
care whether they come legally or learn English –or how they fare when they're not at work"
(Hanson). This is an attitude many Americans have adopted as more Mexican immigrants flood into
our country. As the best friend of a Mexican woman who recently obtained citizenship, I must
vehemently disagree. The exorbitant fees paid, unadulterated racism and hate speech directed at her
and her child, fears of paralleled corruption between the US and Mexican government at the law
enforcement and judicial level pertaining to womens' rights, and poverty are all extremely high fees
to be asked of any person. Basic human dignity is something that all people
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Immigration Issue Over Immigration Policy
Immigrants' Rights
Immigration is a kind of movement of people into destination land, which can be traced back to a
million years ago. Also, the debate over whether immigrants should be given more rights has been
an intractable problem for a long period. According to statistics from Wikipedia, as for 2005, the
United Nations reported that there were nearly 191 million international immigrants worldwide,
about three percent of the world 's population (Immigration). Although it does not seem to take up a
large proportion, actually the amount of the immigrant population is particularly huge. In this way,
policies on immigration are considered remarkably significant. Moreover, recently the attacks in
European countries have also poured fuel on the already–heated debate over immigration policy. In
most cases, local citizens and governments do not welcome immigrants into their own country,
which is partly due to the discrimination. Obviously, it is unfair to them. Immigrants should be
treated equally and given more rights than the rights they possess now because they contribute to
boosting economy, creating a harmonious society and they are legal immigrants.
Many people assume that if immigrants are given more rights, there will be more immigrants into
the country, which will result in an economic burden to society. However, by focusing on the
negative effects they bring, people overlook the value and the social wealth created by immigrants.
Recently, researchers collected a large
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Immigration And Immigration Policy
When immigration policy is discussed, typically, it is discussed within the confines of egalitarian
notions and sentiments, and inside the boundaries and parameters set by generally Marxist–
influenced social democracy. Characteristically, it is not discussed pertaining to the concept of a
social order built on the rights of property owners, sharers, and contributors to and of the common
stock– which at their discretion– may exclude bad apples, lazy contributors, rotten characters,
trespassers, and terrorists. Once egalitarian sentiments and notions are rejected full–scale– (only
giving credence to those that have empirical weight or logical consistency) more proper, more
substantive interdisciplinary analyses may reveal that the current investigative techniques employed
by current mainstream political theorists are– in the context of reality, incorrect, superficial and
quite shallow.
Immigrants– illegal or not, do not have the first claim to ownership of common stock or common
land. Immigration isn't necessary for the benefit of the host nation's economy. In any case, one might
prefer lower living standards rather than higher living standards in exchange for greater distance
from others. Moreover, no multicultural society has ever lasted very long. In fact, diverse
neighborhoods report less social cohesion than neighborhoods with a less diversity.
Citizens who are of the host nation fall under jurisdiction of the host nation. By coming into the
jurisdiction of the host nation, naturally, all trespassing parties are breaking the law.
Stakes of common land/stock per citizen will shrink, while shares per illegal immigrant will grow.
Law abiding citizens are punished (taxpayers) by following laws while illegal immigrants are
rewarded for refusing to abide (tax consumers).
Incentivizing illegal immigration will lead to more of it.
According to TIME Magazine (2006):
"The U.S.'s borders, rather than becoming more secure since 9/11, have grown even more porous.
And the trend has accelerated in the past year. It's fair to estimate, based on a TIME investigation,
that the number of illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. this year will total 3 million––enough to fill
22,000 Boeing 737–700 airliners, or
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Canadian Immigration Policy Essay
The history of Canadian immigration highlights that the immigration policies has been selective
about the immigrants coming to Canada. The basis of the choice of immigrants and corresponding
policies and laws were motivated and shaped by the political, social and economic position of
Canada throughout the decades. Through the historical records the Canadian immigration policies
had been heavily influenced by ethnicity, race and religion factors.
The most unconcealed act of discrimination of excluding immigrants on basis of their ethnicity was
by implementing the Chinese Immigration Act of 1885. The restrictions on Chinese immigrants
were placed until 1947.The immigration policies of 1906 and then 1910 became more restrictive in
type of immigrants
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New Immigration Policy
Today, there are almost 11 million immigrants, living illegally in the U.S., creating a massive
problem for the U.S. government. What could be a possible new immigration policy? For the past
several years, the government has been seeking a solution to this difficult task, yet the issue still
remains unsolved. Groups like the Task Force, and even former U.S. President Bush proposed
different ideas pertaining to change in the U.S. immigration policy, which can be compared and
contrasted to a recently proposed Option 5. First and foremost, there were many similarities between
the ideas suggested by Option 5, the Task Force and President Bush. It was agreed between the
groups that, despite numerous problems pertaining to the immigrants, the vast majority of them are
people who came to America to work hard to support their families, practice their faiths, and lead
responsible lives. For that reason, all three groups believe that a temporary work permit program
would greatly benefit both the illegal immigrants and the U.S. government.
The ideas of each group were comparable, in terms of giving the immigrants an option to apply for
temporary visas or green cards. This option may solve the major problem with illegals trying to
sneak across the Mexico border, and encourage them to take the proper route into America. The
temporary work permits will provide low wage employees for employers in America, to fill in the
gaps that no ... Show more content on ...
Part of the problem with no change in immigration policy is the struggle in Congress; the President
is of a different party than majority of Congress and policies are constantly being blocked or vetoed.
Hopefully, however, perhaps sometime in the long run, a new favorable and effective immigration
policy will be sorted out, and a better life can be provided for the future U.S. and its next generation
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U.s. Immigration Policy Policies Essay
U.S. immigration policy has always been an important topic debated by Presidential candidates for
decades. Immigration reform has been ignored by Congress, leaving decisions up to the President
and Supreme Court. In the meantime, the hopes of about eleven million illegal immigrants in the
U.S., as well as future rules for legal immigration, rest on the shoulders of those decision makers.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both agree that changes to U.S. immigration policy are needed;
however, Donald Trump is taking a radical approach suggesting mass deportation and completely
revamping U.S. immigration policy, whereas, Hillary Clinton is overlooking some issues and wants
to continue to support the policy set forth by the Obama Administration. Regardless of who becomes
President, they will have a hard time getting these issues passed through Congress.
Donald Trump's signature topic during his presidential campaign has been illegal immigration. He
has generated headlines and controversial remarks during his plans for change. In 2015, when he
announced he was running for president, Donald Trump claimed Mexico was sending all their rapist
and violent criminals into the U.S. (Gabbatt, 2015). He also called for the deportation of an
estimated eleven million illegal immigrants. Donald Trump has built his campaign on his
willingness to deport a projected eleven million illegal immigrants; however, most recently his
stance has changed. In a recent interview, Fox News
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Economics And Immigration : The Economics Of U.s....
Economics and Immigration Immigration is a topic on everyone 's minds these days. With
presidential candidates vying for votes in debates and political campaigns, immigration has been
talked about quite a bit. But what is truly known about immigration? Since it is such a divisive issue,
it is hard to know what is true and what isn't. Unfortunately, the information most readily available
to us comes in the form of opinionated articles and biased speeches by presidential candidates.
Because the information we receive is biased, not necessarily true, and only a piece of a larger
picture, it's hard to know what to believe. With some saying immigration hurts our economy and
others arguing for the benefits of immigration, no one truly understands the actual economic impact
of immigration. For this paper, I have chosen three academic journals on the topic of the economics
of immigration that agree on one important point: our immigration system is broken. The first article
is entitled "The Economics of U.S. Immigration Policy." This article was written by Pia M.
Orrenius, the Assistant Vice President and Senior Economist in the research department at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and Madeline Zavodny, a professor of economics at Agnes Scott
College. This article explains that the public has become concerned with the issue of immigration
because of the fiscal impacts of immigrants on our labor markets. Orrenius and Zavodny relate a
plethora of facts about the economics of
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Trump Immigration Policy
Under the new immigration enforcement policies of the Trump administration millions of people
living in the United States illegally could soon be targeted for deportation. Any immigrant who is in
the country illegally and is charged or convicted of any offense, or even suspected of a crime, will
now be an enforcement priority, according to Homeland Security Department memos signed by
Secretary John Kelly. Under the Obama administration, immigrants whose only violation was being
in the country illegally were generally left alone.
Donald Trump's deportation policy focuses on anyone who has been charged with a criminal
offense, even if it has not led to a conviction. He also includes anyone who has "committed acts that
constitute a chargeable criminal offense," (Medina, J). Which means anyone the authorities believe
has broken any type of law, regardless of whether that person has been charged with a crime. ...
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To get this done, he mainly plants to build the wall he has promised, as I mentioned. "Trump
initially demanded for Mexico to pay for the building of the wall– and Kelly's memos reiterate calls
for Homeland Security to start planning for the costs and construction" (Baker, A). Also, during
Trump's earlier immigration orders, he banned all refugees as well as foreigners from seven
Muslim–majority countries, which he has had extensive criticism and legal action.
While I do see immigrants coming to the United States illegally as an issue, the focus on which
immigrants or priority deportees is not efficient. It seems that most presidential administrations,
especially Donald Trumps have chosen to focus on immigrants with non–threatening charges. I
think instead the focus should at least be on the illegal immigrants who are a threat to citizens like
those in gangs or other illegal activities, rather than those with small
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Immigration Policy Essay
Today, the United States is home to the largest immigrant population in the world. Even though
immigrants assimilate faster in the United States compared to different developed nations,
immigration policy has become an highly controversial topic in the Unite States, while much of the
debate is around culture and religion, the effects of immigration on economy is clear. Immigration
policy has become a highly pressing issue in America. While much of the debate centers on cultural
issues, the economic effects of immigration are clear. Economic analysis finds little to no proof to
support that influx of foreign labor have reduced jobs or American wages. Economic theoretical
predictions and a bulk of academic research confirms that wages are unaffected by immigration over
the long term and the economic effects immigration are mostly positive for natives and for the
economy over all.
Research from the Wharton School of Business, Pennsylvania, shows that the foreign–born
population has grown rapidly in recent decades, rising from less than 5 percent of the U.S.
population in 1970 to 13 percent in 2013. Although immigrants comprise a larger share of
population today since World War II, the foreign born share is roughly the same as in 19th century
and early 20th century, where 15 percent of U.S residents were immigrants. The evidence
increasingly suggests that when supply of labor is boosted by immigration, investments by firms
increase to offset any reduction in capital per worker,
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Immigration And Immigration Policy
Immigration policy has played an important role on the federal level; however, it has gained
momentum in terms of the direct involvement from state and local governments. Over time, state
and local governments have become increasingly involved in creating and enforcing immigration
policy in response to the federal government's inability to address this specific issue. The
consequences of these policies have generated controversy regarding the ethical, economic, and
legal implications of these aggressive immigration policies along with an increase in copycat
legislation by other states. Although the federal government has not been able to fully address this
issue, it is still an important matter that would be better handled by the federal government in a
universal approach as opposed to individual state and local actions. Therefore, this paper will be
examining the ways and implications in which state and local governments have attempted to
address immigration policy through actions of their own and how that has only reinforced the
argument that this specific issue would be better handled in the federal level. With the federal
government's failure to address immigration policy along with high levels of polarization between
Democrats and Republicans, states have taken the initiative of directly getting involved in
immigration policy. Perhaps the most notable piece of legislation regarding immigration on the state
level was Arizona's passage of SB 1070 in 2010. This law
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Immigration Policy And Foreign Policy
Immigration policy and foreign policy are in many ways interlinked, as they are often used to meet
goals in one another's policy areas. Together, they are used to enhance the safety of our citizens,
making this topic particularly important. Immigration is specifically linked to our foreign policy
efforts with underdeveloped countries (Keely 1978). To fully understand one policy area, you must
understand aspects of the other. Thus, one should consider these relationships when analyzing and
evaluating Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's policies on immigration reform.
Immigration policy can often be used as a tool for foreign policy goals. This usually occurs when
national safety is threatened, and it is sparked by merely the perception that immigration and
terrorism are linked. Many believe that terrorists can enter our country by manipulating Immigration
laws such as refugee asylums, which leads to stricter immigration policy to better secure our
national safety (Franzblau 1997, 4–11). Even now, the Republican Nominee for President of the
United States, Donald Trump, makes statements like, "our immigration system is being used to
attack us" (Hensch 2015). Regardless of the truth value behind his statement, it is relevant to note
that the notion itself by such an important political figure could create a push for stricter
immigration policy. The change in policy may be surrounding the issue of immigration, but the
actual goal is the foreign policy goal of enhanced national
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Immigration Policy Summary
The author of this article about the immigration policies created and enforced by President Donald
Trump is Stephen Dinan. Stephen is a spectacular writer for The Washington Times. Although he
has worked for a majority of companies, Stephen is the Washington Times's National Political
Correspondent; this means he handles the political aspect in the news. Overall, the Washington Post
has hinted a bias towards conservatives, but the author so far hasn't done much when it comes to
bias. This news article may hold a minimal potential bias toward conservatism, but the fact remains
that it is minimal. In this article, the main focus is put upon President Donald Trump and his strategy
to work around the problems when it comes to illegal immigration ... Show more content on ...
In this module two key concepts that can be related to current events are suffrage and progressivism.
In the Progressive Era, there were many immigrants that moved into the United States in order to get
a better life. According to, "more than 15 million immigrants arrived in the United States.
That was about equal to the number of immigrants who had arrived in the previous 40 years
combined." Since more and more people started to pile into the USA, more and more people started
to realize that these people could vote. Because of this, many representatives paid these people to
vote for them, which caused an imbalance in the system. This was one of the reasons why more and
more people started protesting to create quotas to limit the amount of people coming into the
country. This relates back to the original article where President Trump is trying to stop the
movement of people into the country illegally since it is causing problems, just as it had done
before. Also, the idea of progressive getting worried about the amount of people immigrating into
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Haiti Immigration Policy
This article discusses the history of immigration policies between the United States and Haiti and
the consequences of these policies. On September 22, 2016 the Obama administration made the
drastic decision to close its doors to Haitian migrants. The administration announced that it would
tighten its immigration policy on Haitians, limiting the amount of refugees that would enter. Which
was a drastic change from their 2010 immigration policy that open its doors to the Haitian refugees.
This new policy affected many migrating Haitian who where just days from their immigration
appointments. The article recalls personal experiences about the racism and the dangers Haitians
face throughout the journey. Also describing the poor conditions immigrants ... Show more content
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We can begin by talking about migration and its effects on a global scale. Migration is one of the
main areas of focuses in Latin America and Latino Studies. It helps us understand the effects of
globalization on Latin American countries, the global relationship between the United States and
Latin America, and how this relationship affects the Latin American people. This article goes
through explaining the push and pull factors of why Haitians are being both pushed into the United
States and pulled away from their home country. With the 2010 earthquake that hit Haiti, economic
as well as political factors pushed Haitians to migrate. They started with Brazil but as their economy
worsen, Haitians looked furthered to the United States. And the United States allowed them to do so
as a humanitarian provision that came as the result of the 2010 earthquake. This pulled further
struggling Haitians with the promise of a better life to make the dangerous journey. But with the
abrupt change in policy, this shatters the already struggling Latin American countries with several
displacements. We can go even further, analyzing other areas of study such as how the displacement
of these immigrants will affect Latin America itself. Or how, on a national scale, the displacement of
the migrating Haitians will affect
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Cuban Immigration Policy
My initial reaction is shock, I had no idea about the Cuban immigration policy. Irritation sets in at
the injustice of it, immigrants of all races leave their countries to pursue better lives. The process
that any immigrant is subjected too should be equal to Cubans as well, equal opportunity for entry is
fair. However, this policy allows Cubans to bypass the entire process, regardless of race its unfair to
allow one race and not the other. By granting automatic legal amnesty within hours of them entering
the U.S. can lead to resentment from other races. Segregated immigration is an issue that affects the
general public of the U.S., but its not discussed. Why?
Central Americans are becoming more aware of their situation when immigrating to a new country.
The problem isn't Cubans but the immigration system itself is flawed. Allowing Cubans, a free ...
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In 2014 central immigration spiked due to hostile environments in their country. Seeking refugee,
they came to the U.S. "Land of the free". Only to be questioned, not admitted, and finding more
problems then they left their own country with. Why is the government favoring a race for entry to
the country? The problem is Cubans have the luxury of walking in to the U.S. while central
Americans can only dream. Citizens of Central America have compromised safety issues, if you
don't feel safe in your own home, and you would rather leave all you have ever known, that's a real
problem. Cubans influence immigration as an idea for central Americans, hope. It trickles down
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, all the way to panama. Everywhere in between gets
this notion of a "better tomorrow" that never comes. Meanwhile Cubans walk right on in, and
central Americans are suddenly creating an immigration problem. One that Obama called on
congress to grant 4 billion to
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Immigration Policy Thesis
Solving the immigration problem in 300 words is going to be extremely hard, considering it has
been 140 years since the United States created its first immigration stance with the removal of the
open–door policy, and we still have problems with the laws surrounding immigration. I am going to
focus specifically on changing the major flaws in our system and am going to leave the details
vague. My first target would be in changing the laws regarding the guest worker program. If we
want to hire workers from other countries to come and work for US companies, I feel like the
workers should be considered American citizens. The book highlights poor working conditions and
lack of workers' representation if they are injured on the job. If citizens of ... Show more content on ...
Temporary citizenship and full citizenship for guest workers would work the same as applying to
become a US citizen, but I would simultaneously be working to lower the requirements to become a
citizen. Instead of being a US resident for an X number of years, I would have potential immigrants
be evaluated by a series of mental and emotional tests, and make sure they could comprehend
English to some extent. As long as the people who want to enter the country have morals and can
interact with US citizens, I see no reason why they should not be considered US citizens. Ultimately,
they add to the workforce and provide an economic benefit to the country. Because the process of
becoming a US citizen would be altered to make it more achievable, I would want to increase border
security and grant illegal citizens in our nation amnesty to pursue the new program. The only group
of people I could think of that would want to enter our country illegally after the implementation of
my legislation would be people trying to smuggle drugs over the border, or people hiding
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Problems With Immigration Policy
A famous journalist Jorge Ramos once said, "The greatest nations are defined by how they treat their
weakest inhabitants." Immigration has been a prominent topic throughout time. There is a vast
stigma seen on media depicting peoples feeling towards immigration. There are different sides to the
debate to what should be done with immigration policy also many other related topics to the issue.
There are different beliefs yet what are scholar's beliefs towards the topic of immigration.
To solve a problem, you must first be willing to accept the problem by acknowledging that problem
exists, identifying the problem, and committing yourself to trying to solve it (Chaffee 112). There
are many dilemmas when dealing with the topic of immigration. ... Show more content on ...
Many families get detained, as a society we have put ourselves in immigrants' shoes and take in
consideration their perceiving lenses. A lot of families take great measures to come to the united
states for a better future and sometimes it does not occur because of being detained. To further add
there is other scholars that have a different view point on detention centers for immigrants. In the
article From Bare Life to bureaucratic capitalism: analyzing the growth of the immigration detention
industry as a complex organization by Matthew Flynn states
Although it remains very much a contested issue, many observers have concluded that deterrence
policies and tactics employed by wealthy, advanced capitalist states of the West will not over the
long term curtail efforts by migrants and asylum seekers to make perilous journeys across
international borders in search of safe havens and better living conditions (Sampson 2015).
The article shows that not all scholars think alike. The author is stating that even though there a lot
of focus on the detention process against immigrants that will not stop people's effort to migrate in
search of a prosperous
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Immigration Policy Institute ( Mpi ) Immigration
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background and Justification According to Migration Policy Institute(MPI) immigration is a
prominent part of the United States ' DNA. Among different immigrant groups in the United States
it is highly uneven, and the size of the unauthorized population continues to be a powerful barrier to
social cohesion, full social economic, and political integration. (Jimenez, 2016)
The Research Problem Concerns still exist about immigrants ' ability to integrate into broader
society. Americans feel as if they have to adjust to the different ethnicity because their language can
take over their country and they can maybe lose their jobs from the illegal immigration that is
happening in the United States. Also, the fear of our citizens are that any immigrant that illegally
come over to the United States; can be a dangerous terrorist or even a criminal felon. What the U.S.
Americans want is the illegal immigration to stop and have the immigrants come over and learn
English and take the test and get their citizenship the right way. (Jimenez, 2016)
Deficiencies in the Evidence There is no deficiencies in the research. The researcher had no lack of
evidence to support the research on illegal immigration.
The audience are the people of the United States that is affected who are Americans and naturalized
citizens. People in other countries that deal with immigration in their country are also affected. The
government and businesses who can use these
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Refugee Immigration Policy Analysis
1. This paper is on Germany's open–door policy on refugee immigration and the impact it has on its
political and social relations. As a result, from the increase immigration, there was an economic
effect on Germanys job market. Lastly, this paper states the United States' interest in German policy
and the effect it has had on legislation regarding refugee immigration.
2. Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, elected an open–door policy toward refugee immigration.
Since the implementation of the policy, Germany has admitted over one million refugees in the
country.1 Germany's Prime Minister, Horst Seehofer believes the refugees in Germany have led to
an increase in attacks and terrorist threats.2 Seehofer is questioning Merkel's policy as many
immigrants are entering unchecked into Germany.3 These immigrants, in ... Show more content on ...
The United States' interests on refugees entering the nation has become a concern for many,
especially with the increased attacks in Germany after the immigration.10 The Deputy Director of
the German Marshall Fund, Sudha David–Wilp stated that many Americans were at first impressed
with Germany's decision on refugees, but now question the absence of management that went into
the policy.11 Another problem with refugee immigration is how to integrate over a million refugees
into the country without disrupting the safety and welfare of the economy.12 The United States
viewed these events and has chosen the nation's security over humanitarian efforts. It stands by strict
immigration laws so as not to mirror the events in Germany caused by its allowance of refugees
under the unfiltered policy.13
5. In conclusion, Germany's open–door policy has resulted in controversy within its nation. The
economic impingements of the large immigration have resulted in both positive and negative effects
on the workforce. Due to the events in Germany, the United States stands firm on strict immigration
laws for refugees in order to secure the nation's best
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Immigration Policy Of 1924
Immigration is the act of coming to a country of which one is not a native to, usually for permanent
residence. The immigration policy of the united states is very extensive and complicated. The
immigration policy has been disputed by many, those who agree with it and those who do not agree
with it. I for one disagree with the immigration policy ranging from Job displacement, all the way to
the border security, even the Pathway to Citizenship. In 1924 the original priority of border control
was to prevent terrorists and terrorists weapons, including weapons of mass destruction, from
entering the United States, but due to the influx of many illegal aliens trying to escape to a new life,
border control has changed their priorities. Border control
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Canadian Immigration Policy Analysis
To further add to the strengths of Canadian immigration policy, Canadian views on immigration are
supported by a qualitative support, rather than misconceived narrative of immigrants. To elaborate,
the media has created a narrative where certain races of immigrants are more prone to committing
crimes through the over–reporting of immigrant crimes and incidents (Rossiter & Rossiter, 2009,
p.2). This then creates a false impression of them that is reflected in the immigration policy, which
then further fuels the discrimination. Statistically speaking, this impression is false as immigrants do
not commit crimes at a greater rate than native population (Rossiter & Rossiter, 2009, p.5). In fact,
according to empirical research, immigrants who have ... Show more content on ...
While not perfect, if Canada did allow its law enforcement agencies to use torture to extract time
sensitive information, it might help reduce and prevent terrorism, but the negative backlash from
Canadians and the international community may be too great. As well as running the risk of actually
increasing the rate of terrorism by providing terrorist organizations with propaganda for their
recruitments. In terms of immigration, by having an open immigration system, other countries may
view Canada as being a safe haven for terrorist (McCoy & Knight (p.255), especially with our pro–
human right policies. Nonetheless, by having a multi–cultural approach to immigration and fair and
just immigration systems, it does reduce the potential push for people towards
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Immigration Policies Essay
There are many countries around the world that have very limited opportunities within the sphere of
immigration policies. A few examples are Italy, Japan and United Arab Emirates. Now that being
said all of these places aren't necessarily unfavorable places for immigrants, they are just found to
still hold restricting policies. These policies include paying money for immigrants to leave,
detaining them, and refusing rights. Through all established immigration policies there is heavy
debate and controversy, but it's usually pretty easy to agree on policies that come off as too harsh.
In Italy, immigration is managed from North Africa and the Mediterranean by enforcing strict
immigration policies. Their current policies allow immigration officials to fine illegal immigrants
anywhere between €5,000–10,000 and detain them for up to 6 months. This is only one of their
immigration laws and it made people furious. There were two days of riots that left everything
destroyed, officers in the hospital and rioters detained. Though this immigration policy is still in
place Italy is ranked fairly well by MIPEX (Migration integration policy index).
Japan is another state that has always had immigration problems, but in an attempt to help their
unemployment rates, they put in place a policy that slowed down the importation of cheap labor.
They have had labor shortages because of their aging population and their change in needs. Though
labor shortages have been a problem the government,
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Australia's Immigration Policy
Immigration, especially from Asia, was a contentious issue in Australia during the 1980s and 1990s.
This was largely a direct result of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War, and a responsibility
we had to help the large group of refugees that were a result of the war. The Blainey debate also
impacted heavily on public perception on immigration, as Professor Geoffrey Blainey, began a
critique of Australia's immigration policy. This paper is going to focus on the Blainey debate and its
impact on immigration, as well as the changes made to Australia's immigration policy beginning in
the 1970s, and the Vietnam War, which caused for the number of refugees and people immigrating
to Australia, to increase.
After the end of the Vietnam War in ... Show more content on ...
As mentioned above, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 was a key part in changing of attitudes to
how refugees were welcomed in Australia. This act, however, had its beginnings as an amendment
to the 'Migration Act' in 1973, which introduced a non–discriminatory immigration policy. This
vastly changed Australia's immigration policy, as well as changing Australia from a largely white
country, to a new multiethnic society. The way that immigrants were selected, to come to Australia,
also changed from the 1970s onwards. Stewart West, the Federal Minister for Immigration and
Ethnic Affairs, addressed this selection during a speech in 1984; "Our first commitment is to honor
responsibilities to those migrants already in Australia, to honor international obligations and to
accept that humanitarian considerations apply to both these areas" (Foster, 1988, pp.). One of the
new categories introduced, was the skilled migrant. This allowed immigrants with useful and
professional skills and trades to have an advantage over other immigrants when being considered to
gain visas. Family reunion is another one of these new categories, which gave priority to the
relatives of immigrants and refugees who have already relocated to Australia. The family reunion
policy also played a large role in the influx of Vietnamese refugees after the war, as those who had
escaped the communist regime, now were able to bring their families to safety in Australia as well.
Humanitarian migration is another of these categories, which specialised specifically in refugees and
providing both offshore and onshore resettlement programs. These new categories of immigrants, as
well as pressure from other countries, encouraged Australia to increase the amount of immigrants
allowed entry into Australia every
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Salvadoran Immigration Policy
Caught in the crosshairs of a vicious war fueled by military aid from the United States, Salvadorans
throughout the 1980s and 1990s strived to make a life for themselves. Running from El Salvador in
hopes of a better future, they found themselves deadlocked in a marginalized life north of the US–
Mexico border in Los Angeles. Without the law on their side, many Salvadorans struggled to obtain
legal admittance to the United States due to inconsistent and inadequate immigration policies
implemented throughout President Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan's administrations. In Los
Angeles during the mid–80s, a young group of Salvadorans emerged and called themselves the Mara
Salvatrucha Stoners 13 in hopes of defending their neighborhood from other ... Show more content
on ...
Salvadorans that wished to remain indifferent from the violence and not align themselves with either
the government or the guerrilla groups were left in a hostile threshold of neither here or there. The
vicious civil war lasted twelve years and took more than 70,000 lives (Valdez, 2011, 25).
Surrounded by death, many Salvadorans found it "difficult ... to imagine El Salvador without
violence. As if violence was part of its story, of its identity" driving "entire families, young people,
and both army and guerrilla deserters" to flee the country (Garsd,
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Immigration Policy On Immigration
The famous singer–songwriter, Conor Oberst, told huffington post, "How we treat the
undocumented says a great deal about us as a people and whether or not we'll continue to fulfill the
fundamental American promise of equality and opportunity for all." According to the U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 240,255 people were deported in the year 2016. However,
this year the number of arrest have rose up to 38 percent (Gomez). The number of people being
deported have been increasing every year. The reason behind the increase of number is unfair
hearings and policy of deportation. The United States Immigration System should change their
policies on deportation because it violates the constitutional rights and exposes the inequality
towards immigrants. Current The United States Immigration System (USIC) policy is inhumane to
the country and its legal system. There have been many incidents of brutal deportation where person
is being hurt or experienced inhumanity. As stated by Mallory Shelbourne in the article published in
The Hill, "The administrative complaint includes accounts from multiple women who were detained
by [Immigrations and Customs Enforcement] while pregnant, including one woman who said she
was unable to obtain medical attention after telling officials she was pregnant and bleeding." This
exemplified the cruelty of officials in the process. Pregnant women or any medical seeking person
should be taken care by officials regardless of their immigration status.
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Immigration Policy
Based on what was read in the Schneider and Ingram paper, it mainly states that each policy theory
has a lot to offer people but not usually enough for a society or population that has grown to have
less trust in the government. Noticing that space between citizen and government, the paper tells
about how certain policies can bring the citizens of a country back to having trust in the government
again. Seeing that the government has many policies affecting people in our nation and around the
world, I zoned in on one particular issue. How does immigration policy affect hispanic people trying
to enter America?
My target population is made up of people who primarily don't speak english and are trying to move
to America in search of a better life. Hispanics are ... Show more content on ...
There is only a limited number of visas into the country and it's usually families that preference or
those who have a relative already in the country (american immigration council). Many hispanic
people try to gain access to america through the visa system but because of how selective and family
oriented it is we end up having a lot of illegal immigrants. If America is able to relax the current
immigration laws in order to accommodate more people as well as make it easier to enter the
country legally, then there would be less of a problem of people sneaking across the border illegally.
Therefore having less illegal hispanic immigrants there would be less negative word spread about
them, and they would have the chance to move from the deviant category out and up to contenders. I
think if we can solve these issues we can lower crime rates, illegal immigration, and spending on
border patrol as well as police finding illegal immigrants. Helping those south of us can only help us
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Immigration Policies Of The 1920s
The 1890s to the 1920s was the first time that the federal government was taking a real stand and
control over immigration policies. It also saw the two greatest waves of immigration in the country's
history. War, poverty, political turmoil, social upheaval, food shortages, lack of available jobs and
more prompted people from foreign countries to move to the United States because it was the land
of dreams and prosperity. After the depression of the 1890s immigration jumped from 3.5 million to
9 million in a ten year period. By 1900, New York City had as many Irish residents as Dublin and
more Italians than any city outside Rome and more Poles than any city except Warsaw. It had more
Jews than any other city in the world, as well as large amount of Slavs, Lithuanians, Chinese, and
Scandinavians (Collier). The government began to limit these new immigrants. From 1882 until
1943 most Chinese immigrants were barred from entering the United States under the Chinese
Exclusion Act, the nation's first law to ban immigration by race or nationality. In 1892, Ellis Island
was opened in New York evaluate immigrants before allowing them to enter the United States. On
the West Coast, Angel Island, a similar immigrant station opened near San Francisco. World
economies slowed and other problems occurred that caused people to become desperate for work
and a fresh start.
Immigrants entering the U.S. that couldn't afford first or second–class passage came through the
processing center at
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The Issue Of Immigration Policy
Although the issue of immigration policy has been at the center of political debates, largely
discussed in the media and newspapers, no one has yet found a solution to this ill–defined problem,
that would comply with the America's core values. While I think the immigration policy does need a
reform, the solution to this problem certainly is not a deportation of all undocumented residents.
Currently, there are nearly 40 million United States residents that were born abroad.About 11
million of them are undocumented. The federal government has significantly increased the rate at
which it removes noncitizens from the U.S. For example, U.S Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) removes about 400 thousand immigrants per year, or about 1000 per day.
(Quevedo, 2015) Originally, Congress established that there are three crimes, for which a noncitizen
can be deported for. Those crimes included: murder, illicit trafficking in firearms, and drug
trafficking. (Cuahtemoc & Hernandez, 2013) Before 1986, deportation was reserved for violent
crimes and those crimes that carried long prison sentences. The Immigration Act of 1990 expanded
the category of crimes that required mandatory deportation. (Blake, 2015) And Congress stayed very
far from its original intentions. I agree with the fact that noncitizens who commit violent crimes,
gang members, drug dealers, etc. should be punished through deportation. But, harsh immigration
policies are not effective, simply because
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Immigration Policy Summary
In the spring of 2013, the 'Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization
Act', or S.744, was introduced by a bipartisan group of eight Senators. In this bill, five key reforms
are proposed. Firstly, that of Border Security: This clause proposes an increase of spending by a
whopping $40 billion, and an addition of fencing and 20,000 new Border Patrol agents to hopefully
achieve a 90% apprehension rate of illegal immigrants in the border within the next five years.
Secondly, Legalization: This clause aims to facilitate the immigration process. Thirdly, Legal
Immigration: This clause aims to shift visa priorities from family based immigration to
employment–based immigration in hopes of reducing backlogs. Fourthly, Interior ... Show more
content on ...
immigration policies as the legalization of undocumented immigrants could strengthen the economy.
Taking into consideration the New Economics of Labor Migration Theory, this bill provides
protection of human rights (such as that from domestic violence) that might compel women and
children to want to legally migrate into the United States. Once they are legalized, they will be part
of the taxpaying, American population. Therefore a plausible conclusion that can be derived from
this theory and the Neo–Classical Theory, I opine that if this bill is passed, it will increase the
number of legal Mexican immigrants in the US. Subsequently, I view the issue of undocumented
immigrants as one that is impossible to fully 'solve'. However, there are measures that can be taken
to lessen the number of illegal immigrants to the smallest number possible. The legalization of
undocumented immigrants is important because it not only betters the economy, but also betters
working conditions for the migrants and opens a bigger possibility for family reunification.
Additionally, immigrants contribute to the economy through their immigration application fees,
additional tax payments, lower costs of goods and services, and many more. Therefore, I vouch for
this bill, so long as it enhances the legalization of undocumented
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Immigration Policy And The Immigration Sector
PAD 3034
Juan Sarmiento
Florida International University
July 9th, 2015
In this paper, I decided to analyze the immigration policy. The immigration policies have had a deep
history. The policies have been twisted, in the long run, to meet the demands of the time. However,
most of the times, the policies have been unfair especially in regard to the immigrants. The overview
contains a rich history of the policy progression and advancements in the immigration sector. In this
paper, I decided to extrapolate on some few contemporary issues that are as a result of the
immigration policies and laws. One of the contentious issues is the Visa policy. This is a system that
is widely used by the US government. Though formulated with a good purpose, the formulation did
not cater for everything that is associated with immigration. For instance, the immigrants who are on
transit for employment are not selected based on the employment demand in the market, hence, they
end up being stranded and thus are forced to accept low–paying jobs with poor working conditions.
The solution to this is also discussed in the paper. I have also discussed on the open door policy and
its implications which include overpopulation. Overpopulation on its part has directly affected both
the immigrants and natives with many adverse effects. I was able to do research, and I consequently
came up with a set of alternative methods that could be of help. However, I have also discussed
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Immigration Policy In Canada
In 2013, according to the United Nations there were approximately 231 million people residing in a
country other than their place of birth. Amongst western societies, Canada is considered one of the
generous countries to immigrate to with one of the highest per capita admission rates. It has, on
average, offered placement to more than 200,000 immigrants per year over the past decade, earning
Canada a global reputation for its "open arms" attitude.
Since Confederation, Canada's immigration landscape has been in a state of constant transformation.
In 2014, the federal government announced major changes to its immigration system pressing many
Canadians to raise questions about the immigration strategies sponsored by the country's political
parties. ... Show more content on ...
Gergin (2011) suggests that the Conservatives have crafted an immigration policy that is less
compassionate and more economically based. He goes on to argue that the family–class immigration
initiatives has virtually vanished under the Harper government and that the leadership continues to
amend the formula towards the entrepreneurial and well–educated individual who should easily
integrate successfully into the state's economy and social spheres.
Scholars assert that the key theme in the evolution of Canada's immigration strategy is the perceived
trade–off between short–term and long–term objectives. Canada's shifting immigration policy and
the emphasis placed on specific immigration goals will always invite critics and expose competing
immigration principles amid Canada's political parties.
Approach to
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The Immigration And Refugee Policies
This paper will examine the immigration and refugee policies applied to Cubans and Salvadorans
from the late–20th century, marking the initial surge of migrants from this region to the United
States. The main reason that led to differences between Salvadoran and Cuban granted refugee
status in the U.S. was the fact that Salvadorans were fleeing violence of regimes that the U.S.
supported while Cubans were fleeing the U. S's primary enemy, communism. This in turn led to
different integration processes and acceptance into the state.
The U. S's Cold War policies of preventing the spread of communism depended on the U.S.'s
Military interventions. However, the U.S. military occupations did not lead to democratic
governments and more ... Show more content on ...
President Ronald Reagan argued that this threatened the U.S. way of life and hemisphere as a whole
and on May 9, 1984 addressed U.S. foreign policy allowing Cubans to come into the state as
"political refugees" (Guerra,331). For the U.S. government, Cuban emigrants provided the rationale
for continuing foreign policy aimed at containing communism and expanding the forces needed for
battle (Guerra,340).
Among the waves of Cubans who migrated to the United States, those who were benefited the most
were the the elite and working class (Pedraza,265). Being made up of the upper class that had a
good education and expertise resulted in a warm welcome and substantial economic opportunities.
Cubans enjoyed near automatic entrance in the the U.S. through President Lyndon Johnson's "open
door" policy that allowed the entrance of refugees from communism. Under this joint policy the
U.S. and Cuban government set up Freedom Flights that daily brought in Cubans for eight years
which totaled more than 250,000 people (Pedraza,313). These social classes enjoyed automatic
permanent residency status and additional benefits such as food, cash allotments, Cubans–only
education programs, and other privileges never extended to other immigrants or minority groups.
However, the third wave of migrants, the Marielitos, instead of being welcomed like they were in
the past 20 years, the U.S. focused inordinately on the criminal element (Pedraza,270). This group
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Immigration And Open Immigration Policy Essay
On November 10, 2015, two National Economic Experts argued on "what the U.S. Immigration
policy should be?" Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies
argued against open immigration, while Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst for the
CATO Institute argued in favor of freer immigration. Reporter Jonathan Gonzalez of 9News Denver
moderated the debate. The argument made by both experts was supported by strong evidence even
though the ideas appear to be on two extreme ends with no middle ground ideas or compromises. At
one extreme there is a need to reduce or stop immigration while the other extreme advocates for
open borders. Even though Immigration has been an important part of American history, recently it
has become a contentious issue, which is mostly about borders or no borders, and does not take in to
account the macroeconomic aspect of this movement. The two experts argue on how the U.S.
immigration program needs to adjust by scaling back or blocking further immigration vs. open
immigration policy consistent with American values that promotes free–market economy.
One of the debate question was about the increase in population from immigration It was estimated
that population will increase up to 35 percent in 50 years from immigration only. Alex Nowrasteh
argued that throughout history the U.S. adult immigrant population has never been over 15 percent.
He asked, "what if the U.S. stopped all immigration in the 1800s, what will be
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The Struggle Of Immigration Policy
Since the first settlers of Texas to the present day, the rugged and individual attitude of the Texan
people has often resulted in serious squabbles and disagreements between the federal government
and the state. These issues stem from education to environmental policies and also include welfare
problems, such as women's rights and social policy. However, the struggle of immigration policy
dating back to the start of the century has evolved into a very complex issue. On one hand, the U.S
government is currently a divided government, as the results from the General election of 2014
identified rapid gains by the Republican Party in the House of Representatives and the Senate
cultivating a strong conservative viewpoint while the office of President is currently dominated by a
Democratic president, Barack Obama, which backs a liberal attitude of protecting the immigrants.
Meanwhile in Texas, The intense conservative view of the state allows a common battle with the
federal government, as the issue is much more relevant to the border state and does everything to
curb federal legislation from protecting immigrants to deporting them and securing the borders. The
issue that arises in this fierce standoff between the state and the federal government is that the poor,
low income immigrants are held in a perpetual sense of deportation and lack of citizenship for their
children or other people who wish to immigrate.
The current policy of Texas regarding illegal immigration is very
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Immigration Policy Issues
Mitt Romney in his speech to the RNC just four years ago would be considered near traitorous to the
republican party in the divisive politics of the present. In this presidential campaign season, as in
many previous ones, one of the largest issues continues to be that of immigration. The fundamental
disagreement is not whether an issue exists, but as to how the United States should react to the ones
waking up at night hearing that voice telling them to come to America. This paper will examine the
roles of federal, state, and local governments have regarding the question: should state and local
governments have the authority to draft and execute immigration policies? First, it will delve deeper
into this topic by studying the history of immigration ... Show more content on ...
This legislation required that an individual reside in the country for 14 years prior to becoming a
citizen, and, established one of the first deportation systems for the United States. (Englund &
Svoboda 2007) Between 1790 and 1820 immigration begins to gradually increase, and between the
1830's and 1860's there is an influx in movement into America from Ireland and Western Europe.
(Cannato 2012; Schultz 2010; Ewing 2012) Cannato writes that "This pattern began to change in the
1830s, which saw more than 500,000 immigrants arrive (again, almost entirely from Western
Europe, especially Germany and Ireland)." (Cannato 2012) Ewing tells us that " During the 1840s,
50s, and 60s, approximately 6.6 million immigrants arrived in the United States." (Ewing
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Essay On Immigration Policy
Immigration Policy
The two presidential candidates that I selected were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Most people
would say that I picked them because they are the most simple to do. When in all actuality I picked
them because they are like both day and night when it comes to immigration policy. Immigration is
becoming a problem for the United States. It has been said that University of Texas researchers
found that young immigrants have a lower crime rate than American–born teens –– call it an
immigrant paradox. For the Simple fact that there is a ten step process to get citizenship in the
United States most people come into the country illegally. America's immigration system is broken.
Too many employers game the system by hiring undocumented ... Show more content on ...
They are as follows; a nation without laws is not a nation, a nation without borders is not a nation, a
nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Trump believes that there must be a wall
across the southern border. Not only does he believe there should be a wall along the southern
border but he wants Mexico to pay for the wall. Laws passed in accordance with the United States
constitutional system of government must be enforced. Any immigration plan must improve jobs,
wages, and security for all Americans. Trumps states, "America will only be great as long as
America remains a nation of laws that live according to The Constitution". And to do that he plans
to triple the number of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Officials. He wants there to be
a mandatory return of all criminal aliens and he wants all American workers to be put first.
Trump wants to cut–off federal grants to any city which refuses to cooperate with federal law
enforcement. Millions of people come to the United States on temporary visas but refuse to leave,
without consequence. This is a threat to national security. Individuals who refuse to leave at the time
their visa expires should be subject to criminal penalties; this will also help give local jurisdictions
the power to hold visa overstays until federal authorities arrive. Completion of a visa tracking
system – required by law but blocked by lobbyists – will be necessary as
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Immigration Policy Essay
In immigration policy, there has been several programs and acts that are represented through
significant moments. The first to discuss is the Chinese Exclusion Act, which was among one of the
first immigration policy to exist within the United States. As stated in American immigration: a very
short introduction, Gerber explains that Dennis Kearney, a Californian politician, had a disdain for
Chinese immigrants and feared they would take over the workforce in California. In 1882, Kearney
succeeds in promoting his agenda and passes the Chinese Exclusion Act, which calls for the
deportation of Chinese immigrant workers (Gerber 35). Furthermore, Gerber quotes historian Mae
Ngai, as she states that this act soughts "for massive racial engineering" ... Show more content on ...
As such, the Bracero program is also another immigration policy that is significant in United States
history. Also, this program was created with an intention for Mexicans to return back to Mexico
after the war ended, but several of them stayed which is also why this program is significant in the
immigrant narrative. Lastly, another piece worth noting is the internment of Japanese folk which
happened after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Due to this act, Japanese immigrants and Japanese–
Americans were forced into internment camps, revoked of rights as citizens for Japanese–
Americans, and lost all their belongings, such as homes, businesses, and cars (Daniels 88). Between
the three of these moments, they have differences, For example, they all targeted different
population, the Japanese were placed in internment camps, the Bracero program encouraged
immigration, and the Chinese Exclusion Act forced Chinese immigrants to leave the country. Some
of the similarities that these moments share is that they all targeted a specific population and
sentiments towards these populations grew after these moments
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Immigration Policy
Our President Barack Obama recently made changes to our immigration policy. He announced some
major changes to the United States immigration policies. President Obamas recent changes was
made through executive action. The executive action included a series of steps towards fixing our
immigration policies. According to a guide to the immigration "The series of changes updates relies
on the expansion of successfully implemented programs, enhanced efforts to coordinate immigration
enforcement and benefit policies across agencies, and attempts to use immigration as a tool of
economic and social change."(A guide to immigration). The President executive action would retool
critical aspects of the immigration system. It would change how we enforce ... Show more content
on ...
Some were brought to the country by their parents when they very young ages, some even in
infancy. They know absolutely nothing about their home country. They have no connection to their
home countries. They might not even speak the language of their parents' country. Deporting these
young immigrants' would be downright cruel. These young immigrants have as much to offer to the
future of America and American economy as a citizen than any other legal American. Given equal
opportunities as an American, these immigrants' might be tomorrow's entrepreneurs, scientists,
politicians, teachers, soldiers, the options are limitless. Furthermore, the beneficiaries of the
DREAM Act were not purposely trying to break American immigration law. It's not fair to condemn
the illegal immigrants' who were brought here by their families for better opportunities. Some of
these immigrants are smart enough to go to college but are stuck in a lifetime of low–paying
underground, black market labor because they wouldn't be allow to go college. President Obama
summed it up perfect in an immigration speech in El Paso, Texas. He stated "These are kids who
grew up in this country, love this country, and know no other place as
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Improving The Immigration Policy
Many immigrants feel like it is a challenge to be accepted into another country. Some minorities feel
as if congress is not doing an exceptional job on how their immigration policy runs. The
Immigration policies between the United States of America and South Africa are incredibly similar;
it seems as if both countries are not considering minorities to be important in another country. Even
though they don't highly appreciate minorities, they both have an elevated focus for defense of
security and health. Congress is blind to the fact a majority of the workforce going on in the United
States are not documented. Improving the immigration policy will differ from the lives in both
South America and The United States. In the United States the immigration
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Canadian Immigration Policy
There are various issues that revolve around Canadian politics. These issues can include various
subjects, such as economics, multiculturalism, health care, immigration, and foreign policy. An
important issue in Canada that is discussed in this essay is Canada's constant changes to its
immigration policy in order to improve its economic goals and the labour market. These issues are
changing by different policies that the Canadian government are putting into place, which creates a
more strict system in choosing who can immigrate into the country. Three articles that thoroughly
analyze Canada's immigration policy in order to implement these changes are the following. The
first article is named: "New Directions in Immigration Policy: Canada's ... Show more content on ...
This article provides detailed information that give statistics based on distinguishing immigrant
classes: "Tables 2 (for males) and 3 (for females) present descriptive statistics by broad immigrant
class across the three cycles of the survey. ... For both genders, it is clear that skilled worker
principal applicants have higher educational attainment, and it is also apparent that males have
higher averages than females". This article is distinct from the other two articles by the fact that
many more statistics are offered. These extra statistics offer more insight into the descriptions of the
economical immigrant policies. Moreover, the article offers an insight into a range of policy
proposals in determining how immigrants can immigrate into Canada. The articles introduction
mentions important policies that the Canadian government put into place: Recent examples include
the Ontario Expert Roundtable on Immigration (2012) and the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants
to Canada. The paper presents a basic description of differences in labour market outcomes,
including both earnings and employments. This is an important statement as it informs the reader
about the various types of concepts, along with their sources, that have
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US Immigration Policy

  • 1. US Immigration Policy The Intersection of Immigration Policy and Compassion US Immigration Policy in modern America is an embarrassment, compounded by many politicians apathetic and sometimes avaricious stance regarding these human transplants. For example, The Immigration Act of 1990 requires that those seeking Diversity Immigrant Visas obtain a high school diploma and have two years' work experience, as well as two years' job training before applicants can be considered to receive said Visa. In countries with destitute economies and little access to education for the masses, what chance do ordinary citizens have of meeting these criteria? These prerequisites share parallels with Jim Crow Laws of the 20th century such as a literacy tests and poll taxes, which not only disenfranchised blacks but also poor whites. If we only allow the educated and previously employed a foot through the door, we are doing a disservice to those not afforded the same opportunities and stealing from them the possibility of a new life in the land of opportunity. I ... Show more content on ... A Ph.D. Postulates that "Today we ask too little of too many of our immigrants. We apparently don't care whether they come legally or learn English –or how they fare when they're not at work" (Hanson). This is an attitude many Americans have adopted as more Mexican immigrants flood into our country. As the best friend of a Mexican woman who recently obtained citizenship, I must vehemently disagree. The exorbitant fees paid, unadulterated racism and hate speech directed at her and her child, fears of paralleled corruption between the US and Mexican government at the law enforcement and judicial level pertaining to womens' rights, and poverty are all extremely high fees to be asked of any person. Basic human dignity is something that all people ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Immigration Issue Over Immigration Policy Immigrants' Rights Immigration is a kind of movement of people into destination land, which can be traced back to a million years ago. Also, the debate over whether immigrants should be given more rights has been an intractable problem for a long period. According to statistics from Wikipedia, as for 2005, the United Nations reported that there were nearly 191 million international immigrants worldwide, about three percent of the world 's population (Immigration). Although it does not seem to take up a large proportion, actually the amount of the immigrant population is particularly huge. In this way, policies on immigration are considered remarkably significant. Moreover, recently the attacks in European countries have also poured fuel on the already–heated debate over immigration policy. In most cases, local citizens and governments do not welcome immigrants into their own country, which is partly due to the discrimination. Obviously, it is unfair to them. Immigrants should be treated equally and given more rights than the rights they possess now because they contribute to boosting economy, creating a harmonious society and they are legal immigrants. Many people assume that if immigrants are given more rights, there will be more immigrants into the country, which will result in an economic burden to society. However, by focusing on the negative effects they bring, people overlook the value and the social wealth created by immigrants. Recently, researchers collected a large ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Immigration And Immigration Policy When immigration policy is discussed, typically, it is discussed within the confines of egalitarian notions and sentiments, and inside the boundaries and parameters set by generally Marxist– influenced social democracy. Characteristically, it is not discussed pertaining to the concept of a social order built on the rights of property owners, sharers, and contributors to and of the common stock– which at their discretion– may exclude bad apples, lazy contributors, rotten characters, trespassers, and terrorists. Once egalitarian sentiments and notions are rejected full–scale– (only giving credence to those that have empirical weight or logical consistency) more proper, more substantive interdisciplinary analyses may reveal that the current investigative techniques employed by current mainstream political theorists are– in the context of reality, incorrect, superficial and quite shallow. –– Immigrants– illegal or not, do not have the first claim to ownership of common stock or common land. Immigration isn't necessary for the benefit of the host nation's economy. In any case, one might prefer lower living standards rather than higher living standards in exchange for greater distance from others. Moreover, no multicultural society has ever lasted very long. In fact, diverse neighborhoods report less social cohesion than neighborhoods with a less diversity. Citizens who are of the host nation fall under jurisdiction of the host nation. By coming into the jurisdiction of the host nation, naturally, all trespassing parties are breaking the law. Stakes of common land/stock per citizen will shrink, while shares per illegal immigrant will grow. Law abiding citizens are punished (taxpayers) by following laws while illegal immigrants are rewarded for refusing to abide (tax consumers). Incentivizing illegal immigration will lead to more of it. According to TIME Magazine (2006): "The U.S.'s borders, rather than becoming more secure since 9/11, have grown even more porous. And the trend has accelerated in the past year. It's fair to estimate, based on a TIME investigation, that the number of illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. this year will total 3 million––enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737–700 airliners, or ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Canadian Immigration Policy Essay The history of Canadian immigration highlights that the immigration policies has been selective about the immigrants coming to Canada. The basis of the choice of immigrants and corresponding policies and laws were motivated and shaped by the political, social and economic position of Canada throughout the decades. Through the historical records the Canadian immigration policies had been heavily influenced by ethnicity, race and religion factors. The most unconcealed act of discrimination of excluding immigrants on basis of their ethnicity was by implementing the Chinese Immigration Act of 1885. The restrictions on Chinese immigrants were placed until 1947.The immigration policies of 1906 and then 1910 became more restrictive in type of immigrants ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. New Immigration Policy Today, there are almost 11 million immigrants, living illegally in the U.S., creating a massive problem for the U.S. government. What could be a possible new immigration policy? For the past several years, the government has been seeking a solution to this difficult task, yet the issue still remains unsolved. Groups like the Task Force, and even former U.S. President Bush proposed different ideas pertaining to change in the U.S. immigration policy, which can be compared and contrasted to a recently proposed Option 5. First and foremost, there were many similarities between the ideas suggested by Option 5, the Task Force and President Bush. It was agreed between the groups that, despite numerous problems pertaining to the immigrants, the vast majority of them are people who came to America to work hard to support their families, practice their faiths, and lead responsible lives. For that reason, all three groups believe that a temporary work permit program would greatly benefit both the illegal immigrants and the U.S. government. The ideas of each group were comparable, in terms of giving the immigrants an option to apply for temporary visas or green cards. This option may solve the major problem with illegals trying to sneak across the Mexico border, and encourage them to take the proper route into America. The temporary work permits will provide low wage employees for employers in America, to fill in the gaps that no ... Show more content on ... Part of the problem with no change in immigration policy is the struggle in Congress; the President is of a different party than majority of Congress and policies are constantly being blocked or vetoed. Hopefully, however, perhaps sometime in the long run, a new favorable and effective immigration policy will be sorted out, and a better life can be provided for the future U.S. and its next generation of ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. U.s. Immigration Policy Policies Essay U.S. immigration policy has always been an important topic debated by Presidential candidates for decades. Immigration reform has been ignored by Congress, leaving decisions up to the President and Supreme Court. In the meantime, the hopes of about eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S., as well as future rules for legal immigration, rest on the shoulders of those decision makers. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both agree that changes to U.S. immigration policy are needed; however, Donald Trump is taking a radical approach suggesting mass deportation and completely revamping U.S. immigration policy, whereas, Hillary Clinton is overlooking some issues and wants to continue to support the policy set forth by the Obama Administration. Regardless of who becomes President, they will have a hard time getting these issues passed through Congress. Deportation Donald Trump's signature topic during his presidential campaign has been illegal immigration. He has generated headlines and controversial remarks during his plans for change. In 2015, when he announced he was running for president, Donald Trump claimed Mexico was sending all their rapist and violent criminals into the U.S. (Gabbatt, 2015). He also called for the deportation of an estimated eleven million illegal immigrants. Donald Trump has built his campaign on his willingness to deport a projected eleven million illegal immigrants; however, most recently his stance has changed. In a recent interview, Fox News ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Economics And Immigration : The Economics Of U.s.... Economics and Immigration Immigration is a topic on everyone 's minds these days. With presidential candidates vying for votes in debates and political campaigns, immigration has been talked about quite a bit. But what is truly known about immigration? Since it is such a divisive issue, it is hard to know what is true and what isn't. Unfortunately, the information most readily available to us comes in the form of opinionated articles and biased speeches by presidential candidates. Because the information we receive is biased, not necessarily true, and only a piece of a larger picture, it's hard to know what to believe. With some saying immigration hurts our economy and others arguing for the benefits of immigration, no one truly understands the actual economic impact of immigration. For this paper, I have chosen three academic journals on the topic of the economics of immigration that agree on one important point: our immigration system is broken. The first article is entitled "The Economics of U.S. Immigration Policy." This article was written by Pia M. Orrenius, the Assistant Vice President and Senior Economist in the research department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and Madeline Zavodny, a professor of economics at Agnes Scott College. This article explains that the public has become concerned with the issue of immigration because of the fiscal impacts of immigrants on our labor markets. Orrenius and Zavodny relate a plethora of facts about the economics of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Trump Immigration Policy Under the new immigration enforcement policies of the Trump administration millions of people living in the United States illegally could soon be targeted for deportation. Any immigrant who is in the country illegally and is charged or convicted of any offense, or even suspected of a crime, will now be an enforcement priority, according to Homeland Security Department memos signed by Secretary John Kelly. Under the Obama administration, immigrants whose only violation was being in the country illegally were generally left alone. Donald Trump's deportation policy focuses on anyone who has been charged with a criminal offense, even if it has not led to a conviction. He also includes anyone who has "committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense," (Medina, J). Which means anyone the authorities believe has broken any type of law, regardless of whether that person has been charged with a crime. ... Show more content on ... To get this done, he mainly plants to build the wall he has promised, as I mentioned. "Trump initially demanded for Mexico to pay for the building of the wall– and Kelly's memos reiterate calls for Homeland Security to start planning for the costs and construction" (Baker, A). Also, during Trump's earlier immigration orders, he banned all refugees as well as foreigners from seven Muslim–majority countries, which he has had extensive criticism and legal action. While I do see immigrants coming to the United States illegally as an issue, the focus on which immigrants or priority deportees is not efficient. It seems that most presidential administrations, especially Donald Trumps have chosen to focus on immigrants with non–threatening charges. I think instead the focus should at least be on the illegal immigrants who are a threat to citizens like those in gangs or other illegal activities, rather than those with small ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Immigration Policy Essay Today, the United States is home to the largest immigrant population in the world. Even though immigrants assimilate faster in the United States compared to different developed nations, immigration policy has become an highly controversial topic in the Unite States, while much of the debate is around culture and religion, the effects of immigration on economy is clear. Immigration policy has become a highly pressing issue in America. While much of the debate centers on cultural issues, the economic effects of immigration are clear. Economic analysis finds little to no proof to support that influx of foreign labor have reduced jobs or American wages. Economic theoretical predictions and a bulk of academic research confirms that wages are unaffected by immigration over the long term and the economic effects immigration are mostly positive for natives and for the economy over all. Research from the Wharton School of Business, Pennsylvania, shows that the foreign–born population has grown rapidly in recent decades, rising from less than 5 percent of the U.S. population in 1970 to 13 percent in 2013. Although immigrants comprise a larger share of population today since World War II, the foreign born share is roughly the same as in 19th century and early 20th century, where 15 percent of U.S residents were immigrants. The evidence increasingly suggests that when supply of labor is boosted by immigration, investments by firms increase to offset any reduction in capital per worker, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Immigration And Immigration Policy Immigration policy has played an important role on the federal level; however, it has gained momentum in terms of the direct involvement from state and local governments. Over time, state and local governments have become increasingly involved in creating and enforcing immigration policy in response to the federal government's inability to address this specific issue. The consequences of these policies have generated controversy regarding the ethical, economic, and legal implications of these aggressive immigration policies along with an increase in copycat legislation by other states. Although the federal government has not been able to fully address this issue, it is still an important matter that would be better handled by the federal government in a universal approach as opposed to individual state and local actions. Therefore, this paper will be examining the ways and implications in which state and local governments have attempted to address immigration policy through actions of their own and how that has only reinforced the argument that this specific issue would be better handled in the federal level. With the federal government's failure to address immigration policy along with high levels of polarization between Democrats and Republicans, states have taken the initiative of directly getting involved in immigration policy. Perhaps the most notable piece of legislation regarding immigration on the state level was Arizona's passage of SB 1070 in 2010. This law ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Immigration Policy And Foreign Policy Immigration policy and foreign policy are in many ways interlinked, as they are often used to meet goals in one another's policy areas. Together, they are used to enhance the safety of our citizens, making this topic particularly important. Immigration is specifically linked to our foreign policy efforts with underdeveloped countries (Keely 1978). To fully understand one policy area, you must understand aspects of the other. Thus, one should consider these relationships when analyzing and evaluating Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's policies on immigration reform. Immigration policy can often be used as a tool for foreign policy goals. This usually occurs when national safety is threatened, and it is sparked by merely the perception that immigration and terrorism are linked. Many believe that terrorists can enter our country by manipulating Immigration laws such as refugee asylums, which leads to stricter immigration policy to better secure our national safety (Franzblau 1997, 4–11). Even now, the Republican Nominee for President of the United States, Donald Trump, makes statements like, "our immigration system is being used to attack us" (Hensch 2015). Regardless of the truth value behind his statement, it is relevant to note that the notion itself by such an important political figure could create a push for stricter immigration policy. The change in policy may be surrounding the issue of immigration, but the actual goal is the foreign policy goal of enhanced national ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Immigration Policy Summary The author of this article about the immigration policies created and enforced by President Donald Trump is Stephen Dinan. Stephen is a spectacular writer for The Washington Times. Although he has worked for a majority of companies, Stephen is the Washington Times's National Political Correspondent; this means he handles the political aspect in the news. Overall, the Washington Post has hinted a bias towards conservatives, but the author so far hasn't done much when it comes to bias. This news article may hold a minimal potential bias toward conservatism, but the fact remains that it is minimal. In this article, the main focus is put upon President Donald Trump and his strategy to work around the problems when it comes to illegal immigration ... Show more content on ... In this module two key concepts that can be related to current events are suffrage and progressivism. In the Progressive Era, there were many immigrants that moved into the United States in order to get a better life. According to, "more than 15 million immigrants arrived in the United States. That was about equal to the number of immigrants who had arrived in the previous 40 years combined." Since more and more people started to pile into the USA, more and more people started to realize that these people could vote. Because of this, many representatives paid these people to vote for them, which caused an imbalance in the system. This was one of the reasons why more and more people started protesting to create quotas to limit the amount of people coming into the country. This relates back to the original article where President Trump is trying to stop the movement of people into the country illegally since it is causing problems, just as it had done before. Also, the idea of progressive getting worried about the amount of people immigrating into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Haiti Immigration Policy This article discusses the history of immigration policies between the United States and Haiti and the consequences of these policies. On September 22, 2016 the Obama administration made the drastic decision to close its doors to Haitian migrants. The administration announced that it would tighten its immigration policy on Haitians, limiting the amount of refugees that would enter. Which was a drastic change from their 2010 immigration policy that open its doors to the Haitian refugees. This new policy affected many migrating Haitian who where just days from their immigration appointments. The article recalls personal experiences about the racism and the dangers Haitians face throughout the journey. Also describing the poor conditions immigrants ... Show more content on ... We can begin by talking about migration and its effects on a global scale. Migration is one of the main areas of focuses in Latin America and Latino Studies. It helps us understand the effects of globalization on Latin American countries, the global relationship between the United States and Latin America, and how this relationship affects the Latin American people. This article goes through explaining the push and pull factors of why Haitians are being both pushed into the United States and pulled away from their home country. With the 2010 earthquake that hit Haiti, economic as well as political factors pushed Haitians to migrate. They started with Brazil but as their economy worsen, Haitians looked furthered to the United States. And the United States allowed them to do so as a humanitarian provision that came as the result of the 2010 earthquake. This pulled further struggling Haitians with the promise of a better life to make the dangerous journey. But with the abrupt change in policy, this shatters the already struggling Latin American countries with several displacements. We can go even further, analyzing other areas of study such as how the displacement of these immigrants will affect Latin America itself. Or how, on a national scale, the displacement of the migrating Haitians will affect ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Cuban Immigration Policy My initial reaction is shock, I had no idea about the Cuban immigration policy. Irritation sets in at the injustice of it, immigrants of all races leave their countries to pursue better lives. The process that any immigrant is subjected too should be equal to Cubans as well, equal opportunity for entry is fair. However, this policy allows Cubans to bypass the entire process, regardless of race its unfair to allow one race and not the other. By granting automatic legal amnesty within hours of them entering the U.S. can lead to resentment from other races. Segregated immigration is an issue that affects the general public of the U.S., but its not discussed. Why? Central Americans are becoming more aware of their situation when immigrating to a new country. The problem isn't Cubans but the immigration system itself is flawed. Allowing Cubans, a free ... Show more content on ... In 2014 central immigration spiked due to hostile environments in their country. Seeking refugee, they came to the U.S. "Land of the free". Only to be questioned, not admitted, and finding more problems then they left their own country with. Why is the government favoring a race for entry to the country? The problem is Cubans have the luxury of walking in to the U.S. while central Americans can only dream. Citizens of Central America have compromised safety issues, if you don't feel safe in your own home, and you would rather leave all you have ever known, that's a real problem. Cubans influence immigration as an idea for central Americans, hope. It trickles down Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, all the way to panama. Everywhere in between gets this notion of a "better tomorrow" that never comes. Meanwhile Cubans walk right on in, and central Americans are suddenly creating an immigration problem. One that Obama called on congress to grant 4 billion to ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Immigration Policy Thesis Solving the immigration problem in 300 words is going to be extremely hard, considering it has been 140 years since the United States created its first immigration stance with the removal of the open–door policy, and we still have problems with the laws surrounding immigration. I am going to focus specifically on changing the major flaws in our system and am going to leave the details vague. My first target would be in changing the laws regarding the guest worker program. If we want to hire workers from other countries to come and work for US companies, I feel like the workers should be considered American citizens. The book highlights poor working conditions and lack of workers' representation if they are injured on the job. If citizens of ... Show more content on ... Temporary citizenship and full citizenship for guest workers would work the same as applying to become a US citizen, but I would simultaneously be working to lower the requirements to become a citizen. Instead of being a US resident for an X number of years, I would have potential immigrants be evaluated by a series of mental and emotional tests, and make sure they could comprehend English to some extent. As long as the people who want to enter the country have morals and can interact with US citizens, I see no reason why they should not be considered US citizens. Ultimately, they add to the workforce and provide an economic benefit to the country. Because the process of becoming a US citizen would be altered to make it more achievable, I would want to increase border security and grant illegal citizens in our nation amnesty to pursue the new program. The only group of people I could think of that would want to enter our country illegally after the implementation of my legislation would be people trying to smuggle drugs over the border, or people hiding ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Problems With Immigration Policy A famous journalist Jorge Ramos once said, "The greatest nations are defined by how they treat their weakest inhabitants." Immigration has been a prominent topic throughout time. There is a vast stigma seen on media depicting peoples feeling towards immigration. There are different sides to the debate to what should be done with immigration policy also many other related topics to the issue. There are different beliefs yet what are scholar's beliefs towards the topic of immigration. To solve a problem, you must first be willing to accept the problem by acknowledging that problem exists, identifying the problem, and committing yourself to trying to solve it (Chaffee 112). There are many dilemmas when dealing with the topic of immigration. ... Show more content on ... Many families get detained, as a society we have put ourselves in immigrants' shoes and take in consideration their perceiving lenses. A lot of families take great measures to come to the united states for a better future and sometimes it does not occur because of being detained. To further add there is other scholars that have a different view point on detention centers for immigrants. In the article From Bare Life to bureaucratic capitalism: analyzing the growth of the immigration detention industry as a complex organization by Matthew Flynn states Although it remains very much a contested issue, many observers have concluded that deterrence policies and tactics employed by wealthy, advanced capitalist states of the West will not over the long term curtail efforts by migrants and asylum seekers to make perilous journeys across international borders in search of safe havens and better living conditions (Sampson 2015). The article shows that not all scholars think alike. The author is stating that even though there a lot of focus on the detention process against immigrants that will not stop people's effort to migrate in search of a prosperous ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Immigration Policy Institute ( Mpi ) Immigration Chapter 1: Introduction Background and Justification According to Migration Policy Institute(MPI) immigration is a prominent part of the United States ' DNA. Among different immigrant groups in the United States it is highly uneven, and the size of the unauthorized population continues to be a powerful barrier to social cohesion, full social economic, and political integration. (Jimenez, 2016) The Research Problem Concerns still exist about immigrants ' ability to integrate into broader society. Americans feel as if they have to adjust to the different ethnicity because their language can take over their country and they can maybe lose their jobs from the illegal immigration that is happening in the United States. Also, the fear of our citizens are that any immigrant that illegally come over to the United States; can be a dangerous terrorist or even a criminal felon. What the U.S. Americans want is the illegal immigration to stop and have the immigrants come over and learn English and take the test and get their citizenship the right way. (Jimenez, 2016) Deficiencies in the Evidence There is no deficiencies in the research. The researcher had no lack of evidence to support the research on illegal immigration. Audience The audience are the people of the United States that is affected who are Americans and naturalized citizens. People in other countries that deal with immigration in their country are also affected. The government and businesses who can use these ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Refugee Immigration Policy Analysis 1. This paper is on Germany's open–door policy on refugee immigration and the impact it has on its political and social relations. As a result, from the increase immigration, there was an economic effect on Germanys job market. Lastly, this paper states the United States' interest in German policy and the effect it has had on legislation regarding refugee immigration. 2. Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, elected an open–door policy toward refugee immigration. Since the implementation of the policy, Germany has admitted over one million refugees in the country.1 Germany's Prime Minister, Horst Seehofer believes the refugees in Germany have led to an increase in attacks and terrorist threats.2 Seehofer is questioning Merkel's policy as many immigrants are entering unchecked into Germany.3 These immigrants, in ... Show more content on ... The United States' interests on refugees entering the nation has become a concern for many, especially with the increased attacks in Germany after the immigration.10 The Deputy Director of the German Marshall Fund, Sudha David–Wilp stated that many Americans were at first impressed with Germany's decision on refugees, but now question the absence of management that went into the policy.11 Another problem with refugee immigration is how to integrate over a million refugees into the country without disrupting the safety and welfare of the economy.12 The United States viewed these events and has chosen the nation's security over humanitarian efforts. It stands by strict immigration laws so as not to mirror the events in Germany caused by its allowance of refugees under the unfiltered policy.13 5. In conclusion, Germany's open–door policy has resulted in controversy within its nation. The economic impingements of the large immigration have resulted in both positive and negative effects on the workforce. Due to the events in Germany, the United States stands firm on strict immigration laws for refugees in order to secure the nation's best ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Immigration Policy Of 1924 Immigration is the act of coming to a country of which one is not a native to, usually for permanent residence. The immigration policy of the united states is very extensive and complicated. The immigration policy has been disputed by many, those who agree with it and those who do not agree with it. I for one disagree with the immigration policy ranging from Job displacement, all the way to the border security, even the Pathway to Citizenship. In 1924 the original priority of border control was to prevent terrorists and terrorists weapons, including weapons of mass destruction, from entering the United States, but due to the influx of many illegal aliens trying to escape to a new life, border control has changed their priorities. Border control ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Canadian Immigration Policy Analysis To further add to the strengths of Canadian immigration policy, Canadian views on immigration are supported by a qualitative support, rather than misconceived narrative of immigrants. To elaborate, the media has created a narrative where certain races of immigrants are more prone to committing crimes through the over–reporting of immigrant crimes and incidents (Rossiter & Rossiter, 2009, p.2). This then creates a false impression of them that is reflected in the immigration policy, which then further fuels the discrimination. Statistically speaking, this impression is false as immigrants do not commit crimes at a greater rate than native population (Rossiter & Rossiter, 2009, p.5). In fact, according to empirical research, immigrants who have ... Show more content on ... While not perfect, if Canada did allow its law enforcement agencies to use torture to extract time sensitive information, it might help reduce and prevent terrorism, but the negative backlash from Canadians and the international community may be too great. As well as running the risk of actually increasing the rate of terrorism by providing terrorist organizations with propaganda for their recruitments. In terms of immigration, by having an open immigration system, other countries may view Canada as being a safe haven for terrorist (McCoy & Knight (p.255), especially with our pro– human right policies. Nonetheless, by having a multi–cultural approach to immigration and fair and just immigration systems, it does reduce the potential push for people towards ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Immigration Policies Essay There are many countries around the world that have very limited opportunities within the sphere of immigration policies. A few examples are Italy, Japan and United Arab Emirates. Now that being said all of these places aren't necessarily unfavorable places for immigrants, they are just found to still hold restricting policies. These policies include paying money for immigrants to leave, detaining them, and refusing rights. Through all established immigration policies there is heavy debate and controversy, but it's usually pretty easy to agree on policies that come off as too harsh. In Italy, immigration is managed from North Africa and the Mediterranean by enforcing strict immigration policies. Their current policies allow immigration officials to fine illegal immigrants anywhere between €5,000–10,000 and detain them for up to 6 months. This is only one of their immigration laws and it made people furious. There were two days of riots that left everything destroyed, officers in the hospital and rioters detained. Though this immigration policy is still in place Italy is ranked fairly well by MIPEX (Migration integration policy index). Japan is another state that has always had immigration problems, but in an attempt to help their unemployment rates, they put in place a policy that slowed down the importation of cheap labor. They have had labor shortages because of their aging population and their change in needs. Though labor shortages have been a problem the government, ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Australia's Immigration Policy Immigration, especially from Asia, was a contentious issue in Australia during the 1980s and 1990s. This was largely a direct result of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War, and a responsibility we had to help the large group of refugees that were a result of the war. The Blainey debate also impacted heavily on public perception on immigration, as Professor Geoffrey Blainey, began a critique of Australia's immigration policy. This paper is going to focus on the Blainey debate and its impact on immigration, as well as the changes made to Australia's immigration policy beginning in the 1970s, and the Vietnam War, which caused for the number of refugees and people immigrating to Australia, to increase. After the end of the Vietnam War in ... Show more content on ... As mentioned above, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 was a key part in changing of attitudes to how refugees were welcomed in Australia. This act, however, had its beginnings as an amendment to the 'Migration Act' in 1973, which introduced a non–discriminatory immigration policy. This vastly changed Australia's immigration policy, as well as changing Australia from a largely white country, to a new multiethnic society. The way that immigrants were selected, to come to Australia, also changed from the 1970s onwards. Stewart West, the Federal Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, addressed this selection during a speech in 1984; "Our first commitment is to honor responsibilities to those migrants already in Australia, to honor international obligations and to accept that humanitarian considerations apply to both these areas" (Foster, 1988, pp.). One of the new categories introduced, was the skilled migrant. This allowed immigrants with useful and professional skills and trades to have an advantage over other immigrants when being considered to gain visas. Family reunion is another one of these new categories, which gave priority to the relatives of immigrants and refugees who have already relocated to Australia. The family reunion policy also played a large role in the influx of Vietnamese refugees after the war, as those who had escaped the communist regime, now were able to bring their families to safety in Australia as well. Humanitarian migration is another of these categories, which specialised specifically in refugees and providing both offshore and onshore resettlement programs. These new categories of immigrants, as well as pressure from other countries, encouraged Australia to increase the amount of immigrants allowed entry into Australia every ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Salvadoran Immigration Policy Caught in the crosshairs of a vicious war fueled by military aid from the United States, Salvadorans throughout the 1980s and 1990s strived to make a life for themselves. Running from El Salvador in hopes of a better future, they found themselves deadlocked in a marginalized life north of the US– Mexico border in Los Angeles. Without the law on their side, many Salvadorans struggled to obtain legal admittance to the United States due to inconsistent and inadequate immigration policies implemented throughout President Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan's administrations. In Los Angeles during the mid–80s, a young group of Salvadorans emerged and called themselves the Mara Salvatrucha Stoners 13 in hopes of defending their neighborhood from other ... Show more content on ... Salvadorans that wished to remain indifferent from the violence and not align themselves with either the government or the guerrilla groups were left in a hostile threshold of neither here or there. The vicious civil war lasted twelve years and took more than 70,000 lives (Valdez, 2011, 25). Surrounded by death, many Salvadorans found it "difficult ... to imagine El Salvador without violence. As if violence was part of its story, of its identity" driving "entire families, young people, and both army and guerrilla deserters" to flee the country (Garsd, ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Immigration Policy On Immigration The famous singer–songwriter, Conor Oberst, told huffington post, "How we treat the undocumented says a great deal about us as a people and whether or not we'll continue to fulfill the fundamental American promise of equality and opportunity for all." According to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 240,255 people were deported in the year 2016. However, this year the number of arrest have rose up to 38 percent (Gomez). The number of people being deported have been increasing every year. The reason behind the increase of number is unfair hearings and policy of deportation. The United States Immigration System should change their policies on deportation because it violates the constitutional rights and exposes the inequality towards immigrants. Current The United States Immigration System (USIC) policy is inhumane to the country and its legal system. There have been many incidents of brutal deportation where person is being hurt or experienced inhumanity. As stated by Mallory Shelbourne in the article published in The Hill, "The administrative complaint includes accounts from multiple women who were detained by [Immigrations and Customs Enforcement] while pregnant, including one woman who said she was unable to obtain medical attention after telling officials she was pregnant and bleeding." This exemplified the cruelty of officials in the process. Pregnant women or any medical seeking person should be taken care by officials regardless of their immigration status. ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Immigration Policy Based on what was read in the Schneider and Ingram paper, it mainly states that each policy theory has a lot to offer people but not usually enough for a society or population that has grown to have less trust in the government. Noticing that space between citizen and government, the paper tells about how certain policies can bring the citizens of a country back to having trust in the government again. Seeing that the government has many policies affecting people in our nation and around the world, I zoned in on one particular issue. How does immigration policy affect hispanic people trying to enter America? My target population is made up of people who primarily don't speak english and are trying to move to America in search of a better life. Hispanics are ... Show more content on ... There is only a limited number of visas into the country and it's usually families that preference or those who have a relative already in the country (american immigration council). Many hispanic people try to gain access to america through the visa system but because of how selective and family oriented it is we end up having a lot of illegal immigrants. If America is able to relax the current immigration laws in order to accommodate more people as well as make it easier to enter the country legally, then there would be less of a problem of people sneaking across the border illegally. Therefore having less illegal hispanic immigrants there would be less negative word spread about them, and they would have the chance to move from the deviant category out and up to contenders. I think if we can solve these issues we can lower crime rates, illegal immigration, and spending on border patrol as well as police finding illegal immigrants. Helping those south of us can only help us move ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Immigration Policies Of The 1920s The 1890s to the 1920s was the first time that the federal government was taking a real stand and control over immigration policies. It also saw the two greatest waves of immigration in the country's history. War, poverty, political turmoil, social upheaval, food shortages, lack of available jobs and more prompted people from foreign countries to move to the United States because it was the land of dreams and prosperity. After the depression of the 1890s immigration jumped from 3.5 million to 9 million in a ten year period. By 1900, New York City had as many Irish residents as Dublin and more Italians than any city outside Rome and more Poles than any city except Warsaw. It had more Jews than any other city in the world, as well as large amount of Slavs, Lithuanians, Chinese, and Scandinavians (Collier). The government began to limit these new immigrants. From 1882 until 1943 most Chinese immigrants were barred from entering the United States under the Chinese Exclusion Act, the nation's first law to ban immigration by race or nationality. In 1892, Ellis Island was opened in New York evaluate immigrants before allowing them to enter the United States. On the West Coast, Angel Island, a similar immigrant station opened near San Francisco. World economies slowed and other problems occurred that caused people to become desperate for work and a fresh start. Immigrants entering the U.S. that couldn't afford first or second–class passage came through the processing center at ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Issue Of Immigration Policy Although the issue of immigration policy has been at the center of political debates, largely discussed in the media and newspapers, no one has yet found a solution to this ill–defined problem, that would comply with the America's core values. While I think the immigration policy does need a reform, the solution to this problem certainly is not a deportation of all undocumented residents. Currently, there are nearly 40 million United States residents that were born abroad.About 11 million of them are undocumented. The federal government has significantly increased the rate at which it removes noncitizens from the U.S. For example, U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) removes about 400 thousand immigrants per year, or about 1000 per day. (Quevedo, 2015) Originally, Congress established that there are three crimes, for which a noncitizen can be deported for. Those crimes included: murder, illicit trafficking in firearms, and drug trafficking. (Cuahtemoc & Hernandez, 2013) Before 1986, deportation was reserved for violent crimes and those crimes that carried long prison sentences. The Immigration Act of 1990 expanded the category of crimes that required mandatory deportation. (Blake, 2015) And Congress stayed very far from its original intentions. I agree with the fact that noncitizens who commit violent crimes, gang members, drug dealers, etc. should be punished through deportation. But, harsh immigration policies are not effective, simply because ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Immigration Policy Summary In the spring of 2013, the 'Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act', or S.744, was introduced by a bipartisan group of eight Senators. In this bill, five key reforms are proposed. Firstly, that of Border Security: This clause proposes an increase of spending by a whopping $40 billion, and an addition of fencing and 20,000 new Border Patrol agents to hopefully achieve a 90% apprehension rate of illegal immigrants in the border within the next five years. Secondly, Legalization: This clause aims to facilitate the immigration process. Thirdly, Legal Immigration: This clause aims to shift visa priorities from family based immigration to employment–based immigration in hopes of reducing backlogs. Fourthly, Interior ... Show more content on ... immigration policies as the legalization of undocumented immigrants could strengthen the economy. Taking into consideration the New Economics of Labor Migration Theory, this bill provides protection of human rights (such as that from domestic violence) that might compel women and children to want to legally migrate into the United States. Once they are legalized, they will be part of the taxpaying, American population. Therefore a plausible conclusion that can be derived from this theory and the Neo–Classical Theory, I opine that if this bill is passed, it will increase the number of legal Mexican immigrants in the US. Subsequently, I view the issue of undocumented immigrants as one that is impossible to fully 'solve'. However, there are measures that can be taken to lessen the number of illegal immigrants to the smallest number possible. The legalization of undocumented immigrants is important because it not only betters the economy, but also betters working conditions for the migrants and opens a bigger possibility for family reunification. Additionally, immigrants contribute to the economy through their immigration application fees, additional tax payments, lower costs of goods and services, and many more. Therefore, I vouch for this bill, so long as it enhances the legalization of undocumented ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Immigration Policy And The Immigration Sector Immigration PAD 3034 Juan Sarmiento Florida International University July 9th, 2015 Abstract In this paper, I decided to analyze the immigration policy. The immigration policies have had a deep history. The policies have been twisted, in the long run, to meet the demands of the time. However, most of the times, the policies have been unfair especially in regard to the immigrants. The overview contains a rich history of the policy progression and advancements in the immigration sector. In this paper, I decided to extrapolate on some few contemporary issues that are as a result of the immigration policies and laws. One of the contentious issues is the Visa policy. This is a system that is widely used by the US government. Though formulated with a good purpose, the formulation did not cater for everything that is associated with immigration. For instance, the immigrants who are on transit for employment are not selected based on the employment demand in the market, hence, they end up being stranded and thus are forced to accept low–paying jobs with poor working conditions. The solution to this is also discussed in the paper. I have also discussed on the open door policy and its implications which include overpopulation. Overpopulation on its part has directly affected both the immigrants and natives with many adverse effects. I was able to do research, and I consequently came up with a set of alternative methods that could be of help. However, I have also discussed ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Immigration Policy In Canada In 2013, according to the United Nations there were approximately 231 million people residing in a country other than their place of birth. Amongst western societies, Canada is considered one of the generous countries to immigrate to with one of the highest per capita admission rates. It has, on average, offered placement to more than 200,000 immigrants per year over the past decade, earning Canada a global reputation for its "open arms" attitude. Since Confederation, Canada's immigration landscape has been in a state of constant transformation. In 2014, the federal government announced major changes to its immigration system pressing many Canadians to raise questions about the immigration strategies sponsored by the country's political parties. ... Show more content on ... Gergin (2011) suggests that the Conservatives have crafted an immigration policy that is less compassionate and more economically based. He goes on to argue that the family–class immigration initiatives has virtually vanished under the Harper government and that the leadership continues to amend the formula towards the entrepreneurial and well–educated individual who should easily integrate successfully into the state's economy and social spheres. Scholars assert that the key theme in the evolution of Canada's immigration strategy is the perceived trade–off between short–term and long–term objectives. Canada's shifting immigration policy and the emphasis placed on specific immigration goals will always invite critics and expose competing immigration principles amid Canada's political parties. Approach to ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The Immigration And Refugee Policies This paper will examine the immigration and refugee policies applied to Cubans and Salvadorans from the late–20th century, marking the initial surge of migrants from this region to the United States. The main reason that led to differences between Salvadoran and Cuban granted refugee status in the U.S. was the fact that Salvadorans were fleeing violence of regimes that the U.S. supported while Cubans were fleeing the U. S's primary enemy, communism. This in turn led to different integration processes and acceptance into the state. The U. S's Cold War policies of preventing the spread of communism depended on the U.S.'s Military interventions. However, the U.S. military occupations did not lead to democratic governments and more ... Show more content on ... President Ronald Reagan argued that this threatened the U.S. way of life and hemisphere as a whole and on May 9, 1984 addressed U.S. foreign policy allowing Cubans to come into the state as "political refugees" (Guerra,331). For the U.S. government, Cuban emigrants provided the rationale for continuing foreign policy aimed at containing communism and expanding the forces needed for battle (Guerra,340). Among the waves of Cubans who migrated to the United States, those who were benefited the most were the the elite and working class (Pedraza,265). Being made up of the upper class that had a good education and expertise resulted in a warm welcome and substantial economic opportunities. Cubans enjoyed near automatic entrance in the the U.S. through President Lyndon Johnson's "open door" policy that allowed the entrance of refugees from communism. Under this joint policy the U.S. and Cuban government set up Freedom Flights that daily brought in Cubans for eight years which totaled more than 250,000 people (Pedraza,313). These social classes enjoyed automatic permanent residency status and additional benefits such as food, cash allotments, Cubans–only education programs, and other privileges never extended to other immigrants or minority groups. However, the third wave of migrants, the Marielitos, instead of being welcomed like they were in the past 20 years, the U.S. focused inordinately on the criminal element (Pedraza,270). This group ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Immigration And Open Immigration Policy Essay On November 10, 2015, two National Economic Experts argued on "what the U.S. Immigration policy should be?" Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies argued against open immigration, while Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst for the CATO Institute argued in favor of freer immigration. Reporter Jonathan Gonzalez of 9News Denver moderated the debate. The argument made by both experts was supported by strong evidence even though the ideas appear to be on two extreme ends with no middle ground ideas or compromises. At one extreme there is a need to reduce or stop immigration while the other extreme advocates for open borders. Even though Immigration has been an important part of American history, recently it has become a contentious issue, which is mostly about borders or no borders, and does not take in to account the macroeconomic aspect of this movement. The two experts argue on how the U.S. immigration program needs to adjust by scaling back or blocking further immigration vs. open immigration policy consistent with American values that promotes free–market economy. One of the debate question was about the increase in population from immigration It was estimated that population will increase up to 35 percent in 50 years from immigration only. Alex Nowrasteh argued that throughout history the U.S. adult immigrant population has never been over 15 percent. He asked, "what if the U.S. stopped all immigration in the 1800s, what will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The Struggle Of Immigration Policy Since the first settlers of Texas to the present day, the rugged and individual attitude of the Texan people has often resulted in serious squabbles and disagreements between the federal government and the state. These issues stem from education to environmental policies and also include welfare problems, such as women's rights and social policy. However, the struggle of immigration policy dating back to the start of the century has evolved into a very complex issue. On one hand, the U.S government is currently a divided government, as the results from the General election of 2014 identified rapid gains by the Republican Party in the House of Representatives and the Senate cultivating a strong conservative viewpoint while the office of President is currently dominated by a Democratic president, Barack Obama, which backs a liberal attitude of protecting the immigrants. Meanwhile in Texas, The intense conservative view of the state allows a common battle with the federal government, as the issue is much more relevant to the border state and does everything to curb federal legislation from protecting immigrants to deporting them and securing the borders. The issue that arises in this fierce standoff between the state and the federal government is that the poor, low income immigrants are held in a perpetual sense of deportation and lack of citizenship for their children or other people who wish to immigrate. The current policy of Texas regarding illegal immigration is very ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Immigration Policy Issues Mitt Romney in his speech to the RNC just four years ago would be considered near traitorous to the republican party in the divisive politics of the present. In this presidential campaign season, as in many previous ones, one of the largest issues continues to be that of immigration. The fundamental disagreement is not whether an issue exists, but as to how the United States should react to the ones waking up at night hearing that voice telling them to come to America. This paper will examine the roles of federal, state, and local governments have regarding the question: should state and local governments have the authority to draft and execute immigration policies? First, it will delve deeper into this topic by studying the history of immigration ... Show more content on ... This legislation required that an individual reside in the country for 14 years prior to becoming a citizen, and, established one of the first deportation systems for the United States. (Englund & Svoboda 2007) Between 1790 and 1820 immigration begins to gradually increase, and between the 1830's and 1860's there is an influx in movement into America from Ireland and Western Europe. (Cannato 2012; Schultz 2010; Ewing 2012) Cannato writes that "This pattern began to change in the 1830s, which saw more than 500,000 immigrants arrive (again, almost entirely from Western Europe, especially Germany and Ireland)." (Cannato 2012) Ewing tells us that " During the 1840s, 50s, and 60s, approximately 6.6 million immigrants arrived in the United States." (Ewing ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Essay On Immigration Policy Immigration Policy The two presidential candidates that I selected were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Most people would say that I picked them because they are the most simple to do. When in all actuality I picked them because they are like both day and night when it comes to immigration policy. Immigration is becoming a problem for the United States. It has been said that University of Texas researchers found that young immigrants have a lower crime rate than American–born teens –– call it an immigrant paradox. For the Simple fact that there is a ten step process to get citizenship in the United States most people come into the country illegally. America's immigration system is broken. Too many employers game the system by hiring undocumented ... Show more content on ... They are as follows; a nation without laws is not a nation, a nation without borders is not a nation, a nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Trump believes that there must be a wall across the southern border. Not only does he believe there should be a wall along the southern border but he wants Mexico to pay for the wall. Laws passed in accordance with the United States constitutional system of government must be enforced. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages, and security for all Americans. Trumps states, "America will only be great as long as America remains a nation of laws that live according to The Constitution". And to do that he plans to triple the number of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Officials. He wants there to be a mandatory return of all criminal aliens and he wants all American workers to be put first. Trump wants to cut–off federal grants to any city which refuses to cooperate with federal law enforcement. Millions of people come to the United States on temporary visas but refuse to leave, without consequence. This is a threat to national security. Individuals who refuse to leave at the time their visa expires should be subject to criminal penalties; this will also help give local jurisdictions the power to hold visa overstays until federal authorities arrive. Completion of a visa tracking system – required by law but blocked by lobbyists – will be necessary as ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Immigration Policy Essay In immigration policy, there has been several programs and acts that are represented through significant moments. The first to discuss is the Chinese Exclusion Act, which was among one of the first immigration policy to exist within the United States. As stated in American immigration: a very short introduction, Gerber explains that Dennis Kearney, a Californian politician, had a disdain for Chinese immigrants and feared they would take over the workforce in California. In 1882, Kearney succeeds in promoting his agenda and passes the Chinese Exclusion Act, which calls for the deportation of Chinese immigrant workers (Gerber 35). Furthermore, Gerber quotes historian Mae Ngai, as she states that this act soughts "for massive racial engineering" ... Show more content on ... As such, the Bracero program is also another immigration policy that is significant in United States history. Also, this program was created with an intention for Mexicans to return back to Mexico after the war ended, but several of them stayed which is also why this program is significant in the immigrant narrative. Lastly, another piece worth noting is the internment of Japanese folk which happened after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Due to this act, Japanese immigrants and Japanese– Americans were forced into internment camps, revoked of rights as citizens for Japanese– Americans, and lost all their belongings, such as homes, businesses, and cars (Daniels 88). Between the three of these moments, they have differences, For example, they all targeted different population, the Japanese were placed in internment camps, the Bracero program encouraged immigration, and the Chinese Exclusion Act forced Chinese immigrants to leave the country. Some of the similarities that these moments share is that they all targeted a specific population and sentiments towards these populations grew after these moments ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Immigration Policy Our President Barack Obama recently made changes to our immigration policy. He announced some major changes to the United States immigration policies. President Obamas recent changes was made through executive action. The executive action included a series of steps towards fixing our immigration policies. According to a guide to the immigration "The series of changes updates relies on the expansion of successfully implemented programs, enhanced efforts to coordinate immigration enforcement and benefit policies across agencies, and attempts to use immigration as a tool of economic and social change."(A guide to immigration). The President executive action would retool critical aspects of the immigration system. It would change how we enforce ... Show more content on ... Some were brought to the country by their parents when they very young ages, some even in infancy. They know absolutely nothing about their home country. They have no connection to their home countries. They might not even speak the language of their parents' country. Deporting these young immigrants' would be downright cruel. These young immigrants have as much to offer to the future of America and American economy as a citizen than any other legal American. Given equal opportunities as an American, these immigrants' might be tomorrow's entrepreneurs, scientists, politicians, teachers, soldiers, the options are limitless. Furthermore, the beneficiaries of the DREAM Act were not purposely trying to break American immigration law. It's not fair to condemn the illegal immigrants' who were brought here by their families for better opportunities. Some of these immigrants are smart enough to go to college but are stuck in a lifetime of low–paying underground, black market labor because they wouldn't be allow to go college. President Obama summed it up perfect in an immigration speech in El Paso, Texas. He stated "These are kids who grew up in this country, love this country, and know no other place as ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Improving The Immigration Policy Many immigrants feel like it is a challenge to be accepted into another country. Some minorities feel as if congress is not doing an exceptional job on how their immigration policy runs. The Immigration policies between the United States of America and South Africa are incredibly similar; it seems as if both countries are not considering minorities to be important in another country. Even though they don't highly appreciate minorities, they both have an elevated focus for defense of security and health. Congress is blind to the fact a majority of the workforce going on in the United States are not documented. Improving the immigration policy will differ from the lives in both South America and The United States. In the United States the immigration ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Canadian Immigration Policy There are various issues that revolve around Canadian politics. These issues can include various subjects, such as economics, multiculturalism, health care, immigration, and foreign policy. An important issue in Canada that is discussed in this essay is Canada's constant changes to its immigration policy in order to improve its economic goals and the labour market. These issues are changing by different policies that the Canadian government are putting into place, which creates a more strict system in choosing who can immigrate into the country. Three articles that thoroughly analyze Canada's immigration policy in order to implement these changes are the following. The first article is named: "New Directions in Immigration Policy: Canada's ... Show more content on ... This article provides detailed information that give statistics based on distinguishing immigrant classes: "Tables 2 (for males) and 3 (for females) present descriptive statistics by broad immigrant class across the three cycles of the survey. ... For both genders, it is clear that skilled worker principal applicants have higher educational attainment, and it is also apparent that males have higher averages than females". This article is distinct from the other two articles by the fact that many more statistics are offered. These extra statistics offer more insight into the descriptions of the economical immigrant policies. Moreover, the article offers an insight into a range of policy proposals in determining how immigrants can immigrate into Canada. The articles introduction mentions important policies that the Canadian government put into place: Recent examples include the Ontario Expert Roundtable on Immigration (2012) and the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada. The paper presents a basic description of differences in labour market outcomes, including both earnings and employments. This is an important statement as it informs the reader about the various types of concepts, along with their sources, that have ... Get more on ...