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Argumentative Essay About Immigration
For hundreds of years, the word immigration has evoked images of poor, uneducated Mexicans who have made their way across the border in search
of a better life and opportunities for themselves and their families. With nearly thirteen percent of the total population being foreign–born, immigration
has been an integral part of the United States' overall success and the country's economy since the beginning of time. Although critics believe
immigration to be more of an economic problem than a solution, recent presentations have shown that immigrants play a vital role in the nation's
economic success through their purchasing power, innovative entrepreneurship, and cheap labor.
Immigrants contribute to the spur of economic growth in America through their purchasing power of essential family items. As stated by the long
sleevers, immigrant workers spend their wages in U.S. more content...
The sunshine group specifically points out how immigration contributes to a more flexible and productive economy which leads to new and better job
opportunities for both native–born Americans and immigrants. Since most immigrants are natural entrepreneurs who bring with them innovative ideas,
immigration offers an unparalleled opportunity to expand many of the local businesses–enhancing job creation in the process that result in spillover
benefits to U.S. workers. By bringing valuable technical knowledge and skills to our country, immigrants fortify our nation's economic workforce.
Immigrants also play a vital role in filling America with jobs that native–born Americans may not want to work or cannot work. The sunshine group
showed how San Diego immigrants in agriculture worked through harsh conditions in labor fields. They later went on to specify how the field crops
would not be able to succeed if we didn't have an abundance group of individuals working the
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
Immigration continues to be a major problem in the United States on whether to include or banish "these illegal aliens" from America. With the current
notion on Obama's executive order many continue to claim that it is "administrative amnesty" in disguise or an "executive fiat". However, while
everyone is free to speak and criticize the new order, President Obama has the constitutional right to prevent deportation of the unauthorized immigrants.
He is able to execute this immigration policy not only because he is the Chief Executive.
Over and over again, the public hears these two words: executive order. While many have heard of this, not many are aware of what this means. In
simple terms, it is a policy issued directly by the more content...
Critics claim that instead of "pardoning" the undocumented immigrants, the President should be enforcing the law and shouldn't be exempting these
"violators". Elizabeth Price Foley is one of the many individuals who does not agree with the executive order. Foley has claimed that Obama has been
creating "entirely new categories of exemptions" and that prosecutorial discretion is him basically "rewriting the law and violate the President's
constitutional duty". In spite of her comments, Eric Posner has stated, "we might disagree about whether this move is wise, but it's not a constitutional
violation". He points out that the Constitution gives the President executive power based on Article II. It also describes prosecutorial discretion which
implies the responsibilities of when laws will be executed, how resources will be used, and what crimes and violations will be given enforcement
priority. Critics argue that prosecutorial discretion is a case–by–case use and that its use to exempt immigrants from deportation without congressional
approval is an abuse of presidential power" ( court in DACA litigation). Regardless, Obama's actions are not unprecedented. In fact, Reagan and W. H.
Bush have also been know to exempt immigrants from deportation due to the family fairness policy which protected family members of unauthorized
immigrants to who were eligible to legalize. Nonetheless, the President does not
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump's immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that
families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the
negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or
inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon
any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that
immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and
some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to
take, especially when it comes to economic terms.
Immigration has been an essential but disruptive aspect of the people and the political state of the United States; however, debates related to
immigration and its benefits are intensified significantly. Opposing immigration keeps ranting on how government should exercise better law to
control over the people entering into the States from the foreign land. One of the most buzzed argument is that American citizen is unemployed
because immigrants stole their jobs and disrupted the economy (Hoban, 2017). Also, an appeal to National security and vulnerability after several
terrorist attacks all over the world and also to the government to keep track and maintain the no. of immigrants to create a safer environment (Cafaro,
2009). However, the contrary to these arguments have often been proven right. The pattern of the immigration shows that the contribution of the
immigrants has resulted in an economic boost that cannot be overlooked by the government.
Most of the immigrants leave their home country and migrate to the United States because they can live in freedom, practice their religion and make
the most out of their life (Arizaga 2006).
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
Since the last Presidential election, many arguments have been sparked on current immigration policy in the United States. Whether it be mayoral
intervention on Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) raids, or deploying the National Guard to the US Mexico Border, immigration has been
at the forefront of the latest greatest political kerfuffles. Politicians and lawmakers have argued for decades on the viability of laws and regulations
protecting, as well as directing, immigration in the United States. According to the American Immigration Council, federal law only allows for 675,000
immigrants a year. Realistically, however, this is nowhere close to the number of aliens that entire the United States each year. Unfortunately, current more content...
Federal immigration enforcement has recently come into the public spotlight as they have attempted to remove the hostile members of this number
from the United States. An already radicalized political barrier has led immigration to only deepen the divide between those who support and oppose
immigration enforcement. Instances like that of Oakland California, where mayor Libby Schaaf alerted potential suspects of an Immigration and
Customs enforcement (ICE) raid of their area, demonstrate the deep divide even in the midst of current immigration policy. However much
animosity there may be between lawmakers and governing body's, there exists a problem. "[Our country is] a nation of immigrants", yes. But, "[It is]
also a nation of laws, and as a nation of laws, [it should] want people to come according to [the] laws and abide by them" (...). The study done by the
Pew Research Center also documented another statistic about illegal immigrants. According to the survey, about 8 million undocumented Illegal
immigrants are either part of the work force or unemployed. According to an article about an article on Welfare by Marvin Olasky, there are about "16
million able–bodied adults receiv[ing] food stamps... fifteen million of them do not work". While there are many immigrants who take the undesirable
minimum wage jobs that America HAS, they are replacing Americans that may otherwise be working, who are now doing nothing and taking
advantage of the social welfare
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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Immigration
Immigration is the movement through which an individual permanently moves from their place of residence from one country to another.
Immigration is a topic which divides political parties and general debate. Whilst some people see the positives of immigration, such as the filling of
skill gaps in low and highly skilled jobs, others see the negatives of immigration, such as the strain on services such as the NHS, schools and housing.
Firstly, there are clear benefits to immigration. Different communities have moved to Great Britain from as early as 250AD, such as the Indian, Irish,
African and Jewish communities. Immigration has a long history. However, high levels of immigration started during the period of 1946–1948. This
was around the end of the second world war, when there were labour shortages in Britain and the rest of Europe. The government had to look for
immigrants to fill these shortage gaps. In particular157,000 Polish citizens allowed to settle in the UK partly because of ties and connections made
during the war years.
The government was unable to recruit enough people from Europe to fill these labour shortages and so turned towards west India. Many men from
the West Indies had fought for the 'mother country' and had moved back to civilian life in their home country where there were few work
opportunities. Their sense of patriotism, coupled with the need of work, steered them back towards the UK. On the 22nd of June 1948, the ship
Windrush docked at Tilbury in
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Argumentative Essay Immigration
All of us, every single person had to come from somewhere. So if that's the case, then how can we make immigrants today feel safe and welcomed. An
immigrant should feel ok to eat the foods they used to eat in their country. Most of the time they don't.In just 15 years a man or woman can become
obese just because they want to fit in. "Immigrants to the United States may be packing on the pounds, in part, because of a desire to fit in with the
citizens of their new country, a new study suggests. Immigrants and their children are known to put on weight after moving to the United States, with
some approaching levels of obesity within 15 years." That tells us one thing. The immigrants are fitting in but not in a good way.
Immigrants can also
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Argumentative Essay: Undocumented Immigrants
Argumentative essay
More than 11 million undocumented illegal immigrants fill the US. Over the past hundreds years immigrants have been coming into the United
States,this process has continued. And some may disagree and believe in that immigrants should not have a path to citizenship. It is immigrants should
have a path to citizenship. Undocumented immigrants should get a path to citizenship One important reason that immigrants should have a path to
citizenship is that the United States of America is a country filled with immigrants. We are are the land of freedom and opportunity. And according to
Senator Charles E. Schumer Upfront Magazine 2015 he had stated ВЁMy home is in Brooklyn, I can see the more content...
Therefore in conclusion with my given reasons [And evidence] we should let undocumented immigrants have a path to citizenship. Simply because
this A country full of immigrants. It is also good for the economy. Besides all these presidents and people want the best for the country and truly if
they want that they should continue the tradition of accepting people and giving them a chance. But if we let this curfew continue more immigrants
will come and our system will be destroyed and we will spend millions of money sending these people Back to their
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
My grandma was a single mother raising three kids in Mexico. My mom being one of those kids as well. My grandma wanted a better life for her
children and herself, so she had to make the ultimate sacrifice which was leaving my uncle, aunt, and my mom with their grandparents in Mexico
for almost six years. She crossed the border illegally by hiding in the motor of a car. They had to customize the car so she can fit and lie down in a
"U" shape for almost three days without food or water and endured the blazing heat and freezing temperatures the desert provided. She had wires
constantly electrocuting her and was dying to have a sip of water. At last when she made it into theUnited States, the people that helped her over here
allowed her to more content...
In other words, immigration shapes how the world views America. There are approximately 37 million people in the U.S. who are foreign born (12
percent of the population). What this means is that there are 37 million voices who report back to their family in another country to tell them what
America is like. What this does is spark curiosity of what America is like, and will trigger their family and friends to want to visit in America
which will make them buy from our economy. The U.S. makes already makes $2 trillion in America's global travel and tourism industry a year,
imagine how much this number would increase by if we legalized immigrants more easily. While those in America can just post on Facebook or
Instagram what America is like, you truly don't get to experience America until you come and develop your own opinions to take back home. Story
telling has a much more greater impact than social media. If we legalized immigrants more easily, not only will our economy boost, but as well as
giving others the opportunity to see America for its true colors–good or bad. Immigrants are the foundation of America. Immigrants come to America
for the same reason your ancestors did, enjoy freedom, a better education, and a better life for their
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
The walls are caving inside one's hiding place and all one hears is the screams of their cherished friends being brutally assaulted by law enforcement
that is suppose to be our protectors, who turn out to be the devil hidden in the flesh. One could nothing, but continue to hear the screaming and pray
that the terror does not find him or her. One continues to cower under fear and wait for the sun to rise again to live under fear for another day. Each
day goes by with one always looking behind his or her shoulders wondering if they, immigration, are coming for them and are the people, he or she
trusts, will sell them out.The thoughts of abandonment, fear, and betrayal are constantly running through the families that do not have a piece of paper, more content...
However, this issue has only increased due to its lack of importance in the eyes of politicians. Our leaders have neglected to see this issue, when it
needs to be addressed. They seem to only pay attention once mistreatment is publicized or children are involved, do they start to care. For instance,
when it was made public that thousands of children were escaping to the United State in order to seek a better life away from violence and war that
President Obama created DACA. DACA refers to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival, where it allows certain undocumented immigrants to given a
two year work permit and are exempt from deportation. Consequently, it is wrong to act until an issue is publicized to do something. It amazes me
that these children were published in newspapers and broadcasted on TV, while similar stories have already appeared in theUnited States, but have
never been heard. These are stories of individuals, who walked several days to seek a better life for their family and yet they are openly
discriminated by others and are constantly chased down my immigration. Subsequently, there individuals would not have to continually run and hide
from immigration if the process towards citizenship was not a difficult challenge. It is a challenge, where one cannot enter the process towards
citizenship unless they cheat the system because following the system would cause one to fight for citizenship over the course of 30 years.
Nevertheless, it pains me to see goodhearted people live in fear or get deported due to their status of
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
Most people who complain about immigration only view things from their own perspective. The complaints about immigrants taking over most of
the jobs are in my opinion overrated. Most of the jobs that are taken by immigrants consist of housecleaning, babysitting, cooking etc. Some argue
that employees will hire immigrants to do these type of jobs because when comes to wages, they are able to underpay, where as someone legal might
not stoop so low to get paid so little for these types of services. Others argue that immigrants do not mind doing these types of jobs, because these
types of jobs will always be available. Whatever the reason may be, the ironic thing is that the same people with the negative opinions about immigrants
in the United
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
The United States of America is known as a nation of immigrants and was built upon people of a variety of nationalities. For centuries, we have
welcomed generations of immigrants into America such as British–Americans, Chinese–Americans, Mexican–Americans, etc. Currently, in our modern
times, immigration has been a very divisive issue. In 2012, the Obama Administration created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, to
give young undocumented immigrants, or Dreamers, a temporary endowment of protection from deportation and a permit to work legally in the US.
This has given over 800,000 people relief and has provided hope. While some might argue that the implementation of DACA went against the
constitutional principles of separation of powers and the president's duty to execute the laws faithfully, Trump's decision to repeal DACA violates the
14th amendment of the Constitution as well as the concepts of citizenship where the Constitution defines that everyone is protected whoever lives in the
United States.
Trump's decision to repeal DACA is unconstitutional because it violates the 14th amendment of the Constitution. The 14th amendment of the
Constitution states that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . are citizens of the United States" (14th Amendment Sec. 1). The
government's role in our American society is to protect and defend the civil rights of its citizens, which includes people that are not citizens. The
phrase, "naturalized in
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Argumentative Essay on Immigration
Illegal Immigration Amnesty There are many problems that the United States faces and the one that is causing several debates is illegal immigration.
Thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants have come from many different places. All of them have different desires. One might want a safe
future for their family, one is probably looking for a fresh start, or even a place to spread their knowledge. The big question is should illegal
immigrants be granted amnesty? After the resources and argument, it is believed that Amnesty should be given to illegal aliens. What is amnesty?
Amnesty is a pardon for someone who was convicted in a crime. Amnesty is tangled with the term "Illegal Aliens". Illegal aliens according to
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A huge part of the economy depends on the illegal immigrants such as agriculture. Natives have a mindset that they are too good to be working at such
lowly ranked jobs so such labor depends on these immigrants. Without the support of the increased population of the illegal immigrants, the economy
would be in a condition that's worse than it already is. Granting amnesty will also reduce crime because these immigrants will not fear about reporting
crimes to authorities, therefore helping to reduce the crime rate to an extent. With legalization of these aliens it will strengthen and revitalize the nation
and it will increase the nation's security. Granting amnesty will help the nation focus on more important resources such as militia. These resources that
are focused on capturing illegal immigrants who enter the country for work could be redirected towards homeland security or funds for war. Not all
agree that the "illegal aliens" should be able to get a chance to prove themselves. According to Heritage Foundation "Do not grant amnesty to illegal
aliens. Regardless of the penalties imposed, any program that grants individuals who are unlawfully present the
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Arguments Against Immigration Essay
Immigration has been a heated issue for a long time, it has began to come up again because of the election of Donald Trump. Trump believes that
there should be a restriction to the amount of people immigrating to the United States, and i'd have to agree. Immigration is stealing millions of U.S
jobs away from their rightful citizens. There's also a threat of terrorism, Trump believes that there should be a sanction on Muslims from entering the
city, he has been stated as saying "We have to get down to creating a country that's not going to have the kind of problems we've had with people
flying planes into the World Trade Center." Which I agree with to a certain point, there is a serious threat of terrorism each time a plane full of Syrian
immigrants enter the United States. But we can't just shun these people away, they have the right to come into our country, and they deserve to have
all of their basic rights upheld as long as they are in the United States. My proposal is to ship their kind off to a remote island in more
But if they would want to leave for whatever reason, they would have a chance to, after their course in basic skills conclude, of course. These
courses can take years to master, and will be taught only by the best. To leave the island they will have to be at top of their class and be
recommended by the guards/teachers for their hard work. The immigrants will be shipped along with the majority of crops which are being taken
into the states, and be dropped off at farms. Urbanization is becoming very big, especially for farmers. They close down their farms and hustle into
the city, looking for new lives, so we can't ship the immigrants out there, they will be living in an overpopulated mess. Instead they will be shipped
off to farms across the country, and will use their skills they learned on Palmyra to the best of their abilities and live their lives off
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Argumentative Essay Immigration
Immigration can have a positive or negative effect on a country or a certain region. This could bring new opportunities for many people, and make
them have a better life. What's immigration? It means the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. As more and more people try
to migrate to the U.S for a better life this could boost the economy as the number of people who migrate will increase probably they will be available
for the workforce which the outcome will be more jobs which this leads to them contributing to the economy, so should the U.S consider in having
more open borders since this "open borders" concept can bring wealth to the country according to University of San Francisco law professor Bill Hing.
What more content...
Sometimes Politicians, journalists, and activists of every ideology refer to the U.S. immigration system as "broken" If what we're doing doesn't work,
why not try something different?. As the U.S shares a border with Mexico,having more open borders could lead to ;more drugs trafficking, more
illegal immigration, which could increase crime rates in the U.S, but not all illegal immigrants are criminals some of them just want to have a
better life, and they have that opportunity in the U.S . They should be considered because Mexico is known to be one of the "most dangerous"
countries in the world. If the U.S starts to have more open borders, this could put its citizens at risk of high crime rates, and artel's Wars. Others
claims having more open borders could bring more opportunities for America. Such as Roque Planas from the Huffington Post he claims "Because
if capital and goods can flow across borders, why not labor?" Which make sense because their skill workers out there how would want to come to
the U.S and work. Another way is building upon the one world theme, more open borders would lead to more peace as people with friends and kids
in and from specific other countries would be less likely to support wars against those
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
Editorial: 'Immigration' in a land that was never theirs
By: Lauryn Gibbs
Immigration is the double edged sword. Ask Donald Trump, and he'll claim that immigrants are stealing jobs. Ask an immigrant, and they'll say they
came to America for a brighter future.
In the year 2014, 11.4 million immigrants were counted in the United States. Some people may view this as a threat, but immigrants take lower paying
jobs, work longer hours and are often exploited.
Some people may say, "Immigrants don't pay taxes!" Incorrect, every time an immigrant, legal or illegal, fills up their gas tank, buys a shirt or rent an
apartment, they pay taxes. Their income may not be taxed, but the average illegal immigrant makes $24,000 a year.
Another person may say, "Immigrants bring gangs!" False. Ciudad JuГЎrez, also commonly known as the 'murder capital of the world', is a prime
example of why immigration exists, to escape. JuГЎrez is known for slums, cheap labor, corrupt officials and vicious drug lords. People leave JuГЎrez more content...
Going to Greece, Germany, or Turley is not a summer vacation for them. Syrian refugees simply have no other place to go, and anywhere is better that
where they came from.
Another argument against immigration, is the derogatory term, 'anchor babies.' A so called 'anchor baby', is a child that was born in the United
States, but has foreign born parents, allowing the parent to stay in the U.S. However, immigration judges still deport foreign born parents. In 2013,
approximately 72,410 foreign born parents with children born on US soil were deported. The child can petition for their parents to join them in the US
after the child turns 21, but the process is long and difficult.
So, even after all this, why is 'immigration' such a big deal? In the 1990's, half of all workers, on the low and high end of the skill set spectrum, were
foreign born. Immigrants fill in jobs in key areas, start their own business and help the
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Argumentative Essay On Immigration
Immigration Some people wants to live in United States for money to feed their families. So they come to the states illegally. According to
merriam– immigration means " A person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence." Parents want children to live a
better life. But since Donald Trump is the new president he want to sent all the illegal immigrants, who seek a better life, to the place they were
born. Donald Trump thinks we are the ones who do bad stuff and thinks we are a bad influence. According to Donald Trump on he
said , "I want to build the wall. We have some bad hombres here, and we're going to get them out." But no, he doesn't even have a clue why we are
here. And the reason we are here
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
The new year brought plenty of activity to Europe –– not all of which was celebratory. A spree of sexual assaults against women by mostly foreign men
swept the continent, and though most heavily concentrated in Germany, incidents occurred in France, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. Cologne,
Germany was the greatest sufferer; a group of a thousand men, including asylum seekers, reportedly hunted, thieved, and terrorized women on the
streets. The result: over 550 criminal complaints, about forty–five percent of which related to sexual harassment. This and similar instances caused
political upheaval in Germany over its open–door migration policy, one of the most welcoming in all of Europe, and has introduced pressure upon the
German government more content...
How could so many men all spontaneously decide to cause so much chaos? The more I read, the broader and more far–reaching the attacks became.
My thought, as many other law enforcers expressed, was that some form of organized crime was involved (Fortunately, it appears that this was not
the case). I was also drawn to this story for its controversy, both abroad and at home. The issue of the acceptance of Syrian migrants was already a
hot–button topic in Europe, inspiring debate of immigration policies in the US. This coming election cycle will be my first time voting for president,
and the beginning of an obligation to actually pay attention to candidates and issues. I was interested to hear the reactions of Europeans, while also
seeing how these attacks played on the fears of U.S. citizens, and I was not disappointed. In tracking my four sources, Washington Post, Los Angeles
Times, Dayton Daily News, and Fox News, I found a wide range of perspectives, details, up–to–datedness, outside sources, and objectivity. Using these
criteria as a guide, I found the opinionated and local sources to be about equally the least informative, succeeded by the national papers, the Los
Angeles Times falling just short of the Washington
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Immigration in the United States
Among the presidential candidates for the year 2016, Republican representative Donald Trump seems to have the most ridiculous and controversial
campaign ideas. One of his more known campaign ideas has to do with banning Muslims from the United States. He generalized that all Muslims
currently, or plan to act as, terrorists who will launch attacks on US soil. Building a wall on the border between US and Mexico is another well
known idea of his, especially because he wants Mexico has to pay the cost for the wall's construction. Even though politicians may paint immigration in
a negative light, the United States relies on immigrants to help its economy, so it should not opt to throw them out of the country. more content...
According to several studies, there is no correlation present between the immigrants and the cities they live in. One graph shows the most dangerous
cities in the United States based on violent crimes committed per 100,000 residents. It says that Detroit, Michigan is the most violent city with 2,123
violent crimes per 100,000 residents and St.Louis, Missouri in third place with 1,777 violent crimes per 100,000 residents ("The 10 Most Dangerous
U.S. Cities"). Another table shows the list and percentages of the metropolitans with the highest amount of foreign borns in their population. Miami has
the largest share of immigrants at 38.5% and San Jose is a close runner up with 36.8% foreign born residents. (Florida). Comparing the two data, the
cities from the dangerous city graph were absent in the high foreign born table. In fact, another table, which showed the metropolitans with the least
foreign born born populations, included the names of four cities from the violent crime graph e.g. St.Louis, Missouri and Memphis, Tennessee. With
the clear absence of the dangerous city names, no relationship is shown between crime rates and immigrants. Not only that, but these foreigners do not
have much incentive to commit crimes. A study shows that "first–generation immigrants [are] 45 percent less likely to commit violence than
third–generation Americans"
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
Statistics indicate that forty million citizens, or 13% of the entire U.S. population, are foreign born. I am one of these forty million. Unfortunately,
discussions about immigration have come to revolve around curtailment, rather than about immigrants themselves. Presidential candidate Donald
Trump has risen to fame by painting immigrants as "murderers, thieves, and rapists." Trump's popularity signifies a radical shift from the time in
which the words, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... I lift my lamp beside the golden door," were boldly
inscribed onto the Statue of Liberty. Immigrants are no longer seen as people, but as a pathology. Even discussions about the benefits ofimmigration
aren't about immigrants themselves, but about what immigration can do for the national economy. As if an immigrant's value to society can only be
measured in terms of more content...
We immigrants are not a pathology to be curtailed; nor are we just a valuable commodity to be measured by charts and indexes. We are people with
incredible resolve, amazing stories, interesting world views, and unique backgrounds. And so, if I were given the opportunity to teach my peers and
instructors during the week of Paideia, I would teach them about the immigrant experience and the true value of immigrants. A course that would go
beyond discussions about policy and economics, and would focus on the experiences of these people themselves.
I would begin the course with a discussion about the changing demography of the United States. This would provide a context for my teaching, as well
as allow for a discussion about xenophobia, a phenomenon that is the underpinning of the dominant narrative about immigrants. I would then build
upon this discussion with stories and experiences from immigrants about their experiences with xenophobia and
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Argumentative Essay About Immigration

  • 1. Argumentative Essay About Immigration For hundreds of years, the word immigration has evoked images of poor, uneducated Mexicans who have made their way across the border in search of a better life and opportunities for themselves and their families. With nearly thirteen percent of the total population being foreign–born, immigration has been an integral part of the United States' overall success and the country's economy since the beginning of time. Although critics believe immigration to be more of an economic problem than a solution, recent presentations have shown that immigrants play a vital role in the nation's economic success through their purchasing power, innovative entrepreneurship, and cheap labor. Immigrants contribute to the spur of economic growth in America through their purchasing power of essential family items. As stated by the long sleevers, immigrant workers spend their wages in U.S. more content... The sunshine group specifically points out how immigration contributes to a more flexible and productive economy which leads to new and better job opportunities for both native–born Americans and immigrants. Since most immigrants are natural entrepreneurs who bring with them innovative ideas, immigration offers an unparalleled opportunity to expand many of the local businesses–enhancing job creation in the process that result in spillover benefits to U.S. workers. By bringing valuable technical knowledge and skills to our country, immigrants fortify our nation's economic workforce. Immigrants also play a vital role in filling America with jobs that native–born Americans may not want to work or cannot work. The sunshine group showed how San Diego immigrants in agriculture worked through harsh conditions in labor fields. They later went on to specify how the field crops would not be able to succeed if we didn't have an abundance group of individuals working the Get more content on
  • 2. Immigration Argumentative Essay Immigration continues to be a major problem in the United States on whether to include or banish "these illegal aliens" from America. With the current notion on Obama's executive order many continue to claim that it is "administrative amnesty" in disguise or an "executive fiat". However, while everyone is free to speak and criticize the new order, President Obama has the constitutional right to prevent deportation of the unauthorized immigrants. He is able to execute this immigration policy not only because he is the Chief Executive. Over and over again, the public hears these two words: executive order. While many have heard of this, not many are aware of what this means. In simple terms, it is a policy issued directly by the more content... Critics claim that instead of "pardoning" the undocumented immigrants, the President should be enforcing the law and shouldn't be exempting these "violators". Elizabeth Price Foley is one of the many individuals who does not agree with the executive order. Foley has claimed that Obama has been creating "entirely new categories of exemptions" and that prosecutorial discretion is him basically "rewriting the law and violate the President's constitutional duty". In spite of her comments, Eric Posner has stated, "we might disagree about whether this move is wise, but it's not a constitutional violation". He points out that the Constitution gives the President executive power based on Article II. It also describes prosecutorial discretion which implies the responsibilities of when laws will be executed, how resources will be used, and what crimes and violations will be given enforcement priority. Critics argue that prosecutorial discretion is a case–by–case use and that its use to exempt immigrants from deportation without congressional approval is an abuse of presidential power" ( court in DACA litigation). Regardless, Obama's actions are not unprecedented. In fact, Reagan and W. H. Bush have also been know to exempt immigrants from deportation due to the family fairness policy which protected family members of unauthorized immigrants to who were eligible to legalize. Nonetheless, the President does not Get more content on
  • 3. Immigration Argumentative Essay Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump's immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to take, especially when it comes to economic terms. Immigration has been an essential but disruptive aspect of the people and the political state of the United States; however, debates related to immigration and its benefits are intensified significantly. Opposing immigration keeps ranting on how government should exercise better law to control over the people entering into the States from the foreign land. One of the most buzzed argument is that American citizen is unemployed because immigrants stole their jobs and disrupted the economy (Hoban, 2017). Also, an appeal to National security and vulnerability after several terrorist attacks all over the world and also to the government to keep track and maintain the no. of immigrants to create a safer environment (Cafaro, 2009). However, the contrary to these arguments have often been proven right. The pattern of the immigration shows that the contribution of the immigrants has resulted in an economic boost that cannot be overlooked by the government. Most of the immigrants leave their home country and migrate to the United States because they can live in freedom, practice their religion and make the most out of their life (Arizaga 2006). Get more content on
  • 4. Immigration Argumentative Essay Since the last Presidential election, many arguments have been sparked on current immigration policy in the United States. Whether it be mayoral intervention on Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) raids, or deploying the National Guard to the US Mexico Border, immigration has been at the forefront of the latest greatest political kerfuffles. Politicians and lawmakers have argued for decades on the viability of laws and regulations protecting, as well as directing, immigration in the United States. According to the American Immigration Council, federal law only allows for 675,000 immigrants a year. Realistically, however, this is nowhere close to the number of aliens that entire the United States each year. Unfortunately, current more content... Federal immigration enforcement has recently come into the public spotlight as they have attempted to remove the hostile members of this number from the United States. An already radicalized political barrier has led immigration to only deepen the divide between those who support and oppose immigration enforcement. Instances like that of Oakland California, where mayor Libby Schaaf alerted potential suspects of an Immigration and Customs enforcement (ICE) raid of their area, demonstrate the deep divide even in the midst of current immigration policy. However much animosity there may be between lawmakers and governing body's, there exists a problem. "[Our country is] a nation of immigrants", yes. But, "[It is] also a nation of laws, and as a nation of laws, [it should] want people to come according to [the] laws and abide by them" (...). The study done by the Pew Research Center also documented another statistic about illegal immigrants. According to the survey, about 8 million undocumented Illegal immigrants are either part of the work force or unemployed. According to an article about an article on Welfare by Marvin Olasky, there are about "16 million able–bodied adults receiv[ing] food stamps... fifteen million of them do not work". While there are many immigrants who take the undesirable minimum wage jobs that America HAS, they are replacing Americans that may otherwise be working, who are now doing nothing and taking advantage of the social welfare Get more content on
  • 5. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Immigration Immigration is the movement through which an individual permanently moves from their place of residence from one country to another. Immigration is a topic which divides political parties and general debate. Whilst some people see the positives of immigration, such as the filling of skill gaps in low and highly skilled jobs, others see the negatives of immigration, such as the strain on services such as the NHS, schools and housing. Firstly, there are clear benefits to immigration. Different communities have moved to Great Britain from as early as 250AD, such as the Indian, Irish, African and Jewish communities. Immigration has a long history. However, high levels of immigration started during the period of 1946–1948. This was around the end of the second world war, when there were labour shortages in Britain and the rest of Europe. The government had to look for immigrants to fill these shortage gaps. In particular157,000 Polish citizens allowed to settle in the UK partly because of ties and connections made during the war years. The government was unable to recruit enough people from Europe to fill these labour shortages and so turned towards west India. Many men from the West Indies had fought for the 'mother country' and had moved back to civilian life in their home country where there were few work opportunities. Their sense of patriotism, coupled with the need of work, steered them back towards the UK. On the 22nd of June 1948, the ship Windrush docked at Tilbury in Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essay Immigration All of us, every single person had to come from somewhere. So if that's the case, then how can we make immigrants today feel safe and welcomed. An immigrant should feel ok to eat the foods they used to eat in their country. Most of the time they don't.In just 15 years a man or woman can become obese just because they want to fit in. "Immigrants to the United States may be packing on the pounds, in part, because of a desire to fit in with the citizens of their new country, a new study suggests. Immigrants and their children are known to put on weight after moving to the United States, with some approaching levels of obesity within 15 years." That tells us one thing. The immigrants are fitting in but not in a good way. Immigrants can also Get more content on
  • 7. Argumentative Essay: Undocumented Immigrants Argumentative essay More than 11 million undocumented illegal immigrants fill the US. Over the past hundreds years immigrants have been coming into the United States,this process has continued. And some may disagree and believe in that immigrants should not have a path to citizenship. It is immigrants should have a path to citizenship. Undocumented immigrants should get a path to citizenship One important reason that immigrants should have a path to citizenship is that the United States of America is a country filled with immigrants. We are are the land of freedom and opportunity. And according to Senator Charles E. Schumer Upfront Magazine 2015 he had stated ВЁMy home is in Brooklyn, I can see the more content... Therefore in conclusion with my given reasons [And evidence] we should let undocumented immigrants have a path to citizenship. Simply because this A country full of immigrants. It is also good for the economy. Besides all these presidents and people want the best for the country and truly if they want that they should continue the tradition of accepting people and giving them a chance. But if we let this curfew continue more immigrants will come and our system will be destroyed and we will spend millions of money sending these people Back to their Get more content on
  • 8. Immigration Argumentative Essay My grandma was a single mother raising three kids in Mexico. My mom being one of those kids as well. My grandma wanted a better life for her children and herself, so she had to make the ultimate sacrifice which was leaving my uncle, aunt, and my mom with their grandparents in Mexico for almost six years. She crossed the border illegally by hiding in the motor of a car. They had to customize the car so she can fit and lie down in a "U" shape for almost three days without food or water and endured the blazing heat and freezing temperatures the desert provided. She had wires constantly electrocuting her and was dying to have a sip of water. At last when she made it into theUnited States, the people that helped her over here allowed her to more content... In other words, immigration shapes how the world views America. There are approximately 37 million people in the U.S. who are foreign born (12 percent of the population). What this means is that there are 37 million voices who report back to their family in another country to tell them what America is like. What this does is spark curiosity of what America is like, and will trigger their family and friends to want to visit in America which will make them buy from our economy. The U.S. makes already makes $2 trillion in America's global travel and tourism industry a year, imagine how much this number would increase by if we legalized immigrants more easily. While those in America can just post on Facebook or Instagram what America is like, you truly don't get to experience America until you come and develop your own opinions to take back home. Story telling has a much more greater impact than social media. If we legalized immigrants more easily, not only will our economy boost, but as well as giving others the opportunity to see America for its true colors–good or bad. Immigrants are the foundation of America. Immigrants come to America for the same reason your ancestors did, enjoy freedom, a better education, and a better life for their Get more content on
  • 9. Immigration Argumentative Essay The walls are caving inside one's hiding place and all one hears is the screams of their cherished friends being brutally assaulted by law enforcement that is suppose to be our protectors, who turn out to be the devil hidden in the flesh. One could nothing, but continue to hear the screaming and pray that the terror does not find him or her. One continues to cower under fear and wait for the sun to rise again to live under fear for another day. Each day goes by with one always looking behind his or her shoulders wondering if they, immigration, are coming for them and are the people, he or she trusts, will sell them out.The thoughts of abandonment, fear, and betrayal are constantly running through the families that do not have a piece of paper, more content... However, this issue has only increased due to its lack of importance in the eyes of politicians. Our leaders have neglected to see this issue, when it needs to be addressed. They seem to only pay attention once mistreatment is publicized or children are involved, do they start to care. For instance, when it was made public that thousands of children were escaping to the United State in order to seek a better life away from violence and war that President Obama created DACA. DACA refers to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival, where it allows certain undocumented immigrants to given a two year work permit and are exempt from deportation. Consequently, it is wrong to act until an issue is publicized to do something. It amazes me that these children were published in newspapers and broadcasted on TV, while similar stories have already appeared in theUnited States, but have never been heard. These are stories of individuals, who walked several days to seek a better life for their family and yet they are openly discriminated by others and are constantly chased down my immigration. Subsequently, there individuals would not have to continually run and hide from immigration if the process towards citizenship was not a difficult challenge. It is a challenge, where one cannot enter the process towards citizenship unless they cheat the system because following the system would cause one to fight for citizenship over the course of 30 years. Nevertheless, it pains me to see goodhearted people live in fear or get deported due to their status of Get more content on
  • 10. Immigration Argumentative Essay Most people who complain about immigration only view things from their own perspective. The complaints about immigrants taking over most of the jobs are in my opinion overrated. Most of the jobs that are taken by immigrants consist of housecleaning, babysitting, cooking etc. Some argue that employees will hire immigrants to do these type of jobs because when comes to wages, they are able to underpay, where as someone legal might not stoop so low to get paid so little for these types of services. Others argue that immigrants do not mind doing these types of jobs, because these types of jobs will always be available. Whatever the reason may be, the ironic thing is that the same people with the negative opinions about immigrants in the United Get more content on
  • 11. Immigration Argumentative Essay The United States of America is known as a nation of immigrants and was built upon people of a variety of nationalities. For centuries, we have welcomed generations of immigrants into America such as British–Americans, Chinese–Americans, Mexican–Americans, etc. Currently, in our modern times, immigration has been a very divisive issue. In 2012, the Obama Administration created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, to give young undocumented immigrants, or Dreamers, a temporary endowment of protection from deportation and a permit to work legally in the US. This has given over 800,000 people relief and has provided hope. While some might argue that the implementation of DACA went against the constitutional principles of separation of powers and the president's duty to execute the laws faithfully, Trump's decision to repeal DACA violates the 14th amendment of the Constitution as well as the concepts of citizenship where the Constitution defines that everyone is protected whoever lives in the United States. Trump's decision to repeal DACA is unconstitutional because it violates the 14th amendment of the Constitution. The 14th amendment of the Constitution states that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . are citizens of the United States" (14th Amendment Sec. 1). The government's role in our American society is to protect and defend the civil rights of its citizens, which includes people that are not citizens. The phrase, "naturalized in Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay on Immigration Illegal Immigration Amnesty There are many problems that the United States faces and the one that is causing several debates is illegal immigration. Thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants have come from many different places. All of them have different desires. One might want a safe future for their family, one is probably looking for a fresh start, or even a place to spread their knowledge. The big question is should illegal immigrants be granted amnesty? After the resources and argument, it is believed that Amnesty should be given to illegal aliens. What is amnesty? Amnesty is a pardon for someone who was convicted in a crime. Amnesty is tangled with the term "Illegal Aliens". Illegal aliens according to more content... A huge part of the economy depends on the illegal immigrants such as agriculture. Natives have a mindset that they are too good to be working at such lowly ranked jobs so such labor depends on these immigrants. Without the support of the increased population of the illegal immigrants, the economy would be in a condition that's worse than it already is. Granting amnesty will also reduce crime because these immigrants will not fear about reporting crimes to authorities, therefore helping to reduce the crime rate to an extent. With legalization of these aliens it will strengthen and revitalize the nation and it will increase the nation's security. Granting amnesty will help the nation focus on more important resources such as militia. These resources that are focused on capturing illegal immigrants who enter the country for work could be redirected towards homeland security or funds for war. Not all agree that the "illegal aliens" should be able to get a chance to prove themselves. According to Heritage Foundation "Do not grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Regardless of the penalties imposed, any program that grants individuals who are unlawfully present the Get more content on
  • 13. Arguments Against Immigration Essay Immigration has been a heated issue for a long time, it has began to come up again because of the election of Donald Trump. Trump believes that there should be a restriction to the amount of people immigrating to the United States, and i'd have to agree. Immigration is stealing millions of U.S jobs away from their rightful citizens. There's also a threat of terrorism, Trump believes that there should be a sanction on Muslims from entering the city, he has been stated as saying "We have to get down to creating a country that's not going to have the kind of problems we've had with people flying planes into the World Trade Center." Which I agree with to a certain point, there is a serious threat of terrorism each time a plane full of Syrian immigrants enter the United States. But we can't just shun these people away, they have the right to come into our country, and they deserve to have all of their basic rights upheld as long as they are in the United States. My proposal is to ship their kind off to a remote island in more content... But if they would want to leave for whatever reason, they would have a chance to, after their course in basic skills conclude, of course. These courses can take years to master, and will be taught only by the best. To leave the island they will have to be at top of their class and be recommended by the guards/teachers for their hard work. The immigrants will be shipped along with the majority of crops which are being taken into the states, and be dropped off at farms. Urbanization is becoming very big, especially for farmers. They close down their farms and hustle into the city, looking for new lives, so we can't ship the immigrants out there, they will be living in an overpopulated mess. Instead they will be shipped off to farms across the country, and will use their skills they learned on Palmyra to the best of their abilities and live their lives off Get more content on
  • 14. Argumentative Essay Immigration Immigration can have a positive or negative effect on a country or a certain region. This could bring new opportunities for many people, and make them have a better life. What's immigration? It means the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. As more and more people try to migrate to the U.S for a better life this could boost the economy as the number of people who migrate will increase probably they will be available for the workforce which the outcome will be more jobs which this leads to them contributing to the economy, so should the U.S consider in having more open borders since this "open borders" concept can bring wealth to the country according to University of San Francisco law professor Bill Hing. What more content... Sometimes Politicians, journalists, and activists of every ideology refer to the U.S. immigration system as "broken" If what we're doing doesn't work, why not try something different?. As the U.S shares a border with Mexico,having more open borders could lead to ;more drugs trafficking, more illegal immigration, which could increase crime rates in the U.S, but not all illegal immigrants are criminals some of them just want to have a better life, and they have that opportunity in the U.S . They should be considered because Mexico is known to be one of the "most dangerous" countries in the world. If the U.S starts to have more open borders, this could put its citizens at risk of high crime rates, and artel's Wars. Others claims having more open borders could bring more opportunities for America. Such as Roque Planas from the Huffington Post he claims "Because if capital and goods can flow across borders, why not labor?" Which make sense because their skill workers out there how would want to come to the U.S and work. Another way is building upon the one world theme, more open borders would lead to more peace as people with friends and kids in and from specific other countries would be less likely to support wars against those Get more content on
  • 15. Immigration Argumentative Essay Editorial: 'Immigration' in a land that was never theirs By: Lauryn Gibbs Immigration is the double edged sword. Ask Donald Trump, and he'll claim that immigrants are stealing jobs. Ask an immigrant, and they'll say they came to America for a brighter future. In the year 2014, 11.4 million immigrants were counted in the United States. Some people may view this as a threat, but immigrants take lower paying jobs, work longer hours and are often exploited. Some people may say, "Immigrants don't pay taxes!" Incorrect, every time an immigrant, legal or illegal, fills up their gas tank, buys a shirt or rent an apartment, they pay taxes. Their income may not be taxed, but the average illegal immigrant makes $24,000 a year. Another person may say, "Immigrants bring gangs!" False. Ciudad JuГЎrez, also commonly known as the 'murder capital of the world', is a prime example of why immigration exists, to escape. JuГЎrez is known for slums, cheap labor, corrupt officials and vicious drug lords. People leave JuГЎrez more content... Going to Greece, Germany, or Turley is not a summer vacation for them. Syrian refugees simply have no other place to go, and anywhere is better that where they came from. Another argument against immigration, is the derogatory term, 'anchor babies.' A so called 'anchor baby', is a child that was born in the United States, but has foreign born parents, allowing the parent to stay in the U.S. However, immigration judges still deport foreign born parents. In 2013, approximately 72,410 foreign born parents with children born on US soil were deported. The child can petition for their parents to join them in the US after the child turns 21, but the process is long and difficult. So, even after all this, why is 'immigration' such a big deal? In the 1990's, half of all workers, on the low and high end of the skill set spectrum, were foreign born. Immigrants fill in jobs in key areas, start their own business and help the Get more content on
  • 16. Argumentative Essay On Immigration Immigration Some people wants to live in United States for money to feed their families. So they come to the states illegally. According to merriam– immigration means " A person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence." Parents want children to live a better life. But since Donald Trump is the new president he want to sent all the illegal immigrants, who seek a better life, to the place they were born. Donald Trump thinks we are the ones who do bad stuff and thinks we are a bad influence. According to Donald Trump on he said , "I want to build the wall. We have some bad hombres here, and we're going to get them out." But no, he doesn't even have a clue why we are here. And the reason we are here Get more content on
  • 17. Immigration Argumentative Essay The new year brought plenty of activity to Europe –– not all of which was celebratory. A spree of sexual assaults against women by mostly foreign men swept the continent, and though most heavily concentrated in Germany, incidents occurred in France, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. Cologne, Germany was the greatest sufferer; a group of a thousand men, including asylum seekers, reportedly hunted, thieved, and terrorized women on the streets. The result: over 550 criminal complaints, about forty–five percent of which related to sexual harassment. This and similar instances caused political upheaval in Germany over its open–door migration policy, one of the most welcoming in all of Europe, and has introduced pressure upon the German government more content... How could so many men all spontaneously decide to cause so much chaos? The more I read, the broader and more far–reaching the attacks became. My thought, as many other law enforcers expressed, was that some form of organized crime was involved (Fortunately, it appears that this was not the case). I was also drawn to this story for its controversy, both abroad and at home. The issue of the acceptance of Syrian migrants was already a hot–button topic in Europe, inspiring debate of immigration policies in the US. This coming election cycle will be my first time voting for president, and the beginning of an obligation to actually pay attention to candidates and issues. I was interested to hear the reactions of Europeans, while also seeing how these attacks played on the fears of U.S. citizens, and I was not disappointed. In tracking my four sources, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Dayton Daily News, and Fox News, I found a wide range of perspectives, details, up–to–datedness, outside sources, and objectivity. Using these criteria as a guide, I found the opinionated and local sources to be about equally the least informative, succeeded by the national papers, the Los Angeles Times falling just short of the Washington Get more content on
  • 18. Immigration in the United States Among the presidential candidates for the year 2016, Republican representative Donald Trump seems to have the most ridiculous and controversial campaign ideas. One of his more known campaign ideas has to do with banning Muslims from the United States. He generalized that all Muslims currently, or plan to act as, terrorists who will launch attacks on US soil. Building a wall on the border between US and Mexico is another well known idea of his, especially because he wants Mexico has to pay the cost for the wall's construction. Even though politicians may paint immigration in a negative light, the United States relies on immigrants to help its economy, so it should not opt to throw them out of the country. more content... According to several studies, there is no correlation present between the immigrants and the cities they live in. One graph shows the most dangerous cities in the United States based on violent crimes committed per 100,000 residents. It says that Detroit, Michigan is the most violent city with 2,123 violent crimes per 100,000 residents and St.Louis, Missouri in third place with 1,777 violent crimes per 100,000 residents ("The 10 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities"). Another table shows the list and percentages of the metropolitans with the highest amount of foreign borns in their population. Miami has the largest share of immigrants at 38.5% and San Jose is a close runner up with 36.8% foreign born residents. (Florida). Comparing the two data, the cities from the dangerous city graph were absent in the high foreign born table. In fact, another table, which showed the metropolitans with the least foreign born born populations, included the names of four cities from the violent crime graph e.g. St.Louis, Missouri and Memphis, Tennessee. With the clear absence of the dangerous city names, no relationship is shown between crime rates and immigrants. Not only that, but these foreigners do not have much incentive to commit crimes. A study shows that "first–generation immigrants [are] 45 percent less likely to commit violence than third–generation Americans" Get more content on
  • 19. Immigration Argumentative Essay Statistics indicate that forty million citizens, or 13% of the entire U.S. population, are foreign born. I am one of these forty million. Unfortunately, discussions about immigration have come to revolve around curtailment, rather than about immigrants themselves. Presidential candidate Donald Trump has risen to fame by painting immigrants as "murderers, thieves, and rapists." Trump's popularity signifies a radical shift from the time in which the words, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... I lift my lamp beside the golden door," were boldly inscribed onto the Statue of Liberty. Immigrants are no longer seen as people, but as a pathology. Even discussions about the benefits ofimmigration aren't about immigrants themselves, but about what immigration can do for the national economy. As if an immigrant's value to society can only be measured in terms of more content... We immigrants are not a pathology to be curtailed; nor are we just a valuable commodity to be measured by charts and indexes. We are people with incredible resolve, amazing stories, interesting world views, and unique backgrounds. And so, if I were given the opportunity to teach my peers and instructors during the week of Paideia, I would teach them about the immigrant experience and the true value of immigrants. A course that would go beyond discussions about policy and economics, and would focus on the experiences of these people themselves. I would begin the course with a discussion about the changing demography of the United States. This would provide a context for my teaching, as well as allow for a discussion about xenophobia, a phenomenon that is the underpinning of the dominant narrative about immigrants. I would then build upon this discussion with stories and experiences from immigrants about their experiences with xenophobia and Get more content on