SlideShare a Scribd company logo
specifically targeted towards women as it looks into psychological analysis of
famous serial killers.
The magazine also as the plug at the bottom states it also includes a “ 16-page
crime TV guide ” which is targeted towards those who do enjoy watching
television. The dominant image is of Fred and Rose West who were famous
for killing 12 young women. The fact that the main sell-line is that ” Rose was
the real monster ” shows that she is more powerful than her husband which
shows female power as the magazine is targeted towards women. The
dominant image also shows both of them looking very guilty which represents
their crimes and Fred West’s eventual guilt and suicide. The sub image of
Louise Porton who killed her children, the picture shows her looking confident
which shows her lack of remorse for killing her daughters.
By using the caption “ The escort who murdered her children “ it removes the
human and identifiable qualities of her as she isn’t classed as much of a
human anymore because she murdered two children in cold blood. It makes
people want to pick it up to read about who she is and what her name is and
how and why she murdered her children. The withholding of information
makes it evident that they want people to read on and pick it up to find out
what awful crimes she has committed. The tagline ‘ the darkest crimes and
evil minds’ makes it seem a lot more important and as if they have actually
looked into those evil mind. It gives the audience a bit of inclusivity that they
might enjoy being part of. The plug that is layered on top of Fred and Rose
West’s picture is in a bright red that stands out, the phrase ‘ world exclusive’
in capitals makes it more obvious and stand out more. It also shows that the
reader can be involved in the minority of people who have the knowledge
about it which employs the uses and gratifications theory of personal
relationships. This means that people will read it to be involved in on the
discussion about the world exclusive which a lot of people want to do in order
to fit in they will buy and read the magazine in hope to join the discussion.
The skyline includes two sub-images and sell-lines show pull quotes of the
articles they are from which will most definitely catch the eyes of readers or
those looking at it on a shelf. The quote ‘ black widow gangster’ was actually
what initially drew me in as she was seen as feared and quite threatening also
the fact she ‘ slapped Myra Hindley in the face’ could be seen that she was
quite tough, slapping a notorious murderer in the face but it also shows
that she is a strong woman which is what the main premise of the
magazine is.
The yellow plug in the top left corner about it being a ‘ new true crime mag’ it
shows a bit of an informal tone as ‘mag’ is quite slang and short for magazine.
It will also draw in readers of previous true crime magazines as the following
of such magazines is quite strong and it has an avid fan base in the genre. The
bottom banner includes both a sub image and sell line and a barcode. The subtext
talks about the truth behind the Netflix documentary, it shows exclusivity since
Netflix is a subscription based service which shows documentaries about subjects
such as this it is for a certain audience. With the magazine cover itself being quite
cluttered it may give the impression that it is a children's magazine but it provides
escapism and a change from the average day for people who can put themselves in
the shoes of an investigative reporter.
The cluttered appearance of this front cover hails from the fact it is targeted
towards those with possibly quite busy lives as a form of escapism to a world of
being a detective. This magazine primarily is for the entertainment of its readers to
put themselves into the shoes of a reporter or investigator as they can learn the
truth about rather famous crimes that are known both in the UK and world-wide. It
primarily has a female dominated audience and is targeted towards a female
audience for housewives who lead busy lives or have children to look after for their
time off to read each article separately. As each story exists on its own it is easy to
read one case, put it down and think about it for a while then pick up another once
ready. It is also targeted towards working class mothers who are particularly from D
to B grade demographically as the magazine is fairly affordable and in a reasonable
genre that a lot of people may find interesting as crime is something that we
normally want to learn more about as humans. This magazine uses natural human
interest to appeal to a larger audience in a compact way that would be easier than
having to research every single case separately for those who do have very little
The purpose of this magazine is mainly for strugglers, who want to escape their
possibly dull and mundane lives to explore interesting themes and live fantasies of
being detectives or journalists. Due to the age of the target audience, majority of
them will have been alive at the time of these cases and may remember them, it
will also take them back into their past so they can sort of forget about whatever is
happening in the present just to make their life much more easier to cope with. The
layout also alludes to its target demographic as if it was targeted towards A or B
groups who would probably use a lot more of a simple layout.
For my task I decided to analyse Crime Monthly which is a true crime
magazine that is released once a month. It is a magazine meant to
educate audiences about past crimes and recent ones as well, it also
shows a guide on TV shows about crime and books. The masthead
stands alone and is in the main colours of the magazine which is red
and white. Red, white and black are the main colours which are all
colours that connote death and danger. The colour scheme can also
be seen throughout the magazine and makes it stand out on a shelf.
Crime Monthly is a true crime magazine that is known to be
The purpose of this double page spread is to
provide information regarding the of Tupac
Shakur’s death, a case that has been open
since 1996 and his murderer still hasn’t been
found to this day. It is an extremely public case
that had a very large press following when it
happened. The article starts with a large
headline that goes along with the color
scheme of the rest of the magazine which
black, white and red. It just demonstrates the
continuous nature of the magazine as all the
colors that they have chosen are to do with the
nature and them of the magazine.
The ’anatomy of a crime scene ‘ suggests
the theme that continues throughout the
magazine about the investigative role
that readers can take on which is Crime
Monthly’s mission in a way. The page
itself uses the main background as the
dominant image of Tupac’s car it layers
red boxes and sub-images on top to
ensure that readers eyes are caught by
the bright colors to read the various
points. The dominant image of Tupac's
car shows various points that relate to
the case that can be quite important to
put readers into shoes of investigators and
the reporters who were looking at the
case. This doesn’t typically look like a
conventional double page spread as there
are no gutter lines. This may interest
people who only typically see the normal
double page spread layout as the
magazine genre isn't that typical either so
it could interest people like e who are
picking up this type of magazine for the
first time. The layout of the magazine as a
whole is pretty interesting and not very
normal which can be strange to those who
are used to normal layout magazines .The
sub-heading provides information about
the case to readers so that they can learn
abut it themselves to not only interest
themselves but since the majority of the
target audience for this are women and
since the most profitable genre for
women is actually mystery and detective a
crime magazine makes perfect sense for
the magazine.
The headline is in a very bold and brightly
colored font it suggests that it wants to
stick out while flicking through people
would instantly be drawn to read this
article. It is bold and in a matter of fact
kind of font as after all it is fully factual
and it gives it the impression of being a
The sub-image of Tupac in the top left
corner of the second page of the spread
stands out most as goes over both the
dominant image and the outside border of
the page. It gives it the impression of going
outside the border because it is a very
important picture. Showing the victim of the
crime gives the audience a bit of clarification
because if like me, they have heard of him
but never seen what he looks like then it
clears up quite a lot for them. The picture is
also of him holding up his middle finger,
which shows what kind of person he is and
the nature of the magazine as it is for more
mature audiences and not just children.
The sub-heading ‘ shooting of Tupac Shakur ‘
gives not just information but can draw in
attention, majority of people who will be
reading this have heard of the shooting at
the time of it happening in 1996 as the
target audience are women who are above
the age of thirty. This allows them to learn
about the developments and discoveries
found out over twenty-three years ago.
The white masthead uses a very elegant and bold font
that contrasts the dominant image on the front cover
in white. The masthead has a very simple name that
clearly states what genre the magazine is and clearly
indicates the audience it is meant for by the dominant
image that they decided to use of a woman sweeping
up caviar off the floor. The woman is also wearing
quite expensive jewellery seen in the picture which is
also another theme which magazine uses quite a lot as
Weir & Sons is actually a jewellery company.
The tagline above the t and y in style shows the brand
that the magazine mainly promotes and belongs to
which is Weir & Sons which, as previously stated is a
high end jewellery shop in Dublin. It shows the type of
audience they are wishing to appeal to as it is quite
expensive and professional there, therefore they aim
to create the same atmosphere in their magazine as
they have in-store.
The magazine cover is quite typical for one of this
genre and is quite conventional too, it has very clear
sell-lines and the main sell-line is “ a life less ordinary”
stays throughout as the theme of being different and
being individual is kind of what your jewellery
combinations can make you different makes the
magazine quite individual and different in that sense.
However, it is also different to normal magazines as
there is no barcode, issue number, price or date on the
front cover but these may be included on the back on
the inside cover. This isn’t typical to such a magazine
and goes against the typical look of such a magazine.
Also the use of bright colours such a yellow and orange
can attract the readers attention to the front cover
and make them wish to pick it up. The yellow colour
connotes both happiness and a warm feeling, with the
magazine being rather targeted towards those who are A-B
demographically who can actually afford to buy such
expensive jewellery. The yellow can also suggest luxury and
allude to something like honey which can be expensive and
throughout history has been associated with royalty.
The simplistic nature and refined sell-lines show that the
attention is mainly draw to the jewellery which is the main-
sell point of the magazine as it is also targeted towards
aspirers who may work harder so that they can afford such
a piece of jewellery. A magazine of the fashion and lifestyle
genre in which this one is are typically marketed towards
young adult females however this one is marketed to
upper-class women who may be aged upwards of thirty-
five. As this magazine doesn’t have a price on the front it
can be assumed to be for those who don’t really care about
the price of things and will buy them without even seeing
how much they are since they will have enough money to
buy it. Also the dominant image looks like that of a house
wife who may be someone for the audience to relate to as
they can understand it a bit more and aspire to be better
than the model and also similar to her in the same way.
Purpose wise, this genre of magazine is mainly for
advertising reasons, to showcase and advertise their lasted
line of jewellery and the newest trends in which they have
in store, it also educates people on where their items any
come from and the companies behind them as stated by
the sell-lines on the front from interviews and articles on
the inside of the magazine.
For my digital magazine I decided to analyse STYLE magazine by ‘Weir
& Sons’. This is a digital magazine for the Dublin Jewellery store by
the same name, it both advertises the latest jewellery trends but also
new and upcoming designers and trends that they advertise in store.
The magazine is meant to order for those who are either interested
in jewellery or are frequent visitors to the store.
The dominant image of Jillian Bolger, one of
the guests of this edition the magazine
Weir & Sons is placed so that it takes up
both the left page of the two page spread
and half of the right page. It shows how
important she is in the interview and it puts
the jewellery she is wearing front and
centre. The magazine is primarily fashion
but this interview regards the fact that she
is a fourth generation jeweller for the FOPE
brand which specialises in luxury jewellery
which she demonstrates in the picture of
the left. The pose she is in suggests that she
is very luxurious and everything that she
wears costs quite a lot of money. The way
that is she is directly staring at the reader
addresses them personally while also
demonstrating that she is better than them.
Her pose also puts the jewellery she is
wearing front and centre because that is
what her and her family are well known for.
The plush red velvet chairs behind her also
show luxury and elegance putting her above
those reading showing that the magazine
itself is targeted towards people who have
quite a lot of money and are just as glamorous
as her to buy FOPE jewellery.
The headline ‘ La Dolce Vita ‘ means ‘ the
sweet life ‘ coupled with the dominant image
highlights that she is indeed leading a very
good life. Her company is extremely high and
end earns a lot of money which is why she
looks so lavish and can afford to wear such
clothes. Her company also targets jewellery
towards those who are indeed living a very
sweet life as the audience for such expensive
jewellery are highly paid rich people. The font
is also quite lavish and also refers to the fact
she is living quite a good life and the colour
picked, against the white background shows
quite an elegant pairing even though it is
grey-scale it still compliments the picture with
its elegance.
The introduction also gives the readers a bit of
a clue as to who is both in the picture and
who is being interviewed. It introduces us to
Julia Bolger who is the fourth generation
jeweller from FOPE jewellers. This article
discusses its Solo MiaLuce range which brings
its Italian heritage front and centre much like
the picture and the headline is also in Italian
showing constant themes all the way through.
The drop cap at the start of the main text
shows a very glamourous style to the article
as it is the same text size as the headline
which draws attention to the main article so
that readers will stick around the read the rest
and not just look at the picture of
Jillian Bolger. The article itself
doesn’t use conventional neat
gutter lines to show that the
jewellery itself isn’t normal or
following modern trends as there
is ‘nothing average about a piece
of FOPE jewellery.’ The lack of
neat gutter lines also contradict
the normal look of the article as
the rest of it looks very proper
and neat compared to it. So it can
be perceived as quite lazy as a
normal high-end fashion
magazine may have very uniform
and neat gutter lines unlike this.
The folio in the bottom left corner
of the left page and the bottom
right corer of the right page use
contrasting colours to their
backgrounds. As the left one uses
white and the right one uses
black so it stands out from the
back grounds so readers can use
the contents page at the very
beginning to navigate their way to
their preferred article(s) so this
needs to be visible throughout
the magazine otherwise people
would just be flicking and the
contents page would be pretty
In the end after looking at both crime monthly and Weir & Sons STYLE magazine it shows that even though they are both of different genres, they both stick to some
conventional traits of their genres. For example, Weir & Sons STYLE magazine shows a very elegant and refined magazine for a wealthier audience as it is for those who visit the
jewellery store in Dublin in which it hails from. While Crime Monthly has quite a busy set up which is common to children's magazines not adult true crime, but it shows just
how full of information it is which can be extremely useful to show on a front cover. Crime Monthly uses very bold colour schemes but mostly just red, white and black because
those colours can relate back to old film noir.
A noticeable disadvantage for digital is both accessibility and reading them, online a lot of free-to-access digital magazines are either fan-made, not professional ones or are of
cost, even when having to pay for them, having to zoom in on each little bit of text can be extremely tiring and tedious for readers who may just opt to pick up a print copy
instead if it means they save time for the same quality and money. A lot of people also like having a hard copy in their hands, which you don’t get with digital, though some
places provide monthly subscriptions were you can get an unlimited amount of magazines free other offer monthly subscriptions for certain magazines which cost a lot more
than those websites which offer a range of magazines for a monthly subscription charge. Another disadvantage is that digital may be quite hard to access as you are required to
both have internet and internet, which some people don’t, elderly people like to go out and buy magazines as it gets them out the house which makes it more practical for
them. However it can also be helpful, for those who want to go paperless it is definitely the eco-friendly option and for those with children who may be too busy to make us a
magazine daily, having an online subscription means they can check it while they are out an about or when they have any free time.
A disadvantage for print is that for those who are quite busy and struggle to get out it is pretty much inaccessible for them as it may not be available online, meaning that if
someone does have children and leads quite a busy life they can’t catch up on their favourite magazine or elderly people who struggle to get out a lot. Also hard copies can get
lost and damaged quite easily so having a digital version can benefit those who do have busy lives with kids who may spill something on a newly bought magazine or when they
accidentally leave it on the bus. Another disadvantage is the fact that print isn’t very eco-friendly and with the rising crisis of de-forestation a lot of people are choosing to move
to paperless options too save the environment. However an advantage would be that it is very easy to access and that only a minority cannot get access to print, it can also be
cheaper for those buying it in the long run as they can choose which ones to buy as they might not want every week like an online subscription would give you.
Technical considerations also need to factor into this for magazine distribution as print will cost a lot more than updating a website weekly and both the cost of the materials,
machines and the staff to operate and distribute the magazines will be a lot more than digital as the materials, machines and those distributing it will not need to be employed,
just a group of people who staff the website and keep the servers running smoothly. Colours and paper sizes will also need to be considered as it can take up a lot more ink for
certain fonts or font colours on A4 or even A5 depending on what it is printed on as it may look different once transferred from print to digital.

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Update 2

  • 1. specifically targeted towards women as it looks into psychological analysis of famous serial killers. The magazine also as the plug at the bottom states it also includes a “ 16-page crime TV guide ” which is targeted towards those who do enjoy watching television. The dominant image is of Fred and Rose West who were famous for killing 12 young women. The fact that the main sell-line is that ” Rose was the real monster ” shows that she is more powerful than her husband which shows female power as the magazine is targeted towards women. The dominant image also shows both of them looking very guilty which represents their crimes and Fred West’s eventual guilt and suicide. The sub image of Louise Porton who killed her children, the picture shows her looking confident which shows her lack of remorse for killing her daughters. By using the caption “ The escort who murdered her children “ it removes the human and identifiable qualities of her as she isn’t classed as much of a human anymore because she murdered two children in cold blood. It makes people want to pick it up to read about who she is and what her name is and how and why she murdered her children. The withholding of information makes it evident that they want people to read on and pick it up to find out what awful crimes she has committed. The tagline ‘ the darkest crimes and evil minds’ makes it seem a lot more important and as if they have actually looked into those evil mind. It gives the audience a bit of inclusivity that they might enjoy being part of. The plug that is layered on top of Fred and Rose West’s picture is in a bright red that stands out, the phrase ‘ world exclusive’ in capitals makes it more obvious and stand out more. It also shows that the reader can be involved in the minority of people who have the knowledge about it which employs the uses and gratifications theory of personal relationships. This means that people will read it to be involved in on the discussion about the world exclusive which a lot of people want to do in order to fit in they will buy and read the magazine in hope to join the discussion. The skyline includes two sub-images and sell-lines show pull quotes of the articles they are from which will most definitely catch the eyes of readers or those looking at it on a shelf. The quote ‘ black widow gangster’ was actually what initially drew me in as she was seen as feared and quite threatening also the fact she ‘ slapped Myra Hindley in the face’ could be seen that she was quite tough, slapping a notorious murderer in the face but it also shows that she is a strong woman which is what the main premise of the magazine is. The yellow plug in the top left corner about it being a ‘ new true crime mag’ it shows a bit of an informal tone as ‘mag’ is quite slang and short for magazine. It will also draw in readers of previous true crime magazines as the following of such magazines is quite strong and it has an avid fan base in the genre. The bottom banner includes both a sub image and sell line and a barcode. The subtext talks about the truth behind the Netflix documentary, it shows exclusivity since Netflix is a subscription based service which shows documentaries about subjects such as this it is for a certain audience. With the magazine cover itself being quite cluttered it may give the impression that it is a children's magazine but it provides escapism and a change from the average day for people who can put themselves in the shoes of an investigative reporter. The cluttered appearance of this front cover hails from the fact it is targeted towards those with possibly quite busy lives as a form of escapism to a world of being a detective. This magazine primarily is for the entertainment of its readers to put themselves into the shoes of a reporter or investigator as they can learn the truth about rather famous crimes that are known both in the UK and world-wide. It primarily has a female dominated audience and is targeted towards a female audience for housewives who lead busy lives or have children to look after for their time off to read each article separately. As each story exists on its own it is easy to read one case, put it down and think about it for a while then pick up another once ready. It is also targeted towards working class mothers who are particularly from D to B grade demographically as the magazine is fairly affordable and in a reasonable genre that a lot of people may find interesting as crime is something that we normally want to learn more about as humans. This magazine uses natural human interest to appeal to a larger audience in a compact way that would be easier than having to research every single case separately for those who do have very little time. The purpose of this magazine is mainly for strugglers, who want to escape their possibly dull and mundane lives to explore interesting themes and live fantasies of being detectives or journalists. Due to the age of the target audience, majority of them will have been alive at the time of these cases and may remember them, it will also take them back into their past so they can sort of forget about whatever is happening in the present just to make their life much more easier to cope with. The layout also alludes to its target demographic as if it was targeted towards A or B groups who would probably use a lot more of a simple layout. For my task I decided to analyse Crime Monthly which is a true crime magazine that is released once a month. It is a magazine meant to educate audiences about past crimes and recent ones as well, it also shows a guide on TV shows about crime and books. The masthead stands alone and is in the main colours of the magazine which is red and white. Red, white and black are the main colours which are all colours that connote death and danger. The colour scheme can also be seen throughout the magazine and makes it stand out on a shelf. Crime Monthly is a true crime magazine that is known to be
  • 2. The purpose of this double page spread is to provide information regarding the of Tupac Shakur’s death, a case that has been open since 1996 and his murderer still hasn’t been found to this day. It is an extremely public case that had a very large press following when it happened. The article starts with a large headline that goes along with the color scheme of the rest of the magazine which black, white and red. It just demonstrates the continuous nature of the magazine as all the colors that they have chosen are to do with the nature and them of the magazine. The ’anatomy of a crime scene ‘ suggests the theme that continues throughout the magazine about the investigative role that readers can take on which is Crime Monthly’s mission in a way. The page itself uses the main background as the dominant image of Tupac’s car it layers red boxes and sub-images on top to ensure that readers eyes are caught by the bright colors to read the various points. The dominant image of Tupac's car shows various points that relate to the case that can be quite important to put readers into shoes of investigators and the reporters who were looking at the case. This doesn’t typically look like a conventional double page spread as there are no gutter lines. This may interest people who only typically see the normal double page spread layout as the magazine genre isn't that typical either so it could interest people like e who are picking up this type of magazine for the first time. The layout of the magazine as a whole is pretty interesting and not very normal which can be strange to those who are used to normal layout magazines .The sub-heading provides information about the case to readers so that they can learn abut it themselves to not only interest themselves but since the majority of the target audience for this are women and since the most profitable genre for women is actually mystery and detective a crime magazine makes perfect sense for the magazine. The headline is in a very bold and brightly colored font it suggests that it wants to stick out while flicking through people would instantly be drawn to read this article. It is bold and in a matter of fact kind of font as after all it is fully factual and it gives it the impression of being a statement. The sub-image of Tupac in the top left corner of the second page of the spread stands out most as goes over both the dominant image and the outside border of the page. It gives it the impression of going outside the border because it is a very important picture. Showing the victim of the crime gives the audience a bit of clarification because if like me, they have heard of him but never seen what he looks like then it clears up quite a lot for them. The picture is also of him holding up his middle finger, which shows what kind of person he is and the nature of the magazine as it is for more mature audiences and not just children. The sub-heading ‘ shooting of Tupac Shakur ‘ gives not just information but can draw in attention, majority of people who will be reading this have heard of the shooting at the time of it happening in 1996 as the target audience are women who are above the age of thirty. This allows them to learn about the developments and discoveries found out over twenty-three years ago.
  • 3. The white masthead uses a very elegant and bold font that contrasts the dominant image on the front cover in white. The masthead has a very simple name that clearly states what genre the magazine is and clearly indicates the audience it is meant for by the dominant image that they decided to use of a woman sweeping up caviar off the floor. The woman is also wearing quite expensive jewellery seen in the picture which is also another theme which magazine uses quite a lot as Weir & Sons is actually a jewellery company. The tagline above the t and y in style shows the brand that the magazine mainly promotes and belongs to which is Weir & Sons which, as previously stated is a high end jewellery shop in Dublin. It shows the type of audience they are wishing to appeal to as it is quite expensive and professional there, therefore they aim to create the same atmosphere in their magazine as they have in-store. The magazine cover is quite typical for one of this genre and is quite conventional too, it has very clear sell-lines and the main sell-line is “ a life less ordinary” stays throughout as the theme of being different and being individual is kind of what your jewellery combinations can make you different makes the magazine quite individual and different in that sense. However, it is also different to normal magazines as there is no barcode, issue number, price or date on the front cover but these may be included on the back on the inside cover. This isn’t typical to such a magazine and goes against the typical look of such a magazine. Also the use of bright colours such a yellow and orange can attract the readers attention to the front cover and make them wish to pick it up. The yellow colour connotes both happiness and a warm feeling, with the magazine being rather targeted towards those who are A-B demographically who can actually afford to buy such expensive jewellery. The yellow can also suggest luxury and allude to something like honey which can be expensive and throughout history has been associated with royalty. The simplistic nature and refined sell-lines show that the attention is mainly draw to the jewellery which is the main- sell point of the magazine as it is also targeted towards aspirers who may work harder so that they can afford such a piece of jewellery. A magazine of the fashion and lifestyle genre in which this one is are typically marketed towards young adult females however this one is marketed to upper-class women who may be aged upwards of thirty- five. As this magazine doesn’t have a price on the front it can be assumed to be for those who don’t really care about the price of things and will buy them without even seeing how much they are since they will have enough money to buy it. Also the dominant image looks like that of a house wife who may be someone for the audience to relate to as they can understand it a bit more and aspire to be better than the model and also similar to her in the same way. Purpose wise, this genre of magazine is mainly for advertising reasons, to showcase and advertise their lasted line of jewellery and the newest trends in which they have in store, it also educates people on where their items any come from and the companies behind them as stated by the sell-lines on the front from interviews and articles on the inside of the magazine. For my digital magazine I decided to analyse STYLE magazine by ‘Weir & Sons’. This is a digital magazine for the Dublin Jewellery store by the same name, it both advertises the latest jewellery trends but also new and upcoming designers and trends that they advertise in store. The magazine is meant to order for those who are either interested in jewellery or are frequent visitors to the store.
  • 4. The dominant image of Jillian Bolger, one of the guests of this edition the magazine Weir & Sons is placed so that it takes up both the left page of the two page spread and half of the right page. It shows how important she is in the interview and it puts the jewellery she is wearing front and centre. The magazine is primarily fashion but this interview regards the fact that she is a fourth generation jeweller for the FOPE brand which specialises in luxury jewellery which she demonstrates in the picture of the left. The pose she is in suggests that she is very luxurious and everything that she wears costs quite a lot of money. The way that is she is directly staring at the reader addresses them personally while also demonstrating that she is better than them. Her pose also puts the jewellery she is wearing front and centre because that is what her and her family are well known for. The plush red velvet chairs behind her also show luxury and elegance putting her above those reading showing that the magazine itself is targeted towards people who have quite a lot of money and are just as glamorous as her to buy FOPE jewellery. The headline ‘ La Dolce Vita ‘ means ‘ the sweet life ‘ coupled with the dominant image highlights that she is indeed leading a very good life. Her company is extremely high and end earns a lot of money which is why she looks so lavish and can afford to wear such clothes. Her company also targets jewellery towards those who are indeed living a very sweet life as the audience for such expensive jewellery are highly paid rich people. The font is also quite lavish and also refers to the fact she is living quite a good life and the colour picked, against the white background shows quite an elegant pairing even though it is grey-scale it still compliments the picture with its elegance. The introduction also gives the readers a bit of a clue as to who is both in the picture and who is being interviewed. It introduces us to Julia Bolger who is the fourth generation jeweller from FOPE jewellers. This article discusses its Solo MiaLuce range which brings its Italian heritage front and centre much like the picture and the headline is also in Italian showing constant themes all the way through. The drop cap at the start of the main text shows a very glamourous style to the article as it is the same text size as the headline which draws attention to the main article so that readers will stick around the read the rest and not just look at the picture of Jillian Bolger. The article itself doesn’t use conventional neat gutter lines to show that the jewellery itself isn’t normal or following modern trends as there is ‘nothing average about a piece of FOPE jewellery.’ The lack of neat gutter lines also contradict the normal look of the article as the rest of it looks very proper and neat compared to it. So it can be perceived as quite lazy as a normal high-end fashion magazine may have very uniform and neat gutter lines unlike this. The folio in the bottom left corner of the left page and the bottom right corer of the right page use contrasting colours to their backgrounds. As the left one uses white and the right one uses black so it stands out from the back grounds so readers can use the contents page at the very beginning to navigate their way to their preferred article(s) so this needs to be visible throughout the magazine otherwise people would just be flicking and the contents page would be pretty useless.
  • 5. In the end after looking at both crime monthly and Weir & Sons STYLE magazine it shows that even though they are both of different genres, they both stick to some conventional traits of their genres. For example, Weir & Sons STYLE magazine shows a very elegant and refined magazine for a wealthier audience as it is for those who visit the jewellery store in Dublin in which it hails from. While Crime Monthly has quite a busy set up which is common to children's magazines not adult true crime, but it shows just how full of information it is which can be extremely useful to show on a front cover. Crime Monthly uses very bold colour schemes but mostly just red, white and black because those colours can relate back to old film noir. A noticeable disadvantage for digital is both accessibility and reading them, online a lot of free-to-access digital magazines are either fan-made, not professional ones or are of cost, even when having to pay for them, having to zoom in on each little bit of text can be extremely tiring and tedious for readers who may just opt to pick up a print copy instead if it means they save time for the same quality and money. A lot of people also like having a hard copy in their hands, which you don’t get with digital, though some places provide monthly subscriptions were you can get an unlimited amount of magazines free other offer monthly subscriptions for certain magazines which cost a lot more than those websites which offer a range of magazines for a monthly subscription charge. Another disadvantage is that digital may be quite hard to access as you are required to both have internet and internet, which some people don’t, elderly people like to go out and buy magazines as it gets them out the house which makes it more practical for them. However it can also be helpful, for those who want to go paperless it is definitely the eco-friendly option and for those with children who may be too busy to make us a magazine daily, having an online subscription means they can check it while they are out an about or when they have any free time. A disadvantage for print is that for those who are quite busy and struggle to get out it is pretty much inaccessible for them as it may not be available online, meaning that if someone does have children and leads quite a busy life they can’t catch up on their favourite magazine or elderly people who struggle to get out a lot. Also hard copies can get lost and damaged quite easily so having a digital version can benefit those who do have busy lives with kids who may spill something on a newly bought magazine or when they accidentally leave it on the bus. Another disadvantage is the fact that print isn’t very eco-friendly and with the rising crisis of de-forestation a lot of people are choosing to move to paperless options too save the environment. However an advantage would be that it is very easy to access and that only a minority cannot get access to print, it can also be cheaper for those buying it in the long run as they can choose which ones to buy as they might not want every week like an online subscription would give you. Technical considerations also need to factor into this for magazine distribution as print will cost a lot more than updating a website weekly and both the cost of the materials, machines and the staff to operate and distribute the magazines will be a lot more than digital as the materials, machines and those distributing it will not need to be employed, just a group of people who staff the website and keep the servers running smoothly. Colours and paper sizes will also need to be considered as it can take up a lot more ink for certain fonts or font colours on A4 or even A5 depending on what it is printed on as it may look different once transferred from print to digital. Conclusion.