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Common Cold
  Streptococcal Sore throat And
Scarlet Fever
An acute usually afebrile viral infection
caused by inflammation of the upper
respiratory tract.

         filtrable virus
         Rhinovirus, Adenovirus
1-4 days

  Droplet contact with
contaminated objects
  Hand to hand transmission or indirect

 Frequent sneezing
 Headache,tearyeyes,watery eyes
 Myalgia
 Arthralgia
 Chills-early afternoon fever and
  accpd. By chilly sensation
 Scratchy throat , runny nose
 Hacking,non-productive cough
 Hacking,non-productive cough
 Diminished sense   of taste,smell and
 Blocked nasal passages with
  continuous watery discharges
 Sinusitis
 Otitis Media
 Bronchopneumonia

 Primary treatment Aspirin or
 Fluids
 Decongestants
 Sorethroat lozenges
 Steam inhalation
1)   Complete bed rest
2)   Administration of antibiotic/doctors
3)   Health education
 Highly   contagious infection of the
  respiratory tract that results from 3
  types of myxovirus influenza.
 Affects  all age group, the incidence
  highest in school children, severity is
  greatest in the very young elderly people
  and those with chronic diseases.
MOST prevalent, strikes
every year
              strikes annually found in
smaller epidemics every 4-6 years
          found in sporadic cases endemic
through inhalation of a respiratory
      droplet from an infected person or by
      indirect contact.

                             secretions from
upper respiratory tract .

5th day of illness
                            24-48 hours.
Invades the
                       respiratory mucosa
Damages ciliated epithelium
of the trachea bronchial tree
       Making it vulnerable
       to secondary infection
           Severe reactions
        Serosanguinous discharge
Joint Pain

 Onset is sudden,      Non-productive
  chilly sensation,      cough and
  hyperpyrexia           occationally laryngitis
 Headache              Conjunctivitis
 Malaise               Rhinitis
 Myalgia               Rhinorrhea

 Hoarseness
 Pneumonia
 Reyes syndrome
 Myositis
 Myocarditis

     Blood Examination
  Active Immunization
   Educate the public and health care
    personnel in basic personal hygiene
   Client should receive the vaccine
    1. Elderly
    2. People who have poor immunity
    3. Conditions such as D.M., Lung
        Disease, Kidney disease, Heart
        disease, Liver disease
1.   Bed rest
2.   Adequate fluid intake
3.   Aspirin or Acetaminolphen
4.   Guaifenesin or another expectorant

           Amantadine Symmetrel
1)   Advise the pt. to use of
2)   Increase fluid intake
3)   Screen visitors
4)   Teach the patient proper disposal of
     tissue and proper handwashing
     technique to prevent the virus from
5)  Watch for s/s of developing
 Such as cracks,coughing accompanied
  by purulent bloody sputum.
 acute    highly   contagious    toxin
  mediated infection caused by coryne
  bacterium diphteriae
 Gram (+) rod that usually infects the
  respiratory primarily the tonsils,
  nasophayrnx,      larynx      usually
  producing a membranous pharyngitis
Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
   (Klebs Loeffler Bacillus)

Contact with patient or carrier or with
articles soiled with discharges of
infected persons.

 2-5 days
2-4 weeks in untreated patient
     1-2 days in treated patient

Discharges from the nose, pharynx eyes
or lesions on other parts of the body of
infected persons.

A.   Nasal with serosanguinous secretions
     from the nose with foul smell
B.   Tonsilar low fatality rate
C.   Nasopharyngeal
D.   Wound or cutaneous diphtheria
1)   Feeling of fatigue
2)   Malaise
3)   Slight sorethroat and elevation of
     temperature usually not exceeding 380C
4)   Cervical Adenitis with tenderness of the
     glands occur
5)   Inflammatory reactions is initiated by
     the body and exudate consisting of
     leukocytes and RBC and necrotic tissues
     begins to form
~ opening created by incision

Nose and Throat Swab
Schick Test
   –    To       determine     the
   susceptibility or immunity in
Moloney Test
    – Hypersensitivity in diphtheria
– inflammation of the heart muscle

– paralysis of the soft palate
paralysis of ciliary muscles of the
eye,pharynx,larynx or extremities

 – respiratory failure esp. laryngeal
type reactions tends to stagnate
due to paralysis of the diaphragm
Neutralization of Toxin
Fractional desensitising doses
Fractional doses are given in positive
cases with the following cases:
      0.05 ml (1:20 dilution) SQ
      0.05 ml (1:10 Dilution)
      0.10 ml undiluted SQ
Neutralization of Toxin
Fractional desensitising doses
Fractional doses are given in positive
cases with the following cases:
      0.20 ml undiluted SQ
      0.50 ml undiluted IM
      0.10 mil undiluted IV
   Destruction of Microorganism Giving of
   Erythromycin 40 mg/kg BW in 4 doses x
    7-10 days
a)   Maintenance of Adequate nutrition
b)   Maintenance of adequate fluid and
     electrolyte balance
c)   Bed rest
d)   Oxygen inhalation
1)   Bed rest for at least 2 weeks patient not
     permitted to bathe
2)   Diet soft diet small frequent feeding is
3)   Fruit Juices rich vit.C to maintain the
     alkalinity of the blood
4)   Ice collar applied to the neck
Mandatory DPT immunization of babies

Is a highly contagious respiratory
infection usually caused by the non-
motile gram (–) negative coccobacillus

  Bacterial infection Bordetella pertussis
 7-14 days
 7-10 days

  – direct and indirect contact

   – secretions from the nose and
  throat of infected person contain
  the causative organism.
1. Catarrhal stage or Invasive Period
    Coryza, sneezing lacrimation and
    dry bronchial cough
    Cough becomes an irritating,
    hacking and nocturnal becoming
    more severe
    This stage last for about 1-2 weeks
2. Paroxysmal Stage
     7th -14th day
    Cough becomes spasmodic and
    recurrent with excessive explosive
    outburst in series of rapid cough in
    one expiration
    Each cough characteristically ends
    in a loud crowing inspiratory whoop
    and chocking on           mucus that
    causes vomiting
2. Paroxysmal Stage

       •Nose bleed
       •increase venous
       •Rectal prolapse
3. Convalescent stage
    Paroxysmal coughing and vomiting
    gradually subside

      •Bronchopneumonia – most
      dangerous complication
3. Convalescent stage
    Paroxysmal coughing and vomiting
    gradually subside

      •Severe malnutrition – due
      to persistent vomiting.
 Nasopharyngeal swabs
 Sputum culture
 Fluorescent Antibody screening of
  nasopharyngeal smears provides quicker
  result than cultures but it is less reliable
 WBC usually increased in children older
  than 6 months
1)   Supportive Therapy
      Fluid and electrolytes replacement
      Adequate nutrition
      Oxygen Therapy in apnea
2)   Antibiotic Erthromycin, Ampicillin to
     eliminate infection
3)   Hyperimmune Convalescent serum
     gamma globulin are found effective
   Isolation and Medical asepsis should
    be carried out
   During paroxysm the patient should
   Suctioning equipment should be
    ready at all times for emergency use
    to avoid obstruction of airway.
   Sunshine and fresh air are important
    but the patient should be protected
 The   child shld. be kept as quiet as
  possible since activity and excitement
 Provide warm baths , keep the bed dry
  and free from soiled linens
 I and O shld be monitored
 Abdominal binder
Immunization DPT Active
 Koch’sdisease, Phthisis, Consumption
   Acute chronic infection caused by
      mycobacterium tuberculosis

    – Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
– 2 -10 weeks

– The patient is capable of discharching
the organism all throughout life if he
remains untreated highly communicable
during its active phase

 – Direct and indirect contact
– sputum ,blood from hemoptysis, nasal
  discharges and saliva

Human inhalation – gains entrance in
the body by inhaled through respiratory
Bovine – ingestion enters the body via
GIT by the swallowing of the bacteria
○ Slight lesion without demonstrable
 excavation confined to a small
 part of one or both lungs

○ 1 or both lungs may be involved

○ Lesions more extensive than
 Tuberculin Test is positive
 X-ray of chest generally progressive

 Symptoms of TB are absent
 Sputum is absent for tubercle
bacilli after repeated examination
 No evidence of cavity on chest X-ray
 Afternoon  rise in temperature
 High sweating
 Body malaise and weight loss
 Cough dry to productive
 Dyspnea- hoarseness of voice
 Hemoptysis – considered
  pathognomonic to the disease
 Occasional chest pains
 Sputum positive for AFB
 Chest X-Ray
 Sputum Exam   for Acid Fast Bacilli
 Tuberculin Testing

      Mantoux test – PPD intradermal
      Tine Test
– 6 months
 INH, Isoniazid, Rifampicin, PZA,

             – 2 months
Rifampicin 450 mg 1 hr before meal
INH 300 mg
PZA 1,000- 1,500 mg / hr after break fast
– 1 year
Streptomycin SO4
INH tablet
A.   Isolation
B.   Administer medicine as ordered
C.   Check sputum always for blood or
     purulent expectoration
D.   Encourage questions conversation to air
     their feelings
E.   Teach or educate patient all about TB
F.   Encourage to stop smoking
G.   Proper disposal of sputum
H.   Plenty of rest and eat balanced meals
 Submit allbabies for BCG
 Avoid overcrowding
 Chest X-ray , tuberculin Test
acute infection of the lung parenchyma

 Streptococcal pneumonia
 Staphylococcus Aureus
 Hemophillus influenza
 Klibsiela pneumonia
1-3 days with sudden onset of shaking
chills rapidly rising fever and stabbing
chest pains aggravated by coughing and

Droplet infection from mouth, nose of an
infected person
Indirect contact contaminated objects
   CAP      –  Community        Acquired
    Pneumonia – acquired in the course of
    Daily life
   Hospital Acquired Pneumonia
   Aspiration Pneumonia – Foreign
    matter is inhaled ( aspirated) into the
   Pneumonia caused by Opportunistic
    organism immune system
 Broncho Pneumonia
       – Lobular or Catarrhal Pneumonia
 Lobar pneumonia (croupous Pneumonia)
      Consolidation of the entire lobe
      manifested by chills, chest pain on
      breathing, cough with blood streaked
 Primary atypical pneumonia
    (Virus pneumonia)
    Solidification of the lung that comes
    in patches
    Cough is often delayed in appearing
    greenish to whitish secretions
1)   Stage of Lung Engorgement
2)   Red Hepatization
3)   GrayHepatization
4)   Stage of Resolution
     ○ Infammatory exudates is either
        absorbed by the blood stream or
 Chest X – Ray
 Sputum Analysis
 Blood Serologic Exam
Antimicrobial Therapy varies with
the causative agent
Supportive Management
    Humidified oxygen therapy for hypoxia
    Mechanical      ventilation     respiratory
    High caloric diet and adequate fluid
    Analgesic to relieve pleuritic pain chest
    Expectorant
1)   Maintain a patent airway
2)   Adequate oxygenation
3)   Deep breathing Excercises

      Turning the patient from side to side
      Change wet clothing
Penicillin, Erythromycin
Is an infection caused by GROUP A BETA
   HEMOLYTIC streptococcus bacteria

Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus
Direct and Indirect Contact

 – 2-5 days or 1 week
Fever and sorethroat
                    rashes start to appear
already because Group A Beta Hemolytic
releases toxins
    Erythrogenic Toxin
    Pastia Line – are minute red spot on
    skin fold
    Trunk entire body involves the extremities
Fever and sorethroat
                       rashes start to appear
already because Group A Beta Hemolytic
releases toxins
    Tongue      also    exhibits     specific
    characteristics sign 2 days it will have
    a white coating through which red and
Fever and sorethroat
                     rashes start to appear
already because Group A Beta Hemolytic
releases toxins
   White strawberry tongue after 2 days
   the tongue desquamate red strawberry
   tongue later raspberry tongue
Fever and sorethroat
                    rashes start to appear
already because Group A Beta Hemolytic
releases toxins
 Throat Swab
 Dicks Test
      – test to determine the
      susceptibility to scarlet fever
 Charlton Test
     – Hypersensitivity of the
     individual to scarlet fever
         – Erythromycin

          – Penicillin
1)   Oral Hygiene Use oral Antiseptic
2)   Skin C are – Finger nails shld be
     short and clean
3)   Do not apply alcohol
4)   Avoid use of laundry soap

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Unit II

  • 1.
  • 3. Diptheria Pertussis PTB Pneumonia Streptococcal Sore throat And Scarlet Fever
  • 4. An acute usually afebrile viral infection caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. filtrable virus Rhinovirus, Adenovirus
  • 5. 1-4 days Airborne Droplet contact with contaminated objects Hand to hand transmission or indirect Nasopharynx
  • 6.  Frequent sneezing  Headache,tearyeyes,watery eyes  Myalgia  Arthralgia  Chills-early afternoon fever and accpd. By chilly sensation  Scratchy throat , runny nose  Hacking,non-productive cough
  • 7.  Hacking,non-productive cough  Diminished sense of taste,smell and hearing  Blocked nasal passages with continuous watery discharges
  • 8.  Sinusitis  Otitis Media  Bronchopneumonia  Primary treatment Aspirin or Acataminophen  Fluids  Decongestants  Sorethroat lozenges  Steam inhalation
  • 9. 1) Complete bed rest 2) Administration of antibiotic/doctors order 3) Health education
  • 10.  Highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract that results from 3 types of myxovirus influenza.  Affects all age group, the incidence highest in school children, severity is greatest in the very young elderly people and those with chronic diseases.
  • 11. MOST prevalent, strikes every year strikes annually found in smaller epidemics every 4-6 years found in sporadic cases endemic
  • 12. through inhalation of a respiratory droplet from an infected person or by indirect contact. secretions from upper respiratory tract . until 5th day of illness 24-48 hours.
  • 13. Invades the respiratory mucosa Damages ciliated epithelium of the trachea bronchial tree Making it vulnerable to secondary infection Severe reactions Serosanguinous discharge Complication
  • 14. Joint Pain  Onset is sudden,  Non-productive chilly sensation, cough and hyperpyrexia occationally laryngitis  Headache  Conjunctivitis  Malaise  Rhinitis  Myalgia  Rhinorrhea  Hoarseness
  • 15.  Pneumonia  Reyes syndrome  Myositis  Myocarditis Blood Examination
  • 16.  Active Immunization  Educate the public and health care personnel in basic personal hygiene  Client should receive the vaccine annually 1. Elderly 2. People who have poor immunity 3. Conditions such as D.M., Lung Disease, Kidney disease, Heart disease, Liver disease
  • 17. 1. Bed rest 2. Adequate fluid intake 3. Aspirin or Acetaminolphen 4. Guaifenesin or another expectorant Amantadine Symmetrel
  • 18. 1) Advise the pt. to use of mouthwashes. 2) Increase fluid intake 3) Screen visitors 4) Teach the patient proper disposal of tissue and proper handwashing technique to prevent the virus from spreading.
  • 19. 5) Watch for s/s of developing pneumonia  Such as cracks,coughing accompanied by purulent bloody sputum.
  • 20.  acute highly contagious toxin mediated infection caused by coryne bacterium diphteriae  Gram (+) rod that usually infects the respiratory primarily the tonsils, nasophayrnx, larynx usually producing a membranous pharyngitis
  • 21. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae (Klebs Loeffler Bacillus) Contact with patient or carrier or with articles soiled with discharges of infected persons. 2-5 days
  • 22. 2-4 weeks in untreated patient 1-2 days in treated patient Discharges from the nose, pharynx eyes or lesions on other parts of the body of infected persons. Pseudomembrane
  • 23. A. Nasal with serosanguinous secretions from the nose with foul smell B. Tonsilar low fatality rate C. Nasopharyngeal D. Wound or cutaneous diphtheria
  • 24. 1) Feeling of fatigue 2) Malaise 3) Slight sorethroat and elevation of temperature usually not exceeding 380C 4) Cervical Adenitis with tenderness of the glands occur 5) Inflammatory reactions is initiated by the body and exudate consisting of leukocytes and RBC and necrotic tissues begins to form
  • 25. ~ opening created by incision Nose and Throat Swab Schick Test – To determine the susceptibility or immunity in diphtheria Moloney Test – Hypersensitivity in diphtheria
  • 26. – inflammation of the heart muscle – paralysis of the soft palate paralysis of ciliary muscles of the eye,pharynx,larynx or extremities – respiratory failure esp. laryngeal type reactions tends to stagnate due to paralysis of the diaphragm
  • 27. Neutralization of Toxin DAT ADS Fractional desensitising doses Fractional doses are given in positive cases with the following cases: 0.05 ml (1:20 dilution) SQ 0.05 ml (1:10 Dilution) 0.10 ml undiluted SQ
  • 28. Neutralization of Toxin DAT ADS Fractional desensitising doses Fractional doses are given in positive cases with the following cases: 0.20 ml undiluted SQ 0.50 ml undiluted IM 0.10 mil undiluted IV
  • 29. Destruction of Microorganism Giving of Penicillin  Erythromycin 40 mg/kg BW in 4 doses x 7-10 days
  • 30. a) Maintenance of Adequate nutrition b) Maintenance of adequate fluid and electrolyte balance c) Bed rest d) Oxygen inhalation
  • 31. 1) Bed rest for at least 2 weeks patient not permitted to bathe 2) Diet soft diet small frequent feeding is advised 3) Fruit Juices rich vit.C to maintain the alkalinity of the blood 4) Ice collar applied to the neck
  • 32. Immunization Mandatory DPT immunization of babies ORAL HYGIENE
  • 33. Is a highly contagious respiratory infection usually caused by the non- motile gram (–) negative coccobacillus Bacterial infection Bordetella pertussis
  • 34.  7-14 days  7-10 days – direct and indirect contact – secretions from the nose and throat of infected person contain the causative organism.
  • 35. 1. Catarrhal stage or Invasive Period Coryza, sneezing lacrimation and dry bronchial cough Cough becomes an irritating, hacking and nocturnal becoming more severe This stage last for about 1-2 weeks
  • 36. 2. Paroxysmal Stage  7th -14th day Cough becomes spasmodic and recurrent with excessive explosive outburst in series of rapid cough in one expiration Each cough characteristically ends in a loud crowing inspiratory whoop and chocking on mucus that causes vomiting
  • 37. 2. Paroxysmal Stage •Nose bleed •increase venous pressure •periorbitaledema •conjunctival haemorrhage •Rectal prolapse
  • 38. 3. Convalescent stage Paroxysmal coughing and vomiting gradually subside •Pneumonia •Atelectasis •Convulsions •Bronchopneumonia – most dangerous complication
  • 39. 3. Convalescent stage Paroxysmal coughing and vomiting gradually subside •Severe malnutrition – due to persistent vomiting.
  • 40.  Nasopharyngeal swabs  Sputum culture  Fluorescent Antibody screening of nasopharyngeal smears provides quicker result than cultures but it is less reliable  WBC usually increased in children older than 6 months
  • 41. 1) Supportive Therapy  Fluid and electrolytes replacement  Adequate nutrition  Oxygen Therapy in apnea 2) Antibiotic Erthromycin, Ampicillin to eliminate infection 3) Hyperimmune Convalescent serum gamma globulin are found effective
  • 42. Isolation and Medical asepsis should be carried out  During paroxysm the patient should NOT BE LEFT ALONE  Suctioning equipment should be ready at all times for emergency use to avoid obstruction of airway.  Sunshine and fresh air are important but the patient should be protected
  • 43.  The child shld. be kept as quiet as possible since activity and excitement  Provide warm baths , keep the bed dry and free from soiled linens  I and O shld be monitored  Abdominal binder
  • 45.  Koch’sdisease, Phthisis, Consumption disease  Acute chronic infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis – Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
  • 46. – 2 -10 weeks – The patient is capable of discharching the organism all throughout life if he remains untreated highly communicable during its active phase – Direct and indirect contact
  • 47. – sputum ,blood from hemoptysis, nasal discharges and saliva Human inhalation – gains entrance in the body by inhaled through respiratory tract Bovine – ingestion enters the body via GIT by the swallowing of the bacteria
  • 48. ○ Slight lesion without demonstrable excavation confined to a small part of one or both lungs ○ 1 or both lungs may be involved ○ Lesions more extensive than moderate
  • 49.  Tuberculin Test is positive  X-ray of chest generally progressive  Symptoms of TB are absent  Sputum is absent for tubercle bacilli after repeated examination  No evidence of cavity on chest X-ray
  • 50.  Afternoon rise in temperature  High sweating  Body malaise and weight loss  Cough dry to productive  Dyspnea- hoarseness of voice  Hemoptysis – considered pathognomonic to the disease  Occasional chest pains  Sputum positive for AFB
  • 51.  Chest X-Ray  Sputum Exam for Acid Fast Bacilli  Tuberculin Testing Mantoux test – PPD intradermal Tine Test
  • 52. – 6 months INH, Isoniazid, Rifampicin, PZA, Ethambutol – 2 months Rifampicin 450 mg 1 hr before meal INH 300 mg PZA 1,000- 1,500 mg / hr after break fast
  • 53. – 1 year Streptomycin SO4 INH tablet
  • 54. A. Isolation B. Administer medicine as ordered C. Check sputum always for blood or purulent expectoration D. Encourage questions conversation to air their feelings E. Teach or educate patient all about TB F. Encourage to stop smoking G. Proper disposal of sputum H. Plenty of rest and eat balanced meals
  • 55.  Submit allbabies for BCG immunization  Avoid overcrowding  Chest X-ray , tuberculin Test
  • 56. acute infection of the lung parenchyma  Streptococcal pneumonia  Staphylococcus Aureus  Hemophillus influenza  Klibsiela pneumonia
  • 57. 1-3 days with sudden onset of shaking chills rapidly rising fever and stabbing chest pains aggravated by coughing and respiration Droplet infection from mouth, nose of an infected person Indirect contact contaminated objects
  • 58. CAP – Community Acquired Pneumonia – acquired in the course of Daily life  Hospital Acquired Pneumonia  Aspiration Pneumonia – Foreign matter is inhaled ( aspirated) into the lungs  Pneumonia caused by Opportunistic organism immune system
  • 59.  Broncho Pneumonia – Lobular or Catarrhal Pneumonia  Lobar pneumonia (croupous Pneumonia) Consolidation of the entire lobe manifested by chills, chest pain on breathing, cough with blood streaked sputum
  • 60.  Primary atypical pneumonia (Virus pneumonia) Solidification of the lung that comes in patches Cough is often delayed in appearing greenish to whitish secretions
  • 61. 1) Stage of Lung Engorgement 2) Red Hepatization 3) GrayHepatization 4) Stage of Resolution ○ Infammatory exudates is either absorbed by the blood stream or expectorated
  • 62.  Chest X – Ray  Sputum Analysis  Blood Serologic Exam
  • 63. Antimicrobial Therapy varies with the causative agent Supportive Management  Humidified oxygen therapy for hypoxia  Mechanical ventilation respiratory failure  High caloric diet and adequate fluid intake  Analgesic to relieve pleuritic pain chest  Expectorant
  • 64. 1) Maintain a patent airway 2) Adequate oxygenation 3) Deep breathing Excercises  Turning the patient from side to side  Change wet clothing
  • 66. Is an infection caused by GROUP A BETA HEMOLYTIC streptococcus bacteria Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus
  • 67. Direct and Indirect Contact – 2-5 days or 1 week
  • 68. Fever and sorethroat rashes start to appear already because Group A Beta Hemolytic releases toxins Erythrogenic Toxin Pastia Line – are minute red spot on skin fold Trunk entire body involves the extremities
  • 69. Fever and sorethroat rashes start to appear already because Group A Beta Hemolytic releases toxins Tongue also exhibits specific characteristics sign 2 days it will have a white coating through which red and edematous
  • 70. Fever and sorethroat rashes start to appear already because Group A Beta Hemolytic releases toxins White strawberry tongue after 2 days the tongue desquamate red strawberry tongue later raspberry tongue
  • 71. Fever and sorethroat rashes start to appear already because Group A Beta Hemolytic releases toxins
  • 72.  Throat Swab  Dicks Test – test to determine the susceptibility to scarlet fever  Charlton Test – Hypersensitivity of the individual to scarlet fever antitoxin
  • 73. STREPTOCOCCAL SORETHROAT – Erythromycin SCARLET FEVER – Penicillin
  • 74. 1) Oral Hygiene Use oral Antiseptic 2) Skin C are – Finger nails shld be short and clean 3) Do not apply alcohol 4) Avoid use of laundry soap