SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Unit 14
Rough skecthes page 3 to 7
House styles page 8
Masthead ideas page 9 to 10
Magazine of inspiration page 11
moodboards page 12 to 13
Draft interview page 14
Rough Sketch's
Final Sketches
House Styles
• Same house styles as my magazine of
• Red, black, white
• Blue, black, white
Masthead Ideas
The font styles I will use is a heavy grungy looking font on
which it gives the impact of what kind of magazine it is.
Dead Sector: Flesh
DeadRiff: flesh
Amplified: flesh wound
Dead Sector: the dark
DeadRiff: the dark
Amplified: the dark
Dead Sector: A Gothique Time
DeadRiff: A Gothique Time
Amplified: A Gothique Time
My Chosen Masthead Ideas
The font I have chosen is called “the dark” and
this font creates a metal/rock look. It also has
some pieces of derbies coming off which gives
the effect of how loud the music is.
Images Of Influences
Mood Board 1
Mood Board 2
Draft Articles
Interview draft:
Good afternoon violet hows your day been?
Its been good thanks. Yourself?
Its been good thanks. Ive heard you got a new album out soon can we get some info about it?
Yes my album is releasing in june of 2017 and I personally think this is gonna be the album to beat. I personally love this album as it talks about my
childhood and growing up.
And do we have a name for this new record?
At the moment its called “the fooled star of death” this may be changed but im 99% sure on that.
Amazing name violet im looking forward to it. Violet where/when did you start your
Well when I was 10, I wasn't able to sing however I could play the guitar and I had my heart set on becoming what I wanted to be. So I self taught my self
how to sing, by finding videos on the Internet. By the age of 16 I was busking on the streets, uploading videos to YouTube. Then finally I got into a band,
which made my career have different paths.
Where do you get your lyrical/ musical inspiration from?
The people that I find most inspiring are, Marilyn Manson, Taylor Momsen, Amy whinehouse, Queen, The Rolling stones, BMTH, Royal blood and
surprisingly folk music. I've always liked a wide of music but these artists have reached to me because the lyrics mean something deeper that's gives the
song the character.
What song from your album do you like the most?
That's a hard one. I would say "Oh no" because I find it a bit cheeky, it's up beat, catchy but not annoying. Also it's to do with all the things how I gained my
confidence and started to rebel.
You were saying how this new album is about your childhood and growing up can you expand on that for us?
sure, I didn't have much when I was growing up, I was just a regular girl, doing normal things. It was hard growing up with a single parent, but I appreciate
everything I had, and how my mum supported me, and if I needed something important she would help as much to get that thing. Other than that, the
family was pretty lively, we would always meet on Sundays and sing or do what we do best and it brought us together.
I hear you were working with Marilyn Manson on your next album after “the fooled star of death” is that true?
Oh damn that got out fast ahaha. it is true, looking up at him, then to think he's actually working with me, is quite shocking. We've made good
acquaintances over the year. And I hope you all like the duos we do. I will also be joined with other famous guests, but you'll have to wait till the songs
come out.
Graphic Layout (Amplified, Front cover, Idea 1)
Mast head
Main image of artist
Secondary headline
Graphic Layout (Amplified, Front cover, Idea 2)
Main headline and brief info
Main image of artist
Graphic Layout (Amplified, DPS, Idea1 )
Main Image
Graphic Layout (Amplified, DPS, Idea2)
Main article
Graphic Layout (DeadRiff, DPS, Idea 1)
Main image
Other news
Other news
Graphic Layout (DeadRiff, Front cover, Idea 1)
Mast head
Cover lines
Graphic Layout (DeadRiff, Front cover, Idea 2)
Mast head
Main image
Cover lines
Cover lines
Hand Drawn Drafts And Graphic Layout (Final
DeadRiff Double Page Spread)
Main articleMain image
Other news
Graphic Layout (DeadRiff, DPS, Idea 2)
Photography Plan
Test Photography
Prop List
The cost of not only equipment but also
software is a big deal as profit is needed
to create sales and income. For my
magazine to run well I will need the
following things:
-office space
-laptops (macbook pro)
-software (adobe collection)
-a high quality printer
-cameras (a7s II)
-high quality paper
This will all total up as if I have 3 sony a7s
II it will cost me over £5,000 just on
Production Plan
Week beginning: 17h October 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Materials are
being gathered
for interviews
people start to
try and contact
artists for
interviewers go
out to interview
the specific
people needed
are hired for
photo-shoots in
consent forms
and other leagl
issues are
day off day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
20th Oct 23rd Oct 25th 27th 30th N/A N/A
Week beginning:17th November
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
start to research
facts, or festivals
that are coming
designers start to
design the front
cover such as
cover lines etc.
with the DPS
designers start to
design the front
cover such as
cover lines etc.
with the DPS
editors start to
edit the
interviews and
write up the
start to do their
photo shoot for
the magazine.
day off day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
18th 20th 22th 24th 26th N/A N/A
Week beginning:30th November
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
day off day off day off day off day off day off day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: Realese Week 10thh Decemeber
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
made to all
articles and
final tweaks for
the front cover
are made.
final tweaks for
the dps are made
to flow with the
rest of the
final additions are
made ready for
release date day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
11th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th December N/A
Resources needed
I used PowerPoint, prezzi and the internet to gain the final pitch I needed.
In this leaning I leant of to plan my magazine
and find out the things I will need to do to
produce a high quality magazine.
Location Recce
Location: Horley Flat Complex
Time: 12:00 (Noon)
Date: 10th February 2017
Why: only time when me and why model were avaible and was able to
to photos, this was the only time we were able to shoot.
Picture needed/ required
Shot type: some mid shots and a couple of close ups shorts for DPS
Props equipment: Cannon 100D
Lighting: natural and artificial
Costume: own clothes (already had)
Person: only one person was used as it was a solo artist we were
Hazards At The Work place
the health and safety at work act 974 id the
primary piece of legalization covering
occupational health and safety in great Brittan.
The health and safety executive, with local
authorities is reasonable for enforcing the act
and a number of other acts and statutory
instruments relevant to the working enviprment
Ethical & Legal Issues
My magazine needs to be accurate other wise they could be facing legal issues and in the worst case sued.
If the magazine is not factual/accurate then not only will it give the magazine a bad reputation on how well they can be
trusted to put out the truth, but it will put a bad reputation on the person on which whom its about.
My magazine Has to be accurate in many of the biggest parts of their magazine for example big stories surrounding big
singers need to be accurate it could not only give the artist a band name on them and give them a band reputation but
it will look bad for the magazine as cause one of their articles is wrong it could mean many of their other articles could
be false as well.
IPSO – Independent Press Standards Organization
The date and issue number need to be accurate
otherwise they may get a lot of slander or be
confused about what issue the magazine is on, for
example if they were on issue 235 and they labeled
it 253 the reader will be confused and if they are a
big reader they will want to buy the other issues.
The MUST make sure that all the names of bands,
artists and festivals are spelt correctly with the
correct capital letters and punctuation.
Additionally the whole front cover of the
magazine needs to be accurate, this could
be from the artist on the main image, this
needs to be relevant to the main headline
otherwise there may be confusing on why a
different artist is on the front cover with a
different headline.
Ethical & Legal Issues (Continued II)
My magazine needs to be ensure that their privacy policy is up to the standard of my
publisher set other wise they could be facing legal issues and in worse case sued. If the
magazine does not provide this privacy policy in their content weather it be an interview or a
story then not only will it give the magazine bad reputation on how well they can be trusted
to put out public information of private info such as to put photos of an artist with out their
consent. My magazine Needs to ensure this privacy policy is kept up to my publishers
regulations, this may include the smallest of things such as something's full name or age. As
said before if this is not for filled then the company could be in court with the artist to sue
them for disobeying the privacy policy or using a photo or any other material without their
Ethical & Legal Issues (Continued III)
My magazine needs to be ensure none of their journalists engage in any inappropriate
actions on a famous artist, this could include harassment or intimidation. If this does happen
then not only my magazine But my publisher as well can be taken to court ad sue for violent
behavior towards the artist. Also if this does happen the editor needs to make sure he/she
does not publish this information and keep it private as this would brake the privacy policy.
In conclusion of this learning objective I have
successfully competed what the objective has
told me. I have evaluated the risks and and have
chosen a safe place to do my shoot and have
successfully created my media product with no
legal troubles or anything
Setting Up Equipment
The cost of not only equipment but also
software is a big deal as profit is needed
to create sales and income. For my
magazine to run well I will need the
following things:
-office space
-laptops (macbook pro)
-software (adobe collection)
-a high quality printer
-cameras (a7s II)
-high quality paper
This will all total up as if I have 3 sony a7s
II it will cost me over £5,000 just on
Pre-Production Material
With pre production I want everything the same
but with some minor changes. First I scanned in
the documents and opened them in Photoshop
as a guide to follow. I attempted to follow the
guide as closely as I could I think I succeed in
doing so as they are very similar to each other.
Production Plan
Week beginning: 17h October 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Materials are
being gathered
for interviews
people start to
try and contact
artists for
interviewers go
out to interview
the specific
people needed
are hired for
photo-shoots in
consent forms
and other leagl
issues are
day off day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
20th Oct 23rd Oct 25th 27th 30th N/A N/A
Week beginning:17th November
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
start to research
facts, or festivals
that are coming
designers start to
design the front
cover such as
cover lines etc.
with the DPS
designers start to
design the front
cover such as
cover lines etc.
with the DPS
editors start to
edit the
interviews and
write up the
start to do their
photo shoot for
the magazine.
day off day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
18th 20th 22th 24th 26th N/A N/A
Week beginning:30th November
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
day off day off day off day off day off day off day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: Realese Week 10thh Decemeber
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
made to all
articles and
final tweaks for
the front cover
are made.
final tweaks for
the dps are made
to flow with the
rest of the
final additions are
made ready for
release date day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
11th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th December N/A
Operating Desk Publishing
Tools(Creating The Bases)
First we need to open our photoshop document. There's two ways to do this file new or cmd+N to create a
new document. After this is done we need to chose the size we want to make our magazine. Most typically its
A4 (2480pxx3508px) this is done by using the drop down and selecting “international paper "make sure the
resolution is on 300 DPI or the magazine wont look as clean and HD as it is. although this is already set by
photoshop. After this is done u will be greeted with a A4 white background. This is just the base layer so don’t
worry. There will be a padlock next to the layer this will make the layer rasterized and then we can change the
colour of our background. In the magazine I used I resulted to a midnight black background (pure black)
Double click the padlock and it will
turn into a layer so we can change
the colour
There is a couple of ways that we can change the colour of the layer the
easiest way to do it is press alt+backspace. If it doesn't’t do anything
press the X key and it should change from white to black (this is only if
you want a black or white background). The other way and the slightly
longer way is to double click on the layer and go to the option “colour
overlay” and then select the colour you are wanting.
Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front
Cover (Creating The Barcode)
The barcode is one of the most technical and astatically complicated pieces to do as it, needs
to be correct and show the correct price when scanned, as if the price was different then it
will be classed as false advertising by the company. So the barcode needs to match the price.
Also the lines on the barcode need to be exactly the same height. The barcode below is my
barcode I used for my magazine. As you can see I have labeled the web address issue number,
and date of issue. I also included the social media logos and my magazine logo as well as
price. The When making the black lines if the barcode I made one thin
black line and duplicated the layer (cmd+J) and controlled
the thickness of each bar individually. Make sure the last
and the first bar are slightly longer than the other lines.
Once these lines are created we need to add random
numbers. I used 4 text boxes so I can get the most accurate
spacing I wanted. I added the issue number the website
address and the date it was published. This needs to be on
the barcode as if its not there or if its on another piece of
the front cover people wont see it and get confused.
Adding price, the logo and the social media icons help fill up space in the barcode section.
The logo and price have to be there but the social networks are mainly there to fill up space
and make the area look more full.
Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front
Cover (Adding The Masthead)
There's 2 ways to add a masthead onto your magazine. The easiest way to do
it is to find a font you like and that will suit your magazine and download the
font and add it in by typing it out in a text box on Photoshop. The other way
of doing it is to make your own custom font or logo. This can be done by
drawing out your writing logo and putting it in to either Photoshop or
illustrator. Illustrator will be better as it is vector based so you can clean out
lines and make it seamless.
For example here I have drawn out
multiple logos, and I will chose the
best ones to do. In this case it’s
the bottom one as it is all on one
line. I will put these into illustrator
and do the line work for the
lettering then I will export it into
Photoshop so it as seamless as
Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front
Cover (Adding The Masthead
Continued II)I scanned my design into the computer and now in illustrator. If you want the cleanest
seamless lines possible I recommend to use a tablet as it is a lot easy to control and to use
the paintbrush tool. In this instance we do not own a tablet so will will go over with the pen
tool and making a few anchor points so we can adjust the letters to flow and look clean.
Photoshop Illustrator Here I show an example of why many use illustror compared to
Photoshop. As iluustar can make smoother cleaner curves than
photoshop. This is because of 1 reason. One is that photosop is
pixel based so it uses tiny squares to create an image,
compared to illustrator where it is vector based meaning it
follows path and shapes to create an image. This mean if you
scale up a image in illustrator it will not pixelate like in
Step-By-Step: Front Cover (Adding The
Masthead Continued III)
Now that we've gone over our design and made it solid black we can add a slight hint of white
to give it that vintage feel. As the image below, this is the final result of our sketch. Now that
we have finished our logo we can place it into Photoshop and start to create the rest of our
front cover. The next step of what we have to do is to export it from illustrator to Photoshop
and this is simple.
First what we do is file> export> export as then you will be greeted with this window. As you
can see we can choose where to save the document and also we can decide what format to
save it in, some of the examples we can save it in are PSD, JPG, PNG
once this is saved we can now open our file in photoshop. If you
saved it as a PSD then just double click the file and it will open in
Photoshop, if you saved it as a jpg or png then u can drag the file
into your photoshop document.
Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front
Cover (Making The Main image Seamless)
To make our main image seem real and professional there's a number of things we need to do. One is to have good
lighting in your photo cause it may be to dark or too light, but we can edit this in affinity photo or Photoshop. I
personally like to use affinity photo, but for this step-by-step guide I will be using Photoshop. Firstly open your photo
that you took into Photoshop, if your photo has a crazy background like brick walls or wallpaper this will mean you need
to do a little more work. The ideal background for doing this type of photography is either a black or white black ground.
Once we have our image we need to start to edit it. If we have a pure white background we can use the quick selection
tool and press delete (make sure you rasterize the layer) then its done, but if you have a slightly more complicated
background then a little more work needs to be done.
So we've put our image into photoshop, and we need to get this background out of our image. For this example I will be
using a photo I rejected for my front cover.
I will be using this photo
for this demonstration
as it is simple and yet
not so simple at the
same time. But as you
can see the background
is not pure white or
black and needs some
editing to so we will go
into photoshop and edit
As you can see I have used the quick
selection tool and went round my photo
(the background) Now we need to mask
the layer so go round the subject in the
quick selection tool and then we do this by
clicking this button here.
Now the background will be transparent
and we have only our subject in the
document. But we have encounter an issue
as with the hair on the left hand side we
still have some of the wall in the
background. We need this to be gone. (this
will continue on the next slide)
Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front Cover
(Making The Main image Seamless Continued II)
Now we've got our transparent background we can start to touch up the hair (from last slide) now we have are
layer mask with are subject white and the back ground black we double click on the layer mask and press enter
layer mask. Then we are greeted with this tab (bottom right of the PowerPoint) and we can move the pins and
find what's best for us and for our image. Once this is complete we can add curves and other things just to
enhance the image and make it more clean. Then after we can now drag it into our Photoshop document and
place the photo on where we think it will look appropate.
As you can see ive added the
refinement. Ive raised the contrast a
tad and smoothed out the image
round the images and made the image
a lot softer round the edges. As shown
you can see how much I raised the
contrast and other sliders to make this
image as best as I can. I am still going
to add curves and levels to it to make
it look a lot better. And then we are
ready to add it to our main front cover.
We are ready add curves now, so there
are two ways to get to the curves
adjustments. The first way and easiest
for beginner of Photoshop is to go
image>adjustment> curves the second
way is a lot quicker and a good
shortcut to learn on which is cmd+M
Operating Desk Publishing Tools: Front
Cover (Making The Main image
Seamless Continued III)Now we are ready to add our curves, so continue from last said we press cmd+m and it brings up
our curves adjustment layer. Here we can control the darks and lights. Here I have set the curves
and it brings out the dark side and the light side of my subject which is what I am going for. Now
we are going to add our subject into our composition. As you see here the curves make a massive
different to images.
Now from using a example made for my
actual magazine (next slide) we need to
think about placement and other sources
for example how the main image covers
the masthead or how the subject is
posing. All these aspects make a good
magazine front cover and makes it pop.
So here is an example of
the work I have done for
my actual magazine as you
can see I have placed the
subject in the middle so
the main focus is on her.
Operating Desk Publishing Tools : Front Cover
(Adding Cover Lines And Cover Images)
To add cover lines its very simple it simply just text and a few boxes. The are many ways we
can the easiest is to get a image of a person that on the cover line so for say meticalla, and
use a photo put a border round the image and on the bottom of the magazine we can out
the other people that are include in the magazine. As you can see here ive put 3 photos over
lapping each other and some titles of artists and bands at the bottom. These are the cover
lines and very simple to do. These are very important in a magazine front cover as it shows
the reader what is included in the entire magazine without them looking through the
In conclusion to this LO I was able to successfully
analyses how to make a front cover and how to
use post production materials such as
Photoshop. I was also able to manage my
deadlines and was able to meet these deadlines.
Deadlines week 1
Week beginning: 17h October 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Materials are
being gathered
for interviews
people start to
try and contact
artists for
interviewers go
out to interview
the specific
people needed
are hired for
photo-shoots in
consent forms
and other leagl
issues are
day off day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
20th Oct 23rd Oct 25th 27th 30th N/A N/A
In my detailed production plan, I planned every week so I knew
my deadlines and I know what to do for what date. I decided to let
the staff have the weekend off as this is common for most labour
workers to have the weekend off. Since I'm having 25 people
work on this magazine it will most likely be that they meet the
deadlines that are set for them.
The release date for my magazine will be the 17th of December
and will be the 17th day of every month.
Deadlines week 2,3 and 4
Week beginning:17th November
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
start to research
facts, or festivals
that are coming
designers start to
design the front
cover such as
cover lines etc.
with the DPS
designers start to
design the front
cover such as
cover lines etc.
with the DPS
editors start to
edit the
interviews and
write up the
start to do their
photo shoot for
the magazine.
day off day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
18th 20th 22th 24th 26th N/A N/A
Week beginning:30th November
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
day off day off day off day off day off day off day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: Realese Week 10thh Decemeber
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
made to all
articles and
final tweaks for
the front cover
are made.
final tweaks for
the dps are made
to flow with the
rest of the
final additions are
made ready for
release date day off
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
11th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th December N/A
Post- production skills
First we need to open our photoshop document. There's two ways to do this file new or cmd+N to create a
new document. After this is done we need to chose the size we want to make our magazine. Most typically its
A4 (2480pxx3508px) this is done by using the drop down and selecting “international paper "make sure the
resolution is on 300 DPI or the magazine wont look as clean and HD as it is. although this is already set by
photoshop. After this is done u will be greeted with a A4 white background. This is just the base layer so don’t
worry. There will be a padlock next to the layer this will make the layer rasterized and then we can change the
colour of our background. In the magazine I used I resulted to a midnight black background (pure black)
Double click the padlock and it will
turn into a layer so we can change
the colour
There is a couple of ways that we can change the colour of the layer the
easiest way to do it is press alt+backspace. If it doesn't’t do anything
press the X key and it should change from white to black (this is only if
you want a black or white background). The other way and the slightly
longer way is to double click on the layer and go to the option “colour
overlay” and then select the colour you are wanting.
Post- production skills
The barcode is one of the most technical and astatically complicated pieces to do as it, needs
to be correct and show the correct price when scanned, as if the price was different then it
will be classed as false advertising by the company. So the barcode needs to match the price.
Also the lines on the barcode need to be exactly the same height. The barcode below is my
barcode I used for my magazine. As you can see I have labeled the web address issue number,
and date of issue. I also included the social media logos and my magazine logo as well as
price. The When making the black lines if the barcode I made one thin
black line and duplicated the layer (cmd+J) and controlled
the thickness of each bar individually. Make sure the last
and the first bar are slightly longer than the other lines.
Once these lines are created we need to add random
numbers. I used 4 text boxes so I can get the most accurate
spacing I wanted. I added the issue number the website
address and the date it was published. This needs to be on
the barcode as if its not there or if its on another piece of
the front cover people wont see it and get confused.
Adding price, the logo and the social media icons help fill up space in the barcode section.
The logo and price have to be there but the social networks are mainly there to fill up space
and make the area look more full.
Post- production skills
There's 2 ways to add a masthead onto your magazine. The easiest way to do
it is to find a font you like and that will suit your magazine and download the
font and add it in by typing it out in a text box on Photoshop. The other way
of doing it is to make your own custom font or logo. This can be done by
drawing out your writing logo and putting it in to either Photoshop or
illustrator. Illustrator will be better as it is vector based so you can clean out
lines and make it seamless.
For example here I have drawn out
multiple logos, and I will chose the
best ones to do. In this case it’s
the bottom one as it is all on one
line. I will put these into illustrator
and do the line work for the
lettering then I will export it into
Photoshop so it as seamless as
Post- production skills
I scanned my design into the computer and now in illustrator. If you want the cleanest
seamless lines possible I recommend to use a tablet as it is a lot easy to control and to use
the paintbrush tool. In this instance we do not own a tablet so will will go over with the pen
tool and making a few anchor points so we can adjust the letters to flow and look clean.
Photoshop Illustrator Here I show an example of why many use illustror compared to
Photoshop. As iluustar can make smoother cleaner curves than
photoshop. This is because of 1 reason. One is that photosop is
pixel based so it uses tiny squares to create an image,
compared to illustrator where it is vector based meaning it
follows path and shapes to create an image. This mean if you
scale up a image in illustrator it will not pixelate like in
Post- production skills
Now that we've gone over our design and made it solid black we can add a slight hint of white
to give it that vintage feel. As the image below, this is the final result of our sketch. Now that
we have finished our logo we can place it into Photoshop and start to create the rest of our
front cover. The next step of what we have to do is to export it from illustrator to Photoshop
and this is simple.
First what we do is file> export> export as then you will be greeted with this window. As you
can see we can choose where to save the document and also we can decide what format to
save it in, some of the examples we can save it in are PSD, JPG, PNG
once this is saved we can now open our file in photoshop. If you
saved it as a PSD then just double click the file and it will open in
Photoshop, if you saved it as a jpg or png then u can drag the file
into your photoshop document.
Post- production skills
To make our main image seem real and professional there's a number of things we need to do. One is to have good
lighting in your photo cause it may be to dark or too light, but we can edit this in affinity photo or Photoshop. I
personally like to use affinity photo, but for this step-by-step guide I will be using Photoshop. Firstly open your photo
that you took into Photoshop, if your photo has a crazy background like brick walls or wallpaper this will mean you need
to do a little more work. The ideal background for doing this type of photography is either a black or white black ground.
Once we have our image we need to start to edit it. If we have a pure white background we can use the quick selection
tool and press delete (make sure you rasterize the layer) then its done, but if you have a slightly more complicated
background then a little more work needs to be done.
So we've put our image into photoshop, and we need to get this background out of our image. For this example I will be
using a photo I rejected for my front cover.
I will be using this photo
for this demonstration
as it is simple and yet
not so simple at the
same time. But as you
can see the background
is not pure white or
black and needs some
editing to so we will go
into photoshop and edit
As you can see I have used the quick
selection tool and went round my photo
(the background) Now we need to mask
the layer so go round the subject in the
quick selection tool and then we do this by
clicking this button here.
Now the background will be transparent
and we have only our subject in the
document. But we have encounter an issue
as with the hair on the left hand side we
still have some of the wall in the
background. We need this to be gone. (this
will continue on the next slide)
Post- production skills
Now we've got our transparent background we can start to touch up the hair (from last slide) now we have are
layer mask with are subject white and the back ground black we double click on the layer mask and press enter
layer mask. Then we are greeted with this tab (bottom right of the PowerPoint) and we can move the pins and
find what's best for us and for our image. Once this is complete we can add curves and other things just to
enhance the image and make it more clean. Then after we can now drag it into our Photoshop document and
place the photo on where we think it will look appropate.
As you can see ive added the
refinement. Ive raised the contrast a
tad and smoothed out the image
round the images and made the image
a lot softer round the edges. As shown
you can see how much I raised the
contrast and other sliders to make this
image as best as I can. I am still going
to add curves and levels to it to make
it look a lot better. And then we are
ready to add it to our main front cover.
We are ready add curves now, so there
are two ways to get to the curves
adjustments. The first way and easiest
for beginner of Photoshop is to go
image>adjustment> curves the second
way is a lot quicker and a good
shortcut to learn on which is cmd+M
Post- production skills
Now we are ready to add our curves, so continue from last said we press cmd+m and it brings up
our curves adjustment layer. Here we can control the darks and lights. Here I have set the curves
and it brings out the dark side and the light side of my subject which is what I am going for. Now
we are going to add our subject into our composition. As you see here the curves make a massive
different to images.
Now from using a example made for my
actual magazine (next slide) we need to
think about placement and other sources
for example how the main image covers
the masthead or how the subject is
posing. All these aspects make a good
magazine front cover and makes it pop.
So here is an example of
the work I have done for
my actual magazine as you
can see I have placed the
subject in the middle so
the main focus is on her.
Post- production skills
To add cover lines its very simple it simply just text and a few boxes. The are many ways we
can the easiest is to get a image of a person that on the cover line so for say meticalla, and
use a photo put a border round the image and on the bottom of the magazine we can out
the other people that are include in the magazine. As you can see here ive put 3 photos over
lapping each other and some titles of artists and bands at the bottom. These are the cover
lines and very simple to do. These are very important in a magazine front cover as it shows
the reader what is included in the entire magazine without them looking through the
Safe working practices
There are 2 sections of the risk assement the first is that
there is a photography risk as photos used without
consent can turn very bad and may cause court hearings
or even the company being shut down. The second is a
software assement if the software is not used properly or
been used illegal for profit it can also be taken to court.
Also when using a software using the right controls is a
big deal for example not holding the shift key down to
scale a photo keeps it dimness, if not holding shift it will
warp the image. Also when searching for an area to do
the photography I had to make sure the place we were
shooting was safe. Luckily where I was taking the photos I
knew it was safe and was able to procced to shoot.
Proof reading and sub editing
On my DPS I made sure I proof read the whole
article and the cover lines. This was to ensure
everything makes sense. If this is not done then
there could be miss prints in the print. All of this
was fully written in in proper grammar and was
all ready for print.
• Same house styles as my magazine of
• Red, black, white
• Blue, black, white
Font Ideas
The font styles I will use is a heavy grungy looking font on
which it gives the impact of what kind of magazine it is.
Dead Sector: Flesh
DeadRiff: flesh
Amplified: flesh wound
Dead Sector: the dark
DeadRiff: the dark
Amplified: the dark
Dead Sector: A Gothique Time
DeadRiff: A Gothique Time
Amplified: A Gothique Time
My Chosen Font Ideas
The font I have chosen is called “the dark” and
this font creates a metal/rock look. It also has
some pieces of derbies coming off which gives
the effect of how loud the music is.
In my improvements its mainly just Photoshop
work.Firstly I added some cover lines into the front
cover as it was lacking some main cover lines.
Additionally I had to sort out my double page
spread. Firstly I need to add a pull quote in my
interview, this is one of the main things I need to
add into my double page. Secondly I need to add
photo credits and interview credits into the
magazine other wise people wont who took the
photo or who was the interviewer.
Changes (Continued)
Part of the improvements I needed to make
was to add more detail into my target
audience, in the photos shown I clearly add
a paragraph more to the slide which
contains what I will be doing. As I was using
Kerrang! As my magazine of inspiration I
used their target audience as a guide to
what I could contain in my magazine.
Changes (Continued II)
Another thing I need to change about my pitch
was that my proposal was not long/ detailed
enough. In this two photos I have add more detail
into my proposal and is now up to the standard
Photoshop changes
Part of witness statement and feedback was to
do some editing on my front cover and double
page to make it better. Some of the things that
needed to be changed were to add cover lines
onto the front cover, also I need to add photo
credits to the double page spread of my
magazine. Additionally I need to add who did
the interview and credit them for taking the
time to go out and interview them.
Photoshop changes (Continued)
In this LO I was able to make the changes that
were specifically made on my witness
statement. I was successfully able to carry out
he changes and I was able to show how to make
a front cover. Also I was able to show how I
chose my color scheme and font style
Witness Statement
This proves I have done my pitch and in order to make my pitch better I will follow what
the Statement has giving me. This is a form of feedback. The piece highlighted in yellow
indicated things I need to change and the things I need to change are highlighted in green.
Thus shows that I can gain feedback and work into it this connotes that I can work on my
feedback and make my pitch better

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Unit 14: Producing a print based media product

  • 2.
  • 3. Contents Rough skecthes page 3 to 7 House styles page 8 Masthead ideas page 9 to 10 Magazine of inspiration page 11 moodboards page 12 to 13 Draft interview page 14
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 8. House Styles • Same house styles as my magazine of inspiration • Red, black, white • Blue, black, white
  • 9. Masthead Ideas The font styles I will use is a heavy grungy looking font on which it gives the impact of what kind of magazine it is. Dead Sector: Flesh Wound DeadRiff: flesh wound Amplified: flesh wound Dead Sector: the dark DeadRiff: the dark Amplified: the dark Dead Sector: A Gothique Time DeadRiff: A Gothique Time Amplified: A Gothique Time
  • 10. My Chosen Masthead Ideas The font I have chosen is called “the dark” and this font creates a metal/rock look. It also has some pieces of derbies coming off which gives the effect of how loud the music is.
  • 14. Draft Articles Interview draft: Good afternoon violet hows your day been? Its been good thanks. Yourself? Its been good thanks. Ive heard you got a new album out soon can we get some info about it? Yes my album is releasing in june of 2017 and I personally think this is gonna be the album to beat. I personally love this album as it talks about my childhood and growing up. And do we have a name for this new record? At the moment its called “the fooled star of death” this may be changed but im 99% sure on that. Amazing name violet im looking forward to it. Violet where/when did you start your Well when I was 10, I wasn't able to sing however I could play the guitar and I had my heart set on becoming what I wanted to be. So I self taught my self how to sing, by finding videos on the Internet. By the age of 16 I was busking on the streets, uploading videos to YouTube. Then finally I got into a band, which made my career have different paths. Where do you get your lyrical/ musical inspiration from? The people that I find most inspiring are, Marilyn Manson, Taylor Momsen, Amy whinehouse, Queen, The Rolling stones, BMTH, Royal blood and surprisingly folk music. I've always liked a wide of music but these artists have reached to me because the lyrics mean something deeper that's gives the song the character. What song from your album do you like the most? That's a hard one. I would say "Oh no" because I find it a bit cheeky, it's up beat, catchy but not annoying. Also it's to do with all the things how I gained my confidence and started to rebel. You were saying how this new album is about your childhood and growing up can you expand on that for us? sure, I didn't have much when I was growing up, I was just a regular girl, doing normal things. It was hard growing up with a single parent, but I appreciate everything I had, and how my mum supported me, and if I needed something important she would help as much to get that thing. Other than that, the family was pretty lively, we would always meet on Sundays and sing or do what we do best and it brought us together. I hear you were working with Marilyn Manson on your next album after “the fooled star of death” is that true? Oh damn that got out fast ahaha. it is true, looking up at him, then to think he's actually working with me, is quite shocking. We've made good acquaintances over the year. And I hope you all like the duos we do. I will also be joined with other famous guests, but you'll have to wait till the songs come out.
  • 15. Graphic Layout (Amplified, Front cover, Idea 1) Mast head Main image of artist Secondary headline strapline Cover lines
  • 16. Graphic Layout (Amplified, Front cover, Idea 2) Main headline and brief info Masthead Main image of artist
  • 17. Graphic Layout (Amplified, DPS, Idea1 ) Band name Main Image inteviwew
  • 18. Graphic Layout (Amplified, DPS, Idea2) news interview
  • 19. Main article Graphic Layout (DeadRiff, DPS, Idea 1) Main image Other news Other news
  • 20. Graphic Layout (DeadRiff, Front cover, Idea 1) Mast head Cover lines
  • 21. Graphic Layout (DeadRiff, Front cover, Idea 2) Mast head Main image Competition headline Cover lines Cover lines
  • 22. Hand Drawn Drafts And Graphic Layout (Final DeadRiff Double Page Spread) Main articleMain image Other news
  • 23. Graphic Layout (DeadRiff, DPS, Idea 2) news interview
  • 26. Prop List The cost of not only equipment but also software is a big deal as profit is needed to create sales and income. For my magazine to run well I will need the following things: -office space -laptops (macbook pro) -software (adobe collection) -desks -chairs -a high quality printer -cameras (a7s II) -pen -high quality paper This will all total up as if I have 3 sony a7s II it will cost me over £5,000 just on cameras
  • 27. Production Plan Week beginning: 17h October 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Materials are being gathered for interviews etc people start to try and contact artists for interviews interviewers go out to interview the specific people needed photographers are hired for photo-shoots in studios. consent forms and other leagl issues are coverdd day off day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 20th Oct 23rd Oct 25th 27th 30th N/A N/A Week beginning:17th November Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Researchers start to research facts, or festivals that are coming up. graphic designers start to design the front cover such as cover lines etc. with the DPS graphic designers start to design the front cover such as cover lines etc. with the DPS editors start to edit the interviews and write up the articles photographers start to do their photo shoot for the magazine. day off day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 18th 20th 22th 24th 26th N/A N/A Week beginning:30th November Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday day off day off day off day off day off day off day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Week beginning: Realese Week 10thh Decemeber Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday final adjustments made to all articles and interviews Task HERE final tweaks for the front cover are made. final tweaks for the dps are made to flow with the rest of the magazine final additions are made ready for realse final adjustments release date day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 11th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th December N/A
  • 28. Resources needed I used PowerPoint, prezzi and the internet to gain the final pitch I needed.
  • 29. Conclusion In this leaning I leant of to plan my magazine and find out the things I will need to do to produce a high quality magazine.
  • 30.
  • 31. Location Recce Location: Horley Flat Complex Time: 12:00 (Noon) Date: 10th February 2017 Why: only time when me and why model were avaible and was able to to photos, this was the only time we were able to shoot. Picture needed/ required Shot type: some mid shots and a couple of close ups shorts for DPS Props equipment: Cannon 100D Lighting: natural and artificial Costume: own clothes (already had) Person: only one person was used as it was a solo artist we were covering.
  • 32. Hazards At The Work place the health and safety at work act 974 id the primary piece of legalization covering occupational health and safety in great Brittan. The health and safety executive, with local authorities is reasonable for enforcing the act and a number of other acts and statutory instruments relevant to the working enviprment
  • 33. Ethical & Legal Issues My magazine needs to be accurate other wise they could be facing legal issues and in the worst case sued. If the magazine is not factual/accurate then not only will it give the magazine a bad reputation on how well they can be trusted to put out the truth, but it will put a bad reputation on the person on which whom its about. My magazine Has to be accurate in many of the biggest parts of their magazine for example big stories surrounding big singers need to be accurate it could not only give the artist a band name on them and give them a band reputation but it will look bad for the magazine as cause one of their articles is wrong it could mean many of their other articles could be false as well. Source: IPSO – Independent Press Standards Organization
  • 34. The date and issue number need to be accurate otherwise they may get a lot of slander or be confused about what issue the magazine is on, for example if they were on issue 235 and they labeled it 253 the reader will be confused and if they are a big reader they will want to buy the other issues. Source: AAAAAACM/Wjz7SqWKbH0/s1600/kerrang_front_cover.jpg The MUST make sure that all the names of bands, artists and festivals are spelt correctly with the correct capital letters and punctuation. Additionally the whole front cover of the magazine needs to be accurate, this could be from the artist on the main image, this needs to be relevant to the main headline otherwise there may be confusing on why a different artist is on the front cover with a different headline.
  • 35. Ethical & Legal Issues (Continued II) Source: My magazine needs to be ensure that their privacy policy is up to the standard of my publisher set other wise they could be facing legal issues and in worse case sued. If the magazine does not provide this privacy policy in their content weather it be an interview or a story then not only will it give the magazine bad reputation on how well they can be trusted to put out public information of private info such as to put photos of an artist with out their consent. My magazine Needs to ensure this privacy policy is kept up to my publishers regulations, this may include the smallest of things such as something's full name or age. As said before if this is not for filled then the company could be in court with the artist to sue them for disobeying the privacy policy or using a photo or any other material without their consent.
  • 36. Ethical & Legal Issues (Continued III) Source: My magazine needs to be ensure none of their journalists engage in any inappropriate actions on a famous artist, this could include harassment or intimidation. If this does happen then not only my magazine But my publisher as well can be taken to court ad sue for violent behavior towards the artist. Also if this does happen the editor needs to make sure he/she does not publish this information and keep it private as this would brake the privacy policy.
  • 37. Conclusion In conclusion of this learning objective I have successfully competed what the objective has told me. I have evaluated the risks and and have chosen a safe place to do my shoot and have successfully created my media product with no legal troubles or anything
  • 38.
  • 39. Setting Up Equipment The cost of not only equipment but also software is a big deal as profit is needed to create sales and income. For my magazine to run well I will need the following things: -office space -laptops (macbook pro) -software (adobe collection) -desks -chairs -a high quality printer -cameras (a7s II) -pen -high quality paper This will all total up as if I have 3 sony a7s II it will cost me over £5,000 just on cameras
  • 40. Pre-Production Material With pre production I want everything the same but with some minor changes. First I scanned in the documents and opened them in Photoshop as a guide to follow. I attempted to follow the guide as closely as I could I think I succeed in doing so as they are very similar to each other.
  • 41. Production Plan Week beginning: 17h October 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Materials are being gathered for interviews etc people start to try and contact artists for interviews interviewers go out to interview the specific people needed photographers are hired for photo-shoots in studios. consent forms and other leagl issues are coverdd day off day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 20th Oct 23rd Oct 25th 27th 30th N/A N/A Week beginning:17th November Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Researchers start to research facts, or festivals that are coming up. graphic designers start to design the front cover such as cover lines etc. with the DPS graphic designers start to design the front cover such as cover lines etc. with the DPS editors start to edit the interviews and write up the articles photographers start to do their photo shoot for the magazine. day off day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 18th 20th 22th 24th 26th N/A N/A Week beginning:30th November Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday day off day off day off day off day off day off day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Week beginning: Realese Week 10thh Decemeber Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday final adjustments made to all articles and interviews Task HERE final tweaks for the front cover are made. final tweaks for the dps are made to flow with the rest of the magazine final additions are made ready for realse final adjustments release date day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 11th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th December N/A
  • 42. Operating Desk Publishing Tools(Creating The Bases) First we need to open our photoshop document. There's two ways to do this file new or cmd+N to create a new document. After this is done we need to chose the size we want to make our magazine. Most typically its A4 (2480pxx3508px) this is done by using the drop down and selecting “international paper "make sure the resolution is on 300 DPI or the magazine wont look as clean and HD as it is. although this is already set by photoshop. After this is done u will be greeted with a A4 white background. This is just the base layer so don’t worry. There will be a padlock next to the layer this will make the layer rasterized and then we can change the colour of our background. In the magazine I used I resulted to a midnight black background (pure black) Double click the padlock and it will turn into a layer so we can change the colour There is a couple of ways that we can change the colour of the layer the easiest way to do it is press alt+backspace. If it doesn't’t do anything press the X key and it should change from white to black (this is only if you want a black or white background). The other way and the slightly longer way is to double click on the layer and go to the option “colour overlay” and then select the colour you are wanting.
  • 43. Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front Cover (Creating The Barcode) The barcode is one of the most technical and astatically complicated pieces to do as it, needs to be correct and show the correct price when scanned, as if the price was different then it will be classed as false advertising by the company. So the barcode needs to match the price. Also the lines on the barcode need to be exactly the same height. The barcode below is my barcode I used for my magazine. As you can see I have labeled the web address issue number, and date of issue. I also included the social media logos and my magazine logo as well as price. The When making the black lines if the barcode I made one thin black line and duplicated the layer (cmd+J) and controlled the thickness of each bar individually. Make sure the last and the first bar are slightly longer than the other lines. Once these lines are created we need to add random numbers. I used 4 text boxes so I can get the most accurate spacing I wanted. I added the issue number the website address and the date it was published. This needs to be on the barcode as if its not there or if its on another piece of the front cover people wont see it and get confused. Adding price, the logo and the social media icons help fill up space in the barcode section. The logo and price have to be there but the social networks are mainly there to fill up space and make the area look more full.
  • 44. Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front Cover (Adding The Masthead) There's 2 ways to add a masthead onto your magazine. The easiest way to do it is to find a font you like and that will suit your magazine and download the font and add it in by typing it out in a text box on Photoshop. The other way of doing it is to make your own custom font or logo. This can be done by drawing out your writing logo and putting it in to either Photoshop or illustrator. Illustrator will be better as it is vector based so you can clean out lines and make it seamless. For example here I have drawn out multiple logos, and I will chose the best ones to do. In this case it’s the bottom one as it is all on one line. I will put these into illustrator and do the line work for the lettering then I will export it into Photoshop so it as seamless as possible.
  • 45. Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front Cover (Adding The Masthead Continued II)I scanned my design into the computer and now in illustrator. If you want the cleanest seamless lines possible I recommend to use a tablet as it is a lot easy to control and to use the paintbrush tool. In this instance we do not own a tablet so will will go over with the pen tool and making a few anchor points so we can adjust the letters to flow and look clean. Photoshop Illustrator Here I show an example of why many use illustror compared to Photoshop. As iluustar can make smoother cleaner curves than photoshop. This is because of 1 reason. One is that photosop is pixel based so it uses tiny squares to create an image, compared to illustrator where it is vector based meaning it follows path and shapes to create an image. This mean if you scale up a image in illustrator it will not pixelate like in Photoshop.
  • 46. Step-By-Step: Front Cover (Adding The Masthead Continued III) Now that we've gone over our design and made it solid black we can add a slight hint of white to give it that vintage feel. As the image below, this is the final result of our sketch. Now that we have finished our logo we can place it into Photoshop and start to create the rest of our front cover. The next step of what we have to do is to export it from illustrator to Photoshop and this is simple. First what we do is file> export> export as then you will be greeted with this window. As you can see we can choose where to save the document and also we can decide what format to save it in, some of the examples we can save it in are PSD, JPG, PNG once this is saved we can now open our file in photoshop. If you saved it as a PSD then just double click the file and it will open in Photoshop, if you saved it as a jpg or png then u can drag the file into your photoshop document.
  • 47. Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front Cover (Making The Main image Seamless) To make our main image seem real and professional there's a number of things we need to do. One is to have good lighting in your photo cause it may be to dark or too light, but we can edit this in affinity photo or Photoshop. I personally like to use affinity photo, but for this step-by-step guide I will be using Photoshop. Firstly open your photo that you took into Photoshop, if your photo has a crazy background like brick walls or wallpaper this will mean you need to do a little more work. The ideal background for doing this type of photography is either a black or white black ground. Once we have our image we need to start to edit it. If we have a pure white background we can use the quick selection tool and press delete (make sure you rasterize the layer) then its done, but if you have a slightly more complicated background then a little more work needs to be done. So we've put our image into photoshop, and we need to get this background out of our image. For this example I will be using a photo I rejected for my front cover. I will be using this photo for this demonstration as it is simple and yet not so simple at the same time. But as you can see the background is not pure white or black and needs some editing to so we will go into photoshop and edit it As you can see I have used the quick selection tool and went round my photo (the background) Now we need to mask the layer so go round the subject in the quick selection tool and then we do this by clicking this button here. Now the background will be transparent and we have only our subject in the document. But we have encounter an issue as with the hair on the left hand side we still have some of the wall in the background. We need this to be gone. (this will continue on the next slide)
  • 48. Operating Desk Publishing Tools Front Cover (Making The Main image Seamless Continued II) Now we've got our transparent background we can start to touch up the hair (from last slide) now we have are layer mask with are subject white and the back ground black we double click on the layer mask and press enter layer mask. Then we are greeted with this tab (bottom right of the PowerPoint) and we can move the pins and find what's best for us and for our image. Once this is complete we can add curves and other things just to enhance the image and make it more clean. Then after we can now drag it into our Photoshop document and place the photo on where we think it will look appropate. As you can see ive added the refinement. Ive raised the contrast a tad and smoothed out the image round the images and made the image a lot softer round the edges. As shown you can see how much I raised the contrast and other sliders to make this image as best as I can. I am still going to add curves and levels to it to make it look a lot better. And then we are ready to add it to our main front cover. We are ready add curves now, so there are two ways to get to the curves adjustments. The first way and easiest for beginner of Photoshop is to go image>adjustment> curves the second way is a lot quicker and a good shortcut to learn on which is cmd+M
  • 49. Operating Desk Publishing Tools: Front Cover (Making The Main image Seamless Continued III)Now we are ready to add our curves, so continue from last said we press cmd+m and it brings up our curves adjustment layer. Here we can control the darks and lights. Here I have set the curves and it brings out the dark side and the light side of my subject which is what I am going for. Now we are going to add our subject into our composition. As you see here the curves make a massive different to images. Now from using a example made for my actual magazine (next slide) we need to think about placement and other sources for example how the main image covers the masthead or how the subject is posing. All these aspects make a good magazine front cover and makes it pop. So here is an example of the work I have done for my actual magazine as you can see I have placed the subject in the middle so the main focus is on her.
  • 50. Operating Desk Publishing Tools : Front Cover (Adding Cover Lines And Cover Images) To add cover lines its very simple it simply just text and a few boxes. The are many ways we can the easiest is to get a image of a person that on the cover line so for say meticalla, and use a photo put a border round the image and on the bottom of the magazine we can out the other people that are include in the magazine. As you can see here ive put 3 photos over lapping each other and some titles of artists and bands at the bottom. These are the cover lines and very simple to do. These are very important in a magazine front cover as it shows the reader what is included in the entire magazine without them looking through the magazine.
  • 51. Conclusion In conclusion to this LO I was able to successfully analyses how to make a front cover and how to use post production materials such as Photoshop. I was also able to manage my deadlines and was able to meet these deadlines.
  • 52.
  • 53. Deadlines week 1 Week beginning: 17h October 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Materials are being gathered for interviews etc people start to try and contact artists for interviews interviewers go out to interview the specific people needed photographers are hired for photo-shoots in studios. consent forms and other leagl issues are coverdd day off day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 20th Oct 23rd Oct 25th 27th 30th N/A N/A In my detailed production plan, I planned every week so I knew my deadlines and I know what to do for what date. I decided to let the staff have the weekend off as this is common for most labour workers to have the weekend off. Since I'm having 25 people work on this magazine it will most likely be that they meet the deadlines that are set for them. The release date for my magazine will be the 17th of December and will be the 17th day of every month.
  • 54. Deadlines week 2,3 and 4 Week beginning:17th November Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Researchers start to research facts, or festivals that are coming up. graphic designers start to design the front cover such as cover lines etc. with the DPS graphic designers start to design the front cover such as cover lines etc. with the DPS editors start to edit the interviews and write up the articles photographers start to do their photo shoot for the magazine. day off day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 18th 20th 22th 24th 26th N/A N/A Week beginning:30th November Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday day off day off day off day off day off day off day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Week beginning: Realese Week 10thh Decemeber Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday final adjustments made to all articles and interviews Task HERE final tweaks for the front cover are made. final tweaks for the dps are made to flow with the rest of the magazine final additions are made ready for realse final adjustments release date day off Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 11th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th December N/A
  • 55. Post- production skills First we need to open our photoshop document. There's two ways to do this file new or cmd+N to create a new document. After this is done we need to chose the size we want to make our magazine. Most typically its A4 (2480pxx3508px) this is done by using the drop down and selecting “international paper "make sure the resolution is on 300 DPI or the magazine wont look as clean and HD as it is. although this is already set by photoshop. After this is done u will be greeted with a A4 white background. This is just the base layer so don’t worry. There will be a padlock next to the layer this will make the layer rasterized and then we can change the colour of our background. In the magazine I used I resulted to a midnight black background (pure black) Double click the padlock and it will turn into a layer so we can change the colour There is a couple of ways that we can change the colour of the layer the easiest way to do it is press alt+backspace. If it doesn't’t do anything press the X key and it should change from white to black (this is only if you want a black or white background). The other way and the slightly longer way is to double click on the layer and go to the option “colour overlay” and then select the colour you are wanting.
  • 56. Post- production skills The barcode is one of the most technical and astatically complicated pieces to do as it, needs to be correct and show the correct price when scanned, as if the price was different then it will be classed as false advertising by the company. So the barcode needs to match the price. Also the lines on the barcode need to be exactly the same height. The barcode below is my barcode I used for my magazine. As you can see I have labeled the web address issue number, and date of issue. I also included the social media logos and my magazine logo as well as price. The When making the black lines if the barcode I made one thin black line and duplicated the layer (cmd+J) and controlled the thickness of each bar individually. Make sure the last and the first bar are slightly longer than the other lines. Once these lines are created we need to add random numbers. I used 4 text boxes so I can get the most accurate spacing I wanted. I added the issue number the website address and the date it was published. This needs to be on the barcode as if its not there or if its on another piece of the front cover people wont see it and get confused. Adding price, the logo and the social media icons help fill up space in the barcode section. The logo and price have to be there but the social networks are mainly there to fill up space and make the area look more full.
  • 57. Post- production skills There's 2 ways to add a masthead onto your magazine. The easiest way to do it is to find a font you like and that will suit your magazine and download the font and add it in by typing it out in a text box on Photoshop. The other way of doing it is to make your own custom font or logo. This can be done by drawing out your writing logo and putting it in to either Photoshop or illustrator. Illustrator will be better as it is vector based so you can clean out lines and make it seamless. For example here I have drawn out multiple logos, and I will chose the best ones to do. In this case it’s the bottom one as it is all on one line. I will put these into illustrator and do the line work for the lettering then I will export it into Photoshop so it as seamless as possible.
  • 58. Post- production skills I scanned my design into the computer and now in illustrator. If you want the cleanest seamless lines possible I recommend to use a tablet as it is a lot easy to control and to use the paintbrush tool. In this instance we do not own a tablet so will will go over with the pen tool and making a few anchor points so we can adjust the letters to flow and look clean. Photoshop Illustrator Here I show an example of why many use illustror compared to Photoshop. As iluustar can make smoother cleaner curves than photoshop. This is because of 1 reason. One is that photosop is pixel based so it uses tiny squares to create an image, compared to illustrator where it is vector based meaning it follows path and shapes to create an image. This mean if you scale up a image in illustrator it will not pixelate like in Photoshop.
  • 59. Post- production skills Now that we've gone over our design and made it solid black we can add a slight hint of white to give it that vintage feel. As the image below, this is the final result of our sketch. Now that we have finished our logo we can place it into Photoshop and start to create the rest of our front cover. The next step of what we have to do is to export it from illustrator to Photoshop and this is simple. First what we do is file> export> export as then you will be greeted with this window. As you can see we can choose where to save the document and also we can decide what format to save it in, some of the examples we can save it in are PSD, JPG, PNG once this is saved we can now open our file in photoshop. If you saved it as a PSD then just double click the file and it will open in Photoshop, if you saved it as a jpg or png then u can drag the file into your photoshop document.
  • 60. Post- production skills To make our main image seem real and professional there's a number of things we need to do. One is to have good lighting in your photo cause it may be to dark or too light, but we can edit this in affinity photo or Photoshop. I personally like to use affinity photo, but for this step-by-step guide I will be using Photoshop. Firstly open your photo that you took into Photoshop, if your photo has a crazy background like brick walls or wallpaper this will mean you need to do a little more work. The ideal background for doing this type of photography is either a black or white black ground. Once we have our image we need to start to edit it. If we have a pure white background we can use the quick selection tool and press delete (make sure you rasterize the layer) then its done, but if you have a slightly more complicated background then a little more work needs to be done. So we've put our image into photoshop, and we need to get this background out of our image. For this example I will be using a photo I rejected for my front cover. I will be using this photo for this demonstration as it is simple and yet not so simple at the same time. But as you can see the background is not pure white or black and needs some editing to so we will go into photoshop and edit it As you can see I have used the quick selection tool and went round my photo (the background) Now we need to mask the layer so go round the subject in the quick selection tool and then we do this by clicking this button here. Now the background will be transparent and we have only our subject in the document. But we have encounter an issue as with the hair on the left hand side we still have some of the wall in the background. We need this to be gone. (this will continue on the next slide)
  • 61. Post- production skills Now we've got our transparent background we can start to touch up the hair (from last slide) now we have are layer mask with are subject white and the back ground black we double click on the layer mask and press enter layer mask. Then we are greeted with this tab (bottom right of the PowerPoint) and we can move the pins and find what's best for us and for our image. Once this is complete we can add curves and other things just to enhance the image and make it more clean. Then after we can now drag it into our Photoshop document and place the photo on where we think it will look appropate. As you can see ive added the refinement. Ive raised the contrast a tad and smoothed out the image round the images and made the image a lot softer round the edges. As shown you can see how much I raised the contrast and other sliders to make this image as best as I can. I am still going to add curves and levels to it to make it look a lot better. And then we are ready to add it to our main front cover. We are ready add curves now, so there are two ways to get to the curves adjustments. The first way and easiest for beginner of Photoshop is to go image>adjustment> curves the second way is a lot quicker and a good shortcut to learn on which is cmd+M
  • 62. Post- production skills Now we are ready to add our curves, so continue from last said we press cmd+m and it brings up our curves adjustment layer. Here we can control the darks and lights. Here I have set the curves and it brings out the dark side and the light side of my subject which is what I am going for. Now we are going to add our subject into our composition. As you see here the curves make a massive different to images. Now from using a example made for my actual magazine (next slide) we need to think about placement and other sources for example how the main image covers the masthead or how the subject is posing. All these aspects make a good magazine front cover and makes it pop. So here is an example of the work I have done for my actual magazine as you can see I have placed the subject in the middle so the main focus is on her.
  • 63. Post- production skills To add cover lines its very simple it simply just text and a few boxes. The are many ways we can the easiest is to get a image of a person that on the cover line so for say meticalla, and use a photo put a border round the image and on the bottom of the magazine we can out the other people that are include in the magazine. As you can see here ive put 3 photos over lapping each other and some titles of artists and bands at the bottom. These are the cover lines and very simple to do. These are very important in a magazine front cover as it shows the reader what is included in the entire magazine without them looking through the magazine.
  • 64. Safe working practices There are 2 sections of the risk assement the first is that there is a photography risk as photos used without consent can turn very bad and may cause court hearings or even the company being shut down. The second is a software assement if the software is not used properly or been used illegal for profit it can also be taken to court. Also when using a software using the right controls is a big deal for example not holding the shift key down to scale a photo keeps it dimness, if not holding shift it will warp the image. Also when searching for an area to do the photography I had to make sure the place we were shooting was safe. Luckily where I was taking the photos I knew it was safe and was able to procced to shoot.
  • 65. Proof reading and sub editing On my DPS I made sure I proof read the whole article and the cover lines. This was to ensure everything makes sense. If this is not done then there could be miss prints in the print. All of this was fully written in in proper grammar and was all ready for print.
  • 66. Color • Same house styles as my magazine of inspiration • Red, black, white • Blue, black, white
  • 67. Font Ideas The font styles I will use is a heavy grungy looking font on which it gives the impact of what kind of magazine it is. Dead Sector: Flesh Wound DeadRiff: flesh wound Amplified: flesh wound Dead Sector: the dark DeadRiff: the dark Amplified: the dark Dead Sector: A Gothique Time DeadRiff: A Gothique Time Amplified: A Gothique Time
  • 68. My Chosen Font Ideas The font I have chosen is called “the dark” and this font creates a metal/rock look. It also has some pieces of derbies coming off which gives the effect of how loud the music is.
  • 69. changes In my improvements its mainly just Photoshop work.Firstly I added some cover lines into the front cover as it was lacking some main cover lines. Additionally I had to sort out my double page spread. Firstly I need to add a pull quote in my interview, this is one of the main things I need to add into my double page. Secondly I need to add photo credits and interview credits into the magazine other wise people wont who took the photo or who was the interviewer.
  • 70. Changes (Continued) BEFORE AFTER Part of the improvements I needed to make was to add more detail into my target audience, in the photos shown I clearly add a paragraph more to the slide which contains what I will be doing. As I was using Kerrang! As my magazine of inspiration I used their target audience as a guide to what I could contain in my magazine.
  • 71. Changes (Continued II) Another thing I need to change about my pitch was that my proposal was not long/ detailed enough. In this two photos I have add more detail into my proposal and is now up to the standard wanted. AFTER BEFORE
  • 72. Photoshop changes Part of witness statement and feedback was to do some editing on my front cover and double page to make it better. Some of the things that needed to be changed were to add cover lines onto the front cover, also I need to add photo credits to the double page spread of my magazine. Additionally I need to add who did the interview and credit them for taking the time to go out and interview them.
  • 74. Conclusion In this LO I was able to make the changes that were specifically made on my witness statement. I was successfully able to carry out he changes and I was able to show how to make a front cover. Also I was able to show how I chose my color scheme and font style
  • 75. Witness Statement This proves I have done my pitch and in order to make my pitch better I will follow what the Statement has giving me. This is a form of feedback. The piece highlighted in yellow indicated things I need to change and the things I need to change are highlighted in green. Thus shows that I can gain feedback and work into it this connotes that I can work on my feedback and make my pitch better