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Begin your journey towards excellence…
2 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
The Pursuit of
Another year…
Another chance…
Another hope…
To be excellent!
- Mrs. Sagarika Sahana
Content Manager
This issue of Udgam Matters is like a cusp, a link
between the old and the new. An old academic year has
come to an end leaving after effects behind and a new
year has just been ushered in amidst puzzlement and
anticipation. Probably this is the most enjoyable time of
life, when you are in a kind of no man’s zone and in total
bewilderment. So why not wallow in this pendulous
state for some more time and let the reality sink in
after a while.After all there is plenty of time for rational
thoughts, judgment and age appropriate behaviour.
UM has covered one of the most innovative
measurements of a child’s progress - the Passport to
Excellence with its various coveted stickers. These
stickers encompass almost all aspects of a child’s
development. Right from recognizing superior efforts,
these stickers reward any kind of improvement in
efforts made by a child. The goal is to keep making
efforts and improving over oneself. Only then can the
aim of education be achieved in its truest form.
who was born this month, the best museums in the
world, a few quaint progresses made by technology,
Proactivity Club’s Summer Camp and beautiful articles
and poems by our students and teachers.
Read and enjoy this issue of Udgam Matters and write
to us at
Editor : Mrs. Sagarika Sahana
Designer : Chintan Shastri (Creative Grapes)
Science And Technology	 Page 16-17
General Knowledge	 Page 18
TheWorld’s Best Museums 	 Page 19
Book & Movie Review	 Page 20
Tell MeAbout	 Page 21
Udgam ProActivityClub 	 Page 23
Radiant Reflections	 Page 4-5
Preprimary In Action 	 Page 6
Primary Section	 Page 7
Middle Section	 Page 8
Secondary Section	 Page 9
Reward Behaviour not Result
	 Page 3
	 Page 10-13
Sr. Secondary Section	 Page 14
From theCounsellors…	 Page 15
Annual Parents Feedback Survey
Please fill in your feedback -
3 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
not Result
Reward is something which we associate with
achievement. Most people think reward is only
something. The fallacy of this thinking results in most
people giving up their journey half way towards the
achievement because they lose hope of ever reaching
there. For example, I have to learn to walk for say 6
kms in 1 hour. At present I can walk for maximum 30
minutes and cover 2.5 kms. So a good trainer would
give me a program which has several milestones
which need to be achieved and say in a 3 month
plan I can achieve the ultimate goal. A good trainer
would give small rewards for small achievements and
help the trainee to keep up the
motivation all throughout the
journey. These small rewards
will increase the probability of
achievement more than a one-
time big reward.
This approach can be put in
practice by teachers, parents,
students and even managers.
For example, there is a student
who has bad handwriting,
lack of subject knowledge,
no punctuality and some
disciplinary issues. Most parents
and teachers would want the
student to immediately change
and offer him a big reward if his performance is akin
to an average student. However, for a student with
several challenges the rewards should be broken up
behaviour. A student is a lot more likely to improve
himself if he keeps trying to improve consistently,
than a student who makes sporadic efforts. If we see
that a student is struggling hard to improve, this alone
calls for a small reward.
I love giving medals, prizes and rewards to final
when year on year we have the same winners. I think
rewards should be for improvement with self’s past
performance. Rewards should be for each individual’s
battle against his own circumstances. Rewards should
be for attitude rather than aptitude. Such rewards will
build a character, a fighter, an individual- what a world
really needs, rather than merely a winner, which is a
title reserved for just one person.
Such kind of small rewards have to be “administered”
by people close to the students, like parents, friends
and teachers. A single metric cannot be established to
give such a reward. For instance, a student who has
fractured his foot and is still getting the same marks
as he got in previous exams,
deserves a reward. A computer
generated rank list will not give
importance to such a struggle.
Small rewards can be simple
pleasures of life like giving an ice
cream treat to the child which
he/she has been yearning for,
taking him to his/her favourite
movie or sometimes just
spending time with him/her to
do what he/she likes. Positive
words of encouragement and a
simple pat on the back are also
rewards for the strugglers.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate, reward the
behaviour and not the result. A good result may
come by good luck, but a good behaviour comes
only with a positive attitude and persistent efforts.
Behaviour builds a solid foundation for the future
which is more important in the long run than merely
cracking an exam.
Keep up the good work!
Mr. MananChoksi, Executive Director
A World without
Numbers: Is It
Mrs. Khyati Shah,
Teacher – PrimaryTeacher
As you sit reading this article, what
do you see? A table, chair, curtains,
windows? Try to find one thing within
the space that couldn’t be conceived
without the power of numbers. Your
home couldn’t be designed, or even
built without numbers. Similarly, your
table, chair, television, radio – for
without numbers, life as we now know
it cannot function.
As an interesting exercise, try to live
the rest of your day without using
numbers. Remember you cannot look
at your wrist watch, listen to the radio,
use the telephone, write a letter, use
your car, catch a bus, ride a bicycle or
even eat.
Numbers obviously apply to material
objects, but do numbers apply to
anything else?
Let’s examine some less tangible
examples. One can’t play or learn a
musical instrument without the use
of numbers. There would be no music!
Children cannot be educated without
numbers. One can’t be treated in
hospital, as the medical profession
relies heavily upon numbers. One
wouldn’t be able to vote, governments
wouldn’t govern and wars wouldn’t
happen – such is the power of numbers!
Consider this, you go to a shop to
buy something but since this is a
world without maths, you don’t
know what money is, you don’t know
measurements. So what do you do?
Whether it is a zoologist assessing the
number of animal species on Earth or
a doctor checking your heartbeat they
have to know how to count. Without
mathematics an engineer cannot build
a bridge. A quantity checker chemist
cannot prepare medicines if he cannot
accurately measure the quantity of
each chemical.
We wouldn’t have had markets and
business without math as the world of
trade runs on money.And as a country’s
development depends heavily on its
economic growth, wouldn’t that be a
There wouldn’t be any more
advancements of technology as
each sector of technology directly or
indirectly employs the application of
mathematics. We are all so used to
technology of various types that it will
be difficult to live without computers,
television, mobile phones, and even
electricity which is generated in power
houses using the elements of maths.
The subject has such a wide application
and even those who have a phobia of
it, use maths in their daily life. Such
is the importance of maths in our life.
Probably, without maths, life would
have been quite complicated.
The study of numbers – has been
studied and upheld by great, ancient
cultures (e.g. Egyptians, Phoenicians,
Indians, Hebrews) and some of the
world’s greatest philosophers and
mathematicians, Pythagoras for
example, believed that the universe
deducted that numbers also provide
the basis for life.Thus, the principles of
numerology were conceived!
As numerology is a vast and complex
subject, it is impossible in this article to
provide more than a brief introduction.
You were taught addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division in your
primary classes. Since then, you have
been applying these elementary
concepts to learn new concepts. Can
you solve a question of simple interest,
highest common factor, percentage,
area, volume, algebra, calculus,
trigonometry, etc. without using these
concepts? Every topic in maths is based
on these basic elementary concepts. If
the basics are not clear, then we fail to
apply these concepts to our new taught
there are many people who resist
getting to know and understand it.
If you know the basic concepts of
mathematics, then the subject is not
difficult at all. Maths is not complicated
like people believe it to be, it is just
their attitude that makes it so.
4 March-April 2017
LkªËÁtLkk h¾ðk¤k,
yÄqfze ykt¾ku Aíkkt;
MkkÚk rLk¼kðíkk!
rð¾wxe Ãkzíkkt ÃkktÃký,
çkLke Mkhfíkkt Íkf¤.
ðeýðk çkuMku òu fkuE,
Mktíkkfqfze ¾u÷kðíkkt.
y©w¼eLke ykt¾ku {ne t,
íkkhk çkLke íkøkíkøkíkkt.
LkªËÁLkkt h¾ðk¤k,
Lku LkªËÁtLku ¼økkðíkk;
nËÞ Ãký A÷fkðíkk......
Mr. Reetu Shah,
Teacher – SecondoryTeacher
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Mrs. Annapurna Bajpai,
Teacher - Primary Section
Mrs. Sonali Sharma,
Teacher - Primary Section
March-April 2017
6 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
Sandwitch making activity
Sand pouring
Puppet show
Number activity
Methi plucking activity
Fruit day
Grand parents day
Art & Craft
Concept of Community Helpers
Story telling wih puppet
Story telling
Thanks giving event
March-April 2017
life is a snowflake,
a free - falling star
it is shining in the sky
but too far.
Born as a raindrop
laced by the breeze,
when it is dancing in the mind
it is always left behind.
A sliver of light,
a gem in the sun,
a journey of hope,
a new life to begin.
ARNI shelAT -V e
sAVe OuR lIFe
Oh people,
Open your eyes
See what are you doing
In your selfish mind.
You are killing plants,
As well as animals,
Once they are gone,
They will not come back.
o please open your eyes
And save your life,
If there are no plants or animals
There will be no life.
shriya shah -VC
Have you seen
The green green trees ?
They clean the air
And cool the breeze
smoke and dirt.
Garbage spill
And dirty water
makes us ill
So let us promise
to be clean
to keep our surroundings
fresh and green.
Shreyansh Kothari - III G
Aarav Manzil Shah
I - B
KahanT Shah II-A Swayam III-cAnaya v shah IV-b
Nishka Gupta IV - d
Nitya Shah
IV - h Swayam III-c shreya shah IV-b
Dhriti C Patel
IV - d
Rishaan II- F
Niva Bhargav Raval II- F
Teacher is like our best friend,
Who always helps us when
we are in need,
Understands our troubles and
makes us laugh.
Teachers are like our parents,
They teach us every step,
When we are not able to go through it.
Scolds us for our good,
Helps us face our troubles
And teach us not to be sad.
Respect the teachers- take this pledge,
As they are the ones who impart
Anoushka Modi -VI b
UDGAM MATTERS8 March-April 2017
Our exams are coming,
All students are crying,
We know we will do our best,
We will not let our hard
work go waste.
We know in every exam
we will shine.
After we complete our test,
We will pray for the best,
When I finally see my marks,
I know I will get full marks.
Janhvi Patel -VI-G
hOMeless PeOPle
Hi! I’m RAMU, a homeless person.
I go all day long wandering from
place to place begging for money
and food. But my most favourite
place is a temple. I don’t know how,
but I think because it’s a place where
the Almighty stays I get the most
of money by begging here. People
come at 7:30 am to 8:00 am and
whosoever has leftover food, give to
me. And for dinner, I eat whatever
I get. Many times, when I don’t get
food I have to sleep without eating.
When I see rich people, I think am I
the only poor person or a beggar in
this world. Why has Almighty given
me only sorrow and poverty?
But Almighty proved me wrong.
One day, a couple came to the
temple with their only son who was
blind. He could not see anything,
and so he was walking with a white
stick in his hand.
That day I realised that having a lot
of money is not the only thing one
should have in his/her life. Value
what God has given you.
diya shah -VI C
KushaPadya –VIII G Khevna Patel –Vii e
Long ago there
were you, me and
some smiles there
were colours who made our pictures and
some memories of you and me together
There was a pictureClear, with shades
of orange which filled in lifeShades of
red which added love, trust and bonding
Colours of blue which resembled peace .
The secrets you and I hadThat everything
we shared Pinches me here
Deep in my heart Now, the picture is vivid
Those smiles have erasedThere is grey
no green,There is me no youAlone, left
behindStanding with some fears in my
mind and those memories in my hand
Waiting for you to come hold my hand
Desperate to listen to your voice I am
standing thereWhere you waved me
last and went aheadWhere I still stand,
awaiting for the light which you gave
The candle which you and I had burnt
together. The diary awaits, which was
always written in your nameThinking
every day that you might be here
Listening to me
But you are not here today as well
Mugdha Chaturvedi - IX F
A person who held my hand,
While I was busy, playing on the beach sand.
A support who has always been there,
Teaching me values and how to care.
My mistakes are inevitable,
In spite of those, you guide me making me
better and capable.
My confidante, guide, support and judge,
Been with me through the dark without any grudge!
Your motivation and advice is helpful to the core,
Helping me open my life’s closed doors.
SanjanaSamanta, X-G
9 March-April 2017 UDGAM MATTERS
Scholars say that one of the basic
impulses of every human being is the
desire for new experiences. It is this
instinct engraved in us by Mother Nature
that pushes us towards adventure. Tales
of adventure have always inspired us
right from our childhood be it Arabian Nights with Sinbad the
Sailor sailing us throughout the seas orJulesVerne’s books taking
us around the world in 80 days. But adventure is not just limited
to fiction, it is this very spirit of adventure that led Christopher
Columbus to discover America and Vasco de Gama to come to
India. In our generation we seek adventure in almost all realms of
the world; to name a few- we seek adventure in the skies through
paragliding and skydiving, on the ground by hiking and trekking,
on water by surfing and also underwater by scuba diving. No
too open its doors to reveal its adventures as the StarTrek series
has told- “to go where no man has gone before.”The adventurer
seeks more thrills and challenges to pump up his adrenalin
rush and pushes the human body, mind and spirit to go higher,
stronger and faster.
So step out of your enclosed shelters and wander off because we
ourselves don’t know what is there for us. We can get to know
what adventure really means! If you step out of your houses had
seek the thrills of adventure, only then you will be thinking out of
the box!!
Adarsh Sashidhar - IX F
Dream It !
Chase It !
Achieve It !
Follow your dreams,
You will find the
dreams chasing you.
Enlighten your way with the sparkling
hope of beauty.You are the architect of your
future.You have no idea what you can unleash!
The treasures of knowledge to unearth and
hordes of opportunities.
You can be the smile of the blossoms,
Light for the blind,
And hope for the humanity.
When darkness prevails,
you need not cry or weep
You can be the phoenix,
Vanquishing the monsters aghast with
Be patient, the best is yet to come,
These are trifles, be sure
Scattered along life’s pathway
You are theWorld.
You are theChampion
Behold the torch of your destiny,
Deep within the roots of your dreams,
You will find what you seek
Chase it relentlessly
And explore theYOU inYOURSELF.
Krish Umang Shah - X D
10 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
- Recognition and Rewards Programme
“A person who is appreciated will always do
more than what is expected.”
The Passport to Excellence project made
a great impact this year and helped to
achieve the target of encouraging students
to go the extra mile. Spread over a plethora
of categories, encompassing academics,
behaviour, sports, attitude, special prowess,
the process includes distribution of special
stickers to children who excel in a category, or
improve over their own achievements. These
stickers are arranged inside the specially
The purpose is to recognize excellence as well
as effort in students.
Parents have lauded the passport as one of
the best ways to recognize efforts. Apart from
the school giving the stickers to the students,
parents also have the scope of recognizing
effort and improvement in the designated
pages of the passport. It has proved to be
a wonderful motivational instrument with
children vying for stickers and in the process
exhibiting marked signs of improvement.
and students cherish their stickers.
This recognition and reward programme helps
to identify efforts and discourages unhealthy
competition among the children.
11 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
Maximum Stickers Winner in Class
Vivaan Shah - I C
Sheral Akshesh Jain - I F
Chahana Shah - III H
Shubham Gupta - IV C
Anshika MaheshTaparia - II E
Aayush Pandya -V C
Maximum Stickers Winner in Section
Anika Daftary - I A
Anvita Munshi - I H
Mahi Patel - II C
Nimay Mavani - II H
HiyaVasavada - III D
MrudulVyas - I B
Aanya Gangela - II A
ArushaAdityaSarabhai - II D
Samriddhi Bergani - III A
Dhiya Dave - III E
VidhuVerma - I D
Aashi Ketan Shah - II A
TanishaVishalVerma II F
Mahek Bavishi - III B
Veaa Shah - IIII F
Mishikaa Harnish Modh - I E
Hiya Sukrut Mehta - II A
KavishVishal Shah - II G
Manushi Choksi - III C
Shanaya Shah - III
Anoush Kathe - I G
Saumya Maulin Shah - II B
BilvaTapankumar Patel - IIG
Subeer Arora - III D
TwishaThakkar - III G
UDGAM MATTERS 12March-April 2017
13UDGAM MATTERS July 201613 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
Maximum Stickers Winner in Section
Tanisha Shah - IV A
Nitya Soni - IV E
Jaaniya Parikh -V B
Tushya Bhatiya -V E
Navya Rathi - IV B
Vidit Shah - IV F
Ananya Chaturvedi -V D
Deergh Patel -V F
Jash Shah - IV B
Devan Shah IV G
Aarav ATalati -V E
Pari Gupta -V G
Aadya Shah - IV D
Veli Shah - IV H
Krisha Amin -V E
Suraj Desai -V H
Aadit Shah - IV E
Manishi Shah -V A
Misha Patel -V E
Since the day you left,
There has been an empty space in my heart.
You haven’t gone alone,
But you have taken away
a part of me forever.
You had no other alternative,
You had to go as the almighty had put his
arms around you.
But I still question that why did he choose
you to leave the world?
And why did he choose me to suffer for
decades altogether?
My life has just begun,
A new phase of our combined life
was yet to start.
Unluckily, you will not be there by my side for
the rest of my life,
As you have departed
the world forever, so soon.
I pretend to the entire world that I am
completely fine,
With a smile so wide on my face.
But deep inside my broken heart,
I still cry because I never wanted to lose you.
The time when I see other children happy
with their families,
In my mind, I start thinking about you.
In every problem of mine, you are the first
one whom I remember,
And I try to decipher that
how would you react
to that situation.
Life without you is quite difficult,
It’s not at all easy to overcome the loss.
I try my best not to shed tears,
But all my efforts go in vain.
With every passing day my life becomes
Many times I don’t understand the way I
should react to a situation.
I just keep on recollecting our past memories,
And thinking about the future experiences
that we could have.
But I sincerely hope that
you are happy there,
Resting in peace and keeping
a watch over me.
You are loved beyond words,
And missed beyond measure.
Abhishek Wadhawan
March-April 2017
There are times when days are difficult and
nightsevenworse.Itmay be pressure,anxiety
or even sore loneliness . As teenagers we all
can relate to situations like these. Feeling
aimless, or even worse resentful and guilty for
not accomplishing something, be it a score in a
test, a championship or even 10 squats a day.
It seems to be simple in our heads but trust
me it’s not.And to get through this you need a
support system .
The system demands the best of the best and
that isYOU ,YOURSELF .You can help yourself
get through anything . But the thing that
makes the internal bond so special is that your
inner voice is not willing to give up on you .
We,as students ,barely spend time with
ourselves. It could be a busy schedule,
activities or lack of self love ; yes, self love!It is
very important to give time to yourself, a mere
5 minutes could do wonders .
for once and let what comes to you naturally
seep in. There are limitlesspossibilities and
opportunities that we can tap into and create
unimaginable pieces of art . Not just restricted
vaguest and the faintest of means. When your
mind is under constant pressure, there is work
to be done, goals to be achieved…. remember
there is a wonderful life to be lived. In the end
just remember to be BIG enough to inspire
RichaGoolry - XII G
A Journey
from a Mandir
to a Masjid
It is really astonishing to see that the very city
I took advantage of. My vacations suddenly
become a casket of knowledge and a golden
chance to know and explore Ahmedabad; this
is when I began my journey from Mandir to a
The heritage walk began from the very first
built Swaminarayan Temple of the city. The
temple has intricate detailed carvings and
unique vibe of divinity. On moving further
through the narrow lanes and well organised
pol’s, we halted at the house of the famous
19th centuryGujarati poet Kavi Dalpatram, we
got to see the 102 kgs bronze statue built in his
Then the volunteers took us through the pol’s
where each house was designed uniquely
with wood framed windows and convoluted
supporting brackets. Moving on, next we came
across a very interesting feature of the pol’s,
it is the “Chabutro” or the bird feeder. The
feeders in different pols and presently all of
if they would take something from the nature,
then also ensured that they do give something
in return. Moving on we came across an 80BHK
house in the Haja-Patel-Ni Pol.
Followed by the Calico Dome the beautiful
Astapadji Derasar, the Fernandez Bridge,
the Old Stock building, the colourful market
of Rani NoHajiro and Badshah No Hajiro
and the foodie’s hub the Manek Chowk.With
the curiosity of exploring the fullest of the
old city, we were then taken to the Tomb of
Ahmed Shah who ruled and established the
city ofAhmedabad. Finally our last destination
was worth the wait; it was culmination
of the journey which was initiated from
Swaminarayan temple and concluded at the
Jama Masjid.
The magnificent monument was right in front
of my eyes..Aah! What a breath taking sight
it was, I could not behold my emotions. It is
rather difficult to express in words as to what
I felt at that moment.There was utmost peace
and nirvana once would desire for. One would
really wonder so as to see Hindu architectural
carving of bells and leaves in a mosque. The
sense of unity in diversity and the feeling
of oneness is very well signified though the
mosque. This is how my journey began from a
Mandir and concluded at the beautiful Masjid.
Anupreet Flora - XII H
15 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
From where I can trace back,
I remember how we all have
been chasing perfection. Being
quite oblivious to the concept
of perfection per se, or without
realizing that it could just be
as subjective a matter as that
of feelings, we run after it –
more so to live up to societal
Our ‘Indian’ culture somewhere
defines the importance
of appearances and first
impressions. While there are a
few who stress internal values
and character education, there
are also a whole lot who draw
satisfaction from others’ praise
and always feel the need to insist
on themselves and their children
appearing to be ‘perfect’.
I remember having one of my
client’s walk in to my counselling
room a few weeks ago. However
much I had loved her son being
imperfectly perfect on morals
and virtues like honesty, loyalty
and a man of good character,
at the age of 15, his mother had
concerns of him not excelling
in books and soccer. She had
a blind eye to who he was as a
person and what he could grow
up to be and instead focused
on sharpening his skills for him
to be celebrated by their family
for his achievements on paper.
‘Where are we headed’? was my
first thought. Notably, it was not
the child’s want to fit in nor did
he have the urge to conform – he
only wanted to be the perfect son
who was defined by his family.
Every society’s unique
expectations put us under
a scanner and compel us to
conform to their standards. It
takes courage to acknowledge
a weakness and harness it to
become strength, and it takes
audacity to see flaws and
accept their existence. I wonder
why can’t we be content with
imperfections or why can’t we
just strive to be a better person?
We obsess over the concept of
perfection which in turn hampers
our ability togrowandeventually
we may never be ourselves. No
matter how hard we try, it is only
inevitable that we slip up at some
point or the other. The matter of
concern being that ‘it is ok’!
We are essentially humans and
not programmed robots that
would possibly function just as
ordered to. If we’re not flawed,
we’re definitely living in denial.
Mistakes, fortunately don’t
define who we are. It is our
ability to bounce back and show
optimum resilience which makes
things count.
Chasing perfection and aiming
to be the best you can be are
both radically different things
altogether. While we can’t be
to be, we should put our best foot
forward in whatever we choose
to do. Doing our best propels us
forward and adds an element of
content in us.To be able to realize
that we’ve given our all, is a
feeling of relief and satisfaction,
regardless of the consequences.
This stands true not only for
children at their learning age but
also for adults struggling with
their daily life challenges.
Chasing the illusion of perfection
makes us forget that we are
alive and our life should be in
the present. It can be a self-
destructive, never – ending
marathon which eventually
needs to be quit. From a
counsellor’s perspective, I’d urge
you all to think. ‘Do you think to
err is human?’ ‘How much do we
validate this proverb?’
Appreciate the journey and you’ll
know that you’re always a work
in progress. It can only get better
from here!
From the Counsellors…
16 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
17 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
A boy asks his father,“Dad, are bugs good
to eat?”“That’s disgusting. Don’t talk about
things like that over dinner,”the dad replies.
After dinner the father asks,
“Now, son, what did you want to ask me?”
“Oh, nothing,”the boy says.“There was a bug
in your soup, but now it’s gone.”
A mom texts,“Hi! Son, what does IDK, LY, &
TTYL mean?”He texts back,“I Don’t Know,
Love You, & Talk To You Later.”The mom texts
him,“It’s ok, don’t worry about it. I’ll ask your
sister, love you too.”
Dad:“Can I see your report card, son?”
Son:“I don’t have it.”
Son:“I gave it to my friend. He wanted to
scare his parents.”
It was a baby mosquito’s first day to fly out
from home. When the mosquito came back
home later that day, the father mosquito
asked,“How was your journey?”The baby
mosquito replied,“It went great. Everyone
was clapping for me.
18 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
questions and answers
10.ArjunaAward is given for-9.DronacharyaAward is given to-
1.Who was the first actor to getOscarAward? 2.Which country awards the Nobel Prize?
A: Montgomery B: Fairbanks
C:JanetGayner D:CharlieChaplin
A: Ben Kingsley B:Satyajit Ray
C: BhanuAthaiya D:Shekar Kapoor
A:CharlieChaplin B:Alfred Hitchcock
C:Walt Disney D: Kurosawa
A: Fire Fighting operation B:Archery
C:Outstanding coaching in sports and games
d:Outstanding coaching in athletics
A: Kamala Da B:Sarojini Naidu
C:Chetan Bhagat d:Jhumpa lahiri
A: Ireland B:Sweden
C: England D:America
A:Quarantine B:TheGod of small things
C: difficult daughters D: Disgrace
A: ParamVirChakra andAshokChakra
b: ParamVirChakra andVirChakra C:AshokChakra and
MahaVirChakra d: ParamVirChakra and MahaVirChakra
A: Dr.Rajendra Prasad B: Dr.S.Radhakrishnan
C: Dr.Zakir Hussain d:shriV.V.Giri
A:Vinobabhave B: MotherTeresa
C: R.K.laxman D:T.N.Seshan
A: bravery on battlefield b:Outstanding performance
in sports C: Exceptional service in Emergency
D: Exceptional service of slum dwellers
A: literature B:Art
C:Sports D: Medicine
1. C, 2. B, 3. C 4. B, 5. C, 6. A, 7. A, 8. B, 9. C, 10. B, 11. D, 12. D
4. For which book hasArundhati Roy received
the booker prize?
5.TheOscarAward was won 26 times by-
3.The first Indian to get theOscarAward was-
6.The two highest gallantry awards in India are-
7.Who among the following was the first Indian to
receive the MagsaysayAward?
8.Who was the first ‘bharat Ratna’ awardee to be
elected President of India?
11.Who was the first Indian to win
the Pulitzer Prize?
12.Contribution to which field is honoured
by dhanwantri award?
19 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
APOLLO 13 (1995)
-By Antoine De Saint Exupery
March-April 2017
who better to send there
but Mr America himself,
Tom Hanks. This film focuses
on the true story of a mission
to the Moon in the 1970s that
went wrong. Virtually ignored
by an indifferent TV audience,
three astronauts (Tom Hanks,
Kevin Bacon, and Bill Paxton)
blast off with the aim of
fulfilling their dream of setting
foot on the Moon.
with the film as on the whole,
the hi-tech terminology might
to the audience. However,
he pulls everything together
and manages to create
tension and drama when
disaster strikes. Suddenly
the astronauts go from non-
entities to celebrities, and
Howard’s use of news
footage gives the film an
urgency and realism. There
are images of people around
the world watching the skies
for the safe return of Apollo
13. Journalists camp on the
families’ lawns, monitoring
every development from the
engines blowing to carbon
dioxide poisoning in the
But you are left with a tear
in your eye at the end and
full of admiration at the
bravery of the astronauts.
A definite feel-good movie.
The Little Prince narrates the tale of a pilot who is stranded
in what is presumably the Sahara desert. Fantasy enters
the novella as the narrator encounters the little prince, a
boy from another planet who recounts his adventures in
the universe and at the end of the book, must return to
where he came from.
philosophical inquiries. Exupery’s use of humor is subtle but it strikes
the right chords.
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly,
what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
The land of Jordan lies along an ancient and
well-used trade route in the Middle East. It
is a country filled with ancient monuments,
stunning nature reserves and seaside resorts.
The most famous is the archaeological site of
Petra, the Nabatean capital dating to around
300BCE, set in a narrow valley with tombs,
temples and monuments carved into the
surrounding pink sandstone cliffs.
One of
the Seven
Wonders of the
World, the city
of Petra, was
literally carved
into rock over
2000 years
The city was first
established in
312 BC; making it
one of the oldest
metropolises in the
The waters of
the Dead Sea are
extremely saline
which keeps bathers
buoyant. With 34.2%
salinity it is 9.6 times
as salty as the ocean.
Unlike the other
Arab states in the
Middle East, Jordan
has no oil of its own.
The Jordanian capital,
Amman is unique in that it
was originally constructed
across seven hills also
known as “jabals”. The city
now spans 19 of them. It
has no “East side” or “West
side”. Directions are given
based on “jabals”.
It is believed that Mount
Nebo in Jordan is the
burial place of Moses and
hence the most revered
holy site in Jordan.
Almost every single
building in Amman
is made of stone or
concrete and clad with
thin, white limestone
slabs. Thus there really
are no landmarks and
every building looks
almost identical.
The lowest point
on Earth in terms
of dry land is the
shore of the Dead
Sea in Jordan. It lies
at 1,378ft (420m)
beneath sea level.
In Jordan customs, it is
considered polite to refuse a
meal three times here before
actually accepting it.
People of Jordan are very
generous and if you praise an
item belonging to the host,
there is a likelihood you will
return home with it.
The land of Jordan lies along an ancient and
UDGAM MATTERS21 March-April 2017
Unlike most low caste people of those times, he had the privilege of
studying in a school. He faced a lot of discrimination in school and was
made to sit on the floor, not allowed to drink water from the public
reservoir or touch anything, even people. Despite the hard times and the
stigma of being an untouchable, Bhim went on to graduate in Arts. He
won a scholarship and went toAmerica and london for higher studies.
Baroda, where he was subjected to further ridicule because of his caste.
He left his job and joined as a teacher in Sydenham College in Bombay.
He started a weekly journal ‘Mooknayak’ through which he questioned
the orthodox beliefs and raised his voice against caste discrimination.
He started the ‘BahishkritHitkariniSabha’ which provided education and
socio-economic improvement to the backward classes. He followed the
footsteps ofGandhiji to fight for water source and right to enter temples
for the untouchables. He became a social reformer and worked for the
upliftment of the downtrodden.
he earned the chair as free India’s first law minister and the chairman of
the drafting committee of the IndianConstitution. He drafted the Indian
constitution in such a way as to provide Indian citizens with freedom of
religion, abolish untouchability, provide rights to women and bridge the
gap between various Indian classes.
It was written by a person who had no right to ‘write’, an untouchable…
who fought against all odds and won rights not only for himself but for
all the underprivileged people like him.
Bhim is none other than Dr. BhimraoAmbedkar, Father of the Indian
Constitution, and who is remembered with great respect on his birth
anniversary on 14thApril, a national holiday.
22 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017
STORYwhat an inspiration!
Glimpses of Summer Camp
May 2016
Summer Camp
May 2017
Summer Camp
May 2017
Summer CampSummerSummer CampSummerSummer
May 2017May 2017MayMay 2017MayMay
CampCampCampSummer CampCampSummer CampSummer CampCampSummer CampSummer CampCampSummer CampSummer CampCampSummer CampSummer CampCampSummer CampCampCamp
1 – 12 MAY • 9.30am to 1.00pm
Junior KG to Class 8
Stay Cool and Keep Learning alive in our all
Air Conditioned Spacious Classrooms at
Zebar School with Free Transport facility
Let‛s LEGO • Story Circle • Power Yoga
• Table Tennis • Science Stardust
• Craft O Holic • iMachine
• Crispy Crunchy Choco Bites • Handwriting Clinic
• Yummilicious -Mouth Watering Cupcakes
• Twist your Waist -Musical Hula Hoops
• Tell a Tale
• Be an Amazing Public Speaker
• Hand Embroidery Stitches……and many more!!
Save your date for the Summer Camp
Flyer will be distributed separately for further information
Udgam Pro Activity Club Coordinator
Hitiksha M. 8238002012 Vibha M. 9909915522

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Udgam Matters March - April 2017

  • 1. MARCH - APRIL 2017 matters GRAB YOUR PASSPORT! Begin your journey towards excellence…
  • 2. 2 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK The Pursuit of Excellence Another year… Another chance… Another hope… To be excellent! - Mrs. Sagarika Sahana Content Manager This issue of Udgam Matters is like a cusp, a link between the old and the new. An old academic year has come to an end leaving after effects behind and a new year has just been ushered in amidst puzzlement and anticipation. Probably this is the most enjoyable time of life, when you are in a kind of no man’s zone and in total bewilderment. So why not wallow in this pendulous state for some more time and let the reality sink in after a while.After all there is plenty of time for rational thoughts, judgment and age appropriate behaviour. UM has covered one of the most innovative measurements of a child’s progress - the Passport to Excellence with its various coveted stickers. These stickers encompass almost all aspects of a child’s development. Right from recognizing superior efforts, these stickers reward any kind of improvement in efforts made by a child. The goal is to keep making efforts and improving over oneself. Only then can the aim of education be achieved in its truest form. Otherfeaturesincludethelifestoryofagreatpersonality who was born this month, the best museums in the world, a few quaint progresses made by technology, Proactivity Club’s Summer Camp and beautiful articles and poems by our students and teachers. Read and enjoy this issue of Udgam Matters and write to us at Editor : Mrs. Sagarika Sahana Designer : Chintan Shastri (Creative Grapes) Science And Technology Page 16-17 General Knowledge Page 18 TheWorld’s Best Museums Page 19 Book & Movie Review Page 20 Tell MeAbout Page 21 LIFE STORY Page 22 Udgam ProActivityClub Page 23 Radiant Reflections Page 4-5 Preprimary In Action Page 6 Primary Section Page 7 Middle Section Page 8 Secondary Section Page 9 Reward Behaviour not Result Page 3 PASSPORTTO EXCELLENCE Page 10-13 Sr. Secondary Section Page 14 From theCounsellors… Page 15 WHAT’S INSIDE Annual Parents Feedback Survey Please fill in your feedback - annualparentsurvey2016-17
  • 3. 3 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 FROM THE DIRECTOR Reward BehavioUr not Result Reward is something which we associate with achievement. Most people think reward is only supposedtobegivenwhenapersontriesANDachieves something. The fallacy of this thinking results in most people giving up their journey half way towards the achievement because they lose hope of ever reaching there. For example, I have to learn to walk for say 6 kms in 1 hour. At present I can walk for maximum 30 minutes and cover 2.5 kms. So a good trainer would give me a program which has several milestones which need to be achieved and say in a 3 month plan I can achieve the ultimate goal. A good trainer would give small rewards for small achievements and help the trainee to keep up the motivation all throughout the journey. These small rewards will increase the probability of achievement more than a one- time big reward. This approach can be put in practice by teachers, parents, students and even managers. For example, there is a student who has bad handwriting, lack of subject knowledge, no punctuality and some disciplinary issues. Most parents and teachers would want the student to immediately change and offer him a big reward if his performance is akin to an average student. However, for a student with several challenges the rewards should be broken up intosmallpiecesandgiventohimtomaintainapositive behaviour. A student is a lot more likely to improve himself if he keeps trying to improve consistently, than a student who makes sporadic efforts. If we see that a student is struggling hard to improve, this alone calls for a small reward. I love giving medals, prizes and rewards to final winners.However,thefutilityofthatexerciseisproven when year on year we have the same winners. I think rewards should be for improvement with self’s past performance. Rewards should be for each individual’s battle against his own circumstances. Rewards should be for attitude rather than aptitude. Such rewards will build a character, a fighter, an individual- what a world really needs, rather than merely a winner, which is a title reserved for just one person. Such kind of small rewards have to be “administered” by people close to the students, like parents, friends and teachers. A single metric cannot be established to give such a reward. For instance, a student who has fractured his foot and is still getting the same marks as he got in previous exams, deserves a reward. A computer generated rank list will not give importance to such a struggle. Small rewards can be simple pleasures of life like giving an ice cream treat to the child which he/she has been yearning for, taking him to his/her favourite movie or sometimes just spending time with him/her to do what he/she likes. Positive words of encouragement and a simple pat on the back are also rewards for the strugglers. In conclusion, I would like to reiterate, reward the behaviour and not the result. A good result may come by good luck, but a good behaviour comes only with a positive attitude and persistent efforts. Behaviour builds a solid foundation for the future which is more important in the long run than merely cracking an exam. Keep up the good work! Mr. MananChoksi, Executive Director
  • 4. A World without Numbers: Is It Possible? Mrs. Khyati Shah, Teacher – PrimaryTeacher As you sit reading this article, what do you see? A table, chair, curtains, windows? Try to find one thing within the space that couldn’t be conceived without the power of numbers. Your home couldn’t be designed, or even built without numbers. Similarly, your table, chair, television, radio – for without numbers, life as we now know it cannot function. As an interesting exercise, try to live the rest of your day without using numbers. Remember you cannot look at your wrist watch, listen to the radio, use the telephone, write a letter, use your car, catch a bus, ride a bicycle or even eat. Numbers obviously apply to material objects, but do numbers apply to anything else? Let’s examine some less tangible examples. One can’t play or learn a musical instrument without the use of numbers. There would be no music! Children cannot be educated without numbers. One can’t be treated in hospital, as the medical profession relies heavily upon numbers. One wouldn’t be able to vote, governments wouldn’t govern and wars wouldn’t happen – such is the power of numbers! Consider this, you go to a shop to buy something but since this is a world without maths, you don’t know what money is, you don’t know measurements. So what do you do? Whether it is a zoologist assessing the number of animal species on Earth or a doctor checking your heartbeat they have to know how to count. Without mathematics an engineer cannot build a bridge. A quantity checker chemist cannot prepare medicines if he cannot accurately measure the quantity of each chemical. We wouldn’t have had markets and business without math as the world of trade runs on money.And as a country’s development depends heavily on its economic growth, wouldn’t that be a problem? There wouldn’t be any more advancements of technology as each sector of technology directly or indirectly employs the application of mathematics. We are all so used to technology of various types that it will be difficult to live without computers, television, mobile phones, and even electricity which is generated in power houses using the elements of maths. The subject has such a wide application and even those who have a phobia of it, use maths in their daily life. Such is the importance of maths in our life. Probably, without maths, life would have been quite complicated. The study of numbers – has been studied and upheld by great, ancient cultures (e.g. Egyptians, Phoenicians, Indians, Hebrews) and some of the world’s greatest philosophers and mathematicians, Pythagoras for example, believed that the universe existeduponnumbersandthatnothing couldexistwithoutnumbers.Hefurther deducted that numbers also provide the basis for life.Thus, the principles of numerology were conceived! As numerology is a vast and complex subject, it is impossible in this article to provide more than a brief introduction. You were taught addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in your primary classes. Since then, you have been applying these elementary concepts to learn new concepts. Can you solve a question of simple interest, highest common factor, percentage, area, volume, algebra, calculus, trigonometry, etc. without using these concepts? Every topic in maths is based on these basic elementary concepts. If the basics are not clear, then we fail to apply these concepts to our new taught concepts. Despitetheimportanceofmathematics there are many people who resist getting to know and understand it. If you know the basic concepts of mathematics, then the subject is not difficult at all. Maths is not complicated like people believe it to be, it is just their attitude that makes it so. RADIANT REFLECTIONS 4 March-April 2017 þ{ýkt LkªËÁtLkk h¾ðk¤k, yÄqfze ykt¾ku Aíkkt; MkkÚk rLk¼kðíkk! rð¾wxe Ãkzíkkt ÃkktÃký, çkLke Mkhfíkkt Íkf¤. ðeýðk çkuMku òu fkuE, Mktíkkfqfze ¾u÷kðíkkt. y©w¼eLke ykt¾ku {ne t, íkkhk çkLke íkøkíkøkíkkt. þ{ýkt LkªËÁLkkt h¾ðk¤k, Lku LkªËÁtLku ¼økkðíkk; nËÞ Ãký A÷fkðíkk...... Mr. Reetu Shah, Teacher – SecondoryTeacher þ{ýkt UDGAM MATTERS
  • 5. 5 UDGAM MATTERS RADIANT REFLECTIONS òçv¼ ÜU¢ï …¢¡™Ýï, ÐÚ¶Ýï ¥¢ñÚ Ð㙢ÝÝï ÜUï „Ï¢ÜUï ¥ÐÝï-¥ÐÝï ¼ÚèÜUï ã¢ï¼ï ãñæ J ÐÚæ¼é §„ Ï¢¢¼ „ï ÜU¢ï§ü |¢è §æÜU¢Ú Ýãèæ ÜUÚ „ÜU¼¢ çÜU Ðíy²ïÜU òçv¼ }¢ïæ ÜUéÀ-Ý-ÜUéÀ x¢é‡¢ ¥±à² ã¢ï¼¢ ãñ J ãÚ Ã²çv¼ „ï ã}¢ïæ ¥ÓÀè Ï¢¢¼¢ïæ ÜU¢ï „趼ï ÚãÝ¢ ™¢çã» J òçv¼ ÜUï x¢é‡¢ S±¼: ãè çζ¢§ü Îï¼ï ãñæ ©‹ãïæ çÜU„è ¥¢±Ú‡¢ ÜUè ¥¢±à²ÜU¼¢ Ýãèæ ã¢ï¼è ãñ J ç…„ ÐíÜU¢Ú x¢¢¡{è…è ÜUï ç„ÈUü »ÜU §à¢¢Úï ÐÚ ÐêÚ¢ Îïࢠ©ÝÜUï ÐèÀï ¥¢ …¢¼¢ ƒ¢ J ©ÝÜUï òçv¼y± ÜU¢ Ðí|¢¢± ãè §¼Ý¢ ƒ¢ J §„è ©Î¢ãÚ‡¢ „ï ²¢Î ¥¢²¢ - »ÜU Ï¢¢Ú »ÜU òçv¼ „ï §„è à¢è¯üÜU ÐÚ }¢ïÚè Ï¢¢¼ ã¢ï Úãè ƒè çÜU “Ðíï…Gï‹ÅïÏ¢H” ÜUñ„ï ã¢ïÝ¢ ™¢çã» ? ©„ÜUï ç±™¢Ú „éÝÜUÚ }¢ñæ S¼Ï{ Úã x¢§ü J ©„ÜU¢ }¢¢ÝÝ¢ ƒ¢ çÜU ¥ÓÀï ÜUÐÇGï, …ê¼ï, ãï¥Ú SÅ¢§H „|¢è }¢ñÅÚ ÜUÚ¼ï ãñæ J ÐÚæ¼é }¢ïÚè Ú¢² §„„ï ç|¢‹Ý ƒè x¢¢¡{è…è ¼¢ï ç„ÈUü {¢ï¼è ÐãÝ¼ï ƒï ÐÚæ¼é H¢ïx¢ ©‹ãïæ „éÝ¼ï ƒï ¥¢ñÚ ©ÝÜU¢ ¥Ýé„Ú‡¢ ÜUÚ¼ï ƒï J ¼¢ï v²¢ ç„ÈUü Ï¢¢ãÚè ¥¢±Ú‡¢ ãè в¢üŒ¼ ãñ ? Ýãè, ¥¢Ð}¢ïæ ±¢ï ç±à¢ï¯¼¢»¡ ã¢ïÝ¢ ™¢çã» ç…„„ï „¢}¢Ýï ±¢H¢ ¥¢ÐÜU¢ ¥Ýé„Ú‡¢ ÜUÚÝï ÜU¢ï ¼ñ²¢Ú ã¢ï J Ï¢è. ¥¢Ú. ¥æÏ¢ïÇÜUÚ »ÜU ÎçH¼ ÐÚè±¢Ú }¢ïæ Ðñ΢ ãé» ƒï ¥¢ñÚ ÐêÚ¢ …è±Ý ©‹ã¢ïæÝï ¥Àê¼ ÜU¢ ΢x¢ „ãÝ çÜU²¢ ƒ¢ ¥¢ñÚ Ï¢ÇGï ã¢ïÜUÚ »ÜU çÎÝ ±ãè „æç±{¢Ý ÜUï çÝ}¢¢ü¼¢ Ï¢Ýï J ©ÝÜUï Т„ ࢢ²Î ¥ÓÀï ÜUÐÇGï |¢è Ýãèæ ã¢æïx¢ï çÈUÚ |¢è ©ÝÜUï x¢é‡¢¢ïæ Ýï ©‹ãïæ §„ Sƒ¢Ý ¼ÜU Ðãé¡™¢ çβ¢ J Îê„Ú¢ ÐãHê ²ã |¢è ãñ çÜU ÐêÚ¢ …è±Ý ¥¢æÏ¢ïÇÜUÚ Ýï ¥SÐë಼¢ ÜU¢ï Û¢ïH¢ ÐÚæ¼é çÈUÚ |¢è ©ÝÜUï Í¢Ú ÜUï „ÜU¢Ú¢y}¢ÜU }¢¢ã¢ñH ÜUè ±…Gã „ï ©ÝÜUï òçv¼y± }¢ïæ ÝÜU¢Ú¢y}¢ÜU¼¢ ÜUï çH» ÜU¢ï§ü …x¢ã Ýãèæ ƒè J §„è ÜU¢ ÐçÚ‡¢¢}¢ ƒ¢ çÜU S±²æ ÐêÚ¢ …è±Ý ç¼ÚSÜUë¼ ã¢ïÝï ÜUï Ï¢¢Î |¢è „æç±{¢Ý ÜUè ڙݢ ÜUÚÝï }¢ïæ ©„ÜUè ÐÚÀ¢§ü |¢è Ý…GÚ Ýãèæ ¥¢¼è ãñ J Ðꇢü¼ : |¢ïÎ-|¢¢± „ï ç±}¢év¼ ã¢ïÜUÚ »ÜU §ç¼ã¢„ Ú™ Ç¢H¢ J §„è ÜíU}¢ }¢ïæ »ÜU ¥¢ñÚ ©Î¢ãÚ‡¢ çβ¢ …¢ „ÜU¼¢ ãñ ç…„„ï ÐíïçÚ¼ ã¢ïÜUÚ }¢ñæÝï ²ã „Ï¢ çH¶Ýï ÜU¢ Ðí²¢„ çÜU²¢ J §„}¢ïæ ©ÇGè„¢ ÜUï Ï¢¢Úx¢ÉG ç…Hï ÜUï »ÜU À¢ïÅï x¢¢¡± Í¢ïæ„ ÜUï ÚãÝï ±¢Hï ãH{Ú Ý¢x¢ ÜU¢ Ý¢}¢ „¢}¢Ýï ¥¢¼¢ ãñ J ©ÝÜU¢ …‹}¢ ¥y²‹¼ ãè x¢ÚèÏ¢ ÐÚè±¢Ú }¢ïæ ã饢 J ¥ÐÝè ç…}}¢ï΢çÚ²¢ïæ ÜUï ™H¼ï ©‹ãïæ ÜUÿ¢¢ ¼èÝ ¼ÜU ãè ÐÉG¢§ü ÜUÚ SÜUêH À¢ïÇGÝ¢ ÐÇG¢ , ÐÚæ¼é ©ÝÜU¢ »ÜU x¢é‡¢ ƒ¢ ç…„ï ©‹ã¢ïæÝï … èç±¼ Ú¶¢ ±ï ÜU¢ï„Hè |¢¢¯¢ }¢ïæ ÜUã¢Ýè ¥¢ñÚ ÜUç±¼¢ çH¶¢ ÜUÚ¼ï ƒï J ¥y²æ¼ ãè x¢ÚèÏ¢ ã¢ïÝï ÜUï ÜU¢Ú‡¢ ¥¢… |¢è {¢ï¼è ãè Ðãݼï ãñæ J ©Ý ÐÚ 10 ç±Îì²¢ƒèü Ðè.»™. Çè. |¢è ÜUÚ ™éÜUï ãñæ ¥¢ñÚ Ï¢è.Ï¢è.„è Ýï ãH{Ú ÐÚ »ÜU (Documentary) ±ëœ¢ç™~¢ Ϣݢ²¢ ãñ J |¢¢Ú¼ ÜU¢ ™¢ñƒ¢ Ÿ¢ïcÆ „}}¢¢Ý ÐÎì}¢Ÿ¢è „ï 2016 }¢ïæ ©‹ãïæ „}}¢¢çݼ çÜU²¢ x¢²¢ J ¥Ï¢ ÝÜU¢Ú¢y}¢ÜU¼¢ m¢Ú¢ Ð¼Ý ÜUè ΢„¼¢ ÜU¢ ©Î¢ãÚ‡¢ ¼¢ï „|¢è …¢Ý¼ï ãñæ J Îé²¢ïü{Ý |¢è |¢è}¢ ÜUè ¼Úã ãè Ï¢H±¢Ý ƒ¢ ÐÚæ¼é ÜU|¢è |¢è ©„ÜUï }¢¢¼¢-çм¢ ²¢ ΢ïS¼¢ïæ Ýï ©„ÜUï Îéx¢éü‡¢¢ïæ ÜU¢ï ÎêÚ ÜUÚÝï ÜU¢ Ðí²¢„ Ýãèæ çÜU²¢ Ï¢çËÜU ©„ÜU¢ „¢ƒ çβ¢, ¥¢ñÚ Ï¢ÉG¢±¢ çβ¢ ¥¢ñÚ ©„è ÜUï ™H¼ï »ÜU çÎÝ ²ãè ©„ÜUï Ð¼Ý ÜU¢ ÜU¢Ú‡¢ Ϣݢ J ã}¢ïæ |¢è ¥ÐÝï Ï¢Ó™¢ïæ ÜUï „¢}¢Ýï òçv¼ ç±à¢ï¯ ÜUï çH» ÝÜU¢Ú¢y}¢ÜU }¢¢ã¢ñH Ýãèæ Ϣݢݢ ™¢çã» v²¢ïæçÜU ¥¢… Ýãèæ ¼¢ï ÜUH ©„ÜUè ЄüÝ¢çHÅè }¢ïæ çζ¢§ü Îï¼¢ ãñ J ã}¢ ç…¼Ýè |¢è }¢ã¢Ý ãçS¼²¢ïæ ÜUè Ï¢¢²¢ïx¢í¢ÈUè ÐÉG¼ï ãñæ ¼¢ï ã}¢ ²ãè Т¼ï ãñæ çÜU ©ÝÜUï }¢¢¼¢-çм¢ Ýï ©‹ãïæ „ÜU¢Ú¢y}¢ÜU }¢¢ã¢ñH çβ¢ ãñ ç…„„ï ±ï ¥ÐÝ¢ òçv¼y± çݶ¢Ú „ÜUïæ J Ï¢Ó™ï ÎïࢠÜU¢ |¢ç±c² ãñæ, ¥¢ÐÜU¢ |¢ç±c² ãñ ¼¢ï ÜUëв¢ ¥ÐÝï Ï¢Ó™¢ïæ ÜU¢ï „ÜU¢Ú¢y}¢ÜU }¢¢ã¢ñH Îïæ ¥¢ñÚ ©ÝÜUï òçv¼y± ÜU¢ï çݶÚÝï ÜU¢ }¢¢ñÜU¢ Îï J çà¢ÿ¢¢ ÜU¢ в¢ü² ãñ ‘çà¢ÿ¢ÜU’ çà¢ÿ¢¢ ÜU¢ …¢ï Îè²¢ …H¢²ï ±ã ãñ-çà¢ÿ¢ÜU ¥x¢ç‡¢¼, ¥ÝêÆ¢, ¥Î}² ç±à±¢„ ãñ-çà¢ÿ¢ÜU бü¼ ÜUè ª¡™¢§ü Ï¢¼¢²ï ±ã ãñ-çà¢ÿ¢ÜU „¢x¢Ú ÜUè x¢ãÚ¢§ü Ï¢¼¢» ±ã ãñ-çà¢ÿ¢ÜU »ÜU ÐçÚÐꇢü òçv¼y± Ϣݢ» ±ã ãñ-çà¢ÿ¢ÜU ࢼ ݼ ±æÎÝ ãÚ ©„ çà¢ÿ¢ÜU ÜU¢ …è±Ý ÜUï ¥æ{ïÚï }¢ïæ Îè²¢ …H¢»¡ ±ã ãñ-çà¢ÿ¢ÜU „ëçcÅ ÜU¢ ±ÚÎ¢Ý ãñ-çà¢ÿ¢ÜU ãñ ²ãè Ðí¢ƒüÝ¢ §üà±Ú „ï - ãÚ …‹}¢ }¢ïæ Тª¡ Ï¢ÝÝï ÜU¢ „¢ñ|¢¢x² }¢ñæ-çà¢ÿ¢ÜU çà¢ÿ¢ÜU Mrs. Annapurna Bajpai, Teacher - Primary Section Mrs. Sonali Sharma, Teacher - Primary Section March-April 2017
  • 6. 6 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 PREPRIMARY IN ACTION Sandwitch making activity Sand pouring Puppet show Number activity Methi plucking activity Fruit day Grand parents day Art & Craft Concept of Community Helpers Story telling wih puppet Story telling Thanks giving event
  • 7. 7 UDGAM MATTERS PRIMARY SECTION March-April 2017 lIFe Is A sNOWFlAKe life is a snowflake, a free - falling star it is shining in the sky but too far. Born as a raindrop laced by the breeze, when it is dancing in the mind it is always left behind. A sliver of light, a gem in the sun, a journey of hope, a new life to begin. ARNI shelAT -V e sAVe OuR lIFe Oh people, Open your eyes See what are you doing In your selfish mind. You are killing plants, As well as animals, Once they are gone, They will not come back. o please open your eyes And save your life, If there are no plants or animals There will be no life. shriya shah -VC TREES Have you seen The green green trees ? They clean the air And cool the breeze smoke and dirt. Garbage spill And dirty water makes us ill So let us promise to be clean to keep our surroundings fresh and green. Shreyansh Kothari - III G Aarav Manzil Shah I - B KahanT Shah II-A Swayam III-cAnaya v shah IV-b Nishka Gupta IV - d Nitya Shah IV - h Swayam III-c shreya shah IV-b Dhriti C Patel IV-b Aarush IV - d Rishaan II- F Niva Bhargav Raval II- F
  • 8. MIDDLE SECTION TEACHER Teacher is like our best friend, Who always helps us when we are in need, Understands our troubles and makes us laugh. Teachers are like our parents, They teach us every step, When we are not able to go through it. Scolds us for our good, Helps us face our troubles And teach us not to be sad. Respect the teachers- take this pledge, As they are the ones who impart knowledge. Anoushka Modi -VI b UDGAM MATTERS8 March-April 2017 OuR eXAMs Our exams are coming, All students are crying, We know we will do our best, We will not let our hard work go waste. We know in every exam we will shine. After we complete our test, We will pray for the best, When I finally see my marks, I know I will get full marks. Janhvi Patel -VI-G hOMeless PeOPle Hi! I’m RAMU, a homeless person. I go all day long wandering from place to place begging for money and food. But my most favourite place is a temple. I don’t know how, but I think because it’s a place where the Almighty stays I get the most of money by begging here. People come at 7:30 am to 8:00 am and whosoever has leftover food, give to me. And for dinner, I eat whatever I get. Many times, when I don’t get food I have to sleep without eating. When I see rich people, I think am I the only poor person or a beggar in this world. Why has Almighty given me only sorrow and poverty? But Almighty proved me wrong. One day, a couple came to the temple with their only son who was blind. He could not see anything, and so he was walking with a white stick in his hand. That day I realised that having a lot of money is not the only thing one should have in his/her life. Value what God has given you. diya shah -VI C KushaPadya –VIII G Khevna Patel –Vii e
  • 9. A Friend’s Betrayal Long ago there were you, me and some smiles there were colours who made our pictures and some memories of you and me together There was a pictureClear, with shades of orange which filled in lifeShades of red which added love, trust and bonding Colours of blue which resembled peace . The secrets you and I hadThat everything we shared Pinches me here Deep in my heart Now, the picture is vivid Those smiles have erasedThere is grey no green,There is me no youAlone, left behindStanding with some fears in my mind and those memories in my hand Waiting for you to come hold my hand Desperate to listen to your voice I am standing thereWhere you waved me last and went aheadWhere I still stand, awaiting for the light which you gave The candle which you and I had burnt together. The diary awaits, which was always written in your nameThinking every day that you might be here Listening to me But you are not here today as well Mugdha Chaturvedi - IX F FATHER – AN INGENIOUS PERSON PRESIDING IN MY LIFE A person who held my hand, While I was busy, playing on the beach sand. A support who has always been there, Teaching me values and how to care. My mistakes are inevitable, In spite of those, you guide me making me better and capable. My confidante, guide, support and judge, Been with me through the dark without any grudge! Your motivation and advice is helpful to the core, Helping me open my life’s closed doors. SanjanaSamanta, X-G SECONDARY SECTION 9 March-April 2017 UDGAM MATTERS OUT OF THE BOX Scholars say that one of the basic impulses of every human being is the desire for new experiences. It is this instinct engraved in us by Mother Nature that pushes us towards adventure. Tales of adventure have always inspired us right from our childhood be it Arabian Nights with Sinbad the Sailor sailing us throughout the seas orJulesVerne’s books taking us around the world in 80 days. But adventure is not just limited to fiction, it is this very spirit of adventure that led Christopher Columbus to discover America and Vasco de Gama to come to India. In our generation we seek adventure in almost all realms of the world; to name a few- we seek adventure in the skies through paragliding and skydiving, on the ground by hiking and trekking, on water by surfing and also underwater by scuba diving. No frontierisleftforhumanstoexplore.Whoknowsouterspacemay too open its doors to reveal its adventures as the StarTrek series has told- “to go where no man has gone before.”The adventurer seeks more thrills and challenges to pump up his adrenalin rush and pushes the human body, mind and spirit to go higher, stronger and faster. So step out of your enclosed shelters and wander off because we ourselves don’t know what is there for us. We can get to know what adventure really means! If you step out of your houses had seek the thrills of adventure, only then you will be thinking out of the box!! Adarsh Sashidhar - IX F Dream It ! Chase It ! Achieve It ! Follow your dreams, You will find the dreams chasing you. Enlighten your way with the sparkling hope of beauty.You are the architect of your future.You have no idea what you can unleash! The treasures of knowledge to unearth and hordes of opportunities. You can be the smile of the blossoms, Light for the blind, And hope for the humanity. When darkness prevails, you need not cry or weep You can be the phoenix, Vanquishing the monsters aghast with jealousy, Be patient, the best is yet to come, These are trifles, be sure Scattered along life’s pathway You are theWorld. You are theChampion Behold the torch of your destiny, Deep within the roots of your dreams, You will find what you seek Chase it relentlessly And explore theYOU inYOURSELF. Krish Umang Shah - X D
  • 10. 10 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 PASSPORT TO EXCELLENCE - Recognition and Rewards Programme “A person who is appreciated will always do more than what is expected.” The Passport to Excellence project made a great impact this year and helped to achieve the target of encouraging students to go the extra mile. Spread over a plethora of categories, encompassing academics, behaviour, sports, attitude, special prowess, the process includes distribution of special stickers to children who excel in a category, or improve over their own achievements. These stickers are arranged inside the specially crafted‘passports’whichthechildrentreasure. The purpose is to recognize excellence as well as effort in students. Parents have lauded the passport as one of the best ways to recognize efforts. Apart from the school giving the stickers to the students, parents also have the scope of recognizing effort and improvement in the designated pages of the passport. It has proved to be a wonderful motivational instrument with children vying for stickers and in the process exhibiting marked signs of improvement. Teachersfinditeasytoshowtheirappreciation and students cherish their stickers. This recognition and reward programme helps to identify efforts and discourages unhealthy competition among the children.
  • 11. GLOBAL CITIZEN AWARD 11 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 Maximum Stickers Winner in Class Vivaan Shah - I C Sheral Akshesh Jain - I F Chahana Shah - III H Shubham Gupta - IV C Anshika MaheshTaparia - II E Aayush Pandya -V C UDGAM MATTERS
  • 12. 12 UDGAM MATTERSJuly 2016 BEST TRAVELLER Maximum Stickers Winner in Section Anika Daftary - I A Anvita Munshi - I H Mahi Patel - II C Nimay Mavani - II H HiyaVasavada - III D MrudulVyas - I B Aanya Gangela - II A ArushaAdityaSarabhai - II D Samriddhi Bergani - III A Dhiya Dave - III E VidhuVerma - I D Aashi Ketan Shah - II A TanishaVishalVerma II F Mahek Bavishi - III B Veaa Shah - IIII F Mishikaa Harnish Modh - I E Hiya Sukrut Mehta - II A KavishVishal Shah - II G Manushi Choksi - III C Shanaya Shah - III Anoush Kathe - I G Saumya Maulin Shah - II B BilvaTapankumar Patel - IIG Subeer Arora - III D TwishaThakkar - III G UDGAM MATTERS 12March-April 2017
  • 13. 13UDGAM MATTERS July 201613 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 BEST TRAVELLER Maximum Stickers Winner in Section Tanisha Shah - IV A Nitya Soni - IV E Jaaniya Parikh -V B Tushya Bhatiya -V E Navya Rathi - IV B Vidit Shah - IV F Ananya Chaturvedi -V D Deergh Patel -V F Jash Shah - IV B Devan Shah IV G Aarav ATalati -V E Pari Gupta -V G Aadya Shah - IV D Veli Shah - IV H Krisha Amin -V E Suraj Desai -V H Aadit Shah - IV E Manishi Shah -V A Misha Patel -V E
  • 14. WHY ONLY ME? Since the day you left, There has been an empty space in my heart. You haven’t gone alone, But you have taken away a part of me forever. You had no other alternative, You had to go as the almighty had put his arms around you. But I still question that why did he choose you to leave the world? And why did he choose me to suffer for decades altogether? My life has just begun, A new phase of our combined life was yet to start. Unluckily, you will not be there by my side for the rest of my life, As you have departed the world forever, so soon. I pretend to the entire world that I am completely fine, With a smile so wide on my face. But deep inside my broken heart, I still cry because I never wanted to lose you. The time when I see other children happy with their families, In my mind, I start thinking about you. In every problem of mine, you are the first one whom I remember, And I try to decipher that how would you react to that situation. Life without you is quite difficult, It’s not at all easy to overcome the loss. I try my best not to shed tears, But all my efforts go in vain. With every passing day my life becomes difficult, Many times I don’t understand the way I should react to a situation. I just keep on recollecting our past memories, And thinking about the future experiences that we could have. But I sincerely hope that you are happy there, Resting in peace and keeping a watch over me. You are loved beyond words, And missed beyond measure. Abhishek Wadhawan 14 UDGAM MATTERS SR. SECONDARY SECTION March-April 2017 I FEEL THE NEED TO but… There are times when days are difficult and nightsevenworse.Itmay be pressure,anxiety or even sore loneliness . As teenagers we all can relate to situations like these. Feeling aimless, or even worse resentful and guilty for not accomplishing something, be it a score in a test, a championship or even 10 squats a day. It seems to be simple in our heads but trust me it’s not.And to get through this you need a support system . The system demands the best of the best and that isYOU ,YOURSELF .You can help yourself get through anything . But the thing that makes the internal bond so special is that your inner voice is not willing to give up on you . We,as students ,barely spend time with ourselves. It could be a busy schedule, activities or lack of self love ; yes, self love!It is very important to give time to yourself, a mere 5 minutes could do wonders . Talk,expressyourself,breaktheemotionalvoid for once and let what comes to you naturally seep in. There are limitlesspossibilities and opportunities that we can tap into and create unimaginable pieces of art . Not just restricted tocoloursorwordsBUTexpressyourselfinthe vaguest and the faintest of means. When your mind is under constant pressure, there is work to be done, goals to be achieved…. remember there is a wonderful life to be lived. In the end just remember to be BIG enough to inspire yourself. RichaGoolry - XII G A Journey from a Mandir to a Masjid It is really astonishing to see that the very city weliveinhassomuchtoofferusandthisiswhat I took advantage of. My vacations suddenly become a casket of knowledge and a golden chance to know and explore Ahmedabad; this is when I began my journey from Mandir to a Masjid. The heritage walk began from the very first built Swaminarayan Temple of the city. The temple has intricate detailed carvings and unique vibe of divinity. On moving further through the narrow lanes and well organised pol’s, we halted at the house of the famous 19th centuryGujarati poet Kavi Dalpatram, we got to see the 102 kgs bronze statue built in his memory. Then the volunteers took us through the pol’s where each house was designed uniquely with wood framed windows and convoluted supporting brackets. Moving on, next we came across a very interesting feature of the pol’s, it is the “Chabutro” or the bird feeder. The volunteertoldusthatthereareabout120birds feeders in different pols and presently all of themareactive.Thistookusmeawhiletotake inastohowkindheartedwerethepeoplethen, if they would take something from the nature, then also ensured that they do give something in return. Moving on we came across an 80BHK house in the Haja-Patel-Ni Pol. Followed by the Calico Dome the beautiful Astapadji Derasar, the Fernandez Bridge, the Old Stock building, the colourful market of Rani NoHajiro and Badshah No Hajiro and the foodie’s hub the Manek Chowk.With the curiosity of exploring the fullest of the old city, we were then taken to the Tomb of Ahmed Shah who ruled and established the city ofAhmedabad. Finally our last destination was worth the wait; it was culmination of the journey which was initiated from Swaminarayan temple and concluded at the Jama Masjid. The magnificent monument was right in front of my eyes..Aah! What a breath taking sight it was, I could not behold my emotions. It is rather difficult to express in words as to what I felt at that moment.There was utmost peace and nirvana once would desire for. One would really wonder so as to see Hindu architectural carving of bells and leaves in a mosque. The sense of unity in diversity and the feeling of oneness is very well signified though the mosque. This is how my journey began from a Mandir and concluded at the beautiful Masjid. Anupreet Flora - XII H
  • 15. 15 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 From where I can trace back, I remember how we all have been chasing perfection. Being quite oblivious to the concept of perfection per se, or without realizing that it could just be as subjective a matter as that of feelings, we run after it – more so to live up to societal expectations. Our ‘Indian’ culture somewhere defines the importance of appearances and first impressions. While there are a few who stress internal values and character education, there are also a whole lot who draw satisfaction from others’ praise and always feel the need to insist on themselves and their children appearing to be ‘perfect’. I remember having one of my client’s walk in to my counselling room a few weeks ago. However much I had loved her son being imperfectly perfect on morals and virtues like honesty, loyalty and a man of good character, at the age of 15, his mother had concerns of him not excelling in books and soccer. She had a blind eye to who he was as a person and what he could grow up to be and instead focused on sharpening his skills for him to be celebrated by their family for his achievements on paper. ‘Where are we headed’? was my first thought. Notably, it was not the child’s want to fit in nor did he have the urge to conform – he only wanted to be the perfect son who was defined by his family. Every society’s unique expectations put us under a scanner and compel us to conform to their standards. It takes courage to acknowledge a weakness and harness it to become strength, and it takes audacity to see flaws and accept their existence. I wonder why can’t we be content with imperfections or why can’t we just strive to be a better person? We obsess over the concept of perfection which in turn hampers our ability togrowandeventually we may never be ourselves. No matter how hard we try, it is only inevitable that we slip up at some point or the other. The matter of concern being that ‘it is ok’! We are essentially humans and not programmed robots that would possibly function just as ordered to. If we’re not flawed, we’re definitely living in denial. Mistakes, fortunately don’t define who we are. It is our ability to bounce back and show optimum resilience which makes things count. Chasing perfection and aiming to be the best you can be are both radically different things altogether. While we can’t be perfect,andweshouldn’teventry to be, we should put our best foot forward in whatever we choose to do. Doing our best propels us forward and adds an element of content in us.To be able to realize that we’ve given our all, is a feeling of relief and satisfaction, regardless of the consequences. This stands true not only for children at their learning age but also for adults struggling with their daily life challenges. Chasing the illusion of perfection makes us forget that we are alive and our life should be in the present. It can be a self- destructive, never – ending marathon which eventually needs to be quit. From a counsellor’s perspective, I’d urge you all to think. ‘Do you think to err is human?’ ‘How much do we validate this proverb?’ Appreciate the journey and you’ll know that you’re always a work in progress. It can only get better from here! From the Counsellors… CHASING PERFECTION…
  • 16. 16 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY
  • 17. 17 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 A boy asks his father,“Dad, are bugs good to eat?”“That’s disgusting. Don’t talk about things like that over dinner,”the dad replies. After dinner the father asks, “Now, son, what did you want to ask me?” “Oh, nothing,”the boy says.“There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone.” A mom texts,“Hi! Son, what does IDK, LY, & TTYL mean?”He texts back,“I Don’t Know, Love You, & Talk To You Later.”The mom texts him,“It’s ok, don’t worry about it. I’ll ask your sister, love you too.” Dad:“Can I see your report card, son?” Son:“I don’t have it.” Dad:“Why?” Son:“I gave it to my friend. He wanted to scare his parents.” It was a baby mosquito’s first day to fly out from home. When the mosquito came back home later that day, the father mosquito asked,“How was your journey?”The baby mosquito replied,“It went great. Everyone was clapping for me.
  • 18. 18 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE questions and answers 10.ArjunaAward is given for-9.DronacharyaAward is given to- 1.Who was the first actor to getOscarAward? 2.Which country awards the Nobel Prize? A: Montgomery B: Fairbanks C:JanetGayner D:CharlieChaplin A: Ben Kingsley B:Satyajit Ray C: BhanuAthaiya D:Shekar Kapoor A:CharlieChaplin B:Alfred Hitchcock C:Walt Disney D: Kurosawa A: Fire Fighting operation B:Archery C:Outstanding coaching in sports and games d:Outstanding coaching in athletics A: Kamala Da B:Sarojini Naidu C:Chetan Bhagat d:Jhumpa lahiri A: Ireland B:Sweden C: England D:America A:Quarantine B:TheGod of small things C: difficult daughters D: Disgrace A: ParamVirChakra andAshokChakra b: ParamVirChakra andVirChakra C:AshokChakra and MahaVirChakra d: ParamVirChakra and MahaVirChakra A: Dr.Rajendra Prasad B: Dr.S.Radhakrishnan C: Dr.Zakir Hussain d:shriV.V.Giri A:Vinobabhave B: MotherTeresa C: R.K.laxman D:T.N.Seshan A: bravery on battlefield b:Outstanding performance in sports C: Exceptional service in Emergency D: Exceptional service of slum dwellers A: literature B:Art C:Sports D: Medicine QUIZ ANSWERS 1. C, 2. B, 3. C 4. B, 5. C, 6. A, 7. A, 8. B, 9. C, 10. B, 11. D, 12. D 4. For which book hasArundhati Roy received the booker prize? 5.TheOscarAward was won 26 times by- 3.The first Indian to get theOscarAward was- 6.The two highest gallantry awards in India are- 7.Who among the following was the first Indian to receive the MagsaysayAward? 8.Who was the first ‘bharat Ratna’ awardee to be elected President of India? 11.Who was the first Indian to win the Pulitzer Prize? 12.Contribution to which field is honoured by dhanwantri award?
  • 20. BOOK& MOVIE REVIEW UDGAM MATTERS20 APOLLO 13 (1995) BOOK MOVIE THE LITTLE PRINCE -By Antoine De Saint Exupery March-April 2017 Space-thefinalfrontierand who better to send there but Mr America himself, Tom Hanks. This film focuses on the true story of a mission to the Moon in the 1970s that went wrong. Virtually ignored by an indifferent TV audience, three astronauts (Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, and Bill Paxton) blast off with the aim of fulfilling their dream of setting foot on the Moon. RonHowardhadadifficulttask with the film as on the whole, the hi-tech terminology might nothavemadetoomuchsense to the audience. However, he pulls everything together and manages to create tension and drama when disaster strikes. Suddenly the astronauts go from non- entities to celebrities, and Howard’s use of news footage gives the film an urgency and realism. There are images of people around the world watching the skies for the safe return of Apollo 13. Journalists camp on the families’ lawns, monitoring every development from the engines blowing to carbon dioxide poisoning in the spacecraft. But you are left with a tear in your eye at the end and full of admiration at the bravery of the astronauts. A definite feel-good movie. The Little Prince narrates the tale of a pilot who is stranded in what is presumably the Sahara desert. Fantasy enters the novella as the narrator encounters the little prince, a boy from another planet who recounts his adventures in the universe and at the end of the book, must return to where he came from. Thenovellaiswritteninasimplelanguage,sometimesventuringinto child-speak.Atthesametime,itconveysadeepermeaningandmakes philosophical inquiries. Exupery’s use of humor is subtle but it strikes the right chords. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
  • 21. 10 FACTS ABOUT JORDAN! The land of Jordan lies along an ancient and well-used trade route in the Middle East. It is a country filled with ancient monuments, stunning nature reserves and seaside resorts. The most famous is the archaeological site of Petra, the Nabatean capital dating to around 300BCE, set in a narrow valley with tombs, temples and monuments carved into the surrounding pink sandstone cliffs. One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the city of Petra, was literally carved into rock over 2000 years ago. The city was first established in 312 BC; making it one of the oldest metropolises in the world. The waters of the Dead Sea are extremely saline which keeps bathers buoyant. With 34.2% salinity it is 9.6 times as salty as the ocean. Unlike the other Arab states in the Middle East, Jordan has no oil of its own. The Jordanian capital, Amman is unique in that it was originally constructed across seven hills also known as “jabals”. The city now spans 19 of them. It has no “East side” or “West side”. Directions are given based on “jabals”. It is believed that Mount Nebo in Jordan is the burial place of Moses and hence the most revered holy site in Jordan. Almost every single building in Amman is made of stone or concrete and clad with thin, white limestone slabs. Thus there really are no landmarks and every building looks almost identical. The lowest point on Earth in terms of dry land is the shore of the Dead Sea in Jordan. It lies at 1,378ft (420m) beneath sea level. In Jordan customs, it is considered polite to refuse a meal three times here before actually accepting it. People of Jordan are very generous and if you praise an item belonging to the host, there is a likelihood you will return home with it. 10 FACTS ABOUT JORDAN! The land of Jordan lies along an ancient and UDGAM MATTERS21 March-April 2017
  • 22. Bhimwasborninapoorfamilyof‘untouchable’casteinMadhyaPradesh. Unlike most low caste people of those times, he had the privilege of studying in a school. He faced a lot of discrimination in school and was made to sit on the floor, not allowed to drink water from the public reservoir or touch anything, even people. Despite the hard times and the stigma of being an untouchable, Bhim went on to graduate in Arts. He won a scholarship and went toAmerica and london for higher studies. UponreturningbacktoIndia,hetookupworkintheDefenceSecretaryin Baroda, where he was subjected to further ridicule because of his caste. He left his job and joined as a teacher in Sydenham College in Bombay. He started a weekly journal ‘Mooknayak’ through which he questioned the orthodox beliefs and raised his voice against caste discrimination. He started the ‘BahishkritHitkariniSabha’ which provided education and socio-economic improvement to the backward classes. He followed the footsteps ofGandhiji to fight for water source and right to enter temples for the untouchables. He became a social reformer and worked for the upliftment of the downtrodden. he earned the chair as free India’s first law minister and the chairman of the drafting committee of the IndianConstitution. He drafted the Indian constitution in such a way as to provide Indian citizens with freedom of religion, abolish untouchability, provide rights to women and bridge the gap between various Indian classes. TodayweareproudofourConstitutionanditisregardedwithgreatvalue. It was written by a person who had no right to ‘write’, an untouchable… who fought against all odds and won rights not only for himself but for all the underprivileged people like him. Bhim is none other than Dr. BhimraoAmbedkar, Father of the Indian Constitution, and who is remembered with great respect on his birth anniversary on 14thApril, a national holiday. 22 UDGAM MATTERSMarch-April 2017 LIFE STORY Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar STORYwhat an inspiration!
  • 23. Glimpses of Summer Camp May 2016
  • 24. Summer Camp May 2017 Summer Camp May 2017 Summer CampSummerSummer CampSummerSummer May 2017May 2017MayMay 2017MayMay CampCampCampSummer CampCampSummer CampSummer CampCampSummer CampSummer CampCampSummer CampSummer CampCampSummer CampSummer CampCampSummer CampCampCamp TONS OF FUN! 1 – 12 MAY • 9.30am to 1.00pm Junior KG to Class 8 BEAT THE HEAT Stay Cool and Keep Learning alive in our all Air Conditioned Spacious Classrooms at Zebar School with Free Transport facility Let‛s LEGO • Story Circle • Power Yoga • Table Tennis • Science Stardust • Craft O Holic • iMachine • Crispy Crunchy Choco Bites • Handwriting Clinic • Yummilicious -Mouth Watering Cupcakes • Twist your Waist -Musical Hula Hoops • Tell a Tale • Be an Amazing Public Speaker • Hand Embroidery Stitches……and many more!! Save your date for the Summer Camp Flyer will be distributed separately for further information Udgam Pro Activity Club Coordinator Hitiksha M. 8238002012 Vibha M. 9909915522