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The Truth Behind The
Page : 10, 11
Science And Technology	 Page 13
General Knowledge	 Page 14
Book & Movie Review	 Page 15
Tell Me About	 Page 16
Fit & Fine	 Page 17
10 HotelsYou NeedToSeeTo Believe	 Page 18
Udgam ProActivityClub 	 Page 19
Radiant Reflections	 Page 4
Preprimary In Action 	 Page 5
Primary Section	 Page 6
Middle Section	 Page 7
Secondary Section	 Page 8
Sr. Secondary Section	 Page 9
HowTo DealWith Lack Of
Concentration AtWork?	 Page 3
	 Page 12
Can you hear the
drums tonight?
- Mrs. Sagarika Sahana
Content Manager
When the sound of
dandiyas reverberate
amidst the swirl of the
dancers swaying away to
the tunes of popular songs,
one knows that it is that
time of the year again when the heart is up and ready
to celebrate Navratri. Just as the lull after the storm
of the nine nights of revelry begins to set in, we are
off again on a completely different note, to celebrate
with light and sound, the delightful night of Diwali.
Indian festivals are such an integral part of our culture
that we celebrate almost each and every one with
gay abundance. Be it the lighting of the lamps in
the north, or digging into delicious ona sadya in the
south, or dhanuchi dance with the dhakis of the east
or swaying to the lilting tunes of dandiya in the west,
we Indians are united by our festivals. The same is
true when we go or settle abroad as we try and find
threads of our culture in the much entwined quilt that
binds together people of the world.
Udgam Matters has made festivals the main focus
of this month and you will surely love to read our
main article which brings to the fore the awareness
of generation next about Indian mythology and
folklore. Our general knowledge section is to brush
up the tales we learnt at our grandmother’s knees.
And when you find you are all done with festivals for
the time being, find out about the world’s weirdest
hotels in Backpacking and plan you next vacation. All
this along with our regular articles by teachers and
students and more for you in this October issue which
is no less than a grand October fest!
Editor : Mrs. Sagarika Sahana
Student coordinator : Mrs. Hitiksha Soni
Designer : Chintan Shastri (Creative Grapes)
Once in a while we find that we cannot
concentrate on our studies or work.This happens
about it, we should take the following steps to
overcome it.
1.	 Find the purpose in your work: If you are doing
something that does not interest you or you don’t
care about then you lose concentration. Perhaps
knowing the reason you will be motivated to do the
work and it will be easier to do it well.
2.	 Plan before you begin: Often we make the mistake
of jumping and doing a particular piece of work and
then we are stuck. So before taking up something
new, take a few minutes to plan out how it’s going
to progress. Phase out the work, find missing links,
people who can help you, etc.
3.	 Take regular breaks: It is actually more effective
to work for shorter periods and take breaks in
between. If you really need to focus, you cannot do
so for more than an hour at a time. After each hour
you need a break to let your system recharge. Plus,
if you know you have a scheduled break coming up
work for a long period and getting distracted now
and again, tell yourself, “I just need to concentrate
for a short time.”
4.	 Eat enough, but not too much: If you are hungry, a
growling stomach can take away your focus. Your
attention level drops when your blood sugar is
low. On the other had, eating too much will make
you sluggish and lethargic, thus hampering your
concentration level.
Concentration in any activity is very important
to complete it successfully. For improving your
concentration skills, find the purpose of your
work, plan ahead, take breaks in between and
keep hunger at bay.
Ms. Pratima Patell, Director
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Mrs. Neha Manghani,Teacher
Secondary Section
Strange odds or broken ends,
Speaks to me to an extent.
What a fussy BEE we be
When our conduct changes
with days. We don’t believe to
express our regret ,
And pretend to deal in a
different way.
Always come to a conclusion
Before analyzing the situation
We blindly follow the
reality shown
And then Criticize in
erroneous tone.
Have we ever thought
What we think may not?
The answer may surely be ‘No’
As we have stopped being
generous ‘JO’
Don’t really matter what
ever goes,
Quarrel to preserve egos.
Strange truth, but this is a
common fact, Beginning or
ending whatever it is,
We are least bothered for that.
We have forgotten the meaning
of humanity, Aren’t we more
influenced by our society? We as
unconscious laymen, Are striving
to kill our unity.
Literally imploring and
pleading on my part. Abide by
virtuousness and never
think to part.
Believe me,
Being human and joining
broken ends,
Will give us more pleasure
than revenge.
I am sure,
We can convert these strange
odds to even when, We will be
genuinely sincere to all Men.
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Primary Section
4 OCTOBER 2016
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Mrs. Seema Sharma,Teacher
Middle Section
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Each day I will do my
best, And I won’t do
any less.
My work will always please me,
And I won’t accept a mess.
I will colour very carefully,
My writing will be very neat.
And I will not be happy,
‘Till my papers are complete,
I will always do my homework,
And try my best in every test.
I won’t forget my promise,
To do my very best.
Pushti Gotecha - V F
My Grandparents
Grandparents, as the name suggests
are the main part of the family and are
superior to our parents in every aspect.
-Grandparents are the backbone and
the root of our family who keep all the
members of the family together with love.
Their importance in our lives is inevitable
and they are the head of the family.
They are the most experienced people
of our family and shower their love and
blessings upon their grandchildren.
Grandparents are the best friends of their
grandchildren, where the grandfather
becomes the horse for the grandchild and
grandmother sings a lullaby every night.
Saksham Ajmera – III A
What do astronauts do in space?
Where do they live?
In a house or in a hotel?
What do they eat?
Fruit or meat?
What do astronauts do in space?
Do they cycle or sit on asteroid and roam
in space?
Where do they sleep?
In a bed or on planets?
What do they drink?
Water or cold drink?
What do ‘astronauts’ do in space?
Nihira Pillai – V A
Wonderful tree
Trees,Trees how graceful you are!!!
Such sharing you do, so caring you are!!
You give whatever you have,
And don’t think what you will get back.
Trees trees how humble you are!!
You give us food to stay healthy,
And rain and air to live.
We bow our head for your support in our
life on earth.
Tees trees how great you are!!!
I feel sorry that people hurt you!!!
I promise, always to save you,
Trees trees how special you are!!!
Rushil Shah – V G
Teachers are great sources of
knowledge, prosperity and
enlightenment to whom anyone
can be benefited for whole life.They
serve as the real light in everyone’s
life as they help students to make
their ways in life.They are the God
gifted people in everyone’s life who
lead us towards success without
any selfish motives. Really, we can
call them as builders of the dazzling
future of our nation through
Teachers play a very essential role
in the field of education.They teach
the students to be persons of good
morals and behaviour.They equip
students with lots of knowledge,
skills and positive attitude.They
help students to achieve their
educational goals by developing
clear vision and ideas.Without
teachers one cannot grow mentally,
socially and intellectually.
Aayushi Kulkarni –VIII F
Goodbye to the monsoon
October is here
The evenings are cooler,
This time of the year.
Dussehra is coming
I’m happy to say,
A week of doing nothing
But play, play and play!
Dhyey Dave –VI H
My lost Glasses
I have hunted near,
I have hunted far,
I even looked inside my car.
I have lost my glasses, I am in need,
Help me find them so I can read.
I loudly shout and I curse,
Did I leave them in my purse?
Are they behind the sofa,
under the bed,
Oh!They are on my head.
Aahna ShethVI -G
Oh! Why to study?
When in monsoon you can be
wet and muddy!
Oh! Why to study the
charter acts,
And mug up the boring facts.
Oh! Why to prefer maps,
Over the heavenly
afternoon naps?
Don’t you understand chaps,
There is something called
memory lapse?
They say, ‘It is for your
It will help you get some
To pay your house’s rent and,
Buy those amazing
mesmerising scents.
Time will pass as fast
as an eye’s blink,
Oh, it forces me to think,
Exams will take me
to the next link.
Isha Sampat, VIII B
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Vrushti ChauhanVI – G
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Photosynthesis Rap
Ever wonder why a plant doesn’t
need to eat. Makes food from the
sun that you can’t beat.
Uses water during this process too.
Creates sugar from light and CO2.
Now it has got the energy to grow.
Called photosynthesis
you didn’t know.
Does the opposite of what we do.
Takes in CO2 and releases O2.
What makes a plant green I’m glad
you asked. Photosynthesis takes
place in the chloroplast.
Chemistry of photosynthesis is
quite easy bro.
Starts with 6CO2 and 6H2O.
Add sunshine and chlorophyll to the
mix. End up with C6H12O6.
Plants doing that,plants doing this.
Because it is the Photosynthesis!
Rohin Sharma - XF
I see below the clouds a waste-
What once was, was, but why was
and not is?
Well, they themselves in inglorious
haste Summoned Death
to give his kiss.
Cursed be they, discards of Creation
Damned be they, scarring His face
Condemned be they, cause of
Of their lives shall remain no trace.
First shall the Fire come
and then the Guardian Angels
Gabriel, Michael to wipe the slum
O, fie on them, wretch’d mortals!
The hour of doom, the Judgement
Day On which they lose existence
David and the Sybil did say
A price be paid for hate, greed,
I see down there great quakes,
Their Earth long last split wide open.
From Its summits, fire breaks,
Great floods come too, leaving none.
Panic and pandemonium
Begin their reign anew.
Chaos and commotion
Out of cesspits and abysses spew.
Now they beg, they plead, they cry
To Father Almighty, they turn
with hope.
All strife forgotten,
remainder reunify
Caliph, Sage, Guru, Rabi and Pope.
All voices amid terror croon
All heads bowed, hearts contrite.
Desperately within His thundering
Mankind witness their final twilight.
Agreed, that they left their gift to
wane Agreed, that they succumbed
to sin Agreed, that their art alone is
their bane But is that deserving of a
fate akin?
Mercy,Vishnu, Jesus and Allah
If there be Heaven beyond.
Forsake them not, Jehovah
To their prayerThou must respond.
Thy creation is all but nought
ThyWrath has played its game
Let there be a New King wrought,
Who will save them inThy Name.
Down shall he descend in glory,
Down, beneath the skies.
His Graceful Salvation shall
be the story
While mother next to
elated child cries.
-Let the destruction of all that we
hold dear be prevented-
AatmanVakil - X B
Arushi Gupta X F Devinani Janani X E Vandan Lakhani IX C
Made out of waste paper
Just because I’ve never
bunked classes,
Doesn’t mean I’m not ‘cool’
Just because I ask loads of
Doesn’t mean I’m lame.
Just because I’m not ‘hanging out’
every now & then,
Doesn’t make me boring.
Just because I argue and highlight my points,
Doesn’t prove I’m a rebel.
Just because I speak my mind,
Doesn’t mean I wanna be rude.
Just because I try and keep shut,
Doesn’t mean I lack my beliefs.
Just because I always help you in need,
Doesn’t tag me ‘MissGoody two shoes’
Just because I avoid trouble,
Doesn’t mean I’m weak
Just because I ‘be’ who ‘IAM’,
Doesn’t mean I’m weird.
It’s who I’m gonna be forever,
I don’t care,
It doesn’t bother,
Neither people’s comments,
Nor their thoughts.
Choice is yours,
To like or not to,
Accept me forWHO IAM
And who I’ll always be
It is often said that ‘student life is golden life’.
It is the period of pure joy and happiness,
and worries of a grown-up life. It is the time
when we are molded into being good citizens
of this society. But is there all there is to it?
Are all students living a life like they should
be? Carefree and laidback? NO.The pressure
faced by this generation of children has
never been seen before. Today’s generation,
especially the teenagers undergo a lot of
pressure and stress than what meets the eye.
Peer pressure. “Social influence exerted by a
peer group on an individual, “this is how peer
pressure is actually defined. But people fail
to realize the importance and gravity of this
word. How it affects an innocent child’s life
and how the child’s future depends on it. Peer
pressure is a very real issue that affects many
of the teenagers of the world today. Society
offers many misleading advertisements
that seem to lead teens in all the wrong
directions. Children grow up and move into
teenage lifestyles, involvement with their
peers, and how they look in other peoples’
eyes start to matter. Their hormones kick in,
and they experience rapid changes in their
minds, and bodies. They also develop a mind
of their own, questioning the adult standards
and need for their parental guidance.We get
blinded, lose sound judgment and end up
getting overwhelmed by the society and peer
pressure. It is not a situation to be considered
lightly. Peer pressure is one of the reasons
smoking, fighting and bullying. One of the
most decisive results of peer pressure is
academic performance which goes down the
hill along with the normal life they used to
live. Usually, people having low self-esteem
are the ones affected by peer pressure.
Wanting attention and the fear of being left
the liability of being a victim of bad influence.
Not only peer pressure but also social media
is something that has a deep impact on
the students’ life.First of all, any web site
through which social interaction can occur is
known as a social media site. It includes social
networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter,
and video sites such as YouTube and other
entertainment and communication which has
exponentially increased over the years. It also
has a significant impact on our life affecting
people of diverse ages. But the larger effect is
forms of social media is a routine activity that
research has shown to benefit children and
adolescents by enhancing communication,
social connection, and even technical skills.
Also, many parents today use technology
incredibly well and feel comfortable and
capable with the programs and online venues
that their children and adolescents are using.
But because of their limited capacity for self-
children and adolescents are at some risk as
they navigate and experiment with social
media. Recent research indicates that there
are frequent online expressions of offline
behaviors, such as bullying, clique-forming,
and sexual experimentation, that have
introduced problems such as cyber bullying,
privacy issues, and etc. Other problems that
merit awareness include Internet addiction
and concurrent sleep deprivation.
Apart from these two problems there are
other reasons as to why the students of
today’s generation have undergone drastic
changes compared to the students of older
generation. In earlier generations, kids
of satellite television and internet, kids are
are exposed to some adult-related content
too, which is not at all appropriate for their
delicate minds. The concept of childhood
becomes problematic.
But the biggest fear a student faces is the
fear of being bullied. Strong monopolizes
the weak. Victims of bullying are often shy
and tend to be physically weaker than their
peers. They may also have low self-esteem
and poor social skills, which makes it hard
for them to stand up for themselves. Bullies
consider these children safe targets because
they usually don’t retaliate. Bullying affects
the future of both the person being bullied
and the person bullying. Kids who are bullied
experience depression and anxiety, increased
feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in
sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest
in activities they used to enjoy and in worst
cases trauma and suicide.
and teachers to make sure that kids avoid
getting into trouble and lead a cheerful life.
It is rightfully said “Childhood and adulthood
are not factors of age but states of mind,”
thus a happy childhood leads to a happy life!
Isha Sharma – XI B
Tanvi Kumar – XII F
Each and every festival that is celebrated has a history or a myth behind it. Som
Puranas. Some of them have been reshaped and new stories have been born obli
beginning, there were no religions as such. Today we know and celebrate festivals a
stories and tales that have been have bee
We asked a group of students ranging from Classes 4 to 8 and were amazed by th
Diwali is around the corner and is
a major festival of Gujarat state.
About 95% students know the
story of Diwali and all the smaller
ones are aware that we light
lamps and burst crackers on that
day. However, about 5% are not
aware of the reason behind the
rituals of the festival.
Onam is a festival that
about 50% of the group
are aware of alongwith the
the name of Mahabaliand
Vamana avatar. About
65% know that it is
celebrated in
Ramzan awareness
is quite less and only
about 40% know about
the fasting ritual that is
observed over a month.
Even fewer are aware that
dates are eaten first to
break the day long fast.
Christmas is a festival
that almost 100% of the
group know well about
and also about the story
of Jesus and the ritual of
exchanging gifts.
Navroz is a festival that
all students have heard of
but only about 60% know
why it is celebrated and by
which community.
Uttarayan seems to be a
favourite festival as 100%
students are aware of
the rituals and festivities
along with when it is
Navratri is a festival that
100% students are well
aware of along with the
stories behind the festival
and the ritual of dancing
for 9 nights.
Cheti Chand is well
known by the students
and 80% are aware
of why it is celebrated
and by which
me of them are centuries old and actually date back to the times of the Vedas and
iterating the old ones. Some of them have become religion based although, in the
and have some idea about why we celebrate them. But are our children aware of the
en handed down through the generations?
heir responses. We take this opportunity to share some of their responses here.
Pushkar is famous for the world’s oldest Brahma temple and also the largest camel
festival. The festival is less and less about the eponymous camels and more about
a good time, though the dunes outside of Pushkar are still a sight to behold when
the cameleers come to town. Drawing in 50,000 camels and 200,000 people,
the fair is ostensibly a time when Rajasthani farmers gather to buy and sell their
camels, cattle and horses. When the festival proper begins, the camels go to the
outer as moustache competitions and sporting events take centre stage.
For each of the seven days of the festival proper, there’s a programme of day
and evening events, most taking place in the mela (festival) ground, and some
out in the camel or cattle exhibition grounds (the number of cattle at Pushkar
actually exceeds camels).Visitors are embraced and incorporated into the fair,
with events such as tugs-of-war or kabaddi matches pitting Indians against
foreigners, and a turban-tying contest purely for foreign visitors.Outside the mela
ground, there’s a fairground-cum-market, where you can buy the finest of camel
or human decorations before taking a spin on a Ferris wheel for a view over the
vast expanse of camels.
Dussehra is a festival most
students know about in terms
of the tales of the Gods and
the demons. They are also
aware of Devi Durga and
her super powers. When
questioned on whose effigy is
burnt in north India only 50%
could give the
correct answer.
The students showed
total lack of awareness
about the Pushkar Fair
as the largest cattle
Janmashtami is a popular
festival and Lord Krishna
is a much loved God and
100% students are aware
of mythology and rituals
involving this child God. But
when asked about questions
related to Krishna’s birth and
other tales of Krishna the
awareness level dropped to
about 40%.
Ganesh Chaturthi seems
to be the most popular
festival among the
students as 100% got all
questions correct when
asked about
this festival.
From the Counsellors…
o	 Most parents I have worked with
over the years have told me that
their parenting choices are a result
of their deep love for their child.
However, some of their loving
choices can have adverse affects
later in life.
o	 Parents who buy every toy that their
adults who expect everything of the
world and have little sense of value.
o	Parents who push their children
to get the highest grades, be the
prettiest or be the star athlete may
create joyless adults or externally
focused over achievers.
o	 Parents who want to be friends with
their child may create undisciplined
adults who lack a sense of security.
o	 Parents who do everything for their
child, never wanting their child to
experience the pain of failure, may
create adults who never take risks.
o	 Parents who over discipline their
child may create adults who
are unable to problem solve for
In thinking about your loving parenting
choices, please ask yourself “Am I helping
to create independent , fulfilled , joyous ,
imaginative,content human beings who
are capable of giving and receiving love
Here’s the answer, simply, love your
children unconditionally. Make sure
your love is not based on what they do
or don’t do. Love them because their
very existence is a gift to you and to the
Do parents love their children? Of course they do.The important question for all
parents to consider is not if they loved their children but how.
You can’t teach children to behave better by making them feel worse.
When children feel better, they behave better. - Pam Leo
“ “
Bacteria coaxed to deliver
chemo drugs right inside tumours
Canadian scientists say they have found
a way to direct special bacteria to carry
chemotherapy drugs straight into the
most active part of a cancerous tumour.
That could lead to more effective cancer
treatments with lower doses of drugs and
fewer side-effects.
Greenland sharks may live 400 years, scientists say
Creature that dwells in Arctic Ocean and deep sea may live up to 400 years.
Step aside Galapagos tortoises, the Greenland shark may be the longest-living vertebrate
on Earth with a 400-year lifespan, a new study suggests.
Dirty Stone Age tools show what was on
the menu 250,000 years ago
Residue from horse, rhino, beef and duck
to hunt variety of animals.
The stories behind the festivals....
EID-UD-ZOHA:Once Hazrat Ibrahim saw a dream in whichAllah ordered him to sacrifice his most
precious thing.After much discussion, Hazrat Ibrahim and his wife decided to sacrifice their most
precious possession, their only son for the sake ofAllah.Hazrat Ibrahim was all set to sacrifice his son at
the gallows.As he put the sword at his son’s throat, the son vanished and he was replaced by a sheep.
This was a test set byGod which he passed.So sacrifice of goat or sheep takes place on this day.
DIWALI: It is believed that on this day Lord
Rama, along with his consort Sita and loyal
brother Lakshman returned to his hometown
Ayodhya after 14 long years of exile in the
forest. He had just finished battling and
overcoming the fierce demon king of Ceylon,
Ayodhya lit lamps in every home to welcome
their true King as well as celebrate his victory
over Ravana.
DUSSHERA: According to the story, all the Gods
in swarglok and the living beings on earth were
upset by the tyranny of the demon Mahishasura.
which would destroy Mahishasura and free the
living beings. This gave rise to the creation of
Goddess Durga, an avatar of Ma Shakti. She
defeated the demon. Her victory is celebrated as
Vijayadashmi or Dusshera.
ONAM: According to the story, King Mahabali was a devout worshipper of Lord Vishnu. He was
sincere, honest, just and a good ruler but with a big ego.To redeem his beloved devotee of this one
the Brahmin what he wanted for he could give anything. Vamana asked for three paces of land.
Vamana grew in size and with one foot covered earth, with the other the heavens and then for the
final pace Mahabali offered his head.This fatal step proved a blessing in disguise for the good king
— it released him from the recurrent cycle of birth and death.
CHRISTMAS:The world was waiting for a messiah who would stop tyranny of the emperors and bring peace to earth. It is believed thatGod
came to Mary in her dream and told her that she would give birth to the messiah.Jesus was born in a stable and three wise men came to bless
him.Christians celebrateChristmas Day as the anniversary of the birth ofJesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis
of their religion.
In this groundbreaking book Dr
Devdutt Pattanaik, one of India’s
most popular mythologists,
seeks an answer to these
apparent paradoxes and unravels
an inherited truth about life
and death, nature and culture,
perfection and possibility. He
retells sacred Hindu stories and
decodes Hindu symbols and
rituals, using a unique style of
commentary, illustrations and
diagrams. We discover why
the villainous Kauravas went
to heaven and the virtuous
Pandavas (all exceptYudhishtira)
were sent to hell; why Rama
despite abandoning the innocent
Sita remains the model king; why
why Shiva wrenched off the fifth
head of Brahma. Constructed
over generations, Hindu myths
serve as windows to the soul,
and provide an understanding of
the world around us. The aim is
not to outgrow myth, but to be
enriched and empowered by its
ancient, potent and still relevant
OMG or Oh My God! is about
something that touches all
our lives - religion. It is a
film about our relationship
with God, how instead
of being God-loving, we
have become God-fearing.
How religion has become
a business run by godmen
(here aptly referred to as
‘salesmen’) who aren’t in fact
very spiritual at all. A note to
atheists and agnostics - the
film is not an endorsement
of those views. It insists on
the existence of God. The
story is an adaptation of a
very successful Gujarati play.
The original template is an
Australian film called ‘The
Man Who Sued God’. Kanji
Rawal, is an avowed atheist
who runs an antiques shop.
Kanji is a wily salesman who
weaves tall tales around his
wares and sells 200-rupee
idols for thousands. The
faithful are always ready
to pay. As Kanji puts it:
“Shraddha ka kaam hai, jitna
dalo, utna kum.”
One day, an earthquake
destroys Kanji’s shop. The
insurance company refuses
to pay, saying it was an act
of God. So Kanji, defiant,
furious and abandoned by his
God.Paresh Rawal, as usual,
rises above the material. He
is the force in this film.
OMG! (2012)
Myth = Mithya
Sub title: A Handbook of Hindu Mythology
Bhutan is called “The Land of
Thunder Dragons” because of the
violent and large thunderstorms
that whip down through the valleys
from the Himalayas.
Bhutan is the first country to
switch from the western ideal
of Gross National Product to
“Gross National Happiness,”
which is achieved through four
foundations: good governance,
natural environment, sustainable
growth, and cultural values.
The national sports of Bhutan are
archery and darts – I am not sure
how darts qualifies as a sport! In the
city of Paro I had the opportunity to
whiteness an archery competition
and was surprised how far they had
to shoot. After watching for over
forty minutes not one person had hit the bullseye!
The capital city, Thimphu, has no
traffic lights– just white-gloved
traffic officers. When the city tried
to install some lights there was
a public outcry, and they were
promptly removed.
Gangkhar Puensum is the highest
mountain in Bhutan and considered
so sacred that no one has yet
climbed to its peak (at 24,840 feet).
The views of the mountains as you
drive across the high passes are jaw
dropping and the highlight of any
journey through Bhutan.
Bhutan is one of the only countries in the world where citizens
have a constitutional obligation to preserve and protect the
Tantric Buddhism is the official
religion, followed by Hinduism.
Dzong’s and temples are maintained
and supported by the government.
There are even trade schools to
teach new artisans that work on the
paintings and carvings of these holy places.
In 2001 Bhutan lifted its ban on TV
and Internet—the last country in the
world to do so. But today it is not
strange to see computers and cell
phones in the hands of teenagers
especially in the capital city of
tourists were allowed into
Bhutan by invite only. Today
at the high cost of $250.00
a day per person. You must arrange all your travel
through a government authorized tourist agency,
but once you arrive everything is taken care of from
food through to your transportation and guide.
Bhutan is the first country to
have outlawed tobacco in 2004.
Although, in 2012 the laws
were loosened and smuggling
now occurs. It is still rare to see
people smoking on the streets,
but drugs and alcohol have
continued to create problems
and the government has started
a program to educate and deter
citizens from abusing or using the
smuggled narcotics.
Ways to Ease a
A sore throat can be the first sign of a cold, a side effect of strained vocal cords, or an indication
of something more serious (like strep throat). Here are a few things to try the next time you’re
feeling scratchy, hoarse, or just plain sick.
1.	 Saltwater gargle
Studies have shown that
gargling several times a day
with warm salt water can
reduce swelling in the throat
and loosen mucus, helping to
flush out irritants or bacteria.
Doctors generally recommend
dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in
one cup of water. If the salty taste is too unpleasant for
you, try adding a small amount of honey to sweeten the
mixture slightly. (Just remember to spit the water out
after gargling, rather than swallowing!)
3.	Fluids
Staying hydrated is very important, especially when you’re sick and your throat is irritated or
inflamed. You should be drinking enough fluid so that your urine is light yellow or clear. This
keeps your mucous membranes moist and better able to combat bacteria and irritants like
allergens, and make your body better able to fight back against other cold symptoms.You need
to drink water and can even have warm soup and fruit juices.
4.	Tea
Tired of drinking water?A warm cup
soothing relief for a sore throat.
What’s more, non-herbal teas—
whether they’re made with
black, green, or white leaves—
contain antioxidants that are
thought to strengthen immunity
and ward off infection.
6.	 Magic Concoction
Make a concoction of honey, ginger
and take it whenever your throat
feels really sore. This magic
mixture works wonders in easing
the soreness and warding off a full
blown cough.
2.	 Cough Drops
Sucking on cough
drops stimulates saliva
production, which can help
keep your throat moist. But
many varieties are no more
effective than hard candies, so opt for the
medically recommended ones. For an added benefit,
choose brands with a cooling or numbing ingredient,
like menthol or eucalyptus.
BACKPACKING!10 Hotels You Need To See To Believe…
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Fort, Gosport,
9 Hours Capsule
Hotel Kyoto,
The Aurora
Express, Alaska,
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Health Reasons to Avoid
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Opp. Sardar Patel Institute, Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad - 380 054 Gujarat INDIA.

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Udgam Matters October 2016

  • 1. OCTOBER 2016 udgammatters Revealed!!! The Truth Behind The Celebrations... Page : 10, 11
  • 2. 2 UDGAM MATTERSOCTOBER 2016 Science And Technology Page 13 General Knowledge Page 14 Book & Movie Review Page 15 Tell Me About Page 16 Fit & Fine Page 17 10 HotelsYou NeedToSeeTo Believe Page 18 Udgam ProActivityClub Page 19 Radiant Reflections Page 4 Preprimary In Action Page 5 Primary Section Page 6 Middle Section Page 7 Secondary Section Page 8 Sr. Secondary Section Page 9 HowTo DealWith Lack Of Concentration AtWork? Page 3 REVEALED!!!THETRUTH BEHIND THE CELEBRATIONS… Page 10-11 Page 12 WHAT’S INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK Can you hear the drums tonight? - Mrs. Sagarika Sahana Content Manager When the sound of dandiyas reverberate amidst the swirl of the dancers swaying away to the tunes of popular songs, one knows that it is that time of the year again when the heart is up and ready to celebrate Navratri. Just as the lull after the storm of the nine nights of revelry begins to set in, we are off again on a completely different note, to celebrate with light and sound, the delightful night of Diwali. Indian festivals are such an integral part of our culture that we celebrate almost each and every one with gay abundance. Be it the lighting of the lamps in the north, or digging into delicious ona sadya in the south, or dhanuchi dance with the dhakis of the east or swaying to the lilting tunes of dandiya in the west, we Indians are united by our festivals. The same is true when we go or settle abroad as we try and find threads of our culture in the much entwined quilt that binds together people of the world. Udgam Matters has made festivals the main focus of this month and you will surely love to read our main article which brings to the fore the awareness of generation next about Indian mythology and folklore. Our general knowledge section is to brush up the tales we learnt at our grandmother’s knees. And when you find you are all done with festivals for the time being, find out about the world’s weirdest hotels in Backpacking and plan you next vacation. All this along with our regular articles by teachers and students and more for you in this October issue which is no less than a grand October fest! Editor : Mrs. Sagarika Sahana Student coordinator : Mrs. Hitiksha Soni Designer : Chintan Shastri (Creative Grapes)
  • 3. 3 UDGAM MATTERSOCTOBER 2016 FROM THE DIRECTOR HOW TO DEAL WITH LACK Of CONCENTRATION at WORK Once in a while we find that we cannot concentrate on our studies or work.This happens almosttoeachofusandinsteadofbeingalarmed about it, we should take the following steps to overcome it. 1. Find the purpose in your work: If you are doing something that does not interest you or you don’t care about then you lose concentration. Perhaps knowing the reason you will be motivated to do the work and it will be easier to do it well. 2. Plan before you begin: Often we make the mistake of jumping and doing a particular piece of work and then we are stuck. So before taking up something new, take a few minutes to plan out how it’s going to progress. Phase out the work, find missing links, people who can help you, etc. 3. Take regular breaks: It is actually more effective to work for shorter periods and take breaks in between. If you really need to focus, you cannot do so for more than an hour at a time. After each hour you need a break to let your system recharge. Plus, if you know you have a scheduled break coming up itiseasiertostayonthetask.Soinsteadoftryingto work for a long period and getting distracted now and again, tell yourself, “I just need to concentrate for a short time.” 4. Eat enough, but not too much: If you are hungry, a growling stomach can take away your focus. Your attention level drops when your blood sugar is low. On the other had, eating too much will make you sluggish and lethargic, thus hampering your concentration level. Concentration in any activity is very important to complete it successfully. For improving your concentration skills, find the purpose of your work, plan ahead, take breaks in between and keep hunger at bay. Ms. Pratima Patell, Director
  • 4. UDGAM MATTERS Åè™Ú-Åè™Ú ¼é}¢ „éÝ¢ï }¢ïÚè ÜUç±¼¢ ¥¢… Ý ÜUÚÝ¢ ¼é}¢ ÜU¢}¢ ÜU¢ï§ü Îê…¢, Ú¢ï…G ÚÅ-ÚÅ ÜUÚ ƒÜU x¢» ã}¢ J ¶ïHÝ¢ ¥¢ñÚ Åè.±è Îï¶Ý¢ ƒ¢ ÜU§ü çÎÝ¢ïæ „ï Ï¢æÎ, „¢ï¼ï-©Æ¼ï, ¶¢¼ï-Ðè¼ï Ï¢„ ÜU§ü çÎÝ¢ïæ „ï ÜUç±¼¢ ÜU¢ x¢¢Ý ÜUÚ¼ï ƒï ã}¢, }¢¢¼¢-çм¢, |¢¢§ü-Ï¢ãÝ ¥¢ñÚ ¥ÇG¢ï„-ÐÇG¢ï„ }¢ïæ Ú¢ï…G ÚÅ¢¼ï-ÚÅ¢¼ï ÜUÚ çβ¢ ƒ¢ Ý¢ÜU }¢ïæ Î}¢ J Åè™Ú Åè™Ú . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }¢¢¼¢ Ýï Ï¢¼¢²¢ ãñ çÜU çSÅÜUÚ ¼é}¢ÜU¢ï H¢Ý¢ ãñ, ¥ç|¢Ý² ÜUï „¢ƒ ÜUç±¼¢ x¢¢ ÜUÚ ¼é}¢ÜU¢ï „éݢݢ ãñ J }¢ñæ ¼é}ãïæ ç¶H¢ª¡x¢è »ÜU Ï¢ÇG¢ çÐÁ…G¢, ¥x¢Ú H¢¥¢ïæx¢ï Т„ТïÅü }¢ïæ çSÅÜUÚ Îê…¢ J Åè™Ú Åè™Ú . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONSPICUOUS TRUTH Mrs. Neha Manghani,Teacher Secondary Section Strange odds or broken ends, Speaks to me to an extent. What a fussy BEE we be sometime, When our conduct changes with days. We don’t believe to express our regret , And pretend to deal in a different way. Always come to a conclusion Before analyzing the situation We blindly follow the reality shown And then Criticize in erroneous tone. Have we ever thought What we think may not? The answer may surely be ‘No’ As we have stopped being generous ‘JO’ Don’t really matter what ever goes, Quarrel to preserve egos. Strange truth, but this is a common fact, Beginning or ending whatever it is, We are least bothered for that. We have forgotten the meaning of humanity, Aren’t we more influenced by our society? We as unconscious laymen, Are striving to kill our unity. Literally imploring and pleading on my part. Abide by virtuousness and never think to part. Believe me, Being human and joining broken ends, Will give us more pleasure than revenge. I am sure, We can convert these strange odds to even when, We will be genuinely sincere to all Men. Œ²¢Úè Åè™Ú ¼é}¢ „éÝ¢ï }¢ïÚè ÜUç±¼¢ Mrs. SUJATA CHAWDA,Teacher Primary Section RADIANT REFLECTIONS 4 OCTOBER 2016 1965 }¢ïæ ¥¢§ü »ÜU ࢢH¢, ç…„ÜUè Îê„Úè ÜU¢ï§ü Ý ƒè ࢢ¶¢ Ï¢ÇG¢ ãè Ý¢}¢, Ï¢ÇG¢ ãè ÜU¢}¢ ãñ ©„ÜU¢ „Ï¢„ï ¥Hx¢ ‘©Îìx¢}¢’ Ý¢}¢ ãñ §„ÜU¢J „Ï¢ „ï Ðí±è‡¢, ТÚæx¢¼ ãñæ §„ÜUï çà¢ÿ¢ÜU ç±l¢<ƒ²¢ïæ ÜU¢ï ¥ÓÀï „æSÜU¢Ú Îï¼ï ãñæ çà¢ÿ¢ÜU, Ï¢¢ïÇü }¢ïæ ¥Ã±H ¥¢¼ï ãñæ ã}¢¢Úï À¢~¢, „|¢è …x¢ã Ý¢}¢ ÜU}¢¢¼ï ãñæ ²ï À¢~¢ J Ðí{¢Ý¢™¢²¢ü ¥¢ñÚ ©ÐÐí{¢Ý¢™¢²¢ü ç}¢HÜUÚ „è晼è ãñæ ¥ÐÝè }¢ïãݼ „ï §„ï, ¼¢çÜU „ÈUH¼¢ ÜU¢ï Àê „ÜUïæ ²ï J ¥¢¥¢ï ! ã}¢ „Ï¢ ç}¢HÜUÚ §ÝÜU¢ 㢃 Ï¢¡Å¢» ¥ÐÝè §„ ࢢ¶¢ }¢ïæ ݧü Úæx¢¼ H¢»¡ J Mrs. Seema Sharma,Teacher Middle Section ‘©Îìx¢}¢’ Ý¢}¢ ãñ §„ÜU¢
  • 6. 6 UDGAM MATTERS MY SCHOOL PROMISE Each day I will do my best, And I won’t do any less. My work will always please me, And I won’t accept a mess. I will colour very carefully, My writing will be very neat. And I will not be happy, ‘Till my papers are complete, I will always do my homework, And try my best in every test. I won’t forget my promise, To do my very best. Pushti Gotecha - V F PRIMARY SECTION My Grandparents Grandparents, as the name suggests are the main part of the family and are superior to our parents in every aspect. -Grandparents are the backbone and the root of our family who keep all the members of the family together with love. Their importance in our lives is inevitable and they are the head of the family. They are the most experienced people of our family and shower their love and blessings upon their grandchildren. Grandparents are the best friends of their grandchildren, where the grandfather becomes the horse for the grandchild and grandmother sings a lullaby every night. Saksham Ajmera – III A WHAT DO ASTRAUNAUTs DO IN SPACE? What do astronauts do in space? Where do they live? In a house or in a hotel? What do they eat? Fruit or meat? What do astronauts do in space? Do they cycle or sit on asteroid and roam in space? Where do they sleep? In a bed or on planets? What do they drink? Water or cold drink? What do ‘astronauts’ do in space? Nihira Pillai – V A Wonderful tree Trees,Trees how graceful you are!!! Such sharing you do, so caring you are!! You give whatever you have, And don’t think what you will get back. Trees trees how humble you are!!   You give us food to stay healthy, And rain and air to live. We bow our head for your support in our life on earth. Tees trees how great you are!!! I feel sorry that people hurt you!!! I promise, always to save you, Trees trees how special you are!!! Rushil Shah – V G Shriya Patel IV - C DEEP III -F RAJVI SHAH I-E NEERTHACKER I-B HIYA SONIV-B DEVINA TANDON IV A VANSHI -III H HIYA SHAH II -G OCTOBER 2016
  • 7. 7 ‘GURU’ Teachers are great sources of knowledge, prosperity and enlightenment to whom anyone can be benefited for whole life.They serve as the real light in everyone’s life as they help students to make their ways in life.They are the God gifted people in everyone’s life who lead us towards success without any selfish motives. Really, we can call them as builders of the dazzling future of our nation through education. Teachers play a very essential role in the field of education.They teach the students to be persons of good morals and behaviour.They equip students with lots of knowledge, skills and positive attitude.They help students to achieve their educational goals by developing clear vision and ideas.Without teachers one cannot grow mentally, socially and intellectually. Aayushi Kulkarni –VIII F MIDDLE SECTION October Goodbye to the monsoon October is here The evenings are cooler, This time of the year. Dussehra is coming I’m happy to say, A week of doing nothing But play, play and play! Dhyey Dave –VI H My lost Glasses I have hunted near, I have hunted far, I even looked inside my car. I have lost my glasses, I am in need, Help me find them so I can read. I loudly shout and I curse, Did I leave them in my purse? Are they behind the sofa, under the bed, Oh!They are on my head. Aahna ShethVI -G WHYTO STUDY? Oh! Why to study? When in monsoon you can be wet and muddy! Oh! Why to study the charter acts, And mug up the boring facts. Oh! Why to prefer maps, Over the heavenly afternoon naps? Don’t you understand chaps, There is something called memory lapse? They say, ‘It is for your development’ It will help you get some employment, To pay your house’s rent and, Buy those amazing mesmerising scents. Time will pass as fast as an eye’s blink, Oh, it forces me to think, Exams will take me to the next link. Isha Sampat, VIII B „Ï¢„ï ÐãHï Ï¢¢ÎH¢ïæ ÜU¢ Ï¢éH¢±¢ ¥¢¼¢ ãñ, …Ï¢ |¢è Ï¢¢ÎH x¢éS„¢ ã¢ï¼ï, Ï¢ê¡Î-Ï¢ê¡Î ©Ý}¢æï „ï Ï¢Ú„ï Ú¢ï¼ï-Ú¢ï¼ï ±ï Í¢Ú …¢¼ï, Ï¢¢ÎH ©{Ú „ï ™Hï …¢¼ï J Ï¢Ú„¢ ТÝè Í¢Ú }¢ïæ ¥¢²¢, Ï¢ê¡Î-Ï¢ê¡Î x¢¢¡±¢ïæ }¢ïæ …¢¼¢, x¢¢ïçв¢¡ ТÝè |¢ÚÝï …¢¼èæ, }¢ÅÜUè }¢ïæ „ï ã}¢ ТÝè Ðè¼ï, {Ú¼è ±¢„è ТÝè Ðè¼ï J Vrushti ChauhanVI – G „Ï¢„ï ÐãHï UDGAM MATTERSOCTOBER 2016
  • 8. UDGAM MATTERS Photosynthesis Rap Ever wonder why a plant doesn’t need to eat. Makes food from the sun that you can’t beat. Uses water during this process too. Creates sugar from light and CO2. Now it has got the energy to grow. Called photosynthesis you didn’t know. Does the opposite of what we do. Takes in CO2 and releases O2. What makes a plant green I’m glad you asked. Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast. Chemistry of photosynthesis is quite easy bro. Starts with 6CO2 and 6H2O. Add sunshine and chlorophyll to the mix. End up with C6H12O6. Plants doing that,plants doing this. Because it is the Photosynthesis! Rohin Sharma - XF APOCALYPSE I see below the clouds a waste- What once was, was, but why was and not is? Well, they themselves in inglorious haste Summoned Death to give his kiss. Cursed be they, discards of Creation Damned be they, scarring His face Condemned be they, cause of destruction Of their lives shall remain no trace. First shall the Fire come and then the Guardian Angels Gabriel, Michael to wipe the slum O, fie on them, wretch’d mortals! The hour of doom, the Judgement Day On which they lose existence David and the Sybil did say A price be paid for hate, greed, violence. I see down there great quakes, Their Earth long last split wide open. From Its summits, fire breaks, Great floods come too, leaving none. Panic and pandemonium Begin their reign anew. Chaos and commotion Out of cesspits and abysses spew. Now they beg, they plead, they cry To Father Almighty, they turn with hope. All strife forgotten, remainder reunify Caliph, Sage, Guru, Rabi and Pope. All voices amid terror croon All heads bowed, hearts contrite. Desperately within His thundering Typhoon Mankind witness their final twilight. Agreed, that they left their gift to wane Agreed, that they succumbed to sin Agreed, that their art alone is their bane But is that deserving of a fate akin? Mercy,Vishnu, Jesus and Allah If there be Heaven beyond. Forsake them not, Jehovah To their prayerThou must respond. Thy creation is all but nought ThyWrath has played its game Let there be a New King wrought, Who will save them inThy Name. Down shall he descend in glory, Down, beneath the skies. His Graceful Salvation shall be the story While mother next to elated child cries. -Let the destruction of all that we hold dear be prevented- AatmanVakil - X B SECONDARY SECTION 8 Arushi Gupta X F Devinani Janani X E Vandan Lakhani IX C Made out of waste paper OCTOBER 2016
  • 9. JUST BECAUSE, FOR WHO I AM Just because I’ve never bunked classes, Doesn’t mean I’m not ‘cool’ Just because I ask loads of questions, Doesn’t mean I’m lame. Just because I’m not ‘hanging out’ every now & then, Doesn’t make me boring. Just because I argue and highlight my points, Doesn’t prove I’m a rebel. Just because I speak my mind, Doesn’t mean I wanna be rude. Just because I try and keep shut, Doesn’t mean I lack my beliefs. Just because I always help you in need, Doesn’t tag me ‘MissGoody two shoes’ Just because I avoid trouble, Doesn’t mean I’m weak Just because I ‘be’ who ‘IAM’, Doesn’t mean I’m weird. It’s who I’m gonna be forever, I don’t care, It doesn’t bother, Neither people’s comments, Nor their thoughts. Choice is yours, To like or not to, Accept me forWHO IAM And who I’ll always be 9 UDGAM MATTERS SR. SECONDARY SECTION ISSUES FACED BY STUDENTS IN THE MODERN AGE It is often said that ‘student life is golden life’. It is the period of pure joy and happiness, becausethemindofastudentisfreefromcares and worries of a grown-up life. It is the time when we are molded into being good citizens of this society. But is there all there is to it? Are all students living a life like they should be? Carefree and laidback? NO.The pressure faced by this generation of children has never been seen before. Today’s generation, especially the teenagers undergo a lot of pressure and stress than what meets the eye. Peer pressure. “Social influence exerted by a peer group on an individual, “this is how peer pressure is actually defined. But people fail to realize the importance and gravity of this word. How it affects an innocent child’s life and how the child’s future depends on it. Peer pressure is a very real issue that affects many of the teenagers of the world today. Society offers many misleading advertisements that seem to lead teens in all the wrong directions. Children grow up and move into teenage lifestyles, involvement with their peers, and how they look in other peoples’ eyes start to matter. Their hormones kick in, and they experience rapid changes in their minds, and bodies. They also develop a mind of their own, questioning the adult standards and need for their parental guidance.We get blinded, lose sound judgment and end up getting overwhelmed by the society and peer pressure. It is not a situation to be considered lightly. Peer pressure is one of the reasons whytheyouthresorttodoingdrugs,alcohol, smoking, fighting and bullying. One of the most decisive results of peer pressure is academic performance which goes down the hill along with the normal life they used to live. Usually, people having low self-esteem are the ones affected by peer pressure. Wanting attention and the fear of being left outislikeaddingoiltofire.Itiswhatincreases the liability of being a victim of bad influence. Not only peer pressure but also social media is something that has a deep impact on the students’ life.First of all, any web site through which social interaction can occur is known as a social media site. It includes social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, andMySpace,gamingsitesandvirtualworlds suchasClubPenguin,SecondlifeandTheSims and video sites such as YouTube and other blogs.Suchsitesoffertoday’syouthaportalof entertainment and communication which has exponentially increased over the years. It also has a significant impact on our life affecting people of diverse ages. But the larger effect is onteenagers.Itissaidthatengaginginvarious forms of social media is a routine activity that research has shown to benefit children and adolescents by enhancing communication, social connection, and even technical skills. Also, many parents today use technology incredibly well and feel comfortable and capable with the programs and online venues that their children and adolescents are using. But because of their limited capacity for self- regulationandsusceptibilitytopeerpressure, children and adolescents are at some risk as they navigate and experiment with social media. Recent research indicates that there are frequent online expressions of offline behaviors, such as bullying, clique-forming, and sexual experimentation, that have introduced problems such as cyber bullying, privacy issues, and etc. Other problems that merit awareness include Internet addiction and concurrent sleep deprivation. Apart from these two problems there are other reasons as to why the students of today’s generation have undergone drastic changes compared to the students of older generation. In earlier generations, kids enjoyedbeingkids.Buttoday,withtheadvent of satellite television and internet, kids are bombardedwithunwantedinformation.They are exposed to some adult-related content too, which is not at all appropriate for their delicate minds. The concept of childhood becomes problematic. But the biggest fear a student faces is the fear of being bullied. Strong monopolizes the weak. Victims of bullying are often shy and tend to be physically weaker than their peers. They may also have low self-esteem and poor social skills, which makes it hard for them to stand up for themselves. Bullies consider these children safe targets because they usually don’t retaliate. Bullying affects the future of both the person being bullied and the person bullying. Kids who are bullied experience depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy and in worst cases trauma and suicide. Effortsshouldbemadebyparents,counsellors and teachers to make sure that kids avoid getting into trouble and lead a cheerful life. It is rightfully said “Childhood and adulthood are not factors of age but states of mind,” thus a happy childhood leads to a happy life! Isha Sharma – XI B Tanvi Kumar – XII F OCTOBER 2016
  • 10. 10 UDGAM MATTERS Each and every festival that is celebrated has a history or a myth behind it. Som Puranas. Some of them have been reshaped and new stories have been born obli beginning, there were no religions as such. Today we know and celebrate festivals a stories and tales that have been have bee We asked a group of students ranging from Classes 4 to 8 and were amazed by th REVEA THE TRUTH BEHIND  Diwali is around the corner and is a major festival of Gujarat state. About 95% students know the story of Diwali and all the smaller ones are aware that we light lamps and burst crackers on that day. However, about 5% are not aware of the reason behind the rituals of the festival.  Onam is a festival that about 50% of the group are aware of alongwith the the name of Mahabaliand Vamana avatar. About 65% know that it is celebrated in September.  Ramzan awareness is quite less and only about 40% know about the fasting ritual that is observed over a month. Even fewer are aware that dates are eaten first to break the day long fast.  Christmas is a festival that almost 100% of the group know well about and also about the story of Jesus and the ritual of exchanging gifts.  Navroz is a festival that all students have heard of but only about 60% know why it is celebrated and by which community.  Uttarayan seems to be a favourite festival as 100% students are aware of the rituals and festivities along with when it is celebrated.  Navratri is a festival that 100% students are well aware of along with the stories behind the festival and the ritual of dancing for 9 nights.  Cheti Chand is well known by the students and 80% are aware of why it is celebrated and by which community. OCTOBER 2016
  • 11. UDGAM MATTERS 11UDGAM MATTERS me of them are centuries old and actually date back to the times of the Vedas and iterating the old ones. Some of them have become religion based although, in the and have some idea about why we celebrate them. But are our children aware of the en handed down through the generations? heir responses. We take this opportunity to share some of their responses here. PUSHKAR MELA Pushkar is famous for the world’s oldest Brahma temple and also the largest camel festival. The festival is less and less about the eponymous camels and more about a good time, though the dunes outside of Pushkar are still a sight to behold when the cameleers come to town. Drawing in 50,000 camels and 200,000 people, the fair is ostensibly a time when Rajasthani farmers gather to buy and sell their camels, cattle and horses. When the festival proper begins, the camels go to the outer as moustache competitions and sporting events take centre stage. For each of the seven days of the festival proper, there’s a programme of day and evening events, most taking place in the mela (festival) ground, and some out in the camel or cattle exhibition grounds (the number of cattle at Pushkar actually exceeds camels).Visitors are embraced and incorporated into the fair, with events such as tugs-of-war or kabaddi matches pitting Indians against foreigners, and a turban-tying contest purely for foreign visitors.Outside the mela ground, there’s a fairground-cum-market, where you can buy the finest of camel or human decorations before taking a spin on a Ferris wheel for a view over the vast expanse of camels. ALED!!! THE CELEBRATIONS… Dussehra is a festival most students know about in terms of the tales of the Gods and the demons. They are also aware of Devi Durga and her super powers. When questioned on whose effigy is burnt in north India only 50% could give the correct answer.  The students showed total lack of awareness about the Pushkar Fair as the largest cattle fair. Janmashtami is a popular festival and Lord Krishna is a much loved God and 100% students are aware of mythology and rituals involving this child God. But when asked about questions related to Krishna’s birth and other tales of Krishna the awareness level dropped to about 40%. Ganesh Chaturthi seems to be the most popular festival among the students as 100% got all questions correct when asked about this festival. OCTOBER 2016
  • 12. From the Counsellors… LOVING CHILDREN UNCONDITIONALLY o Most parents I have worked with over the years have told me that their parenting choices are a result of their deep love for their child. However, some of their loving choices can have adverse affects later in life. o Parents who buy every toy that their childasksformaycreatematerialistic adults who expect everything of the world and have little sense of value. o Parents who push their children to get the highest grades, be the prettiest or be the star athlete may create joyless adults or externally focused over achievers. o Parents who want to be friends with their child may create undisciplined adults who lack a sense of security. o Parents who do everything for their child, never wanting their child to experience the pain of failure, may create adults who never take risks. o Parents who over discipline their child may create adults who are unable to problem solve for themselves. In thinking about your loving parenting choices, please ask yourself “Am I helping to create independent , fulfilled , joyous , imaginative,content human beings who are capable of giving and receiving love themselves?” Here’s the answer, simply, love your children unconditionally. Make sure your love is not based on what they do or don’t do. Love them because their very existence is a gift to you and to the world. Do parents love their children? Of course they do.The important question for all parents to consider is not if they loved their children but how. 12 UDGAM MATTERS You can’t teach children to behave better by making them feel worse. When children feel better, they behave better. - Pam Leo “ “ OCTOBER 2016
  • 13. 13 UDGAM MATTERS SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Bacteria coaxed to deliver chemo drugs right inside tumours Canadian scientists say they have found a way to direct special bacteria to carry chemotherapy drugs straight into the most active part of a cancerous tumour. That could lead to more effective cancer treatments with lower doses of drugs and fewer side-effects. Greenland sharks may live 400 years, scientists say Creature that dwells in Arctic Ocean and deep sea may live up to 400 years. Step aside Galapagos tortoises, the Greenland shark may be the longest-living vertebrate on Earth with a 400-year lifespan, a new study suggests. Dirty Stone Age tools show what was on the menu 250,000 years ago Residue from horse, rhino, beef and duck showsprehistorichumanshadtechnology to hunt variety of animals. 1. 3. 2. OCTOBER 2016
  • 14. 14 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE The stories behind the festivals.... EID-UD-ZOHA:Once Hazrat Ibrahim saw a dream in whichAllah ordered him to sacrifice his most precious thing.After much discussion, Hazrat Ibrahim and his wife decided to sacrifice their most precious possession, their only son for the sake ofAllah.Hazrat Ibrahim was all set to sacrifice his son at the gallows.As he put the sword at his son’s throat, the son vanished and he was replaced by a sheep. This was a test set byGod which he passed.So sacrifice of goat or sheep takes place on this day. DIWALI: It is believed that on this day Lord Rama, along with his consort Sita and loyal brother Lakshman returned to his hometown Ayodhya after 14 long years of exile in the forest. He had just finished battling and overcoming the fierce demon king of Ceylon, Ravana,whohadabductedSita.Thepeopleof Ayodhya lit lamps in every home to welcome their true King as well as celebrate his victory over Ravana. DUSSHERA: According to the story, all the Gods in swarglok and the living beings on earth were upset by the tyranny of the demon Mahishasura. Hewasundefeatable,evenbythemightydeities. Therefore,alltheGodsdecidedtocreateapower, which would destroy Mahishasura and free the living beings. This gave rise to the creation of Goddess Durga, an avatar of Ma Shakti. She defeated the demon. Her victory is celebrated as Vijayadashmi or Dusshera. ONAM: According to the story, King Mahabali was a devout worshipper of Lord Vishnu. He was sincere, honest, just and a good ruler but with a big ego.To redeem his beloved devotee of this one sin,VishnucametoearthintheformofadwarfBrahminnamedVamana.Thekinginhisprideasked the Brahmin what he wanted for he could give anything. Vamana asked for three paces of land. Vamana grew in size and with one foot covered earth, with the other the heavens and then for the final pace Mahabali offered his head.This fatal step proved a blessing in disguise for the good king — it released him from the recurrent cycle of birth and death. CHRISTMAS:The world was waiting for a messiah who would stop tyranny of the emperors and bring peace to earth. It is believed thatGod came to Mary in her dream and told her that she would give birth to the messiah.Jesus was born in a stable and three wise men came to bless him.Christians celebrateChristmas Day as the anniversary of the birth ofJesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. UDGAM MATTERSOCTOBER 2016
  • 15. BOOK& MOVIE REVIEW UDGAM MATTERS15 In this groundbreaking book Dr Devdutt Pattanaik, one of India’s most popular mythologists, seeks an answer to these apparent paradoxes and unravels an inherited truth about life and death, nature and culture, perfection and possibility. He retells sacred Hindu stories and decodes Hindu symbols and rituals, using a unique style of commentary, illustrations and diagrams. We discover why the villainous Kauravas went to heaven and the virtuous Pandavas (all exceptYudhishtira) were sent to hell; why Rama despite abandoning the innocent Sita remains the model king; why theblood-drinkingKaliisanother formofthemilk-givingGauri;and why Shiva wrenched off the fifth head of Brahma. Constructed over generations, Hindu myths serve as windows to the soul, and provide an understanding of the world around us. The aim is not to outgrow myth, but to be enriched and empowered by its ancient, potent and still relevant language. OMG or Oh My God! is about something that touches all our lives - religion. It is a film about our relationship with God, how instead of being God-loving, we have become God-fearing. How religion has become a business run by godmen (here aptly referred to as ‘salesmen’) who aren’t in fact very spiritual at all. A note to atheists and agnostics - the film is not an endorsement of those views. It insists on the existence of God. The story is an adaptation of a very successful Gujarati play. The original template is an Australian film called ‘The Man Who Sued God’. Kanji LaljiMehta,playedbyParesh Rawal, is an avowed atheist who runs an antiques shop. Kanji is a wily salesman who weaves tall tales around his wares and sells 200-rupee idols for thousands. The faithful are always ready to pay. As Kanji puts it: “Shraddha ka kaam hai, jitna dalo, utna kum.” One day, an earthquake destroys Kanji’s shop. The insurance company refuses to pay, saying it was an act of God. So Kanji, defiant, furious and abandoned by his family,goestocourtandsues God.Paresh Rawal, as usual, rises above the material. He is the force in this film. OMG! (2012) BOOK MOVIE Myth = Mithya Sub title: A Handbook of Hindu Mythology OCTOBER 2016
  • 16. 10 FACTS ABOUT BHUTAN 16 UDGAM MATTERS LAND OF THUNDER DRAGON Bhutan is called “The Land of Thunder Dragons” because of the violent and large thunderstorms that whip down through the valleys from the Himalayas. GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS Bhutan is the first country to switch from the western ideal of Gross National Product to “Gross National Happiness,” which is achieved through four foundations: good governance, natural environment, sustainable growth, and cultural values. THE NATIONAL SPORT The national sports of Bhutan are archery and darts – I am not sure how darts qualifies as a sport! In the city of Paro I had the opportunity to whiteness an archery competition and was surprised how far they had to shoot. After watching for over forty minutes not one person had hit the bullseye! NO TRAFFIC LIGHTS The capital city, Thimphu, has no traffic lights– just white-gloved traffic officers. When the city tried to install some lights there was a public outcry, and they were promptly removed. THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN Gangkhar Puensum is the highest mountain in Bhutan and considered so sacred that no one has yet climbed to its peak (at 24,840 feet). The views of the mountains as you drive across the high passes are jaw dropping and the highlight of any journey through Bhutan. ENVIRONMENTALISTS Bhutan is one of the only countries in the world where citizens have a constitutional obligation to preserve and protect the environment. STATE RELIGION Tantric Buddhism is the official religion, followed by Hinduism. Buddhismisstatesponsoredandthe Dzong’s and temples are maintained and supported by the government. There are even trade schools to teach new artisans that work on the paintings and carvings of these holy places. NO TV OR INTERNET In 2001 Bhutan lifted its ban on TV and Internet—the last country in the world to do so. But today it is not strange to see computers and cell phones in the hands of teenagers especially in the capital city of Thimphu. CLOSED TO TOURISTS In1974,thefirstinternational tourists were allowed into Bhutan by invite only. Today it’sfullyopenfortourism,but at the high cost of $250.00 a day per person. You must arrange all your travel through a government authorized tourist agency, but once you arrive everything is taken care of from food through to your transportation and guide. NO SMOKING Bhutan is the first country to have outlawed tobacco in 2004. Although, in 2012 the laws were loosened and smuggling now occurs. It is still rare to see people smoking on the streets, but drugs and alcohol have continued to create problems and the government has started a program to educate and deter citizens from abusing or using the smuggled narcotics. OCTOBER 2016
  • 17. 17 UDGAM MATTERS FIT & FINE Ways to Ease a SoreThroat A sore throat can be the first sign of a cold, a side effect of strained vocal cords, or an indication of something more serious (like strep throat). Here are a few things to try the next time you’re feeling scratchy, hoarse, or just plain sick. 1. Saltwater gargle Studies have shown that gargling several times a day with warm salt water can reduce swelling in the throat and loosen mucus, helping to flush out irritants or bacteria. Doctors generally recommend dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of water. If the salty taste is too unpleasant for you, try adding a small amount of honey to sweeten the mixture slightly. (Just remember to spit the water out after gargling, rather than swallowing!) 3. Fluids Staying hydrated is very important, especially when you’re sick and your throat is irritated or inflamed. You should be drinking enough fluid so that your urine is light yellow or clear. This keeps your mucous membranes moist and better able to combat bacteria and irritants like allergens, and make your body better able to fight back against other cold symptoms.You need to drink water and can even have warm soup and fruit juices. 4. Tea Tired of drinking water?A warm cup ofherbalteacanofferimmediate, soothing relief for a sore throat. What’s more, non-herbal teas— whether they’re made with black, green, or white leaves— contain antioxidants that are thought to strengthen immunity and ward off infection. 6. Magic Concoction Make a concoction of honey, ginger andlemonwithadashofturmeric and take it whenever your throat feels really sore. This magic mixture works wonders in easing the soreness and warding off a full blown cough. 2. Cough Drops Sucking on cough drops stimulates saliva production, which can help keep your throat moist. But many varieties are no more effective than hard candies, so opt for the medically recommended ones. For an added benefit, choose brands with a cooling or numbing ingredient, like menthol or eucalyptus. OCTOBER 2016
  • 18. 18 UDGAM MATTERS BACKPACKING!10 Hotels You Need To See To Believe… OCTOBER 2016 Faralda Crane Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands Sun Cruise Resort, Gangwon-do, South Korea La Balade des Gnomes, Durbuy, Belgium Hotel Jested, Liberec, Czech Republic Free Spirit Spheres, British Columbia, Canada Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort, China Inntel Hotel Amsterdam Zaandam Spitbank Fort, Gosport, England 9 Hours Capsule Hotel Kyoto, Japan The Aurora Express, Alaska, US
  • 19. CALLING ALL FROM 18 TO 81 YEARS On OCTOBER 20 & 21. 19 UDGAM MATTERS Exclusive Field Trips for Proactivity Club Students Join our club and experience outdoor activities For online registration click here: Hitiksha Soni- Pro Activity Club Coordinator M. 8238002012 or email OCTOBER 2016
  • 20. Health Reasons to Avoid Crackers This DiwaliThis Diwali Opp. Sardar Patel Institute, Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad - 380 054 Gujarat INDIA.