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Triumph Of The City
In Chapter 4 'How Were the Tenements Tamed?' of Triumph of the City, Edward Glaeser analyses
issues arising from urban concentration in New York and greater America from the late 1700s to the
present. As an economist, the author's interest in cities and urban planning lie in the part they play in
facilitating social and commercial networks that are key to the economic and cultural success of
metropolitan areas. One of Glaeser's major concerns relates to the 'cost' of urban concentration, i.e.
problems that arise in high–density populations due to poor or incomplete urban planning,
ultimately impacting the ability of citizens to make valuable interactions. Examples include poor
sanitation facilities that permit the spread of disease and hinder productivity; ... Show more content
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Richardson, Glaeser places certain focus on the importance of sanitation and the provision of clean
water as fundamental components in reducing disease in cities. While this issue is highly relevant to
the wellbeing of citizens in urban concentrations, Glaeser seems less concerned with it as most
present–day cities have overcome these issues through provision of sufficient infrastructure. Of
greater interest to the economically fixated Glaeser is the proposal and implementation of urban
planning reforms aiming to reduce traffic congestion in metropolitan areas. He points out that
congestion encumbers productivity in cities, and is adamant in his view that every driver should be
charged for the external cost that their use of the road deposits on other drivers. From an economic
perspective, it makes great sense to charge people for their bearing on congested roads to make up
for lost time and productivity. Though the author fails to consider other solutions to the congestion
problem, such as increasing public transport opportunities and investing in pedestrian and bicycle
facilities, his favoured solution would still work well as part of a larger scheme to reduce traffic
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Compare And Contrast City And City Life
There comes a time in everyone's life when we ask ourselves the age–old question which has
tormented so many, "Should I live in the city or in the country?" Imagine deciding whether to live in
just one specific area for the rest of your life. Many would argue that the hectic lifestyle that a big
city provides clearly places it ahead of a suburban landscape. Others, however, would claim that the
serene and restful environment of the countryside is much more satisfying than the city could ever
be. It is important to be clear that not all vast cities are the same, and it goes the same way for the
suburban regions of America. The city and country lifestyle are two distinct types of living, each
with their own pros and cons that may overlap at times. Between these two, there are numerous
differences when looking at their environment, distinct social opportunities, and contrastive cost of
living. One way or another, all the facts will be laid down, and a deeper insight into why people
settle in either the city or the suburbs shall become apparent.
At first glance, it is obvious that there are many pros and cons when it comes to deciding a lifestyle
in either one of these surroundings, so careful assessment of all details are required to make the ideal
decision for what a future resident might expect. To start off, it would seem that the majority of city
apartments can be quite affordable in a rent–controlled zone and are much more practical for poor
families, or even
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Influence Of The Modern City
Movements such as Futurism, Cubism and Impressionism saw Artists such as Umberto Boccioni,
Claude Monet, and Pablo Picasso use the speed, and compression to reference the leisure filled
Modern City, while trying to keep pace with the advances(Technological and Theoretical), which
were breaking the Traditional way of life. Examples of this include; Umberto Boccioni's, The City
Rises (1910); Claude Monet's, Boulevard des Capucines (1873); and Pablo Picasso's, Absinthe
Drinker (1901).
By embracing the technological and theoretical changes of the Modern City, artists transitioned
away from what was known as the conventional creation of Art. Meaning the way of depicting and
portraying figures, and scenes within an image. Things were no longer idealised, and artists strived
to paint images the way they were rather than the way people wanted them to be. It is in this way
that Artists transitioned away from that which they had been taught, and as such, were able to
effectively, experiment with different ways of representing the meaning of the Modern City. The
adaptation from the traditional city, to the modern city, therefore contains a history of rejection of
the traditional limitations and definitions of art. In the following analysis, it becomes apparent the
Artists reference to the Modern City was based heavily on their contemporary urban environment.
As such they were often influenced by the way the city had effect them. For example, Picasso's Blue
Period, in which he
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The City Of New York City
The aroma of food vendors, taxi cabs, and flowers molest the face of a person as they walk the
streets of New York City. The rush of a city can often be overwhelming. Even though that may be
true, 80.7 percent of the U.S. population lived in urban areas as of the 2010 Census. Living in New
York City is better than living in a Haysi. Living in a city offers many more conveniences,
opportunities, and more diversity. Living in a city offers many amenities and service that might very
well not be available in a rural area. New York City for example, has terrible traffic. A typical
commute of five miles can take between seven minutes and two hours in a car. One major advantage
to a city, NYC in particular, is their flawless public transportation system. Taking the subway, the
commute can be shortened to an average time of ten to fifteen minutes. Take out service is great as
well. Imagine it is two o'clock AM, if someone were to wake up hungry, they could call their local
takeout restaurant and more than likely, they would be open. Cities have so many grocers as well.
Not only do cities have more conveniences, but they also offer more opportunity. 8.406 million
Americans call New York City their home. Due to the large population, there is a large diversity.
Many different cultures often bring in new opportunity for work that might not have been thought of
in the past. Living in a large city such as NYC also means a larger, broader job market. More than
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The Interim Human Resources Director And City Manager Of...
The interim human resources director and city manager of the city have been placed in a challenging
predicament. With numerous forces pulling in opposite directions, making the right choices can
become confusing. In this case, the mayor of the city is pushing for budget cuts and is even
welcoming the idea of privatizing various public services. By switching to a private insurance
system the mayor will be pleased, however the employees and unions will not be pleased. Though
the city does not need to please the employees and can implement whatever policy they want, that
does not suggest that they should not consider the implications it holds for their employees. By
ignoring the needs and wishes of the workers, motivation and morale can ... Show more content on ...
357). Factors that add to employee dissatisfaction include: "company policy and administration,
supervision, salary, interpersonal relations, and working conditions" (Starling, 2011, p. 357).
According to this theory, simply eliminating job dissatisfiers is not enough, what truly motivates
employees more effectively are job satisfiers. In order to motivate employees, managers should
lessen the amount of dissatisfiers and increase the amount of satisfiers (Starling, 2011). Luckily in
this case, the privatization of health benefits falls under the dissatisfiers of company policy and
administration. Therefore, even though the employees are upset with the decision to privatize, the
human resources director can still motivate employees by lessening the other dissatisfiers and by
focusing more on increasing the satisfiers for employees such as giving them more recognition and
responsibility. Following the idea of satisfaction in the workplace, even though the city has the
ability to implement whichever policy it prefers regardless of the employees' thoughts that does not
imply that the city should take this route. Employees are motivated when management includes
them in the decision making process. According to the human relations approach, workers are more
motivated and satisfied when there are positive relations between management and workers
(Starling, 2011). By simply imposing their will upon the employees
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Development In Ocean City
As time progresses and develops so does our technology, mindsets, and cities. Our cities are as
much a living and growing organism as we are. The health and prosperity of our bodies depends on
the fundamental systems its built on to be working properly, as does our cities. Our towns and
communities develop and mature just as we do by growing up and getting more complex. We are a
constant evolving system that is faced with new problems everyday and we have to work together to
solve those problems just like a city would. As time has progressed our beloved Ocean City has
changed in this exact manner. Through developments in culture, landscape, buildings, attractions
and travel Ocean City has become a city unrecognizable since its conception in ... Show more
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Most of these people are the ones who vacationed heavily before the 90s. The land today is owned
by many different hotels and companies. Many of the people who vacation here now are aged 18–
40, and come looking to have a good and exciting time with their friends, rather than to relax.
Today, Ocean City is pretty accessible to most people, and is no longer a location reserved for the
high class. Today's beachwear is bikinis for the ladies, and shorts for the guys. Ocean City now has a
year round population of eight thousand people. They also have programs for supporting immigrant
students finding work during the summer.(Ocean City MD Chambers of Commerce) After 130 years
of development Ocean City's culture has changed tremendously. A large part of that change is due to
the amount of people coming to the area bringing their cultures and expanding on the ones already
here. Today, Ocean City presents itself as a modern resort while also showing off the older parts of
the city as a reminder of how it used to be, and as a treat for the older generations that experienced
the city as it once was. Ocean City is trying to be less of a vacation area, and more of a year round
resort with events to draw people in.(History of Ocean City
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City Of God Sociology
The city of God tells the story of teenager's crime in the slums of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, in different
time stages from 1960s to 1980s. The director shows an area full of violence's, sex, crimes, from
Rocket's perspective. Severe polarization of wealth, urban crime and youth gang are revealed in
urban slum due to the globalizations of this city. This movie leads to people to consider two aspects
of the issues from the movie. Those are the importance of education, and the influence of the
Urban slum and physical environment shaped a sharp contrast between the rich and poor. Social
abnormalities are reflected in this film, which are caused by the rapid development of Brazil's
economy. The slums in the city, the "edge" zones in the city, are the abominable products of the
process in rapid acceleration of urbanization. The people can be separated into two groups, which
are the high education group of citizens, and another group is the citizen with no knowledge. This
issue is the most significant reason for the gap between the rich and poor. The citizens who are high
education can catch up ... Show more content on ...
Such as the prostitution scene, this reveals the absence of the law and moral decay in people's social
life, people gave up their dignity and hope to survive, and they are used to seek their dreams in the
visual world by drugs. In another shot, when restaurant owner's wife's betrayal with goose was
found, the owner's wife was killed by his husband at last. All those behaviors are against the moral;
against the law. But in the city of god, all this is reasonable. In the City of God, all the absurd and
funny are revealing a kind of violence. Irregular movements of the film camera are implicit in the
creator's subjective emotion, such as film finally Li'l Z after the death of the lens and dwarf to help
the lens (Fox, Killian 19 October
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Envisioning a Sustainable City
I grew up in two different places. From the day I was born until age 6, I lived in a small village in
Ukraine. My family then moved to California, where I continued growing up in Sacramento. These
two places have completely different lifestyles. I will begin with my life in Ukraine. As previously
mentioned, I grew up in a small village, where everyone had land that they farmed. Farming was our
main source for food, because back then not everyone was able to afford to buy food at stores.
Everyone also had animals, mostly chickens, pigs, and cows. Most families had one cow; the lucky
ones had two or three. Every day, there was always work to be done, we couldn't just sit in and relax
the whole day. The farmland had to be plowed, watered, and farmed, the animals had to be fed and
cleaned after. This was our daily routine. Our family had an old car that literally had to be fixed after
every single time it drove. Our life in Ukraine was very sustainable. We rarely used our car, so there
was very little carbon emissions. We didn't have electricity, so we used candles and oil lamps as our
light sources. Overall, our lifestyle was very green in Ukraine, until we moved to Sacramento, CA.
In Sacramento, we did not have the same interaction with our environment, because we lived in the
city. My relatives gave us a car to drive on. And back then, in 2000, the cars were not very green, so
that increased our ecological footprint. We started using electricity and using our car more, and
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City Living : The Importance Between City And City Life
The prospects of city living and country living are compared. The benefits city living has for country
living, as well as country living's benefits for the city play a huge role in societies counterparts. The
individual is impacted by both lifestyles between a sociological complex as well as other factors.
Importance between country and city living will be demonstrated as well as weighing the both.
Environmental structures, agricultural factors, and the quality of life proving the influence the
city/country has on the individual.
White picket fence, two–car garage, empty streets, crops, and your own–planted gardens a match
made in country living. While penthouses, traffic backed up for hours, streets bright, and buildings
for miles are more among city living. In perspective, neither living arrangement is better than one
another; it is just based among favorite perspectives. This plays the role with individuals being
"shaped and reacting to a city's physical setting." (Book p.148) In order to construct the complexity
of city life with the universality of countryside living, one must look among the push and pull each
provide for the other. Employment opportunities, settings, entertainment advantages, and air
qualities exist within weighing both lifestyles. Ultimately, city life and country living cannot exist
without one another among a social setting or urban entity.
Like stated by Raymond Williams, the relationship between the country and the city is
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Dbq The Advantages Of Cities
There are many advantages of cities, both modern day, and ancient. Cities help prevent diseases,
they organize people and make them more productive, and they help the economy. In document 1,
Edward Glaeser tells how cities help prevent diseases lowers, because all immunities spread when
people are close together. People are dying a lot less for a while in cities because of this. In
documents 1, 2, and 3, people say how cities organize, and make people more productive. When
people are closer together, they can innovate, and help each other out, as a pose to suburbs where
people are separated, and generally don't help,each other. This leads directly to cities having a good
economy. When everyone is working and things are going smoothly, the city
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Modern City Ideal
Introduction The Modern City was shaped by industry, technologies and transportation (Barth,
1980). The Modern City ideal was designed to grow and adjust to technological changes and the
services that were being provided. With the economic, social, political and technological trends
changing rapidly within the late twentieth century, the modern city was not prepared to handle all
the major changes that were in store. The Modern City ideal had started to unravel because of the
many issues the surrounded the economic structure as well as the way the city had developed. There
were many important things learned during this time period that helped to develop the city to what it
is today.
Looking at how the Modern City became "unraveled" as well as the impact and consequences it has
on our cities today it is easier to see how the Modern City ideal is relevant in cities today. The
Modern City ideal is very important to examine due to the impact that it has had on the way cities
have developed and are functioning now. The unraveling of the Modern City ideal leaves many
people wondering how the city will be affected based on changes that are to come with regards to
technology, economical, social and political aspects within society. With so many changes that are
eminent within society people will be interested in watching the way that cities in the past were
developed compared to how our cities will continue to develop in the future.
How The Modern City Became "Unraveled" With
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The City Of Future Summary
Davis in his book describes that, years back Los Angeles was a heaven of public places but with the
present scenario it not the same and is slowly that culture is diminishing in the name of urban
renaissance. He quotes that democratic public spaces like parks, free beaches, cruising strips do not
exist anymore in the name of development. The intended purpose of this is to secure the city. In
order to protect the poor and provide shelter to the homeless the public parks and streets were
transformed to households. This urban renaissance is also called "The City of Future" by the author
who also affords to provide living for millions of aspiring immigrants.
The massive development of Los Angeles has created a diversity between various classes of people.
The architectural renovation was one of the primary steps taken by the city in order to reduce the
public spaces such as parks, grounds, empty lands which has driven the poor out of the city. The
people with no homes are only confined to small areas by police force. I think it is not only Los
Angeles as a particular city that created such a situation to the poor but also other metropolitan cities
where life has become helpless and Davis sees this issue as a concealed myth which redefines the
real history of Los Angeles warfare. ... Show more content on ...
In order to create less exposure of downtown professionals to the streets, redevelopments of places
were done which ensure the gap between different classes. To establish the separation, new parking
structures are built with high security monitoring, greenery and as well as entertainment places in
some areas. Gentrification is especially seen in two major hubs such as the Reagan Building and
Grand Central Square which demands additional security all–round the clock which says that the
city wants to portray only the good side of and not the
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The Importance Of Living In The City
Living in the country offers peaceful living, smaller communities, and a less complex way of life.
Who wouldn't want to live in peace? We all do. For this reason many people choose to live in the
country because they will not have the constant movement that the city life may bring. In fact, some
people who work in the city choose to live outside of the city limits. For many, living in a place
where everyone knows everyone, allows them to feel more at home. These are all important
characteristics to consider when deciding on a place to call home, however, living in the city
presents an endless number of possibilities and avenues to achieving what many may call the
American Dream. If you are content with having a laid back life free of the hustle and bustle of the
city, then by all means live in the country. However, if you enjoy living in an area where there are
constantly new people, bigger and better job opportunities,and more things to do during leisure time,
then the city life is definitely the way to go.
Living in the city presents more job opportunities for the working class, in fact, "There are 626 of
the largest businesses and 105 of the largest minority–owned business in Queens, New York"
(Baynes 1). With that many large businesses, the employment rate is constantly on the rise. This
allows more people to have jobs, which in turn allows more people to achieve goals and dreams that
they may have for their families. Achieving these goals in the country would be a lot
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Roman City Planning
Roman City Planning The design and structure of a city is as important as the people who dwell
within her walls. The placement of streets and the structures built there are carefully plotted for
optimal use. Foot and cart traffic, fire hazard, and access to water were all key factors in city
planning. Eventually the Romans had fine tuned their design principals in such an advantageous
way that they molded all of their city states similarly. Rome developed from the combination of
small farming communities around a hilltop fortification. The city, which was founded before
regularized city planning, consisted of a confusing maze of crooked and gnarled streets. The focal
point of which was the city's forum, the main meeting place and ... Show more content on ...
Roman temples were not only built in the forum, but throughout the city and countryside too. The
placement of temples were many times left open to the whims of the wealthy financier. (Nicholas, 9)
In Rome, the majority of citizens lived in insulae, street–front shops and workshops with living
quarters behind and above them, which together comprised a city block encasing an open courtyard.
These crudely constructed dwellings were often part of densely populated neighborhood just outside
the city's center and many times
Zito 5
lacked sanitary basics such as running water, lavatories, or heat, and were dangerously constructed
of wood and brick — making them vulnerable to fire, and liable to collapse. (Discovery Channel)
Augustus limited the height of insulae to no more than five stories. Later, Nero imposed fire
regulations because of their penchant for facilitating the spread of flame due to their close proximity
to one another across roads. At the time Rome's fire fighters employed a chain of men passing
buckets of water to deliver onto the fire. (Morris, 44)
Nero, after a large fire in 64 AD, tried to rebuild the city in a more planned manner. However, Even
the disastrous fire had not given the town–planners space enough to provide their Metropolis with
the regularity and ease of communications which the city so desperately needed. The fire had left
only four of Rome's regions untouched; three had been
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Analysis: Why Twin City Is Called Twin City
Why Twin City is called "Twin City"? Twin City began as two small cities Summit and
Graymont, which merged in 1921 to survive the effects from the Great Depression. Its historic
district includes over 130 structures dating from the 1830s to the present and excellent example
of a railroad strip town. Nearby is George L. Smith II State Park, whose scenic mill pond offers
some of the best pinball paddling in Georgia! Visitors can also visit the Parish Mill, built in
Community pride runs deep, and although a touch of rivalry remains between "Summit" and
"Graymont" neighborhoods, today's residents of Twin City is warm, friendly, and proud of their
roots. Excellent schools, championship football, great recreational opportunities,
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Gentrification In The City
Currently, policymakers are mostly concerned with the economic impacts a policy will have. While
economic factors are important when evaluating and analyzing policies, there needs to be more of an
emphasis on the social impacts policies have, especially when it comes to community development
policies. Although it is not the only issue with currently popular community development policies,
gentrification is one of the most problematic and enlightening conflicts of our time. The core issue
with gentrification is it does not benefit the people who are most marginalized in the city. One can
argue it improves neighborhoods by bringing business development, improving housing, and
increasing median incomes, but these benefits do nothing to help the ... Show more content on ...
The government cannot keep ignoring the disproportionately negative impact on marginalized
groups and disadvantaged neighborhoods that the current strategy has had. Policies should aim to
benefit the most disadvantaged, which will require the government to implement equity over
equality. Policies will need to acknowledge differences between different groups and people. In
addition, community development policies should increase citizen participation, which will make
the city more a collective right for everyone, instead of just for the powerful and wealthy. These
goals will help steer the community development strategy away from issues such as gentrification
that ignore the needs of the marginalized, and will instead focus specifically on helping those who
need help the most. This does not mean policymakers need to disregard economic impact entirely in
policy analysis, but they should also recognize social impact and focus on the economic impact for
the most disadvantaged communities in the
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The City Of New York City Essay
Throughout the centuries humans have seen cities rise and fall; each one had its own unique style
and charm. Although no city is completely alike, they all have one thing in common: the elements
that create them. Without these components, cities would not be successful and they would not
foster memorable urban experiences. The main critical elements that are essential when designing a
spatially rich urban condition are density, street, hierarchy, urban edge, streetwall and facades, and
public/urban space. When a person thinks of New York City, one of the first things that comes to
mind is how crowded it is, not only because of the sheer amount of people but because of the
plethora of buildings as well. In other words, Manhattan is the perfect representation of density.
Cities have large and rapidly growing populations due to the fact that people have been moving to
big urban areas in search of opportunities for many years, and cities have an obligation to provide
those opportunities for the public. Consequently, the more people there are, the bigger the demand is
for residential, commercial, and school buildings. Cities must meet those demands by expanding,
which is where density comes in. Without density, a city would look like and act as any other
suburb. The density, or structures, of a city can be either planned or unplanned. Spiro Kostof, author
of The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History, states, "The first kind is the
planned or designed or
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Life In A City Is Better Than Living In The City
Kimi 胡劼 No. 0210650 12/30/10 Persuasive Essay (Revised) Life in Cities is of More Quality in
China In recent years, people have paid close attention to the quality of daily life a lot, and one of
the most heated debating topics is whether people should choose to live in the city or in the
countryside in China. There are millions of peasants living in rural areas, but a large number of them
are rushing into urban areas to get a job every year. People living in the countryside are anxious to
begin their urban life, meanwhile people in cities prefer to live a peaceful life far away from town.
As for me, in China, living in the city is much better than living in the countryside in that citizens
would surely live a more convenient life, have more choices in every aspect of life and would also
achieve a sense of accomplishment in their enriching life. Since some areas of countryside in China
are still in poor situation, cities offer people a more comfortable and convenient life. In some
suburban regions, it is troublesome to go out, but the transportation system in almost every city in
China is quite developed now. Citizens could choose different vehicles as they wish in cities, such as
car, bus, metro and even high speed railway. People living in Wuhan in central region of China
could reach Guangzhou in South China by high speed rail within several hours, in which period
people living in rural areas may just get to town from home. In cities, people could enjoy the door–
to–door transport service easily meanwhile going out is quite an inconvenient action for many
people living in suburban in China. This sort of obvious contrast can be seen by everybody. Besides
the aspect of transportation, there are more plentiful living facilities in cities than in the countryside.
As a whole, the infrastructure in most cities in China is of high quality. The systems of medical
treatment, health care, physical training, etc are available for citizens to make use of to keep their
life quality in a high level. Once citizens have a problem in daily life, there are often corresponding
ways for them to solve it. While in the most areas of countryside in China, there is still even a lack
of medical security now. Living in the city
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The City Of Arvada And The City Of Compton
The two cities selected for this report are to include the city of Arvada and the City of Compton.
Both coming from a long distance, the reports and statistical number between the two are jaw
dropping. The major broad topics that will be focused on will include but not limited to population,
education, and wealth statistics such as poverty level and income level.
The first city selected for this report is found just north west of the capital of Colorado. The city of
Arvada, was founded in 1870 and incorporated in 1904. A brief history and statistic on the city of
Arvada is that the city has grown in population size tremendously. Arvada has boomed in population
size in recent years, for example according to the U.S Census Bureau the total ... Show more content
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The word megaregion could be used because as of last year the population has grown roughly by
116,000 residents for its 32 square millage.
The second city also selected for this report is located just south of Los Angeles California, the City
of Compton founded on May 11, 1888 was the eighth city to be incorporated. A brief history on
Compton and its population is that according to the U.S Census Bureau in 2010, the total population
size was at 96,455 residents. This number of residents is lower than what was expected to see in
California. After further investigation in the website, after five–year span in 2015, the population of
Compton raised to 97,955 residents. Although the smaller population growth isn't what it seems to
be like in Arvada Colorado. But in 2016 in Compton California the total population size decreased
to 97,550 residents. A decrease in 400 residents within the one year span. Both cities roughly over
1,000 miles apart do share some similarities and differences between them.
The first pivotal concept between the two cities is on education. Education is key to moving up
within the world. Being more educated in this life means that you gain status, and gain power.
Education is a solution for many problems that may arise in the future and have a significant impact
on various studies including incarceration rate. Nonetheless, the data found on the percentage of
high school graduates between these two cities is very important
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Smart City Is A Concept
Smart City is a concept that is currently popular in the world, where every country is trying to
develop their metropolitan cities to achieve the status of a Smart City. Smart City can be defined as
the utilization of ICT to feel, analyze, and integrate key informations that comes from the core of the
city, which in this case, the government. While at the same time, Smart City can also give a smart
response to the various needs of the citizens. Some examples being daily activities, environmental
protection, public security, service activities, industrial activities, and the commercial activities of
the said city (K. Su,
J. Li, H. Fu, 2011).
On the realization of the concept of Smart City, we can divide the cities around the ... Show more
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Although just an incremental enhancement, these cities spent up to hundreds of billions of dollars
annually to start these initiatives.
Therefore, the writers have two main objectives on this research. The first one is to understand the
concept of social sustainability, while the second one is to discover the potentials of smart
technologies in improving social quality of life of population and approaching sustainability goals.
To reach these objectives, the writers decided to use a desk research method, where a variety of
bibliographic materials was scanned and a limited number of documents have been reviewed and
critiqued. In their paper, the writers stated that a city is smart when investments in human and social
capital and traditional
(transport) and modern (ICT) communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic growth and a
high quality life, with a wise of management of natural resources, through participatory governance.
While people think that the most important is technological infrastructure, the most important
infrastructure in a smart city is the social infrastructure, which revolves around the citizens and their
relationships. A smart city is a humane city that has multiple opportunities to exploit its human
potential and lead a
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The Ideas Of Victory Cities
A man named Orville Simpson II has an idea to build virtual utopias, called Victory Cities.
(Simpson, 1998) They are designed as cities built in the countryside, all connected through various
types of transportation. There will be no crime, pollution, over population, or other everyday
problems; it will be a utopia. A utopia is a place where there are no problems like death, poverty, or
crime. It is "perfect" world (Merriam– A Victory City will have no everyday problems
involved in it. Will Victory Cities be a successful utopia, or not?
One of the most important factors in a Victory City is the money system. Mr. Simpson's brilliant
idea for the money system is having all citizens carry a banknote around with them. When someone
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These are imaginative ideas for the residential areas, but it can have problems, such as some people
being jealous of the people with larger apartments. People today don't share apartments with
strangers, making it a different system than our society, but I think it is still a great idea. It will be a
large part of a Victory City.
Another essential element in a Victory City is transportation. Within the city, there will be only two
types of transportation: elevators, and small electric cars. The high–speed elevators make it possible
to move around a building, from one place to another, in only five to ten minutes. The electric cars
are very safe, even children can operate them, and they will prevent many accidents. Connecting
Victory Cities will be larger electric cars and trains, running through tunnels underground. The
transportation system is quite different than our way, as we can choose between varieties of different
vehicles, and it is not allowed in a Victory City. I think it is a brilliant idea for the transportation in
the city. Mr. Simpson's safe transportation system will be a major part of the city. A fourth element
in a Victory City will be a food system.
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The Element Of Great City
The Element of Great City
The film, Before Sunset, is about a couple who spent a passionate day together and separated get
back again in Paris. Paris has so much history and tradition all over the city. These remarkable
landmarks and classical architecture are pervading over the city and it represents a history of France.
Another unique about the Paris is that unlike any other cities, Paris makes the best use of what they
have and maintain its characteristics while they modernize rebuilding the city. It looks like their
attempt succeed and tourist from all over the world constantly show their love in Paris. However, it
could be a different story for people who live in Paris. Of the planning and urban environment
related issues in the film, the inconvenience of development and access, the complicated
transportation system, and underdevelopment of residential districts. These planning issues cause a
structural conflict on city planning and also a discomfort of daily life for people live in Paris.
People's daily life sacrifices the convenience to maintain the city's history. In "Whose Culture?
Whose City?" sociologist Sharon Zukin suggested that "Gentrification, historic preservation, and
other cultural strategies to enhance the visual appeal of urban spaces developed as major trends".
For example, the historical and classic buildings in Paris are one of main reasons that people love
about the Paris. Most of buildings are hundreds years old at least and they have their own
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The Tough City : The Large Scale Crime City
The tough city. The large scale crime city. The corrupt city. During the early 1900s, Chicago was not
known for having a superior reputation. Aware of his city's reputation, Sandburg was very candid in
speaking about it. In spite of this reputation, he had great pride in the city. He discerned the great
aspects of it that others chose to overlook. Sandburg's proud tone throughout his poem "Chicago" is
established through the utilization of strong diction, clever sentence structure, and vivid imagery.
Implementing strong diction throughout the poem, Sandburg evokes a proud and patriotic emotion
in the reader's mind. To stimulate this proud emotion, he employs strong, detailed words instead
simple words. For example, he describes Chicago as "Hog Butcher for the World, Tool Maker,
Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler..." (lines 1–3) instead of
simply saying a city with butchers, a industrial, harvesting, and a railroading city. These descriptive
phrases better conjure up a city to be proud of than simple words do. Shortly after, he uses more
strong diction in saying, "Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be
alive, and coarse and strong and cunning." (lines 10–11) The words coarse, strong, and cunning
describes a city to be proud of. Another instance in which he portrays a prideful city is in describing
it as, "Fierce as a dog with a tongue lapping for action, cunning as a savage pitted against the
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City of Middlevale
City of Middlevale Annexation Negotiation
January 9, 2012
The City of Middlevale is introducing a plan to annex properties currently outside of the city limits.
The annexation process is due to budget constraints and the cities inability to continue funding
emergency services to these outlying areas. The citizens in the proposed annexed areas will be
required, if the annexation is passed by the state legislature, to pay city property taxes and city sales
tax on purchases made in Middlevale. The citizens residing in the unincorporated area are either
lower income households or elderly. Most moved to the unincorporated area to avoid paying the
taxes associated with incorporation into the Middlevale city limits. Without ... Show more content
on ...
At first, few, if any, of these fears and concerns will be discussed openly. Neither party wants to
expose themselves to additional risk. They may be concerned that exposing their fears will cause the
other party to view them as weak and vulnerable. Most fears center on the party's potential for loss
(Karrass, 1995). These include loss of control, loss of face, loss of resources, and loss of stability.
Neither the City of Middlevale nor the citizens want to lose their positions or interests. Both must be
prepared to communicate respect to each other's views. Neither party should enter the negotiation in
a head–on confrontational manner. Both parties should allow the other to be open in their
communication, listens carefully to each other's position and interests, and summarize what is said
to clarify understanding. Once both parties have expressed their needs, they must seek alignment.
Once a foundation of understanding has been created, the City of Middlevale, and the citizens must
pursue a line of discussion that aligns them both toward a common win. They should begin by
summarizing their own interests. These are the key elements both parties want to take away from the
negotiation. At this point in the negotiation, neither party should lock into a fixed position or final
solution to the problem. Instead, they both should emphasize commonality in their interests
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Why Do People Move To The City Or Forbidden City?
People are moving to the city from the rurals because they then won't have to go all the way to the
city from their communities to get supplies in the polluted air.
Beijing holds many magnificent sights that set national or even world records, including the Great
Wall, the longest man–made structure in the world; the Forbidden City, the largest and best
preserved ancient architectural complex in the world; and Tian'anmen Square, the largest city square
in the world.
Rural Beijing also floods during the year. Beijing also has a great transport system run by the city's
government, with frequent train and bus schedules.
The rights of the citizens may be more efficient in the city.
Beijing has many job opportunities.
The city also has a great
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Overpopulation And Pollution For The City Of An Ideal City
Today, the cities of this world are awesome, tall buildings, high rates of development and of course,
the overpopulation and pollution. To combat this major issue in the modern world, we must put in a
standardised city 'template' that cities must follow so that they are able to cope with the inevitable
fact of evolution and the factors such as 'global warming' (true or not), overpopulation and pollution.
The city, as described below, is an ideal city that this world needs to last.
To attain maximum efficiency and sustainability in the city, measure will be taken to ensure a long
life for the city. Implementing a high levy on all petrol and diesel vehicles and lower ones on hybrid
vehicles will retain the clean air of the city. Purchasing a full electric vehicle will see a 50%
incentive to the buyer. There will be more than enough infrastructure to house the electric vehicles
booming industry, including Continental's All–New inroad wireless EV charging for charging while
parked and emergency chargers placed around rural roads in cases of empty batteries. Infrastructure
to accommodate Tesla's Supercharging Network for long–range travel will be placed to boost people
taking the eco–friendly option. There will be a Hyperloop in the ground to transport people
throughout the city and to and from other cities. Power will come from eco–friendly sources such as
wind turbines upon a hill and solar energy plants upon the fields. There will also be a large dam that
the houses
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Ideal City Analysis
Ideas of an Ideal City 2
"The Ideas of Le Corbusier": Summary and Response In "The Contemporary City", by urban
planner Le Corbusier, it describes Le Corbusier's idea of an optimal city. He talks about how
traditionalism is still present in cities, and they have to become contemporary. Having a central
business district surrounded by residential districts is one of three basic parts of a contemporary city.
Along with a large amount of open space for development, and suburbs further away from the city
that include residential and industrial areas. He also mentions his principles for the city, but he
emphasizes on the way of transportation which involves less cars to improve traffic, plus the
addition of trains. Le Corbusier's main idea was to change the major cities with architecture and his
urban planning. However, in "The Radiant City", he updated his plans for "The Contemporary City."
He wanted the environment to feel more efficient by being more active, so he added sports grounds
outside of houses to make people feel more inspired. On another note, he wanted to get rid of the
garden cities in the suburbs, and move it into the city in order to make the gardens more useful. As
said for "The Contemporary City", Le Corbusier asserts the importance of transportation even more.
The idea of having walk ways above ground for people to travel through the city is to avoid the
encounter of a car. The improved ideas and development from a "Radiant City" have been
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The City Of Quezon City
The history of Quezon City is teeming with hardship. It was originally designed and created as a
utopian planned city to function as the capital of the Philippines, replacing Manila. Due to several
unforeseen circumstances, including World War II and the death of the original designer, the plans
were put on hold. Because of the problems that Quezon City originally faced, it was never fully
implemented and never lived up to its expectation as the capital, but continues to flourish as a
cultural, economic, and educational hub in the Philippines.
Quezon City is located on a fertile plain, with a forest to the north and cities in the other directions.
The center of the city has one main oval, known as Quezon City Circle. Originally intended ... Show
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However, after the War, the Filipino planning authority decided to move the University of the
Philippines to the east of the circle. The university campus still has significant green space, parks,
and sports fields. To the north of the circle is the small Arboretum Forest, poorly maintained by the
University of the Philippines, and often occupied by illegal settlements1. The largest manmade park
in the region lies to the east, just outside of the original design for Quezon City. In addition, just to
the north of the city is an undeveloped forest and lake, La Mesa Watershed and Eco Park, which
blends into the mountains even further north. Although not originally planned as part of the city's
park systems, La Mesa very popular and is the largest park in the Quezon City region.2
In 1906, the US Congress commissioned Daniel Burnham to design the new city plan for Manila,
which would have been the first contemporary design for a city in the East, mirroring many aspects
of McMillan's plan for Washington DC. It mimicked the City Beautiful Movement in the West, with
neoclassical architecture. Burnham himself wrote about the chance to create a Eurocentric utopia in
the East, "yet still small in area, possessing the bay of Naples, the winding river of Paris, and the
canals of Venice, Manila has before it an opportunity unique in the history of modern times, to
create a unified city equal to the
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Living In The City Vs City Life
Living in the city can be an exciting experience for a greater opportunity than living in the country.
The country provides a relaxing environment that the city may not provide. Some would prefer to
live the city life, others prefer the country life. People who live in the country would probably have
hobbies like fishing, hunting, and riding dirt bikes versus people living in the city; People living in
the city would much rather go out to nice restaurants, live close to other people, and have an
expensive lifestyle. Living in the city is very different from living in the country because they are
different lifestyles with different atmospheres.
Residence in the city can have a greater variety of things to do and different varieties of people to
meet. Residing in the city can give you better opportunities to make friends than the country because
everyone lives so close together and the county has property at a farther distance. Even though the
property is separated out the country area, it would be hard not to run into an individual that you
may be familiar with because they are usually in small towns. City life would be great for
individuals that love meeting new people every day and doing a variety of things in their free time.
In the city, there are more to be entertained with like shopping outlet's, bowling alleys, and special
events that the country may not have. Individuals that are twenty–one and up can stop at bars and
nightclubs with people that are befriended the
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Garden City And Garden City
In late 19th, because of a dramatic increase of population, increasing urbanization and
industrialization, cities had been overcrowded and the environment was being destroyed as well.
Furthermore, more and more people moved to the urban cities from rural area for having more job
opportunities. Consequently, cities were over centralizing. It is contributed to the slums in city
which is the cause of disease breaking out. It leads to the decrease of human's life quality in urban
cities. Moudon (1997) points out that control by the private sector, unhealthy rapid economic
growth, overcrowding, poor sanitation, poor housing, weak government control, unorderly and
unplanned improvement, diseases epidemics and increased public health ... Show more content on ...
These cities would have adequate space of residential habitation, industrial work and agricultural
production. In order to shift people who moving to the urban cites to the suburbs, a concept of
garden city setting was coming out by Ebenezer Howard. His idea was inspired by the utopian wave
which existed from mid and the close of 19th century. Howard (1902) idealized that in garden city, a
6,000–acre site would have 32,000 people living in. Furthermore, there was a sustaining potential
which is the limit of the population density in garden city plan, so they would build a new garden
city nearby when another city has reached the limit. In Howard's book, there is a central city
surrounded by lots of garden cities which could afford 50,000 people. Roads and rail is the way
linking those garden cities. The aim of garden city planning is to create a beautiful, sociable and
healthy communities with both a good natural environment and high quality of housing
affordability. A combination of the active and energetic city lifestyle with the delight and the beauty
of the countryside was the way to achieve it.
Moreover, in order to well organize the garden city movement, a concept of town, country, and
town–country magnets was published in Howard's book. According to Howard (1902), different
magnets have different characteristics. Town magnet with refers to urban city is presenting high
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The Garden City : The Concept Of The Garden City
The garden city is an idea of self–sufficient community surrounded by extensive area of greenbelts
containing proportionate residential buildings, industries, and agricultural land (Ward,1992). The
reason why Howard's Garden City model are still linked to our community whatever it was over 100
years ago. This idea improves air quality, space for growing green plants, animal conservation is still
significant in nowadays city planning and sustainable development. Moreover, individuals can enjoy
right to access healthy with safe housing and a variety of chances for socialising and participating in
the community cause of Garden City ideal still utilized in contemporary society (Mills, 2010). The
concept of town–country magnet is population around 30,000 people, the area should be surrounded
by a large 'green belt', 6000 acres purchased for and 1,240 yards from centre to circumference
(Howard,1902). The town wouldn't grow any bigger whether a new garden city would be created for
increasing population in country (ibid). The collection of Garden Cities would then be called the
Social City with a population of about 250,000, linked by radial roads and railways (ibid).
Around 1910, the idea of garden city began to be emphasized and developed. There are planners
started to rework Howard's idea of decentralizing social city into accommodate metropolitan growth
in partially self–contained satellites towns (Ward,1992). These cities would be physically distinct,
with extensive
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Summary Of The City Of Pigs
In the book the Republic Socrates creates a city called the City of Pigs. Socrates refers to it as the
true city, the healthy ones. His companions do not like the idea of this city. They all come up with a
city that they all agree with called the City of Luxury. They believe this city is good and unbiased. I
agree with them, I think the City of Luxury is a better city and is overall more unbiased than the
City of Pigs.
The City of Pigs is a peaceful city. Everybody gets along and nobody causes trouble. Every citizen
in this city has their own craft. If the people have a lot of skill and ability to be really good at their
craft they will stay with that craft the rest of their life. There is no money in this society, everybody
contributes by using their craft to serve the community. There is no greed or envy towards one
another. The craftsman's class are made with builders, farmers, cobblers, carpenters, weavers,
shepherds, smiths, and traders. There is however some sort of currency for trading goods. This is for
everybody to be able to cover their needs of housing, clothing and food. The people in this city are
stable and healthy. Nobody overindulged or was unhealthy in this society. Socrates believe if people
ate healthy and felt good about themselves, people would strive in society and become more
valuable to the community. They believed that a healthy body and healthy mind equals a successful
life. They would feed themselves meals made of barley, flour and wheat, noble
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The City Of The Mercantile City
1. Within the last few centuries, cities as have evolved to take on the features that are used today to
identify the makings of what is a great city. As cities shifted from the concept of the political city to
the mercantile city and finally the industrial city, traditional political, economic and social patterns
began to take on new forms and functions that transformed them to become the urbanized spaces
they are now. Major early cites began in the form of the political city, a place that was the
functioning center of the state or empire. Often populated by the bureaucratic ruling class, the city
was regarded as a space for elite. As the apex of the state, cities served as nexus of trade. A crossing
ground for people, goods, and ideas. As this network of exchange transforms the common concept
of the city, merchants slowly gained status and were allowed to move in. Gradually the once
exclusively aristocratic setting evolved into what became known as the mercantile city where the
market became the core of the city. No longer primarily a place of consuming elites, but a hub of
new complexity, cities not only drew in commodities in the form of imports but also dynamic and
profound ideas and people that reshaped cities as they were seen previously – giving rise to Henri
Lefebvre's notion of heterogeneity. Cities were mirroring social and cultural diversity with material
processes; a picture of modernity as old ties were being replaced by newer ones. Thus began the
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Creating a Healthy City
Creating a Healthy City
Environmental health should be a great concern for each individual person as well as our nation and
the whole world. Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors
affecting health and our environment.t which includes air, land and water. Environmental health
extents to the chemical we use such as BPA and the effects it can and may have on our children, fuel
in the economy and additional sources of fuel, building green, environmental disease and sources of
energy in which all of these items can have an effect on the environment and our health.
Here are other aspect of environment health that I would have never consider to be part of our
concern or environment; but have just as ... Show more content on ...
Introducing a clean environment healthy city would require information how important having a
clean city is important to the community.
A health city is about clean air, water, land and waste disposal for better living in the community.
Understanding the air we breathe is essential that's why green emission is established to reduce the
amount of carbon that is leaked in to the air which can cause breathing issuing. Having clean water
and plenty of water is a something our body cannot live without. Land is major because the quality
of land effects food and the types of food in which we can choose from and eat. Land is different
from place to place and each area yields certain kinds of food that is necessary for the nutrients we
need. When our air, water and land is destroyed where do we go and how do we survive.
Environmental Health should be a global concern because earth is our home. Some of the
environmental issues of global warming––global dimming–water pollution, air pollution; land
pollution and land degradation are affecting humanity throughout the entire world, these and other
issues affects every species on the planet earth. Its imperative that mankind listen to the cry of the
environment and begin to work together to save our planet. We can all play a part play by taking
concern for endangers species, and being careful not to pollute our
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Sydney City Limits
'City Limits' analyzed Sydney and the other rest of the big cities, in Australia, through evidence
based on statistics, case studies, and stories of individuals and families who experience their life in
the city today. The authors describe that the city has been associated with opportunities, freedom,
and social connection, which the pattern is shifted and infected by the disease of contested space and
the absence of social connection. Consequently, the cities are segregating the public societies –
between the status of economic, social, physical, and to be included or excluded in the public space.
Sydney's city center is the public meeting grounds, this is the spaces where the necessary activities
took place: commuting, consuming, and producing.
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Glaeser City Sociology
1. According to Glaeser, cities attract talent and innovation due to its abundance of opportunity.
Historically, workers migrate to cities in search of employment and upward mobility, as
demonstrated by many cities' migration patterns in the early twentieth century as a result of the
Industrial Revolution. However, Glaeser claims that in order to attract wealthy people, like Indian
billionaire Lakshmi Mittal to London, a city must prove to be pleasant and not only abundant in
opportunity but in entertainment because of all the people cities "import." Restaurants are a major
source of entertainment in urban life, primarily for the experience of eating out and the fact that
eating out is more convenient since many homes in a city lack adequate ... Show more content on ...
While some cities. A low real wage describes the cost of enjoying the pleasures of cities like
Honolulu whereas a high real wage describes how one must cope with hardships brought upon by
the city such as an unsafe environment or hostile weather conditions, like New York in the seventies.
Low real wages indicate a successful city with sufficient urban amenities, while "those high real
wages were a sign of urban failure–the painful crime rate and disintegration of urban amenities"
(104). According to the data given of American metropolitan areas, Fresno has the lowest real wages
at $44,501 while Tulsa has the highest at $70,260. By Glaeser's argument, Fresno should be the
metropolitan area with the greatest amenities. However, Fresno has the lowest median family
income and second highest cost of living index. Out of the five cities, Boston is the most
cosmopolitan. The city is rich with entertainment establishment and enjoys a high median family
income. Yet, Fresno appears to offer more amenities than Boston and definitely Tulsa with the
highest real wage. In Glaeser's logic, a city must be doing something wrong if it has high real wages.
Perhaps signals a lack of investment in urban
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Analysis Of Healthy Cities
Healthy Cities
It is difficult to measure the health of an entire city since health is multidimensional. Therefore,
looking at population's well–being in regards to their physical, psychological, social, emotional, and
spiritual perspectives are necessary. These dimensions are further affected by health amenities,
health promotion, environmental enhancement, and social care within the city (Webster &
Sanderson, 2013). In order to evaluate these four factors, objective and subjective data about the city
should be collected and analyzed.
Personal Experience During our community assessment, Lake Elsinore was the city assigned to our
group to be assessed. We carpooled and arrived in the downtown. We parked the car in an empty slot
and each of ... Show more content on ...
Nurses often see patients at the hospital, but their view about patients' health is narrow because they
do not have an opportunity to assess patients from a multidimensional perspective. Although health
is an individual criterion, people living in the same community tend to be healthier or unhealthier
when compared to other cities. For example, population from Orange County is considered healthier
than population from Riverside County. By knowing patient's neighborhood, the nurse can conclude
possible community diagnosis and provide resources pertinent to patients' specific location. For
instance, if a patient is a resident of Lake Elsinore and expresses inability to afford a car, the nurse
will not provide education about bus passes because there is no public transportation available in the
city. Instead, she could advise the patient to purchase a bicycle or an adult tricycle. This form of
transportation does not require money for gas or insurance and is a great way to commute from one
place to another in a small city.
Professional and Personal Growth The assessment of Lake Elsinore gave me an opportunity to grow
professionally and personally. In regards to my professional level, my growth is evident in my
abstract thinking regarding people's health. I learned how to rationalize using the Ecological Model
of Health and Wellness having people
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Federation City
The world has been evolving as quickly as the population has grown. As the years progressed, the
habitual lifestyle has transformed from spread out house and land living to city and suburban
occupation. Along with the living style, cities have progressed from just roads and buildings to
multifunctional spaces with copious possibilities. Federation Square in the 'heart of the city' is an
example of how a space in the city vastly contributes to the visual culture of Melbourne. Times
Square in New York also displays how what was previously an intersection of roads, has been
transformed into a visual landmark. Melbourne city had always lacked a functional public space
ever since its birth.
'Robert Hoddles plan setting' of Melbourne grid was ... Show more content on ...
The 'sheer volume of activity its hosts' is a vital factor to its success with the city of Melbourne now
able to hold copious events, from live broadcasting of international events to public concerts and
displays such as the olympics and Kevin Rudd sorry speech to the stolen generation. Federation
Square is also a prime location to watch the New Years celebrations where the city is flooded with
people. With a new capacity of '10000 people' large events such as the Commonwealth Games
connected over '750000 people over ten days.' The square for the first time creates a sensible and
large public space which was needed for the modern day Melbourne city. Federation square has
greatly contributed to the visual culture of the city with an angular triangle laced structure creating
an icon in the heart of the city. The creation of this space has also vastly lead to an increase in
cultural events for example when it sits centre for the largely popular White Night Festival which
attracts hundreds of thousands of people into the city for an all night visual festival. Originating in
Russia, White night is a State Government initiative that lights up the city for an entire night and
Federation Square plays a vital role in not only contributing to the visual experience of the event but
help people circulate during the event.The design of the square works to combine a multiple of
spaces to create 'an organisation that is interactive and adaptive' which has been proven that was
need and well received. Federation Square is an example of how the space between buildings of
function and the roads we use as transportation can change the function of a
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Green Cities As A Pollution To The Green City
The urbanization which has been growing rapidly in the early twenty–first century is going along
with the issues related to jobs, housing, transportation, and the polluted environment within urban
areas. In order to deal with those issues, "green cities" has been given as a great solution. Green city
is a program of building smart constructions and technologies that are friendly with the
environment, and establishing the smart growth policies to resolve the economic, social, and as well
as environmental issues in the city. There are some opinions claimed that green cities should not be
developed due to the high cost and negative environmental effects. Despite those opposing opinions,
green city would still be an effective program for the sustainability of the city by creating more jobs,
reducing traffic congestion, and protecting the environment. While the cities' officials are
considering whether they should establish the policies of building green cities, there are some
opinions that oppose the program. For example, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, Randal
O'Toole, claims that public transportation especially the rail transit has some limitations since it
requires high cost of making rail cars to make sure they are safe and the high cost of building more
rail lines. Therefore, it would be hard for a city to develop the public transportation system if it
cannot afford the funding. Another problem comes with the green cities is that it might cause some
negative effects
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Triumph Of The City

  • 1. Triumph Of The City In Chapter 4 'How Were the Tenements Tamed?' of Triumph of the City, Edward Glaeser analyses issues arising from urban concentration in New York and greater America from the late 1700s to the present. As an economist, the author's interest in cities and urban planning lie in the part they play in facilitating social and commercial networks that are key to the economic and cultural success of metropolitan areas. One of Glaeser's major concerns relates to the 'cost' of urban concentration, i.e. problems that arise in high–density populations due to poor or incomplete urban planning, ultimately impacting the ability of citizens to make valuable interactions. Examples include poor sanitation facilities that permit the spread of disease and hinder productivity; ... Show more content on ... Richardson, Glaeser places certain focus on the importance of sanitation and the provision of clean water as fundamental components in reducing disease in cities. While this issue is highly relevant to the wellbeing of citizens in urban concentrations, Glaeser seems less concerned with it as most present–day cities have overcome these issues through provision of sufficient infrastructure. Of greater interest to the economically fixated Glaeser is the proposal and implementation of urban planning reforms aiming to reduce traffic congestion in metropolitan areas. He points out that congestion encumbers productivity in cities, and is adamant in his view that every driver should be charged for the external cost that their use of the road deposits on other drivers. From an economic perspective, it makes great sense to charge people for their bearing on congested roads to make up for lost time and productivity. Though the author fails to consider other solutions to the congestion problem, such as increasing public transport opportunities and investing in pedestrian and bicycle facilities, his favoured solution would still work well as part of a larger scheme to reduce traffic ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Compare And Contrast City And City Life There comes a time in everyone's life when we ask ourselves the age–old question which has tormented so many, "Should I live in the city or in the country?" Imagine deciding whether to live in just one specific area for the rest of your life. Many would argue that the hectic lifestyle that a big city provides clearly places it ahead of a suburban landscape. Others, however, would claim that the serene and restful environment of the countryside is much more satisfying than the city could ever be. It is important to be clear that not all vast cities are the same, and it goes the same way for the suburban regions of America. The city and country lifestyle are two distinct types of living, each with their own pros and cons that may overlap at times. Between these two, there are numerous differences when looking at their environment, distinct social opportunities, and contrastive cost of living. One way or another, all the facts will be laid down, and a deeper insight into why people settle in either the city or the suburbs shall become apparent. At first glance, it is obvious that there are many pros and cons when it comes to deciding a lifestyle in either one of these surroundings, so careful assessment of all details are required to make the ideal decision for what a future resident might expect. To start off, it would seem that the majority of city apartments can be quite affordable in a rent–controlled zone and are much more practical for poor families, or even ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Influence Of The Modern City Movements such as Futurism, Cubism and Impressionism saw Artists such as Umberto Boccioni, Claude Monet, and Pablo Picasso use the speed, and compression to reference the leisure filled Modern City, while trying to keep pace with the advances(Technological and Theoretical), which were breaking the Traditional way of life. Examples of this include; Umberto Boccioni's, The City Rises (1910); Claude Monet's, Boulevard des Capucines (1873); and Pablo Picasso's, Absinthe Drinker (1901). By embracing the technological and theoretical changes of the Modern City, artists transitioned away from what was known as the conventional creation of Art. Meaning the way of depicting and portraying figures, and scenes within an image. Things were no longer idealised, and artists strived to paint images the way they were rather than the way people wanted them to be. It is in this way that Artists transitioned away from that which they had been taught, and as such, were able to effectively, experiment with different ways of representing the meaning of the Modern City. The adaptation from the traditional city, to the modern city, therefore contains a history of rejection of the traditional limitations and definitions of art. In the following analysis, it becomes apparent the Artists reference to the Modern City was based heavily on their contemporary urban environment. As such they were often influenced by the way the city had effect them. For example, Picasso's Blue Period, in which he ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The City Of New York City The aroma of food vendors, taxi cabs, and flowers molest the face of a person as they walk the streets of New York City. The rush of a city can often be overwhelming. Even though that may be true, 80.7 percent of the U.S. population lived in urban areas as of the 2010 Census. Living in New York City is better than living in a Haysi. Living in a city offers many more conveniences, opportunities, and more diversity. Living in a city offers many amenities and service that might very well not be available in a rural area. New York City for example, has terrible traffic. A typical commute of five miles can take between seven minutes and two hours in a car. One major advantage to a city, NYC in particular, is their flawless public transportation system. Taking the subway, the commute can be shortened to an average time of ten to fifteen minutes. Take out service is great as well. Imagine it is two o'clock AM, if someone were to wake up hungry, they could call their local takeout restaurant and more than likely, they would be open. Cities have so many grocers as well. Not only do cities have more conveniences, but they also offer more opportunity. 8.406 million Americans call New York City their home. Due to the large population, there is a large diversity. Many different cultures often bring in new opportunity for work that might not have been thought of in the past. Living in a large city such as NYC also means a larger, broader job market. More than likely, ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Interim Human Resources Director And City Manager Of... The interim human resources director and city manager of the city have been placed in a challenging predicament. With numerous forces pulling in opposite directions, making the right choices can become confusing. In this case, the mayor of the city is pushing for budget cuts and is even welcoming the idea of privatizing various public services. By switching to a private insurance system the mayor will be pleased, however the employees and unions will not be pleased. Though the city does not need to please the employees and can implement whatever policy they want, that does not suggest that they should not consider the implications it holds for their employees. By ignoring the needs and wishes of the workers, motivation and morale can ... Show more content on ... 357). Factors that add to employee dissatisfaction include: "company policy and administration, supervision, salary, interpersonal relations, and working conditions" (Starling, 2011, p. 357). According to this theory, simply eliminating job dissatisfiers is not enough, what truly motivates employees more effectively are job satisfiers. In order to motivate employees, managers should lessen the amount of dissatisfiers and increase the amount of satisfiers (Starling, 2011). Luckily in this case, the privatization of health benefits falls under the dissatisfiers of company policy and administration. Therefore, even though the employees are upset with the decision to privatize, the human resources director can still motivate employees by lessening the other dissatisfiers and by focusing more on increasing the satisfiers for employees such as giving them more recognition and responsibility. Following the idea of satisfaction in the workplace, even though the city has the ability to implement whichever policy it prefers regardless of the employees' thoughts that does not imply that the city should take this route. Employees are motivated when management includes them in the decision making process. According to the human relations approach, workers are more motivated and satisfied when there are positive relations between management and workers (Starling, 2011). By simply imposing their will upon the employees ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Development In Ocean City As time progresses and develops so does our technology, mindsets, and cities. Our cities are as much a living and growing organism as we are. The health and prosperity of our bodies depends on the fundamental systems its built on to be working properly, as does our cities. Our towns and communities develop and mature just as we do by growing up and getting more complex. We are a constant evolving system that is faced with new problems everyday and we have to work together to solve those problems just like a city would. As time has progressed our beloved Ocean City has changed in this exact manner. Through developments in culture, landscape, buildings, attractions and travel Ocean City has become a city unrecognizable since its conception in ... Show more content on ... Most of these people are the ones who vacationed heavily before the 90s. The land today is owned by many different hotels and companies. Many of the people who vacation here now are aged 18– 40, and come looking to have a good and exciting time with their friends, rather than to relax. Today, Ocean City is pretty accessible to most people, and is no longer a location reserved for the high class. Today's beachwear is bikinis for the ladies, and shorts for the guys. Ocean City now has a year round population of eight thousand people. They also have programs for supporting immigrant students finding work during the summer.(Ocean City MD Chambers of Commerce) After 130 years of development Ocean City's culture has changed tremendously. A large part of that change is due to the amount of people coming to the area bringing their cultures and expanding on the ones already here. Today, Ocean City presents itself as a modern resort while also showing off the older parts of the city as a reminder of how it used to be, and as a treat for the older generations that experienced the city as it once was. Ocean City is trying to be less of a vacation area, and more of a year round resort with events to draw people in.(History of Ocean City ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. City Of God Sociology The city of God tells the story of teenager's crime in the slums of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, in different time stages from 1960s to 1980s. The director shows an area full of violence's, sex, crimes, from Rocket's perspective. Severe polarization of wealth, urban crime and youth gang are revealed in urban slum due to the globalizations of this city. This movie leads to people to consider two aspects of the issues from the movie. Those are the importance of education, and the influence of the environments. Urban slum and physical environment shaped a sharp contrast between the rich and poor. Social abnormalities are reflected in this film, which are caused by the rapid development of Brazil's economy. The slums in the city, the "edge" zones in the city, are the abominable products of the process in rapid acceleration of urbanization. The people can be separated into two groups, which are the high education group of citizens, and another group is the citizen with no knowledge. This issue is the most significant reason for the gap between the rich and poor. The citizens who are high education can catch up ... Show more content on ... Such as the prostitution scene, this reveals the absence of the law and moral decay in people's social life, people gave up their dignity and hope to survive, and they are used to seek their dreams in the visual world by drugs. In another shot, when restaurant owner's wife's betrayal with goose was found, the owner's wife was killed by his husband at last. All those behaviors are against the moral; against the law. But in the city of god, all this is reasonable. In the City of God, all the absurd and funny are revealing a kind of violence. Irregular movements of the film camera are implicit in the creator's subjective emotion, such as film finally Li'l Z after the death of the lens and dwarf to help the lens (Fox, Killian 19 October ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Envisioning a Sustainable City I grew up in two different places. From the day I was born until age 6, I lived in a small village in Ukraine. My family then moved to California, where I continued growing up in Sacramento. These two places have completely different lifestyles. I will begin with my life in Ukraine. As previously mentioned, I grew up in a small village, where everyone had land that they farmed. Farming was our main source for food, because back then not everyone was able to afford to buy food at stores. Everyone also had animals, mostly chickens, pigs, and cows. Most families had one cow; the lucky ones had two or three. Every day, there was always work to be done, we couldn't just sit in and relax the whole day. The farmland had to be plowed, watered, and farmed, the animals had to be fed and cleaned after. This was our daily routine. Our family had an old car that literally had to be fixed after every single time it drove. Our life in Ukraine was very sustainable. We rarely used our car, so there was very little carbon emissions. We didn't have electricity, so we used candles and oil lamps as our light sources. Overall, our lifestyle was very green in Ukraine, until we moved to Sacramento, CA. In Sacramento, we did not have the same interaction with our environment, because we lived in the city. My relatives gave us a car to drive on. And back then, in 2000, the cars were not very green, so that increased our ecological footprint. We started using electricity and using our car more, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. City Living : The Importance Between City And City Life The prospects of city living and country living are compared. The benefits city living has for country living, as well as country living's benefits for the city play a huge role in societies counterparts. The individual is impacted by both lifestyles between a sociological complex as well as other factors. Importance between country and city living will be demonstrated as well as weighing the both. Environmental structures, agricultural factors, and the quality of life proving the influence the city/country has on the individual. White picket fence, two–car garage, empty streets, crops, and your own–planted gardens a match made in country living. While penthouses, traffic backed up for hours, streets bright, and buildings for miles are more among city living. In perspective, neither living arrangement is better than one another; it is just based among favorite perspectives. This plays the role with individuals being "shaped and reacting to a city's physical setting." (Book p.148) In order to construct the complexity of city life with the universality of countryside living, one must look among the push and pull each provide for the other. Employment opportunities, settings, entertainment advantages, and air qualities exist within weighing both lifestyles. Ultimately, city life and country living cannot exist without one another among a social setting or urban entity. Like stated by Raymond Williams, the relationship between the country and the city is ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Dbq The Advantages Of Cities There are many advantages of cities, both modern day, and ancient. Cities help prevent diseases, they organize people and make them more productive, and they help the economy. In document 1, Edward Glaeser tells how cities help prevent diseases lowers, because all immunities spread when people are close together. People are dying a lot less for a while in cities because of this. In documents 1, 2, and 3, people say how cities organize, and make people more productive. When people are closer together, they can innovate, and help each other out, as a pose to suburbs where people are separated, and generally don't help,each other. This leads directly to cities having a good economy. When everyone is working and things are going smoothly, the city ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Modern City Ideal Introduction The Modern City was shaped by industry, technologies and transportation (Barth, 1980). The Modern City ideal was designed to grow and adjust to technological changes and the services that were being provided. With the economic, social, political and technological trends changing rapidly within the late twentieth century, the modern city was not prepared to handle all the major changes that were in store. The Modern City ideal had started to unravel because of the many issues the surrounded the economic structure as well as the way the city had developed. There were many important things learned during this time period that helped to develop the city to what it is today. Looking at how the Modern City became "unraveled" as well as the impact and consequences it has on our cities today it is easier to see how the Modern City ideal is relevant in cities today. The Modern City ideal is very important to examine due to the impact that it has had on the way cities have developed and are functioning now. The unraveling of the Modern City ideal leaves many people wondering how the city will be affected based on changes that are to come with regards to technology, economical, social and political aspects within society. With so many changes that are eminent within society people will be interested in watching the way that cities in the past were developed compared to how our cities will continue to develop in the future. How The Modern City Became "Unraveled" With ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The City Of Future Summary Davis in his book describes that, years back Los Angeles was a heaven of public places but with the present scenario it not the same and is slowly that culture is diminishing in the name of urban renaissance. He quotes that democratic public spaces like parks, free beaches, cruising strips do not exist anymore in the name of development. The intended purpose of this is to secure the city. In order to protect the poor and provide shelter to the homeless the public parks and streets were transformed to households. This urban renaissance is also called "The City of Future" by the author who also affords to provide living for millions of aspiring immigrants. The massive development of Los Angeles has created a diversity between various classes of people. The architectural renovation was one of the primary steps taken by the city in order to reduce the public spaces such as parks, grounds, empty lands which has driven the poor out of the city. The people with no homes are only confined to small areas by police force. I think it is not only Los Angeles as a particular city that created such a situation to the poor but also other metropolitan cities where life has become helpless and Davis sees this issue as a concealed myth which redefines the real history of Los Angeles warfare. ... Show more content on ... In order to create less exposure of downtown professionals to the streets, redevelopments of places were done which ensure the gap between different classes. To establish the separation, new parking structures are built with high security monitoring, greenery and as well as entertainment places in some areas. Gentrification is especially seen in two major hubs such as the Reagan Building and Grand Central Square which demands additional security all–round the clock which says that the city wants to portray only the good side of and not the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Importance Of Living In The City Living in the country offers peaceful living, smaller communities, and a less complex way of life. Who wouldn't want to live in peace? We all do. For this reason many people choose to live in the country because they will not have the constant movement that the city life may bring. In fact, some people who work in the city choose to live outside of the city limits. For many, living in a place where everyone knows everyone, allows them to feel more at home. These are all important characteristics to consider when deciding on a place to call home, however, living in the city presents an endless number of possibilities and avenues to achieving what many may call the American Dream. If you are content with having a laid back life free of the hustle and bustle of the city, then by all means live in the country. However, if you enjoy living in an area where there are constantly new people, bigger and better job opportunities,and more things to do during leisure time, then the city life is definitely the way to go. Living in the city presents more job opportunities for the working class, in fact, "There are 626 of the largest businesses and 105 of the largest minority–owned business in Queens, New York" (Baynes 1). With that many large businesses, the employment rate is constantly on the rise. This allows more people to have jobs, which in turn allows more people to achieve goals and dreams that they may have for their families. Achieving these goals in the country would be a lot ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Roman City Planning Roman City Planning The design and structure of a city is as important as the people who dwell within her walls. The placement of streets and the structures built there are carefully plotted for optimal use. Foot and cart traffic, fire hazard, and access to water were all key factors in city planning. Eventually the Romans had fine tuned their design principals in such an advantageous way that they molded all of their city states similarly. Rome developed from the combination of small farming communities around a hilltop fortification. The city, which was founded before regularized city planning, consisted of a confusing maze of crooked and gnarled streets. The focal point of which was the city's forum, the main meeting place and ... Show more content on ... Roman temples were not only built in the forum, but throughout the city and countryside too. The placement of temples were many times left open to the whims of the wealthy financier. (Nicholas, 9) In Rome, the majority of citizens lived in insulae, street–front shops and workshops with living quarters behind and above them, which together comprised a city block encasing an open courtyard. These crudely constructed dwellings were often part of densely populated neighborhood just outside the city's center and many times Zito 5 lacked sanitary basics such as running water, lavatories, or heat, and were dangerously constructed of wood and brick — making them vulnerable to fire, and liable to collapse. (Discovery Channel) Augustus limited the height of insulae to no more than five stories. Later, Nero imposed fire regulations because of their penchant for facilitating the spread of flame due to their close proximity to one another across roads. At the time Rome's fire fighters employed a chain of men passing buckets of water to deliver onto the fire. (Morris, 44) Nero, after a large fire in 64 AD, tried to rebuild the city in a more planned manner. However, Even the disastrous fire had not given the town–planners space enough to provide their Metropolis with the regularity and ease of communications which the city so desperately needed. The fire had left only four of Rome's regions untouched; three had been ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Analysis: Why Twin City Is Called Twin City Why Twin City is called "Twin City"? Twin City began as two small cities Summit and Graymont, which merged in 1921 to survive the effects from the Great Depression. Its historic district includes over 130 structures dating from the 1830s to the present and excellent example of a railroad strip town. Nearby is George L. Smith II State Park, whose scenic mill pond offers some of the best pinball paddling in Georgia! Visitors can also visit the Parish Mill, built in 1880. Community pride runs deep, and although a touch of rivalry remains between "Summit" and "Graymont" neighborhoods, today's residents of Twin City is warm, friendly, and proud of their roots. Excellent schools, championship football, great recreational opportunities, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Gentrification In The City Currently, policymakers are mostly concerned with the economic impacts a policy will have. While economic factors are important when evaluating and analyzing policies, there needs to be more of an emphasis on the social impacts policies have, especially when it comes to community development policies. Although it is not the only issue with currently popular community development policies, gentrification is one of the most problematic and enlightening conflicts of our time. The core issue with gentrification is it does not benefit the people who are most marginalized in the city. One can argue it improves neighborhoods by bringing business development, improving housing, and increasing median incomes, but these benefits do nothing to help the ... Show more content on ... The government cannot keep ignoring the disproportionately negative impact on marginalized groups and disadvantaged neighborhoods that the current strategy has had. Policies should aim to benefit the most disadvantaged, which will require the government to implement equity over equality. Policies will need to acknowledge differences between different groups and people. In addition, community development policies should increase citizen participation, which will make the city more a collective right for everyone, instead of just for the powerful and wealthy. These goals will help steer the community development strategy away from issues such as gentrification that ignore the needs of the marginalized, and will instead focus specifically on helping those who need help the most. This does not mean policymakers need to disregard economic impact entirely in policy analysis, but they should also recognize social impact and focus on the economic impact for the most disadvantaged communities in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The City Of New York City Essay Throughout the centuries humans have seen cities rise and fall; each one had its own unique style and charm. Although no city is completely alike, they all have one thing in common: the elements that create them. Without these components, cities would not be successful and they would not foster memorable urban experiences. The main critical elements that are essential when designing a spatially rich urban condition are density, street, hierarchy, urban edge, streetwall and facades, and public/urban space. When a person thinks of New York City, one of the first things that comes to mind is how crowded it is, not only because of the sheer amount of people but because of the plethora of buildings as well. In other words, Manhattan is the perfect representation of density. Cities have large and rapidly growing populations due to the fact that people have been moving to big urban areas in search of opportunities for many years, and cities have an obligation to provide those opportunities for the public. Consequently, the more people there are, the bigger the demand is for residential, commercial, and school buildings. Cities must meet those demands by expanding, which is where density comes in. Without density, a city would look like and act as any other suburb. The density, or structures, of a city can be either planned or unplanned. Spiro Kostof, author of The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History, states, "The first kind is the planned or designed or ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Life In A City Is Better Than Living In The City Kimi 胡劼 No. 0210650 12/30/10 Persuasive Essay (Revised) Life in Cities is of More Quality in China In recent years, people have paid close attention to the quality of daily life a lot, and one of the most heated debating topics is whether people should choose to live in the city or in the countryside in China. There are millions of peasants living in rural areas, but a large number of them are rushing into urban areas to get a job every year. People living in the countryside are anxious to begin their urban life, meanwhile people in cities prefer to live a peaceful life far away from town. As for me, in China, living in the city is much better than living in the countryside in that citizens would surely live a more convenient life, have more choices in every aspect of life and would also achieve a sense of accomplishment in their enriching life. Since some areas of countryside in China are still in poor situation, cities offer people a more comfortable and convenient life. In some suburban regions, it is troublesome to go out, but the transportation system in almost every city in China is quite developed now. Citizens could choose different vehicles as they wish in cities, such as car, bus, metro and even high speed railway. People living in Wuhan in central region of China could reach Guangzhou in South China by high speed rail within several hours, in which period people living in rural areas may just get to town from home. In cities, people could enjoy the door– to–door transport service easily meanwhile going out is quite an inconvenient action for many people living in suburban in China. This sort of obvious contrast can be seen by everybody. Besides the aspect of transportation, there are more plentiful living facilities in cities than in the countryside. As a whole, the infrastructure in most cities in China is of high quality. The systems of medical treatment, health care, physical training, etc are available for citizens to make use of to keep their life quality in a high level. Once citizens have a problem in daily life, there are often corresponding ways for them to solve it. While in the most areas of countryside in China, there is still even a lack of medical security now. Living in the city ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The City Of Arvada And The City Of Compton The two cities selected for this report are to include the city of Arvada and the City of Compton. Both coming from a long distance, the reports and statistical number between the two are jaw dropping. The major broad topics that will be focused on will include but not limited to population, education, and wealth statistics such as poverty level and income level. The first city selected for this report is found just north west of the capital of Colorado. The city of Arvada, was founded in 1870 and incorporated in 1904. A brief history and statistic on the city of Arvada is that the city has grown in population size tremendously. Arvada has boomed in population size in recent years, for example according to the U.S Census Bureau the total ... Show more content on ... The word megaregion could be used because as of last year the population has grown roughly by 116,000 residents for its 32 square millage. The second city also selected for this report is located just south of Los Angeles California, the City of Compton founded on May 11, 1888 was the eighth city to be incorporated. A brief history on Compton and its population is that according to the U.S Census Bureau in 2010, the total population size was at 96,455 residents. This number of residents is lower than what was expected to see in California. After further investigation in the website, after five–year span in 2015, the population of Compton raised to 97,955 residents. Although the smaller population growth isn't what it seems to be like in Arvada Colorado. But in 2016 in Compton California the total population size decreased to 97,550 residents. A decrease in 400 residents within the one year span. Both cities roughly over 1,000 miles apart do share some similarities and differences between them. The first pivotal concept between the two cities is on education. Education is key to moving up within the world. Being more educated in this life means that you gain status, and gain power. Education is a solution for many problems that may arise in the future and have a significant impact on various studies including incarceration rate. Nonetheless, the data found on the percentage of high school graduates between these two cities is very important ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Smart City Is A Concept Smart City is a concept that is currently popular in the world, where every country is trying to develop their metropolitan cities to achieve the status of a Smart City. Smart City can be defined as the utilization of ICT to feel, analyze, and integrate key informations that comes from the core of the city, which in this case, the government. While at the same time, Smart City can also give a smart response to the various needs of the citizens. Some examples being daily activities, environmental protection, public security, service activities, industrial activities, and the commercial activities of the said city (K. Su, J. Li, H. Fu, 2011). On the realization of the concept of Smart City, we can divide the cities around the ... Show more content on ... Although just an incremental enhancement, these cities spent up to hundreds of billions of dollars annually to start these initiatives. Therefore, the writers have two main objectives on this research. The first one is to understand the concept of social sustainability, while the second one is to discover the potentials of smart technologies in improving social quality of life of population and approaching sustainability goals. To reach these objectives, the writers decided to use a desk research method, where a variety of bibliographic materials was scanned and a limited number of documents have been reviewed and critiqued. In their paper, the writers stated that a city is smart when investments in human and social capital and traditional (transport) and modern (ICT) communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic growth and a high quality life, with a wise of management of natural resources, through participatory governance. While people think that the most important is technological infrastructure, the most important infrastructure in a smart city is the social infrastructure, which revolves around the citizens and their relationships. A smart city is a humane city that has multiple opportunities to exploit its human potential and lead a ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Ideas Of Victory Cities A man named Orville Simpson II has an idea to build virtual utopias, called Victory Cities. (Simpson, 1998) They are designed as cities built in the countryside, all connected through various types of transportation. There will be no crime, pollution, over population, or other everyday problems; it will be a utopia. A utopia is a place where there are no problems like death, poverty, or crime. It is "perfect" world (Merriam– A Victory City will have no everyday problems involved in it. Will Victory Cities be a successful utopia, or not? One of the most important factors in a Victory City is the money system. Mr. Simpson's brilliant idea for the money system is having all citizens carry a banknote around with them. When someone ... Show more content on ... These are imaginative ideas for the residential areas, but it can have problems, such as some people being jealous of the people with larger apartments. People today don't share apartments with strangers, making it a different system than our society, but I think it is still a great idea. It will be a large part of a Victory City. Another essential element in a Victory City is transportation. Within the city, there will be only two types of transportation: elevators, and small electric cars. The high–speed elevators make it possible to move around a building, from one place to another, in only five to ten minutes. The electric cars are very safe, even children can operate them, and they will prevent many accidents. Connecting Victory Cities will be larger electric cars and trains, running through tunnels underground. The transportation system is quite different than our way, as we can choose between varieties of different vehicles, and it is not allowed in a Victory City. I think it is a brilliant idea for the transportation in the city. Mr. Simpson's safe transportation system will be a major part of the city. A fourth element in a Victory City will be a food system. ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Element Of Great City The Element of Great City The film, Before Sunset, is about a couple who spent a passionate day together and separated get back again in Paris. Paris has so much history and tradition all over the city. These remarkable landmarks and classical architecture are pervading over the city and it represents a history of France. Another unique about the Paris is that unlike any other cities, Paris makes the best use of what they have and maintain its characteristics while they modernize rebuilding the city. It looks like their attempt succeed and tourist from all over the world constantly show their love in Paris. However, it could be a different story for people who live in Paris. Of the planning and urban environment related issues in the film, the inconvenience of development and access, the complicated transportation system, and underdevelopment of residential districts. These planning issues cause a structural conflict on city planning and also a discomfort of daily life for people live in Paris. People's daily life sacrifices the convenience to maintain the city's history. In "Whose Culture? Whose City?" sociologist Sharon Zukin suggested that "Gentrification, historic preservation, and other cultural strategies to enhance the visual appeal of urban spaces developed as major trends". For example, the historical and classic buildings in Paris are one of main reasons that people love about the Paris. Most of buildings are hundreds years old at least and they have their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The Tough City : The Large Scale Crime City The tough city. The large scale crime city. The corrupt city. During the early 1900s, Chicago was not known for having a superior reputation. Aware of his city's reputation, Sandburg was very candid in speaking about it. In spite of this reputation, he had great pride in the city. He discerned the great aspects of it that others chose to overlook. Sandburg's proud tone throughout his poem "Chicago" is established through the utilization of strong diction, clever sentence structure, and vivid imagery. Implementing strong diction throughout the poem, Sandburg evokes a proud and patriotic emotion in the reader's mind. To stimulate this proud emotion, he employs strong, detailed words instead simple words. For example, he describes Chicago as "Hog Butcher for the World, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler..." (lines 1–3) instead of simply saying a city with butchers, a industrial, harvesting, and a railroading city. These descriptive phrases better conjure up a city to be proud of than simple words do. Shortly after, he uses more strong diction in saying, "Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive, and coarse and strong and cunning." (lines 10–11) The words coarse, strong, and cunning describes a city to be proud of. Another instance in which he portrays a prideful city is in describing it as, "Fierce as a dog with a tongue lapping for action, cunning as a savage pitted against the wilderness." ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. City of Middlevale City of Middlevale Annexation Negotiation MGT/445 January 9, 2012 The City of Middlevale is introducing a plan to annex properties currently outside of the city limits. The annexation process is due to budget constraints and the cities inability to continue funding emergency services to these outlying areas. The citizens in the proposed annexed areas will be required, if the annexation is passed by the state legislature, to pay city property taxes and city sales tax on purchases made in Middlevale. The citizens residing in the unincorporated area are either lower income households or elderly. Most moved to the unincorporated area to avoid paying the taxes associated with incorporation into the Middlevale city limits. Without ... Show more content on ... At first, few, if any, of these fears and concerns will be discussed openly. Neither party wants to expose themselves to additional risk. They may be concerned that exposing their fears will cause the other party to view them as weak and vulnerable. Most fears center on the party's potential for loss (Karrass, 1995). These include loss of control, loss of face, loss of resources, and loss of stability. Neither the City of Middlevale nor the citizens want to lose their positions or interests. Both must be prepared to communicate respect to each other's views. Neither party should enter the negotiation in a head–on confrontational manner. Both parties should allow the other to be open in their communication, listens carefully to each other's position and interests, and summarize what is said to clarify understanding. Once both parties have expressed their needs, they must seek alignment. Once a foundation of understanding has been created, the City of Middlevale, and the citizens must pursue a line of discussion that aligns them both toward a common win. They should begin by summarizing their own interests. These are the key elements both parties want to take away from the negotiation. At this point in the negotiation, neither party should lock into a fixed position or final solution to the problem. Instead, they both should emphasize commonality in their interests (Karrass, ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Why Do People Move To The City Or Forbidden City? People are moving to the city from the rurals because they then won't have to go all the way to the city from their communities to get supplies in the polluted air. Beijing holds many magnificent sights that set national or even world records, including the Great Wall, the longest man–made structure in the world; the Forbidden City, the largest and best preserved ancient architectural complex in the world; and Tian'anmen Square, the largest city square in the world. Rural Beijing also floods during the year. Beijing also has a great transport system run by the city's government, with frequent train and bus schedules. The rights of the citizens may be more efficient in the city. Beijing has many job opportunities. The city also has a great ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Overpopulation And Pollution For The City Of An Ideal City Today, the cities of this world are awesome, tall buildings, high rates of development and of course, the overpopulation and pollution. To combat this major issue in the modern world, we must put in a standardised city 'template' that cities must follow so that they are able to cope with the inevitable fact of evolution and the factors such as 'global warming' (true or not), overpopulation and pollution. The city, as described below, is an ideal city that this world needs to last. To attain maximum efficiency and sustainability in the city, measure will be taken to ensure a long life for the city. Implementing a high levy on all petrol and diesel vehicles and lower ones on hybrid vehicles will retain the clean air of the city. Purchasing a full electric vehicle will see a 50% incentive to the buyer. There will be more than enough infrastructure to house the electric vehicles booming industry, including Continental's All–New inroad wireless EV charging for charging while parked and emergency chargers placed around rural roads in cases of empty batteries. Infrastructure to accommodate Tesla's Supercharging Network for long–range travel will be placed to boost people taking the eco–friendly option. There will be a Hyperloop in the ground to transport people throughout the city and to and from other cities. Power will come from eco–friendly sources such as wind turbines upon a hill and solar energy plants upon the fields. There will also be a large dam that the houses ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Ideal City Analysis Ideas of an Ideal City 2 "The Ideas of Le Corbusier": Summary and Response In "The Contemporary City", by urban planner Le Corbusier, it describes Le Corbusier's idea of an optimal city. He talks about how traditionalism is still present in cities, and they have to become contemporary. Having a central business district surrounded by residential districts is one of three basic parts of a contemporary city. Along with a large amount of open space for development, and suburbs further away from the city that include residential and industrial areas. He also mentions his principles for the city, but he emphasizes on the way of transportation which involves less cars to improve traffic, plus the addition of trains. Le Corbusier's main idea was to change the major cities with architecture and his urban planning. However, in "The Radiant City", he updated his plans for "The Contemporary City." He wanted the environment to feel more efficient by being more active, so he added sports grounds outside of houses to make people feel more inspired. On another note, he wanted to get rid of the garden cities in the suburbs, and move it into the city in order to make the gardens more useful. As said for "The Contemporary City", Le Corbusier asserts the importance of transportation even more. The idea of having walk ways above ground for people to travel through the city is to avoid the encounter of a car. The improved ideas and development from a "Radiant City" have been ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. The City Of Quezon City The history of Quezon City is teeming with hardship. It was originally designed and created as a utopian planned city to function as the capital of the Philippines, replacing Manila. Due to several unforeseen circumstances, including World War II and the death of the original designer, the plans were put on hold. Because of the problems that Quezon City originally faced, it was never fully implemented and never lived up to its expectation as the capital, but continues to flourish as a cultural, economic, and educational hub in the Philippines. Quezon City is located on a fertile plain, with a forest to the north and cities in the other directions. The center of the city has one main oval, known as Quezon City Circle. Originally intended ... Show more content on ... However, after the War, the Filipino planning authority decided to move the University of the Philippines to the east of the circle. The university campus still has significant green space, parks, and sports fields. To the north of the circle is the small Arboretum Forest, poorly maintained by the University of the Philippines, and often occupied by illegal settlements1. The largest manmade park in the region lies to the east, just outside of the original design for Quezon City. In addition, just to the north of the city is an undeveloped forest and lake, La Mesa Watershed and Eco Park, which blends into the mountains even further north. Although not originally planned as part of the city's park systems, La Mesa very popular and is the largest park in the Quezon City region.2 In 1906, the US Congress commissioned Daniel Burnham to design the new city plan for Manila, which would have been the first contemporary design for a city in the East, mirroring many aspects of McMillan's plan for Washington DC. It mimicked the City Beautiful Movement in the West, with neoclassical architecture. Burnham himself wrote about the chance to create a Eurocentric utopia in the East, "yet still small in area, possessing the bay of Naples, the winding river of Paris, and the canals of Venice, Manila has before it an opportunity unique in the history of modern times, to create a unified city equal to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Living In The City Vs City Life Living in the city can be an exciting experience for a greater opportunity than living in the country. The country provides a relaxing environment that the city may not provide. Some would prefer to live the city life, others prefer the country life. People who live in the country would probably have hobbies like fishing, hunting, and riding dirt bikes versus people living in the city; People living in the city would much rather go out to nice restaurants, live close to other people, and have an expensive lifestyle. Living in the city is very different from living in the country because they are different lifestyles with different atmospheres. Residence in the city can have a greater variety of things to do and different varieties of people to meet. Residing in the city can give you better opportunities to make friends than the country because everyone lives so close together and the county has property at a farther distance. Even though the property is separated out the country area, it would be hard not to run into an individual that you may be familiar with because they are usually in small towns. City life would be great for individuals that love meeting new people every day and doing a variety of things in their free time. In the city, there are more to be entertained with like shopping outlet's, bowling alleys, and special events that the country may not have. Individuals that are twenty–one and up can stop at bars and nightclubs with people that are befriended the ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Garden City And Garden City Introduction In late 19th, because of a dramatic increase of population, increasing urbanization and industrialization, cities had been overcrowded and the environment was being destroyed as well. Furthermore, more and more people moved to the urban cities from rural area for having more job opportunities. Consequently, cities were over centralizing. It is contributed to the slums in city which is the cause of disease breaking out. It leads to the decrease of human's life quality in urban cities. Moudon (1997) points out that control by the private sector, unhealthy rapid economic growth, overcrowding, poor sanitation, poor housing, weak government control, unorderly and unplanned improvement, diseases epidemics and increased public health ... Show more content on ... These cities would have adequate space of residential habitation, industrial work and agricultural production. In order to shift people who moving to the urban cites to the suburbs, a concept of garden city setting was coming out by Ebenezer Howard. His idea was inspired by the utopian wave which existed from mid and the close of 19th century. Howard (1902) idealized that in garden city, a 6,000–acre site would have 32,000 people living in. Furthermore, there was a sustaining potential which is the limit of the population density in garden city plan, so they would build a new garden city nearby when another city has reached the limit. In Howard's book, there is a central city surrounded by lots of garden cities which could afford 50,000 people. Roads and rail is the way linking those garden cities. The aim of garden city planning is to create a beautiful, sociable and healthy communities with both a good natural environment and high quality of housing affordability. A combination of the active and energetic city lifestyle with the delight and the beauty of the countryside was the way to achieve it. Moreover, in order to well organize the garden city movement, a concept of town, country, and town–country magnets was published in Howard's book. According to Howard (1902), different magnets have different characteristics. Town magnet with refers to urban city is presenting high ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The Garden City : The Concept Of The Garden City Concept The garden city is an idea of self–sufficient community surrounded by extensive area of greenbelts containing proportionate residential buildings, industries, and agricultural land (Ward,1992). The reason why Howard's Garden City model are still linked to our community whatever it was over 100 years ago. This idea improves air quality, space for growing green plants, animal conservation is still significant in nowadays city planning and sustainable development. Moreover, individuals can enjoy right to access healthy with safe housing and a variety of chances for socialising and participating in the community cause of Garden City ideal still utilized in contemporary society (Mills, 2010). The concept of town–country magnet is population around 30,000 people, the area should be surrounded by a large 'green belt', 6000 acres purchased for and 1,240 yards from centre to circumference (Howard,1902). The town wouldn't grow any bigger whether a new garden city would be created for increasing population in country (ibid). The collection of Garden Cities would then be called the Social City with a population of about 250,000, linked by radial roads and railways (ibid). Around 1910, the idea of garden city began to be emphasized and developed. There are planners started to rework Howard's idea of decentralizing social city into accommodate metropolitan growth in partially self–contained satellites towns (Ward,1992). These cities would be physically distinct, with extensive ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Summary Of The City Of Pigs In the book the Republic Socrates creates a city called the City of Pigs. Socrates refers to it as the true city, the healthy ones. His companions do not like the idea of this city. They all come up with a city that they all agree with called the City of Luxury. They believe this city is good and unbiased. I agree with them, I think the City of Luxury is a better city and is overall more unbiased than the City of Pigs. The City of Pigs is a peaceful city. Everybody gets along and nobody causes trouble. Every citizen in this city has their own craft. If the people have a lot of skill and ability to be really good at their craft they will stay with that craft the rest of their life. There is no money in this society, everybody contributes by using their craft to serve the community. There is no greed or envy towards one another. The craftsman's class are made with builders, farmers, cobblers, carpenters, weavers, shepherds, smiths, and traders. There is however some sort of currency for trading goods. This is for everybody to be able to cover their needs of housing, clothing and food. The people in this city are stable and healthy. Nobody overindulged or was unhealthy in this society. Socrates believe if people ate healthy and felt good about themselves, people would strive in society and become more valuable to the community. They believed that a healthy body and healthy mind equals a successful life. They would feed themselves meals made of barley, flour and wheat, noble ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The City Of The Mercantile City 1. Within the last few centuries, cities as have evolved to take on the features that are used today to identify the makings of what is a great city. As cities shifted from the concept of the political city to the mercantile city and finally the industrial city, traditional political, economic and social patterns began to take on new forms and functions that transformed them to become the urbanized spaces they are now. Major early cites began in the form of the political city, a place that was the functioning center of the state or empire. Often populated by the bureaucratic ruling class, the city was regarded as a space for elite. As the apex of the state, cities served as nexus of trade. A crossing ground for people, goods, and ideas. As this network of exchange transforms the common concept of the city, merchants slowly gained status and were allowed to move in. Gradually the once exclusively aristocratic setting evolved into what became known as the mercantile city where the market became the core of the city. No longer primarily a place of consuming elites, but a hub of new complexity, cities not only drew in commodities in the form of imports but also dynamic and profound ideas and people that reshaped cities as they were seen previously – giving rise to Henri Lefebvre's notion of heterogeneity. Cities were mirroring social and cultural diversity with material processes; a picture of modernity as old ties were being replaced by newer ones. Thus began the ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Creating a Healthy City Creating a Healthy City Environmental health should be a great concern for each individual person as well as our nation and the whole world. Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors affecting health and our environment.t which includes air, land and water. Environmental health extents to the chemical we use such as BPA and the effects it can and may have on our children, fuel in the economy and additional sources of fuel, building green, environmental disease and sources of energy in which all of these items can have an effect on the environment and our health. Here are other aspect of environment health that I would have never consider to be part of our concern or environment; but have just as ... Show more content on ... Introducing a clean environment healthy city would require information how important having a clean city is important to the community. A health city is about clean air, water, land and waste disposal for better living in the community. Understanding the air we breathe is essential that's why green emission is established to reduce the amount of carbon that is leaked in to the air which can cause breathing issuing. Having clean water and plenty of water is a something our body cannot live without. Land is major because the quality of land effects food and the types of food in which we can choose from and eat. Land is different from place to place and each area yields certain kinds of food that is necessary for the nutrients we need. When our air, water and land is destroyed where do we go and how do we survive. Environmental Health should be a global concern because earth is our home. Some of the environmental issues of global warming––global dimming–water pollution, air pollution; land pollution and land degradation are affecting humanity throughout the entire world, these and other issues affects every species on the planet earth. Its imperative that mankind listen to the cry of the environment and begin to work together to save our planet. We can all play a part play by taking concern for endangers species, and being careful not to pollute our ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Sydney City Limits 'City Limits' analyzed Sydney and the other rest of the big cities, in Australia, through evidence based on statistics, case studies, and stories of individuals and families who experience their life in the city today. The authors describe that the city has been associated with opportunities, freedom, and social connection, which the pattern is shifted and infected by the disease of contested space and the absence of social connection. Consequently, the cities are segregating the public societies – between the status of economic, social, physical, and to be included or excluded in the public space. Sydney's city center is the public meeting grounds, this is the spaces where the necessary activities took place: commuting, consuming, and producing. ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Glaeser City Sociology 1. According to Glaeser, cities attract talent and innovation due to its abundance of opportunity. Historically, workers migrate to cities in search of employment and upward mobility, as demonstrated by many cities' migration patterns in the early twentieth century as a result of the Industrial Revolution. However, Glaeser claims that in order to attract wealthy people, like Indian billionaire Lakshmi Mittal to London, a city must prove to be pleasant and not only abundant in opportunity but in entertainment because of all the people cities "import." Restaurants are a major source of entertainment in urban life, primarily for the experience of eating out and the fact that eating out is more convenient since many homes in a city lack adequate ... Show more content on ... While some cities. A low real wage describes the cost of enjoying the pleasures of cities like Honolulu whereas a high real wage describes how one must cope with hardships brought upon by the city such as an unsafe environment or hostile weather conditions, like New York in the seventies. Low real wages indicate a successful city with sufficient urban amenities, while "those high real wages were a sign of urban failure–the painful crime rate and disintegration of urban amenities" (104). According to the data given of American metropolitan areas, Fresno has the lowest real wages at $44,501 while Tulsa has the highest at $70,260. By Glaeser's argument, Fresno should be the metropolitan area with the greatest amenities. However, Fresno has the lowest median family income and second highest cost of living index. Out of the five cities, Boston is the most cosmopolitan. The city is rich with entertainment establishment and enjoys a high median family income. Yet, Fresno appears to offer more amenities than Boston and definitely Tulsa with the highest real wage. In Glaeser's logic, a city must be doing something wrong if it has high real wages. Perhaps signals a lack of investment in urban ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Analysis Of Healthy Cities Healthy Cities It is difficult to measure the health of an entire city since health is multidimensional. Therefore, looking at population's well–being in regards to their physical, psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual perspectives are necessary. These dimensions are further affected by health amenities, health promotion, environmental enhancement, and social care within the city (Webster & Sanderson, 2013). In order to evaluate these four factors, objective and subjective data about the city should be collected and analyzed. Personal Experience During our community assessment, Lake Elsinore was the city assigned to our group to be assessed. We carpooled and arrived in the downtown. We parked the car in an empty slot and each of ... Show more content on ... Nurses often see patients at the hospital, but their view about patients' health is narrow because they do not have an opportunity to assess patients from a multidimensional perspective. Although health is an individual criterion, people living in the same community tend to be healthier or unhealthier when compared to other cities. For example, population from Orange County is considered healthier than population from Riverside County. By knowing patient's neighborhood, the nurse can conclude possible community diagnosis and provide resources pertinent to patients' specific location. For instance, if a patient is a resident of Lake Elsinore and expresses inability to afford a car, the nurse will not provide education about bus passes because there is no public transportation available in the city. Instead, she could advise the patient to purchase a bicycle or an adult tricycle. This form of transportation does not require money for gas or insurance and is a great way to commute from one place to another in a small city. Professional and Personal Growth The assessment of Lake Elsinore gave me an opportunity to grow professionally and personally. In regards to my professional level, my growth is evident in my abstract thinking regarding people's health. I learned how to rationalize using the Ecological Model of Health and Wellness having people ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Federation City The world has been evolving as quickly as the population has grown. As the years progressed, the habitual lifestyle has transformed from spread out house and land living to city and suburban occupation. Along with the living style, cities have progressed from just roads and buildings to multifunctional spaces with copious possibilities. Federation Square in the 'heart of the city' is an example of how a space in the city vastly contributes to the visual culture of Melbourne. Times Square in New York also displays how what was previously an intersection of roads, has been transformed into a visual landmark. Melbourne city had always lacked a functional public space ever since its birth. 'Robert Hoddles plan setting' of Melbourne grid was ... Show more content on ... The 'sheer volume of activity its hosts' is a vital factor to its success with the city of Melbourne now able to hold copious events, from live broadcasting of international events to public concerts and displays such as the olympics and Kevin Rudd sorry speech to the stolen generation. Federation Square is also a prime location to watch the New Years celebrations where the city is flooded with people. With a new capacity of '10000 people' large events such as the Commonwealth Games connected over '750000 people over ten days.' The square for the first time creates a sensible and large public space which was needed for the modern day Melbourne city. Federation square has greatly contributed to the visual culture of the city with an angular triangle laced structure creating an icon in the heart of the city. The creation of this space has also vastly lead to an increase in cultural events for example when it sits centre for the largely popular White Night Festival which attracts hundreds of thousands of people into the city for an all night visual festival. Originating in Russia, White night is a State Government initiative that lights up the city for an entire night and Federation Square plays a vital role in not only contributing to the visual experience of the event but help people circulate during the event.The design of the square works to combine a multiple of spaces to create 'an organisation that is interactive and adaptive' which has been proven that was need and well received. Federation Square is an example of how the space between buildings of function and the roads we use as transportation can change the function of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Green Cities As A Pollution To The Green City The urbanization which has been growing rapidly in the early twenty–first century is going along with the issues related to jobs, housing, transportation, and the polluted environment within urban areas. In order to deal with those issues, "green cities" has been given as a great solution. Green city is a program of building smart constructions and technologies that are friendly with the environment, and establishing the smart growth policies to resolve the economic, social, and as well as environmental issues in the city. There are some opinions claimed that green cities should not be developed due to the high cost and negative environmental effects. Despite those opposing opinions, green city would still be an effective program for the sustainability of the city by creating more jobs, reducing traffic congestion, and protecting the environment. While the cities' officials are considering whether they should establish the policies of building green cities, there are some opinions that oppose the program. For example, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, Randal O'Toole, claims that public transportation especially the rail transit has some limitations since it requires high cost of making rail cars to make sure they are safe and the high cost of building more rail lines. Therefore, it would be hard for a city to develop the public transportation system if it cannot afford the funding. Another problem comes with the green cities is that it might cause some negative effects ... Get more on ...