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• A tourist is defined as a person who travels
and stays away from his/her normal place
of residence for more than 24 hours but
less than a year, regardless of travel
Use the computer
to research on the
assigned type of
1. Describe the
characteristics of
the type of tourism
2. Provide specific
Class activity
1. Each student is assigned
a type of tourism
2. Group the same type of
tourism together
3. ‘Name’ your tourism
P123 of
Honeypot Tourism
Taj Mahal, Agra, India
Tourism honeypots refers to particularly
popular visitor attractions which attract
tourists in large numbers
Colosseum, Italy
Destinations which provide good amenities
for meetings, incentives, conferences and
Suntec Convention Hall, Singapore Expo Halls, Singapore
Medical/ Health Tourism
• Requisites: Places with good medical facilities
or health facilities such as spas and hot
• Rise in medical tourism, especially in cosmetic
procedures (S. Korea estimates 300 thousand
medical tourists by 2015)
Film-induced Tourism
• Tourism to destinations featured on
television, video, or cinema screen
• Requisites: Physical or human landscape
which appears on television, video, or
cinema screen (More prominent in
popular/cult movies)
Heritage Tourism
Travelling to experience the authentic culture and
history offered by a particular place and/or activity
The Ghats in Varanasi, IndiaKayan Culture, Burma
Religious Tourism (Pilgrimage)
• Travelling for religious purposes (e.g.
pilgrimage, missions, religious gatherings)
• Requisite: Places with religious/holy sites
The Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Israel
Dark Tourism
Requisite: Places with history of conflicts
or history of mass deaths/ places which
uses death as a theme of attraction
Catacombs of the Capuchins, Palermo, Italy- Over 8000
bodies hung on the walls like paintings!
Roles of different groups in promoting
3)International organizations
4)Travel writers
1) GOVERNMENT’s role in promoting Tourism
- plan, fund and build infrastructure projects eg airports,
- create agencies to promote tourism eg Singapore
Tourism Board to our attractions
2) MEDIA’s role in
promoting Tourism
- channel where news
and information are
communicate to the
public eg TV, Internet,
- positive (good
shopping) or negative
(terrorism) reports
promoting Tourism
- group of different countries working together for a
common purpose
- World Tourism Organization promotes sustainable
tourism development to reduce poverty and creates jobs
and businesses.
4) TRAVEL WRITER’s role in promoting Tourism
- evaluate destinations for readers through
accommodation, transport and advices
- can be positive or negative reviews
Homework P125 – Describe the domestic and
international travel patterns shown in Fig. 4. [3]
-Read the graph horizontally (There is no
fluctuation/ increase and decrease!!!)
- No data!
-Never compared domestic and international
in general
-3 marks question requires 3 different points.
Describe the domestic and
international travel patterns
shown in Fig. 4. [3
1) General Trend: The domestic tourists (Hokkaido,
Osaka ) travelling out of Tokyo are higher than the
International tourists (Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul)
in December.
2) Domestic :
Highest reading: Hokkaido has the highest number at
45000 tourists travelling out of Tokyo.
3) International :
Lowest reading: Taipei has the lowest number at 8000
tourists travelling out of Tokyo compared with all the
cities in both domestic and international travellers.
International vs Domestic Tourism
• International tourism refers to tourism outside of a
tourist's own country
• Domestic tourism refers to tourism within a tourist's
own country 21
Change from mass tourism to niche tourism
Niche Tourism – Tomatina Festival in Spain
Mass tourism
•Large number of tourists
•Famous attractions:
Honeypot tourism etc
•Tour Operators
•Package tours
Niche tourism
•Small number of tourists
•Special interest : Dark
tourism etc
•Solo / specialized groups
•Free and easy
Mass Tourism – Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy
Change from tour groups to independent travelers
Tour groups
•Coaches/ tour bus
•Fixed itinerary
•Adhere to guidelines
Independent travelers
•More flexible itinerary
•Not restricted by tour
Increase in both short haul and long haul destinations
Short haul
•Less than 5
hours flight
•Increase of
Long haul
•More than 5
hours flight
ment in air
Factors Causing Global Tourism Growth
Demand Factors Destination Factors
Changes in the
(Increases their
need/ desire to
Changes in the
destination that
attracts more
Changes in
technology to
facilitate easy
Factors Causing Global Tourism Growth
Demand Factors Destination Factors
1. Increase in
2. Increase in
leisure time
3. Changing
1. Attractions
2. Investment in
Infrastructure and
3. Access to
4. Political Stability
1. Better and
2. More air
routes and
3. Internet and
mobile apps
Demand Factors
1. Disposable Income
• The amount of money left for an individual to
• Increase in disposable income enables people to
spend more on goods and activities which would
improve their quality of life
• Accounts for growth in tourism as people can
afford to travel more frequently and to more
expensive destinations
Demand Factors
2. Leisure Time
• Time available outside of the demands of work
or duty
• Increasing trend where people enjoy a
minimum of three weeks of paid annual leave
• Increase in leisure time allows people to travel
Demand Factors
3. Changing Lifestyles
• Higher education - know more about the world
• Varied interests - attracted to various tourist
destinations (e.g. nature lovers to ecotourism)
• Stress-reliever
• Longer life expectancy – travel after retirement
• Increasing affluence - more people travelling
Homework P126
Destination Factors
1) Attractions
• Interesting qualities and features of a
• Promoted by tourism industry to attract
• Natural or man made attractions
Grand Canyon National Park
(Arizona , USA)
Great Wall of China
Destination Factors
2) Investment in Infrastructure and Services
• Public systems, services, and facilities eg Roads,
electricity, hospitals
• Accommodation, medical facilities, transport,
recreational and entertainment facilities
• Destination with more investments in
infrastructure and services likely to attract more
Destination Factors
3) Access to Information
• Refers to the ease in which tourists are able
to obtain information of the destination
• This could be in the form of internet or print
sources (e.g. Lonely Planet Guidebooks)
• Tourists more inclined to visit destinations
that has more information available
Destination Factors
4) Marketing
• Potential visitors get access to information
through the marketing of the destination by
their respective countries
• Prevalent use of the mass media to advertise
on certain marketable traits of destinations
• Destination more likely to attract visitors if
marketing is done well
Destination Factors
5) Political Stability
• Countries which are in the midst of conflicts or
wars are deemed to be unsafe for tourists
• E.g. Syria and Iraq are not visited currently
despite having attractions
Ruins of Palmyra, Syria Great Ziggurat of Ur, Iraq
Homework P126
Using Fig. 4, describe the relationship between the price
of air tickets and the distance of the locations from
Singapore. [3]
- Most Expensive : Locations that are further away from
Singapore such as North America are the most
expensive at $1572.
- Cheapest : Locations that are nearest to Singapore
such as Hong Kong is the cheapest at $438
- ANOMALIE : However prices of air tickets to Australia
is more expensive at $851 compared to Africa at $741
although Australia is nearer to Singapore than Africa.
HW : P125 Part (aii) Account for the domestic and
international travel patterns described in (ai)
Account for the domestic and international travel patterns
described in (ai) [3]
Domestic tourism are higher than International tourism out of
Tokyo due to the following reasons:
1)There could be greater access of information about Tokyo in
the Internet or print sources in Japan. Therefore it encourages
Hokkaido and Osaka tourists to visit Tokyo.
2) There could be prevalent marketing of Tokyo throughout
Japan to allow Japanese to get access to information more
readily. / As compared with the International mass media
platforms, there could be lesser advertisements which
resulted in lesser International tourists to Tokyo.
3) Due to better and more affordable transport systems within
Japan, the shorter and cheaper travel modes encouraged
more domestic than international tourism.
1) Better and affordable transport
- Safer, shorter travel time for flights
- People travel more frequently and farther
- Lower travelling costs eg budget airlines
Technology2) More routes and agreement
- Makes the world more accessible
- Open skies agreement : government to remove
restrictions on commercial flights so they can
decide on routes, capacity and price
- Deregulation : allow fares to fluctuate due to
demand and competition
3) Internet and mobile applications
• Ease of access to information
• Updated information such as online booking
and research
• Provides feedback and surveillance on safety
Homework P126
Account for the relationship between the price of air
tickets and the distance of the locations from Singapore
in Fig. 4. [3]
- Locations that are further away requires more
travelling time, this will result in more expensive air
tickets due to fuel and manpower costs.
- Locations that are nearer are cheaper due to the rise
of budget aircraft which has a cheaper cost due to the
shorter distance.
- Air tickets to certain countries may be more expensive
due to its popularity which increases the demand to
such places.
Fluctuations (Drops) in Tourism
Tourism numbers decline because of
1. Terrorism
2. Recession
3. Diseases
4. Disasters
P128 - 129
- Tourists do not want to risk getting infected with a
contagious disease
- May cause business to postpone or cancellation of
MICE activities.
Example : Hong Kong (2003) SARS Epidemic
• Tourist arrivals fell 63% (850,000) from March to
April 2003
• Outbound bookings for the Easter holiday period fell
by 80%.
1) Outbreak of Diseases
- Poses risks to the safety of tourists and disrupt
tourist infrastructure
Example : Iceland (2010) eruption
• 107,000 flights cancelled during 8 day period-
48% of total air traffic (10 million passengers)
• Airlines collectively losing £130m per day in lost
• Tourism industry will lose money from tourists
unable to make the trip
2) Disasters occurrence
- Recession is a slowdown in economic activities
where there’s a loss of income or jobs
- Results in cut down on spending and less
demand for goods and services
Eg Global Financial Crisis(2007-2008)
• Consumer spending lowered due to rising
unemployment (5.4 million jobs lost in USA in
• There is less disposable income that can be used
to finance holidays
3) Global and regional recessions
- Disagreement between different groups of people
that may pose dangers to tourists
- Disrupt services and damage infrastructure
Thailand (2008) Political Crisis
Violent clashes day-long leave 2 dead and over 300
injured, including 20 policemen. Blockage of
International Airports, leaving thousands of tourists
stranded and cutting off most of Thailand's
international air connections. Several explosions
and clashes occur in the following day.
4) Unfavorable political situations
Homework P130
Using examples, discuss the reasons for the fluctuations in tourism in countries.
•Disasters can cause fluctuations
•Events that can cause great damage to properties, lead to injuries or cause great loss of lives
•Discourage tourists from visiting – pose risk to safety of tourists, disruptions of essential tourists
•Eg: Tohoku Earthquake caused nuclear meltdown at Fukushima
•By end 2011, Japan’s tourist arrival decreased by 28% to 6.2 million (majority decline from Korea
and China)
•Also discouraged citizens from travelling overseas
•Eg: 1/3 of tourists to S. Korea from Japan but no. fell by 12% in March, 8% in April, 2% in May
•Increase in tourist arrivals again a year after disaster due to international promotion efforts (showing
safe and beautiful Japan)
Outbreaks of disease.
•Sudden and widespread occurrence of disease in an area
•RESULT: tourists do not want to risk getting infected with infectious disease  decrease in travels
•Govt agencies also issue travel advisories to avoid disease outbreak areas
•Eg: H1N1 or SARS – cause business to be postponed/ cancellation of large scale MICE activities
•SARS in 2003, killed 775 pple, infected >8000 in 25 countries
•Hotel occupancy in HK dropped from 82% to 15% in May 2003
ANSWERS P17 & 18
Using examples, discuss the reasons for the fluctuations in tourism in countries.
Global recessions
•Period of general slowdown in economic activities
•Many experience loss of income/ jobs
•People cut back on spending = lower demand in goods and services = less likely to travel = lesser
international tourists
•Can be caused by: sharp increase in price of goods, problems in financial markets, decline in exports
•Can be global or regional
•Regional: only affect a region/ group of countries
•Eg: European Debt Crisis 2010 , Greece unable to pay its government debts
•Since then, other countries (Ireland, Portugal, Spain) sought help in repaying govt debts
•Crisis affected many countries that use Euros in national currency
•Resulted in collapse of businesses and financial institutions and massive unemployment
•Global: affects many countries around the world
•Eg: Global Financial Crisis (2007/ 2008)
•Started when some of the world’s largest financial firms went bankrupt
•Firms collapsed after loosing large amount of investments in crash of the housing mkts in USA
•Triggered panic in most financial institutions ard the world
•Affected many countries causing economies to slow down
•Between 2008 and 2010 many of world’s economies experienced recession
•Europe, N. America and East Asia affected by rising unemployment and increasing no of part time
•Egygpt, Morocco reported shorter tourists stays: staying <1day, and at cheaper accommodation
•Many people choose to travel within own country rather than travel abroad
•Usually choose shorter distances, less on transport
ANSWERS P17 & 18
Tourism impacts
- Consequences of tourists visiting a place
- Can be both negative or positive
- 3 aspects :
- Economic : Good and services, Jobs, Revenue
- Socio-cultural : Interaction of people, History
and traditions
- Environmental : Physical place, Habitats,
Green environment
- Circle if the impact is economic/social/environmental
- Match the impact with the examples
Positive + Negative -
1. Preserve culture
and local customs
2. Positive exchanges and
1. Dilution of culture and local
2. Increased crime
3. Disrespect local cultures
and customs
1. Conservation of natural
1. Increased carbon footprints
2. Destruction of natural
3. Pollution and littering
4. Vandalism
5. Increased congestion
1. Growth in income
2. Employment
3. Increase in foreign
4. Infrastructure
1. Seasonal unemployment
2. Underuse of facilities
3. Shortage of services
4. Leakage of tourism revenue
Socio-Cultural Impact (+)
1. Preservation and Promotion of Local Culture
and Heritage
• Important sites of heritage and culture are also
preserved and restored to their former glory due
to tourism
Korean palaces (e.g. Gyeongbokgung) Chinatown in Singapore (shophouses)
2. Positive Exchanges and Interaction
• Tourism increases the interaction between local
residents and tourists
• Increasing number of volunteer tourism where
tourists help to improve infrastructure or social
well-being of local residents
Socio-Cultural Impact (+)
Service learning project in Africa
1. Dilution / False Representation of Local Culture
• Culture is being manipulated by tour operators
to maximize economic benefits
• Festivals and rituals may be modified to meet
the demands of tourists
• Identity, culture and values are lost
• s
Socio-Cultural Impact (-)
Local street
vendors sell
souvenirs at
market place in
Buddhist Temple
Swayambhunath in
Kathmandu, Nepal
2. Disrespect of local
cultures and customs
• “Zooification” of local
tribes where they are
treated and looked
upon as “savages” and
Socio-Cultural Impact (-)
The Kayan women (Myanmar)
wears the brass neck coils in
the past due to their culture, but
now more because it attracts
3. Increased Crime and
Social Problems
• Influx of wealthy tourists
• Tourists are easy targets:
– carry large sums of money
and other valuables
– More relaxed and off guard
while on vacation
– Less likely to report crimes
or to testify against
suspects, wishing to avoid
Socio-Cultural Impact (-)
Economic Impact (+)
1. Source of revenue
• Many LDCs such as Thailand are reliant on
their tourism industry
• Tourism accounts for 9.2% of the global Gross
domestic product
2. Employment opportunities for the locals
• The unskilled local population can also hone
a skill in the service sector
56.7% of Maldives’ population involved in
tourism industry eg Chefs, hotel manager
Economic Impact (+)
3.Development of Infrastructure
• Governments would invest in upgrading
infrastructure to attract tourists
• Transport, communication networks, electrical
and water systems eg airports, roads
Economic Impact (+)
$42 billion
invested for
infrastructure prior
to Beijing
Olympics. (Beijing
• Money earned from other countries in
exchange for goods and services
• Tourism also receive business investments
from other countries eg hotel chains
• Tourism brings in revenue for government eg
4. Increase in foreign exchange
Economic Impact (+)
In Fiji, tourism is their
largest foreign
exchange which is
between 20 – 25 % of
the country’s
Economic Impact (-)
1. Leakage of Tourism Revenue
• Destination is exploited for its natural/ human
• Profits from tourism goes to foreign owned
tour operators, airlines, hotels
• Leak of revenue out of the country
In Thailand ,
70% of all
money spent
by tourists
ended up with
owned tour
drinks and
Economic Impact (-)
2. Price Inflation for Locals
• Tourism causes increase in the prices of goods
and services
• Cause price inflation in the host country
• Locals will experience a higher cost of living
3.Seasonal unemployment
• Peak and non-peak seasons within a year for
• Due to climatic conditions eg winter / monsoon
• Fluctuations in number of tourists
Economic Impact (-)
During the winter
period in Europe,
the ski resorts
have large
number of
tourists visiting.
There is a
demand for jobs
to cater to the
high number of
1.Destruction of Natural Habitat
• Tourists destroys habitats and wildlife through
trampling, making noises, littering, collecting
eggs and shells as souvenirs.
Environmental Impact (-)
The Red Sea in
Egypt has damaged
coral reefs and
exotic fishes due to
swimmers collecting
shells and corals as
souvenirs, and
dumping of waste by
hotels and
2. Pollution
• Water pollution when resorts dump untreated waste
into water bodies
• Land pollution when tourists dispose their litter in
pristine environments
Environmental Impact (-)
Trekkers in
Himalayas leave
behind their gas
cylinders and
plastic bottles
during their trek,
polluting the
Responsible Tourism
1)Pick a question
2)Using only your smartphones,
research on the question
3)Each student are to vote for the
best answer
4)Best answer gets a prize!
Environmental Impact (+)
1. Increased Awareness on Environmental
• Conserving natural areas : eg coral reefs,
• Lowering carbon footprint : reduce Greenhouse
Gas emissions
The Sepilok Orang-utan
Rehabiliation Centre in
Sabah (Malaysia) SOURC
relies on visitor entry fees to
pay its staff. The staff helps
to rehabilitate orang-utans
that are orphaned or injured.
Establish Laws and Regulations
• Law of wildlife conservation in
Costa Rica
• Tourists prohibited from taking
plants and flowers
• Tourists also prohibited from
feeding wild animals to
prevent them from being
dependent on humans for
Establish Laws and Regulations
• Not all tourists conform to the
environmentally-friendly guidelines as
many feel the use or overuse of resources
is justifiable with payment
• Tourists may also feel self-important and
show little respect for local cultures and
traditions, hence creating disharmony
among the local society
P132 Homework – Sample answers page 17 – 20
Sustainable Tourism
- Tourism that doesn’t damage the environment, and
social culture
- Take account of the needs of tourists and locals
- Developments that meets the needs of the present
- Without compromising the ability of future
generation to meet their needs
Promoting Ecotourism
• Environmentally responsible travel
• Natural areas that promotes conservation
• Improves the well-being of locals
• However, many tour operators are profit driven.
Sea-Canoe eco-tourism
Company (Phuket) limits
tourist numbers to 64 per
day in consideration of the
carrying capacity of the
ecologically sensitive region
Community Based Tourism
• Consults and benefits the local community, eg rural villages and
indigenous people
• Locals can control over tourist activities
• Help manage the negative impact of tourism
- However, many CBT projects have also failed due to improper
management and poor accessibility.
- A survey of 200 CBT projects in Latin America reflected only 5%
occupancy for most accommodations.
National Tourism Authority of Laos
consults the communities of the
Phou Khao Khouay nature
reserves in Laos before making
decisions on various tourist
Sustainable Tourism
Which group should be responsibility for tourism developments?
• Government eg.
Tourism Board
• Helps to plan
programs to
• Ecotourism
• Preserving our
Heritage and
Responsible for sustainable tourism developments
• Develops programs to conserve national heritage
• Enforce rules and regulations
• Maintain infrastructure and attractions
• However may have opposing stakeholders such as
locals or NGOs that disagree eg to change how the
way locals live
Responsible for sustainable tourism developments
The Singapore Tourism Board
conserves our national
heritage while trying to attract
tourists at the same time.
Programs to conserve ethnic
districts in Chinatown, Little
India and Kampung Glam
allows tourists to appreciate
our heritage.
• A group of people coming together for a common
• Aims to promote sustainable tourism eg Green
tourism, helping the locals, increase awareness on
environmental protection
Responsible for sustainable tourism developments
• Non profit organizations that operates without the
• Concern with tourism impact on natural and human
• However they may have difficulty in obtaining funding
Responsible for sustainable tourism developments
The International
society develop
trainings and
research papers
related to tourism
and the
• Tour companies, tour guides
• Regulate and control tourist’s behaviour during
the trip
• Manage and sets the right tone for tourists
Responsible for sustainable tourism developments
(46 seconds)
• To conserve and protect environments so that
tourists would return
• Create awareness of environmental
• However they are still profit driven
Responsible for sustainable tourism developments
COMMUNITIES• Local people living in the area
• Eg Villagers, local population
• Can directly control and make decisions related to
tourism eg Jobs being created for locals, decision to
protect wildlife
Responsible for sustainable tourism
COMMUNITIES• Group of people living in the same territory
• Involved in decision making about programs
• Community based tourism- benefits local
• However, there may still have a shortage of skilled
workers for jobs like managers and consultants.
In the Candirejo Village in
Indonesia, the government
and locals created
community based tourism
programs. Such as
homestays, use of local
transport (Andong) and
training of local tour guides.
Responsible for sustainable tourism
• Tourists spending provide funds to conserve the
environment eg souvenirs
• Provide income/job opportunities for locals
• Raise awareness to conserve and preserve attractions
eg blog, reviews
Responsible for sustainable
• Tourists spending provide funds to conserve the
environment eg souvenirs
• Provide income/job opportunities for locals
• Raise awareness to conserve and preserve
attractions eg blog, reviews
• However tourists may damage tourist attractions
through vandalism and pollution
• Tourists may also dilute local culture and customs when they behave inappropriately
Responsible for sustainable
Who should be responsibility for tourism
developments?Strengths Weakness
-Involves locals in decision-
-Increase tourism jobs for locals
-Shortage of skilled labour
-Provide funds through
-Share experience and raise
-Damage tourist attractions
-Dilute local culture and customs
-Regulate tourist behaviour -Profits minded
-Facilitate communication
between various stakeholders
-Support with manpower or
-Difficulty in obtaining external
-Develop and maintain
infrastructure and attractions
-Draft laws and policies
-Opposing stakeholders
Homework P134

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  • 1. Tourist • A tourist is defined as a person who travels and stays away from his/her normal place of residence for more than 24 hours but less than a year, regardless of travel purpose
  • 2. P124 Use the computer to research on the assigned type of tourism. 1. Describe the characteristics of the type of tourism 2. Provide specific examples.
  • 3. Class activity 1. Each student is assigned a type of tourism 2. Group the same type of tourism together 3. ‘Name’ your tourism type!
  • 5. Honeypot Tourism Taj Mahal, Agra, India Tourism honeypots refers to particularly popular visitor attractions which attract tourists in large numbers Colosseum, Italy
  • 6. MICE Destinations which provide good amenities for meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions Suntec Convention Hall, Singapore Expo Halls, Singapore
  • 7. Medical/ Health Tourism • Requisites: Places with good medical facilities or health facilities such as spas and hot springs • Rise in medical tourism, especially in cosmetic procedures (S. Korea estimates 300 thousand medical tourists by 2015)
  • 8. Film-induced Tourism • Tourism to destinations featured on television, video, or cinema screen • Requisites: Physical or human landscape which appears on television, video, or cinema screen (More prominent in popular/cult movies)
  • 9. Heritage Tourism Travelling to experience the authentic culture and history offered by a particular place and/or activity The Ghats in Varanasi, IndiaKayan Culture, Burma
  • 10. Religious Tourism (Pilgrimage) • Travelling for religious purposes (e.g. pilgrimage, missions, religious gatherings) • Requisite: Places with religious/holy sites The Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Israel
  • 11. Dark Tourism Requisite: Places with history of conflicts or history of mass deaths/ places which uses death as a theme of attraction Catacombs of the Capuchins, Palermo, Italy- Over 8000 bodies hung on the walls like paintings!
  • 12. Roles of different groups in promoting Tourism 1)Government 2)Media 3)International organizations 4)Travel writers
  • 13. 1) GOVERNMENT’s role in promoting Tourism - plan, fund and build infrastructure projects eg airports, ports - create agencies to promote tourism eg Singapore Tourism Board to our attractions
  • 14. 2) MEDIA’s role in promoting Tourism - channel where news and information are communicate to the public eg TV, Internet, newspapers - positive (good shopping) or negative (terrorism) reports
  • 15. 3) INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION’s role in promoting Tourism - group of different countries working together for a common purpose - World Tourism Organization promotes sustainable tourism development to reduce poverty and creates jobs and businesses.
  • 16. 4) TRAVEL WRITER’s role in promoting Tourism - evaluate destinations for readers through accommodation, transport and advices - can be positive or negative reviews
  • 17. Homework P125 – Describe the domestic and international travel patterns shown in Fig. 4. [3] ONLY PART (AI)
  • 18. P125 FEEDBACK -Read the graph horizontally (There is no fluctuation/ increase and decrease!!!) - No data! -Never compared domestic and international in general -3 marks question requires 3 different points. Describe the domestic and international travel patterns shown in Fig. 4. [3
  • 19. P125 1) General Trend: The domestic tourists (Hokkaido, Osaka ) travelling out of Tokyo are higher than the International tourists (Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul) in December. 2) Domestic : Highest reading: Hokkaido has the highest number at 45000 tourists travelling out of Tokyo. 3) International : Lowest reading: Taipei has the lowest number at 8000 tourists travelling out of Tokyo compared with all the cities in both domestic and international travellers.
  • 20.
  • 21. International vs Domestic Tourism • International tourism refers to tourism outside of a tourist's own country • Domestic tourism refers to tourism within a tourist's own country 21
  • 22. Change from mass tourism to niche tourism Niche Tourism – Tomatina Festival in Spain Mass tourism •Large number of tourists •Famous attractions: Honeypot tourism etc •Tour Operators •Package tours Niche tourism •Small number of tourists •Special interest : Dark tourism etc •Solo / specialized groups •Free and easy Mass Tourism – Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy
  • 23. Change from tour groups to independent travelers Tour groups •Coaches/ tour bus •Fixed itinerary •Adhere to guidelines Independent travelers •Backpacking •More flexible itinerary •Not restricted by tour guides
  • 24. Increase in both short haul and long haul destinations Short haul •Less than 5 hours flight •Increase of budget airlines Long haul •More than 5 hours flight •Improve- ment in air craft technology X
  • 25. Factors Causing Global Tourism Growth Demand Factors Destination Factors Changes in the consumers (Increases their need/ desire to travel) Changes in the travel destination that attracts more tourists. Technology Changes in technology to facilitate easy travel
  • 26. Factors Causing Global Tourism Growth Demand Factors Destination Factors 1. Increase in Disposable Income 2. Increase in leisure time 3. Changing Lifestyles 1. Attractions 2. Investment in Infrastructure and Services 3. Access to Information/ Marketing 4. Political Stability Technology 1. Better and affordable transport 2. More air routes and agreements 3. Internet and mobile apps
  • 27. Demand Factors 1. Disposable Income • The amount of money left for an individual to spend • Increase in disposable income enables people to spend more on goods and activities which would improve their quality of life • Accounts for growth in tourism as people can afford to travel more frequently and to more expensive destinations
  • 28. Demand Factors 2. Leisure Time • Time available outside of the demands of work or duty • Increasing trend where people enjoy a minimum of three weeks of paid annual leave • Increase in leisure time allows people to travel more
  • 29. Demand Factors 3. Changing Lifestyles • Higher education - know more about the world • Varied interests - attracted to various tourist destinations (e.g. nature lovers to ecotourism) • Stress-reliever • Longer life expectancy – travel after retirement • Increasing affluence - more people travelling
  • 31. Destination Factors 1) Attractions • Interesting qualities and features of a place • Promoted by tourism industry to attract tourists • Natural or man made attractions Grand Canyon National Park (Arizona , USA) Great Wall of China
  • 32. Destination Factors 2) Investment in Infrastructure and Services • Public systems, services, and facilities eg Roads, electricity, hospitals • Accommodation, medical facilities, transport, recreational and entertainment facilities • Destination with more investments in infrastructure and services likely to attract more tourists
  • 33. Destination Factors 3) Access to Information • Refers to the ease in which tourists are able to obtain information of the destination • This could be in the form of internet or print sources (e.g. Lonely Planet Guidebooks) • Tourists more inclined to visit destinations that has more information available
  • 34. Destination Factors 4) Marketing • Potential visitors get access to information through the marketing of the destination by their respective countries • Prevalent use of the mass media to advertise on certain marketable traits of destinations • Destination more likely to attract visitors if marketing is done well
  • 35. Destination Factors 5) Political Stability • Countries which are in the midst of conflicts or wars are deemed to be unsafe for tourists • E.g. Syria and Iraq are not visited currently despite having attractions Ruins of Palmyra, Syria Great Ziggurat of Ur, Iraq
  • 38. Using Fig. 4, describe the relationship between the price of air tickets and the distance of the locations from Singapore. [3] - Most Expensive : Locations that are further away from Singapore such as North America are the most expensive at $1572. - Cheapest : Locations that are nearest to Singapore such as Hong Kong is the cheapest at $438 - ANOMALIE : However prices of air tickets to Australia is more expensive at $851 compared to Africa at $741 although Australia is nearer to Singapore than Africa.
  • 39. HW : P125 Part (aii) Account for the domestic and international travel patterns described in (ai)
  • 40. Account for the domestic and international travel patterns described in (ai) [3] Domestic tourism are higher than International tourism out of Tokyo due to the following reasons: 1)There could be greater access of information about Tokyo in the Internet or print sources in Japan. Therefore it encourages Hokkaido and Osaka tourists to visit Tokyo. 2) There could be prevalent marketing of Tokyo throughout Japan to allow Japanese to get access to information more readily. / As compared with the International mass media platforms, there could be lesser advertisements which resulted in lesser International tourists to Tokyo. 3) Due to better and more affordable transport systems within Japan, the shorter and cheaper travel modes encouraged more domestic than international tourism.
  • 41. Technology 1) Better and affordable transport - Safer, shorter travel time for flights - People travel more frequently and farther - Lower travelling costs eg budget airlines
  • 42. Technology2) More routes and agreement - Makes the world more accessible - Open skies agreement : government to remove restrictions on commercial flights so they can decide on routes, capacity and price - Deregulation : allow fares to fluctuate due to demand and competition
  • 43. Technology 3) Internet and mobile applications • Ease of access to information • Updated information such as online booking and research • Provides feedback and surveillance on safety
  • 45. Account for the relationship between the price of air tickets and the distance of the locations from Singapore in Fig. 4. [3] - Locations that are further away requires more travelling time, this will result in more expensive air tickets due to fuel and manpower costs. - Locations that are nearer are cheaper due to the rise of budget aircraft which has a cheaper cost due to the shorter distance. - Air tickets to certain countries may be more expensive due to its popularity which increases the demand to such places.
  • 46. Fluctuations (Drops) in Tourism Tourism numbers decline because of 1. Terrorism 2. Recession 3. Diseases 4. Disasters
  • 48. - Tourists do not want to risk getting infected with a contagious disease - May cause business to postpone or cancellation of MICE activities. Example : Hong Kong (2003) SARS Epidemic • Tourist arrivals fell 63% (850,000) from March to April 2003 • Outbound bookings for the Easter holiday period fell by 80%. 1) Outbreak of Diseases
  • 49. - Poses risks to the safety of tourists and disrupt tourist infrastructure Example : Iceland (2010) eruption • 107,000 flights cancelled during 8 day period- 48% of total air traffic (10 million passengers) • Airlines collectively losing £130m per day in lost revenues • Tourism industry will lose money from tourists unable to make the trip 2) Disasters occurrence
  • 50. - Recession is a slowdown in economic activities where there’s a loss of income or jobs - Results in cut down on spending and less demand for goods and services Eg Global Financial Crisis(2007-2008) • Consumer spending lowered due to rising unemployment (5.4 million jobs lost in USA in 2008) • There is less disposable income that can be used to finance holidays 3) Global and regional recessions
  • 51. - Disagreement between different groups of people that may pose dangers to tourists - Disrupt services and damage infrastructure Thailand (2008) Political Crisis Violent clashes day-long leave 2 dead and over 300 injured, including 20 policemen. Blockage of International Airports, leaving thousands of tourists stranded and cutting off most of Thailand's international air connections. Several explosions and clashes occur in the following day. 4) Unfavorable political situations
  • 53. Using examples, discuss the reasons for the fluctuations in tourism in countries. Disasters •Disasters can cause fluctuations •Events that can cause great damage to properties, lead to injuries or cause great loss of lives •Discourage tourists from visiting – pose risk to safety of tourists, disruptions of essential tourists infrastructure •Eg: Tohoku Earthquake caused nuclear meltdown at Fukushima •By end 2011, Japan’s tourist arrival decreased by 28% to 6.2 million (majority decline from Korea and China) •Also discouraged citizens from travelling overseas •Eg: 1/3 of tourists to S. Korea from Japan but no. fell by 12% in March, 8% in April, 2% in May •Increase in tourist arrivals again a year after disaster due to international promotion efforts (showing safe and beautiful Japan) Outbreaks of disease. •Sudden and widespread occurrence of disease in an area •RESULT: tourists do not want to risk getting infected with infectious disease  decrease in travels •Govt agencies also issue travel advisories to avoid disease outbreak areas •Eg: H1N1 or SARS – cause business to be postponed/ cancellation of large scale MICE activities •SARS in 2003, killed 775 pple, infected >8000 in 25 countries •Hotel occupancy in HK dropped from 82% to 15% in May 2003 ANSWERS P17 & 18
  • 54. Using examples, discuss the reasons for the fluctuations in tourism in countries. Global recessions •Period of general slowdown in economic activities •Many experience loss of income/ jobs •People cut back on spending = lower demand in goods and services = less likely to travel = lesser international tourists •Can be caused by: sharp increase in price of goods, problems in financial markets, decline in exports •Can be global or regional •Regional: only affect a region/ group of countries •Eg: European Debt Crisis 2010 , Greece unable to pay its government debts •Since then, other countries (Ireland, Portugal, Spain) sought help in repaying govt debts •Crisis affected many countries that use Euros in national currency •Resulted in collapse of businesses and financial institutions and massive unemployment •Global: affects many countries around the world •Eg: Global Financial Crisis (2007/ 2008) •Started when some of the world’s largest financial firms went bankrupt •Firms collapsed after loosing large amount of investments in crash of the housing mkts in USA •Triggered panic in most financial institutions ard the world •Affected many countries causing economies to slow down •Between 2008 and 2010 many of world’s economies experienced recession •Europe, N. America and East Asia affected by rising unemployment and increasing no of part time workers •Egygpt, Morocco reported shorter tourists stays: staying <1day, and at cheaper accommodation •Many people choose to travel within own country rather than travel abroad •Usually choose shorter distances, less on transport ANSWERS P17 & 18
  • 55. Tourism impacts - Consequences of tourists visiting a place - Can be both negative or positive - 3 aspects : - Economic : Good and services, Jobs, Revenue - Socio-cultural : Interaction of people, History and traditions - Environmental : Physical place, Habitats, Green environment
  • 56. P131 - Circle if the impact is economic/social/environmental - Match the impact with the examples
  • 57. Positive + Negative - Socio- cultural impacts 1. Preserve culture and local customs 2. Positive exchanges and interaction 1. Dilution of culture and local customs 2. Increased crime 3. Disrespect local cultures and customs Environment al impacts 1. Conservation of natural environments 1. Increased carbon footprints 2. Destruction of natural habitats 3. Pollution and littering 4. Vandalism 5. Increased congestion Economic impacts 1. Growth in income 2. Employment opportunities 3. Increase in foreign exchange 4. Infrastructure development 1. Seasonal unemployment 2. Underuse of facilities 3. Shortage of services 4. Leakage of tourism revenue
  • 58. 58
  • 59.
  • 60. Socio-Cultural Impact (+) 1. Preservation and Promotion of Local Culture and Heritage • Important sites of heritage and culture are also preserved and restored to their former glory due to tourism Korean palaces (e.g. Gyeongbokgung) Chinatown in Singapore (shophouses)
  • 61. 2. Positive Exchanges and Interaction • Tourism increases the interaction between local residents and tourists • Increasing number of volunteer tourism where tourists help to improve infrastructure or social well-being of local residents Socio-Cultural Impact (+) Service learning project in Africa
  • 62. 1. Dilution / False Representation of Local Culture • Culture is being manipulated by tour operators to maximize economic benefits • Festivals and rituals may be modified to meet the demands of tourists • Identity, culture and values are lost • s Socio-Cultural Impact (-) Local street vendors sell traditional souvenirs at market place in Buddhist Temple Swayambhunath in Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 63. 2. Disrespect of local cultures and customs • “Zooification” of local tribes where they are treated and looked upon as “savages” and “exhibits” Socio-Cultural Impact (-) The Kayan women (Myanmar) wears the brass neck coils in the past due to their culture, but now more because it attracts tourists
  • 64. 3. Increased Crime and Social Problems • Influx of wealthy tourists • Tourists are easy targets: – carry large sums of money and other valuables – More relaxed and off guard while on vacation – Less likely to report crimes or to testify against suspects, wishing to avoid problems Socio-Cultural Impact (-)
  • 65. Economic Impact (+) 1. Source of revenue • Many LDCs such as Thailand are reliant on their tourism industry • Tourism accounts for 9.2% of the global Gross domestic product
  • 66. 2. Employment opportunities for the locals • The unskilled local population can also hone a skill in the service sector 56.7% of Maldives’ population involved in tourism industry eg Chefs, hotel manager Economic Impact (+)
  • 67. 3.Development of Infrastructure • Governments would invest in upgrading infrastructure to attract tourists • Transport, communication networks, electrical and water systems eg airports, roads Economic Impact (+) $42 billion invested for infrastructure prior to Beijing Olympics. (Beijing stadium)
  • 68. • Money earned from other countries in exchange for goods and services • Tourism also receive business investments from other countries eg hotel chains • Tourism brings in revenue for government eg taxes/visa 4. Increase in foreign exchange Economic Impact (+) In Fiji, tourism is their largest foreign exchange which is between 20 – 25 % of the country’s economy.
  • 69. Economic Impact (-) 1. Leakage of Tourism Revenue • Destination is exploited for its natural/ human resources • Profits from tourism goes to foreign owned tour operators, airlines, hotels • Leak of revenue out of the country In Thailand , 70% of all money spent by tourists ended up with foreign- owned tour operators, airlines, hotels, imported drinks and food.
  • 70. Economic Impact (-) 2. Price Inflation for Locals • Tourism causes increase in the prices of goods and services • Cause price inflation in the host country • Locals will experience a higher cost of living
  • 71. 3.Seasonal unemployment • Peak and non-peak seasons within a year for tourism • Due to climatic conditions eg winter / monsoon • Fluctuations in number of tourists Economic Impact (-) During the winter period in Europe, the ski resorts have large number of tourists visiting. There is a demand for jobs to cater to the high number of tourists.
  • 72. 72
  • 73. 1.Destruction of Natural Habitat • Tourists destroys habitats and wildlife through trampling, making noises, littering, collecting eggs and shells as souvenirs. Environmental Impact (-) The Red Sea in Egypt has damaged coral reefs and exotic fishes due to swimmers collecting shells and corals as souvenirs, and dumping of waste by hotels and restaurants.
  • 74. 2. Pollution • Water pollution when resorts dump untreated waste into water bodies • Land pollution when tourists dispose their litter in pristine environments Environmental Impact (-) Trekkers in Himalayas leave behind their gas cylinders and plastic bottles during their trek, polluting the environment
  • 75. Responsible Tourism 1)Pick a question 2)Using only your smartphones, research on the question 3)Each student are to vote for the best answer 4)Best answer gets a prize!
  • 76. P133
  • 77. Environmental Impact (+) 1. Increased Awareness on Environmental Protection • Conserving natural areas : eg coral reefs, rainforests • Lowering carbon footprint : reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions The Sepilok Orang-utan Rehabiliation Centre in Sabah (Malaysia) SOURC relies on visitor entry fees to pay its staff. The staff helps to rehabilitate orang-utans that are orphaned or injured.
  • 78. Establish Laws and Regulations • Law of wildlife conservation in Costa Rica • Tourists prohibited from taking plants and flowers • Tourists also prohibited from feeding wild animals to prevent them from being dependent on humans for food
  • 79. Establish Laws and Regulations Problems • Not all tourists conform to the environmentally-friendly guidelines as many feel the use or overuse of resources is justifiable with payment • Tourists may also feel self-important and show little respect for local cultures and traditions, hence creating disharmony among the local society
  • 80. P132 Homework – Sample answers page 17 – 20
  • 81. Sustainable Tourism - Tourism that doesn’t damage the environment, and social culture - Take account of the needs of tourists and locals Sustainability - Developments that meets the needs of the present - Without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their needs
  • 82. Promoting Ecotourism • Environmentally responsible travel • Natural areas that promotes conservation • Improves the well-being of locals • However, many tour operators are profit driven. Sea-Canoe eco-tourism Company (Phuket) limits tourist numbers to 64 per day in consideration of the carrying capacity of the ecologically sensitive region
  • 83. Community Based Tourism • Consults and benefits the local community, eg rural villages and indigenous people • Locals can control over tourist activities • Help manage the negative impact of tourism - However, many CBT projects have also failed due to improper management and poor accessibility. - A survey of 200 CBT projects in Latin America reflected only 5% occupancy for most accommodations. National Tourism Authority of Laos consults the communities of the Phou Khao Khouay nature reserves in Laos before making decisions on various tourist projects
  • 84. Sustainable Tourism Which group should be responsibility for tourism developments?
  • 85. P133
  • 86. • Government eg. Singapore Tourism Board • Helps to plan programs to encourage sustainable tourism • Ecotourism • Preserving our Heritage and Culture PLANNING AUTHORITIES Responsible for sustainable tourism developments
  • 87. • Develops programs to conserve national heritage • Enforce rules and regulations • Maintain infrastructure and attractions • However may have opposing stakeholders such as locals or NGOs that disagree eg to change how the way locals live PLANNING AUTHORITIES Responsible for sustainable tourism developments The Singapore Tourism Board conserves our national heritage while trying to attract tourists at the same time. Programs to conserve ethnic districts in Chinatown, Little India and Kampung Glam allows tourists to appreciate our heritage.
  • 88. • A group of people coming together for a common cause • Aims to promote sustainable tourism eg Green tourism, helping the locals, increase awareness on environmental protection NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION Responsible for sustainable tourism developments
  • 89. • Non profit organizations that operates without the government • Concern with tourism impact on natural and human environment • However they may have difficulty in obtaining funding NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION Responsible for sustainable tourism developments The International Ecotourism society develop guidelines, conducted trainings and published research papers related to tourism and the environment.
  • 90. • Tour companies, tour guides • Regulate and control tourist’s behaviour during the trip • Manage and sets the right tone for tourists TOUR OPERATORS Responsible for sustainable tourism developments (46 seconds)
  • 91. • To conserve and protect environments so that tourists would return • Create awareness of environmental conservation • However they are still profit driven TOUR OPERATORS Responsible for sustainable tourism developments
  • 92. LOCAL COMMUNITIES• Local people living in the area • Eg Villagers, local population • Can directly control and make decisions related to tourism eg Jobs being created for locals, decision to protect wildlife Responsible for sustainable tourism
  • 93. LOCAL COMMUNITIES• Group of people living in the same territory • Involved in decision making about programs • Community based tourism- benefits local communities • However, there may still have a shortage of skilled workers for jobs like managers and consultants. In the Candirejo Village in Indonesia, the government and locals created community based tourism programs. Such as homestays, use of local transport (Andong) and training of local tour guides. Responsible for sustainable tourism
  • 94. • Tourists spending provide funds to conserve the environment eg souvenirs • Provide income/job opportunities for locals • Raise awareness to conserve and preserve attractions eg blog, reviews TOURIST S Responsible for sustainable tourism
  • 95. • Tourists spending provide funds to conserve the environment eg souvenirs • Provide income/job opportunities for locals • Raise awareness to conserve and preserve attractions eg blog, reviews • However tourists may damage tourist attractions through vandalism and pollution • Tourists may also dilute local culture and customs when they behave inappropriately TOURIST S Responsible for sustainable tourism
  • 96. Who should be responsibility for tourism developments?Strengths Weakness Local communities -Involves locals in decision- making -Increase tourism jobs for locals -Shortage of skilled labour Visitors/ tourists -Provide funds through spendings -Share experience and raise awareness -Damage tourist attractions -Dilute local culture and customs Tour operators -Regulate tourist behaviour -Profits minded Non governmental organisations -Facilitate communication between various stakeholders -Support with manpower or campaigns -Difficulty in obtaining external funding Planning authorities -Develop and maintain infrastructure and attractions -Draft laws and policies -Opposing stakeholders

Editor's Notes
