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top three modern 

product trends
#1 design as an investment
#2 product decisions should be based on evidence
#3 empowering small teams
Director of User Experience, Dallas Office
“Uncover user needs, 

Design great solutions, 

and build to launch.”
User-centered design can be characterized as a
multi-stage problem solving process that not only
requires designers to analyze and foresee how
users are likely to use a product, but also to test
the validity of their assumptions with regard to
user behavior in real world tests with actual
users. Such testing is necessary as it is often very
difficult for the designers of a product to
understand intuitively what a first-time user of
their design experiences, and what each user's
learning curve may look like.
User-Centered Design
The Elements of User Experience
A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space;
but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has
fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion,
as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond
the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these
terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among
these various elements.
Jesse James Garrett
Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface
elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel")
Information Architecture: structural design
of the information space to facilitate
intuitive access to content
Interaction Design: development of
application flows to facilitate user tasks,
defining how the user interacts with
site functionality
Navigation Design: design of interface
elements to facilitate the user's movement
through the information architecture
Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
designing the presentation of information
to facilitate understanding
Functional Specifications: "feature set":
detailed descriptions of functionality the site
must include in order to meet user needs
User Needs: externally derived goals
for the site; identified through user research,
ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
internally derived goals for the site
Content Requirements: definition of
content elements required in the site
in order to meet user needs
Interface Design: as in traditional HCI:
design of interface elements to facilitate
user interaction with functionality
Information Design: in the Tuftean sense:
designing the presentation of information
to facilitate understanding
Web as software interface Web as hypertext system
Visual Design: visual treatment of text,
graphic page elements and navigational
Visual Design
Information Design
Interface Design Navigation Design
Site Objectives
User Needs
User Needs: externally derived goals
for the site; identified through user research,
ethno/techno/psychographics, etc.
Site Objectives: business, creative, or other
internally derived goals for the site
This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development)
that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a
user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today.
task-oriented information-oriented
30 March 2000
© 2000 Jesse James Garrett
Design Research
User Experience
Visual Design
Interaction Design
Design Thinking
User Validation
Companies that invest in
Design perform better
than those that don’t.
Trend #1
“At Nike, a large and well-resourced design function
reports directly to CEO, Mark Parker, who early in his
tenure was a designer himself.”
“Using human-centered design methods,
inspiration for the company’s signature products is
drawn directly from its cadre of famous and not-so-
famous practicing athletes, with whom the
designers directly interact to devise authentic
performance innovations and style updates.”
"The datacenter has not yet had it’s ‘iPhone moment’, but it will
soon. The user interface on the iPhone transformed how we
interact with mobile devices. As a company, we’re going to
make that happen in the datacenter."
Sunday. Monday.
Productivity | Training | Data Quality | Solution Accuracy
“IBM Design emerges as the new standard-setter for
user experience. Hundreds of designers and interface
developers start to transform the development process
through deeper understanding of the people who use
IBM products and how they use them.”
IBM Design Thinking
After the TV
Source: @kpcb @johnmaeda @heif #DesignInTech
Before the TV After the PC
and Laptop
In the age of Mobile ...
Tech is no longer for Tech-ies, because Mobile is for Everybody (Right) Now
The smartphone revolution brought design’s value into the foreground. We want to do in our palm, while walking, what we used to do
on a big screen while sitting down at a desk. The interaction design challenges presented by that shift are huge.
Source: @kpcb @johnmaeda #DesignInTech
once in
the morning
once in
the evening
User Experience matters so much, because we are Experiencing so much.
A pain point can become a “pain plane” on mobile. That’s a lot of ouch.
150 unlocks = checking your phone every 5.6 minutes
one interaction, one “ouch” just two ouch points
The mobile paradigm should be thought of as “the always with you and in your face” paradigm. For that reason, a bad design will not just hurt
once, but the hundreds of times you might use the bad design in a single day. That’s a lot of unnecessary “ouches.”
Design is a cost.
To leverage design successfully in tech, don’t spray design on at the end.
( o r “ C O S M E T I C S U R G E RY ” )
D E S I G N A S “ B A K E D - I N ”
$ $ $ $
Start with design, rather than just end with it.
an investment.
Source: @kpcb @johnmaeda @wsj #DesignInTech
Product decisions should
be based on evidence.
(and design research is here to help you)
Trend #2
I know what to do!
We need to build X with Y features based on my
years of experience here at the company!
Will you design this for me?
Sure, I’ll use this verbatim!
Will you design this for me?
Will you build this for me?
Sure, I’ll use this verbatim!
Will you design this for me?
Sure, I’ll use this verbatim!
“…highlights the
importance of
reducing the
distance between
the people
designing the
product and making
decisions about
them and the
people who use
them, through
increased research
and team
participation in that
Creating a steady stream of data.
Qualitative Quantitative
Qualitative Quantitative
A/B Testing
404 Testing
Surveys “Voice of Customer”
Contextual Inquiries
Journey Maps
Workflow Diagrams
Affinity Diagramming
Validation Testing
Usability Testing
Qualitative Quantitative
A/B Testing
404 Testing
Surveys “Voice of Customer”
Contextual Inquiries
Journey Maps
Workflow Diagrams
Affinity Diagramming
Validation Testing
Usability Testing
A/B Testing
404 Testing
Surveys “Voice of Customer”
Insights &
Data Analysis
Revealing Reality
Observe to understand
Contextual InquiriesStakeholder Interviews
We observe your users in their “habitats,” whether that’s an office, a
home, or a shopping mall. We have a proven methodology that
uncovers what drives your users, so we can create innovation that fits
their lives.
“I read a user manual once”
“I’ve watched some videos”
“I’ve sat with actual users”
“I read the Marketing Research”
“I once had that job” “I’ve had users in the lab”
User experience cannot exist without users. Creating user interfaces
involves intricate and complex decisions. User research is a tool that can
help you achieve your goals.
Even the most well thought out designs are assumptions until they are
tested by real users. Different types of research can answer different types
of questions. Know the tools and apply them accordingly. Leaving the user
out is not an option.
UX - U = X
“Investing in user research is just about the only way to
consistently generate a rich stream of data about customer
needs and behaviors. As a designer, I can’t live without it. And
as data about customers flows through your team, it informs
product managers, engineers, and just about everyone else. It
forms the foundation of intuitive designs, indispensable
products, and successful companies. So what are you waiting
for? Go listen to your customers!”
- Ventures
“Meeting ever-increasing consumer expectations requires senior
executives to place design at the center of business strategy.”
“What a user-centered approach enables companies to do is to take
insights into the consumer decision journey and the marketplace and
convert them into products and services customers actually want…

In the new competitive marketplace, designing “usable” is just table
stakes. Customers now expect products and services to be not only
usable but also useful and desirable.”
“Users should be a part of the design
process from the very beginning to help
validate concepts and refine final direction.
Your team needs to be open to
experimenting and taking risks and then
quickly learning and iterating…”
“A success indicator for an
entrepreneur is not about how
hard you work, it's about how well
you know your customers”
- Ben Horowitz
SXSW: Lean Startup for Big Brands
“…In actuality, there is never a guarantee that customers are
going to get excited when a new product is brought to market.
In our work, we employ a number of tools to eliminate that
uncertainty as much as possible, often through consumer
research or validation testing…”
“…while a startup has nowhere to go but up, known
companies risk brand erosion with the release of a
substandard product to the market. We encourage clients to
distill innovations to the most valuable, tangible, and
deliverable attributes for initial launch but not to compromise
on the intended experience…
…Overtime, the company can add features and
functionality, but the overall experience begins and
remains excellent.”
“I can launch this
app in three
“This solution will
launch in 18 months”
Personas Scenario Design
Journey Maps
KANO Study
A/B Testing
“The company, for example, did a study of 8,292 people in
eight cities, examining morning routines.”
“With this data in hand, Ikea came up with a freestanding
mirror that has a rack on the back for hanging clothes and
jewelry. The Knapper…”
“Even surveying 8,292 people doesn’t always get you the right
answer. The problem is that people lie. Ydholm puts it more
delicately. “Sometimes we are not aware about how we
behave,” he says, “and therefore we can say things that maybe
are not the reality. Or it could be that we consciously or
unconsciously express something because we want to stand
out as a better person. That’s very human to do it like that.””
I have some ideas… But I need to validate
them with our users so that I can make an
informed decision.
Small, autonomous product
teams can really get your
organization moving.
Trend #3
“Agile methods like Scrum and XP
both rely on a close and collaborative
relationship and continual
interaction with the customer – the
people who are paying for the
software and who are going to use
the system.”
“…a small, centralized UX design team who
provides the basic design standards and
preliminary mock-ups for each UI, but the teams
have team-based UX implementation experts for
the implementation.”
“…methodologies like Scrum — have no mechanism
for determining if they’re building the right feature and
whether that implementation is designed well and/or
worth improving.”
“MVP should be a polished slice of
your experience, that meets the basic
needs of your customers.
By launching you’ll learn what they do
with your product - and use that
learning to prioritize enhancements
going forward”
Co-Located, autonomous, metrics driven
A throwback to their days with Jeff Bezos
at Amazon, projects are assigned to "two
pizza teams," groups of engineers small
enough for them to be fed on two large
pies. "We want the team to be flat and
allow everyone to communicate with
each other," Rajaraman says.
Designers Developers
Product Owner
Project Manager
# of developers
# of UX designers
# of developers
# of UX designers
# of developers
# of UX designers
Devs rather write good code.
Devs like Designers after they get their first taste.
Shipping Software
Based on Priority to
achieve metrics
To the Right
To Meet their Goals.
Research what to
Learn from
“Center of Excellence”
UX Leadership
Enterprise Design Language
Sign-up Abandonment
Getting First Task
Repeat Usage
Duration in App
“fail fast” is actually better
framed as “experiment fast.”
The most effective innovators
succeed through
- Victor Lombardi
Freeman Dyson
Freeman John Dyson FRS is an English
American theoretical physicist and
mathematician, famous for his work in
quantum electrodynamics, solid-state physics,
astronomy and nuclear engineering.
“Say something about failure in experiments or
businesses or anything else. 

What's the value of failure?”
“You can't possibly get a good
technology going without an
enormous number of failures. It's a
universal rule. If you look at
bicycles, there were thousands of
weird models built and tried before
they found the one that really
worked. You could never design a
bicycle theoretically. Even now, after
we've been building them for 100
years, it's very difficult to understand
just why a bicycle works - it's even
difficult to formulate it as a
mathematical problem. But just by
trial and error, we found out how to
do it, and the error was essential. The
same is true of airplanes.”
“So you're saying just go ahead and try stuff and you'll
sort out the right way.”

“That's what nature did. And it's almost always
true in technology. That's why computers never
really took off until they built them small.”

“Why is small good?”

“Because it's cheaper and faster, and you can
make many more. Speed is the most important
thing - to be able to try something out on a
small scale quickly.”
“Fail fast.”

“Yes. These big projects are guaranteed to fail
because you never have time to fix everything.”
“fail fast” is actually better
framed as “experiment fast.”
The most effective innovators
succeed through
- Victor Lombardi
Design is an investment, and has proven success

Product decisions should be based on evidence

Small teams should work together to improve metrics
How to start…
1. Determine a product-market fit by seeking signals
from communities of users.
2. Identify behavioral insights by conducting
ethnographic research.
3. Sketch a product strategy by synthesizing complex
research data into simple insights.
4. Polish the product details using visual representations
to simplify complex ideas.
““Before we deal with world domination, let’s back up.” I
help people walk back up the ladder to get to: Who’s the
user? What problem are you solving for the user? Does
your proposed solution actually solve that problem—
and how can you answer that? Then, how can you
answer that faster?”
People + Technology
Insights &
Data Analysis
Revealing Reality
Observe to understand
Contextual InquiriesStakeholder Interviews
We observe your users in their “habitats,” whether that’s an office, a
home, or a shopping mall. We have a proven methodology that
uncovers what drives your users, so we can create innovation that fits
their lives.
New Concepts
Validate Concepts with Users
We put insights into action, developing concepts for innovation based
on what we understand about your audience. We create a grounded
vision for the product and design principles to guide it through the
process of being designed and built.
Focused Innovation
Bring the solution into focus
Building & Evolving
Design & develop user-centered software
Analytics &
Digital Marketing
Development Testing
User Stories
Our cross-functional team of designers and developers works together
to iteratively design, build, test, and validate features that scale and
evolve to meet tomorrow's challenges.
Functional (Useful)
Functional (Useful)
Functional (Useful)
Experience Driven
Technology Driven
“The software design
and development
process has changed
for the better”
“Getting everything right
the first time, is hard.”
“UX is a robust
methodology, while
relatively new, is tested
with success”
“You don’t really
know your
customers as well as
you think you do…”
“User Experience has a
large number of
methods to help create
empathy and data for
products teams”
“Empathy and
understanding of users is
key in product success”
“If you’re launching
twelve months from now, 

and are not involving your
customer, that’s a big
“Software is always
evolving, and a mix of
qualitative research,
market research, and
analytics are needed to
improve and prioritize.”
“Talking with one user*
is better than talking
with no users.”
“A well-made product is
not enough. A successful
product must meet the
needs and aspirations of
its users”
IDC Report
Building Experience-Driven software:
Insights for Modern Application Development

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Jeremy Johnson
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Android vs iPhone - Differences in UI Patterns and Design
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Top Three Modern Product Trends

  • 1. top three modern 
 product trends #1 design as an investment #2 product decisions should be based on evidence #3 empowering small teams
  • 2. @jeremyjohnson Director of User Experience, Dallas Office
  • 4.
  • 5. “Uncover user needs, 
 Design great solutions, 
 and build to launch.”
  • 7.
  • 8. User-centered design can be characterized as a multi-stage problem solving process that not only requires designers to analyze and foresee how users are likely to use a product, but also to test the validity of their assumptions with regard to user behavior in real world tests with actual users. Such testing is necessary as it is often very difficult for the designers of a product to understand intuitively what a first-time user of their design experiences, and what each user's learning curve may look like. User-Centered Design
  • 9. The Elements of User Experience A basic duality: The Web was originally conceived as a hypertextual information space; but the development of increasingly sophisticated front- and back-end technologies has fostered its use as a remote software interface. This dual nature has led to much confusion, as user experience practitioners have attempted to adapt their terminology to cases beyond the scope of its original application. The goal of this document is to define some of these terms within their appropriate contexts, and to clarify the underlying relationships among these various elements. Jesse James Garrett Visual Design: graphic treatment of interface elements (the "look" in "look-and-feel") Information Architecture: structural design of the information space to facilitate intuitive access to content Interaction Design: development of application flows to facilitate user tasks, defining how the user interacts with site functionality Navigation Design: design of interface elements to facilitate the user's movement through the information architecture Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding Functional Specifications: "feature set": detailed descriptions of functionality the site must include in order to meet user needs User Needs: externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site Content Requirements: definition of content elements required in the site in order to meet user needs Interface Design: as in traditional HCI: design of interface elements to facilitate user interaction with functionality Information Design: in the Tuftean sense: designing the presentation of information to facilitate understanding Web as software interface Web as hypertext system Visual Design: visual treatment of text, graphic page elements and navigational components Concrete Abstract time Conception Completion Functional Specifications Content Requirements Interaction Design Information Architecture Visual Design Information Design Interface Design Navigation Design Site Objectives User Needs User Needs: externally derived goals for the site; identified through user research, ethno/techno/psychographics, etc. Site Objectives: business, creative, or other internally derived goals for the site This picture is incomplete: The model outlined here does not account for secondary considerations (such as those arising during technical or content development) that may influence decisions during user experience development. Also, this model does not describe a development process, nor does it define roles within a user experience development team. Rather, it seeks to define the key considerations that go into the development of user experience on the Web today. task-oriented information-oriented 30 March 2000 © 2000 Jesse James Garrett
  • 10.
  • 11. 15 YEARS Design Research User Experience Visual Design Interaction Design Design Thinking User Validation Usability
  • 13.
  • 15. Companies that invest in Design perform better than those that don’t. Trend #1
  • 16. VALUE
  • 19. “At Nike, a large and well-resourced design function reports directly to CEO, Mark Parker, who early in his tenure was a designer himself.” “Using human-centered design methods, inspiration for the company’s signature products is drawn directly from its cadre of famous and not-so- famous practicing athletes, with whom the designers directly interact to devise authentic performance innovations and style updates.”
  • 20.
  • 21. "The datacenter has not yet had it’s ‘iPhone moment’, but it will soon. The user interface on the iPhone transformed how we interact with mobile devices. As a company, we’re going to make that happen in the datacenter."
  • 23.
  • 24. ROI
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 39. “IBM Design emerges as the new standard-setter for user experience. Hundreds of designers and interface developers start to transform the development process through deeper understanding of the people who use IBM products and how they use them.”
  • 40.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46. After the TV Source: @kpcb @johnmaeda @heif #DesignInTech Before the TV After the PC and Laptop In the age of Mobile ... Tech is no longer for Tech-ies, because Mobile is for Everybody (Right) Now The smartphone revolution brought design’s value into the foreground. We want to do in our palm, while walking, what we used to do on a big screen while sitting down at a desk. The interaction design challenges presented by that shift are huge. 21
  • 47. Source: @kpcb @johnmaeda #DesignInTech Text 22 8AM 4PM once in the morning once in the evening User Experience matters so much, because we are Experiencing so much. A pain point can become a “pain plane” on mobile. That’s a lot of ouch. 150 unlocks = checking your phone every 5.6 minutes one interaction, one “ouch” just two ouch points The mobile paradigm should be thought of as “the always with you and in your face” paradigm. For that reason, a bad design will not just hurt once, but the hundreds of times you might use the bad design in a single day. That’s a lot of unnecessary “ouches.”
  • 48. Design is a cost. To leverage design successfully in tech, don’t spray design on at the end. B E G I N N I N G M I D D L E E N D D E S I G N AT T H E V E RY E N D ( o r “ C O S M E T I C S U R G E RY ” ) D E S I G N A S “ B A K E D - I N ” $ $ $ $ $ DES I GN Start with design, rather than just end with it. an investment. Source: @kpcb @johnmaeda @wsj #DesignInTech 13
  • 49. Product decisions should be based on evidence. (and design research is here to help you) Trend #2
  • 50. I know what to do! We need to build X with Y features based on my years of experience here at the company!
  • 51. Will you design this for me? Sure, I’ll use this verbatim!
  • 52. Will you design this for me? *&!@*(^
  • 53. Will you build this for me? Sure, I’ll use this verbatim!
  • 54. Will you design this for me? Sure, I’ll use this verbatim!
  • 56. “…highlights the importance of reducing the distance between the people designing the product and making decisions about them and the people who use them, through increased research and team participation in that research.”
  • 57.
  • 58. DATA
  • 59. Creating a steady stream of data. Qualitative Quantitative
  • 60. Qualitative Quantitative Analytics A/B Testing Clickstream 404 Testing Surveys “Voice of Customer” NPS Experian Contextual Inquiries Personas Journey Maps Workflow Diagrams Affinity Diagramming Validation Testing Usability Testing
  • 61. Qualitative Quantitative Analytics A/B Testing Clickstream 404 Testing Surveys “Voice of Customer” NPS Experian Contextual Inquiries Personas Journey Maps Workflow Diagrams Affinity Diagramming Validation Testing Usability Testing
  • 63.
  • 64. Insights & Opportunities Data Analysis Revealing Reality Observe to understand Contextual InquiriesStakeholder Interviews We observe your users in their “habitats,” whether that’s an office, a home, or a shopping mall. We have a proven methodology that uncovers what drives your users, so we can create innovation that fits their lives.
  • 65. “I read a user manual once” “I’ve watched some videos” “I’ve sat with actual users” “I read the Marketing Research” “I once had that job” “I’ve had users in the lab”
  • 67. User experience cannot exist without users. Creating user interfaces involves intricate and complex decisions. User research is a tool that can help you achieve your goals. Even the most well thought out designs are assumptions until they are tested by real users. Different types of research can answer different types of questions. Know the tools and apply them accordingly. Leaving the user out is not an option. UX - U = X
  • 69. “Investing in user research is just about the only way to consistently generate a rich stream of data about customer needs and behaviors. As a designer, I can’t live without it. And as data about customers flows through your team, it informs product managers, engineers, and just about everyone else. It forms the foundation of intuitive designs, indispensable products, and successful companies. So what are you waiting for? Go listen to your customers!” - Ventures
  • 71. “Meeting ever-increasing consumer expectations requires senior executives to place design at the center of business strategy.” “What a user-centered approach enables companies to do is to take insights into the consumer decision journey and the marketplace and convert them into products and services customers actually want… 
 In the new competitive marketplace, designing “usable” is just table stakes. Customers now expect products and services to be not only usable but also useful and desirable.”
  • 72. “Users should be a part of the design process from the very beginning to help validate concepts and refine final direction. Your team needs to be open to experimenting and taking risks and then quickly learning and iterating…”
  • 73.
  • 74. “A success indicator for an entrepreneur is not about how hard you work, it's about how well you know your customers” - Ben Horowitz
  • 75.
  • 77. SXSW: Lean Startup for Big Brands “…In actuality, there is never a guarantee that customers are going to get excited when a new product is brought to market. In our work, we employ a number of tools to eliminate that uncertainty as much as possible, often through consumer research or validation testing…” “…while a startup has nowhere to go but up, known companies risk brand erosion with the release of a substandard product to the market. We encourage clients to distill innovations to the most valuable, tangible, and deliverable attributes for initial launch but not to compromise on the intended experience… …Overtime, the company can add features and functionality, but the overall experience begins and remains excellent.”
  • 78. “I can launch this app in three months” “This solution will launch in 18 months” vs.
  • 79. Opportunities Matrix Personas Scenario Design Journey Maps Contextual Inquiries KANO Study A/B Testing Concept Validation Prototyping
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82. “The company, for example, did a study of 8,292 people in eight cities, examining morning routines.” “With this data in hand, Ikea came up with a freestanding mirror that has a rack on the back for hanging clothes and jewelry. The Knapper…” “Even surveying 8,292 people doesn’t always get you the right answer. The problem is that people lie. Ydholm puts it more delicately. “Sometimes we are not aware about how we behave,” he says, “and therefore we can say things that maybe are not the reality. Or it could be that we consciously or unconsciously express something because we want to stand out as a better person. That’s very human to do it like that.””
  • 83. I have some ideas… But I need to validate them with our users so that I can make an informed decision.
  • 84. Small, autonomous product teams can really get your organization moving. Trend #3
  • 85.
  • 86. AGILE
  • 87. “Agile methods like Scrum and XP both rely on a close and collaborative relationship and continual interaction with the customer – the people who are paying for the software and who are going to use the system.”
  • 90. “…a small, centralized UX design team who provides the basic design standards and preliminary mock-ups for each UI, but the teams have team-based UX implementation experts for the implementation.”
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. “…methodologies like Scrum — have no mechanism for determining if they’re building the right feature and whether that implementation is designed well and/or worth improving.”
  • 94. MVP
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 98. “MVP should be a polished slice of your experience, that meets the basic needs of your customers. By launching you’ll learn what they do with your product - and use that learning to prioritize enhancements going forward”
  • 99. TEAMS
  • 101. A throwback to their days with Jeff Bezos at Amazon, projects are assigned to "two pizza teams," groups of engineers small enough for them to be fed on two large pies. "We want the team to be flat and allow everyone to communicate with each other," Rajaraman says.
  • 103. # of developers # of UX designers
  • 104. # of developers # of UX designers
  • 105. # of developers # of UX designers
  • 107. Devs rather write good code.
  • 108. Devs like Designers after they get their first taste.
  • 109. Shipping Software Based on Priority to achieve metrics To the Right Customers To Meet their Goals. Research what to build… Learn from Shipping…
  • 110.
  • 111.
  • 112. “Center of Excellence” UX Leadership Research Enterprise Design Language
  • 115.
  • 117. Sign-up Abandonment Getting First Task Repeat Usage Duration in App Conversion Traffic
  • 118. “fail fast” is actually better framed as “experiment fast.” The most effective innovators succeed through experimentation. - Victor Lombardi
  • 120. Freeman John Dyson FRS is an English American theoretical physicist and mathematician, famous for his work in quantum electrodynamics, solid-state physics, astronomy and nuclear engineering.
  • 121. “Say something about failure in experiments or businesses or anything else. 
 What's the value of failure?” 1998
  • 122. “You can't possibly get a good technology going without an enormous number of failures. It's a universal rule. If you look at bicycles, there were thousands of weird models built and tried before they found the one that really worked. You could never design a bicycle theoretically. Even now, after we've been building them for 100 years, it's very difficult to understand just why a bicycle works - it's even difficult to formulate it as a mathematical problem. But just by trial and error, we found out how to do it, and the error was essential. The same is true of airplanes.”
  • 123. “So you're saying just go ahead and try stuff and you'll sort out the right way.”
 “That's what nature did. And it's almost always true in technology. That's why computers never really took off until they built them small.”

  • 124. “Why is small good?”
 “Because it's cheaper and faster, and you can make many more. Speed is the most important thing - to be able to try something out on a small scale quickly.”
  • 125. “Fail fast.”
 “Yes. These big projects are guaranteed to fail because you never have time to fix everything.” 1998
  • 126. “fail fast” is actually better framed as “experiment fast.” The most effective innovators succeed through experimentation. - Victor Lombardi
  • 127. Design is an investment, and has proven success
 Product decisions should be based on evidence
 Small teams should work together to improve metrics
  • 129. 1. Determine a product-market fit by seeking signals from communities of users. 2. Identify behavioral insights by conducting ethnographic research. 3. Sketch a product strategy by synthesizing complex research data into simple insights. 4. Polish the product details using visual representations to simplify complex ideas.
  • 130. ““Before we deal with world domination, let’s back up.” I help people walk back up the ladder to get to: Who’s the user? What problem are you solving for the user? Does your proposed solution actually solve that problem— and how can you answer that? Then, how can you answer that faster?”
  • 132. Insights & Opportunities Data Analysis Revealing Reality Observe to understand Contextual InquiriesStakeholder Interviews We observe your users in their “habitats,” whether that’s an office, a home, or a shopping mall. We have a proven methodology that uncovers what drives your users, so we can create innovation that fits their lives.
  • 133. Generate New Concepts User-Validated Concept Validate Concepts with Users We put insights into action, developing concepts for innovation based on what we understand about your audience. We create a grounded vision for the product and design principles to guide it through the process of being designed and built. Focused Innovation Bring the solution into focus 1
  • 134. Building & Evolving Design & develop user-centered software Launch Analytics & Digital Marketing Development Testing Iterative Releases User Stories Our cross-functional team of designers and developers works together to iteratively design, build, test, and validate features that scale and evolve to meet tomorrow's challenges. Design
  • 135.
  • 140. “The software design and development process has changed for the better”
  • 141. “Getting everything right the first time, is hard.”
  • 142. “UX is a robust methodology, while relatively new, is tested with success”
  • 143. “You don’t really know your customers as well as you think you do…”
  • 144. “User Experience has a large number of methods to help create empathy and data for products teams”
  • 145. “Empathy and understanding of users is key in product success”
  • 146. “If you’re launching twelve months from now, 
 and are not involving your customer, that’s a big gamble…”
  • 147. “Software is always evolving, and a mix of qualitative research, market research, and analytics are needed to improve and prioritize.”
  • 148. “Talking with one user* is better than talking with no users.”
  • 149.
  • 150. “A well-made product is not enough. A successful product must meet the needs and aspirations of its users” IDC Report Building Experience-Driven software: Insights for Modern Application Development