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TILC	2017	Schedule	at	a	Glance	
Wednesday,	May	10,	2017	
6:00	to	8:00	pm	 Preconference	Social	and	Poster	Session	
College	of	Humanities	and	Behavioral	Sciences	(CHBS)		
Radford	University	
Poster	Sessions	
6:15	–	7:15	pm	
Natalie	L.	Browning	|	Longwood	University	
“But	I	Can’t	Go	to	the	Library:”	Embedding	Librarians	in	Online	
Jennie	Goforth	&	Kodi	Saylor	|	University	of	North	Carolina	–	
Chapel	Hill		
One-On-One	Research	Help:	Designing	Services	that	Support	
Enduring	Relationships	with	First-Year	Students	
Alex	Harrington	&	Garrison	Libby	|	Tidewater	Community	College	
Treasure	Hunts	at	the	Library:	Raiders	of	the	Lost	(AR)k	
Joi	Jackson	|	George	Mason	University	
Beyond	the	CRAAP	Test:	New	Tools	for	Source	Evaluation	
Bernadette	Miro	&	Mason	Yang	|	Marymount	University	
Meeting	Your	Student	Where	They	Are:	Making	the	Most	of	
Your	School’s	LMS	
Gina	O.	Petrie	|	Catawba	College		
The	Game	Is	Afoot:	Information	Literacy	for	First-Year	
Krista	Schmidt	|	Western	Carolina	University	
Talking	Through	It:	Using	Student-to-Student	Interviews	and	
Brainstorming	Activities	for	Facilitating	Critical	Inquiry	
Alexandra	Voorhees	|	Roanoke	College	
Using	a	Liberal	Arts	Experiential	Learning	Process	to	Teach	
Library	Research
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017	
	 CHBS	1016	 CHBS	3016	 CHBS	3020	
9:00	–	
9:15	am	
Opening	Remarks	 	 	
9:15	–	
10:00	am	
Rebecca	K.	Miller	
Penn	State	University	
Teaching,	Learning,	and	
Leading:	Be	a	Professional	
Triple	Threat	
10:10	–	
11:00	am	
Kristin	E.	C.	Green	
Penn	State	University	–	
Worthington	Scranton	
Dust	off	those	
Encyclopedias:	Using	
Reference	Sources	to	Teach	
the	ACRL	Framework	for	
Information	Literacy	
Denise	A.	Wetzel	&	
Justin	Kani	
Mississippi	State	University	
Innovating	the	FYE	
Proposal:	Moving	Beyond	
“Library	Week”	
Kristen	Mastel		
University	of	Minnesota	
Integrating	Mindfulness	
Approaches	while	Tackling	
Social	Justice	in	the	
11:10	am	
12:00	pm	
Lindy	Scripps-Hoekstra		
Grand	Valley	State	University		
Maximizing	“Down	Time”:	
Innovative	Strategies	to	
Build	Student	Engagement	
before	the	Start	of	Class	
Paula	S.	Kiser	
Mary	Baldwin	University	
Ready	for	the	Next	Step:	
Combining	Information	
Literacy	with	Digital	
Literacy	Instruction	in	e-
Portfolio	Creation	
Katelyn	Tucker	Burton,	
Alyssa	Archer,	&	Michele	Ren	
Virginia	Western	Community	
College	&	Radford	University	
A	Single	Shot	of	Critical	
Pedagogy:	Lessons	Learned	
&	Best	Practices	
12:00	–	
1:10	pm	
1:10	–	
2:00	pm	
Sam	Winn,	Crasha	Townsend,	
&	Craig	Arthur	
Virginia	Tech	&	Radford	
WILC:	Whiteness	in	Library	
Cara	Barker	&	Elizabeth	
Western	Carolina	University	
It’s	How	You	Play	the	Game:	
Utilizing	an	Online	Quiz	
Tool	to	Enhance	and	Assess	
your	Library’s	Instruction	
Candice	Benjes-Small	&	
Jennifer	Resor-Whicker	
Radford	University	
Urban	Legend	or	Practical	
Pedagogy:	Are	you	a	
Teaching	Ninja?	
2:10	–	
3:00	pm	
Jenny	Dale	&	Lynda	Kellam	
UNC	–	Greensboro		
Beyond	Popular	vs.	
Scholarly:	Teaching	Outside	
the	Peer-Reviewed	Checkbox		
Jen	Hasse	
Cabrini	University	
Building	a	Bridge:	Using	a	
Metaphor	to	Teach	
Information	Literacy	Fun	
Denise	Woetzel,	Joshua	
Watson,	&	Suzanne	Sherry		
J.	Sargeant	Reynolds	
Community	College	
Library	Live!	Collaborating	
Towards	Heightened	
Information	Literacy	&	
Retention	in	English	
Composition	Classes	
3:00	–	
3:20	pm	
Afternoon	Break	 	 	
3:20	–	
4:00	pm	
Lightning	Talks	 	 	
4:00	–	
4:15	pm	
Closing	Remarks
3	 #TILC2017	
Keynote	|	Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	9:15	am,	CHBS	1016	
Teaching,	Learning	and	Leading:	Be	a	Professional	Triple	Threat		
Rebecca	K.	Miller	|	Pennsylvania	State	University		
As	libraries	evolve	their	services	and	organizational	structures	to	meet	new	campus	needs	
and	priorities,	they	need	strong,	empathetic	leaders	who	understand	how	to	communicate	
effectively,	facilitate	discussions,	generate	buy-in,	and	evaluate	progress.		These	are	the	
same	skills	and	traits	on	which	instruction	librarians	rely	every	day	to	manage	classrooms,	
collaborate	with	disciplinary	faculty,	design	learning	experiences,	and	assess	student	
learning.		Because	of	this,	instruction	librarians	are	well-positioned	and	uniquely	qualified	
to	step	into	transformative	leadership	roles.	This	keynote	will	explore	these	transformative	
leadership	roles	through	the	lens	of	pedagogy	and	inspire	participants	to	identify	ways	to	
embrace	their	triple	threat	professional	identities!			
Rebecca	K.	Miller	is	the	Head	of	Library	Learning	Services	
at	Penn	State	University	Libraries,	a	role	where	she	
manages	a	department	of	around	ten	instruction-focused	
colleagues	at	the	University	Park	campus	and	coordinates	
an	instruction	program	including	34	distinct	teaching	
units	throughout	the	Commonwealth	of	Pennsylvania.		
Prior	to	joining	Penn	State	in	2015,	Rebecca	worked	at	
Virginia	Tech	and	Louisiana	State	University	in	roles	that	
enabled	her	to	discover	her	passion	for	teaching,	learning,	
and	information	literacy.		Rebecca	recently	co-authored	a	
book	with	Candice	Benjes-Small	that	is	aimed	toward	
instruction	librarians	and	their	supervisors	titled	The	new	
instruction	librarian:	A	workbook	for	trainers	and	learners.		
She	also	recently	co-authored	an	ARL	Spec	Kit	on	evolving	
roles	for	library	liaisons	and	a	number	of	articles	on	
strategically	building	and	evolving	library	instruction,	
engagement,	and	outreach	programs.		She	also	recently	joined	the	ACRL	Immersion	
Program	as	a	faculty	member	and	is	looking	forward	to	helping	the	faculty	revise	the	
Immersion	curriculum	and	to	teaching	in	her	first	Immersion	program	this	summer	in	
Rebecca	has	a	bachelor’s	degree	from	the	College	of	William	&	Mary	in	Virginia,	an	MSLS	
from	the	University	of	North	Carolina	at	Chapel	Hill,	and	an	MA	in	Instructional	Design	and	
Technology	from	Virginia	Tech.		When	not	thinking	about	libraries	and	information	
literacy,	she	likes	to	support	the	librarian	stereotype	by	snuggling	with	her	two	cats,	Pip	
and	Fox,	and	reading.
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
Presentations	|	Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	College	of	Humanities	&	
Behavioral	Sciences	(CHBS)	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	10:10	–	11:00	am	
CHBS	1016	
Dust	off	those	Encyclopedias:	Using	Reference	Sources	to	Teach	the	ACRL	Framework	
for	Information	Literacy	 	
Kristin	E.	C.	Green	|	Pennsylvania	State	University	–	Worthington	Scranton	
What	if	the	ideal	tools	for	teaching	undergraduate	students	the	most	critical	information	
literacy	concepts	have	been	sitting	in	the	stacks	all	along	collecting	dust,	or	wading	out	
in	digital	space	unencountered?	Reference	sources	are	an	optimal	medium	to	introduce	
all	six	of	the	ACRL	Framework’s	central	concepts	for	information	literacy.	Additionally,	
by	understanding	a	reference	source’s	place	in	the	information	search	process,	students	
learn	to	consciously	avoid	the	common	pitfall	of	neglecting	exploratory	research	before	
specifying	their	research	topics.	Thus,	incorporating	reference	sources	thoughtfully	into	
instructional	design	contributes	to	the	development	of	both	information	literacy	and	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	10:10	–	11:00	am	
CHBS	3016	
Innovating	the	FYE	Proposal:	Moving	Beyond	“Library	Week”	 	
Denise	A.	Wetzel	&	Justin	Kani	|	Mississippi	State	University	
How	can	libraries	and	librarians	expand	out	from	a	First-Year	Experience	(FYE)	“library	
week”	to	an	entire	library-focused	course?	By	proposing	and	conducting	an	innovative	
library-centric	FYE	course,	of	course!	FYE	Programs	are	a	hot	topic	in	academia	right	now,	
but	many	academic	libraries	are	relegated	to	“library	week”	status.	This	program	seeks	to	
explain	the	process	for	proposing	a	FYE	class	by	academic	libraries	and	librarians.	Our	
library	took	the	general	FYE	program	and	transformed	it	into	a	library-centric	FYE	
experience	for	incoming	freshmen.	The	program	will	delve	into	topics,	including,	but	not	
limited	to:	FYE	topic	consideration,	the	FYE	proposal	process,	FYE	syllabus	creation,	
integrating	the	ACRL	Framework	for	Information	Literacy	for	Higher	Education	into	your	
FYE,	advocating	for	the	FYE,	and	getting	ready	for	your	first	FYE	course.
5	 #TILC2017	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	10:10	–	11:00	am	
CHBS	3020	
Integrating	Mindfulness	Approaches	while	Tackling	Social	Justice	in	the	Classroom	 	
Kristen	Mastel	|	University	of	Minnesota	
The	past	election	cycle	brought	up	many	feelings	of	division	and	intolerance.	Following	this	
divisive	election,	mindfulness	approaches	can	help	our	students	and	colleagues	develop	
positive	strategies	for	difficult	conversations	and	work	together	toward	a	campus	climate	
of	inclusion.	Contemplative	pedagogy	can	help	us	discuss	power	inequities,	echo	chambers,	
and	other	topics	related	to	all	fields	that	are	embedded	in	the	ACRL	Framework.	This	
workshop	will	allow	time	to	experience	mindfulness-based	activities	based	on	the	work	of	
Dr.	Rhonda	Magee	and	Jon	Kabat-Zinn,	including:	emotional	regulation	through	self-
compassion,	image	inquiry,	mindful	journaling,	and	active	listening	to	understand	one’s	
feelings	and	emotions.	Participants	will	work	with	their	own	lesson	plan	to	incorporate	an	
element	of	contemplative	pedagogy	in	order	to	create	an	inclusion	classroom.	
Presentations	|	Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	College	of	Humanities	&	
Behavioral	Sciences	(CHBS)	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	11:10	am	–	12:00	pm	
CHBS	1016	
Maximizing	“Down	Time”:	Innovative	Strategies	to	Build	Student	Engagement	Before	
the	Start	of	Class	 	
Lindy	Scripps-Hoekstra	|	Grand	Valley	State	University	
It’s	ten	minutes	before	the	start	of	your	instruction	session,	the	students	are	trickling	in	
and	you	are...	fiddling	with	the	computer?	Shuffling	papers?	Making	small	talk	with	the	
professor?	Take	advantage	of	this	time	to	build	student	engagement.	Long-known	to	K-12	
educators	as	“bellwork,”	learn	how	to	enhance	your	instruction	by	developing	activities	
that	spark	student	interest	before	the	start	of	a	session.	This	presentation	will	detail	and	
demonstrate	innovative	strategies	to	activate	prior	knowledge,	facilitate	self-assessment,	
and	build	rapport.	Attendees	will	participate	in	example	activities	and	build	a	collection	of	
ideas	to	help	them	make	the	most	out	of	every	minute	with	their	students.
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	11:10	am	–	12:00	pm	
CHBS	3016	
Ready	for	the	Next	Step:	Combining	Information	Literacy	with	Digital	Literacy	
Instruction	in	e-Portfolio	Creation	 	
Paula	S.	Kiser	|	Mary	Baldwin	University	
The	communication	&	marketing	department	at	my	university	recently	began	requiring	
seniors	in	the	major	to	create	an	e-portfolio	as	part	of	their	senior	project	but	wasn’t	sure	
where	to	start.	The	professor	in	charge	of	the	research	class	approached	the	library	with	
interest	in	embedding	a	librarian	in	the	class	to	teach	both	research	skills	for	their	final	
projects	and	digital	content	creation	skills	in	developing	their	e-portfolios.	After	reviewing	
the	literature	on	best	practices,	examples	of	communication	e-portfolios,	and	various	
grading	rubrics,	we	worked	together	to	develop	the	assignment.	The	professor	discussed	
content	students	would	include	while	the	librarian	taught	students	personal	website	
creation	using	WordPress,	class-sourced	best	practices	with	assistance	from	professional	
guest	speakers,	and	required	students	to	find	and	use	professional	examples	as	templates	
for	their	own	e-portfolios.	Students	learned	about	writing	for	the	web,	using	WSYWIG	
editors,	and	taking	control	of	their	professional	digital	identities.	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	11:10	am	–	12:00	pm	
CHBS	3020	
A	Single	Shot	of	Critical	Pedagogy:	Lessons	Learned	&	Best	Practices	 	
Katelyn	Tucker	Burton	|	Virginia	Western	Community	College		
Alyssa	Archer	&	Michele	Ren	|	Radford	University	
Much	conversation	has	taken	place	about	critical	pedagogy	concepts,	but	few	applications	
that	are	practical	to	the	most	common	library	instruction	condition	–	the	always	
contentious	one-shot	session	–	have	been	discussed	in	the	literature.	In	this	hands-on	
workshop,	librarians	from	a	community	college	and	a	public	university	will	share	their	
experiences	integrating	critical	pedagogy	concepts	into	one-shot	instruction	sessions.	We	
will	also	be	joined	by	one	of	our	favorite	non-librarian	teaching	faculty	partners,	who	will	
share	her	perspective	on	partnering	for	information	literacy	instruction.	Participants	will	
learn	how	critical	pedagogy	ties	in	with	multiple	lenses	of	the	Framework	and	will	design	
active	learning	exercises	to	incorporate	these	concepts	into	their	praxis	with	their	own	
teaching	and	learning	partners.
7	 #TILC2017	
Presentations	|	Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	College	of	Humanities	&	
Behavioral	Sciences	(CHBS)	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	1:10	–	2:00	pm	
CHBS	1016	
WILC:	Whiteness	in	Library	Classrooms	
Sam	Winn	|	Virginia	Tech	
Crasha	Townsend	|	Radford	University	
Craig	Arthur	|	Virginia	Tech	
Librarianship	is	an	oppressively	homogeneous	field.	According	to	the	latest	American	
Library	Association	data,	approximately	88%	of	credentialed	librarians	are	white.	
Furthermore,	73%	are	white	women.	As	Bourg,	Espinal,	Galvan,	Hall,	Hathcock,	and	Vinopal	
have	demonstrated,	even	well-intentioned	initiatives	to	diversify	librarianship	often	
operate	from	a	position	of	white	normativity.	Although	the	ALA	Code	of	Ethics	challenges	
librarians	to	provide	equitable	and	unbiased	service	to	all,	critical	discussions	of	whiteness	
have	only	recently	begun	to	enter	library	and	information	science	literature.	
Join	a	librarian	from	a	large	public	university,	a	public	university	archivist,	and	the	director	
of	a	public	university’s	center	for	diversity	and	inclusion	as	we	explore	theoretical	and	
practical	understandings	of	whiteness	and	its	impact	on	learning	environments.	Presenters	
and	participants	will	collectively	discuss	our	lived	experiences	with	race	and	share	
actionable	tactics	to	combat	white	normativity	in	the	classroom.		
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	1:10	–	2:00	pm	
CHBS	3016	
It’s	How	You	Play	the	Game:	Utilizing	an	Online	Quiz	Tool	to	Enhance	and	Assess	Your	
Library’s	Instruction	Program	
Cara	Barker	&	Elizabeth	Marcus	|	Western	Carolina	University	
Two	instruction	librarians	began	experimenting	with	the	web-based	quiz	platform,	
Kahoot!,	to	use	in	general	education	classes	as	icebreakers,	discussion	starters,	and	for	
summative	assessment.	The	success	of	this	experimentation	and	the	perceived	possibilities	
for	utilizing	this	tool	led	us	to	develop	a	repository	of	pre-made	Kahoot!	quizzes	that	all	of	
our	instruction	librarians	could	utilize	for	a	variety	of	class	scenarios.	
In	this	session	we	will	describe	the	evolution	of	our	use	of	Kahoot!,	the	development	of	the	
quiz	repository,	and	how	we	utilize	it	to	engage	with	students.	We’ll	discuss	how	the	
platform	can	be	utilized	for	a	variety	of	assessment	needs	and	how	our	instruction	
librarians	are	using	the	assessment	to	inform	the	evolving	learning	outcomes	for	
introductory	composition	courses.
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	1:10	–	2:00	pm	
CHBS	3020	
Urban	Legend	or	Practical	Pedagogy:	Are	You	a	Teaching	Ninja?	 	
Candice	Benjes-Small	&	Jennifer	Resor-Whicker	|	Radford	University	
Are	learning	styles	real?	What	about	the	learning	pyramid?	In	this	interactive	session,	you	
will	find	out	which	learning	theories	are	supported	by	evidence	and	which	ones	have	been	
dispelled.	We	will	discuss	how	you	can	use	this	to	reframe	your	teaching,	training,	and	
leadership	in	solid	pedagogical	practices	at	your	institution.	Fabulous	prizes	await!	
Relatively	few	librarians	have	had	formal	training	in	education	and	pedagogical	practices,	
but	many	of	us	are	called	upon	to	teach	classes	and	workshops.	Often,	we	fall	back	on	
teaching	techniques	that	reflect	our	personal	learning	preferences	and	“gut	instincts”	about	
how	others	learn:	this	session	will	include	survey	results	of	a	study	asking	instruction	
librarians	to	identify	the	“true”	concepts,	to	explore	exactly	how	wide	spread	pedagogical	
myths	are	in	the	field.	This	session	will	dispel	myths,	reinforce	sound	methods,	and	
encourage	participants	to	foster	learning	strategies	supported	by	cognitive	psychology	and	
education	research.		
Presentations	|	Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	College	of	Humanities	&	
Behavioral	Sciences	(CHBS)	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	2:10	–	3:00	pm	
CHBS	1016	
Beyond	Popular	vs.	Scholarly:	Teaching	Outside	the	Peer-Reviewed	Checkbox	 	
Jenny	Dale	&	Lynda	Kellam	|University	of	North	Carolina	at	Greensboro		
For	many	academic	instruction	librarians,	“popular	vs.	scholarly”	has	been	a	critical	tool	in	
our	instructional	arsenal.	This	is	perhaps	especially	true	for	those	of	us	who	came	into	the	
profession	when	the	ACRL	Information	Literacy	Competency	Standards	significantly	
influenced	the	way	that	information	literacy	was	conceived	and	enacted	in	higher	
education.	In	this	session,	we	will	share	how	the	shift	from	these	Standards	to	the	current	
ACRL	Framework	has	influenced	the	way	we	teach	source	evaluation	in	one-shot	sessions.	
We	will	share	specific	activities	that	we	use	to	encourage	our	students	to	engage	with	
different	types	of	sources	beyond	a	traditional	“popular	vs.	scholarly”	framework.	These	
examples	draw	not	only	from	the	ACRL	Framework,	but	are	also	influenced	by	fields	
outside	of	librarianship.	Participants	will	be	asked	to	share	their	own	experiences	teaching	
source	evaluation	and	to	generate	new	ideas	that	they	can	apply	in	their	own	practice.
9	 #TILC2017	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	2:10	–	3:00	pm	
CHBS	3016	
Building	a	Bridge:	Using	Metaphor	to	Teach	Information	Literacy	Fun	 	
Jen	Hasse	|	Cabrini	University	
Librarians	are	bridges	by	which	information	seekers	travel	from	a	questioning	place	to	a	
knowledge	source.	Metaphors	themselves	are	also	bridges,	a	means	of	forging	a	connection	
between	two	things	in	order	to	deepen	understanding.	This	program	will	outline	extended	
metaphors	for	three	fundamentals	of	information	literacy	instruction:	ethical	use	of	
information	(“sampling	not	stealing”);	the	research	process	(““date”-a-base	searching”;	and	
paraphrasing	(“lost	in	translation”).	We	will	examine	how	teaching	through	metaphor	
aligns	with	a	framework’s	approach	to	information	literacy	-	framework	being	itself	a	
metaphor.	Specifically,	we	will	consider	how	as	bridges,	well-developed	and	creatively	
expressed	metaphors	serve	to	expand	conversations,	invite	critical	thinking,	and	encourage	
connection	making	-	therefore	contributing	to	engagement,	knowledge	retention,	and	
better	learning	outcomes.	
Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	2:10	–	3:00	pm	
CHBS	3020	
Library	Live!	Collaborating	Towards	Heightened	Information	Literacy	&	Retention	in	
English	Composition	Classes	 	
Denise	Woetzel,	Joshua	Watson,	&	Suzanne	Sherry	|	J.	Sargeant	Reynolds	Community	
Learn	how	librarians	are	collaborating	with	an	English	instructor	on	an	ongoing	project	to	
develop,	facilitate	and	assess	student-centered	information	literacy	activities	in	several	
English	Composition	I	and	II	class	sections.	These	branded	Library	Live	“class	within	a	
class”	sessions	incorporate	student	learning	outcomes	based	on	the	ACRL	Framework	for	
Information	Literacy	for	Higher	Education.	Unsurprisingly,	the	redesign	of	these	class	
sections	increased	student	retention,	engagement	and	success	in	these	key	composition	
courses.	Research	activities	and	deliverables	as	well	as	pre	and	post	assessment	findings	
will	be	shared	during	the	session.
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
Lightning	Talks	|	Thursday,	May	11,	2017,	3:30	–	4:15	p.m.,	CHBS	1016	
They	Want	Me	to	Teach	APA	for	75	Students?	Transforming	Citation	Instruction	for	
Large	(or	Small)	Classes	 	
Lisa	Becksford	|	Virginia	Tech	
Of	all	the	research	skills	that	librarians	are	asked	to	teach,	perhaps	none	inspires	
apprehension	quite	like	a	request	to	teach	citations.	How	can	we	teach	this	intricate	subject	
in	a	way	that	is	accurate	yet	engaging?	This	lightning	talk	will	demonstrate	a	way	that	one	
librarian	has	found	to	successfully	teach	students	in	large	classes	APA	citation	basics.	
Rather	than	having	students	build	citations	from	scratch,	this	model	assumes	that	most	will	
be	starting	with	a	citation	created	by	a	database	or	citation	generator.	Therefore,	the	lesson	
uses	polling	tools	to	engage	students	in	correcting	example	citations.	The	beauty	of	this	
instruction	strategy	is	that	it	works	for	both	large	and	small	classes,	is	successful	with	both	
undergraduate	and	graduate	students,	and	can	easily	be	adapted	to	citation	styles	besides	
APA.	During	this	talk,	participants	will	play	the	role	of	student	to	experience	this	method	
for	themselves.	
The	Struggle	is	Real:	Facilitating	Information	Literacy	Learning	by	Being	Leaders	of	
Liz	McGlynn	Bellamy	|	Radford	University	
Let’s	face	it—as	librarians,	we	can	be	a	little	perfectionistic.	But	by	striving	to	be	flawless	in	
the	library	classroom,	are	we	getting	in	the	way	of	the	learning	experiences	of	our	
students?	We	want	our	learners	to	take	risks	and	make	mistakes	as	they	research,	so	how	
can	we	model	this	ourselves?	In	this	talk	we’ll	discuss	how	our	epic	fails	in	front	of	the	class	
can	actually	be	the	best	thing	ever	for	our	students’	learning	and	emotional	responses	to	
research,	and	participants	will	pick	up	pointers	on	how	to	be	less	perfect	from	the	podium.	
Participants	will	return	to	their	home	institutions	equipped	to	be	leaders	of	failure,	with	
tactics	for	making	the	struggle	of	research	visible	and	therefore	conquerable.	
Hole	in	One:	Marketing	YOUR	Library	Services	on	the	Green	 	
Vicki	Marie	Palmer	|	Longwood	University	
This	talk	will	explain	how	a	mini	golf	course	was	integrated	into	the	library	for	a	fun	first	
year	student	orientation	event.	The	course	used	child	sized	plastic	putters	and	was	
designed	using	discarded	books	as	boundaries.	Each	hole	was	strategically	placed	at	
different	locations	that	the	students	would	utilize	throughout	their	career.	Locations	
included	the	main	desk,	a	librarian’s	office,	the	Writing	Center,	and	the	Office	of	Student	
Research.	The	goal	of	the	program	was	for	students	to	learn	about	the	library	services	
while	navigating	through	the	space.	Free	food	and	music	were	provided	at	the	event.	Over	
300	new	students	were	introduced	to	the	Library	on	the	night	of	the	event.
11	 #TILC2017	
Instruction	is	for	Everyone:	Including	Technical	Services	Staff	in	Library	Instruction	
Shannon	Tennant	|	Elon	University	
As	academic	librarians’	roles	continue	to	evolve,	we	need	to	bridge	the	divide	between	
technical	services	and	public	services	when	it	comes	to	instruction.	Our	colleagues	in	
technical	services	have	expertise	which	can	strengthen	our	teaching	and	student	learning.	I	
am	the	cataloger	at	our	library,	and	I	am	an	active	participant	in	the	instruction	program,	
not	only	partnering	with	public	services	colleagues	but	also	solo	teaching	and	serving	as	a	
departmental	liaison.	Drawing	on	my	experience,	I	will	show	how	technical	services	staff	
can	enhance	instruction	through	their	deep	understanding	of	the	catalog,	of	data	
organization,	and	of	indexing	and	search	terms.	The	talk	will	include	strategies	to	involve	
technical	services	librarians	behind	the	scenes	as	well	as	in	front	of	the	classroom.
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
Posters	|	Wednesday,	May	10,	2017,	6:00	–	8:00	p.m.,	College	of	Humanities	
&	Behavioral	Sciences	(CHBS)	
“But	I	Can’t	Go	to	the	Library:”	Embedding	Librarians	in	Online	Courses	 	
Natalie	L.	Browning	|	Longwood	University	
Instruction	is	about	availability,	both	availability	for	teaching	during	the	class	and	after	for	
follow-	up	assistance.	However,	online	students	often	miss	out	on	the	availability	of	a	
librarian.	They	may	not	have	the	opportunity	to	visit	the	campus	library	or	attend	a	library	
instruction	session.	In	order	to	remedy	this	fact,	my	university	library	is	participating	in	an	
ongoing	embedded	librarian	program.	The	class	chosen	for	the	pilot	program	in	mid-Fall	
2016	was	a	hybrid	class	that	held	optional	in-person	meetings.	It	included	a	research	
component,	and,	as	it	was	on	an	accelerated	time	frame	starting	mid-semester,	it	seemed	
optimal	as	a	pilot	course.	This	poster	will	discuss	the	implications	of	the	beginnings	of	the	
embedded	librarian	program;	commitment	to	virtual	availability,	consistency	in	posting	
content,	and	collaboration	with	faculty	and	librarian	colleagues	are	key	components	to	this	
program.	Lessons	learned	and	tips	for	moving	forward	will	also	be	discussed.	
One-On-One	Research	Help:	Designing	Services	that	Support	Enduring	Relationships	
with	First-Year	Students		
Jennie	Goforth	&	Kodi	Saylor	|	University	of	North	Carolina	at	Chapel	Hill		
To	support	student	learning,	librarians	build	relationships	during	instruction	that	then	
continue	to	grow	outside	the	classroom.	While	our	library	conducts	nearly	one	hundred	
instruction	sessions	a	semester,	the	first-year	students	we	meet	in	the	classroom	rarely	use	
our	reference	services.	To	continue	nurturing	relationships	begun	in	the	classroom	and	
reach	students	at	their	point	of	need,	our	library	developed	a	targeted	research	
consultation	service	that	allows	first-year	students	to	reconnect	with	their	instruction	
librarian.	Tying	into	our	instruction	program,	this	service	offers	first-year	students	a	tool	to	
connect	and	hopes	to	foster	lifelong	use	of	the	library.	In	this	poster,	we	will	share	how	we	
developed	our	service,	including	logistics,	marketing,	and	training.	By	viewing	our	service	
as	a	case	study,	participants	will	be	able	to	apply	our	strategies	to	reach	special	populations	
at	their	institutions.	
Treasure	Hunts	at	the	Library:	Raiders	of	the	Lost	(AR)k		
Alex	Harrington	&	Garrison	Libby	|	Tidewater	Community	College	
We	are	sending	the	students	out	into	the	library,	armed	with	iPads,	treasure	maps,	and	
augmented	reality	(AR)	in	order	to	find	and	use	library	resources,	concepts,	and	spaces.	
This	poster	will	include	information	on	development,	application,	and	variations	of	an	
augmented-reality-based	treasure	hunt	that	can	be	customized	to	fit	any	class	in	any	
library,	and	embedded	into	a	traditional	one-shot	library	instruction	session.
13	 #TILC2017	
Beyond	the	CRAAP	Test:	New	Tools	for	Source	Evaluation	 	
Joi	Jackson	|	George	Mason	University	
Understanding	how	to	evaluate	an	information	resource	is	crucial	to	the	development	of	
critical	thinking	skills.	However,	most	of	the	writing	that	students	do	emphasizes	scholarly	
research.	After	their	education,	how	often	will	they	use	these	kinds	of	sources?	Have	we	
prepared	students	to	analyze	the	resources	they	will	encounter	beyond	the	academic	
context?	For	this	poster	session,	attendees	will	engage	in	a	discussion	about	moving	
beyond	the	superficial	analysis	of	sources	emphasized	by	the	CRAAP	test.	Attendees	will	be	
introduced	to	tools	that	can	help	students	analyze	the	most	important	part	of	the	resource	-	
its	argument.	This	is	especially	important	since	the	majority	of	students,	and	our	
population,	receive	their	information	from	non-scholarly	sources.	Let’s	discuss	how	we	can	
prepare	our	students	for	their	academic	work	and	also	provide	skills	that	will	be	useful	
beyond	the	classroom.	
Meeting	Your	Student	Where	They	Are:	Making	the	Most	of	Your	School’s	LMS	 	
Bernadette	Miro	&	Mason	Yang	|	Marymount	University	
Students	are	used	to	having	information	at	the	tips	of	their	fingertips,	that’s	mobile	friendly	
and	catered	to	their	specific	needs	-	so	why	aren’t	we	meeting	them	where	they	are?	At	
Marymount	University	when	we	switched	our	LMS	provider	the	library	saw	an	opportunity	
to	engage	in	a	space	where	all	of	our	students	already	are	and	we	jumped	on	it.	The	library	
is	now	integrated	into	a	single	course	offered	via	customized	LibGuides	using	Springshare’s	
LTI	tool.	Learn	how	to	make	the	most	of	your	hard	work	and	tips	on	how	to	avoid	the	
pitfalls	to	success!	
The	Game	Is	Afoot:	Information	Literacy	for	First-Year	Students		
Gina	O.	Petrie	|	Catawba	College		
This	poster	session	describes	research	on	the	effect	of	incorporating	games	into	instruction	
for	first-year	students.	It	focuses	on	English	1103,	Critical	Reading	and	Writing,	the	colleges	
required	First-Year	Writing	Course.	Using	a	mixed	methods	approach,	the	researcher	
compared	the	results	of	the	traditional	lecture-style	method	with	a	newer,	more	creative	
classroom	games	technique.	Students’	final	papers	and	their	citations	were	examined	to	
determine	how	appropriate,	thorough,	and	accurate	they	were.	In	addition,	focus	groups	
were	conducted	with	participating	students.	
This	research	builds	upon	research	conducted	in	2015-16,	as	a	part	of	the	ACRL	
Assessment	in	Action	Program.	In	the	current	study,	the	researcher	expanded	the	research	
to	include	twice	the	number	of	faculty	members.	Focus	groups	also	replaced	student	
surveys	as	the	second	method	of	assessing	students’	attitudes	and	learning.
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
Talking	Through	It:	Using	Student-to-Student	Interviews	and	Brainstorming	
Activities	for	Facilitating	Critical	Inquiry	 	
Krista	Schmidt	|	Western	Carolina	University	
At	this	university,	physical	chemistry	students	design	and	conduct	an	experiment	based	on	
a	prompt	provided	by	their	professor.	Each	semester,	the	STEM	librarian	hosts	a	workshop	
to	assist	students	in	developing	their	experimental	design.	To	encourage	critical	thinking	
and	to	engage	students	with	their	partners	before	they	dive	into	searching	for	methods	and	
protocols,	as	well	as	to	help	them	determine	what	they	already	know	about	the	chemistry	
related	to	their	prompt	topic,	a	student-to-student	interview	and	brainstorming	process	is	
initiated	at	the	beginning	of	the	workshop.	Among	other	things,	students	are	asked	
questions	about	their	understanding	of	the	chemistry	related	to	their	prompt,	what	they	do	
and	do	not	know	about	the	chemistry	related	to	the	prompt,	and	simple	ways	to	redefine	
the	prompt.	This	poster	will	provide	details	about	the	interview	processes	used,	the	
brainstorming	exercises,	and	refinements	to	the	process	since	its	inception.	
Using	a	Liberal	Arts	Experiential	Learning	Process	to	Teach	Library	Research	 	
Alexandra	Voorhees	|	Roanoke	College	
Liberal	arts	curricula	are	increasingly	recognizing	the	value	of	experiential	learning.	For	
many	students,	such	an	experience	requires	an	off-campus	internship.	For	students	
interested	in	a	library	career,	academic	libraries	are	in	a	unique	position	to	offer	on-
campus,	hands-on	learning	experiences	that	are	mutually	beneficial	to	the	student	and	to	
the	academic	mission	of	the	library.	This	poster	will	document	an	undergraduate	student’s	
three-year	experiential	learning	project	in	an	academic	library.	In	particular,	the	student	
created	a	survey	and	gathered	data	on	how	her	fellow	students	engaged	with	the	library	
over	a	three-year	period.	She	found	that	students	who	frequented	the	library	often	felt	it	
benefitted	their	academic	achievement.	This	research	led	to	practical	suggestions	that	can	
be	implemented	to	improve	student	experiences	in	the	library.	Moreover,	such	experiences	
can	help	to	motivate	and	shape	the	careers	of	new	generations	of	motivated,	dedicated	
academic	librarians.
15	 #TILC2017	
Thank	You	to	Our	2017	Conference	Sponsors		
American	Psychological	Association		
Hollins	University’s	Wyndham	Robertson	Library		
Radford	University’s	McConnell	Library		
Roanoke	College’s	Fintel	Library		
Virginia	Library	Association		
Virginia	Tech’s	Newman	Library
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
TILC	2017	Conference	Committee	
Candice	Benjes-Small	(Conference	Co-Chair)	
Radford	University	
Jennifer	Resor-Whicker	(Conference	Co-Chair)	
Radford	University	
Rebecca	Seipp	(Conference	Co-Chair)	
Hollins	University	
Alyssa	Archer	
Radford	University	
Craig	Arthur	
Virginia	Tech	
Maryke	Barber	
Hollins	University	
Lisa	Becksford	
Virginia	Tech	
Liz	McGlynn	Bellamy	
Radford	University	
Katelyn	Tucker	Burton	
Virginia	Western	Community	College	
Piper	Cumbo	
Roanoke	College	
Lisa	Dinkle	
Radford	University		
Kiri	DeBose	Goldbeck	
Virginia	Tech	
Kerri	Huff	Copus	
Radford	Public	Library	
Rebecca	K.	Miller	(Ex-Officio)	
The	Pennsylvania	State	University
17	 #TILC2017	
TILC	2017	Conference	Attendees	
First	name	 Last	name	 Job	Title	 Organization	 Email	
Mary	 Abdoney	 Instruction	Coordinator	
Washington	and	Lee	
Annemarie	 Anderson	 Librarian	
Northern	Virginia	
Community	College	
Alyssa	 Archer	 Instruction	Librarian	 Radford	University	
Craig	 Arthur	
Teaching	and	Learning	
Engagement	Librarian	 Virginia	Tech	
Maryke	 Barber	
Public	Services	&	Arts	
Librarian	 Hollins	University	
Cara	 Barker	
Research	&	Instruction	
Western	Carolina	
Lisa	 Becksford	
Educational	Technologies	
Librarian	 Virginia	Tech	
Liz	 Bellamy	
Reference	and	Instruction	
Librarian	 Radford	University	
Small	 Head,	IL	&	Outreach	 Radford	University
Greta	 Boers	 Librarian	for	Classical	Studies	 Duke	University	
Natalie	 Browning	 Research	Services	Librarian	 Longwood	University	
Amy	 Burns	 Senior	Librarian	
Central	Piedmont	
Community	College	
Katelyn	 Burton	
Reference	&	Instruction	
Virginia	Western	
Community	College
Peter	 Catlin	 Reference	Librarian	
University	of	Mary	
Monique	 Clark	
Reference	and	Instruction	
Librarian	 University	of	Baltimore	
Julie	 Combs	
Emerging	Technologies	
Northern	Virginia	
Community	College	
Debbie	 Couch	 Training	Specialist	
Chesapeake	Public	
Steve	 Cramer	 Business	Librarian	 UNC-Greensboro	
Jenny	 Dale	
Information	Literacy	
Coordinator	 UNC-Greensboro	
Angela	 Davis	
Instruction	&	Web	Services	
Librarian	 Pitt	Community	College	
Kiri	 DeBose	
Librarian	for	Natural	
Resources	and	Animal	
Sciences	 Virginia	Tech	
Kyle	 Denlinger	 eLearning	Librarian	 Wake	Forest	University	
Lisa	 Dinkle	 Instruction	Librarian	 Radford	University	
Dayna	 Durbin	
Teaching	and	Learning	
Librarian	 UNC-Chapel	Hill
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
Amy	 Eiben	
Information	Literacy	
Coastal	Carolina	
Vickie	 Einselen	 Research	Support	Librarian	 Bridgewater	College	
Diana	 Finkle	 Instructional	Designer	 Clemson	University	
Brittany	 Ford	 Librarian	
American	Nation	
Beate	 Gersch	 Coordinator	of	Instruction	 University	of	Akron	
Sara	 Godbee	 Business	Librarian	 Stevenson	University	
Jennie	 Goforth	
Research	&	Design	Services	
Librarian	 UNC-Chapel	Hill	
Kristin	E.	C.	 Green	
Reference	&	Instruction	
Librarian	 Penn	State	University	
Rebecca	 Greer	
Library	Instruction	Program	
Coordinator	 UC-Santa	Barbara	
Karen	 Grigg	 Science	Liaison	Librarian	 UNC-Greensboro	
Kelsey	 Hammer	 Associate	 UNC-Chapel	Hill	
Samantha	 Harlow	 Online	Learning	Librarian	 UNC-Greensboro	
Alexandra	 Harrington	 Librarian	
Tidewater	Community	
Angela	 Harvey	 Asst.	Director,	Public	Services	 UVA's	College	at	Wise	
Jennifer	 Hasse	
Information	Literacy	
Librarian	 Cabrini	University	
Elizabeth	 Heitsch	
Reference	&	Social	Sciences	
University	of	Mary	
Laura	 Hess	
Librarian	 UNC-Pembroke	
Janet	 Holly	 Reference	Librarian	
Virginia	Military	
Kerri	Huff	 Copus	 Library	Clerk	 Radford	Public	Library	
Lauren	 Irvin	 Resource	Librarian	 Point	Park	University	
Joi	 Jackson	
Online	Learning	Library	
George	Mason	
Davis	 Reference	Specialist	
Northern	VA	
Community	College	
Justin	 Kani	
Assistant	Professor	|	Business	
Mississippi	State	
Lynda	 Kellam	 Librarian	 UNC-Greensboro	
Paula	 Kiser	
Instruction	and	E-Resources	
Mary	Baldwin	
Christina	 LaFon	 Circulation	Coordinator	
Jefferson	College	of	
Health	Sciences	
Edward	 Lener	
College	Librarian	for	the	
Sciences	 Virginia	Tech	
Allan	 Libby	 Reference	Librarian	
Tidewater	Community	
19	 #TILC2017	
Katherine	 Lynch	 Librarian	
American	National	
Elizabeth	 Marcus	
Undergraduate	Experience	
Western	Carolina	
Kristen	 Mastel	
Outreach	and	Instruction	
Librarian	 University	of	Minnesota	
Bernadette	 Mirro	
Digital	Learning	Initiatives	
Librarian	 Marymount	University	
Accacia	 Mullen	 Evening	Librarian	
Blue	Ridge	Community	
Vicki	 Palmer	
Research	Services,	Marketing	
&	Outreach	Librarian	 Longwood	University	
Gina	 Petrie	
Head	of	Reference	and	
Information	Literacy	 Catawba	College	
Chanelle	 Pickens	
Visiting	Instructional	
West	Virginia	
Jamie	 Price	 Clinical	Research	Librarian	
Jefferson	College	of	
Health	Sciences	
Michele	 Ren	
Associate	Professor	of	
English	 Radford	University	
Ref/Instr	&	Honors	Academy	
Librarian	 Radford	University	
Sarah	 Reynolds	 Research	Services	Librarian	 Longwood	University	
Patrick	 Rudd	
Coordinator	of	Library	
Instruction	and	Outreach	 Elon	University	
Joan	 Ruelle	 Dean	&	University	Librarian	 Elon	University	
Lucinda	 Rush	
Education	Reference	
Old	Dominion	
Rachel	 Sanders	
Instructional	Design	&	
Assessment	Librarian	 Guilford	College	
Lara	 Sapp	 Health	Sciences	Librarian	
James	Madison	
Kodi	 Saylor	 Research	Assistant	 UNC-Chapel	Hill	
Krista	 Schmidt	 STEM	Liaison	
Western	Carolina	
Hoekstra	 Liaison	Librarian	
Grand	Valley	State	
Rebecca	 Seipp	
Outreach	&	Humanities	
Librarian	 Hollins	University	
Kristan	 Shawgo	 Social	Sciences	Librarian	 UNC-Chapel	Hill	
Suzanne	 Sherry	
Coordinator	of	Library	
Services,	Parham	Road	
J.	Sargeant	Reynolds	
Community	College	
Brittany	 Soder	 LIS	Student	 UNC-Chapel	Hill	
Nancy	 Speisser	
Interim	Assistant	Vice	
Chancellor	for	University	
South	University	
Virginia	Beach	
The	Innovative	Library	Classroom	2017:	Teaching,	Learning,	and	Leading	
Radford	University,	Radford,	VA	
Brandon	 Stilley	 Evening	Reference	Librarian	 East	Carolina	University	
Cori	 Strickler	 Learning	Services	Librarian	 Bridgewater	College	
Shannon	 Tennant	
Coordinator	of	Library	
Collections	 Elon	University	
Crasha	 Townsend	
Director	for	Diversity	and	
Engagement	 Radford	University	
Lisa	 Vassady	
Research	Help	Desk	
Coordinator	 Radford	University	
Alexandra	 Voorhees	 Student	Assistant	 Roanoke	College	
Jennifer	 Walz	
Head	of	Research	&	Distance	
Services	 Asbury	University	
Josh	 Watson	
Instructor	-	English	
Reynolds	Community	
Denise	 Wetzel	
Extension	and	Instruction	
Mississippi	State	
Kelli	 Williams	
First	Year	&	Transfer	Services	
Carly	 Winfield	
Public	Services	Library	
College	of	William	and	
Samantha	 Winn	 Collections	Archivist	 Virginia	Tech	
Denise	 Woetzel	
Literacy	Librarian	
J.	Sargeant	Reynolds	
Community	College	
Hubert	 Womack	
Instruction	and	Outreach	
Librarian	 Wake	Forest	University	
Erin	 Wysong	
Reference	and	Sciences	
University	of	Mary	
Mason	 Yang	 Electronic	Services	Librarian	 Marymount	University	
Jamane	 Yeager	 Electronic	Access	Librarian	 Elon	University
21	 #TILC2017	
Thank you for attending the
Annual Innovative Library
Classroom Conference.
We hope to see you in 2018!

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IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
How to Make Friends and Influence Students #CARL14
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Open journals and undergraduates: how an open journal system can encourage in...
IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
Bird - Bridging the gap between secondary and tertiary education: the role o...
Bird - Bridging the gap between secondary and tertiary education:  the role o...Bird - Bridging the gap between secondary and tertiary education:  the role o...
Bird - Bridging the gap between secondary and tertiary education: the role o...
IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
Library Live: Collaborating Towards Heightened Information Literacy & Retenti...
Library Live: Collaborating Towards Heightened Information Literacy & Retenti...Library Live: Collaborating Towards Heightened Information Literacy & Retenti...
Library Live: Collaborating Towards Heightened Information Literacy & Retenti...
Denise Woetzel
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Taking Active Learning to the Next Level: Increasing Student Engagement by Bl...Taking Active Learning to the Next Level: Increasing Student Engagement by Bl...
Taking Active Learning to the Next Level: Increasing Student Engagement by Bl...
Lindsey McLean
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Robin M. Katz
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Online reading lists: encouraging staff engagement to improve student informa...Online reading lists: encouraging staff engagement to improve student informa...
Online reading lists: encouraging staff engagement to improve student informa...
IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)
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On/off campus: responding quickly to subject support gaps in information lite...
IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)

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How to Make Friends and Influence Students #CARL14
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Open journals and undergraduates: how an open journal system can encourage in...
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Bird - Bridging the gap between secondary and tertiary education: the role o...
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Library Live: Collaborating Towards Heightened Information Literacy & Retenti...
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Taking Active Learning to the Next Level: Increasing Student Engagement by Bl...
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Vermont National Partner Workshop - Students and Faculty in the Archives (SAFA)
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Online reading lists: encouraging staff engagement to improve student informa...
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Online reading lists: encouraging staff engagement to improve student informa...
On/off campus: responding quickly to subject support gaps in information lite...
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Ludmila Battista
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Robin M. Katz
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EDEN Digital Learning Europe
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Teenagers, Public Libraries & Secondary Schools Rita Chapman
The Transition Years
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Imagine Easy Solutions
Open Spaces: Community Partnerships
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Denise Woetzel
The Transition Years
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The Transition Years
2009 OCSS Conference Presentation
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Rebecca Kate Miller
2016 NDLC First Generation Students
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Rebecca Kate Miller
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Process drawing: a tool to promote reflective practice in information literac...
IL Group (CILIP Information Literacy Group)

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Process drawing: a tool to promote reflective practice in information literac...
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The Game Is Afoot: Information Literacy for First-Year Students​
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Innovating the FYE Proposal: Moving Beyond “Library Week”​
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Innovating the FYE Proposal: Moving Beyond “Library Week”​
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One-On-One Research Help: Designing Services that Support Enduring Relationsh...
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They Want Me to Teach APA for 75 Students?: Transforming Citation Instruction...
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TILC 2017 Program