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Oriole-York Mills United Church Newsletter                   November 2011
In this issue:
                                         Message from Rev. Cyndy
Message from Rev. Cyndy
                                     On behalf of Centennial-Japanese United
                                     Church, I would like to thank the members
Message from Rev. Val ...... 3       of Oriole-York Mills, for your gracious
Council News ……………..…. 5             welcome. From our first service of worship
OYM + CJUC = Never a                 on September 11th, you have opened your
 Dull Moment ……………..….6              hearts and made us feel at home. Thank
                                     you so much for allowing us to make Oriole-
Living the Apology ...........…. 8   York Mills our church home over the next
? M&S Forgotten ..…………. 9            few years!
Cookie Day 2011 ………......11
                                     I am grateful, too, for the leadership team of
Prunes and Low-fat                   Carol MacLean, Brian George and Lynn
 Baking ……………………....11               Watt who helped to develop the working
Recipe for Christmas All             details between our two congregations.
 Year Long …………...........13         They diligently listened to our needs and
White Gift Sunday and                graciously responded to our requests and
 North York Women‘s                  together we created a mutually acceptable
 Shelter .……………..……..13              agreement.
Christmas Word Search ….14
                                     The leadership transition teams continue to
Thanks to Contributors .…..15        meet, and one of our goals is to help our
Ways to Save Trees                   congregations build community. We have
 and Money …………..….....15            two events planned this Fall to help
Contributions and                    facilitate this: one (just over as you read
 Suggestions …..….………..15            this) is the Congregational Gathering on
Your OYM Calendar .…...…16           Saturday November 26th where we will
Contact OYM .……..….…..…16

enjoy a delicious Greek dinner, play a few games and get to know one
another better through guided conversation. Two is the joint venture of
the ‗Turkey Lunch‘ held on Sunday December 11th following the
Christmas Cantata. It is a joy to see the congregations working together
on this project.
I also feel personally blessed by the greeting you have given me. Your
kind words of appreciation and support after worship services has truly
touched me. Thank you for the warm welcome. I am gradually getting to
know some of you and I look forward to getting to more members as the
weeks progress.
The first time I visited your church I felt right at home. I recognized the
picture of your first minister, Rev. Don Amos. He was one of my ministers
in the 1970‘s at my home congregation, Grace United Church in
Brampton. I remember when I was 13 or 14, going to Rev. Don‘s office
before the service to meet with him because I was the scripture reader. It
was my very first time reading scripture in church. He said to me in his
strong preaching voice, ―Read it with strength, courage and conviction for
it is the Word of God. Don‘t be afraid of it.‖
Well, I‘m afraid all his words of encouragement did not help. I was a
nervous wreck. I was a shy young person who never liked to speak in
front of people. As I read, I‘m sure people could hear my knees knocking
together and I know my voice was shaky and high pitched…But, I have
always remembered Rev. Don‘s words; ―read the scripture with strength,
courage and conviction, for it is the Word of God.‖ And so to this day,
when I read scripture I always speak knowing this is the ‗Word of God‘
that has inspired, uplifted, comforted and given me hope in my life. I pray
that you too may feel the power and encouragement of God‘s Word in
your life, today and always.
I look forward to sharing ministry with you.
   God Bless you,
                Cyndy Cooper

                Welcome to OYM’s Oriole Rev. Cyndy!

A Message from Rev. Val …
In June you welcomed me to this OYM community of faith as your
Minister of Pastoral Care. On June 12th Pentecost Sunday, we celebrated
the Sacrament of Holy Communion where our youth members served this
faith family. This time will indeed remain a tremendous privilege and
memory for me to co-celebrate Holy Communion with Rev. Chris, just as
it will stay with you as a special time. We also bid a happy and deeply
respectful farewell to Rev. Chris and Marg, as they began their journey to
enjoy retirement together. Rev. Chris has left us with many inspirational
memories of how we can continue to celebrate and discern deeper
meaning and growth in our journey of faith and we are grateful.

As the Season After Pentecost continued we were happy to join with the
Centennial-Japanese congregation at their Church Picnic and July
services led by Rev. Cindy. In August we enjoyed worship with the senior
residents at the Outdoor Sunday Service at Cedarhurst. Worshipping
God in nature helps move us closer to a deeper felt experience of our
Creator, and enriches how we join as an extended community of faith.
The folks at Cedarhurst appreciated this worship so much they hoped for
one more summer service and have expressed a desire to support this
tradition for future summers to come!
September marked a new and exciting beginning for our OYM family as
we began joint worship services with our brothers and sisters in faith from
Centennial-Japanese United Church led by Rev. Cindy. These services
present times of growth for us to discover an enrichment in worship that is
inclusive and celebrates living united in faith, especially through the
inspiring and dynamic musical talents of our joint choir, the combined

efforts of our musical directors and soloists. We worship God with heart
and voice!
September also marked the beginning of Monthly Worship Services and
ongoing pastoral visits with the seniors who reside in Amica, Lifestyles
and Cedarhurst. Our senior members appreciate the services as they
enjoy singing well-known hymns that offer inspiration in worship. We
appreciate the wonderful musical talents of Elda Scott and Derrick Lewis,
especially during the World-Wide Holy Communion, Thanksgiving and
Remembrance Day Services where Meri Dolevski-Lewis joined with
Derrick for the Cedarhurst worship. It remains an honour and pleasure
for me to lead worship along with Marie Cruise and David Johnson. We
look forward to the upcoming Advent Communion Services. A Mid-
Monthly Bible Study at Don Way Place has begun, held at 2pm on the
third Wednesday of each month in the first floor craft room – please come
and join us.
Please know that I will be available for any urgent or ongoing pastoral
visits when needed; feel free to drop in to see me at the Church Office on
Wednesdays from 9:30am – 1:30pm. Please call 416-417-4439 to report
or request any pastoral concerns or visits.
As we begin our Advent journey, let us remember that God calls us to
reflect on how we live our faith daily, to enrich others and ourselves, for
we long to celebrate anew Jesus birth, our Prince of Peace. ―Come, thou
long- expected Jesus, born to set thy people free, from or fears and sins
release us, let us find our rest in thee.‖ (Charles Wesley, 1744)

May God Bless You!
Yours in Christ‘s Service,

Rev. Val

Council News
It has been heartening to see the warmth and fellowship on Sunday
mornings as we began worshipping with our friends from Centennial-
Japanese United Church (CJUC).

At the September meeting, Council welcomed our ministers, Rev. Cindy
and Rev. Val. We have been blessed by their efforts in building and
caring for our joint congregation. To implement joint services with CJUC
for the next two years, Council along with many committee members and
staff are working to strengthen this unique relationship. Here are some
examples of this.

The Joint Worship Committee is co-chaired by John Brooker from OYM
and Christine Abe from CJUC. The committee members from both
congregations, under Rev. Cindy‘s leadership, coordinates elders,
ushers, greeters, readers, and elevator monitors for each service. Ideas
and traditions from both congregations are discussed as each service is
planned. Add to that our joint choir and two music directors and you get a
depth and range of worship experience that is outstanding, each and
every week.

During the service three young groups leave for classes. The youth
group is led by John Egger, a doctoral student at Emmanuel College.
The kindergarten and Sunday School classes are led by volunteers from
each congregation.

The Finance teams from each church have developed a system to report
shared costs monthly. The count teams for the weekly collection
separate the envelopes for OYM and CJUC and divide the loose
collection. Following that, each church records and deposits their
collection as they have in the past. A letter from our Treasurer to update
you on our financial situation has been sent along with this edition of the

Pedro, Juanita and Jean have been outstanding in helping CJUC relocate
from Lansing over the summer. In June council approved a number of
upgrades to our facilities. In keeping with our green environment values,
the property committee installed a dishwasher so that we could continue
to use our china cups for coffee time. More chairs and tables will be
added in Fellowship Hall to welcome everyone downstairs for coffee after

A turkey lunch is planned for December 11th following the choir‘s
presentation of the Christmas Cantata, Winter‘s Grace. A joint committee
from OYM and CJUC is planning for this event and it is a great
opportunity for more people from our congregation to become involved. If
you are interested in helping, please speak to Don Worth or me.

The Mission, Community Service & Outreach Committees of both
congregations collaborate on congregational projects. For White Gift
Sunday, both congregations will support OYM‘s tradition of collecting
donations for the North York Women‘s Shelter. In the coming year, both
congregations will support a CJUC project during Lent.

As the season of Advent begins, we invite all to join us in worship during
this season of joy!

Carol Maclean
Interim Council Chair

OYM + CJUC = Never a Dull Moment
Our Jewish friends have it right. The year really begins in September and
not in January. What a beginning it has been for OYM!! The joint
worship services with Centennial-Japanese United Church (CJUC)
commenced on September 11. On arrival at 2609 Bayview Avenue for
the 11am service (not the usual 10:30 am) it was good to see so many
cars in the parking lot. Then entering the narthex and experiencing the

heightened pre-service activity was an even better experience and
pleasure. The bible says ―that wherever two or more gather …‖, and
indeed it is heartening to have both congregations worshipping in our
OYM sanctuary.
Our tradition welcome back lunch was held in Fellowship Hall on the last
Sunday in September. CJUC supplied and served the hot dogs and OYM
provided the ice cream cones (104 of them). The ice cream was served
by the young people under Andrew Maclean‘s supervision.
The customary CJUC practice is to sit together for sandwich lunch and
coffee following the worship service. The sandwiches are made by the
ladies and sold for $5.00. Coffee (decaffeinated and regular) sells for 50
cents. Proceeds go to fund CJUC outreach projects. At OYM‘s Council
meeting it was voted to join in on the CJUC practice. What better way to
get to know people than to share a meal together.
The last worship service in October was an Annual Memorial worship
service (based on CJUC past practice). Rev. Cindy had sent a special
invitation to families who had experience the loss of a loved one this past
year. For OYM this included the families of Ruth Main, Isobel Domelle,
Tony Read, Don Fleming, Jean Hall, Harvey Clare and Marian Robinson.
As the Oriole goes to publication, the planning for a Sunday December
11th turkey lunch – another CJUC tradition – is underway. This together
with OYM‘s Cookie Day (see Gail George or Moira Mancer), Bridge club
(see Norm and Betty Emms), Book club (see John Cruise), Rev. Cindy‘s
Happiness Coaching Course (five sessions ending Friday December 2nd),
and worship service highlights listed in Sunday bulletins and ‗The Oriole‘s‘
OYM Calendar – you will agree that there is never a dull moment these
days at OYM.

Don Worth
Membership Relations and Communications

Living the Apology
… Lynn Watt walks us through more of living the apology.

On October 1st of this year a new United Church Aboriginal school of
theology was born. It is the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre, located
north of Winnipeg, near the town of Beausejour, in a beautiful, tranquil,
wooded setting on the banks of the Brokenhead River.

The school is an amalgamation of the Francis Sandy Theological Centre,
formerly located outside Paris, Ontario and the Dr. Jessie Saulteaux
Resource Centre, located at the Beausejour, Manitoba site, each school
named for its founder. The new school will follow in the path of the
original schools in offering study in ministry to Aboriginal people who will
be serving as ministers in Aboriginal communities. The school has been
guided in its creation by the United Church of Canada Apology to First
Nations Peoples and is committed to living out the promise of the apology
with a vision of being, ―a place of spirit where both Aboriginal and
Christian spiritual beliefs are respected, shared and understood”.

The Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre will serve students from Aboriginal
communities across Canada. Its spiritual setting and warm atmosphere
will inspire and nurture them in the important work that they are
undertaking. On behalf of Oriole-York Mills United Church, I extend every
good wish to the school, its staff and its students.

The Living Into Right Relations Circle (Toronto Conference) held its fourth
―Re-awakening the Spirit‖ event on September 23rd and 24th at the Native
Friendship Centre in Barrie.

After a splendid traditional meal on Friday evening, Hector Copegog, who
is Anishnabek from Chimnissing (Beausoleil First Nation) offered a
presentation on the Seven Grandfather Teachings. The Saturday
workshop on the Impact of Colonialism and the Residential School

System was facilitated by Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, a member of the
Chippewa of Georgina Island First Nation in Lake Simcoe.

The event drew approximately thirty people, both Aboriginal and non-
Aboriginal, of various ages and from various walks of life. The hope for
this event, as with the three previous events, was that shared educational
opportunities and dialogue would lead to greater understanding and
appreciation, particularly of Aboriginal peoples, their rich cultures and
their contributions to this country. The Living Into Right Relations Circle
(Toronto Conference) continues meeting each month, bringing Aboriginal
and non-Aboriginal people together to listen and talk, building bridges of
understanding, over lunches brought from home.

On June 17th this year, the Francis Sandy Theological Centre held its
annual celebration and graduation ceremony. It was a beautiful day with
the ceremony being held in the open air, under a canopy. It was a
particularly significant occasion as it would be the last graduation before
the school‘s closing. The ceremony concluded with a prayer which also
has meaning for the work of the Living Into Right Relations Circle. The
following are lines from this prayer: ―Prophets of a Future Not Our Own
...‖ (Words from Bishop Oscar Romero)
 We plant seeds that one day will grow.
 We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise.
 We lay foundations that will need further development.
 We provide yeast that produces effects beyond our capabilities.

? M&S Fund Forgotten
Have you forgotten about the United Church‘s Mission
and Service Fund programs? In this the eleventh month
of the year, your donations to the United Church‘s
Mission Fund are only just over half last year‘s final total!

Please help to top up our contributions so that the wider church‘s $30.2
million programs can be funded as planned. Your M&S donations go to
fund the following programs.
Justice, Witness, and Right Relations
   1. Global Mission and Service – Peace and Justice $10.5 million
      (28%). Core operational and emergency funding of M&S partners
      around the world – working cooperatively with a range of global
   2. Community and Justice Work $4.9 million (13%). Support for
      community and justice ministries, partnering to engage
      marginalised communities, and seeking right relations across
Developing Leadership in pastoral charges.
   3. Theological Education and Ministry Support $5.5 million (15%).
      Educating and equipping our leaders for the church we are
      becoming. Ongoing support to ministers and congregations in
      pastoral charges.
   4. Faith Formation $7.5 million (20%). Forming the whole people of
      God and developing leadership for a broader ministry, e.g., for
      children, youth, young adults, inter-cultural and other diverse
Funding Priority Work
   5. Support to Local Ministries $4.6 million (12%). Short-term support,
      including loans and capital funding, as congregations grow or
      undergo transition.
   6. Conference Leadership $4.4 billion (12%). Conference staff
      providing leadership and resources to presbyteries, ministry
      personnel and local ministries.
For more information, please the M&S posters on the notice board on the
stairs to the basement and also at:

Cookie Day 2011
Most readers should know about OYM‘s Cookie Day. Please sign up for
bringing cookies on the day and for visiting to deliver the cookies. Derrick
Lewis has agreed to lead the traditional carol singing.
Cookie Day this year will be on Tuesday December 7th starting at 2:00 pm
in Fellowship Hall. Please contact Gail George or Moira Mancer to
volunteer or for more information.

Prunes and Low-fat Baking
Did you know that you can reduce the fat in baked goods by at least half
by using puréed prunes in place of part of the required fat in your baked
goods1? One cup butter contains 1628 calories and 184 grams fat. One
cup oil contains 1927 calories and 218 grams fat. One cup of Prune
Purée contains 304 calories, less than one gram of fat, 8 mg sodium, 948
mg potassium, and 12 grams of fibre. Your baked goods will have a
slightly fruity flavour when you use puréed prunes, but few will guess why.
      For Prune Purée, put 2 cups pitted prunes into 1 cup of hot water.
      Cover and let stand for about 5 minutes until prunes become plump.
      In processor or blender, process prunes with the water until smooth
      (about one minute), scraping down the sides as you go.
      This yields about two cups which can be stored tightly covered in the
      fridge for up to 3 months, or in freezer for 6 months.
Start by replacing about half of the fat with Prune Purée, blending it in
with the fat. You can replace up to two thirds of the fat. Using still more
can lead to top of baked goods getting sticky and texture rubbery. (For
light coloured cakes, use apple sauce instead of part of the Prune Purée.)

    From: Mean Lean Yummi by Norene Gilletz, published by Gourmania Inc.1998.

Recipe for Christmas All Year Long
                            By Joanna Fuchs
                    Take a heap of child-like wonder
                        That opens up our eyes
                    To the unexpected gifts in life—
                      Each day a sweet surprise.
                        Mix in fond appreciation
                    For the people whom we know;
                    Like festive Christmas candles,
                     Each one has a special glow.
                 Add some giggles and some laughter,
                      A dash of Christmas food,
                     (Amazing how a piece of pie
                         Improves our attitude!)
                    Stir it all with human kindness;
                     Wrap it up in love and peace,
                     Decorate with optimism, and
                       Our joy will never cease.
                     If we use this healthy recipe,
                      We know we will remember
                     To be in the Christmas spirit,
                     Even when it's not December.

White Gift Sunday (December 18th)
   and North York Women’s Shelter’s Wish List
There will be 12 women at the North York Women‘s Shelter (NYWS) over
Christmas aged 24 to 58 years (average 34 years). Six of these women
have their children with them – six boys, aged five months to 13 years,
and six girls, aged two to 17 years.

We can brighten Christmas at NYWS by granting wishes: 1. giving one or
more items from the list below; 2. giving cash on Sundays December 4th
and 11th so we can buy requested gift cards for clothing, shoes, etc.
Household good       Electronics (one      Clothing and           Toys *
and linens             ‘wish’ unless        personal *
                        specified) *
Cutlery              Toaster (2)         Shoes, slippers &   Boys & Girls
Pots and pans        Juice maker          socks              Puzzles
Dishes – white (2)   Food processor      Pajamas &           Educational toys
 & pale green (1     Portable stereo      bathrobes          Books
 specified &         CD player           Body wash           Legos
 others              Hair dryer          Shampoo             Remote control
 unspecified         Camera              Body cream           cars
 colour              Video camera        Perfume,            Car race track
Mugs                                      including          Boys
Glasses                                   ‗Chanel‘ &         Hockey skates
Bed linen sets –                          ‗Beautiful‘        Video games
 queen, double,                          Young people        Car2 movie by
 & single (‗Dora‘                        Snow suits,          Disney
 for a child)                             Pajamas            Remote control
Towels                                   Socks and            airplane
Crib sheet                                underwear          Transformer
Baby dish, bowl,                         Toothbrush &        Girls
 spoon & cup                              toothpaste         Baby Alive doll
                                         Nail polish         Dora books &
                                         Hair clips           anything Dora
                                                             Hungry Hippo
                                                             Flash cards

* If you plan to donate electronics, clothing, shoes or toys, please call
Moira at 416-226-2410 for age, size, and colour preference or for any
other question. Please note that due to extremely limited space at the
shelter, they cannot accept used clothing or toys.
There will be copies of NYWS‘s wish list available on the Sundays before
White Gift Sunday on December 18th.

                   Christmas Word Search Puzzle
(Luke 2:10-12) But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see – I
   am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: (11) to you
   is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the
   Lord. (12) This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in
   bands of cloth and lying in a manger."

Words in a straight line in all directions

 Y      L      C       H      I         L     D     B        U    T      D
 S      W      E       N      A         F     R     A        I    D      N
 P      E      O       P      L         E     W     N        L    G      I
 S      T      A       E      R         G     I     D        I    L      F
 M      U      W       H      O         N     L     S        L    W      Y
 E      M      R       M      F         I     L     E        A    T      D
 S      E      A       S      A         G     G     R        I    I      L
 S      H      P       I      A         N     O     C        V    U      D
 I      T      P       H      A         I     G     A        K    G      B
 A      O      E       T      V         R     D     E        Y    O      U
 H      L      D       A      Y         B     E     D        R    O      L
 Q      C      S       E      L         Y     I     N        G    D      J
                                  Word List
            JOY FOR DAY BUT ALL BE


Thanks to Contributors
Thanks to the following for contributions for this issue:
  Rev. Cyndy                            First Oriole message (page 1)
  Rev. Val                              Message (page 3)
  Carol Maclean                         Council News (page 5)
  Don Worth                             OYM + CJUC = Never a dull
                                           Moment (page 6)
  Lynn Watt                             Living the Apology (page 8)

Ways to Save Trees and Money
Ways to save trees and save OYM money at the same time continues by
reading ‗The Oriole‘ online at OYM‘s website <>,
under ‗About OYM‘. The older way, but still a good way, to save trees and
save OYM money at the same time is to receive ‗The Oriole‘ in pdf format.
For either option, please send an email to ‗The Oriole
<>' specifying your choice.
If not going the online or pdf route, you can help to save some trees by
leaving Oriole envelopes for re-use for the next edition of ‗The Oriole‘.
Envelopes left from the last Oriole will be used for this edition. Please leave
unwanted envelopes in the box provided in the narthex.

Contributions and Suggestions
Contributions and suggestion for future issues of ‗The Oriole‘ are always
Please get your contributions and suggestions to ‗The Oriole‘ by one of the
following ways:
     sending an email (The Oriole <>),
     leaving a message in the slot for ‗The Oriole‘ in the office, or
       talking to Moira Mancer.

                           Your OYM Calendar
          Coming Sunday Worship Services and Events
Sunday December 4th          Holy Communion. During the service place stars
 Advent II                     on the Christmas tree in remembrance of loved
                               ones who have passed away over the years.
Sunday December 11th         Choir Cantata: Winter‘s Grace, by William P.
 Advent III                    Martin – then turkey dinner in Fellowship Hall
Sunday December 18th         White Gift Sunday – donations for North York
 Advent IV                     Women‘s Shelter – please see their wish list
Saturday December 24th       Christmas Eve carols and candle lighting
 Christmas Eve 7:00 pm
Sunday December 25th         Christmas Day and a Sunday! Carols
Sunday January 1st, 2012     Worship service may be cancelled
Sunday January 8th           Epiphany
Sunday January 15th          Baptism of Jesus
Sunday January 22nd          Worship service at 11:00 am as usual
Sunday January 29th          Holy Communion
Sunday February 5th          Black History theme
Sunday February12th          UCW Sunday
Other Notable Events
Friday December 2nd          Be Happy Course – last session: With Rev.
                              Cyndy 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. entrance lounge
First Monday of month        Bridge Club Session at 1 p.m. in entrance
  Last in 2010                lounge. Please note January date may change
  December 6th                – call the Emms 416-223-6485
Tuesday December 7th         Cookie Day 2 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
                             Book Club – call John Cruise 416-445-7375

Contact OYM: Oriole-York Mills United Church
              2609 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON, M2L 1B5
             Phone: 416-447-5941 Email:
             Pastoral care: 416-417-4439
             Website address:

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OYM The Oriole (newsletter) November 2011

  • 1. THE ORIOLE Oriole-York Mills United Church Newsletter November 2011 In this issue: Message from Rev. Cyndy Message from Rev. Cyndy .……………………..….....…..1 On behalf of Centennial-Japanese United Church, I would like to thank the members Message from Rev. Val ...... 3 of Oriole-York Mills, for your gracious Council News ……………..…. 5 welcome. From our first service of worship OYM + CJUC = Never a on September 11th, you have opened your Dull Moment ……………..….6 hearts and made us feel at home. Thank you so much for allowing us to make Oriole- Living the Apology ...........…. 8 York Mills our church home over the next ? M&S Forgotten ..…………. 9 few years! Cookie Day 2011 ………......11 I am grateful, too, for the leadership team of Prunes and Low-fat Carol MacLean, Brian George and Lynn Baking ……………………....11 Watt who helped to develop the working Recipe for Christmas All details between our two congregations. Year Long …………...........13 They diligently listened to our needs and White Gift Sunday and graciously responded to our requests and North York Women‘s together we created a mutually acceptable Shelter .……………..……..13 agreement. Christmas Word Search ….14 The leadership transition teams continue to Thanks to Contributors .…..15 meet, and one of our goals is to help our Ways to Save Trees congregations build community. We have and Money …………..….....15 two events planned this Fall to help Contributions and facilitate this: one (just over as you read Suggestions …..….………..15 this) is the Congregational Gathering on Your OYM Calendar .…...…16 Saturday November 26th where we will Contact OYM .……..….…..…16
  • 2. 2 enjoy a delicious Greek dinner, play a few games and get to know one another better through guided conversation. Two is the joint venture of the ‗Turkey Lunch‘ held on Sunday December 11th following the Christmas Cantata. It is a joy to see the congregations working together on this project. I also feel personally blessed by the greeting you have given me. Your kind words of appreciation and support after worship services has truly touched me. Thank you for the warm welcome. I am gradually getting to know some of you and I look forward to getting to more members as the weeks progress. The first time I visited your church I felt right at home. I recognized the picture of your first minister, Rev. Don Amos. He was one of my ministers in the 1970‘s at my home congregation, Grace United Church in Brampton. I remember when I was 13 or 14, going to Rev. Don‘s office before the service to meet with him because I was the scripture reader. It was my very first time reading scripture in church. He said to me in his strong preaching voice, ―Read it with strength, courage and conviction for it is the Word of God. Don‘t be afraid of it.‖ Well, I‘m afraid all his words of encouragement did not help. I was a nervous wreck. I was a shy young person who never liked to speak in front of people. As I read, I‘m sure people could hear my knees knocking together and I know my voice was shaky and high pitched…But, I have always remembered Rev. Don‘s words; ―read the scripture with strength, courage and conviction, for it is the Word of God.‖ And so to this day, when I read scripture I always speak knowing this is the ‗Word of God‘ that has inspired, uplifted, comforted and given me hope in my life. I pray that you too may feel the power and encouragement of God‘s Word in your life, today and always. I look forward to sharing ministry with you. God Bless you, Cyndy Cooper
  • 3. 3 Welcome to OYM’s Oriole Rev. Cyndy! _____________________________________________________________________ A Message from Rev. Val … In June you welcomed me to this OYM community of faith as your Minister of Pastoral Care. On June 12th Pentecost Sunday, we celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Communion where our youth members served this faith family. This time will indeed remain a tremendous privilege and memory for me to co-celebrate Holy Communion with Rev. Chris, just as it will stay with you as a special time. We also bid a happy and deeply respectful farewell to Rev. Chris and Marg, as they began their journey to enjoy retirement together. Rev. Chris has left us with many inspirational memories of how we can continue to celebrate and discern deeper meaning and growth in our journey of faith and we are grateful. As the Season After Pentecost continued we were happy to join with the Centennial-Japanese congregation at their Church Picnic and July services led by Rev. Cindy. In August we enjoyed worship with the senior residents at the Outdoor Sunday Service at Cedarhurst. Worshipping God in nature helps move us closer to a deeper felt experience of our Creator, and enriches how we join as an extended community of faith. The folks at Cedarhurst appreciated this worship so much they hoped for one more summer service and have expressed a desire to support this tradition for future summers to come! September marked a new and exciting beginning for our OYM family as we began joint worship services with our brothers and sisters in faith from Centennial-Japanese United Church led by Rev. Cindy. These services present times of growth for us to discover an enrichment in worship that is inclusive and celebrates living united in faith, especially through the inspiring and dynamic musical talents of our joint choir, the combined
  • 4. 4 efforts of our musical directors and soloists. We worship God with heart and voice! September also marked the beginning of Monthly Worship Services and ongoing pastoral visits with the seniors who reside in Amica, Lifestyles and Cedarhurst. Our senior members appreciate the services as they enjoy singing well-known hymns that offer inspiration in worship. We appreciate the wonderful musical talents of Elda Scott and Derrick Lewis, especially during the World-Wide Holy Communion, Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day Services where Meri Dolevski-Lewis joined with Derrick for the Cedarhurst worship. It remains an honour and pleasure for me to lead worship along with Marie Cruise and David Johnson. We look forward to the upcoming Advent Communion Services. A Mid- Monthly Bible Study at Don Way Place has begun, held at 2pm on the third Wednesday of each month in the first floor craft room – please come and join us. Please know that I will be available for any urgent or ongoing pastoral visits when needed; feel free to drop in to see me at the Church Office on Wednesdays from 9:30am – 1:30pm. Please call 416-417-4439 to report or request any pastoral concerns or visits. As we begin our Advent journey, let us remember that God calls us to reflect on how we live our faith daily, to enrich others and ourselves, for we long to celebrate anew Jesus birth, our Prince of Peace. ―Come, thou long- expected Jesus, born to set thy people free, from or fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee.‖ (Charles Wesley, 1744) May God Bless You! Yours in Christ‘s Service, Rev. Val _____________________________________________________________________
  • 5. 5 Council News It has been heartening to see the warmth and fellowship on Sunday mornings as we began worshipping with our friends from Centennial- Japanese United Church (CJUC). At the September meeting, Council welcomed our ministers, Rev. Cindy and Rev. Val. We have been blessed by their efforts in building and caring for our joint congregation. To implement joint services with CJUC for the next two years, Council along with many committee members and staff are working to strengthen this unique relationship. Here are some examples of this. The Joint Worship Committee is co-chaired by John Brooker from OYM and Christine Abe from CJUC. The committee members from both congregations, under Rev. Cindy‘s leadership, coordinates elders, ushers, greeters, readers, and elevator monitors for each service. Ideas and traditions from both congregations are discussed as each service is planned. Add to that our joint choir and two music directors and you get a depth and range of worship experience that is outstanding, each and every week. During the service three young groups leave for classes. The youth group is led by John Egger, a doctoral student at Emmanuel College. The kindergarten and Sunday School classes are led by volunteers from each congregation. The Finance teams from each church have developed a system to report shared costs monthly. The count teams for the weekly collection separate the envelopes for OYM and CJUC and divide the loose collection. Following that, each church records and deposits their collection as they have in the past. A letter from our Treasurer to update you on our financial situation has been sent along with this edition of the Oriole.
  • 6. 6 Pedro, Juanita and Jean have been outstanding in helping CJUC relocate from Lansing over the summer. In June council approved a number of upgrades to our facilities. In keeping with our green environment values, the property committee installed a dishwasher so that we could continue to use our china cups for coffee time. More chairs and tables will be added in Fellowship Hall to welcome everyone downstairs for coffee after worship. A turkey lunch is planned for December 11th following the choir‘s presentation of the Christmas Cantata, Winter‘s Grace. A joint committee from OYM and CJUC is planning for this event and it is a great opportunity for more people from our congregation to become involved. If you are interested in helping, please speak to Don Worth or me. The Mission, Community Service & Outreach Committees of both congregations collaborate on congregational projects. For White Gift Sunday, both congregations will support OYM‘s tradition of collecting donations for the North York Women‘s Shelter. In the coming year, both congregations will support a CJUC project during Lent. As the season of Advent begins, we invite all to join us in worship during this season of joy! Carol Maclean Interim Council Chair _____________________________________________________________________ OYM + CJUC = Never a Dull Moment Our Jewish friends have it right. The year really begins in September and not in January. What a beginning it has been for OYM!! The joint worship services with Centennial-Japanese United Church (CJUC) commenced on September 11. On arrival at 2609 Bayview Avenue for the 11am service (not the usual 10:30 am) it was good to see so many cars in the parking lot. Then entering the narthex and experiencing the
  • 7. 7 heightened pre-service activity was an even better experience and pleasure. The bible says ―that wherever two or more gather …‖, and indeed it is heartening to have both congregations worshipping in our OYM sanctuary. Our tradition welcome back lunch was held in Fellowship Hall on the last Sunday in September. CJUC supplied and served the hot dogs and OYM provided the ice cream cones (104 of them). The ice cream was served by the young people under Andrew Maclean‘s supervision. The customary CJUC practice is to sit together for sandwich lunch and coffee following the worship service. The sandwiches are made by the ladies and sold for $5.00. Coffee (decaffeinated and regular) sells for 50 cents. Proceeds go to fund CJUC outreach projects. At OYM‘s Council meeting it was voted to join in on the CJUC practice. What better way to get to know people than to share a meal together. The last worship service in October was an Annual Memorial worship service (based on CJUC past practice). Rev. Cindy had sent a special invitation to families who had experience the loss of a loved one this past year. For OYM this included the families of Ruth Main, Isobel Domelle, Tony Read, Don Fleming, Jean Hall, Harvey Clare and Marian Robinson. As the Oriole goes to publication, the planning for a Sunday December 11th turkey lunch – another CJUC tradition – is underway. This together with OYM‘s Cookie Day (see Gail George or Moira Mancer), Bridge club (see Norm and Betty Emms), Book club (see John Cruise), Rev. Cindy‘s Happiness Coaching Course (five sessions ending Friday December 2nd), and worship service highlights listed in Sunday bulletins and ‗The Oriole‘s‘ OYM Calendar – you will agree that there is never a dull moment these days at OYM. Don Worth Membership Relations and Communications _____________________________________________________________________
  • 8. 8 Living the Apology … Lynn Watt walks us through more of living the apology. On October 1st of this year a new United Church Aboriginal school of theology was born. It is the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre, located north of Winnipeg, near the town of Beausejour, in a beautiful, tranquil, wooded setting on the banks of the Brokenhead River. The school is an amalgamation of the Francis Sandy Theological Centre, formerly located outside Paris, Ontario and the Dr. Jessie Saulteaux Resource Centre, located at the Beausejour, Manitoba site, each school named for its founder. The new school will follow in the path of the original schools in offering study in ministry to Aboriginal people who will be serving as ministers in Aboriginal communities. The school has been guided in its creation by the United Church of Canada Apology to First Nations Peoples and is committed to living out the promise of the apology with a vision of being, ―a place of spirit where both Aboriginal and Christian spiritual beliefs are respected, shared and understood”. The Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre will serve students from Aboriginal communities across Canada. Its spiritual setting and warm atmosphere will inspire and nurture them in the important work that they are undertaking. On behalf of Oriole-York Mills United Church, I extend every good wish to the school, its staff and its students. The Living Into Right Relations Circle (Toronto Conference) held its fourth ―Re-awakening the Spirit‖ event on September 23rd and 24th at the Native Friendship Centre in Barrie. After a splendid traditional meal on Friday evening, Hector Copegog, who is Anishnabek from Chimnissing (Beausoleil First Nation) offered a presentation on the Seven Grandfather Teachings. The Saturday workshop on the Impact of Colonialism and the Residential School
  • 9. 9 System was facilitated by Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, a member of the Chippewa of Georgina Island First Nation in Lake Simcoe. The event drew approximately thirty people, both Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal, of various ages and from various walks of life. The hope for this event, as with the three previous events, was that shared educational opportunities and dialogue would lead to greater understanding and appreciation, particularly of Aboriginal peoples, their rich cultures and their contributions to this country. The Living Into Right Relations Circle (Toronto Conference) continues meeting each month, bringing Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people together to listen and talk, building bridges of understanding, over lunches brought from home. On June 17th this year, the Francis Sandy Theological Centre held its annual celebration and graduation ceremony. It was a beautiful day with the ceremony being held in the open air, under a canopy. It was a particularly significant occasion as it would be the last graduation before the school‘s closing. The ceremony concluded with a prayer which also has meaning for the work of the Living Into Right Relations Circle. The following are lines from this prayer: ―Prophets of a Future Not Our Own ...‖ (Words from Bishop Oscar Romero) We plant seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produces effects beyond our capabilities. ____________________________________________________________________ ? M&S Fund Forgotten Have you forgotten about the United Church‘s Mission and Service Fund programs? In this the eleventh month of the year, your donations to the United Church‘s Mission Fund are only just over half last year‘s final total!
  • 10. 10 Please help to top up our contributions so that the wider church‘s $30.2 million programs can be funded as planned. Your M&S donations go to fund the following programs. Justice, Witness, and Right Relations 1. Global Mission and Service – Peace and Justice $10.5 million (28%). Core operational and emergency funding of M&S partners around the world – working cooperatively with a range of global partners 2. Community and Justice Work $4.9 million (13%). Support for community and justice ministries, partnering to engage marginalised communities, and seeking right relations across Canada. Developing Leadership in pastoral charges. 3. Theological Education and Ministry Support $5.5 million (15%). Educating and equipping our leaders for the church we are becoming. Ongoing support to ministers and congregations in pastoral charges. 4. Faith Formation $7.5 million (20%). Forming the whole people of God and developing leadership for a broader ministry, e.g., for children, youth, young adults, inter-cultural and other diverse ministries. Funding Priority Work 5. Support to Local Ministries $4.6 million (12%). Short-term support, including loans and capital funding, as congregations grow or undergo transition. 6. Conference Leadership $4.4 billion (12%). Conference staff providing leadership and resources to presbyteries, ministry personnel and local ministries. For more information, please the M&S posters on the notice board on the stairs to the basement and also at: http// _____________________________________________________________________
  • 11. 11 Cookie Day 2011 Most readers should know about OYM‘s Cookie Day. Please sign up for bringing cookies on the day and for visiting to deliver the cookies. Derrick Lewis has agreed to lead the traditional carol singing. Cookie Day this year will be on Tuesday December 7th starting at 2:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Please contact Gail George or Moira Mancer to volunteer or for more information. _____________________________________________________________________ Prunes and Low-fat Baking Did you know that you can reduce the fat in baked goods by at least half by using puréed prunes in place of part of the required fat in your baked goods1? One cup butter contains 1628 calories and 184 grams fat. One cup oil contains 1927 calories and 218 grams fat. One cup of Prune Purée contains 304 calories, less than one gram of fat, 8 mg sodium, 948 mg potassium, and 12 grams of fibre. Your baked goods will have a slightly fruity flavour when you use puréed prunes, but few will guess why. For Prune Purée, put 2 cups pitted prunes into 1 cup of hot water. Cover and let stand for about 5 minutes until prunes become plump. In processor or blender, process prunes with the water until smooth (about one minute), scraping down the sides as you go. This yields about two cups which can be stored tightly covered in the fridge for up to 3 months, or in freezer for 6 months. Start by replacing about half of the fat with Prune Purée, blending it in with the fat. You can replace up to two thirds of the fat. Using still more can lead to top of baked goods getting sticky and texture rubbery. (For light coloured cakes, use apple sauce instead of part of the Prune Purée.) _____________________________________________________________________ 1 From: Mean Lean Yummi by Norene Gilletz, published by Gourmania Inc.1998.
  • 12. 12 Recipe for Christmas All Year Long By Joanna Fuchs Take a heap of child-like wonder That opens up our eyes To the unexpected gifts in life— Each day a sweet surprise. Mix in fond appreciation For the people whom we know; Like festive Christmas candles, Each one has a special glow. Add some giggles and some laughter, A dash of Christmas food, (Amazing how a piece of pie Improves our attitude!) Stir it all with human kindness; Wrap it up in love and peace, Decorate with optimism, and Our joy will never cease. If we use this healthy recipe, We know we will remember To be in the Christmas spirit, Even when it's not December. _____________________________________________________________________ White Gift Sunday (December 18th) and North York Women’s Shelter’s Wish List There will be 12 women at the North York Women‘s Shelter (NYWS) over Christmas aged 24 to 58 years (average 34 years). Six of these women have their children with them – six boys, aged five months to 13 years, and six girls, aged two to 17 years.
  • 13. 13 We can brighten Christmas at NYWS by granting wishes: 1. giving one or more items from the list below; 2. giving cash on Sundays December 4th and 11th so we can buy requested gift cards for clothing, shoes, etc. Household good Electronics (one Clothing and Toys * and linens ‘wish’ unless personal * specified) * Cutlery Toaster (2) Shoes, slippers & Boys & Girls Pots and pans Juice maker socks Puzzles Dishes – white (2) Food processor Pajamas & Educational toys & pale green (1 Portable stereo bathrobes Books specified & CD player Body wash Legos others Hair dryer Shampoo Remote control unspecified Camera Body cream cars colour Video camera Perfume, Car race track Mugs including Boys Glasses ‗Chanel‘ & Hockey skates Bed linen sets – ‗Beautiful‘ Video games queen, double, Young people Car2 movie by & single (‗Dora‘ Snow suits, Disney for a child) Pajamas Remote control Towels Socks and airplane Crib sheet underwear Transformer Baby dish, bowl, Toothbrush & Girls spoon & cup toothpaste Baby Alive doll Nail polish Dora books & Hair clips anything Dora Hungry Hippo Flash cards * If you plan to donate electronics, clothing, shoes or toys, please call Moira at 416-226-2410 for age, size, and colour preference or for any other question. Please note that due to extremely limited space at the shelter, they cannot accept used clothing or toys. There will be copies of NYWS‘s wish list available on the Sundays before White Gift Sunday on December 18th.
  • 14. 14 Christmas Word Search Puzzle (Luke 2:10-12) But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: (11) to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. (12) This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger." Words in a straight line in all directions Y L C H I L D B U T D S W E N A F R A I D N P E O P L E W N L G I S T A E R G I D I L F M U W H O N L S L W Y E M R M F I L E A T D S E A S A G G R I I L S H P I A N O C V U D I T P H A I G A K G B A O E T V R D E Y O U H L D A Y B E D R O L Q C S E L Y I N G D J Word List BRINGING WRAPPED MESSIAH SAVIOR PEOPLE MANGER AFRAID LYING GREAT DAVID CLOTH CHILD BANDS ANGEL WILL THIS THEM SIGN SAID NEWS LUKE LORD GOOD FIND CITY BORN YOU WHO SEE NOT JOY FOR DAY BUT ALL BE from _____________________________________________________________________
  • 15. 15 Thanks to Contributors Thanks to the following for contributions for this issue: Rev. Cyndy First Oriole message (page 1) Rev. Val Message (page 3) Carol Maclean Council News (page 5) Don Worth OYM + CJUC = Never a dull Moment (page 6) Lynn Watt Living the Apology (page 8) ___________________________________________________________________ Ways to Save Trees and Money Ways to save trees and save OYM money at the same time continues by reading ‗The Oriole‘ online at OYM‘s website <>, under ‗About OYM‘. The older way, but still a good way, to save trees and save OYM money at the same time is to receive ‗The Oriole‘ in pdf format. For either option, please send an email to ‗The Oriole <>' specifying your choice. If not going the online or pdf route, you can help to save some trees by leaving Oriole envelopes for re-use for the next edition of ‗The Oriole‘. Envelopes left from the last Oriole will be used for this edition. Please leave unwanted envelopes in the box provided in the narthex. __________________________________________________________________________ Contributions and Suggestions Contributions and suggestion for future issues of ‗The Oriole‘ are always welcome. Please get your contributions and suggestions to ‗The Oriole‘ by one of the following ways:  sending an email (The Oriole <>),  leaving a message in the slot for ‗The Oriole‘ in the office, or talking to Moira Mancer. _____________________________________________________________________
  • 16. 16 Your OYM Calendar Coming Sunday Worship Services and Events Sunday December 4th Holy Communion. During the service place stars Advent II on the Christmas tree in remembrance of loved ones who have passed away over the years. Sunday December 11th Choir Cantata: Winter‘s Grace, by William P. Advent III Martin – then turkey dinner in Fellowship Hall Sunday December 18th White Gift Sunday – donations for North York Advent IV Women‘s Shelter – please see their wish list Saturday December 24th Christmas Eve carols and candle lighting Christmas Eve 7:00 pm Sunday December 25th Christmas Day and a Sunday! Carols Sunday January 1st, 2012 Worship service may be cancelled Sunday January 8th Epiphany Sunday January 15th Baptism of Jesus Sunday January 22nd Worship service at 11:00 am as usual Sunday January 29th Holy Communion Sunday February 5th Black History theme Sunday February12th UCW Sunday Other Notable Events Friday December 2nd Be Happy Course – last session: With Rev. Cyndy 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. entrance lounge First Monday of month Bridge Club Session at 1 p.m. in entrance Last in 2010 lounge. Please note January date may change December 6th – call the Emms 416-223-6485 Tuesday December 7th Cookie Day 2 p.m. in Fellowship Hall Book Club – call John Cruise 416-445-7375 Contact OYM: Oriole-York Mills United Church 2609 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON, M2L 1B5 Phone: 416-447-5941 Email: Pastoral care: 416-417-4439 Website address: