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T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                          Ju n 3, 2 0 0 9

   A Glance Back in Gratitude, and                                                 Manchester Church of Christ

    Look Forward in Anticipation                                                           66 Mammoth Rd.
                                                                                        Manchester, NH 03109
        Wow, thanks again to all           even more you can do: bring
those who played a part in making          friends, lots of friends. With VBS
the youth rally a success. Working         it’s always “the more the             
together, with every member                merrier”! Start asking your friends
providing his or her part (Romans          now!
                                                                                         Elder’s Link: June
12:3-8) produces a strong body of                   After VBS we usually have
Christ and powerful results. From          our congregational retreat at               Duane Coss – 424-9152
all reports, everyone had a great          Gander Brook, August 28-30. It’s a
time and our New England teens             leisurely weekend to clear our
                                                                                       Barry Fogal – 487-2387
were greatly encouraged to stay in         cluttered lives and grow stronger in
God’s hands.                               our faith and love for one another.
         The next major thing              This year, given our multiple          If you have any concerns that the
coming up for the Manchester               services and small group activities   elders should be aware of, or need
church is our summer VBS. August           on Sunday evening, reconnecting to       to speak to with them, please
                                                                                   contact Lee or Larry this month.
17-19. Will you be involved?               one another is more important
Wouldn’t you like to take part in          than ever. Please make plans to
something that will effect the lives       join us.                                    Our Worship Services
of our and other’s children for                     The weekend after that is,         Sunday AM: 8:30 & 11:00
eternity? Bible classes have come          of course, the Labor Day weekend.
                                                                                          Bible Class: 10:00
out of VBS. Baptisms have come as          Often we have a Labor Day picnic
a result of VBS. It’s three days of        — so you could be planning to                   Sunday PM: 6:00
summer fun, songs, friends, snacks,        participate in that. But you should              Small Groups:
Bible stories, puppets, and good           also know that Gander Brook is        West Side Small Group: 6:15PM at
times. Want to know what you can           doing something different on Labor                 Doug Paul’s
do to help — be a member doing             Day this year. Instead of the usual  Merrimack Small Group: 6:00PM at
his/her job?                               Singles’ Retreat, Gander Brook is               Stuart Peacock’s
         Volunteer to be a teacher, a      hosting a family encampment —        Nashua Small Group: 6:00PM at Paul
chaperone, a puppet person, a              everyone is welcome.                                 Mosier's
snack provider, a snack deliverer, a                What a great summer lies      Wednesday PM Devotional/Bible
craft person (or helper), a song           ahead for us. Get excited and don’t               Classes: 7:00
leader, a story teller, a play time        miss a thing.
                                                                                 News Items? Please submit before
monitor, or a counter. But there’s                                               11AM each Tuesday.

         This Sunday morning I’ll be starting a                                  Sunday evening, of course, will
new series on the topic of the Holy Spirit.                             feature a number of small group meetings, but
There are a number of teachings, suppositions,                          will also include a group meeting at the church
and speculations about this third Person of the                         building at 6PM. If you don’t have a usual
Godhead. What’s true, and what’s speculation,                           small group to meet with, come to the church
and what is just plain false? Come and see and                          building for a devotional and a Bible study on
bring a friend. Let’s listen to the Holy Spirit on                      the subject of the hymns that we sing.
the Holy Spirit.

                                                                                                            PAGE 1
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                                     Ju n 3, 2 0 0 9

                                                                “So then you are no longer strangers and

Our Family
                                                                aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the
                                                                saints, and are of God’s household,”
                                                                Ephesians 2:19, NAS95.

Coming up in June...                              What else?            Cook off The church of Christ in
                                                                           Roxbury is hosting the 10th
Work day Peter Steffensen has        Thank you An enormous thank           annual Family Favorites
   scheduled a work day here at         you to everyone who helped         Cookoff on Saturday, June
   the building for June 6th to         make the youth rally a success.    20th. Registration forms and
   clean up the yard/parking lot        The weekend was such a             additional information is
   and other miscellaneous              blessing to all who came and it    posted on the bulletin board.
   tasks. He also states that the       wouldn't have been the same
   garage next door needs re-           without your involvement.       Gander Brook's work and
   roofed.                              Thank you!!                        w0rship week is scheduled for
                                                                           June 27 through July 4. There
Service project Calling all teens    Update Doreen Lee is in Tufts         is much work to be done to get
   and families of teens...Connie       Hospital in Boston. She is in      the camp ready for the
   Mattox needs some work done          the North Tower, Room 7038.        summer so please consider
   at her house, both inside and        Phone # (617)636-7080.             helping out. Registration
   outside. Please meet at                                                 forms are in the foyer.
   Harvest Foods (formerly Vista) Wednesday Night Supper Please
   in Bedford at 12:30 this             remember to sign up on the
   Sunday the 7 to carpool out to       sheet in the back of the
   her house in Milford. Lunch          auditorium if you plan to        Wednesday Night Menu
   will be provided. Any                attend. Only 2 more to go
   questions, see Stuart or Susie       before a break for the summer.            corned beef
   Peacock.                                                                        vegetables
                                     This and that...
Announcing the 24 annual             Singing & fellowship The                         bread
   Northeastern States Men's
                                        Worcester church will be                     dessert
   Retreat. It will be held in Kent,    hosting an afternoon of
   Connecticut next weekend-
                                        singing and refreshments on
   June 12th & 13th. Please see the     Sunday, June 28th beginning at
   poster in the foyer for more
                                        3pm. See the bulletin board in
   details and a registration form.     the foyer for more

                                   Worship Leaders                                                    Prayer Concerns
Sunday, June 7, 8:30AM                            Scripture .....................Paul M.     Health: Doreen Lee, Pat Arel, Bill
Songs ......................... Brandon H.        Lord’s Supper .............Gary D.         Waisnor, Deniza Chase’s niece, Marge
Prayers ....................Ken B. & Dune C.      Coordinator ................ Gerry M.      Simon, Penny Ranger, Manley Jones,
Scripture .................... Mike M.                                                       Michael Anderson's brother
Lord’s Supper ............ Tom B.                 Sunday, June 7, 6:00PM                     Leadership: Ministers, Elders,
Coordinator ............... Doug P.               Songs............................Mark E.   Deacons
                                                                                             Evangelism: Bible studies in
Sunday, June 7, 11:00AM                           Wednesday, June 10, 7:00PM
                                                                                             progress, our website, MNFM, food
Songs ........................ Rick G.            Songs..........................Doug P.
                                                                                             pantry, Give Away Day
Prayers .....................Earl M. & Barry F.
                                                                                             Return to the Lord: Brethren who
                                                                                             have forsaken the assembly

                                                                                                                       PAGE 2
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                   Ju n 3, 2 0 0 9

       T h e D e v i l i s a n Opp o r t u n i s t
                                                                                          Pa r k Li n s c o m b

        "And Jesus answered and      work. He is an opportunist.           desires for more and more; envy
said to him, "It is said, ‘YOU                The Bible talks about        wants what is not his; jealousy
SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD               some of his more common               wants what he thinks should
YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.’"              opportunities to tempt us, and if     belong to him, and covetousness
When the devil had finished          we are serious about obedient         just wants. And when we
every temptation, he left Him        faith, we should be serious about     entertain such thoughts, we throw
until an opportune time." (Luke      closing the openings for the          the door wide open to the various
4:12, 13)                            Tempter to do his nefarious work.     sinful ways we might obtain the
        Although Jesus had                    Anger — Ephesians 4:26,      object of our desires and let Satan
certainly been tempted often         27 “BE ANGRY, AND yet DO              walk the Red Carpet into our
during the 30 years before the       NOT SIN; do not let the sun go        hearts. Contentment is God’s
beginning of His formal ministry,    down on your anger, and do not        antidote, eliminating the portal
His 40 days in the wilderness        give the devil an opportunity.”       for the devil’s work.
gave Satan an opening that he        Your anger and mine are the                    Freedom — Is this
thought he could successfully        perfect opening for Satan to some     surprising? Galatians 5:13 says,
exploit. Jesus had fasted for 40     of his best (worse) work. Anger       “For you were called to freedom,
days, so Satan used His hunger       itself isn’t wrong, but what we’re    brethren; only do not turn your
against him: “Turn these stones      tempted to do usually is. Our         freedom into an opportunity for
into bread,” Satan lilted. It        good sense is often suppressed in     the flesh, but through love serve
wouldn’t have really been a          favor of raging emotions; and         one another.” College students,
temptation after a harvest feast.    things that people would never        have you been there? Satan
When that didn’t work, Satan         do under ordinary circumstances       whispers in our ear, “What good
purred, “Bow to me and all the       look perfectly acceptable,            is freedom, if you won’t do
kingdoms of the world will be        perhaps even right and approved       whatever you’d like? Come on,
yours.” It wouldn’t have been a      by God Himself, when we’re            live a little!”
temptation, if Jesus hadn’t been     angry. The book of Proverbs                    There are other things that
feeling a keen sense of want after   urges restraint, a cooler head, and   could be mentioned, of course —
time in the wilderness. “Now         control of self, to help us close     a momentary lapse of faith in
come on,” Satan coaxed, “Jump        the door on the opening big           God, feeling sorry for ourselves,
off the temple’s pinnacle, so that   enough for Satan to fly a 747         lust, caring too much what others
the angels can dramatically save     through — anger.                      think about us, grudges, and even
you, and you can win the                      Greed — Matt. 26:14-16       God’s own commands (see
applause of the crowd you need       tells of Judas looking for an         Romans 7:8). Some of them can
to launch your world-saving          opportunity to betray Jesus, but      be avoided, while others cannot
ministry.” It wouldn’t have been     what goes unsaid is that the          be. But the point to stress here is
enticing, if Jesus hadn’t been       greed of Judas provided Satan         that many of Satan’s openings,
launching His ministry. But Jesus    with the opening he needed to put     many opportunities, can be and
didn’t fall prey to any of Satan’s   Jesus into the hands of men           should be shut. In each case, we
temptations and Satan had to fall    angry with Jesus. And greed,          can escape the temptation by
back — until another opportune       envy, jealousy, covetousness are      closing the opportunity.
time, another opening, another       a class of perpetual openings for             What “doors” are you
moment favorable to his evil         Satan’s work in our lives. Greed      leaving open in your life?

                                                                                                      PAGE 3
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                               Ju n 3, 2 0 0 9

                                          Our Congregational Calendar
      Sunday            Monday            Tuesday      Wednesday             Thursday         Friday            Saturday
31                  1                 2              3                4                5                   6
                                                      Bible class 7PM
                                                                      Happy Birthday:                      Happy Birthday:
                                                                         Tony Casella                      James Karafelis
                                                     Happy Birthday:                                         Doug Paul
                                                      Walter Franklin       Happy                           Mary Scarlett
                                                                        Stuart & Susie

7                   8                 9              10                 11               12                13
                                                      Bible class 7PM
       Happy        Happy Birthday:                                                      Happy Birthday:
    Anniversary:     Nancy Kerrins                   Happy Birthday:                       Vickie Glass
    Zane & Kim         Beth King                     Stuart Peacock                      Andrew Franklin

                        Te e n N e w s                                             Yo u n g A d u l t s
      •   See announcement on page 2 about a
          service project.

                                                    Our Statistics
                   Sunday Morning Worship (combined)                               236
                   Contribution                                                 $3,479.37

T he Ma n c h es te r c h u r c h o f C h r is t
66 M a m m o t h R d.
M a n c h e s t e r , N H 03109

                                                                                                                  PAGE 4

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St John's Parish Diary for June 2024.pdfSt John's Parish Diary for June 2024.pdf
St John's Parish Diary for June 2024.pdf

June 3, 2009

  • 1. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ju n 3, 2 0 0 9 THE BULLETIN A Glance Back in Gratitude, and Manchester Church of Christ Look Forward in Anticipation 66 Mammoth Rd. Manchester, NH 03109 603.623.5559 Wow, thanks again to all even more you can do: bring those who played a part in making friends, lots of friends. With VBS the youth rally a success. Working it’s always “the more the together, with every member merrier”! Start asking your friends providing his or her part (Romans now! Elder’s Link: June 12:3-8) produces a strong body of After VBS we usually have Christ and powerful results. From our congregational retreat at Duane Coss – 424-9152 all reports, everyone had a great Gander Brook, August 28-30. It’s a time and our New England teens leisurely weekend to clear our Barry Fogal – 487-2387 were greatly encouraged to stay in cluttered lives and grow stronger in God’s hands. our faith and love for one another. The next major thing This year, given our multiple If you have any concerns that the coming up for the Manchester services and small group activities elders should be aware of, or need church is our summer VBS. August on Sunday evening, reconnecting to to speak to with them, please contact Lee or Larry this month. 17-19. Will you be involved? one another is more important Wouldn’t you like to take part in than ever. Please make plans to something that will effect the lives join us. Our Worship Services of our and other’s children for The weekend after that is, Sunday AM: 8:30 & 11:00 eternity? Bible classes have come of course, the Labor Day weekend. Bible Class: 10:00 out of VBS. Baptisms have come as Often we have a Labor Day picnic a result of VBS. It’s three days of — so you could be planning to Sunday PM: 6:00 summer fun, songs, friends, snacks, participate in that. But you should Small Groups: Bible stories, puppets, and good also know that Gander Brook is West Side Small Group: 6:15PM at times. Want to know what you can doing something different on Labor Doug Paul’s do to help — be a member doing Day this year. Instead of the usual Merrimack Small Group: 6:00PM at his/her job? Singles’ Retreat, Gander Brook is Stuart Peacock’s Volunteer to be a teacher, a hosting a family encampment — Nashua Small Group: 6:00PM at Paul chaperone, a puppet person, a everyone is welcome. Mosier's snack provider, a snack deliverer, a What a great summer lies Wednesday PM Devotional/Bible craft person (or helper), a song ahead for us. Get excited and don’t Classes: 7:00 leader, a story teller, a play time miss a thing. News Items? Please submit before monitor, or a counter. But there’s 11AM each Tuesday. This Sunday morning I’ll be starting a Sunday evening, of course, will new series on the topic of the Holy Spirit. feature a number of small group meetings, but There are a number of teachings, suppositions, will also include a group meeting at the church and speculations about this third Person of the building at 6PM. If you don’t have a usual Godhead. What’s true, and what’s speculation, small group to meet with, come to the church and what is just plain false? Come and see and building for a devotional and a Bible study on bring a friend. Let’s listen to the Holy Spirit on the subject of the hymns that we sing. the Holy Spirit. PAGE 1
  • 2. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ju n 3, 2 0 0 9 “So then you are no longer strangers and Our Family aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household,” Ephesians 2:19, NAS95. Coming up in June... What else? Cook off The church of Christ in Roxbury is hosting the 10th Work day Peter Steffensen has Thank you An enormous thank annual Family Favorites scheduled a work day here at you to everyone who helped Cookoff on Saturday, June the building for June 6th to make the youth rally a success. 20th. Registration forms and clean up the yard/parking lot The weekend was such a additional information is and other miscellaneous blessing to all who came and it posted on the bulletin board. tasks. He also states that the wouldn't have been the same garage next door needs re- without your involvement. Gander Brook's work and roofed. Thank you!! w0rship week is scheduled for June 27 through July 4. There Service project Calling all teens Update Doreen Lee is in Tufts is much work to be done to get and families of teens...Connie Hospital in Boston. She is in the camp ready for the Mattox needs some work done the North Tower, Room 7038. summer so please consider at her house, both inside and Phone # (617)636-7080. helping out. Registration outside. Please meet at forms are in the foyer. Harvest Foods (formerly Vista) Wednesday Night Supper Please in Bedford at 12:30 this remember to sign up on the th Sunday the 7 to carpool out to sheet in the back of the her house in Milford. Lunch auditorium if you plan to Wednesday Night Menu will be provided. Any attend. Only 2 more to go questions, see Stuart or Susie before a break for the summer. corned beef Peacock. vegetables This and that... th Announcing the 24 annual Singing & fellowship The bread Northeastern States Men's Worcester church will be dessert Retreat. It will be held in Kent, hosting an afternoon of Connecticut next weekend- singing and refreshments on June 12th & 13th. Please see the Sunday, June 28th beginning at poster in the foyer for more 3pm. See the bulletin board in details and a registration form. the foyer for more information. Worship Leaders Prayer Concerns Sunday, June 7, 8:30AM Scripture .....................Paul M. Health: Doreen Lee, Pat Arel, Bill Songs ......................... Brandon H. Lord’s Supper .............Gary D. Waisnor, Deniza Chase’s niece, Marge Prayers ....................Ken B. & Dune C. Coordinator ................ Gerry M. Simon, Penny Ranger, Manley Jones, Scripture .................... Mike M. Michael Anderson's brother Lord’s Supper ............ Tom B. Sunday, June 7, 6:00PM Leadership: Ministers, Elders, Coordinator ............... Doug P. Songs............................Mark E. Deacons Evangelism: Bible studies in Sunday, June 7, 11:00AM Wednesday, June 10, 7:00PM progress, our website, MNFM, food Songs ........................ Rick G. Songs..........................Doug P. pantry, Give Away Day Prayers .....................Earl M. & Barry F. Return to the Lord: Brethren who have forsaken the assembly PAGE 2
  • 3. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ju n 3, 2 0 0 9 T h e D e v i l i s a n Opp o r t u n i s t Pa r k Li n s c o m b "And Jesus answered and work. He is an opportunist. desires for more and more; envy said to him, "It is said, ‘YOU The Bible talks about wants what is not his; jealousy SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD some of his more common wants what he thinks should YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.’" opportunities to tempt us, and if belong to him, and covetousness When the devil had finished we are serious about obedient just wants. And when we every temptation, he left Him faith, we should be serious about entertain such thoughts, we throw until an opportune time." (Luke closing the openings for the the door wide open to the various 4:12, 13) Tempter to do his nefarious work. sinful ways we might obtain the Although Jesus had Anger — Ephesians 4:26, object of our desires and let Satan certainly been tempted often 27 “BE ANGRY, AND yet DO walk the Red Carpet into our during the 30 years before the NOT SIN; do not let the sun go hearts. Contentment is God’s beginning of His formal ministry, down on your anger, and do not antidote, eliminating the portal His 40 days in the wilderness give the devil an opportunity.” for the devil’s work. gave Satan an opening that he Your anger and mine are the Freedom — Is this thought he could successfully perfect opening for Satan to some surprising? Galatians 5:13 says, exploit. Jesus had fasted for 40 of his best (worse) work. Anger “For you were called to freedom, days, so Satan used His hunger itself isn’t wrong, but what we’re brethren; only do not turn your against him: “Turn these stones tempted to do usually is. Our freedom into an opportunity for into bread,” Satan lilted. It good sense is often suppressed in the flesh, but through love serve wouldn’t have really been a favor of raging emotions; and one another.” College students, temptation after a harvest feast. things that people would never have you been there? Satan When that didn’t work, Satan do under ordinary circumstances whispers in our ear, “What good purred, “Bow to me and all the look perfectly acceptable, is freedom, if you won’t do kingdoms of the world will be perhaps even right and approved whatever you’d like? Come on, yours.” It wouldn’t have been a by God Himself, when we’re live a little!” temptation, if Jesus hadn’t been angry. The book of Proverbs There are other things that feeling a keen sense of want after urges restraint, a cooler head, and could be mentioned, of course — time in the wilderness. “Now control of self, to help us close a momentary lapse of faith in come on,” Satan coaxed, “Jump the door on the opening big God, feeling sorry for ourselves, off the temple’s pinnacle, so that enough for Satan to fly a 747 lust, caring too much what others the angels can dramatically save through — anger. think about us, grudges, and even you, and you can win the Greed — Matt. 26:14-16 God’s own commands (see applause of the crowd you need tells of Judas looking for an Romans 7:8). Some of them can to launch your world-saving opportunity to betray Jesus, but be avoided, while others cannot ministry.” It wouldn’t have been what goes unsaid is that the be. But the point to stress here is enticing, if Jesus hadn’t been greed of Judas provided Satan that many of Satan’s openings, launching His ministry. But Jesus with the opening he needed to put many opportunities, can be and didn’t fall prey to any of Satan’s Jesus into the hands of men should be shut. In each case, we temptations and Satan had to fall angry with Jesus. And greed, can escape the temptation by back — until another opportune envy, jealousy, covetousness are closing the opportunity. time, another opening, another a class of perpetual openings for What “doors” are you moment favorable to his evil Satan’s work in our lives. Greed leaving open in your life? PAGE 3
  • 4. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ju n 3, 2 0 0 9 Our Congregational Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bible class 7PM Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday: Tony Casella James Karafelis Happy Birthday: Doug Paul Walter Franklin Happy Mary Scarlett Anniversary: Stuart & Susie Peacock 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Bible class 7PM Happy Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday: Anniversary: Nancy Kerrins Happy Birthday: Vickie Glass Zane & Kim Beth King Stuart Peacock Andrew Franklin Daggett Te e n N e w s Yo u n g A d u l t s • See announcement on page 2 about a service project. Our Statistics Sunday Morning Worship (combined) 236 Contribution $3,479.37 T he Ma n c h es te r c h u r c h o f C h r is t 66 M a m m o t h R d. M a n c h e s t e r , N H 03109 PAGE 4