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Tates Creek
June 2014June 2014
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
Honor your father and mother (which is the first com-
mandment with a promise), so that it may be well with
you, and that you may live long on the earth. Fathers, do
not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in
the discipline and instruction of the Lord.		
		 Ephesians 6:1-4
Happy Father’s DayHappy Father’s Day
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Tates Creek Christian
3150 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-1621
Visit Online
Traditional - 8:30 am
Blended - 9:50 am
The Vine - 11:10 am
Sunday School -
8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am
Evening - 6:30 pm
Tommy Simpson
Nic Skinner
Kim Beckwith
Don Seevers
Mike Allen
Brad Haggard
Matt Lee
Lesley Tipton
David Eversole
Billy Bishop
Office Staff
Kim Jones
Jenni Gregg
Rhoda Rolfes
Vicki Wesley
Feature Article
	10	Fatherhood	 	
In Every Issue
	 3-7	 Minister Articles
	8	“The Story” Reading Schedule
	 9	 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule
	14-17	 Minister Articles
	 18	 April Statistics
	 19	 New Members
	20	 Calendar
Ministry News	
	 11	 Church Under the Bridge 	
	 12	 Kyle Knarr - Summer Intern
	 13	 Justin Miller - Summer Intern
Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win
people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers
in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement),
to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up
for Christian values in the community (witness).
Ephesians 5:25 says, “Christ also loved the church and gave
Himself up for her.” I love the Lord’s Church! This love for the
church began when I was a small boy
growing up in the Antioch Church of
Christ in Keefer, Kentucky. I have so many
wonderful memories growing up in this country church.
This rural church used the piano in worship. Brother
Bachman was our preacher, and his wife, Mrs. Bachman,
played the piano. She could make that piano sing! She played with lots of
energy! So therefore, our worship services were full of energy, joy, and great
singing! Two choir lofts were on either side of the pulpit. The choir loft on
the right was for the adult choir; the one on the left was for the children’s
choir. Both choirs were always full and usually sang a special song every
While there was one adult Sunday School class that met in the auditorium,
the children’s Sunday School Classes were in the basement. I had great
Sunday School teachers. These teachers made the stories of the Bible come to
life. For that reason, I love Sunday School, too.
I have always loved church; going to church, singing,
listening to the sermon, serving, or whatever there
was to do in church. Both of my parents instilled this
great love for church in me. Since the month of June
recognizes Father’s Day, I fondly remember that my Dad
loved church. He always sang in the choir. He served as a deacon, a Sunday
school teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, and was always helping to do
whatever needed to be done. He was a very generous giver too! Our family
was greatly blessed with his spiritual leadership.
It is for sure that Jesus Christ loves His Church. He certainly demonstrated
His love for His Church by giving His life for His Church! Do we love our
Lord’s Church? Are we faithful to the worship services and to our Sunday
school class and/or small group? Do we participate in the worship services? I
remember one time as a boy just sitting in the worship service ~ Dad tagged
me on the shoulder and said, “Sing!” I have been singing ever since. Do
we spend time in at least one area of service? Do we speak positively of the
church? Do we pray for the church? My Dad left a great legacy of loving our
Lord’s Church. What legacy are we leaving?
Happy Father’s Day!		 ~Tommy
Tidbits from Tommy
Lexington, KY 40502
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry
	 Where Are You Men of Courage?
That famous line from the movie “Courageous” is a
challenge to many of us as fathers to stand up and be godly
examples for our families, and others around us. Today, in
a very similar way, I want to take that challenge and make it much more
specific to a serious issue of spiritual growth and a fight that all men face:
the fight for sexual integrity.
For most men, each day is an all-out visual
assault of sensual images: TV, billboards,
magazines, etc. It’s been well documented that the
increased presence of the internet in our lives today
has made this worse with the increased availability
of pornography. To add to the challenge, more and
more people use smartphones and tablets. The internet and all that comes
with it now fits in your pocket, and is with you everywhere you go. A lot of
men feel trapped by this situation, caught in behaviors that the Holy Spirit
convicts them to hate, but too overcome by shame to seek out the help they
desperately need.
If you are in this situation today, I want to first offer you hope.
1 Corinthians 10:13 states, “No temptation has seized you
except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will
not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when
you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you
can stand up under it.” If you are caught in this struggle
today, know that God only allows temptations He knows
you can overcome together, and that He always provides a
way out.
The second thing I want to offer is direction to the way out. I’ve always
been told that “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” So, what’s your plan
for battle? The book, “Every Man’s Battle” by Stephen Arterburn and Fred
Stoeker, and websites such as Covenant Eyes and XXXChurch are good
places to start for battle plan ideas. Christian counseling is another option.
Additionally, myself and the other ministers on staff are always willing and
available to meet with you confidentially and help you start out on this
So, where are you men of courage? Are you ready to stand and fight?
	 			 In Christ, 	 ~Nic
Senior Adults
Lexington, KY 40502
“…the whole crowd of disciples began to joyfully praise God
in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen….Some of
the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher rebuke your
disciples.” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones
will cry out.” (Luke 19:37-40)
On the evening of Sunday, June 1st there will be
a special program presented for our entire church
family entitled “An Evening of Praise.” This program,
brought together by the combined efforts of several of
our church members and musicians, is designed to be
a time where we, as a congregation, lift our voices in
praise to Him who is worthy. Someone once said that
“worship is what you do with your head and praise is
what you do with your heart.” Though I think that is an
over simplification of the process, I think I know what they were hinting
at. In Revelation chapter 2 Jesus addresses the church in Ephesus and says
they have “forsaken their first love.” In essence they had lost their love for
Christ Jesus. They were doing all the right things, but the reason for doing
them was lost in the shuffle. This program is designed to remind us of the
reason for everything we do. It is designed to be a heart-felt time of praise
expressed to Him who is worthy beyond all
measure. In this day and time we see praise
and honor being heaped on sports figures,
pop musicians, NASCAR drivers, and every
other imaginable individual and entity, but
praise to Him who is truly worthy seems to
be in short supply. Have we lost our “first
love”? This program is designed to bring a
heart redirection or tune up for where ever
we might be in our faith walk. Join us for
this time as the entire church family comes
together in praise.
	 In His Love,		 ~Bro. Kim
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Don’s Dynamics
June...A Month of Musical Opportunities
After a winter that seemed it would never end (first snowfall
was on Halloween Day, October 31 and last snow was on Tax
Day, April 15!), we have enjoyed some touches of summer
weather and finally are seeing trees, shrubs, and flowers turning green,
blooming, and filling out. As I write this article in early May, I have most of
my flowers planted and tomato plants are going in the ground very soon. We
usually think of June as the time to conclude our “regular” schedules, hold
graduation ceremonies, end the school year, and begin a time of transition to
a few months of a more “relaxed” schedule. As I have often said, “Summer
is an attitude, not just a season.” Before we move to the porch, patio, or the
pool, join us for some special worship events starting on the first day of June
and ending on the last Sunday in June. Here they are:
We invite you to join us for an Evening of Praise on June 1 at 6:30 PM
in the Worship Center. This time of worship is being designed and led by
Kim Beckwith, our Minister to Senior Adults, and involves a vocal team and
instrumentalists that lead worship in all 3 worship services. The team will
sing several selections and you as worshipers will be invited to join us as we
sing God’s praises together.
Soul’d Out Quartet is returning to
Tates Creek Christian Church on Sunday,
June 22 at 6:30 PM. This concert, a part
of our Gospel Concert Series, will feature
this male quartet singing some of your
favorite gospel songs. Come prepared to
share in a love offering.
On June 29, at 6:30 PM, our choir & orchestra will join with the choirs and
orchestras of Immanuel Baptist Church and Centenary United Methodist
Church in our bi-annual celebration. This concert
event, held in the Sanctuary of Immanuel Baptist
Church, is always an exciting night. Two years
ago we had over 1,700 in attendance. This year’s
theme will be on Prayer. We have so much music
that addresses our need for prayer. In fact, many of
our songs are prayers. Join us for this special evening of worship and please
bring your offering to share with an area mission ministry.
	 					~ Don
Balance is Upset
Life in Addis is starting to become more routine and
predictable for us. Heavy emphasis on “more” because
when you are adjusting to a new country and culture you
start at the bottom of the “predictability” scale and slowly work your
way up. That being said, we saw something the other day that shook us
from our current state of homeostasis.
This past Sunday we spent the morning worshipping with our house
church, and on our way home, as we were driving back into the city, we
saw a woman get hit by a car.
My mind replays the image of her body
being thrown into the median, her dazed
face of confusion as she tried to lift herself
up off the ground, the driver and passengers
running out to her, the crowd forming, and
the driver hastily putting her in the van and
driving off to, I’m assuming, the closest hospital. Travis and I pulled our
car over, to watch to see what would unfold and if/how we could help.
But we have no medical training, so besides having a car we did not
know what we could do to help. We watched helplessly as several lives
In a blink of an eye, we can only assume that both the woman who was
hit and the van driver’s lives were changed forever. Only 5 minutes after
the accident the street was empty and the crowd dispersed. All signs
that a terrible event had just occurred were gone.
However, instead of being completely swallowed
up by the stress and fear of driving here, we are
trying to allow what we have seen to make us more
mindful of how precious the lives are around us.
Each life has been miraculously woven together by
God’s own hand because he willed it and he loves
us. I pray we can see the image of God in each
pedestrian, taxi driver, and bicyclist we pass as we
drive down the road. God help us.
				~ Emily and Travis
Lexington, KY 40502
Missions Moment Weeks Family
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Week 22 - The Birth of the King
June 2: pages 309-310	
June 3: pages 310-311	
June 4: pages 311-312
June 5: pages 312-313	
June 6: pages 313-315	
June 7: pages 315-319	
Week 23 - Jesus’ Ministry Begins
June 9: pages 321-324
June 10: pages 324-326
June 11: pages 326-327
June 12: pages 327-329
June 13: pages 329-331
June 14: pages 332-334
Week 24 - No Ordinary Man
June 16: pages 335-337	
June 17: pages 337-340	
June 18: pages 340-343
June 19: pages 343-346	
June 20: pages 346-349	
June 21: pages 349-351
Week 25 - Jesus, the Son of God
June 23: pages 353-355	
June 24: pages 355-358	
June 25: pages 358-361
June 26: pages 361-363	
June 27: pages 363-364	
June 28: pages 364-366
“The Story” Reading
Senior Adult Events
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am
Room 200A
Now studying: 1 Corinthians
Better With Age Club
Thursday, June 19
10:30 am ~ Fellowship Hall
Bring appetizers, sandwiches, salad,
or dessert to share.
Soul’d Out Quartet
in Concert
June 22, 2014 ~ 6:30 pm
No tickets required,
a love offering will be received.
Join us for a family VBS
June 8, 9, 10 ~ 6 - 8 pm ~ MMC
Join us for Bible Study, Games,
Service, and Snacks.
Teamwork! Ecclesiastes 4:9
“Two are better than one, because
they have a good return for their
Register at,
follow the VBS link.
Wedding Bells Sunday
June 22, 2014
We will be recognizing our couples
that have been married 50 years or
more. Please contact the church
office if you have reached 50 years
since last June.
Lexington, KY 40502
June 1
Elders: Bill Clem, Nathan Young
Deacons: Craig Martin, Cory Wilson
Ashland Terrace: Jonathan Clifton
Home Comm: David Martin, Terry Morrison
		Greg Wheeler
Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Brian & Sontina Hogston
(After Trad Srv) Carolyn Nipper
(After Blnd & Cont) Curlie Kistler
June 8
Elders: John Langley, Bill Clem
Deacons: Lucas Moore, Chris Lee
Ashland Terrace: Craig Martin
Home Comm: Russell Brown, Lucas Moore
		David Straub
Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Kathy Hicks
(After Trad Srv) Randall Young
(After Blnd & Cont) Randall Young
June 15
Elders: Larry Bugg, John Langley
Deacons: Charlie Byers, Greg Wheeler
Ashland Terrace: Steve Mullins
Home Comm: Craig Martin, Bill Johnson,
		Charlie Byers
Comm. Prep:(Sat.)
Wilma Coomer & Carol Rae Redding
(After Trad Srv) Robert McCray
(After Blnd & Cont) Elaine Smith
June 22
Elders: Ken Baker, Larry Bugg
Deacons: Brian Hogston, Bill Burke
Ashland Terrace: Lucas Moore
Home Comm: Russell Brown, Cory Wilson,
		Steve Mullins
Comm. Prep: (Sat.) David & Paula Rankin
(After Trad Srv) Chris Dennison
(After Blnd & Cont) Chris Dennison
June 29
Elders: Rich Cary, Ken Baker
Deacons: Bill Johnson, Henry Evans
Ashland Terrace: Henry Evans
Home Comm: Steven Clem, Bill Burke,
		Jonathan Clifton
Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Boyd & Wanda Johnson
(After Trad Srv) David & Shelia Waits
(After Blnd & Cont) David & Shelia Waits
Communion Serving Schedule
Bluegrass Christian
Men’s Fellowship
June 9, 2014
Carpenters Christian Church
Harrodsburg, KY
Meal ~ 5:45 pm
Program ~ 6:45 pm
Van leaves TCCC at 4:45 pm
Three Church
Concert of Praise
June 29 ~ 6:30 pm ~ Immanuel Baptist Church
The choirs and orchestras of Immanuel Baptist, Centenary
United Methodist, and Tates Creek will be joining together for
a concert of praise. This year’s theme will be on Prayer.
An offering will be taken for a local area mission.
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
A Loving Father
He never met a stranger. That was Jerry Foley, a devoted Christian,
husband, father, and grandfather. He wasn’t a fancy person and had
a very humble, loving, and gentle spirit. He loved the Lord and lived
accordingly. He raised our children in a Christian home where he was the
head of the household.
He always had time for our children, Jennifer and
Jeffrey. Through the years, he spent many afternoons
around the baseball field teaching them how to play
and enjoying the game with them. He would often
pitch to them for batting practice. Jerry helped coach
many of the teams they played on, and made such an impression on the
other kids that even after all these years, several returned to pay their
respects at his funeral.
Jerry had a love for trains since childhood. Occasionally, we would take
an excursion on the grand old steam trains. Sometimes Uncle Marion
and Aunt Ruby Eldridge would accompany us on those trips. He loved
family outings and looked forward to summer vacations to the beach and
long weekend trips with the family, before and after the two grandsons
(Owen Cooper and Ethan Foley) came along. They held a special place
in his heart. Over the years, he had built a large toy train layout. The
three of them would run the trains, but not before donning their railroad
hats (made especially for them) to take the
journey around the tracks. A strange yet
fitting thing happened during his internment
at the Cemetery. As Brother Tommy Simpson
was having the closing prayer, a train whistle
blew three times in the distance, as if to say,
“Welcome home thou good and faithful servant”.
He was such a blessing to me. I have always felt in my heart that our
being together was the work of our Lord, through his servant Brother
Wayne Smith, fifty-five years ago for which I am and will forever be
grateful. There was never a finer example of a Christian, husband, father,
and grandfather than Jerry Foley. He was truly a Christian
		 			~ Geraldine Foley
Lexington, KY 40502
On a beautiful, sunny day in early May, more than a dozen members of
Tates Creek Christian Church volunteered to serve at the Church Under the
Bridge ministry near downtown Lexington. The Church
Under the Bridge (CUTB) ministry offers a full church
service, meal, and other necessities to Lexington’s homeless
community 52 Sundays a year. CUTB is run entirely by
donations, church sponsors, and volunteers (with no paid
staff, 100% of all donations go to serving its guests).
Each year – for a decade – the Missions Team at TCCC
has worked with CUTB to sponsor two weekends, with May
4 being the church’s first event in 2014. TCCC will also be
sponsoring a Sunday event in October.
“This is an amazing ministry,” said Nic Skinner, TCCC’s
Evangelism/Discipleship Minister. “We’re happy to serve
and be a part of it each year. It’s something I wanted to
make sure continued.”
Following opening praise music led by TCCC Worship
Minister Don Seevers, Nic Skinner provided the message
for the congregation which, weather permitting, meets
on the lush lawn of the Mission House on the corner of
Martin Luther and Fourth. In the winter months, CUTB
meets in the basement at Broadway Christian Church.
With loud speakers pointed in strategic directions from the front porch,
the music and message were heard for several blocks. The visitors grew from
about 50 at the start of the praise music to more than 150 at the close of the
Following the message, TCCC volunteers served a barbecue dinner that
they bought and prepared. By the time (service starts at 3 p.m. and the meal
starts at 4 p.m.) the food was gone, more than 200 plates of pork, potato
salad, beans, bread, and dessert had been offered.
“Tates Creek always provides an amazing message and meal,” said a CUTB
board member. “We’re so blessed and thankful for their volunteers.” As the
guests began to leave the service around 5 p.m., TCCC offered a wonderful
surprise…a backpack for every guest, donated by the Deborah Circle group
at the church. “What a nice treat and thoughtful gift,” the board member
said. “We certainly look forward to Tates Creek’s return in October.”
					~ Brad Johnson
Church Under the Bridge
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Welcome our Summer Interns
	 Preaching Intern
	 Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to say how very thankful and
excited I am to be able to be a part of Tates
Creek Christian Church this coming summer
and fall. I am especially looking forward to
meeting and getting to know everyone. So that
you have an advantage to the name game, here
are few things about me. First, my name is
Kyle Knarr. I’m 22 years old and I grew up in Grant County
Kentucky, just a few miles up the road from here. My parents are
involved in ministry at Mt. Olivet Christian Church in Williamstown.
My dad, Danny, is the youth minister, and my mom, Angie, is the
ministry assistant. I have two sisters, Bethany, a junior at Cincinnati
Christian University, and Julie, a 2012 graduate of Northern Kentucky
University. Currently, I am a senior at Ozark Christian College in Joplin,
Missouri, pursuing a degree in preaching and Christian psychology and
counseling. I grew up in church my entire life. I was baptized in April
of 2000. From that point my parents really taught me to love God, love
people, and live out my Christian faith. However, when I graduated
from High School in 2010, I attended Northern Kentucky University for
three semesters studying Political Science and Economics. During my
third semester there, God got a hold on me. I realized that the life I was
living was self-glorifying, and I was moving away from God. So after
many restless nights, I decided to go into ministry and fully surrender
my life to God. It’s been one of the best decisions of my life. I cannot
wait to be a daily part of Tates Creek and be able to see how God is
working through the staff and its people to further his Kingdom.
I know it will be a great privilege and blessing to work and
learn under these men.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve with you.
						 ~ Kyle Knarr
Lexington, KY 40502
Welcome our Summer Interns
Youth Ministry Intern
Dear Tates Creek Community,
My name is Justin Miller and I will be the
youth ministry intern at Tates Creek starting
June 1st. I have been blessed the past few years
to get to know a few members of the church and
grow very close to them. If they are a reflection
of Tates Creek, which I am certain they are, I
cannot wait to be part of your church family. I
am from Norfolk, Virginia, and now attend Johnson University. I am
currently a Junior studying Preaching/Youth Ministry. I have been
involved in church almost my entire life but really became involved when
I began playing music. When I was thirteen I learned how to play the
bass guitar. Since then I have learned a few more instruments and have
been involved with leading worship for four or five years. I have used
this talent to work at multiple church camps and different youth events
where I grew to love teaching kids about Jesus.
A little bit about my personal life, I grew up with a single mother whom
I love dearly. She has grown a lot in her faith as I have grown in mine
while away at college. I met my girlfriend, Valerie Boone, at Johnson
and we have been together now for over a year and a half. If you spend a
good amount of time around me you will find that there are a few things
I am more passionate about than others. First, creating communities
that are centered around our Lord. Second, physical fitness and third, the
Washington Redskins.
I love to learn new things and ideas and love to teach people new
things and ideas. I am looking forward to learning from your ministry
staff and I am excited to learn from and teach your children about
our Great God! I am looking forward to meeting you and building
relationships with your children and your families while I am at Tates
Creek. Keep Kyle Knarr and myself in your prayers that we may glorify
God through this ministry.
					 ~ Justin Miller
How is Your Health?
	 Recently, I’ve been trying to live a more healthy
lifestyle. I’ve been going to the gym to run on
the treadmill and lift weights. I’ve been making
healthier choices with my diet. I have seen some
results even after just a month of
making some changes. I’ve lost some weight
and I feel better and more energized. It has
been said that if we exercise our bodies and
our brains, they will last much longer. We are
barraged with infomercials, advertisements, and
billboards about the newest quick health fix. A
pill, a surgery, or a magical exercise program that can be done in 5
minutes a week.
It is true that none of these things are really quick fixes. If
you want to be healthy, you have to make sacrifices. You have
to sacrifice time to exercise. You have to sacrifice eating your
favorite foods as often as you’d like to eat them. You have to
make your health a priority.
In the same way, we need to make our spiritual health a priority.
It requires a sacrifice of time and energy. It takes more than 5
minutes a week. If we want to be spiritually healthy, we have to
surround ourselves with people who will
encourage us and inspire us. We have to
schedule time in our day to read God’s
word and meditate on it and pray through it.
We have to apply it to our everyday living.
When we make these things a priority we will see results. As
we become more and more like Jesus, he will give us more
and more opportunities to minister to people. We will be able
to see the world and other people in a new way. One that is
filled with compassion, grace, and love instead of judgment and
condemnation. We will be able to exercise our faith when we take
advantage of these opportunities that God is giving us. We will
FEEL better, because God is changing us from the inside out. I
challenge you to make your spiritual health the main priority this
month and see if it doesn’t change you! Let’s do it together!
		 In His Service, 	 ~Mike
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Putting Your Faith In Motion!
One of the things that I am really excited about
in the month of June is the opportunity we have
to move small groups to Sunday mornings. The
small groups will be split out by grade and gender.
Middle school and high school students will meet
at 9:50 am in the middle school room to break out into their
groups. Having consistent small groups will strengthen the
middle school and high school ministry and help our students
grow in their faith.
Jesus’ most memorable sermon, perhaps, comes from Matthew
13. In this chapter Jesus gives us the parables of the Sower, the
Weeds, the Mustard Seed, the Leaven, the Hidden Treasure, the
Pearl, and the Net. This seems like a powerhouse sermon of
illustrations! But Matthew tells us something really interesting
about this teaching time. In Matthew 13:10 the disciples
actually came to Jesus to ask Him about the meaning of the
parable of the Sower. This was a dialogue, not a lecture! Later
on it becomes even more clear, Jesus left the crowds to go to
a house where He engaged with the disciples, answered their
questions, and challenged them personally. In education theory
this is called “active learning”, but Jesus knew this instinctively.
If you look at a number of the famous parables Jesus told, they
are given in response to a question
that someone presented. Jesus was
comfortable addressing big crowds, but
the most memorable moments of His
ministry were in a small group setting!
Jesus didn’t just use words to get
His point across. John 13 relates the
story of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet before the Passover
meal. Would we have remembered it so distinctly if Jesus hadn’t
actually gotten himself dirty cleaning His close group of friends’
feet? Jesus understood the importance of an active faith and He
modeled it to the disciples whenever He could. Let’s pray for the
same from our students!
	 Let’s lift Him up together! ~ Brad
Lexington, KY 40502
Marlee Mirre is Making A Difference
In the past 4 years it has been a great privilege
to serve with Marlee Mirre. In Uptown she has
served in nearly every role possible from worship
leader to Sunday School teacher. Each year she
has co-led the Impact worship with Mason Ballard
and Elizabeth Critchfield. Her service
and dedication to the children of Tates
Creek has gone past this into fellowship
events, lock-ins, and egg hunts. Later
this summer, Marlee is taking her
biggest leap of faith as she joins the
team headed to Liberia. For one week
she will love on, spend time with, and invest her life into the
children of the AFAA house orphanage, but that’s not all. Marlee
has a passion and desire to connect
the kids of Liberia with kids in our
public school partner Julius Marks
Elementary. She is working hard to
build a “pen pal” partnership with
another Liberia team member and 2nd
grade teacher, Cathy Cook.
Serving children and others of all ages is so much a part of
Marlee’s life, she is planning to make a career out of it. She is
studying at UK to be a Licensed Clinical Social Worker while
working in the Mother/Baby Unit at Baptist Health hospital.
Please take a moment to pray for Marlee as she prepares for
this huge trip to Liberia, and as she continues her studies at UK.
If you see her around Tates Creek, make sure she knows she is
making a difference!
		 	 ~ Matt
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Critterland News
Congratulations to all 11 of my graduates! I am
sad they are leaving Critterland, but I know the
lessons they have learned over the past 5 years will
continue to guide them, and they will have a blast in
I’m sure most of you have seen my pleas for volunteers
throughout the past few years. I’ve been blessed with wonderful
people who care for our children each week, but I am still in
need of more. With the worship times changing, I would like
to ask more of you to become involved with our Critterland
ministry. I know that working with children isn’t for everyone,
but we have so much fun in our hallway, and you never know
what those kids are going to do or say! We’ve also been blessed
with quite a few babies in the past year, with more still on the
way. I know quite a few people who use their volunteering as
their “baby fix”.
Working with the children is extremely rewarding, and I hope
that you will prayerfully consider spending some time with us.
Everyone is always welcome to join us for Jesus in the Park!
				 ~ Lesley
Lexington, KY 40502
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Sunday School
Average Attendance
April 2014
Infants	 9
Walkers	 12
2 - 5 Year Old	 16
K - 1st grade	 18
2nd - 3rd grade 	 19
Garage 45	 19
Middle School	 23
High School	 24
Alpha/Omega	 10
Ashland Terrace	 8
Christians in Action	 27
Crusaders	56
Faith	17
Fellowship of Believers	 15
Good News	 29
Grace & Truth	 71
Grass Roots	 17
Heaven Bound	 15
In The Word	 16
Motivators	 5
Open Bible	 77
Psalm 34:3	 10
Seekers	 9
Servants for Christ	 37
Upper Room	 12
Willing Workers	 41
Young Families	 9
Miscellaneous	 17
Officers	 3
Total	 662
April Worship
Attendance & Giving
		Total	 	 General Fund	
6th	 825	 $40,997.
13th	 815	 $25,314.
20th	 1294	 $26,236.
27th	 752	 $22,035.
Mortgage Balance, Apr. 30	 $1,587,160.
Monthly Payment (May. 1)	 $12,888.
Principal	 $8,586.
Interest	 $4,301.
Add’l Principal	
General Fund Report
2014 Budgeted Need per week	 $29,407.
2014 Average per week	 $28,311.
April Total Income	 $114,582.
April Total Expenses	 $107,728.
Net Excess	 $6,853.
To give online anytime or
setup a recurring online gift,
visit our website at www. and click on
% of Dollars Given Online
Funds Totals for April
Deacons’ Fund 	 $2,749.
Growing to Serve 	 $12,078.
Lexington, KY 40502
Michael & Tammy
with son Jaxon
Baptized April 30
New Members
Debbie & Larry McGuire
Transfer, April 27
David and Christy Cornett
David, Melody, & Harmony
Transfer, April 27
We warmly welcome David and Christy
who have been worshipping with us for
about six years. They both grew up in
church and had the support of parents
and family. Christy made her decision to
accept Christ during a revival at Westside
Christian Church. David was going
through some hard times and decided
that Jesus was the answer. They have
lived here in Lexington for nine years
and have three beautiful children. Their
favorite verse is John 3:16.
Larry and Debbie grew up in Ashland,
KY, where they met in youth group. Both
of them were baptized at a young age
with the help and support of parents and
family. They have been here in Lexington
for five years and have attended Tates
Creek since February. Larry is a Sales
Representative for a consulting firm
and Debbie enjoys being a full-time
grandmother. Since coming here, they
have become involved in the Grace and
Truth class. Join us in welcoming them
to TCCC.
TatesCreekChristianChurch	Office:(859)266-1621
Calendar ~ June 2014
1	 Graduation Sunday
1	 Monthly Ministry Teams
1	 Evening of Praise, 6:30 pm, WC
2	 Elders’ Meeting, 6pm, FH
4	 HS Graduate Banquet, 6 pm, FH
5	 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh
5	 Deborah Circle, 7 pm
7 & 21 	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102
8	 Promotion Sunday
8-10		 Impact VBS, 6-8 pm, MMC
9	 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Carpenters CC
9	 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104
10	 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm
15	 Father’s Day
15	 Return Baby Bottle Blessings
16	 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh
19	 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH
22	 Wedding Bell Sunday
22	 Soul’d Out Quartet, 6:30 pm, WC
26	 Sarah Circle, 7:00 pm
29	 3 Church Concert of Praise,
	 6:30 pm, hosted by Immanuel	
	 Baptist (combined concert by
	 TCCC, Immanuel Bap, &
	 Centenary UM)
6/29 - 7/3 High School CYI Trip
Weekly Activities
Sunday Evening:
High School Events, times may vary
Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC
Adult Small Groups, various times 		
	 and locations
Monday Evening: June 2, 16, & 23
Orchestra rehearsal, 6:15 pm, WC
Tuesday Evening:
Victory for Life, 6:00 pm, FH
Middle School Events, times may vary
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200A
Worship Team rehearsal, 6:00 pm
Worship Choir, 6:45 pm, WC

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Tates Creek Christian Church Monthly Current June 2014

  • 1. Tates Creek Current June 2014June 2014 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother (which is the first com- mandment with a promise), so that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:1-4 Happy Father’s DayHappy Father’s Day
  • 2. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2 Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online Worship Sunday Traditional - 8:30 am Blended - 9:50 am The Vine - 11:10 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am Evening - 6:30 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Nic Skinner Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes Vicki Wesley Contents Feature Article 10 Fatherhood In Every Issue 3-7 Minister Articles 8 “The Story” Reading Schedule 9 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 14-17 Minister Articles 18 April Statistics 19 New Members 20 Calendar Ministry News 11 Church Under the Bridge 12 Kyle Knarr - Summer Intern 13 Justin Miller - Summer Intern Events 8-9 Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).
  • 3. Ephesians 5:25 says, “Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” I love the Lord’s Church! This love for the church began when I was a small boy growing up in the Antioch Church of Christ in Keefer, Kentucky. I have so many wonderful memories growing up in this country church. This rural church used the piano in worship. Brother Bachman was our preacher, and his wife, Mrs. Bachman, played the piano. She could make that piano sing! She played with lots of energy! So therefore, our worship services were full of energy, joy, and great singing! Two choir lofts were on either side of the pulpit. The choir loft on the right was for the adult choir; the one on the left was for the children’s choir. Both choirs were always full and usually sang a special song every Sunday. While there was one adult Sunday School class that met in the auditorium, the children’s Sunday School Classes were in the basement. I had great Sunday School teachers. These teachers made the stories of the Bible come to life. For that reason, I love Sunday School, too. I have always loved church; going to church, singing, listening to the sermon, serving, or whatever there was to do in church. Both of my parents instilled this great love for church in me. Since the month of June recognizes Father’s Day, I fondly remember that my Dad loved church. He always sang in the choir. He served as a deacon, a Sunday school teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, and was always helping to do whatever needed to be done. He was a very generous giver too! Our family was greatly blessed with his spiritual leadership. It is for sure that Jesus Christ loves His Church. He certainly demonstrated His love for His Church by giving His life for His Church! Do we love our Lord’s Church? Are we faithful to the worship services and to our Sunday school class and/or small group? Do we participate in the worship services? I remember one time as a boy just sitting in the worship service ~ Dad tagged me on the shoulder and said, “Sing!” I have been singing ever since. Do we spend time in at least one area of service? Do we speak positively of the church? Do we pray for the church? My Dad left a great legacy of loving our Lord’s Church. What legacy are we leaving? Happy Father’s Day! ~Tommy Tidbits from Tommy 3 Lexington, KY 40502
  • 4. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry Where Are You Men of Courage? That famous line from the movie “Courageous” is a challenge to many of us as fathers to stand up and be godly examples for our families, and others around us. Today, in a very similar way, I want to take that challenge and make it much more specific to a serious issue of spiritual growth and a fight that all men face: the fight for sexual integrity. For most men, each day is an all-out visual assault of sensual images: TV, billboards, magazines, etc. It’s been well documented that the increased presence of the internet in our lives today has made this worse with the increased availability of pornography. To add to the challenge, more and more people use smartphones and tablets. The internet and all that comes with it now fits in your pocket, and is with you everywhere you go. A lot of men feel trapped by this situation, caught in behaviors that the Holy Spirit convicts them to hate, but too overcome by shame to seek out the help they desperately need. If you are in this situation today, I want to first offer you hope. 1 Corinthians 10:13 states, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” If you are caught in this struggle today, know that God only allows temptations He knows you can overcome together, and that He always provides a way out. The second thing I want to offer is direction to the way out. I’ve always been told that “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” So, what’s your plan for battle? The book, “Every Man’s Battle” by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker, and websites such as Covenant Eyes and XXXChurch are good places to start for battle plan ideas. Christian counseling is another option. Additionally, myself and the other ministers on staff are always willing and available to meet with you confidentially and help you start out on this path. So, where are you men of courage? Are you ready to stand and fight? In Christ, ~Nic
  • 5. Senior Adults 5 Lexington, KY 40502 “…the whole crowd of disciples began to joyfully praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen….Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher rebuke your disciples.” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” (Luke 19:37-40) On the evening of Sunday, June 1st there will be a special program presented for our entire church family entitled “An Evening of Praise.” This program, brought together by the combined efforts of several of our church members and musicians, is designed to be a time where we, as a congregation, lift our voices in praise to Him who is worthy. Someone once said that “worship is what you do with your head and praise is what you do with your heart.” Though I think that is an over simplification of the process, I think I know what they were hinting at. In Revelation chapter 2 Jesus addresses the church in Ephesus and says they have “forsaken their first love.” In essence they had lost their love for Christ Jesus. They were doing all the right things, but the reason for doing them was lost in the shuffle. This program is designed to remind us of the reason for everything we do. It is designed to be a heart-felt time of praise expressed to Him who is worthy beyond all measure. In this day and time we see praise and honor being heaped on sports figures, pop musicians, NASCAR drivers, and every other imaginable individual and entity, but praise to Him who is truly worthy seems to be in short supply. Have we lost our “first love”? This program is designed to bring a heart redirection or tune up for where ever we might be in our faith walk. Join us for this time as the entire church family comes together in praise. In His Love, ~Bro. Kim
  • 6. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 Don’s Dynamics June...A Month of Musical Opportunities After a winter that seemed it would never end (first snowfall was on Halloween Day, October 31 and last snow was on Tax Day, April 15!), we have enjoyed some touches of summer weather and finally are seeing trees, shrubs, and flowers turning green, blooming, and filling out. As I write this article in early May, I have most of my flowers planted and tomato plants are going in the ground very soon. We usually think of June as the time to conclude our “regular” schedules, hold graduation ceremonies, end the school year, and begin a time of transition to a few months of a more “relaxed” schedule. As I have often said, “Summer is an attitude, not just a season.” Before we move to the porch, patio, or the pool, join us for some special worship events starting on the first day of June and ending on the last Sunday in June. Here they are: We invite you to join us for an Evening of Praise on June 1 at 6:30 PM in the Worship Center. This time of worship is being designed and led by Kim Beckwith, our Minister to Senior Adults, and involves a vocal team and instrumentalists that lead worship in all 3 worship services. The team will sing several selections and you as worshipers will be invited to join us as we sing God’s praises together. Soul’d Out Quartet is returning to Tates Creek Christian Church on Sunday, June 22 at 6:30 PM. This concert, a part of our Gospel Concert Series, will feature this male quartet singing some of your favorite gospel songs. Come prepared to share in a love offering. On June 29, at 6:30 PM, our choir & orchestra will join with the choirs and orchestras of Immanuel Baptist Church and Centenary United Methodist Church in our bi-annual celebration. This concert event, held in the Sanctuary of Immanuel Baptist Church, is always an exciting night. Two years ago we had over 1,700 in attendance. This year’s theme will be on Prayer. We have so much music that addresses our need for prayer. In fact, many of our songs are prayers. Join us for this special evening of worship and please bring your offering to share with an area mission ministry. ~ Don
  • 7. Balance is Upset Life in Addis is starting to become more routine and predictable for us. Heavy emphasis on “more” because when you are adjusting to a new country and culture you start at the bottom of the “predictability” scale and slowly work your way up. That being said, we saw something the other day that shook us from our current state of homeostasis. This past Sunday we spent the morning worshipping with our house church, and on our way home, as we were driving back into the city, we saw a woman get hit by a car. My mind replays the image of her body being thrown into the median, her dazed face of confusion as she tried to lift herself up off the ground, the driver and passengers running out to her, the crowd forming, and the driver hastily putting her in the van and driving off to, I’m assuming, the closest hospital. Travis and I pulled our car over, to watch to see what would unfold and if/how we could help. But we have no medical training, so besides having a car we did not know what we could do to help. We watched helplessly as several lives unraveled. In a blink of an eye, we can only assume that both the woman who was hit and the van driver’s lives were changed forever. Only 5 minutes after the accident the street was empty and the crowd dispersed. All signs that a terrible event had just occurred were gone. However, instead of being completely swallowed up by the stress and fear of driving here, we are trying to allow what we have seen to make us more mindful of how precious the lives are around us. Each life has been miraculously woven together by God’s own hand because he willed it and he loves us. I pray we can see the image of God in each pedestrian, taxi driver, and bicyclist we pass as we drive down the road. God help us. ~ Emily and Travis Lexington, KY 40502 Missions Moment Weeks Family 7
  • 8. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 8 Week 22 - The Birth of the King June 2: pages 309-310 June 3: pages 310-311 June 4: pages 311-312 June 5: pages 312-313 June 6: pages 313-315 June 7: pages 315-319 Week 23 - Jesus’ Ministry Begins June 9: pages 321-324 June 10: pages 324-326 June 11: pages 326-327 June 12: pages 327-329 June 13: pages 329-331 June 14: pages 332-334 Week 24 - No Ordinary Man June 16: pages 335-337 June 17: pages 337-340 June 18: pages 340-343 June 19: pages 343-346 June 20: pages 346-349 June 21: pages 349-351 Week 25 - Jesus, the Son of God June 23: pages 353-355 June 24: pages 355-358 June 25: pages 358-361 June 26: pages 361-363 June 27: pages 363-364 June 28: pages 364-366 “The Story” Reading Schedule Senior Adult Events Adult Bible Study Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am Room 200A Now studying: 1 Corinthians Better With Age Club Thursday, June 19 10:30 am ~ Fellowship Hall Bring appetizers, sandwiches, salad, or dessert to share. Soul’d Out Quartet in Concert June 22, 2014 ~ 6:30 pm No tickets required, a love offering will be received. Join us for a family VBS June 8, 9, 10 ~ 6 - 8 pm ~ MMC Join us for Bible Study, Games, Service, and Snacks. Teamwork! Ecclesiastes 4:9 “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work!” Register at, follow the VBS link. Wedding Bells Sunday June 22, 2014 We will be recognizing our couples that have been married 50 years or more. Please contact the church office if you have reached 50 years since last June.
  • 9. 9 Lexington, KY 40502 June 1 Elders: Bill Clem, Nathan Young Deacons: Craig Martin, Cory Wilson Ashland Terrace: Jonathan Clifton Home Comm: David Martin, Terry Morrison Greg Wheeler Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Brian & Sontina Hogston (After Trad Srv) Carolyn Nipper (After Blnd & Cont) Curlie Kistler June 8 Elders: John Langley, Bill Clem Deacons: Lucas Moore, Chris Lee Ashland Terrace: Craig Martin Home Comm: Russell Brown, Lucas Moore David Straub Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Kathy Hicks (After Trad Srv) Randall Young (After Blnd & Cont) Randall Young June 15 Elders: Larry Bugg, John Langley Deacons: Charlie Byers, Greg Wheeler Ashland Terrace: Steve Mullins Home Comm: Craig Martin, Bill Johnson, Charlie Byers Comm. Prep:(Sat.) Wilma Coomer & Carol Rae Redding (After Trad Srv) Robert McCray (After Blnd & Cont) Elaine Smith June 22 Elders: Ken Baker, Larry Bugg Deacons: Brian Hogston, Bill Burke Ashland Terrace: Lucas Moore Home Comm: Russell Brown, Cory Wilson, Steve Mullins Comm. Prep: (Sat.) David & Paula Rankin (After Trad Srv) Chris Dennison (After Blnd & Cont) Chris Dennison June 29 Elders: Rich Cary, Ken Baker Deacons: Bill Johnson, Henry Evans Ashland Terrace: Henry Evans Home Comm: Steven Clem, Bill Burke, Jonathan Clifton Comm. Prep: (Sat.) Boyd & Wanda Johnson (After Trad Srv) David & Shelia Waits (After Blnd & Cont) David & Shelia Waits Communion Serving Schedule Bluegrass Christian Men’s Fellowship June 9, 2014 Carpenters Christian Church Harrodsburg, KY Meal ~ 5:45 pm Program ~ 6:45 pm Van leaves TCCC at 4:45 pm Three Church Concert of Praise June 29 ~ 6:30 pm ~ Immanuel Baptist Church The choirs and orchestras of Immanuel Baptist, Centenary United Methodist, and Tates Creek will be joining together for a concert of praise. This year’s theme will be on Prayer. An offering will be taken for a local area mission.
  • 10. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 Fatherhood A Loving Father He never met a stranger. That was Jerry Foley, a devoted Christian, husband, father, and grandfather. He wasn’t a fancy person and had a very humble, loving, and gentle spirit. He loved the Lord and lived accordingly. He raised our children in a Christian home where he was the head of the household. He always had time for our children, Jennifer and Jeffrey. Through the years, he spent many afternoons around the baseball field teaching them how to play and enjoying the game with them. He would often pitch to them for batting practice. Jerry helped coach many of the teams they played on, and made such an impression on the other kids that even after all these years, several returned to pay their respects at his funeral. Jerry had a love for trains since childhood. Occasionally, we would take an excursion on the grand old steam trains. Sometimes Uncle Marion and Aunt Ruby Eldridge would accompany us on those trips. He loved family outings and looked forward to summer vacations to the beach and long weekend trips with the family, before and after the two grandsons (Owen Cooper and Ethan Foley) came along. They held a special place in his heart. Over the years, he had built a large toy train layout. The three of them would run the trains, but not before donning their railroad hats (made especially for them) to take the journey around the tracks. A strange yet fitting thing happened during his internment at the Cemetery. As Brother Tommy Simpson was having the closing prayer, a train whistle blew three times in the distance, as if to say, “Welcome home thou good and faithful servant”. He was such a blessing to me. I have always felt in my heart that our being together was the work of our Lord, through his servant Brother Wayne Smith, fifty-five years ago for which I am and will forever be grateful. There was never a finer example of a Christian, husband, father, and grandfather than Jerry Foley. He was truly a Christian gentleman. ~ Geraldine Foley
  • 11. Lexington, KY 40502 11 On a beautiful, sunny day in early May, more than a dozen members of Tates Creek Christian Church volunteered to serve at the Church Under the Bridge ministry near downtown Lexington. The Church Under the Bridge (CUTB) ministry offers a full church service, meal, and other necessities to Lexington’s homeless community 52 Sundays a year. CUTB is run entirely by donations, church sponsors, and volunteers (with no paid staff, 100% of all donations go to serving its guests). Each year – for a decade – the Missions Team at TCCC has worked with CUTB to sponsor two weekends, with May 4 being the church’s first event in 2014. TCCC will also be sponsoring a Sunday event in October. “This is an amazing ministry,” said Nic Skinner, TCCC’s Evangelism/Discipleship Minister. “We’re happy to serve and be a part of it each year. It’s something I wanted to make sure continued.” Following opening praise music led by TCCC Worship Minister Don Seevers, Nic Skinner provided the message for the congregation which, weather permitting, meets on the lush lawn of the Mission House on the corner of Martin Luther and Fourth. In the winter months, CUTB meets in the basement at Broadway Christian Church. With loud speakers pointed in strategic directions from the front porch, the music and message were heard for several blocks. The visitors grew from about 50 at the start of the praise music to more than 150 at the close of the message. Following the message, TCCC volunteers served a barbecue dinner that they bought and prepared. By the time (service starts at 3 p.m. and the meal starts at 4 p.m.) the food was gone, more than 200 plates of pork, potato salad, beans, bread, and dessert had been offered. “Tates Creek always provides an amazing message and meal,” said a CUTB board member. “We’re so blessed and thankful for their volunteers.” As the guests began to leave the service around 5 p.m., TCCC offered a wonderful surprise…a backpack for every guest, donated by the Deborah Circle group at the church. “What a nice treat and thoughtful gift,” the board member said. “We certainly look forward to Tates Creek’s return in October.” ~ Brad Johnson Church Under the Bridge
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 Welcome our Summer Interns Preaching Intern Hey Everyone, I just wanted to say how very thankful and excited I am to be able to be a part of Tates Creek Christian Church this coming summer and fall. I am especially looking forward to meeting and getting to know everyone. So that you have an advantage to the name game, here are few things about me. First, my name is Kyle Knarr. I’m 22 years old and I grew up in Grant County Kentucky, just a few miles up the road from here. My parents are involved in ministry at Mt. Olivet Christian Church in Williamstown. My dad, Danny, is the youth minister, and my mom, Angie, is the ministry assistant. I have two sisters, Bethany, a junior at Cincinnati Christian University, and Julie, a 2012 graduate of Northern Kentucky University. Currently, I am a senior at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, pursuing a degree in preaching and Christian psychology and counseling. I grew up in church my entire life. I was baptized in April of 2000. From that point my parents really taught me to love God, love people, and live out my Christian faith. However, when I graduated from High School in 2010, I attended Northern Kentucky University for three semesters studying Political Science and Economics. During my third semester there, God got a hold on me. I realized that the life I was living was self-glorifying, and I was moving away from God. So after many restless nights, I decided to go into ministry and fully surrender my life to God. It’s been one of the best decisions of my life. I cannot wait to be a daily part of Tates Creek and be able to see how God is working through the staff and its people to further his Kingdom. I know it will be a great privilege and blessing to work and learn under these men. Thank you for the opportunity to serve with you. ~ Kyle Knarr
  • 13. 13 Lexington, KY 40502 Welcome our Summer Interns Youth Ministry Intern Dear Tates Creek Community, My name is Justin Miller and I will be the youth ministry intern at Tates Creek starting June 1st. I have been blessed the past few years to get to know a few members of the church and grow very close to them. If they are a reflection of Tates Creek, which I am certain they are, I cannot wait to be part of your church family. I am from Norfolk, Virginia, and now attend Johnson University. I am currently a Junior studying Preaching/Youth Ministry. I have been involved in church almost my entire life but really became involved when I began playing music. When I was thirteen I learned how to play the bass guitar. Since then I have learned a few more instruments and have been involved with leading worship for four or five years. I have used this talent to work at multiple church camps and different youth events where I grew to love teaching kids about Jesus. A little bit about my personal life, I grew up with a single mother whom I love dearly. She has grown a lot in her faith as I have grown in mine while away at college. I met my girlfriend, Valerie Boone, at Johnson and we have been together now for over a year and a half. If you spend a good amount of time around me you will find that there are a few things I am more passionate about than others. First, creating communities that are centered around our Lord. Second, physical fitness and third, the Washington Redskins. I love to learn new things and ideas and love to teach people new things and ideas. I am looking forward to learning from your ministry staff and I am excited to learn from and teach your children about our Great God! I am looking forward to meeting you and building relationships with your children and your families while I am at Tates Creek. Keep Kyle Knarr and myself in your prayers that we may glorify God through this ministry. ~ Justin Miller
  • 14. How is Your Health? Recently, I’ve been trying to live a more healthy lifestyle. I’ve been going to the gym to run on the treadmill and lift weights. I’ve been making healthier choices with my diet. I have seen some results even after just a month of making some changes. I’ve lost some weight and I feel better and more energized. It has been said that if we exercise our bodies and our brains, they will last much longer. We are barraged with infomercials, advertisements, and billboards about the newest quick health fix. A pill, a surgery, or a magical exercise program that can be done in 5 minutes a week. It is true that none of these things are really quick fixes. If you want to be healthy, you have to make sacrifices. You have to sacrifice time to exercise. You have to sacrifice eating your favorite foods as often as you’d like to eat them. You have to make your health a priority. In the same way, we need to make our spiritual health a priority. It requires a sacrifice of time and energy. It takes more than 5 minutes a week. If we want to be spiritually healthy, we have to surround ourselves with people who will encourage us and inspire us. We have to schedule time in our day to read God’s word and meditate on it and pray through it. We have to apply it to our everyday living. When we make these things a priority we will see results. As we become more and more like Jesus, he will give us more and more opportunities to minister to people. We will be able to see the world and other people in a new way. One that is filled with compassion, grace, and love instead of judgment and condemnation. We will be able to exercise our faith when we take advantage of these opportunities that God is giving us. We will FEEL better, because God is changing us from the inside out. I challenge you to make your spiritual health the main priority this month and see if it doesn’t change you! Let’s do it together! In His Service, ~Mike Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14 CollegeMinistryMikeAllen
  • 15. Putting Your Faith In Motion! One of the things that I am really excited about in the month of June is the opportunity we have to move small groups to Sunday mornings. The small groups will be split out by grade and gender. Middle school and high school students will meet at 9:50 am in the middle school room to break out into their groups. Having consistent small groups will strengthen the middle school and high school ministry and help our students grow in their faith. Jesus’ most memorable sermon, perhaps, comes from Matthew 13. In this chapter Jesus gives us the parables of the Sower, the Weeds, the Mustard Seed, the Leaven, the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl, and the Net. This seems like a powerhouse sermon of illustrations! But Matthew tells us something really interesting about this teaching time. In Matthew 13:10 the disciples actually came to Jesus to ask Him about the meaning of the parable of the Sower. This was a dialogue, not a lecture! Later on it becomes even more clear, Jesus left the crowds to go to a house where He engaged with the disciples, answered their questions, and challenged them personally. In education theory this is called “active learning”, but Jesus knew this instinctively. If you look at a number of the famous parables Jesus told, they are given in response to a question that someone presented. Jesus was comfortable addressing big crowds, but the most memorable moments of His ministry were in a small group setting! Jesus didn’t just use words to get His point across. John 13 relates the story of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet before the Passover meal. Would we have remembered it so distinctly if Jesus hadn’t actually gotten himself dirty cleaning His close group of friends’ feet? Jesus understood the importance of an active faith and He modeled it to the disciples whenever He could. Let’s pray for the same from our students! Let’s lift Him up together! ~ Brad 15 Lexington, KY 40502 StudentMinistryBradHaggard
  • 16. Marlee Mirre is Making A Difference In the past 4 years it has been a great privilege to serve with Marlee Mirre. In Uptown she has served in nearly every role possible from worship leader to Sunday School teacher. Each year she has co-led the Impact worship with Mason Ballard and Elizabeth Critchfield. Her service and dedication to the children of Tates Creek has gone past this into fellowship events, lock-ins, and egg hunts. Later this summer, Marlee is taking her biggest leap of faith as she joins the team headed to Liberia. For one week she will love on, spend time with, and invest her life into the children of the AFAA house orphanage, but that’s not all. Marlee has a passion and desire to connect the kids of Liberia with kids in our public school partner Julius Marks Elementary. She is working hard to build a “pen pal” partnership with another Liberia team member and 2nd grade teacher, Cathy Cook. Serving children and others of all ages is so much a part of Marlee’s life, she is planning to make a career out of it. She is studying at UK to be a Licensed Clinical Social Worker while working in the Mother/Baby Unit at Baptist Health hospital. Please take a moment to pray for Marlee as she prepares for this huge trip to Liberia, and as she continues her studies at UK. If you see her around Tates Creek, make sure she knows she is making a difference! ~ Matt Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 16 Children’sMinistryMattLee
  • 17. Critterland News Congratulations to all 11 of my graduates! I am sad they are leaving Critterland, but I know the lessons they have learned over the past 5 years will continue to guide them, and they will have a blast in Uptown! I’m sure most of you have seen my pleas for volunteers throughout the past few years. I’ve been blessed with wonderful people who care for our children each week, but I am still in need of more. With the worship times changing, I would like to ask more of you to become involved with our Critterland ministry. I know that working with children isn’t for everyone, but we have so much fun in our hallway, and you never know what those kids are going to do or say! We’ve also been blessed with quite a few babies in the past year, with more still on the way. I know quite a few people who use their volunteering as their “baby fix”. Working with the children is extremely rewarding, and I hope that you will prayerfully consider spending some time with us. Everyone is always welcome to join us for Jesus in the Park! ~ Lesley 17 Lexington, KY 40502 PreschoolMinistryLesleyTipton
  • 18. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 Sunday School Average Attendance April 2014 Infants 9 Walkers 12 2 - 5 Year Old 16 K - 1st grade 18 2nd - 3rd grade 19 Garage 45 19 Middle School 23 High School 24 Alpha/Omega 10 Ashland Terrace 8 Christians in Action 27 Crusaders 56 Faith 17 Fellowship of Believers 15 FOCUS 24 Good News 29 Grace & Truth 71 Grass Roots 17 Heaven Bound 15 In The Word 16 Motivators 5 Open Bible 77 Psalm 34:3 10 Seekers 9 Servants for Christ 37 Upper Room 12 Willing Workers 41 Young Families 9 Miscellaneous 17 Officers 3 Total 662 April Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 6th 825 $40,997. 13th 815 $25,314. 20th 1294 $26,236. 27th 752 $22,035. Indebtedness Mortgage Balance, Apr. 30 $1,587,160. Monthly Payment (May. 1) $12,888. Principal $8,586. Interest $4,301. Add’l Principal General Fund Report 2014 Budgeted Need per week $29,407. 2014 Average per week $28,311. April Total Income $114,582. April Total Expenses $107,728. Net Excess $6,853. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at www. and click on “Giving”. % of Dollars Given Online 12% Funds Totals for April Deacons’ Fund $2,749. Growing to Serve $12,078.
  • 19. 19 Lexington, KY 40502 Michael & Tammy Subastian with son Jaxon Baptized April 30 New Members Debbie & Larry McGuire Transfer, April 27 David and Christy Cornett David, Melody, & Harmony Transfer, April 27 We warmly welcome David and Christy who have been worshipping with us for about six years. They both grew up in church and had the support of parents and family. Christy made her decision to accept Christ during a revival at Westside Christian Church. David was going through some hard times and decided that Jesus was the answer. They have lived here in Lexington for nine years and have three beautiful children. Their favorite verse is John 3:16. Larry and Debbie grew up in Ashland, KY, where they met in youth group. Both of them were baptized at a young age with the help and support of parents and family. They have been here in Lexington for five years and have attended Tates Creek since February. Larry is a Sales Representative for a consulting firm and Debbie enjoys being a full-time grandmother. Since coming here, they have become involved in the Grace and Truth class. Join us in welcoming them to TCCC.
  • 20. TatesCreekCurrent TatesCreekChristianChurch Office:(859)266-1621 Lexington,KY40502 Calendar ~ June 2014 1 Graduation Sunday 1 Monthly Ministry Teams 1 Evening of Praise, 6:30 pm, WC 2 Elders’ Meeting, 6pm, FH 4 HS Graduate Banquet, 6 pm, FH 5 Mary Circle, 10:30 am, Fh 5 Deborah Circle, 7 pm 7 & 21 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102 8 Promotion Sunday 8-10 Impact VBS, 6-8 pm, MMC 9 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Carpenters CC 9 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 10 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm 15 Father’s Day 15 Return Baby Bottle Blessings 16 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 19 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 22 Wedding Bell Sunday 22 Soul’d Out Quartet, 6:30 pm, WC 26 Sarah Circle, 7:00 pm 29 3 Church Concert of Praise, 6:30 pm, hosted by Immanuel Baptist (combined concert by TCCC, Immanuel Bap, & Centenary UM) 6/29 - 7/3 High School CYI Trip Weekly Activities Sunday Evening: High School Events, times may vary Evening Worship, 6:30 pm, WC Adult Small Groups, various times and locations Monday Evening: June 2, 16, & 23 Orchestra rehearsal, 6:15 pm, WC Tuesday Evening: Victory for Life, 6:00 pm, FH Middle School Events, times may vary Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200A Worship Team rehearsal, 6:00 pm Worship Choir, 6:45 pm, WC Volume2No.6 CR-ChoirRoom/FH-FellowshipHall/Fh-FriendshipHall/MMC-MultiMinistryCenter/UP-Uptown/WC-WorshipCenter