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this is Consumer Buyer Behavior Part 2. Our learning objectives
today include identify the five steps of the consumer buying
decisionmaking process, analyze interpersonal and non-personal
influences on buying behavior, describe how culture, values,
beliefs, and religion impact purchase behavior.
The five steps of the consumer buying decision-making process
include problem recognition, information search, evaluation of
alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase evaluation.
Now let me give you an example to illustrate. And this is what
marketers often do.
Step one, I have a problem, which is I want to try the new
restaurant in town but I'm unsure of the prices, the quality of
the food, the location, the parking situation, et cetera. I move
on to step two. I search for information on the web, the
restaurant website, and review sites like for
Three, I evaluate my alternatives-- other restaurants in the area
that seem comparable or my go-to restaurants-- and I think to
myself, do I want to go there or do I want to try the new
restaurant? Four, I make the decision to try it out. Five, I am
thrilled with the experience. I take photos of myself, with my
friends, of the wait staff. I take photos of the food. I post
everything on Snapchat,, et cetera. So I had a really
good experience.
However, through those five steps, there are many interpersonal
and non-personal influences that can possibly lead us astray.
And as marketers, we need to pay attention to this.
Interpersonal influences-- there are many examples-- family
members are strong influencers when it comes to big and small
Examples. I need to ask my dad about the types of cars I am
interested in. He will know what is best for me at this time in
my life. Or another example. I always buy Thomas' English
muffins and bagels because my grandmother and my mom used
to buy that brand and it evokes really good feelings in me and it
reminds me of my childhood.
Mentors are also heavy influencers. So an example. My football
coach during middle school and high school always believed in
my talent and thinks I should choose Temple University's
football program. So I do.
Religion is another key factor that often shapes decision
making. Here's an example. I was raised in a Jewish kosher
family and will ensure my family home has an awesome kosher
kitchen for large family gatherings and wonderful food. I'm in
the process of building my house. There are only two
contractors in the area that specialize in kosher kitchen design,
so out of the 30 contractors out there that I'm aware of, I'm only
going to talk to those two for estimates.
Culture is another driver of consumption. Example. I grew up
watching the old movies-- black and white films from the '30s,
'40s, and '50s. I absolutely love it. I want to be a historical firm
major in college. Where should I go to study this? Ah, the film
degree at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. I think I'll go there.
Non-personal influences are also something that marketers have
to take into serious consideration. So economic and political
decisions can drive consumers and businesses to make certain
decisions. Example. I am a Democrat and will not purchase
goods or services from specific brands because they receive
funding from non-democratic sources.
Or another real-world example from the B2B side of the fence is
Kellogg. So Kellogg cereal brand. They expanded advertising
efforts during World War II and were able to steal sizable
market share from its competitors, who cut back on advertising
during that time.
Here's a question for you. How many of you look at reviews
posted on sites like and before making a
final purchase decision? Social media influences are critical for
brands to pay attention to, and the brands must address them
immediately, especially when there are concerns.
The use of brand ambassadors who convey an authentic message
for a specific brand are usually effective. And is the key word
here is authentic. So this person who is a brand ambassador
must resonate with the end consumer. Oprah has struggled with
weight issues her entire life and therefore resonates with many
Weight Watchers members. Lady Gaga is aligned with deep-
rooted social causes. This has created a halo effect around her
persona, so many consumers will see her in a brand ambassador
role and feel compelled to purchase that specific brand.
Ethnic subcultural roots play an important part in consumer
behavior. Here's an example. Many Latino consumers will only
prepare meals that are freshly made. This dictates the types
of food and other products-- food, beverages-- they purchase at
a grocery store.
Millennials are more prone to choose brands that are aligned
with social causes, such as Patagonia and Trader Joe's.
Depression era and older baby boomers are likely to shop more
frugally and most of the time with coupons, so Aldi and Costco
are fan favorites. Vegans tend to shop for organic foods versus
processed foods-- Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Wegmans are
popular with this group.
An attitude is a mental position taken toward a topic, a person,
or event that influence the person's feelings, perceptions, and
learning processes. Attitudes often drive final purchase
decisions. Cognitive mapping simulates the knowledge
structures and memories embedded in our brains. Brands such as
Mastercard and its Priceless campaign leverage this mapping by
creating personal stories that resonate with everyday people.
Consumers will see a Priceless ad, such as the iconic father and
son baseball TV commercial, remember those small but
priceless moments spent with loved ones, and therefore may feel
compelled to get Mastercard in their wallet because the
company spoke to them in a personal way.
The Evoked Set consists of several brands a person may
consider during the purchase process. So here's a personal
example for me. I recently purchased a GMC Acadia SUV.
While I was thinking about this specific SUV-- GMC was on the
top of my list, but I also was thinking about the Honda Pilot,
the Ford Explorer, and the Toyota Pathfinder in my evoked set.
The Multi-Attribute approach is valuable in understanding high-
involvement purchases. So consumers examine sets of product
attributes across an array of brands before making a final
purchase decision. So think of a $1,000 computer purchase that
you're about to make. Most of us will compare attributes of
price, style, software, memory storage, transportability, and
before making that final decision, weigh all the pros and cons of
those attributes. This is why computer companies go to extreme
lengths in describing product attributes and showing the product
in use during ads, and examples include Apple and Microsoft.
Environmental trends are also strong drivers of consumption.
People who live active lifestyles may identify with Subaru's
outdoors-y family-friendly brand positioning. People with
diverse lifestyles often seek brands with inclusive associations
and reputations, so some of the most inclusive brands today
include Amazon, Netflix, and Dawn dish detergent.
The communication revolution has put a brand's image
perception into the hands of consumers via social media, like
Twitter, Facebook, If a consumer is unhappy, the
brand and the rest of the world is going to know about it.
Experience pursuits resonate with consumers who want to
reward themselves for a job well done, and this could translate
to a Nordstrom shopping trip, to going to Chick-Fil-A and
eating all of the waffle fries that you want in an hour span,
going to Las Vegas for a weekend getaway, or buying yourself a
Other important environmental trends shaping our decisions
include health care. An example is the Fitbit fitness tracking
watch and app. Political activism can motivate someone to
donate and/or participate in specific causes. Heavy tech-reliant
consumers are usually the first adopters of new product
introductions. Apple usually markets to them first, by the way,
in a pre-launch phase. And more brands are beginning to realize
the necessity of catering to the needs and wants of consumers in
real time. Examples include ordering music from iTunes, being
picked up by Uber, or shopping in Target with its Cartwheel
So our learning objectives today included identify the five steps
of the consumer buying decision-making process, analyze
interpersonal and non-personal influences on buying behavior,
and describe how culture, values, beliefs, and religion impact
purchase behavior
this is Consumer Buyer Behavior Part 1. Our learning objectives
today include analyze the generations that exist today and the
impact for marketers, identify the demographics and
characteristics of each generation, and describe the
environmental influences that shaped generational attitudes.
We'll begin with a list of all of the generations, and then I will
provide more detail towards the end of the session.
The idea behind understanding generation segmentation is that
people who grew up experiencing common events become
similar in their activities, interests, and opinions. These groups
often enjoy the same music, products, and experiences. I will
first introduce each generation, beginning with the Greatest
Generation. Next comes the Depression Era or Silent
Generation, followed by Baby Boomers, followed by Generation
X, next comes the Generation Y or also known as the
Millennials. Generation Z follows.
And there is a seventh generation to be officially named. Recent
articles have cloned the name Alpha. Because this group is so
young, they won't be a major part of this overall discussion. But
it is important to know that there is this seventh generation on
the horizon.
Getting back to the oldest group, the Greatest Generation, you
will see they witnessed a lot of political and social turmoil.
These folks are 88 years and up. Their life experiences shape
these specific attitudes and behaviors in general. The population
is approximately 4 million, and most have fixed incomes and
spend heavily on health care.
So the next generation, the Depression Era or Silent Generation,
also experienced strong political and social turmoil. These folks
are in their mid- to late 70s and early 80s. Their experiences
shaped them into hard-working patriots, mostly in blue collar
agricultural fields. They live on fixed incomes, and they spend
heavily on health care and related medical expenses.
Baby boomers are split into two categories. The first Boomer
segment is bounded by the Kennedy and Martin Luther King
assassinations, civil rights movements, and the Vietnam War.
Boomers had improved economic opportunities versus their
predecessors and were largely optimistic about the potential for
America and their own lives, not withstanding the Vietnam War.
To this day, many remain career oriented and seek a better way
of life for themselves and their family members. They are
extremely loyal to employers and to their family dynamic. Many
spend on home improvements, vacation homes, golf
memberships, and pets.
Baby Boomers II experienced different social, economic, and
political changes during their primary growth years versus
Boomers I. There is less trust in government, policies, and
leaders. The economic struggles due to the oil embargo of the
1970s reinforced a sense of narcissism or an I'm-out-for-me
attitude, and they became focused more on self-help and were
the first to be exposed to the AIDS epidemic.
The Boomer II Generation did not have the benefits of the
Boomer I class, as many of the best jobs and opportunities,
housing, et cetera were taken by the larger and earlier group.
However, they have a live-to-work attitude. They are loyal to
one or two employers and receive pensions and gold watches
upon retirement.
Generation X were exposed to high divorce rates during their
formative years, which inspired the term "latchkey kids"
because many arrived home to an empty house after school.
They had the lowest political involvement, but this has changed
over the past 15 years. They often exhibit skeptical
personalities, outlooks on life. They inherited the live-to-work
motto from Boomers but are not loyal to one employer, usually.
Entrepreneurship began to flourish with this generation, and the
majority are far better educated than previous generations.
Because of the weaker family dynamic, as evidenced with the
higher divorce rate, many approach marriage and having
children with caution. And they marry later in life. This
generation strives for inclusivity and equal rights. It is also
important to note that Generation X is largely responsible for
bringing internet social marketing and e-commerce to it's high
usage rate today.
Generation Y, also known as Millennials, are technology wise
and immune to most traditional marketing and sales pitches
because they were over-exposed to it since early childhood.
They are not typically brand loyal unless they trust a brand's
authenticity. Very important-authenticity of a brand is critical
when marketing to Millennials.
Gen Y kids were often raised in dual-income or single-parent
families and have more involvement in family purchases,
everything from groceries to new cars. They typically begin
families in mid-30s-- you know, much later than previous
generations-- and have been
exposed to intense political turmoil-- 9/11, and other terroristic
attacks, for example.
Gen Y shifted a live-to-work attitude to a work-to-live
perspective. They believe in working smarter and not harder or
longer. This has created more informal work attire and flexible
hours. They prefer autonomy and are highly entrepreneurial.
They usually seek brands and careers that are connected with a
social good. Many still live at home or rent.
Generation Z-- so right behind Millennials-- grew up with
technology since birth. They have no idea of what life was like
with rotary phones, typewriters, and Wite-Out. Because of
extensive tech reliance, many are seen as socially awkward.
Many present cynical but realistic attitudes about life in
general, and they are slated to become one of the most
entrepreneurial groups to date.
Gen Z is hyperaware of external and internal influences. This is
fueled by the ease of information from media, TV, and the
internet. They embrace cultural diversity and inclusivity and are
heavily influenced by real spokespersons, especially
Generation Alpha, the upcoming 7th generation-- speculation
about probable characteristics include-- and I say "speculative"
because they're still very young. Studies suggest that they won't
like to share, and it'll be an it's-all-about-me attitude. They will
be boundary and rule breakers.
They will be mobile even when stationary. They won't care
about privacy as much as previous generations, and they most
likely will not embrace organized religion. Again, this is what
early studies suggest. We'll have to wait and see.
So our learning objectives today included analyze the
generations that exist today and the impact for marketers,
identify the demographics and characteristics of each
generation, and, finally, describe the environmental influences
that shape generational attitudes
Sheet1Rubric for Grading Discussion Board PostsLevels of
ProficientDevelopingUnacceptableOverall Quality and
Substance of Post: Up to 60 PointsThe quality and substance of
the post is outstanding. Additional sources (besides the
textbook) are cited and used to support insights. Other students
will benefit from the content presented.The quality and
substance of the post is good. No other sources (besides the
textbook) are used to support insights. This is considered an
average level post that meets basic requirements.The quality
and substance of the post is too generalized and reads like
definitions of key terms and concepts. Insights are needed and
the content requires more development. The quality and
substance of the post is either poor or there is no
submission.Organization and Identification of key terms and
concepts: Up to 30 PointsAll key terms/concepts are clearly
identified and directly relate to the original post question and to
the associated chapter. Excellent organization and topic
flow.Some key terms/concepts are identified and closely relate
to the original post question and to the associated chapter. Good
organization and topic flow.One key term or concept is
identified and somewhat relates to the original post question
and to the associated chapter. Organization and topic flow need
improvement.The post includes content that is overgeneralized
and does not directly relate to the key terms/concepts presented
in the associated chapter. Organization and topic flow need
major improvement. Grammar & Writing Mechanics: Up to 10
PointsFormal writing style with excellent syntax, grammar,
spelling and word use. No errors noted.Informal writing style
with occasional issues/errors with syntax, grammar, spelling
and word use. Inconsistent writing style; Frequent issues/errors
with syntax, grammar, spelling and word use. Consistently
improper syntax, grammar, spelling and word use. Major
improvement is needed.

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This is a quiz...please answer questions thoroughly and define words.docxThis is a quiz...please answer questions thoroughly and define words.docx
This is a quiz...please answer questions thoroughly and define words.docx
This is due in 30 hoursPart I. Present your research pr.docx
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this is due in 14 hours..... must have done in time.... no late .docx
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this is Consumer Buyer Behavior Part 2. Our learning objectives to.docx

  • 1. this is Consumer Buyer Behavior Part 2. Our learning objectives today include identify the five steps of the consumer buying decisionmaking process, analyze interpersonal and non-personal influences on buying behavior, describe how culture, values, beliefs, and religion impact purchase behavior. The five steps of the consumer buying decision-making process include problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase evaluation. Now let me give you an example to illustrate. And this is what marketers often do. Step one, I have a problem, which is I want to try the new restaurant in town but I'm unsure of the prices, the quality of the food, the location, the parking situation, et cetera. I move on to step two. I search for information on the web, the restaurant website, and review sites like for information. Three, I evaluate my alternatives-- other restaurants in the area that seem comparable or my go-to restaurants-- and I think to myself, do I want to go there or do I want to try the new restaurant? Four, I make the decision to try it out. Five, I am thrilled with the experience. I take photos of myself, with my friends, of the wait staff. I take photos of the food. I post everything on Snapchat,, et cetera. So I had a really good experience. However, through those five steps, there are many interpersonal and non-personal influences that can possibly lead us astray. And as marketers, we need to pay attention to this. Interpersonal influences-- there are many examples-- family members are strong influencers when it comes to big and small purchases. Examples. I need to ask my dad about the types of cars I am interested in. He will know what is best for me at this time in my life. Or another example. I always buy Thomas' English muffins and bagels because my grandmother and my mom used
  • 2. to buy that brand and it evokes really good feelings in me and it reminds me of my childhood. Mentors are also heavy influencers. So an example. My football coach during middle school and high school always believed in my talent and thinks I should choose Temple University's football program. So I do. Religion is another key factor that often shapes decision making. Here's an example. I was raised in a Jewish kosher family and will ensure my family home has an awesome kosher kitchen for large family gatherings and wonderful food. I'm in the process of building my house. There are only two contractors in the area that specialize in kosher kitchen design, so out of the 30 contractors out there that I'm aware of, I'm only going to talk to those two for estimates. Culture is another driver of consumption. Example. I grew up watching the old movies-- black and white films from the '30s, '40s, and '50s. I absolutely love it. I want to be a historical firm major in college. Where should I go to study this? Ah, the film degree at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. I think I'll go there. Non-personal influences are also something that marketers have to take into serious consideration. So economic and political decisions can drive consumers and businesses to make certain decisions. Example. I am a Democrat and will not purchase goods or services from specific brands because they receive funding from non-democratic sources. Or another real-world example from the B2B side of the fence is Kellogg. So Kellogg cereal brand. They expanded advertising efforts during World War II and were able to steal sizable market share from its competitors, who cut back on advertising during that time. Here's a question for you. How many of you look at reviews posted on sites like and before making a final purchase decision? Social media influences are critical for brands to pay attention to, and the brands must address them immediately, especially when there are concerns. The use of brand ambassadors who convey an authentic message
  • 3. for a specific brand are usually effective. And is the key word here is authentic. So this person who is a brand ambassador must resonate with the end consumer. Oprah has struggled with weight issues her entire life and therefore resonates with many Weight Watchers members. Lady Gaga is aligned with deep- rooted social causes. This has created a halo effect around her persona, so many consumers will see her in a brand ambassador role and feel compelled to purchase that specific brand. Ethnic subcultural roots play an important part in consumer behavior. Here's an example. Many Latino consumers will only prepare meals that are freshly made. This dictates the types of food and other products-- food, beverages-- they purchase at a grocery store. Millennials are more prone to choose brands that are aligned with social causes, such as Patagonia and Trader Joe's. Depression era and older baby boomers are likely to shop more frugally and most of the time with coupons, so Aldi and Costco are fan favorites. Vegans tend to shop for organic foods versus processed foods-- Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Wegmans are popular with this group. An attitude is a mental position taken toward a topic, a person, or event that influence the person's feelings, perceptions, and learning processes. Attitudes often drive final purchase decisions. Cognitive mapping simulates the knowledge structures and memories embedded in our brains. Brands such as Mastercard and its Priceless campaign leverage this mapping by creating personal stories that resonate with everyday people. Consumers will see a Priceless ad, such as the iconic father and son baseball TV commercial, remember those small but priceless moments spent with loved ones, and therefore may feel compelled to get Mastercard in their wallet because the company spoke to them in a personal way. The Evoked Set consists of several brands a person may consider during the purchase process. So here's a personal example for me. I recently purchased a GMC Acadia SUV. While I was thinking about this specific SUV-- GMC was on the
  • 4. top of my list, but I also was thinking about the Honda Pilot, the Ford Explorer, and the Toyota Pathfinder in my evoked set. The Multi-Attribute approach is valuable in understanding high- involvement purchases. So consumers examine sets of product attributes across an array of brands before making a final purchase decision. So think of a $1,000 computer purchase that you're about to make. Most of us will compare attributes of price, style, software, memory storage, transportability, and before making that final decision, weigh all the pros and cons of those attributes. This is why computer companies go to extreme lengths in describing product attributes and showing the product in use during ads, and examples include Apple and Microsoft. Environmental trends are also strong drivers of consumption. People who live active lifestyles may identify with Subaru's outdoors-y family-friendly brand positioning. People with diverse lifestyles often seek brands with inclusive associations and reputations, so some of the most inclusive brands today include Amazon, Netflix, and Dawn dish detergent. The communication revolution has put a brand's image perception into the hands of consumers via social media, like Twitter, Facebook, If a consumer is unhappy, the brand and the rest of the world is going to know about it. Experience pursuits resonate with consumers who want to reward themselves for a job well done, and this could translate to a Nordstrom shopping trip, to going to Chick-Fil-A and eating all of the waffle fries that you want in an hour span, going to Las Vegas for a weekend getaway, or buying yourself a Tesla. Other important environmental trends shaping our decisions include health care. An example is the Fitbit fitness tracking watch and app. Political activism can motivate someone to donate and/or participate in specific causes. Heavy tech-reliant consumers are usually the first adopters of new product introductions. Apple usually markets to them first, by the way, in a pre-launch phase. And more brands are beginning to realize the necessity of catering to the needs and wants of consumers in
  • 5. real time. Examples include ordering music from iTunes, being picked up by Uber, or shopping in Target with its Cartwheel app. So our learning objectives today included identify the five steps of the consumer buying decision-making process, analyze interpersonal and non-personal influences on buying behavior, and describe how culture, values, beliefs, and religion impact purchase behavior this is Consumer Buyer Behavior Part 1. Our learning objectives today include analyze the generations that exist today and the impact for marketers, identify the demographics and characteristics of each generation, and describe the environmental influences that shaped generational attitudes. We'll begin with a list of all of the generations, and then I will provide more detail towards the end of the session. The idea behind understanding generation segmentation is that people who grew up experiencing common events become similar in their activities, interests, and opinions. These groups often enjoy the same music, products, and experiences. I will first introduce each generation, beginning with the Greatest Generation. Next comes the Depression Era or Silent Generation, followed by Baby Boomers, followed by Generation X, next comes the Generation Y or also known as the Millennials. Generation Z follows. And there is a seventh generation to be officially named. Recent articles have cloned the name Alpha. Because this group is so young, they won't be a major part of this overall discussion. But it is important to know that there is this seventh generation on the horizon. Getting back to the oldest group, the Greatest Generation, you will see they witnessed a lot of political and social turmoil. These folks are 88 years and up. Their life experiences shape these specific attitudes and behaviors in general. The population is approximately 4 million, and most have fixed incomes and spend heavily on health care.
  • 6. So the next generation, the Depression Era or Silent Generation, also experienced strong political and social turmoil. These folks are in their mid- to late 70s and early 80s. Their experiences shaped them into hard-working patriots, mostly in blue collar agricultural fields. They live on fixed incomes, and they spend heavily on health care and related medical expenses. Baby boomers are split into two categories. The first Boomer segment is bounded by the Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, civil rights movements, and the Vietnam War. Boomers had improved economic opportunities versus their predecessors and were largely optimistic about the potential for America and their own lives, not withstanding the Vietnam War. To this day, many remain career oriented and seek a better way of life for themselves and their family members. They are extremely loyal to employers and to their family dynamic. Many spend on home improvements, vacation homes, golf memberships, and pets. Baby Boomers II experienced different social, economic, and political changes during their primary growth years versus Boomers I. There is less trust in government, policies, and leaders. The economic struggles due to the oil embargo of the 1970s reinforced a sense of narcissism or an I'm-out-for-me attitude, and they became focused more on self-help and were the first to be exposed to the AIDS epidemic. The Boomer II Generation did not have the benefits of the Boomer I class, as many of the best jobs and opportunities, housing, et cetera were taken by the larger and earlier group. However, they have a live-to-work attitude. They are loyal to one or two employers and receive pensions and gold watches upon retirement. Generation X were exposed to high divorce rates during their formative years, which inspired the term "latchkey kids" because many arrived home to an empty house after school. They had the lowest political involvement, but this has changed over the past 15 years. They often exhibit skeptical personalities, outlooks on life. They inherited the live-to-work
  • 7. motto from Boomers but are not loyal to one employer, usually. Entrepreneurship began to flourish with this generation, and the majority are far better educated than previous generations. Because of the weaker family dynamic, as evidenced with the higher divorce rate, many approach marriage and having children with caution. And they marry later in life. This generation strives for inclusivity and equal rights. It is also important to note that Generation X is largely responsible for bringing internet social marketing and e-commerce to it's high usage rate today. Generation Y, also known as Millennials, are technology wise and immune to most traditional marketing and sales pitches because they were over-exposed to it since early childhood. They are not typically brand loyal unless they trust a brand's authenticity. Very important-authenticity of a brand is critical when marketing to Millennials. Gen Y kids were often raised in dual-income or single-parent families and have more involvement in family purchases, everything from groceries to new cars. They typically begin families in mid-30s-- you know, much later than previous generations-- and have been exposed to intense political turmoil-- 9/11, and other terroristic attacks, for example. Gen Y shifted a live-to-work attitude to a work-to-live perspective. They believe in working smarter and not harder or longer. This has created more informal work attire and flexible hours. They prefer autonomy and are highly entrepreneurial. They usually seek brands and careers that are connected with a social good. Many still live at home or rent. Generation Z-- so right behind Millennials-- grew up with technology since birth. They have no idea of what life was like with rotary phones, typewriters, and Wite-Out. Because of extensive tech reliance, many are seen as socially awkward. Many present cynical but realistic attitudes about life in general, and they are slated to become one of the most entrepreneurial groups to date.
  • 8. Gen Z is hyperaware of external and internal influences. This is fueled by the ease of information from media, TV, and the internet. They embrace cultural diversity and inclusivity and are heavily influenced by real spokespersons, especially YouTubers. Generation Alpha, the upcoming 7th generation-- speculation about probable characteristics include-- and I say "speculative" because they're still very young. Studies suggest that they won't like to share, and it'll be an it's-all-about-me attitude. They will be boundary and rule breakers. They will be mobile even when stationary. They won't care about privacy as much as previous generations, and they most likely will not embrace organized religion. Again, this is what early studies suggest. We'll have to wait and see. So our learning objectives today included analyze the generations that exist today and the impact for marketers, identify the demographics and characteristics of each generation, and, finally, describe the environmental influences that shape generational attitudes Sheet1Rubric for Grading Discussion Board PostsLevels of AchievementCriteriaExemplary ProficientDevelopingUnacceptableOverall Quality and Substance of Post: Up to 60 PointsThe quality and substance of the post is outstanding. Additional sources (besides the textbook) are cited and used to support insights. Other students will benefit from the content presented.The quality and substance of the post is good. No other sources (besides the textbook) are used to support insights. This is considered an average level post that meets basic requirements.The quality and substance of the post is too generalized and reads like definitions of key terms and concepts. Insights are needed and the content requires more development. The quality and substance of the post is either poor or there is no submission.Organization and Identification of key terms and concepts: Up to 30 PointsAll key terms/concepts are clearly
  • 9. identified and directly relate to the original post question and to the associated chapter. Excellent organization and topic flow.Some key terms/concepts are identified and closely relate to the original post question and to the associated chapter. Good organization and topic flow.One key term or concept is identified and somewhat relates to the original post question and to the associated chapter. Organization and topic flow need improvement.The post includes content that is overgeneralized and does not directly relate to the key terms/concepts presented in the associated chapter. Organization and topic flow need major improvement. Grammar & Writing Mechanics: Up to 10 PointsFormal writing style with excellent syntax, grammar, spelling and word use. No errors noted.Informal writing style with occasional issues/errors with syntax, grammar, spelling and word use. Inconsistent writing style; Frequent issues/errors with syntax, grammar, spelling and word use. Consistently improper syntax, grammar, spelling and word use. Major improvement is needed.