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The World Press Freedom Index Essay
RWB was founded in 1985 in France. At the beginning, the organization promoted alternative
journalism to later change its focus towards press freedom. Even though RWB is most famous for its
annual World Press Freedom Index, another important sphere of its activity is related to assistance to
journalists assigned to dangerous areas. In order to develop the 2010 index, RWB sent a
questionnaire to about 130 correspondents in the world, among them journalists, researchers,
attorneys and human rights activists. The questionnaire consisted of 43 questions, divided in seven
sections: (1) Physical violence, (2) Number of journalists killed, arrested, physically attacked or
threatened, and the role of government officials in those cases, (3) Indirect threats, harassment, and
access to information, (4) Censorship and self–censorship, (5) Control of media, (6) Judicial,
business, and administrative pressures, and (7) Internet and new media. However, none of these
sections included questions about the media ownership structure norneither about the media
ownership structure nor about their economic concentration in private hands. The questions in the
section "Control of media" only inquire if there are privately owned media in the country and if they
are "free to determine their editorial policy". And with regard to independent media, the
questionnaire assumes that they are privately owned. The same section asks about unjustified layoffs
of journalists, but only with regardconcerning to
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Freedom of the Press Versus Right to Privacy
Freedom of the press versus right to privacy
ByRobert Skidelsky (China Daily)
Privacy has become a big issue in contemporary jurisprudence. The "right to privacy" is enshrined
in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and guaranteed by Article 8 of the European
Convention on Human Rights. But Article 8 is balanced by Article 10, which guarantees "free
expression of opinion". So what right has priority when they conflict?
Under what circumstances, for example, is it right to curtail press freedom in order to protect the
right to privacy, or vice versa? The same balance is being sought between the right of citizens to
data privacy and government demands for access to personal information to fight crime, terrorism,
and so on. ... Show more content on ...
A law that curtails the abuse of press power while protecting its freedom to expose the abuse of
political power would be difficult, but not impossible, to frame. The essential principle is that the
media should not be allowed to pander to the public 's prurience under cover of protecting the public
What famous people – indeed ordinary people, too – do in private should be off limits to the media
unless they give permission for those activities to be reported, photographed, or filmed. The only
exceptions would be if a newspaper has reasonable grounds for believing that the individuals
concerned are breaking the law, or that, even if they are not breaking the law, they are behaving in
such a way as to render them unfit to perform the duties expected of them.
Thus, a pop star 's consumption of illegal drugs may be reported, but not his or her sexual habits (if
they are legal). The private life of a politician may be revealed if it is expected to have consequences
for the way the country is being governed; that of a top executive of a public company if it may
affect the returns to shareholders.
This should be the only "public interest" defense available to a media outlet that is sued for invasion
of privacy. The media might become a bit drearier, but public life would be far healthier.
The author is a professor emeritus of political economy at Warwick University
Project Syndicate
(China Daily
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Balancing Individual Privacy with Press Freedom
Balancing Individual Privacy with Press Freedom
Alan F. Westin, a privacy expert at Columbia University, once wrote: Privacy is the claim of
individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent
information about them is communicated to others (self information control right). In this age of
mass media, individual privacy has become a casualty of journalists' feeding frenzy and it has
become really hard for societies to determine the nature and process of information in the public
domain. In this article I reflect on the problem in Nepal's context.
Despite being a social animal, every human being seeks seclusion and solitude within the open
mirror of society. Privacy is inherent in the behavior ... Show more content on ...
The current interim constitution (article 28) stipulates that except on the circumstance as provided
by the law, the privacy of the person, his or her residence, property, document, statistics,
correspondence and character is inviolable
Similarly, the constitution of the country also guarantees freedom of the press (article 15 interim
constitution, 2063). It ensures the right to freedom of press and publication. This right was included
as a specific fundamental right in previous Constitution of Nepal 2047.
Freedom of the press means the right to print and publish without any interference from the state or
any public authority. The liberty of the press consists freedom from prior restraints upon publication
of content. Freedom of the press also means freedom of dissemination, news and views from diverse
and antagonistic sources for the knowledge and welfare of the people.
The Press and Publication Act (2048), a new version of the earlier Press and Publication Act (2039),
also guaranteed the constitutional freedom of the press. The Gali Beizzati Ain 2016 (such as in
article 3 and 8) recognizes freedom of the press. It says that every human being shall enjoy free
press, without any discrimination on the ground of race, color, sex etc.
There are, however, very few International Conventions which guarantee right to privacy, but there
are several conventions regarding press freedom. For example, the right to privacy is enumerated in
article 12 of the Universal
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Freedom Of Speech And Expression Essay
After enactment of Constitution, many laws related to press were challenged before the court. In
Srinivasa Bhat v. State of Madras, K. Madhava Menon v. State of Bombay, Avanti Press 1950, Amar
Nath v. State of Punjab, Romesh Thapar v. Chief Secretary of Patna, Tara Singh v. the State of
Punjab, Fram Nusserwanji v. State of Bombay, Chandardeo v. State of Bihar, Tozam–mal v.
Government of Bengal, etc., the laws related to press ultra vires to the constitution were quashed.
Article 19(1) (a), freedom of speech and expression which also includes freedom of press is with the
restrictions provided in Article 19(2) of the Constitution. When the constitution was enacted, Article
19 contained only following restrictions: 1. Libel, slander and defamation 2. Contempt of court 3.
Decency and morality and 4. Security of state But after the Constitution (First Amendment) Act,
1963 friendly relations with foreign States, public order and incitement to an offence were added in
Article 19(2) as a restrictions. While debating for the amendment in Parliament, Prime Minister said
that this amendment is not to restrict the freedom of press in any sense. This just a step to clarify the
Legislative powers of Government. He also stated that this amendment was to ensure that
international relationship of India is not affected by mere irresponsible write ups by press. This
amendment was taken as a breach of trust on press by the government and some section of press
even labelled this amendment as
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My Three Gifts America Analysis
Abraham Lincoln once said "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." My
three favorite gifts America has given me are Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, and
Freedom of Religion. The first gift America as given me is Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Speech
is the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. My generation is able to speak
our opinions. Some countries are able to speak negatively. For example on the News they have zero
tolerance for any negative coverage. Some people in my generation take this gift for granted they
might use it in a negative way like bulling someone they might say "I'm entitled to my opinion." It is
just not right to say something to bring someone down. Another
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Importance Of Freedom Of The Press
The freedom of the press was given to all Americans at the very start of building our union and
joining the 13 divided colonies into a more united nation. To get all the thirteen colonies to agree on
the signing of the Constitution a Bill of Rights was promised to the framers. The Bill of Rights is
comprised with ten amendments giving a sense of security to the framers in making sure that the
government won't take all power away from the citizens residing the the country. The first
amendment included in the Bill of Rights states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." This freedom of the press given
to citizens was something that the framers took serious and gave great importance to. Since this
freedom lets the citizens of America know what goes on behind the scene in the governments
offices. This information is shared with the public making it so that the government doesn't keep
important information from its citizens which would prevent its citizens from speaking out in the
wrongdoing they see led by the government. Thereby not letting the government sly by and take
actions that would deem to be unfair for its people and the rights of its country. This was the kind of
tyranny the framers were concerned about, and the more a person is concerned about tyranny the
freer you want freedom of speech and press to be. One grave imprortance that freedom of the press
gave to its citizens was assurance
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Freedom Of Speech In Public Nuisance Law
"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost."
Thomas Jefferson is stating that the press cannot be limited or there would be no freedom. "The
Saturday press', is a prime example of newspaper with a loud voice about corruption. Furthermore,
Minnesota passed the Public Nuisance Law or known as the, "press gag law". Freedom of speech is
constitutionally or right to say what we please as the people of America.
To begin with, Mr. Near the publisher of The Saturday press, has created a newspaper devoted to the
corruptions of society. This one of a kind newspaper had its focus on police and government
corruption. Judges called it a "nuisance", and "racist, anti–labor, anti–sematic, and finally, anti–
Catholic". Minnesota courts ended "The Saturday Press" from publishing any future editions.
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Freedom Of Press For Whom? And Diversity: Article Analysis
The two articles that I chose, Freedom of Press for Whom? And Diversity around a democratic core:
The universal and the particular in journalism, the main ideas of the articles are to draw attention to
how the public follows journalisms as well as politicians. Both of the articles discussed that media
and journalism are a form of communication. Thus, they both provide information about news
related topics to the public. This way the citizens would have a way to have a voice and participate
in debates.
Cherian George, in the article Diversity around a democratic core: The universal and the particular
in journalism argued that the job of the media and the democratic priorities has to be sensitive to
differences of context. He claims that our way of doing journalism is dominant, which is a
Eurocentric way of looking at the world. At the same time he argues that journalism from other
places does the same thing as the dominant, but it doesn't have as much pull in wealthy places as it
does in underdeveloped places. The purpose of George's article is to guide us to understand how
journalism works in relation to democracy. If universal theories of journalism are actually universal,
how should journalism approach research across national boundaries. Journalists should put events
into context of cultures.
In addition to George's concepts Robert W. McChesney, who wrote Freedom Of The Press For
Whom? The ... Show more content on ...
For example, in Afghanistan they tried to give capitalism, which I think that they can't give
capitalism because they need the price to be controlled so people can eat. It doesn't work
everywhere and that is the problem with the Western centric worldview. No matter what type of the
form of communication, it's important to keep in mind whom you are communicating to and who
are your
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Essay on Freedom of the Press
Freedom of the press is part of the five main freedoms represented in the first amendment of the
constitution of the United States. The constitution was ratified in 1791 putting freedom of the press
in full development. Since then many cases have evolved with this freedom, and the freedom had
some role of developing future amendments and technology in modern day. Freedom of the press
had a history even before its ratification, it helped to solve many court cases, and is used throughout
modern times. First of all, this is the definition of freedom of the press from Freedom
of the press guarantees the rights, "to gather, publish, and distribute information and ideas without
government restriction or restraint". Also it is ... Show more content on ...
It has pointed to this people their danger and their remedy. It has set before them liberty and
slavery..." ( This showed that Adams was proud of what he
accomplished but also saw the power of the press and how people can get manipulated by the press.
Before this newspapers never included criticism and topics against the government. Newspapers
played a critical role after the American Revolution. Journalists criticized the Articles of
Confederation and showed how worthless the American dollar was. Even though the Freedom of the
Press was issued in the constitution, it was soon shut down with the implement of Sedition Act of
1798. Restrictions on the press were put in place. It was illegal, "to write, print, utter or publish, or
cause it to be done, or assist in it, any false, scandalous, and malicious writing against the
government of the United States ( Many people disliked it and the Sedition Act was
pronounced unconstitutional in 1832. This was the beginning of the "Fourth Estate" which means
the press watching over the government like a watchdog. As the 19th century progressed the biggest
focus of the news was politics. "Slavery, presidential elections, the suffrage movement, temperance,
free education and foreign policy were news and started social change with so many national issues.
Soon after pictures were being formed in the newspaper and cartoons were being created to depict
the lives of
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The Government 's Freedom Of Press
Since the Turkish state was founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1923, the press in Turkey has
never been free. The first government was ruled by the Atatürk's party, the Republican People's
Party (CHP), which claimed to be liberal and modernist; however, they made a law which could
shut down and /or censor any newspapers which they did not like. (Bulut, 2015). During the CHP
era, 130 newspapers and magazines were banned. Although many parties' names have changed
throughout the years, the ruling ideology has been the same. For instance, during the rule of Prime
Minister Adnan Menderes (1950 – 1960, Democrat Party), 161 newspapers were banned (Yılmaz,
Doganer, 2007). Unfortunately, today's freedom of press in Turkey has further worsened. At the end
of 2011, 110,000 websites were shut down by the AKP government's attempts. (Depeli, 2012). Many
journalists were arrested, tortured and imprisoned. Most of the cases were associated with terrorism.
According to the BIA Media Monitoring Reports, 104 journalists and 30 distributors were
imprisoned in 2012. Also 64 of the journalists were Kurdish as well as almost all distributors.
(Depeli, 20112).
When Atatürk founded the Republic of Turkey, his ideology was to westernize the country through
changing the education and political systems. Even though the majority of the population of Turkey
supported the Kemalist (Atatürkist) ideology today and his "modern world–view", they never
acknowledge some of the genocides that happened
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George Orwell's The Decline Of American Press Freedom
When George Orwell writes his dystopian novel '1984' in 1949, he is extremely disturbed with the
state of the world after witnessing the methods of the Soviet Union and other fascist regimes during
World War Two. During this period, the Soviet Union famously burned books and controlled all
media outlets in an attempt to assert dominance over the people of the USSR. In response to his
emotional disquiet over these issues, Orwell writes a warning to the world of what he fears would
come to pass should totalitarian governments continue to grow in power. In '1984', Orwell writes of
the government destroying all media that conflicts with the current political ideology, 'thought–
police' arresting anybody who shows even the slightest signs of thinking ... Show more content on ...
It is very important to be aware that the media is capable of controlling the flow of information that
citizens receive. Furthermore, much of the content suppressed in this country is for fear of
retribution from others. When governments and other institutions suppress information, citizens are
not able to address matters concerning their country, as well as around the globe. In 'The Decline of
American Press Freedom' by Anne Applebaum, Applebaum explains a recent controversy with Yale
University and the publishing of a contentious comic in a scholarly report on the global
consequences of political comics. The comics in question were satirical in nature and displayed the
Islamic prophet Muhammad in an offensive manner. In an aniconic religion where visual depiction
of the prophet is inherently blasphemous, the Islamic response to these comics were violent. When
an analysis of the comics and the cultural backlash was written, instead of publishing it, Yale
University swept it under the rug for fear of offending Islamic extremists. Applebaum argues that if
"Yale University Press refuses to publish [the comics], then that makes it much harder for anybody
else to treat the cartoon controversy as a legitimate matter for scholarly and political debate"
(Applebaum 640). By not allowing the publishing of this analysis, Yale University is censoring what
the American populace have access to in terms of global controversy. The issue becomes trivialized
because institutions fear retribution from extremist groups. Without these scholarly points of
reference of this issue and others, it is difficult to have a serious conversations about the
ramifications of political and religious satire. This leads to people remaining uneducated and
ignorant of these serious issues, and liable to repeat these same actions that so sorely offended an
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The Constitutional Provisions With Reference Freedom Of...
2.1 Constitutional Provisions with reference to Freedom of Press Our constitution unlike the
American Constitution does not specifically or separately provide for the liberty of press. The
omission was explained by Dr. B.R Ambedkar when he observed,
"The press has no special rights which are not to be given or which are not to be exercised by the
citizen in his individual capacity. The editor of a press or the manager is merely exercising the right
of expression, and, therefore no special mention is necessary of the freedom of the press."
Therefore, it is now settled that right to freedom of speech and expression in Article 19(1) (a)
includes the liberty granted to press. The importance of freedom of press in parliamentary
democracy was recognized, stated, re stated by the superior courts despite the fact there is no
specific enumeration of this freedom. Liberty of Press is crucial for healthy development of a
democratic nation and the judiciary has been extremely influential in developing the jurisprudence
pertaining to freedom of Press. Liberty of Press is printing without previous license, subject to the
consequences of law. In Romesh Thaper v. State of Madras, Patanjali Sastri, C.J. observed:
"Freedom of speech and of the press lay at the foundation of all democratic organizations, for
without free political discussion public education, so essential for the proper functioning of the
process of popular government, is possible."
2.2 Meaning of Trial by Media
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The Freedom Of The Press
1) One of the most important American documents is the Bill of Rights. This Bill of Rights
essentially protects Americans from the government. Among the ten original amendments, the first
amendment is often looked at as one of the most important, protecting the right to practice religion,
to assemble, to petition the government, and the freedom of the press. The protection of these rights
is essential to help maintain the United States a free and democratic country. I believe the most
important rights are the right to practice religion and the freedom of the press. As I will explain in
my essay, these two rights are paramount to the success of a democratic country. The first
amendment stands as a reminder of our roots as a country of citizens who wanted to give the most
representation and voice to the people as possible. As a result of this fiery resilience to a
dictatorship, the Bill of Rights was created as a way to preserve many rights enjoyed by free men.
Among this Bill of Rights was the first amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
government for a redress of grievances." One way to remember the freedoms granted in this
amendment is R.A.P.P.S (Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press, and Speech). Practicing religion is one
of the oldest behaviors in human existence.
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Egypt 's Press Freedom Issue And How The Government Is...
"Once a global beacon, the American press has suffered from scandal, unpopularity and government
crackdowns". In this paper, I will be explaining Egypt's press freedom issue and how the
government is responsible. Egypt is an Arab country located in the corner of North Africa, close to
the Middle East. Egypt is a diverse country with many religions, mainly Islam and Christianity. Egyt
has a population of over 82 million. Ever since the Arab Spring started in Egypt, attacks on press
freedom increased immensely in numbers. Egypt arrests/attacks and prevents journalists from
revealing information or criticizing the government, police, army, and leaders within the country. It
is believed that Egypt has been practicing such acts in order to protect their government and regime,
so it does not change into the hands of the actual Egyptian people. Egypt claims to be a democratic
state yet they are restricting journalists from doing their job and arresting or torturing them. They are
not only attacking journalists, but also regular citizens who post about the government in social
media like Facebook and Twitter. More and more Egyptian journalists have been scrutinized and
afraid of presenting information on the state because of the huge possibility of being thrown into
prison. The Egyptian government does not want journalists or anyone to reveal information
regarding them, so they do not get exposed. If more information is revealed against the government
then Egyptian people will
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Freedom of the Press by George Orwell
George Orwell – The Freedom of the Press (alternate preface) This book was first thought of, so far
as the central idea goes, in 1937, but was not written down until about the end of 1943. By the time
when it came to be written it was obvious that there would be great difficulty in getting it published
(in spite of the present book shortage which ensures that anything describable as a book will 'sell '),
and in the event it was refused by four publishers. Only one of these had any ideological motive.
Two had been publishing anti–Russian books for years, and the other had no noticeable political
colour. One publisher actually started by accepting the book, but after making the preliminary
arrangements he decided to consult the Ministry ... Show more content on ...
It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is 'not done ' to say it, just as in mid–
Victorian times it was 'not done ' to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who
challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A
genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or
in the highbrow periodicals. At this moment what is demanded by the prevailing orthodoxy is an
uncritical admiration of Soviet Russia. Every–one knows this, nearly everyone acts on it. Any
serious criticism of the Soviet régime, any disclosure of facts which the Soviet government would
prefer to keep hidden, is next door to unprintable. And this nation–wide conspiracy to flatter our ally
takes place, curiously enough, against a background of genuine intellectual tolerance. For though
you are not allowed to criticize the Soviet government, at least you are reasonably free to criticize
our own. Hardly anyone will print an attack on Stalin, but it is quite safe to attack Churchill, at any
rate in books and periodicals. And throughout five years of war, during two or three of which we
were fighting for national survival, countless books, pamphlets and articles advocating a
compromise peace have been published without interference. More, they have been published
without exciting much disapproval. So long as the prestige of the USSR is not involved,
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Comparative Analysis Of The Press And Its Role On Civil...
Baylee Bell
PSCI 2012
Professor Carew Boulding
2 December 2014
Freedom of the Press and its Role on Civil Liberties: A Comparative Analysis of Democracy in
China and Japan Two of the greatest powers in the modern world are China and Japan. Both
countries have dealt with civil unrest and violence to establish the governments that exist today, and
both maintain status as major economic powers in the modern global trade markets. Located a mere
1000 miles apart, these two countries share many similarities, but they also could not be more
different. While Japan has made huge strives towards becoming a free country, China is failing to
establish democratic principles; this is especially demonstrated through government implemented
censorship programs. The problem of government censorship and freedom, or lack thereof, of the
press is much more prevalent in China than in Japan. This can be attributed to the two varying types
of governments present within the two countries, China ruling through a communist state and Japan
enforcing a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy. Freedom of the press is
directly related to government institutions and reflective of democratic principles because it allows
for the truth to be exposed, without fear of repercussions. Under a system that allows for free press,
it is much harder to conceal violations of civil liberties and human rights, because of the ability to
freely accuse and hold the government accountable for its actions. In
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Freedom Of Religion, Speech, And Press
I think that the constitution was a triumph in republican government for many reasons. The
constitution guaranteed basic rights for people, guarded against tyranny and established a new type
of government. The basic rights for people included all the amendments. They guarded against
tyranny in several ways such as separation of powers and checks and balances and lastly it created a
new government by making the power of national and state governments equal.
Although the constitutions main goal was to establish a strong government after the failed Articles
of Confederation, there are still five parts that take part in protecting individual rights of the people.
The Bill of Rights, which is the first 10 amendments. Amendment 1: Freedom of religion, speech,
and press. Amendment 2: Right to keep or bear arms. Amendment 3: Protection from quartering
soldiers. Amendment 4: Protection from unreasonable search or seizure. Amendment 5: Right to due
process of law. Amendment 6: Right to trial by jury, speedy trial, public trial, counsel. Amendment
7: Right to civil by trial by jury. Amendment 8: Prohibition of excessive bail and cruel and unusual
punishment. Amendment 9: Protection of rights not enumerated in the Constitution. Amendment 10:
Protection of the powers of the states and the people. Amendments 14, 15, 19, and 26 are also other
amendments/parts that are for the rights of people. Amendment 14 is citizenship rights. This
amendment gives citizenship to anyone born
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Importance Of The 1st Amendment
In total, America has 27 Amendments all together but which one is the most important you may ask,
well that's was this is about. I believe that the 1st Amendment is the most important out of them all .
The 1st Amendment is freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition. Freedom of
religion and speech are one of the best things a country can have and also something everyone
believes they should have. Everyone should be able to say or do anything they want without fear.
Also freedom of press is the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter
without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc. ( . Freedom of Assembly is The right to hold public meetings and form
associations without interference by the government. Freedom of peaceful assembly is guaranteed
by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Last but not least is Freedom of Petition According to ("The Free Dictionary", 2017) a formal
written request to a court for an order of the court. It is distinguished from a complaint in a lawsuit
which asks for damages and/or performance by the opposing party. Petitions include demands for
writs, orders to show cause, modifications of prior orders, continuances, dismissal of a case,
reduction of bail in criminal cases, a decree of distribution of an estate, appointment of a guardian,
and a host of other matters arising in legal actions.
The 1st Amendment allows
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Freedom Of Press Amendment Research Paper
I believe advertisements targeting children should not be banned in the United States. Doing so
would be unconstitutional due to the Freedom of Press amendment. Advertisements can help
children by promoting healthy eating habits while at the same time teaching them that
advertisements are just ploys for businesses to get more money. Banning advertisements targeted
towards children in the United States would violate the rights of many businesses across the nation.
The Constitution along with its amendments are in place to protect every citizen and business in the
nation. The Freedom of Press amendment was implemented for when cases like this one are brought
up. Taking this right away would upset the balance in this country and possibly
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Freedom Of The Press, Freedom, And Freedom For Democracy
Freedom of the press is considered to be the most important component to a strong, fair, and healthy
democracy. This ideal is so valued that it is within the first amendment of the Constitution of the
United States' Bill of Rights. Today still, a free press is often used as a measurement of the freedom
and democratic strength of a state, and is considered to be a guardian of the people against
democratic erosion or executive aggrandizement. Freedom of the press, however, is not
unproblematic. It can seem at many times that state intervention within or restriction of the press,
can solve some of the issues of a free press, but neither state control, nor an entirely unconstrained
press is perfect for democracy, or protection against the erosion of democracy. While a free press
does not guarantee the survival of a democracy, and the degree of freedom may need to be slightly
limited, it is without question, that a freer press is more likely to ensure the survival of democracy,
than a press that is controlled, or one that is experiences extreme constraints from the government.
A large threat to democracy is a press whose freedom is completely limited by the government.
According to a Washington Post Piece written by Daniel Hill and Yonatan Lupu, governmental
restriction of the press is correlated to weakened democratic institutions, an increase in human rights
violations, and less political competition ( State restrictions of the press have
been used within
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Importance Of The First Amendment
The first 10 amendments of the constitution are called the bill of rights. The bill of rights was
created by James Madison. The Bill of Rights were ratified by every state on December 15, 1791.
The bill of rights limits government power so it does not become a tyrant. The Bill of Rights also
prevents the government from restricting some things like freedom of the press. The Bill of Rights
gives U.S. Citizens many freedoms. The first amendment of the constitution is important because it
protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. The first amendment of
the constitution is important because it protects freedom of speech. The first amendment gives you
the right to speak whatever you want. "the right of people to express their opinions publicly without
governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc."
(Freedom of Speech, You can really hurt people's feeling when using certain words
so there is a done side to the freedom of speech. Although you can hurt people the first amendment
states "abridging the freedom of speech" (Constitute, This means you can say whatever you
want and not having freedom of speech we could not even talk bad about some things. You can also
judge the government without getting arrested."To use certain offensive words and phrases to
convey political messages." (What Does Free Speech Mean, The amendment
explains you are able to
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What Does Religious Freedom Mean To Me
Freedom, to me, means being able to have religious freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of the
press. When I think about freedom, I visualize the United States of America. It reminds me of the
land of the free. Having religious freedom means much of the world to me. It lets me be able to
worship God, the one and only person who created the heavens and the Earth. In some other
countries around the world, if you become caught practicing different religions, you can be
persecuted. Religious freedom affects many parts of our daily life, including education and the
rights to live out our beliefs. If no one were to stand up for this important right, it would be quickly
lost. Letting one have the opportunity for religious freedom lets them
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The Importance Of Freedom Of The Press
Freedom of the of the press has been a tricky topic throughout the ages. The press used to be a
reliable source of news, where the full truth was given to the public. As the years go by more and
more are added, making it difficult for press to do anything. This has often lead to many journalists
going to court to argue against those that have violated their rights granted in the first amendment.
The first amendment clearly states "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech".
Despite the amendments protecting the people from the government, these lawsuits with journalists
and public speakers keep appearing. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a news source without
stumbling upon prejudiced opinions, stories heavily censored, and news created to catch the eye of
the public. America was a country of freedom, but now this country has enforced so many
restrictions and laws that most of that freedom seems lost. Journalism used to be one of the most
trusted sources of news. Lately, journalists have been a huge target on the end of first amendment
restrictions. With a journalist's job, telling the public about everything occurring throughout the
world. These restrictions have made a huge impact on their work. But, journalists now have a much
better way to convey their ideas through the internet. Anyone can access their articles and read them,
but with the easy accessibility to stories, there is a downside. Sometimes reporters must write up
cover stories to
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The Right Of Free Speech And Freedom Of Press
The right many Americans take for granted every day is the ability to speak to one another and to
express their opinions through verbal and non–verbal means of communication. The First
Amendment provides the right of free speech and freedom of press to the people. The Bill of Rights,
also known as the first 10 amendments to the Constitution went into effect on Dec. 15, 1791, when
the state of Virginia ratified it, giving the bill the majority of ratifying states required to protect
citizens from the power of the federal government. One must ask, why would such a right need to be
thought about for so long before enacting it for the people? Why has this never been considered to
be a universal right that every man and woman should have across the world? Historically, in the
development of Western Civilization and prior to the colonization of the Eastern states by the British
Monarchy, the British colonies were not even states yet, let alone united. Neighboring countries
Canada and Mexico were variously governed by the French Canadians, where the French influence
can be felt to this day, in places from Quebec to Montreal, by the Spaniards in California, and the
British in what is now British Columbia. Parts of California and Texas were also under Spanish and
Mexican occupation. What England, France, and Spain had in common were monarchies as
governments, with the King or Queen conflated with the Church as ordained by God. The common
people were peasants in a feudal
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Freedom To The Press: A Choice Matters
A Choice Matters In the story Freedom To The Press, its tells of a young high school journalist who
writes about teen pregnancy in one of the articles. Later that week when the article was published
she noticed that the article was missing from the news papers. The principle had removed it. The
principal had a choice to remove it. The author had the choice to publish her thoughts on teen
pregnancy. Everyday people have a choice. To buy this or to wear that. People will always have a
choice unless its hurting themselves or others. When someone is between the ages of 1 to about 12
they need help to survive. Parents help their children and make choices for their kids. Once your
parents let have more freedom you can choose a lot of things. What
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Foundations and Limits of Freedom of the Press
In "Foundations and Limits of Freedom of the Press, " Judith Lichtenberg explores the ongoing
controversial argument surrounding the regulation of the press and mass media. She evaluates the
ability of the press to shape our opinions and values through an examination of the interdependent
relationship between freedom of speech and press. Furthermore, she notes that, while the two rights
appear similar as they are both considered as forms of self–expression, it is important to differ
between the two. While Lichtenberg states that freedom of speech and freedom of press are
"inseparable" and "equally fundamental" she also claims that there are distinct difference between
the two basic rights (Lichtenberg 329). She defines the freedom of speech as the equal foundational
right to symbolic expression of multiplicity of voices (Lichtenberg 337). The main difference
between freedom of speech and press lies in that freedom of press is in the public domain and once
self–expression is launched into a public sphere, it threatens to restrict another's autonomy. Here
Lichtenberg uses the analogy of a restaurant to illustrate her claim. Although the restaurant may be
privately owned, its success depends on the public; therefore it ceases to remain an entirely private
institution (Lichtenberg 343). While freedom of speech concerns only the individual and is nearly
unconditional, freedom of press regards organizations that lies in the public domain therefore we it
should be exercised
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John Milton Demand The Freedom Of The Press
In Areopagitica John Milton demand the freedom of the press, actually the freedom of the author. He
made the following demand: "Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to
conscience, above all liberties." This issue was personal for Milton, as he had suffered censorship
himself in his efforts to publish several tracts defending divorce. Areopagitica is full of divine and
classical references which Milton uses to strengthen his argument. This is particularly fitting
because it was being addressed to the Calvinist Presbyterians who comprised Parliament at that
time. The Areopagitica was an attack directed against the Licensing Order Act of 1643, which
demanded that an author 's work be approved by the government ... Show more content on ...
He resisted this incorporates even the "awful" or blasphemous books, since we can earn from their
wrongs and find what is valid by considering what is not valid. Milton 's point is that God supplied
each individual with the reason, through and through freedom, and inner voice to judge thoughts for
themselves, so the thoughts in a content ought to be dismissed by the author's own decision, not by a
permitting expert. Additionally, the soul is not defiled just by experiencing deception. Milton brings
up that experiencing deception can really prompt righteous activity, for example, how St. Paul 's
believers had secretly and intentionally consumed Ephesian books thought to be "magick". Milton at
that point contends that Parliament 's authorizing request will flop in its motivation to smother
shameful, dissident, and derogatory books: "this request of permitting conduces nothing to the end
for which it was fram 'd". The request was intended to redress conduct by keeping the spread of a
"disease" caused by terrible books. Milton objects, contending that the authorizing request is
excessively clearing, on the grounds that even the Bible itself had been verifiably restricted to
perusers for containing hostile portrayals of disrespect and evil men. Milton additionally calls
attention to that Parliament won 't shield the oblivious from terrible books by this Order, on the
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Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and...
Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition There are three main reasons why we
have or need our Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. First, the 1st
Amendment gives us our independence. Second, it also gives us the right to express ourselves. Last
but not least, it allows people to express themselves without constraint by the government. The 1st
Amendment is a very essential freedom that everyone should be entitled to. Our independence is the
most important essential need of humans. It lets us be and act how we are and want to be. The
reason why the Europeans immigrated to America was to find their freedom of religion. After the
colonists worked their ... Show more content on ...
I hold it to be impracticable; and from this, I infer, that its security, whatever fine declarations may
be inserted in and constitution respecting it, must altogether depend on public opinion, and on the
general spirit of the people and of the government, And here, after all, as intimated upon another
occasion, must we seek for the only solid basis of all our rights." Hamilton can really describe what
being able to express you self in press means. It is very important to be able to also express what
you want to say. "Everyday in the United States, several judicial cases are brought up by individuals
and groups asking the courts to protect their freedom of expression guaranteed to them under the
First Amendment of the Constitution of the country." As you can tell we need our freedom of
expression daily! The Government is supposed to let people express themselves without constraint.
The 1st Amendment says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right
of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." It
clearly states there that the congress can not take our freedom to exercise what we believe. I am so
happy that we have the privilege and right to express what and how we want. In some
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How Did John Peter Zenger Contribute To The Freedom Of The...
The trail of John Peter Zenger contributed to the establishment of the freedom of the press.
Newspapers were created for the purpose of sharing ideas as well as the news. In their attempt to
explain the news, printers are also critical of the events which occur. They share their opinions and
ideas without explicitly stating them. Through the use of their writing and language, they convince
people to believe them and to agree with them. Nowadays, the media has the power to alter reality.
It can mislead you with false information or provide information in its point of view. Since social
media wasn't widespread during the time, people spread ideas and thoughts through newspapers.
The newspaper is one of the most powerful ways to spread ideas and
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Freedom of Press or Danger to Troops? Essay
Freedom of Press or Danger to Troops?
The news has been an important source of information for as long as it has been around. News
during a time of war is sometimes the only way a family member, friend, or general public have any
idea what the soldiers are going through. Having this source of information can help rally support
for our troops when they need all the support they can get. As reporters are granted more access to
military operations the information they are provided, and have to report on, become a great
responsibility and they should make sure to only make public what should be made public.
Information is increasingly becoming the most important weapon in any militaries arsenal, so we
should be more careful as to how that ... Show more content on ...
Reporters often interview retired generals or other government officials to try and understand as
much about the war and how the United States handles war. "At a Pentagon briefing, General
Richard Myers blasted retired generals serving as news analysts for criticizing the Pentagon's war
plans" (Poniewozik 1). In that example they didn't give away any secrets, but simply criticizing
current war plans could be harmful for the troops moral and the averages citizens trust in the
president. "Basing editorial decisions on what's "helpful" for troops and patriots may
make for outstanding morale – and probably even better ratings" (Poniewozik 1). Further
consideration for what is being said should be given to prevent things like this from happening.
In future conflicts their will have to be greater ground rules and policies laid down for the media.
The Iraq war, which was a first of its kind with embedded reporters, had some basic rules laid out.
"Although all journalists will have to abide by basic rules for travel with the units, each commander
will have the flexibility to restrict access based on need" (Strupp 1). "NBC News, and every other
news organization that wanted to be embedded with the military, had to agree to some conditions to
ensure that our broadcasting would not endanger the lives of military personnel or compromise
military operations" (Verdi 1). "We can't jeopardize the
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Censorship In Free Countries
How different would it be if "Big Brother" had censorship in free countries? Would we even have
things such as Twitter or Facebook? Could you post selfies on Instagram and send pictures on
Snapchat? Who really can say? What the people can say and see is thanks to the free press and their
right to free press gives the United States real potential of freedom. Free press is imperative to a free
nation such as the United States so that we can see what is occurring inside of the country in which
we live. This should be done without any interruptions made by the Government to misconstrue the
facts or evidence.
To call for punishment upon the utterance of any upset, regardless to context or atmosphere, of one's
country is in the direct disruption ... Show more content on ...
The illustration published by the Orlando Sentinel demonstrates this very clearly in their illustration
of Putin and his Vice President with Obama and the Vice President discussing censorship. Putin is
rambling about how much he has control over and Obama has none of which Putin has obtained. He
even begins drooling (fig. 1) This show just how powerful censorship can be. Historically, big
figures that crave ultimate control have had ultimate censorship such as Hitler and Mussolini. In
some cases, the United States is guilty of this as well. That is why freedom of the press, as well as a
free press is necessary for free countries such as the United States to
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Freedom Of Speech Limitations
The first Amendment of The United States Constitution gives everyone the opportunity for freedom
of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. Despite, the United America living by the the
value that everyone has freedom of speech and equal opportunities, the first Amendment should be
limited because it can uphold national security and general hostility. As this already occurred in our
nation's past, with the Red Scare which led to Schneck vs United States in 1919, and the second Red
Scare that led to the McCarthy era and Dennis vs the United States in the 1950s. Our nation already
had a history of the first amendment causing scrutiny in a stressful time. History cannot repeat itself,
as it is a must that freedom of speech and press must be limited , while our nation goes through a
drastic time for the sake of the American people and the United States of America. Freedom of
speech and press allows people to communicate and discuss important issues. It is one of our basic
freedom rights. But when our nation is going to a drastic time, freedom of speech should be limited
as distasteful speech can send an alarming message. One of the reasons that freedom of speech and
press needs to be limited is that sometimes people's opinions can cause chaos. People's opinions can
cause anger and want to fight back. For instance, in the past our nation went through a turbulent
time known as 9/11, where American's pulled through together, and voiced their opinions, of this
hostile time in United States history. Sometimes the opinions of people can fear, anger, and wanting
to fight back. That could cause a drastic situation to become more drastic. So, under president
George W. Bush the USA Patriotic Act was it enacted. This was a controversial law enacted in
response to the 9/11 terrioist acts, which was to strengthen domestic sceurity and broaden the
powers of law–enforcement agencies with regards to identifying and stopping terrorists ,with the
slightest detail. In conclusion, freedom of speech and press must be limited during a time when our
nation is going through hostility because sometimes individuals' opinions can cause an alarming
situation to be worse. Despite freedom of speech being a basic right,
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Banning The Freedom Of The Press
Although some may consider these books controversial or inappropriate, many English classes have
required us to read these books. Like the teachers that assigned us these books, I believe that even
controversial books can ultimately boost, not deter, our educational wealth. I oppose book banning
for three main reasons. First, I believe that education should be open to everyone. Everyone should
have an opportunity to read any literature of their choosing and form his or her own opinions based
on the reading. Micah Issitt lists "three basic rights covered under the freedom of the press: the right
to publish, the right to confidentiality of sources, and the right of citizens to access the products of
the press." My second reason specifically addresses the last right stating that citizens should have
access to the press. The government should not restrict books from being published or interfere into
personal affairs as this is an infringement of the First Amendment. Finally, I believe that parents
should monitor what their own children read, but not have the authority to ban other children from
reading these novels. For these reasons, I conclude that the government should play no role in the
issue what citizens do and do not read, and that book restriction should remain a solely private
matter. hile I agree that parents should play an active role in educating their children and as their
primary guardians, have the legal right to monitor what their children read, I disagree that
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Democracy Response Research Paper
Response paper
The media plays huge roles in democracy. To begin with, the media ensures that the public and
citizens at large gain access to information which helps to make citizens informed and this in turn
helps them to make better choices (Benjamin et al). The media acts in the capacity of an informer by
providing citizens with credible information that is not biased and letting them make informed
decisions. Democracy holds that the people must be informed. Secondly, the media serves as an eye
on the elected members and ensures that they honor the offices that they have been elected in and
serve the people that elected them well (Benjamin et al). The media mediates between the people
and the governing body and ensures that people participate ... Show more content on ...
"24 hours illustrating why Trump is a threat to press freedom." Think Progress. (2016)
Benjamin G, Theodore J. Lowi, Margaret Weir, Robert J. Spit. "We the People."WW Norton &
Company Incorporated (2014).
Dawes, Simon. "Press freedom, privacy and the public sphere." Journalism Studies 15.1 (2014): 17–
Clayman, Steven E., et al. "Historical Trends in Questioning Presidents, 1953‐2000." Presidential
Studies Quarterly 36.4 (2006): 561–583.
Curran, James. Media and democracy. Taylor & Francis, 2011.
Kaspers, Matthias. "The Press under Pressure–Strengthening the Fourth Estate." The Guardian
Jones, RonNell Andersen, and Lisa Grow Sun. "Enemy Construction and the Press."
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Social Media On The Rise No Longer Uses Freedom Of Speech...
The tech–savvy generation on the rise no longer uses Freedom of speech through the press, but
rather, social media outlets. Following this movement is Bernie Sanders, who uses social media as a
driving force of his race for the democratic nomination. Originally, as an Independent Senator of
Washington, Bernie lacked the popularity that some of the other candidates achieved. Sanders then
decided to align his political campaign with the Democratic Party, in hope to achieve the nomination
for candidacy. The "practical and successful Legislator" campaign desires to change the current
status quo by focusing his objectives on "universal healthcare purchased by the state, publicly
funded elections, free higher education, more protectionist trade policies and a redistributive tax
system that raises money for job–creating infrastructure projects" (Roberts, Dan). Sanders advocates
his objective to voters all over social media demographically attracting the young white generation
as a result. This paper will examine how Sanders social media strategy is used to accomplish his
objective, by reaching out to his target audience and how he could use a different social media
strategy to increase his audience. As a former independent socialist, Sanders struggled with
informing the public of what changes needed to occur. Although this is not the case any longer,
Sanders explains how "social media has revolutionized a whole lot of things and in many ways it
works for us because the message
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Freedom of the Press Essay
Freedom of the Press and How It Has Affected the American Political Process throughout History
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Presented in Partial fulfillment of the
Requirement for American Federal Gov 1114 Mark L. Hays Tulsa Community College
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– By E–Man June 13, 2010 Freedom of
the Press is a yearly report by U.S–based non–governmental organization freedom house, measuring
the level of freedom and editorial independence enjoyed by the press in every nation and significant
disputed territories around the world. Levels of freedom are scored on a scale from 1 (most free) to
100 (least free). Depending on the basics, the nations are ... Show more content on
It has often been asserted that differences in the two candidates' television personae accounted in
part for Kennedy's election victory. Some, however, dispute the significance of the televised 1960
debates, suggesting that while visual cues undoubtedly have the potential to influence voter
perceptions, the nature and extent of the influence remain a matter of speculation (Pendell and
Vancil P.54 1988). Furthermore; Keyton (1989) points out that "Debates involving candidates for the
1988 presidential nomination carry a similar message. Results of a study of college students
revealed the finding that the winner of the 1988 debate was predicted by perceptions of the
candidate who projected the strongest personal image, the greatest credibility, the most logical
arguments, and the strongest emotional appeals. Furthermore, voter preferences expressed after a
first debate were strong predictors of eventual candidate choice. In some political campaigns, even
the lack of debates can have significance. George Bush's successful 1988 presidential campaign
employed debate avoidance, a reliance upon emotional appeals and ridicule, and a de–emphasis of
issues. Both of the major U.S. political parties have used such strategies, considered to be departures
from ethical behavior (Kelly 1990). Men and women react differently to the media analysis that
generally follows political debates. A study conducted at the University of Florida during the
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Freedom Of The Press In The First Amendment
It is often easy to forget why we, as Americans, have the freedoms that we do. The liberties that
other countries do not have are liberties that we take for granted. Being able to write and publish
anything was very important to the framers of the constitution. So important in fact, that is was
included in the first amendment. The framers included freedom of the press in the first amendment
because it allowed the public to be educated on everything that occurs with their government and for
citizens to be influenced by others ideas to form their own opinions. The colonizers had left a
government that hindered their freedoms. They fought the revolutionary war to break free from the
British authority and have the power to make their own
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New York Times Vs. Sullivan 1964: The Ratification Of The...
Initially, the Articles of Confederation was the first form of written constitution the United States
had established. However, the Articles of Confederation had many flaws, one of the major flaws was
it was establishing a weak government. Therefore, many important delegates through a committee
decided to construct a new form of law that will inculcate a strong government. The result was the
ratification of the Constitution (1788); the supreme law of the land. The constitution is broken down
in three branches the legislative, executive, and the judicial branch all for the purpose for tyranny
doesn't surpass. Likewise, the constitution is constructs first with the preamble starting with the
famous words" We the People of the United States," ... Show more content on ...
To sum, the case is about an advertising the newspaper included some inaccurate story about the
civic leaders, civil right events, and Sullivan. Sullivan (a public official) believed that the
defamatory comments that were made of him were making a negative impact on his life, thus he
sued the New York times. The court in Alabama at the time ruled "The law ... implies legal injury
from bare facts of publication itself, falsity and malice are presumed, general damages no need to
presume." Thus, the court from Alabama gave Sullivan a compensation of five hundred thousand
dollars. New York times decided to take this case to the supreme court because they believe their 1st
amendment rights were being violated. Therefore, a new question arose whether the first amendment
protects defamatory, false statements concerning public officials? The court ruled that the 1st
amendment does protect the publication of all statements, even false ones, concerning the conduct of
a public official except when the statement was made with actual malice. Once again, we notice the
irony of freedom of speech the issue is citizens are not informed that under the 1st amendment there
is sufficient rights guarantee. It is not solely having the right to express our emotions towards the
government, it is to expose information to citizens and have the citizens decided for themselves.
Democracy does not work if the government or public official try to hide information from its
citizens. Democracy function when there is a clear majority of press that expose the truth and allow
people to determine what the issue is. Press must be able to protect us against an overreaching
government. Sometimes executive power tries to control the press because they do not want to
inform the truth about that for example the Watergates scandal, Edward Snowden, Wiki leaks and
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Factors Affecting The Political Risk
Std. Deviation
Std. Error of Skewness
Std. Error of Kurtosis
The average press freedom in the 32 SSA countries in this study is 57.5, which implies the press in
the region is largely partly free.
The dependent variable is the political risk. It provides an overview of the political stability in a
particular country. The scale is designed to show the greatest value to the lowest risk and the lowest
value of the highest risk. Economic, demographic, and geographic indicators are also included in the
econometric specifications being control variables thus ensuring the analysis affecting the political
risk. The political risk ... Show more content on ...
Std. Error of Skewness
Std. Error of Kurtosis
Preliminary analysis of the literacy rate indicates that the SSA region has an average literacy rate of
73% which is moderately low compared to the average global literacy rate of 84%.
SPSS data is categorized as nominal, ordinal or scale, whereby nominal data is a variable without
intrinsic ranking, ordinal variables have intrinsic ranking while scale variables represent data with
meaningful metrics to allow for data comparisons. all the three variables in this study are scale
variables implying that their values can facilitate comparison between the data of each country.
To normalize the data in order to ensure accurate analysis, the indices on press freedom and political
risk were averaged for the period between 1996 and 2013. IBM's SPSS was used to identify
correlations between the press freedom and political risk through linear regression.
Without the control:
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Press Freedom Index
Sum of Squares df Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Political Risk Index
b. Predictors: (Constant), Press Freedom Index
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The World Press Freedom Index Essay

  • 1. The World Press Freedom Index Essay RWB was founded in 1985 in France. At the beginning, the organization promoted alternative journalism to later change its focus towards press freedom. Even though RWB is most famous for its annual World Press Freedom Index, another important sphere of its activity is related to assistance to journalists assigned to dangerous areas. In order to develop the 2010 index, RWB sent a questionnaire to about 130 correspondents in the world, among them journalists, researchers, attorneys and human rights activists. The questionnaire consisted of 43 questions, divided in seven sections: (1) Physical violence, (2) Number of journalists killed, arrested, physically attacked or threatened, and the role of government officials in those cases, (3) Indirect threats, harassment, and access to information, (4) Censorship and self–censorship, (5) Control of media, (6) Judicial, business, and administrative pressures, and (7) Internet and new media. However, none of these sections included questions about the media ownership structure norneither about the media ownership structure nor about their economic concentration in private hands. The questions in the section "Control of media" only inquire if there are privately owned media in the country and if they are "free to determine their editorial policy". And with regard to independent media, the questionnaire assumes that they are privately owned. The same section asks about unjustified layoffs of journalists, but only with regardconcerning to ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Freedom of the Press Versus Right to Privacy Freedom of the press versus right to privacy ByRobert Skidelsky (China Daily) Privacy has become a big issue in contemporary jurisprudence. The "right to privacy" is enshrined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and guaranteed by Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. But Article 8 is balanced by Article 10, which guarantees "free expression of opinion". So what right has priority when they conflict? Under what circumstances, for example, is it right to curtail press freedom in order to protect the right to privacy, or vice versa? The same balance is being sought between the right of citizens to data privacy and government demands for access to personal information to fight crime, terrorism, and so on. ... Show more content on ... A law that curtails the abuse of press power while protecting its freedom to expose the abuse of political power would be difficult, but not impossible, to frame. The essential principle is that the media should not be allowed to pander to the public 's prurience under cover of protecting the public interest. What famous people – indeed ordinary people, too – do in private should be off limits to the media unless they give permission for those activities to be reported, photographed, or filmed. The only exceptions would be if a newspaper has reasonable grounds for believing that the individuals concerned are breaking the law, or that, even if they are not breaking the law, they are behaving in such a way as to render them unfit to perform the duties expected of them. Thus, a pop star 's consumption of illegal drugs may be reported, but not his or her sexual habits (if they are legal). The private life of a politician may be revealed if it is expected to have consequences for the way the country is being governed; that of a top executive of a public company if it may affect the returns to shareholders. This should be the only "public interest" defense available to a media outlet that is sued for invasion of privacy. The media might become a bit drearier, but public life would be far healthier. The author is a professor emeritus of political economy at Warwick University Project Syndicate (China Daily
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  • 10. Balancing Individual Privacy with Press Freedom Balancing Individual Privacy with Press Freedom Alan F. Westin, a privacy expert at Columbia University, once wrote: Privacy is the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others (self information control right). In this age of mass media, individual privacy has become a casualty of journalists' feeding frenzy and it has become really hard for societies to determine the nature and process of information in the public domain. In this article I reflect on the problem in Nepal's context. Despite being a social animal, every human being seeks seclusion and solitude within the open mirror of society. Privacy is inherent in the behavior ... Show more content on ... The current interim constitution (article 28) stipulates that except on the circumstance as provided by the law, the privacy of the person, his or her residence, property, document, statistics, correspondence and character is inviolable Similarly, the constitution of the country also guarantees freedom of the press (article 15 interim constitution, 2063). It ensures the right to freedom of press and publication. This right was included as a specific fundamental right in previous Constitution of Nepal 2047. Freedom of the press means the right to print and publish without any interference from the state or any public authority. The liberty of the press consists freedom from prior restraints upon publication of content. Freedom of the press also means freedom of dissemination, news and views from diverse and antagonistic sources for the knowledge and welfare of the people. The Press and Publication Act (2048), a new version of the earlier Press and Publication Act (2039), also guaranteed the constitutional freedom of the press. The Gali Beizzati Ain 2016 (such as in article 3 and 8) recognizes freedom of the press. It says that every human being shall enjoy free press, without any discrimination on the ground of race, color, sex etc. There are, however, very few International Conventions which guarantee right to privacy, but there are several conventions regarding press freedom. For example, the right to privacy is enumerated in article 12 of the Universal ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Freedom Of Speech And Expression Essay After enactment of Constitution, many laws related to press were challenged before the court. In Srinivasa Bhat v. State of Madras, K. Madhava Menon v. State of Bombay, Avanti Press 1950, Amar Nath v. State of Punjab, Romesh Thapar v. Chief Secretary of Patna, Tara Singh v. the State of Punjab, Fram Nusserwanji v. State of Bombay, Chandardeo v. State of Bihar, Tozam–mal v. Government of Bengal, etc., the laws related to press ultra vires to the constitution were quashed. Article 19(1) (a), freedom of speech and expression which also includes freedom of press is with the restrictions provided in Article 19(2) of the Constitution. When the constitution was enacted, Article 19 contained only following restrictions: 1. Libel, slander and defamation 2. Contempt of court 3. Decency and morality and 4. Security of state But after the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1963 friendly relations with foreign States, public order and incitement to an offence were added in Article 19(2) as a restrictions. While debating for the amendment in Parliament, Prime Minister said that this amendment is not to restrict the freedom of press in any sense. This just a step to clarify the Legislative powers of Government. He also stated that this amendment was to ensure that international relationship of India is not affected by mere irresponsible write ups by press. This amendment was taken as a breach of trust on press by the government and some section of press even labelled this amendment as ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. My Three Gifts America Analysis Abraham Lincoln once said "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." My three favorite gifts America has given me are Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Religion. The first gift America as given me is Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Speech is the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. My generation is able to speak our opinions. Some countries are able to speak negatively. For example on the News they have zero tolerance for any negative coverage. Some people in my generation take this gift for granted they might use it in a negative way like bulling someone they might say "I'm entitled to my opinion." It is just not right to say something to bring someone down. Another ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Importance Of Freedom Of The Press The freedom of the press was given to all Americans at the very start of building our union and joining the 13 divided colonies into a more united nation. To get all the thirteen colonies to agree on the signing of the Constitution a Bill of Rights was promised to the framers. The Bill of Rights is comprised with ten amendments giving a sense of security to the framers in making sure that the government won't take all power away from the citizens residing the the country. The first amendment included in the Bill of Rights states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." This freedom of the press given to citizens was something that the framers took serious and gave great importance to. Since this freedom lets the citizens of America know what goes on behind the scene in the governments offices. This information is shared with the public making it so that the government doesn't keep important information from its citizens which would prevent its citizens from speaking out in the wrongdoing they see led by the government. Thereby not letting the government sly by and take actions that would deem to be unfair for its people and the rights of its country. This was the kind of tyranny the framers were concerned about, and the more a person is concerned about tyranny the freer you want freedom of speech and press to be. One grave imprortance that freedom of the press gave to its citizens was assurance ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Freedom Of Speech In Public Nuisance Law "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." Thomas Jefferson is stating that the press cannot be limited or there would be no freedom. "The Saturday press', is a prime example of newspaper with a loud voice about corruption. Furthermore, Minnesota passed the Public Nuisance Law or known as the, "press gag law". Freedom of speech is constitutionally or right to say what we please as the people of America. To begin with, Mr. Near the publisher of The Saturday press, has created a newspaper devoted to the corruptions of society. This one of a kind newspaper had its focus on police and government corruption. Judges called it a "nuisance", and "racist, anti–labor, anti–sematic, and finally, anti– Catholic". Minnesota courts ended "The Saturday Press" from publishing any future editions. ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Freedom Of Press For Whom? And Diversity: Article Analysis The two articles that I chose, Freedom of Press for Whom? And Diversity around a democratic core: The universal and the particular in journalism, the main ideas of the articles are to draw attention to how the public follows journalisms as well as politicians. Both of the articles discussed that media and journalism are a form of communication. Thus, they both provide information about news related topics to the public. This way the citizens would have a way to have a voice and participate in debates. Cherian George, in the article Diversity around a democratic core: The universal and the particular in journalism argued that the job of the media and the democratic priorities has to be sensitive to differences of context. He claims that our way of doing journalism is dominant, which is a Eurocentric way of looking at the world. At the same time he argues that journalism from other places does the same thing as the dominant, but it doesn't have as much pull in wealthy places as it does in underdeveloped places. The purpose of George's article is to guide us to understand how journalism works in relation to democracy. If universal theories of journalism are actually universal, how should journalism approach research across national boundaries. Journalists should put events into context of cultures. In addition to George's concepts Robert W. McChesney, who wrote Freedom Of The Press For Whom? The ... Show more content on ... For example, in Afghanistan they tried to give capitalism, which I think that they can't give capitalism because they need the price to be controlled so people can eat. It doesn't work everywhere and that is the problem with the Western centric worldview. No matter what type of the form of communication, it's important to keep in mind whom you are communicating to and who are your ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Essay on Freedom of the Press Freedom of the press is part of the five main freedoms represented in the first amendment of the constitution of the United States. The constitution was ratified in 1791 putting freedom of the press in full development. Since then many cases have evolved with this freedom, and the freedom had some role of developing future amendments and technology in modern day. Freedom of the press had a history even before its ratification, it helped to solve many court cases, and is used throughout modern times. First of all, this is the definition of freedom of the press from Freedom of the press guarantees the rights, "to gather, publish, and distribute information and ideas without government restriction or restraint". Also it is ... Show more content on ... It has pointed to this people their danger and their remedy. It has set before them liberty and slavery..." ( This showed that Adams was proud of what he accomplished but also saw the power of the press and how people can get manipulated by the press. Before this newspapers never included criticism and topics against the government. Newspapers played a critical role after the American Revolution. Journalists criticized the Articles of Confederation and showed how worthless the American dollar was. Even though the Freedom of the Press was issued in the constitution, it was soon shut down with the implement of Sedition Act of 1798. Restrictions on the press were put in place. It was illegal, "to write, print, utter or publish, or cause it to be done, or assist in it, any false, scandalous, and malicious writing against the government of the United States ( Many people disliked it and the Sedition Act was pronounced unconstitutional in 1832. This was the beginning of the "Fourth Estate" which means the press watching over the government like a watchdog. As the 19th century progressed the biggest focus of the news was politics. "Slavery, presidential elections, the suffrage movement, temperance, free education and foreign policy were news and started social change with so many national issues. Soon after pictures were being formed in the newspaper and cartoons were being created to depict the lives of ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. The Government 's Freedom Of Press Since the Turkish state was founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1923, the press in Turkey has never been free. The first government was ruled by the Atatürk's party, the Republican People's Party (CHP), which claimed to be liberal and modernist; however, they made a law which could shut down and /or censor any newspapers which they did not like. (Bulut, 2015). During the CHP era, 130 newspapers and magazines were banned. Although many parties' names have changed throughout the years, the ruling ideology has been the same. For instance, during the rule of Prime Minister Adnan Menderes (1950 – 1960, Democrat Party), 161 newspapers were banned (Yılmaz, Doganer, 2007). Unfortunately, today's freedom of press in Turkey has further worsened. At the end of 2011, 110,000 websites were shut down by the AKP government's attempts. (Depeli, 2012). Many journalists were arrested, tortured and imprisoned. Most of the cases were associated with terrorism. According to the BIA Media Monitoring Reports, 104 journalists and 30 distributors were imprisoned in 2012. Also 64 of the journalists were Kurdish as well as almost all distributors. (Depeli, 20112). When Atatürk founded the Republic of Turkey, his ideology was to westernize the country through changing the education and political systems. Even though the majority of the population of Turkey supported the Kemalist (Atatürkist) ideology today and his "modern world–view", they never acknowledge some of the genocides that happened ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. George Orwell's The Decline Of American Press Freedom When George Orwell writes his dystopian novel '1984' in 1949, he is extremely disturbed with the state of the world after witnessing the methods of the Soviet Union and other fascist regimes during World War Two. During this period, the Soviet Union famously burned books and controlled all media outlets in an attempt to assert dominance over the people of the USSR. In response to his emotional disquiet over these issues, Orwell writes a warning to the world of what he fears would come to pass should totalitarian governments continue to grow in power. In '1984', Orwell writes of the government destroying all media that conflicts with the current political ideology, 'thought– police' arresting anybody who shows even the slightest signs of thinking ... Show more content on ... It is very important to be aware that the media is capable of controlling the flow of information that citizens receive. Furthermore, much of the content suppressed in this country is for fear of retribution from others. When governments and other institutions suppress information, citizens are not able to address matters concerning their country, as well as around the globe. In 'The Decline of American Press Freedom' by Anne Applebaum, Applebaum explains a recent controversy with Yale University and the publishing of a contentious comic in a scholarly report on the global consequences of political comics. The comics in question were satirical in nature and displayed the Islamic prophet Muhammad in an offensive manner. In an aniconic religion where visual depiction of the prophet is inherently blasphemous, the Islamic response to these comics were violent. When an analysis of the comics and the cultural backlash was written, instead of publishing it, Yale University swept it under the rug for fear of offending Islamic extremists. Applebaum argues that if "Yale University Press refuses to publish [the comics], then that makes it much harder for anybody else to treat the cartoon controversy as a legitimate matter for scholarly and political debate" (Applebaum 640). By not allowing the publishing of this analysis, Yale University is censoring what the American populace have access to in terms of global controversy. The issue becomes trivialized because institutions fear retribution from extremist groups. Without these scholarly points of reference of this issue and others, it is difficult to have a serious conversations about the ramifications of political and religious satire. This leads to people remaining uneducated and ignorant of these serious issues, and liable to repeat these same actions that so sorely offended an extremist ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Constitutional Provisions With Reference Freedom Of... 2.1 Constitutional Provisions with reference to Freedom of Press Our constitution unlike the American Constitution does not specifically or separately provide for the liberty of press. The omission was explained by Dr. B.R Ambedkar when he observed, "The press has no special rights which are not to be given or which are not to be exercised by the citizen in his individual capacity. The editor of a press or the manager is merely exercising the right of expression, and, therefore no special mention is necessary of the freedom of the press." Therefore, it is now settled that right to freedom of speech and expression in Article 19(1) (a) includes the liberty granted to press. The importance of freedom of press in parliamentary democracy was recognized, stated, re stated by the superior courts despite the fact there is no specific enumeration of this freedom. Liberty of Press is crucial for healthy development of a democratic nation and the judiciary has been extremely influential in developing the jurisprudence pertaining to freedom of Press. Liberty of Press is printing without previous license, subject to the consequences of law. In Romesh Thaper v. State of Madras, Patanjali Sastri, C.J. observed: "Freedom of speech and of the press lay at the foundation of all democratic organizations, for without free political discussion public education, so essential for the proper functioning of the process of popular government, is possible." 2.2 Meaning of Trial by Media ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Freedom Of The Press 1) One of the most important American documents is the Bill of Rights. This Bill of Rights essentially protects Americans from the government. Among the ten original amendments, the first amendment is often looked at as one of the most important, protecting the right to practice religion, to assemble, to petition the government, and the freedom of the press. The protection of these rights is essential to help maintain the United States a free and democratic country. I believe the most important rights are the right to practice religion and the freedom of the press. As I will explain in my essay, these two rights are paramount to the success of a democratic country. The first amendment stands as a reminder of our roots as a country of citizens who wanted to give the most representation and voice to the people as possible. As a result of this fiery resilience to a dictatorship, the Bill of Rights was created as a way to preserve many rights enjoyed by free men. Among this Bill of Rights was the first amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." One way to remember the freedoms granted in this amendment is R.A.P.P.S (Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press, and Speech). Practicing religion is one of the oldest behaviors in human existence. ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Egypt 's Press Freedom Issue And How The Government Is... "Once a global beacon, the American press has suffered from scandal, unpopularity and government crackdowns". In this paper, I will be explaining Egypt's press freedom issue and how the government is responsible. Egypt is an Arab country located in the corner of North Africa, close to the Middle East. Egypt is a diverse country with many religions, mainly Islam and Christianity. Egyt has a population of over 82 million. Ever since the Arab Spring started in Egypt, attacks on press freedom increased immensely in numbers. Egypt arrests/attacks and prevents journalists from revealing information or criticizing the government, police, army, and leaders within the country. It is believed that Egypt has been practicing such acts in order to protect their government and regime, so it does not change into the hands of the actual Egyptian people. Egypt claims to be a democratic state yet they are restricting journalists from doing their job and arresting or torturing them. They are not only attacking journalists, but also regular citizens who post about the government in social media like Facebook and Twitter. More and more Egyptian journalists have been scrutinized and afraid of presenting information on the state because of the huge possibility of being thrown into prison. The Egyptian government does not want journalists or anyone to reveal information regarding them, so they do not get exposed. If more information is revealed against the government then Egyptian people will ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Freedom of the Press by George Orwell George Orwell – The Freedom of the Press (alternate preface) This book was first thought of, so far as the central idea goes, in 1937, but was not written down until about the end of 1943. By the time when it came to be written it was obvious that there would be great difficulty in getting it published (in spite of the present book shortage which ensures that anything describable as a book will 'sell '), and in the event it was refused by four publishers. Only one of these had any ideological motive. Two had been publishing anti–Russian books for years, and the other had no noticeable political colour. One publisher actually started by accepting the book, but after making the preliminary arrangements he decided to consult the Ministry ... Show more content on ... It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is 'not done ' to say it, just as in mid– Victorian times it was 'not done ' to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in the highbrow periodicals. At this moment what is demanded by the prevailing orthodoxy is an uncritical admiration of Soviet Russia. Every–one knows this, nearly everyone acts on it. Any serious criticism of the Soviet régime, any disclosure of facts which the Soviet government would prefer to keep hidden, is next door to unprintable. And this nation–wide conspiracy to flatter our ally takes place, curiously enough, against a background of genuine intellectual tolerance. For though you are not allowed to criticize the Soviet government, at least you are reasonably free to criticize our own. Hardly anyone will print an attack on Stalin, but it is quite safe to attack Churchill, at any rate in books and periodicals. And throughout five years of war, during two or three of which we were fighting for national survival, countless books, pamphlets and articles advocating a compromise peace have been published without interference. More, they have been published without exciting much disapproval. So long as the prestige of the USSR is not involved, ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Comparative Analysis Of The Press And Its Role On Civil... Baylee Bell PSCI 2012 Professor Carew Boulding 2 December 2014 Freedom of the Press and its Role on Civil Liberties: A Comparative Analysis of Democracy in China and Japan Two of the greatest powers in the modern world are China and Japan. Both countries have dealt with civil unrest and violence to establish the governments that exist today, and both maintain status as major economic powers in the modern global trade markets. Located a mere 1000 miles apart, these two countries share many similarities, but they also could not be more different. While Japan has made huge strives towards becoming a free country, China is failing to establish democratic principles; this is especially demonstrated through government implemented censorship programs. The problem of government censorship and freedom, or lack thereof, of the press is much more prevalent in China than in Japan. This can be attributed to the two varying types of governments present within the two countries, China ruling through a communist state and Japan enforcing a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy. Freedom of the press is directly related to government institutions and reflective of democratic principles because it allows for the truth to be exposed, without fear of repercussions. Under a system that allows for free press, it is much harder to conceal violations of civil liberties and human rights, because of the ability to freely accuse and hold the government accountable for its actions. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Freedom Of Religion, Speech, And Press I think that the constitution was a triumph in republican government for many reasons. The constitution guaranteed basic rights for people, guarded against tyranny and established a new type of government. The basic rights for people included all the amendments. They guarded against tyranny in several ways such as separation of powers and checks and balances and lastly it created a new government by making the power of national and state governments equal. Although the constitutions main goal was to establish a strong government after the failed Articles of Confederation, there are still five parts that take part in protecting individual rights of the people. The Bill of Rights, which is the first 10 amendments. Amendment 1: Freedom of religion, speech, and press. Amendment 2: Right to keep or bear arms. Amendment 3: Protection from quartering soldiers. Amendment 4: Protection from unreasonable search or seizure. Amendment 5: Right to due process of law. Amendment 6: Right to trial by jury, speedy trial, public trial, counsel. Amendment 7: Right to civil by trial by jury. Amendment 8: Prohibition of excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment. Amendment 9: Protection of rights not enumerated in the Constitution. Amendment 10: Protection of the powers of the states and the people. Amendments 14, 15, 19, and 26 are also other amendments/parts that are for the rights of people. Amendment 14 is citizenship rights. This amendment gives citizenship to anyone born ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Importance Of The 1st Amendment In total, America has 27 Amendments all together but which one is the most important you may ask, well that's was this is about. I believe that the 1st Amendment is the most important out of them all . The 1st Amendment is freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition. Freedom of religion and speech are one of the best things a country can have and also something everyone believes they should have. Everyone should be able to say or do anything they want without fear. Also freedom of press is the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc. ( . Freedom of Assembly is The right to hold public meetings and form associations without interference by the government. Freedom of peaceful assembly is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Last but not least is Freedom of Petition According to ("The Free Dictionary", 2017) a formal written request to a court for an order of the court. It is distinguished from a complaint in a lawsuit which asks for damages and/or performance by the opposing party. Petitions include demands for writs, orders to show cause, modifications of prior orders, continuances, dismissal of a case, reduction of bail in criminal cases, a decree of distribution of an estate, appointment of a guardian, and a host of other matters arising in legal actions. The 1st Amendment allows ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Freedom Of Press Amendment Research Paper I believe advertisements targeting children should not be banned in the United States. Doing so would be unconstitutional due to the Freedom of Press amendment. Advertisements can help children by promoting healthy eating habits while at the same time teaching them that advertisements are just ploys for businesses to get more money. Banning advertisements targeted towards children in the United States would violate the rights of many businesses across the nation. The Constitution along with its amendments are in place to protect every citizen and business in the nation. The Freedom of Press amendment was implemented for when cases like this one are brought up. Taking this right away would upset the balance in this country and possibly ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Freedom Of The Press, Freedom, And Freedom For Democracy Freedom of the press is considered to be the most important component to a strong, fair, and healthy democracy. This ideal is so valued that it is within the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States' Bill of Rights. Today still, a free press is often used as a measurement of the freedom and democratic strength of a state, and is considered to be a guardian of the people against democratic erosion or executive aggrandizement. Freedom of the press, however, is not unproblematic. It can seem at many times that state intervention within or restriction of the press, can solve some of the issues of a free press, but neither state control, nor an entirely unconstrained press is perfect for democracy, or protection against the erosion of democracy. While a free press does not guarantee the survival of a democracy, and the degree of freedom may need to be slightly limited, it is without question, that a freer press is more likely to ensure the survival of democracy, than a press that is controlled, or one that is experiences extreme constraints from the government. A large threat to democracy is a press whose freedom is completely limited by the government. According to a Washington Post Piece written by Daniel Hill and Yonatan Lupu, governmental restriction of the press is correlated to weakened democratic institutions, an increase in human rights violations, and less political competition ( State restrictions of the press have been used within ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Importance Of The First Amendment The first 10 amendments of the constitution are called the bill of rights. The bill of rights was created by James Madison. The Bill of Rights were ratified by every state on December 15, 1791. The bill of rights limits government power so it does not become a tyrant. The Bill of Rights also prevents the government from restricting some things like freedom of the press. The Bill of Rights gives U.S. Citizens many freedoms. The first amendment of the constitution is important because it protects freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. The first amendment of the constitution is important because it protects freedom of speech. The first amendment gives you the right to speak whatever you want. "the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc." (Freedom of Speech, You can really hurt people's feeling when using certain words so there is a done side to the freedom of speech. Although you can hurt people the first amendment states "abridging the freedom of speech" (Constitute, This means you can say whatever you want and not having freedom of speech we could not even talk bad about some things. You can also judge the government without getting arrested."To use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages." (What Does Free Speech Mean, The amendment explains you are able to ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. What Does Religious Freedom Mean To Me Freedom, to me, means being able to have religious freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. When I think about freedom, I visualize the United States of America. It reminds me of the land of the free. Having religious freedom means much of the world to me. It lets me be able to worship God, the one and only person who created the heavens and the Earth. In some other countries around the world, if you become caught practicing different religions, you can be persecuted. Religious freedom affects many parts of our daily life, including education and the rights to live out our beliefs. If no one were to stand up for this important right, it would be quickly lost. Letting one have the opportunity for religious freedom lets them ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. The Importance Of Freedom Of The Press Freedom of the of the press has been a tricky topic throughout the ages. The press used to be a reliable source of news, where the full truth was given to the public. As the years go by more and more are added, making it difficult for press to do anything. This has often lead to many journalists going to court to argue against those that have violated their rights granted in the first amendment. The first amendment clearly states "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech". Despite the amendments protecting the people from the government, these lawsuits with journalists and public speakers keep appearing. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a news source without stumbling upon prejudiced opinions, stories heavily censored, and news created to catch the eye of the public. America was a country of freedom, but now this country has enforced so many restrictions and laws that most of that freedom seems lost. Journalism used to be one of the most trusted sources of news. Lately, journalists have been a huge target on the end of first amendment restrictions. With a journalist's job, telling the public about everything occurring throughout the world. These restrictions have made a huge impact on their work. But, journalists now have a much better way to convey their ideas through the internet. Anyone can access their articles and read them, but with the easy accessibility to stories, there is a downside. Sometimes reporters must write up cover stories to ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. The Right Of Free Speech And Freedom Of Press The right many Americans take for granted every day is the ability to speak to one another and to express their opinions through verbal and non–verbal means of communication. The First Amendment provides the right of free speech and freedom of press to the people. The Bill of Rights, also known as the first 10 amendments to the Constitution went into effect on Dec. 15, 1791, when the state of Virginia ratified it, giving the bill the majority of ratifying states required to protect citizens from the power of the federal government. One must ask, why would such a right need to be thought about for so long before enacting it for the people? Why has this never been considered to be a universal right that every man and woman should have across the world? Historically, in the development of Western Civilization and prior to the colonization of the Eastern states by the British Monarchy, the British colonies were not even states yet, let alone united. Neighboring countries Canada and Mexico were variously governed by the French Canadians, where the French influence can be felt to this day, in places from Quebec to Montreal, by the Spaniards in California, and the British in what is now British Columbia. Parts of California and Texas were also under Spanish and Mexican occupation. What England, France, and Spain had in common were monarchies as governments, with the King or Queen conflated with the Church as ordained by God. The common people were peasants in a feudal ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Freedom To The Press: A Choice Matters A Choice Matters In the story Freedom To The Press, its tells of a young high school journalist who writes about teen pregnancy in one of the articles. Later that week when the article was published she noticed that the article was missing from the news papers. The principle had removed it. The principal had a choice to remove it. The author had the choice to publish her thoughts on teen pregnancy. Everyday people have a choice. To buy this or to wear that. People will always have a choice unless its hurting themselves or others. When someone is between the ages of 1 to about 12 they need help to survive. Parents help their children and make choices for their kids. Once your parents let have more freedom you can choose a lot of things. What ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Foundations and Limits of Freedom of the Press In "Foundations and Limits of Freedom of the Press, " Judith Lichtenberg explores the ongoing controversial argument surrounding the regulation of the press and mass media. She evaluates the ability of the press to shape our opinions and values through an examination of the interdependent relationship between freedom of speech and press. Furthermore, she notes that, while the two rights appear similar as they are both considered as forms of self–expression, it is important to differ between the two. While Lichtenberg states that freedom of speech and freedom of press are "inseparable" and "equally fundamental" she also claims that there are distinct difference between the two basic rights (Lichtenberg 329). She defines the freedom of speech as the equal foundational right to symbolic expression of multiplicity of voices (Lichtenberg 337). The main difference between freedom of speech and press lies in that freedom of press is in the public domain and once self–expression is launched into a public sphere, it threatens to restrict another's autonomy. Here Lichtenberg uses the analogy of a restaurant to illustrate her claim. Although the restaurant may be privately owned, its success depends on the public; therefore it ceases to remain an entirely private institution (Lichtenberg 343). While freedom of speech concerns only the individual and is nearly unconditional, freedom of press regards organizations that lies in the public domain therefore we it should be exercised ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. John Milton Demand The Freedom Of The Press In Areopagitica John Milton demand the freedom of the press, actually the freedom of the author. He made the following demand: "Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties." This issue was personal for Milton, as he had suffered censorship himself in his efforts to publish several tracts defending divorce. Areopagitica is full of divine and classical references which Milton uses to strengthen his argument. This is particularly fitting because it was being addressed to the Calvinist Presbyterians who comprised Parliament at that time. The Areopagitica was an attack directed against the Licensing Order Act of 1643, which demanded that an author 's work be approved by the government ... Show more content on ... He resisted this incorporates even the "awful" or blasphemous books, since we can earn from their wrongs and find what is valid by considering what is not valid. Milton 's point is that God supplied each individual with the reason, through and through freedom, and inner voice to judge thoughts for themselves, so the thoughts in a content ought to be dismissed by the author's own decision, not by a permitting expert. Additionally, the soul is not defiled just by experiencing deception. Milton brings up that experiencing deception can really prompt righteous activity, for example, how St. Paul 's believers had secretly and intentionally consumed Ephesian books thought to be "magick". Milton at that point contends that Parliament 's authorizing request will flop in its motivation to smother shameful, dissident, and derogatory books: "this request of permitting conduces nothing to the end for which it was fram 'd". The request was intended to redress conduct by keeping the spread of a "disease" caused by terrible books. Milton objects, contending that the authorizing request is excessively clearing, on the grounds that even the Bible itself had been verifiably restricted to perusers for containing hostile portrayals of disrespect and evil men. Milton additionally calls attention to that Parliament won 't shield the oblivious from terrible books by this Order, on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and... Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition There are three main reasons why we have or need our Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. First, the 1st Amendment gives us our independence. Second, it also gives us the right to express ourselves. Last but not least, it allows people to express themselves without constraint by the government. The 1st Amendment is a very essential freedom that everyone should be entitled to. Our independence is the most important essential need of humans. It lets us be and act how we are and want to be. The reason why the Europeans immigrated to America was to find their freedom of religion. After the colonists worked their ... Show more content on ... I hold it to be impracticable; and from this, I infer, that its security, whatever fine declarations may be inserted in and constitution respecting it, must altogether depend on public opinion, and on the general spirit of the people and of the government, And here, after all, as intimated upon another occasion, must we seek for the only solid basis of all our rights." Hamilton can really describe what being able to express you self in press means. It is very important to be able to also express what you want to say. "Everyday in the United States, several judicial cases are brought up by individuals and groups asking the courts to protect their freedom of expression guaranteed to them under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the country." As you can tell we need our freedom of expression daily! The Government is supposed to let people express themselves without constraint. The 1st Amendment says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." It clearly states there that the congress can not take our freedom to exercise what we believe. I am so happy that we have the privilege and right to express what and how we want. In some ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. How Did John Peter Zenger Contribute To The Freedom Of The... The trail of John Peter Zenger contributed to the establishment of the freedom of the press. Newspapers were created for the purpose of sharing ideas as well as the news. In their attempt to explain the news, printers are also critical of the events which occur. They share their opinions and ideas without explicitly stating them. Through the use of their writing and language, they convince people to believe them and to agree with them. Nowadays, the media has the power to alter reality. It can mislead you with false information or provide information in its point of view. Since social media wasn't widespread during the time, people spread ideas and thoughts through newspapers. The newspaper is one of the most powerful ways to spread ideas and ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Freedom of Press or Danger to Troops? Essay Freedom of Press or Danger to Troops? The news has been an important source of information for as long as it has been around. News during a time of war is sometimes the only way a family member, friend, or general public have any idea what the soldiers are going through. Having this source of information can help rally support for our troops when they need all the support they can get. As reporters are granted more access to military operations the information they are provided, and have to report on, become a great responsibility and they should make sure to only make public what should be made public. Information is increasingly becoming the most important weapon in any militaries arsenal, so we should be more careful as to how that ... Show more content on ... Reporters often interview retired generals or other government officials to try and understand as much about the war and how the United States handles war. "At a Pentagon briefing, General Richard Myers blasted retired generals serving as news analysts for criticizing the Pentagon's war plans" (Poniewozik 1). In that example they didn't give away any secrets, but simply criticizing current war plans could be harmful for the troops moral and the averages citizens trust in the president. "Basing editorial decisions on what's "helpful" for troops and patriots may make for outstanding morale – and probably even better ratings" (Poniewozik 1). Further consideration for what is being said should be given to prevent things like this from happening. In future conflicts their will have to be greater ground rules and policies laid down for the media. The Iraq war, which was a first of its kind with embedded reporters, had some basic rules laid out. "Although all journalists will have to abide by basic rules for travel with the units, each commander will have the flexibility to restrict access based on need" (Strupp 1). "NBC News, and every other news organization that wanted to be embedded with the military, had to agree to some conditions to ensure that our broadcasting would not endanger the lives of military personnel or compromise military operations" (Verdi 1). "We can't jeopardize the ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Censorship In Free Countries How different would it be if "Big Brother" had censorship in free countries? Would we even have things such as Twitter or Facebook? Could you post selfies on Instagram and send pictures on Snapchat? Who really can say? What the people can say and see is thanks to the free press and their right to free press gives the United States real potential of freedom. Free press is imperative to a free nation such as the United States so that we can see what is occurring inside of the country in which we live. This should be done without any interruptions made by the Government to misconstrue the facts or evidence. To call for punishment upon the utterance of any upset, regardless to context or atmosphere, of one's country is in the direct disruption ... Show more content on ... The illustration published by the Orlando Sentinel demonstrates this very clearly in their illustration of Putin and his Vice President with Obama and the Vice President discussing censorship. Putin is rambling about how much he has control over and Obama has none of which Putin has obtained. He even begins drooling (fig. 1) This show just how powerful censorship can be. Historically, big figures that crave ultimate control have had ultimate censorship such as Hitler and Mussolini. In some cases, the United States is guilty of this as well. That is why freedom of the press, as well as a free press is necessary for free countries such as the United States to ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Freedom Of Speech Limitations The first Amendment of The United States Constitution gives everyone the opportunity for freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. Despite, the United America living by the the value that everyone has freedom of speech and equal opportunities, the first Amendment should be limited because it can uphold national security and general hostility. As this already occurred in our nation's past, with the Red Scare which led to Schneck vs United States in 1919, and the second Red Scare that led to the McCarthy era and Dennis vs the United States in the 1950s. Our nation already had a history of the first amendment causing scrutiny in a stressful time. History cannot repeat itself, as it is a must that freedom of speech and press must be limited , while our nation goes through a drastic time for the sake of the American people and the United States of America. Freedom of speech and press allows people to communicate and discuss important issues. It is one of our basic freedom rights. But when our nation is going to a drastic time, freedom of speech should be limited as distasteful speech can send an alarming message. One of the reasons that freedom of speech and press needs to be limited is that sometimes people's opinions can cause chaos. People's opinions can cause anger and want to fight back. For instance, in the past our nation went through a turbulent time known as 9/11, where American's pulled through together, and voiced their opinions, of this hostile time in United States history. Sometimes the opinions of people can fear, anger, and wanting to fight back. That could cause a drastic situation to become more drastic. So, under president George W. Bush the USA Patriotic Act was it enacted. This was a controversial law enacted in response to the 9/11 terrioist acts, which was to strengthen domestic sceurity and broaden the powers of law–enforcement agencies with regards to identifying and stopping terrorists ,with the slightest detail. In conclusion, freedom of speech and press must be limited during a time when our nation is going through hostility because sometimes individuals' opinions can cause an alarming situation to be worse. Despite freedom of speech being a basic right, ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Banning The Freedom Of The Press Although some may consider these books controversial or inappropriate, many English classes have required us to read these books. Like the teachers that assigned us these books, I believe that even controversial books can ultimately boost, not deter, our educational wealth. I oppose book banning for three main reasons. First, I believe that education should be open to everyone. Everyone should have an opportunity to read any literature of their choosing and form his or her own opinions based on the reading. Micah Issitt lists "three basic rights covered under the freedom of the press: the right to publish, the right to confidentiality of sources, and the right of citizens to access the products of the press." My second reason specifically addresses the last right stating that citizens should have access to the press. The government should not restrict books from being published or interfere into personal affairs as this is an infringement of the First Amendment. Finally, I believe that parents should monitor what their own children read, but not have the authority to ban other children from reading these novels. For these reasons, I conclude that the government should play no role in the issue what citizens do and do not read, and that book restriction should remain a solely private matter. hile I agree that parents should play an active role in educating their children and as their primary guardians, have the legal right to monitor what their children read, I disagree that ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Democracy Response Research Paper Response paper The media plays huge roles in democracy. To begin with, the media ensures that the public and citizens at large gain access to information which helps to make citizens informed and this in turn helps them to make better choices (Benjamin et al). The media acts in the capacity of an informer by providing citizens with credible information that is not biased and letting them make informed decisions. Democracy holds that the people must be informed. Secondly, the media serves as an eye on the elected members and ensures that they honor the offices that they have been elected in and serve the people that elected them well (Benjamin et al). The media mediates between the people and the governing body and ensures that people participate ... Show more content on ... "24 hours illustrating why Trump is a threat to press freedom." Think Progress. (2016) Benjamin G, Theodore J. Lowi, Margaret Weir, Robert J. Spit. "We the People."WW Norton & Company Incorporated (2014). Dawes, Simon. "Press freedom, privacy and the public sphere." Journalism Studies 15.1 (2014): 17– 32. Clayman, Steven E., et al. "Historical Trends in Questioning Presidents, 1953‐2000." Presidential Studies Quarterly 36.4 (2006): 561–583. Curran, James. Media and democracy. Taylor & Francis, 2011. Kaspers, Matthias. "The Press under Pressure–Strengthening the Fourth Estate." The Guardian (2016). Jones, RonNell Andersen, and Lisa Grow Sun. "Enemy Construction and the Press." ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Social Media On The Rise No Longer Uses Freedom Of Speech... The tech–savvy generation on the rise no longer uses Freedom of speech through the press, but rather, social media outlets. Following this movement is Bernie Sanders, who uses social media as a driving force of his race for the democratic nomination. Originally, as an Independent Senator of Washington, Bernie lacked the popularity that some of the other candidates achieved. Sanders then decided to align his political campaign with the Democratic Party, in hope to achieve the nomination for candidacy. The "practical and successful Legislator" campaign desires to change the current status quo by focusing his objectives on "universal healthcare purchased by the state, publicly funded elections, free higher education, more protectionist trade policies and a redistributive tax system that raises money for job–creating infrastructure projects" (Roberts, Dan). Sanders advocates his objective to voters all over social media demographically attracting the young white generation as a result. This paper will examine how Sanders social media strategy is used to accomplish his objective, by reaching out to his target audience and how he could use a different social media strategy to increase his audience. As a former independent socialist, Sanders struggled with informing the public of what changes needed to occur. Although this is not the case any longer, Sanders explains how "social media has revolutionized a whole lot of things and in many ways it works for us because the message ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Freedom of the Press Essay Freedom of the Press and How It Has Affected the American Political Process throughout History ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Presented in Partial fulfillment of the Requirement for American Federal Gov 1114 Mark L. Hays Tulsa Community College ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– By E–Man June 13, 2010 Freedom of the Press is a yearly report by U.S–based non–governmental organization freedom house, measuring the level of freedom and editorial independence enjoyed by the press in every nation and significant disputed territories around the world. Levels of freedom are scored on a scale from 1 (most free) to 100 (least free). Depending on the basics, the nations are ... Show more content on ... It has often been asserted that differences in the two candidates' television personae accounted in part for Kennedy's election victory. Some, however, dispute the significance of the televised 1960 debates, suggesting that while visual cues undoubtedly have the potential to influence voter perceptions, the nature and extent of the influence remain a matter of speculation (Pendell and Vancil P.54 1988). Furthermore; Keyton (1989) points out that "Debates involving candidates for the 1988 presidential nomination carry a similar message. Results of a study of college students revealed the finding that the winner of the 1988 debate was predicted by perceptions of the candidate who projected the strongest personal image, the greatest credibility, the most logical arguments, and the strongest emotional appeals. Furthermore, voter preferences expressed after a first debate were strong predictors of eventual candidate choice. In some political campaigns, even the lack of debates can have significance. George Bush's successful 1988 presidential campaign employed debate avoidance, a reliance upon emotional appeals and ridicule, and a de–emphasis of issues. Both of the major U.S. political parties have used such strategies, considered to be departures from ethical behavior (Kelly 1990). Men and women react differently to the media analysis that generally follows political debates. A study conducted at the University of Florida during the ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Freedom Of The Press In The First Amendment It is often easy to forget why we, as Americans, have the freedoms that we do. The liberties that other countries do not have are liberties that we take for granted. Being able to write and publish anything was very important to the framers of the constitution. So important in fact, that is was included in the first amendment. The framers included freedom of the press in the first amendment because it allowed the public to be educated on everything that occurs with their government and for citizens to be influenced by others ideas to form their own opinions. The colonizers had left a government that hindered their freedoms. They fought the revolutionary war to break free from the British authority and have the power to make their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. New York Times Vs. Sullivan 1964: The Ratification Of The... Initially, the Articles of Confederation was the first form of written constitution the United States had established. However, the Articles of Confederation had many flaws, one of the major flaws was it was establishing a weak government. Therefore, many important delegates through a committee decided to construct a new form of law that will inculcate a strong government. The result was the ratification of the Constitution (1788); the supreme law of the land. The constitution is broken down in three branches the legislative, executive, and the judicial branch all for the purpose for tyranny doesn't surpass. Likewise, the constitution is constructs first with the preamble starting with the famous words" We the People of the United States," ... Show more content on ... To sum, the case is about an advertising the newspaper included some inaccurate story about the civic leaders, civil right events, and Sullivan. Sullivan (a public official) believed that the defamatory comments that were made of him were making a negative impact on his life, thus he sued the New York times. The court in Alabama at the time ruled "The law ... implies legal injury from bare facts of publication itself, falsity and malice are presumed, general damages no need to presume." Thus, the court from Alabama gave Sullivan a compensation of five hundred thousand dollars. New York times decided to take this case to the supreme court because they believe their 1st amendment rights were being violated. Therefore, a new question arose whether the first amendment protects defamatory, false statements concerning public officials? The court ruled that the 1st amendment does protect the publication of all statements, even false ones, concerning the conduct of a public official except when the statement was made with actual malice. Once again, we notice the irony of freedom of speech the issue is citizens are not informed that under the 1st amendment there is sufficient rights guarantee. It is not solely having the right to express our emotions towards the government, it is to expose information to citizens and have the citizens decided for themselves. Democracy does not work if the government or public official try to hide information from its citizens. Democracy function when there is a clear majority of press that expose the truth and allow people to determine what the issue is. Press must be able to protect us against an overreaching government. Sometimes executive power tries to control the press because they do not want to inform the truth about that for example the Watergates scandal, Edward Snowden, Wiki leaks and ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Factors Affecting The Political Risk N Valid 32 Missing 0 Mean 57.508681 Mode 69.2222 Std. Deviation 16.3290177 Variance 266.637 Skewness –.275 Std. Error of Skewness .414 Kurtosis –.818 Std. Error of Kurtosis .809 The average press freedom in the 32 SSA countries in this study is 57.5, which implies the press in the region is largely partly free. The dependent variable is the political risk. It provides an overview of the political stability in a particular country. The scale is designed to show the greatest value to the lowest risk and the lowest value of the highest risk. Economic, demographic, and geographic indicators are also included in the econometric specifications being control variables thus ensuring the analysis affecting the political risk. The political risk ... Show more content on ... Deviation 7.291 Variance 53.157 Skewness .308
  • 155. Std. Error of Skewness .414 Kurtosis –1.091 Std. Error of Kurtosis .809 Preliminary analysis of the literacy rate indicates that the SSA region has an average literacy rate of 73% which is moderately low compared to the average global literacy rate of 84%. SPSS data is categorized as nominal, ordinal or scale, whereby nominal data is a variable without intrinsic ranking, ordinal variables have intrinsic ranking while scale variables represent data with meaningful metrics to allow for data comparisons. all the three variables in this study are scale variables implying that their values can facilitate comparison between the data of each country. Method To normalize the data in order to ensure accurate analysis, the indices on press freedom and political risk were averaged for the period between 1996 and 2013. IBM's SPSS was used to identify correlations between the press freedom and political risk through linear regression. Without the control: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Square Estimate 1 .734a .538 .523 .1162246 a. Predictors: (Constant), Press Freedom Index ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression .473 1 .473 34.983 .000b Residual
  • 156. .405 30 .014 Total .878 31 a. Dependent Variable: Political Risk Index b. Predictors: (Constant), Press Freedom Index Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized ... Get more on ...