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The Truth 
about Spoken English
How often do we see the ads that say, 
– Learn English in 30 days 
– Guaranteed Learning 
– Learn Spoken English easily 
– Money back Guarantee
And convinced or not, we helplessly join 
What Happens usually next? 
You are taught the same Grammar, again!!
If learning Grammar alone really helped, then 
most of you would have been a speaker by 
• That is not to say, Learning Grammar doesn’t 
help, but think about it, 
• That’s what we have been doing since school 
days right? 
• Then why join another place to learn the same 
stuff all over again?
What happens during the 30 days of teaching ? 
You listen too much, than take notes 
You actually speak very less 
How much of what you understand do you 
actually remember? 
Just think about it
Spoken English classes do have study materials. 
But how often have they really taught 
everything in that material in 30 days?
Who has ever completed that entire material? 
These questions are usually not asked by the 
students even after completion of the course 
and they simply leave! Bad!
When the classes are named ‘Spoken English’, 
how often do you actually speak?
Do you really become a decent speaker in 
those 30 days?
Truth is, 
Something’s not right about the way Spoken 
English classes are being taught
That is not to say teachers do not teach 
efficiently in class 
As a matter of fact they give their best!
It is not the teacher’s fault, it has something to 
do with the way the Institutes run.
Consider this, 
80% of a language learning happens by 
listening. That’s how we have learnt our 
mother tongue. Right!!
So, Why not learn English that way? 
It doesn’t work that way because……..
• We don’t have English Speakers around to 
speak with 
• How can we learn a language by 
communicating in the very language that we 
are trying to learn?
So, that means, for Indians, we need a different 
strategy to learn other than 
“learn by listening”
To understand this better, first let us try to know 
how good speakers in India have learnt it….
They are usually good at their studies 
They have memorized lots of answers 
This allows them to write better in exams 
Also, this is how they pick up the language 
structure fundamentally 
This is their secret of having good 
communication skills.
Native Speakers learn by listening more, as we 
saw earlier 
We are trying to learn by remembering more 
essentially, practicing to write and eventually 
Does it work? 
It seems yes, but not for everyone.
Even I learnt English the 
Remember-Write-Speak way 
It helped me. But, what happened to “Listening” 
What happened to “Translation”? 
How good shall you Writing skills be?
I knew I was a good speaker 
A good English teacher too 
Addressing large audiences was ‘easy’ for me. 
But one day, everything changed.
I happened to talk to a native English Speaker
She had huge credit bills and was jobless
Things were hard for her and her father had 
recently passed away
She started crying as we talked and I wanted to 
comfort her
I couldn’t
Not that I did not know how to speak English 
Nor was I disturbed by her emotional plight 
But suddenly something just made me go dumb!
I had feelings for her, I wanted to comfort her 
with my words but I couldn’t communicate.
That day I realized I actually did not know 
English as good as I thought!!
Actually I realized I was not up to the mark at 
Then, it also occurred to me, 
Why do so many have been listening to me with 
respect and attention?
Because they ‘understood’ me 
But when I wanted to comfort her, 
“My language was incomplete” – 
so communication was a problem
That was an eye opening moment for me.
I realized I could speak well 
communicating with a native English Speaker 
still a problem!
Few would say by now, it must be an 
accent problem.
No, it wasn’t 
Accent is just the way of sounding. 
In fact it was a Language problem
Do you notice the difference in the language 
when we speak 
When native speakers speak English?
I could not communicate effectively with her 
because of that “difference” 
Yet, I could communicate with my audience well 
because they understood me so well. 
So I asked myself, 
“How to know this difference?”
I went back and listed 
all areas of Language development 
What areas of learning is a language made of? 
Reading, Understanding, Learning, Vocabulary, 
Speaking, Listening, Writing …so on
Then I came up with a self analysis report 
I was very good at 
Grammar and Syntax 
My vocabulary was decent 
Reading speed was good 
Understanding was fine
But, I noticed, 
Most of my speaking actually happened when I 
taught! (since I was a teacher) 
Not when I hang out with my friends and family. 
As we mostly end up speaking in 
Mother tongue with them.
Also I noticed, much of listening happened only 
I listened to English songs, 
watched an English Movie 
or perhaps 
when I watched English news or documentaries.
And yes, Writing was less too. 
We wrote “answers”, 
that’s all we did in schools mostly!
But still I didn’t get 
answer to my question
Why was I not able 
to communicate with her effectively that day?
I found my answer
It is, 
Phrasal verbs, Idioms and Expressions.
Did you notice that my 
happened very less?
Because my environment did not allow much of 
these activities.
So I would switch to my native language when I 
am actually communicating with my friends 
and family
It is family and friends that we express our 
thoughts, opinions and feelings freely. 
That’s where most of communication in daily life 
And much of this daily communication is made 
of phrasal verbs, idioms and expression than 
just Tenses and regular questions.
So that’s why my communication was bit of an 
issue with her. Because I never practiced 
communication in English. 
I just spoke.
So then are these not taught in schools?
Yes and No, 
depending on which schooling background you 
come from.
But my point is, irrespective of the schooling 
background, practicing phrasal verbs, idioms 
and expressions happens less since we choose 
to communicate in mother tongue with family 
and friends. And that’s where most of these 
are used.
Consider this, 
Just the word “call “
It could take many forms like, 
call in 
call after 
call around 
call off 
call up
Consider these sentences now, 
I am calling in to find out more details. 
I have called my dog off 
I was called up for duty reporting 
I will call you around 7 pm 
I called them back
Further, consider the phrasal verb forms for “go” 
go in 
go on 
go off 
go into 
go through 
go over 
go with
Now each of these words derive from their basic 
verb like call and go 
Yet they all differ in their own meanings
Say consider the word “look” 
look into 
look over 
are two phrasal verbs from look. 
But all three verbs have different meanings.
look into 
means you would check how things are working 
look over 
means you will check it once again.
Now look how it affects our learning. 
I will look into the file once I go back home. 
Can you look into the cooker for me please? 
• These examples talk about checking on 
the file or the cooker on stove.
How would someone who is not familiar with 
phrasal verbs say, 
• I will check the file again. 
• I will look at it when I get back home 
• I will go and see the cooker 
If you notice, look into is the key word and we are 
not using in any of these sentences. 
Yet we are trying to convey the same idea by using 
our own sentences.
This creates the difference between 
a native speaker’s and our way of speaking 
Again I am not saying, 
they are wrong way of using sentences. 
But my point is 
to highlight the lacking of phrasal verbs in our 
We compensate the lack of phrasal verbs with 
words we already know 
That’s why we sound different than native 
Also check these idioms/expressions 
I am broke – 
I don’t have a job, I am unemployed 
I got to rush – 
I need to go now, I must go fast. 
Can I have a rain check? – 
Today we cannot meet, When can we meet next? 
Shall we postpone?
Most of our communication is actually 
basic and routine 
in nature
But when we lack the idea of words like 
come up, figure out, see through, get along, 
make out, put it out, cut it out, get a move 
on, all that jazz, etc:- 
we are essentially lacking the right set of words 
to communicate
Learning Phrasal verbs idioms and expressions 
helped me bridge this gap between 
speaking and actually be able to communicate.
All I wanted to say to that lady that day was, 
“It’s okay. I empathize with your loss. You are 
broke. But that doesn’t mean you would not 
come through this. I am sure this too shall 
pass. All I want you to be now is Jenny you 
must be stronger than ever before. Get a 
move on and attack life. I am sure you will 
figure ways out of this. “
But I could not because I did not knew these 
words then. 
“It’s okay. I empathize with your loss. You are 
broke. But that doesn’t mean you would not 
come through this. I am sure this too shall 
pass. All I want you to be now is Jenny you 
must be stronger than ever before. Get a 
move on and attack life. I am sure you will 
figure ways out of this. “
So that’s one secret that my learning experience 
has taught me.
What if English learners knew this too….
How proficiently they would be able to 
But that’s just the beginning. 
Now take a look at this
Areas that we already are familiarly strong 
Reading Understanding 
Learning Vocabulary 
Areas that we need to address since we are weak 
But wait we missed 
Plus, in the beginning it was told that most of 
language picking happens by listening, but 
with us it is essentially remembering.
Also we missed, 
So to say,
What you need exactly is a 
Complete Language-Learning System 
Reading Understanding Translation 
Learning Remembering Vocabulary 
Listening Speaking Writing
That’s the secret to learn any language
A Complete Comprehensive Language Learning 
System called CLS.
That’s my discovery which has 
profoundly changed my life 
It has helped me understand how I should learn 
the things that I missed 
It has helped me understand the 
difference between speaking and 
communicating effectively
So what I did, over the last few years, I decided 
to develop this system to enable almost anyone 
to become an effective Communicator 
in English.
I am going to share how I am going to do that 
But, first, let us answer the question we started 
Do Spoken English classes really help?
But not completely. 
Here’s why…...
The CLS indicates that there are 
three styles of learning 
Reading Understanding Translation 
Learning Remembering Vocabulary 
Listening Speaking Writing 
Reading Understanding Translation 
They start a language primarily by reading and slowly build their translation skills 
With heir understanding skills 
Learning Remembering Vocabulary 
Few start with good foundation in grammar and vocabulary, plus they have good 
Memory to aid them 
Listening Speaking Writing 
And in case of Native Speakers, they learn much of their language by Listening and 
Eventually build their way up to Speaking and Writing
Reading Style - Reader 
Learning Style - Grammar 
Listening Style – Listens a lot 
Note that it could be a mix of these three styles too. Essentially you 
belong to any one of these.
Levels of Excellence 
1 2 3 
Reading Understanding Translation 
Learning Remembering Vocabulary 
Listening Speaking Writing 
Decency Fluency Proficiency
3 Styles of Learning 
Reading Style - Reader 
Learning Style - Grammar 
Listening Style – Listens a lot 
Levels of Excellence 
Decency Fluency Proficiency
When the styles and levels are combined, 
we get 
Complete Language-Learning System Matrix 
Reading Understanding Translation 
Learning Remembering Vocabulary 
Listening Speaking Writing
Spoken English does repeat Grammar classes 
It helps only in Learning Area. 
That is incomplete.
It is not complete enough to make you 
communicatively effective
When a student enrolls a Spoken English 
Institute, they blindly assume they are going 
to be “communicatively effective”
What they truly need is a 
“Comprehensive Learning System”, 
Not Spoken English 
Not Personality Development 
Not Motivation classes
But a Complete Learning System that allows all 
of these too.
That’s what Kevin’s Spoken English is all about
To specifically address their need to become an 
active learner and an effective 
They just do not know how to ask
Their solution is CLS
They cannot ask because,
One cannot ask what they don't know.
Kevin’s Spoken English
A complete online 
English Language Learning System 
for free.
Yes, You read that right, 
Before I Explain why it is free, 
let me silence your doubts first,
Why CLS works better than 
traditional Spoken English Classes ?
• 1, we have complete learning Matrix 
Reading Vocabulary Translation 
Learning Remembering Vocabulary 
Listening Speaking Writing
• 2, we have all the learning styles covered. 
• 3, we work on improving excellence from 
decency to proficiency
When we combine these 
three good reasons, 
we get something called,
What are Parameters?
Parameters allow us to 
mathematically define 
our progress of learning.
That means, we are not just going to say, 
“Learn English here in 30-45 days” 
We are categorically stating that, 
“Hey, if you do the following list of activities , 
you should be able to communicate 
• Like say, 
Reading Understanding Translation 
300-400 Words 
Per minute 
Should have answered 
our 50 Comprehension 
Translate our 
Entire Library of 
Sentences meant 
For Translation
Notice the numbers for each area 
• Like 300-400 words 
• 50 Comprehension Passages 
• ‘x’ number of sentences for Translation
When one completes the first style, what we 
mean is 
‘you have met the numbers, 
you have met the parameters’ 
and thus 
You have achieved the 
‘Reading style of learning now’
Parameters say whether you have achieved or not. 
Teachers do not!
In short, you are your own monitor. 
Your work is a reflection of your own progress
As we progress into the course, you will 
accomplish all three learning style. 
Reading Style Grammar Style Speaking Style
And all of these are backed by parameters.
Knowledge Area Parameter 
Reading 300-400 wpm 
Understanding 50 Passages 
Translation CLS Translation Library 
Learning Grammar – Kevin’s Style 
Remembering 2 Unique Memory Techniques 
200 Nouns, 200 Adjectives, 200 Verbs 
300 Phrasal Verbs, 600 
Listening 30 Transcript Exercises 
Speaking 75 Designed Situation Talks 
20 casual writing, 20 essays, 20 
So why are we making a system as good as this 
for free?
You have so many English Gurus around 
“Just grasp the Grammar, you’ll get it” 
“Read newspaper daily” 
“Learn 5 new meanings everyday” 
“Watch English movies or listen to English 
Well they are all right, the advice works, but 
once again, 
it is not complete. 
But yes it certainly helps!
With CLS, we are doing the dirty 
work for you. 
All you need to do is 
watch the video, 
do the assignment, 
update your progress, 
come next day 
watch the next video 
follow along and 
Finish it through
The videos are made really really simple. 
All you can be assured of is – 
‘You will definitely understand, what you have 
Most Spoken English classes do not 
• make you read, but give you materials 
• Vocabulary material given is not always 
used in daily practice. 
• Teachers usually do not get to monitor the 
• No one actually cares, you watch English 
movies or listen to English music!
Having said that Kevin’s Spoken 
English follows 
Parameters based approach 
The course well laid out and 
comprehensively detailed. 
You monitor your own progress and know 
how you can master each Knowledge area. 
Quality Training videos help you to learn in an 
absolutely easy manner. 
Most importantly it is the only course out 
there that covers all Knowledge areas.
So is CLS easy? 
It does not require hard work. 
It requires dedicated and consistent effort.
It takes time to build great things, 
Good news is you can learn it at your own pace. 
Make sure you meet the parameters in 
all the nine knowledge areas. 
It takes discipline to do the assignments 
You don’t have to work hard, 
but you have to do lots of easy work, 
until you complete. 
That’s how it is designed.
Kevin’s CLS is 
and effective.
It is designed in mind keeping the learners 
who want to see real results in speaking 
for those, who really want to become an 
effective communicator, in English 
for those, who want to change their life 
for those to whom other English Learning 
classes and methods have failed!
Make a decision right now. 
Commit to our CLS plan. 
Do the work everyday consistently 
Track your progress daily 
Remember why you started your journey and keep 
Succeed in learning the language 
Become ‘The Effective Communicator’ – who 
would not jut speak, but communicate his feelings, 
opinions and emotions effectively.
 So make the bold step and subscribe to 
our YouTube Channel @ Kevin’s Spoken 
English (Do not miss any of my videos) 
 If you found this video helpful, share it on 
your Facebook wall. 
 Share this video with learners whom you 
think need a Complete Learning System.
Our Videos will be marked as 
“day1, day2, day3 and so on” 
to help you find and catch up with the course 
Any necessary files will be provided as a link 
in the Description part of the video.
Changing India begins with you
The reason it is free is, 
To do something like CLS, 
It does not need money or hard work 
It takes well planned and disciplined effort 
We choose to make it free to help the 
real learners benefit. 
We did not want any more dissatisfied 
Spoken English Class Students
We sincerely would like to see learners 
benefitting from this course.
If learning online is not your preferred way 
You may choose to come to our physical 
Spoken English Classes 
at Dilshuknagar, Hyderabad
Trainer Venkat 
9059 949 657 
Kevin’s Spoken English 
Dilshuknagar, Hyderabad
Contact us at 
Mobile @ 9059 949 657 
Links are provided in the description of the 
YouTube video
Thank you so much for watching this video till 
the end. 
If you find the information shared here helpful, 
please share it.
subscribe to our YouTube Channel 
and I will invite you to have 
a direct chat with me on 
Skype or Google+ Hangout
Not just that, 
since you have watched my video till the end, 
I am going to offer my free video on a 
“Life Changing 
The link would be towards the end of the video. 
I am sure this Life Changing Secret 
shall help you change your life indeed!
If you have liked this video, 
I am positive 
you would like the 
“Life Changing Secret” video as well. 
And that’s a freebie to you, as my way of 
expressing gratitude to you.
Once again thank you so much for 
watching this video.
Changing India begins with you.

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The truth of spoken english business

  • 1. The Truth about Spoken English
  • 2. How often do we see the ads that say, – Learn English in 30 days – Guaranteed Learning – Learn Spoken English easily – Money back Guarantee
  • 3. And convinced or not, we helplessly join them……….
  • 4. What Happens usually next? You are taught the same Grammar, again!!
  • 5. If learning Grammar alone really helped, then most of you would have been a speaker by now, Right??
  • 6. • That is not to say, Learning Grammar doesn’t help, but think about it, • That’s what we have been doing since school days right? • Then why join another place to learn the same stuff all over again?
  • 7. What happens during the 30 days of teaching ? You listen too much, than take notes You actually speak very less How much of what you understand do you actually remember? Just think about it
  • 8. Spoken English classes do have study materials. But how often have they really taught everything in that material in 30 days?
  • 9. Who has ever completed that entire material? These questions are usually not asked by the students even after completion of the course and they simply leave! Bad!
  • 10. When the classes are named ‘Spoken English’, how often do you actually speak?
  • 11. Do you really become a decent speaker in those 30 days?
  • 12. Truth is, Something’s not right about the way Spoken English classes are being taught
  • 13. That is not to say teachers do not teach efficiently in class As a matter of fact they give their best!
  • 14. It is not the teacher’s fault, it has something to do with the way the Institutes run.
  • 15. Consider this, 80% of a language learning happens by listening. That’s how we have learnt our mother tongue. Right!!
  • 16. So, Why not learn English that way? It doesn’t work that way because……..
  • 17. • We don’t have English Speakers around to speak with and • How can we learn a language by communicating in the very language that we are trying to learn?
  • 18. So, that means, for Indians, we need a different strategy to learn other than “learn by listening”
  • 19. To understand this better, first let us try to know how good speakers in India have learnt it….
  • 20. They are usually good at their studies They have memorized lots of answers This allows them to write better in exams Also, this is how they pick up the language structure fundamentally This is their secret of having good communication skills.
  • 21. Contrastingly, Native Speakers learn by listening more, as we saw earlier But We are trying to learn by remembering more essentially, practicing to write and eventually speaking.
  • 22. Does it work? It seems yes, but not for everyone.
  • 23. Even I learnt English the Remember-Write-Speak way It helped me. But, what happened to “Listening” What happened to “Translation”? How good shall you Writing skills be?
  • 24. I knew I was a good speaker A good English teacher too Addressing large audiences was ‘easy’ for me. But one day, everything changed.
  • 25. I happened to talk to a native English Speaker
  • 26. She had huge credit bills and was jobless
  • 27. Things were hard for her and her father had recently passed away
  • 28. She started crying as we talked and I wanted to comfort her
  • 30. Not that I did not know how to speak English Nor was I disturbed by her emotional plight But suddenly something just made me go dumb!
  • 31. I had feelings for her, I wanted to comfort her with my words but I couldn’t communicate.
  • 32. That day I realized I actually did not know English as good as I thought!!
  • 33. Actually I realized I was not up to the mark at all.
  • 34. Then, it also occurred to me, Why do so many have been listening to me with respect and attention?
  • 35. Because they ‘understood’ me But when I wanted to comfort her, “My language was incomplete” – so communication was a problem
  • 36. That was an eye opening moment for me.
  • 37. I realized I could speak well but communicating with a native English Speaker was still a problem!
  • 38. Few would say by now, it must be an accent problem.
  • 39. No, it wasn’t Accent is just the way of sounding. In fact it was a Language problem
  • 40. Do you notice the difference in the language when we speak and When native speakers speak English?
  • 41. I could not communicate effectively with her because of that “difference” Yet, I could communicate with my audience well because they understood me so well. So I asked myself, “How to know this difference?”
  • 42. I went back and listed all areas of Language development What areas of learning is a language made of? Reading, Understanding, Learning, Vocabulary, Speaking, Listening, Writing …so on
  • 43. Then I came up with a self analysis report I was very good at Grammar and Syntax My vocabulary was decent Reading speed was good Understanding was fine
  • 44. But, I noticed, Most of my speaking actually happened when I taught! (since I was a teacher) Not when I hang out with my friends and family. As we mostly end up speaking in Mother tongue with them.
  • 45. Also I noticed, much of listening happened only when, I listened to English songs, watched an English Movie or perhaps when I watched English news or documentaries.
  • 46. And yes, Writing was less too. We wrote “answers”, that’s all we did in schools mostly!
  • 47. But still I didn’t get answer to my question
  • 48. Why was I not able to communicate with her effectively that day?
  • 49. I found my answer
  • 50. It is, Phrasal verbs, Idioms and Expressions.
  • 51. Did you notice that my Speaking/Listening/Writing happened very less?
  • 52. Because my environment did not allow much of these activities.
  • 53. So I would switch to my native language when I am actually communicating with my friends and family
  • 54. It is family and friends that we express our thoughts, opinions and feelings freely. That’s where most of communication in daily life happens.
  • 55. And much of this daily communication is made of phrasal verbs, idioms and expression than just Tenses and regular questions.
  • 56. So that’s why my communication was bit of an issue with her. Because I never practiced communication in English. I just spoke.
  • 57. So then are these not taught in schools?
  • 58. Yes and No, depending on which schooling background you come from.
  • 59. But my point is, irrespective of the schooling background, practicing phrasal verbs, idioms and expressions happens less since we choose to communicate in mother tongue with family and friends. And that’s where most of these are used.
  • 60. Consider this, Just the word “call “
  • 61. It could take many forms like, call in call after call around call off call up
  • 62. Consider these sentences now, I am calling in to find out more details. I have called my dog off I was called up for duty reporting I will call you around 7 pm I called them back
  • 63. Further, consider the phrasal verb forms for “go” go in go on go off go into go through go over go with
  • 64. Now each of these words derive from their basic verb like call and go Yet they all differ in their own meanings
  • 65. Say consider the word “look” look into look over are two phrasal verbs from look. But all three verbs have different meanings.
  • 66. look into means you would check how things are working look over means you will check it once again.
  • 67. Now look how it affects our learning. I will look into the file once I go back home. Can you look into the cooker for me please? • These examples talk about checking on the file or the cooker on stove.
  • 68. How would someone who is not familiar with phrasal verbs say, • I will check the file again. • I will look at it when I get back home • I will go and see the cooker If you notice, look into is the key word and we are not using in any of these sentences. Yet we are trying to convey the same idea by using our own sentences.
  • 69. This creates the difference between a native speaker’s and our way of speaking Again I am not saying, they are wrong way of using sentences. But my point is to highlight the lacking of phrasal verbs in our language
  • 70. We compensate the lack of phrasal verbs with words we already know That’s why we sound different than native speakers
  • 71. Also check these idioms/expressions I am broke – I don’t have a job, I am unemployed I got to rush – I need to go now, I must go fast. Can I have a rain check? – Today we cannot meet, When can we meet next? Shall we postpone?
  • 72. Most of our communication is actually basic and routine in nature
  • 73. But when we lack the idea of words like come up, figure out, see through, get along, make out, put it out, cut it out, get a move on, all that jazz, etc:- we are essentially lacking the right set of words to communicate
  • 74. Learning Phrasal verbs idioms and expressions helped me bridge this gap between speaking and actually be able to communicate.
  • 75. All I wanted to say to that lady that day was, “It’s okay. I empathize with your loss. You are broke. But that doesn’t mean you would not come through this. I am sure this too shall pass. All I want you to be now is Jenny you must be stronger than ever before. Get a move on and attack life. I am sure you will figure ways out of this. “
  • 76. But I could not because I did not knew these words then. “It’s okay. I empathize with your loss. You are broke. But that doesn’t mean you would not come through this. I am sure this too shall pass. All I want you to be now is Jenny you must be stronger than ever before. Get a move on and attack life. I am sure you will figure ways out of this. “
  • 77. So that’s one secret that my learning experience has taught me.
  • 78. What if English learners knew this too….
  • 79. How proficiently they would be able to communicate?
  • 80. But that’s just the beginning. Now take a look at this
  • 81. Areas that we already are familiarly strong Reading Understanding Learning Vocabulary Areas that we need to address since we are weak Speaking Writing Listening
  • 82. But wait we missed Remembering Plus, in the beginning it was told that most of language picking happens by listening, but with us it is essentially remembering.
  • 83. Also we missed, Translation So to say,
  • 84. What you need exactly is a Complete Language-Learning System CLS Reading Understanding Translation Learning Remembering Vocabulary Listening Speaking Writing
  • 85. That’s the secret to learn any language
  • 86. A Complete Comprehensive Language Learning System called CLS.
  • 87. That’s my discovery which has profoundly changed my life It has helped me understand how I should learn the things that I missed It has helped me understand the difference between speaking and communicating effectively
  • 88. So what I did, over the last few years, I decided to develop this system to enable almost anyone to become an effective Communicator in English.
  • 89. I am going to share how I am going to do that now.
  • 90. But, first, let us answer the question we started with,
  • 91. Do Spoken English classes really help?
  • 92. Yes, But not completely. Here’s why…...
  • 93. The CLS indicates that there are three styles of learning Reading Understanding Translation Learning Remembering Vocabulary Listening Speaking Writing 1 2 3
  • 94. Reading Understanding Translation They start a language primarily by reading and slowly build their translation skills With heir understanding skills Learning Remembering Vocabulary Few start with good foundation in grammar and vocabulary, plus they have good Memory to aid them Listening Speaking Writing And in case of Native Speakers, they learn much of their language by Listening and Eventually build their way up to Speaking and Writing
  • 95. Reading Style - Reader Learning Style - Grammar Listening Style – Listens a lot Note that it could be a mix of these three styles too. Essentially you belong to any one of these.
  • 96. Levels of Excellence 1 2 3 Reading Understanding Translation Learning Remembering Vocabulary Listening Speaking Writing Decency Fluency Proficiency
  • 97. 3 Styles of Learning Reading Style - Reader Learning Style - Grammar Listening Style – Listens a lot Levels of Excellence Decency Fluency Proficiency
  • 98. When the styles and levels are combined, we get Complete Language-Learning System Matrix Reading Understanding Translation Learning Remembering Vocabulary Listening Speaking Writing
  • 99. Spoken English does repeat Grammar classes effectively. It helps only in Learning Area. That is incomplete.
  • 100. It is not complete enough to make you communicatively effective
  • 101. When a student enrolls a Spoken English Institute, they blindly assume they are going to be “communicatively effective”
  • 102. What they truly need is a “Comprehensive Learning System”, Not Spoken English Not Personality Development Not Motivation classes
  • 103. But a Complete Learning System that allows all of these too.
  • 104. That’s what Kevin’s Spoken English is all about
  • 105. To specifically address their need to become an active learner and an effective communicator.
  • 106. They just do not know how to ask
  • 108. They cannot ask because,
  • 109. One cannot ask what they don't know.
  • 111. A complete online English Language Learning System for free.
  • 112. Yes, You read that right, FREE!
  • 113. Before I Explain why it is free, let me silence your doubts first,
  • 114. Why CLS works better than traditional Spoken English Classes ?
  • 115. • 1, we have complete learning Matrix Reading Vocabulary Translation Learning Remembering Vocabulary Listening Speaking Writing
  • 116. • 2, we have all the learning styles covered. • 3, we work on improving excellence from decency to proficiency
  • 117. When we combine these three good reasons, we get something called,
  • 120. Parameters allow us to mathematically define our progress of learning.
  • 121. That means, we are not just going to say, “Learn English here in 30-45 days” But,
  • 122. We are categorically stating that, “Hey, if you do the following list of activities , you should be able to communicate effectively”
  • 123. • Like say, Reading Understanding Translation 300-400 Words Per minute Should have answered our 50 Comprehension Passages Translate our Entire Library of Sentences meant For Translation
  • 124. Notice the numbers for each area • Like 300-400 words • 50 Comprehension Passages • ‘x’ number of sentences for Translation
  • 125. When one completes the first style, what we mean is ‘you have met the numbers, you have met the parameters’ and thus You have achieved the ‘Reading style of learning now’
  • 126. Parameters say whether you have achieved or not. Teachers do not!
  • 127. In short, you are your own monitor. Your work is a reflection of your own progress
  • 128. As we progress into the course, you will accomplish all three learning style. Reading Style Grammar Style Speaking Style
  • 129. And all of these are backed by parameters.
  • 130. Knowledge Area Parameter Reading 300-400 wpm Understanding 50 Passages Translation CLS Translation Library Learning Grammar – Kevin’s Style Remembering 2 Unique Memory Techniques Vocabulary 200 Nouns, 200 Adjectives, 200 Verbs 300 Phrasal Verbs, 600 Expressions/Idioms Listening 30 Transcript Exercises Speaking 75 Designed Situation Talks Writing 20 casual writing, 20 essays, 20 composition
  • 131. So why are we making a system as good as this for free?
  • 132. You have so many English Gurus around saying “Just grasp the Grammar, you’ll get it” “Read newspaper daily” “Learn 5 new meanings everyday” “Watch English movies or listen to English music”
  • 133. Well they are all right, the advice works, but once again, it is not complete. But yes it certainly helps!
  • 134. With CLS, we are doing the dirty work for you. All you need to do is watch the video, do the assignment, update your progress, come next day watch the next video follow along and Finish it through
  • 135. The videos are made really really simple. All you can be assured of is – ‘You will definitely understand, what you have watched’
  • 136. Most Spoken English classes do not • make you read, but give you materials • Vocabulary material given is not always used in daily practice. • Teachers usually do not get to monitor the progress. • No one actually cares, you watch English movies or listen to English music!
  • 137. Having said that Kevin’s Spoken English follows Parameters based approach The course well laid out and comprehensively detailed. You monitor your own progress and know how you can master each Knowledge area. Quality Training videos help you to learn in an absolutely easy manner. Most importantly it is the only course out there that covers all Knowledge areas.
  • 138. So is CLS easy? Yes. It does not require hard work. It requires dedicated and consistent effort.
  • 139. Remember, It takes time to build great things, Good news is you can learn it at your own pace. Make sure you meet the parameters in all the nine knowledge areas. It takes discipline to do the assignments daily
  • 140. You don’t have to work hard, but you have to do lots of easy work, until you complete. That’s how it is designed.
  • 141. Kevin’s CLS is absolutely easy, fun and effective.
  • 142. It is designed in mind keeping the learners who want to see real results in speaking English for those, who really want to become an effective communicator, in English for those, who want to change their life for those to whom other English Learning classes and methods have failed!
  • 143. So, Make a decision right now. Commit to our CLS plan. Do the work everyday consistently Track your progress daily Remember why you started your journey and keep going Succeed in learning the language Become ‘The Effective Communicator’ – who would not jut speak, but communicate his feelings, opinions and emotions effectively.
  • 144.  So make the bold step and subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ Kevin’s Spoken English (Do not miss any of my videos)  If you found this video helpful, share it on your Facebook wall.  Share this video with learners whom you think need a Complete Learning System.
  • 145. Our Videos will be marked as “day1, day2, day3 and so on” to help you find and catch up with the course easily Any necessary files will be provided as a link in the Description part of the video.
  • 147. The reason it is free is, To do something like CLS, It does not need money or hard work It takes well planned and disciplined effort We choose to make it free to help the real learners benefit. We did not want any more dissatisfied Spoken English Class Students
  • 148. We sincerely would like to see learners benefitting from this course.
  • 149. If learning online is not your preferred way You may choose to come to our physical Spoken English Classes at Dilshuknagar, Hyderabad
  • 150. VegetaWaran Trainer Venkat 9059 949 657 Kevin’s Spoken English Dilshuknagar, Hyderabad
  • 151. Contact us at Mobile @ 9059 949 657 Links are provided in the description of the YouTube video
  • 152. Thank you so much for watching this video till the end. If you find the information shared here helpful, please share it.
  • 153. Plus, subscribe to our YouTube Channel and I will invite you to have a direct chat with me on Skype or Google+ Hangout
  • 154. Not just that, since you have watched my video till the end, I am going to offer my free video on a “Life Changing Secret”
  • 155. The link would be towards the end of the video. I am sure this Life Changing Secret shall help you change your life indeed!
  • 156. If you have liked this video, I am positive you would like the “Life Changing Secret” video as well. And that’s a freebie to you, as my way of expressing gratitude to you.
  • 157. Once again thank you so much for watching this video.
  • 158. Remember, Changing India begins with you.