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The Male Rose Essays
Dark clouds covered the sky like water covering the ocean. Boom! Thunder roared in the distance.
Drip! Drip! Drip! Rain ferociously banged against the ground. The atmosphere was a quite mouse
except for the rain. Clouds covered the stars, but the moon summoned a faint beam of light down on
the forest. Fire raged in the rose's head. The male rose wanted freedom from the field and to run like
a human. However, while he was wishing that, NASA reported an extremely giant asteroid heading
towards Colorado Springs in 3 days. An hour later, Jhonny Appleseed was coming to plant a small
apple plant when suddenly the male rose stretched out his roots and using the energy of the soil; he
pulled the apple plant out of the pot and threw the plant out ... Show more content on ...
Then, he ran slightly faster. After running thirty miles, the male rose saw a two thousand six hundred
twenty–two feet rock mountain. He took a tiny step, and it suddenly collapsed! He sent out all his
leaves, breaking every single, solitary rock in half before it reached him. Subsequently, he jumped
over the pile of rocks. When he crossed two hundred twenty–five more miles, the sun was almost
out of sight. There, in front of him lied the ocean. He had reached a dead end. Zoom! Z–zoom! The
rose saw an airplane dashing in the sky. He reached up and grabbed the plane's wings with his roots.
Now he could control the plane's direction! The helpless driver contacted the airport who contacted
the military. After the moon was up, the airplane had taken him five hundred twenty kilometers, and
suddenly several jets surrounded the airplane as well as the plant. Boom! Boom! They sent missiles
and bullets that were as quick as a rocket. Bam! The rose jumped off the plane and swiped the
missiles back while dodging bullets, causing the jets to detonate in a terrible roar. While he was
fighting, the plane had left him, so he drifted downward towards the ocean. The plant immediately
used half of his roots as a parachute and the other half as a boat. Water was good for plants, but too
much would destroy them. It became night, and a hurricane started. The male rose wrapped himself
in a ball of many layers of roots to avoid the rough waves pounding
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Who Is The Perseid Meteor Shower?
It is believed that thousands of meteorites weighing around a pound each impact the Earth every
year, but it usually goes unnoticed because the small rocks land in unpopulated areas such as large
forests or open ocean. Meteoroids are residual chunks of ice and rock from comets or asteroids, but
once they enter Earth's atmosphere they are called meteors. They do not receive the meteorite name
until they make an incredibly long journey through Earth's atmosphere and touch down onto Earth's
surface. It is thought that around 90 to 95 percent of meteors burn up in Earth's atmosphere. The
Perseid meteor shower is the most popular meteor shower of the year because of its breathtaking
show around August 11 and 12. Comet Swift–Tuttle is responsible for the Perseid meteor shower. Its
fragile ... Show more content on ...
The most damage is actually caused by a shock wave that is produced from a meteor that breaks
apart in Earth's atmosphere. In 2013, the Chelyabinsk meteor broke apart around 15 miles above the
ground and created a shockwave that is equivalent to a 500–kiloton explosion and it injured around
1,600 people. Unfortunately, astronomers cannot predict meteorite impacts because they are too
small to detect and the large ones that can be seen are too unpredictable. Meteoroids that are made
of stronger materials like that of an asteroid and meteors approaching Earth slowly are the ones that
usually have a better chance of impacting the ground. Luckily, around 90 to 95 percent of meteors
never reach the ground. One interesting thing is that, Earth has actually seen meteorites from the
moon and Mars. Impacts from meteoroids on the surface of the moon and Mars have sent chunks of
the surface flying into space and eventually some of them find their way to Earth. When meteorites
are not causing damage or harming people, they do provide a beautiful light show and they provide
scientists with an opportunity to study the composition of comets, asteroids, the moon, and
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Theropod Dinosaur Research Paper
Lisa Randall, a cosmologist who studied at Harvard, affirms on her theory that sixty–¬six million
years ago, based on her dark–matter disk model, a miniscule tic, caused by an invisible force in the
distant reaches of the cosmos, threw a comet three times the width of Manhattan towards the Earth
at about 38,500 miles per hour. The crash created the most powerful earthquake of all time and
released energy a billion times that of an atomic bomb, like a burning incinerator, the atmosphere
dramatically heated and killed three–quarters of life on Earth. As a result, creatures less than 55
pounds survived; among them were some dinosaurs: the Microraptor that stood about 16 inches, the
Theropod which averaged about two feet long and weighed about seven pounds and the Saltopus,
also standing about two feet. As you might know, ordinary matter contains an ... Show more content
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The smart, quick theropod dinosaur that provided growth to birds may have had feathers, but it did
not fly and undoubtedly didn't resemble birds today. Just replicate of a pigeon's acrobatics. Or the
legendary dive of the peregrine falcon, which can spot pigeons from 3,000 feet and drop to earth, at
200 miles an–hour, for a deadly strike. That's a long way from running on land, a transformation that
improves quickness and agility, demanding not only wings and flight feathers but strident senses and
refined brains for long distance vision and high–speed action. Sure enough, birds' skulls have room
for relatively vast eyes and for a brain that have expanded in area dedicated to the visual sense.
Although, Randall's periodicity model projects that a major meteoroid is not expected to hit the
earth for another 32 million years, our civilization's impact on the planet is like that of a slow
moving comet directed for destiny, but different from the one that changed dinosaurs, Randall
reminds us, we still have a chance to avoid its
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Media Star: The Solar System
Our system solar consists of a media star, that we call the sun, where we can find eight planets:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Also, consists on natural
satellites of the planets, numerous comets, asteroids, meteoroids and interplanetary space.
Over the last centuries, many scientists have discussed about how was the solar system formed,
when in the 18th century, Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant and Pierre–Simon proposed what
we know nowadays as the most widely acknowledge scientific justification of how the solar system
was formed: The Nebular Hypothesis.
According to Natural History Museum website, this hypothesis suggested that solar system was
formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago, when a gigantic cloud of gas and dust in space was
agitated by the explosion of a star in the vicinity. This explosion had, ... Show more content on ...
The planet is likewise a slow rotator, with a 243–day long Venusian day and a circle around the sun
at 225 days. Its environment is thick and contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Nitrogen (N). In
addition, Venus has no rings or moons.
On the other hand, the outer Jovian planet also known as gas giants, different from the inners, the
outer planets have rings and all of plenty of moons each. Despite the fact that all of them have a
huge size, only two of them are visible to the naked eye: Jupiter and Saturn. From the list above the
outer Jovian planet is Saturn. This planet is known, because of his seven salient rings with well–
defined partitions and gaps between them. Additionally, in this planet we can find a lot of moons
and the atmosphere there is mostly Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He), while the rotation is quick with
10.7 Earth
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The Planetary System Of The Earth And Moon
Abstract The planetary system consisting of the Earth and Moon has been closely examined since
the birth of man. The Moon is a scientifically important planet that preserves a unique history of
planetary formation and early development, as well as recording the historical space environment
and cosmic radiation for billions of years. Due to its proximity to the Earth, the Moon has also been
a target for human exploration and long–term extraterrestrial habitation. Knowledge of the Moon's
characteristics and its resources has become especially important for planning future space travel
from Earth. Relationships between the Earth and Moon in origin, composition, and orbital dynamics
are critical to scientific understanding as well as to the ultimate goals of lunar infrastructure
development and habitation. The Moon has several unique characteristics when compared to the
Earth which stem primarily from its lack of water, atmosphere, and biological life. Unlike on Earth,
sedimentation on the Moon occurs primarily as a result of meteoroid impacts, but also by other
means. Lunar soil is the fine fraction of the regolith found on the surface of the Moon. Its properties
can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil. The physical properties of lunar soil result from
mechanical disintegration of basaltic and anorthositic rock, caused by meteoric impact and
bombardment over billions of years. Weathering is primarily mechanical, in which the lunar terrain
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Earth Rocky Planet
Earth is a rocky planet. It has a solid and active surface with canyons, valleys, mountains, plains and
a lot more. It is special because its atmosphere mainly composed of nitrogen and it has the
abundance of oxygen that is needed for us to breathe. Its atmosphere also protects us from the
approaching meteoroids, in which it break up first in the atmosphere before they can strike as
meteorites. Earth is the perfect habitable planet on our solar system right now. For it has right
distance from the Sun in which it gets a perfect temperature. It has a magnetic field that protects the
planet form the harmful radiation. Earth is also kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it
possessed the perfect chemical ingredients that is necessary for life ... Show more content on ...
It will no longer support our living and provide our necessities due to the fact that the sun gets older
which results to a larger and warmer star that can result to the extinction of human and other
complex life, and eventually after 2.56 billion years, to all cellular life. In about one billion years,
the luminosity of our sun will be 10% higher than what it is now. This will result to a possibility that
our atmosphere will become a "moist greenhouse", leading to a runaway evaporation of the bodies
of water. As a consequence to this, plate tectonics will become terminated, and so with the entire
carbon cycle. Right after this event, in about 2 to 3 billion years, the planet's magnetic dynamo may
halt, causing the decay of the magnetosphere and leads to the accelerated disappearance of volatiles
from the external atmosphere. And four billion years from now, there would be a massive increase in
the temperature of the Earth's Surface that may result to a runaway greenhouse effect, heating the
surface that is sufficient enough to melt it. By that point, all life on the Earth will be gone. The most
foreseeable fate of the Earth is its absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years, when the star
entered the red giant stage and expanded to cross the current orbit of the planet. It is not yet defined
when human life will terminate on planet Earth due to anthropogenic climate change and other
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Tagish Lake Research Paper
Most of us are familiar with the panspermia hypothesis – that life can be "seeded" from asteroid,
comet, and planetoid contents – but to date, no direct evidence has been discovered. So, why should
we consider meteorites to be possible parents? The truth is out there somewhere and these space
rocks contain the essentials, as far down as to amino acids. Until now, what has been recovered has
been regarded as structured. However, the matter of Tagish Lake arose.
In January of 2000, a huge meteoroid exploded in our planet's atmosphere over Northern British
Columbia in Canada, which resulted in falling debris over Tagish Lake, while frozen. This observed
fall was rare, and the meteorites were harvested meticulously, preserved in their frozen state, and
documented. There are two reasons: to preserve the space stone's integrity and to ensure that no
contamination could take place either to the ... Show more content on ...
It involves more than just documenting the date and time of the observed event and where the
fragments were harvested. To be properly conducted, the field must be measured. Each fragment
must be photographed in it's finding position in addition to the depth being measured and other
important steps to properly document the event. Nothing should be left to speculation.
"These first Tagish Lake samples are the nearest we have to an return mission of an asteroid sample
in terms of purity," adds NASA's Godard Space Flight Center's Dr. Michael Callahan in Greenbelt,
MD, a co–author on the paper.
The scientists' Tagish Lake meteorite discovery is rich in carbon – and contains a myriad of organic
matter, which includes amino acids. While amino acids aren't new to meteoritic structure, what was
extraordinary about this discovery was that different pieces had greatly variable amino acid
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Space Debris : A New Habitable Planet Has Brought Adam And...
Man Hok (Felix) Yeung
ESS 102 AD
23 October 2014
Sci–Fi Paper Synopsis A mission to find a new habitable planet has brought Adam and his whole
team into space. With 11 billion people waiting back home, this team of six astronauts will leave
their homeland in search for a new place to call their home. On this mission, Adam's crew will
encounter countless obstacles, fascinating sights, and shocking new discoveries. Their first problem
is the large amounts of space debris blocking their way. Will they successfully find a new home?
Will all of them come back alive?
Space Debris – Problems and Solutions Earth is constantly haunted by problems like contaminated
water, growing deforestation, and excessive greenhouse gasses, but the pollutant ... Show more
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Their size can range from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers. Meteoroids, on the other hand,
are very small. They are tiny fragments of rocks and dusts (Coffey 2009). The artificial part of space
debris is made of fragments and pieces of man–made items. There are many kinds of debris orbiting
the Earth, for example, rocket parts that are detached after certain stages of launching, broken or
dysfunctional satellites, and even fragments or small parts from other machinery that was launched
into space. All of these man–made fragments orbit the Earth, so they are often called orbital debris
(NASA 2012).
Orbital debris is a very dangerous thing. Not only is it creating many problems for scientist, it is also
growing every day. A series of photos on a document published by NASA (2009), called The Threat
of Orbital Debris and Protecting NASA Space Assets from Satellite Collisions, shows the growth of
orbital debris from 1960 to 2009. These images show just how much debris the Cold Wars has
generated. Because of this war, the interest in space and space exploration was spread throughout
humanity. This spike of interest caused many satellites and rockets to be launched into space and
abandoned after they are out of service (Glassman 2009). One of the major contributors to orbital
debris is China. In 2007, the Chinese decided to test–launch an anti–satellite missile to destroy a
weather satellite of theirs. Their missile
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Essay On Fund Asteroid Studies
Should NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration) fund asteroid studies that other
people lead? In my opinion, I think that NASA should fund other asteroid studies because if we are
trying to go to Mars, then we need all the extra help we can get. If we have many people exploring
and learning space, then we can find more about space, maybe go to Mars earlier than we thought,
and be more prepared. NASA should fund asteroid studies because of our safety, resources, and our
competitiveness and currency in the world.
If NASA funds asteroid studies then it will improve our safety because it can help predict when an
asteroid is coming and can protect our society. It also can help our animals and environment survive
asteroid ... Show more content on ...
Evidence to show how harsh the meteor was to one of our resources is, " Later, when the team
arrived at ground zero, they found the trees there standing upright–but their limbs and bark had been
stripped away. They looked like a forest of telephone poles." (Source: Tunguska Meteor Impact,
paragraph: 5). This is how much damage a meteor can do to our assets.
We can be more competitive and current in the world if NASA helps fund other asteroid studies. If
we get more people to help research, unlock more knowledge about asteroids, and what can help
stand against them, we can be the first to find the piece of technology that prevents them from
hitting Earth. If we are the first country to prevent asteroids we can make more money and start
helping other countries prevent them from impacting Earth. The money also goes to help our
technology more advanced and expand our knowledge. Evidence to show how much we can learn
from our research is, " At 7:17 a.m. (local Siberia time), at a height of about 28,000 feet, the
combination of pressure and heat caused the asteroid to fragment and annihilate itself, producing a
fireball and releasing energy equivalent to about 185 Hiroshima bombs." (Source: Tunguska Meteor
Impact, Para.: 10). If we can be the first country on the moon, then why can't we be the first country
to help prevent asteroids from hitting the Earth's surface?
I believe NASA should supply asteroid studies because of our
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Bhalenox: Past, Present, And Future
The universe was a void. There were no stars, no planets, no meteoroids or asteroids. There was,
however, a miniscule island–like body within this void. The island was able to have one person
living comfortably on it. It consisted of an apple tree, a freshwater stream, an empty book, a quill
and ink, and a kerosene lamp for a light source. The island and its contents had always existed. The
stream of water ran off of the island, making a waterfall, and the apple tree was big enough to cover
up over half of the island.
On this island lived a human–like creature. This being went by the name Bhalenox. Bhalenox had
bright blue eyes, a straight jaw, a Roman nose, and very long, straight hair. He was dressed in long
robes, and he was a very intelligent being. Bhalenox never aged, and never grew weary. He had
never been created, and would never be destroyed. Bhalenox had not created the island, nor had he
created the contents on it.
No one knows how long it took for Bhalenox to realize the powers of The Book, because the time
beforehand could not have been measured. The Book had great powers; it was able to make
anything out of nothing. However, the book was not able to destroy, which Bhalenox would later
find out. Each page of The Book could hold only two poems, no matter the size of the poem. The
Book never ran ... Show more content on ...
To his amazement, lights started showing up around him. Some of these lights were close enough
for him to see in detail, and some were so far away that he could barely see if they were actually
there. Bhalenox decided to call these orbs of light "stars". In his head, he became very ecstatic,
realizing what the book had just done for him. He immediately started thinking of other things to
create, but knew he could not let the power go to his head. He decided to only allow himself to write
a poem if he was completely sure about what he was creating, so he wouldn't do anything too
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Solar System Research Paper
Most bodies in the solar system that display a solid surface will show evidence of craters. Many
craters are apparent on bodies with no atmosphere such as Mercury or our Moon. Erosion and
weathering have removed most of the evidence of craters here on Earth. Most asteroids follow
simple circular orbits between Mars and Jupiter and are occasionally agitated by each other or more
regularly by Jupiter, however, comets can often come too close to the Earth and other major bodies
due to their highly elongated orbits (California Institute of Technology). Over time, every planet or
moon has found itself in the wrong place in its orbit at the wrong time and has suffered a major
impact. Multitudes of small debris the size of pebbles or grains of sand beat the Earth every day but
we are protected by the Earth's atmosphere. Several times a month small asteroids are spotted
passing between Earth and the Moon's orbit. Very small fragments of asteroids and comets called
meteoroids hit the Earth's atmosphere and explode practically every day causing the bright meteor
events we see at night. Over the next 100 ... Show more content on ...
It has been determined that we currently have over 100 ring–like structures on our planet that are
meteorite impact sites. However, in the last 1,000 years, there are no known human deaths from the
impact of a meteorite (Szoldra). Avoiding impacts requires the ability to better calculate statistics. To
do this, astronomers need to identify as many of the near–Earth objects as possible. Most
astronomers believe that the systematic approach will give us the greatest opportunity to identify the
near–Earth objects that are big enough to actually cause catastrophic changes the environment of our
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Isaac Newton's Accomplishments
Isaac Newton is arguably the most important scientist in history. He was born on Christmas 1642 in
Woolsthorpe Manor, United Kingdom. He was born prematurely and possibly with a form of autism
called asperger syndrome, which actually helped him focus on his studies. His father died when
Newton was very young, so his mom sent him to live with his Grandma where he was educated at
King's School. Initially not a good student, the drive to outwit his classmates became his greatest
motivation; and he quickly he rose above his fellow peers. Newton's mom was widowed again and
at age fifteen his mom made him come back for financial reasons to help to help with work on their
farm. Later on in his life he went back to school where he got a Masters in Art, became a
Mathematics professor at Cambridge University, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. ...
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He was an active member of the Anglican church. Newton paid for the distribution of bibles to the
poor and also helped build an estimated amount of fifty churches near the London area. After
studying the biblical subjects immensely, writing 1.3 million words on it, he held a special interest
in miracles and prophecies. Newton noted that scientist and a person holding a prophecy were
similar in that their goals were both simplicity and unity. God was supposedly the "clockmaker"
who created all of us, but left it up to us when it was our time to run out. Newtonian physics became
the basis of Deism, which claims that God is the creator and first cause of the universe which runs
by natural laws. Since God did not touch our "clocks" all prayer was considered useless. Granting,
this wasn't the religion Newton followed, but it was based off of his studies. Today Newton is still
famous for his scientific writings over religious
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Mythology: A Genius
Tony was an eight–year–old boy who liked to daydream a lot, about science, as his most favorite
thing to think about happens to be rocks that came from space. Space rocks! Little that Tony knew, a
creature that could turn into a liquid could hide inside an asteroid. A gigantic creature that was about
to invade upon Earth for an abduction. Tony suffered a mental disability called schizophrenia. Even
though taking medicine helped him, it would take a rare type of individual to understand, a mystic.
A mystic had unique gifts, with all strong five senses. Tony was in daydream mode. He had to sit on
the porch steps that hot summer day so that his mother could spot him through the screen door. Not
being able to leave ... Show more content on ...
"Eddy's cool. He looks out for me," Tony, said. As minutes went by, Tony decided to leave the porch
and hang out with Eddy. Tony's mother Gina yelled again, seeing them from a distance. Tony had
followed Eddy to a schoolyard not far from where Tony lived. Within minutes of throwing rocks
around, Tony was by himself, and encountered the debris of those rocks go from a liquid that turned
into a space creature named Basir. The space creature abducted Tony, as Tony tried to run from a
dark cloud. He found himself being transferred from Earth to the third planet from the sun, Mars.
Tony is an eight–year–old not allowed off the porch step in their crime infested neighborhood.
Tony's mother's young, but works as a student and nurse living in a two–story house. She does not
like her son hanging with the likes of Eddy who lives near the corner store where all the bad people
hang. The sun looms at Tony as he sits on the step. Then Tony follows Eddy to the schoolyard and
begin throwing around these rocks from space that came from a meteor shower. The debris and
rocks they throw around in the schoolyard, happens to be a creature named Basir that abducts Tony.
Tony ends up in Mars in this mystic children
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Explain The Ways Living Organisms Rely On The Atmosphere
There are so many ways living organisms like our selfs (Human beings) rely on the atmosphere. It is
one of the key reasons why there is life on earth to begin with. Here are some reasons on why we as
living organism alongside many other living organism rely on the atmosphere. First off the
atmosphere provides us with oxygen which is what we need to breathe and keep our bodies
working. Without the atmosphere we and many other living organisms would die or not even be
alive to begin with. Just try and hold your breathe for a couple of seconds, you can't because your
body needs oxygen and will force you to open your mouth and get the oxygen your body needs in
order to work correctly. Also, the atmosphere acts as a shield against radiation that
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Science Study Notes-Grade 9
Science Study Notes
An electrically uncharged object is neutral.
Conduction is not a method of charging an object.
If electric charged stay in one spot, they are said to be static.
In charging by induction, when a negatively charged rod is brought near a metal leaf electroscope
the electrons in the electroscope move away from the rod.
A statement that is not part of the Law of Electric Charges is that neutral objects are attracted to
uncharged objects.
The purpose of a GFCI is to protect people from getting electrocuted.
True: Lightning can travel from cloud to cloud. Secondary cells can be recharged. A long wire has a
higher resistance than a short wire.
False: Cells connected in parallel will make a bulb burn brighter. A voltmeter ... Show more content
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Charging by induction is when an induced charge has a temporary rearrangement of electrons.
The electrostatic series is a list of how well things hang on to electrons Acetate Glass Wool Fur/hair
Silk Ebonite Plastic Rubber Gold
An insulator is something that electrons are not able to move freely through, such as rubber and
plastic. A conductor is an electrical conductor that lets electrons move freely from atom to atom. Ex.
Copper, aluminum, and some types of wood.
Voltage is energy (electric potential) that each electron is given in a circuit. It is measured in volts
(V). Current is the rate at which electric charges are moving past a point. It is measured in amperes
A) B)
A primary wet cell is
A primary dry cell is
A secondary cell is
Cells are connected in series to increase the voltage, and to make the bulb burn brighter. Cells are
connected in parallel because then there is more than one path for the electrons to flow through, and
the battery will last longer.
Resistance is the ability of a substance to slow the flow of electrons
Connectors are wires.
Electric circuit control devices can be a: switch, button, breaker, plug, remote, or dial.
Electric load is an appliance that uses electricity, such as a bulb, hair dryer, T.V., IPod, and toaster.
A source of electrical energy can be given from a battery, wall outlet, or generator.
Grounding and
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Asteroid Exploration And Utilization By George Botbyl
The Earth is nearing depletion of its natural resources at a time when human beings are rapidly
expanding the frontiers of space. The resources which may exist on asteroids could have enormous
potential for aiding and enhancing human space exploration as well as life on Earth. With the
possibly limitless opportunities that exist, it is clear that asteroids are the next step for human
existence in space. The resources of the Earth are not infinite, in fact, some are depletable within the
next several decades. Once high grade reserves are used up, low grades ores will have to be used.
These effects of using low grade ores on the environment and society were discussed in the article
"Asteroid Exploration and Utilization" by George Botbyl as a cycle of negative consequences which
build upon each other. In order to protect Earth, the next 25 years must bring a new era in space
development. Even presidential policy confirms that the United States of America is committed to
the establishment of a permanent human presence in space. The earliest studies of asteroid mining
proposed retrieving a main belt asteroid. Because of the very long travel times to the main asteroid
belt, attention has shifted to the asteroids whose orbits bring them fairly close to the Earth. In these
schemes, the asteroids would be bagged and then processed during the return trip, with the asteroid
itself providing the reaction mass to propel the mission homeward. A mission to one of these near–
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Abiotic Synthesis And The Deep Sea Vent Hypotheses
Although both abiotic synthesis and the deep–sea vent hypotheses argue the environment of a
primordial–Earth was required for the origin of life, the two hypotheses have their differences. In
general, the abiotic synthesis hypothesis describes the process of how organic compounds can be
created from inorganic compounds, while the deep–sea vent hypothesis argues a possible scenario
where life may have originated from inorganic compounds. While the term "primordial soup" has
been used to describe abiotic synthesis, the same term has been used to describe the extreme
environment surrounding hydrothermal vents. In Stanley Miller's experiment, Bada and Lazcano
(2008, p.745) argue, Miller showed abiotic synthesis took place by introducing an electric current to
a circulating mixture of pressurized "CH4, NH3, H20, and H2." However, samples of both types of
hydrothermal vents show different mixtures than that of Miller's experiment. Although the LCHF
lacks CO2, according to William Martin, John Baross, Deborah Kelley, and Michael J. Russell
(2008, p.806) the compound was not used in Miller's experiment, but the vent did release ample
amounts of H2 and CH4, which were used in Miller's experiment. Black smokers, on the other hand,
give off H2, but also release CO2 and H2S (Martin et al., 2008, p.806). The two hypotheses agree
that life on Earth originated around roughly 3.8 billion years ago. Another similarity between the
two hypotheses is both argue the precursors of life are
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Lunar Surface Processes And Its Impact On The Earth Essay
Lunar Surface Processes Complex alterations of the lunar surface occur, despite the fact that lunar
processes are much less varied and dynamic than those of the Earth. The most important source of
lunar surface alteration, at least over the last three billion years, is evidenced by the Moon's heavily
pocked and cratered surface. The Moon is continuously bombarded by external objects ranging in
size from small specks of dust to giant bodies tens of kilometers in diameter. These impacts are
governed primarily by gravity as the solar system continues to evolve. Celestial bodies within the
solar system are continually being rearranged by close encounters with one another, altering orbits,
and over the course of geologic time, causing collisions with other bodies. These collisions result in
two possible outcomes: fragmentation or cratering. If the colliding objects are of a similar size,
collisional fragmentation and annihilation occur, producing a large number of smaller fragments
from both involved bodies. If the objects are of differing sizes, collision results in an impact crater
on the target body. Since objects that encounter the Moon are dramatically smaller than the Moon
itself, cratering occurs. Typical impact velocities of asteroidal objects on the Moon are between 15
and 25 km/sec. With these high velocities, in combination with the high frequency of impact, the
cumulative kinetic energy on lunar surface exceeds the lunar internal energy released by
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NASA Sending Robots To Mars
What is mining? Mining is "the process or industry of obtaining coal or other minerals from a
mine." NASA is sending mining robots to Mars. Some of you may ask, "Why is NASA sending
robots to Mars?" Well, if the robots can dig up the ice, to make methane and oxygen for rockets,
then there will be less human trips to Mars. NASA sends mini–mining trucks to Mars to dig up ice.
NASA has created big mining trucks but they don't have the money to build a big enough rocket to
send the mining trucks to Mars.(Metzger and Written) NASA is also making a robot called a
Swarmie. By packing a lot of air, water, and fuel into a rocket before firing it into an orbit is the
least efficient way to get these things into space. This will be very expensive and time consuming. A
better way to get ... Show more content on ...
A Robotic Minesweeper stopped a bomb that killed thousands of troops. It is a normal military
vehicle with a mine roller that can clear convoys without a human driver. A module containing
software and multiple sensors could work with other vehicles, this technology could make any
military vehicle into a robot that will be able to work tirelessly through the rain, snow, dust, and
darkness. The robotic vehicles would play many roles for the military in supply convoys, airfield
construction, and similar operations. So, the U.S. military will have supply convoys that are mostly
robotic vehicles like minesweepers and supply trucks.(Hsu)
Mining has a long history of providing raw materials. The global demand is higher than ever cause
the drop in the price of oil. Gold mines today only contain particles of gold in rocks, which is known
as ore. Weathering of the ore can release sulfuric acid into streams and rivers. Today countries, like
Germany, China, India and Peru, depend on mining for income. There has been some improvement
over the years, several countries have reduced the number of children in mining and that prevents
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Space Debris Essay
Space debris
Space debris is collection of waste objects in space and encompasses both natural (meteoroids) and
artificial particles. The artificial objects and particles in orbit around Earth are referred as orbital
debris. They are objects which no longer serve a useful function and include non–functional
spacecraft, abandoned launch vehicle stages, mission–related debris, fragmentation debris, old
satellites etc. These objects travel at speeds over 22,000 miles an hour (35,000 kilometres an hour).
At such high velocity, even small junk can rip holes in a spacecraft or disable a satellite by causing
electrical shorts that result from clouds of superheated gas. For most size regimes, the flux of orbital
debris within 2000 km of the Earth's surface already exceeds the flux of meteoroids.
Figure – computer illustration of density of space debris in low earth orbit
As of 2009, about 19,000 pieces of debris larger than 5 cm (2.0 in) are tracked with another 300,000
pieces smaller than 1 cm below 200 km altitude. Space debris smaller than 1 cm (0.39 in), include
dust from solid rocket motors, surface degradation products such as paint flakes, and coolant.
Impacts of these particles cause erosive damage. The damage can be reduced using proper shield but
all the object cannot be shielded – solar panel, telescope. These components are subject to constant
wear by debris and micrometeoroids.
The debris can collide with themselves to cause even more waste in
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Comets Research Paper
Deep Impact
In 2005, NASA launched a rocket containing a spacecraft designed to go on a new terrain that no
craft had ever come near to touching down on: comets. Comets had been known about for centuries
before, and were only one in an extensive list of objects in space that were untouched by NASA.
The scientists behind the brand–new mission believed that if meteoroids held may clues to questions
about the formation and constant changes in the solar system, then why wouldn't comets do the
same? After all, meteoroids and comets were both composed of rocky debris, originated from their
own special "belts", and orbited the Sun. The mission was also made to find out if comets had
different compositions on the inside than the outside, and observe other such things that telescopes
and satellites in Earth's atmosphere or low orbit could not observe at such detail and quality as to
gain new information about comets. ... Show more content on ...
First off, the idea of sending a craft to a comet was novel at the time, so the team needed to create a
way to land the craft on a comet; so they came up with the idea of a two part spacecraft with a
component that would flyby and another component that would collide with the comet.
The flyby spacecraft and impactor were both launched in a Boeing Delta ll 2925 rocket contained
inside the composite payload faring of the rocket. The flyby portion of the craft had imaging
instruments like the HRI and MRI to carry out its role of imaging the impact of the impactor and the
interior of the comet, and the impactor component had a smart system of high quality telescopes to
focus on the comet and crash into it so the HRI and MRI could image the comet's inside.
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Earth And Venus Similarities
There are a total of eight known planets in our solar system which consist of four inner and four
outer planets; the four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are known as the terrestrial
planets because not only are they the closest to the sun, but they are also "Earth–like," meaning that
they are similar to Earth's composition and structure ("What is a Terrestrial Planet?"). While these
three planets bare close similarities, the planet that closely resembles Earth is Venus. Known as the
"Sister Planets," or the "Twins," Earth and Venus are said to share close similarities in relation to
their "size, mass, density, composition, and distance from the sun" ("Venus Compared to Earth" and
"Venus Information and Facts"). However, as Matt Williams (2016) suggests, while these two
planets may have been "very similar early in their existence," just as with most siblings, as time
progressed, they began to change–essentially transforming into two distinct, individual planets, with
very little in common. After the creation of the solar system, 4.5 years ago, Venus, just as Earth, was
said to have formed as gravity drew in a whirlwind of dust and gas ("Earth – In Depth;" "Venus – In
Depth"). Venus is the second planet from the sun (67,237,910 miles away), and the only planet said
to be named after a female–the "Roman goddess of love and beauty" ("Planet Venus Facts"). On the
other hand, as the only planet in the solar system not named after "Greek and Roman gods or
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The Discovery Of Space Debris
Space Debris
In 1957, the first artificial earth satellite Sputnik 1 was launch into space [1]. Humans entered the
space age. With the development of the space industry, more and more orbital debris is produced. It
is becoming a potential hazard now. Increasing amount of space debris attracts each country's
attention. Space experts are trying to find the way to reduce and eliminate the amount of orbital
debris. This paper first illustrates what space debris is, the size and the amount of space debris. As
the growth of space debris, space becomes more dangerous. Next, this paper focuses on why space
debris is a problem, what are the hazards for spacecraft and human beings. Last, this paper
illustrates the potential solutions to reduce and eliminate the debris.
Space debris includes both natural and artificial particles [2]. Nature particles such as meteoroids are
orbiting the Sun while artificial particles are orbiting the Earth. Therefore, Man–made space debris
is more commonly referred as orbital debris, space junk and space waste. Orbital debris is the
product of space race. In October 4, 1957, the first artificial satellite in history, Sputnik 1 was
launched into space [1]. Orbital debris started at that point. They are the "garbage" that people left in
the space. Some of them are left in space intentionally, such as abandoned rocket stages and the
debris intentionally released during missions; others are left in space accidentally, such as
nonfunctional spacecraft,
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Why We Should Continue Spending Money For Space Explorations
For many centuries, humans have looked up to the stars for help. They have used constellations for
guidance, and also have found the positions of our neighboring planets. In the past, many people had
the idea of humans leaving Earth and exploring outer space. This became a reality during the 20th
century, when American astronauts first landed and walked on the moon. With the many benefits we
have gotten from explorations in the past, I think that we should continue spending money for space
explorations in the future. The new inventions and discoveries that help us today in modern life, the
pride that our nation as a whole feels, and other advantages and conveniences we receive are
sufficient enough to determine that we shouldn't stop exploring what is beyond the horizon. Many
new tools and devices were needed for the astronauts who originally traveled in outer space, so new
objects were created and designed to fit the needs and comforts of the astronauts. But who knew that
some of their inventions would help us in our daily lives? Many items and objects we commonly use
today were designed and created to be intended for space travel (Farrar). These items are just a part
of our life today. And to make these common items, it created new manufacturing industries. "The
Tempur–Pedic mattress company got its start when NASA scientists wanted to provide comfortable
seating for pilots that needed to remain in one position for a long time. [UMPQUA] is a water
purification company
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Meteoroid Lab
Purpose: The purpose is to determine if the angle of impact affects the diameter and depth of a
Background Research: A meteoroid is a small chunk of rock that has been broken apart from a much
larger chunk of rock called an asteroid, these chunks of rock are located in between Mars and
Jupiter, called the asteroid belt. When a meteoroid has been knocked out of the asteroid belt and is
on it way towards earth the meteoroid is now a meteor, if the the meteor hits the ground it changes
to a meteorite. When the meteorite makes contact with the ground it causes a crater to form, craters
are holes on the ground made by the impact of a meteoroid coming towards earth.
Hypothesis: If the angle of impact changes, then the diameter of the crater ... Show more content on ...
The string should be in a straight line.
Step #3– Use the tube and lift it up from keeping it from touching the flour, remove the protractor
that way it won't be there when the marble drops
Step #4– Release the marble from the top.
Step #6– Remove the Tube, and remove the marble with the spoons carefully.
Step #7– Measure the diameter in millimeters with a ruler, and jot down what the answer is on trial
Step #8– Measure the depth in millimeters with a ruler, and jot down the answer on trial 1.
Step #9– Repeat the steps 1–8 another 2 times
Step #10– Smooth out the flour once more and place the protractor on top of the flour and pull the
string to the number 45.
Step #11– Repeat steps 3–9. But jot down the depth and diameter on trial 2
Step #12– Repeat step 10, but instead of pulling the string to the number 45 pull it to the number 20.
Step #13– Repeat steps 3–9, but jot down the depth and diameter on trial
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Space Debri Research Paper
Name: Yuhao Ren
Date: 10/20/2016
Class: ESS 102
Space Debris
There are kinds of materials, always floating around in the space. When astronauts are doing the
space traveling, it is the worst thing to come across with these materials. Some people may be not
familiar with these materials; however, the one I was talking about is called space debris in the term
of space science.
Space debris is made up with both natural particles and artificial particles, which are called as
meteoroids and man–made products. Natural particles are always in the track around the sun;
however, most of the artificial particles are in the orbit about the earth. So we may call these as
orbital debris, which are always in the orbit of stars. (Space Debris and Human Spacecraft, 2013)
According to the prediction, there are more than 21,000 pieces of orbital debris which are larger
than 10 centimeters and half a million bits of ... Show more content on ...
We can rely on some basic methods to eliminate debris. Grabbing debris directly from the machine
and throwing them into a part of space where can burn up rapidly. Furthermore, laser work as well,
which use the power from the photon. It can slow them down till to the atmosphere of the earth.
(Incredible Technology: How to Clean Up Dangerous Space Jun, 2013)
Cited Sources:
"Space Debris and Human Spacecraft." NASA. NASA, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
@NolaTRedd. "Space Junk: Tracking & Removing Orbital Debris." N.p., 8 Mar. 2013.
Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
"Space Debris FAQs." The Aerospace Corporation. N.p., 2016. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
By Default, If the Menu Opens on the Right, We. "How We Can Prevent Space Junk: The Dangers
of Space Debris." Bright Hub. N.p., 23 Jan. 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.
@mirikramer. "Incredible Technology: How to Clean Up Dangerous Space Junk." N.p.,
30 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct.
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Argumentative Essay On Asteroids
Have you ever seen a meteor shower in action? If so, you probably just remember them as trickles
of light in the night sky. As for others, well...the debris behind these streaks of light, meteoroids, are
impending doom.
Asteroids are normally portrayed as the compacted piles of rubble bringing forth the catastrophic
commencement of the apocalypse in films like **Ice, **Meteor Storm, **Armageddon, etc.
After all, there are a couple of theories to how one of the earliest global disasters had occurred;
**the mass extinction of prehistoric animals, and an asteroid or comet crash being one of the most
popular among these theories. This concept is still debated, as it was previously believed that
volcanic activity was the only factor contributing to the temperature changes in the atmosphere.
Although, there is still an idea where there wasn't just one cause killing off an era of species, but
different environmental factors combined. ... Show more content on ...
**In February of 2013, a small meteoroid, **less than 20 metres in size, had exploded over the
Russian city of Chelyabinsk. The airburst resulted in significant damage to the buildings within
proximity and **injured over 1000 civilians.
** This meteor has 26 to 33 times as much energy as that released from the atomic bomb detonated
in Hiroshima in World War 2, which had the energy of approximately 15 kilotons of TNT. Luckily
the atmosphere absorbed most of the energy the meteor in Chelyabinsk had.
If a meteoroid that diminutive could have such a strong impact, what of those that are within our
solar system and are remarkably larger? Or could a cluster of these smaller meteoroids appearing in
the form of meteor showers stand as a possible
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Essay On Yellowstone Supervolcano
The Yellowstone is known as one of six largest supervolcanoes in the world. Though this
supervolcano has not erupted recently it does have continue to have volcanic activities. The previous
eruption remains have been found outside of the Yellowstone National Park that link to the
Yellowstone Caldera. Ben Ellis and Mark Darren, authors of the article "'Super–eruptions' and silicic
volcanism from the Yellowstone volcanic field," describes current volcanic activities of this area and
how it has expanded and transition from its previous super–eruptions to what has happen now, and
what changes could another volcanic reaction cause for this area. Ellis and Darren wrote that the ". .
. evidence of volcanic activity is all around" (135). In this they were talking about Yellowstone. ...
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The visitors have noticed this as well on the surface of the park. This area along with the surround
area about half of the earth has plenty of basalts and rhyolites with rock and it can be found in the
surrounding region. This shows history of a past super volcanic eruption that has changed the world
and its atmosphere to what it is today. This magma once has too much pressure built up will erupt
which will be known as a super–eruption. As authors Ellis and Mark wrote that "[super–eruptions]
are considered to be the greatest geological hazard to mankind . . ." (135). So if Yellowstone Caldera
suddenly erupts Wyoming along with the surround states such as Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado,
Nebraska, and North and South Dakota that will be effected and all of the environment and
humanity in that area. Yellowstone Caldera eruption cannot be stopped if it ever happens, but
hopefully precautions can be taken to prevent this disaster being an uncontrollable natural
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Ugandan Knuckles Research Paper
Scientists do believe there are new sights of life in other parts of the universe. Ugandan Knuckles
Are believed to be living on the planet Uganda and are sending messages through meteorites from
their planet. Lead scientist Jimmy Johnson, has shown all prof to this theory of where these strange
meteoroids are coming from and they are starting for the expedition to this planet. The journey will
be expected to last eighteen months and seven days, so we have to create a shuttle to withstand and
hold enough fuel to last the journey. The building has been completed on this new type of space
shuttle and it was ready for launch so all of the crew boarded the shuttle to this distant land.
Throughout, this long journey there had been tons of problems
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The Solar System In The 1930's
Most people in their lives have seen a shooting star and exclaimed, "Make a Wish!" However, this
so called "shooting star" is actually the clue to how the solar system was created. While this rock
object is in space it is called a meteoroid, and then it is called a meteor when it enters a planetary
atmosphere. The friction of the meteoroid created by the incoming velocity causes it to heat up
quickly, and in result a bright flash of light. As noted above, this is what people see when watching
the sky. In addition, meteorites gave the first knowledge about abundances of chemical elements in
the solar system in the 1930s through 1950s. Meteorites are the most ancient rocks known to
mankind and have helped pave the way in the study of the formation
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Classroom Observation In Instructional Web Design
In the instructional web design, for the emergent learning, the focus was on learning the solar
system. The classroom, I observed for twenty hours, was doing a lesson on the solar system and
child Q, was having some difficulties and challenges understanding the interesting facts about the
solar system. The children were learning about the different planets, astronauts, moon, sun, stars and
meteoroids. Child Q, was not interested in the solar system, he would get extremely distracted, when
the teacher was doing the lesson, which caused him to have difficulties and challenges when it came
to learning about the solar system.
In the instructional web design, areas that I thought covered the social/emotional development were
the puppets, dramatic arts, creative arts, music and movement. I thought these areas were under the
social/emotional development, because these areas focus on the child's social skills and how the
child can express their feelings and who they are. Some ideas and strategies that I suggested, that
may help child Q understand ... Show more content on ...
In the dramatic arts areas, I would have dress up clothes, like astronaut clothes, helmets and the
different equipment that relates to the solar system. This will help child Q, understand and relate
what you have to wear when you go into space. For creative arts, I would have child Q and the class
create their own solar system and hang it in the classroom and have the children create their own
rocket ship out of the cardboard box. Having the children make a rocket ship, will give the children
an idea what it is like to be an astronaut and to go to space. For music and movement, I thought this
area is a good area that focuses on social and emotional development, because having songs about
space and the solar system, will get the children a chance dance and express their emotions and
social skills with the other children in the
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Pluto Essay Topics
The Solar System
By Serenity Engel, Kahnicka Hoffman and Kendra Hylle
World Geography, Period 1
I. The Solar System
Our group is going to be informing you today about the mighty solar system! A solar system is made
up of a sun, or star, and all of the countless objects revolving around it. Our solar system REALLY
makes the world go 'round! Please enjoy! A. The Terrestrial (Inner) Planets 1. Mercury (Kendra)
Mercury is the smallest out of the 8 planets in the solar system. It is also the closest to the sun. It
goes around the sun faster than any other planet. Mercury was named after the messenger of their
gods (Arnett, "Mercury Facts"). Mercury got his name because it moves around the sun quickly.
Though Mercury is the closest planet to ... Show more content on ...
Pluto (Serenity)
Although Pluto is said to not be a planet in our solar system anymore, this presentation will still
include Pluto as a planet, as according to our textbook. Pluto is the last planet in our solar system.
Pluto is also the smallest planet in our solar system. Pluto is very cold, setting records as the coldest
planet in the solar system. Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet, due to its small size. Pluto is
also known as the King of the Kuiper Belt (Dunford, "Pluto: Overview: King of the Kuiper Belt").
Pluto has five moons. There are no rings on Pluto. Here are some more facts about Pluto:
One Rotation: 6.2 Earth days
One Revolution: 248 Earth years
Distance from Sun: 39.48 AU (3.7 billion miles)
Distance from Earth: 2.66 billion miles
Equatorial Diameter: 1,474 miles C. Other Objects in the Solar System 1. The Sun (Kendra)
The sun is by far the largest object in the solar system. The Greeks called it Helios and the Romans
called it Sol. It is just an ordinary star. The sun is responsible for the Earth's climate and weather.
One million Earth's can fit inside the sun. The sun contains 99.86% of the mass in the solar system.
Light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach the earth. Without the sun, life would not be possible.
Here are some facts about the
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The Solar System
The solar system consists of our sun and everything that travels around it such as, eight planets and
their moons, asteroids, comets, and other space objects. Our solar system is constantly in motion and
has an elliptical shape which means it looks like an egg. It is believed to be more than 4 million
years old and contain some of our most amazing discoveries. Theories suggest that our solar system
along with our Universe formed due to the "big bang." The big bang was an explosion that in
response, Geologists believe formed the Universe and occurred about 13.7 billion years ago. In just
a matter of time, space and the building blocks of matter were created, and time soon began. From
that moment, the Universe started to expand, and continues to expand to this day. Over billions of
years, matter formed into large, complex structures that continue to evolve. However, recent
speculations support the idea that the sun and planets concentrated from a nebula, which is described
as a cloud of gas and dust in outer space. Particles of dust accumulated together and formed small
chunks and then expanded into larger ones eventually forming into planets. One of the most
important objects that was formed during this process was the sun.
Primitive astronomers once believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and that the sun
and everything else revolved around it. Copernicus proved that theory wrong and explained that
Earth and the other planets in our solar system actually
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Foraging Behavior Observation Report
Dr. Janzen,
I was glad to receive such a hearty and informational response. I really appreciate you taking the
time to reply. I do have some research under my belt, I have been working with Dr. Jon Davenport at
Southeast Missouri State for about the last year just helping where I can. This spring I led an
experiment with spotted salamanders (A. maculatum) regarding foraging behavior in response to
predator kairomones. We hope to have the results figured out and go to a few herp conferences in
the early fall semester, and to have the paper out for review by the end of the year. I will be helping
him with more projects for the rest of my time at Southeast Missouri State. He is currently working
on an analysis of Alligator Snapping Turtles in ... Show more content on ...
I plan on taking it towards the end of the summer and my GPA is better than some worse than others
it's at about a 3.45 I'm actively trying to get it into that 3.5 range because I know that 3.5 or above is
where most people would like to see prospective students at.
As far as the assistantships and fellowships go what you have mentioned sounds like a great deal of
$2000 per month it is more than I expected to be honest. I for the most part understand how
assistantships work, but must admit I am unsure how fellowships do through Iowa State I haven't
been able to find real clear information on how the application and acceptance process works. I'm a
first–generation college student with no siblings so everything for me has been a kind of figure it out
as you go when it comes to how scholarship, financial aid, and things of that nature.
I would definitely like to stay in contact with you I am very interested in your work and the
possibility to work in your lab in the future. Thank you for your time and consideration and I hope
to hear from you soon!
Regards, Christopher
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The Risks Of Long Distance Human Spaceflight
Upon the consideration of long–distance human spaceflight, the risk management plan in
correspondence must prepare the crew members before and during the mission, for risks which may
or may not occur, in the isolated confines of space. Specifically, the risks of meteoroid impacts,
malnutrition, and contamination were observed and their effects on the psychological and physical
health of the crew members was detailed. Only meteoroid impacts are singularly and in transit risk,
while both malnutrition and contamination are constant risks due to the human factor. Out the three
risks listed, the most harmful risk would be of malnutrition due to the extensive consequences which
can compound other problems. The main risk management method would ... Show more content on ...
Meteoroid impacts, although a common obstacle in science fiction movies, do not rank very highly
on a problem for a crew on spacecraft due to the very high dispersity of streams of meteoroids, their
very small size, and the very small size of a spacecraft in comparison to the vastness of space. Even
the ISS has a 1 in a 10 billion chance to hit by predictable meteoroid streams while in a very small
orbit (David, L. 2014). However, due to the large distance any communication signals would have to
traverse, in an emergency situation the astronauts would need to be able to act according to protocol.
To prepare for even this unlikely situation, crew members should undergo pre–flight and routine in–
flight simulations which involve safety measures of a breached hull, compromised oxygen supply,
damaged thrusters, or other mechanical failures (Phillips, T. 2002). Although considering that this
risk only pertains to the in–transit portion of the mission and a meteoroid that penetrates the shell of
the spacecraft in living quarters would most likely result in the immediate lack of oxygen due to the
immense vacuum in space which would limit any opportunty to mediate the situation.
Nutrition, although taken care of since the introduction of multiple day missions, is the most
important risk factor to consider as it directly relates the health and ability of the crew member to
perform their duties. The lack of proper nutrients and vitamins can lead to increased bone
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Should Nasa Fund Asteroid Studies
Should N.A.S.A. Fund Asteroid Studies?
Should NASA fund asteroid studies? NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
This has been debated for an elongated time. Many people believe that NASA should put money
into the studies. Their would be many benefits to this. What do you think? I Think NASA should
fund asteroid studies for countless reasons. Many people including myself believe this because it
could help our economy. According to NASA.Gov "the meteorites could contain precious metals,
minerals, and even new elements that could be added to the periodic table" They could be used on
Earth with trade value. This would give The U.S a humongous boost around 10 billion dollars to our
GDP (gross domestic product value). The asteroid
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Zoo Paradox: The Absence Of Extraterrestrial Life
One of many solutions to fermis paradox is the zoo scenario. The zoo hypothesis looks as to the
assumed behavior and existence of extraterrestrial life and the reasons they stop from coming to
Earth and is one of many good explanations for the fermi paradox. The hypothesis is that alien life
avoids communication with Earth, and one of its main reasons is that it does so to allow for natural
evolution and cultural development, avoiding contamination. The hypothesis seeks to explain the
apparent absence of extraterrestrial life despite its accepted possibility and the reasonable
expectation of its existence. Aliens might choose to allow contact once the human species has
passed certain technological, political, or ethical standards. They might withhold contact until
humans force contact upon them, possibly by sending a spacecraft to planets they inhabit. ... Show
more content on ...
An alien society with advanced remote–sensing technologies may conclude that direct contact with
neighbors added risks without an added benefit. Some assumptions for the zoo hypothesis is, first
that a large number of alien cultures exist, and second that these aliens have great reverence for
independent, natural evolution and development. In particular, assuming that intelligence is a
physical process that acts to maximize the diversity of a system's accessible futures, a fundamental
motivation for the zoo hypothesis would be that contact would unintelligently reduce the overall
diversity of paths the universe itself could take. These ideas are perhaps most possible if there is a
universal cultural or legal policy among a wide range of extraterrestrial civilizations needing
isolation with respect to civilizations at Earth–like stages of development. In a universe without
power, random single civilizations with independent principles would make contact. This makes a
crowded universe with clearly defined rules seem more
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Solar System Lab Report
There a many hypotheses explaining how the solar system formed. In science class, we learned
about three hypotheses explaining the formation of the solar system. We learned about the nebular,
protoplanet, and planetisemal hypotheses. In the nebular hypothesis, the solar system started out as a
cloud. The cloud of gas cooled and shrank into a sphere. The law of conservation of angular
momentum caused the sphere to spin faster. Centrifugal forces caused some of the matter to fly off
of the sun. This matter formed a ring around the sun. The matter that was originally a part of the sun
cooled and condensed into the planets. One problem with the nebular hypothesis is that an
unreasonably large amount of gravitational pull would be needed to condense the rings of matter
into planets. Also, the Sun, although containing most of the mass in the solar system, has only a
small fraction of the angular momentum. ... Show more content on ...
It started five billion years ago as a cloud of dust and gas about 10 billion kilometers in diameter
that rotated slowly in space. This massive cloud shrank over time because of its own gravitational
pull, or because of an exploding passing star. Most material collected in the center and it rotated
faster as it shrank. Compression of the material made it hotter, which started hydrogen fusion,
forming the sun. Ten percent of the material in the cloud formed a disk around the sun. Due to
friction in the disk, most of the mass collected into whirlpools. These whirlpools shrank to form
protoplanets. These protoplanets became planets and moons. Excess material became comets,
asteroids, and meteoroids. A problem with this hypothesis is that it would be unlikely for a passing
star to explode, because stars are very far apart from each other. Also, as with the nebular
hypothesis, it would take an unreasonable amount of gravitational pull for the disk to condense into
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Lesson Plan in Science 5
Date: ____________
I. Objective: ❖ Identify the members of the solar system
Values: Appreciate God's creation.
II. Subject Matter: Unit: The Solar System Topic: Members of the Solar System
A. Science Concept/Idea: ❖ Sun Planets, planetoids, comets, meteor and meteorites are the
members of the solar system.
B. Science Processes: Observing and Identifying
C. Materials: Illustration of nine (9) planets, sun, meteor, meteorites comet and activity card
References: Science and Health V, Module by: Jessie Villegas and Celia Nacpil p. 100; Into the
Future Science and Health, p. 250
III. Procedure: A. Preparatory Activities: 1. Reading of Science news ... Show more content on ...
Values: Orderliness/Active participation in performing activity/Cleanliness and neatness in making a
II. Subject Matter: Unit: The Solar System Topic: How Members of the Solar System Revolve
around the Sun
A. Science Concept/Idea: ❖ The members of the solar system revolve around the sun in the same
direction as they follow their own orbits.
B. Science Processes: Observing, Describing and Illustrating
C. Materials: chart, activity card
References: Into the Future Science and Health V, p. 260
III. Procedure: A. Preparatory Activities: 1. Review: Describe the members of the solar system: a.
Sun b. Planets c. Comets d. Meteors and Meteorites e. Planetoids
B. Developmental Activities: 1. Motivation: Have you ever wondered why planets do not collide as
they travel around the sun?
2. Presentation: a. Show an illustration or a model of the nine planets and identify them. b.
Distribute cutouts of the nine (9) planets and nine (9) different colored string. c. Tell the pupils to
arrange the nine (9) planets around the sun on the flannel board. d. Let the pupils put the colored
strings to show the orbit of the planets (Teacher guide the pupils)
C. Concept Formation: How do the members of the solar system revolve around
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The Male Rose Essays

  • 1. The Male Rose Essays Dark clouds covered the sky like water covering the ocean. Boom! Thunder roared in the distance. Drip! Drip! Drip! Rain ferociously banged against the ground. The atmosphere was a quite mouse except for the rain. Clouds covered the stars, but the moon summoned a faint beam of light down on the forest. Fire raged in the rose's head. The male rose wanted freedom from the field and to run like a human. However, while he was wishing that, NASA reported an extremely giant asteroid heading towards Colorado Springs in 3 days. An hour later, Jhonny Appleseed was coming to plant a small apple plant when suddenly the male rose stretched out his roots and using the energy of the soil; he pulled the apple plant out of the pot and threw the plant out ... Show more content on ... Then, he ran slightly faster. After running thirty miles, the male rose saw a two thousand six hundred twenty–two feet rock mountain. He took a tiny step, and it suddenly collapsed! He sent out all his leaves, breaking every single, solitary rock in half before it reached him. Subsequently, he jumped over the pile of rocks. When he crossed two hundred twenty–five more miles, the sun was almost out of sight. There, in front of him lied the ocean. He had reached a dead end. Zoom! Z–zoom! The rose saw an airplane dashing in the sky. He reached up and grabbed the plane's wings with his roots. Now he could control the plane's direction! The helpless driver contacted the airport who contacted the military. After the moon was up, the airplane had taken him five hundred twenty kilometers, and suddenly several jets surrounded the airplane as well as the plant. Boom! Boom! They sent missiles and bullets that were as quick as a rocket. Bam! The rose jumped off the plane and swiped the missiles back while dodging bullets, causing the jets to detonate in a terrible roar. While he was fighting, the plane had left him, so he drifted downward towards the ocean. The plant immediately used half of his roots as a parachute and the other half as a boat. Water was good for plants, but too much would destroy them. It became night, and a hurricane started. The male rose wrapped himself in a ball of many layers of roots to avoid the rough waves pounding ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Who Is The Perseid Meteor Shower? It is believed that thousands of meteorites weighing around a pound each impact the Earth every year, but it usually goes unnoticed because the small rocks land in unpopulated areas such as large forests or open ocean. Meteoroids are residual chunks of ice and rock from comets or asteroids, but once they enter Earth's atmosphere they are called meteors. They do not receive the meteorite name until they make an incredibly long journey through Earth's atmosphere and touch down onto Earth's surface. It is thought that around 90 to 95 percent of meteors burn up in Earth's atmosphere. The Perseid meteor shower is the most popular meteor shower of the year because of its breathtaking show around August 11 and 12. Comet Swift–Tuttle is responsible for the Perseid meteor shower. Its fragile ... Show more content on ... The most damage is actually caused by a shock wave that is produced from a meteor that breaks apart in Earth's atmosphere. In 2013, the Chelyabinsk meteor broke apart around 15 miles above the ground and created a shockwave that is equivalent to a 500–kiloton explosion and it injured around 1,600 people. Unfortunately, astronomers cannot predict meteorite impacts because they are too small to detect and the large ones that can be seen are too unpredictable. Meteoroids that are made of stronger materials like that of an asteroid and meteors approaching Earth slowly are the ones that usually have a better chance of impacting the ground. Luckily, around 90 to 95 percent of meteors never reach the ground. One interesting thing is that, Earth has actually seen meteorites from the moon and Mars. Impacts from meteoroids on the surface of the moon and Mars have sent chunks of the surface flying into space and eventually some of them find their way to Earth. When meteorites are not causing damage or harming people, they do provide a beautiful light show and they provide scientists with an opportunity to study the composition of comets, asteroids, the moon, and ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Theropod Dinosaur Research Paper Lisa Randall, a cosmologist who studied at Harvard, affirms on her theory that sixty–¬six million years ago, based on her dark–matter disk model, a miniscule tic, caused by an invisible force in the distant reaches of the cosmos, threw a comet three times the width of Manhattan towards the Earth at about 38,500 miles per hour. The crash created the most powerful earthquake of all time and released energy a billion times that of an atomic bomb, like a burning incinerator, the atmosphere dramatically heated and killed three–quarters of life on Earth. As a result, creatures less than 55 pounds survived; among them were some dinosaurs: the Microraptor that stood about 16 inches, the Theropod which averaged about two feet long and weighed about seven pounds and the Saltopus, also standing about two feet. As you might know, ordinary matter contains an ... Show more content on ... The smart, quick theropod dinosaur that provided growth to birds may have had feathers, but it did not fly and undoubtedly didn't resemble birds today. Just replicate of a pigeon's acrobatics. Or the legendary dive of the peregrine falcon, which can spot pigeons from 3,000 feet and drop to earth, at 200 miles an–hour, for a deadly strike. That's a long way from running on land, a transformation that improves quickness and agility, demanding not only wings and flight feathers but strident senses and refined brains for long distance vision and high–speed action. Sure enough, birds' skulls have room for relatively vast eyes and for a brain that have expanded in area dedicated to the visual sense. Although, Randall's periodicity model projects that a major meteoroid is not expected to hit the earth for another 32 million years, our civilization's impact on the planet is like that of a slow moving comet directed for destiny, but different from the one that changed dinosaurs, Randall reminds us, we still have a chance to avoid its ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Media Star: The Solar System Our system solar consists of a media star, that we call the sun, where we can find eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Also, consists on natural satellites of the planets, numerous comets, asteroids, meteoroids and interplanetary space. Over the last centuries, many scientists have discussed about how was the solar system formed, when in the 18th century, Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant and Pierre–Simon proposed what we know nowadays as the most widely acknowledge scientific justification of how the solar system was formed: The Nebular Hypothesis. According to Natural History Museum website, this hypothesis suggested that solar system was formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago, when a gigantic cloud of gas and dust in space was agitated by the explosion of a star in the vicinity. This explosion had, ... Show more content on ... The planet is likewise a slow rotator, with a 243–day long Venusian day and a circle around the sun at 225 days. Its environment is thick and contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Nitrogen (N). In addition, Venus has no rings or moons. On the other hand, the outer Jovian planet also known as gas giants, different from the inners, the outer planets have rings and all of plenty of moons each. Despite the fact that all of them have a huge size, only two of them are visible to the naked eye: Jupiter and Saturn. From the list above the outer Jovian planet is Saturn. This planet is known, because of his seven salient rings with well– defined partitions and gaps between them. Additionally, in this planet we can find a lot of moons and the atmosphere there is mostly Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He), while the rotation is quick with 10.7 Earth ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Planetary System Of The Earth And Moon Abstract The planetary system consisting of the Earth and Moon has been closely examined since the birth of man. The Moon is a scientifically important planet that preserves a unique history of planetary formation and early development, as well as recording the historical space environment and cosmic radiation for billions of years. Due to its proximity to the Earth, the Moon has also been a target for human exploration and long–term extraterrestrial habitation. Knowledge of the Moon's characteristics and its resources has become especially important for planning future space travel from Earth. Relationships between the Earth and Moon in origin, composition, and orbital dynamics are critical to scientific understanding as well as to the ultimate goals of lunar infrastructure development and habitation. The Moon has several unique characteristics when compared to the Earth which stem primarily from its lack of water, atmosphere, and biological life. Unlike on Earth, sedimentation on the Moon occurs primarily as a result of meteoroid impacts, but also by other means. Lunar soil is the fine fraction of the regolith found on the surface of the Moon. Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil. The physical properties of lunar soil result from mechanical disintegration of basaltic and anorthositic rock, caused by meteoric impact and bombardment over billions of years. Weathering is primarily mechanical, in which the lunar terrain is ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Earth Rocky Planet Earth is a rocky planet. It has a solid and active surface with canyons, valleys, mountains, plains and a lot more. It is special because its atmosphere mainly composed of nitrogen and it has the abundance of oxygen that is needed for us to breathe. Its atmosphere also protects us from the approaching meteoroids, in which it break up first in the atmosphere before they can strike as meteorites. Earth is the perfect habitable planet on our solar system right now. For it has right distance from the Sun in which it gets a perfect temperature. It has a magnetic field that protects the planet form the harmful radiation. Earth is also kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it possessed the perfect chemical ingredients that is necessary for life ... Show more content on ... It will no longer support our living and provide our necessities due to the fact that the sun gets older which results to a larger and warmer star that can result to the extinction of human and other complex life, and eventually after 2.56 billion years, to all cellular life. In about one billion years, the luminosity of our sun will be 10% higher than what it is now. This will result to a possibility that our atmosphere will become a "moist greenhouse", leading to a runaway evaporation of the bodies of water. As a consequence to this, plate tectonics will become terminated, and so with the entire carbon cycle. Right after this event, in about 2 to 3 billion years, the planet's magnetic dynamo may halt, causing the decay of the magnetosphere and leads to the accelerated disappearance of volatiles from the external atmosphere. And four billion years from now, there would be a massive increase in the temperature of the Earth's Surface that may result to a runaway greenhouse effect, heating the surface that is sufficient enough to melt it. By that point, all life on the Earth will be gone. The most foreseeable fate of the Earth is its absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years, when the star entered the red giant stage and expanded to cross the current orbit of the planet. It is not yet defined when human life will terminate on planet Earth due to anthropogenic climate change and other limiting ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Tagish Lake Research Paper Most of us are familiar with the panspermia hypothesis – that life can be "seeded" from asteroid, comet, and planetoid contents – but to date, no direct evidence has been discovered. So, why should we consider meteorites to be possible parents? The truth is out there somewhere and these space rocks contain the essentials, as far down as to amino acids. Until now, what has been recovered has been regarded as structured. However, the matter of Tagish Lake arose. In January of 2000, a huge meteoroid exploded in our planet's atmosphere over Northern British Columbia in Canada, which resulted in falling debris over Tagish Lake, while frozen. This observed fall was rare, and the meteorites were harvested meticulously, preserved in their frozen state, and documented. There are two reasons: to preserve the space stone's integrity and to ensure that no contamination could take place either to the ... Show more content on ... It involves more than just documenting the date and time of the observed event and where the fragments were harvested. To be properly conducted, the field must be measured. Each fragment must be photographed in it's finding position in addition to the depth being measured and other important steps to properly document the event. Nothing should be left to speculation. "These first Tagish Lake samples are the nearest we have to an return mission of an asteroid sample in terms of purity," adds NASA's Godard Space Flight Center's Dr. Michael Callahan in Greenbelt, MD, a co–author on the paper. The scientists' Tagish Lake meteorite discovery is rich in carbon – and contains a myriad of organic matter, which includes amino acids. While amino acids aren't new to meteoritic structure, what was extraordinary about this discovery was that different pieces had greatly variable amino acid ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Space Debris : A New Habitable Planet Has Brought Adam And... Man Hok (Felix) Yeung ESS 102 AD 23 October 2014 Sci–Fi Paper Synopsis A mission to find a new habitable planet has brought Adam and his whole team into space. With 11 billion people waiting back home, this team of six astronauts will leave their homeland in search for a new place to call their home. On this mission, Adam's crew will encounter countless obstacles, fascinating sights, and shocking new discoveries. Their first problem is the large amounts of space debris blocking their way. Will they successfully find a new home? Will all of them come back alive? Space Debris – Problems and Solutions Earth is constantly haunted by problems like contaminated water, growing deforestation, and excessive greenhouse gasses, but the pollutant ... Show more content on ... Their size can range from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers. Meteoroids, on the other hand, are very small. They are tiny fragments of rocks and dusts (Coffey 2009). The artificial part of space debris is made of fragments and pieces of man–made items. There are many kinds of debris orbiting the Earth, for example, rocket parts that are detached after certain stages of launching, broken or dysfunctional satellites, and even fragments or small parts from other machinery that was launched into space. All of these man–made fragments orbit the Earth, so they are often called orbital debris (NASA 2012). Orbital debris is a very dangerous thing. Not only is it creating many problems for scientist, it is also growing every day. A series of photos on a document published by NASA (2009), called The Threat of Orbital Debris and Protecting NASA Space Assets from Satellite Collisions, shows the growth of orbital debris from 1960 to 2009. These images show just how much debris the Cold Wars has generated. Because of this war, the interest in space and space exploration was spread throughout humanity. This spike of interest caused many satellites and rockets to be launched into space and abandoned after they are out of service (Glassman 2009). One of the major contributors to orbital debris is China. In 2007, the Chinese decided to test–launch an anti–satellite missile to destroy a weather satellite of theirs. Their missile ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Essay On Fund Asteroid Studies Should NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration) fund asteroid studies that other people lead? In my opinion, I think that NASA should fund other asteroid studies because if we are trying to go to Mars, then we need all the extra help we can get. If we have many people exploring and learning space, then we can find more about space, maybe go to Mars earlier than we thought, and be more prepared. NASA should fund asteroid studies because of our safety, resources, and our competitiveness and currency in the world. If NASA funds asteroid studies then it will improve our safety because it can help predict when an asteroid is coming and can protect our society. It also can help our animals and environment survive asteroid ... Show more content on ... Evidence to show how harsh the meteor was to one of our resources is, " Later, when the team arrived at ground zero, they found the trees there standing upright–but their limbs and bark had been stripped away. They looked like a forest of telephone poles." (Source: Tunguska Meteor Impact, paragraph: 5). This is how much damage a meteor can do to our assets. We can be more competitive and current in the world if NASA helps fund other asteroid studies. If we get more people to help research, unlock more knowledge about asteroids, and what can help stand against them, we can be the first to find the piece of technology that prevents them from hitting Earth. If we are the first country to prevent asteroids we can make more money and start helping other countries prevent them from impacting Earth. The money also goes to help our technology more advanced and expand our knowledge. Evidence to show how much we can learn from our research is, " At 7:17 a.m. (local Siberia time), at a height of about 28,000 feet, the combination of pressure and heat caused the asteroid to fragment and annihilate itself, producing a fireball and releasing energy equivalent to about 185 Hiroshima bombs." (Source: Tunguska Meteor Impact, Para.: 10). If we can be the first country on the moon, then why can't we be the first country to help prevent asteroids from hitting the Earth's surface? I believe NASA should supply asteroid studies because of our ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Bhalenox: Past, Present, And Future The universe was a void. There were no stars, no planets, no meteoroids or asteroids. There was, however, a miniscule island–like body within this void. The island was able to have one person living comfortably on it. It consisted of an apple tree, a freshwater stream, an empty book, a quill and ink, and a kerosene lamp for a light source. The island and its contents had always existed. The stream of water ran off of the island, making a waterfall, and the apple tree was big enough to cover up over half of the island. On this island lived a human–like creature. This being went by the name Bhalenox. Bhalenox had bright blue eyes, a straight jaw, a Roman nose, and very long, straight hair. He was dressed in long robes, and he was a very intelligent being. Bhalenox never aged, and never grew weary. He had never been created, and would never be destroyed. Bhalenox had not created the island, nor had he created the contents on it. No one knows how long it took for Bhalenox to realize the powers of The Book, because the time beforehand could not have been measured. The Book had great powers; it was able to make anything out of nothing. However, the book was not able to destroy, which Bhalenox would later find out. Each page of The Book could hold only two poems, no matter the size of the poem. The Book never ran ... Show more content on ... To his amazement, lights started showing up around him. Some of these lights were close enough for him to see in detail, and some were so far away that he could barely see if they were actually there. Bhalenox decided to call these orbs of light "stars". In his head, he became very ecstatic, realizing what the book had just done for him. He immediately started thinking of other things to create, but knew he could not let the power go to his head. He decided to only allow himself to write a poem if he was completely sure about what he was creating, so he wouldn't do anything too ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Solar System Research Paper Most bodies in the solar system that display a solid surface will show evidence of craters. Many craters are apparent on bodies with no atmosphere such as Mercury or our Moon. Erosion and weathering have removed most of the evidence of craters here on Earth. Most asteroids follow simple circular orbits between Mars and Jupiter and are occasionally agitated by each other or more regularly by Jupiter, however, comets can often come too close to the Earth and other major bodies due to their highly elongated orbits (California Institute of Technology). Over time, every planet or moon has found itself in the wrong place in its orbit at the wrong time and has suffered a major impact. Multitudes of small debris the size of pebbles or grains of sand beat the Earth every day but we are protected by the Earth's atmosphere. Several times a month small asteroids are spotted passing between Earth and the Moon's orbit. Very small fragments of asteroids and comets called meteoroids hit the Earth's atmosphere and explode practically every day causing the bright meteor events we see at night. Over the next 100 ... Show more content on ... It has been determined that we currently have over 100 ring–like structures on our planet that are meteorite impact sites. However, in the last 1,000 years, there are no known human deaths from the impact of a meteorite (Szoldra). Avoiding impacts requires the ability to better calculate statistics. To do this, astronomers need to identify as many of the near–Earth objects as possible. Most astronomers believe that the systematic approach will give us the greatest opportunity to identify the near–Earth objects that are big enough to actually cause catastrophic changes the environment of our ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Isaac Newton's Accomplishments Isaac Newton is arguably the most important scientist in history. He was born on Christmas 1642 in Woolsthorpe Manor, United Kingdom. He was born prematurely and possibly with a form of autism called asperger syndrome, which actually helped him focus on his studies. His father died when Newton was very young, so his mom sent him to live with his Grandma where he was educated at King's School. Initially not a good student, the drive to outwit his classmates became his greatest motivation; and he quickly he rose above his fellow peers. Newton's mom was widowed again and at age fifteen his mom made him come back for financial reasons to help to help with work on their farm. Later on in his life he went back to school where he got a Masters in Art, became a Mathematics professor at Cambridge University, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. ... Show more content on ... He was an active member of the Anglican church. Newton paid for the distribution of bibles to the poor and also helped build an estimated amount of fifty churches near the London area. After studying the biblical subjects immensely, writing 1.3 million words on it, he held a special interest in miracles and prophecies. Newton noted that scientist and a person holding a prophecy were similar in that their goals were both simplicity and unity. God was supposedly the "clockmaker" who created all of us, but left it up to us when it was our time to run out. Newtonian physics became the basis of Deism, which claims that God is the creator and first cause of the universe which runs by natural laws. Since God did not touch our "clocks" all prayer was considered useless. Granting, this wasn't the religion Newton followed, but it was based off of his studies. Today Newton is still famous for his scientific writings over religious ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Mythology: A Genius Tony was an eight–year–old boy who liked to daydream a lot, about science, as his most favorite thing to think about happens to be rocks that came from space. Space rocks! Little that Tony knew, a creature that could turn into a liquid could hide inside an asteroid. A gigantic creature that was about to invade upon Earth for an abduction. Tony suffered a mental disability called schizophrenia. Even though taking medicine helped him, it would take a rare type of individual to understand, a mystic. A mystic had unique gifts, with all strong five senses. Tony was in daydream mode. He had to sit on the porch steps that hot summer day so that his mother could spot him through the screen door. Not being able to leave ... Show more content on ... "Eddy's cool. He looks out for me," Tony, said. As minutes went by, Tony decided to leave the porch and hang out with Eddy. Tony's mother Gina yelled again, seeing them from a distance. Tony had followed Eddy to a schoolyard not far from where Tony lived. Within minutes of throwing rocks around, Tony was by himself, and encountered the debris of those rocks go from a liquid that turned into a space creature named Basir. The space creature abducted Tony, as Tony tried to run from a dark cloud. He found himself being transferred from Earth to the third planet from the sun, Mars. Tony is an eight–year–old not allowed off the porch step in their crime infested neighborhood. Tony's mother's young, but works as a student and nurse living in a two–story house. She does not like her son hanging with the likes of Eddy who lives near the corner store where all the bad people hang. The sun looms at Tony as he sits on the step. Then Tony follows Eddy to the schoolyard and begin throwing around these rocks from space that came from a meteor shower. The debris and rocks they throw around in the schoolyard, happens to be a creature named Basir that abducts Tony. Tony ends up in Mars in this mystic children ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Explain The Ways Living Organisms Rely On The Atmosphere There are so many ways living organisms like our selfs (Human beings) rely on the atmosphere. It is one of the key reasons why there is life on earth to begin with. Here are some reasons on why we as living organism alongside many other living organism rely on the atmosphere. First off the atmosphere provides us with oxygen which is what we need to breathe and keep our bodies working. Without the atmosphere we and many other living organisms would die or not even be alive to begin with. Just try and hold your breathe for a couple of seconds, you can't because your body needs oxygen and will force you to open your mouth and get the oxygen your body needs in order to work correctly. Also, the atmosphere acts as a shield against radiation that ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Science Study Notes-Grade 9 Science Study Notes An electrically uncharged object is neutral. Conduction is not a method of charging an object. If electric charged stay in one spot, they are said to be static. In charging by induction, when a negatively charged rod is brought near a metal leaf electroscope the electrons in the electroscope move away from the rod. A statement that is not part of the Law of Electric Charges is that neutral objects are attracted to uncharged objects. The purpose of a GFCI is to protect people from getting electrocuted. True: Lightning can travel from cloud to cloud. Secondary cells can be recharged. A long wire has a higher resistance than a short wire. False: Cells connected in parallel will make a bulb burn brighter. A voltmeter ... Show more content on ... Charging by induction is when an induced charge has a temporary rearrangement of electrons. The electrostatic series is a list of how well things hang on to electrons Acetate Glass Wool Fur/hair Silk Ebonite Plastic Rubber Gold An insulator is something that electrons are not able to move freely through, such as rubber and plastic. A conductor is an electrical conductor that lets electrons move freely from atom to atom. Ex. Copper, aluminum, and some types of wood. Voltage is energy (electric potential) that each electron is given in a circuit. It is measured in volts (V). Current is the rate at which electric charges are moving past a point. It is measured in amperes (A). A) B) A primary wet cell is A primary dry cell is A secondary cell is Cells are connected in series to increase the voltage, and to make the bulb burn brighter. Cells are connected in parallel because then there is more than one path for the electrons to flow through, and the battery will last longer. Resistance is the ability of a substance to slow the flow of electrons Connectors are wires. Electric circuit control devices can be a: switch, button, breaker, plug, remote, or dial. Electric load is an appliance that uses electricity, such as a bulb, hair dryer, T.V., IPod, and toaster.
  • 30. A source of electrical energy can be given from a battery, wall outlet, or generator. Grounding and ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Asteroid Exploration And Utilization By George Botbyl The Earth is nearing depletion of its natural resources at a time when human beings are rapidly expanding the frontiers of space. The resources which may exist on asteroids could have enormous potential for aiding and enhancing human space exploration as well as life on Earth. With the possibly limitless opportunities that exist, it is clear that asteroids are the next step for human existence in space. The resources of the Earth are not infinite, in fact, some are depletable within the next several decades. Once high grade reserves are used up, low grades ores will have to be used. These effects of using low grade ores on the environment and society were discussed in the article "Asteroid Exploration and Utilization" by George Botbyl as a cycle of negative consequences which build upon each other. In order to protect Earth, the next 25 years must bring a new era in space development. Even presidential policy confirms that the United States of America is committed to the establishment of a permanent human presence in space. The earliest studies of asteroid mining proposed retrieving a main belt asteroid. Because of the very long travel times to the main asteroid belt, attention has shifted to the asteroids whose orbits bring them fairly close to the Earth. In these schemes, the asteroids would be bagged and then processed during the return trip, with the asteroid itself providing the reaction mass to propel the mission homeward. A mission to one of these near– Earth ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Abiotic Synthesis And The Deep Sea Vent Hypotheses Although both abiotic synthesis and the deep–sea vent hypotheses argue the environment of a primordial–Earth was required for the origin of life, the two hypotheses have their differences. In general, the abiotic synthesis hypothesis describes the process of how organic compounds can be created from inorganic compounds, while the deep–sea vent hypothesis argues a possible scenario where life may have originated from inorganic compounds. While the term "primordial soup" has been used to describe abiotic synthesis, the same term has been used to describe the extreme environment surrounding hydrothermal vents. In Stanley Miller's experiment, Bada and Lazcano (2008, p.745) argue, Miller showed abiotic synthesis took place by introducing an electric current to a circulating mixture of pressurized "CH4, NH3, H20, and H2." However, samples of both types of hydrothermal vents show different mixtures than that of Miller's experiment. Although the LCHF lacks CO2, according to William Martin, John Baross, Deborah Kelley, and Michael J. Russell (2008, p.806) the compound was not used in Miller's experiment, but the vent did release ample amounts of H2 and CH4, which were used in Miller's experiment. Black smokers, on the other hand, give off H2, but also release CO2 and H2S (Martin et al., 2008, p.806). The two hypotheses agree that life on Earth originated around roughly 3.8 billion years ago. Another similarity between the two hypotheses is both argue the precursors of life are ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Lunar Surface Processes And Its Impact On The Earth Essay Lunar Surface Processes Complex alterations of the lunar surface occur, despite the fact that lunar processes are much less varied and dynamic than those of the Earth. The most important source of lunar surface alteration, at least over the last three billion years, is evidenced by the Moon's heavily pocked and cratered surface. The Moon is continuously bombarded by external objects ranging in size from small specks of dust to giant bodies tens of kilometers in diameter. These impacts are governed primarily by gravity as the solar system continues to evolve. Celestial bodies within the solar system are continually being rearranged by close encounters with one another, altering orbits, and over the course of geologic time, causing collisions with other bodies. These collisions result in two possible outcomes: fragmentation or cratering. If the colliding objects are of a similar size, collisional fragmentation and annihilation occur, producing a large number of smaller fragments from both involved bodies. If the objects are of differing sizes, collision results in an impact crater on the target body. Since objects that encounter the Moon are dramatically smaller than the Moon itself, cratering occurs. Typical impact velocities of asteroidal objects on the Moon are between 15 and 25 km/sec. With these high velocities, in combination with the high frequency of impact, the cumulative kinetic energy on lunar surface exceeds the lunar internal energy released by ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. NASA Sending Robots To Mars What is mining? Mining is "the process or industry of obtaining coal or other minerals from a mine." NASA is sending mining robots to Mars. Some of you may ask, "Why is NASA sending robots to Mars?" Well, if the robots can dig up the ice, to make methane and oxygen for rockets, then there will be less human trips to Mars. NASA sends mini–mining trucks to Mars to dig up ice. NASA has created big mining trucks but they don't have the money to build a big enough rocket to send the mining trucks to Mars.(Metzger and Written) NASA is also making a robot called a Swarmie. By packing a lot of air, water, and fuel into a rocket before firing it into an orbit is the least efficient way to get these things into space. This will be very expensive and time consuming. A better way to get ... Show more content on ... A Robotic Minesweeper stopped a bomb that killed thousands of troops. It is a normal military vehicle with a mine roller that can clear convoys without a human driver. A module containing software and multiple sensors could work with other vehicles, this technology could make any military vehicle into a robot that will be able to work tirelessly through the rain, snow, dust, and darkness. The robotic vehicles would play many roles for the military in supply convoys, airfield construction, and similar operations. So, the U.S. military will have supply convoys that are mostly robotic vehicles like minesweepers and supply trucks.(Hsu) Mining has a long history of providing raw materials. The global demand is higher than ever cause the drop in the price of oil. Gold mines today only contain particles of gold in rocks, which is known as ore. Weathering of the ore can release sulfuric acid into streams and rivers. Today countries, like Germany, China, India and Peru, depend on mining for income. There has been some improvement over the years, several countries have reduced the number of children in mining and that prevents child ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Space Debris Essay Space debris Space debris is collection of waste objects in space and encompasses both natural (meteoroids) and artificial particles. The artificial objects and particles in orbit around Earth are referred as orbital debris. They are objects which no longer serve a useful function and include non–functional spacecraft, abandoned launch vehicle stages, mission–related debris, fragmentation debris, old satellites etc. These objects travel at speeds over 22,000 miles an hour (35,000 kilometres an hour). At such high velocity, even small junk can rip holes in a spacecraft or disable a satellite by causing electrical shorts that result from clouds of superheated gas. For most size regimes, the flux of orbital debris within 2000 km of the Earth's surface already exceeds the flux of meteoroids. Figure – computer illustration of density of space debris in low earth orbit As of 2009, about 19,000 pieces of debris larger than 5 cm (2.0 in) are tracked with another 300,000 pieces smaller than 1 cm below 200 km altitude. Space debris smaller than 1 cm (0.39 in), include dust from solid rocket motors, surface degradation products such as paint flakes, and coolant. Impacts of these particles cause erosive damage. The damage can be reduced using proper shield but all the object cannot be shielded – solar panel, telescope. These components are subject to constant wear by debris and micrometeoroids. The debris can collide with themselves to cause even more waste in ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Comets Research Paper Deep Impact In 2005, NASA launched a rocket containing a spacecraft designed to go on a new terrain that no craft had ever come near to touching down on: comets. Comets had been known about for centuries before, and were only one in an extensive list of objects in space that were untouched by NASA. The scientists behind the brand–new mission believed that if meteoroids held may clues to questions about the formation and constant changes in the solar system, then why wouldn't comets do the same? After all, meteoroids and comets were both composed of rocky debris, originated from their own special "belts", and orbited the Sun. The mission was also made to find out if comets had different compositions on the inside than the outside, and observe other such things that telescopes and satellites in Earth's atmosphere or low orbit could not observe at such detail and quality as to gain new information about comets. ... Show more content on ... First off, the idea of sending a craft to a comet was novel at the time, so the team needed to create a way to land the craft on a comet; so they came up with the idea of a two part spacecraft with a component that would flyby and another component that would collide with the comet. (nasa.govDeepImpactFirstLookInsideaComet) The flyby spacecraft and impactor were both launched in a Boeing Delta ll 2925 rocket contained inside the composite payload faring of the rocket. The flyby portion of the craft had imaging instruments like the HRI and MRI to carry out its role of imaging the impact of the impactor and the interior of the comet, and the impactor component had a smart system of high quality telescopes to focus on the comet and crash into it so the HRI and MRI could image the comet's inside. ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Earth And Venus Similarities There are a total of eight known planets in our solar system which consist of four inner and four outer planets; the four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are known as the terrestrial planets because not only are they the closest to the sun, but they are also "Earth–like," meaning that they are similar to Earth's composition and structure ("What is a Terrestrial Planet?"). While these three planets bare close similarities, the planet that closely resembles Earth is Venus. Known as the "Sister Planets," or the "Twins," Earth and Venus are said to share close similarities in relation to their "size, mass, density, composition, and distance from the sun" ("Venus Compared to Earth" and "Venus Information and Facts"). However, as Matt Williams (2016) suggests, while these two planets may have been "very similar early in their existence," just as with most siblings, as time progressed, they began to change–essentially transforming into two distinct, individual planets, with very little in common. After the creation of the solar system, 4.5 years ago, Venus, just as Earth, was said to have formed as gravity drew in a whirlwind of dust and gas ("Earth – In Depth;" "Venus – In Depth"). Venus is the second planet from the sun (67,237,910 miles away), and the only planet said to be named after a female–the "Roman goddess of love and beauty" ("Planet Venus Facts"). On the other hand, as the only planet in the solar system not named after "Greek and Roman gods or ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Discovery Of Space Debris Space Debris In 1957, the first artificial earth satellite Sputnik 1 was launch into space [1]. Humans entered the space age. With the development of the space industry, more and more orbital debris is produced. It is becoming a potential hazard now. Increasing amount of space debris attracts each country's attention. Space experts are trying to find the way to reduce and eliminate the amount of orbital debris. This paper first illustrates what space debris is, the size and the amount of space debris. As the growth of space debris, space becomes more dangerous. Next, this paper focuses on why space debris is a problem, what are the hazards for spacecraft and human beings. Last, this paper illustrates the potential solutions to reduce and eliminate the debris. Space debris includes both natural and artificial particles [2]. Nature particles such as meteoroids are orbiting the Sun while artificial particles are orbiting the Earth. Therefore, Man–made space debris is more commonly referred as orbital debris, space junk and space waste. Orbital debris is the product of space race. In October 4, 1957, the first artificial satellite in history, Sputnik 1 was launched into space [1]. Orbital debris started at that point. They are the "garbage" that people left in the space. Some of them are left in space intentionally, such as abandoned rocket stages and the debris intentionally released during missions; others are left in space accidentally, such as nonfunctional spacecraft, ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Why We Should Continue Spending Money For Space Explorations For many centuries, humans have looked up to the stars for help. They have used constellations for guidance, and also have found the positions of our neighboring planets. In the past, many people had the idea of humans leaving Earth and exploring outer space. This became a reality during the 20th century, when American astronauts first landed and walked on the moon. With the many benefits we have gotten from explorations in the past, I think that we should continue spending money for space explorations in the future. The new inventions and discoveries that help us today in modern life, the pride that our nation as a whole feels, and other advantages and conveniences we receive are sufficient enough to determine that we shouldn't stop exploring what is beyond the horizon. Many new tools and devices were needed for the astronauts who originally traveled in outer space, so new objects were created and designed to fit the needs and comforts of the astronauts. But who knew that some of their inventions would help us in our daily lives? Many items and objects we commonly use today were designed and created to be intended for space travel (Farrar). These items are just a part of our life today. And to make these common items, it created new manufacturing industries. "The Tempur–Pedic mattress company got its start when NASA scientists wanted to provide comfortable seating for pilots that needed to remain in one position for a long time. [UMPQUA] is a water purification company ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Meteoroid Lab Purpose: The purpose is to determine if the angle of impact affects the diameter and depth of a crater. Background Research: A meteoroid is a small chunk of rock that has been broken apart from a much larger chunk of rock called an asteroid, these chunks of rock are located in between Mars and Jupiter, called the asteroid belt. When a meteoroid has been knocked out of the asteroid belt and is on it way towards earth the meteoroid is now a meteor, if the the meteor hits the ground it changes to a meteorite. When the meteorite makes contact with the ground it causes a crater to form, craters are holes on the ground made by the impact of a meteoroid coming towards earth. Hypothesis: If the angle of impact changes, then the diameter of the crater ... Show more content on ... The string should be in a straight line. Step #3– Use the tube and lift it up from keeping it from touching the flour, remove the protractor that way it won't be there when the marble drops Step #4– Release the marble from the top. Step #6– Remove the Tube, and remove the marble with the spoons carefully. Step #7– Measure the diameter in millimeters with a ruler, and jot down what the answer is on trial one. Step #8– Measure the depth in millimeters with a ruler, and jot down the answer on trial 1. Step #9– Repeat the steps 1–8 another 2 times Step #10– Smooth out the flour once more and place the protractor on top of the flour and pull the string to the number 45. Step #11– Repeat steps 3–9. But jot down the depth and diameter on trial 2 Step #12– Repeat step 10, but instead of pulling the string to the number 45 pull it to the number 20. Step #13– Repeat steps 3–9, but jot down the depth and diameter on trial ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Space Debri Research Paper Name: Yuhao Ren Date: 10/20/2016 Class: ESS 102 Space Debris There are kinds of materials, always floating around in the space. When astronauts are doing the space traveling, it is the worst thing to come across with these materials. Some people may be not familiar with these materials; however, the one I was talking about is called space debris in the term of space science. Space debris is made up with both natural particles and artificial particles, which are called as meteoroids and man–made products. Natural particles are always in the track around the sun; however, most of the artificial particles are in the orbit about the earth. So we may call these as orbital debris, which are always in the orbit of stars. (Space Debris and Human Spacecraft, 2013) According to the prediction, there are more than 21,000 pieces of orbital debris which are larger than 10 centimeters and half a million bits of ... Show more content on ... We can rely on some basic methods to eliminate debris. Grabbing debris directly from the machine and throwing them into a part of space where can burn up rapidly. Furthermore, laser work as well, which use the power from the photon. It can slow them down till to the atmosphere of the earth. (Incredible Technology: How to Clean Up Dangerous Space Jun, 2013) Cited Sources: "Space Debris and Human Spacecraft." NASA. NASA, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. @NolaTRedd. "Space Junk: Tracking & Removing Orbital Debris." N.p., 8 Mar. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. "Space Debris FAQs." The Aerospace Corporation. N.p., 2016. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. By Default, If the Menu Opens on the Right, We. "How We Can Prevent Space Junk: The Dangers of Space Debris." Bright Hub. N.p., 23 Jan. 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. @mirikramer. "Incredible Technology: How to Clean Up Dangerous Space Junk." N.p., 30 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Argumentative Essay On Asteroids Have you ever seen a meteor shower in action? If so, you probably just remember them as trickles of light in the night sky. As for others, well...the debris behind these streaks of light, meteoroids, are impending doom. Asteroids are normally portrayed as the compacted piles of rubble bringing forth the catastrophic commencement of the apocalypse in films like **Ice, **Meteor Storm, **Armageddon, etc. After all, there are a couple of theories to how one of the earliest global disasters had occurred; **the mass extinction of prehistoric animals, and an asteroid or comet crash being one of the most popular among these theories. This concept is still debated, as it was previously believed that volcanic activity was the only factor contributing to the temperature changes in the atmosphere. Although, there is still an idea where there wasn't just one cause killing off an era of species, but different environmental factors combined. ... Show more content on ... **In February of 2013, a small meteoroid, **less than 20 metres in size, had exploded over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. The airburst resulted in significant damage to the buildings within proximity and **injured over 1000 civilians. ** This meteor has 26 to 33 times as much energy as that released from the atomic bomb detonated in Hiroshima in World War 2, which had the energy of approximately 15 kilotons of TNT. Luckily the atmosphere absorbed most of the energy the meteor in Chelyabinsk had. If a meteoroid that diminutive could have such a strong impact, what of those that are within our solar system and are remarkably larger? Or could a cluster of these smaller meteoroids appearing in the form of meteor showers stand as a possible ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Essay On Yellowstone Supervolcano The Yellowstone is known as one of six largest supervolcanoes in the world. Though this supervolcano has not erupted recently it does have continue to have volcanic activities. The previous eruption remains have been found outside of the Yellowstone National Park that link to the Yellowstone Caldera. Ben Ellis and Mark Darren, authors of the article "'Super–eruptions' and silicic volcanism from the Yellowstone volcanic field," describes current volcanic activities of this area and how it has expanded and transition from its previous super–eruptions to what has happen now, and what changes could another volcanic reaction cause for this area. Ellis and Darren wrote that the ". . . evidence of volcanic activity is all around" (135). In this they were talking about Yellowstone. ... Show more content on ... The visitors have noticed this as well on the surface of the park. This area along with the surround area about half of the earth has plenty of basalts and rhyolites with rock and it can be found in the surrounding region. This shows history of a past super volcanic eruption that has changed the world and its atmosphere to what it is today. This magma once has too much pressure built up will erupt which will be known as a super–eruption. As authors Ellis and Mark wrote that "[super–eruptions] are considered to be the greatest geological hazard to mankind . . ." (135). So if Yellowstone Caldera suddenly erupts Wyoming along with the surround states such as Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, and North and South Dakota that will be effected and all of the environment and humanity in that area. Yellowstone Caldera eruption cannot be stopped if it ever happens, but hopefully precautions can be taken to prevent this disaster being an uncontrollable natural ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Ugandan Knuckles Research Paper Scientists do believe there are new sights of life in other parts of the universe. Ugandan Knuckles Are believed to be living on the planet Uganda and are sending messages through meteorites from their planet. Lead scientist Jimmy Johnson, has shown all prof to this theory of where these strange meteoroids are coming from and they are starting for the expedition to this planet. The journey will be expected to last eighteen months and seven days, so we have to create a shuttle to withstand and hold enough fuel to last the journey. The building has been completed on this new type of space shuttle and it was ready for launch so all of the crew boarded the shuttle to this distant land. Throughout, this long journey there had been tons of problems ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. The Solar System In The 1930's Most people in their lives have seen a shooting star and exclaimed, "Make a Wish!" However, this so called "shooting star" is actually the clue to how the solar system was created. While this rock object is in space it is called a meteoroid, and then it is called a meteor when it enters a planetary atmosphere. The friction of the meteoroid created by the incoming velocity causes it to heat up quickly, and in result a bright flash of light. As noted above, this is what people see when watching the sky. In addition, meteorites gave the first knowledge about abundances of chemical elements in the solar system in the 1930s through 1950s. Meteorites are the most ancient rocks known to mankind and have helped pave the way in the study of the formation ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Classroom Observation In Instructional Web Design In the instructional web design, for the emergent learning, the focus was on learning the solar system. The classroom, I observed for twenty hours, was doing a lesson on the solar system and child Q, was having some difficulties and challenges understanding the interesting facts about the solar system. The children were learning about the different planets, astronauts, moon, sun, stars and meteoroids. Child Q, was not interested in the solar system, he would get extremely distracted, when the teacher was doing the lesson, which caused him to have difficulties and challenges when it came to learning about the solar system. In the instructional web design, areas that I thought covered the social/emotional development were the puppets, dramatic arts, creative arts, music and movement. I thought these areas were under the social/emotional development, because these areas focus on the child's social skills and how the child can express their feelings and who they are. Some ideas and strategies that I suggested, that may help child Q understand ... Show more content on ... In the dramatic arts areas, I would have dress up clothes, like astronaut clothes, helmets and the different equipment that relates to the solar system. This will help child Q, understand and relate what you have to wear when you go into space. For creative arts, I would have child Q and the class create their own solar system and hang it in the classroom and have the children create their own rocket ship out of the cardboard box. Having the children make a rocket ship, will give the children an idea what it is like to be an astronaut and to go to space. For music and movement, I thought this area is a good area that focuses on social and emotional development, because having songs about space and the solar system, will get the children a chance dance and express their emotions and social skills with the other children in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Pluto Essay Topics The Solar System By Serenity Engel, Kahnicka Hoffman and Kendra Hylle World Geography, Period 1 I. The Solar System Our group is going to be informing you today about the mighty solar system! A solar system is made up of a sun, or star, and all of the countless objects revolving around it. Our solar system REALLY makes the world go 'round! Please enjoy! A. The Terrestrial (Inner) Planets 1. Mercury (Kendra) Mercury is the smallest out of the 8 planets in the solar system. It is also the closest to the sun. It goes around the sun faster than any other planet. Mercury was named after the messenger of their gods (Arnett, "Mercury Facts"). Mercury got his name because it moves around the sun quickly. Though Mercury is the closest planet to ... Show more content on ... Pluto (Serenity) Although Pluto is said to not be a planet in our solar system anymore, this presentation will still include Pluto as a planet, as according to our textbook. Pluto is the last planet in our solar system. Pluto is also the smallest planet in our solar system. Pluto is very cold, setting records as the coldest planet in the solar system. Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet, due to its small size. Pluto is also known as the King of the Kuiper Belt (Dunford, "Pluto: Overview: King of the Kuiper Belt"). Pluto has five moons. There are no rings on Pluto. Here are some more facts about Pluto: One Rotation: 6.2 Earth days One Revolution: 248 Earth years Distance from Sun: 39.48 AU (3.7 billion miles) Distance from Earth: 2.66 billion miles Equatorial Diameter: 1,474 miles C. Other Objects in the Solar System 1. The Sun (Kendra) The sun is by far the largest object in the solar system. The Greeks called it Helios and the Romans called it Sol. It is just an ordinary star. The sun is responsible for the Earth's climate and weather. One million Earth's can fit inside the sun. The sun contains 99.86% of the mass in the solar system. Light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach the earth. Without the sun, life would not be possible. Here are some facts about the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Solar System The solar system consists of our sun and everything that travels around it such as, eight planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, and other space objects. Our solar system is constantly in motion and has an elliptical shape which means it looks like an egg. It is believed to be more than 4 million years old and contain some of our most amazing discoveries. Theories suggest that our solar system along with our Universe formed due to the "big bang." The big bang was an explosion that in response, Geologists believe formed the Universe and occurred about 13.7 billion years ago. In just a matter of time, space and the building blocks of matter were created, and time soon began. From that moment, the Universe started to expand, and continues to expand to this day. Over billions of years, matter formed into large, complex structures that continue to evolve. However, recent speculations support the idea that the sun and planets concentrated from a nebula, which is described as a cloud of gas and dust in outer space. Particles of dust accumulated together and formed small chunks and then expanded into larger ones eventually forming into planets. One of the most important objects that was formed during this process was the sun. Primitive astronomers once believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and that the sun and everything else revolved around it. Copernicus proved that theory wrong and explained that Earth and the other planets in our solar system actually ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Foraging Behavior Observation Report Dr. Janzen, I was glad to receive such a hearty and informational response. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. I do have some research under my belt, I have been working with Dr. Jon Davenport at Southeast Missouri State for about the last year just helping where I can. This spring I led an experiment with spotted salamanders (A. maculatum) regarding foraging behavior in response to predator kairomones. We hope to have the results figured out and go to a few herp conferences in the early fall semester, and to have the paper out for review by the end of the year. I will be helping him with more projects for the rest of my time at Southeast Missouri State. He is currently working on an analysis of Alligator Snapping Turtles in ... Show more content on ... I plan on taking it towards the end of the summer and my GPA is better than some worse than others it's at about a 3.45 I'm actively trying to get it into that 3.5 range because I know that 3.5 or above is where most people would like to see prospective students at. As far as the assistantships and fellowships go what you have mentioned sounds like a great deal of $2000 per month it is more than I expected to be honest. I for the most part understand how assistantships work, but must admit I am unsure how fellowships do through Iowa State I haven't been able to find real clear information on how the application and acceptance process works. I'm a first–generation college student with no siblings so everything for me has been a kind of figure it out as you go when it comes to how scholarship, financial aid, and things of that nature. I would definitely like to stay in contact with you I am very interested in your work and the possibility to work in your lab in the future. Thank you for your time and consideration and I hope to hear from you soon! Regards, Christopher ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Risks Of Long Distance Human Spaceflight Upon the consideration of long–distance human spaceflight, the risk management plan in correspondence must prepare the crew members before and during the mission, for risks which may or may not occur, in the isolated confines of space. Specifically, the risks of meteoroid impacts, malnutrition, and contamination were observed and their effects on the psychological and physical health of the crew members was detailed. Only meteoroid impacts are singularly and in transit risk, while both malnutrition and contamination are constant risks due to the human factor. Out the three risks listed, the most harmful risk would be of malnutrition due to the extensive consequences which can compound other problems. The main risk management method would ... Show more content on ... 2013). Meteoroid impacts, although a common obstacle in science fiction movies, do not rank very highly on a problem for a crew on spacecraft due to the very high dispersity of streams of meteoroids, their very small size, and the very small size of a spacecraft in comparison to the vastness of space. Even the ISS has a 1 in a 10 billion chance to hit by predictable meteoroid streams while in a very small orbit (David, L. 2014). However, due to the large distance any communication signals would have to traverse, in an emergency situation the astronauts would need to be able to act according to protocol. To prepare for even this unlikely situation, crew members should undergo pre–flight and routine in– flight simulations which involve safety measures of a breached hull, compromised oxygen supply, damaged thrusters, or other mechanical failures (Phillips, T. 2002). Although considering that this risk only pertains to the in–transit portion of the mission and a meteoroid that penetrates the shell of the spacecraft in living quarters would most likely result in the immediate lack of oxygen due to the immense vacuum in space which would limit any opportunty to mediate the situation. Nutrition, although taken care of since the introduction of multiple day missions, is the most important risk factor to consider as it directly relates the health and ability of the crew member to perform their duties. The lack of proper nutrients and vitamins can lead to increased bone ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Should Nasa Fund Asteroid Studies Should N.A.S.A. Fund Asteroid Studies? Should NASA fund asteroid studies? NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) This has been debated for an elongated time. Many people believe that NASA should put money into the studies. Their would be many benefits to this. What do you think? I Think NASA should fund asteroid studies for countless reasons. Many people including myself believe this because it could help our economy. According to NASA.Gov "the meteorites could contain precious metals, minerals, and even new elements that could be added to the periodic table" They could be used on Earth with trade value. This would give The U.S a humongous boost around 10 billion dollars to our GDP (gross domestic product value). The asteroid ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Zoo Paradox: The Absence Of Extraterrestrial Life One of many solutions to fermis paradox is the zoo scenario. The zoo hypothesis looks as to the assumed behavior and existence of extraterrestrial life and the reasons they stop from coming to Earth and is one of many good explanations for the fermi paradox. The hypothesis is that alien life avoids communication with Earth, and one of its main reasons is that it does so to allow for natural evolution and cultural development, avoiding contamination. The hypothesis seeks to explain the apparent absence of extraterrestrial life despite its accepted possibility and the reasonable expectation of its existence. Aliens might choose to allow contact once the human species has passed certain technological, political, or ethical standards. They might withhold contact until humans force contact upon them, possibly by sending a spacecraft to planets they inhabit. ... Show more content on ... An alien society with advanced remote–sensing technologies may conclude that direct contact with neighbors added risks without an added benefit. Some assumptions for the zoo hypothesis is, first that a large number of alien cultures exist, and second that these aliens have great reverence for independent, natural evolution and development. In particular, assuming that intelligence is a physical process that acts to maximize the diversity of a system's accessible futures, a fundamental motivation for the zoo hypothesis would be that contact would unintelligently reduce the overall diversity of paths the universe itself could take. These ideas are perhaps most possible if there is a universal cultural or legal policy among a wide range of extraterrestrial civilizations needing isolation with respect to civilizations at Earth–like stages of development. In a universe without power, random single civilizations with independent principles would make contact. This makes a crowded universe with clearly defined rules seem more ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Solar System Lab Report There a many hypotheses explaining how the solar system formed. In science class, we learned about three hypotheses explaining the formation of the solar system. We learned about the nebular, protoplanet, and planetisemal hypotheses. In the nebular hypothesis, the solar system started out as a cloud. The cloud of gas cooled and shrank into a sphere. The law of conservation of angular momentum caused the sphere to spin faster. Centrifugal forces caused some of the matter to fly off of the sun. This matter formed a ring around the sun. The matter that was originally a part of the sun cooled and condensed into the planets. One problem with the nebular hypothesis is that an unreasonably large amount of gravitational pull would be needed to condense the rings of matter into planets. Also, the Sun, although containing most of the mass in the solar system, has only a small fraction of the angular momentum. ... Show more content on ... It started five billion years ago as a cloud of dust and gas about 10 billion kilometers in diameter that rotated slowly in space. This massive cloud shrank over time because of its own gravitational pull, or because of an exploding passing star. Most material collected in the center and it rotated faster as it shrank. Compression of the material made it hotter, which started hydrogen fusion, forming the sun. Ten percent of the material in the cloud formed a disk around the sun. Due to friction in the disk, most of the mass collected into whirlpools. These whirlpools shrank to form protoplanets. These protoplanets became planets and moons. Excess material became comets, asteroids, and meteoroids. A problem with this hypothesis is that it would be unlikely for a passing star to explode, because stars are very far apart from each other. Also, as with the nebular hypothesis, it would take an unreasonable amount of gravitational pull for the disk to condense into ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Lesson Plan in Science 5 SCIENCE AND HEALTH V Date: ____________ I. Objective: ❖ Identify the members of the solar system Values: Appreciate God's creation. II. Subject Matter: Unit: The Solar System Topic: Members of the Solar System A. Science Concept/Idea: ❖ Sun Planets, planetoids, comets, meteor and meteorites are the members of the solar system. B. Science Processes: Observing and Identifying C. Materials: Illustration of nine (9) planets, sun, meteor, meteorites comet and activity card References: Science and Health V, Module by: Jessie Villegas and Celia Nacpil p. 100; Into the Future Science and Health, p. 250 III. Procedure: A. Preparatory Activities: 1. Reading of Science news ... Show more content on ... Values: Orderliness/Active participation in performing activity/Cleanliness and neatness in making a design. II. Subject Matter: Unit: The Solar System Topic: How Members of the Solar System Revolve around the Sun A. Science Concept/Idea: ❖ The members of the solar system revolve around the sun in the same direction as they follow their own orbits. B. Science Processes: Observing, Describing and Illustrating C. Materials: chart, activity card
  • 79. References: Into the Future Science and Health V, p. 260 III. Procedure: A. Preparatory Activities: 1. Review: Describe the members of the solar system: a. Sun b. Planets c. Comets d. Meteors and Meteorites e. Planetoids B. Developmental Activities: 1. Motivation: Have you ever wondered why planets do not collide as they travel around the sun? 2. Presentation: a. Show an illustration or a model of the nine planets and identify them. b. Distribute cutouts of the nine (9) planets and nine (9) different colored string. c. Tell the pupils to arrange the nine (9) planets around the sun on the flannel board. d. Let the pupils put the colored strings to show the orbit of the planets (Teacher guide the pupils) C. Concept Formation: How do the members of the solar system revolve around ... Get more on ...