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The Helmet Jellyfish
Cnidaria are a various species, with type ranging from mobile jellyfishes to the static coral. The
Helmet jellyfish is a prime example the cnidarian species. Although it is a direct relation to other
organisms that are completely different in nature, it shares some defining characteristics The Helmet
Jellyfish is radially symmetrical, meaning they can be cut into equal part at any point through the
center. This means the Helmet Jellyfish has no back or front, nor a left or right side. This type of
symmetry is common to this species as they are an older and less developed group of creatures. The
Helmet Jellyfish moves as the typical jellyfish does, radial deltoid muscles in the gastric region
create pulsations contract their bodies and propel water out wards, thus pushing them forward. They
also partially rely on ocean currents to move them long distances. As for defending themselves, the
Helmet Jellyfish has a system of stinging cells on their tentacles that float behind them. These cells
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It had been previously conceived that jellyfish are not social by nature and just coexist in groups
called blooms. However by tracking the movements of their movements via sonar, marine biologist
Stein Kaartvedt has found that some jellyfish, around 10%, have begun to sync of with specificity
other jellyfish. Following their patterns and even hunting for food together in small groups of 2–3.
The data has shown that the jellies can recognize their partners from distances of 2 meters. It is not
yet known how they recognize each other for they only disturb water writhing a few centimeters of
themselves, so they cannot feel each other. They also do not follow their partners specific path so it
is admissible that they do not follow using scent or taste. Scientists believe is has something to do
with their light receptors being able to detect the light of other
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Throwing Our Planet On The Garbage
Throwing Our Planet in the Garbage
It is something that we all have heard about. The horrific challenges we face with plastic
overwhelming our oceans have created an awful picture in all of our minds at one time or another,
but have you ever thought about whether or not all of our oceans are being affected? What about
how much garbage is accumulating in our precious oceans and the effects that accumulation is
having on us. These are questions I have always been particularly intrigued in finding the answers
to, though I know that some of the answers that we have concluded are only estimates. To look
further into this issue, Laura Parker wrote an article titled "Eight Million Tons of Plastic Dumped in
Ocean Every Year". The article was published by National Geographic in February of this year
(2015), and will be my main source of information for this subject.
According to Laura Parker's article, "eight million tons of plastic trash ended up in the ocean from
coastal countries". The worst offenders of those countries were compiled into a "top 20" list, putting
China first and the United States in the twentieth spot. It may seem as though we are doing
somewhat better than out counterparts, and this may be true in a sense. However, if we were truly
doing our part, we would not be on this list at all. So why is it that only few of us seem to dispose of
our waste properly? Not only that, but why is it that even the majority are doing their part, the
problem continues to arise?
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Case Study : ' Happy Valley 2016 ' Mini Biome Report
Happy Valley 2016
Mini Biome Report By: Kimia
Table of Contents
Natural Bridges.......................................................................2
Personal Response....................................................................4
Handouts from the Trip...............................................................5
What's in the Bag?.....................................................................7
Survival of Life.........................................................................8
Leaf Mixture Chromatography........................................................9
Natural Bridges
Natural Bridges State Beach is a beach known for its viewing points of shore birds, migrating
whales, seals, and otters. Its tide pools, which give a glimpse of colorful ocean life such as sea stars,
crabs, and sea anemones, can be explored, and large area of coastal scrub and grasslands bring
native wildflowers in the spring. Natural Bridges is named for the naturally occurring mudstone
bridges that were carved by the Pacific Ocean into cliffs that bulged out into the sea. They were
formed over a million years ago when silt, clay, and diatoms were solidified into a mixture of stone
that originally formed three arches on the beach. However, of the three arches, only one remains to
this day as the other two collapsed during two different storms.
Natural Bridges is known as a "hotspot" for monarch butterfly migrations as it is home to over
150,000 monarch butterflies between October and February. A eucalyptus grove provides habitat for
these monarchs and they migrate up to 2,000 miles to the park in order to escape cold weather. The
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Poachers Research Paper
The heartbreaking viral video of one Olive Ridley turtle getting a straw removed from its nose made
in–heartbreaking–effort–to–help.html but the sad truth is the entire species is crying out SOS. The
turtles don't need to be saved from plastic –– they need to be saved from poachers. After centuries of
overexploitation, Mexico is enlisting the help drones and marines to save the turtles in the beaches
of Escobilla and Morro Ayuta. While taking their eggs is a crime, it hasn't deterred poachers.
Cracking Down on Egg Extraction, Commercialization, Sale and Distribution It's an amazing sight
to behold. Starting in May, droves of turtles appear on Mexican beaches and get to work. ... Show
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Obviously, money is a factor, but there's more to the story. Stealing the turtle eggs only became a
crime where someone can end up in federal prison two decades ago. And consuming turtle meat and
turtle eggs and using turtle skin dates back to the ancient civilizations of the Americas. As one local
told NPR, "You make a small hole,
put lemon and chili, and it is delicious. That's one of our pre–Hispanic dishes – before the Spanish
arrived, our people would eat them." (But lemon and chilli make everything taste better.) Like rhino
horn, there's also a bogus claim that turtle eggs are a type of
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Essay On Finding Nemo
When a clown fish is mentioned, the majority of the people automatically think of Disney Pixar's
movie, Finding Nemo. This assumption is not correct though. The fish that are actually depicted in
this movie are a species called false anemone fish. Although this movie gives an accurate view into
the life of a false clown fish, and its everyday adventures, there is slight differences in the false
anemone fish and a true anemone fish, or simply, clown fish. There are small differences in their
shape and their habitat. But there still is so much more to this fish than the simple lives of Marlin
and Nemo, the main characters in the animated film. The scientific name of this fish is Amphiprion
ocellaris and is also called an anemone fish because of its symbiotic associations with sea anemones.
The clown fish is a member of the Animal Kingdom and is classified as an Actinopterygii and part
of the Pomacentridae family and the Amphiprionanae subfamily. If you have seen Finding Nemo,
the clown fish is an orange fish with white and black stripes across its body, but a clown fish may
also be ... Show more content on ...
Copepods are crustaceans that live on the bottom of the ocean, like clown fish, and tend to just float
along with the water. They also are considered to be holoplankton because they are permanent
members of the plankton. Isopods are very similar to the copepods, they live in saltwater,
freshwater, and on land. Many of the isopods live along the floor of the ocean, but some are capable
of swimming short distances and some are able to crawl along the bottom, which classifies them as
meroplankton. The largest portion of a clown fish's diet is the combination of the types of
zooplankton. Even though they mainly eat zooplankton, it is common for some clownfish to feed on
the tentacles of the host sea
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Chapter Four Of The Strange Beach
As Dark As His Tar Black Soul
The strange beach was stifled as if the ghosts of notorious pirates, maybe even Blackbeard himself
had come back to silence the coastline. My imagination was chuck full of childhood tales–I could
picture infamous pirates wielding silver cutlass swords and gallant king's men battling at sea, but the
sand was deserted and even the wind now held its breath. "Bro, we've fallen down the rabbit hole or
something. I know were not in Pixie Dust anymore . . . but where the heck are we Wonderland?"
Mason said in full meltdown mode. "And . . ." he glanced around like he had a twitch, "I saw a
flicker of movement in the water. Something's out there I can feel it, you hear me? I'll be fine
though–you cut ... Show more content on ...
As the boat got closer, I spotted a big barrel–chested guy with bulging muscles, scraggly hair, and a
long dark beard holding a bloodstained three–pronged spear. He wore a Monmouth cap, frock coat,
dark breeches, and knee–high black buckled boots. Next to him was a young boy with startling
electric blue eyes, dressed a tattered red vest, a lace up woman's blouse, and a white waist sash. His
black hair was plastered down on each side of his head and a spit–curl dangled over his right
eyebrow. A long–tailed red, blue, and yellow macaw was skipping back and forth on the railings.
There was something very unparrot like about the birds gaze. It seemed daring, almost dangerous.
Once they were within earshot, I could hear the boy warbling happily, "Shiver my timbers, shake my
soul, yo ho–ho, yo ho–ho, there are chaps with hearts as black as coal. They glided there craft across
the sea so blue, a murderous captain and a cutthroat crew. It's a shadowy tale as was ever told, of a
thirst for treasure and a craving for gold . . . Shiver my timbers, shake my soul, yo ho–ho. There are
appetites as strong as the winds and tides yo ho–ho a pirate's life for me." But the man with the spear
and the bird just stared at us with strange frozen smiles. Fear whacked a hand–over–fist beat against
my chest. At the shore, the boy stopped singing, and the man removed his shiny brass spyglass from
its holster and gave us the
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Anemone Descriptive Writing
The air, heavy with the morning fog, parts around the three figures like still water around a hull.
Crunching rocks and barnacles under boots disrupt the thick silence of the morning, the sharp sound
abrasive against the calm lapping of the waves. The woman crouches down pointing at limpet
tucked into a crevice between two barnacle blanketed rocks, wet with morning dew but the children
are already enraptured with a different creature. Peacefully undulating in a tide pool, the sea
anemone's bright colors and patterns are striking against the muted background of rocks, seaweed,
and fog. The two children couch down on either side of the pool and giggle, giddy with the
excitement of discovery. The girl reaches a finger out, undeterred by the ... Show more content on ...
It was like falling asleep in a rocking hammock underneath a blanket of soft sunshine. I was happy
and I was free. No one cared if you made a mistake as long as you strove to fix it next time. No one
tried to box you in but encouraged you to grow.
The more time I spent around theater, the more I realized that, at it's heart, theater is not about skill.
It is not about how well you act or if you can do a killer French accent. At it's heart, theater is a state
of being. It is about accepting everyone and giving them a place to call home. It is about jamming
out backstage to every musical number you aren't in. It is about being there for your cast members in
their times of need, no matter how small the problem might seem. It is about shared laughs and
weird faces. It is about opening your heart to strangers and finding yourself with a family. That is
the spirit of theater.
At the end of the day, I am still that anemone, only now, I see life a little differently, through theater
colored glasses if you will. There are still those curious fingers but now they are not so scary.
Theater taught me, as backwards as it may sound, to not be afraid of my fears. It taught me that I
should not be ashamed to recoil from things unknown because it is a natural instinct. But it also
taught me that I shouldn't hide all day just because something might come along. Rather than
pushing me, theater taught me
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Ecosystems And Characteristics Of Dory In The Movie...
Dory gets separated from her parents as a child. As she gets older, she continues to look for them,
but she forgets about them because she has short– term memory. While she is searching for her
parents, she runs into Marlin who is also searching for someone dear to him, his son. Dory helps
him find his son in the film Finding Nemo. One year later, Dory eventually lives with the two on
their reef. Dory suddenly has a flashback of her parents. She decides to search for them, but her
short–term memory gets in the way. She eventually remembers where they live when Nemo
mentions the name of the bay. Dory's parents lived at the Jewel of Morro Bay. Marlin, Nemo, and
their friends in the sea helps Dory on her adventure. They go through a lot of obstacles to find her
parents. Dory meets a lot of new friends who are willing to help. Dory's flashbacks help her
remember certain things. She finally locates her parents and return to the reef with Marlin, Nemo,
and her new friends. Moreover, the film has biology and ecology related topics in it. Finding Dory
shows organisms and how the interact with each other. Also, the film shows different characteristics
of the organisms. During the movie, the oceans habitats and ecosystems are described. The
organisms explore different parts of the ocean. Dory is a Regal Blue Tang fish who has a blue
colored body, yellow fins, and a yellow tail. In the movie, it shows her laying on her side playing
dead. Regal Blue Tang fish have lie on their side
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Examples Of Archetypes In Finding Nemo
Do you like animated films? Well, Finding Nemo is the ninth most grossed animated film of all
time. Finding Nemo accomplishes this by being a light hearted, adventure, comedy. Finding Nemo
was an adventure and comedy film, that taught the world the importance of teamwork,
collaboration, and cooperation in everyday life. Archetypes are used in many films, movies, and/or
books to help both enhance and advance the audience's understanding of the story, whether it be
through character, symbolic, or situational archetypes. Finding Nemo uses character archetypes to
help advance the understanding of the movie by providing the audience with a better and deeper
understanding of the characters. Finding Nemo has three main and crucial characters they are Marlin
our hero, Dory the ... Show more content on ...
Marlin is a clownfish who had a very traumatic event happen to him, that prompts his quest and
journey. Marlin and his wife Coral had just become parents after finding a home for their eggs.
Unfortunately, the family was faced with a barracuda attack in which Coral and all but one of the
eggs died. Marlin and his one surviving egg Nemo live a cautious life, never wanting to leave the
reef and enter the open ocean. One day Nemo swims out to touch the "butt" of a boat in the open
ocean. He is later captured by a scuba diver, making Nemo become our damsel in distress. A damsel
in distress in a vulnerable person who needs the hero to save. Even though Nemo is a not a woman
he fits the description perfectly. On the other hand, we have Dory. Dory is a very crucial character in
the movie's storyline. Without her knowledge in speaking whale and reading human/english Marlin
would never had been able to save Nemo. Equally
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Pollution And Its Effects On The Environment
From plastic bags to pesticides – the greater part of the waste we deliver ashore inevitably reaches
the oceans, either through purposeful dumping or from keeping running off through channels and
waterways. This includes oil spills, which cause colossal harm to the marine environment – yet
actually are in charge of just around 12% of the oil entering the oceans every year. Stated by the US
National Research Council, 36% descends channels and waterways as waste and spillover from
urban communities and industry.
Manure overflow from homesteads and gardens is a tremendous issue for waterfront ranges. The
additional supplements reason eutrophication – thriving of algal blossoms that drain the water 's
broken up oxygen and suffocate other ... Show more content on ...
Sewage transfer In numerous parts of the world, sewage streams untreated, or under–treated, into
the sea. For instance, 80% of urban sewage released into the Mediterranean Sea are untreated.This
sewage can likewise prompt eutrophication. Moreover, it can bring about human illness and lead to
shoreline terminations.
Dangerous chemicals–Almost every marine living being, from a minor tiny fish to whales and polar
bears, is polluted with man–made chemicals, for example, pesticides and chemicals utilized as a part
of the normal customer product.Some of these chemicals enter the ocean through intentional
dumping. For a considerable length of time, the seas have been an advantageous dumping ground
for waste created ashore. This proceeded until the 1970s, with dumping adrift the acknowledged
practice for transfer of about everything, including dangerous material, for example, pesticides,
substance weapons, and radioactive waste.
Dumping of the most poisonous materials was banned from the London Dumping Convention in
1972, and a changed bargain at 1996 (the London Convention) further confined what could be
dumped adrift. Be that as it may, there are still the issues of as of now dumped lethal material, and
even the transfer of allowed substances adrift can be a generous ecological hazard.Chemicals
additionally enter the ocean from area based exercises. Chemicals can escape
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Marine Debris In The Florida Keys
Marine debris was collected and placed into categories at Long Key State Park in the Florida Keys.
Data was taken on Thursday, March 26th, 2015. The total number of debris collected totaled at 835
items. The most common type of marine debris collected during this experiment was assorted
plastics totaling at 513 pieces (61.43%). Many of the debris collected where small and
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) define marine debris as "any
persistent solid material that is manufactured or processed and directly or indirectly, intentionally or
unintentionally, disposed of or abandoned into the marine environment" (NOAA, 2015). Marine
debris is classified into two categories: ... Show more content on ...
For millennia, terrestrial plant matter, seeds, and driftwood have travelled across the open oceans
with the help of surface currents. Even floating islands, also known as tussocks, floatons, or sudds
are common in many Florida lakes and across the world (Mallison, C.T., 2001). These islands have
been known to carry exotic plants and vertebrate animals. Floating islands promote trans–ocean
dispersal of marine and terrestrial organisms. This increases biodiversity and helps new barren
islands thrive. However, in the last five decades, with the growing number of plastics in the marine
environment, the dispersal and occurrence of these organisms has increased exceedingly (Gregory,
R.M., 2009). This paves the way for invasions by alien and even aggressive invasive species to
establish themselves in new ecosystems beyond their native range. A survey done in 2009 reported
that over 150 marine species have established themselves due to marine debris stranded on the
shores of northern New Zealand. Most of these organisms were identified as crustaceans. Four of
those organisms discovered are featured in figure 3. Specimen A shows various crustaceans on
unknown plastic, specimen B depicts warm water Indo–Pacific oysters growing on nylon rope,
specimen C depicts crustaceans growing on a plastic pellet, and specimen D depicts a bryozoan
colony attached
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Sea Anemone Thesis
Mutual Symbiosis: A Model for Peaceful Coexistence
Peace, a great necessity in life, the absence of which you cannot fully understand until you have an
experience of the mayhem caused by the Boko Haram insurgents of my region – dead children,
mutilated bodies, burnt down community and thousands of misplaced families. I really don't want to
share the experience in details but I assure you, the devil himself considers it horrible.
Nature does not just provide us with natural resources, it equally gives us a great number of life–
saving lessons. Although human civilization has developed by the proper use of nature and its
products, peaceful coexistence, selfless interdependence and mutual relationship are lessons that
could be learnt from nature. A study of the clown fish and the sea anemone reveals to us a few of
such lessons.
The clown fish and the sea anemone are sea creatures whose lifestyle is altogether a bunch of
lessons worth learning by humanity. A clown fish is a small beautifully coloured fish that lives in
partnership with the sea anemone; a sea dwelling creature that ... Show more content on ...
The clown fish and the sea anemone relationship is a classic example of such relationship and a
lesson to humanity especially as it relates to peace, peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding.
Although both the clown and the anemone are weak and may not survive for long if left on their
own, their coming together in oneness makes them strong and formidable and thereby, becoming
survivors in a dangerous environment. With a continuous unbroken relationship, the sea anemone
and the clown fish survive for about sixty and ten years respectively. Interestingly, nature here gives
me a few important lessons and challenges: my disability is another's ability, mutual relationship and
peaceful coexistence protects and preserves life the
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Symbiosis: Relationship Between Clownfish And Sea Anemone
From clownfish and sea anemone, to barnacles and whales, to mosquitos and mammals, organisms
are constantly exhibiting symbiosis. Simply put, symbiosis can be described as a close and typically
long–term relationship between two different biological organisms involving physical and/or
biochemical contact. Some symbiotic interactions may be facultative, or optional, while other
interactions may be obligate, or essential to the survival of both organisms (Yukalov et al., 2012).
The main types of symbiotic relationships include mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.
Mutualism is the relationship between two individuals of different species in which both individual
species benefit. The aforementioned clownfish and sea anemone share a mutualistic relationship.
The clownfish provides the anemone protection against anemone–eating fish and, in return, the
anemone provides a home for the clownfish safe from predators. Commensalism is the relationship
between two organisms of different species in which one organism benefits while the other is
unaffected (Yukalov et al., 2012). An example of a commensalism interaction is that ... Show more
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In doing so, this thereby increases the immune sensitivity as well as the intensity of infection within
the host. This may be a result of host tradeoffs. Infection by Dipylidium caninum can cause a loss of
protein mass in the host and the subsequent malnourishment, if severe enough, can impair the ability
of the host immune system to fight off the infection. This could, therefore, be considered a lose–lose
situation. As the host allocates more of its body resources to its immunity to fight off the parasitic
infection, its other key body functions may suffer due to negligence and insufficient resources. At
the same time, the parasite must be careful not to ultimately kill its host if it is to reproduce and
complete its life cycle (East et al.,
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Oceanologist Career Research Paper
There are many careers out there in this world. The career that is the most interesting is Oceanology.
This is based on the ocean. Oceanology is when you study artifacts and marine life. People will have
to learn courses in the physical science,not so much of chemistry and physics though. Includes both
teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
There are so many things some people would do as an Oceanologist. People will Compile,
administer, and the examinations will need to be graded, or assign this work to others. Supervise
undergraduate or graduate teaching, internship, and research funding. Supervise laboratory work and
field work. Conduct research in a particular area where there is knowledge and published findings in
professional journals, books, or electronic media. Write grant proposals to procedure ... Show more
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The first one is Artistic, it requires to come up with some unique ideas for investigations. The
second one is Social, this requires to work with others to evaluate the answers and the products. The
third one is Investigative. This is a good one to have for this career because there is a lot of
investigating in this subject because you will be searching and looking at things like shipwrecks,
boats, even airplane crashes gone wrong. The fourth and final Holland Type is Realistic. This career
is based on real life situations and should be taken seriously. There is a lot of education required in
Oceanology. YOu will need to graduate school successfully. They will need a bachelor's degree.
They may want to get a master's degree. Oceanologists will need to go to school to get your
graduation certificate. They will need to have 2 years for your bachelor's degree. Oceanologists will
need to have 3 years or maybe 4 years for your master's degree. IF you want to study Oceanology,
others would need to pursue this career is Oceanography, Chemical and Physical
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Examples Of Naturalism In The Open Boat
The Open Boat by Stephen Crane is a perfect example of naturalism. The Open Boat is a short story
that is written on the instances the crew along with a captain had to go through because of a
shipwreck. In this short story, Crane develops the characters from the physical to the mental aspects.
He brings the characters to life so vividly when he describes what each individual has to face both
mentally and physically. The characters have now yet to encounter the larger force in the story,
which in this case is nature. Naturalism is most eminent when Crane writes about their
determination to keep going, mental struggles, and their constant fight with fate.
The Open Boat is an appropriate example of what naturalism in literature is because ... Show more
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Naturalism comes into play because when Crane writes on the four sailor's thoughts, he makes sure
to make them vividly realistic and relating to what anyone in this helpless situation would think.
Nature or fate was really waiving on them with every strong wave that came their way. The sailors
thought of nature as a superior being who wanted to hurt them and had the power to determine
whether they lived or died at sea. The action of blaming a superior being for a catastrophe can be
symbolism of naturalism. Another example can be when the four sailors were asking fate or God
why they would die after going so far and not giving up, "If I am going to be drowned––if I am
going to be drowned––if I am going to be drowned, why, in the name of the seven mad gods who
rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees?" (Crane 1001). The
four sailors are a representation of what a tough situation can makes people think. They were
battling and questioning fate and what intentions it hold for them. They all, at one point, thought
they were going to die and anyone in this scenario would also think that, that is why this is an
example of naturalism.
In this short story Crane depicts determination with such realism that puts it in the category of
naturalism. Determination is a force of nature that takes place when humans are being held in
extraordinary circumstances which in this case the sailors were put in this type of scenario. The crew
along with the
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Sea Anemone Investigation
My investigation focus was to analyse the community pattern within the Rocky Shore 'Siren's Rock'.
I investigated the distribution of the Red Sea Anemone (Actinia tenebrosa) and the Grey side–gilled
Sea Slug (Pleurobranchaea maculata) on the slopes of the rocks and also in the rock pools by
looking at both the abiotic and biotic factors of their environment. The community pattern found on
the rocks is a zonation pattern this is because there are distinct horizontal bands of organisms from
the low to high tide. The Rocky Shore habitat is mainly rocks and rock pools. The two species I
have chosen that show an interrelationship in this community are the Sea Slug (Pleurobranchaea
maculata) and the Sea Anenome (Actinia tenebrosa). Primary Organism ... Show more content on ...
Gause's competitive–exclusion principle states that no two species with identical niches can co–exist
for long in the same place. This is because they both have similar needs, and one would out–
compete the other for space and food. Abiotic Environment An abiotic environmental factor
affecting the organisms in the rocky shore is the temperature, this is because the temperature of the
water affects the amount of dissolved oxygen the water can hold. Aquatic organisms are dependent
on dissolved oxygen for their survival in this ecosystem. Another abiotic factor is tidal movement,
when both organisms are not in water, they are exposed to prolonged periods of aerial exposure, this
increases the risk of desiccation for the sea slug and sea anemone. Another abiotic factor is the
weather conditions, if the organism is in the mid–tidal zone and it is not saturated in water, it could
be come
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Personal Essay: The Origin Of A Clown Fish
Clown fish are incredible creatures from their origin, to the way they reproduce. They are one of the
most unique fish ever to be researched. The clown fish, also known as the anemonefish because of
the close relationship they have with anemone, is a small fish that is found around tropical coral
reefs in saltwater. Clown fish can grow to be from 2 to 5 inches long, while the males tend to be
significantly smaller than the females. The most commonly known species is orange with white
markings. However, they can be found in many different colors such as black, red, and yellow.
Clown fish generally live in the warmer waters of the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean but can also
be found in northwest Australia, southeast Asia, Japan and the Indo–Malaysian region. They have a
symbiotic ... Show more content on ...
Many fish in the sea eat either meat or plants, but the clown fish is different. I also have always
loved the movie ¨Finding Nemo¨ and the movies main characters are clown fish. My mother worked
with a man who had multiple saltwater aquariums throughout his office with clown fish inside.
Whenever I went to visit her at her office as a kid I got the opportunity to feed them and tap on the
tank and found they were very shy and would hide. I find it very intriguing that clown fish live at
the bottom of the sea in sheltered reefs normally in a pair. Clown fish are the only fish that do not
get stung by the tentacles of the sea anemone. They have a slimy mucus covering them that protects
from the sea anemone. However, the covering can be wiped off, allowing the clownfish to be stung
and possibly killed. Clown fish deal with the salinity and temperature by migrating to the more
dangerous parts of the ocean where not many other creatures live. This helps them stay alive, and
get the nutrients they need to survive. One day I hope to have a saltwater tank and clown fish of my
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Marine Pollution In The Great Barrier Reef
What is Marine Pollution?
Marine pollution is the spreading of harmful substances into the ocean. Oil, carbonic acid and
plastics are harming the marine environment as well as the wide variety of animals and plants
within. Marine pollution is caused by many industrial and domestic activities such as oil spills,
garbage dumping, factory waste disposal and the burning of fossil fuels. A few of the main causes in
the great barrier reef are oil spills, the burning of fossil fuels and general waste.Fossil fuels affect the
reefs by the carbon dioxide from the fossil fuels accumulates in the atmosphere. As carbon dioxide
enters the ocean, it reacts with the seawater to form carbonic acid. The carbonic acid harms oysters,
mussels and clams, floating marine snail as well as the coral reefs – all of which are significant to
the marine food webs.
The oils spills can kill the animals or delay their reproduction, growth and development. The entire
reef ecosystem can suffer from an oil spill, affecting the many species of fish, crabs, and other
marine animals that live in and around the coral reefs.
Who is involved with Marine Pollution?
Many people are to blame for Marine Pollutions in the Great Barrier Reef. Anyone ... Show more
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I have based my research in the Great Barrier Reef. The great barrier reef is situated in the Coral
Sea, on Australia's north–eastern coast. It stretches 2,300km along Queensland's coastline, beginning
at the top of Cape York Peninsula in the north and traveling all the way down to Bundaberg in the
south. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef ecosystem on earth, representing about 10% of
all the world's coral reefs. The Reef was listed on the World Heritage Register in 1981 on the basis
of its Outstanding Universal Value.
The Reef contains the greatest species diversity of any World Heritage Area on the planet, including:
o 56% of the world's hard coral species o 33% of the world's soft coral and sea fan
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Organ Pipe Coral Essay
Tubipora Musica – Organ Pipe Coral The Organ Pipe Coral is a Anthazoa that is cessil. Organ pipe
coral can be found in the oceans of the indonesian islands and the Red Sea. It lives on soft
sedimentary reef slopes in shallow waters. It's shape consists of many tubes otherwise known as
sclerites. Together, the sclerites form the soft skeleton of the coral, giving a dark red to a bright red
appearance. Polyps are housed inside these tubes, and can be green, gray, and white, or other
grayscale colors.
The life span of the coral starts when landing on a surface. It develops an outer skeleton, which in
turn protects and helps the organism grow. Once the mouth and stomach are formed in a dome
shape, it will continue to feed and grow to its adult stage, where sooner or later it reproduces,
resetting the cycle. ... Show more content on ...
It also requires Bright sun lights, which can explain the shallow habitat that it resides in. However,
these corals have been known to form a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae, a marine algae.
This algae, can provide the necessary nutrients that the coral requires to survive. Defence wise, the
coral really has no form of fighting back. This results in the coral being nipped at by other marine
life, or taking in the chemicals of other corals. In order to to reproduce, it has two options. It can
reproduce asexually by "budding" releasing an offshoot to attach to another surface, or it can
reproduce sexually by sending sperm into the open waters to find another Organ Pipe Coral.
Reproducing asexually has it ups and downs. Reproducing asexually is faster compared to sexually,
however it is essentially a "clone" and has no other genetically diverse attributes that it would
otherwise. If reproducing sexually, it consumes more time and energy to allow the offspring to have
a more diverse genetic buildup allowing for the adaptation and survival of the
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Short Story: Nemo's First Day Of School
Sal and Jim want to have a child. So they adopted one. They adopted it as a baby. "What do we
name him," Sal said. "Let's name him Nemo," Jim said. Sal laughed at him and said, "Okay."' When
they got home, they went to sleep. They wondered if this new baby was going to be a good decision.
Five years later, it is Nemo's first day of school. His parents hear the shrill ringing of the alarm
clock. "Nemo! It's time for school," Sal yelled. "I'm getting dressed now mom," he called back.
When he got up, he realized that he didn't feel too well. He told himself that he wouldn't miss his
first day of school. When Nemo arrived, he realized that he didn't know any of the kids in his class.
They were all kind of shy and did not talk to him
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Descriptive Writing On A Coral Reef
February was deep into Summer and the water was bright blue, the beautiful colour of the sky. The
animals' moods could not be down today. The fish in the Ocean were playing tag, the dolphins were
dancing and the turtles were singing in the reef. The centre of the reef, which was beautiful, vibrant
and teeming with life. Two towering magnificent coral is see able from kilometres around. The
knowledgeable turtle even said he saw the corals from the other end of the reef while teaching his
hatchlings what type of food is good to eat.
These corals were major to the animals, if not significant to the reef as well. They were home to
numerous of species, regardless of the possibility that those species didn't have any acquaintance
with it. The fish sleeping in the anemone, the Dolphins resting on the shallows of the reef, turtles hid
under the multitudes of the submerged rocks, seahorses and crabs slept in the sea grass, and the
manta ray sleep under the sand to seek frequent shelter in the sand. It was a gorgeous view,
everything was so serene, calm, and placid. Mother Nature herself loved this Reef, for the Moon
watched over them to keep them safe and warm. Nothing terrible could ever show up at this reef.
The sun came up; another day has begun. The deepest shades of night were replaced with bright
magnificent colours, the reef became a busy neighbourhood. the turtles swam out of nest, the woken
hatchlings laughed with joy. The fish scuttled out of the anemone womb meanwhile
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Animal Relationships: Hermit Crab And Sea Anemone
What? You don't know animals have special relationships with others? Cats and dogs are an
example of two animals that have a special relationship with each other. I have always thought that
different animals like that would not get alone. Some relationships between animals are very
unusual. Two really unusual relationships is the hermit crab and the sea anemone. Both of them help
each other out. The hermit crab uses its pincers to bother the sea anemone and then the anemone
gets on the crabs back and while the crab is carrying the anemone and the anemone is protecting the
crab from other sea animals. While the anemone is on the crabs back the anemone is getting free
food. It is proven that animals have special relationships. Animals do have special relationships.
Kittens and dogs have a great relationship. A dog that just had puppies might care for a litter of new
kittens. ... Show more content on ...
Wolf packs also have special relationships. In the passage it states that the wolves take care of the
baby wolves. The leader of the wolf pack tells the pack what to do. Some of the wolves go and help
find food to take care of the others and when the female wolf has her babies she is treated very nice.
The other wolves gets the mother food so she does not have to leave her babies. When they can start
walking the mother to help the pack again. Each wolf has a part in their pack. Wolves has one of the
most complex series of relationships in the whole animal kingdom. This goes back to the kittens and
goes back to the kittens and dogs because they help each other out with different things. In the the
other passage it talks about a giraffe and a ostrich. It revealed that they both care for each other like
they would for themselves. For example Wilma likes to snuggle up with her friend and Bea cleans
off Wilma with her long tongue. That is a reason that dogs can care for baby
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Summary : ' A Shark 's Lifetime
Dylan San Miguel Miss Ramos English IV–1 October 21, 2016 Original Title The introduction
consists of five complete sentences, one of which will be the thesis statement. The other 4 sentences
will cover each Roman numeral. The paragraph must begin with an appropriate hook which grabs
the reader's attention there may be no direct quotations in this first paragraph the entire paragraph
will consist of the writers own ideas. Sharks are born with many gifts to help make it a suc–cessful
predator in the deep sea. Sharks attack from under–neath their target and angle their snout above the
target so the shark can then tear apart the prey. Unlike most hunters, Sharks teeth are structured in its
gums. Sharks may have be–tween four to six rows of teeth for killer accuracy when going in for the
kill. Sharks have the ability to regenerate new fully functional teeth like nothing. In a shark's
lifetime, it can produce thousands and thousands of deadly razor–sharp teeth which makes it a very
versatile species of underwater hunters. One bite from most of these teeth means a fatal wound for
the unlucky prey being preyed upon. (Dozier 15). Another gift that sharks have is having a strong
stomach that can eat just about anything. Sharks have a powerful stom–ach that can digest anything
primarily for its ability to grow much larger than the original stomach it starts out with. Sharks have
been reported eating portions of docks and even license plates. Another factor that may contribute to
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Ocean Pollution Research Paper
In the world today, not a single of us can truly say that we don't at lest come in contact with plastic.
They are everywhere, in our cars, carpets, food, and virtually every other product we consume; it
has becomes a globalization needs that we can't run away from. As according to the National
oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA) state the approximately 1.4 billion pounds of trash
enters the ocean per year. Most of it get washed up on the beaches by waves and tides, some of it
sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor, some got eaten up by marine animals mistaking it for food.
Ultimately plastic pollution is a man made catastrophe, as soon as it enter the Oceans it is causing
harm to the ecosystems and environment, as wells as affecting ... Show more content on ...
But the sieve–like skimmers they use, no matter how technologically sophisticated, will never be
able to clean up remote garbage gyres: There's too much turbulent ocean dispersing and mixing up
the mess.The problem is compounded by the aquaculture industry, which uses enormous amounts of
plastic in its floats, nets, lines and tubes. The most common floats and tubes found in the deep ocean
and on Hawaiian beaches come from huge sea–urchin and oyster farms like the one that created the
oyster–buoy island. Those buoys were torn from their moorings by the tsunami that walloped Japan
on March 11, 2011. But no regulatory remedies exist to deal with tons of plastic equipment lost
accidentally and in storms. Government and industry organizations purporting to certify sustainably
farmed seafood, despite their dozens of pages of standards, fail to mention gear that is lost and floats
away. Governments, which are rightly concerned with depletion of marine food sources, should
ensure that plastic from cages, buoys and other equipment used for aquaculture does not escape into
the waters.But, in the end, the real challenge is to combat an economic model that thrives on
wasteful products and packaging, and leaves the associated problem of clean–up costs. Changing the
way we produce and consume plastics is a challenge greater than reining in our production of carbon
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How Can Rubbish Protect Australian Marine Life
research Journal
Australian Marine Life
Throughout Australian's seas lurks a silent killer. In Australia, rubbish is getting worse with plastic
pollution, it is not only heavily used beaches that get affected with so much rubbish floating in the
water but everywhere else in the world.
The predator is plastic and it's floating in our ocean and it is coming from the coast. This constant
barrier (the equivalent of 136 billion milk jugs each year, estimates a study published in the journal
Science) poses a serious danger to marine life. Animals can get tangled up in this trash or consume
it–either because the animals mistake it as prey or because the plastic has been broken down into
tiny particles by seawater.
Research has shown that there is 5.25 trillion pieces of rubbish floating in the ocean and all that
pollution is coming from the shore. Plastic bottles, caps and straws, grocery bags, plastic wraps,
disposable cutlery, coffee–cup lids are the main items ... Show more content on ...
In more recent times, policy changes in many countries have reflected the view that the ocean does
not have an infinite capacity to absorb our waste. However, marine pollution remains a major
problem and threatens marine life in the ocean at all levels. Micro plastics is another issue to our
environment as it is killing and polluting the environment. Micro plastics are bathroom products
such as facial exfoliators, body scrubs, and toothpaste is tiny pieces of plastic that are affecting
animals, not only marine life but also birds such as seagulls, penguins, Cuban bird, pelicans and so
many more other birds also seal, crocodiles, polar bears are also dying from this. The plastic
pollution travels easily from land to sea. It blows in from bins and garbage dumps, or flows through
stormwater drains into our waterways and eventually ends up in the
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Informative Essay On Coral Reefs
In the news reporters often talk about the effects of global warming as if they are anywhere from
five to one–hundred years off in the future. Those dangers like unpredictable and catastrophic
weather patterns may not pose a major threat to human populations yet. However, for the inhabitants
of earth's coral reefs, the planet's constant warming immediately endangers thousands of species.
While coral reefs occupy only a small fraction of the ocean's floor, they account for roughly one
fourth of the world's marine life. Coral itself, which in large part comprises coral reefs is made up of
thousands of tiny polyps that cling together and secrete a hard outer coating binding the individual
polyps together (Jaap, 212–213). Generally coral make up the vast majority of all reefs, but soft
bodied organisms like anemones litter the sea bed as well. Coral reefs' seemingly eternal balance
with man is now in jeopardy, as small things like clownfish infertility and massive coral population
loss begin to snowball, eventually leading to human casualties. These vibrant structures made up of
millions of years of development do not face potential threats from global warming. The existing
threats are imminent.
As mentioned, sea anemones accompany coral on the bottom of the earth's enormous seas. While
this may be true, anatomically they are greatly different from hard bodied corals. They cling to rocks
on the seabed using the bottom of their bodies, Their pedal disc, which functions a lot
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Astraea Research Paper
Astraea: Star Coral
Astraea, also known as star coral, are typically in the shape of what can be described as boulders,
domes, or cones. However, less often they can be found in the form of flat plates or thick crusts
(Great Star Coral, n.d.).. These colonies of coral grow to be up to 2.5 m in diameter. The color of
Astraea can vary between green, brown, gray, orange, and red; the coral is more often bright red and
orange during the day due to a cyanobacterial protein, which is an essential source of nitrogen
(EDGE: Coral Reef Species, 2008). They only move very slightly in an almost, floating–like
manner. Astraea can be found in almost all reef environments, and it is usually the most dominant
coral at depths between 12 and 30 m (Kluijver, n.d.). These are often the most sedimented areas of
the reef, which is where the Astraea thrive, due to their build. The colonies have very steep sides,
which allows the sediment to simply, roll off the coral. If there is still sediment that settles into the
colony, the polyps will produce waves of movement to remove them. Once again, if this technique is
unsuccessful, the polyps will ... Show more content on ...
These tentacles are used not only for to itself, but also to protect the space around it, due to
competition (EDGE: Coral Reef Species, 2008). These tentacles are usually spread out during the
night from the outside edges of the colony. As well as the sweeper tentacles, they also have
mesenterial filaments that extend from their digestive system, which allows them to eat other coral
species that may be invading their space. These filaments help direct food into a central mouth, and
then the food is digested into a sac–like body cavity (Boulder Star Coral, 2010). Astraea are
classified as both heterotrophic and autotrophic feeders because, as well as using their tentacles to
prey on other coral species, they also utilize organic matter and bacteria (Vaughan,
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Marine Waste In Plastic Island
Marine waste has been a problem for some time now. However, it has recently become an issue that
is in need of attention. As stated in the article Plastic Island, Midway Atoll is covered in many
corpses of dead birds. When researchers examined the carcases, they found that the cause of death
was the fact that the birds consumed pieces of plastic, causing malnutrition. 64% of waste in the
ocean is created from shoreline and recreational activities (Marine Debris is Everyone's Problem).
Thousands of organisms are dying purely because of ignorant people who are too lazy to throw
away their trash. The Ocean Conservancy spokesman, Tom McCann, said that the issue of marine
waste is "entirely preventable" (Ciampaglia 14). But how exactly can we prevent
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The Wife's Lament And The Seafarer Analysis
Similarities of The Wife's Lament and The Seafarer Life away from home can be hard, but imagine
what it would be like if it was to a harsh sea or under a giant tree. In the two poems we will be
dissecting, you will see how these two different situations have a lot in common. In one of the oldest
poems known in the world, The Seafarer was written long by an unknown author.
Throughout the poem we see how the man takes his exile emotionally and physically, all the while
he sails the sea and world. He goes to other countries and shows how on his missions he sees
amazing things, but he expresses how sad he is. In the second poem, The Wife's Lament, a woman is
exiled to a cave by her husband, and she goes through all her thoughts and emotions, and she
decides to get out her anger and heartbreak for her husband, she curses him while is out at sea.
While we go through both of these poems, we will find differences between exiles. In The Seafarer,
it isn't known whether the man was exiled, or if he willingly left his home.
Throughout the poem you can see the way that the man holds himself together, and how he feels
about the people on the land. "This the man does not know for whom on land it turns out most
favourably, how i, wretched and sorrowful, on the ice cold sea..." In this line, we can see that the
man is very angry about having to be out at sea. While he is out at sea, he talks about his family
back at home that later help us connect The SeaFarer to The Wife's Lament. You can see how the
mans actions and words were very Pagen at the beginning of the poem, but slowly transform into
Christian values and words change by the end of the poem. This leads many people to believe that
the original poem have been translated by high church member, because they were the only ones
back then that were educated enough to read and write. If it were translated by a high ranking
church member, it is possible that some of it might have been changed. As you move onto the
second poem, The Wife's Lament, we look at an exile, through a different person's eyes. When the
Wife is still on land, she is still exiled far away to a cave area under a great tree. Although she was
not on the seas, she still found
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Regal Angelfish Research Paper
Have you ever wonderd which fish is which well here are some example's. Regal Angelfish a Regal
Angelfish is known or identified by it's color crazed color's.Although it's orange it has
blue,white,yellow,and black vertical (up and down) so that's how their also known.they are also
known by the stripes on their side.It's also known by it's tail and side fin's because there yellow.So
that's how the Regal Angelfish are known. Sea Goblin's Like the Regal Angelfish Im going to
describe the Sea Goblin.You may think that it sound's scary (it is) but im going to to tell you how to
identify it so you know what it is.You can identify it by it's color it's pale pinkish with blue colored
fin's.You can also identify it by it has small eye's and its razor sharp teeth (for eating yeesh!)So that
is how to identify a Sea Goblin
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Source Summary: Clownfish Mating
Victoria Bloodworth BISC 163, Section 1 Source Summary 1 Clownfish Mating Clownfish are
grouped with other anemone fish in describing their mating behavior. Although these fish may live
in groups of up to 6, only two fish in each colony will be engaged in reproduction. The dominant,
largest fish in the group will be the female and the next largest will be the male involved in
reproducing. This article describes specifically the process of egg laying and will be used to describe
the oviparous nature of clownfish mating in the presentation. The clownfish male will aggressively
pursue the female and "chase" her to the nest he has previously built prior to spawning. During this
period of "courtship" erection of the dorsal fin will also occur and the female body protrudes, filling
with eggs. When the female prepares to lay the eggs, the ovipositor appears, allowing eggs to float
down from her belly, through the tube–like structure, and into the nest as she ... Show more content
on ...
The male swims over the freshly lain eggs, fertilizing them externally in the water, and stays in the
nest to protect the eggs. He will eat those that fail to be fertilized successfully or become useless for
any other reason. The eggs are attached to the nesting site, but it is not a strong hold, thus the need
for the male to stay for protection from predators. The eggs will remain in the site for an incubation
period that averages about one week. The actual number of days is dependent upon how hot or cold
the water surrounding the eggs becomes and how rich in nutrients the chosen nest area is. In general,
colder water will produce a lengthier nesting time. Using his "pectoral fins," the male will "fan" the
eggs and "aerate with his mouth" in order to provide an optimal environment for the eggs to survive
incubation. After this period, the eggs will hatch and spend about 10 days as larvae. Then, the
reproduction stage has
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Research: Plastic Pollution in Water
Solutions to Plastic Pollution in our Oceans
The Basics
We 're treating the oceans like a trash bin: around 80 percent of marine litter originates on land, and
most of that is plastic. Plastic that pollutes our oceans and waterways has severe impacts on our
environment and our economy. Seabirds, whales, sea turtles and other marine life are eating marine
plastic pollution and dying from choking, intestinal blockage and starvation. Scientists are
investigating the long–term impacts of toxic pollutants absorbed, transported, and consumed by fish
and other marine life, including the potential effects on human health.
What it means to you
Plastic pollution affects every waterway, sea and ocean in the world. When we damage our water ...
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Seabirds that feed on the ocean surface are especially prone to ingesting plastic debris that floats.
Adults feed these items to their chicks resulting in detrimental effects on chick growth and
survival.8 One study found that approximately 98% of chicks sampled contained plastic and the
quantity of plastic being ingested was increasing over time.9
Because persistent organic pollutants in the marine environment attach to the surface of plastic
debris, floating plastics in the oceans have been found to accumulate pollutants and transport them
through ocean currents.10 Floating and migrating plastic debris has also been found to transport
invasive marine species.11 Increasingly, research shows that marine life that ingests plastics coated
with pollutants can absorb these pollutants their bodies.
Plastic debris is polluting the human food chain. In a 2008 Pacific Gyre voyage, Algalita researchers
began finding that fish are ingesting plastic fragments and debris. Of the 672 fish caught during that
voyage, 35% had ingested plastic pieces.
The plastics industry, through the leadership of the American Chemical Council (ACC), spends
millions of dollars each year to convince policy makers and Californians that solutions to plastic
pollution lie in anti–litter campaigns that attribute the responsibility for marine debris on individual
behavior. Yet they have devoted little funding to public education and much more on promoting
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Cymothoa Exigua Research Paper
Cymothoa exigua is slowly becoming a widely known crustacean–like parasite. Most people tend to
refer to this parasite as the tongue–eating louse due to its evasion and reproduction mechanisms.
This parasite is only attracted to fish but most importantly the snapper fish. Cymothoa exigua is
known as protandric hermaphrodites because they begin as males and later in their life cycle they
end up switching sexes. When Cymothoa exigua causes the fish to lose its tongue, it does not
entirely affect the fish in any other way.
Life Cycle/ Reproduction
The life cycle of Cymothoa exigua is unknown but one thing for sure is that they undergo sexual
reproduction. Scientists believe that when the juvenile parasite first attaches to the fish's gills, they
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Plastic Bottles Outnumber Fish In The Ocean
By the year 2050 plastic bottles will outnumber fish in the ocean. Last year a study by the National
Academy of Sciences showed that there are over five trillion pieces of plastic currently littering the
ocean. Many people believe that throwing away plastic would have negligible impact on humans
and animals, this is untrue. Thousands of birds, turtle, seals, fish, and other marine animals die every
after entangling themselves in or consuming the tons of plastic currently in the ocean. Plastic is such
a durable material that according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, every
single bit of plastic ever made still exists. The ocean has turned into our own personal landfill,
affecting millions of lives. Organizations such as
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Cause Of Plastic Pollution
The following poem illustrates the problem of pollution, focusing on plastic, in the marine
The best place to be is next to the sea where tired feet gladly greet, sand so soft and white.
The taste of salty air, a cool breeze blowing through untied hair,
Warmth all around, from the sun beaming down, against a backdrop of majestic blue.
Hear the birds sing, the waves crashing,
And know one thing is true.
The ocean is drowning in a sea of plastic,
Before long marine life will be in a casket.
The beauty of the beach will be no more
Once plastic covers the shore.
Birds are entangled, turtles are endangered, trash litters the ocean floor.
A plan of action needs to be taken with all humans participating.
Oceans are water, water is life, and right now life is suffocating.
Plastics currently "represent the vast majority of human–made debris present in the oceans"
(Reisser, Shaw, Wilcox, Hardersty, Proietti, Thums, & Pattiaratchi, n.d., p.1). According to Sigler
(2014), "the magnitude of plastic pollution carried to sea has significantly multiplied over the past
several decades" (p. 2). Due to this increase in plastic pollution, oceans are becoming increasingly
dangerous to marine wildlife, the environment and human health; which is why policies that ban
plastic bags and single use, disposable dishes are crucial to the sustainability of Earth's water supply.
Besides being unsightly, plastic in the oceans cause major detrimental effects to marine life. Animals
can get entangled or even die from ingestion. "Globally, at least 23% of marine mammal species,
36% of seabird species, and 86% of sea turtle species are known to be affected by plastic debris"
(Sigler, 2014, p. 3). Some plastic in the ocean gets broken down into smaller pieces that become
increasingly toxic, which then get eaten by fish, and following the food chain end up effecting
human health (Reisser et al., n.d., p. 2). Multiple studies have proven that single–use, disposable
plastic is the most common type of litter found in the oceans. Annually almost 280 million tons of
plastic are produced worldwide, "the majority of consumer products used today are comprised of
some form of plastic" (Sigler, 2014, p. 1). Plastic was made to last, it
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Sea Anemone Research Paper
The Dangerous But Not Dangerous Critter
Well you might be thinking how a sea anemone can be dangerous but not dangerous at the same
time. Sea anemone are dangerous but to fish but not to humans. Sea anemone are very interesting
critters with many unique features and other exquisite things.
The colors of the sea anemone can be a variety of colors like a rainbow. They also have a pretty
wide range in size and weight too. The length of the sea anemone ranges from ½ inch to 10 ft. Their
weight range is as light as 0.022lb to 440lbs. 440lbs is about the weight of a small piano.
Sea anemone live in a plentiful amount of oceans. They live in 3 of the 7 oceans of the world. Some
sea anemone love tropical, warm waters the Indian and Pacific ocean, while other sea anemone love
the icy cold waters of the Arctic. However, whatever ocean the sea anemone live in the sea anemone
lives in they all almost live in coral reefs. Coral reefs are very colorful and full of life because there
are so many different fish types and other ocean animals.
The sea anemone dines on a few different small fish. The sea anemone will sting an innocent fish
just swimming by with its ... Show more content on ...
This is called a symbiotic relationship because both animals help each other out. For example, if a
clownfish and sea anemone the clownfish will chase away predators, like a bodyguard, and the sea
anemone will let the clownfish live in its tentacles. The clownfish also will give the sea anemone
extra food that the clownfish ate. When a sea anemone makes friends with algae it is a little bit
different. The sea anemone will let the algae live in its tentacles and the algae uses photosynthesis to
create sugars for the sea anemone to eat. When a sea anemone and hermit crab become friends the
hermit crab will let the sea anemone get on its back and and move around with it. The sea anemone
will scare predators that want to eat the hermit
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Changes in Marlin in "Finding Nemo" Essay
Finding Nemo...The Independence He Deserves
Through much thought and contemplating, one character that I thought made significant changes
throughout the movie is Marlin. Now Marlin is a clownfish from the movie Finding Nemo. Marlin
makes several changes throughout the movie based solely on the problems that he is faced with and
the way that he chooses to handle them. He is faced with four major problems and the choices that
he makes to react to those problems changes his entire view on life. He is face with the loss of a
majority of his family, confrontation with death, and finally he finds what he truly wants in life.
Marlin is a clownfish who, along with his wife, lives on the edge of a coral reef in an anemone. He
is what ... Show more content on ...
There is where Marlin's real adventure begins.
On his pursuit he meets a blue fish named Dori, who has a memory problem. She undoubtedly is
annoying to Marlin and he gets very impatient with her when she continues to repeat herself.
Against his better judgment he agrees to let her help him find his lost son. For the next few days, as
the movie goes, they have several encounters with other marine wildlife that according to Marlin are
dangerous. First they encounter three sharks which are known to be solely meat eaters but they join
the sharks and spend some time with them that show them that not all sharks are that way but some
feel that fish should be thought of as "friends, not food" as the sharks like to say. With this
knowledge he begins to trust more of the other sea creatures that he did before.
His next encounter involves a school of jellyfish which descend down upon them while they are
going over a gorge. Trying to save Dori from any injury, knowing that he isn't going to be hurt
nearly as bad from their stingers, he plays a game with Dori. The game is that they race to see
whichever fish can get thought the jellyfish first without touching the tentacles and only touching
the tops or heads of the jellyfish. But when Dori gets caught in the tentacles of several jellyfish he
risks his own life to save her and carry her body through the rest of the school. This is something
that he wouldn't have even
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Caribbean Sea Lizards Research Paper
In the Caribbean Sea, there are more than 700 islands, all have different sizes but have a similar
environment, within these islands, and there are 150 species of lizards under the genus name of
Anolis. These lizards are widely spread out over the islands in the Caribbean, these Anolis have
similar habitat, niche, morphology, and behavior but they are not closely related, which this is
defined as the ectomorph. This means we can found several different species living in the same
environment, but they share different habitats, some of them live on the ground, on the grass and
some live on different part of the tree, which they are spread out in different niches and hunt their
food there. In addition, the scientist also found out even though,
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The Helmet Jellyfish

  • 1. The Helmet Jellyfish Cnidaria are a various species, with type ranging from mobile jellyfishes to the static coral. The Helmet jellyfish is a prime example the cnidarian species. Although it is a direct relation to other organisms that are completely different in nature, it shares some defining characteristics The Helmet Jellyfish is radially symmetrical, meaning they can be cut into equal part at any point through the center. This means the Helmet Jellyfish has no back or front, nor a left or right side. This type of symmetry is common to this species as they are an older and less developed group of creatures. The Helmet Jellyfish moves as the typical jellyfish does, radial deltoid muscles in the gastric region create pulsations contract their bodies and propel water out wards, thus pushing them forward. They also partially rely on ocean currents to move them long distances. As for defending themselves, the Helmet Jellyfish has a system of stinging cells on their tentacles that float behind them. These cells ... Show more content on ... It had been previously conceived that jellyfish are not social by nature and just coexist in groups called blooms. However by tracking the movements of their movements via sonar, marine biologist Stein Kaartvedt has found that some jellyfish, around 10%, have begun to sync of with specificity other jellyfish. Following their patterns and even hunting for food together in small groups of 2–3. The data has shown that the jellies can recognize their partners from distances of 2 meters. It is not yet known how they recognize each other for they only disturb water writhing a few centimeters of themselves, so they cannot feel each other. They also do not follow their partners specific path so it is admissible that they do not follow using scent or taste. Scientists believe is has something to do with their light receptors being able to detect the light of other ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Throwing Our Planet On The Garbage Throwing Our Planet in the Garbage It is something that we all have heard about. The horrific challenges we face with plastic overwhelming our oceans have created an awful picture in all of our minds at one time or another, but have you ever thought about whether or not all of our oceans are being affected? What about how much garbage is accumulating in our precious oceans and the effects that accumulation is having on us. These are questions I have always been particularly intrigued in finding the answers to, though I know that some of the answers that we have concluded are only estimates. To look further into this issue, Laura Parker wrote an article titled "Eight Million Tons of Plastic Dumped in Ocean Every Year". The article was published by National Geographic in February of this year (2015), and will be my main source of information for this subject. According to Laura Parker's article, "eight million tons of plastic trash ended up in the ocean from coastal countries". The worst offenders of those countries were compiled into a "top 20" list, putting China first and the United States in the twentieth spot. It may seem as though we are doing somewhat better than out counterparts, and this may be true in a sense. However, if we were truly doing our part, we would not be on this list at all. So why is it that only few of us seem to dispose of our waste properly? Not only that, but why is it that even the majority are doing their part, the problem continues to arise? ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Case Study : ' Happy Valley 2016 ' Mini Biome Report Happy Valley 2016 Mini Biome Report By: Kimia Table of Contents Pamphlet..............................................................................1 Natural Bridges.......................................................................2 Personal Response....................................................................4 Handouts from the Trip...............................................................5 What's in the Bag?.....................................................................7 Survival of Life.........................................................................8 Leaf Mixture Chromatography........................................................9 Math....................................................................................11 Natural Bridges Natural Bridges State Beach is a beach known for its viewing points of shore birds, migrating whales, seals, and otters. Its tide pools, which give a glimpse of colorful ocean life such as sea stars, crabs, and sea anemones, can be explored, and large area of coastal scrub and grasslands bring native wildflowers in the spring. Natural Bridges is named for the naturally occurring mudstone bridges that were carved by the Pacific Ocean into cliffs that bulged out into the sea. They were formed over a million years ago when silt, clay, and diatoms were solidified into a mixture of stone that originally formed three arches on the beach. However, of the three arches, only one remains to this day as the other two collapsed during two different storms. Natural Bridges is known as a "hotspot" for monarch butterfly migrations as it is home to over 150,000 monarch butterflies between October and February. A eucalyptus grove provides habitat for these monarchs and they migrate up to 2,000 miles to the park in order to escape cold weather. The ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Poachers Research Paper The heartbreaking viral video of one Olive Ridley turtle getting a straw removed from its nose made headlines,–pull–plastic–straw–out–of–sea–turtles–nose– in–heartbreaking–effort–to–help.html but the sad truth is the entire species is crying out SOS. The turtles don't need to be saved from plastic –– they need to be saved from poachers. After centuries of overexploitation, Mexico is enlisting the help drones and marines to save the turtles in the beaches of Escobilla and Morro Ayuta. While taking their eggs is a crime, it hasn't deterred poachers. Cracking Down on Egg Extraction, Commercialization, Sale and Distribution It's an amazing sight to behold. Starting in May, droves of turtles appear on Mexican beaches and get to work. ... Show more content on ... Obviously, money is a factor, but there's more to the story. Stealing the turtle eggs only became a crime where someone can end up in federal prison two decades ago. And consuming turtle meat and turtle eggs and using turtle skin dates back to the ancient civilizations of the Americas. As one local told NPR, "You make a small hole, put lemon and chili, and it is delicious. That's one of our pre–Hispanic dishes – before the Spanish arrived, our people would eat them." (But lemon and chilli make everything taste better.) Like rhino horn, there's also a bogus claim that turtle eggs are a type of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay On Finding Nemo When a clown fish is mentioned, the majority of the people automatically think of Disney Pixar's movie, Finding Nemo. This assumption is not correct though. The fish that are actually depicted in this movie are a species called false anemone fish. Although this movie gives an accurate view into the life of a false clown fish, and its everyday adventures, there is slight differences in the false anemone fish and a true anemone fish, or simply, clown fish. There are small differences in their shape and their habitat. But there still is so much more to this fish than the simple lives of Marlin and Nemo, the main characters in the animated film. The scientific name of this fish is Amphiprion ocellaris and is also called an anemone fish because of its symbiotic associations with sea anemones. The clown fish is a member of the Animal Kingdom and is classified as an Actinopterygii and part of the Pomacentridae family and the Amphiprionanae subfamily. If you have seen Finding Nemo, the clown fish is an orange fish with white and black stripes across its body, but a clown fish may also be ... Show more content on ... Copepods are crustaceans that live on the bottom of the ocean, like clown fish, and tend to just float along with the water. They also are considered to be holoplankton because they are permanent members of the plankton. Isopods are very similar to the copepods, they live in saltwater, freshwater, and on land. Many of the isopods live along the floor of the ocean, but some are capable of swimming short distances and some are able to crawl along the bottom, which classifies them as meroplankton. The largest portion of a clown fish's diet is the combination of the types of zooplankton. Even though they mainly eat zooplankton, it is common for some clownfish to feed on the tentacles of the host sea ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Chapter Four Of The Strange Beach CHAPTER FOUR As Dark As His Tar Black Soul The strange beach was stifled as if the ghosts of notorious pirates, maybe even Blackbeard himself had come back to silence the coastline. My imagination was chuck full of childhood tales–I could picture infamous pirates wielding silver cutlass swords and gallant king's men battling at sea, but the sand was deserted and even the wind now held its breath. "Bro, we've fallen down the rabbit hole or something. I know were not in Pixie Dust anymore . . . but where the heck are we Wonderland?" Mason said in full meltdown mode. "And . . ." he glanced around like he had a twitch, "I saw a flicker of movement in the water. Something's out there I can feel it, you hear me? I'll be fine though–you cut ... Show more content on ... As the boat got closer, I spotted a big barrel–chested guy with bulging muscles, scraggly hair, and a long dark beard holding a bloodstained three–pronged spear. He wore a Monmouth cap, frock coat, dark breeches, and knee–high black buckled boots. Next to him was a young boy with startling electric blue eyes, dressed a tattered red vest, a lace up woman's blouse, and a white waist sash. His black hair was plastered down on each side of his head and a spit–curl dangled over his right eyebrow. A long–tailed red, blue, and yellow macaw was skipping back and forth on the railings. There was something very unparrot like about the birds gaze. It seemed daring, almost dangerous. Once they were within earshot, I could hear the boy warbling happily, "Shiver my timbers, shake my soul, yo ho–ho, yo ho–ho, there are chaps with hearts as black as coal. They glided there craft across the sea so blue, a murderous captain and a cutthroat crew. It's a shadowy tale as was ever told, of a thirst for treasure and a craving for gold . . . Shiver my timbers, shake my soul, yo ho–ho. There are appetites as strong as the winds and tides yo ho–ho a pirate's life for me." But the man with the spear and the bird just stared at us with strange frozen smiles. Fear whacked a hand–over–fist beat against my chest. At the shore, the boy stopped singing, and the man removed his shiny brass spyglass from its holster and gave us the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Anemone Descriptive Writing The air, heavy with the morning fog, parts around the three figures like still water around a hull. Crunching rocks and barnacles under boots disrupt the thick silence of the morning, the sharp sound abrasive against the calm lapping of the waves. The woman crouches down pointing at limpet tucked into a crevice between two barnacle blanketed rocks, wet with morning dew but the children are already enraptured with a different creature. Peacefully undulating in a tide pool, the sea anemone's bright colors and patterns are striking against the muted background of rocks, seaweed, and fog. The two children couch down on either side of the pool and giggle, giddy with the excitement of discovery. The girl reaches a finger out, undeterred by the ... Show more content on ... It was like falling asleep in a rocking hammock underneath a blanket of soft sunshine. I was happy and I was free. No one cared if you made a mistake as long as you strove to fix it next time. No one tried to box you in but encouraged you to grow. The more time I spent around theater, the more I realized that, at it's heart, theater is not about skill. It is not about how well you act or if you can do a killer French accent. At it's heart, theater is a state of being. It is about accepting everyone and giving them a place to call home. It is about jamming out backstage to every musical number you aren't in. It is about being there for your cast members in their times of need, no matter how small the problem might seem. It is about shared laughs and weird faces. It is about opening your heart to strangers and finding yourself with a family. That is the spirit of theater. At the end of the day, I am still that anemone, only now, I see life a little differently, through theater colored glasses if you will. There are still those curious fingers but now they are not so scary. Theater taught me, as backwards as it may sound, to not be afraid of my fears. It taught me that I should not be ashamed to recoil from things unknown because it is a natural instinct. But it also taught me that I shouldn't hide all day just because something might come along. Rather than pushing me, theater taught me ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Ecosystems And Characteristics Of Dory In The Movie... Dory gets separated from her parents as a child. As she gets older, she continues to look for them, but she forgets about them because she has short– term memory. While she is searching for her parents, she runs into Marlin who is also searching for someone dear to him, his son. Dory helps him find his son in the film Finding Nemo. One year later, Dory eventually lives with the two on their reef. Dory suddenly has a flashback of her parents. She decides to search for them, but her short–term memory gets in the way. She eventually remembers where they live when Nemo mentions the name of the bay. Dory's parents lived at the Jewel of Morro Bay. Marlin, Nemo, and their friends in the sea helps Dory on her adventure. They go through a lot of obstacles to find her parents. Dory meets a lot of new friends who are willing to help. Dory's flashbacks help her remember certain things. She finally locates her parents and return to the reef with Marlin, Nemo, and her new friends. Moreover, the film has biology and ecology related topics in it. Finding Dory shows organisms and how the interact with each other. Also, the film shows different characteristics of the organisms. During the movie, the oceans habitats and ecosystems are described. The organisms explore different parts of the ocean. Dory is a Regal Blue Tang fish who has a blue colored body, yellow fins, and a yellow tail. In the movie, it shows her laying on her side playing dead. Regal Blue Tang fish have lie on their side ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Examples Of Archetypes In Finding Nemo Do you like animated films? Well, Finding Nemo is the ninth most grossed animated film of all time. Finding Nemo accomplishes this by being a light hearted, adventure, comedy. Finding Nemo was an adventure and comedy film, that taught the world the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and cooperation in everyday life. Archetypes are used in many films, movies, and/or books to help both enhance and advance the audience's understanding of the story, whether it be through character, symbolic, or situational archetypes. Finding Nemo uses character archetypes to help advance the understanding of the movie by providing the audience with a better and deeper understanding of the characters. Finding Nemo has three main and crucial characters they are Marlin our hero, Dory the ... Show more content on ... Marlin is a clownfish who had a very traumatic event happen to him, that prompts his quest and journey. Marlin and his wife Coral had just become parents after finding a home for their eggs. Unfortunately, the family was faced with a barracuda attack in which Coral and all but one of the eggs died. Marlin and his one surviving egg Nemo live a cautious life, never wanting to leave the reef and enter the open ocean. One day Nemo swims out to touch the "butt" of a boat in the open ocean. He is later captured by a scuba diver, making Nemo become our damsel in distress. A damsel in distress in a vulnerable person who needs the hero to save. Even though Nemo is a not a woman he fits the description perfectly. On the other hand, we have Dory. Dory is a very crucial character in the movie's storyline. Without her knowledge in speaking whale and reading human/english Marlin would never had been able to save Nemo. Equally ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Pollution And Its Effects On The Environment From plastic bags to pesticides – the greater part of the waste we deliver ashore inevitably reaches the oceans, either through purposeful dumping or from keeping running off through channels and waterways. This includes oil spills, which cause colossal harm to the marine environment – yet actually are in charge of just around 12% of the oil entering the oceans every year. Stated by the US National Research Council, 36% descends channels and waterways as waste and spillover from urban communities and industry. Manure overflow from homesteads and gardens is a tremendous issue for waterfront ranges. The additional supplements reason eutrophication – thriving of algal blossoms that drain the water 's broken up oxygen and suffocate other ... Show more content on ... Sewage transfer In numerous parts of the world, sewage streams untreated, or under–treated, into the sea. For instance, 80% of urban sewage released into the Mediterranean Sea are untreated.This sewage can likewise prompt eutrophication. Moreover, it can bring about human illness and lead to shoreline terminations. Dangerous chemicals–Almost every marine living being, from a minor tiny fish to whales and polar bears, is polluted with man–made chemicals, for example, pesticides and chemicals utilized as a part of the normal customer product.Some of these chemicals enter the ocean through intentional dumping. For a considerable length of time, the seas have been an advantageous dumping ground for waste created ashore. This proceeded until the 1970s, with dumping adrift the acknowledged practice for transfer of about everything, including dangerous material, for example, pesticides, substance weapons, and radioactive waste. Dumping of the most poisonous materials was banned from the London Dumping Convention in 1972, and a changed bargain at 1996 (the London Convention) further confined what could be dumped adrift. Be that as it may, there are still the issues of as of now dumped lethal material, and even the transfer of allowed substances adrift can be a generous ecological hazard.Chemicals additionally enter the ocean from area based exercises. Chemicals can escape ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Marine Debris In The Florida Keys Abstract: Marine debris was collected and placed into categories at Long Key State Park in the Florida Keys. Data was taken on Thursday, March 26th, 2015. The total number of debris collected totaled at 835 items. The most common type of marine debris collected during this experiment was assorted plastics totaling at 513 pieces (61.43%). Many of the debris collected where small and unidentifiable. Introduction: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) define marine debris as "any persistent solid material that is manufactured or processed and directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, disposed of or abandoned into the marine environment" (NOAA, 2015). Marine debris is classified into two categories: ... Show more content on ... For millennia, terrestrial plant matter, seeds, and driftwood have travelled across the open oceans with the help of surface currents. Even floating islands, also known as tussocks, floatons, or sudds are common in many Florida lakes and across the world (Mallison, C.T., 2001). These islands have been known to carry exotic plants and vertebrate animals. Floating islands promote trans–ocean dispersal of marine and terrestrial organisms. This increases biodiversity and helps new barren islands thrive. However, in the last five decades, with the growing number of plastics in the marine environment, the dispersal and occurrence of these organisms has increased exceedingly (Gregory, R.M., 2009). This paves the way for invasions by alien and even aggressive invasive species to establish themselves in new ecosystems beyond their native range. A survey done in 2009 reported that over 150 marine species have established themselves due to marine debris stranded on the shores of northern New Zealand. Most of these organisms were identified as crustaceans. Four of those organisms discovered are featured in figure 3. Specimen A shows various crustaceans on unknown plastic, specimen B depicts warm water Indo–Pacific oysters growing on nylon rope, specimen C depicts crustaceans growing on a plastic pellet, and specimen D depicts a bryozoan colony attached ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Sea Anemone Thesis Mutual Symbiosis: A Model for Peaceful Coexistence Peace, a great necessity in life, the absence of which you cannot fully understand until you have an experience of the mayhem caused by the Boko Haram insurgents of my region – dead children, mutilated bodies, burnt down community and thousands of misplaced families. I really don't want to share the experience in details but I assure you, the devil himself considers it horrible. Nature does not just provide us with natural resources, it equally gives us a great number of life– saving lessons. Although human civilization has developed by the proper use of nature and its products, peaceful coexistence, selfless interdependence and mutual relationship are lessons that could be learnt from nature. A study of the clown fish and the sea anemone reveals to us a few of such lessons. The clown fish and the sea anemone are sea creatures whose lifestyle is altogether a bunch of lessons worth learning by humanity. A clown fish is a small beautifully coloured fish that lives in partnership with the sea anemone; a sea dwelling creature that ... Show more content on ... The clown fish and the sea anemone relationship is a classic example of such relationship and a lesson to humanity especially as it relates to peace, peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding. Although both the clown and the anemone are weak and may not survive for long if left on their own, their coming together in oneness makes them strong and formidable and thereby, becoming survivors in a dangerous environment. With a continuous unbroken relationship, the sea anemone and the clown fish survive for about sixty and ten years respectively. Interestingly, nature here gives me a few important lessons and challenges: my disability is another's ability, mutual relationship and peaceful coexistence protects and preserves life the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Symbiosis: Relationship Between Clownfish And Sea Anemone From clownfish and sea anemone, to barnacles and whales, to mosquitos and mammals, organisms are constantly exhibiting symbiosis. Simply put, symbiosis can be described as a close and typically long–term relationship between two different biological organisms involving physical and/or biochemical contact. Some symbiotic interactions may be facultative, or optional, while other interactions may be obligate, or essential to the survival of both organisms (Yukalov et al., 2012). The main types of symbiotic relationships include mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Mutualism is the relationship between two individuals of different species in which both individual species benefit. The aforementioned clownfish and sea anemone share a mutualistic relationship. The clownfish provides the anemone protection against anemone–eating fish and, in return, the anemone provides a home for the clownfish safe from predators. Commensalism is the relationship between two organisms of different species in which one organism benefits while the other is unaffected (Yukalov et al., 2012). An example of a commensalism interaction is that ... Show more content on ... In doing so, this thereby increases the immune sensitivity as well as the intensity of infection within the host. This may be a result of host tradeoffs. Infection by Dipylidium caninum can cause a loss of protein mass in the host and the subsequent malnourishment, if severe enough, can impair the ability of the host immune system to fight off the infection. This could, therefore, be considered a lose–lose situation. As the host allocates more of its body resources to its immunity to fight off the parasitic infection, its other key body functions may suffer due to negligence and insufficient resources. At the same time, the parasite must be careful not to ultimately kill its host if it is to reproduce and complete its life cycle (East et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Oceanologist Career Research Paper There are many careers out there in this world. The career that is the most interesting is Oceanology. This is based on the ocean. Oceanology is when you study artifacts and marine life. People will have to learn courses in the physical science,not so much of chemistry and physics though. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research. There are so many things some people would do as an Oceanologist. People will Compile, administer, and the examinations will need to be graded, or assign this work to others. Supervise undergraduate or graduate teaching, internship, and research funding. Supervise laboratory work and field work. Conduct research in a particular area where there is knowledge and published findings in professional journals, books, or electronic media. Write grant proposals to procedure ... Show more content on ... The first one is Artistic, it requires to come up with some unique ideas for investigations. The second one is Social, this requires to work with others to evaluate the answers and the products. The third one is Investigative. This is a good one to have for this career because there is a lot of investigating in this subject because you will be searching and looking at things like shipwrecks, boats, even airplane crashes gone wrong. The fourth and final Holland Type is Realistic. This career is based on real life situations and should be taken seriously. There is a lot of education required in Oceanology. YOu will need to graduate school successfully. They will need a bachelor's degree. They may want to get a master's degree. Oceanologists will need to go to school to get your graduation certificate. They will need to have 2 years for your bachelor's degree. Oceanologists will need to have 3 years or maybe 4 years for your master's degree. IF you want to study Oceanology, others would need to pursue this career is Oceanography, Chemical and Physical ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Examples Of Naturalism In The Open Boat The Open Boat by Stephen Crane is a perfect example of naturalism. The Open Boat is a short story that is written on the instances the crew along with a captain had to go through because of a shipwreck. In this short story, Crane develops the characters from the physical to the mental aspects. He brings the characters to life so vividly when he describes what each individual has to face both mentally and physically. The characters have now yet to encounter the larger force in the story, which in this case is nature. Naturalism is most eminent when Crane writes about their determination to keep going, mental struggles, and their constant fight with fate. The Open Boat is an appropriate example of what naturalism in literature is because ... Show more content on ... Naturalism comes into play because when Crane writes on the four sailor's thoughts, he makes sure to make them vividly realistic and relating to what anyone in this helpless situation would think. Nature or fate was really waiving on them with every strong wave that came their way. The sailors thought of nature as a superior being who wanted to hurt them and had the power to determine whether they lived or died at sea. The action of blaming a superior being for a catastrophe can be symbolism of naturalism. Another example can be when the four sailors were asking fate or God why they would die after going so far and not giving up, "If I am going to be drowned––if I am going to be drowned––if I am going to be drowned, why, in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees?" (Crane 1001). The four sailors are a representation of what a tough situation can makes people think. They were battling and questioning fate and what intentions it hold for them. They all, at one point, thought they were going to die and anyone in this scenario would also think that, that is why this is an example of naturalism. In this short story Crane depicts determination with such realism that puts it in the category of naturalism. Determination is a force of nature that takes place when humans are being held in extraordinary circumstances which in this case the sailors were put in this type of scenario. The crew along with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Sea Anemone Investigation My investigation focus was to analyse the community pattern within the Rocky Shore 'Siren's Rock'. I investigated the distribution of the Red Sea Anemone (Actinia tenebrosa) and the Grey side–gilled Sea Slug (Pleurobranchaea maculata) on the slopes of the rocks and also in the rock pools by looking at both the abiotic and biotic factors of their environment. The community pattern found on the rocks is a zonation pattern this is because there are distinct horizontal bands of organisms from the low to high tide. The Rocky Shore habitat is mainly rocks and rock pools. The two species I have chosen that show an interrelationship in this community are the Sea Slug (Pleurobranchaea maculata) and the Sea Anenome (Actinia tenebrosa). Primary Organism ... Show more content on ... Gause's competitive–exclusion principle states that no two species with identical niches can co–exist for long in the same place. This is because they both have similar needs, and one would out– compete the other for space and food. Abiotic Environment An abiotic environmental factor affecting the organisms in the rocky shore is the temperature, this is because the temperature of the water affects the amount of dissolved oxygen the water can hold. Aquatic organisms are dependent on dissolved oxygen for their survival in this ecosystem. Another abiotic factor is tidal movement, when both organisms are not in water, they are exposed to prolonged periods of aerial exposure, this increases the risk of desiccation for the sea slug and sea anemone. Another abiotic factor is the weather conditions, if the organism is in the mid–tidal zone and it is not saturated in water, it could be come ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Personal Essay: The Origin Of A Clown Fish Clown fish are incredible creatures from their origin, to the way they reproduce. They are one of the most unique fish ever to be researched. The clown fish, also known as the anemonefish because of the close relationship they have with anemone, is a small fish that is found around tropical coral reefs in saltwater. Clown fish can grow to be from 2 to 5 inches long, while the males tend to be significantly smaller than the females. The most commonly known species is orange with white markings. However, they can be found in many different colors such as black, red, and yellow. Clown fish generally live in the warmer waters of the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean but can also be found in northwest Australia, southeast Asia, Japan and the Indo–Malaysian region. They have a symbiotic ... Show more content on ... Many fish in the sea eat either meat or plants, but the clown fish is different. I also have always loved the movie ¨Finding Nemo¨ and the movies main characters are clown fish. My mother worked with a man who had multiple saltwater aquariums throughout his office with clown fish inside. Whenever I went to visit her at her office as a kid I got the opportunity to feed them and tap on the tank and found they were very shy and would hide. I find it very intriguing that clown fish live at the bottom of the sea in sheltered reefs normally in a pair. Clown fish are the only fish that do not get stung by the tentacles of the sea anemone. They have a slimy mucus covering them that protects from the sea anemone. However, the covering can be wiped off, allowing the clownfish to be stung and possibly killed. Clown fish deal with the salinity and temperature by migrating to the more dangerous parts of the ocean where not many other creatures live. This helps them stay alive, and get the nutrients they need to survive. One day I hope to have a saltwater tank and clown fish of my ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Marine Pollution In The Great Barrier Reef What is Marine Pollution? Marine pollution is the spreading of harmful substances into the ocean. Oil, carbonic acid and plastics are harming the marine environment as well as the wide variety of animals and plants within. Marine pollution is caused by many industrial and domestic activities such as oil spills, garbage dumping, factory waste disposal and the burning of fossil fuels. A few of the main causes in the great barrier reef are oil spills, the burning of fossil fuels and general waste.Fossil fuels affect the reefs by the carbon dioxide from the fossil fuels accumulates in the atmosphere. As carbon dioxide enters the ocean, it reacts with the seawater to form carbonic acid. The carbonic acid harms oysters, mussels and clams, floating marine snail as well as the coral reefs – all of which are significant to the marine food webs. The oils spills can kill the animals or delay their reproduction, growth and development. The entire reef ecosystem can suffer from an oil spill, affecting the many species of fish, crabs, and other marine animals that live in and around the coral reefs. Who is involved with Marine Pollution? Many people are to blame for Marine Pollutions in the Great Barrier Reef. Anyone ... Show more content on ... I have based my research in the Great Barrier Reef. The great barrier reef is situated in the Coral Sea, on Australia's north–eastern coast. It stretches 2,300km along Queensland's coastline, beginning at the top of Cape York Peninsula in the north and traveling all the way down to Bundaberg in the south. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef ecosystem on earth, representing about 10% of all the world's coral reefs. The Reef was listed on the World Heritage Register in 1981 on the basis of its Outstanding Universal Value. The Reef contains the greatest species diversity of any World Heritage Area on the planet, including: o 56% of the world's hard coral species o 33% of the world's soft coral and sea fan ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Organ Pipe Coral Essay Tubipora Musica – Organ Pipe Coral The Organ Pipe Coral is a Anthazoa that is cessil. Organ pipe coral can be found in the oceans of the indonesian islands and the Red Sea. It lives on soft sedimentary reef slopes in shallow waters. It's shape consists of many tubes otherwise known as sclerites. Together, the sclerites form the soft skeleton of the coral, giving a dark red to a bright red appearance. Polyps are housed inside these tubes, and can be green, gray, and white, or other grayscale colors. The life span of the coral starts when landing on a surface. It develops an outer skeleton, which in turn protects and helps the organism grow. Once the mouth and stomach are formed in a dome shape, it will continue to feed and grow to its adult stage, where sooner or later it reproduces, resetting the cycle. ... Show more content on ... It also requires Bright sun lights, which can explain the shallow habitat that it resides in. However, these corals have been known to form a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae, a marine algae. This algae, can provide the necessary nutrients that the coral requires to survive. Defence wise, the coral really has no form of fighting back. This results in the coral being nipped at by other marine life, or taking in the chemicals of other corals. In order to to reproduce, it has two options. It can reproduce asexually by "budding" releasing an offshoot to attach to another surface, or it can reproduce sexually by sending sperm into the open waters to find another Organ Pipe Coral. Reproducing asexually has it ups and downs. Reproducing asexually is faster compared to sexually, however it is essentially a "clone" and has no other genetically diverse attributes that it would otherwise. If reproducing sexually, it consumes more time and energy to allow the offspring to have a more diverse genetic buildup allowing for the adaptation and survival of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Short Story: Nemo's First Day Of School Sal and Jim want to have a child. So they adopted one. They adopted it as a baby. "What do we name him," Sal said. "Let's name him Nemo," Jim said. Sal laughed at him and said, "Okay."' When they got home, they went to sleep. They wondered if this new baby was going to be a good decision. Five years later, it is Nemo's first day of school. His parents hear the shrill ringing of the alarm clock. "Nemo! It's time for school," Sal yelled. "I'm getting dressed now mom," he called back. When he got up, he realized that he didn't feel too well. He told himself that he wouldn't miss his first day of school. When Nemo arrived, he realized that he didn't know any of the kids in his class. They were all kind of shy and did not talk to him ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Descriptive Writing On A Coral Reef February was deep into Summer and the water was bright blue, the beautiful colour of the sky. The animals' moods could not be down today. The fish in the Ocean were playing tag, the dolphins were dancing and the turtles were singing in the reef. The centre of the reef, which was beautiful, vibrant and teeming with life. Two towering magnificent coral is see able from kilometres around. The knowledgeable turtle even said he saw the corals from the other end of the reef while teaching his hatchlings what type of food is good to eat. These corals were major to the animals, if not significant to the reef as well. They were home to numerous of species, regardless of the possibility that those species didn't have any acquaintance with it. The fish sleeping in the anemone, the Dolphins resting on the shallows of the reef, turtles hid under the multitudes of the submerged rocks, seahorses and crabs slept in the sea grass, and the manta ray sleep under the sand to seek frequent shelter in the sand. It was a gorgeous view, everything was so serene, calm, and placid. Mother Nature herself loved this Reef, for the Moon watched over them to keep them safe and warm. Nothing terrible could ever show up at this reef. The sun came up; another day has begun. The deepest shades of night were replaced with bright magnificent colours, the reef became a busy neighbourhood. the turtles swam out of nest, the woken hatchlings laughed with joy. The fish scuttled out of the anemone womb meanwhile ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Animal Relationships: Hermit Crab And Sea Anemone What? You don't know animals have special relationships with others? Cats and dogs are an example of two animals that have a special relationship with each other. I have always thought that different animals like that would not get alone. Some relationships between animals are very unusual. Two really unusual relationships is the hermit crab and the sea anemone. Both of them help each other out. The hermit crab uses its pincers to bother the sea anemone and then the anemone gets on the crabs back and while the crab is carrying the anemone and the anemone is protecting the crab from other sea animals. While the anemone is on the crabs back the anemone is getting free food. It is proven that animals have special relationships. Animals do have special relationships. Kittens and dogs have a great relationship. A dog that just had puppies might care for a litter of new kittens. ... Show more content on ... Wolf packs also have special relationships. In the passage it states that the wolves take care of the baby wolves. The leader of the wolf pack tells the pack what to do. Some of the wolves go and help find food to take care of the others and when the female wolf has her babies she is treated very nice. The other wolves gets the mother food so she does not have to leave her babies. When they can start walking the mother to help the pack again. Each wolf has a part in their pack. Wolves has one of the most complex series of relationships in the whole animal kingdom. This goes back to the kittens and goes back to the kittens and dogs because they help each other out with different things. In the the other passage it talks about a giraffe and a ostrich. It revealed that they both care for each other like they would for themselves. For example Wilma likes to snuggle up with her friend and Bea cleans off Wilma with her long tongue. That is a reason that dogs can care for baby ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Summary : ' A Shark 's Lifetime Dylan San Miguel Miss Ramos English IV–1 October 21, 2016 Original Title The introduction consists of five complete sentences, one of which will be the thesis statement. The other 4 sentences will cover each Roman numeral. The paragraph must begin with an appropriate hook which grabs the reader's attention there may be no direct quotations in this first paragraph the entire paragraph will consist of the writers own ideas. Sharks are born with many gifts to help make it a suc–cessful predator in the deep sea. Sharks attack from under–neath their target and angle their snout above the target so the shark can then tear apart the prey. Unlike most hunters, Sharks teeth are structured in its gums. Sharks may have be–tween four to six rows of teeth for killer accuracy when going in for the kill. Sharks have the ability to regenerate new fully functional teeth like nothing. In a shark's lifetime, it can produce thousands and thousands of deadly razor–sharp teeth which makes it a very versatile species of underwater hunters. One bite from most of these teeth means a fatal wound for the unlucky prey being preyed upon. (Dozier 15). Another gift that sharks have is having a strong stomach that can eat just about anything. Sharks have a powerful stom–ach that can digest anything primarily for its ability to grow much larger than the original stomach it starts out with. Sharks have been reported eating portions of docks and even license plates. Another factor that may contribute to ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Ocean Pollution Research Paper In the world today, not a single of us can truly say that we don't at lest come in contact with plastic. They are everywhere, in our cars, carpets, food, and virtually every other product we consume; it has becomes a globalization needs that we can't run away from. As according to the National oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA) state the approximately 1.4 billion pounds of trash enters the ocean per year. Most of it get washed up on the beaches by waves and tides, some of it sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor, some got eaten up by marine animals mistaking it for food. Ultimately plastic pollution is a man made catastrophe, as soon as it enter the Oceans it is causing harm to the ecosystems and environment, as wells as affecting ... Show more content on ... But the sieve–like skimmers they use, no matter how technologically sophisticated, will never be able to clean up remote garbage gyres: There's too much turbulent ocean dispersing and mixing up the mess.The problem is compounded by the aquaculture industry, which uses enormous amounts of plastic in its floats, nets, lines and tubes. The most common floats and tubes found in the deep ocean and on Hawaiian beaches come from huge sea–urchin and oyster farms like the one that created the oyster–buoy island. Those buoys were torn from their moorings by the tsunami that walloped Japan on March 11, 2011. But no regulatory remedies exist to deal with tons of plastic equipment lost accidentally and in storms. Government and industry organizations purporting to certify sustainably farmed seafood, despite their dozens of pages of standards, fail to mention gear that is lost and floats away. Governments, which are rightly concerned with depletion of marine food sources, should ensure that plastic from cages, buoys and other equipment used for aquaculture does not escape into the waters.But, in the end, the real challenge is to combat an economic model that thrives on wasteful products and packaging, and leaves the associated problem of clean–up costs. Changing the way we produce and consume plastics is a challenge greater than reining in our production of carbon ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. How Can Rubbish Protect Australian Marine Life research Journal Australian Marine Life Script: Introduction Throughout Australian's seas lurks a silent killer. In Australia, rubbish is getting worse with plastic pollution, it is not only heavily used beaches that get affected with so much rubbish floating in the water but everywhere else in the world. The predator is plastic and it's floating in our ocean and it is coming from the coast. This constant barrier (the equivalent of 136 billion milk jugs each year, estimates a study published in the journal Science) poses a serious danger to marine life. Animals can get tangled up in this trash or consume it–either because the animals mistake it as prey or because the plastic has been broken down into tiny particles by seawater. Research has shown that there is 5.25 trillion pieces of rubbish floating in the ocean and all that pollution is coming from the shore. Plastic bottles, caps and straws, grocery bags, plastic wraps, disposable cutlery, coffee–cup lids are the main items ... Show more content on ... In more recent times, policy changes in many countries have reflected the view that the ocean does not have an infinite capacity to absorb our waste. However, marine pollution remains a major problem and threatens marine life in the ocean at all levels. Micro plastics is another issue to our environment as it is killing and polluting the environment. Micro plastics are bathroom products such as facial exfoliators, body scrubs, and toothpaste is tiny pieces of plastic that are affecting animals, not only marine life but also birds such as seagulls, penguins, Cuban bird, pelicans and so many more other birds also seal, crocodiles, polar bears are also dying from this. The plastic pollution travels easily from land to sea. It blows in from bins and garbage dumps, or flows through stormwater drains into our waterways and eventually ends up in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Informative Essay On Coral Reefs In the news reporters often talk about the effects of global warming as if they are anywhere from five to one–hundred years off in the future. Those dangers like unpredictable and catastrophic weather patterns may not pose a major threat to human populations yet. However, for the inhabitants of earth's coral reefs, the planet's constant warming immediately endangers thousands of species. While coral reefs occupy only a small fraction of the ocean's floor, they account for roughly one fourth of the world's marine life. Coral itself, which in large part comprises coral reefs is made up of thousands of tiny polyps that cling together and secrete a hard outer coating binding the individual polyps together (Jaap, 212–213). Generally coral make up the vast majority of all reefs, but soft bodied organisms like anemones litter the sea bed as well. Coral reefs' seemingly eternal balance with man is now in jeopardy, as small things like clownfish infertility and massive coral population loss begin to snowball, eventually leading to human casualties. These vibrant structures made up of millions of years of development do not face potential threats from global warming. The existing threats are imminent. As mentioned, sea anemones accompany coral on the bottom of the earth's enormous seas. While this may be true, anatomically they are greatly different from hard bodied corals. They cling to rocks on the seabed using the bottom of their bodies, Their pedal disc, which functions a lot ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Astraea Research Paper Astraea: Star Coral Astraea, also known as star coral, are typically in the shape of what can be described as boulders, domes, or cones. However, less often they can be found in the form of flat plates or thick crusts (Great Star Coral, n.d.).. These colonies of coral grow to be up to 2.5 m in diameter. The color of Astraea can vary between green, brown, gray, orange, and red; the coral is more often bright red and orange during the day due to a cyanobacterial protein, which is an essential source of nitrogen (EDGE: Coral Reef Species, 2008). They only move very slightly in an almost, floating–like manner. Astraea can be found in almost all reef environments, and it is usually the most dominant coral at depths between 12 and 30 m (Kluijver, n.d.). These are often the most sedimented areas of the reef, which is where the Astraea thrive, due to their build. The colonies have very steep sides, which allows the sediment to simply, roll off the coral. If there is still sediment that settles into the colony, the polyps will produce waves of movement to remove them. Once again, if this technique is unsuccessful, the polyps will ... Show more content on ... These tentacles are used not only for to itself, but also to protect the space around it, due to competition (EDGE: Coral Reef Species, 2008). These tentacles are usually spread out during the night from the outside edges of the colony. As well as the sweeper tentacles, they also have mesenterial filaments that extend from their digestive system, which allows them to eat other coral species that may be invading their space. These filaments help direct food into a central mouth, and then the food is digested into a sac–like body cavity (Boulder Star Coral, 2010). Astraea are classified as both heterotrophic and autotrophic feeders because, as well as using their tentacles to prey on other coral species, they also utilize organic matter and bacteria (Vaughan, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Marine Waste In Plastic Island Marine waste has been a problem for some time now. However, it has recently become an issue that is in need of attention. As stated in the article Plastic Island, Midway Atoll is covered in many corpses of dead birds. When researchers examined the carcases, they found that the cause of death was the fact that the birds consumed pieces of plastic, causing malnutrition. 64% of waste in the ocean is created from shoreline and recreational activities (Marine Debris is Everyone's Problem). Thousands of organisms are dying purely because of ignorant people who are too lazy to throw away their trash. The Ocean Conservancy spokesman, Tom McCann, said that the issue of marine waste is "entirely preventable" (Ciampaglia 14). But how exactly can we prevent ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Wife's Lament And The Seafarer Analysis The Similarities of The Wife's Lament and The Seafarer Life away from home can be hard, but imagine what it would be like if it was to a harsh sea or under a giant tree. In the two poems we will be dissecting, you will see how these two different situations have a lot in common. In one of the oldest poems known in the world, The Seafarer was written long by an unknown author. Throughout the poem we see how the man takes his exile emotionally and physically, all the while he sails the sea and world. He goes to other countries and shows how on his missions he sees amazing things, but he expresses how sad he is. In the second poem, The Wife's Lament, a woman is exiled to a cave by her husband, and she goes through all her thoughts and emotions, and she decides to get out her anger and heartbreak for her husband, she curses him while is out at sea. While we go through both of these poems, we will find differences between exiles. In The Seafarer, it isn't known whether the man was exiled, or if he willingly left his home. Throughout the poem you can see the way that the man holds himself together, and how he feels about the people on the land. "This the man does not know for whom on land it turns out most favourably, how i, wretched and sorrowful, on the ice cold sea..." In this line, we can see that the man is very angry about having to be out at sea. While he is out at sea, he talks about his family back at home that later help us connect The SeaFarer to The Wife's Lament. You can see how the mans actions and words were very Pagen at the beginning of the poem, but slowly transform into Christian values and words change by the end of the poem. This leads many people to believe that the original poem have been translated by high church member, because they were the only ones back then that were educated enough to read and write. If it were translated by a high ranking church member, it is possible that some of it might have been changed. As you move onto the second poem, The Wife's Lament, we look at an exile, through a different person's eyes. When the Wife is still on land, she is still exiled far away to a cave area under a great tree. Although she was not on the seas, she still found ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Regal Angelfish Research Paper Have you ever wonderd which fish is which well here are some example's. Regal Angelfish a Regal Angelfish is known or identified by it's color crazed color's.Although it's orange it has blue,white,yellow,and black vertical (up and down) so that's how their also known.they are also known by the stripes on their side.It's also known by it's tail and side fin's because there yellow.So that's how the Regal Angelfish are known. Sea Goblin's Like the Regal Angelfish Im going to describe the Sea Goblin.You may think that it sound's scary (it is) but im going to to tell you how to identify it so you know what it is.You can identify it by it's color it's pale pinkish with blue colored fin's.You can also identify it by it has small eye's and its razor sharp teeth (for eating yeesh!)So that is how to identify a Sea Goblin ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Source Summary: Clownfish Mating Victoria Bloodworth BISC 163, Section 1 Source Summary 1 Clownfish Mating Clownfish are grouped with other anemone fish in describing their mating behavior. Although these fish may live in groups of up to 6, only two fish in each colony will be engaged in reproduction. The dominant, largest fish in the group will be the female and the next largest will be the male involved in reproducing. This article describes specifically the process of egg laying and will be used to describe the oviparous nature of clownfish mating in the presentation. The clownfish male will aggressively pursue the female and "chase" her to the nest he has previously built prior to spawning. During this period of "courtship" erection of the dorsal fin will also occur and the female body protrudes, filling with eggs. When the female prepares to lay the eggs, the ovipositor appears, allowing eggs to float down from her belly, through the tube–like structure, and into the nest as she ... Show more content on ... The male swims over the freshly lain eggs, fertilizing them externally in the water, and stays in the nest to protect the eggs. He will eat those that fail to be fertilized successfully or become useless for any other reason. The eggs are attached to the nesting site, but it is not a strong hold, thus the need for the male to stay for protection from predators. The eggs will remain in the site for an incubation period that averages about one week. The actual number of days is dependent upon how hot or cold the water surrounding the eggs becomes and how rich in nutrients the chosen nest area is. In general, colder water will produce a lengthier nesting time. Using his "pectoral fins," the male will "fan" the eggs and "aerate with his mouth" in order to provide an optimal environment for the eggs to survive incubation. After this period, the eggs will hatch and spend about 10 days as larvae. Then, the reproduction stage has ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Research: Plastic Pollution in Water Solutions to Plastic Pollution in our Oceans The Basics We 're treating the oceans like a trash bin: around 80 percent of marine litter originates on land, and most of that is plastic. Plastic that pollutes our oceans and waterways has severe impacts on our environment and our economy. Seabirds, whales, sea turtles and other marine life are eating marine plastic pollution and dying from choking, intestinal blockage and starvation. Scientists are investigating the long–term impacts of toxic pollutants absorbed, transported, and consumed by fish and other marine life, including the potential effects on human health. What it means to you Plastic pollution affects every waterway, sea and ocean in the world. When we damage our water ... Show more content on ... Seabirds that feed on the ocean surface are especially prone to ingesting plastic debris that floats. Adults feed these items to their chicks resulting in detrimental effects on chick growth and survival.8 One study found that approximately 98% of chicks sampled contained plastic and the quantity of plastic being ingested was increasing over time.9 Because persistent organic pollutants in the marine environment attach to the surface of plastic debris, floating plastics in the oceans have been found to accumulate pollutants and transport them through ocean currents.10 Floating and migrating plastic debris has also been found to transport invasive marine species.11 Increasingly, research shows that marine life that ingests plastics coated with pollutants can absorb these pollutants their bodies. Plastic debris is polluting the human food chain. In a 2008 Pacific Gyre voyage, Algalita researchers began finding that fish are ingesting plastic fragments and debris. Of the 672 fish caught during that voyage, 35% had ingested plastic pieces. The plastics industry, through the leadership of the American Chemical Council (ACC), spends millions of dollars each year to convince policy makers and Californians that solutions to plastic pollution lie in anti–litter campaigns that attribute the responsibility for marine debris on individual behavior. Yet they have devoted little funding to public education and much more on promoting ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Cymothoa Exigua Research Paper Cymothoa exigua is slowly becoming a widely known crustacean–like parasite. Most people tend to refer to this parasite as the tongue–eating louse due to its evasion and reproduction mechanisms. This parasite is only attracted to fish but most importantly the snapper fish. Cymothoa exigua is known as protandric hermaphrodites because they begin as males and later in their life cycle they end up switching sexes. When Cymothoa exigua causes the fish to lose its tongue, it does not entirely affect the fish in any other way. Life Cycle/ Reproduction The life cycle of Cymothoa exigua is unknown but one thing for sure is that they undergo sexual reproduction. Scientists believe that when the juvenile parasite first attaches to the fish's gills, they ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Plastic Bottles Outnumber Fish In The Ocean By the year 2050 plastic bottles will outnumber fish in the ocean. Last year a study by the National Academy of Sciences showed that there are over five trillion pieces of plastic currently littering the ocean. Many people believe that throwing away plastic would have negligible impact on humans and animals, this is untrue. Thousands of birds, turtle, seals, fish, and other marine animals die every after entangling themselves in or consuming the tons of plastic currently in the ocean. Plastic is such a durable material that according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, every single bit of plastic ever made still exists. The ocean has turned into our own personal landfill, affecting millions of lives. Organizations such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Cause Of Plastic Pollution The following poem illustrates the problem of pollution, focusing on plastic, in the marine environment. The best place to be is next to the sea where tired feet gladly greet, sand so soft and white. The taste of salty air, a cool breeze blowing through untied hair, Warmth all around, from the sun beaming down, against a backdrop of majestic blue. Hear the birds sing, the waves crashing, And know one thing is true. The ocean is drowning in a sea of plastic, Before long marine life will be in a casket. The beauty of the beach will be no more Once plastic covers the shore. Birds are entangled, turtles are endangered, trash litters the ocean floor. A plan of action needs to be taken with all humans participating. Oceans are water, water is life, and right now life is suffocating. Plastics currently "represent the vast majority of human–made debris present in the oceans" (Reisser, Shaw, Wilcox, Hardersty, Proietti, Thums, & Pattiaratchi, n.d., p.1). According to Sigler (2014), "the magnitude of plastic pollution carried to sea has significantly multiplied over the past several decades" (p. 2). Due to this increase in plastic pollution, oceans are becoming increasingly dangerous to marine wildlife, the environment and human health; which is why policies that ban plastic bags and single use, disposable dishes are crucial to the sustainability of Earth's water supply. Besides being unsightly, plastic in the oceans cause major detrimental effects to marine life. Animals can get entangled or even die from ingestion. "Globally, at least 23% of marine mammal species, 36% of seabird species, and 86% of sea turtle species are known to be affected by plastic debris" (Sigler, 2014, p. 3). Some plastic in the ocean gets broken down into smaller pieces that become increasingly toxic, which then get eaten by fish, and following the food chain end up effecting human health (Reisser et al., n.d., p. 2). Multiple studies have proven that single–use, disposable plastic is the most common type of litter found in the oceans. Annually almost 280 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide, "the majority of consumer products used today are comprised of some form of plastic" (Sigler, 2014, p. 1). Plastic was made to last, it ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Sea Anemone Research Paper The Dangerous But Not Dangerous Critter Well you might be thinking how a sea anemone can be dangerous but not dangerous at the same time. Sea anemone are dangerous but to fish but not to humans. Sea anemone are very interesting critters with many unique features and other exquisite things. The colors of the sea anemone can be a variety of colors like a rainbow. They also have a pretty wide range in size and weight too. The length of the sea anemone ranges from ½ inch to 10 ft. Their weight range is as light as 0.022lb to 440lbs. 440lbs is about the weight of a small piano. Sea anemone live in a plentiful amount of oceans. They live in 3 of the 7 oceans of the world. Some sea anemone love tropical, warm waters the Indian and Pacific ocean, while other sea anemone love the icy cold waters of the Arctic. However, whatever ocean the sea anemone live in the sea anemone lives in they all almost live in coral reefs. Coral reefs are very colorful and full of life because there are so many different fish types and other ocean animals. The sea anemone dines on a few different small fish. The sea anemone will sting an innocent fish just swimming by with its ... Show more content on ... This is called a symbiotic relationship because both animals help each other out. For example, if a clownfish and sea anemone the clownfish will chase away predators, like a bodyguard, and the sea anemone will let the clownfish live in its tentacles. The clownfish also will give the sea anemone extra food that the clownfish ate. When a sea anemone makes friends with algae it is a little bit different. The sea anemone will let the algae live in its tentacles and the algae uses photosynthesis to create sugars for the sea anemone to eat. When a sea anemone and hermit crab become friends the hermit crab will let the sea anemone get on its back and and move around with it. The sea anemone will scare predators that want to eat the hermit ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Changes in Marlin in "Finding Nemo" Essay Finding Nemo...The Independence He Deserves Through much thought and contemplating, one character that I thought made significant changes throughout the movie is Marlin. Now Marlin is a clownfish from the movie Finding Nemo. Marlin makes several changes throughout the movie based solely on the problems that he is faced with and the way that he chooses to handle them. He is faced with four major problems and the choices that he makes to react to those problems changes his entire view on life. He is face with the loss of a majority of his family, confrontation with death, and finally he finds what he truly wants in life. Marlin is a clownfish who, along with his wife, lives on the edge of a coral reef in an anemone. He is what ... Show more content on ... There is where Marlin's real adventure begins. On his pursuit he meets a blue fish named Dori, who has a memory problem. She undoubtedly is annoying to Marlin and he gets very impatient with her when she continues to repeat herself. Against his better judgment he agrees to let her help him find his lost son. For the next few days, as the movie goes, they have several encounters with other marine wildlife that according to Marlin are dangerous. First they encounter three sharks which are known to be solely meat eaters but they join the sharks and spend some time with them that show them that not all sharks are that way but some feel that fish should be thought of as "friends, not food" as the sharks like to say. With this knowledge he begins to trust more of the other sea creatures that he did before. His next encounter involves a school of jellyfish which descend down upon them while they are going over a gorge. Trying to save Dori from any injury, knowing that he isn't going to be hurt nearly as bad from their stingers, he plays a game with Dori. The game is that they race to see whichever fish can get thought the jellyfish first without touching the tentacles and only touching the tops or heads of the jellyfish. But when Dori gets caught in the tentacles of several jellyfish he risks his own life to save her and carry her body through the rest of the school. This is something that he wouldn't have even ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Caribbean Sea Lizards Research Paper In the Caribbean Sea, there are more than 700 islands, all have different sizes but have a similar environment, within these islands, and there are 150 species of lizards under the genus name of Anolis. These lizards are widely spread out over the islands in the Caribbean, these Anolis have similar habitat, niche, morphology, and behavior but they are not closely related, which this is defined as the ectomorph. This means we can found several different species living in the same environment, but they share different habitats, some of them live on the ground, on the grass and some live on different part of the tree, which they are spread out in different niches and hunt their food there. In addition, the scientist also found out even though, ... Get more on ...