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Over the last few years, we at Epsilon Agency have consistently
talked about the camera as a platform – a way for marketers to
enable the creation of content and contextualize the world in
ways not before possible. Today, combined with advanced AI
algorithms, the camera is playing a leading role in shaping the
next generation of user experiences.
Our updated framework, placing the camera as a macro trend,
will help to contextualize the various use cases and provide
direct implications for brands and marketers.
Communicate: How the camera has changed the paradigm of
communication and virtual presence.
Enhance: How computer vision and AI can play a role in digital
engagement and what that means for consumers.
Augment: How AR is enabling new experiences and utility
through the camera.
As we move from a world of mobile computing, to spatial
computing, the camera will play an integral role. This framework
will dive into the building blocks, setting the stage for future
modes of interaction.
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4Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
Individuals and brands alike are using stories to paint a relevant & timely narrative.
In its essence, social media is merely a window into someone else’s life – their
hobbies, adventures, beliefs, friends and family. Over the past decade, social
media companies have worked to expand that window as much as possible,
giving users a more holistic world view. What we’ve landed on, thanks in part to
Snapchat, is the story feature, a comprehensive view of an individual or
business’s life at all points in time.
Since 2016, the creation and consumption of stories is up 842 percent, according
to consulting firm Block Party. This is due in part to a broader movement, placing
a central focus on the camera. The camera is an entry point into a user’s virtual
world, and advancements in technology have allowed us to empower consumers
with tools to better capture, create and share that world. Whether it’s Snapchat,
Instagram or Facebook, the camera is increasingly being placed front and center,
reducing the friction involved in accessing it.
All the major social media companies have ad products designed specifically for
stories, and if that’s where the majority of eyeballs are at, it’s also where your
product or service should be. However, integrating with stories is not simply
about disrupting a consumer’s content reel, but rather providing them with a
value that can help to enhance what they’re currently doing. Are you giving them
tools to create? Are you offering compelling content to consume? Or are you
simply asking them to swipe up to unlock a special offer?
Additionally, how are you telling your own story? It’s incredibly important to
ensure that your message is relevant, timely, and paints a picture of how you
want your brand to be perceived. Always answer these questions with the end
consumer in mind.
Instagram Story usage
rose above Snapchat at
the end of 2017 with
almost 250M daily
active users compared
to Snaps 170M. Brands
like Starbucks are
using stories to
communicate their
message, run
promotions and have
direct interaction with
their consumers.
5Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
As technology platforms make way for more live content streaming, it will be important for
brands to come prepared with a live streaming strategy. Seventy eight percent of brands
surveyed on what the top benefit of live streaming agreed that they were trying to achieve
deeper interaction with their audience. As part of this strategy, you’ll need to determine
where your audience is most active, what content they find relevant, and how you’re going
to deliver that content.
It doesn’t just stop at social media platforms, as live streaming capabilities are increasingly
being pushed externally into more and more use cases.
Along with the rise of stories, we’ve also
seen another shift in the consumption of
content, propelled by the ubiquity of the
mobile camera. Consumers are increasingly
being compelled to watch more and more
live streaming content from their favorite
online personalities and brands. So much so
that it’s estimated that live video is being
consumed eight times longer than on-
demand video.
The use cases for live video are wide
ranging and will continue to expand. Of
course, it makes a fantastic vehicle to
engage with a customer through storytelling,
but it’s also being successfully used as a
means of connecting employees,
broadcasting live events, product
demonstrations, and more.
Live video for e-commerce sales is another
trend that has gained traction in this space.
Consumer’s propensity to buy online and
their willingness to watch live video makes
this extension a natural fit, as companies
have increasingly experimented with live
commerce events that effectively expand this
medium directly into the sales funnel.
Individuals and brands alike are using stories to paint a relevant & timely narrative.
HydroFlask used a custom Live Video site
as well as Facebook Live to share their
brand story, interact with consumers, drop
new products and content. Their first live
broadcast brought in the highest digital
engagement rates of any channel and
proved that it was a tactic that had some
serious legs to it.
6Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
YouTube as a platform has given rise to many of today’s celebrities and will continue
to play a major role in how news and entertainment is consumed by younger
demographics. As a brand, it’s important to identify what role this platform can have in
spreading your message. Whether it’s aligning yourself with relevant creators or
increasing the footprint of your channel, if your product or service is aligned towards a
younger audience, it’s incredibly important to view YouTube as an integral part of your
digital strategy.
Sixty percent of YouTube subscribers get advice on what to buy from their favorite
creator. This represents a huge opportunity for brands, and one that will not be going
away anytime soon.
By the year 2020, Generation Z, or
people born between 1996 and 2010, will
represent 40% of consumers. What’s also
interesting is that in a survey of 1,000
members of this demographic, 75% of
them would prefer to be a YouTuber or
Vlogger versus a traditional career path
such as a doctor, athlete or lawyer.
Mobile cameras, GoPros, Drones, and
affordable high-end setups are reducing
the barrier involved in creating
professional-looking content. This allows
almost anyone to start a YouTube channel
and share their passions and beliefs. As
these channels gain popularity, they also
gain celebrity status and credibility. In a
study commissioned by Google, 7 in 10
YouTube subscribers said that creators
change and shape culture and the same
amount agreed that they relate to
YouTube creators more so than traditional
It’s clear that YouTube celebrities have
influencer status over a younger generation of
consumers. Brands can take advantage of this
trend by partnering with content creators that
are relevant to their campaign or product in
Gen Z has shown a propensity to be influenced by YouTube personalities over
traditional celebrities.
7Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
Amazon was quick to respond to the trend of cost-effective cameras and used that to offer
up complimentary services to its existing business model. While some may see it as an
intrusion of the home, initial reviews show that consumers actually find the experience to
be more secure than before, as the entire interaction is in the palm of their hands.
Brands must ask themselves how an increased sense of security and connection can help
the relationship they have with their consumers. Is there a way you can capitalize off that
and provide a unique service or utility?
Home security is a major concern for a
large portion of the population. The
decrease in the price of security systems is
lowering the barrier to entry and ultimately
creating new business models for various
Amazon and others have pushed the bar in
terms of home security, with the camera
playing an integral part. Their Amazon Key
Home Kit includes a security camera and
smart lock, allowing users to communicate
and control access to their homes
remotely. The security camera works in
tandem with the lock, so you know who’s
entering and what they’re up to. You can
even use it to allow for in-home delivery of
goods, reducing the worry of someone
swiping it from your front door.
Additionally, the company has released a
few new Alexa-enabled devices over the
past year that tout front-facing cameras
and touchscreens. The upgraded hardware
is designed to allow for quick visual
communication, a service called Drop In.
The idea is that the home, and those close
to it, should always be connected.
Amazon Key allows delivery
agents to leave packages inside homes and
apartments using a security camera to ensure
safety and security. At an entry level price of
$249.99, this setup is much more affordable than
traditional home security systems.
Individual home surveillance technology has paved the way for new
consumer delivery solutions.
8Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
As these high-end cameras begin to follow the path of typical hardware, shrinking in size and
price, consumers will find new ways to capture, understand and share the world around them.
The camera as a communication platform is a trend that’s been here for some time but doesn’t
look to be slowing down anytime soon. Brands and marketers alike have the opportunity to
increasingly align themselves with the behaviors that this movement is unlocking, and
communicate with their consumers in new and exciting ways.
While communication between consumers and
companies has undergone a paradigm shift
thanks in part to the proliferation of cameras,
high-end cameras have also allowed us to
develop new communication methods between
people and places. These immersive
experiences give us the ability to transport an
individual to a new place, a new experience
and a new reality.
Take Google for example, it was rumored they
were to acquire light-field camera company
Lytro earlier this year. While the deal ultimately
fell through, it shined a light on Google’s
ultimate strategy. Light-field imaging is not only
able to capture the intensity of light, but also
the direction that those light rays are traveling
in space. These images will then allow for
hyper-realistic showcases of the real world.
Google, or a number of companies for that
matter, would be able to use those images to
enhance their virtual reality offerings, allow
automobiles to make better sense of their
surroundings, and increase their ability to
ingest high-quality data from the surrounding
world. Some of those use cases overlap with
our Enhance section of this document and
we’ll be sure to dive deeper into them later on.
NBA and other live sporting
events are increasingly being offered in VR
environments due to the rise of high fidelity image
capturing from multiple cameras with wide angles
of view. As cameras become ever more advanced,
so will our immersive experiences.
High-fidelity cameras allow for engaging, live-event VR experiences.
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10Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
In order to win at retail, brands must ensure that they stay top of the line when it comes to
consumer experiences. Reducing friction and increased personalization are two immediate
ways to ensure this occurs. Computer vision can help with both. As prices drop and the
barrier to entry continues to be reduced, mom and pop shops will have the same
opportunities to employ this technology as someone like Amazon does already.
It doesn’t just stop at payments though–the ability to immediately recognize a consumer as
they walk through the door can allow your sales staff to personalize their interactions and
create a positive user experience. Privacy is certainly an underlying issue here and it’s
important that you lay out your process in detail for consumers, ensuring that they
understand it is opt-in service. People have increasingly shown propensity to give up their
data in return for a better experience.
The field of computer vision can be simply
summed up as the ability for computers to
automate tasks of the human visual system.
These algorithms aim to extract high-
dimensional data that can then be acted
upon in the form of decision-making. Various
types and sizes of cameras act as the
hardware mechanism for this related
In terms of the retail environment, this
technology will increasingly reduce the
friction involved in the payment process.
Amazon Go, a concept store that utilizes
computer vision to eliminate checkout lines,
has showed us what’s possible in this space.
Consumers simply scan their smartphones
as they walk in, pick up an assortment of on-
the-go foods, and are then able to walk out
of the store–sans the guilt of shoplifting.
DeepMagic is a
company that allows retailers
to use their AI technology to
enable unmanned robotic pop-up
stores, accessed through your
smartphone. Computer vision
allows for frictionless purchases
and the portability of these stands
allow for quick set-up and
Businesses are leveraging computer vision to identify individuals and remove the
traditional checkout process from retail experiences.
11Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
For brands and marketers, it’s important to understand that this is a paradigm
shift in how consumers access information. When it comes to commerce, this
technology will allow you to point your camera at an object, detect it, and
purchase, reducing the time between consideration and purchase. Companies
must ensure, just as they did with basic SEO, that their product markup is
recognized by these AI algorithms.
Additionally, this technology offers opportunities for brands to enhance
consumer experiences, automate repetitive tasks and help to make sense of the
world around us.
In 2017, Google introduced us to Lens, an AI
powered technology that uses your
smartphone camera and deep machine
learning to not only detect an object, but
understand what it is and recommend actions
based on those results. Since then, the
company has integrated the feature into more
and more phones as well as updated its
Using Lens is as simple as pointing your
camera at an object and asking the Assistant
for some help. In most cases, Lens will
automatically detect what you’re looking at and
give you proactive solutions. Direct your
attention to a restaurant storefront, and Lens
will present a pop-up window showing reviews,
details and opening times. Point the camera at
a glass of wine, and Lens will try its best to
inform you of what you’re about to consume.
It’s not perfect, but in its essence, it’s shifting
the paradigm of search from text to visual.
Google isn’t the only one to offer this capability,
but it is the only one to bake it right into the
camera’s operating system. Apple’s AR Core
kit allows developers to tap into this type of
functionality and we’ve already seen some
great use cases.
At Google I/O this
year, the company
unveiled Style Match,
along with a few other
updates to its Lens’
software. Simply scan an
item you find interesting,
and Google will display a
list of items similar in
Google Lens is changing search input from text to visual cues
It’s clear that robots are here to stay and will increasingly be used to automate
repetitive tasks in more and more situations. Using their onboard cameras, computer
vision allows these devices to act off real-time data in the world around them.
For marketers, moving into late 2018 and beyond, it will be key to identifying how your
brand can use robotics to enhance the customer experience. Reducing friction,
personalization, and proactive decision-making will help to offer consumers utility
through robotics and integrate your product or service further into consumers’ lives and
daily schedules.
Robots are increasingly making their way
into our daily lives in more and more
situations. Equipped with cameras and
advanced AI algorithms, these bots are
able to make sense of the world around
them and make decisions in sophisticated
Personal, family-oriented robots like JIBO
are designed to be friendly, helping to
organize the home and act as healthcare
assistants. Their visual software aid in
reading emotions and body language to
personalize the user experience.
Task oriented robots like the Roomba use
computer vison and various sensors to
map the home, acting off that information
to then navigate and clean. A similar
version of that functionality, albeit on a
much larger scale, is used to power
autonomous vehicles.
Additionally, the field of robotics has
played a major role in manufacturing and
the streamlining of business processes.
You’d be hard pressed to find a major
warehouse that doesn’t use the
assistance of robotics in today’s day
and age.
As physical robots make sense of the world around them, we’ll increasingly offload
our daily tasks and use them as a proxy.
JIBO is a social robot that used advanced facial
and voice recognition to create personalized
interactions with up to 16 different people. It’s goal
is to act as your ultimate personal assistant as you
offload daily tasks and allow it to act on
your behalf.
13Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
The ability to measure the emotional effectiveness of your product or service will
allow for brands and marketers to further personalize campaigns, act on insights and
cater to user-centered designs.
As the advertising industry is increasingly coming under fire for stealthy tracking
techniques, cross-device matching and data misuse, it will be important for marketers
to be able to gleam insights at the device level.
Additionally, this tech will likely be used to personalize experiences in real time. For
example, a person’s emotional state may be used to tailor their digital experience
based on how they felt about something that occurred earlier on.
In the marketing and advertising world,
measuring the effectiveness of software
and campaigns is of upmost importance
to determine real world business
outcomes. Eye tracking studies are an
integral part to UX research and some of
the same tactics will soon be used to
measure the effectiveness of mobile and
video ads.
Various startups are quickly gaining
interest and funding that revolve around
using computer vision to read a person’s
emotional response when they are
watching video assets as well as when
they are viewing traditional digital ad
While these tests are currently being
done in opt-in only studies and there will
always be questions in terms of how
willing consumers will be to adopt new
technologies, we feel that this trend will
ultimately make its way into more and
more use cases.
Computer vision software allows for a new layer of analysis with regards to users
physical micro reactions
Realeyes is a London-based startup that has developed
computer vision software to read a person’s
emotional response when they are watching a video as
short as six seconds long. They can then use
predictive analytics to map that reading and
provide feedback on
14Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
As smart cameras have allowed for new forms of secure interaction, businesses have been
able to capitalize on the freedom that they offer us. Mobile apps should look for ways to
integrate facial recognition to securely store information or offer an easier approach to
Brands should also be looking at smart cameras to replace pain points in their customer
experience, further personalizing their offerings, giving consumers peace of mind, and moving
down the never-ending path of innovation.
Biometric security in mobile phones has made
its way from the fingerprint scanner to the
camera. Face ID in the new iPhone X has
revolutionized the way that consumers unlock
their phones, access information and has
streamlined the e-commerce process. Anyone
who has used the feature to pay for something
can attest to how much of a reduction in
friction that this process has brought about.
There’s also been a push to use biometrics to
disrupt traditional processes. For example,
CLEAR is a company that simplifies the airport
security line by using facial recognition to
speed up the process. Using just a few live
pictures, users can sign up for the system at
one of their kiosks, pay a yearly fee and easily
skip to the front of the security line anytime
they fly.
Identity verification is a powerful tool for
companies, as it allows for hyper-
personalization and consumers are inherently
trusting you with loads of sensitive data. In
today’s day and age, it’s incredibly important
that your company is set up to handle that
data in highly secure ways.
CLEAR airport
security kiosks
employ facial
recognition to allow
users to skip the
identity verification
aspect of the
security line. The
company uses a
double encryption
process to ensure
members data is
kept private and
A new level of identify verification is allowing for streamlined business processes
Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
16Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
A new wave of gaming and entertainment apps will soon make their way to our mobile devices,
utilizing AR to provide unprecedented experiences. For brands and marketers, it will be important
to determine what interaction model can further your presence, provide value to the user, and offer
compelling use cases.
We’re still just on the cusp of what marketers are going to be able to do by bridging the physical
and digital gap with AR, and if you’re still wondering how your brand can do the same, gaming and
entertainment have shown very promising results.
Ever since the release of Pokemon Go, the public
has seen the possibilities that AR can bring to
games and entertainment. The ability to bridge
the physical and digital world offer exciting
possibilities with regards to new interaction
models. Since then, Google and Apple have
upgraded their AR Core and AR Kit capabilities
and we’re soon to see multiplayer as well as
pervasive experience.
At Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference
(WWDC), we were shown an example from
LEGO that utilizes all of the new updates from AR
Kit 2.0. 3D Object recognition allowed users to
trigger an experience off a physical object,
bringing an entire LEGO playground to life. Multi-
player capabilities allowed for up to four people to
simultaneously maneuver, build, and play within
this experience. And, pervasive AR allowed the
whole thing to be saved, so that they can pick up
right where they left off.
Pervasive AR is a major update here as it
essentially creates modular layers of synthetic
reality that can be altered and returned to. You’ll
soon be able to leave virtual notes or surprises
around the house for your loved ones to interact
Nissan created a multi-player AR app
that uses a mini football stadium as its
tracker. Players control virtual versions
of the Nissan GTR to navigate the field
and score goals. Look for more and
more of these experiences to
pop up as iOS 12 is
rolled out.
AR is helping to bridge the physical and digital world, creating a new landscape
for entertainment.
Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
According to a study by Retail Perceptions, 40% of consumers would be willing to pay more
for a product if they could experience it through augmented reality. With advanced
capabilities arriving almost every day, and the barrier to entry lowering further and further, it
will be important for brands to determine how AR can help them sell more of their product
or service.
Just as e-commerce companies realized that high-quality images helped increase sales
online, and have now become commonplace, marketers will soon realize that the same
trend is occurring with regards to viewing those products in a virtual environment.
Facebook brought AR
capabilities directly into
Messenger, allowing
consumers to interact with
branded virtual products
inside their conversation. The
above example is a shoe drop
from Nike, where users are
then lead to purchasing
options within the app.
A huge selling point for Augmented Reality (AR)
is the ability for consumers to “try before they
buy” and this functionality is increasingly being
integrated into the operating level of mobile
devices. Included in Apple’s AR Kit 2.0 is the
integration of capabilities within native apps on
the device.
Ikea has led the way in home-based AR with its
Place app, allowing users to place virtual
furniture around their house. Soon, this
functionality will not require an app, and will be
accessible at the browser level. In the same way
that you browse products online, you’ll be able to
instantly see their look and sizing in the exact
place you’ll want them to live, while seamlessly
leading you to a purchase.
Facebook also introduced new product level AR
capabilities at its F8 developer conference,
bringing the functionality directly into the
messenger app. Kia showed off this functionality,
allowing users to place a 3D rendering of their
vehicle right into their garage.
AR’s ability to “try before you buy” is an enticing value proposition that increases
consumer confidence down the purchase funnel
18Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
By using AR to offer convenience and personalization for your consumers, you’ll position
your brand to stand out from the competition and offer a compelling reason for return visits.
In a recent study, it was estimated that 71% of shoppers would shop at a retailer more
often if they offered augmented reality.
In-store environments offer an advantage in this space, as they are uniquely set up to
create AR experiences that take the phone out of the equation, increasing the window of
view into what is possible with virtual overlays.
Retail isn’t dead, traditional retail is. In order
to make in-store retail experiences more
engaging, brands have begun to employ a
variety of different techniques – augmented
reality is certainly one of them. As storefronts
slowly transition from warehouses to
showrooms, it’s important to offer as much
personalization as possible. This brings us
back to the mantra of “try before you buy”.
We’ve seen stores put up “magic mirrors,”
which are simply AR-enabled mirrors that
allow consumers to view themselves with
virtual overlays of a brand’s product.
Cosmetics brand Charlotte Tilbury installed
these mirros, which scan a users face and
the allow for instant exploration of how each
product looks in real life.
The functionality goes well beyond makeup.
Timberland and other apparel brands employ
these installations to allow consumers to try
on all types of products in store. No longer
will it be an issue if your size is not currently
in stock–try it on virtually and place the order
to be delivered directly to your home. Not to
mention the added benefit of not having to
wait for a fitting room to open up.
Charlotte Tilbury’s Magic Mirror AR experience
allows users to quickly try on various makeup
products in store. The large screen and hands-free
interaction provides for an intuitive user-
experience and has resulted in increased cross-
selling and customer satisfaction.
Various AR experiences allow for personalization within storefronts, leading to
increased sales and customer satisfaction.
19Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
The ability to facilitate direction and personalize consumer experiences is an underlying theme
to all of AR’s capabilities. Overlaying virtual navigation information onto the real world can not
only ease a consumer’s journey, but also offers a platform to provide real-time info about the
world around them.
Imagine using AR to navigate the streets and stopping because that same interface proactively
pointed out a popular coffee shop across the street? Brands will have to ensure that they are
set up as the paradigm of search changes from text to visual.
A promising application that AR will continue to
build upon is in the world of maps. At this
year’s Google I/O conference, the company
unveiled its newest update to the app, using
the camera to overlay virtual arrows and turn
by turn direction onto the real world. No longer
will users have to rely on the 2D moving arrow
to alert them of what direction they are going.
This same functionality will also be applied in-
store, using a technology called Virtual
Positioning System (VPS). If GPS is what gets
you from your home to the store, VPS will help
get you in the store and to the product you’re
looking for. This is all possible thanks to
mobile cameras that are able to triangulate
your position in the store based on distinct
visual features in the environment.
As more and more live data is ingested from
cameras and sensors, it will be increasingly
possible to build live maps that take into
account the current state to provide
contextually relevant advice. AR will be the
interface that allows for these interactions.
Google Maps newest
updates add a layer
of AR to the mapping
overlaying turn by
turn navigation onto
the real world. You
can even choose to
have a virtual avatar
guide you on your
Maps is a killer use case for AR technology and will offer a platform for
consumers to contextualize the world around them.
20Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
Brands and marketers understand the paradigm shift that is occurring in terms of
communication and must realize that now is the time to enable consumers to share in different
ways. AR-based filters and lenses do a great job of giving users tools to create for themselves
and enhance the situation that they’re currently in.
It’s not so much about the creation of content, but rather the enabling of creativity. Socially, AR
helps to generate conversation, reduce the path to purchase and provides a certain
engagement level that is not seen in traditional experiences.
As discussed earlier on, the mobile camera
has given rise to new forms of communication,
be it socially or through live streaming
platforms. AR-based filters have heavily
contributed to the rise of this trend and have
enabled many creative ways of expression–
just ask anyone that has ever received a snap
of a dancing hot dog.
Snapchat and Instagram lenses go beyond just
transforming your face or watching a T-Rex
walk across your living room floor. Increasingly,
real-time data is being brought into the
equation to allow these experiences to
contextually understand what’s going on
around them. This provides new use cases
that can be applied at sporting events,
concerts, product launches and more to
provide an extra level of information.
Additionally, virtual avatars of yourself are
making their way into the field of AR. Whether
it’s Snapchat’s Bitmoji or Apple’s newly
released Memoji, users are now able to
overlay virtual representations of themselves
onto scenes in order to further personalize the
Apple’s Memoji allows users to
create animojis of themselves, which can
then be shared natively through iMessage as well
as through live interaction within FaceTime. AR will
increasingly be used to personalize our
communication efforts through various camera
AR based filters and lenses enable users to create and enhance the situation
they’re in by adding an additional layer of personalization.
Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
22Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
Today, the form factors that we’re able to view and access camera-enabled
experiences are limited. As we move forward, new form factors will make
way for new capabilities and soon the world will become our interface.
Cameras are increasingly making their way onto our faces and we’ll one
day have socially acceptable glasses that will ultimately replace our mobile
devices while greatly expanding our field of vision.
Always on, persistent AR, will lead itself to new forms of communication,
greater enhancements to our daily activities and contextually relevant
information available at a glance. These systems will inherently work with
our digital assistants, proactively offering advice and assistance so as to
reduce the amount of decision-making on our end.
The whole world is slowly but surely turning into a programmable
playground and our cameras are the entrance and escort to this world. In
only a matter of a few years, looking through your camera will replace the
experience of looking through the browser on your phone or computer.
We’ll be able to create module, stackable realities that seamlessly interact
and live within the real world.
The limits that these realities can encompass are as large as your
imagination can dream them to be. What are you going to build?
Steve Harries
VP, Innovation & User Experience
Jeremy Olken
Innovation Strategist
Ian Beacraft
VP, Digital Strategy
Tom Edwards
Chief Digital Officer, Agency
Wes Henry
Director, Creative Technology

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The Evolution of the Camera

  • 2. INTRODUCTIONS 2Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Over the last few years, we at Epsilon Agency have consistently talked about the camera as a platform – a way for marketers to enable the creation of content and contextualize the world in ways not before possible. Today, combined with advanced AI algorithms, the camera is playing a leading role in shaping the next generation of user experiences. Our updated framework, placing the camera as a macro trend, will help to contextualize the various use cases and provide direct implications for brands and marketers. Communicate: How the camera has changed the paradigm of communication and virtual presence. Enhance: How computer vision and AI can play a role in digital engagement and what that means for consumers. Augment: How AR is enabling new experiences and utility through the camera. As we move from a world of mobile computing, to spatial computing, the camera will play an integral role. This framework will dive into the building blocks, setting the stage for future modes of interaction. ENHANCEAUGMENT COMMUNICATE
  • 3. 3 COMMUNICATE Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
  • 4. THE RISE OF STORIES 4Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Individuals and brands alike are using stories to paint a relevant & timely narrative. In its essence, social media is merely a window into someone else’s life – their hobbies, adventures, beliefs, friends and family. Over the past decade, social media companies have worked to expand that window as much as possible, giving users a more holistic world view. What we’ve landed on, thanks in part to Snapchat, is the story feature, a comprehensive view of an individual or business’s life at all points in time. Since 2016, the creation and consumption of stories is up 842 percent, according to consulting firm Block Party. This is due in part to a broader movement, placing a central focus on the camera. The camera is an entry point into a user’s virtual world, and advancements in technology have allowed us to empower consumers with tools to better capture, create and share that world. Whether it’s Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook, the camera is increasingly being placed front and center, reducing the friction involved in accessing it. Implications All the major social media companies have ad products designed specifically for stories, and if that’s where the majority of eyeballs are at, it’s also where your product or service should be. However, integrating with stories is not simply about disrupting a consumer’s content reel, but rather providing them with a value that can help to enhance what they’re currently doing. Are you giving them tools to create? Are you offering compelling content to consume? Or are you simply asking them to swipe up to unlock a special offer? Additionally, how are you telling your own story? It’s incredibly important to ensure that your message is relevant, timely, and paints a picture of how you want your brand to be perceived. Always answer these questions with the end consumer in mind. Instagram Story usage rose above Snapchat at the end of 2017 with almost 250M daily active users compared to Snaps 170M. Brands like Starbucks are using stories to communicate their message, run promotions and have direct interaction with their consumers.
  • 5. EVERYONE'S GOING LIVE 5Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications As technology platforms make way for more live content streaming, it will be important for brands to come prepared with a live streaming strategy. Seventy eight percent of brands surveyed on what the top benefit of live streaming agreed that they were trying to achieve deeper interaction with their audience. As part of this strategy, you’ll need to determine where your audience is most active, what content they find relevant, and how you’re going to deliver that content. It doesn’t just stop at social media platforms, as live streaming capabilities are increasingly being pushed externally into more and more use cases. Along with the rise of stories, we’ve also seen another shift in the consumption of content, propelled by the ubiquity of the mobile camera. Consumers are increasingly being compelled to watch more and more live streaming content from their favorite online personalities and brands. So much so that it’s estimated that live video is being consumed eight times longer than on- demand video. The use cases for live video are wide ranging and will continue to expand. Of course, it makes a fantastic vehicle to engage with a customer through storytelling, but it’s also being successfully used as a means of connecting employees, broadcasting live events, product demonstrations, and more. Live video for e-commerce sales is another trend that has gained traction in this space. Consumer’s propensity to buy online and their willingness to watch live video makes this extension a natural fit, as companies have increasingly experimented with live commerce events that effectively expand this medium directly into the sales funnel. Individuals and brands alike are using stories to paint a relevant & timely narrative. HydroFlask used a custom Live Video site as well as Facebook Live to share their brand story, interact with consumers, drop new products and content. Their first live broadcast brought in the highest digital engagement rates of any channel and proved that it was a tactic that had some serious legs to it.
  • 6. THE YOUTUBE GENERATION 6Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications YouTube as a platform has given rise to many of today’s celebrities and will continue to play a major role in how news and entertainment is consumed by younger demographics. As a brand, it’s important to identify what role this platform can have in spreading your message. Whether it’s aligning yourself with relevant creators or increasing the footprint of your channel, if your product or service is aligned towards a younger audience, it’s incredibly important to view YouTube as an integral part of your digital strategy. Sixty percent of YouTube subscribers get advice on what to buy from their favorite creator. This represents a huge opportunity for brands, and one that will not be going away anytime soon. By the year 2020, Generation Z, or people born between 1996 and 2010, will represent 40% of consumers. What’s also interesting is that in a survey of 1,000 members of this demographic, 75% of them would prefer to be a YouTuber or Vlogger versus a traditional career path such as a doctor, athlete or lawyer. Mobile cameras, GoPros, Drones, and affordable high-end setups are reducing the barrier involved in creating professional-looking content. This allows almost anyone to start a YouTube channel and share their passions and beliefs. As these channels gain popularity, they also gain celebrity status and credibility. In a study commissioned by Google, 7 in 10 YouTube subscribers said that creators change and shape culture and the same amount agreed that they relate to YouTube creators more so than traditional celebrities. It’s clear that YouTube celebrities have influencer status over a younger generation of consumers. Brands can take advantage of this trend by partnering with content creators that are relevant to their campaign or product in question. Gen Z has shown a propensity to be influenced by YouTube personalities over traditional celebrities.
  • 7. YOUR HOME, SECURE 7Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications Amazon was quick to respond to the trend of cost-effective cameras and used that to offer up complimentary services to its existing business model. While some may see it as an intrusion of the home, initial reviews show that consumers actually find the experience to be more secure than before, as the entire interaction is in the palm of their hands. Brands must ask themselves how an increased sense of security and connection can help the relationship they have with their consumers. Is there a way you can capitalize off that and provide a unique service or utility? Home security is a major concern for a large portion of the population. The decrease in the price of security systems is lowering the barrier to entry and ultimately creating new business models for various companies. Amazon and others have pushed the bar in terms of home security, with the camera playing an integral part. Their Amazon Key Home Kit includes a security camera and smart lock, allowing users to communicate and control access to their homes remotely. The security camera works in tandem with the lock, so you know who’s entering and what they’re up to. You can even use it to allow for in-home delivery of goods, reducing the worry of someone swiping it from your front door. Additionally, the company has released a few new Alexa-enabled devices over the past year that tout front-facing cameras and touchscreens. The upgraded hardware is designed to allow for quick visual communication, a service called Drop In. The idea is that the home, and those close to it, should always be connected. Amazon Key allows delivery agents to leave packages inside homes and apartments using a security camera to ensure safety and security. At an entry level price of $249.99, this setup is much more affordable than traditional home security systems. Individual home surveillance technology has paved the way for new consumer delivery solutions.
  • 8. IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES EVOLVE 8Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications As these high-end cameras begin to follow the path of typical hardware, shrinking in size and price, consumers will find new ways to capture, understand and share the world around them. The camera as a communication platform is a trend that’s been here for some time but doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon. Brands and marketers alike have the opportunity to increasingly align themselves with the behaviors that this movement is unlocking, and communicate with their consumers in new and exciting ways. While communication between consumers and companies has undergone a paradigm shift thanks in part to the proliferation of cameras, high-end cameras have also allowed us to develop new communication methods between people and places. These immersive experiences give us the ability to transport an individual to a new place, a new experience and a new reality. Take Google for example, it was rumored they were to acquire light-field camera company Lytro earlier this year. While the deal ultimately fell through, it shined a light on Google’s ultimate strategy. Light-field imaging is not only able to capture the intensity of light, but also the direction that those light rays are traveling in space. These images will then allow for hyper-realistic showcases of the real world. Google, or a number of companies for that matter, would be able to use those images to enhance their virtual reality offerings, allow automobiles to make better sense of their surroundings, and increase their ability to ingest high-quality data from the surrounding world. Some of those use cases overlap with our Enhance section of this document and we’ll be sure to dive deeper into them later on. NBA and other live sporting events are increasingly being offered in VR environments due to the rise of high fidelity image capturing from multiple cameras with wide angles of view. As cameras become ever more advanced, so will our immersive experiences. High-fidelity cameras allow for engaging, live-event VR experiences.
  • 9. 9 ENHANCE Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
  • 10. CHANGING PHYSICAL RETAIL 10Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications In order to win at retail, brands must ensure that they stay top of the line when it comes to consumer experiences. Reducing friction and increased personalization are two immediate ways to ensure this occurs. Computer vision can help with both. As prices drop and the barrier to entry continues to be reduced, mom and pop shops will have the same opportunities to employ this technology as someone like Amazon does already. It doesn’t just stop at payments though–the ability to immediately recognize a consumer as they walk through the door can allow your sales staff to personalize their interactions and create a positive user experience. Privacy is certainly an underlying issue here and it’s important that you lay out your process in detail for consumers, ensuring that they understand it is opt-in service. People have increasingly shown propensity to give up their data in return for a better experience. The field of computer vision can be simply summed up as the ability for computers to automate tasks of the human visual system. These algorithms aim to extract high- dimensional data that can then be acted upon in the form of decision-making. Various types and sizes of cameras act as the hardware mechanism for this related software. In terms of the retail environment, this technology will increasingly reduce the friction involved in the payment process. Amazon Go, a concept store that utilizes computer vision to eliminate checkout lines, has showed us what’s possible in this space. Consumers simply scan their smartphones as they walk in, pick up an assortment of on- the-go foods, and are then able to walk out of the store–sans the guilt of shoplifting. DeepMagic is a company that allows retailers to use their AI technology to enable unmanned robotic pop-up stores, accessed through your smartphone. Computer vision allows for frictionless purchases and the portability of these stands allow for quick set-up and deployment. Businesses are leveraging computer vision to identify individuals and remove the traditional checkout process from retail experiences.
  • 11. SHIFTING THE PARADIGM OF SEARCH 11Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications For brands and marketers, it’s important to understand that this is a paradigm shift in how consumers access information. When it comes to commerce, this technology will allow you to point your camera at an object, detect it, and purchase, reducing the time between consideration and purchase. Companies must ensure, just as they did with basic SEO, that their product markup is recognized by these AI algorithms. Additionally, this technology offers opportunities for brands to enhance consumer experiences, automate repetitive tasks and help to make sense of the world around us. In 2017, Google introduced us to Lens, an AI powered technology that uses your smartphone camera and deep machine learning to not only detect an object, but understand what it is and recommend actions based on those results. Since then, the company has integrated the feature into more and more phones as well as updated its functionality. Using Lens is as simple as pointing your camera at an object and asking the Assistant for some help. In most cases, Lens will automatically detect what you’re looking at and give you proactive solutions. Direct your attention to a restaurant storefront, and Lens will present a pop-up window showing reviews, details and opening times. Point the camera at a glass of wine, and Lens will try its best to inform you of what you’re about to consume. It’s not perfect, but in its essence, it’s shifting the paradigm of search from text to visual. Google isn’t the only one to offer this capability, but it is the only one to bake it right into the camera’s operating system. Apple’s AR Core kit allows developers to tap into this type of functionality and we’ve already seen some great use cases. At Google I/O this year, the company unveiled Style Match, along with a few other updates to its Lens’ software. Simply scan an item you find interesting, and Google will display a list of items similar in style. Google Lens is changing search input from text to visual cues
  • 12. ROBOTS NEED CAMERAS, TOO 12 Implications It’s clear that robots are here to stay and will increasingly be used to automate repetitive tasks in more and more situations. Using their onboard cameras, computer vision allows these devices to act off real-time data in the world around them. For marketers, moving into late 2018 and beyond, it will be key to identifying how your brand can use robotics to enhance the customer experience. Reducing friction, personalization, and proactive decision-making will help to offer consumers utility through robotics and integrate your product or service further into consumers’ lives and daily schedules. Robots are increasingly making their way into our daily lives in more and more situations. Equipped with cameras and advanced AI algorithms, these bots are able to make sense of the world around them and make decisions in sophisticated ways. Personal, family-oriented robots like JIBO are designed to be friendly, helping to organize the home and act as healthcare assistants. Their visual software aid in reading emotions and body language to personalize the user experience. Task oriented robots like the Roomba use computer vison and various sensors to map the home, acting off that information to then navigate and clean. A similar version of that functionality, albeit on a much larger scale, is used to power autonomous vehicles. Additionally, the field of robotics has played a major role in manufacturing and the streamlining of business processes. You’d be hard pressed to find a major warehouse that doesn’t use the assistance of robotics in today’s day and age. 12 As physical robots make sense of the world around them, we’ll increasingly offload our daily tasks and use them as a proxy. JIBO is a social robot that used advanced facial and voice recognition to create personalized interactions with up to 16 different people. It’s goal is to act as your ultimate personal assistant as you offload daily tasks and allow it to act on your behalf.
  • 13. UNDERSTANDING EMOTIONS 13Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications The ability to measure the emotional effectiveness of your product or service will allow for brands and marketers to further personalize campaigns, act on insights and cater to user-centered designs. As the advertising industry is increasingly coming under fire for stealthy tracking techniques, cross-device matching and data misuse, it will be important for marketers to be able to gleam insights at the device level. Additionally, this tech will likely be used to personalize experiences in real time. For example, a person’s emotional state may be used to tailor their digital experience based on how they felt about something that occurred earlier on. In the marketing and advertising world, measuring the effectiveness of software and campaigns is of upmost importance to determine real world business outcomes. Eye tracking studies are an integral part to UX research and some of the same tactics will soon be used to measure the effectiveness of mobile and video ads. Various startups are quickly gaining interest and funding that revolve around using computer vision to read a person’s emotional response when they are watching video assets as well as when they are viewing traditional digital ad units. While these tests are currently being done in opt-in only studies and there will always be questions in terms of how willing consumers will be to adopt new technologies, we feel that this trend will ultimately make its way into more and more use cases. Computer vision software allows for a new layer of analysis with regards to users physical micro reactions Realeyes is a London-based startup that has developed computer vision software to read a person’s emotional response when they are watching a video as short as six seconds long. They can then use predictive analytics to map that reading and provide feedback on effectiveness.
  • 14. BIOMETRICS ENSURE IDENTITY 14Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications As smart cameras have allowed for new forms of secure interaction, businesses have been able to capitalize on the freedom that they offer us. Mobile apps should look for ways to integrate facial recognition to securely store information or offer an easier approach to commerce. Brands should also be looking at smart cameras to replace pain points in their customer experience, further personalizing their offerings, giving consumers peace of mind, and moving down the never-ending path of innovation. Biometric security in mobile phones has made its way from the fingerprint scanner to the camera. Face ID in the new iPhone X has revolutionized the way that consumers unlock their phones, access information and has streamlined the e-commerce process. Anyone who has used the feature to pay for something can attest to how much of a reduction in friction that this process has brought about. There’s also been a push to use biometrics to disrupt traditional processes. For example, CLEAR is a company that simplifies the airport security line by using facial recognition to speed up the process. Using just a few live pictures, users can sign up for the system at one of their kiosks, pay a yearly fee and easily skip to the front of the security line anytime they fly. Identity verification is a powerful tool for companies, as it allows for hyper- personalization and consumers are inherently trusting you with loads of sensitive data. In today’s day and age, it’s incredibly important that your company is set up to handle that data in highly secure ways. CLEAR airport security kiosks employ facial recognition to allow users to skip the identity verification aspect of the security line. The company uses a double encryption process to ensure members data is kept private and secure. A new level of identify verification is allowing for streamlined business processes
  • 15. 15 AUGMENT Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
  • 16. GAMING AND ENTERTAINMENT LEAD THE WAY 16Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications A new wave of gaming and entertainment apps will soon make their way to our mobile devices, utilizing AR to provide unprecedented experiences. For brands and marketers, it will be important to determine what interaction model can further your presence, provide value to the user, and offer compelling use cases. We’re still just on the cusp of what marketers are going to be able to do by bridging the physical and digital gap with AR, and if you’re still wondering how your brand can do the same, gaming and entertainment have shown very promising results. Ever since the release of Pokemon Go, the public has seen the possibilities that AR can bring to games and entertainment. The ability to bridge the physical and digital world offer exciting possibilities with regards to new interaction models. Since then, Google and Apple have upgraded their AR Core and AR Kit capabilities and we’re soon to see multiplayer as well as pervasive experience. At Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC), we were shown an example from LEGO that utilizes all of the new updates from AR Kit 2.0. 3D Object recognition allowed users to trigger an experience off a physical object, bringing an entire LEGO playground to life. Multi- player capabilities allowed for up to four people to simultaneously maneuver, build, and play within this experience. And, pervasive AR allowed the whole thing to be saved, so that they can pick up right where they left off. Pervasive AR is a major update here as it essentially creates modular layers of synthetic reality that can be altered and returned to. You’ll soon be able to leave virtual notes or surprises around the house for your loved ones to interact with. Nissan created a multi-player AR app that uses a mini football stadium as its tracker. Players control virtual versions of the Nissan GTR to navigate the field and score goals. Look for more and more of these experiences to pop up as iOS 12 is rolled out. AR is helping to bridge the physical and digital world, creating a new landscape for entertainment.
  • 17. AR’S FORAY INTO E-COMMERCE Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications According to a study by Retail Perceptions, 40% of consumers would be willing to pay more for a product if they could experience it through augmented reality. With advanced capabilities arriving almost every day, and the barrier to entry lowering further and further, it will be important for brands to determine how AR can help them sell more of their product or service. Just as e-commerce companies realized that high-quality images helped increase sales online, and have now become commonplace, marketers will soon realize that the same trend is occurring with regards to viewing those products in a virtual environment. Facebook brought AR capabilities directly into Messenger, allowing consumers to interact with branded virtual products inside their conversation. The above example is a shoe drop from Nike, where users are then lead to purchasing options within the app. 17 A huge selling point for Augmented Reality (AR) is the ability for consumers to “try before they buy” and this functionality is increasingly being integrated into the operating level of mobile devices. Included in Apple’s AR Kit 2.0 is the integration of capabilities within native apps on the device. Ikea has led the way in home-based AR with its Place app, allowing users to place virtual furniture around their house. Soon, this functionality will not require an app, and will be accessible at the browser level. In the same way that you browse products online, you’ll be able to instantly see their look and sizing in the exact place you’ll want them to live, while seamlessly leading you to a purchase. Facebook also introduced new product level AR capabilities at its F8 developer conference, bringing the functionality directly into the messenger app. Kia showed off this functionality, allowing users to place a 3D rendering of their vehicle right into their garage. AR’s ability to “try before you buy” is an enticing value proposition that increases consumer confidence down the purchase funnel
  • 18. RETAILERS JUMP ON BOARD 18Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications By using AR to offer convenience and personalization for your consumers, you’ll position your brand to stand out from the competition and offer a compelling reason for return visits. In a recent study, it was estimated that 71% of shoppers would shop at a retailer more often if they offered augmented reality. In-store environments offer an advantage in this space, as they are uniquely set up to create AR experiences that take the phone out of the equation, increasing the window of view into what is possible with virtual overlays. Retail isn’t dead, traditional retail is. In order to make in-store retail experiences more engaging, brands have begun to employ a variety of different techniques – augmented reality is certainly one of them. As storefronts slowly transition from warehouses to showrooms, it’s important to offer as much personalization as possible. This brings us back to the mantra of “try before you buy”. We’ve seen stores put up “magic mirrors,” which are simply AR-enabled mirrors that allow consumers to view themselves with virtual overlays of a brand’s product. Cosmetics brand Charlotte Tilbury installed these mirros, which scan a users face and the allow for instant exploration of how each product looks in real life. The functionality goes well beyond makeup. Timberland and other apparel brands employ these installations to allow consumers to try on all types of products in store. No longer will it be an issue if your size is not currently in stock–try it on virtually and place the order to be delivered directly to your home. Not to mention the added benefit of not having to wait for a fitting room to open up. Charlotte Tilbury’s Magic Mirror AR experience allows users to quickly try on various makeup products in store. The large screen and hands-free interaction provides for an intuitive user- experience and has resulted in increased cross- selling and customer satisfaction. Various AR experiences allow for personalization within storefronts, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.
  • 19. GETTING FROM A TO B 19Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications The ability to facilitate direction and personalize consumer experiences is an underlying theme to all of AR’s capabilities. Overlaying virtual navigation information onto the real world can not only ease a consumer’s journey, but also offers a platform to provide real-time info about the world around them. Imagine using AR to navigate the streets and stopping because that same interface proactively pointed out a popular coffee shop across the street? Brands will have to ensure that they are set up as the paradigm of search changes from text to visual. A promising application that AR will continue to build upon is in the world of maps. At this year’s Google I/O conference, the company unveiled its newest update to the app, using the camera to overlay virtual arrows and turn by turn direction onto the real world. No longer will users have to rely on the 2D moving arrow to alert them of what direction they are going. This same functionality will also be applied in- store, using a technology called Virtual Positioning System (VPS). If GPS is what gets you from your home to the store, VPS will help get you in the store and to the product you’re looking for. This is all possible thanks to mobile cameras that are able to triangulate your position in the store based on distinct visual features in the environment. As more and more live data is ingested from cameras and sensors, it will be increasingly possible to build live maps that take into account the current state to provide contextually relevant advice. AR will be the interface that allows for these interactions. Google Maps newest updates add a layer of AR to the mapping experience, overlaying turn by turn navigation onto the real world. You can even choose to have a virtual avatar guide you on your journey. Maps is a killer use case for AR technology and will offer a platform for consumers to contextualize the world around them.
  • 20. LENSES GET LOVE 20Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Implications Brands and marketers understand the paradigm shift that is occurring in terms of communication and must realize that now is the time to enable consumers to share in different ways. AR-based filters and lenses do a great job of giving users tools to create for themselves and enhance the situation that they’re currently in. It’s not so much about the creation of content, but rather the enabling of creativity. Socially, AR helps to generate conversation, reduce the path to purchase and provides a certain engagement level that is not seen in traditional experiences. As discussed earlier on, the mobile camera has given rise to new forms of communication, be it socially or through live streaming platforms. AR-based filters have heavily contributed to the rise of this trend and have enabled many creative ways of expression– just ask anyone that has ever received a snap of a dancing hot dog. Snapchat and Instagram lenses go beyond just transforming your face or watching a T-Rex walk across your living room floor. Increasingly, real-time data is being brought into the equation to allow these experiences to contextually understand what’s going on around them. This provides new use cases that can be applied at sporting events, concerts, product launches and more to provide an extra level of information. Additionally, virtual avatars of yourself are making their way into the field of AR. Whether it’s Snapchat’s Bitmoji or Apple’s newly released Memoji, users are now able to overlay virtual representations of themselves onto scenes in order to further personalize the experience. Apple’s Memoji allows users to create animojis of themselves, which can then be shared natively through iMessage as well as through live interaction within FaceTime. AR will increasingly be used to personalize our communication efforts through various camera applications. AR based filters and lenses enable users to create and enhance the situation they’re in by adding an additional layer of personalization.
  • 21. 21 BEYOND Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved.
  • 22. MOVING FORWARD 22Copyright @ 2017, Epsilon. All rights reserved. Today, the form factors that we’re able to view and access camera-enabled experiences are limited. As we move forward, new form factors will make way for new capabilities and soon the world will become our interface. Cameras are increasingly making their way onto our faces and we’ll one day have socially acceptable glasses that will ultimately replace our mobile devices while greatly expanding our field of vision. Always on, persistent AR, will lead itself to new forms of communication, greater enhancements to our daily activities and contextually relevant information available at a glance. These systems will inherently work with our digital assistants, proactively offering advice and assistance so as to reduce the amount of decision-making on our end. The whole world is slowly but surely turning into a programmable playground and our cameras are the entrance and escort to this world. In only a matter of a few years, looking through your camera will replace the experience of looking through the browser on your phone or computer. We’ll be able to create module, stackable realities that seamlessly interact and live within the real world. The limits that these realities can encompass are as large as your imagination can dream them to be. What are you going to build?
  • 24. QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS CAN BE SENT TO: 24 Steve Harries VP, Innovation & User Experience @Steve_Harries22 Jeremy Olken Innovation Strategist @JeremyOlken Ian Beacraft VP, Digital Strategy @IanBcraft Tom Edwards Chief Digital Officer, Agency @blackfin360 Wes Henry Director, Creative Technology