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Terms of the problem:
heritage, cities,
risk, vulnerability, robustness, resilience.
Franco Bontempi
School of Civil and Industrial Engineering University of Rome La Sapienza
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1.The heritage
2.The city
3.General concepts
4.More concepts
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The heritage
What is, its contribution, cultural dimensions.
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Motivation after Maslow
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Design after Schleich
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What is heritage (1)
• Cultural heritage is often associated with grandiose monuments and iconic
archaeological sites that can hold us in awe of their beauty, history and sheer
• However, the understanding of cultural heritage has undergone a marked
shift during the last few decades in terms of what it is, why it is important,
why it is at risk and what can be done to protect it.
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What is heritage (2)
• Cultural heritage today encompasses a broader array of places such as
historic cities, living cultural landscapes, gardens or sacred forests and
mountains, technological or industrial achievements in the recent past and
even sites associated with painful memories and war.
• Collections of movable and immoveable items within sites, museums,
historic properties and archives have also increased significantly in scope,
testifying not only to the lifestyles of royalty and the achievements of great
artists, but also to the everyday lives of ordinary people.
• At the same time intangibles such as knowledge, beliefs and value systems
are fundamental aspects of heritage that have a powerful influence on
people’s daily choices and behaviors.
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Heritage contributions (1)
• Heritage contributes to social cohesion, sustainable development and
psychological wellbeing.
• A considerable wealth of experience exists in protecting heritage from
disasters and in harnessing the potential of a well maintained historic
environment to strengthen the resilience of communities.
• Nevertheless, with a few notable exceptions, efforts to protect heritage from
disaster risk remain fragmented and efforts to draw on heritage as an
instrument for building resilience remain inconsistent.
• Protecting heritage promotes resilience.
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Heritage contributions (2)
• The safeguarding of cultural heritage is important and must be ensured for
future generations, not only because it is a source of the cultural identity of
a local community, but also because cultural heritage is a driving force of the
• Natural events may become disasters if one is unprepared, and the
preparation includes a proper maintenance of historical centres of cities,
where the most important art works and cultural assets of a community are
• In addition, a well maintained and living historic environment is very resilient
to natural phenomena.
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Heritage drives sustainable development/economies
• Today, as in the past, cultural heritage continues to perform its irreplaceable
role as a source of meaning and identity for communities and individuals.
Heritage is not a relic of the past, but is increasingly instrumental in steering
sustainable development and the wellbeing of communities.
• Many people, especially the poor, depend directly on ecosystems for their
livelihoods, their economic, social and physical well-being, and their cultural
heritage, and this calls for the conservation, as appropriate, of the natural
and cultural heritage of human settlements, the revitalization of historic
districts and the rehabilitation of city centres.
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Heritage drives sustainable development/economies
• The safeguarding of cultural heritage sites and of the ensemble of intangible
cultural expressions, knowledge and skills that, collectively, define a
community, can be considered in itself a contribution to human wellbeing.
• Cultural heritage is also a powerful asset for inclusive economic
development, by attracting investments and promoting green, locally based,
stable and decent jobs related to a wide range of sustainable activities in
areas such as tourism, conservation, construction, food production,
traditional healing and, the production of crafts of all kinds and the arts in
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Heritage for inclusive social development
• Finally, cultural heritage appears also to be closely connected to the
fundamental components of an inclusive social development.
• As a vehicle to express values and identity, and organize communities and
their relationships through its powerful symbolic and aesthetic dimensions,
cultural heritage is essential to the spiritual wellbeing of people.
• The acknowledgment and conservation of the diversity of cultural heritage,
fair access to it and equitable sharing of the benefits deriving from its use
enhance the feeling of place and belonging, mutual respect and sense of
collective purpose, and ability to maintain a common good, which has the
potential to contribute to the social cohesion of a community and reduce
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Disasters are driving losses to heritage
• There has emerged a growing awareness that the loss of cultural properties
and their values as society-related capital is essentially the loss of a common
catalyst that creates a ‘sense of place’ for all generations of people.
• Disasters caused by natural and human-induced hazards result in the
destruction of countless historical properties, museums and archives that
hold the history of humanity within their walls. Cultural landscapes and
natural heritage are being destroyed, and with them valued ecosystem
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Heritage contributes to resilience
• In the same way that biological diversity increases the resilience of natural
systems, cultural diversity has the capacity to increase the resilience of social
• The maintenance of cultural diversity into the future, and the knowledge,
innovations and outlooks it contains, increase the capacity of human systems
to adapt to and cope with change.
• Cultural heritage, as a key component of cultural diversity, is a critical
consideration for any strategy to build the resilience of communities.
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• It is “the ability of a system and its component parts to anticipate, absorb,
accommodate, or recover from the effects of a hazardous event in a timely
and efficient manner, including through ensuring the preservation,
restoration, or improvement of its essential basic structures and functions”.
• Resilience applies to both people and the built and natural environment and
is shaped by both physical and social factors.
• Experience has shown that degradation of natural resources, neglected rural
areas, urban sprawl and poorly engineered new construction increase the
vulnerability of communities to disaster risks. On the other hand, a well-
conserved natural and historic environment, based on traditional knowledge
and skills, considerably reduces underlying vulnerability factors, strengthens
the resilience of communities and saves lives.
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• The symbolism inherent in heritage is also a powerful means to help victims
recover from the psychological impact of disasters. In such situations, people
search desperately for identity and self-esteem. Traditional social networks
that provide mutual support and access to collective assets are extremely
effective coping mechanisms for community members.
• The virtues of heritage should be recognized and built upon, while at the
same time, those aspects of heritage that contribute to physical, social and
attitudinal vulnerability should be appropriately addressed through efforts to
promote a robust culture of prevention.
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Kind of knowledge
• Both modern science and indigenous knowledge play vitals roles in reducing
communities’ risks. Taking advantage of scientific and technological
advances does not imply disregarding the capacities and resources already
available locally. Indigenous knowledge for disaster reduction lies in the
accumulated experience that comes with the close relationship of
communities to their environment.
• Communities have learned to read the signs in the sea, the skies and wildlife
to predict hazards. Direct experience with disasters has taught many
communities the duration, location, time, frequency, intensity, predictability,
onset and possible behavior of the hazards linked to these events.
• Likewise, local technologies and construction practices often reflect
adaptations to the environmental conditions.
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Cultural dimensions
• Cultural values and beliefs underlie the decisions people make when facing
risk and coping with disasters.
• Moreover, cultural values provide a source of pride and identity that can
inspire communities to undertake bold actions. An understanding of these
values can greatly enhance the effectiveness of risk communication and can
speed economic as well as psycho-social recovery after disaster strikes.
• Understanding how people interpret risks and choose actions based on their
interpretations are vital to any strategy for disaster reduction.
• These issues have significant implications for efforts to cultivate a ‘culture of
prevention’, particularly as they relate to risk communication and motivation
to act on that information.
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• Cultural heritage can play an important role in the recovery of the victims of
• Often, cultural insensitivity or ignorance in post-disaster recovery
programmes can have adverse effects on people.
• It was found that those villages which were reconstructed on the basis of
traditional architecture, with courtyards and surrounding verandahs using
locally available materials and skills and cluster planning of neighbourhoods,
were adapted by the villagers much more successfully than those that had
‘city-like’ layouts, with wide streets forming grid patterns and row housing
built using imported building materials and construction technology.
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Understanding of culture
• An understanding of culture is an important instrument for the many
organizations working to build resilient communities and nations.
• The tools for cultivating culturally informed approaches to risk reduction can
be quite basic, including an openness and sensitivity to cultural differences.
• Spending time with communities and asking about their views and
experience is essential.
• Investments in understanding culture yields dividends in fostering a genuine
culture of prevention and promoting resilience in disaster-affected
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The city
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Complexity after Perrow
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City after Lynch
Kevin Andrew Lynch (January 7, 1918 – April 25, 1984)
was an American urban planner and author. He is known
for his work on the perceptual form of urban
environments and was an early proponent of mental
mapping. His most influential books include The Image of
the City (1960), a seminal work on the perceptual form
of urban environments, and What Time is This Place?
(1972), which theorizes how the physical environment
captures and refigures temporal processes.
A student of architect Frank Lloyd Wright before training
in city planning, Lynch spent his academic career at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, teaching there
from 1948 to 1978. He practiced site planning and urban
design professionally with Carr/Lynch Associates, later
known as Carr, Lynch, and Sandell.
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Performance of the city
The degree of good city performance is determined by its ability
of providing biological, psychological, social and cultural requirements to its
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• The degree to which the city sustains the essential, biological performance
of human beings: this is the supports of our bodies needs such as water, air,
energy and food, there should be sufficient supply of them to sustain life,
moreover good settlement should be free of danger, poisons and disasters,
then it supports safety for its inhabitants.
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• It is the degree of fit between the physical city (form) and the way people
recognize and organize it in their minds.
• In other words, it is the degree of homogeneity between environment and
observer. Sense then, reflects the clarity with which people perceive the
• Sense depends upon spatial structure, quality, the culture and the current
purpose of the observer.
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• It is the match between the action (function) and the physical city (form).
• It is “ how well the spatial and temporal pattern of a settlement matches the
customary behavior of its inhabitants”.
• When there is congruence between form and patterns of behaviors, people
feel comfortable; conversely, absence or lack of fit could make it
uncomfortable and difficult to behave through an area.
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• That is not means the ability to reach transportation only, but to access to all
things such as services, information, other places and to other peoples also,
then an interaction is established between these variables.
• Access offers the degree of choice and diversity presented to us.
• A place should provide people with information about physical ways of
reaching it.
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• It the degree to which the environment is under the control of the people
who actually use it or reside in it.
• According to Hall, control gives people feelings of power and stability.
• People feel in control when there is enough social and physical space to do
as they need.
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Lynch’s Theory of Good City Form
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Sense (1)
• It is clearly believed that building the image of an environment is a two way
process, it is the result of an interaction between the observer and the
environment in which he lives.
• The process is not just how we see things and others, but also how others
see us as a part of environment.
• Consequently, it reflects the influence of observer and environment on each
other: “ nothing is experienced by itself, but in relation to its surroundings,
the sequences of events leading up to it”.
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Sense (2)
• Sense of the city as mentioned above represents the relationship between
physical environment and cognition, since its components are the observer
and his environment, this sense can be broken into six elements:
• Identity,
• Structure,
• Meaning,
• Congruence,
• Transparency (Immediacy),
• Legibility
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• “Identity is the characteristic that allow us to differentiate one space from
• It is the character and spatial attributes of an object or a place that enhance
the ability of recognizing and identifying an environment, those attributes of
the object make it distinct, ultimately unique and easily separable, then it
stands for individuality or oneness.
• Place identity is closely linked to personal identity, “I am here supports I am”.
• There is not only an identity of place, but also an identity of events which
differs naturally from the first as it gives peoples a means to remember
events that happened, thus helps them to structure their life.
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• It is how the object is placed in the space considering its relation to the
observer and to other objects, as the object is not seen isolated from
surroundings but as a part of all environmental components.
• “The architect has to realize that the forms of his buildings react on adjacent
• Norberg-Schulz and Lynch refer to organization when they talk about
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• Meaning is that which the place stands for or represent.
• It is a hidden character of the object and the deepen sense that reflects the
importance of the object, this sense may be practical or emotional.
• The meaning is a complicated notion, its sides are difficult to be specified,
but can be separated from the form in the early stages of analysis. A
particular city may stands for enjoyment, power, vitality, mystery or
something else presented in mental image of its inhabitants.
• Lynch says that “the visual environment should be meaningful; that is, its
visible character should relate to other aspects of life”.
• Steinitz (1968) made an inference that the city becomes more meaningful
and known to its inhabitants when there is a congruence between its
physical form and activity.
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• It is the relationship of the form to its function.
• In other words, how is the environmental structure congruent with
nonspatial structure.
• For instance, what degree of congruence between a residential building and
family size.
• Congruence can be tested by comparing abstraction of place with
abstraction of function.
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Transparency (Immediacy)
• It stands for the degree of visibility of process occurring in the place to users.
• In other words, it is the degree to which one can actually see what's going.
• There are many events occur in the city such as selling, buying and
movement, how many of them we can see actually. Definitely, we see less of
what actually happening.
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• It is the term that has been used for along time in urban planning defined as
“the ease with which its parts can be recognized and organized into a
coherent pattern”.
• This definition estates that degree of legibility depends upon the formation
of cognitive maps within wayfarers mind.
• Legibility is “the degree of distinctiveness that enables the viewer to
understand or categorize the contents of a scene the greater the legibility
the greater the preference”.
• It is the quality which makes an area understandable.
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Notes on legibility (1)
• Lynch considers Legibility as a physical and spatial characteristic of the
environment, so visual sensations of color, motion, smell, touch and
sound…etc. are all cues of orientation that reinforce legibility. This view
postulates that environmental surroundings influence immediately spatial
cognition, and spatial representation is isomorphic to the physical structure.
• According to Lynch definition, legibility can enhance the identity, structure
and the meaning of environmental surroundings. The city may has strong
identity and character but still confusing and unclear because of confusion of
its path system.
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Notes on legibility (2)
• Identity and structure are the formal components which help us to perceive
and organize both of space and time in themselves, while congruence,
transparency and legibility are the informal ones which create interaction
between environment and other sides of our lives.
• It worth mentioning that Lynch's initial interest was of legibility, but soon the
focus adjusted to the issue of the city's mental representation. This led Lynch
to the concept of imageability and the identification of the city elements
(paths, edges, nodes, landmarks, and districts). The sketch map drawn by
city's dweller is more accurate and legible than that drawn by a visitor
because image clarity is improved by familiarity and its conformity with
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Lynch’s Theory of Good City Form
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General concepts
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Structural System
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Local / Punctual
Global / Regional
Also if artificial,
these systems
need to have
evolutive soundness,
ecological coherence
and sustainability
Structure / Infrastructure
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1. The branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions
between organisms and their environment, including other
2. The set of relationships existing between organisms and their
environment: desert ecologies.
3. The set of relationships existing between any complex system and
its surroundings or environment.
4. Ecological engineering uses ecology and engineering to predict,
design, construct or restore, and manage ecosystems that integrate
"human society with its natural environment for the benefit of
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• Survivability is the ability to remain alive or continue to exist.
• Ecological: Following disruptive forces such as flood, fire, disease, war,
or climate change some species of flora, fauna, and local life forms are
likely to survive more successfully than others because of consequent
changes to their surrounding biophysical conditions.
• In engineering, survivability is the quantified ability of a system,
subsystem, equipment, process, or procedure to continue to function
during and after a natural or man-made disturbance.
• For a given application, survivability must be qualified by specifying the
range of conditions over which the entity will survive, the minimum
acceptable level functionality, and the maximum acceptable downtime.
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1. Any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution
of a language; the evolution of the airplane.
2. A product of such development; something evolved: the
exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research.
3. Biology: the change in the gene pool of a population from
generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural
selection, and genetic drift.
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• Sustainability is the process of change, in which the exploitation of
resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological
development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both
current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.
• The organizing principle for sustainability is sustainable development, which
includes the following interconnected domains: environment, economic and
social. Sub-domains of sustainable development have been considered also:
cultural, technological and political.
• Sustainable development, is the development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.
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Scheme of sustainable development
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• The state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed,
either physically or emotionally.
• Vulnerability refers to the inability (of a system or a unit) to withstand the
effects of a hostile environment.
• A window of vulnerability (WOV) is a time frame within which defensive
measures are diminished, compromised or lacking.
• The understanding of a system vulnerability, as a methodological approach,
involves the analysis of the risks and assets of the system itself.
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• A probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative
occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that
may be avoided through preemptive action.
• At its simplest, risk is the possibility of an adverse outcome. Risk is often
expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of a series of
events and the associated likelihood of occurrence. The probability,
frequency of occurrence and impact of an event are factors which should be
considered in any analysis of risk.
• Possibility of loss or injury
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Risk concern
Option 1 – Risk avoidance, which usually
means not proceeding to
continue with the system;
this is not always a feasible
option, but may be the only
course of action if the
hazard or their probability of
occurrence or both are
particularly serious;
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Option 2 – Risk reduction, either through
(a) reducing the probability
of occurrence of some
events, or (b) through
reduction in the severity of
the consequences, such as
downsizing the system, or
(c) putting in place control
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Option 3 – Risk transfer, where insurance
or other financial
mechanisms can be put in
place to share or completely
transfer the financial risk to
other parties; this is not a
feasible option where the
primary consequences are
not financial;
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Using insurance and risk transfer effectively
• In some respects the use of insurance for cultural heritage may seem
problematic, for example in terms of estimating the appropriate insurance
value of something that is unique, priceless and often intangible.
• However, the insurance industry plays an important role in promoting
investments in risk reduction, specifically as a means to reduce the cost of
• One of the primary functions of insurance is to spread losses and to reduce
financial exposure; this is often the only means that owners and managers of
heritage assets have to invest in recovery or restoration after damage.
• Business interruption and denial of access, for instance, are important
considerations for many heritage managers.
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Insurance for the damage or for the event
• Important lessons were learned about testing the insurance policy to see if
coverage was ‘for the damage’ or ‘for the event’.
• A similar situation property was damaged by hurricanes Rita and Katrina.
This was subsequently the subject of litigation and it was decided in the US
case that even if the building had not been damaged, it would have suffered
the same business interruption loss because of the devastation to the
surrounding area and therefore the claim was allowed.
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More about insurance
• Another important issue is the appropriateness of the insurance policy to
the heritage site: a cultural heritage site contains an inherent and unique
series of values which deserve a higher degree of care and consideration
than modern property counterparts.
• This heightened sensitivity needs to be applied when assessing requirements
for property insurance for cultural heritage sites to ensure that the
appropriate levels of cover is achieved. For these reasons, the choice and
level of coverage is extremely important, with significant differences
between ‘Total reinstatement’ and ‘No rebuilding insurance’, for instance.
• Insurers will often conduct surveys as part of their consideration as to
whether to accept a risk, and even if they do not ultimately accept that risk
the prospective insured will still have the benefit of the recommendations.
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Option 4 – Risk acceptance, even when it
exceeds the criteria, but
perhaps only for a limited
time until other measures
can be taken.
Option 1 – Risk avoidance, which usually means not proceeding to continue
with the system; this is not always a feasible option, but may be
the only course of action if the hazard or their probability of
occurrence or both are particularly serious;
Option 2 – Risk reduction, either through (a) reducing the probability of
occurrence of some events, or (b) through reduction in the
severity of the consequences, such as downsizing the system, or
(c) putting in place control measures;
Option 3 – Risk transfer, where insurance or other financial mechanisms can
be put in place to share or completely transfer the financial risk to
other parties; this is not a feasible option where the primary
consequences are not financial;
Option 4 – Risk acceptance, even when it exceeds the criteria, but perhaps
only for a limited time until other measures can be taken.
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(social, individual,
political, organizational,
(for the system are defined organization,
scenarios, and consequences of
(compare risks
against criteria)
option 1 - avoidance
option 2 - reduction
option 3 - transfer
option 4 - acceptance
Risk concern
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Reference: Bontempi, F. (2005) Frameworks for structural analysis, In: Innovation in Civil and Structural
Engineering Topping, BHV ed., pp. 1-24
High Probability –
Low Consequences
Low Probability –
High Consequences
Non linear issues and
interaction mechanisms
Low Probability – High Consequences Events
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Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (April 2007). The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (1st ed.). London:
Penguin. p. 400. ISBN 1-84614045-5.
A Black Swan is an event with the following three attributes.
1. First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations,
because nothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility.
Rarity -The event is a surprise (to the observer).
2. Second, it carries an extreme 'impact'.
Extreme “impact” - the event has a major effect.
3. Third, in spite of its outlier status, human nature makes us concoct
explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and
Retrospective (though not prospective) predictability - After the first
recorded instance of the event, it is rationalized by hindsight, as if it could
have been expected; that is, the relevant data were available but
unaccounted for in risk mitigation programs. The same is true for the
personal perception by individuals.
Black Swan Event
Black Swan Theory (1)
• The theory was developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb to explain:
1. The disproportionate role of high-profile, hard-to-predict, and rare events
that are beyond the realm of normal expectations in history, science,
finance, and technology.
2. The non-computability of the probability of the consequential rare events
using scientific methods (owing to the very nature of small probabilities).
3. The psychological biases that blind people, both individually and
collectively, to uncertainty and to a rare event's massive role in historical
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Black Swan Theory (2)
• The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that
describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often
inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. The
term is based on an ancient saying that presumed black swans did not exist –
a saying that became reinterpreted to teach a different lesson after black
swans were discovered in the wild.
• Taleb's "black swan theory" refers only to unexpected events of large
magnitude and consequence and their dominant role in history. Such events,
considered extreme outliers, collectively play vastly larger roles than regular
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More concepts
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Time horizon
“As Designed”
“As Built”
“As Actual”
“As Failed”
«As …»
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Structural response & safety format
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Levels of Structural Crisis
Structural Robustness
1st level:
2nd level:
3rd level:
4th level:
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Ideal structural response
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Role of imperfections
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Load or displacement imposed (1)
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Load or displacement imposed (2)
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Load or displacement imposed (3)
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• Ma, oltre a queste osservazioni, mi sembra opportuno concludere
osservando in via generale che, relativamente ai metodi di calcolo e alle
normative, si debba evitare di dar loro importanza eccessiva, per non
mettere in ombra la progettazione vera e propria.
• La quale ha nel calcolo soltanto una delle sue fasi, seppure fondamentale,
mentre trova in altre questioni aspetti altrettanto qualificanti: intendo
soprattutto la concezione generale delle strutture; l’armonica distribuzione
delle masse; i particolari costruttivi; l’analisi dei problemi esecutivi e dei
costi; l’esame critico del comportamento generale della costruzione
comprendente anche, e non secondariamente, la presenza di elementi non
strutturali e della parte del terreno coinvolta dalla struttura.
• Fatti, questi, che debbono entrare nel vivo del processo progettuale,
divenendo una forza unica e ogni volta diversa. Fatti che non possono essere
unitariamente colti da elaborazioni numeriche e computers come invece può
riuscire a fare la mente umana con gli insostituibili ausili, peculiari soltanto
ad essa, dell’intuizione, dell’inventiva, della fantasia, della creatività.
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costruzioni esistenti in muratura
• Il criterio più generale di progetto riguarda la semplicità: per l’Ingegneria
questo è un valore fondamentale, perché pone i fondamenti per la certezza
di comportamento.
• Questo vale diventa, quindi, una strategia globale per non introdurre
ulteriori complessità in un ambiente già di per se altamente incerto.
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Regolarità geometrica e simmetria
• La regolarità geometrica riguarda la disposizione in pianta ed in elevazione
della struttura; riguarda l’adozione di una configurazione geometrica chiara,
lineare, con limitate eccentricità e variazioni brusche di masse o rigidezze,
con possibili simmetrie e ripetizioni.
• Questo è un criterio che coinvolge tutte le scale strutturali, dai componenti
all’intera struttura: si pensi alle connessioni delle aste nelle strutture
reticolari al fine di evitare sollecitazioni parassite o alla disposizione di un
intero edificio.
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Iperstaticità e ridondanza
• La ridondanza strutturale consiste nel prevedere la duplicazione dei percorsi
e dei meccanismi resistenti, ponendoli in parallelo, in modo da assicurare la
sicurezza globale dell’opera anche in caso di crisi da parte di un sistema
resistente, per mezzo della ridistribuzione dei percorsi di carico.
• A questa si accosta il concetto di iperstaticità, che consiste nel progettare
strutture con vincoli ed interconnessioni sovrabbondanti rispetto alla
quantità strettamente necessaria.
• Entrambi i criteri assumono un importante ruolo nel governo del
comportamento strutturale, indirizzando nelle dovute forme le modalità di
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Prevedibilità nel tempo
• Riguarda la necessità di utilizzare materiali, componenti o soluzioni il cui
comportamento sia il più possibile prevedibile.
• Anche in questo caso, alterazioni brusche ed imprevedibili dei
comportamenti meccanici di materiali e componenti, che si ripercuotano
sulla risposta strutturale complessiva, non possono essere accettabili.
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Principio di precauzione
• Il criterio si rivolge alla scelta dei materiali e prodotti strutturali da usare
nelle opere affinché si possa garantire il rispetto dei requisiti
precedentemente indicati. Nel caso si scelgano materiali e prodotti non
esplicitamente citati nelle norme si richiede che tali materiali possano essere
impiegati solo se il produttore ne garantisce prestazioni in linea con quanto
richiesto dalla norma stessa.
• Per poter essere utilizzato ai fini strutturali, un materiale o un componente
devono avere caratteristiche geometriche, chimiche, fisiche e meccaniche,
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Design method
Problem solving
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Constructive attitude
Knowledge of the design
method, how it is done or to
know things, is a liberating value:
it is a "do-it-yourself" yourself.
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Design method
Problem solving
13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
Constructive attitude
Knowledge of the design
method, how it is done or to
know things, is a liberating value:
it is a "do-it-yourself" yourself.
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No archistar
13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
Luxury is the manifestation of the
uncivilized wealth that wants to
impress who is poor.
It is the manifestation of the
importance that is given to the
exteriority and reveals the lack of
interest in the whole cultural
It's the triumph of appearance on
the substance.
13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
Simplifying means trying to solve the
problem by eliminating everything that is
not needed to perform the functions
Simplifying is to reduce costs, reduce
machining, assembly, and finishing times.
One wants to solve two issues together in
one solution. Simplifying is a hard work and
requires a lot of creativity.
Complicating is much easier, just add
anything what comes to your mind without
worrying if costs go beyond sales limits,
you take more time to realize the object,
and so on.
13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
It is necessary, however, to say that the general
public is more inclined to evaluate the manual
"so much work" that it takes to do a
complicated thing than to recognize the "so
much work" mental that it wants to simplify,
since then you can not see it.
Indeed, people in the face of simple solutions,
which may have required lengthy research and
trials, say: but how, is everything here? but this
I knew I did too!
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It is important to consider things
not only for what they are, but
also for what they might be.
Generally, the same thing can be
looked at in many respects, and
sometimes the less obvious
points of view are most useful.
It's always worth it, when
something is happening for what
it is, to go deep into the exam to
see what else it might be.
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Time horizon
Structural Robustness (1)
permanent interruption of a system ability
to perform a required function
under specified operating conditions
the system is in an incorrect state:
it may or may not cause failure
it is a defect and represents a
potential cause of error, active or dormant
less robust
more robust
13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
Structural Robustness (2)
• Capacity of a construction to show regular decrease of its
structural quality due to negative causes.
• It implies:
a) some smoothness of the decrease of structural performance
due to negative events (intensive feature);
b) some limited spatial spread of the rupture (extensive
• Fragility is the opposite of robustness.
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Structural Robustness (3)
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time 129
Runaway (1)
is a process in which
objects are destroyed by
collapsing on themselves
is a process
Bad vs Good Collapse
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costruzioni esistenti in muratura
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Time horizon
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Definition (not univocal):
A resilient community is defined as the one having the ability to absorb disaster
impacts and rapidly return to normal socioeconomic activity.
MCEER (Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research), (2006). “MCEER’s Resilience Framework”. Available at
NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program), 2010. “Comments on the Meaning of Resilience”. NEHRP Technical
report. Available at
MCEER framework for resilience evaluation:
Initial losses Recovery time, depending on:
• Resourcefulness
• Rapidity
Disaster strikes
(disaster) resilience
13/06/2018 141costruzioni esistenti in muratura
(disaster) resilience
Definition (not univocal):
A resilient community is defined as the one having the ability to absorb disaster
impacts and rapidly return to normal socioeconomic activity.
MCEER (Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research), (2006). “MCEER’s Resilience Framework”. Available at
NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program), 2010. “Comments on the Meaning of Resilience”. NEHRP Technical
report. Available at
MCEER framework for resilience evaluation:
Resilience is inversely proportional to the area A.
Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration
big earth uake,
human error, …
nrecoverable uality level survivability threshold
egradation of the uality due to
continuous occurrences e.g. aging
LP e e t
P e e t
eight of the
discrete event
Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration
Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration
uring the event
Aftermath of
the event
i. Historical political decisions (e.g. political regime) influence the initial system quality Q0.
This parameter is related the initial system state.
Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration
uring the event
Aftermath of
the event
ii. Urban and social service planning is relevant for the pre-event system integrity and it is
one of the factors determining the trend of system quality before the event (dQ/dt) and the
amount of immediate losses (ΔQ). The first parameter is by a statistical correlation
between the political decision and the quality trend, while the second parameter can be
modeled by the system fragility.
Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration
uring the event
Aftermath of
the event
iii. Fast decisions are taken during the event or a disaster (on the basis of knowledge and
experience from similar past events - if any - and the system properness knowledge). The
political decisions in this phase influence the initial slope of the recovery phase (dQR/dt).
This parameter can be modeled by a statistical correlation between the political decision
and the quality trend.
Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration
uring the event
Aftermath of
the event
iv. Emergency plans and prioritization of recovery actions are relevant in the aftermath of the
event (recovery phase). In addition, the declaration of a state of emergency can have a
substantial short and long-term effect on the local economy. The actions in this phase
influence the shape of the recovery function fR(t).
Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration
uring the event
Aftermath of
the event
v. Urban and social service re-planning on the basis of the consequences of the occurred
event are relevant in the long run (influencing the losses and the recovery for the next
discrete event).
Robustness / Resilience
1 bar
determinate structure
n bar
indeterminate structure
1/n bar
stand-by structure
Passive behavior before Active behavior after
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13/06/2018 151costruzioni esistenti in muratura
References: Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (November 2012). Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder(1st ed.). London:
Penguin. p. 519. ISBN 1-400-06782-0.
People/systems/organizations/things/ideas can be described in one
of three ways:
- fragile
- resilient, or
- antifragile
"Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when
exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love
adventure, risk, and uncertainty. Yet, in spite of the ubiquity of the
phenomenon, there is no word for the exact opposite of fragile.
Let us call it anti-fragile. Anti-fragility is beyond resilience or
robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the
anti-fragile gets better".
“an i- ragili y”
• Taleb introduces the book as follows:
• "Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to
volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and
uncertainty. Yet, in spite of the ubiquity of the phenomenon, there is no
word for the exact opposite of fragile. Let us call it antifragile. Antifragility is
beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the
same; the antifragile gets better.“
13/06/2018 153costruzioni esistenti in muratura
References: Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (November 2012). Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder(1st ed.). London:
Penguin. p. 519. ISBN 1-400-06782-0 .
“an i- ragili y”
Things that are fragile
break or suffer from
chaos and randomness.
The resilient, or
robust, don’t care if
circumstances become
volatile or disruptive
(up to a point).
Things that are anti-
fragile grow and
strengthen from
volatility and stress (to
a point).
13/06/2018 155
costruzioni esistenti in muratura
The standards
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Ergonomia delle norme
16713/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
• «Ma un numero di regole eccessivo comporta vari degli
inconvenienti dianzi citati e in particolare:
- l'impoverimento dell'autonomia e della creatività, in
quanto l'opera del progettista è irretita dalle norme;
- la difficoltà di discernere ciò che veramente conta;
- la sensazione di avere, al riparo delle norme,
responsabilità assai alleviate;
- la difficoltà non infrequente di rendersi conto dei
ragionamenti che giustificano certe regole, rischiando di
considerare queste alla stregua di algoritmi, ossia di
schemi operativi che, una volta appresi, il pensiero non è
più chiamato a giustificare.»
13/06/2018 168
- Proliferazione delle normative e tecnicismo. Ultima lezione ufficiale del corso di Tecnica delle costruzioni
tenuta dal prof. Piero Pozzati nell'a.a. 1991-'92, presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università di Bologna (3
giugno 1992).
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16913/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
Vn = 100
Cu = 2
q0 = 4
Vn = 100
Cu = 2
q0 = 2
di ritorno
Vn = 50
Cu = 1
q0 = 2
Opere ordinarie, ponti, opere infrastrutturali
e dighe di dimensioni contenute o di importanza normale
Grandi opere, ponti, opere infrastrutturali
e dighe di grandi dimensioni o di importanza strategica
13/06/2018 171
Causes of System Failure
Unknown phenomena
Known phenomena
Research level Design code level
past present future
costruzioni esistenti in muratura
General Failure Model
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Due diligence
• Due diligence (also known as due care) is the effort made by an
ordinarily prudent or reasonable party to avoid harm to another
party. Failure to make this effort is considered negligence.
• It is necessary to discover all risks and implications regarding a
decision to be made
• Due diligence is also a dynamic concept in that it is a constantly
evolving standard of care that is determined by the requirements
of law, industry standards as well as professional and other codes
of practice.
costruzioni esistenti in muratura
Tecnica delle Costruzioni
13/06/2018 174costruzioni esistenti in muratura
•Il settore della Tecnica delle Costruzioni si interessa
dell’attività scientifica e didattico-formativa inerente teorie
e tecniche rivolte sia alla concezione strutturale ed al
progetto di nuove costruzioni, sia alla verifica ed alla
riabilitazione strutturale di quelle esistenti.
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• I contenuti scientifico-disciplinari riguardano:
- le azioni sulle costruzioni, compreso l’effetto dell’azio e sismica,
- il comportamento delle strutture in funzione della tipologia e della
morfologia, dei materiali, delle tec iche e delle tec ologie, dell’i terazio e
col terreno e con l'ambiente, dei modi e delle strategie d'uso e di controllo;
- metodi e strumenti per la progettazione strutturale, la realizzazione e la
gestione di strutture;
- valutazioni di vulnerabilità, affidabilità, comfort, sicurezza e durabilità;
- sperimentazione, collaudo e monitoraggio delle costruzioni;
- indagini storiche sul costruire, verifiche di sicurezza e soluzioni d'intervento
strutturale applicabili all’edilizia storica ed ai mo ume ti;
- architettura strutturale.
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Statement della giornata (1)
•La Tecnica delle Costruzioni si occupa della concezione e
della progettazione strutturale.
•E’ una disciplina di sintesi - in cui confluiscono idee, teorie,
metodi, strumenti, sperimentazione, sviluppo storico e
principi empirici – che porta alla scelta oculata di schemi
portanti, elementi e componenti, materiali strutturali,
partendo da una solida e ampia base culturale.
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Statement della giornata (2)
•Il progetto strutturale riguarda con una visione olistica tutto
il ciclo di vita di una costruzione e l’ambiente in cui è
immersa, prevedendo necessariamente un percorso
decisionale caratterizzato da assunzione di responsabilità.
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Statement della giornata (3)
•L’analisi strutturale è il presupposto per capire ed esplorare
qualitativamente e quantitativamente il comportamento
strutturale in termini di prestazioni e sicurezza della
costruzione nel suo insieme, ivi compresi i componenti non
•La corretta comprensione della relazione fra modello e
realtà è essenziale a tal fine.
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Statement della giornata (4)
•Lo studio di casi reali di costruzioni, in particolare nei casi di
fallimento, è fonte essenziale di aumento di conoscenza
della disciplina.
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Statement della giornata (5)
• L’insegnamento della disciplina deve:
- partire dai principi meccanici generali,
- favorire una valida comprensione dei comportamenti strutturali
elementari e complessivi, anche alla luce della storia di
insuccessi costruttivi,
- predisporre a una fondata organizzazione della disposizione
delle varie parti strutturali supportata da una coerente scelta dei
- aiutare ad individuare le possibili situazioni in cui una
costruzione può trovarsi in termini di azioni e configurazioni.
costruzioni esistenti in muratura
13/06/2018 182costruzioni esistenti in muratura

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Terms of the problem: heritage, cities, risk, vulnerability, robustness, resilience

  • 1. Terms of the problem: heritage, cities, risk, vulnerability, robustness, resilience. Franco Bontempi School of Civil and Industrial Engineering University of Rome La Sapienza 13/06/2018 1costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 8. Index 1.The heritage 2.The city 3.General concepts 4.More concepts 5.Reflections 13/06/2018 8costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 9. The heritage What is, its contribution, cultural dimensions. 13/06/2018 9 1 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 10. Motivation after Maslow 1013/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 11. 13/06/2018 11 Design after Schleich costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 12. What is heritage (1) • Cultural heritage is often associated with grandiose monuments and iconic archaeological sites that can hold us in awe of their beauty, history and sheer scale. • However, the understanding of cultural heritage has undergone a marked shift during the last few decades in terms of what it is, why it is important, why it is at risk and what can be done to protect it. 13/06/2018 12costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 13. What is heritage (2) • Cultural heritage today encompasses a broader array of places such as historic cities, living cultural landscapes, gardens or sacred forests and mountains, technological or industrial achievements in the recent past and even sites associated with painful memories and war. • Collections of movable and immoveable items within sites, museums, historic properties and archives have also increased significantly in scope, testifying not only to the lifestyles of royalty and the achievements of great artists, but also to the everyday lives of ordinary people. • At the same time intangibles such as knowledge, beliefs and value systems are fundamental aspects of heritage that have a powerful influence on people’s daily choices and behaviors. 13/06/2018 13costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 14. Heritage contributions (1) • Heritage contributes to social cohesion, sustainable development and psychological wellbeing. • A considerable wealth of experience exists in protecting heritage from disasters and in harnessing the potential of a well maintained historic environment to strengthen the resilience of communities. • Nevertheless, with a few notable exceptions, efforts to protect heritage from disaster risk remain fragmented and efforts to draw on heritage as an instrument for building resilience remain inconsistent. • Protecting heritage promotes resilience. 13/06/2018 14costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 15. Heritage contributions (2) • The safeguarding of cultural heritage is important and must be ensured for future generations, not only because it is a source of the cultural identity of a local community, but also because cultural heritage is a driving force of the economy. • Natural events may become disasters if one is unprepared, and the preparation includes a proper maintenance of historical centres of cities, where the most important art works and cultural assets of a community are hosted. • In addition, a well maintained and living historic environment is very resilient to natural phenomena. 13/06/2018 15costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 16. Heritage drives sustainable development/economies • Today, as in the past, cultural heritage continues to perform its irreplaceable role as a source of meaning and identity for communities and individuals. Heritage is not a relic of the past, but is increasingly instrumental in steering sustainable development and the wellbeing of communities. • Many people, especially the poor, depend directly on ecosystems for their livelihoods, their economic, social and physical well-being, and their cultural heritage, and this calls for the conservation, as appropriate, of the natural and cultural heritage of human settlements, the revitalization of historic districts and the rehabilitation of city centres. 13/06/2018 16costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 17. Heritage drives sustainable development/economies • The safeguarding of cultural heritage sites and of the ensemble of intangible cultural expressions, knowledge and skills that, collectively, define a community, can be considered in itself a contribution to human wellbeing. • Cultural heritage is also a powerful asset for inclusive economic development, by attracting investments and promoting green, locally based, stable and decent jobs related to a wide range of sustainable activities in areas such as tourism, conservation, construction, food production, traditional healing and, the production of crafts of all kinds and the arts in general. 13/06/2018 17costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 18. Heritage for inclusive social development • Finally, cultural heritage appears also to be closely connected to the fundamental components of an inclusive social development. • As a vehicle to express values and identity, and organize communities and their relationships through its powerful symbolic and aesthetic dimensions, cultural heritage is essential to the spiritual wellbeing of people. • The acknowledgment and conservation of the diversity of cultural heritage, fair access to it and equitable sharing of the benefits deriving from its use enhance the feeling of place and belonging, mutual respect and sense of collective purpose, and ability to maintain a common good, which has the potential to contribute to the social cohesion of a community and reduce inequalities. 13/06/2018 18costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 19. Disasters are driving losses to heritage • There has emerged a growing awareness that the loss of cultural properties and their values as society-related capital is essentially the loss of a common catalyst that creates a ‘sense of place’ for all generations of people. • Disasters caused by natural and human-induced hazards result in the destruction of countless historical properties, museums and archives that hold the history of humanity within their walls. Cultural landscapes and natural heritage are being destroyed, and with them valued ecosystem services. 13/06/2018 19costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 20. Heritage contributes to resilience • In the same way that biological diversity increases the resilience of natural systems, cultural diversity has the capacity to increase the resilience of social systems. • The maintenance of cultural diversity into the future, and the knowledge, innovations and outlooks it contains, increase the capacity of human systems to adapt to and cope with change. • Cultural heritage, as a key component of cultural diversity, is a critical consideration for any strategy to build the resilience of communities. 13/06/2018 20costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 22. Resilience • It is “the ability of a system and its component parts to anticipate, absorb, accommodate, or recover from the effects of a hazardous event in a timely and efficient manner, including through ensuring the preservation, restoration, or improvement of its essential basic structures and functions”. • Resilience applies to both people and the built and natural environment and is shaped by both physical and social factors. • Experience has shown that degradation of natural resources, neglected rural areas, urban sprawl and poorly engineered new construction increase the vulnerability of communities to disaster risks. On the other hand, a well- conserved natural and historic environment, based on traditional knowledge and skills, considerably reduces underlying vulnerability factors, strengthens the resilience of communities and saves lives. 13/06/2018 22costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 23. Symbolism • The symbolism inherent in heritage is also a powerful means to help victims recover from the psychological impact of disasters. In such situations, people search desperately for identity and self-esteem. Traditional social networks that provide mutual support and access to collective assets are extremely effective coping mechanisms for community members. • The virtues of heritage should be recognized and built upon, while at the same time, those aspects of heritage that contribute to physical, social and attitudinal vulnerability should be appropriately addressed through efforts to promote a robust culture of prevention. 13/06/2018 23costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 25. Kind of knowledge • Both modern science and indigenous knowledge play vitals roles in reducing communities’ risks. Taking advantage of scientific and technological advances does not imply disregarding the capacities and resources already available locally. Indigenous knowledge for disaster reduction lies in the accumulated experience that comes with the close relationship of communities to their environment. • Communities have learned to read the signs in the sea, the skies and wildlife to predict hazards. Direct experience with disasters has taught many communities the duration, location, time, frequency, intensity, predictability, onset and possible behavior of the hazards linked to these events. • Likewise, local technologies and construction practices often reflect adaptations to the environmental conditions. 13/06/2018 25costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 26. Cultural dimensions • Cultural values and beliefs underlie the decisions people make when facing risk and coping with disasters. • Moreover, cultural values provide a source of pride and identity that can inspire communities to undertake bold actions. An understanding of these values can greatly enhance the effectiveness of risk communication and can speed economic as well as psycho-social recovery after disaster strikes. • Understanding how people interpret risks and choose actions based on their interpretations are vital to any strategy for disaster reduction. • These issues have significant implications for efforts to cultivate a ‘culture of prevention’, particularly as they relate to risk communication and motivation to act on that information. 13/06/2018 26costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 27. Recovery • Cultural heritage can play an important role in the recovery of the victims of disasters. • Often, cultural insensitivity or ignorance in post-disaster recovery programmes can have adverse effects on people. • It was found that those villages which were reconstructed on the basis of traditional architecture, with courtyards and surrounding verandahs using locally available materials and skills and cluster planning of neighbourhoods, were adapted by the villagers much more successfully than those that had ‘city-like’ layouts, with wide streets forming grid patterns and row housing built using imported building materials and construction technology. 13/06/2018 27costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 30. Understanding of culture • An understanding of culture is an important instrument for the many organizations working to build resilient communities and nations. • The tools for cultivating culturally informed approaches to risk reduction can be quite basic, including an openness and sensitivity to cultural differences. • Spending time with communities and asking about their views and experience is essential. • Investments in understanding culture yields dividends in fostering a genuine culture of prevention and promoting resilience in disaster-affected communities. 13/06/2018 30costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 31. The city 13/06/2018 31 2 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 35. 13/06/2018 35 City after Lynch Kevin Andrew Lynch (January 7, 1918 – April 25, 1984) was an American urban planner and author. He is known for his work on the perceptual form of urban environments and was an early proponent of mental mapping. His most influential books include The Image of the City (1960), a seminal work on the perceptual form of urban environments, and What Time is This Place? (1972), which theorizes how the physical environment captures and refigures temporal processes. A student of architect Frank Lloyd Wright before training in city planning, Lynch spent his academic career at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, teaching there from 1948 to 1978. He practiced site planning and urban design professionally with Carr/Lynch Associates, later known as Carr, Lynch, and Sandell. costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 36. Performance of the city The degree of good city performance is determined by its ability of providing biological, psychological, social and cultural requirements to its inhabitants. 13/06/2018 36costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 37. Vitality • The degree to which the city sustains the essential, biological performance of human beings: this is the supports of our bodies needs such as water, air, energy and food, there should be sufficient supply of them to sustain life, moreover good settlement should be free of danger, poisons and disasters, then it supports safety for its inhabitants. 13/06/2018 37costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 38. Sense • It is the degree of fit between the physical city (form) and the way people recognize and organize it in their minds. • In other words, it is the degree of homogeneity between environment and observer. Sense then, reflects the clarity with which people perceive the space. • Sense depends upon spatial structure, quality, the culture and the current purpose of the observer. 13/06/2018 38costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 39. Fit • It is the match between the action (function) and the physical city (form). • It is “ how well the spatial and temporal pattern of a settlement matches the customary behavior of its inhabitants”. • When there is congruence between form and patterns of behaviors, people feel comfortable; conversely, absence or lack of fit could make it uncomfortable and difficult to behave through an area. 13/06/2018 39costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 40. Accessibility • That is not means the ability to reach transportation only, but to access to all things such as services, information, other places and to other peoples also, then an interaction is established between these variables. • Access offers the degree of choice and diversity presented to us. • A place should provide people with information about physical ways of reaching it. 13/06/2018 40costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 41. Control • It the degree to which the environment is under the control of the people who actually use it or reside in it. • According to Hall, control gives people feelings of power and stability. • People feel in control when there is enough social and physical space to do as they need. 13/06/2018 41costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 42. 13/06/2018 42 Lynch’s Theory of Good City Form costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 44. Sense (1) • It is clearly believed that building the image of an environment is a two way process, it is the result of an interaction between the observer and the environment in which he lives. • The process is not just how we see things and others, but also how others see us as a part of environment. • Consequently, it reflects the influence of observer and environment on each other: “ nothing is experienced by itself, but in relation to its surroundings, the sequences of events leading up to it”. 13/06/2018 44costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 45. Sense (2) • Sense of the city as mentioned above represents the relationship between physical environment and cognition, since its components are the observer and his environment, this sense can be broken into six elements: • Identity, • Structure, • Meaning, • Congruence, • Transparency (Immediacy), • Legibility 13/06/2018 45costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 46. Identity • “Identity is the characteristic that allow us to differentiate one space from another”. • It is the character and spatial attributes of an object or a place that enhance the ability of recognizing and identifying an environment, those attributes of the object make it distinct, ultimately unique and easily separable, then it stands for individuality or oneness. • Place identity is closely linked to personal identity, “I am here supports I am”. • There is not only an identity of place, but also an identity of events which differs naturally from the first as it gives peoples a means to remember events that happened, thus helps them to structure their life. 13/06/2018 46costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 47. Structure • It is how the object is placed in the space considering its relation to the observer and to other objects, as the object is not seen isolated from surroundings but as a part of all environmental components. • “The architect has to realize that the forms of his buildings react on adjacent forms”. • Norberg-Schulz and Lynch refer to organization when they talk about structure. 13/06/2018 47costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 48. Meaning • Meaning is that which the place stands for or represent. • It is a hidden character of the object and the deepen sense that reflects the importance of the object, this sense may be practical or emotional. • The meaning is a complicated notion, its sides are difficult to be specified, but can be separated from the form in the early stages of analysis. A particular city may stands for enjoyment, power, vitality, mystery or something else presented in mental image of its inhabitants. • Lynch says that “the visual environment should be meaningful; that is, its visible character should relate to other aspects of life”. • Steinitz (1968) made an inference that the city becomes more meaningful and known to its inhabitants when there is a congruence between its physical form and activity. 13/06/2018 48costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 49. Congruence • It is the relationship of the form to its function. • In other words, how is the environmental structure congruent with nonspatial structure. • For instance, what degree of congruence between a residential building and family size. • Congruence can be tested by comparing abstraction of place with abstraction of function. 13/06/2018 49costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 50. Transparency (Immediacy) • It stands for the degree of visibility of process occurring in the place to users. • In other words, it is the degree to which one can actually see what's going. • There are many events occur in the city such as selling, buying and movement, how many of them we can see actually. Definitely, we see less of what actually happening. 13/06/2018 50costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 51. Legibility • It is the term that has been used for along time in urban planning defined as “the ease with which its parts can be recognized and organized into a coherent pattern”. • This definition estates that degree of legibility depends upon the formation of cognitive maps within wayfarers mind. • Legibility is “the degree of distinctiveness that enables the viewer to understand or categorize the contents of a scene the greater the legibility the greater the preference”. • It is the quality which makes an area understandable. 13/06/2018 51costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 52. Notes on legibility (1) • Lynch considers Legibility as a physical and spatial characteristic of the environment, so visual sensations of color, motion, smell, touch and sound…etc. are all cues of orientation that reinforce legibility. This view postulates that environmental surroundings influence immediately spatial cognition, and spatial representation is isomorphic to the physical structure. • According to Lynch definition, legibility can enhance the identity, structure and the meaning of environmental surroundings. The city may has strong identity and character but still confusing and unclear because of confusion of its path system. 13/06/2018 52costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 53. Notes on legibility (2) • Identity and structure are the formal components which help us to perceive and organize both of space and time in themselves, while congruence, transparency and legibility are the informal ones which create interaction between environment and other sides of our lives. • It worth mentioning that Lynch's initial interest was of legibility, but soon the focus adjusted to the issue of the city's mental representation. This led Lynch to the concept of imageability and the identification of the city elements (paths, edges, nodes, landmarks, and districts). The sketch map drawn by city's dweller is more accurate and legible than that drawn by a visitor because image clarity is improved by familiarity and its conformity with stereotype. 13/06/2018 53costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 54. 13/06/2018 54 Lynch’s Theory of Good City Form costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 57. FAR FIELD ZONE EXCHAGE ZONE STRUCTURE FAR FIELD ZONE EXCHAGE ZONE STRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE OBJECT NET Local / Punctual Scale Global / Regional Scale Structural System Infrastructural System Also if artificial, these systems need to have necessarily evolutive soundness, ecological coherence and sustainability characteristics Structure / Infrastructure 5713/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 58. Ecology 1. The branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms. 2. The set of relationships existing between organisms and their environment: desert ecologies. 3. The set of relationships existing between any complex system and its surroundings or environment. 4. Ecological engineering uses ecology and engineering to predict, design, construct or restore, and manage ecosystems that integrate "human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both“. 13/06/2018 58costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 59. Survivability • Survivability is the ability to remain alive or continue to exist. • Ecological: Following disruptive forces such as flood, fire, disease, war, or climate change some species of flora, fauna, and local life forms are likely to survive more successfully than others because of consequent changes to their surrounding biophysical conditions. • In engineering, survivability is the quantified ability of a system, subsystem, equipment, process, or procedure to continue to function during and after a natural or man-made disturbance. • For a given application, survivability must be qualified by specifying the range of conditions over which the entity will survive, the minimum acceptable level functionality, and the maximum acceptable downtime. 13/06/2018 59costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 60. Evolution 1. Any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2. A product of such development; something evolved: the exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research. 3. Biology: the change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift. 13/06/2018 60costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 61. Sustainability • Sustainability is the process of change, in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations. • The organizing principle for sustainability is sustainable development, which includes the following interconnected domains: environment, economic and social. Sub-domains of sustainable development have been considered also: cultural, technological and political. • Sustainable development, is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 13/06/2018 61costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 62. 13/06/2018 62 Scheme of sustainable development costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 63. Vulnerability • The state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. • Vulnerability refers to the inability (of a system or a unit) to withstand the effects of a hostile environment. • A window of vulnerability (WOV) is a time frame within which defensive measures are diminished, compromised or lacking. • The understanding of a system vulnerability, as a methodological approach, involves the analysis of the risks and assets of the system itself. 13/06/2018 63costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 65. Risk • A probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action. • At its simplest, risk is the possibility of an adverse outcome. Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of a series of events and the associated likelihood of occurrence. The probability, frequency of occurrence and impact of an event are factors which should be considered in any analysis of risk. • Possibility of loss or injury 13/06/2018 65costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 68. Option 1 – Risk avoidance, which usually means not proceeding to continue with the system; this is not always a feasible option, but may be the only course of action if the hazard or their probability of occurrence or both are particularly serious; 13/06/2018 68
  • 70. Option 2 – Risk reduction, either through (a) reducing the probability of occurrence of some events, or (b) through reduction in the severity of the consequences, such as downsizing the system, or (c) putting in place control measures; 13/06/2018 70
  • 72. Option 3 – Risk transfer, where insurance or other financial mechanisms can be put in place to share or completely transfer the financial risk to other parties; this is not a feasible option where the primary consequences are not financial; 13/06/2018 72
  • 73. Using insurance and risk transfer effectively • In some respects the use of insurance for cultural heritage may seem problematic, for example in terms of estimating the appropriate insurance value of something that is unique, priceless and often intangible. • However, the insurance industry plays an important role in promoting investments in risk reduction, specifically as a means to reduce the cost of losses. • One of the primary functions of insurance is to spread losses and to reduce financial exposure; this is often the only means that owners and managers of heritage assets have to invest in recovery or restoration after damage. • Business interruption and denial of access, for instance, are important considerations for many heritage managers. 13/06/2018 73costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 74. Insurance for the damage or for the event • Important lessons were learned about testing the insurance policy to see if coverage was ‘for the damage’ or ‘for the event’. • A similar situation property was damaged by hurricanes Rita and Katrina. This was subsequently the subject of litigation and it was decided in the US case that even if the building had not been damaged, it would have suffered the same business interruption loss because of the devastation to the surrounding area and therefore the claim was allowed. 13/06/2018 74costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 75. More about insurance • Another important issue is the appropriateness of the insurance policy to the heritage site: a cultural heritage site contains an inherent and unique series of values which deserve a higher degree of care and consideration than modern property counterparts. • This heightened sensitivity needs to be applied when assessing requirements for property insurance for cultural heritage sites to ensure that the appropriate levels of cover is achieved. For these reasons, the choice and level of coverage is extremely important, with significant differences between ‘Total reinstatement’ and ‘No rebuilding insurance’, for instance. • Insurers will often conduct surveys as part of their consideration as to whether to accept a risk, and even if they do not ultimately accept that risk the prospective insured will still have the benefit of the recommendations. 13/06/2018 75costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 76. 13/06/2018 76 Option 4 – Risk acceptance, even when it exceeds the criteria, but perhaps only for a limited time until other measures can be taken.
  • 77. Option 1 – Risk avoidance, which usually means not proceeding to continue with the system; this is not always a feasible option, but may be the only course of action if the hazard or their probability of occurrence or both are particularly serious; Option 2 – Risk reduction, either through (a) reducing the probability of occurrence of some events, or (b) through reduction in the severity of the consequences, such as downsizing the system, or (c) putting in place control measures; Option 3 – Risk transfer, where insurance or other financial mechanisms can be put in place to share or completely transfer the financial risk to other parties; this is not a feasible option where the primary consequences are not financial; Option 4 – Risk acceptance, even when it exceeds the criteria, but perhaps only for a limited time until other measures can be taken. 7713/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 78. DEFINE CONTEXT (social, individual, political, organizational, technological) RSK ANALYSIS (for the system are defined organization, scenarios, and consequences of occurences) RISK ASSESSMENT (compare risks against criteria) RISK TREATMENT option 1 - avoidance option 2 - reduction option 3 - transfer option 4 - acceptance MONITOR AND REVIEW RISK MANAGEMENT RISK ANALYSIS RISK ASSESSMENT 7813/06/2018 Risk concern costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 83. Reference: Bontempi, F. (2005) Frameworks for structural analysis, In: Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering Topping, BHV ed., pp. 1-24 HPLC High Probability – Low Consequences LPHC Low Probability – High Consequences Complexity Non linear issues and interaction mechanisms Designapproach: StochasticDeterministic QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS PROBABILISTIC RISK ANALYSIS PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF RISK SCENARIOS Low Probability – High Consequences Events 13/06/2018 83costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 84. Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (April 2007). The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (1st ed.). London: Penguin. p. 400. ISBN 1-84614045-5. A Black Swan is an event with the following three attributes. 1. First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations, because nothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility. Rarity -The event is a surprise (to the observer). 2. Second, it carries an extreme 'impact'. Extreme “impact” - the event has a major effect. 3. Third, in spite of its outlier status, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable. Retrospective (though not prospective) predictability - After the first recorded instance of the event, it is rationalized by hindsight, as if it could have been expected; that is, the relevant data were available but unaccounted for in risk mitigation programs. The same is true for the personal perception by individuals. Black Swan Event 84
  • 85. Black Swan Theory (1) • The theory was developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb to explain: 1. The disproportionate role of high-profile, hard-to-predict, and rare events that are beyond the realm of normal expectations in history, science, finance, and technology. 2. The non-computability of the probability of the consequential rare events using scientific methods (owing to the very nature of small probabilities). 3. The psychological biases that blind people, both individually and collectively, to uncertainty and to a rare event's massive role in historical affairs. 13/06/2018 85costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 86. Black Swan Theory (2) • The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. The term is based on an ancient saying that presumed black swans did not exist – a saying that became reinterpreted to teach a different lesson after black swans were discovered in the wild. • Taleb's "black swan theory" refers only to unexpected events of large magnitude and consequence and their dominant role in history. Such events, considered extreme outliers, collectively play vastly larger roles than regular occurrences 13/06/2018 86costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 90. RESILIENCERESILIENCE CONSTRUCTIONS NEW EXISTING COLLAPSED “As Designed” “As Built” “As Actual” “As Failed” «As …» 9013/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 92. 92 Structural response & safety format 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 93. Levels of Structural Crisis UsualULS&SLS VerificationFormat Structural Robustness Assessment 1st level: Material Point 2nd level: Element Section 3rd level: Structural Element 4th level: Structural System 9313/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 95. Ideal structural response 9513/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 96. Role of imperfections 9613/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 97. 97 Load or displacement imposed (1) 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 98. 98 Load or displacement imposed (2) 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 99. 99 Load or displacement imposed (3) 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 100. 100
  • 104. • Ma, oltre a queste osservazioni, mi sembra opportuno concludere osservando in via generale che, relativamente ai metodi di calcolo e alle normative, si debba evitare di dar loro importanza eccessiva, per non mettere in ombra la progettazione vera e propria. • La quale ha nel calcolo soltanto una delle sue fasi, seppure fondamentale, mentre trova in altre questioni aspetti altrettanto qualificanti: intendo soprattutto la concezione generale delle strutture; l’armonica distribuzione delle masse; i particolari costruttivi; l’analisi dei problemi esecutivi e dei costi; l’esame critico del comportamento generale della costruzione comprendente anche, e non secondariamente, la presenza di elementi non strutturali e della parte del terreno coinvolta dalla struttura. • Fatti, questi, che debbono entrare nel vivo del processo progettuale, divenendo una forza unica e ogni volta diversa. Fatti che non possono essere unitariamente colti da elaborazioni numeriche e computers come invece può riuscire a fare la mente umana con gli insostituibili ausili, peculiari soltanto ad essa, dell’intuizione, dell’inventiva, della fantasia, della creatività. 13/06/2018 104 - IL CONVENZIONALISMO NEL CALCOLO STRUTTURALE SISMICO – P. Pozzati 5 marzo 2004 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 105. 105 105 Semplicità • Il criterio più generale di progetto riguarda la semplicità: per l’Ingegneria questo è un valore fondamentale, perché pone i fondamenti per la certezza di comportamento. • Questo vale diventa, quindi, una strategia globale per non introdurre ulteriori complessità in un ambiente già di per se altamente incerto. 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 106. 106 106 Regolarità geometrica e simmetria • La regolarità geometrica riguarda la disposizione in pianta ed in elevazione della struttura; riguarda l’adozione di una configurazione geometrica chiara, lineare, con limitate eccentricità e variazioni brusche di masse o rigidezze, con possibili simmetrie e ripetizioni. • Questo è un criterio che coinvolge tutte le scale strutturali, dai componenti all’intera struttura: si pensi alle connessioni delle aste nelle strutture reticolari al fine di evitare sollecitazioni parassite o alla disposizione di un intero edificio. 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 107. 107 107 Iperstaticità e ridondanza • La ridondanza strutturale consiste nel prevedere la duplicazione dei percorsi e dei meccanismi resistenti, ponendoli in parallelo, in modo da assicurare la sicurezza globale dell’opera anche in caso di crisi da parte di un sistema resistente, per mezzo della ridistribuzione dei percorsi di carico. • A questa si accosta il concetto di iperstaticità, che consiste nel progettare strutture con vincoli ed interconnessioni sovrabbondanti rispetto alla quantità strettamente necessaria. • Entrambi i criteri assumono un importante ruolo nel governo del comportamento strutturale, indirizzando nelle dovute forme le modalità di collasso. 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 108. 108 108 Prevedibilità nel tempo • Riguarda la necessità di utilizzare materiali, componenti o soluzioni il cui comportamento sia il più possibile prevedibile. • Anche in questo caso, alterazioni brusche ed imprevedibili dei comportamenti meccanici di materiali e componenti, che si ripercuotano sulla risposta strutturale complessiva, non possono essere accettabili. 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 109. 109 109 Principio di precauzione • Il criterio si rivolge alla scelta dei materiali e prodotti strutturali da usare nelle opere affinché si possa garantire il rispetto dei requisiti precedentemente indicati. Nel caso si scelgano materiali e prodotti non esplicitamente citati nelle norme si richiede che tali materiali possano essere impiegati solo se il produttore ne garantisce prestazioni in linea con quanto richiesto dalla norma stessa. • Per poter essere utilizzato ai fini strutturali, un materiale o un componente devono avere caratteristiche geometriche, chimiche, fisiche e meccaniche, certe. 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 112. 112 Design method Problem solving 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 113. 113 Constructive attitude Knowledge of the design method, how it is done or to know things, is a liberating value: it is a "do-it-yourself" yourself. 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 114. 114 Design method Problem solving 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 115. 115 Constructive attitude Knowledge of the design method, how it is done or to know things, is a liberating value: it is a "do-it-yourself" yourself. 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 116. 116 No archistar 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 117. 117 Luxury is the manifestation of the uncivilized wealth that wants to impress who is poor. It is the manifestation of the importance that is given to the exteriority and reveals the lack of interest in the whole cultural elevation. It's the triumph of appearance on the substance. Disvalori Anti-values 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 118. 118 Simplifying means trying to solve the problem by eliminating everything that is not needed to perform the functions Simplifying is to reduce costs, reduce machining, assembly, and finishing times. One wants to solve two issues together in one solution. Simplifying is a hard work and requires a lot of creativity. Complicating is much easier, just add anything what comes to your mind without worrying if costs go beyond sales limits, you take more time to realize the object, and so on. Valori Values 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 119. 119 It is necessary, however, to say that the general public is more inclined to evaluate the manual "so much work" that it takes to do a complicated thing than to recognize the "so much work" mental that it wants to simplify, since then you can not see it. Indeed, people in the face of simple solutions, which may have required lengthy research and trials, say: but how, is everything here? but this I knew I did too! 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 120. 120 It is important to consider things not only for what they are, but also for what they might be. Generally, the same thing can be looked at in many respects, and sometimes the less obvious points of view are most useful. It's always worth it, when something is happening for what it is, to go deep into the exam to see what else it might be. Sostenibilità Sustainability 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 124. 124 Structural Robustness (1) ATTRIBUTES RELIABILITY AVAILABILITY SAFETY MAINTAINABILITY INTEGRITY SECURITY FAILURE ERROR FAULT permanent interruption of a system ability to perform a required function under specified operating conditions the system is in an incorrect state: it may or may not cause failure it is a defect and represents a potential cause of error, active or dormant THREATS NEGATIVE CAUSE STRUCTURALQUALITY less robust more robust 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 125. 125 Structural Robustness (2) • Capacity of a construction to show regular decrease of its structural quality due to negative causes. • It implies: a) some smoothness of the decrease of structural performance due to negative events (intensive feature); b) some limited spatial spread of the rupture (extensive feature). • Fragility is the opposite of robustness. 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 131. STRUCTURE & LOADS Collapse Mechanism NO SWAY “IMPLOSION” OF THE STRUCTURE “EXPLOSION” OF THE STRUCTURE is a process in which objects are destroyed by collapsing on themselves is a process NOT CONFINED SWAY 131 Bad vs Good Collapse 13/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 140. 140
  • 141. Definition (not univocal): A resilient community is defined as the one having the ability to absorb disaster impacts and rapidly return to normal socioeconomic activity. MCEER (Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research), (2006). “MCEER’s Resilience Framework”. Available at NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program), 2010. “Comments on the Meaning of Resilience”. NEHRP Technical report. Available at MCEER framework for resilience evaluation: Initial losses Recovery time, depending on: • Resourcefulness • Rapidity Disaster strikes Systemic Robustness (disaster) resilience 13/06/2018 141costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 142. (disaster) resilience Definition (not univocal): A resilient community is defined as the one having the ability to absorb disaster impacts and rapidly return to normal socioeconomic activity. MCEER (Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research), (2006). “MCEER’s Resilience Framework”. Available at NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program), 2010. “Comments on the Meaning of Resilience”. NEHRP Technical report. Available at MCEER framework for resilience evaluation: Resilience is inversely proportional to the area A. (dQ/dt) L0 TR (dQ/dt)0 A
  • 143. Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration big earth uake, human error, … nrecoverable uality level survivability threshold System demission ecovery elasticity egradation of the uality due to continuous occurrences e.g. aging LP e e t P e e t LC C eight of the discrete event
  • 144. Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration Hazards Losses (disaster) Event
  • 145. Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration Pre-event uring the event Aftermath of the event Long-runistorical i. Historical political decisions (e.g. political regime) influence the initial system quality Q0. This parameter is related the initial system state.
  • 146. Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration Pre-event uring the event Aftermath of the event Long-runistorical ii. Urban and social service planning is relevant for the pre-event system integrity and it is one of the factors determining the trend of system quality before the event (dQ/dt) and the amount of immediate losses (ΔQ). The first parameter is by a statistical correlation between the political decision and the quality trend, while the second parameter can be modeled by the system fragility.
  • 147. Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration Pre-event uring the event Aftermath of the event Long-runistorical iii. Fast decisions are taken during the event or a disaster (on the basis of knowledge and experience from similar past events - if any - and the system properness knowledge). The political decisions in this phase influence the initial slope of the recovery phase (dQR/dt). This parameter can be modeled by a statistical correlation between the political decision and the quality trend.
  • 148. Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration Pre-event uring the event Aftermath of the event Long-runistorical iv. Emergency plans and prioritization of recovery actions are relevant in the aftermath of the event (recovery phase). In addition, the declaration of a state of emergency can have a substantial short and long-term effect on the local economy. The actions in this phase influence the shape of the recovery function fR(t).
  • 149. Combined effect of discrete events and continuous deterioration Pre-event uring the event Aftermath of the event Long-runistorical v. Urban and social service re-planning on the basis of the consequences of the occurred event are relevant in the long run (influencing the losses and the recovery for the next discrete event).
  • 150. Robustness / Resilience 1 bar determinate structure fragile n bar indeterminate structure robust 1/n bar stand-by structure resilient Passive behavior before Active behavior after 13/06/2018 150costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 152. References: Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (November 2012). Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder(1st ed.). London: Penguin. p. 519. ISBN 1-400-06782-0. People/systems/organizations/things/ideas can be described in one of three ways: - fragile - resilient, or - antifragile "Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty. Yet, in spite of the ubiquity of the phenomenon, there is no word for the exact opposite of fragile. Let us call it anti-fragile. Anti-fragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the anti-fragile gets better". “an i- ragili y”
  • 153. Antifragile • Taleb introduces the book as follows: • "Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty. Yet, in spite of the ubiquity of the phenomenon, there is no word for the exact opposite of fragile. Let us call it antifragile. Antifragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better.“ 13/06/2018 153costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 154. References: Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (November 2012). Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder(1st ed.). London: Penguin. p. 519. ISBN 1-400-06782-0 . ----- ---- “an i- ragili y” Things that are fragile break or suffer from chaos and randomness. The resilient, or robust, don’t care if circumstances become volatile or disruptive (up to a point). Things that are anti- fragile grow and strengthen from volatility and stress (to a point).
  • 156. The standards 13/06/2018 156costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 161. 161
  • 167. Ergonomia delle norme 16713/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 168. • «Ma un numero di regole eccessivo comporta vari degli inconvenienti dianzi citati e in particolare: - l'impoverimento dell'autonomia e della creatività, in quanto l'opera del progettista è irretita dalle norme; - la difficoltà di discernere ciò che veramente conta; - la sensazione di avere, al riparo delle norme, responsabilità assai alleviate; - la difficoltà non infrequente di rendersi conto dei ragionamenti che giustificano certe regole, rischiando di considerare queste alla stregua di algoritmi, ossia di schemi operativi che, una volta appresi, il pensiero non è più chiamato a giustificare.» 13/06/2018 168 - Proliferazione delle normative e tecnicismo. Ultima lezione ufficiale del corso di Tecnica delle costruzioni tenuta dal prof. Piero Pozzati nell'a.a. 1991-'92, presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università di Bologna (3 giugno 1992). costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 170. Vn = 100 Cu = 2 q0 = 4 NB Caratteristiche Struttura Vn = 100 Cu = 2 q0 = 2 Periodo di ritorno sisma Vn = 50 Cu = 1 q0 = 2 Opere ordinarie, ponti, opere infrastrutturali e dighe di dimensioni contenute o di importanza normale Grandi opere, ponti, opere infrastrutturali e dighe di grandi dimensioni o di importanza strategica 170
  • 171. 13/06/2018 171 Causes of System Failure 100% Time %offailure Unknown phenomena Known phenomena Research level Design code level past present future A BB B C Humanerrors costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 172. HAZARD IN-DEPTH DEFENCE HOLES DUE TO ACTIVE ERRORS HOLES DUE TO HIDDEN ERRORS General Failure Model 17213/06/2018 costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 173. 13/06/2018 173 Due diligence • Due diligence (also known as due care) is the effort made by an ordinarily prudent or reasonable party to avoid harm to another party. Failure to make this effort is considered negligence. • It is necessary to discover all risks and implications regarding a decision to be made • Due diligence is also a dynamic concept in that it is a constantly evolving standard of care that is determined by the requirements of law, industry standards as well as professional and other codes of practice. costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 174. Tecnica delle Costruzioni 13/06/2018 174costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 175. Declaratoria •Il settore della Tecnica delle Costruzioni si interessa dell’attività scientifica e didattico-formativa inerente teorie e tecniche rivolte sia alla concezione strutturale ed al progetto di nuove costruzioni, sia alla verifica ed alla riabilitazione strutturale di quelle esistenti. 13/06/2018 175costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 176. • I contenuti scientifico-disciplinari riguardano: - le azioni sulle costruzioni, compreso l’effetto dell’azio e sismica, - il comportamento delle strutture in funzione della tipologia e della morfologia, dei materiali, delle tec iche e delle tec ologie, dell’i terazio e col terreno e con l'ambiente, dei modi e delle strategie d'uso e di controllo; - metodi e strumenti per la progettazione strutturale, la realizzazione e la gestione di strutture; - valutazioni di vulnerabilità, affidabilità, comfort, sicurezza e durabilità; - sperimentazione, collaudo e monitoraggio delle costruzioni; - indagini storiche sul costruire, verifiche di sicurezza e soluzioni d'intervento strutturale applicabili all’edilizia storica ed ai mo ume ti; - architettura strutturale. 13/06/2018 176costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 177. Statement della giornata (1) •La Tecnica delle Costruzioni si occupa della concezione e della progettazione strutturale. •E’ una disciplina di sintesi - in cui confluiscono idee, teorie, metodi, strumenti, sperimentazione, sviluppo storico e principi empirici – che porta alla scelta oculata di schemi portanti, elementi e componenti, materiali strutturali, partendo da una solida e ampia base culturale. 13/06/2018 177costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 178. Statement della giornata (2) •Il progetto strutturale riguarda con una visione olistica tutto il ciclo di vita di una costruzione e l’ambiente in cui è immersa, prevedendo necessariamente un percorso decisionale caratterizzato da assunzione di responsabilità. 13/06/2018 178costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 179. Statement della giornata (3) •L’analisi strutturale è il presupposto per capire ed esplorare qualitativamente e quantitativamente il comportamento strutturale in termini di prestazioni e sicurezza della costruzione nel suo insieme, ivi compresi i componenti non portanti. •La corretta comprensione della relazione fra modello e realtà è essenziale a tal fine. 13/06/2018 179costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 180. Statement della giornata (4) •Lo studio di casi reali di costruzioni, in particolare nei casi di fallimento, è fonte essenziale di aumento di conoscenza della disciplina. 13/06/2018 180costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 181. 13/06/2018 181 Statement della giornata (5) • L’insegnamento della disciplina deve: - partire dai principi meccanici generali, - favorire una valida comprensione dei comportamenti strutturali elementari e complessivi, anche alla luce della storia di insuccessi costruttivi, - predisporre a una fondata organizzazione della disposizione delle varie parti strutturali supportata da una coerente scelta dei materiali, - aiutare ad individuare le possibili situazioni in cui una costruzione può trovarsi in termini di azioni e configurazioni. costruzioni esistenti in muratura
  • 183. 183