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©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
How Gifted Students Can Become
Social-Emotional ACES
Ten Steps to Building
Emotional Core Strength
Written & Presented By
Sharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW
Therapist for Sensitive and
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Chelsea Behanna, Principal
Suzanne Strain, Office Manager
Sharon M. BarnesTherapist For Sensitive and
MSSW – Masters of Science in Social Work, SDSU
LCSW – Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Colorado
Local Counseling/Psychotherapy
Online Distance Consultation
Presentations, PlayShops & Retreats
Professional Development
Jungian-oriented depth work to:
 Release your Creativity
 Heal your Past
 Transform your Pain
 Become Fully Alive
 Find & Fulfill your True Purpose
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
GT Kids (of all ages)
CAN be ACES at . . .
soCial Skills
What’s an
Exhibit A:
o Elite baseball pitcher
o Team’s best starter
o First in the rotation
o Plays the BIG
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
What’s a Social-Emotional ACE?
Social –Emotional ACES =
“5 G’s”
1. Gain perspective (big picture)
2. Gain understanding and
acceptance of self & others
3. Gain skills to balance and
express emotions
4. Gain skills to meet own
social-emotional needs
5. Gain skills to establish and
maintain social relationships
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
Here’s HOW
to Develop
Emotional Core
Strength and
But WHY are
For Gifted
Acutely Aware
Super- Sensitive
Intense, often Introverted and/or
You? someone you know?
= CASIGY™©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
How Few of Us Are There?
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
I’m an Alien
What’s it like to be
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
WRONG with ME!
What’s it Like to be
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
A Great Tragedy
o Under –Achievement
o Alienation
o Dumbing down
o Copping out
o Dropping out
o Wasted intelligence
o Wasted talent
o Wasted lives
o Suicides of Gifted & Talented
o School Shootings ← GT Students
Dumbing Down Wasted Potential
 ~2005: Gifted Girls start dumbing
themselves down in middle school so
they can be accepted
 ~2015: Curriculum is now dumbed down
for all students so they can “feel good
about themselves”
 ~2016 Preschool gifted children dumb
themselves down to be accepted
A Great Tragedy
A Great Tragedy
• By 8th grade 2/3 of gifted students have
been bullied (Purdue Univ).
• 22 – 49% of other students bullied
• WHY?
• Exceptional school performance/jealousy
• Perceived as Teacher’s pet
• Perceived as a Know-it-all
• Acceleration or Enrichment = special
• Have different interests (I.e., not football)
• Isolated (group is protection)
• Over-excitabilities/Sensitivities
Autopsies by Jim
Delisle, PhD:
oVirginia Tech, VA
oRed Lake, MN
oLittleton, CO
oAurora , CO
oTuscon, AZ
oNewtown, CN
A Great Tragedy
Limited/No Points of
• Family income/Backgrounds
• Prior suicidal ideation
• Ethnic heritage/race
Multiple points of convergence Social awkwardness
 Victims of frequent bullying
 Left hints of their planned shootings, mostly through social
 Diagnosed with anxiety or mood disorders; several on
 Killings were well-planned, sometimes months or years in
 Came to the attention of mental health professionals earlier
 Very little criminal behavior prior to shootings
 Experienced a significant loss (divorce, death, defeat) within
months of the shootings
 Engaged in repetitive viewing of violent media and were
obsessed with previous mass shootings
Universal Points of
Convergence1. Mid- or late-adolescent males.
2. All either knew their victims or were familiar with the location of
the shootings, although no direct threats were given to victims
prior to the attacks.
3. Shootings were done in retaliation for bullying and/or some
perceived transgression for an injustice they felt.
4. Fixation with death, gore and violence in their writings and/or
5. Each shooter was noted in early years as ranging from “bright” to
“highly gifted”, although their school records vary in quality.
The Scope of the Problem
United States
 Suicide is the
THIRD leading cause of
death for ages 10-24. (2013
 Each day there are an
average of over 5,400
attempts by young people
grades 7-12.
 4 out of 5 teens who
attempt suicide have given
clear warning signs
 Suicide is SECOND
leading cause of death for
CO teens
 Colorado is 8th in nation
for teen suicides
o Someone dies by suicide worldwide every 16-17minutes
o 90% of suicide victims have a treatable mental illness or
substance abuse disorder
o Suicide is the most preventable form of death
o 40% of suicide victims have alcohol or drugs in blood
o Several Colorado gifted students have committed suicide in
recent years
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC ∙
Myths About SuicidePeople who talk about suicide won’t really do it
Anyone who tries to kill him/herself must be
If a person is determined to kill themselves,
nothing will stop them
People who want to commit suicide won’t
accept help
Talking about suicide may give someone the
Unsuccessful attempts minimize future
attempts©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
Warning Signs
 Plans are made or attempts to secure the means for
 Talking about suicide plans
 Scratching, cutting or marking the body
 Increased risk-taking behaviors (running away, driving
recklessly, etc.)
 Alcohol or drug use
 Neglect of appearance
 Marked personality or behavior change
 Persistent boredom, inability to concentrate
 Decline of quality of school work
 Verbal hints, “I won’t be here much longer”
 Giving away possessions
 Becoming suddenly very cheerful after a period of
prolonged depression
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
What to Do
Take any suicidal thought or suicide threat
Stay with them 24/7 until you are sure they are
Report the situation NOW to your
psychotherapist, teacher, counselor, principal or
local law enforcement.
Use Safe2Tell 877-542-SAFE (7233) or Text-A-Tip.
If there is an immediate threat, call 911
or go to the nearest emergency room
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
GT Kids (of all ages)
CAN be ACES at . . .
soCial Skills
CNS responses in children with Sensory Processing
o 5 – 10 times AS MUCH response
o 5-10 times AS FAST a response
No SPD? Consider this . . . . .
What if you have 2-3 times AS MUCH a CNS response
or 2-3 times AS FAST a CNS response as Neurotypicals?
Source: Sensational Kids by Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Gifted Students
Need Mascots too!
o ridiculed
o excluded
o shunned
o shamed
o ostracized
o banished into
exile©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
Meet Casi & Siggy
 You may know of their famous uncle
 You haven’t met Casi or Siggy … or their
cousins (yet)
 These things often run in families
 CASIGYs often feel isolated
 There’s really many of us . . . You’re not
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
because of . . .
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
Their uncle returned from
exile and saved the day . . .
for the (global) community
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
because of . .
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
• 2• 3
• 1• 4
CASIGY Cycle of Discouragement
Hero &
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Being Different & Gifted
is not proof of your inferiority;
Instead, it is an engraved invitation to the
Hero’s and Heroine’s Journey
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
The Mythical Hero’s &
Heroine’s Journey
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
You’re NOT
Different …
by Design!
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
• 2• 3
• 1• 4
CASIGY Cycle of Encouragement
Hero’s &
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
Foundation Stone 2: Who am I & Where am I in this picture?
Acutely Aware
Super- Sensitive
Intense, often Introverted and/or
You? someone you know?
= CASIGY™©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
There’s (at least) 3 Kinds of
Gifted Students
Source: Gifted GrownUps
By MaryLou Kelly Stresnewski
©2018 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Join the Magical MisFits
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Says Graham Moore,
Oscar-winning screen writer
Preparation for
the Journey
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
What is the most powerful, yet
hidden tool that parents and
teachers have that will help
CASIGY kids and teens become
Social-Emotional ACES?
 Modeling / Monkey-See, Monkey-Do
It’s the most natural way we all
Kids do what we DO, not what we
It takes one to know one
You can't lead someone where you
are not willing or able to go
 Implication:
Use these tools for yourself
THEN you can pass them along©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
Foundation Stone 3: Monkey-See─Monkey-Do
Emotions are like Ocean Waves
o natural phenomenon
o energy
o don’t ask permission
o respond to the weather, moon & earth’s movement
o Our 1st reaction is to
o When we fight them,
o Learn to READ them
o Learn to RIDE them
We can stay SAFE
We can have FUN
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
12 Barriers to Feeling Our Emotions
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
1. DON’T
oDon't feel sad
oDon't feel mad
oDon't feel bad
oDon't feel too
oDon’t feel
So We Stuff our
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Emotional Volcanoes
Emotional Floods
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Have You Had This
at Home or School?
Emotional Icebergs
We’re Afraid the Dam will
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
GREEN Flag = Small waves = ALL
ORANGE Flag = Medium waves = CAUTION
RED Flag = Big waves = DANGER
BLACK Flag = Tsunami = GET OFF THE
PURPLE Flag = Something’s in the water
What Color Flag is flying on Your Inner
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
CASIGY™ Tool #1
 First
 Best
 Last
 Use anywhere
 Use anytime
CASIGY Tool Box/
Relaxation Breathing Exercises
(To save the dam,
open a flue)
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
CASIGY Tool Box/
CASIGY TNT (Tune-iN-Tool)
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
“I’ve decided to outsource my emotional
needs” ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
5. What do I need? How can I meet this need?
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
How do I interpret this event or situation?
o What’s my first take on what it means?
o Things are not always as they seem –
does it REALLY mean this?
o What else might it mean?
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Often Believe:
“I’m Different,
something’s wrong
with me; I’m
Defective, Inferior,
and Inadequate”
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Dabrowski’s Theory of
Positive Disintegration
o Emotions influence personality development
o Intelligence is not a sufficient condition for human
o Experience of negative emotions is essential for
advanced psychological development.
o Therefore the goal of therapy is not to eliminate negative
o When individuals are on the path of development,
negative emotions are essential companions
o Negative emotions may break apart lower levels of
development and thus prepare us for higher levels of
o Therefore having negative emotions may be a
harbinger of further development
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
 Most people can stay undeveloped psychically
with no particularly negative consequences for
 They are unconscious and are perfectly happy
being unconscious.
 They give lots of other people trouble and pain,
but they are not pained because of their
 Many (especially CASIGYs) DO have a great
NEED to develop to a deeper, higher, broader
 They develop symptoms (neuroses) that haunt
them unless and until they become more and
more conscious and more developed
 Like those who MUST explore new physical
territory (California or BUST), they MUST
 Tragically, they most often misinterpret the
meaning of their symptoms, AKA neuroses.
 They need to understand that their symptoms
are signs of an INVITATION WITH AN
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
Being Different & Gifted
is not proof of your inferiority;
Instead, it is an engraved invitation to the
Hero’s and Heroine’s Journey
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
You’re NOT
Different …
by Design!©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
GT Kids (of all ages)
CAN be ACES at . . .
soCial Skills
 Elaine Aron, PhD. The Highly Sensitive Person.
 Elaine Aron, PhD. The Highly Sensitive Child
 Campbell, Joseph. Hero with a Thousand Faces
 Jung, C.G., MD. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology.
 Sal Mendaglio, PhD. Dabrowski's Theory of Positive
 James T. Webb, PhD. Searching for Meaning. Idealism, Bright
Minds, Disillusionment, and Hope
 James T. Webb, PhD and Edward R. Amend, PhD.
Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and
Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger's, Depression
©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.

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Ten steps to becoming social emotional aces-rocky top ms-parents

  • 1. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC How Gifted Students Can Become Social-Emotional ACES Ten Steps to Building Emotional Core Strength Written & Presented By Sharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW Therapist for Sensitive and Gifted
  • 2. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC Chelsea Behanna, Principal Suzanne Strain, Office Manager
  • 3. Sharon M. BarnesTherapist For Sensitive and Gifted MSSW – Masters of Science in Social Work, SDSU LCSW – Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Colorado USA Local Counseling/Psychotherapy Online Distance Consultation Presentations, PlayShops & Retreats Professional Development Jungian-oriented depth work to:  Release your Creativity  Heal your Past  Transform your Pain  Become Fully Alive  Find & Fulfill your True Purpose
  • 4.
  • 5. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. GT Kids (of all ages) CAN be ACES at . . . Asynchrony soCial Skills Emotional Resilience
  • 6. What’s an ACE? Exhibit A: o Elite baseball pitcher o Team’s best starter o First in the rotation o Plays the BIG games
  • 7. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC What’s a Social-Emotional ACE? Social –Emotional ACES = “5 G’s” 1. Gain perspective (big picture) 2. Gain understanding and acceptance of self & others 3. Gain skills to balance and express emotions 4. Gain skills to meet own social-emotional needs effectively 5. Gain skills to establish and maintain social relationships
  • 8. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. Here’s HOW to Develop Emotional Core Strength and Become Social-Emotional ACES But WHY are Social-Emotional Skills SO DIFFICULT For Gifted Students?
  • 9. Creative Acutely Aware Super- Sensitive Intense, often Introverted and/or Gifted You? someone you know? = CASIGY™©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 10. How Few of Us Are There? Neurotypicals HSP/SPS Gifted .5- 5% 80% 20% ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 11. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. I’m an Alien What’s it like to be DIFFERENT?
  • 12. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC Something’s WRONG with ME! What’s it Like to be DIFFERENT? ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 13. HERE’S THE BIG PICTURE: A Great Tragedy o Under –Achievement o Alienation o Dumbing down o Copping out o Dropping out o Wasted intelligence o Wasted talent o Wasted lives o Suicides of Gifted & Talented People o School Shootings ← GT Students
  • 14. Dumbing Down Wasted Potential  ~2005: Gifted Girls start dumbing themselves down in middle school so they can be accepted  ~2015: Curriculum is now dumbed down for all students so they can “feel good about themselves”  ~2016 Preschool gifted children dumb themselves down to be accepted A Great Tragedy
  • 15. Bullying A Great Tragedy • By 8th grade 2/3 of gifted students have been bullied (Purdue Univ). • 22 – 49% of other students bullied • WHY? • Exceptional school performance/jealousy • Perceived as Teacher’s pet • Perceived as a Know-it-all • Acceleration or Enrichment = special privilege • Have different interests (I.e., not football) • Isolated (group is protection) • Over-excitabilities/Sensitivities
  • 16. Psychological Autopsies by Jim Delisle, PhD: oVirginia Tech, VA oRed Lake, MN oLittleton, CO oAurora , CO oTuscon, AZ oNewtown, CN A Great Tragedy
  • 17. Limited/No Points of Convergence • Family income/Backgrounds • Prior suicidal ideation • Ethnic heritage/race
  • 18. Multiple points of convergence Social awkwardness  Victims of frequent bullying  Left hints of their planned shootings, mostly through social media  Diagnosed with anxiety or mood disorders; several on Prozac  Killings were well-planned, sometimes months or years in advance  Came to the attention of mental health professionals earlier  Very little criminal behavior prior to shootings  Experienced a significant loss (divorce, death, defeat) within months of the shootings  Engaged in repetitive viewing of violent media and were obsessed with previous mass shootings
  • 19. Universal Points of Convergence1. Mid- or late-adolescent males. 2. All either knew their victims or were familiar with the location of the shootings, although no direct threats were given to victims prior to the attacks. 3. Shootings were done in retaliation for bullying and/or some perceived transgression for an injustice they felt. 4. Fixation with death, gore and violence in their writings and/or actions. 5. Each shooter was noted in early years as ranging from “bright” to “highly gifted”, although their school records vary in quality.
  • 20. The Scope of the Problem United States  Suicide is the THIRD leading cause of death for ages 10-24. (2013 CDC WISQARS)  Each day there are an average of over 5,400 attempts by young people grades 7-12.  4 out of 5 teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs Colorado  Suicide is SECOND leading cause of death for CO teens  Colorado is 8th in nation for teen suicides o Someone dies by suicide worldwide every 16-17minutes o 90% of suicide victims have a treatable mental illness or substance abuse disorder o Suicide is the most preventable form of death o 40% of suicide victims have alcohol or drugs in blood o Several Colorado gifted students have committed suicide in recent years ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC ∙
  • 21. Myths About SuicidePeople who talk about suicide won’t really do it Anyone who tries to kill him/herself must be crazy If a person is determined to kill themselves, nothing will stop them People who want to commit suicide won’t accept help Talking about suicide may give someone the idea Unsuccessful attempts minimize future attempts©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 22. Warning Signs  Plans are made or attempts to secure the means for suicide  Talking about suicide plans  Scratching, cutting or marking the body  Increased risk-taking behaviors (running away, driving recklessly, etc.)  Alcohol or drug use  Neglect of appearance  Marked personality or behavior change  Persistent boredom, inability to concentrate  Decline of quality of school work  Verbal hints, “I won’t be here much longer”  Giving away possessions  Becoming suddenly very cheerful after a period of prolonged depression ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 23. What to Do Take any suicidal thought or suicide threat seriously Stay with them 24/7 until you are sure they are safe. Report the situation NOW to your psychotherapist, teacher, counselor, principal or local law enforcement. Use Safe2Tell 877-542-SAFE (7233) or Text-A-Tip. If there is an immediate threat, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 24. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. GT Kids (of all ages) CAN be ACES at . . . Asynchrony soCial Skills Emotional Resilience
  • 25. CNS responses in children with Sensory Processing Disorder: o 5 – 10 times AS MUCH response o 5-10 times AS FAST a response No SPD? Consider this . . . . . What if you have 2-3 times AS MUCH a CNS response or 2-3 times AS FAST a CNS response as Neurotypicals? Source: Sensational Kids by Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 26. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC Gifted Students Need Mascots too!
  • 27. CASIGYs’ Mascots *Different* o ridiculed o excluded o shunned o shamed o ostracized o banished into exile©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. Sigg y Casi
  • 28. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. Meet Casi & Siggy  You may know of their famous uncle  You haven’t met Casi or Siggy … or their cousins (yet)  These things often run in families  CASIGYs often feel isolated  There’s really many of us . . . You’re not alone Siggy Casi Meg Reggie
  • 29. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC because of . . .
  • 30. LATER … ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. Their uncle returned from exile and saved the day . . . for the (global) community
  • 31. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. Also because of . . .
  • 32. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC What’s YOURS?
  • 33. • 2• 3 • 1• 4 Return Red Nose: MisFit OutcastExile CASIGY Cycle of Discouragement The Hero & Heroine’ s Journey ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 34. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC Being Different & Gifted is not proof of your inferiority; Instead, it is an engraved invitation to the Hero’s and Heroine’s Journey
  • 35. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC The Mythical Hero’s & Heroine’s Journey
  • 36. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC CASIGYs ─ You’re NOT Defective; You’re Different … by Design!
  • 37. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. • 2• 3 • 1• 4 Creative Contri- bution Creative Coping Creative Healing Creative Transfor- mation CASIGY Cycle of Encouragement The Hero’s & Heroine’ s Journey
  • 38. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. Foundation Stone 2: Who am I & Where am I in this picture?
  • 39. Creative Acutely Aware Super- Sensitive Intense, often Introverted and/or Gifted You? someone you know? = CASIGY™©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 40. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 41. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 42.
  • 43. There’s (at least) 3 Kinds of Gifted Students Superstars Strivers Independents Source: Gifted GrownUps By MaryLou Kelly Stresnewski ©2018 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 44. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC Join the Magical MisFits ?
  • 45. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC BE WEIRD! Says Graham Moore, Oscar-winning screen writer
  • 46. Preparation for the Journey ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. Multi-Purpose Tool:
  • 47. What is the most powerful, yet hidden tool that parents and teachers have that will help CASIGY kids and teens become Social-Emotional ACES?  Modeling / Monkey-See, Monkey-Do It’s the most natural way we all learn Kids do what we DO, not what we SAY It takes one to know one You can't lead someone where you are not willing or able to go  Implication: Use these tools for yourself FIRST THEN you can pass them along©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. Foundation Stone 3: Monkey-See─Monkey-Do
  • 48. Emotions are like Ocean Waves o natural phenomenon o energy o don’t ask permission o respond to the weather, moon & earth’s movement o Our 1st reaction is to o When we fight them, o Learn to READ them o Learn to RIDE them FIGHT THEM WE LOSE We can stay SAFE We can have FUN ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 49. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 50. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 51. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC 12 Barriers to Feeling Our Emotions
  • 52. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC 1. DON’T FEEL! oDon't feel sad oDon't feel mad oDon't feel bad oDon't feel too glad/happy oDon’t feel __________
  • 53. So We Stuff our Emotions
  • 54. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC Emotional Volcanoes
  • 56. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC Have You Had This at Home or School? Emotional Icebergs
  • 57. We’re Afraid the Dam will BURST
  • 58. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 59. GREEN Flag = Small waves = ALL CLEAR ORANGE Flag = Medium waves = CAUTION RED Flag = Big waves = DANGER BLACK Flag = Tsunami = GET OFF THE BEACH PURPLE Flag = Something’s in the water = BEWARE What Color Flag is flying on Your Inner ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 60. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. CASIGY™ Tool #1  First  Best  Last  Use anywhere  Use anytime BREATHE Resources/ CASIGY Tool Box/ Relaxation Breathing Exercises
  • 62. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. Resources/ CASIGY Tool Box/ CASIGY TNT (Tune-iN-Tool)
  • 63.
  • 64. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 65.
  • 66. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 67. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC “I’ve decided to outsource my emotional needs” ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. 5. What do I need? How can I meet this need?
  • 68. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC How do I interpret this event or situation? o What’s my first take on what it means? o Things are not always as they seem – does it REALLY mean this? o What else might it mean?
  • 69. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC CASIGYs Often Believe: “I’m Different, therefore something’s wrong with me; I’m Defective, Inferior, and Inadequate” ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 70. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration o Emotions influence personality development o Intelligence is not a sufficient condition for human development o Experience of negative emotions is essential for advanced psychological development. o Therefore the goal of therapy is not to eliminate negative emotions o When individuals are on the path of development, negative emotions are essential companions o Negative emotions may break apart lower levels of development and thus prepare us for higher levels of development o Therefore having negative emotions may be a harbinger of further development
  • 71. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC  Most people can stay undeveloped psychically with no particularly negative consequences for themselves  They are unconscious and are perfectly happy being unconscious.  They give lots of other people trouble and pain, but they are not pained because of their unconsciousness.  Many (especially CASIGYs) DO have a great NEED to develop to a deeper, higher, broader level.  They develop symptoms (neuroses) that haunt them unless and until they become more and more conscious and more developed psychologically.  Like those who MUST explore new physical territory (California or BUST), they MUST individuate.  Tragically, they most often misinterpret the meaning of their symptoms, AKA neuroses.  They need to understand that their symptoms are signs of an INVITATION WITH AN IMPERATIVE TO GROW & DEVELOP FURTHER.
  • 72. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC Being Different & Gifted is not proof of your inferiority; Instead, it is an engraved invitation to the Hero’s and Heroine’s Journey
  • 73. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC CASIGYs ─ You’re NOT Defective; You’re Different … by Design!©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.
  • 74. ©2016 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, PLLC
  • 75. ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC. GT Kids (of all ages) CAN be ACES at . . . Asynchrony soCial Skills Emotional Resilience
  • 76. Sources  Elaine Aron, PhD. The Highly Sensitive Person.  Elaine Aron, PhD. The Highly Sensitive Child  Campbell, Joseph. Hero with a Thousand Faces  Jung, C.G., MD. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology.  Sal Mendaglio, PhD. Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration  James T. Webb, PhD. Searching for Meaning. Idealism, Bright Minds, Disillusionment, and Hope  James T. Webb, PhD and Edward R. Amend, PhD. Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger's, Depression ©2016 Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW, PLLC.

Editor's Notes

  1. For years, I have been sitting in my counseling office,
  2. This is due to their unique combination of characteristics …………….do you know of anyone with some or even all of these characteristics? Is there anyone in this room who identifies with some or even all of the these traits?
  3. Many tell me they feel like aliens from a different planet.
  4. listening to, and helping adults, teens and yes, even children who tell me how they feel like MisFits who don’t belong.
  5. This is due to their unique combination of characteristics …………….do you know of anyone with some or even all of these characteristics? Is there anyone in this room who identifies with some or even all of the these traits?
  6. Abraham Attah, Steven Hawking, Graham Moore, Selena Gomez, Temple Grandin, Albert Einstein,
  7. Back to nature ─ Emotions Are Like Ocean Waves Ever present Don’t ask our permission Respond to the weather, moon, earth’s movement Can be fun; may be dangerous Learn to respect them & you can be safe Learn to understand them & you can RIDE them Doesn’t work well to FIGHT them