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Marketing Essentials
Professor Steven Litt
Ready to be a Marketing professional?
Targets & Avatars
Š2021 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Who is at the centre of your Marketing ‘wheel’ (Marketing Mix)?
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Target Price
• Demographic;
• Geographic;
• Behavioural; and
• Psychographic
Having a well defined Target helps you to better explore
(in advance) questions such as:
• market size/market potential,
• test specifics (eg a Sample to recruit),
• messaging,
• media,
• Attributes/features,
• ‘augmented product’ bundle design (what comes with ‘it’),
• options available eg colour selections,
• financing terms/ payment terms; and
• much more!
Targets: 4 types of defining criteria
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or pos
Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic
In the early 1960’s, European auto makers had great success
marketing sporty small 2 door cars to wealthy sons attending
college full time. Moms & Dads helped their boys buy nimble
sport coupes by MG, Triumph, Renault, Fiat, etc. The Euro TV
& film industry created a new generation of ‘chique chill’ cool
stars, pictured racing nimbly through European streets in tiny
powerful vehicles.
If you were Ford Motor Company in USA, might you not aim to
copy that success, with your own new stateside sporty 2-door,
marketing it to wealthy college kids living away from home?
Targets: 4 types of defining criteria
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic
If Ford Motor Company USA aimed to copy 1960’s success of
European auto makers’ sporty 2-door cars with wealthy college
kids living away from home, the target might be eg
• Male (this was the 1960’s!) aged 18 to 24;
• Household Income over $150,000 (in today’s $);
• In first or second year of non-State (Premium tuition) College;
• Have a valid driver’s license;
• Did not currently own a car, OR own a car that is >4 years old;
• Live OR attend campus that’s <1 hour drive to Ford dealership;
• Traits desired in vehicle: Sporty, Handling, top speed, ‘hot’ looks, room for
1 passenger, attention-getting style & colour, trunk to hold 2 weekend bags.
• Car’s Role: their only vehicle; it’ll serve multiple purposes, yet ‘cool factor’ &
getting looks still trumps practical considerations
• Psychographics/Beliefs: “I’m wealthy & healthy; my success is assured; this
vehicle is the final ‘cool factor’ to get me the attention I deserve”
• Not Critical: Fuel economy, towing capacity, storage capacity
Targets: 4 types of defining criteria
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic
How have each of these 4 Target drivers been applied?
• Male aged 18 to 24; HHI >$150,000 (in today’s $);
• In first or second year of non-State (Premium tuition) College;
• Have a valid driver’s license;
• Did not currently own a car, OR own a car that is >4 years old;
• Traits desired in vehicle: Sporty, Handling, top speed, ‘hot’ looks, room for
1 passenger, attention-getting style & colour, trunk to hold 2 weekend bags.
• Not Critical: Fuel economy, towing capacity, storage capacity
• Car’s Role: their only vehicle; it’ll serve multiple purposes
• Live OR attend campus that’s <1 hour drive to Ford dealership;
• Car’s Role: ‘cool factor’ & getting looks still trumps practical considerations.
• Beliefs: “I’m wealthy & healthy; my success is assured; this vehicle is the
final ‘cool factor’ to get me the attention I deserve”
Targets: 4 types of defining criteria
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic
Notice anything? Demographics are a mere start to defining a Target.
Don’t let PopCulture depictions of advertising or marketing deceive you!
Targets: 4 types of defining criteria
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Geographic traits apply practical limits to retail & service
businesses. Eg what’s the ‘practical perimeter’ for a
grocery store? A haircut? Delivering cement?
Behavioural traits are often more useful to target media
(time & place you reach ‘them’) than Demographics (&
using both Demographics & Behaviours, may be magic!)
Psychographic traits are the toughest to find
(accurately) or apply, yet they can make all the
difference eg ‘identify with’ what is really important to a
prospect, or help create effective messages, promotions.
Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic
Imagine how useful all of that specific info would be in crafting
a wise Marketing Mix → more effective & efficient marketing!
However, what if the market’s reaction to the new 2-door
indicated another opportunity?
What if Ford found ‘prospects’ appearing at dealerships to test
drive the new sporty 2-door were, instead, mid-income workers
in a mid-life crisis?
That different Target would have different Marketing Mix
Targets: 4 types of defining criteria
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic
What if Ford ‘prospects’ appearing at dealerships to test drive
the new sporty 2-door were, instead, mid-income workers in a
mid-life crisis? That target might be eg
• Male aged 39 to 55;
• Household Income over $60,000 (in today’s $);
• Employed full time;
• Have a valid driver’s license;
• Already own a car – a ‘family car’;
• Traits desired in vehicle: Sporty, Handling, top speed, ‘hot’ looks, room for
1 passenger, attention-getting style & colour, trunk big enough for 2
weekend bags.
• Car’s Role: family’s 2nd car, a gift to myself, weekend cruiser,
commuting eye-catcher.
• Psychographics: “I never reward myself, but after 20 years working to
look after others, this is my indulgence; to bring out the youth in me”
• Not Critical: Fuel economy, towing capacity, storage capacity
• Other: might live anywhere in America, college town or not
Targets: 4 types of defining criteria
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
What would you now do differently as Ford? You might:
PLACE: get the car out to ALL Ford dealerships, not just those in
campus towns!
PRICE: lower HHI so you might offer financing or payment plans
PROMOTION: ads shouldn’t just show college kids; they should
let you picture yourself in the driver’s seat
PRODUCT: might want to consider slightly ‘calmer’ colours in
addition to attention-getting red
Ie Target customization will
impact all aspects of the Marketing Mix →
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
The Case:
You are Emma The Entrepreneur; your business Concept is to deliver fresh made
salads daily to micro-fridges lent to several high end GTA gyms & fitness facilities, and
to replenish the fridge stock via deliveries generated by a scanning app.
You propose to your Bank that adults 18 + who visit a gym 2+ times weekly will be a
prime Target for the Concept, that adults who eat salads often will find it especially
appealing and people who shop for groceries at Natural Foods stores will love it.
Your Bank likes your idea, but asks you to do more research to get ‘prospect interest’
data so you might more effectively cost out and target your proposed Media and
Influencer Cultivating programs. The bank also wants to see how much more
interested the ‘best fit customers’ you describe are, versus people who visit gyms less
often or are not quite so devoted to a salad-eating regimen.
You are briefing the Research Agency and they ask who should be in the study. Before
you do so, you list all critical Sample Attributes.
→ From the above info, can YOU itemize the
specifics traits of her Target?
Describe This Target (case)
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Emma brings this Target description to:
her Ad Agency, Media Agency, Promotion Agency,
Research Agency, banker,….
• Full time resident of the GTA; and
• 18 to 64 years old; and
• belongs to a gym; and
• works out at gym 2 or more times/week; and
• eats prepared salad 2 or more times/week; and
• has shopped at Whole Foods or Noahs within last month
Target Descriptors
• Demographic
• Geographic
• Behavioural
• Psychographic
Even if you define the Target well, many different
individuals will still ‘qualify’ as Target or Sample.
How do you explore (in advance) some of that
variance to better plan your marketing steps?
…to better anticipate differing needs?
When/why are ‘Avatars’ relevant?
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Emma could go further than Targets.
Eg She might flesh out or bring to life a
fuller description of the Target
She could create ‘personas’ or ‘avatars’→
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Create & Use Avatars!
Flesh out or bring to life a fuller
description of the Target →
Useful for:
• Media placement
• Ad messaging
• Promotion incentives
• Choosing a spokesperson or Influencer
For R&D:
• Describe prospects & their needs
• Check a survey before putting it in field
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Create & Use Avatars!
Potentially Relevant Behavioural Traits for avatars
Some of the infinite # of relevant traits:
• in favour of/ against my concept
• savvy /ignorant about topic
• first time/ repeat user (or buyer
• use your brand/ other brand
• buys item/ uses item
• has time/ in a hurry
• on laptop/ on a phone
• new to brand, familiar with brand
• feel ‘job-secure’, vs anxious.
• bolder, vs more cautious.
• ready to spend, vs careful.
• Heavy vs Light/Occasional User
• does/doesn’t do homework on category
• buys for self, buys for another
• tends to make spontaneous purchases vs plans them
• prefers to pay cash vs credit vs financing
• new to town or visiting/tourist, vs permanent resident
• Solo vs Couple in LT relationship vs Romantic Couple…
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Using an Avatar
‘Bigger Picture’ Avatar Traits
Big Picture considerations may drive a Target member’s mindset, choices and views:
• Past experience: functionally or psychologically (eg applies especially often to scent,
other sensual triggers)
• Self-image: how they view themselves, who they wish to be, confidence, insecurity,…
• Upbringing: role models, theology, socializing, moral lessons,…
• Values & Aspirations: what matters most, now & long term. The importance of others
(‘stakeholders’), how they picture ‘success’.
• Beliefs: about the category, the brands, role the item/service plays, their impression of
who would buy each brand,…
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Using an Avatar
Ready to create a couple avatars
for Emma the Entrepreneur?
Recall: Emma The Entrepreneur’s business
Concept is to deliver fresh made salads daily to
micro-fridges lent to several high end GTA gyms
& fitness facilities, and replenish fridge stock via
deliveries generated by a scanning app.
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Create & Use Avatars!
Who are
1 sample avatar Emma might consider creating…
29 years old. Single, with a 4 year old child at home
Feels guilty for any time away from child, being at gym
Uses tech toys, apps often
Personal Income $100,000 /Year
Has been a gym member for 5 years
What’s important: Time Savings
Why we eats salad- filling enough, healthy.
History: Dad passed away from obesity-related illness.
→ Implication: No tech barriers.
→ Concept Interest: Strongly Interested.
→ Reason Why: Saves me an extra trip/ drop in at grocery store on way home
(sometimes they’re out of stock anyhow). I want to wolf it down as soon as I
get home to see my real joy, my 4-year old.
→ Hesitation/Barriers: Dependability. If out of stock, or late, you’ll lose me.
→ Possible Message: Always on time, always fresh. Caterer to ‘The Amazing Race’.
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Create & Use Avatars!
another avatar Emma might consider creating…
44 years old. Married. Parent to an 18 year old living at home.
Likes trips to gym, being away from home. No gym-guilt.
Personal Income $65,000.
Gym goer for 8 years.
Not into much tech; uses PayPal, not google or apple pay.
What’s important: Moments of Joy & Earned Indulgence
Why she eats salad: Weight control.
History: Brother passed away at 41, despite being fittest of the family. Thinks
there is no justice. Weight control and salads are no ‘guarantee’ of health.
→ Implication: Some modest tech barriers (payment format)
→ Concept Interest: Somewhat Interested.
→ Reason Why: May convince me to eat more salad just when I’m feeling most
motivated to invest in my health (at gym).
→ Hesitation/ Barriers: Is it easy to order? Will it taste OK?
→ Possible Message: Delicious taste in 3 simple steps. 4 Star Rating by Chateleine.
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
Create & Use Avatars!
● accessed March 2, 2021
● Litt, Steven ‘Applied Marketing Research: A Grad Student Reader’; 5th Edition,
TopHat, 2020
• Steven Litt, accessed February 15, 2021
• Cover photo courtesy of Mandy S Photography
• Thanks to Kathryn Faubert for the many awesome insights about
avatars; any errors are entirely my fault.
Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.

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Targets And Avatars Litt-2021

  • 1. Marketing Essentials 2021 Professor Steven Litt @StrategySteven Ready to be a Marketing professional? Targets & Avatars Š2021 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
  • 2. Who is at the centre of your Marketing ‘wheel’ (Marketing Mix)? Target Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part. Target Price Place Product Promotion
  • 3. • Demographic; • Geographic; • Behavioural; and • Psychographic Having a well defined Target helps you to better explore (in advance) questions such as: • market size/market potential, • test specifics (eg a Sample to recruit), • messaging, • media, • Attributes/features, • ‘augmented product’ bundle design (what comes with ‘it’), • options available eg colour selections, • financing terms/ payment terms; and • much more! Targets: 4 types of defining criteria Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or pos
  • 4. Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic In the early 1960’s, European auto makers had great success marketing sporty small 2 door cars to wealthy sons attending college full time. Moms & Dads helped their boys buy nimble sport coupes by MG, Triumph, Renault, Fiat, etc. The Euro TV & film industry created a new generation of ‘chique chill’ cool stars, pictured racing nimbly through European streets in tiny powerful vehicles. If you were Ford Motor Company in USA, might you not aim to copy that success, with your own new stateside sporty 2-door, marketing it to wealthy college kids living away from home? Targets: 4 types of defining criteria Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
  • 5. Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic If Ford Motor Company USA aimed to copy 1960’s success of European auto makers’ sporty 2-door cars with wealthy college kids living away from home, the target might be eg • Male (this was the 1960’s!) aged 18 to 24; • Household Income over $150,000 (in today’s $); • In first or second year of non-State (Premium tuition) College; • Have a valid driver’s license; • Did not currently own a car, OR own a car that is >4 years old; • Live OR attend campus that’s <1 hour drive to Ford dealership; • Traits desired in vehicle: Sporty, Handling, top speed, ‘hot’ looks, room for 1 passenger, attention-getting style & colour, trunk to hold 2 weekend bags. • Car’s Role: their only vehicle; it’ll serve multiple purposes, yet ‘cool factor’ & getting looks still trumps practical considerations • Psychographics/Beliefs: “I’m wealthy & healthy; my success is assured; this vehicle is the final ‘cool factor’ to get me the attention I deserve” • Not Critical: Fuel economy, towing capacity, storage capacity Targets: 4 types of defining criteria Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
  • 6. Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic How have each of these 4 Target drivers been applied? Demographic: • Male aged 18 to 24; HHI >$150,000 (in today’s $); Behaviour: • In first or second year of non-State (Premium tuition) College; • Have a valid driver’s license; • Did not currently own a car, OR own a car that is >4 years old; • Traits desired in vehicle: Sporty, Handling, top speed, ‘hot’ looks, room for 1 passenger, attention-getting style & colour, trunk to hold 2 weekend bags. • Not Critical: Fuel economy, towing capacity, storage capacity • Car’s Role: their only vehicle; it’ll serve multiple purposes Geographic • Live OR attend campus that’s <1 hour drive to Ford dealership; Psychographic: • Car’s Role: ‘cool factor’ & getting looks still trumps practical considerations. • Beliefs: “I’m wealthy & healthy; my success is assured; this vehicle is the final ‘cool factor’ to get me the attention I deserve” Targets: 4 types of defining criteria Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
  • 7. Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic Notice anything? Demographics are a mere start to defining a Target. Don’t let PopCulture depictions of advertising or marketing deceive you! Targets: 4 types of defining criteria Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part. Geographic traits apply practical limits to retail & service businesses. Eg what’s the ‘practical perimeter’ for a grocery store? A haircut? Delivering cement? Behavioural traits are often more useful to target media (time & place you reach ‘them’) than Demographics (& using both Demographics & Behaviours, may be magic!) Psychographic traits are the toughest to find (accurately) or apply, yet they can make all the difference eg ‘identify with’ what is really important to a prospect, or help create effective messages, promotions.
  • 8. Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic Imagine how useful all of that specific info would be in crafting a wise Marketing Mix → more effective & efficient marketing! However, what if the market’s reaction to the new 2-door indicated another opportunity? What if Ford found ‘prospects’ appearing at dealerships to test drive the new sporty 2-door were, instead, mid-income workers in a mid-life crisis? That different Target would have different Marketing Mix implications. Targets: 4 types of defining criteria Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
  • 9. Demographic; Geographic; Behavioural; Psychographic What if Ford ‘prospects’ appearing at dealerships to test drive the new sporty 2-door were, instead, mid-income workers in a mid-life crisis? That target might be eg • Male aged 39 to 55; • Household Income over $60,000 (in today’s $); • Employed full time; • Have a valid driver’s license; • Already own a car – a ‘family car’; • Traits desired in vehicle: Sporty, Handling, top speed, ‘hot’ looks, room for 1 passenger, attention-getting style & colour, trunk big enough for 2 weekend bags. • Car’s Role: family’s 2nd car, a gift to myself, weekend cruiser, commuting eye-catcher. • Psychographics: “I never reward myself, but after 20 years working to look after others, this is my indulgence; to bring out the youth in me” • Not Critical: Fuel economy, towing capacity, storage capacity • Other: might live anywhere in America, college town or not Targets: 4 types of defining criteria Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
  • 10. What would you now do differently as Ford? You might: PLACE: get the car out to ALL Ford dealerships, not just those in campus towns! PRICE: lower HHI so you might offer financing or payment plans PROMOTION: ads shouldn’t just show college kids; they should let you picture yourself in the driver’s seat PRODUCT: might want to consider slightly ‘calmer’ colours in addition to attention-getting red Ie Target customization will impact all aspects of the Marketing Mix → Target Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
  • 11. The Case: You are Emma The Entrepreneur; your business Concept is to deliver fresh made salads daily to micro-fridges lent to several high end GTA gyms & fitness facilities, and to replenish the fridge stock via deliveries generated by a scanning app. You propose to your Bank that adults 18 + who visit a gym 2+ times weekly will be a prime Target for the Concept, that adults who eat salads often will find it especially appealing and people who shop for groceries at Natural Foods stores will love it. Your Bank likes your idea, but asks you to do more research to get ‘prospect interest’ data so you might more effectively cost out and target your proposed Media and Influencer Cultivating programs. The bank also wants to see how much more interested the ‘best fit customers’ you describe are, versus people who visit gyms less often or are not quite so devoted to a salad-eating regimen. You are briefing the Research Agency and they ask who should be in the study. Before you do so, you list all critical Sample Attributes. → From the above info, can YOU itemize the specifics traits of her Target? Describe This Target (case) Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
  • 12. Emma brings this Target description to: her Ad Agency, Media Agency, Promotion Agency, Research Agency, banker,…. • Full time resident of the GTA; and • 18 to 64 years old; and • belongs to a gym; and • works out at gym 2 or more times/week; and • eats prepared salad 2 or more times/week; and • has shopped at Whole Foods or Noahs within last month Target Descriptors
  • 13. • Demographic • Geographic • Behavioural • Psychographic Even if you define the Target well, many different individuals will still ‘qualify’ as Target or Sample. How do you explore (in advance) some of that variance to better plan your marketing steps? …to better anticipate differing needs? When/why are ‘Avatars’ relevant? Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.
  • 14. Emma could go further than Targets. Eg She might flesh out or bring to life a fuller description of the Target She could create ‘personas’ or ‘avatars’→ Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part. Create & Use Avatars!
  • 15. Flesh out or bring to life a fuller description of the Target → Useful for: • Media placement • Ad messaging • Promotion incentives • Choosing a spokesperson or Influencer For R&D: • Describe prospects & their needs • Check a survey before putting it in field Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part. Create & Use Avatars!
  • 16. Potentially Relevant Behavioural Traits for avatars Some of the infinite # of relevant traits: • in favour of/ against my concept • savvy /ignorant about topic • first time/ repeat user (or buyer • use your brand/ other brand • buys item/ uses item • has time/ in a hurry • on laptop/ on a phone • new to brand, familiar with brand • feel ‘job-secure’, vs anxious. • bolder, vs more cautious. • ready to spend, vs careful. • Heavy vs Light/Occasional User • does/doesn’t do homework on category • buys for self, buys for another • tends to make spontaneous purchases vs plans them • prefers to pay cash vs credit vs financing • new to town or visiting/tourist, vs permanent resident • Solo vs Couple in LT relationship vs Romantic Couple… Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part. Using an Avatar
  • 17. ‘Bigger Picture’ Avatar Traits Big Picture considerations may drive a Target member’s mindset, choices and views: • Past experience: functionally or psychologically (eg applies especially often to scent, other sensual triggers) • Self-image: how they view themselves, who they wish to be, confidence, insecurity,… • Upbringing: role models, theology, socializing, moral lessons,… • Values & Aspirations: what matters most, now & long term. The importance of others (‘stakeholders’), how they picture ‘success’. • Beliefs: about the category, the brands, role the item/service plays, their impression of who would buy each brand,… Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part. Using an Avatar MARKETING
  • 18. Ready to create a couple avatars for Emma the Entrepreneur? Recall: Emma The Entrepreneur’s business Concept is to deliver fresh made salads daily to micro-fridges lent to several high end GTA gyms & fitness facilities, and replenish fridge stock via deliveries generated by a scanning app. Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part. Create & Use Avatars! Who are you?
  • 19. 1 sample avatar Emma might consider creating… 29 years old. Single, with a 4 year old child at home Feels guilty for any time away from child, being at gym Uses tech toys, apps often Personal Income $100,000 /Year Has been a gym member for 5 years What’s important: Time Savings Why we eats salad- filling enough, healthy. History: Dad passed away from obesity-related illness. → Implication: No tech barriers. → Concept Interest: Strongly Interested. → Reason Why: Saves me an extra trip/ drop in at grocery store on way home (sometimes they’re out of stock anyhow). I want to wolf it down as soon as I get home to see my real joy, my 4-year old. → Hesitation/Barriers: Dependability. If out of stock, or late, you’ll lose me. → Possible Message: Always on time, always fresh. Caterer to ‘The Amazing Race’. Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part. Create & Use Avatars! Judicious Jocko
  • 20. another avatar Emma might consider creating… 44 years old. Married. Parent to an 18 year old living at home. Likes trips to gym, being away from home. No gym-guilt. Personal Income $65,000. Gym goer for 8 years. Not into much tech; uses PayPal, not google or apple pay. What’s important: Moments of Joy & Earned Indulgence Why she eats salad: Weight control. History: Brother passed away at 41, despite being fittest of the family. Thinks there is no justice. Weight control and salads are no ‘guarantee’ of health. → Implication: Some modest tech barriers (payment format) → Concept Interest: Somewhat Interested. → Reason Why: May convince me to eat more salad just when I’m feeling most motivated to invest in my health (at gym). → Hesitation/ Barriers: Is it easy to order? Will it taste OK? → Possible Message: Delicious taste in 3 simple steps. 4 Star Rating by Chateleine. Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part. Create & Use Avatars! Momentary Mavis
  • 21. SOURCES ● accessed March 2, 2021 ● Litt, Steven ‘Applied Marketing Research: A Grad Student Reader’; 5th Edition, TopHat, 2020 • Steven Litt, accessed February 15, 2021 • Cover photo courtesy of Mandy S Photography • Thanks to Kathryn Faubert for the many awesome insights about avatars; any errors are entirely my fault. Š2020 Steven Litt . All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied, duplicated or posted publicly to a website in a whole or in part.