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Year 10 Syllabus
Semester 1: Listening

  Standard of        Basic             Indicators                  Main Materials                       Learning Experience                  Evaluation             Time        Source
 Competence      Competence
To              To respond       Students are able to:   Warm up activity                         Warming up activity                 A. Answer questions           4x60   Pictures:
understand      to meaning in                             • A picture of 2 people meeting          • Show a picture of people            based on the recorded      min
meaning in      formal and       1. Fill in the blanks       with each other.                         meeting in the café                text in full sentences. 
transactional   informal in         to complete the       • Questions:                             • Discuss the picture together        (50 points)
and             both                dialogue that           What do you think these people                                                                                 Exercise:
interpersonal   transactional       involves                are doing?                                                                1. What did Samantha ask             http://www.ESL.c
conversation    (to get things      greetings &             What might these people say to                                               Jane to do?                       om
in daily life   done) and           farewells, and          each other?                                                               2. When did Jane must do
context         interpersonal       agreeing to                                                                                          it?
                (to socialize)      invitations,         Theory                                   Theory
                conversations       keeping and           • Examples and explanations of           • Discuss examples and
                using a             breaking                 common phrases used in                   explanations of common          B. Listen to the unfinished
                variety of          promises with at         meeting people e.g. ‘Hi’, ‘How           phrases used in meeting            recorded text and
                simple              least 65%                are you?’, ‘Fine, thanks’,               people                             continue the story. (50
                discourse           accuracy.                ‘Goodbye’, etc.                                                             points)
                accurately,                                                                        •   Discuss examples and
                fluently, and    2. Answer                •   Examples and explanations of             explanations of common
                acceptably in       questions related         common phrases used when                 phrases used when invited to
                daily life          to the dialogue           invited to an event e.g. ‘Can you        an event
                context, and        that involves             come to my birthday party?’,
                involving           greetings &               ‘Yes, I can’, etc.
                greetings,          farewells, and                                                 •   Discuss examples and
                farewells,          agreeing to           •   Examples and explanations of             explanations of common
                agreeing to         invitations,              common phrases used when                 phrases used when making
                invitations,        keeping and               making promises e.g. ‘I promise          promises
                keeping and         breaking                  I’ll look after the cat’, ‘I’m
                breaking            promises briefly          sorry, something came up, I
                promises.           with at least 65%         don’t think I can do it’, etc.
                                    accuracy.                                                     Example
Examples                               Listen to the recorded texts:
Recorded texts:                         • ‘Meeting Ally at the Café’
 • ‘Meeting Ally at the Café’           • ‘Getting invited to Ally’s
 • ‘Getting invited to Ally’s party’         party’
 • ‘Breaking a promise to Ally’         • ‘Breaking a promise to Ally’

                                       Discuss the vocabulary,
                                       information, and how to answer
                                       the question in sentences of the
                                       example texts above.

Exercise                               Listen to the recorded texts:
 1. Recorded text: ‘Meeting my
                                        • ‘Meeting my friend on the
     friend on the street’
                                        • ‘Invitation to a party’
Fill in the blanks:
                                        • ‘Breaking a promise’
Amy: Hi, Tom! ___ (how) ___ (are)
                                       Discuss the vocabulary,
Tom: ___ (Hello), Amy! I’m ___
                                       information, and how to answer
(fine). You?
                                       the question in sentences of the
Amy: Oh, ___ (not) ___ (bad). Etc
                                       example texts above.
 • What did Amy say about how
                                       Do exercise:
     she was?
                                              a. Fill in the blanks
    A: She said she was not bad.
                                              b. Answer the question
 • Why were Amy and Tom so
                                                   in full sentences
     happy to see each other?
    A: Because they haven’t seen
    each other for a long time.
                                       Discuss the exercise:
                                               a. Fill in the blanks
2. Recorded text: ‘Invitation to a             b. Answer the question
    party’                                         in full sentences

Fill in the blanks:                      Collect the exercise:
Tim: Hello? Sue, it’s me Tim.                    a. Fill in the blanks
Sue: Oh. Hi, Tim! How can I help                 b. Answer the question
you?                                                  in full sentences
Tim: Um… I was wondering if ___
(you) ___ (would) ___ (like) to ___
(come) to ___ (my) ___ (party) this
Sue: Yes, I ___ (would) ___ (love) to!

 • What kind of party is Tim
    A: A cocktail party.
 • What did Sue say to the
    A: She said she’d love to come.

 3. Recorded text: ‘Breaking a           Review
    promise’                              • A variety of simple
                                              discourse involving
Fill in the blanks:                           greetings, farewells,
Jim: Hey, Lee! I need to talk to you.         agreeing to invitations,
Lee: About what?                              keeping and breaking
Jim: I ___ (am) ___ (sorry) I ___             promises
(can’t) ___ (make) it to the hearing.     • Vocabulary and language
Lee: But, ___ (why)? You know I               items
need your support.
Jim: I know. But, Marcia has to ___
(have) an ___ (operation). Etc
  • Why is Jim unable to keep his
                                     A: Because Marcia is having an
                                   • What was Lee’s reaction?
                                     A: He was disappointed.

Standard of   Basic   Indicators            Main Materials            Learning Experience   Evaluation   Time   Source
Competence       Competence
To               To respond       Students are able to:   Warm up activity                         Warming Up Activity                    A. Fill in the blanks        4x60   Internet:
understand       to meaning in                            Questions:                                • Ask and discuss questions              according to the          min    www.daveseslcafe
meaning in       simple           Recount                  • What did you do on the last                                                     recorded text. (50               .com
short            monologue                                     Christmas holiday? (Recount)                                                  points)
functional       texts using a    1. Answer                • Who knows what a fairy tale is?                                                                                  Books:
texts and        variety of          questions in              Have you heard or read of one?                                                Once upon a time there           English in Mind 3
simple           simple              complete                 What’s your favorite? (Narrative)                                              was a ___ named Wendy
monologues       discourse           sentences based       • Who likes to cook? (Procedure)                                                  who lived with ___.              Pictures
in the form of   accurately,         on the recount                                                                                                                 
a recount,       fluently, and       text about past                                               Theory                                 B. Answer questions based 
narrative, and   acceptably in       experiences           • Explanation about:                    Discuss the definitions and generic       on the recorded text in
procedure in     daily life          briefly with at          Recount- to inform about an          structure of recount, narrative, and      full sentences. (50
daily life       context in the      least 65%                event to entertain                   procedure                                 points)
context          form of             accuracy.                Narrative- to entertain
                 recount,                                     Procedure- to give instructions to                                          1. Why does Roger feel
                 narrative, and   2. Summarize what           do something                                                                   sad?
                 procedure.          has been heard in                                                                                    2. What did James do to
                                     a recount text                                                                                          help Roger?
                                     about past           Examples                                 Examples
                                     experiences with     Recorded texts:                          Listen to example texts:
                                     at least 65%          • ‘My best holiday’ (Recount)            • ‘My best holiday’ (Recount)
                                     accuracy.                                                      • ‘Sleeping Beauty’
                                                           • ‘Sleeping Beauty’ (Narrative)
                                                           • ‘How to make a milkshake’                   (Narrative)
                                  Narrative                                                         • ‘How to make a milkshake’
                                  1. State whether
                                     each statement                                                Discuss the vocabulary,
                                     given is true or                                              information, parts, and how to
                                     false based on                                                answer the questions in sentences
                                     the recount text                                              of the example texts above
                                     about fairy tales
                                     with at least 65%
                                                           1. Recorded text (Recount): ‘My         Exercise
                                  2. Make corrections                                              Listen to exercise texts:
for the false                                                •   ‘my childhood’(Recount)
   statements based    Questions:                               •   ‘Cinderella’(Narrative)
   on the reading       • What was the narrator’s               •   ‘Making Pancakes’
   text in the form         childhood like?                         (Procedure)
   of narrative             A: It was unhappy
   about fairy tales    • How did the narrator overcome         Discuss the vocabulary,
   with at least 65%        his problems?                       information, parts, and how to
   accuracy.                A: By consulting with the           answer the questions in sentences
                            counselor                           of the example texts above
3. Retell the story
   based on the         2. Recorded text (Narrative):           Do the given exercises:
   recorded text           ‘Cinderella’                         a. Fill in the blanks
   about fairy tales                                            b. Answer questions in sentences
   with at least 65%   True/False:
   accuracy.            • Cinderella was treated kindly by      Discuss exercises:
                            her step family.                    a. Fill in the blanks
Procedure               • Cinderella had no friends.            b. Answer questions in sentences
                        • The glass shoe fit the step sister.
1. Complete the                                                 Submit the exercises:
   missing steps        3. Recorded text (Procedure):           a. Fill in the blanks
   based on the            ‘Making pancakes’                    b. Answer questions in sentences
   recorded text
   about cooking       Complete missing steps:
   with at least 65%   Step 1: Collect ingredients.
   accuracy.           Step 2: ___
                       Step 3: Add flour. Etc
2. Answer multiple
   choice questions    Multiple choice questions:
   based on the         • One of the ingredients used is?
   recorded text
                           a. Cocoa
   about cooking
                           b. Salt
   with at least 70%
                           c. Milk
                        •    What do you do to the eggs?
                            a. Beat                             Review
                            b. Leave the white                  • Generic structure of recount,
c. Leave the yolk                       narrative, and procedure

Semester 1: Speaking

  Standard of        Basic            Indicators                    Main Materials                      Learning Experience                 Evaluation             Time        Source
 Competence      Competence
To convey       To respond       Students are able to:   Warm up activity                        Warm up activity                   A. Make a dialogue             4x60   Internet:
meaning in      to meaning in    1. Make a short          • A picture of 2 people meeting         • Show a picture of 2 people         between two or three        min    www.daveseslcafe
transactional   formal and           dialogue with a         with each other.                        meeting each other                people involving                   .com
and             informal in          partner involving    • Questions:                            • Discuss and ask questions          greetings & farewells,
interpersonal   both                 greetings &             What do you think these people          regarding the picture             and agreeing to
conversation    transactional        farewells, and          are doing?                                                                invitations, keeping and
in daily life   (to get things       agreeing to             What might these people say to                                            breaking promises. (40
context         done) and            invitations,            each other?                                                               points)
                interpersonal        keeping and
                (to socialize)       breaking promises   Theory                                  Theory                             B. Answer orally to the
                conversations        with at least 65%    • Examples and explanations of          • Give examples and                  questions or statements
                using a              accuracy.               common phrases used in                  explanations of common            your teacher says to you.
                variety of                                   meeting people e.g. ‘Hi’, ‘How          phrases used in meeting
                simple           2. Perform their            are you?’, ‘Fine, thanks’,              people
                discourse           dialogue                                                                                        1. T: Hi! How are you?
                                                             ‘Goodbye’, etc.                      • Give examples and
                accurately,         involving             • Examples and explanations of             explanations of common
                fluently, and       greetings &                                                                                         S: Fine thanks. And
                                                             common phrases used when                phrases used when invited to
                acceptably in       farewells, and                                                                                     you?
                                                             invited to an event e.g. ‘Can you       an event
                everyday            agreeing to              come to my birthday party?’,
                context, and        invitations,             ‘Yes, I can’, etc.                   •    Give examples and
                involving           keeping and                                                        explanations of common
                greetings,          breaking promises     •   Examples and explanations of             phrases used when making
                farewells,          with at least 65%         common phrases used when                 promises
                agreeing to         fluency and               making promises e.g. ‘I promise
                invitations,        accuracy.                                                                                       2. T: How would you
                                                              I’ll look after the cat’, ‘I’m
                keeping and                                                                                                            invite someone to a
                                                              sorry, something came up, I
                breaking                                                                                                               party?
                                                              don’t think I can do it’, etc.
                                                                                                                                       S: Would you like to
Examples                            come to my birthday
Examples                               • Play the recorded texts          party?
Recorded texts:                          a. ‘Meeting John’
 • ‘Meeting John’                        b. ‘Getting invited to a
 • ‘Getting invited to a birthday           birthday party’
     party’                              c. ‘Breaking a promise to a
 • ‘Breaking a promise to a friend’         friend’

                                       •   Discuss vocabulary,
                                           language items, and
                                           examples of questions of the
                                           example texts above

Exercise                              Exercise
Dialogue topics:                      Make dialogues based on the
 • Meeting an old friend              topics:
 • Accepting a wedding invitation       • Meeting an old friend
 • Keeping or breaking a promise        • Accepting a wedding
     to a sibling                           invitation
                                        • Keeping or breaking a
                                            promise to a sibling

                                      Discuss vocabulary, language
                                      items, and examples of questions
                                      of the example texts above

                                       • A variety of simple
                                           discourse involving
                                           greetings, farewells,
                                           agreeing to invitations,
                                           keeping and breaking
                                                                                                  •   Vocabulary and language

  Standard of        Basic              Indicators                    Main Materials                   Learning Experience                 Evaluation             Time        Source
 Competence       Competence
To convey        To convey        Students are able to:    Warm up activity                      Warm up activity                     A. Make an outline of       4x60   Internet:
meaning in       meaning in                                Questions:                             • Ask and discuss questions            either a recount,        min    www.daveseslcafe
short            simple           Recount                   • What did you do on the last                                                narrative or                    .com
functional       monologue                                      Christmas holiday? (Recount)                                             procedure on the
texts and        texts using a    1. Make a simple          • Who knows what a fairy tale is?                                            topics of your choice.          Books:
simple           variety of          story about past           Have you heard or read of one?                                           (30 points)                     English in Mind 4
monologues       simple              experiences with           What’s your favorite?
in the form of   discourse           at least 65%               (Narrative)                                                           B. Perform a speech of
a recount,       accurately,         accuracy and a         • Who likes to cook? (Procedure)                                             your outline in front
narrative, and   fluently, and       minimum of 1                                                                                        of the class. (70
procedure in     suitably in         page.                 Theory                                Theory                                  points)
everyday         everyday                                   • Explanation about:                  • Give explanation about
context          context in the   2. Perform their             Recount- to inform about an           recount, narrative, and
                 form of             stories in front of       event to entertain                    procedure
                 recount,            the class with at         Narrative- to entertain
                 narrative, and      least 65%                 Procedure- to give instructions
                 procedure.          accuracy and              to do something
                                     fluency.                                                     •   Explain the generic structure
                                                            •   Generic structure:                    of recount, narrative, and
                                  Narrative                     Recount- orientation, event,          procedure
                                  1. Make an outline            Narrative- introduction,
                                     to summarize a             complication, climax, falling
                                     fairy tale using           action, resolution
                                     own words with             Procedure- aim, ingredients,
                                     at least 65%               method
2. Retell a fairy tale   Video recordings of people            Examples
   using their own       performing:                            • Play the video recordings of
   words with at           • ‘My best holiday’ (Recount)           people’s performances
   least 65%               • ‘Rapunzel’ (Narrative)
   accuracy and            • ‘How to make popcorn’              •   Discuss the video
   fluency.                    (Procedure)

                         Exercise                              Exercise
1. Make steps to          • Make a… (story, steps) based        • Assign students to make a
   cook something             on your chosen topics with a          story or steps
   very simple with           minimum of 1 page.                • Ask students to perform
   at least 65%           • Perform your stories or steps in
   accuracy.                  front of the class.
2. Perform an                                                  • Generic structure of recount,
   imaginary demo                                                  narrative, and procedure
   about their
   cooking steps
   with at least 65%
   accuracy and
Semester 1: Reading

 Standard of          Basic             Indicators                     Main Materials                    Learning Experience                      Evaluation            Time        Source
 Competence       Competence
To               To respond       Students are able to :   Warm Up Activity                       1. Warm Up Activity                    Recount (My trip to            4x60   Pictures:
understand       to meaning                                • Pictures of a boy falling from his    • Discuss pictures of a boy           Australia)                     min
short            and to           Recount                     bicycle (Recount), Cinderella           falling from his bicycle            A. Answer the following    
functional       rhetorical                                   (Narrative), Fried Rice                 (Recount), Cinderella                   questions based on the
texts and        steps of essay   1. Answer                   (Procedure)                             (Narrative), Fried Rice                 given texts in full              Books:
simple essays    texts               questions based                                                  (Procedure)                             sentences (60 points)            Backpack 5
in the form of   accurately,         on the reading
recount,         fluently, and       text in the                                                  Theory                                  1. To which part of
narrative, and   acceptably in       form of recount       Theory                                  Discuss definition and generic            Australia did Angela
procedure in     everyday            about past            • Explanation about:                   structure of recount, narrative, and       go?
daily life       context to          experiences in          Recount- to inform about an event    procedure
context, and     access              complete                to entertain                                                                 B. Answer true/false to the
to access        knowledge in        sentences with at       Narrative- to entertain                                                         given statements
knowledge.       the form of         least 65%               Procedure- to give instructions to                                              according to the text
                 recount,            accuracy.               do something                                                                    and give corrections to
                 narrative, and                                                                                                              the false statements.
                 procedure.       2. State whether         •     Generic structure:                                                          (40 points)
                                     each statement            Recount- orientation, event,
                                     given is true or          conclusion                                                                 1. Angela swam with the
                                     false based on            Narrative- introduction,                                                      dolphins in Port
                                     the reading text          complication, climax, falling                                                 Charles. (T)
                                     in the form of            action, resolution                                                         2. Angela took part in
                                     recount about             Procedure- aim, ingredients,                                                  singing at the Opera
                                     past experiences          method                                                                        House. (F) Angela
                                     with at least 65%                                                                                       watched an opera
                                     accuracy.                                                                                               singer at the Opera
                                  3. Make corrections      Examples                               Examples
                                     for the false         Example of generic structure in the    Discuss Example texts:
                                     statements based      texts:                                 • My Bad Day (Recount)
                                     on the reading         • My Bad Day (Recount)                • Cinderella (Narrative)
                                     text in the                                                  • How to Make Pancakes                 Narrative (Batman)
form of recount      •   Cinderella (Narrative)                  (Procedure)                       A. Answer the following
    about past           •   How to Make Pancakes                                                         questions based on the
    experiences with         (Procedure)                                                                  given texts in full
    at least 65%                                                 Discuss vocabulary, information,         sentences (60 points)
    accuracy.                                                    generic structures, and how to
                                                                 answer the questions in sentences,    1. Who is the eternal
Narrative                                                        and giving corrections to false          enemy of Batman?
                                                                 statements based on the example          Joker is Batman
1. Answer the                                                    texts above                              eternal enemy
   questions based                                               Read the text for exercise
   on the reading                                                                                      B. Answer true/false to the
   text in the form                                              Exercise                                 given statements
   of narrative          Exercise                                                                         according to the text
   about fairy tales                                             Do the given exercises:                  and give corrections to
   in complete           1. Reading passage (Recount):            a. Answer questions in sentences        the false statements.
   sentences with at        ‘My holiday’                          b. True/False                           (40 points)
   least 65%                                                      c. Make correction for the false
   accuracy.             Questions:                              statement                             1. Robin is Batman
                         • What was the narrator’s holiday                                                Partner(T)
2. State whether             like?                               Discuss exercises given above
   each of                  A: The narrator’s holiday was full                                         2. Batman live in Goblin
   statements given         of adventure.                        Submit exercises above                   City(F) Batman life in
   is true or false      • How did the narrator spend his                                                 Gotham City
   based on the              holiday?
   reading text in          A: He went on a mountain trip                                             Procedure (Coffee)
   the form of              with his father.
   narrative about                                                                                     A. Answer the following
   fairy tales with at   True/False                                                                       questions based on the
   least 65%              • The narrator fell off a tree.                                                 given texts in full
   accuracy.                A: False                                                                      sentences (60 points)
                          • The narrator and his father stayed
3. Make corrections          at a cabin.                                                               1. What do you have to do
   for the false            A: True                                                                       before you boil the
   statements based                                                                                       water?
   on the reading        Make corrections for the false                                                2. When do you pour in
   text in the form      statements                                                                       the milk?
of narrative        •    The narrator fell off a tree.
   about fairy tales       A: (F). The narrator didn’t fall off                                      B. Answer true/false to the
   with at least 65%       a tree, but he climbed it.                                                   given statements
   accuracy.                                                                                            according to the text
                                                                                                        and give corrections to
Procedure                  Reading passage (Narrative):                                                 the false statements.
                           ‘Snow White’                                                                 (40 points)
1. State whether
   each of             Questions:                                                                    1. Only use a boiled water
   statements given    • Q: Why did the Queen hate Snow                                                 to make a hot coffee for
   is true or false        White?                                                                       the great taste.(T)
   based on the           A: The Queen hated Snow White
   reading text in        because Snow White was prettier                                            2. You can add a salt or
   the form of            than her.                                                                     pepper on your coffee.
   procedure about                                                                                      (F) You can add sugar
   cooking with at     True/False                                                                       or creamer on your
   least 65%            • The Queen is the most beautiful                                               coffee
   accuracy.               woman in the world.(T/F)
                          A: False
2. Make corrections
   for the false       Make corrections for the false
   statements based    statements
   on the reading       • The Queen is the most beautiful
   text in the form         woman in the world.
   of procedure            A: (F). Little Snow-White is the
   about cooking           most beautiful woman in the
   with at least 65%       world.
                       1. Reading passage (Procedure):
                          ‘How to make popcorn’                   Review
                                                                   • Generic structure of recount,
                       True/False                                     narrative, and procedure
                        • Do not cover the pan while              Read the text for the evaluation
                           heating the corn kernels.              Discuss
                          A: False                                submit
                        • Make sure the popcorns are not
                                                              A: True

Semester 1: Writing

 Standard of         Basic             Indicators                       Main Materials                    Learning Experience                     Evaluation             Time       Source
Competence        Competence
To convey       To convey        Students are able to:    Warm Up Activity                         Warm Up Activity                       A. Make an outline of          4x60   Internet:
meaning in      meaning and                               • Questions about students’ first        • Students are asked to ask               either a recount,           min    www.daveseslcaf
short           rhetorical       Recount                     day of high school. (Recount)            each other about their first           narrative or procedure   
functional      steps                                     • Extracts from fairy tales e.g. She        day of high school. (Recount)          on the topics of your
texts and       accurately,      1. Make an outline          took a bite of the juicy red apple,   • Read extracts from fairy tales          choice. (30 points)                Books:
simple          fluently, and       in the form of           and fell into a deep sleep. A:           and ask students to identify                                              Just Right
essays in the   suitably using      recount about            Snow White (Narrative)                   e.g. She took a bite of the         B. Make an essay of your              Intermediate
form of         a variety of        past experiences      • Pictures of food (Procedure)              juicy red apple, and fell into a       outline with at least 500
recount,        written             with at least 65%                                                 deep sleep. A: Snow White              words. (70 points)
narrative,      language in         accuracy.                                                         (Narrative)
and             everyday                                                                           • Show pictures of food to
procedure in    context in the   2. Make an essay                                                     students and ask them how
daily life      form of             based on the                                                      each was made e.g. fried rice
context.        recount,            outline about                                                     (Procedure)
                narrative, and      past experiences
                procedure.          with a minimum        Theory                                   Theory
                                    of 500 words
                                    with at least 65%     •    Explanation about:                  Discuss definition and generic
                                    accuracy.                 Recount- to inform about an event    structure of recount, narrative, and
                                                              to entertain                         procedure
                                 Narrative                    Narrative- to entertain
                                                              Procedure- to give instructions to
                                 1. Make an outline           do something
                                    in the form of
                                    narrative about
                                    fairy tales with at   •    Generic structure:
                                    least 65%                 Recount- orientation, event,
accuracy.              conclusion
                           Narrative- introduction,
2. Make a story            complication, climax, falling
   based on the            action, resolution
   outline about           Procedure- aim, ingredients,
   fairy tales with a      method
   minimum of 500
   words with at        Examples                               Examples
   least 65%            Example of generic structure in the    Example texts:
   accuracy.            texts:                                  • First Day of School
                         • First Day of School (Recount)           (Recount)
Procedure                • Sleeping Beauty (Narrative)          • Sleeping Beauty (Narrative)
                         • Making Fried Rice (Procedure)        • Making Fried Rice
1. Make an outline                                                 (Procedure)
   in the form of
   procedure on                                                Discuss vocabulary, information,
   how to cook with                                            generic structures, and how to
   at least 65%                                                answer the questions in sentences
   accuracy.                                                   based on the example texts above

2. Make a recipe        Exercise
   based on the         • Make an outline in the form of …     Exercise
   outline about            (recount, narrative, procedure)    • Make an outline in the form
   cooking with a           with your own topic of choice          of … (recount, narrative,
   minimum of 500       • Make an/a… (essay, story,                procedure) with your own
   words with at            recipe) based on the outline you       topic of choice
   least 65%                have made                          • Make an/a… (essay, story,
   accuracy.                                                       recipe) based on the outline
                                                                   you have made

                                                               • Generic structure of recount,
                                                                   narrative, and procedure

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  • 1. Year 10 Syllabus Semester 1: Listening Standard of Basic Indicators Main Materials Learning Experience Evaluation Time Source Competence Competence To To respond Students are able to: Warm up activity Warming up activity A. Answer questions 4x60 Pictures: understand to meaning in • A picture of 2 people meeting • Show a picture of people based on the recorded min meaning in formal and 1. Fill in the blanks with each other. meeting in the café text in full sentences. h/conversation transactional informal in to complete the • Questions: • Discuss the picture together (50 points) and both dialogue that What do you think these people Exercise: interpersonal transactional involves are doing? 1. What did Samantha ask http://www.ESL.c conversation (to get things greetings & What might these people say to Jane to do? om in daily life done) and farewells, and each other? 2. When did Jane must do context interpersonal agreeing to it? (to socialize) invitations, Theory Theory conversations keeping and • Examples and explanations of • Discuss examples and using a breaking common phrases used in explanations of common B. Listen to the unfinished variety of promises with at meeting people e.g. ‘Hi’, ‘How phrases used in meeting recorded text and simple least 65% are you?’, ‘Fine, thanks’, people continue the story. (50 discourse accuracy. ‘Goodbye’, etc. points) accurately, • Discuss examples and fluently, and 2. Answer • Examples and explanations of explanations of common acceptably in questions related common phrases used when phrases used when invited to daily life to the dialogue invited to an event e.g. ‘Can you an event context, and that involves come to my birthday party?’, involving greetings & ‘Yes, I can’, etc. greetings, farewells, and • Discuss examples and farewells, agreeing to • Examples and explanations of explanations of common agreeing to invitations, common phrases used when phrases used when making invitations, keeping and making promises e.g. ‘I promise promises keeping and breaking I’ll look after the cat’, ‘I’m breaking promises briefly sorry, something came up, I promises. with at least 65% don’t think I can do it’, etc. accuracy. Example
  • 2. Examples Listen to the recorded texts: Recorded texts: • ‘Meeting Ally at the Café’ • ‘Meeting Ally at the Café’ • ‘Getting invited to Ally’s • ‘Getting invited to Ally’s party’ party’ • ‘Breaking a promise to Ally’ • ‘Breaking a promise to Ally’ Discuss the vocabulary, information, and how to answer the question in sentences of the example texts above. Exercise Exercise Listen to the recorded texts: 1. Recorded text: ‘Meeting my • ‘Meeting my friend on the friend on the street’ street’ • ‘Invitation to a party’ Fill in the blanks: • ‘Breaking a promise’ Amy: Hi, Tom! ___ (how) ___ (are) you? Discuss the vocabulary, Tom: ___ (Hello), Amy! I’m ___ information, and how to answer (fine). You? the question in sentences of the Amy: Oh, ___ (not) ___ (bad). Etc example texts above. Questions: • What did Amy say about how Do exercise: she was? a. Fill in the blanks A: She said she was not bad. b. Answer the question • Why were Amy and Tom so in full sentences happy to see each other? A: Because they haven’t seen each other for a long time. Discuss the exercise: a. Fill in the blanks
  • 3. 2. Recorded text: ‘Invitation to a b. Answer the question party’ in full sentences Fill in the blanks: Collect the exercise: Tim: Hello? Sue, it’s me Tim. a. Fill in the blanks Sue: Oh. Hi, Tim! How can I help b. Answer the question you? in full sentences Tim: Um… I was wondering if ___ (you) ___ (would) ___ (like) to ___ (come) to ___ (my) ___ (party) this Saturday. Sue: Yes, I ___ (would) ___ (love) to! Etc Questions: • What kind of party is Tim having? A: A cocktail party. • What did Sue say to the invitation? A: She said she’d love to come. 3. Recorded text: ‘Breaking a Review promise’ • A variety of simple discourse involving Fill in the blanks: greetings, farewells, Jim: Hey, Lee! I need to talk to you. agreeing to invitations, Lee: About what? keeping and breaking Jim: I ___ (am) ___ (sorry) I ___ promises (can’t) ___ (make) it to the hearing. • Vocabulary and language Lee: But, ___ (why)? You know I items need your support. Jim: I know. But, Marcia has to ___ (have) an ___ (operation). Etc Questions: • Why is Jim unable to keep his
  • 4. promise? A: Because Marcia is having an operation. • What was Lee’s reaction? A: He was disappointed. Standard of Basic Indicators Main Materials Learning Experience Evaluation Time Source
  • 5. Competence Competence To To respond Students are able to: Warm up activity Warming Up Activity A. Fill in the blanks 4x60 Internet: understand to meaning in Questions: • Ask and discuss questions according to the min www.daveseslcafe meaning in simple Recount • What did you do on the last recorded text. (50 .com short monologue Christmas holiday? (Recount) points) functional texts using a 1. Answer • Who knows what a fairy tale is? Books: texts and variety of questions in Have you heard or read of one? Once upon a time there English in Mind 3 simple simple complete What’s your favorite? (Narrative) was a ___ named Wendy monologues discourse sentences based • Who likes to cook? (Procedure) who lived with ___. Pictures in the form of accurately, on the recount a recount, fluently, and text about past Theory B. Answer questions based Theory ch/ narrative, and acceptably in experiences • Explanation about: Discuss the definitions and generic on the recorded text in procedure in daily life briefly with at Recount- to inform about an structure of recount, narrative, and full sentences. (50 daily life context in the least 65% event to entertain procedure points) context form of accuracy. Narrative- to entertain recount, Procedure- to give instructions to 1. Why does Roger feel narrative, and 2. Summarize what do something sad? procedure. has been heard in 2. What did James do to a recount text help Roger? about past Examples Examples experiences with Recorded texts: Listen to example texts: at least 65% • ‘My best holiday’ (Recount) • ‘My best holiday’ (Recount) accuracy. • ‘Sleeping Beauty’ • ‘Sleeping Beauty’ (Narrative) • ‘How to make a milkshake’ (Narrative) Narrative • ‘How to make a milkshake’ (Procedure) (Procedure) 1. State whether each statement Discuss the vocabulary, given is true or information, parts, and how to false based on answer the questions in sentences the recount text of the example texts above about fairy tales with at least 65% accuracy. Exercise 1. Recorded text (Recount): ‘My Exercise 2. Make corrections Listen to exercise texts: childhood’
  • 6. for the false • ‘my childhood’(Recount) statements based Questions: • ‘Cinderella’(Narrative) on the reading • What was the narrator’s • ‘Making Pancakes’ text in the form childhood like? (Procedure) of narrative A: It was unhappy about fairy tales • How did the narrator overcome Discuss the vocabulary, with at least 65% his problems? information, parts, and how to accuracy. A: By consulting with the answer the questions in sentences counselor of the example texts above 3. Retell the story based on the 2. Recorded text (Narrative): Do the given exercises: recorded text ‘Cinderella’ a. Fill in the blanks about fairy tales b. Answer questions in sentences with at least 65% True/False: accuracy. • Cinderella was treated kindly by Discuss exercises: her step family. a. Fill in the blanks Procedure • Cinderella had no friends. b. Answer questions in sentences • The glass shoe fit the step sister. 1. Complete the Submit the exercises: missing steps 3. Recorded text (Procedure): a. Fill in the blanks based on the ‘Making pancakes’ b. Answer questions in sentences recorded text about cooking Complete missing steps: with at least 65% Step 1: Collect ingredients. accuracy. Step 2: ___ Step 3: Add flour. Etc 2. Answer multiple choice questions Multiple choice questions: based on the • One of the ingredients used is? recorded text a. Cocoa about cooking b. Salt with at least 70% c. Milk accuracy. • What do you do to the eggs? a. Beat Review b. Leave the white • Generic structure of recount,
  • 7. c. Leave the yolk narrative, and procedure Semester 1: Speaking Standard of Basic Indicators Main Materials Learning Experience Evaluation Time Source Competence Competence To convey To respond Students are able to: Warm up activity Warm up activity A. Make a dialogue 4x60 Internet: meaning in to meaning in 1. Make a short • A picture of 2 people meeting • Show a picture of 2 people between two or three min www.daveseslcafe transactional formal and dialogue with a with each other. meeting each other people involving .com and informal in partner involving • Questions: • Discuss and ask questions greetings & farewells, interpersonal both greetings & What do you think these people regarding the picture and agreeing to conversation transactional farewells, and are doing? invitations, keeping and in daily life (to get things agreeing to What might these people say to breaking promises. (40 context done) and invitations, each other? points) interpersonal keeping and (to socialize) breaking promises Theory Theory B. Answer orally to the conversations with at least 65% • Examples and explanations of • Give examples and questions or statements using a accuracy. common phrases used in explanations of common your teacher says to you. variety of meeting people e.g. ‘Hi’, ‘How phrases used in meeting simple 2. Perform their are you?’, ‘Fine, thanks’, people discourse dialogue 1. T: Hi! How are you? ‘Goodbye’, etc. • Give examples and accurately, involving • Examples and explanations of explanations of common fluently, and greetings & S: Fine thanks. And common phrases used when phrases used when invited to acceptably in farewells, and you? invited to an event e.g. ‘Can you an event everyday agreeing to come to my birthday party?’, context, and invitations, ‘Yes, I can’, etc. • Give examples and involving keeping and explanations of common greetings, breaking promises • Examples and explanations of phrases used when making farewells, with at least 65% common phrases used when promises agreeing to fluency and making promises e.g. ‘I promise invitations, accuracy. 2. T: How would you I’ll look after the cat’, ‘I’m keeping and invite someone to a sorry, something came up, I breaking party? don’t think I can do it’, etc. promises. S: Would you like to
  • 8. Examples come to my birthday Examples • Play the recorded texts party? Recorded texts: a. ‘Meeting John’ • ‘Meeting John’ b. ‘Getting invited to a • ‘Getting invited to a birthday birthday party’ party’ c. ‘Breaking a promise to a • ‘Breaking a promise to a friend’ friend’ • Discuss vocabulary, language items, and examples of questions of the example texts above Exercise Exercise Dialogue topics: Make dialogues based on the • Meeting an old friend topics: • Accepting a wedding invitation • Meeting an old friend • Keeping or breaking a promise • Accepting a wedding to a sibling invitation • Keeping or breaking a promise to a sibling Discuss vocabulary, language items, and examples of questions of the example texts above Review • A variety of simple discourse involving greetings, farewells, agreeing to invitations, keeping and breaking
  • 9. promises • Vocabulary and language items Standard of Basic Indicators Main Materials Learning Experience Evaluation Time Source Competence Competence To convey To convey Students are able to: Warm up activity Warm up activity A. Make an outline of 4x60 Internet: meaning in meaning in Questions: • Ask and discuss questions either a recount, min www.daveseslcafe short simple Recount • What did you do on the last narrative or .com functional monologue Christmas holiday? (Recount) procedure on the texts and texts using a 1. Make a simple • Who knows what a fairy tale is? topics of your choice. Books: simple variety of story about past Have you heard or read of one? (30 points) English in Mind 4 monologues simple experiences with What’s your favorite? in the form of discourse at least 65% (Narrative) B. Perform a speech of a recount, accurately, accuracy and a • Who likes to cook? (Procedure) your outline in front narrative, and fluently, and minimum of 1 of the class. (70 procedure in suitably in page. Theory Theory points) everyday everyday • Explanation about: • Give explanation about context context in the 2. Perform their Recount- to inform about an recount, narrative, and form of stories in front of event to entertain procedure recount, the class with at Narrative- to entertain narrative, and least 65% Procedure- to give instructions procedure. accuracy and to do something fluency. • Explain the generic structure • Generic structure: of recount, narrative, and Narrative Recount- orientation, event, procedure conclusion 1. Make an outline Narrative- introduction, to summarize a complication, climax, falling fairy tale using action, resolution own words with Procedure- aim, ingredients, at least 65% method accuracy. Examples
  • 10. 2. Retell a fairy tale Video recordings of people Examples using their own performing: • Play the video recordings of words with at • ‘My best holiday’ (Recount) people’s performances least 65% • ‘Rapunzel’ (Narrative) accuracy and • ‘How to make popcorn’ • Discuss the video fluency. (Procedure) Procedure Exercise Exercise 1. Make steps to • Make a… (story, steps) based • Assign students to make a cook something on your chosen topics with a story or steps very simple with minimum of 1 page. • Ask students to perform at least 65% • Perform your stories or steps in accuracy. front of the class. Review 2. Perform an • Generic structure of recount, imaginary demo narrative, and procedure about their cooking steps with at least 65% accuracy and fluency.
  • 11. Semester 1: Reading Standard of Basic Indicators Main Materials Learning Experience Evaluation Time Source Competence Competence To To respond Students are able to : Warm Up Activity 1. Warm Up Activity Recount (My trip to 4x60 Pictures: understand to meaning • Pictures of a boy falling from his • Discuss pictures of a boy Australia) min short and to Recount bicycle (Recount), Cinderella falling from his bicycle A. Answer the following earch/ functional rhetorical (Narrative), Fried Rice (Recount), Cinderella questions based on the texts and steps of essay 1. Answer (Procedure) (Narrative), Fried Rice given texts in full Books: simple essays texts questions based (Procedure) sentences (60 points) Backpack 5 in the form of accurately, on the reading recount, fluently, and text in the Theory 1. To which part of narrative, and acceptably in form of recount Theory Discuss definition and generic Australia did Angela procedure in everyday about past • Explanation about: structure of recount, narrative, and go? daily life context to experiences in Recount- to inform about an event procedure context, and access complete to entertain B. Answer true/false to the to access knowledge in sentences with at Narrative- to entertain given statements knowledge. the form of least 65% Procedure- to give instructions to according to the text recount, accuracy. do something and give corrections to narrative, and the false statements. procedure. 2. State whether • Generic structure: (40 points) each statement Recount- orientation, event, given is true or conclusion 1. Angela swam with the false based on Narrative- introduction, dolphins in Port the reading text complication, climax, falling Charles. (T) in the form of action, resolution 2. Angela took part in recount about Procedure- aim, ingredients, singing at the Opera past experiences method House. (F) Angela with at least 65% watched an opera accuracy. singer at the Opera House. 3. Make corrections Examples Examples for the false Example of generic structure in the Discuss Example texts: statements based texts: • My Bad Day (Recount) on the reading • My Bad Day (Recount) • Cinderella (Narrative) text in the • How to Make Pancakes Narrative (Batman)
  • 12. form of recount • Cinderella (Narrative) (Procedure) A. Answer the following about past • How to Make Pancakes questions based on the experiences with (Procedure) given texts in full at least 65% Discuss vocabulary, information, sentences (60 points) accuracy. generic structures, and how to answer the questions in sentences, 1. Who is the eternal Narrative and giving corrections to false enemy of Batman? statements based on the example Joker is Batman 1. Answer the texts above eternal enemy questions based Read the text for exercise on the reading B. Answer true/false to the text in the form Exercise given statements of narrative Exercise according to the text about fairy tales Do the given exercises: and give corrections to in complete 1. Reading passage (Recount): a. Answer questions in sentences the false statements. sentences with at ‘My holiday’ b. True/False (40 points) least 65% c. Make correction for the false accuracy. Questions: statement 1. Robin is Batman • What was the narrator’s holiday Partner(T) 2. State whether like? Discuss exercises given above each of A: The narrator’s holiday was full 2. Batman live in Goblin statements given of adventure. Submit exercises above City(F) Batman life in is true or false • How did the narrator spend his Gotham City based on the holiday? reading text in A: He went on a mountain trip Procedure (Coffee) the form of with his father. narrative about A. Answer the following fairy tales with at True/False questions based on the least 65% • The narrator fell off a tree. given texts in full accuracy. A: False sentences (60 points) • The narrator and his father stayed 3. Make corrections at a cabin. 1. What do you have to do for the false A: True before you boil the statements based water? on the reading Make corrections for the false 2. When do you pour in text in the form statements the milk?
  • 13. of narrative • The narrator fell off a tree. about fairy tales A: (F). The narrator didn’t fall off B. Answer true/false to the with at least 65% a tree, but he climbed it. given statements accuracy. according to the text and give corrections to Procedure Reading passage (Narrative): the false statements. ‘Snow White’ (40 points) 1. State whether each of Questions: 1. Only use a boiled water statements given • Q: Why did the Queen hate Snow to make a hot coffee for is true or false White? the great taste.(T) based on the A: The Queen hated Snow White reading text in because Snow White was prettier 2. You can add a salt or the form of than her. pepper on your coffee. procedure about (F) You can add sugar cooking with at True/False or creamer on your least 65% • The Queen is the most beautiful coffee accuracy. woman in the world.(T/F) A: False 2. Make corrections for the false Make corrections for the false statements based statements on the reading • The Queen is the most beautiful text in the form woman in the world. of procedure A: (F). Little Snow-White is the about cooking most beautiful woman in the with at least 65% world. accuracy. 1. Reading passage (Procedure): ‘How to make popcorn’ Review • Generic structure of recount, True/False narrative, and procedure • Do not cover the pan while Read the text for the evaluation heating the corn kernels. Discuss A: False submit • Make sure the popcorns are not
  • 14. burnt. A: True Semester 1: Writing Standard of Basic Indicators Main Materials Learning Experience Evaluation Time Source Competence Competence To convey To convey Students are able to: Warm Up Activity Warm Up Activity A. Make an outline of 4x60 Internet: meaning in meaning and • Questions about students’ first • Students are asked to ask either a recount, min www.daveseslcaf short rhetorical Recount day of high school. (Recount) each other about their first narrative or procedure functional steps • Extracts from fairy tales e.g. She day of high school. (Recount) on the topics of your texts and accurately, 1. Make an outline took a bite of the juicy red apple, • Read extracts from fairy tales choice. (30 points) Books: simple fluently, and in the form of and fell into a deep sleep. A: and ask students to identify Just Right essays in the suitably using recount about Snow White (Narrative) e.g. She took a bite of the B. Make an essay of your Intermediate form of a variety of past experiences • Pictures of food (Procedure) juicy red apple, and fell into a outline with at least 500 recount, written with at least 65% deep sleep. A: Snow White words. (70 points) narrative, language in accuracy. (Narrative) and everyday • Show pictures of food to procedure in context in the 2. Make an essay students and ask them how daily life form of based on the each was made e.g. fried rice context. recount, outline about (Procedure) narrative, and past experiences procedure. with a minimum Theory Theory of 500 words with at least 65% • Explanation about: Discuss definition and generic accuracy. Recount- to inform about an event structure of recount, narrative, and to entertain procedure Narrative Narrative- to entertain Procedure- to give instructions to 1. Make an outline do something in the form of narrative about fairy tales with at • Generic structure: least 65% Recount- orientation, event,
  • 15. accuracy. conclusion Narrative- introduction, 2. Make a story complication, climax, falling based on the action, resolution outline about Procedure- aim, ingredients, fairy tales with a method minimum of 500 words with at Examples Examples least 65% Example of generic structure in the Example texts: accuracy. texts: • First Day of School • First Day of School (Recount) (Recount) Procedure • Sleeping Beauty (Narrative) • Sleeping Beauty (Narrative) • Making Fried Rice (Procedure) • Making Fried Rice 1. Make an outline (Procedure) in the form of procedure on Discuss vocabulary, information, how to cook with generic structures, and how to at least 65% answer the questions in sentences accuracy. based on the example texts above 2. Make a recipe Exercise based on the • Make an outline in the form of … Exercise outline about (recount, narrative, procedure) • Make an outline in the form cooking with a with your own topic of choice of … (recount, narrative, minimum of 500 • Make an/a… (essay, story, procedure) with your own words with at recipe) based on the outline you topic of choice least 65% have made • Make an/a… (essay, story, accuracy. recipe) based on the outline you have made Review • Generic structure of recount, narrative, and procedure