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Suzie Sunshine
Leadership 101
I’m Suzie Sunshine and this class is Leadership 101
Introduction Defining Leadership Leadership Philosophy
Attitude Leading By Example Integrity Success & Failure Goals
& Goal-Setting Guidelines Teamwork & Team-building
Motivation Recommended Reads
Today we’re going to learn about leadership
-I will explain why you should all develop your own leadership
philosophy and give you mine
-Then we’re going to talk about how attitude relates to
leadership and watch a couple quick videos
-Next we will talk about leading by example and the importance
of integrity
-Then we will define success and discuss failure
-After that we will move onto the 3 types of goals and give
some guidelines for goal-setting
-Next we will discuss teamwork and team-building followed by
-And finally I will give you a list of useful books that will help
you develop as a leader and create your own leadership
Target audience:
> Current & future leaders
> Coaches, military, corporate, etc.
> Assistant coaches, students, etc. Diverse audience is
> Offers more perspective Share opinions & experiences
> Learn from each other
-The target audience for this presentation is current and future
leaders, like coaches, military and corporate leaders as well as
assistant coaches and students
-We prefer to have an audience from diverse backgrounds to
provide different perspectives
-This will be an interactive forum facilitated by Powerpoint
-We encourage you to participate, share you opinions and
experiences so we can all learn from each other
How do you define leadership? Name one great leader What
made him or her a great leader?
Defining Leadership
-(Encourage audience participation)
-How do you define leadership?
-(Seek different definitions to help the audience learn from each
-Name one great leader…what made them great?
-(Look for and point out trends in audience answers/discussion)
Develop your own, what works for you Put them in writing
Mold it from
> Your experiences
> Experiences of others
> What is important to you Communicate it to your followers
Review & continually revise Develop a leadership motto
Leadership Philosophy
-Write out your leadership philosophy
-Start by listing nuggets of leadership based on your
experiences, experiences of others (from books, movies or
people you know), and be sure to include the things that are
important to you.
-Be sure to communicate your leadership philosophy to your
followers. They should know what is important to you and what
you expect of them.
-This should be a living document that evolves as you gain
experience, grow and develop as a leader.
-Develop a short leadership motto to summarize your leadership
-For example, Coach Dean Smith’s leadership motto was “work
hard, work smart, work together”
1.) Do the right thing, even when no one is watching
2.) Nothing worthwhile comes easy
3.) Bloom where you’re planted
4.) People want to know you care before they care
what you know
5.) Make things happen, don’t let them happen
6.) Get mad & get over it
7.) Set standards high, enforce them & live by them
8.) Set short/long term goals—written & visible
9.) Keep a balanced life
10.) Have a vision & communicate it
My Leadership Motto:
> Integrity first, service before self & excellence
in all we do
Sunshine’s Leadership Nuggets
-Here are a list of my 10 leadership nuggets, in no particular
-Integrity is key, it’s doing the right thing, even when no one is
watching…and with today’s technology, it’s safer to assume
that someone is always watching
-Bloom where you’re planted means do a good job at whatever
job you’re given, your players should work hard at whatever
position they are put in
-People want to know you care before they care what you know,
show your players that you care about them as people, not just
players on the team
-Make things happen, don’t let them happen…you are the
architect your destiny and the destiny of your team
-Time spent in anger is time wasted so get over it!
-Set standards high, enforce those standards and live by them in
all areas of your life
-Set short and long term goals to keep your team on track, make
sure they are written and highly visible, put the team goals up
in the locker room and hang individual goals in each player’s
-Keep a balance in your life and ensure your players do the
same, talk to your players about their lives and their academics
-Have a vision and communicate it, don’t expect your team to
read your mind and know where you want them to go…but make
sure you’re leading your team in the right direction for a good
-My leadership motto is: integrity first, service before self and
excellence in all we do
Negativity is contagious, don’t let it spread If you want your
team to be positive, you must have a positive attitude Be
real with your team, you can’t fake itAttitude reflects leadership
(click for video)
> Bad attitudes often result from bad
-Negative attitudes are contagious, don’t let them spread
-If you want your team to be positive, you must have a positive
-Don’t try to fake it, your team will sense insincerity
-Attitude reflects leadership video from Remember The Titans
-Bad attitudes are often the result of bad leadership
Positive leaders
(click for video)
Leadership Video
-But there are many positive leaders as well, which will you
choose to be?
-Positive leadership video
Live by the standards you set Set the standards high, enforce
them & your team will achieve them Harvey Coleman in his
book Empowering Yourself says that success is:
> 10% Performance
> 30% Image
> 60% Exposure
Leading By Example
-Can you expect more of your players than you expect of
-If you show up late to practice but require your players to be
on time, will they still respect you and your rules?
-A good coach must believe in and live by the standards of
conduct he sets for his team
-If you set low standards, your team will only achieve low
-If you set the standards high and enforce those standards, your
team will strive to meet your expectations and achieve great
-Harvey Coleman in his book “Empowering yourself: The
organizational game revealed” says that success is only 10%
performance, 30% image and 60% exposure
-Name some leaders who did something to hurt their image?
Sports figures, politicians, etc.
-Any successful leader must always guard against doing
anything that could damage their credibility or degrade the
discipline of their organization
Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is
watching Moral, ethical & legal behavior Guard against
anything that could damage your credibility or the discipline
of your organization Don’t betray their trust Respect is
difficult to regain
-Integrity is doing the right thing, even when when no one is
-The behavior of a good leader should be moral, ethical and
legal…on and off duty
-Guard against anything that could damage your credibility or
the discipline of your organization
-Leaders are afforded a special, honorable duty…don’t betray
the trust of your people
-Respect is not easy to regain, so don’t do anything to cause
your followers to lose respect for you
-Tiger Woods is an example of what not to do and he has paid a
price for his immoral actions
How do you define success? Is winning part of your definition?
If you team played their best but didn’t win,
were they successful? Coach Wooden’s definition of
success: doing your best to become the best you
are capable of becoming
-How do you define success?
-Is winning included in your definition of success?
-Coach Dean Smith never included winning in his definition of
-If your team played their best but didn’t win, were they
-If your team didn’t play their best but still won, were they
-Coach John Wooden definition of success a peace of mind,
which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you
made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are
capable of becoming
Losing is a learning opportunity Learn from it & improve
Losing is a powerful motivator Don’t let it create doubt Don’t
lose confidence Get over it & let it go
-Losing a game is not failure
-A good leader views failure as a learning opportunity
-Learn from loss and improve, individually and as a team
-Losing is a powerful motivator, most players don’t want to let
down their team or their coach
-Don’t let losing create doubt in your team or cause players to
lose confidence in themselves
-Don’t dwell on loss
-Learn from it, get over it and let it go.
Three types
> Outcome goals
> Performance goals
> Process goals Setting goals alone doesn’t enhance
performance or productivity Set goals for team &
individuals Give feedback & follow up
-Goals can be divided into three distinct types
-Outcome goals focus on results like winning and losing
-Performance goals are concerned with individual performance
-Process goals are concerned with how athletes perform a
certain skill and are primarily used during practice and training
-Research has shown that merely setting goals does not enhance
performance or productivity
-Goals combined with feedback produce better performance than
goals or feedback alone.
Specific & measurable Written & displayed Challenging, not
easy Achievable, not impossible Short-term goals
> Motivate & give confidence Long-term goals
> Keep focus & provide direction Goals build team cohesion
Goal Guidelines
-Individual and team goals should be specific, measurable,
written, displayed, challenging and achievable
-Short-term goals should focus on smaller or individual
-Achieving short-term goals helps motivate people and enhances
-Long-term goals should be outcome goals like winning a
-Long-term goals help keep focus and provide the team with a
direction to work toward
First step is setting goals
> All heading in the same direction Ensure roles &
responsibilities are clearly defined & understood No finger-
pointing or blame You win as a team & lose as a team
-The first step in teamwork is setting goals, the team must be
united in purpose before they can work together toward a
common goal
-Ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and
understood by all players and staff
-Don’t allow finger pointing or blame
-You win as a team and lose as a team, an individual can’t win
all by himself…nor can one person be single-handedly
responsible for losing a game
Allow the team to help develop team rules
> Creates buy-in Reward unselfishness, discipline for
selfish acts Discipline the team, not individuals
> Creates loyalty between players
> Peer pressure motivates
Team-Building Techniques
-Allowing your team to help develop team rules will create buy
in, when they feel like they were a part of creating the rules
they will be more less likely to violate them
-Reward unselfishness among your players and discipline for
selfish acts
-Discipline the team, not individuals, peer pressure is a
powerful motivator…players don’t want to let their teammates
How do you motivate your people? All are not created equal
> Different backgrounds & upbringings
> Some are self-motivated
> Not one method works on everyone Know your people Pay
attention to their response
-How do you motivate your people?
-(Encourage audience participation)
-Not all people are the same
-People come from a variety of background and upbringings
-Some are self-motivated while others are not
-Public humiliation may work with some people and have the
opposite effect on others
-Some people prefer a private discussion, others can be
corrected publicly and not take offense to it
-The best way to figure out what works best for each person is
to know you people
-Pay attention to how they respond when you give them a
-If they don’t respond well, you may need to try a different
Read something every day
Lincoln on Leadership, Donald T. Phillips The Carolina Way,
Dean Smith The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni
What It Takes To Be #1, Vince Lombardi Jr. Leadership Gold,
John C. Maxwell The Magic of Thinking Big, David J. Schwartz
Remember…leaders are readers!!!
Recommended Books
-Read something every day. The day you stop growing is the
day you cease to exist.
-Here is a list of books that will help you refine your leadership
style and develop a successful team.
-Lincoln on Leadership is about Abraham Lincoln’s leadership
style and how he handled the challenges he was faced with. The
lessons apply to leaders in any arena.
-The Carolina Way is a fantastic book written by Coach Smith
about his leadership lessons from over 36 years of coaching.
-The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a leadership fable that
explains why even the best teams struggle and how to overcome
obstacles and build a cohesive team.
-What It Takes To Be #1 explores the leadership qualities that
legendary coach Vince Lombardi thought were essential to
-Leadership Gold is a culmination of 40 years of experience
from internationally renowned leadership expert John C.
-The Magic of Thinking Big is a classic written in 1959 but still
applies to the world today. It’s about confidence, attitude, goal
setting and achieving great things.
-Remember that leaders are readers!
Coleman, H. J. (2010). Empowering yourself: The
organizational game
revealed (2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Lombardi, V., Jr. (2001). What it takes to be #1: Vince
Lombardi on
leadership. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Smith, D. (2004). The Carolina way: Leadership lessons from a
life in
coaching. New York: NY: Penguin Group.
Weinberg, R. (2010). Making goals effective: A primer for
coaches. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 1, 57-65.
Wooden, J. & Carty, J. (2005). Coach Wooden’s pyramid of
success: Building
blocks for a better life. Ventura, CA: Regal.
-Here is a list of the references used to create this presentation.
Summary Brief Intro Defined Leadership Leadership
Philosophies Attitude & Leading By Example Integrity & Trust
Defined Success & Failure Goals & Goal-Setting Teamwork &
Team-Building Techniques Motivation Recommended Books
In summary,
-I gave you a brief intro and target audience
-We defined leadership
-We talked about leadership philosophies and I gave you mine
as an example
-We talked about the power of a positive attitude, what it means
to lead by example and watched a couple leadership videos
-We discussed the importance of integrity
-We looked at success and failure, the different types of goals
and some guidelines for setting goals
-We talked about teamwork, team-building and motivation
-And finally I gave you some books that I highly recommend
-Does anyone have any questions?
-(Seek audience feedback/critique)
-What could we include/remove or change to make this course
more beneficial?
I’m Suzie Sunshine and this class is Leadership 101
Today we’re going to learn about leadership
-I will explain why you should all develop your own leadership
philosophy and give you mine
-Then we’re going to talk about how attitude relates to
leadership and watch a couple quick videos
-Next we will talk about leading by example and the importance
of integrity
-Then we will define success and discuss failure
-After that we will move onto the 3 types of goals and give
some guidelines for goal-setting
-Next we will discuss teamwork and team-building followed by
-And finally I will give you a list of useful books that will help
you develop as a leader and create your own leadership
-The target audience for this presentation is current and future
leaders, like coaches, military and corporate leaders as well as
assistant coaches and students
-We prefer to have an audience from diverse backgrounds to
provide different perspectives
-This will be an interactive forum facilitated by Powerpoint
-We encourage you to participate, share you opinions and
experiences so we can all learn from each other
-(Encourage audience participation)
-How do you define leadership?
-(Seek different definitions to help the audience learn from each
-Name one great leader…what made them great?
-(Look for and point out trends in audience answers/discussion)
-Write out your leadership philosophy
-Start by listing nuggets of leadership based on your
experiences, experiences of others (from books, movies or
people you know), and be sure to include the things that are
important to you.
-Be sure to communicate your leadership philosophy to your
followers. They should know what is important to you and what
you expect of them.
-This should be a living document that evolves as you gain
experience, grow and develop as a leader.
-Develop a short leadership motto to summarize your leadership
-For example, Coach Dean Smith’s leadership motto was “work
hard, work smart, work together”
-Here are a list of my 10 leadership nuggets, in no particular
-Integrity is key, it’s doing the right thing, even when no one is
watching…and with today’s technology, it’s safer to assume
that someone is always watching
-Bloom where you’re planted means do a good job at whatever
job you’re given, your players should work hard at whatever
position they are put in
-People want to know you care before they care what you know,
show your players that you care about them as people, not just
players on the team
-Make things happen, don’t let them happen…you are the
architect your destiny and the destiny of your team
-Time spent in anger is time wasted so get over it!
-Set standards high, enforce those standards and live by them in
all areas of your life
-Set short and long term goals to keep your team on track, make
sure they are written and highly visible, put the team goals up
in the locker room and hang individual goals in each player’s
-Keep a balance in your life and ensure your players do the
same, talk to your players about their lives and their academics
-Have a vision and communicate it, don’t expect your team to
read your mind and know where you want them to go…but make
sure you’re leading your team in the right direction for a good
-My leadership motto is: integrity first, service before self and
excellence in all we do
-Negative attitudes are contagious, don’t let them spread
-If you want your team to be positive, you must have a positive
-Don’t try to fake it, your team will sense insincerity
-Attitude reflects leadership video from Remember The Titans
-Bad attitudes are often the result of bad leadership
-But there are many positive leaders as well, which will you
choose to be?
-Positive leadership video
-Can you expect more of your players than you expect of
-If you show up late to practice but require your players to be
on time, will they still respect you and your rules?
-A good coach must believe in and live by the standards of
conduct he sets for his team
-If you set low standards, your team will only achieve low
-If you set the standards high and enforce those standards, your
team will strive to meet your expectations and achieve great
-Harvey Coleman in his book “Empowering yourself: The
organizational game revealed” says that success is only 10%
performance, 30% image and 60% exposure
-Name some leaders who did something to hurt their image?
Sports figures, politicians, etc.
-Any successful leader must always guard against doing
anything that could damage their credibility or degrade the
discipline of their organization
-Integrity is doing the right thing, even when when no one is
-The behavior of a good leader should be moral, ethical and
legal…on and off duty
-Guard against anything that could damage your credibility or
the discipline of your organization
-Leaders are afforded a special, honorable duty…don’t betray
the trust of your people
-Respect is not easy to regain, so don’t do anything to cause
your followers to lose respect for you
-Tiger Woods is an example of what not to do and he has paid a
price for his immoral actions
-How do you define success?
-Is winning included in your definition of success?
-Coach Dean Smith never included winning in his definition of
-If your team played their best but didn’t win, were they
-If your team didn’t play their best but still won, were they
-Coach John Wooden definition of success a peace of mind,
which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you
made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are
capable of becoming
-Losing a game is not failure
-A good leader views failure as a learning opportunity
-Learn from loss and improve, individually and as a team
-Losing is a powerful motivator, most players don’t want to let
down their team or their coach
-Don’t let losing create doubt in your team or cause players to
lose confidence in themselves
-Don’t dwell on loss
-Learn from it, get over it and let it go.
-Goals can be divided into three distinct types
-Outcome goals focus on results like winning and losing
-Performance goals are concerned with individual performance
-Process goals are concerned with how athletes perform a
certain skill and are primarily used during practice and training
-Research has shown that merely setting goals does not enhance
performance or productivity
-Goals combined with feedback produce better performance than
goals or feedback alone.
-Individual and team goals should be specific, measurable,
written, displayed, challenging and achievable
-Short-term goals should focus on smaller or individual
-Achieving short-term goals helps motivate people and enhances
-Long-term goals should be outcome goals like winning a
-Long-term goals help keep focus and provide the team with a
direction to work toward
-The first step in teamwork is setting goals, the team must be
united in purpose before they can work together toward a
common goal
-Ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and
understood by all players and staff
-Don’t allow finger pointing or blame
-You win as a team and lose as a team, an individual can’t win
all by himself…nor can one person be single-handedly
responsible for losing a game
-Allowing your team to help develop team rules will create buy
in, when they feel like they were a part of creating the rules
they will be more less likely to violate them
-Reward unselfishness among your players and discipline for
selfish acts
-Discipline the team, not individuals, peer pressure is a
powerful motivator…players don’t want to let their teammates
-How do you motivate your people?
-(Encourage audience participation)
-Not all people are the same
-People come from a variety of background and upbringings
-Some are self-motivated while others are not
-Public humiliation may work with some people and have the
opposite effect on others
-Some people prefer a private discussion, others can be
corrected publicly and not take offense to it
-The best way to figure out what works best for each person is
to know you people
-Pay attention to how they respond when you give them a
-If they don’t respond well, you may need to try a different
-Read something every day. The day you stop growing is the
day you cease to exist.
-Here is a list of books that will help you refine your leadership
style and develop a successful team.
-Lincoln on Leadership is about Abraham Lincoln’s leadership
style and how he handled the challenges he was faced with. The
lessons apply to leaders in any arena.
-The Carolina Way is a fantastic book written by Coach Smith
about his leadership lessons from over 36 years of coaching.
-The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a leadership fable that
explains why even the best teams struggle and how to overcome
obstacles and build a cohesive team.
-What It Takes To Be #1 explores the leadership qualities that
legendary coach Vince Lombardi thought were essential to
-Leadership Gold is a culmination of 40 years of experience
from internationally renowned leadership expert John C.
-The Magic of Thinking Big is a classic written in 1959 but still
applies to the world today. It’s about confidence, attitude, goal
setting and achieving great things.
-Remember that leaders are readers!
-Here is a list of the references used to create this presentation.
In summary,
-I gave you a brief intro and target audience
-We defined leadership
-We talked about leadership philosophies and I gave you mine
as an example
-We talked about the power of a positive attitude, what it means
to lead by example and watched a couple leadership videos
-We discussed the importance of integrity
-We looked at success and failure, the different types of goals
and some guidelines for setting goals
-We talked about teamwork, team-building and motivation
-And finally I gave you some books that I highly recommend
-Does anyone have any questions?
-(Seek audience feedback/critique)
-What could we include/remove or change to make this course
more beneficial?
MAT 510 – Homework Assignment
Homework Assignment 7
Due in Week 8 and worth 30 points
The experiment data in below table was to evaluate the effects
of three variables on invoice errors for a company. Invoice
errors had been a major contributor to lengthening the time that
customers took to pay their invoices and increasing the accounts
receivables for a major chemical company. It was conjectured
that the errors might be due to the size of the customer (larger
customers have more complex orders), the customer location
(foreign orders are more complicated), and the type of product.
A subset of the data is summarized in the following Table.
Table: Invoice Experiment Error
Customer Size
Customer Location
Product Type
Number of Errors
Customer Size: Small (-), Large (+)
Customer Location: Foreign (-), Domestic (+)
Product Type: Commodity (-), Specialty (=)
Reference: Moen, Nolan, and Provost (R. D. Moen, T. W. Nolan
and L. P. Provost. Improving Quality through Planned
Experimentation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991)
Use the date in table above and answer the following questions
in the space provided below:
1. What is the nature of the effects of the factors studied in this
2. What strategy would you use to reduce invoice errors, given
the results of this experiment?
Type your answers below and submit this file in Week 8 of the
online course shell:
MAT 510
Homework Assignment
Homework A
Due in
8 and worth 30 points
experiment data in below table was to evaluate the effects of
three variables on invoice errors
for a
. Invoice errors had been a major contributor to lengthening the
time that customers took to pay
their invoices and increasing the accounts receivables for a
major chemical company. It was conjectured
that the errors might be due to the size of the custome
r (larger customers have more complex orders), the
customer location (foreign orders are more complicated), and
the type of product. A subset of the data is
summarized in the following Table.
Table: Invoice Experiment Error
Customer Size
Product Type
Number of Errors
Customer Size: Small (
), Large (+)
Customer Location: Foreign (
), Domestic (+)
Product Type: Commodity (
), Specialty (=)
Reference: Moen, Nolan, and Provost (R. D. Moen, T. W. Nolan
and L. P. Provost.
Improving Quality
through Planned Experimentation
New York: McGraw
Hill, 1991)
Use the date in table
and answer the following questions
in the space provided below:
What is the nature of the effects of the factors studied in this
What strategy would you use to reduce invoice errors, given the
results of this experiment?
Type your answers below and submit this file
in Week 8 of
the online course shell:
MAT 510 – Homework Assignment
Homework Assignment 7
Due in Week 8 and worth 30 points
The experiment data in below table was to evaluate the effects
of three variables on invoice errors for a
company. Invoice errors had been a major contributor to
lengthening the time that customers took to pay
their invoices and increasing the accounts receivables for a
major chemical company. It was conjectured
that the errors might be due to the size of the customer (larger
customers have more complex orders), the
customer location (foreign orders are more complicated), and
the type of product. A subset of the data is
summarized in the following Table.
Table: Invoice Experiment Error
Customer Size Customer Location Product Type Number of
- - - 15
+ - - 18
- + - 6
+ + - 2
- - + 19
+ - + 23
- + + 16
+ + + 21
Customer Size: Small (-), Large (+)
Customer Location: Foreign (-), Domestic (+)
Product Type: Commodity (-), Specialty (=)
Reference: Moen, Nolan, and Provost (R. D. Moen, T. W. Nolan
and L. P. Provost. Improving Quality
through Planned Experimentation. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Use the date in table above and answer the following questions
in the space provided below:
1. What is the nature of the effects of the factors studied in this
2. What strategy would you use to reduce invoice errors, given
the results of this experiment?
Type your answers below and submit this file in Week 8 of the
online course shell:

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Suzie SunshineLeadership 101I’m Suzie Sunshine and t.docx

  • 1. Suzie Sunshine Leadership 101 I’m Suzie Sunshine and this class is Leadership 101 Introduction Defining Leadership Leadership Philosophy Attitude Leading By Example Integrity Success & Failure Goals & Goal-Setting Guidelines Teamwork & Team-building Motivation Recommended Reads Overview Today we’re going to learn about leadership -I will explain why you should all develop your own leadership philosophy and give you mine -Then we’re going to talk about how attitude relates to leadership and watch a couple quick videos -Next we will talk about leading by example and the importance of integrity -Then we will define success and discuss failure -After that we will move onto the 3 types of goals and give some guidelines for goal-setting -Next we will discuss teamwork and team-building followed by motivation -And finally I will give you a list of useful books that will help you develop as a leader and create your own leadership philosophy
  • 2. Target audience: > Current & future leaders > Coaches, military, corporate, etc. > Assistant coaches, students, etc. Diverse audience is preferred > Offers more perspective Share opinions & experiences > Learn from each other Introduction -The target audience for this presentation is current and future leaders, like coaches, military and corporate leaders as well as assistant coaches and students -We prefer to have an audience from diverse backgrounds to provide different perspectives -This will be an interactive forum facilitated by Powerpoint slides -We encourage you to participate, share you opinions and experiences so we can all learn from each other How do you define leadership? Name one great leader What made him or her a great leader? Defining Leadership -(Encourage audience participation) -How do you define leadership? -(Seek different definitions to help the audience learn from each other) -Name one great leader…what made them great? -(Look for and point out trends in audience answers/discussion) Develop your own, what works for you Put them in writing Mold it from > Your experiences
  • 3. > Experiences of others > What is important to you Communicate it to your followers Review & continually revise Develop a leadership motto Leadership Philosophy -Write out your leadership philosophy -Start by listing nuggets of leadership based on your experiences, experiences of others (from books, movies or people you know), and be sure to include the things that are important to you. -Be sure to communicate your leadership philosophy to your followers. They should know what is important to you and what you expect of them. -This should be a living document that evolves as you gain experience, grow and develop as a leader. -Develop a short leadership motto to summarize your leadership philosophy -For example, Coach Dean Smith’s leadership motto was “work hard, work smart, work together” 1.) Do the right thing, even when no one is watching 2.) Nothing worthwhile comes easy 3.) Bloom where you’re planted 4.) People want to know you care before they care what you know 5.) Make things happen, don’t let them happen 6.) Get mad & get over it 7.) Set standards high, enforce them & live by them 8.) Set short/long term goals—written & visible 9.) Keep a balanced life 10.) Have a vision & communicate it My Leadership Motto: > Integrity first, service before self & excellence in all we do
  • 4. Sunshine’s Leadership Nuggets -Here are a list of my 10 leadership nuggets, in no particular order -Integrity is key, it’s doing the right thing, even when no one is watching…and with today’s technology, it’s safer to assume that someone is always watching -Bloom where you’re planted means do a good job at whatever job you’re given, your players should work hard at whatever position they are put in -People want to know you care before they care what you know, show your players that you care about them as people, not just players on the team -Make things happen, don’t let them happen…you are the architect your destiny and the destiny of your team -Time spent in anger is time wasted so get over it! -Set standards high, enforce those standards and live by them in all areas of your life -Set short and long term goals to keep your team on track, make sure they are written and highly visible, put the team goals up in the locker room and hang individual goals in each player’s locker -Keep a balance in your life and ensure your players do the same, talk to your players about their lives and their academics -Have a vision and communicate it, don’t expect your team to read your mind and know where you want them to go…but make sure you’re leading your team in the right direction for a good cause -My leadership motto is: integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do Negativity is contagious, don’t let it spread If you want your team to be positive, you must have a positive attitude Be real with your team, you can’t fake itAttitude reflects leadership (click for video)
  • 5. > Bad attitudes often result from bad leadership Attitude -Negative attitudes are contagious, don’t let them spread -If you want your team to be positive, you must have a positive attitude -Don’t try to fake it, your team will sense insincerity immediately -Attitude reflects leadership video from Remember The Titans website: -Bad attitudes are often the result of bad leadership Positive leaders (click for video) Leadership Video -But there are many positive leaders as well, which will you choose to be? -Positive leadership video website: Live by the standards you set Set the standards high, enforce them & your team will achieve them Harvey Coleman in his book Empowering Yourself says that success is: > 10% Performance > 30% Image > 60% Exposure Leading By Example -Can you expect more of your players than you expect of yourself? -If you show up late to practice but require your players to be on time, will they still respect you and your rules?
  • 6. -A good coach must believe in and live by the standards of conduct he sets for his team -If you set low standards, your team will only achieve low standards -If you set the standards high and enforce those standards, your team will strive to meet your expectations and achieve great things -Harvey Coleman in his book “Empowering yourself: The organizational game revealed” says that success is only 10% performance, 30% image and 60% exposure -Name some leaders who did something to hurt their image? Sports figures, politicians, etc. -Any successful leader must always guard against doing anything that could damage their credibility or degrade the discipline of their organization Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching Moral, ethical & legal behavior Guard against anything that could damage your credibility or the discipline of your organization Don’t betray their trust Respect is difficult to regain Integrity -Integrity is doing the right thing, even when when no one is watching -The behavior of a good leader should be moral, ethical and legal…on and off duty -Guard against anything that could damage your credibility or the discipline of your organization -Leaders are afforded a special, honorable duty…don’t betray the trust of your people -Respect is not easy to regain, so don’t do anything to cause your followers to lose respect for you -Tiger Woods is an example of what not to do and he has paid a price for his immoral actions
  • 7. How do you define success? Is winning part of your definition? If you team played their best but didn’t win, were they successful? Coach Wooden’s definition of success: doing your best to become the best you are capable of becoming Success -How do you define success? -Is winning included in your definition of success? -Coach Dean Smith never included winning in his definition of success -If your team played their best but didn’t win, were they successful? -If your team didn’t play their best but still won, were they successful? -Coach John Wooden definition of success a peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming Losing is a learning opportunity Learn from it & improve Losing is a powerful motivator Don’t let it create doubt Don’t lose confidence Get over it & let it go Failure -Losing a game is not failure -A good leader views failure as a learning opportunity -Learn from loss and improve, individually and as a team -Losing is a powerful motivator, most players don’t want to let down their team or their coach -Don’t let losing create doubt in your team or cause players to lose confidence in themselves -Don’t dwell on loss
  • 8. -Learn from it, get over it and let it go. Three types > Outcome goals > Performance goals > Process goals Setting goals alone doesn’t enhance performance or productivity Set goals for team & individuals Give feedback & follow up Goals -Goals can be divided into three distinct types -Outcome goals focus on results like winning and losing -Performance goals are concerned with individual performance -Process goals are concerned with how athletes perform a certain skill and are primarily used during practice and training sessions -Research has shown that merely setting goals does not enhance performance or productivity -Goals combined with feedback produce better performance than goals or feedback alone. Specific & measurable Written & displayed Challenging, not easy Achievable, not impossible Short-term goals > Motivate & give confidence Long-term goals > Keep focus & provide direction Goals build team cohesion Goal Guidelines -Individual and team goals should be specific, measurable, written, displayed, challenging and achievable -Short-term goals should focus on smaller or individual improvements -Achieving short-term goals helps motivate people and enhances self-confidence
  • 9. -Long-term goals should be outcome goals like winning a championship -Long-term goals help keep focus and provide the team with a direction to work toward First step is setting goals > All heading in the same direction Ensure roles & responsibilities are clearly defined & understood No finger- pointing or blame You win as a team & lose as a team Teamwork -The first step in teamwork is setting goals, the team must be united in purpose before they can work together toward a common goal -Ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood by all players and staff -Don’t allow finger pointing or blame -You win as a team and lose as a team, an individual can’t win all by himself…nor can one person be single-handedly responsible for losing a game Allow the team to help develop team rules > Creates buy-in Reward unselfishness, discipline for selfish acts Discipline the team, not individuals > Creates loyalty between players > Peer pressure motivates Team-Building Techniques -Allowing your team to help develop team rules will create buy in, when they feel like they were a part of creating the rules they will be more less likely to violate them -Reward unselfishness among your players and discipline for
  • 10. selfish acts -Discipline the team, not individuals, peer pressure is a powerful motivator…players don’t want to let their teammates down How do you motivate your people? All are not created equal > Different backgrounds & upbringings > Some are self-motivated > Not one method works on everyone Know your people Pay attention to their response Motivation -How do you motivate your people? -(Encourage audience participation) -Not all people are the same -People come from a variety of background and upbringings -Some are self-motivated while others are not -Public humiliation may work with some people and have the opposite effect on others -Some people prefer a private discussion, others can be corrected publicly and not take offense to it -The best way to figure out what works best for each person is to know you people -Pay attention to how they respond when you give them a course-correction -If they don’t respond well, you may need to try a different approach Read something every day Lincoln on Leadership, Donald T. Phillips The Carolina Way, Dean Smith The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni
  • 11. What It Takes To Be #1, Vince Lombardi Jr. Leadership Gold, John C. Maxwell The Magic of Thinking Big, David J. Schwartz Remember…leaders are readers!!! Recommended Books -Read something every day. The day you stop growing is the day you cease to exist. -Here is a list of books that will help you refine your leadership style and develop a successful team. -Lincoln on Leadership is about Abraham Lincoln’s leadership style and how he handled the challenges he was faced with. The lessons apply to leaders in any arena. -The Carolina Way is a fantastic book written by Coach Smith about his leadership lessons from over 36 years of coaching. -The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a leadership fable that explains why even the best teams struggle and how to overcome obstacles and build a cohesive team. -What It Takes To Be #1 explores the leadership qualities that legendary coach Vince Lombardi thought were essential to success. -Leadership Gold is a culmination of 40 years of experience from internationally renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell. -The Magic of Thinking Big is a classic written in 1959 but still applies to the world today. It’s about confidence, attitude, goal setting and achieving great things. -Remember that leaders are readers! Coleman, H. J. (2010). Empowering yourself: The organizational game revealed (2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. Lombardi, V., Jr. (2001). What it takes to be #1: Vince Lombardi on
  • 12. leadership. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Smith, D. (2004). The Carolina way: Leadership lessons from a life in coaching. New York: NY: Penguin Group. Weinberg, R. (2010). Making goals effective: A primer for coaches. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 1, 57-65. doi:10.1080/14622200410001676305 Wooden, J. & Carty, J. (2005). Coach Wooden’s pyramid of success: Building blocks for a better life. Ventura, CA: Regal. References -Here is a list of the references used to create this presentation. Summary Brief Intro Defined Leadership Leadership Philosophies Attitude & Leading By Example Integrity & Trust Defined Success & Failure Goals & Goal-Setting Teamwork & Team-Building Techniques Motivation Recommended Books In summary, -I gave you a brief intro and target audience -We defined leadership -We talked about leadership philosophies and I gave you mine as an example -We talked about the power of a positive attitude, what it means to lead by example and watched a couple leadership videos -We discussed the importance of integrity -We looked at success and failure, the different types of goals and some guidelines for setting goals -We talked about teamwork, team-building and motivation -And finally I gave you some books that I highly recommend reading
  • 13. Questions -Does anyone have any questions? -(Seek audience feedback/critique) -What could we include/remove or change to make this course more beneficial? I’m Suzie Sunshine and this class is Leadership 101 Today we’re going to learn about leadership -I will explain why you should all develop your own leadership philosophy and give you mine -Then we’re going to talk about how attitude relates to leadership and watch a couple quick videos -Next we will talk about leading by example and the importance of integrity -Then we will define success and discuss failure -After that we will move onto the 3 types of goals and give some guidelines for goal-setting -Next we will discuss teamwork and team-building followed by motivation -And finally I will give you a list of useful books that will help you develop as a leader and create your own leadership philosophy -The target audience for this presentation is current and future leaders, like coaches, military and corporate leaders as well as assistant coaches and students -We prefer to have an audience from diverse backgrounds to provide different perspectives -This will be an interactive forum facilitated by Powerpoint slides -We encourage you to participate, share you opinions and experiences so we can all learn from each other -(Encourage audience participation)
  • 14. -How do you define leadership? -(Seek different definitions to help the audience learn from each other) -Name one great leader…what made them great? -(Look for and point out trends in audience answers/discussion) -Write out your leadership philosophy -Start by listing nuggets of leadership based on your experiences, experiences of others (from books, movies or people you know), and be sure to include the things that are important to you. -Be sure to communicate your leadership philosophy to your followers. They should know what is important to you and what you expect of them. -This should be a living document that evolves as you gain experience, grow and develop as a leader. -Develop a short leadership motto to summarize your leadership philosophy -For example, Coach Dean Smith’s leadership motto was “work hard, work smart, work together” -Here are a list of my 10 leadership nuggets, in no particular order -Integrity is key, it’s doing the right thing, even when no one is watching…and with today’s technology, it’s safer to assume that someone is always watching -Bloom where you’re planted means do a good job at whatever job you’re given, your players should work hard at whatever position they are put in -People want to know you care before they care what you know, show your players that you care about them as people, not just players on the team -Make things happen, don’t let them happen…you are the architect your destiny and the destiny of your team -Time spent in anger is time wasted so get over it! -Set standards high, enforce those standards and live by them in all areas of your life -Set short and long term goals to keep your team on track, make
  • 15. sure they are written and highly visible, put the team goals up in the locker room and hang individual goals in each player’s locker -Keep a balance in your life and ensure your players do the same, talk to your players about their lives and their academics -Have a vision and communicate it, don’t expect your team to read your mind and know where you want them to go…but make sure you’re leading your team in the right direction for a good cause -My leadership motto is: integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do -Negative attitudes are contagious, don’t let them spread -If you want your team to be positive, you must have a positive attitude -Don’t try to fake it, your team will sense insincerity immediately -Attitude reflects leadership video from Remember The Titans website: -Bad attitudes are often the result of bad leadership -But there are many positive leaders as well, which will you choose to be? -Positive leadership video website: -Can you expect more of your players than you expect of yourself? -If you show up late to practice but require your players to be on time, will they still respect you and your rules? -A good coach must believe in and live by the standards of conduct he sets for his team -If you set low standards, your team will only achieve low standards -If you set the standards high and enforce those standards, your team will strive to meet your expectations and achieve great things -Harvey Coleman in his book “Empowering yourself: The organizational game revealed” says that success is only 10%
  • 16. performance, 30% image and 60% exposure -Name some leaders who did something to hurt their image? Sports figures, politicians, etc. -Any successful leader must always guard against doing anything that could damage their credibility or degrade the discipline of their organization -Integrity is doing the right thing, even when when no one is watching -The behavior of a good leader should be moral, ethical and legal…on and off duty -Guard against anything that could damage your credibility or the discipline of your organization -Leaders are afforded a special, honorable duty…don’t betray the trust of your people -Respect is not easy to regain, so don’t do anything to cause your followers to lose respect for you -Tiger Woods is an example of what not to do and he has paid a price for his immoral actions -How do you define success? -Is winning included in your definition of success? -Coach Dean Smith never included winning in his definition of success -If your team played their best but didn’t win, were they successful? -If your team didn’t play their best but still won, were they successful? -Coach John Wooden definition of success a peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming -Losing a game is not failure -A good leader views failure as a learning opportunity -Learn from loss and improve, individually and as a team -Losing is a powerful motivator, most players don’t want to let down their team or their coach -Don’t let losing create doubt in your team or cause players to
  • 17. lose confidence in themselves -Don’t dwell on loss -Learn from it, get over it and let it go. -Goals can be divided into three distinct types -Outcome goals focus on results like winning and losing -Performance goals are concerned with individual performance -Process goals are concerned with how athletes perform a certain skill and are primarily used during practice and training sessions -Research has shown that merely setting goals does not enhance performance or productivity -Goals combined with feedback produce better performance than goals or feedback alone. -Individual and team goals should be specific, measurable, written, displayed, challenging and achievable -Short-term goals should focus on smaller or individual improvements -Achieving short-term goals helps motivate people and enhances self-confidence -Long-term goals should be outcome goals like winning a championship -Long-term goals help keep focus and provide the team with a direction to work toward -The first step in teamwork is setting goals, the team must be united in purpose before they can work together toward a common goal -Ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood by all players and staff -Don’t allow finger pointing or blame -You win as a team and lose as a team, an individual can’t win all by himself…nor can one person be single-handedly responsible for losing a game -Allowing your team to help develop team rules will create buy in, when they feel like they were a part of creating the rules they will be more less likely to violate them -Reward unselfishness among your players and discipline for
  • 18. selfish acts -Discipline the team, not individuals, peer pressure is a powerful motivator…players don’t want to let their teammates down -How do you motivate your people? -(Encourage audience participation) -Not all people are the same -People come from a variety of background and upbringings -Some are self-motivated while others are not -Public humiliation may work with some people and have the opposite effect on others -Some people prefer a private discussion, others can be corrected publicly and not take offense to it -The best way to figure out what works best for each person is to know you people -Pay attention to how they respond when you give them a course-correction -If they don’t respond well, you may need to try a different approach -Read something every day. The day you stop growing is the day you cease to exist. -Here is a list of books that will help you refine your leadership style and develop a successful team. -Lincoln on Leadership is about Abraham Lincoln’s leadership style and how he handled the challenges he was faced with. The lessons apply to leaders in any arena. -The Carolina Way is a fantastic book written by Coach Smith about his leadership lessons from over 36 years of coaching. -The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a leadership fable that explains why even the best teams struggle and how to overcome obstacles and build a cohesive team. -What It Takes To Be #1 explores the leadership qualities that legendary coach Vince Lombardi thought were essential to success. -Leadership Gold is a culmination of 40 years of experience from internationally renowned leadership expert John C.
  • 19. Maxwell. -The Magic of Thinking Big is a classic written in 1959 but still applies to the world today. It’s about confidence, attitude, goal setting and achieving great things. -Remember that leaders are readers! -Here is a list of the references used to create this presentation. In summary, -I gave you a brief intro and target audience -We defined leadership -We talked about leadership philosophies and I gave you mine as an example -We talked about the power of a positive attitude, what it means to lead by example and watched a couple leadership videos -We discussed the importance of integrity -We looked at success and failure, the different types of goals and some guidelines for setting goals -We talked about teamwork, team-building and motivation -And finally I gave you some books that I highly recommend reading -Does anyone have any questions? -(Seek audience feedback/critique) -What could we include/remove or change to make this course more beneficial? MAT 510 – Homework Assignment Homework Assignment 7 Due in Week 8 and worth 30 points The experiment data in below table was to evaluate the effects of three variables on invoice errors for a company. Invoice errors had been a major contributor to lengthening the time that customers took to pay their invoices and increasing the accounts
  • 20. receivables for a major chemical company. It was conjectured that the errors might be due to the size of the customer (larger customers have more complex orders), the customer location (foreign orders are more complicated), and the type of product. A subset of the data is summarized in the following Table. Table: Invoice Experiment Error Customer Size Customer Location Product Type Number of Errors - - - 15 + - - 18 - + - 6 + + - 2 - - + 19 + - + 23 -
  • 21. + + 16 + + + 21 Customer Size: Small (-), Large (+) Customer Location: Foreign (-), Domestic (+) Product Type: Commodity (-), Specialty (=) Reference: Moen, Nolan, and Provost (R. D. Moen, T. W. Nolan and L. P. Provost. Improving Quality through Planned Experimentation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991) Use the date in table above and answer the following questions in the space provided below: 1. What is the nature of the effects of the factors studied in this experiment? 2. What strategy would you use to reduce invoice errors, given the results of this experiment? Type your answers below and submit this file in Week 8 of the online course shell: MAT 510 – Homework Assignment
  • 22. Homework A ssignment 7 Due in Week 8 and worth 30 points The experiment data in below table was to evaluate the effects of three variables on invoice errors for a company . Invoice errors had been a major contributor to lengthening the time that customers took to pay their invoices and increasing the accounts receivables for a major chemical company. It was conjectured that the errors might be due to the size of the custome r (larger customers have more complex orders), the customer location (foreign orders are more complicated), and the type of product. A subset of the data is summarized in the following Table. Table: Invoice Experiment Error Customer Size Customer Location Product Type
  • 24. - + 19 + - + 23 - + + 16 + + + 21 Customer Size: Small ( - ), Large (+) Customer Location: Foreign (
  • 25. - ), Domestic (+) Product Type: Commodity ( - ), Specialty (=) Reference: Moen, Nolan, and Provost (R. D. Moen, T. W. Nolan and L. P. Provost. Improving Quality through Planned Experimentation . New York: McGraw - Hill, 1991) Use the date in table above and answer the following questions in the space provided below: 1. What is the nature of the effects of the factors studied in this experiment? 2. What strategy would you use to reduce invoice errors, given the results of this experiment?
  • 26. Type your answers below and submit this file in Week 8 of the online course shell: MAT 510 – Homework Assignment Homework Assignment 7 Due in Week 8 and worth 30 points The experiment data in below table was to evaluate the effects of three variables on invoice errors for a company. Invoice errors had been a major contributor to lengthening the time that customers took to pay their invoices and increasing the accounts receivables for a major chemical company. It was conjectured that the errors might be due to the size of the customer (larger customers have more complex orders), the customer location (foreign orders are more complicated), and the type of product. A subset of the data is summarized in the following Table. Table: Invoice Experiment Error Customer Size Customer Location Product Type Number of Errors - - - 15 + - - 18 - + - 6 + + - 2 - - + 19 + - + 23
  • 27. - + + 16 + + + 21 Customer Size: Small (-), Large (+) Customer Location: Foreign (-), Domestic (+) Product Type: Commodity (-), Specialty (=) Reference: Moen, Nolan, and Provost (R. D. Moen, T. W. Nolan and L. P. Provost. Improving Quality through Planned Experimentation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991) Use the date in table above and answer the following questions in the space provided below: 1. What is the nature of the effects of the factors studied in this experiment? 2. What strategy would you use to reduce invoice errors, given the results of this experiment? Type your answers below and submit this file in Week 8 of the online course shell: