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It takes two to tango
building a stronger partnership with your clients
Suz Allen – Campbell Arnott’s
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
It takes two to tango: building a
stronger partnership with your clients
Suz Allen
Campbell Arnott’s,
R&D Director, Sensory & Consumer
Science, Asia Pacific & International
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
A collection of thoughts…
Not just my own thoughts, but rather an amalgamation
of comments from colleagues and friends and posts on
the Internet and social media
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Inspire trust – it’s the foundation for everything
Clients prefer to work with people they like – there is some
truth to that. However…
Clients prefer to work with people they trust, and if it’s more
enjoyable as well – that’s simply a bonus!
Just like on the dance floor, a client needs to have trust in
their partner.
As a supplier, how do you go about building that trust?
How do you even get the first dance?
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
The pitch… how do you
get on the dance card?
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Avoid the blind date or the used car salesman!
Making the initial contact
Are you listening or are you selling?
Do your homework - customise
How do I find you?
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
How to get on the client’s dance card…
Speak at conferences
Have a solid website
Get involved
Be different
Use social media
Build a good reputation
Be clear about what you offer and why
Research the prospective client’s business – understand
beforehand what’s beneficial to them – treat it like a job interview
Word of mouth
Show you’ve
stayed current
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
What’s the benefit of a long-term relationship?
Economic roller-coaster
A reduced number of reliable
suppliers is a common strategy
Procurement streamlined
Global standard operating
Mutually beneficial
Volume and value
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Tips for building long-term
client relationships
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Have a clear philosophy & positioning…
Don’t claim to be an expert at everything!
What is your one thing?
What is your research philosophy?
How have you positioned your business?
What does your business stand for?
Are you a specialist or a generalist?
How are you differentiated? Really?
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Be honest, be yourself, keep it real!
Be honest about your capabilities
Be honest about the size of your organisation
Be honest if you’re wanting to pilot a new technique –
maybe we can partner together (on a less risky project)
Be up-front if you outsource or sub
Have adult to adult conversations (this takes two)
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Be likeable… (client / supplier matching)
Involve and own
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Have pricing structures I can understand…
This helps with procurement too
What’s included what isn’t included
Report/ presentation/ open ended
Consistency of pricing
Can I predict the cost (in the ball park)
Understanding what impacts the cost
Holden vs Rolls Royce – trade offs
Champagne tastes on a beer budget!
Cost creep – an honest conversation
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Know your stuff & how to apply it…
Again, fairly self explanatory!
Solid predictive results
Move quickly to help you stay ahead of your competition
Interested in going beyond the project at hand – knowledge building
Provide solutions
& actionability
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Offer alternatives – be flexible, be clear!
A response to a brief that is clear
A response to a brief that is flexible and offers
A response to a brief that is thought through –
and not just a “cut & paste”
Clearly plan the project
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Challenge me…
We can become too comfortable too…
You don’t know what you don’t know
A different perspective can be incredibly useful
Yes, there are always budgets and time constraints, but
if you truly believe we are compromising results – it’s
important to speak up
Another perspective…
Question and Hypothesize
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Manage expectations…
Essential to building strong
Manage expectations from the start
Don’t over-promise & under-deliver
We are managing internal
If you under-deliver so do we
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Manage your time and meet your deadlines…
OK, fairly self explanatory
If you’re late, then we’re late
Communicate as soon as there’s an issue
We can help prioritise
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Communicate openly & communicate often
Communicate openly
Communicate clearly
Communicate effectively
Use more than just one form of communication
Email can be over-used as a medium
Personal preferences for communication
Provide regular updates on projects (particularly
large ones or ones with new methods) – warts &
Care though – there is such a thing as over-
Spam, spam & no more spam please!
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
A single point of contact…
It helps build the relationship
It helps prevent Chinese whispers and misunderstandings
It reduces ambiguity
The researcher or the technical sales person / account director?
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Follow-up – don’t act like a one night stand
Be responsive and follow-up often…
We have internal clients too…
Don’t be really responsive when you’re trying to
win the business and then disappear once you
get it or delegate entirely to someone junior!
If there truly is scope creep, let’s talk about it!
Yes, it can be an issue
Post a project’s debrief – ask for feedback
Treat research as a knowledge building process
not just a “discrete” project
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Make me look good – my butt is on the line!
If a supplier does a poor
job, the client looks bad
The client chooses the
supplier – they are held
accountable internally.
We both have skin in the
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
No surprises! Never!
No-one likes surprises
Communication is the key
Keep your clients in the loop on all
developments affecting their projects
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Internal politics – there’s sometimes a little…
It’s inevitable with different people and different perspectives
We need to work together on what are the different perspectives in
the room
Is this a project with a huge impact for our business – how do we
best influence and present the facts in a meaningful impactful way
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Understand your role – understand my role…
Advantages of having experience on both sides of the fence
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Set your sights on a true partnership…
Beyond the individual projects
Mutual benefit
Understand each others’ businesses
What does a true partnership look like?
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Value and reward your loyal clients….
No complacency
Value and volume – back to partnerships
Knowledge sharing
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Share your knowledge…
Share your knowledge & be a useful resource – extend your client’s team
in a meaningful way
Have you been to an interesting conference?
Have you read an interesting journal article?
Did you think there’s a new approach that might be beneficial?
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Continuous learning & a drive for innovation…
Clients and suppliers innovating together
Market research innovation success rates - ROI
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
The presentation – be
able to tell a good story…
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Let’s walk in each other’s shoes…
The Client: “I want to look good! The more senior
people in the room the more nervous I feel. I want them
there, but if the supplier stuffs up – the senior
management pin it on me not the supplier – after all, it
was my decision to choose the supplier! Didn’t I look at
the presentation, didn’t I guide them? If this goes pear-
shaped, I’m going to look like a goose!”
Some snippets from the Net…
The Supplier: “I really need to demonstrate all the
grueling hours of analysis I have done. I know a lot of it isn’t
showing anything new, but I really want my client to know
how much effort I’ve put in. I know I’ve got almost 100 slides,
but it shows I’ve left no stone unturned for them. If I just
show a few slides they’ll think it isn’t value for money or that I
just pulled it together in a few hours rather than a few weeks.”
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Hygiene Factors – operating discipline
Don’t be late and if
you are, make sure
you phone
Get to the
presentation at least
15 minutes early to
set up
Know how long you
have to present and
stick to it
Are you using your own
equipment or are you
relying on the client’s?
Have a checklist
(projector, screen,
extension cord, spare
lamp etc.)
Don’t be surprised if your
equipment fails – be
Select presentation
equipment that gets the job
Don’t go overboard on
animations and slide
Multimedia loses it’s allure
if it doesn’t run effectively
• Save time for some questions & think ahead what they
might be
• Get all your ducks in a row – that means practice!
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Credibility – question & hypothesise
Credibility of the information is paramount.
Your client needs to have the confidence that
the research analysis has been done well.
Remember your clients are going to make
business decisions based on your work!
Question & hypothesise throughout the
whole research process – stretch your
client’s minds!
Be across the detail
Don’t let someone present who didn’t work on
the project
Don’t let a junior present without prior
Tell the truth!
If you’re not ready to present – negotiate
with your client
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Partnership or monologue – “involve”
Know your client, not everyone wants the same thing.
The amount of detail and style may depend on the
strategic level of the project (one size does not fit all).
Get your client involved early on:
Don’t be afraid to send through early drafts that are
still work in progress.
Your client is able to offer input to help make the
presentation a success.
Send the final presentation back to your client so there
Understand your audience:
You need to understand who’s attending
Will there be any hidden agendas or politics?
Ask your clients for feedback for next time
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Clarity of thoughts – solutions focus!
Market research is conducted with a specific objective in mind! Have
you actually answered the objectives?
Be logical and be clear with your message
Keep your slides short and succinct
Get to the point and highlight what is important
Balancing the amount of days analysing to
the amount of time crafting your main
message (don’t still be working on the
recommendation in the taxi on the way to
your client’s office)
Present only what the client needs to make a
decision. Don’t inundate your client with
data just to prove you’ve worked hard!
What value are you creating with your
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Tell a story – inspire!
There is a difference between a presentation and a report
As researchers it can be a challenge not to show all the detail
– realise you need to know the detail behind the scenes but
prevent the “show-up and throw-up” presentation
Tell a story! Think of the presentation as a story and sketch
out the narrative
Be conversational and be a real person (be natural)
Deliver – don’t read! It’s not a bed-time story to put us to
Be flexible – look and listen to your audience (verbal & non-
verbal cues). If interest flags, move on. If they’re ready to
wrap up then finish!
Be careful of jargon
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Usability – the “so what!” test
The ultimate objective
of research is to help
your client make a
Research is a tool
your client uses to
help them make a
decision – it’s not the
It’s important to work
with your client to
understand the
overall business
scenario as you make
Don’t leave a client with a
deck that they have to
work out afterwards what
the answer was – have a
clear recommendation.
Have an executive
summary in a reporting
style that can be shared
with senior management.
Have a call to action.
Clients need to understand
the recommendation, what
should be changed/done,
and what the risks and
trade-offs are of any
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
When things go wrong…
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
When things go wrong… and they will
No-one’s perfect
Things will go wrong
The project goes pear-shaped
The relationship is tested
How you respond
Fess up quickly & work together
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Suz Allen
Campbell Arnott’s,
R&D Director, Sensory & Consumer Science,
Asia Pacific & International
2014 Platinum Sponsor April Series Sponsor Lecture Sponsor
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Q & A
2014 Platinum Sponsor April Series Sponsor Lecture Sponsor
Ray Poynter
The Future Place
Suz Allen
Campbell Arnott’s
Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia
NewMR Lecture Series April 2014
Suz Allen
Campbell Arnott’s,
R&D Director, Sensory & Consumer Science,
Asia Pacific & International
+61 437 396 986
2014 Platinum Sponsor April Series Sponsor

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Suz Allen - April lecture series - 2014

  • 1. 2014 Platinum Sponsor April Series Sponsor Lecture Sponsor All copyright owned by The Future Place and the presenters of the material For more information about NewMR events visit It takes two to tango building a stronger partnership with your clients Suz Allen – Campbell Arnott’s
  • 2. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 It takes two to tango: building a stronger partnership with your clients Suz Allen Campbell Arnott’s, R&D Director, Sensory & Consumer Science, Asia Pacific & International
  • 3. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 A collection of thoughts… Not just my own thoughts, but rather an amalgamation of comments from colleagues and friends and posts on the Internet and social media
  • 4. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Inspire trust – it’s the foundation for everything Clients prefer to work with people they like – there is some truth to that. However… Clients prefer to work with people they trust, and if it’s more enjoyable as well – that’s simply a bonus! Just like on the dance floor, a client needs to have trust in their partner. As a supplier, how do you go about building that trust? How do you even get the first dance?
  • 5. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 The pitch… how do you get on the dance card?
  • 6. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Avoid the blind date or the used car salesman! Making the initial contact Are you listening or are you selling? Do your homework - customise How do I find you?
  • 7. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 How to get on the client’s dance card… Speak at conferences Have a solid website Get involved Be different Write Use social media Build a good reputation Be clear about what you offer and why Research the prospective client’s business – understand beforehand what’s beneficial to them – treat it like a job interview Word of mouth Show you’ve stayed current Membership
  • 8. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 What’s the benefit of a long-term relationship? Economic roller-coaster A reduced number of reliable suppliers is a common strategy Procurement streamlined Global standard operating procedures Mutually beneficial Volume and value
  • 9. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Tips for building long-term client relationships
  • 10. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Have a clear philosophy & positioning… Don’t claim to be an expert at everything! What is your one thing? What is your research philosophy? How have you positioned your business? What does your business stand for? Are you a specialist or a generalist? How are you differentiated? Really?
  • 11. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Be honest, be yourself, keep it real! Be honest about your capabilities Be honest about the size of your organisation Be honest if you’re wanting to pilot a new technique – maybe we can partner together (on a less risky project) Be up-front if you outsource or sub Have adult to adult conversations (this takes two)
  • 12. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Be likeable… (client / supplier matching) Involve and own
  • 13. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Have pricing structures I can understand… This helps with procurement too What’s included what isn’t included Report/ presentation/ open ended coding Consistency of pricing Can I predict the cost (in the ball park) Understanding what impacts the cost Holden vs Rolls Royce – trade offs Champagne tastes on a beer budget! Cost creep – an honest conversation
  • 14. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Know your stuff & how to apply it… Again, fairly self explanatory! Solid predictive results Move quickly to help you stay ahead of your competition Interested in going beyond the project at hand – knowledge building Provide solutions & actionability
  • 15. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Offer alternatives – be flexible, be clear! A response to a brief that is clear A response to a brief that is flexible and offers alternatives A response to a brief that is thought through – and not just a “cut & paste” Clearly plan the project
  • 16. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Challenge me… We can become too comfortable too… You don’t know what you don’t know A different perspective can be incredibly useful Yes, there are always budgets and time constraints, but if you truly believe we are compromising results – it’s important to speak up Another perspective… Question and Hypothesize
  • 17. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Manage expectations… Essential to building strong relationships Manage expectations from the start Don’t over-promise & under-deliver We are managing internal expectations If you under-deliver so do we
  • 18. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Manage your time and meet your deadlines… OK, fairly self explanatory If you’re late, then we’re late Communicate as soon as there’s an issue We can help prioritise
  • 19. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Communicate openly & communicate often Communicate openly Communicate clearly Communicate effectively Use more than just one form of communication Email can be over-used as a medium Personal preferences for communication Provide regular updates on projects (particularly large ones or ones with new methods) – warts & all Care though – there is such a thing as over- communicating! Spam, spam & no more spam please!
  • 20. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 A single point of contact… It helps build the relationship It helps prevent Chinese whispers and misunderstandings It reduces ambiguity The researcher or the technical sales person / account director?
  • 21. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Follow-up – don’t act like a one night stand Be responsive and follow-up often… We have internal clients too… Don’t be really responsive when you’re trying to win the business and then disappear once you get it or delegate entirely to someone junior! If there truly is scope creep, let’s talk about it! Yes, it can be an issue Post a project’s debrief – ask for feedback Treat research as a knowledge building process not just a “discrete” project
  • 22. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Make me look good – my butt is on the line! If a supplier does a poor job, the client looks bad internally! The client chooses the supplier – they are held accountable internally. We both have skin in the game! Inspire
  • 23. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 No surprises! Never! No-one likes surprises Communication is the key Keep your clients in the loop on all developments affecting their projects
  • 24. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Internal politics – there’s sometimes a little… It’s inevitable with different people and different perspectives We need to work together on what are the different perspectives in the room Is this a project with a huge impact for our business – how do we best influence and present the facts in a meaningful impactful way
  • 25. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Understand your role – understand my role… Advantages of having experience on both sides of the fence
  • 26. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Set your sights on a true partnership… Beyond the individual projects Mutual benefit Long-term Understand each others’ businesses What does a true partnership look like?
  • 27. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Value and reward your loyal clients…. No complacency Value and volume – back to partnerships Knowledge sharing X
  • 28. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Share your knowledge… Share your knowledge & be a useful resource – extend your client’s team in a meaningful way Have you been to an interesting conference? Have you read an interesting journal article? Did you think there’s a new approach that might be beneficial?
  • 29. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Continuous learning & a drive for innovation… Clients and suppliers innovating together Market research innovation success rates - ROI
  • 30. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 The presentation – be able to tell a good story…
  • 31. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Let’s walk in each other’s shoes… The Client: “I want to look good! The more senior people in the room the more nervous I feel. I want them there, but if the supplier stuffs up – the senior management pin it on me not the supplier – after all, it was my decision to choose the supplier! Didn’t I look at the presentation, didn’t I guide them? If this goes pear- shaped, I’m going to look like a goose!” Some snippets from the Net… The Supplier: “I really need to demonstrate all the grueling hours of analysis I have done. I know a lot of it isn’t showing anything new, but I really want my client to know how much effort I’ve put in. I know I’ve got almost 100 slides, but it shows I’ve left no stone unturned for them. If I just show a few slides they’ll think it isn’t value for money or that I just pulled it together in a few hours rather than a few weeks.”
  • 32. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Hygiene Factors – operating discipline Timings: Don’t be late and if you are, make sure you phone Get to the presentation at least 15 minutes early to set up Know how long you have to present and stick to it Equipment: Are you using your own equipment or are you relying on the client’s? Have a checklist (projector, screen, extension cord, spare lamp etc.) Don’t be surprised if your equipment fails – be prepared! Multimedia: Select presentation equipment that gets the job done Don’t go overboard on animations and slide transitions. Multimedia loses it’s allure if it doesn’t run effectively • Save time for some questions & think ahead what they might be • Get all your ducks in a row – that means practice!
  • 33. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Credibility – question & hypothesise Credibility of the information is paramount. Your client needs to have the confidence that the research analysis has been done well. Remember your clients are going to make business decisions based on your work! Question & hypothesise throughout the whole research process – stretch your client’s minds! Be across the detail Don’t let someone present who didn’t work on the project Don’t let a junior present without prior agreement Tell the truth! If you’re not ready to present – negotiate with your client
  • 34. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Partnership or monologue – “involve” Know your client, not everyone wants the same thing. The amount of detail and style may depend on the strategic level of the project (one size does not fit all). Get your client involved early on: Don’t be afraid to send through early drafts that are still work in progress. Your client is able to offer input to help make the presentation a success. Send the final presentation back to your client so there are NO SURPRISES! Understand your audience: You need to understand who’s attending Will there be any hidden agendas or politics? Ask your clients for feedback for next time
  • 35. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Clarity of thoughts – solutions focus! Market research is conducted with a specific objective in mind! Have you actually answered the objectives? Be logical and be clear with your message Keep your slides short and succinct Get to the point and highlight what is important Balancing the amount of days analysing to the amount of time crafting your main message (don’t still be working on the recommendation in the taxi on the way to your client’s office) Present only what the client needs to make a decision. Don’t inundate your client with data just to prove you’ve worked hard! What value are you creating with your presentation?
  • 36. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Tell a story – inspire! There is a difference between a presentation and a report As researchers it can be a challenge not to show all the detail – realise you need to know the detail behind the scenes but prevent the “show-up and throw-up” presentation Tell a story! Think of the presentation as a story and sketch out the narrative Be conversational and be a real person (be natural) Deliver – don’t read! It’s not a bed-time story to put us to sleep! Be flexible – look and listen to your audience (verbal & non- verbal cues). If interest flags, move on. If they’re ready to wrap up then finish! Be careful of jargon
  • 37. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Usability – the “so what!” test The ultimate objective of research is to help your client make a decision! Research is a tool your client uses to help them make a decision – it’s not the decision. It’s important to work with your client to understand the overall business scenario as you make your recommendation. Don’t leave a client with a deck that they have to work out afterwards what the answer was – have a clear recommendation. Have an executive summary in a reporting style that can be shared with senior management. Have a call to action. Clients need to understand the recommendation, what should be changed/done, and what the risks and trade-offs are of any decisions.
  • 38. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 When things go wrong…
  • 39. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 When things go wrong… and they will No-one’s perfect Things will go wrong The project goes pear-shaped The relationship is tested How you respond Fess up quickly & work together
  • 40. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 THANK YOU Suz Allen Campbell Arnott’s, R&D Director, Sensory & Consumer Science, Asia Pacific & International 2014 Platinum Sponsor April Series Sponsor Lecture Sponsor
  • 41. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 Q & A 2014 Platinum Sponsor April Series Sponsor Lecture Sponsor Ray Poynter The Future Place Suz Allen Campbell Arnott’s
  • 42. Suz Allen, Campbell Arnott’s, Australia NewMR Lecture Series April 2014 THANK YOU Suz Allen Campbell Arnott’s, R&D Director, Sensory & Consumer Science, Asia Pacific & International +61 437 396 986 2014 Platinum Sponsor April Series Sponsor