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        As a response to the quickly depleting forest resources in the United Kingdom, Marriott
Hotels & Resorts, with their branch in London, has adopted an initiative to promote sustainable
forestry through their facilities and services. With the help of advertising, public relations, word-
of-mouth and social media marketing, Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), being a corporation
that serves as the information and solutions resource for the whole project, aims to promote
Marriott’s involvement in this shift towards a more environment-friendly chain of hotels. Part of
SFI’s strategy for Marriott would be to build partnerships with airline companies who would
likewise be interested in decreasing their ecological footprint. By doing so, Marriott would not
only be given a loyal set of clients, but also credibility for their other regular customers and, of
course, a good environmental image.

                               Vivian Espinosa
                          Therese Yvan Larroza
                                 Emeline Legay
                            Marie Sophie Patois
                                   Fleur Pichat
                          Anna Marieta Rellama
F A L L              2 0 1 1

       Environmental Marketing

             Sustainable Forestry
                   An Initiative to promote Marriott Hotel’s Eco-friendliness!

                                                                                  This paper was prepared by

                                                                                      Espinsosa, Vivian
                                                                                    Larroza, Therese Yvan
                                                                                        Legay, Emeline
                                                                                     Patois, Marie Sophie
                                                                                         Pichat, Fleur
                                                                                    Rellama, Anna Marieta

   What is a Sustainable Forest?
                                                                                 Sustainable Forestry Initiative

        A sustainable forest is a forest that is carefully                             in partnership with

 managed so that as trees are felled they are replaced with                           Marriott Hotels
 seedlings that eventually grow into mature trees. This is a                   Hotel Engineering Association
 carefully and skilfully managed system. The forest is a                      The Local Government of London
 working environment, producing wood products such as
                                                                                    Under the guidance of
 wood pulp for the paper / card industry and wood based
 materials for furniture manufacture and the construction                               David Fitzgerald
 industry. Great care is taken to ensure the safety of                        Professor, Environmental Marketing
 wildlife and to preserve the natural environment.                              IESEG School of Management
                       Source: Ryan, V. What is a Sustainable Forest. 2007.

Save the Date!
Fun Run 2012                      Tree-planting Activity
07/01/2012                        04/02/2012
Join us in one of our 3k, 5k,     Help sustain our forests by
10k or triathlon races! Prices    planting your own tree! Get a
to be given away!                 chance to label your tree as well!

     ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING                                                                     FALL 2011

                                                             Sustainable Forestry
                                                                 The destruction of our forests has become an
                                                        issue that is nowadays causing struggles. It is
                                                         important to look out for it because of three reasons:
                                                          ones is our responsibility towards biodiversity;
                                                          second is for resource saving and lastly, for the
                                                           overall environmental health and human survival.
                                                           If these motives are well thought of and
                                                           considered, an environmental, economic and
                                                            social well-being can be attained, thus reducing the
                                                            effects of climate change.
                                                                    Europe has a lot of forest areas which need
                                                             care. Pictured below are the percentages of
                                                              woodland in each European country. It can be
                                                              observed that Finland and Sweden are the
                                                             countries with more green areas, occupying more
                                                            than half of the territory, while other countries,
                                                      such as Portugal, Spain, Norway, Germany, Italy,
                                                      Poland and France are all in a similar percentage
                                                      between 25 and 40 percent of green areas. The United
                                                      Kingdom, however, is the country with the least
                                                      woodland area beneath all, with only 13 percent of its
                                                      overall territory occupied by forests.

           In line with this, the UK
    has expressed great concern for
    their woodlands. Just to give
    you a picture of how it is, the
    forest area in the UK as of 31
    March 2011 is of 3.1 million
    hectares (
        Recently, the UK has
    created      and    implemented
    policies to promote sustainable
    forestry in the country. Some of these policies include taking action like:
        ü Doing international efforts to combat illegal logging;
        ü Creating government requirements to source timber products from legal and sustainable sources;
        ü Planning forest restoration programs;
        ü Asking for certification of forest management and delivery of certified wood to marketplaces;
        ü Encouraging development by the UK forest industries of a sustainability strategy;

       In line with all these, we have decided to focus our project on sustainable forestry efforts in the UK.


    ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING                                                                         FALL 2011

                          Why sustainable forestry?
                           Why Marriott Hotel?
            According to the World Tourism                     Canada, etc. The reputation of this hotel is great
    Organization, “ecotourism is the fastest                   for our campaign and permits us to make a lot
    growing market in the tourism industry,                    of people aware of our causes. Furthermore, we
    growing at a rate of 5% worldwide and                      want to have an impact on the airline crew
    representing over 11% of all consumer                      because they will be the ones to convey our
    spending”. This new trend, as they say, is                 sustainable goals to many people all around the
    representative of the world evolution. It is really        world—that is, a global word-of-mouth.
    important for our campaign, therefore, to follow                   Moreover, Marriott aims to be more eco-
    this trend and to use it to make people aware              friendly with their new objectives for this year.
    about sustainable forestry.                                According to Marriott’s website, their strategy
            Moreover, we can see that “more than               for contributing to environmental conservation
    46 percent of the companies in the hotel                   for this year is as follows: “With an increase in
    industry collaborate with suppliers, customers             global travel comes corporate responsibility for
    to achieve sustainable objectives,” thus the hotel         mitigating our business impact on the natural
    segmentation is the right segment to our                   environment. Both in our hotels and beyond,
    campaign. Indeed, hotels have the desire to be             we seek to understand and act on the direct and
    eco-friendly and want to make financial effort to          indirect environmental impacts of our business
    achieve this goal. “Some 66 percent of industry            operations.”
    players are looking to increase their post-                        Their main objectives are:
    recession sustainability budgets over
    the next 12 months, with only 5
    percent looking to decrease them.”
                                                  Reduce                             Invest in
    Why Marriott hotel?                         energy and        Create green     innovative         Educate
                                                   water          construction    conservation       associates
            Marriott Hotels is an              consumption        standards for     initiatives    and gests to
    internationally-known chain of             by 25 percent          hotel         including       support the
    hotels. It welcomes a lot of business      per available       developers       rainforest     environment
                                                   room                            protection
    travelers and it currently has a lot of
    partnerships with flight companies
    all around the world like Air France,
    Air China, Singapore Airlines, Air

ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING                                                                                     FALL 2011

Why Marriott Hotel?
        We may have mentioned before that our target
would be the United Kingdom, but seeing that this
scope is still too big, we have decided to target the
Marriott at the center of London. Indeed, according to
the non-profit international Ecotourism society “more
than two-thirds of U.S. and Australian travelers, and
90% of British tourists, consider active protection of
the environment and support of local communities to
be part of a hotel’s responsibility”. British tourists are
really sensible when it comes to sustainability, thus,
 we think that it would be beneficial to our campaign.

Our Indirect Targets
                                                         companies                • Pilots
                                                 • Air Canada                     • Air hostess
                                                 • Air France
                                                 • Singapore Airlines

        Targeting Marriott hotel permits us to target indirectly airline companies because of its several
partnerships. This is vital especially since we want to have an impact on bigger companies like Air
Canada, Air France, Singapore Airlines so they can reach to more people as well. This is directly
linked with the fact that we want to also target the flight attendants who stayed or will be staying in
Marriott hotel. If we achieve in making them aware of our causes, they will convey our values as well,
thereby ending up as parts of this environmental movement too. It is also a great way for companies
to be eco-friendly especially for airlines as their environmental footprint is relatively high.
        The following are our variables for the flight attendants market:

      Demographic                Geographic                        Psychographic              Behavioral

                                                                                                  frequent stay in
         22- retirement               UK- London                     Dynamic people               Marriott hotel
                                      Short and long flights
         male and female              to and from London             actors of change             loyal to Marriott hotel

         air hostess                                                 nomadic lifestyle            not price sensitive



    ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING                                                                          FALL 2011

                           The Stakeholder Network:
                           who takes care of which?
        For the purpose of this study, the group has           welfare and image of the country that they are
    identified an exhaustive list of potential                 in. Because of their power over most people,
    stakeholders and from such list were driven the            their main contribution would be to give
    eight most important ones that would hopefully             credibility to our initiative. That is, if they
    cover all the dimensions of the study. These are:          support it.
        • Sustainable Forestry Initiative or SFI                    The second group of stakeholders, more
            (the company that we are representing);            commonly known as the lead users, plays a vital
        • The local government of London,                      role in the initiative, as they are the ones who’d
            England;                                           be keeping the fire burning. They are the ones
        • The tourist authorities;                             responsible for the spread of word-of-mouth,
        • The forest authorities;                              and they eventually become the determinants of
        • Marriott Hotels;                                     the overall success of the campaign. What
        • The Airline companies;                               motivates this group, as opposed to the opinion
                                                               leaders, ranges from personal reasons such as
        • The Hotel Engineering Association; and
                                                               money and personal missions to company
        • The community.                                       goals. Included in this group are the
        These were further divided into three, each            community, Marriott Hotels, the Hotel
    being identified as an opinion leader, a lead user
                                                               Engineering Association (HEA), the airline
    or a network facilitator.
                                                               companies and the crew that comes with it.
        Opinion leaders, as the name suggests, are                  Last but not the least is the network
    those who have a strong say on what happens in             facilitator, that is, the group that regulates the
    a certain area or not. They are the influencers—
                                                               progress of the whole initiative, the one who
    the first-movers. If one needs an idea spread              protects the idea and makes sure that it does not
    out, therefore, it is best if you let it through           fall into the wrong hands, the group that, as the
    these groups as doing this will most likely yield
                                                               name suggests, facilitates the undertaking of the
    you with the most optimized results.
                                                               whole initiative. For this study, we have
    Stakeholders belonging to this group include the           decided to put just one group under this
    government and the tourism authorities.                    category, our company, Sustainable Forestry
        As it can be observed, what mainly
                                                               Initiative, to be specific, for the reasons
    motivates these opinion leaders is the overall             mentioned above.
            Group                    Role                        Motivation              Network Contribution
    •   Government             Opinion leaders       •   Promotion of sustainable       • Establishes credibility.
    •   Tourism Authorities                              forestry ethics in the         • Regulates.
    •   Forest Authorities                               community.                     • Sets the restrictions.
                                                     •   Better country statistics
                                                     •   Lighter ecological footprint
    •   Community              Lead users            •   High credibility of their      • Decision-makers
    •   Marriott Hotels                                  information sources.           • Fire-starters
    •   Hotel Engineering                            •   To save the environment.       • Word-of-mouth
        Association                                  •   To save money
    •   Airline companies
    •   Sustainable Forestry   Network facilitator   • Promotion of sustainable         • Initiator.
        Initiative             Information and         forestry ethics in the           • Facilitator.
                               solutions resource      community.                       • Makes it all possible.
                                                     • The know-how.


     ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING                                                                               FALL 2011

    Marketing Plan
    Marketing Objectives
            In order to be able to provide a marketing plan
    that will be well adapted to the situation, we need to
    know some information about Marriott, particularly
    its reputation.
             On average, the websites that offer the
    customers to give a grade to Marriott hotels
    display a grade of four points on five—a relatively           waste and reduce the quantity of waste produced
    good grade thanks its service quality and                     each year. Marriott aims at conserving the energy
    facilities. Firstly, customers are satisfied by the           in terms of heating and light with new systems
    cleanliness of the hotels. Being one of the main              and materials that helps to reach this goal like
    points that determine if customers are willing to             energy-saving light-bulbs and re-evaluated
    stay or come back again, it has a huge impact on              automatic time switches. The new way of
    any hotel’s reputation. Customers are also                    purchasing also needs highlighting: Marriott
    satisfied when it comes to the accommodation                  tends to buy biological and local food and to use
    facilities and the high level of service that                 new eco-friendly cleaning products. Moreover,
    Marriott offers. Among these services are                     the living environment on the whole has been
    restaurants, swimming pools, activities for                   changed into something more profitable for
    children, beauty shops, the housekeeping service,             environmental sustainability. The furniture, the
    the limousine service and some other different                decoration items, the towels and the soap are
    services, all promoting relaxation, thus making               some objects that are now recyclable or come
    the customers’ journey easier. Customers also                 from firms that respect the rules of producing in
    appreciate Marriott’s locations as it is each time            an environment-friendly way, for example.
                                                                           Because of the link between Marriott and
    well adapted to the place where the hotel is
                                                                  Sustainable Forestry Initiative, we intend to focus on
    settled. If it is in a big town, Marriott would be            some measures that concern sustainable forestry
    located in the center of the town. If it is on the            directly. The majority of furniture in Marriott hotels
    seacoast, the Marriott hotel would directly be on             now comes from sustainable forests, as do some items
    the beach, just to provide examples. Finally,                 like towels. The hotels are SFI accredited. This
    customers grade the company considering a last                accreditation is given by the SFI after a checking of
    but not the least important aspect: the price. In             the different measures taken by some of its members
    general, customers are willing to pay more to                 or partners. Having this accreditation allows Marriott
    obtain a high quality of services and quality of              to put the logo of SFI in its hotels to show customers a
    life. That is the case for Marriott hotels; the price         proof of its engagement for the sustainability of the
    has been well-adapted to their positioning and                environment. Moreover, Marriott hotels follow the
                                                                  guidelines settled by the EHS (Environment, Health
    people don’t mind about that.
                                                                  and Safety), that is, a set of guidelines which were
             As it can be observed, Marriott seems well           created by the International Finance Corporation. It
    appreciated for some reasons but none about the               provides a list of the different measures to take to be
    eco-friendly measures it recently took.                       respectful towards the environment and to take care of
             We want people to know the company                   the safety and health in different situations as well.
    took some measures that are respectful towards                         Our goal is to make customers aware about
    the environment. Marriott has reconsidered its                Marriott’s involvement with respect to the
    water management in order to reduce the                       environment. We hope that with this campaign, they
    quantity used and to recycle it if possible. As for           would be more interested in going to Marriott not just
    the waste, it has reconsidered its waste                      because of its high quality service and facilities, but
    management and settled a new system to sort                   also its friendliness towards the environment.


    ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING                                                                        FALL 2011
                                                              and purchase green products. In the study, it
     Positioning                                              was found that almost 90% of respondents said
                                                              they would pay more to eat at a green
            London Marriott Hotel is under the                restaurant, and one third said they would pay
    management of Marriott® International, a                  up to 12% more. From a marketing
    worldwide operator and franchisor of a broad              perspective, this means that ‘going green’ is a
    portfolio of hotels and related lodging facilities.       viable and profitable differentiating factor.
    As a brand, it is growing globally, embracing
    change and satisfying guests in 70 countries and                  According     to    the Cornell     study,
    territories. The brand is currently known for its         consumers, particularly companies and
    luxury offerings, up to date hospitality-related          individuals having higher income, higher
    technology and warm hospitality.                          education demographic, continue to be
                                                              concerned about the environmental impact of
           With the green initiative, London                  their company’s and their own behavior
    Marriot Hotel will be positioned as an                    regardless of their reasons and motivations.
    environmental-friendly hotel who allows their             Their behavior extends to the businesses they
    guests which consists of companies, investors,            patronize. This represents an opportunity for
    corporate owners, associates and private                  London Marriott Hotel to use the Sustainable
    consumers reduce their ecological footprint.              Forestry Initiative aspects of their operations to
                                                              draw in valuable customers. The Cornell study
                                                              shows that consumers are willing to support
                                                              and patronize such responsible behavior. The
      Luxurious chain of hotels around the world
                                                              next step is to effectively market the SFI
       Global and open to      Warm hospitality and           aspects of Marriott Hotel’s operations and to
            change              new technologies              launch a marketing campaign featuring the
                                                              hotel’s environmental and green move.

            An environment friendly hotel

      Help corporations and consumers reduce their
                  ecological footprint

            In the past few years, environmental
    initiatives were trending in hospitality industry.
    There were a lot of hotels ‘going green’ and
    executing ‘sustainability’ campaigns. However,
    as the recession happened, hospitality
    marketing’s         focus      shifted       from
    emphasizing environmental awareness and
    initiatives to emphasizing value.

           However, a study by Cornell University
    (2010) demonstrates that consumers didn’t
    forget about environmental concerns during the
    recession; in fact, they are increasingly willing
    to pay a premium to patronize green restaurants

ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING                                                                  FALL 2011

                   Communication Objectives
   › Inform at least 65 percent of the target market about the pressing environmental issues (global
      and in the chain of hotels) and the positive impact and benefits of the initiative in Marriott
      hotels within one year.
   › Increase the proportion of the target market who have positive attitudes towards the initiative
   › Reduce the proportion of the target market who have misunderstandings and misconceptions
      about the costs
   › The biggest advertising investments are in business sectors that represent a large portion of the
      individual ecological footprint: food, transport, energy
          › Example: Airline Industry
          › The position they hold and the influence they have over consumers give them an
             undeniable responsibility. This industry consumer a lot of non-renewable energy in
             their operations. There is always the danger that their operations create substantial
             adverse consequences for the environment and society. This fact is known publicly,
             thus, they need to take steps towards reversing their ecological footprint. Conversely,
             they can inspire and orient positive changes in behavior if they continue their
             partnership with London Marriott, a green hotel.
   › Take advantage of the partnership with airline companies.
          › Partnering with an airline company who would want to publicize their relationship
             with a green hotel such as Marriott will give the hotel an opportunity to penetrate its
             communication channels which includes the airline company’s website, inflight
             magazines, etc.

       The values attached to the idea of sustainable development are now deeply rooted in social
and regulatory attitudes, and Marriott needs to communicate to their clients (corporations and
individuals) that they are there to help them realize the problem and implement their initiatives in a
rational way.


            The Promotions Mix
            As it is part of the promotions mix,                    Marriott’s hotels in the airports of airlines;
    advertising will be used in order to increase the               The availability of in-flight magazines
    awareness of Marriott hotel’s involvement in                    endorsing the Marriott chain of hotels for
    environmental actions. For this study, we will use
    different channels to achieve this objective:
            Radio: All our advertisements will be                   The airlines’ websites;
            channeled through BBC Radio 2, one of the               Upon booking, a client will have the
            main stations in the United Kingdom and                 possibility to tick a Marriott booking
            the most popular one with 13.7 million                  option at the end of his flight booking;
            listeners.                                              The sending and emailing about the
            Magazines: The most popular ones were                   closest Marriott hotel according to the
            selected to maximize reach. Examples of                 customer’s destination after a flight
            which are « The Daily Telegraph »                       booking and, more innovatively, the
            publishing 843 000 copies and « The                     sending of SMS. Indeed, SMS was
            Times » publishing 617 000 copies in order              adopted by the youngest and 56% of
            to inform the largest amount of English                 people aged more than 40 years are using
            people. Moreover, we decided to publish                 it.   It’s   an     innovative     tool     of
            ads about the Marriott’s hotels and their               communication as it was for the email 10
            green initiative in a more targeted magazine            years ago. This tool has a high reading
            such as « The Economist » providing 102                 rate (90%), it’s used by all, involves high
            million copies per publication.                         memorization, a high reactivity of the
            Internet: Advertisement in the form of                  target, and a quicker setting than emailing.
            banners will be placed on specialized                   With consent from the airline companies,
                                                                    their customer database will be used to
            websites such as
                                                                    appropriate our services to different
            which gets an audience of 95 000 persons                customers (with a box ticking system at
            per month.                                              the end of the flight booking to allow
                                                                    Marriott’s hotels to use data such as phone
        For the public relations aspect of the                      numbers or e-mail addresses).
    promotions      mix,    journalists     from     “The
    Economist” (1,2 million copies) and the                           Regarding the other promotional methods,
    “Environment Industry Magazine” (30 000 copies)          we plan to redesign the existing Marriott website
    will be asked for public releases about Marriott’s       focusing on environmental issues and well-being
                                                             of customers. In the same way, we will develop
    hotels and especially their green initiatives in order
                                                             Marriott accounts on social networking sites such
    to stress awareness and increase credibility.            as Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed and LinkedIn.
                                                             Indeed, nowadays, websites have been overtaken
           The group then thought of establishing
                                                             by social media as it is considered as a good
    partnerships with United Kingdom bound airlines
                                                             means to collect consumers’ data, increase the 2.0
    to promote Marriott’s eco-friendly actions in
                                                             visibility, and demonstrate the credibility and the
    exchange of special offers provided for flight
                                                             expertise of Marriott’s hotels, the exchange of
    attendants. This initiative will be based on:
                                                             behaviors and mutual aids.
           The publication of visual ads and posters of

   •   Elliott J. A. (1999) An introduction to sustainable development, London ; New York :
   •   Hampton, S. (2006). Marriott goes 'smoke-free' at all hotels in North America – more
       than 2,300 properties and 10 lodging brands.Available: Last accessed 6th
       Dec 2011.
   •   Marriott Hotels. (). Doha Marriott Hotel. Available:
       hotel/. Last accessed 4th Dec 2011.
   •   Marriott Hotels. (). London Marriott Hotel Park Lane. Available:
       Last accessed 4th Dec 2011.
   •   Marriott Hotels. (2010). Marriott 2010 Annual Report. Available: Last accessed 4th
       Dec 2011.
   •   Rodrigues, J. (2010). Green Hotels – Marketing and Profitability Advantages of
       Environmentally Friendly Practices. Available:
       friendly-practices/. Last accessed 4th Dec 2011.
   •   Sustainable Forestry Initiative. (2009). Comment obtenir la certification selon les
       normes SFI. Available:
       %20Fr.pdf . Last accessed 4th Dec 2011.
   •   Wikipedia. (). Marriott International. Available: Last accessed 6th Dec 2011.
   •   United Nations Environment Programme: Division for Technology, Industry and
       Economics. (). Sustainability Communications: A Toolkit for Marketing and
       Advertising Courses. Available:
       Last accessed 6th Dec 2011.

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Sustainable Forestry

  • 1. Abstract As a response to the quickly depleting forest resources in the United Kingdom, Marriott Hotels & Resorts, with their branch in London, has adopted an initiative to promote sustainable forestry through their facilities and services. With the help of advertising, public relations, word- of-mouth and social media marketing, Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), being a corporation that serves as the information and solutions resource for the whole project, aims to promote Marriott’s involvement in this shift towards a more environment-friendly chain of hotels. Part of SFI’s strategy for Marriott would be to build partnerships with airline companies who would likewise be interested in decreasing their ecological footprint. By doing so, Marriott would not only be given a loyal set of clients, but also credibility for their other regular customers and, of course, a good environmental image. Vivian Espinosa Therese Yvan Larroza Emeline Legay Marie Sophie Patois Fleur Pichat Anna Marieta Rellama
  • 2. F A L L 2 0 1 1 Environmental Marketing Sustainable Forestry An Initiative to promote Marriott Hotel’s Eco-friendliness! IESEG This paper was prepared by Espinsosa, Vivian Larroza, Therese Yvan Legay, Emeline Patois, Marie Sophie Pichat, Fleur Rellama, Anna Marieta What is a Sustainable Forest? Sustainable Forestry Initiative A sustainable forest is a forest that is carefully in partnership with managed so that as trees are felled they are replaced with Marriott Hotels seedlings that eventually grow into mature trees. This is a Hotel Engineering Association carefully and skilfully managed system. The forest is a The Local Government of London working environment, producing wood products such as Under the guidance of wood pulp for the paper / card industry and wood based materials for furniture manufacture and the construction David Fitzgerald industry. Great care is taken to ensure the safety of Professor, Environmental Marketing wildlife and to preserve the natural environment. IESEG School of Management Source: Ryan, V. What is a Sustainable Forest. 2007. <> Save the Date! Fun Run 2012 Tree-planting Activity 07/01/2012 04/02/2012 Join us in one of our 3k, 5k, Help sustain our forests by 10k or triathlon races! Prices planting your own tree! Get a to be given away! chance to label your tree as well!
  • 3. 2 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING FALL 2011 Sustainable Forestry The destruction of our forests has become an issue that is nowadays causing struggles. It is important to look out for it because of three reasons: ones is our responsibility towards biodiversity; second is for resource saving and lastly, for the overall environmental health and human survival. If these motives are well thought of and considered, an environmental, economic and social well-being can be attained, thus reducing the effects of climate change. Europe has a lot of forest areas which need care. Pictured below are the percentages of woodland in each European country. It can be observed that Finland and Sweden are the countries with more green areas, occupying more than half of the territory, while other countries, such as Portugal, Spain, Norway, Germany, Italy, Poland and France are all in a similar percentage between 25 and 40 percent of green areas. The United Kingdom, however, is the country with the least woodland area beneath all, with only 13 percent of its overall territory occupied by forests. In line with this, the UK has expressed great concern for their woodlands. Just to give you a picture of how it is, the forest area in the UK as of 31 March 2011 is of 3.1 million hectares ( Recently, the UK has created and implemented policies to promote sustainable forestry in the country. Some of these policies include taking action like: ü Doing international efforts to combat illegal logging; ü Creating government requirements to source timber products from legal and sustainable sources; ü Planning forest restoration programs; ü Asking for certification of forest management and delivery of certified wood to marketplaces; ü Encouraging development by the UK forest industries of a sustainability strategy; In line with all these, we have decided to focus our project on sustainable forestry efforts in the UK. 3
  • 4. 2 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING FALL 2011 Why sustainable forestry? Why Marriott Hotel? According to the World Tourism Canada, etc. The reputation of this hotel is great Organization, “ecotourism is the fastest for our campaign and permits us to make a lot growing market in the tourism industry, of people aware of our causes. Furthermore, we growing at a rate of 5% worldwide and want to have an impact on the airline crew representing over 11% of all consumer because they will be the ones to convey our spending”. This new trend, as they say, is sustainable goals to many people all around the representative of the world evolution. It is really world—that is, a global word-of-mouth. important for our campaign, therefore, to follow Moreover, Marriott aims to be more eco- this trend and to use it to make people aware friendly with their new objectives for this year. about sustainable forestry. According to Marriott’s website, their strategy Moreover, we can see that “more than for contributing to environmental conservation 46 percent of the companies in the hotel for this year is as follows: “With an increase in industry collaborate with suppliers, customers global travel comes corporate responsibility for to achieve sustainable objectives,” thus the hotel mitigating our business impact on the natural segmentation is the right segment to our environment. Both in our hotels and beyond, campaign. Indeed, hotels have the desire to be we seek to understand and act on the direct and eco-friendly and want to make financial effort to indirect environmental impacts of our business achieve this goal. “Some 66 percent of industry operations.” players are looking to increase their post- Their main objectives are: recession sustainability budgets over the next 12 months, with only 5 percent looking to decrease them.” Reduce Invest in Why Marriott hotel? energy and Create green innovative Educate water construction conservation associates Marriott Hotels is an consumption standards for initiatives and gests to internationally-known chain of by 25 percent hotel including support the hotels. It welcomes a lot of business per available developers rainforest environment room protection travelers and it currently has a lot of partnerships with flight companies all around the world like Air France, Air China, Singapore Airlines, Air 4
  • 5. ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING FALL 2011 Why Marriott Hotel? Location We may have mentioned before that our target would be the United Kingdom, but seeing that this scope is still too big, we have decided to target the Marriott at the center of London. Indeed, according to the non-profit international Ecotourism society “more than two-thirds of U.S. and Australian travelers, and 90% of British tourists, consider active protection of the environment and support of local communities to be part of a hotel’s responsibility”. British tourists are really sensible when it comes to sustainability, thus, we think that it would be beneficial to our campaign. Our Indirect Targets Airline companies • Pilots • Air Canada • Air hostess • Air France • Singapore Airlines Flight Marriott attendants Targeting Marriott hotel permits us to target indirectly airline companies because of its several partnerships. This is vital especially since we want to have an impact on bigger companies like Air Canada, Air France, Singapore Airlines so they can reach to more people as well. This is directly linked with the fact that we want to also target the flight attendants who stayed or will be staying in Marriott hotel. If we achieve in making them aware of our causes, they will convey our values as well, thereby ending up as parts of this environmental movement too. It is also a great way for companies to be eco-friendly especially for airlines as their environmental footprint is relatively high. The following are our variables for the flight attendants market: Demographic Geographic Psychographic Behavioral frequent stay in 22- retirement UK- London Dynamic people Marriott hotel Short and long flights male and female to and from London actors of change loyal to Marriott hotel air hostess nomadic lifestyle not price sensitive pilots 5
  • 6. 1 2 ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING FALL 2011 The Stakeholder Network: who takes care of which? For the purpose of this study, the group has welfare and image of the country that they are identified an exhaustive list of potential in. Because of their power over most people, stakeholders and from such list were driven the their main contribution would be to give eight most important ones that would hopefully credibility to our initiative. That is, if they cover all the dimensions of the study. These are: support it. • Sustainable Forestry Initiative or SFI The second group of stakeholders, more (the company that we are representing); commonly known as the lead users, plays a vital • The local government of London, role in the initiative, as they are the ones who’d England; be keeping the fire burning. They are the ones • The tourist authorities; responsible for the spread of word-of-mouth, • The forest authorities; and they eventually become the determinants of • Marriott Hotels; the overall success of the campaign. What • The Airline companies; motivates this group, as opposed to the opinion leaders, ranges from personal reasons such as • The Hotel Engineering Association; and money and personal missions to company • The community. goals. Included in this group are the These were further divided into three, each community, Marriott Hotels, the Hotel being identified as an opinion leader, a lead user Engineering Association (HEA), the airline or a network facilitator. companies and the crew that comes with it. Opinion leaders, as the name suggests, are Last but not the least is the network those who have a strong say on what happens in facilitator, that is, the group that regulates the a certain area or not. They are the influencers— progress of the whole initiative, the one who the first-movers. If one needs an idea spread protects the idea and makes sure that it does not out, therefore, it is best if you let it through fall into the wrong hands, the group that, as the these groups as doing this will most likely yield name suggests, facilitates the undertaking of the you with the most optimized results. whole initiative. For this study, we have Stakeholders belonging to this group include the decided to put just one group under this government and the tourism authorities. category, our company, Sustainable Forestry As it can be observed, what mainly Initiative, to be specific, for the reasons motivates these opinion leaders is the overall mentioned above. Group Role Motivation Network Contribution • Government Opinion leaders • Promotion of sustainable • Establishes credibility. • Tourism Authorities forestry ethics in the • Regulates. • Forest Authorities community. • Sets the restrictions. • Better country statistics • Lighter ecological footprint • Community Lead users • High credibility of their • Decision-makers • Marriott Hotels information sources. • Fire-starters • Hotel Engineering • To save the environment. • Word-of-mouth Association • To save money • Airline companies • Sustainable Forestry Network facilitator • Promotion of sustainable • Initiator. Initiative Information and forestry ethics in the • Facilitator. solutions resource community. • Makes it all possible. • The know-how. 6
  • 7. 2 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING FALL 2011 Marketing Plan Marketing Objectives In order to be able to provide a marketing plan that will be well adapted to the situation, we need to know some information about Marriott, particularly its reputation. On average, the websites that offer the customers to give a grade to Marriott hotels display a grade of four points on five—a relatively waste and reduce the quantity of waste produced good grade thanks its service quality and each year. Marriott aims at conserving the energy facilities. Firstly, customers are satisfied by the in terms of heating and light with new systems cleanliness of the hotels. Being one of the main and materials that helps to reach this goal like points that determine if customers are willing to energy-saving light-bulbs and re-evaluated stay or come back again, it has a huge impact on automatic time switches. The new way of any hotel’s reputation. Customers are also purchasing also needs highlighting: Marriott satisfied when it comes to the accommodation tends to buy biological and local food and to use facilities and the high level of service that new eco-friendly cleaning products. Moreover, Marriott offers. Among these services are the living environment on the whole has been restaurants, swimming pools, activities for changed into something more profitable for children, beauty shops, the housekeeping service, environmental sustainability. The furniture, the the limousine service and some other different decoration items, the towels and the soap are services, all promoting relaxation, thus making some objects that are now recyclable or come the customers’ journey easier. Customers also from firms that respect the rules of producing in appreciate Marriott’s locations as it is each time an environment-friendly way, for example. Because of the link between Marriott and well adapted to the place where the hotel is Sustainable Forestry Initiative, we intend to focus on settled. If it is in a big town, Marriott would be some measures that concern sustainable forestry located in the center of the town. If it is on the directly. The majority of furniture in Marriott hotels seacoast, the Marriott hotel would directly be on now comes from sustainable forests, as do some items the beach, just to provide examples. Finally, like towels. The hotels are SFI accredited. This customers grade the company considering a last accreditation is given by the SFI after a checking of but not the least important aspect: the price. In the different measures taken by some of its members general, customers are willing to pay more to or partners. Having this accreditation allows Marriott obtain a high quality of services and quality of to put the logo of SFI in its hotels to show customers a life. That is the case for Marriott hotels; the price proof of its engagement for the sustainability of the has been well-adapted to their positioning and environment. Moreover, Marriott hotels follow the guidelines settled by the EHS (Environment, Health people don’t mind about that. and Safety), that is, a set of guidelines which were As it can be observed, Marriott seems well created by the International Finance Corporation. It appreciated for some reasons but none about the provides a list of the different measures to take to be eco-friendly measures it recently took. respectful towards the environment and to take care of We want people to know the company the safety and health in different situations as well. took some measures that are respectful towards Our goal is to make customers aware about the environment. Marriott has reconsidered its Marriott’s involvement with respect to the water management in order to reduce the environment. We hope that with this campaign, they quantity used and to recycle it if possible. As for would be more interested in going to Marriott not just the waste, it has reconsidered its waste because of its high quality service and facilities, but management and settled a new system to sort also its friendliness towards the environment. 7
  • 8. 2 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING FALL 2011 and purchase green products. In the study, it Positioning was found that almost 90% of respondents said they would pay more to eat at a green London Marriott Hotel is under the restaurant, and one third said they would pay management of Marriott® International, a up to 12% more. From a marketing worldwide operator and franchisor of a broad perspective, this means that ‘going green’ is a portfolio of hotels and related lodging facilities. viable and profitable differentiating factor. As a brand, it is growing globally, embracing change and satisfying guests in 70 countries and According to the Cornell study, territories. The brand is currently known for its consumers, particularly companies and luxury offerings, up to date hospitality-related individuals having higher income, higher technology and warm hospitality. education demographic, continue to be concerned about the environmental impact of With the green initiative, London their company’s and their own behavior Marriot Hotel will be positioned as an regardless of their reasons and motivations. environmental-friendly hotel who allows their Their behavior extends to the businesses they guests which consists of companies, investors, patronize. This represents an opportunity for corporate owners, associates and private London Marriott Hotel to use the Sustainable consumers reduce their ecological footprint. Forestry Initiative aspects of their operations to draw in valuable customers. The Cornell study shows that consumers are willing to support and patronize such responsible behavior. The Luxurious chain of hotels around the world next step is to effectively market the SFI Global and open to Warm hospitality and aspects of Marriott Hotel’s operations and to change new technologies launch a marketing campaign featuring the hotel’s environmental and green move. An environment friendly hotel Help corporations and consumers reduce their ecological footprint In the past few years, environmental initiatives were trending in hospitality industry. There were a lot of hotels ‘going green’ and executing ‘sustainability’ campaigns. However, as the recession happened, hospitality marketing’s focus shifted from emphasizing environmental awareness and initiatives to emphasizing value. However, a study by Cornell University (2010) demonstrates that consumers didn’t forget about environmental concerns during the recession; in fact, they are increasingly willing to pay a premium to patronize green restaurants 8
  • 9. ENVIRONMENTAL MARKETING FALL 2011 Communication Objectives › Inform at least 65 percent of the target market about the pressing environmental issues (global and in the chain of hotels) and the positive impact and benefits of the initiative in Marriott hotels within one year. › Increase the proportion of the target market who have positive attitudes towards the initiative › Reduce the proportion of the target market who have misunderstandings and misconceptions about the costs › The biggest advertising investments are in business sectors that represent a large portion of the individual ecological footprint: food, transport, energy › Example: Airline Industry › The position they hold and the influence they have over consumers give them an undeniable responsibility. This industry consumer a lot of non-renewable energy in their operations. There is always the danger that their operations create substantial adverse consequences for the environment and society. This fact is known publicly, thus, they need to take steps towards reversing their ecological footprint. Conversely, they can inspire and orient positive changes in behavior if they continue their partnership with London Marriott, a green hotel. › Take advantage of the partnership with airline companies. › Partnering with an airline company who would want to publicize their relationship with a green hotel such as Marriott will give the hotel an opportunity to penetrate its communication channels which includes the airline company’s website, inflight magazines, etc. The values attached to the idea of sustainable development are now deeply rooted in social and regulatory attitudes, and Marriott needs to communicate to their clients (corporations and individuals) that they are there to help them realize the problem and implement their initiatives in a rational way. 9
  • 10. 2 1 The Promotions Mix As it is part of the promotions mix, Marriott’s hotels in the airports of airlines; advertising will be used in order to increase the The availability of in-flight magazines awareness of Marriott hotel’s involvement in endorsing the Marriott chain of hotels for environmental actions. For this study, we will use travelers; different channels to achieve this objective: Radio: All our advertisements will be The airlines’ websites; channeled through BBC Radio 2, one of the Upon booking, a client will have the main stations in the United Kingdom and possibility to tick a Marriott booking the most popular one with 13.7 million option at the end of his flight booking; listeners. The sending and emailing about the Magazines: The most popular ones were closest Marriott hotel according to the selected to maximize reach. Examples of customer’s destination after a flight which are « The Daily Telegraph » booking and, more innovatively, the publishing 843 000 copies and « The sending of SMS. Indeed, SMS was Times » publishing 617 000 copies in order adopted by the youngest and 56% of to inform the largest amount of English people aged more than 40 years are using people. Moreover, we decided to publish it. It’s an innovative tool of ads about the Marriott’s hotels and their communication as it was for the email 10 green initiative in a more targeted magazine years ago. This tool has a high reading such as « The Economist » providing 102 rate (90%), it’s used by all, involves high million copies per publication. memorization, a high reactivity of the Internet: Advertisement in the form of target, and a quicker setting than emailing. banners will be placed on specialized With consent from the airline companies, their customer database will be used to websites such as appropriate our services to different which gets an audience of 95 000 persons customers (with a box ticking system at per month. the end of the flight booking to allow Marriott’s hotels to use data such as phone For the public relations aspect of the numbers or e-mail addresses). promotions mix, journalists from “The Economist” (1,2 million copies) and the Regarding the other promotional methods, “Environment Industry Magazine” (30 000 copies) we plan to redesign the existing Marriott website will be asked for public releases about Marriott’s focusing on environmental issues and well-being of customers. In the same way, we will develop hotels and especially their green initiatives in order Marriott accounts on social networking sites such to stress awareness and increase credibility. as Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed and LinkedIn. Indeed, nowadays, websites have been overtaken The group then thought of establishing by social media as it is considered as a good partnerships with United Kingdom bound airlines means to collect consumers’ data, increase the 2.0 to promote Marriott’s eco-friendly actions in visibility, and demonstrate the credibility and the exchange of special offers provided for flight expertise of Marriott’s hotels, the exchange of attendants. This initiative will be based on: behaviors and mutual aids. The publication of visual ads and posters of
  • 11. Sources: • Elliott J. A. (1999) An introduction to sustainable development, London ; New York : Routledge • Hampton, S. (2006). Marriott goes 'smoke-free' at all hotels in North America – more than 2,300 properties and 10 lodging brands.Available: Last accessed 6th Dec 2011. • Marriott Hotels. (). Doha Marriott Hotel. Available: hotel/. Last accessed 4th Dec 2011. • Marriott Hotels. (). London Marriott Hotel Park Lane. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2011. • Marriott Hotels. (2010). Marriott 2010 Annual Report. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2011. • Rodrigues, J. (2010). Green Hotels – Marketing and Profitability Advantages of Environmentally Friendly Practices. Available: education-training/green-hotels-marketing-profitability-advantages-environmentally- friendly-practices/. Last accessed 4th Dec 2011. • Sustainable Forestry Initiative. (2009). Comment obtenir la certification selon les normes SFI. Available: %20Fr.pdf . Last accessed 4th Dec 2011. • Wikipedia. (). Marriott International. Available: Last accessed 6th Dec 2011. • United Nations Environment Programme: Division for Technology, Industry and Economics. (). Sustainability Communications: A Toolkit for Marketing and Advertising Courses. Available: Last accessed 6th Dec 2011.