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“Supercomputing Your Inner Microbiome”
Department of Bioengineering
University of California, San Diego
February 12, 2016
Dr. Larry Smarr
Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
Harry E. Gruber Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
The human body is host to 100 trillion microorganisms, ten times the number of DNA-bearing cells in the human body,
and these microbes contain 300 times the number of DNA genes that our human DNA does. The microbial component of
our "superorganism" is comprised of hundreds of species with immense biodiversity. To put a more personal face on
the "patient of the future," I have been collecting massive amounts of data from my own body over the last seven years,
which reveals detailed examples of the episodic evolution of this coupled immune-microbial system. An elaborate
software pipeline, running on high performance computers, reveals the details of the microbial ecology and its genetic
components, in health as well as in disease. Not only can we compare a person with a disease to a healthy population,
but we can also follow the dynamics of the diseased patient. We can look forward to revolutionary changes in medical
practice over the next decade.
Forty Years of Computing Gravitational Waves
From Colliding Black Holes
L. Smarr and K. Eppley
Gravitational Radiation Computed
from an Axisymmetric
Black Hole Collision
LIGO Consortium
Spiral Black Hole Collision
40 Years
Complexity of Computing First Gut Microbiome Dynamics
Versus First Dynamics of Colliding Black Holes
• My 1975 PhD Dissertation
– Solving Einstein’s Equations of General Relativity for Colliding Black Holes and Grav Waves
– CDC 6600 Megaflop/s
– Hundreds of Hours
• Rob Knight and Smarr Gut Microbiome Map
– Mapping From Illumina Sequencing to Taxonomy and Gene Abundance Dynamics
– Comet Petaflop/s
– Comet Core is 40,000x CDC6600 Speed
– Million Core-Hours
– 10,000x Supercomputer Time
• Gut Microbiome Takes ~ ½ Billion Times the Compute Power of Early Solutions of
Dynamic General Relativity
Building a UC San Diego Cyberinfrastructure
to Support Integrative Omics
12 Cores/GPU
128 GB RAM
3.5 TB SSD
48TB Disk
10Gbps NIC
Knight Lab
Data Oasis
Knight 1024 Cluster
Emperor & Other Vis Tools
64Mpixel Data Analysis Wall
The Pacific Wave Platform
Creates a Regional Science-Driven “Big Data Freeway System”
John Hess, CENIC
Funded by NSF $5M Oct 2015-2020
Flash Disk to Flash Disk File Transfer Rate
PI: Larry Smarr, UC San Diego Calit2
• Camille Crittenden, UC Berkeley CITRIS,
• Tom DeFanti, UC San Diego Calit2,
• Philip Papadopoulos, UC San Diego SDSC,
• Frank Wuerthwein, UC San Diego Physics
and SDSC
Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Established a Pattern Recognition Lab
On the PRP, For Machine Learning on non-von Neumann Processors
“On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips.
‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.”
Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha
Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group
August 8, 2014
UCSD ECE Professor Ken Kreutz-Delgado Brings
the IBM TrueNorth Chip
to Start Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute
Pattern Recognition Laboratory
September 16, 2015
From One to a Trillion Data Points Defining Me in 15 Years:
The Exponential Rise in Body Data
Blood Biomarker
Time Series
Human Genome
Microbial Genome
Time Series
Improving Body
Discovering Disease
Human Genome
I Decided to Track My Internal Biomarkers
To Understand My Body’s Dynamics
My Blood Draw
YesterdayCalit2 64 Megapixel VROOM
Only One of My Blood Measurements
Was Far Out of Range--Indicating Chronic Inflammation
Normal Range <1 mg/L
27x Upper Limit
Complex Reactive Protein (CRP) is a Blood Biomarker
for Detecting Presence of Inflammation
Episodic Peaks in Inflammation
Followed by Spontaneous Drops
Adding Stool Tests Revealed
Oscillatory Behavior in an Immune Variable Which is Antibacterial
Normal Range
<7.3 µg/mL
124x Upper Limit for Healthy
Lactoferrin is a Protein Shed from Neutrophils -
An Antibacterial that Sequesters Iron
Lactoferrin Value for
Active Inflammatory
Bowel Disease
Descending Colon
Sigmoid Colon
Threading Iliac Arteries
Major Kink
Confirming the IBD (Colonic Crohn’s) Hypothesis:
Finding the “Smoking Gun” with MRI Imaging
I Obtained the MRI Slices
From UCSD Medical Services
and Converted to Interactive 3D
Working With Calit2 Staff
Transverse Colon
Small Intestine
Diseased Sigmoid Colon
Cross Section
MRI Jan 2012
Severe Colon
Wall Swelling
Evolving Microbiome Environmental Pressures:
Dynamical Innate and Adaptive Immune Oscillations in Colon
Normal <600
Innate Immune System
Normal 50 to 200
Adaptive Immune System
These Must Be Coupled to
A Dynamic Microbiome Ecology
The Human Gut
as a Super-Evolutionary Microbial Cauldron
• Enormous Density
– 1000x Ocean Water
• Highly Dynamic Microbial Ecology
– Hundreds to Thousands of Species
• Horizontal Gene Transfer
• Phages
• Adaptive Selection Pressures (Immune System)
– Innate Immune System
– Adaptive Immune System
– Macrophages and Antimicrobial proteins
• Constantly Changing Environmental Pressures
– Diet
– Antibiotics
– Pharmaceuticals
To Understand the Interaction of Genetics and the Immune System
We Must Consider the Human Microbiome
Your Microbiome is
Your “Near-Body” Environment
and its Cells
Contain 300x as Many DNA Genes
As Your Human DNA-Bearing Cells
Your Body Has 10 Times
As Many Microbe Cells As DNA-Bearing
Human Cells
Inclusion of the “Dark Matter” of the Body
Will Radically Alter Medicine
New Estimates In 2016 Estimate a Human Body Contains
~30 Trillion Human Cells and ~40 Trillion Microbes
However, Red Blood Cells and Platelets Have No Nuclear DNA.
Therefore, Ratio of DNA-Bearing Cells for Human vs. Microbiome is Still >10:1
DNA-Bearing Cells
We Gathered Raw Illumina Reads on 275 Humans
and Generated a Time Series of My Gut Microbiome
5 Ileal Crohn’s Patients,
3 Points in Time
2 Ulcerative Colitis Patients,
6 Points in Time
“Healthy” Individuals
Source: Jerry Sheehan, Calit2
Weizhong Li, Sitao Wu, CRBS, UCSD
Total of 27 Billion Reads
Or 2.7 Trillion Bases
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Patients
250 Subjects
1 Point in Time
7 Points in Time
Each Sample Has 100-200 Million Illumina Short Reads (100 bases)
Larry Smarr
(Colonic Crohn’s)
To Map Out the Dynamics of Autoimmune Microbiome Ecology
Couples Next Generation Genome Sequencers to Big Data Supercomputers
Source: Weizhong Li, UCSD
Our Team Used 25 CPU-years
to Compute
Comparative Gut Microbiomes
Starting From
2.7 Trillion DNA Bases
of My Samples
and Healthy and IBD Controls
Illumina HiSeq 2000 at JCVI
SDSC Gordon Data Supercomputer
Results Include Relative Abundance of Hundreds of Microbial Species
Average Over 250 Healthy People
From NIH Human Microbiome Project
Note Log Scale
Clostridium difficile
Using Microbiome Profiles to Survey 155 Subjects
for Unhealthy Candidates
Comparing Gut Microbiome of Healthy People
with Ileal Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, and Colonic Crohn’s Patients
We Found Major State Shifts in Microbial Ecology Phyla
Between Healthy and Three Forms of IBD
Average HE
Ulcerative Colitis
Average LS
Colonic Crohn’s Disease
Ileal Crohn’s Disease
I Found I Had One of the Earliest Known SNPs
Associated with Crohn’s Disease
SNPs Associated with CD
Polymorphism in
Interleukin-23 Receptor Gene
— 80% Higher Risk
of Pro-inflammatory
Immune Response
23andme is Now Collecting
10,000 IBD Patient’s SNPs
There Is Likely a Correlation Between CD SNPs
and Where and When the Disease Manifests
CD Onset
At 60-Years Old
CD Onset
At 20-Years Old
NOD2 (1)
Subject with
Ileal Crohn’s
Subject with
Colonic Crohn’s
Source: Larry Smarr and 23andme
I Also Had an Increased Risk for Ulcerative Colitis,
But a SNP that is Also Associated with Colonic CD
I Have a
33% Increased Risk
for Ulcerative Colitis
HLA-DRA (rs2395185)
I Have the Same Level
of HLA-DRA Increased Risk
as Another Male Who Has Had
Ulcerative Colitis for 20 Years
“Our results suggest that at least for the SNPs investigated
[including HLA-DRA],
colonic CD and UC have common genetic basis.”
-Waterman, et al., IBD 17, 1936-42 (2011)
Ileal Crohn’s and UC Patients Have Reduced Abundance
of Anti-Inflammatory Faecalibacterium prausnitzii
However, Colonic Crohn’s (LS)
Have Increased Abundance
fecesileum biopsies
distal colon biopsies
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii
One of the main producers of butyrate
Important for colonic health.
Willing et al., 2009.Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
A Noninvasive Diagnostic?? - Faecalibacterium
is Depleted in Ileal CD and Increased in Colonic CD
Slide from Janet Jansson, PNNL
We Computed the Relative Abundance of Microbial Gene Families -
~10,000 KEGG Orthologous Genes, Across Healthy and IBD Subjects
How Large is the Microbiome’s Genetic Change
Between Health and Disease States?
In a “Healthy” Gut Microbiome:
Large Taxonomy Variation, Low Protein Family Variation
Source: Nature, 486, 207-212 (2012)
Over 200 People
Ratio of HE11529 to Ave HE
Test to see How Much Variation There is Within Healthy
Most KEGGs Are Within 10x
Of Healthy for a Random HE
Ratio of Random HE11529 to Healthy Average for Each Nonzero KEGG
Similar to HMP Healthy Results
However, Our Research Shows Large Changes
in Protein Families Between Health and Disease – Ileal Crohns
Most KEGGs Are Within 10x
In Healthy and Ileal Crohn’s Disease
KEGGs Greatly Increased
In the Disease State
KEGGs Greatly Decreased
In the Disease State
Over 7000 KEGGs Which Are Nonzero
in Health and Disease States
Ratio of CD Average to Healthy Average for Each Nonzero KEGG
Note Hi/Low
Note Ulcerative Colitis Has Few KEGGs that are Much Smaller than HE;
Note Asymmetry Between High & Low
Most KEGGs Are Within 10x
In Healthy and Ulcerative Colitis
KEGGs Greatly Increased
In the Disease State
KEGGs Greatly Decreased
In the Disease State
Ratio of UC Average to Healthy Average for Each Nonzero KEGG
Note Hi/Low
Note LS001 Has Few KEGGs that are Much Smaller than HE;
But Many More (1337) That are >10x HE Than CD (~700) or UC (~900)
Ratio of LS001 Average to Healthy Average for Each Nonzero KEGG
Most KEGGs Are Within 10x
In Healthy and LS001
KEGGs Greatly Increased
In the Disease State
KEGGs Greatly Decreased
In the Disease State
Disease Arises from Perturbed Protein Family Networks:
Dynamics of a Prion Perturbed Network in Mice
Source: Lee Hood, ISB 34
Our Next Goal is to Create
Such Perturbed Networks in Humans
Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Developed
Interactive Scalable Visualization for Biological Networks
20,000 Samples
60,000 OTUs
18 Million Edges
Runs Native on 64Million Pixels
Time Series Reveals Oscillations in Immune Biomarkers
Associated with Time Progression of Autoimmune Disease
Immune &
2009 20142013201220112010 2015
Larry Smarr Weekly Weight
Time Period of 16S
Source: Larry Smarr, UCSD
LS Weekly Weight During Period of 16S Microbiome Analysis
Abrupt Change in Weight and in Symptoms at January 1, 2014
Prednisone Lialda
Frequent IBD Symptoms
Weight Loss
Few IBD Symptoms
Weight Gain
Source: Larry Smarr, UCSD
In 2016 We Are Extending My Stool Time Series by
Collaborating with the UCSD Knight Lab
Larry’s 40 Stool Samples Over 3.5 Years
to Rob’s lab on April 30, 2015
Variation in My Gut Microbiome Phyla Over 3.5 Years:
No Clear Pattern Break at January 2014
Data from Justine Debelius & Jose Navas, Knight Lab, UCSD; Larry Smarr Analysis, January 2016
LS Gut Microbiome
16S Evolution by Family-Again No Clear Separation at January 2014
Data from Justine Debelius & Jose Navas, Knight Lab, UCSD; Larry Smarr Analysis, January 2016
Time Development Over 3.5 Years
of Larry Smarr’s Gut Microbiome Ecology
Blue: 1/2012 to 1/2014
Red: 1/2014 to 8/1/2015
Movie and Data Analysis
by Justine Debelius &
Jose Navas,
Knight Lab, UCSD
Unweighted UniFrac Distance of 16S OTUs was Computed and then Transformed into Principle Coordinates Space Using QIIME.
Principle Coordinates were Visualized in Emperor.
Larry Smarr Gut Microbiome Ecology Shifted After Drug Therapy
Between Two Time-Stable Equilibriums Correlated to Physical Symptoms
12/1/13 to 1/1/14
Frequent IBD Symptoms
Weight Loss
5/1/12 to 12/1/14
Blue Balls on Diagram
to the Right
Few IBD Symptoms
Weight Gain
1/1/14 to 1/1/16
Red Balls on Diagram
to the Right
Principal Coordinate Analysis of
Microbiome Ecology
PCoA by Justine Debelius and Jose Navas,
Knight Lab, UCSD
Weight Data from Larry Smarr, Calit2, UCSD
1/1/12 to 5/1/12
Weekly Weight (Red Dots Stool Sample)
Few IBD Symptoms
Weight Gain
1/1/14 to 1/1/16
Red Balls on Diagram
to the Right
To Expand IBD Project the Knight/Smarr Labs Were Awarded
~ 1 CPU-Century Supercomputing Time
• Smarr Gut Microbiome Time Series
– From 7 Samples Over 1.5 Years
– To 50 Samples Over 4 Years
• IBD Patients: From 5 Crohn’s Disease and 2 Ulcerative Colitis
Patients to ~100 Patients
– 50 Carefully Phenotyped Patients Drawn from Sandborn BioBank
– 43 Metagenomes from the RISK Cohort of Newly Diagnosed IBD patients
• New Software Suite from Knight Lab
– Re-annotation of Reference Genomes, Functional / Taxonomic Variations
– Novel Compute-Intensive Assembly Algorithms from Pavel Pevzner
8x Compute Resources
Over Prior Study
Center for
UCSD Microbial Sciences Initiative
Seed Grants
Chancellor Khosla Launched the UC San Diego
Microbiome and Microbial Sciences Initiative October 29, 2015
UC San Diego Microbiome and Microbial Sciences Initiative:
Leadership Team
Rob Knight
Pieter Dorrestein
Kit Pogliano
Biol Sci
Bernhard Palsson
Bill Sandborn
Jeff Hasty
Biol Sci
Karsten Zengler
Larry Smarr
Calit2 /CSE
Paul Jensen
Pavel Pevzner
Rachel Dutton
Biol Sci
Rommie Amaro
Chem & Biochem
Victor Nizet
Vineet Bafna
Thanks to Our Great Team!
Future Patient Team
Jerry Sheehan
Tom DeFanti
Joe Keefe
John Graham
Kevin Patrick
Mehrdad Yazdani
Jurgen Schulze
Andrew Prudhomme
Philip Weber
Fred Raab
Ernesto Ramirez
Karen Nelson
Shibu Yooseph
Manolito Torralba
Devi Ramanan
Pek Lum
UCSD Metagenomics Team
Weizhong Li
Sitao Wu
Michael Norman
Mahidhar Tatineni
Robert Sinkovits
UCSD Health Sciences Team
David Brenner
Rob Knight Lab
Justine Debelius
Jose Navas
Gail Ackermann
Greg Humphrey
William J. Sandborn Lab
Elisabeth Evans
John Chang
Brigid Boland
Dell/R Systems
Brian Kucic
John Thompson

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Supercomputing Your Inner Microbiome

  • 1. “Supercomputing Your Inner Microbiome” Seminar Department of Bioengineering University of California, San Diego February 12, 2016 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD 1
  • 2. The human body is host to 100 trillion microorganisms, ten times the number of DNA-bearing cells in the human body, and these microbes contain 300 times the number of DNA genes that our human DNA does. The microbial component of our "superorganism" is comprised of hundreds of species with immense biodiversity. To put a more personal face on the "patient of the future," I have been collecting massive amounts of data from my own body over the last seven years, which reveals detailed examples of the episodic evolution of this coupled immune-microbial system. An elaborate software pipeline, running on high performance computers, reveals the details of the microbial ecology and its genetic components, in health as well as in disease. Not only can we compare a person with a disease to a healthy population, but we can also follow the dynamics of the diseased patient. We can look forward to revolutionary changes in medical practice over the next decade.
  • 3. Forty Years of Computing Gravitational Waves From Colliding Black Holes 1977 L. Smarr and K. Eppley Gravitational Radiation Computed from an Axisymmetric Black Hole Collision 2016 LIGO Consortium Spiral Black Hole Collision 40 Years
  • 4. Complexity of Computing First Gut Microbiome Dynamics Versus First Dynamics of Colliding Black Holes • My 1975 PhD Dissertation – Solving Einstein’s Equations of General Relativity for Colliding Black Holes and Grav Waves – CDC 6600 Megaflop/s – Hundreds of Hours • Rob Knight and Smarr Gut Microbiome Map – Mapping From Illumina Sequencing to Taxonomy and Gene Abundance Dynamics – Comet Petaflop/s – Comet Core is 40,000x CDC6600 Speed – Million Core-Hours – 10,000x Supercomputer Time • Gut Microbiome Takes ~ ½ Billion Times the Compute Power of Early Solutions of Dynamic General Relativity
  • 5. Building a UC San Diego Cyberinfrastructure to Support Integrative Omics FIONA 12 Cores/GPU 128 GB RAM 3.5 TB SSD 48TB Disk 10Gbps NIC Knight Lab 10Gbps Gordon Prism@UCSD Data Oasis 7.5PB, 200GB/s Knight 1024 Cluster In SDSC Co-Lo CHERuB 100Gbps Emperor & Other Vis Tools 64Mpixel Data Analysis Wall 120Gbps 40Gbps 1.3Tbps PRP/
  • 6. The Pacific Wave Platform Creates a Regional Science-Driven “Big Data Freeway System” Source: John Hess, CENIC Funded by NSF $5M Oct 2015-2020 Flash Disk to Flash Disk File Transfer Rate PI: Larry Smarr, UC San Diego Calit2 Co-PIs: • Camille Crittenden, UC Berkeley CITRIS, • Tom DeFanti, UC San Diego Calit2, • Philip Papadopoulos, UC San Diego SDSC, • Frank Wuerthwein, UC San Diego Physics and SDSC
  • 7. Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Established a Pattern Recognition Lab On the PRP, For Machine Learning on non-von Neumann Processors “On the drawing board are collections of 64, 256, 1024, and 4096 chips. ‘It’s only limited by money, not imagination,’ Modha says.” Source: Dr. Dharmendra Modha Founding Director, IBM Cognitive Computing Group August 8, 2014 UCSD ECE Professor Ken Kreutz-Delgado Brings the IBM TrueNorth Chip to Start Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Pattern Recognition Laboratory September 16, 2015
  • 8. From One to a Trillion Data Points Defining Me in 15 Years: The Exponential Rise in Body Data Weight Blood Biomarker Time Series Human Genome SNPs Microbial Genome Time Series Improving Body Discovering Disease Human Genome
  • 9. I Decided to Track My Internal Biomarkers To Understand My Body’s Dynamics My Blood Draw YesterdayCalit2 64 Megapixel VROOM
  • 10. Only One of My Blood Measurements Was Far Out of Range--Indicating Chronic Inflammation Normal Range <1 mg/L 27x Upper Limit Complex Reactive Protein (CRP) is a Blood Biomarker for Detecting Presence of Inflammation Episodic Peaks in Inflammation Followed by Spontaneous Drops
  • 11. Adding Stool Tests Revealed Oscillatory Behavior in an Immune Variable Which is Antibacterial Normal Range <7.3 µg/mL 124x Upper Limit for Healthy Lactoferrin is a Protein Shed from Neutrophils - An Antibacterial that Sequesters Iron Typical Lactoferrin Value for Active Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • 12. Descending Colon Sigmoid Colon Threading Iliac Arteries Major Kink Confirming the IBD (Colonic Crohn’s) Hypothesis: Finding the “Smoking Gun” with MRI Imaging I Obtained the MRI Slices From UCSD Medical Services and Converted to Interactive 3D Working With Calit2 Staff Transverse Colon Liver Small Intestine Diseased Sigmoid Colon Cross Section MRI Jan 2012 Severe Colon Wall Swelling
  • 13. Evolving Microbiome Environmental Pressures: Dynamical Innate and Adaptive Immune Oscillations in Colon Normal <600 Innate Immune System Normal 50 to 200 Adaptive Immune System These Must Be Coupled to A Dynamic Microbiome Ecology
  • 14. The Human Gut as a Super-Evolutionary Microbial Cauldron • Enormous Density – 1000x Ocean Water • Highly Dynamic Microbial Ecology – Hundreds to Thousands of Species • Horizontal Gene Transfer • Phages • Adaptive Selection Pressures (Immune System) – Innate Immune System – Adaptive Immune System – Macrophages and Antimicrobial proteins • Constantly Changing Environmental Pressures – Diet – Antibiotics – Pharmaceuticals
  • 15. To Understand the Interaction of Genetics and the Immune System We Must Consider the Human Microbiome Your Microbiome is Your “Near-Body” Environment and its Cells Contain 300x as Many DNA Genes As Your Human DNA-Bearing Cells Your Body Has 10 Times As Many Microbe Cells As DNA-Bearing Human Cells Inclusion of the “Dark Matter” of the Body Will Radically Alter Medicine
  • 16. New Estimates In 2016 Estimate a Human Body Contains ~30 Trillion Human Cells and ~40 Trillion Microbes However, Red Blood Cells and Platelets Have No Nuclear DNA. Therefore, Ratio of DNA-Bearing Cells for Human vs. Microbiome is Still >10:1 DNA-Bearing Cells
  • 17. We Gathered Raw Illumina Reads on 275 Humans and Generated a Time Series of My Gut Microbiome 5 Ileal Crohn’s Patients, 3 Points in Time 2 Ulcerative Colitis Patients, 6 Points in Time “Healthy” Individuals Source: Jerry Sheehan, Calit2 Weizhong Li, Sitao Wu, CRBS, UCSD Total of 27 Billion Reads Or 2.7 Trillion Bases Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Patients 250 Subjects 1 Point in Time 7 Points in Time Each Sample Has 100-200 Million Illumina Short Reads (100 bases) Larry Smarr (Colonic Crohn’s)
  • 18. To Map Out the Dynamics of Autoimmune Microbiome Ecology Couples Next Generation Genome Sequencers to Big Data Supercomputers Source: Weizhong Li, UCSD Our Team Used 25 CPU-years to Compute Comparative Gut Microbiomes Starting From 2.7 Trillion DNA Bases of My Samples and Healthy and IBD Controls Illumina HiSeq 2000 at JCVI SDSC Gordon Data Supercomputer
  • 19. Results Include Relative Abundance of Hundreds of Microbial Species Average Over 250 Healthy People From NIH Human Microbiome Project Note Log Scale Clostridium difficile
  • 20. Using Microbiome Profiles to Survey 155 Subjects for Unhealthy Candidates
  • 21. Comparing Gut Microbiome of Healthy People with Ileal Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, and Colonic Crohn’s Patients
  • 22. We Found Major State Shifts in Microbial Ecology Phyla Between Healthy and Three Forms of IBD Most Common Microbial Phyla Average HE Average Ulcerative Colitis Average LS Colonic Crohn’s Disease Average Ileal Crohn’s Disease
  • 23. I Found I Had One of the Earliest Known SNPs Associated with Crohn’s Disease From SNPs Associated with CD Polymorphism in Interleukin-23 Receptor Gene — 80% Higher Risk of Pro-inflammatory Immune Response NOD2 IRGM ATG16L1 23andme is Now Collecting 10,000 IBD Patient’s SNPs
  • 24. There Is Likely a Correlation Between CD SNPs and Where and When the Disease Manifests Me-Male CD Onset At 60-Years Old Female CD Onset At 20-Years Old NOD2 (1) rs2066844 Il-23R rs1004819 Subject with Ileal Crohn’s Subject with Colonic Crohn’s Source: Larry Smarr and 23andme
  • 25. I Also Had an Increased Risk for Ulcerative Colitis, But a SNP that is Also Associated with Colonic CD I Have a 33% Increased Risk for Ulcerative Colitis HLA-DRA (rs2395185) I Have the Same Level of HLA-DRA Increased Risk as Another Male Who Has Had Ulcerative Colitis for 20 Years “Our results suggest that at least for the SNPs investigated [including HLA-DRA], colonic CD and UC have common genetic basis.” -Waterman, et al., IBD 17, 1936-42 (2011)
  • 26. Ileal Crohn’s and UC Patients Have Reduced Abundance of Anti-Inflammatory Faecalibacterium prausnitzii However, Colonic Crohn’s (LS) Have Increased Abundance
  • 27. 0 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 H CCD ICD 0 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,08 0,09 H CCD ICD fecesileum biopsies 0 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1 0,12 H CCD ICD c distal colon biopsies Faecalibacterium prausnitzii One of the main producers of butyrate Important for colonic health. Willing et al., 2009.Inflammatory Bowel Diseases A Noninvasive Diagnostic?? - Faecalibacterium is Depleted in Ileal CD and Increased in Colonic CD Slide from Janet Jansson, PNNL
  • 28. We Computed the Relative Abundance of Microbial Gene Families - ~10,000 KEGG Orthologous Genes, Across Healthy and IBD Subjects How Large is the Microbiome’s Genetic Change Between Health and Disease States?
  • 29. In a “Healthy” Gut Microbiome: Large Taxonomy Variation, Low Protein Family Variation Source: Nature, 486, 207-212 (2012) Over 200 People
  • 30. Ratio of HE11529 to Ave HE Test to see How Much Variation There is Within Healthy Most KEGGs Are Within 10x Of Healthy for a Random HE Ratio of Random HE11529 to Healthy Average for Each Nonzero KEGG Similar to HMP Healthy Results
  • 31. However, Our Research Shows Large Changes in Protein Families Between Health and Disease – Ileal Crohns Most KEGGs Are Within 10x In Healthy and Ileal Crohn’s Disease KEGGs Greatly Increased In the Disease State KEGGs Greatly Decreased In the Disease State Over 7000 KEGGs Which Are Nonzero in Health and Disease States Ratio of CD Average to Healthy Average for Each Nonzero KEGG Note Hi/Low Symmetry
  • 32. Note Ulcerative Colitis Has Few KEGGs that are Much Smaller than HE; Note Asymmetry Between High & Low Most KEGGs Are Within 10x In Healthy and Ulcerative Colitis KEGGs Greatly Increased In the Disease State KEGGs Greatly Decreased In the Disease State Ratio of UC Average to Healthy Average for Each Nonzero KEGG Note Hi/Low Asymmetry
  • 33. Note LS001 Has Few KEGGs that are Much Smaller than HE; But Many More (1337) That are >10x HE Than CD (~700) or UC (~900) Ratio of LS001 Average to Healthy Average for Each Nonzero KEGG Most KEGGs Are Within 10x In Healthy and LS001 KEGGs Greatly Increased In the Disease State KEGGs Greatly Decreased In the Disease State
  • 34. Disease Arises from Perturbed Protein Family Networks: Dynamics of a Prion Perturbed Network in Mice Source: Lee Hood, ISB 34 Our Next Goal is to Create Such Perturbed Networks in Humans
  • 35. Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute Has Developed Interactive Scalable Visualization for Biological Networks 20,000 Samples 60,000 OTUs 18 Million Edges Runs Native on 64Million Pixels
  • 36. Time Series Reveals Oscillations in Immune Biomarkers Associated with Time Progression of Autoimmune Disease Immune & Inflammation Variables Weekly Symptoms Pharma Therapies Stool Samples 2009 20142013201220112010 2015
  • 37. Larry Smarr Weekly Weight Time Period of 16S Source: Larry Smarr, UCSD
  • 38. LS Weekly Weight During Period of 16S Microbiome Analysis Abrupt Change in Weight and in Symptoms at January 1, 2014 Antibiotics Prednisone Lialda Uceris Frequent IBD Symptoms Weight Loss Few IBD Symptoms Weight Gain Source: Larry Smarr, UCSD
  • 39. In 2016 We Are Extending My Stool Time Series by Collaborating with the UCSD Knight Lab Larry’s 40 Stool Samples Over 3.5 Years to Rob’s lab on April 30, 2015
  • 40. Variation in My Gut Microbiome Phyla Over 3.5 Years: No Clear Pattern Break at January 2014 Data from Justine Debelius & Jose Navas, Knight Lab, UCSD; Larry Smarr Analysis, January 2016
  • 41. LS Gut Microbiome 16S Evolution by Family-Again No Clear Separation at January 2014 Data from Justine Debelius & Jose Navas, Knight Lab, UCSD; Larry Smarr Analysis, January 2016
  • 42. Time Development Over 3.5 Years of Larry Smarr’s Gut Microbiome Ecology Blue: 1/2012 to 1/2014 Red: 1/2014 to 8/1/2015 Movie and Data Analysis by Justine Debelius & Jose Navas, Knight Lab, UCSD Unweighted UniFrac Distance of 16S OTUs was Computed and then Transformed into Principle Coordinates Space Using QIIME. Principle Coordinates were Visualized in Emperor.
  • 43. Larry Smarr Gut Microbiome Ecology Shifted After Drug Therapy Between Two Time-Stable Equilibriums Correlated to Physical Symptoms Lialda & Uceris 12/1/13 to 1/1/14 12/1/13- 1/1/14 Frequent IBD Symptoms Weight Loss 5/1/12 to 12/1/14 Blue Balls on Diagram to the Right Few IBD Symptoms Weight Gain 1/1/14 to 1/1/16 Red Balls on Diagram to the Right Principal Coordinate Analysis of Microbiome Ecology PCoA by Justine Debelius and Jose Navas, Knight Lab, UCSD Weight Data from Larry Smarr, Calit2, UCSD Antibiotics Prednisone 1/1/12 to 5/1/12 5/1/12 Weekly Weight (Red Dots Stool Sample) Few IBD Symptoms Weight Gain 1/1/14 to 1/1/16 Red Balls on Diagram to the Right
  • 44. To Expand IBD Project the Knight/Smarr Labs Were Awarded ~ 1 CPU-Century Supercomputing Time • Smarr Gut Microbiome Time Series – From 7 Samples Over 1.5 Years – To 50 Samples Over 4 Years • IBD Patients: From 5 Crohn’s Disease and 2 Ulcerative Colitis Patients to ~100 Patients – 50 Carefully Phenotyped Patients Drawn from Sandborn BioBank – 43 Metagenomes from the RISK Cohort of Newly Diagnosed IBD patients • New Software Suite from Knight Lab – Re-annotation of Reference Genomes, Functional / Taxonomic Variations – Novel Compute-Intensive Assembly Algorithms from Pavel Pevzner 8x Compute Resources Over Prior Study
  • 45. Center for Microbiome Innovation Seminars Faculty Hiring Education UCSD Microbial Sciences Initiative Instrument Cores Seed Grants Fellowships Chancellor Khosla Launched the UC San Diego Microbiome and Microbial Sciences Initiative October 29, 2015
  • 46. UC San Diego Microbiome and Microbial Sciences Initiative: Leadership Team Rob Knight Pediatrics/CSE Pieter Dorrestein Pharmacy Kit Pogliano Biol Sci Bernhard Palsson BioE/Pediatrics Bill Sandborn Gastroenterology Jeff Hasty Biol Sci Karsten Zengler Pediatrics Larry Smarr Calit2 /CSE Paul Jensen SIO Pavel Pevzner CSE Rachel Dutton Biol Sci Rommie Amaro Chem & Biochem Victor Nizet Pediatrics/Pharmacy Vineet Bafna CSE
  • 47. Thanks to Our Great Team! Calit2@UCSD Future Patient Team Jerry Sheehan Tom DeFanti Joe Keefe John Graham Kevin Patrick Mehrdad Yazdani Jurgen Schulze Andrew Prudhomme Philip Weber Fred Raab Ernesto Ramirez JCVI Team Karen Nelson Shibu Yooseph Manolito Torralba Ayasdi Devi Ramanan Pek Lum UCSD Metagenomics Team Weizhong Li Sitao Wu SDSC Team Michael Norman Mahidhar Tatineni Robert Sinkovits UCSD Health Sciences Team David Brenner Rob Knight Lab Justine Debelius Jose Navas Gail Ackermann Greg Humphrey William J. Sandborn Lab Elisabeth Evans John Chang Brigid Boland Dell/R Systems Brian Kucic John Thompson