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Sugary Drinks
1. Each of the sources provided are online, yet they differ in how they present information. In 1–2
paragraphs, please describe what you see as the major differences between these information
sources. (Need help? Start with the key message, language, and writing style of each one.)
The academic article was written as a way to publish results of a study. It quickly laid out the
information it had to provide in a summary and then proceeded to be more detailed about the study,
all the methods and statistics that were collected, and what conclusions were made. It mainly
focused on how energy drinks can lead to the drinking of more and various sugar– based drinks.
The news article seemed more like a discussion about sugary drinks and how it's linked ... Show
more content on ...
How much time do you think went into the creation of each of these sources? Think about the
process it took the author to find the information, write, and get the material published? Is there any
oversight (for example, an editor) before getting the material published?
I believe all three of these had some type of editing involved but to different extents. Obviously the
academic article would have gone through a peer review process in order to be published. The
academic article would have taken much longer to complete than the other two.
The magazine article would have taken some time to publish as it is a quarterly magazine (although
if this article was only published online this might not be relevant), and it would have had a good
amount of editing. There is an editor whose job is to help decide what gets published and what
doesn't but this process most likely lets through more than the same process in the academic world
does. The author had many sources and took his time writing covering the issue in a thorough
The news article had to get information from multiple sources and sort through the data of a
scientific study. This would have taken sometime and the editing process some more. This could
have taken some days or weeks to finish. It had only approximately 500 fewer words than the
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Example Of Systematic Review
In order to find a protocol to systematically search and identify studies researching the effectiveness
of training programmes in ethics and its influence on ethical leadership and ethical behaviour,
previous systematic reviews on these topics were searched. However, no review protocols were
Consequently, to ensure transparency with this systematic review, an evidence–based checklist was
used to guide this review's methodology. Specifically, this review followed the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta–Analysis Protocols (PRISMA–P) statement, designed by
PROSPERO in order to organise this research report (Moher et al., 2015). PROSPERO is an
international prospective register of systematic ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, some items exceeded the scope of this review or were not applicable such as funding
sources, and were consequently removed. Namely, items 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c, 11c, 12, 13, 14,
15a, 15b, 15c, 16 and 17 were omitted from the review. Subsequently, this adapted version of the
PRISMA–P 17–item checklist is presented in appendix table 1B. Lastly, it needs to be noted that this
adapted version of the PRISMA–P checklist is not quality assessment tool and was only used as a
mere guide for the researcher.
Eligibility criteria
Types of studies. The review considered literature focusing on the development of ethical leadership
in organisations (private and non–private) using interventions incorporating ethics training.
According to Kelly, Sadeghieh and Adeli (2014), peer reviewed literature can ensure credibility to
findings, because it allows scholarly work to be critically examined by other researchers in the same
field. As a result, full–text, empirical peer–reviewed journal articles and dissertations were
considered for inclusion in this review. Studies for inclusion reported the development of ethical
leaders where training programmes formed part of the intervention. Types of participants. Studies
considering participants that were actively working within a private or non–private organisation.
Studies involving students within higher education institutions such as
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Differences between Popular News Publication and Academic...
Information can be manipulated in the variety forms. The information format in both popular news
publication (Article A) and in an academic journal (Article B) is slightly differs, but in term of its
information content, it has several similarities even its come from different authors' background.
Article A also known as popular magazine and usually it include recreational, news and opinion
magazines. Recreational magazines are written for general entertainment. Example of recreational
magazine is The Malaysian Women's Weekly. The Article B contains articles written by experts in a
specific discipline. The articles present original research, reviews of research, or theoretical
positions. Each discipline has its own academic journals. ... Show more content on
The journalist mentioned about the research done by Dior Innovation Center and other authorised
organisation that discovered the solutions of skin ageing. The suitable product recommended by the
journalist is Dior Capture Totale. This article may helpful for those who need the prompt solution,
without refer to the skin specialist first. This is quite danger to them because not every skin is same.
The article looks want to promote new product in the market and hoping that the reader will grab it
The Article A also thick, colourful and most of its pages displays new beauty products. In order to
add–on its 'beauty' and 'interesting', it published in glossy pages so that the illustrations and
colourful font will look interested. For example, at the end of that report, it has the brief explanation
about stars' skin care. Besides that, this Article A does not include original research but may include
stories about research. For example like this segmented article. It not told the reader about the
methods or discussion of the research, but it just told about the outcome or end product of the
research briefly. It may provide evidence that this product was developed from the research
discovery, but if the journalist failed to cite or acknowledge where the information taken from, it
will contribute to the not trusted sources. That is why the Article A cannot be used as a source for
academic reference. This article also has two
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Essay Atm Assignment
[pic] |MASTERS DEGREE ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATION | |Student name: | |Student P number:
| | |Programme: |MBA | |Module: | ATM |Module Level: |7 | |Module code: |M6X9136 ... Show more
content on ...
All references have been duly cited. | |Student's Signature: |Assignments will not be accepted
without a signature here | | | | | |Date: | | |Turnitin: Lecturer to tick to indicate if an electronic version
of the assignment must be submitted to Turnitin. Note: the Turnitin version|YES |X | |is the primary
submission and acts as a receipt for the student. Both electronic and paper versions MUST be
submitted by the same deadline.| | | |No marks will be released until both submissions are received.
Late submission of either the electronic or paper version will result in a | | | |late penalty mark.
Penalties for late submission: Up to one week late, maximum mark of 40%. Over one week late,
Refer. Only Year Tutors | | | |and the Programme Director may grant an
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Types Of Academic Journals Advantageous For The Research
There are various types of academic journals advantageous for the research one uses while writing
papers. Usually, in the fields of scientific study, these journals are in a format called IMRAD.
IMRAD stands for Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. This format is used to break up
said journal into sections to show the process and data collected from the experiment. Within these
journals there is detailed data and often charts and images of the experiment that was conducted.
The journals have references at the end since the authors almost always pull some of their
information from other resources to help reinforce their data. The first part of an IMRAD journal is
the introduction. This portion contains the abstract, which gives a general overview of what the
journal is about and reveals the details of the experiment being conducted. The example article is
about the errors that can occur while examining bloodstain patterns at a crime scene. The
experiment was designed to see the effects of blood disintegration and how that can affect various
calculations when figuring the area of origin. The area of origin is used to calculate the area where
the blood came from, or where the victim was at the time of the assault. Essentially, It is used to try
and determine the events that transpired at the crime scene. These numbers can help investigators
recreate the scene and decipher other important details such as the assailants dominant hand, where
they were standing and even
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Importance Of Writing Reflection
When I had signed up for this class, I thought it was going to be similar to a humanities course. I
thought that we would be learning about how journaling has evolved and various ways to journal.
As the class progressed, I found it to be more of an art than a humanities class. When this reality did
not match my expectation, I was disappointed. I had to challenge myself to get the most out of this
course by changing my attitude and adjusting my perspective.
As an art class, this would have been an excellent idea and well executed. Being able to learn about
different materials, binding techniques, and adhesives were helpful in the creation of journals, but it
was not what I had expected. One thing that stands out to me was the research paper, it just did not
seem to fit into the class very well. Most of the students did not know how to use Chicago Style
referencing properly and there was not any class time allotted to learning it nor to working on the
essays. It seemed to be used to check a box rather than to help our understanding. I think that this
essay would have fit into the course much better if we had been spending time in class learning
about various historical journalists and how their work impacted the region in which it was created.
It just did not seem as though our homework matched our class work, so I was a little thrown off.
This imbalance was especially apparent because the room was deemed technology free, so we could
not even work on our essays while in class.
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Week 4 Scholarly vs. Popular Media Focus on Sexuality Paper
This assignment will help you explore the way a topic in human sexuality is covered in two very
different sources: 1) a scholarly journal; and 2) a popular media source.For more information to help
you understand the difference between those sources, please use this link to the APU library You will summarize a scholarly article (peer–reviewed,
evidence–based, original research) and one popular media article on your topic. Once you see how
the topic is covered in each source, you will write a paper:
1. comparing and contrasting the coverage;
2. discussing the relative merits of each; and
3. addressing which of the two approaches (scholarly or popular media) is better ... Show more
content on ...
· Once you have found an acceptable article, read it completely.
· Read the abstract and introduction at the beginning and the conclusion at the end of the article first.
The topic and hypothesis will be provided in these sections. Then read the methodology and
data/results sections. Reading the introduction, summary, and abstract will help you better
understand and follow the data–heavy results section.
Step 2: Summarize the scholarly article
· Write a 1–page summary of the single scholarly article you selected, including:
· The hypothesis of the study on which the article reports.
· How the study was conducted, including:
· The group of people researched and written about (colleges students? adolescents? the elderly?
military members? sexual minorities? etc.)
· The research method used (i.e. naturalistic observation, lab experiment, survey, etc.)
· The results of the study, the interpretation of the data by the authors and any conclusions they
include at the end of the article.
· Edit and revise your summary for content, grammar, and APA format. Using APA format, identify
the article title, the article authors, the journal in which the article was published, the date of
publication, and the focus of the research.
Step 3: Find and summarize the popular media article
· Find and analyze/summarize an article from the popular media that covers the same topic as the
scholarly paper. Acceptable popular
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Scholarly Vs Popular Sources Essay
Task 1. Scholarly versus Popular Resources 1. scholarly Source– written for scholars, technical
language, full citation, peer reviewed Popular Source – magazines, for a general audience, usually
not fully cited When each is appropriate: Popular sources are good for background information, then
scholarly sources should be used for more in–depth research and citation. 2. A blog written by an
archeologist would be a popular source because it is not peer reviewed 3. A blog by a Native
American would still be a popular source because it is not peer reviewed and likely not containing
full citation. Task 2. Understanding Peer Review 4. Peer review is a process by which a
professional's work or research is evaluated by other professionals similar to or higher in expertise
than the professional creating the work. Scholarly peer ... Show more content on ...
This research looks at how Chaco Canyon residents were sustained during the onset of the canyon's
drought Between A.D. 1181 and 1200. The study hypothesizes that maize or corn, was brought into
the canyon from a region known as the Chaco Halo and seeks to identify the specific sources of the
maize. The researchers collect data by analyzing 12 corn cobs found in Chaco Canyon and use the
presence of Strontium 86 and 87 to determine the produce's origins. During the study they narrow
the possibilities that "the corn cobs were imported from the Zuni region, the Mesa Verde–McElmo
Dome area, or the Totah area during a time when the climate was relatively wet and when a surplus
of corn was produced in regions outside Chaco Canyon" (Benson 2010). This research provides new
insight into the understanding of how Chaco Canyon was sustained during its decline and adds new
perspective to the archeological record of the
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Reflection Paper
When I first walked into room 305, I was absolutely terrified. I only knew two of the other people in
the class and it was the second class I had gone to. English was never my strongest suit and I had to
go into an honors class full of smart, capable people who were surely better writers than I am. So
many of them were much more eloquent than me, they were so well spoken. I didn't know if my
writing would ever match up, and I hate to be considered subpar. I was really worried for all the peer
reviews that I knew would eventually happen. I dreaded the first peer review for the literacy
narrative paper because I thought that my paper would be a disaster. However, I learned throughout
the course that I wasn't necessarily worse than everyone, I just wrote differently. Everyone writes in
their own way but it doesn't mean they one style is inherently better or worse than another.
After rereading the syllabus a few times and reading over the Writing Outside the Lines book, I
knew what was expected of me and what to expect of myself. I knew what was necessary for each
paper and I had an idea of what the writing process would look like. I also learned some new
techniques for brainstorming and freewriting. They writing process can be messy, it isn't neat and
tidy. My own writing process is somewhat disorganized and a lot of my writing seems unnecessary
and redundant. However, I didn't know what the "typical" writing process looked like (spoiler: there
is no single typical writing process!) so I couldn't compare my process to others to see if I was on
track. The first thing that I needed to do was figure out what I was writing about, which seemed like
an impossible task. After choosing to write about Harry Potter and my experience with the series, I
knew that a lot of frustrated hours of editing would be waiting me for me in the near future.
I went into the first peer review for the literacy narrative with a very rough draft of my barely edited
paper. Overall, the peer review went fairly well, and I got a few new thoughts and opinions to
consider. After that class, I went back and created an outline for my paper so that I could restructure
it in a more logical fashion. I knew what my readers were deriving from my
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Professional Writing Style
The Analysis of Professional Writing
Professional writing is defined as any type of written communication generated in a workplace
environment. These works are usually presented in a professional style which allows the users to
make informed choices. In addition, professional writing conveys information in a precise language
that the target audience will understand. It is used to inform, instruct .encourage an action or
stimulate a debate. The professional writer may be employed or a freelance in an occupation such as
marketing, public relations, journalism advertising or technical writing. These professional writing
types include academic writing, business writing and creative writing among others while
professional writing styles include American Psychologic Association(APA), modern Language
Association (MLA), and Chicago among others. Different disciplines use different styles of writing.
This essay is a detailed printout of various styles of professional writing, their features and how easy
or hard for individuals to start careers in these fields. In addition, this article will also serve as a
manual for those aspiring to join the writing profession.
Structure and style
Academic writing is one of the emerging professional writing styles that aid the researcher to clarify
the intellectual boundaries of their field and their specific areas of specialization. These styles
incorporate a formal tone, utilization of the third persona, unmistakably concentration on the issue
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Journaling Is A Common Practice
"An old adage says that thoughts disentangle themselves when passed through the lips and across
the fingertips" (Whitney 260). Thoughts clutter up our minds and need a release; for some, this is
journaling. Journaling can be defined as a practice in which one writes out a variety of things. It isn
't confined to one specific thing. It can range from daily events and struggles, to poetry, to Bible
verses. They hold a purpose in some time and place, though some may prefer one over another.
Journaling has been noted throughout the ages as being beneficial in many lives and providing a
source of hope for many, even in the most difficult times, though some others may find it harmful.
Journaling does not necessarily have a specific ... Show more content on ...
Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us" (ESV, Ps.
62.6–8). The Psalms were like David's personal journal. It documents his feelings, mainly towards
God, and gives a commentary of the thoughts running through his mind. It clearly shows David
questioning God and going through rough patches, but it also shows moments of great delight and
times of significant triumph in his life.
Not only do Biblical figures highlight the use of journaling, but many other notable people and
people groups note journaling as a common practice in their lives. Saint Augustine, one of the most
revered figures in the church for the way he shaped the way we view Christianity today, was even
known to have kept a journal in the form of one of his most famous books, Confessions (Whitney
251). For 68 years Queen Victoria was known to have kept a daily journal (Conhaim). Also, the
Puritans, the group of people the set out to reform the English church, kept journals themselves.
They were considered highly religious and Donald Whitney notes this by saying, "The fact that
many Puritans kept diaries of this kind helps to explain their pursuit of social virtue: diaries were the
reckoning books in which they checked the assets and liabilities of their souls in faith. When they
opened these books, they set down lapses of morality with appropriate expressions of faith" (qtd. in
Whitney 253–254). All of these people kept a journal
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APA Reflective Essay
Introduction Starting University can be quite the daunting experience. Moving to a new city, or on
my part; an entirely different country, meeting new people, and adapting to the student lifestyle,
your senses are constantly overloaded. With all these new impressions and responsibilities hanging
on your shoulders, it is vital to take a step back once in a while, and reflect over where your life is
heading. Doing this can play a key role in making the most out of your years as an undergraduate
student. I will therefore with the support of Boud, Keogh and Walker's (1985), as well as Kolb's
(1984) and Gibbs' (1988) work on reflection, reflect over my own transition into Higher Education.
Referencing Referencing was not an unfamiliar concept for me per say, but referencing APA–style
was. With the help of Boud, Keogh and Walker's (1985) model of reflective learning I will therefore
reflect on my experience referencing using APA 6th edition format. Having to replace my beloved
footnotes in favour of said APA format was not all that hard, but it was a lot less comfortable. It
became evident that it was a very time–consuming task, and the seriousness of doing it right
lingered in the air. Even though referencing was a requirement for me and my peers throughout
Middle and High School, the repercussions of doing it wrong was relatively non–existent, and we
most certainly would not be capped at 40%. With this in mind, the concept of referencing became a
bit intimidating, but thanks
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Trauma And Memory
Popular press and peer–reviewed articles differ in writing style, formatting, and content, given their
different readerships. That is, popular press articles generally cater to the general public while peer–
reviewed articles cater to academic scholars. This essay compares popular press and peer–reviewed
articles to assess their differences, similarities, and potential uses. In pursuit of this assessment, this
essay explores how the topic of trauma and memory is addressed in "Why Rape and Trauma
Survivors Have Fragmented and Incomplete Memories," a popular press article from Time magazine
and ""I Remember", "I Thought", I Know I Didn't Say": Silence and Memory in Trauma
Narratives," a peer–reviewed journal from the academic journal Memory. ... Show more content on ...
First, both articles address the topic of trauma and memory with respect to the psychological
processes in trauma survivors. Both articles acknowledge the importance of neuropathology as
having a role in memory impairment and recollection. Second, both articles make conclusions based
on the evidence they present. The Time article concludes that advances in our understanding of brain
physiology will affect the admissibility of victim narratives in court, while the Memory article uses
Interpretive Poetics to make conclusions about future research on memory and the need to make
disclosure of trauma narratives socially acceptable. With these factors in mind, popular press and
peer–reviewed articles are beneficial in different situations. If someone wants to gain a general
understanding of a topic, reading articles from popular press magazines such as Time would provide
a good introduction for the topic. However, if someone wants to explore a topic in more detail,
peer–reviewed articles would provide original research and analyses. Peer–reviewed articles also
have citations to other pertinent papers, allowing readers to further their exploration of different
topics of
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Article On Content And Coverage
Magazine Article
Content & Coverage The audience for the magazine Education is more of scholarly audience rather
than a consumer audience. The proposed information is written secondary in nature because the
author is discussing a study on Hispanic parents' perception of education. The article does provide
in–depth information on the specific statistics and findings of the study. The article did have links to
other articles within the magazine based on key words such as education, community, academic
achievement, and family. Although there was no bibliography, there was an extensive list of
references mentioned in the article. There was a total of 26 references recognized in the article
(Hwang & Vrongistinos, 2010).
The magazine article was written in the summer of 2010. It did not specify a month and date. No
further updates appear to have been posted but the article was uploaded to the General OneFile
website on October 3, 2015. The citations appear to be outdated because some of the data used is
over ten years old. Even though the article is five years old, I would state that the information is
outdated. The limitation of the material is crucial since the article is focused on a survey which
needs to be current for this particular topic (Hwang & Vrongistinos, 2010).
The magazine article is linked to a commercial website with a .biz domain. It is not a community
site where any individual can make changes (Hwang & Vrongistinos, 2010). An individual is
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Essay on Nonsense for APA Formatting
This paper isn't going to make any sense at all; it's written just to practice APA formatting for
various references and to practice various in–text citations. I can tell that this paper is going to be
boring to write; therefore, it is probably going to be boring to read. Even so, it's still good practice
for future reference. The first type of references I'm using in this paper is two academic journals. I'm
going online to find two random academic journals to do so. In the journal, African Journal of
Business Ethics, Ogunyemi (2013) starts his writing with the quote, "Ethical reasoning is the
process of arriving at moral judgements." I have no idea of what else Ogunyemi writes about next.
Nevertheless, another random academic journal ... Show more content on ...
Within the chosen book, the first statement is; "When I was little, my dad used to tell me, "Will, you
can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose."" (Green &
Levithan, 2011). I have no idea what this book is about; I just know it's intended for a juvenile
audience. Newspapers are widely used for information, so I'm going to cite one as well. The nearest
newspaper to me is The Sun Star, and an interesting article in this newspaper is written by Kurtis
Gosney. He states in his article that, "The UAF Men's basketball team played in the annual GCI
Alaska Invitational last Thursday..." (Gosney, 2012, p. 1), and I got bored of reading the article from
there. Nonetheless, good job Nanooks for being champions. Speaking of champions, writing
champions know how to cite websites in APA format! A website that is used by millions every day
was first made possible by a person named Mark Zuckerberg; that website is known as Facebook.
On the homepage of the website there's a bold statement, "Connect with friends and the world
around you on Facebook" (Zuckerberg, 2013). This website has been a breakthrough for social
interaction on the internet.
A film is the last on my citation list, so let's make it an awesome movie. Nothing is as awesome as
Full Metal Jacket. In the beginning of the movie, a boot–camp officer actually makes a cadet choke
himself with the officer's hand, (Kubrick, 1987).
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Essay For Purpose
I am writing to apply for the position of Continuing Education Instructor, English as a Second
Language, in the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD). I hold a doctor of philosophy in
Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education (within the TESOL program) with an
interdisciplinary specialization in Educational Technology from the Ohio State University (OSU).
Moreover, I have experience in teaching EFL and ESL learners English. I am confident that my
educational background and teaching experience enable me to make contributions to the San Diego
Community College District in terms of enhancing ESL students' overall academic English
competence and understanding of the Western academic culture and developing professional ...
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The educational background and online teaching experience enable me to design English curricula,
courses, and teaching materials and integrate technology into my instruction in the future. Moreover,
I also have experience in teaching adult learners, including college students, English in EFL and
ESL settings. When teaching adult learners English in Taiwan (the EFL setting), I taught vocabulary,
grammar, reading skills, and structures of essays through readings deriving from the news, articles
in magazines, short fiction and non–fiction, and models of essays. When teaching writing, I adopted
graphic organizers, drawings, and guiding questions to introduce components of essays and assist
students in developing their writing. Moreover, I designed courses to allow students to choose topics
that they were interested in or relevant to their daily lives for writing assignments. Furthermore, I
gave mini–lessons on grammar, especially when most students made similar grammatical mistakes.
Additionally, I employed Communicative Approach and selected popular topics (e.g., news,
hobbies, travel, and favorite local and exotic food) to instruct students in English speaking. For
listening, I utilized popular English songs, news videos, and excerpts from TV shows and
audiobooks to enhance their listening competence. Since I
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Postgraduate Medical Journal
With healthcare being such a rapidly developing field, it is essential that we, as aspiring medical
professionals, understand what is progressing in our profession. Within the blink of an eye health
care changes; doctors, professors, researchers, are all developing new theories, journals and studies
daily. It is our responsibility as current students in this field to do our best to further understand
these journals, studies, researches and the writing that is involved in our field. Why you may ask?
There is arguably an infinite amount of perspectives in the medical field ranging from a vast amount
of topics–– understanding how to read and write professional writing based on medicine is
imperative for our future careers and their advancement ... Show more content on ...
First off, the purpose. The purpose is similar to that of The Postgraduate Medical Journal; this
journal is compacted full of 14 articles relating to surgical procedures, public health, pediatrics and
therapy. Again, majority of the articles found within the journal contain sophisticated titles that
display their specificity in that certain field: "Case 3–2017: A 62–Year–Old Man with Cardiac
Sarcoidosis and New Diplopia and Weakness" and "Bezlotoxumab –– A New Agent for Clostridium
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Identifying Their Usefulness Towards Students Studying...
Sustainability as stated in the oxford dictionary is defined as the ability of something to be
maintained at a certain rate or level. For Geographers this term is often widely used within the
discipline. It can be used to refer to sustainable development or to describe aspects within nature
such as sustainable environments. In this literature review, we will be looking at three different types
of resources that discuss sustainability. Before evaluating their usefulness towards students studying
geography. We will begin by looking at the most traditional form of resource used by students, a
book by Cabezas et al, that discusses a multi–disciplinary view of sustainability, then more on
towards more modern resources such as academic journals ... Show more content on
2012). Combing the ecological, political and cultural definitions to come to this conclusion. Very
early on the book the importance of sustainability is stressed, linking it both the human and physical
geographical viewpoints in its analysis. Stating that the overconsumption, coupled with the dramatic
increase in our population, taxing the earth in what they argue in a way our species has not done so
before (Cabezas et al. 2012). Before delving into the history of sustainability, and its various related
disciplines. The book then proceeds to discuss the subject from a biological point of view, before
discussing the other disciplines views relating to the subject.
The second key resource, the academic journal as discovered on search engine Primo that is hosted
by the University. With a link directing towards some of the journals articles located on the Journals
homepage. This journal written by Ravera et al in 2013, looks at rural change and farms
vulnerability within the semi–arid areas located within north Nicaragua. With the authors focusing
mainly at the beginning of the article towards the ever increasing rural development within the
North Nicaragua. Stating that the majority of Nicaragua poor live in these semi–arid areas, where
access to natural resources is limited (Ravera et al 2013). Coupled along with the over–farming and
high population living within the area, the area suffers the undernourishment. Leading to low levels
of sustainability, considering
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Roderigo Academic Journal Essay
It is a common misconception to say that Roderigo is an inferior character in Othell, and that he
plays no major role due to his simple superobjective which he does not achieve–which is to be with
Desdemona by whatever means necessary. However, Shakespeare's purpose for Roderigo, which
makes him important to the play, is quite different from what Roderigo desires. Roderigo's
superobjective is introduced in the first act as we see Roderigo and Iago confront Brabantio about
the whereabouts of Desdemona. In the first act we also see how badly Roderigo longs to be with
Desdemona when he says that "I will incontinently drown myself" (I.iii.305). We begin to see the
power Iago has over Roderigo and because of this Roderigo begins to appear weak ... Show more
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This is the point of no return for Roderigo. Here he declares his extreme love for Desdemona and
his intent to be with her by any means necessary. The only problem is that he confesses it to the
wrong person–Iago. We also see Roderigo slip to the level of Iago. Shakespeare does this by having
Roderigo speak with Iago not in meter. This shift in Roderigo's speech shows how desperate he is to
be with Desdemona and how Iago is beginning to take control. Roderigo throughout the rest of act
one and two merely operates as a puppet for Iago and does his bidding, "I do follow here in the
chase, not like a hound that hunts, but one that fills up the cry. My money is almost spent (II.iii.351–
352). His absence in act three causes some over look his importance to Othello, however his
appearance in act three would be trivial to Othello overall. This is where Shakespeare's
superobjective for Roderigo differs from Roderigo's own wishes. Shakespeare has Roderigo be the
catalyst to the falling action in act four by stabbing Cassio. It is this act by Roderigo that leads to the
tragedy in act five.
What is important to note is Roderigo's change in attitude in act four. Here we see Roderigo
acknowledge what Iago is doing to him and how Roderigo will no longer tolerate it.
Roderigo I do not find that thou deal'st justly with me.
What in the contrary?
Every day thou daff'st me with some device, Iago,
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Academic Journal Essay
I am a biology major. Our task was to find an academic journal that pertains to our specific major, I
did just that. I ventured to the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences to obtain my article. I am glad
I did because the material is fascinating and heavily relates to my interests. The article I choose is
called "Shared Genetic Predisposition in Peripartum and Dilated Cardiomyopathies" which has a
large number of contributors. This article has heavy uses of jargon that even I had a difficult time
understanding. The academic journal analyzed a disease that occurs in women during their last few
months of pregnancy and a couple of months after delivery. Study patients were chosen from
various locations around the world. One third of the ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, unique genetic variations are correlated to the risk of getting the disease. The sequencing
of DNA also plays an important role in this study. Enriched encoding was used to examine 43 genes
that are associated with dilated cardiomyopathy when mutated.
Variants were identified with Genome Analysis Tool Kit's which led to further discovery and
progress in the study. The sequencing was performed on the 43 genes, and 95 percent of targeted
bases were sequenced to a read depth of more than 20 times. The main focus was on truncating
variants that included nonsense, frameshift, and splicing variants, because they are predicted to have
a strong effect on protein structure and function. This article was very interesting to read and potent
with biological information. After taking this all in, I was interested to see what a professional in
biology would think of the content. Friday the 15th of September, I sought a professional in the
biology field. I read the article "Shared Genetic Predisposition in Peripartum and Dilated
Cardiomyopathies" and my question was; If diagnosed early enough, could the symptoms of
cardiomyopathy be prevented to lead to a full recovery given all the research? I asked Douglas
Houston, a professor at the University of Iowa with a PhD this question.
Starting with the physical aspects of this journey, it smelt like a zoo. I entered through the south side
of the building which was the invertebrate zoology
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Scholarly Bibliography On Scholarly Journals Essay
Definitions of terms Scholarly peer review Scholarly peer review, also known as refereeing, is the
process of subjecting an author's scholarly manuscript to the scrutiny of others who are experts and
working in the same field (Ware 2013). Scholarly/academic journal Scholarly journal, also called as
academic/scientific/refereed journal or very often peer–reviewed journal, is a peer–
reviewed/refereed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is
published. Academic journals serve as forums for the introduction and presentation for scrutiny of
new research, and the critique of existing research (Blake & Bly, 2000). Scholarly article/paper
Scholarly paper/article, also called as research and academic paper/article, is published in academic
journals and has original research results and shows an entirely new invention. It is generally based
on original research or experimentation. It is written by a researcher or expert in the field who is
often affiliated with a college or university. According to Svernstrom (2014), the paper/article could
be original/review/theoretical work. Emerald Group Publishing Based on its website
(, Emerald is a global publisher connecting research and
practice to the benefit of society. Emerald today manages a variety of digital products, a collection
of closely 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 450 teaching cases. It covers sixteen major
areas as follows:
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Egyptian Academic Journal Of Biological Sciences
Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci., 9(3): 49–67 (2016)
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences
A. Entomology
ISSN 1687– 8809 Survey, Seasonal Abundance of Thrips species and First Record
of Two Species
Associated With Soybean and Weed Plants in Egypt
A. S. Abd El–Wahab
Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt
Article History
Seasonal abundance
Several thrips species are known to feed on soybean (Glycine max
Merr.) and can cause yield reduction. Beside, the other important reason for thrips survey is to
determine its role as vectors of
Tospovirus in soybean. There is little information available about thrips species present on soybean
crop, and their abundance in Egypt.
Field survey took place at the farm of Agricultural Experiment
Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza Governorate,
Egypt (season 2014) to survey the different thrips species. Soybean cv.
Giza 111 was sown in late May. The experimental area received all the usual agricultural practices
except for any pest control measures.
Thrips species associated with soybean were collected and differentiated to species. A total of 16
different thrips species was surveyed. These included 14 phytophagous and 2 predator thrips
species. The most abundant
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Academic Decathon Math: A Personal Journal Analysis
I have always been a liberal and visual arts person, relishing in the room for creativity and
interpretation. The rigid and meticulous rules of STEM disciplines were always too confining to
enjoy, but the subject that truly exemplified this for me was math. Consistently my least favorite
course, I always kept my calculator stocked full of internet–made programs to minimize my chances
of making an error. This worked well for me up until I came face to face with Academic Decathlon
math. These problems convoluted basic algebraic and calculus skills into imposing monsters,
especially considering the time constraint of less than one minute per problem. I scoured Texas
Instruments forums, but it appeared that Aca Deca programs were few and
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Strategic Issues the Association Should Address Essay
TO: APSA Council
RE: Council Discussion Topic: Organized Sections
This overview is designed to help launch a Council small group discussion about journals, and about
strategic issues the Association may wish to address. The memo notes salient issues the Association
is or will soon face. The themes included here are surely not complete and the goal is for a
discussion that helps ferret out or sharpen heretofore unarticulated issues as well as the ones we see
I. Introduction
APSA Organized Sections have been a mainstay of the Association since first formed in the early
1980's. There has not been a comprehensive review of Sections and the ways in which the
prominence of Sections has shaped the Association since then, ... Show more content on ...
This increases the total cost of APSA membership commensurately, especially consequential if a
member seeks to join multiple sections. We worry this may discourage multiple section
membership, diminish opportunity for "cross–fertilization" among fields; and create sticker shock
for APSA membership in general.
At the same time, there may be potential value for the Association of being aligned with a "bundle"
of journal content organized across topical areas – a kind of journal–based analogue to the annual
meeting division structure.
As a specific matter, APSA has the opportunity help the State Politics and Policy Organized Section
purchase its journal from the university press that now owns it, by lending the Section money with
payback revenues over 10 years. Assuming the business deal made sense, would such a step make
sense from the standpoint of an Association–wide journals policy.
APSA might seek to bring Section journals more under the Association umbrella itself and applying
journal guidelines, unbundling subscriptions from Section membership (while leaving editorial
control with the Sections.)
C. Governance and Liabilities
APSA's Organized Sections operate under the Association's Tax ID number, and legally are elements
of APSA as a corporation. A few APSA sections engage in outside activities such as separate
conferences. Generally, these are handled entirely by section members
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Reflection Of Journal Writing : Personal Aspects Of...
Reading your own writing can be excruciatingly boring. Your mind already knows what's on the
paper because it made the words form the piece you are looking at. I always try to make the
experience an adventure. Thinking of the rereading as a deep dive. Deep diving sounds exciting,
almost pirate–like. You get to look for treasure. Or in this case writing devices that keep popping up
in your writing. My deep dive produced a few things I hadn't noticed while writing my journals. I
found that in my journals I tend to follow the troupe of chronologically filing the events, that I'm
secretive and very emotional. As I dived into researching myself, I found that in my technique for
journal writing I'm very straight forward. I wrote down what happened each day in chronological
order. For example in Artifact 1, I go through a bad day, "Waking up late on days of my morning
class is absolutely the worst." On to "When class ended I hurried out to my car to get food before
work. Lo and behold, I had a parking ticket because I hadn't picked up my parking pass yet." Lastly,
"I get on my comfiest pajamas, sit down and start homework, but the internet isn't working." After
reading over this artifact I came to the conclusion, I do this because when I go back to reflect, it
makes the most sense to go in order. When you read my journals, you get a perception of what my
days are like and how I feel about them. They make sense because I go in order, which in a sense is
logos. The logical
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Review of Literacy Articles Essay
I have chosen two articles that discuss the reading habit, but in a different context, one of academic
articles and the other is a popular article. The title for academic article is "Understands the reading
habits of children in Singapore". This article is written by Shaheen Majid and Venus Tan from
Nanyang Technological University. It published in Journal of Education Media and Library Sciences
in 2007. The title for popular article is "Pleasurable pursuit". This article is written by John
Doraisamy and it's taken from The Star Online. It published in 2010 as education article. Both of
these articles are discussing about reading habits and reading interest among children. Using these
articles I can study what the different between ... Show more content on ...
I found that, he has published many publications, research paper, journal article, seminar and
conference paper and supervised project of PhD students. The author for popular article is John
Doraisamy. In this article also mention about the author. John Doraisamy was formerly an associate
professor at the Education Faculty, Universiti Malaya. This article was published in The Star Online.
From my point of view, as articles in the field of education, they need to choose writers who have
the authority to write on this topic. Therefore, the author who has background in this field is invited
to write about this. But this does not mean that all authors of articles in The Star Online have the
credibility to write such articles. This is because in this article, it should have the right facts in
giving information useful to the readers. In addition, the article also gives some information on the
authors to give readers the opportunity to know the background of the author himself. This means
that both articles, academic article and popular article do not have much difference in terms of
criteria the authority of the authors. The second criteria is purpose of the articles. Purpose of
academic article is to investigate the reading habits and preferences of children, motivation behind
reading and their attitudes towards reading. Obviously, this study tries to collect the data regarding
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Academic Journal Excerpt
22) Excerpt
"Culture is composed of people's widely shared, deeply held, often unstated and unconscious
assumptions, beliefs, and internal values. It is the leadership when there are no leaders" (Rosenfeld
& Euchner, 2012).
Source: academic journal
This additive material strengthens key points taught in the course. It augments my basic
understanding that culture is a reservoir of knowledge, beliefs, values and experiences that tend to
change from time to time to reflect the period in which we live.
All adult–learners, instructors, and political leaders should adhere to this information. I will strive to
use it throughout my academic and professional journey.
23) Excerpt Rosenfeld & Euchner (2012) study used ... Show more content on ...
Contextualization I learned that high–context societies or cultures tend to use more nonverbal forms
of communication. People tend to make decisions based on face to face interaction with each other.
This type of culture is more prevalent in Africa and Asia. On the other hand, verbal communication
is more widespread in a low–context society such as the United States and Canada in which people
are more task–oriented and have a tendency to codify their time and space as to separate personal
from professional chores to limit stress and anxiety.
31) Excerpt
Communicative expectations tend to "vary across culture. Societies varying along the cultural
dimension of individualism – collectivism, for example – hold different preferences for direct versus
indirect forms of communication" (p. 11, para. 4).
Source: book
This excerpt enhances my knowledge on the varying cultural dimension of individualism and
collectivism that are found in high context societies and low context societies.
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The 8 Steps Of Kotter 's 8 Step Change Model
A paper discussing positive change & John P. Kotter's 8 step change model. Why are change
initiatives so difficult. Many times People 's reaction to change relies upon their understanding or
idea about change . Furthermore, according to their perception it is in their advantage they do not
have any problems with accepting it . If it is unimportant or irrelevant to them, they have an attitude
of unbiased towards change. If they tend to believe there is some kind of loss to them, they react to
it. Moreover, the loss can be concerning their direct value or it can be concerning them having to
make some changes in the way they tend to work or adjusting/adapting a different technique of
doing the same. Hence, change initiatives are at times ... Show more content on ...
It is also important for use to create a milestone plan or strategy as we have done for all our
projects/assignments. At this time, it is in execution. Thus, do not give comfortable double your
energy state in executing or carrying it out. (6)Get rid of all barriers because these can also be
people. Nevertheless, this happens to be a very vital step, so you have to be careful, wise, and
sensible in action and thought. However, there will always be particular individuals who will have
specific reservations they are holding back, so help them to bring them out and solve their
issues/problems, what ever they might be. Moreover, if they continue completely remove them,
anyway possible. (7)Never proclaim a sooner than expected victory because this is only a start so
continue to improve at each phase/stage. Real changes are indeed deeply–rooted. Hence, measure
and determined the efficiency, and make little changes and enhancements whenever possible or the
need arises. (8)Make the change also part of the organizational culture. Make certain each new
joiner at all stages/levels are taken into loop–the–loop. It is vital to never miss them or else we will
be back where we first begin. Discuss a change that you experienced and describe exactly how
successful it was. I have helped set in place an Oracle based ERP operating system in a previous
company I work for. Earlier, the company was utilizing a manual type
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When People Talk About How Fast Technology Is Evolving
When people talk about how fast technology is evolving in our world today, an important factor that
has come into play because of the way people exploit technology is cybersecurity. There are several
directions that cybersecurity has gone in affecting the world. Most recent the past election and how
another country determined the outcome of that election by gaining online contact. There are several
flaws that have happened with current cybersecurity, but it can still be a good thing if better
solutions are put into place, and if more cybersecurity analyst take their responsibilities more
seriously. Those responsibilities can range from dealing with an incoming cyber–attack, and setting
up protection for businesses that have important data. ... Show more content on ...
In general, technology is never perfect, and that is why it is important that people become more
informed about cybersecurity. In the online Academic Journal "Building Cybersecurity Awareness:
The need for evidence–based framing strategies." By Hans de Bruijn and Marijn Janssen. Hans de
Bruijn states "Almost everybody has heard of cybersecurity, however, the urgency and behavior of
persons do not reflect high level of awareness. The internet is all too often considered as a safe
environment for sharing information, transactions and controlling the physical world, yet cyberwars
are already ongoing and there is an urgent need to be better prepared." That just shows how in
reality we as a society are not looking at the bigger picture. We worry less about how with a push of
a button tons of information can be stolen or even erased. As Hans mentioned cyberwars are
happening in front of us without us realizing it. That is why as a society with access to a great deal
of technology people need to be more aware of cybersecurity. There are many ways that the public
can be made aware of it. One of those ways is to show actual evidence to people who tend to
prioritize technology, and the online network instead of just giving them a warning. That way
awareness can spread on how to be prepared in case that person is a target in the future. Another
academic article "Cyber security for home users: A new way of protection through awareness
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Writing And Writing Of Writing
Everyone says that writing of Communication has become a cliché. It is a cliché, however that is
true. Personally, I do not like writing, but over time it has become a big part of me that I appreciate.
Writing for me started in elementary school. I started with writing my ABCs and my name to
perfection, until I did not make any mistakes. Over my years of writing I have enhanced my
expressiveness, originality, and creativity. Growing up, I loved writing poems. My love for poems
developed from listening and loving nursery rhymes such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary Had
A Little Lamb, Ring around the Rosie, and many others. When I was five years old, I wrote and
presented a poem of mine in my church auditorium with members present. I had anger problems
growing up, and my psychologist taught me to let out my anger in different forms of writing. One
thing I have realized is that I write good personal papers whenever I am either upset at someone or a
situation. I have minimal experiences in writing academic papers. I use the writing process I was
taught in high school which was: Invention, Draft and Revision, then Proof Reading and Editing. I
also know how to incorporate words into sentences, and utilize sentences to form paragraphs. What
are my assumptions about writing? Concerning a personal writing, nothing. Good, bad, awful,
mediocre; writing is about self–expression. If it makes sense to the author, then nothing else matters.
I mean, it is a personal writing; the
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Compare The Relationship Between William Wordsworth And I...
From my reading of both the 'Grasmere Journals' written by Dorothy Wordsworth and also the poem
'I wandered lonely as a cloud' written by William Wordsworth, I believe that there is a strong
relationship between the two. I think that both William and his sister Dorothy experienced the same
relationship with the Daffodil's they saw. The only difference is that William expressed his
experience through poetry while Dorothy expressed hers through diary entries. From the evidence
we have with the dates of when both were written, I believe William wrote his poem based on
Dorothy's journals. I would be of the opinion that Dorothy's journals were written from her
experience alone while Williams's poem was written under the influence of Dorothy's 'Grasmere ...
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Much of Dorothy's diary entries include reflective moments in her life. As Sara Crangle said
''[T]here is much of this solitary, reflective image that can be transposed to the larger depiction of
Wordsworth's life.'' Dorothy's journals are mostly written either at the beginning of the day or in the
evening. This time of day is when she is either reflecting on the day gone by or thinking about the
day ahead. As she is often out walking with William or Coleridge it is probable that she is reflecting
on these events quite a lot. On May 14th she writes ''I sate a long time upon a stone at the margin of
the lake, and after a flood of tears my heart was easier.'' Dorothy explains how after she reflects she
becomes happier. Reflection is a sense of relief for her. This sense of relief shows how significant
writing diary entries are for her. They are her escape where she can be alone with her
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Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms Essay
Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms
Journal writing seems to be a popular element teachers use to give students the opportunity to
become involved in the classroom without always speaking. However, is journal writing a beneficial
tool for student learning? How can it become more effective in the classroom? There are many types
of journals which can be used in a classroom. I have decided to look at the different types of
journals that exist to gain a broad overview of journal usage. This is to help me decide what the
most effective journal for this classroom would be.
First, let us look at what journal writing is. Journal writing is a method to provide students with an
alternate way of expression. It promotes individual ... Show more content on ...
Journals are also a way for students to express ideas without feeling pressure to respond in a certain
manner in order to receive a good grade.
Along with the freedom to express thoughts and concerns, a journal also can provide the freedom in
which you express these thoughts and concerns. Journals are considered an artist's notebook. Journal
entries are "normally" done by using words, however there is a move to allow students to use
photographs, drawings, paintings, or any creative way the student may choose to express
themselves. According to Teaching Writing written by Gail Tompkins, the purpose of journal writing
is for students to use journals to 1) record personal experiences, 2) explore reactions and
interpretations, and 3) record and analyze information. These criteria or aspects can be applied to
any and all disciplines. I think that the most important place to include journal wrtiting is in the
English classroom. This is where writing begins to take shape. Since it such a vital aspect of
everyday life, students should feel comfortable expressing themselves and should have the means to
do so. Journals allow students the opportunity to visual express themselves and to see their ideas on
paper giving
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The World Of International Studies
Research Narrative In the world of international studies there are many bias parties and individuals
as there are drastically differing viewpoints regarding hot topic issues in the field. This makes for an
exciting endeavor when conducting research on topics such as Private Military Companies as all
different types of political personalities arise when such subjects are debated over. This
characteristics of the international relations area of study also becomes apparent when authors of
scholarly journals and public websites debate over fundamental issues of the aforementioned
subject, such as the different rules for engagement and fighting overseas. When hunting for sources
for this project, I found that the community of experts commonly ... Show more content on ...
Christopher Kinsey wrote an incredibly informative article on the fundamentals of Private Military
and even touches on a few closely related issues, for example, nuclear regulation was diccues twice
through the article. Georgia Southern 's library website contain some very usful links and even some
videos on techniques regarding how to add diversity in a research paper. One such tip was to find
two different articles with completely opposite viewpoints and I believe the tactic to be very useful.
Another type of strategy that one can implement when conducting research is to find an expert in the
field and discusses their stance on the topic, it is almost like them verbally writing you an entirely
different source with a refreshing perspective. One such expert is Dr. Lubecki. He was more than
willing when asked to be interviewed for this project. He explained that regarding private militaries,
they could start another major war, he used China as one excellent example, so it is better to limit
their use until they are fully regulated. The idea was one that never appeared in any of the research
for this project. The Power to Construct International Security was a shorter academic article that
was of different origin than the other, this idea was suggested on the library website and has served
as a great tool for finding an array of articles. The last source is one from a famous and reputable
newspaper. I thought
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Lindsay Markle's Academic Journal Analysis
This academic journal is relevant because Lindsay Markle discusses the challenges women in the
Middle East confront daily due to gender norms that are embedded in culture, religion, and family
structure. These gender norms influence the way women are able to participate in their economy and
in the public sphere. Although many women in Saudi Arabia are educated, many of them remain
unemployed and the income gap continues to exist. Women are expected to fill the low–income
positions of the informal market and are often discriminated against when applying for positions of
higher status. Moreover, the feminization of family care in the Middle East inhibits women from
entering the workforce. "Although many women are educated in the oil–rich countries,
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Research Methodology For Academic Journal Articles
Moreover, the types of research questions and its understanding can be significant in determining
the research methodology.
The primary goal of this study is to systematize the knowledge in the area of different research
methodological approaches applied in academic journal articles, assess their usefulness and present
the results of the analysis.
Key words: qualitative research, quantitative research, mixed method research
Defining a case study method indicates the problem and entails choosing/finding a solution to solve
it. However, to answer research questions it is vital to demonstrate deep consideration of the
elements related to particular research design, as well as to show the ability to reflect upon research
philosophy and approach to theory (Easterby–Smith et al., 2012; Eisendhardt, 1989).
In business and management research a regular investigation not only leads to solving business
problems, but also contributes to management knowledge (Edmondson and McManus, 2016). There
are different methods solutions as well as various ways of conducting them. Based on literature
review, we can distinguish qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methodological approaches.
Despite the fact that the quantitative method based their theory on previous observations and
findings, where the second uses findings and observations to test the already existing theory, these
two methodological approaches are not mutually exclusive.
The scholars not only define
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Analysis Of M. Nick Hajli 's ' M '
Alexis Safoyan
Professor Armstrong
ENG123 O
8 October 2015
Source Evaluation
1. Thesis– The author, M. Nick Hajli, succeeds in conveying to the reader the ways in which social
media provokes social interaction amongst society. Hajli specifically states that he strives to " how social media facilitate(s) the social interaction of consumers, leading to increased trust
and intention to buy" ( Hajli, 387) . Furthermore, Hajli accomplishes his goal of displaying the
significance of trust on the consumers' intention to buy. Hajli accomplishes these goals by explicitly
stating his intentions for the entire paper in the abstract and at the beginning of each paragraph in his
research. Additionally, Hajli maintains a structured format in his paper that is supported by relevant
research for this topic.
2.Subject (5–8 sentences)– The subject of this journal is the impact of social media on consumers.
This subject particularly pertains to the business side of social media, however, the research can be
applied in multiple fields of study. The subject is broken down into a series of questions that need to
be answered. These questions include: Do social media and social networking sites affect user's trust
and does PU ( perceived usefulness) and trust affect the user's intention to buy? These questions,
among many more, are viably answered through support in multiple complex research projects and
tests. The research projects and tests are discussed in depth to support the
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International Journal Of Academic Research In
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences October 2012, Vol. 2,
No. 10 ISSN: 2222–6990 The Impact of Employment of Foreign Workers: Local Employability and
Trade Union Roles in Malaysia Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed (PhD Candidate), School of
Distance Education, 11800,Universiti Sains Malaysia Email: Charles
Ramendran SPR Faculty of Business & Finance, UTAR Email: Peter Yacob
Faculty of Business & Finance, UTAR Email: Abstract The issue of foreign
workers has received increase media and national attention. However, to date there has been limited
research on the nature and consequences of employment of foreign workers in Malaysia.
Introduction ... Show more content on ...
One of the objectives of MTUC is to protect Malaysian unemployment in which standardization and
coordination of foreign workers recruitment and the supply of local employability in Malaysia are
vital. However, this approach was given after found the problem difficulty to recruit local workers
as they are not attracted to low salary scale and working conditions introduced by the employers on
certain sectors. The objective of this paper is identifying the impact of current recruitment practices
of foreign workers on local workers employability and trade Union rights in Malaysia. However, to
date there has been limited research on the nature and consequences of employment of foreign
workers in Malaysia and not been documented. This research would fill the gap on literature review
in field of industrial relations. Literature Review Foreign Workers A foreign worker is a person who
employed in a country on a temporary basis to which the person is not a citizen. Foreign workers are
recruited by the company, recruitment agency or hired whilst they were job seeking in the country to
supplement the workforce of the country for a limited term or to provide skills on a contractual basis
that the country seeks. Those 531 International Journal of Academic Research in Business and
Social Sciences October 2012, Vol. 2, No. 10 ISSN: 2222–6990 workers are including skill and
unskilled, legal and illegal workers. The United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights
of All
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Sugary Drinks

  • 1. Sugary Drinks 1. Each of the sources provided are online, yet they differ in how they present information. In 1–2 paragraphs, please describe what you see as the major differences between these information sources. (Need help? Start with the key message, language, and writing style of each one.) The academic article was written as a way to publish results of a study. It quickly laid out the information it had to provide in a summary and then proceeded to be more detailed about the study, all the methods and statistics that were collected, and what conclusions were made. It mainly focused on how energy drinks can lead to the drinking of more and various sugar– based drinks. The news article seemed more like a discussion about sugary drinks and how it's linked ... Show more content on ... How much time do you think went into the creation of each of these sources? Think about the process it took the author to find the information, write, and get the material published? Is there any oversight (for example, an editor) before getting the material published? I believe all three of these had some type of editing involved but to different extents. Obviously the academic article would have gone through a peer review process in order to be published. The academic article would have taken much longer to complete than the other two. The magazine article would have taken some time to publish as it is a quarterly magazine (although if this article was only published online this might not be relevant), and it would have had a good amount of editing. There is an editor whose job is to help decide what gets published and what doesn't but this process most likely lets through more than the same process in the academic world does. The author had many sources and took his time writing covering the issue in a thorough manner. The news article had to get information from multiple sources and sort through the data of a scientific study. This would have taken sometime and the editing process some more. This could have taken some days or weeks to finish. It had only approximately 500 fewer words than the magazine ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Example Of Systematic Review Method Protocol In order to find a protocol to systematically search and identify studies researching the effectiveness of training programmes in ethics and its influence on ethical leadership and ethical behaviour, previous systematic reviews on these topics were searched. However, no review protocols were found. Consequently, to ensure transparency with this systematic review, an evidence–based checklist was used to guide this review's methodology. Specifically, this review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta–Analysis Protocols (PRISMA–P) statement, designed by PROSPERO in order to organise this research report (Moher et al., 2015). PROSPERO is an international prospective register of systematic ... Show more content on ... Specifically, some items exceeded the scope of this review or were not applicable such as funding sources, and were consequently removed. Namely, items 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c, 11c, 12, 13, 14, 15a, 15b, 15c, 16 and 17 were omitted from the review. Subsequently, this adapted version of the PRISMA–P 17–item checklist is presented in appendix table 1B. Lastly, it needs to be noted that this adapted version of the PRISMA–P checklist is not quality assessment tool and was only used as a mere guide for the researcher. Eligibility criteria Types of studies. The review considered literature focusing on the development of ethical leadership in organisations (private and non–private) using interventions incorporating ethics training. According to Kelly, Sadeghieh and Adeli (2014), peer reviewed literature can ensure credibility to findings, because it allows scholarly work to be critically examined by other researchers in the same field. As a result, full–text, empirical peer–reviewed journal articles and dissertations were considered for inclusion in this review. Studies for inclusion reported the development of ethical leaders where training programmes formed part of the intervention. Types of participants. Studies considering participants that were actively working within a private or non–private organisation. Studies involving students within higher education institutions such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Differences between Popular News Publication and Academic... Information can be manipulated in the variety forms. The information format in both popular news publication (Article A) and in an academic journal (Article B) is slightly differs, but in term of its information content, it has several similarities even its come from different authors' background. Article A also known as popular magazine and usually it include recreational, news and opinion magazines. Recreational magazines are written for general entertainment. Example of recreational magazine is The Malaysian Women's Weekly. The Article B contains articles written by experts in a specific discipline. The articles present original research, reviews of research, or theoretical positions. Each discipline has its own academic journals. ... Show more content on ... The journalist mentioned about the research done by Dior Innovation Center and other authorised organisation that discovered the solutions of skin ageing. The suitable product recommended by the journalist is Dior Capture Totale. This article may helpful for those who need the prompt solution, without refer to the skin specialist first. This is quite danger to them because not every skin is same. The article looks want to promote new product in the market and hoping that the reader will grab it immediately. The Article A also thick, colourful and most of its pages displays new beauty products. In order to add–on its 'beauty' and 'interesting', it published in glossy pages so that the illustrations and colourful font will look interested. For example, at the end of that report, it has the brief explanation about stars' skin care. Besides that, this Article A does not include original research but may include stories about research. For example like this segmented article. It not told the reader about the methods or discussion of the research, but it just told about the outcome or end product of the research briefly. It may provide evidence that this product was developed from the research discovery, but if the journalist failed to cite or acknowledge where the information taken from, it will contribute to the not trusted sources. That is why the Article A cannot be used as a source for academic reference. This article also has two ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Essay Atm Assignment [pic] |MASTERS DEGREE ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATION | |Student name: | |Student P number: | | |Programme: |MBA | |Module: | ATM |Module Level: |7 | |Module code: |M6X9136 ... Show more content on ... All references have been duly cited. | |Student's Signature: |Assignments will not be accepted without a signature here | | | | | |Date: | | |Turnitin: Lecturer to tick to indicate if an electronic version of the assignment must be submitted to Turnitin. Note: the Turnitin version|YES |X | |is the primary submission and acts as a receipt for the student. Both electronic and paper versions MUST be submitted by the same deadline.| | | |No marks will be released until both submissions are received. Late submission of either the electronic or paper version will result in a | | | |late penalty mark. Penalties for late submission: Up to one week late, maximum mark of 40%. Over one week late, Refer. Only Year Tutors | | | |and the Programme Director may grant an ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Types Of Academic Journals Advantageous For The Research There are various types of academic journals advantageous for the research one uses while writing papers. Usually, in the fields of scientific study, these journals are in a format called IMRAD. IMRAD stands for Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. This format is used to break up said journal into sections to show the process and data collected from the experiment. Within these journals there is detailed data and often charts and images of the experiment that was conducted. The journals have references at the end since the authors almost always pull some of their information from other resources to help reinforce their data. The first part of an IMRAD journal is the introduction. This portion contains the abstract, which gives a general overview of what the journal is about and reveals the details of the experiment being conducted. The example article is about the errors that can occur while examining bloodstain patterns at a crime scene. The experiment was designed to see the effects of blood disintegration and how that can affect various calculations when figuring the area of origin. The area of origin is used to calculate the area where the blood came from, or where the victim was at the time of the assault. Essentially, It is used to try and determine the events that transpired at the crime scene. These numbers can help investigators recreate the scene and decipher other important details such as the assailants dominant hand, where they were standing and even ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Importance Of Writing Reflection When I had signed up for this class, I thought it was going to be similar to a humanities course. I thought that we would be learning about how journaling has evolved and various ways to journal. As the class progressed, I found it to be more of an art than a humanities class. When this reality did not match my expectation, I was disappointed. I had to challenge myself to get the most out of this course by changing my attitude and adjusting my perspective. As an art class, this would have been an excellent idea and well executed. Being able to learn about different materials, binding techniques, and adhesives were helpful in the creation of journals, but it was not what I had expected. One thing that stands out to me was the research paper, it just did not seem to fit into the class very well. Most of the students did not know how to use Chicago Style referencing properly and there was not any class time allotted to learning it nor to working on the essays. It seemed to be used to check a box rather than to help our understanding. I think that this essay would have fit into the course much better if we had been spending time in class learning about various historical journalists and how their work impacted the region in which it was created. It just did not seem as though our homework matched our class work, so I was a little thrown off. This imbalance was especially apparent because the room was deemed technology free, so we could not even work on our essays while in class. ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Week 4 Scholarly vs. Popular Media Focus on Sexuality Paper Introduction This assignment will help you explore the way a topic in human sexuality is covered in two very different sources: 1) a scholarly journal; and 2) a popular media source.For more information to help you understand the difference between those sources, please use this link to the APU library You will summarize a scholarly article (peer–reviewed, evidence–based, original research) and one popular media article on your topic. Once you see how the topic is covered in each source, you will write a paper: 1. comparing and contrasting the coverage; 2. discussing the relative merits of each; and 3. addressing which of the two approaches (scholarly or popular media) is better ... Show more content on ... · Once you have found an acceptable article, read it completely. · Read the abstract and introduction at the beginning and the conclusion at the end of the article first. The topic and hypothesis will be provided in these sections. Then read the methodology and data/results sections. Reading the introduction, summary, and abstract will help you better understand and follow the data–heavy results section. Step 2: Summarize the scholarly article · Write a 1–page summary of the single scholarly article you selected, including: · The hypothesis of the study on which the article reports. · How the study was conducted, including: · The group of people researched and written about (colleges students? adolescents? the elderly? military members? sexual minorities? etc.) · The research method used (i.e. naturalistic observation, lab experiment, survey, etc.) · The results of the study, the interpretation of the data by the authors and any conclusions they include at the end of the article. · Edit and revise your summary for content, grammar, and APA format. Using APA format, identify the article title, the article authors, the journal in which the article was published, the date of publication, and the focus of the research. Step 3: Find and summarize the popular media article · Find and analyze/summarize an article from the popular media that covers the same topic as the scholarly paper. Acceptable popular ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Scholarly Vs Popular Sources Essay Task 1. Scholarly versus Popular Resources 1. scholarly Source– written for scholars, technical language, full citation, peer reviewed Popular Source – magazines, for a general audience, usually not fully cited When each is appropriate: Popular sources are good for background information, then scholarly sources should be used for more in–depth research and citation. 2. A blog written by an archeologist would be a popular source because it is not peer reviewed 3. A blog by a Native American would still be a popular source because it is not peer reviewed and likely not containing full citation. Task 2. Understanding Peer Review 4. Peer review is a process by which a professional's work or research is evaluated by other professionals similar to or higher in expertise than the professional creating the work. Scholarly peer ... Show more content on ... This research looks at how Chaco Canyon residents were sustained during the onset of the canyon's drought Between A.D. 1181 and 1200. The study hypothesizes that maize or corn, was brought into the canyon from a region known as the Chaco Halo and seeks to identify the specific sources of the maize. The researchers collect data by analyzing 12 corn cobs found in Chaco Canyon and use the presence of Strontium 86 and 87 to determine the produce's origins. During the study they narrow the possibilities that "the corn cobs were imported from the Zuni region, the Mesa Verde–McElmo Dome area, or the Totah area during a time when the climate was relatively wet and when a surplus of corn was produced in regions outside Chaco Canyon" (Benson 2010). This research provides new insight into the understanding of how Chaco Canyon was sustained during its decline and adds new perspective to the archeological record of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Reflection Paper When I first walked into room 305, I was absolutely terrified. I only knew two of the other people in the class and it was the second class I had gone to. English was never my strongest suit and I had to go into an honors class full of smart, capable people who were surely better writers than I am. So many of them were much more eloquent than me, they were so well spoken. I didn't know if my writing would ever match up, and I hate to be considered subpar. I was really worried for all the peer reviews that I knew would eventually happen. I dreaded the first peer review for the literacy narrative paper because I thought that my paper would be a disaster. However, I learned throughout the course that I wasn't necessarily worse than everyone, I just wrote differently. Everyone writes in their own way but it doesn't mean they one style is inherently better or worse than another. After rereading the syllabus a few times and reading over the Writing Outside the Lines book, I knew what was expected of me and what to expect of myself. I knew what was necessary for each paper and I had an idea of what the writing process would look like. I also learned some new techniques for brainstorming and freewriting. They writing process can be messy, it isn't neat and tidy. My own writing process is somewhat disorganized and a lot of my writing seems unnecessary and redundant. However, I didn't know what the "typical" writing process looked like (spoiler: there is no single typical writing process!) so I couldn't compare my process to others to see if I was on track. The first thing that I needed to do was figure out what I was writing about, which seemed like an impossible task. After choosing to write about Harry Potter and my experience with the series, I knew that a lot of frustrated hours of editing would be waiting me for me in the near future. I went into the first peer review for the literacy narrative with a very rough draft of my barely edited paper. Overall, the peer review went fairly well, and I got a few new thoughts and opinions to consider. After that class, I went back and created an outline for my paper so that I could restructure it in a more logical fashion. I knew what my readers were deriving from my ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Professional Writing Style The Analysis of Professional Writing Professional writing is defined as any type of written communication generated in a workplace environment. These works are usually presented in a professional style which allows the users to make informed choices. In addition, professional writing conveys information in a precise language that the target audience will understand. It is used to inform, instruct .encourage an action or stimulate a debate. The professional writer may be employed or a freelance in an occupation such as marketing, public relations, journalism advertising or technical writing. These professional writing types include academic writing, business writing and creative writing among others while professional writing styles include American Psychologic Association(APA), modern Language Association (MLA), and Chicago among others. Different disciplines use different styles of writing. This essay is a detailed printout of various styles of professional writing, their features and how easy or hard for individuals to start careers in these fields. In addition, this article will also serve as a manual for those aspiring to join the writing profession. Structure and style Academic writing is one of the emerging professional writing styles that aid the researcher to clarify the intellectual boundaries of their field and their specific areas of specialization. These styles incorporate a formal tone, utilization of the third persona, unmistakably concentration on the issue ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Journaling Is A Common Practice "An old adage says that thoughts disentangle themselves when passed through the lips and across the fingertips" (Whitney 260). Thoughts clutter up our minds and need a release; for some, this is journaling. Journaling can be defined as a practice in which one writes out a variety of things. It isn 't confined to one specific thing. It can range from daily events and struggles, to poetry, to Bible verses. They hold a purpose in some time and place, though some may prefer one over another. Journaling has been noted throughout the ages as being beneficial in many lives and providing a source of hope for many, even in the most difficult times, though some others may find it harmful. Journaling does not necessarily have a specific ... Show more content on ... Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us" (ESV, Ps. 62.6–8). The Psalms were like David's personal journal. It documents his feelings, mainly towards God, and gives a commentary of the thoughts running through his mind. It clearly shows David questioning God and going through rough patches, but it also shows moments of great delight and times of significant triumph in his life. Not only do Biblical figures highlight the use of journaling, but many other notable people and people groups note journaling as a common practice in their lives. Saint Augustine, one of the most revered figures in the church for the way he shaped the way we view Christianity today, was even known to have kept a journal in the form of one of his most famous books, Confessions (Whitney 251). For 68 years Queen Victoria was known to have kept a daily journal (Conhaim). Also, the Puritans, the group of people the set out to reform the English church, kept journals themselves. They were considered highly religious and Donald Whitney notes this by saying, "The fact that many Puritans kept diaries of this kind helps to explain their pursuit of social virtue: diaries were the reckoning books in which they checked the assets and liabilities of their souls in faith. When they opened these books, they set down lapses of morality with appropriate expressions of faith" (qtd. in Whitney 253–254). All of these people kept a journal ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. APA Reflective Essay Introduction Starting University can be quite the daunting experience. Moving to a new city, or on my part; an entirely different country, meeting new people, and adapting to the student lifestyle, your senses are constantly overloaded. With all these new impressions and responsibilities hanging on your shoulders, it is vital to take a step back once in a while, and reflect over where your life is heading. Doing this can play a key role in making the most out of your years as an undergraduate student. I will therefore with the support of Boud, Keogh and Walker's (1985), as well as Kolb's (1984) and Gibbs' (1988) work on reflection, reflect over my own transition into Higher Education. Referencing Referencing was not an unfamiliar concept for me per say, but referencing APA–style was. With the help of Boud, Keogh and Walker's (1985) model of reflective learning I will therefore reflect on my experience referencing using APA 6th edition format. Having to replace my beloved footnotes in favour of said APA format was not all that hard, but it was a lot less comfortable. It became evident that it was a very time–consuming task, and the seriousness of doing it right lingered in the air. Even though referencing was a requirement for me and my peers throughout Middle and High School, the repercussions of doing it wrong was relatively non–existent, and we most certainly would not be capped at 40%. With this in mind, the concept of referencing became a bit intimidating, but thanks ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Trauma And Memory Popular press and peer–reviewed articles differ in writing style, formatting, and content, given their different readerships. That is, popular press articles generally cater to the general public while peer– reviewed articles cater to academic scholars. This essay compares popular press and peer–reviewed articles to assess their differences, similarities, and potential uses. In pursuit of this assessment, this essay explores how the topic of trauma and memory is addressed in "Why Rape and Trauma Survivors Have Fragmented and Incomplete Memories," a popular press article from Time magazine and ""I Remember", "I Thought", I Know I Didn't Say": Silence and Memory in Trauma Narratives," a peer–reviewed journal from the academic journal Memory. ... Show more content on ... First, both articles address the topic of trauma and memory with respect to the psychological processes in trauma survivors. Both articles acknowledge the importance of neuropathology as having a role in memory impairment and recollection. Second, both articles make conclusions based on the evidence they present. The Time article concludes that advances in our understanding of brain physiology will affect the admissibility of victim narratives in court, while the Memory article uses Interpretive Poetics to make conclusions about future research on memory and the need to make disclosure of trauma narratives socially acceptable. With these factors in mind, popular press and peer–reviewed articles are beneficial in different situations. If someone wants to gain a general understanding of a topic, reading articles from popular press magazines such as Time would provide a good introduction for the topic. However, if someone wants to explore a topic in more detail, peer–reviewed articles would provide original research and analyses. Peer–reviewed articles also have citations to other pertinent papers, allowing readers to further their exploration of different topics of ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Article On Content And Coverage Magazine Article Content & Coverage The audience for the magazine Education is more of scholarly audience rather than a consumer audience. The proposed information is written secondary in nature because the author is discussing a study on Hispanic parents' perception of education. The article does provide in–depth information on the specific statistics and findings of the study. The article did have links to other articles within the magazine based on key words such as education, community, academic achievement, and family. Although there was no bibliography, there was an extensive list of references mentioned in the article. There was a total of 26 references recognized in the article (Hwang & Vrongistinos, 2010). Timeliness The magazine article was written in the summer of 2010. It did not specify a month and date. No further updates appear to have been posted but the article was uploaded to the General OneFile website on October 3, 2015. The citations appear to be outdated because some of the data used is over ten years old. Even though the article is five years old, I would state that the information is outdated. The limitation of the material is crucial since the article is focused on a survey which needs to be current for this particular topic (Hwang & Vrongistinos, 2010). Accuracy The magazine article is linked to a commercial website with a .biz domain. It is not a community site where any individual can make changes (Hwang & Vrongistinos, 2010). An individual is ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay on Nonsense for APA Formatting This paper isn't going to make any sense at all; it's written just to practice APA formatting for various references and to practice various in–text citations. I can tell that this paper is going to be boring to write; therefore, it is probably going to be boring to read. Even so, it's still good practice for future reference. The first type of references I'm using in this paper is two academic journals. I'm going online to find two random academic journals to do so. In the journal, African Journal of Business Ethics, Ogunyemi (2013) starts his writing with the quote, "Ethical reasoning is the process of arriving at moral judgements." I have no idea of what else Ogunyemi writes about next. Nevertheless, another random academic journal ... Show more content on ... Within the chosen book, the first statement is; "When I was little, my dad used to tell me, "Will, you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose."" (Green & Levithan, 2011). I have no idea what this book is about; I just know it's intended for a juvenile audience. Newspapers are widely used for information, so I'm going to cite one as well. The nearest newspaper to me is The Sun Star, and an interesting article in this newspaper is written by Kurtis Gosney. He states in his article that, "The UAF Men's basketball team played in the annual GCI Alaska Invitational last Thursday..." (Gosney, 2012, p. 1), and I got bored of reading the article from there. Nonetheless, good job Nanooks for being champions. Speaking of champions, writing champions know how to cite websites in APA format! A website that is used by millions every day was first made possible by a person named Mark Zuckerberg; that website is known as Facebook. On the homepage of the website there's a bold statement, "Connect with friends and the world around you on Facebook" (Zuckerberg, 2013). This website has been a breakthrough for social interaction on the internet. A film is the last on my citation list, so let's make it an awesome movie. Nothing is as awesome as Full Metal Jacket. In the beginning of the movie, a boot–camp officer actually makes a cadet choke himself with the officer's hand, (Kubrick, 1987). ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Essay For Purpose I am writing to apply for the position of Continuing Education Instructor, English as a Second Language, in the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD). I hold a doctor of philosophy in Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education (within the TESOL program) with an interdisciplinary specialization in Educational Technology from the Ohio State University (OSU). Moreover, I have experience in teaching EFL and ESL learners English. I am confident that my educational background and teaching experience enable me to make contributions to the San Diego Community College District in terms of enhancing ESL students' overall academic English competence and understanding of the Western academic culture and developing professional ... Show more content on ... The educational background and online teaching experience enable me to design English curricula, courses, and teaching materials and integrate technology into my instruction in the future. Moreover, I also have experience in teaching adult learners, including college students, English in EFL and ESL settings. When teaching adult learners English in Taiwan (the EFL setting), I taught vocabulary, grammar, reading skills, and structures of essays through readings deriving from the news, articles in magazines, short fiction and non–fiction, and models of essays. When teaching writing, I adopted graphic organizers, drawings, and guiding questions to introduce components of essays and assist students in developing their writing. Moreover, I designed courses to allow students to choose topics that they were interested in or relevant to their daily lives for writing assignments. Furthermore, I gave mini–lessons on grammar, especially when most students made similar grammatical mistakes. Additionally, I employed Communicative Approach and selected popular topics (e.g., news, hobbies, travel, and favorite local and exotic food) to instruct students in English speaking. For listening, I utilized popular English songs, news videos, and excerpts from TV shows and audiobooks to enhance their listening competence. Since I ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Postgraduate Medical Journal With healthcare being such a rapidly developing field, it is essential that we, as aspiring medical professionals, understand what is progressing in our profession. Within the blink of an eye health care changes; doctors, professors, researchers, are all developing new theories, journals and studies daily. It is our responsibility as current students in this field to do our best to further understand these journals, studies, researches and the writing that is involved in our field. Why you may ask? There is arguably an infinite amount of perspectives in the medical field ranging from a vast amount of topics–– understanding how to read and write professional writing based on medicine is imperative for our future careers and their advancement ... Show more content on ... First off, the purpose. The purpose is similar to that of The Postgraduate Medical Journal; this journal is compacted full of 14 articles relating to surgical procedures, public health, pediatrics and therapy. Again, majority of the articles found within the journal contain sophisticated titles that display their specificity in that certain field: "Case 3–2017: A 62–Year–Old Man with Cardiac Sarcoidosis and New Diplopia and Weakness" and "Bezlotoxumab –– A New Agent for Clostridium difficile ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Free Papers If you are looking for free academic papers such as free essays, free term papers, free research papers, free dissertations, free book reports/book reviews, free essays, free speeches, there exists a chance of being accused of plagiarism. Free papers downloaded from essay databases and essay sites can be easily detected by plagiarism detection systems and sofwares. You can find a lot of resources and sites with databases of free sample papers and free example papers on any topic. You can use these free college papers, free high school papers and free university papers as sample/example papers for writing your own academic paper but not for downloading purposes. Beware of these websites because they can spoil your academic repute. ... Show more content on ... Whichever topic you want to have your academic paper written on (Abortion, Racism, Leadership, Global Warming, Domestic Violence, Euthanasia, Affirmative Action, Autism, Stress, Child Abuse, Creationism, Gun Control, Frederick the Great, HIV, Islam, Knee Arthroscopy, Criminal Justice, Family Relationship, Cheating, Cloning, Enron, Pearl Harbor, AIDS, Career, Trade, Obesity, Diabetes, Death Penalty, Computers, Alcoholism, Cancer, Computer Games, The Civil War, A Rose for Emily, Government, Anorexia, Dreams etc.) – our qualified Master's level and Ph.D. degree academic writers will be able to cope with a custom paper ordered from you. If you do not know how to write academic papers, do not get upset and get plagiarism free papers from – professional custom writing company, which will assist you with paper writing at an affordable cost. Our plagiarism free papers are of premium quality and follow the standards set by the international educationalists. We also write all kinds of papers according to the instructions provided by the customers. Take academic writing help from us and we will never disappoint ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Identifying Their Usefulness Towards Students Studying... Sustainability as stated in the oxford dictionary is defined as the ability of something to be maintained at a certain rate or level. For Geographers this term is often widely used within the discipline. It can be used to refer to sustainable development or to describe aspects within nature such as sustainable environments. In this literature review, we will be looking at three different types of resources that discuss sustainability. Before evaluating their usefulness towards students studying geography. We will begin by looking at the most traditional form of resource used by students, a book by Cabezas et al, that discusses a multi–disciplinary view of sustainability, then more on towards more modern resources such as academic journals ... Show more content on ... 2012). Combing the ecological, political and cultural definitions to come to this conclusion. Very early on the book the importance of sustainability is stressed, linking it both the human and physical geographical viewpoints in its analysis. Stating that the overconsumption, coupled with the dramatic increase in our population, taxing the earth in what they argue in a way our species has not done so before (Cabezas et al. 2012). Before delving into the history of sustainability, and its various related disciplines. The book then proceeds to discuss the subject from a biological point of view, before discussing the other disciplines views relating to the subject. The second key resource, the academic journal as discovered on search engine Primo that is hosted by the University. With a link directing towards some of the journals articles located on the Journals homepage. This journal written by Ravera et al in 2013, looks at rural change and farms vulnerability within the semi–arid areas located within north Nicaragua. With the authors focusing mainly at the beginning of the article towards the ever increasing rural development within the North Nicaragua. Stating that the majority of Nicaragua poor live in these semi–arid areas, where access to natural resources is limited (Ravera et al 2013). Coupled along with the over–farming and high population living within the area, the area suffers the undernourishment. Leading to low levels of sustainability, considering ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Roderigo Academic Journal Essay It is a common misconception to say that Roderigo is an inferior character in Othell, and that he plays no major role due to his simple superobjective which he does not achieve–which is to be with Desdemona by whatever means necessary. However, Shakespeare's purpose for Roderigo, which makes him important to the play, is quite different from what Roderigo desires. Roderigo's superobjective is introduced in the first act as we see Roderigo and Iago confront Brabantio about the whereabouts of Desdemona. In the first act we also see how badly Roderigo longs to be with Desdemona when he says that "I will incontinently drown myself" (I.iii.305). We begin to see the power Iago has over Roderigo and because of this Roderigo begins to appear weak ... Show more content on ... This is the point of no return for Roderigo. Here he declares his extreme love for Desdemona and his intent to be with her by any means necessary. The only problem is that he confesses it to the wrong person–Iago. We also see Roderigo slip to the level of Iago. Shakespeare does this by having Roderigo speak with Iago not in meter. This shift in Roderigo's speech shows how desperate he is to be with Desdemona and how Iago is beginning to take control. Roderigo throughout the rest of act one and two merely operates as a puppet for Iago and does his bidding, "I do follow here in the chase, not like a hound that hunts, but one that fills up the cry. My money is almost spent (II.iii.351– 352). His absence in act three causes some over look his importance to Othello, however his appearance in act three would be trivial to Othello overall. This is where Shakespeare's superobjective for Roderigo differs from Roderigo's own wishes. Shakespeare has Roderigo be the catalyst to the falling action in act four by stabbing Cassio. It is this act by Roderigo that leads to the tragedy in act five. What is important to note is Roderigo's change in attitude in act four. Here we see Roderigo acknowledge what Iago is doing to him and how Roderigo will no longer tolerate it. Roderigo I do not find that thou deal'st justly with me. Iago What in the contrary? Roderigo Every day thou daff'st me with some device, Iago, ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Academic Journal Essay I am a biology major. Our task was to find an academic journal that pertains to our specific major, I did just that. I ventured to the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences to obtain my article. I am glad I did because the material is fascinating and heavily relates to my interests. The article I choose is called "Shared Genetic Predisposition in Peripartum and Dilated Cardiomyopathies" which has a large number of contributors. This article has heavy uses of jargon that even I had a difficult time understanding. The academic journal analyzed a disease that occurs in women during their last few months of pregnancy and a couple of months after delivery. Study patients were chosen from various locations around the world. One third of the ... Show more content on ... Therefore, unique genetic variations are correlated to the risk of getting the disease. The sequencing of DNA also plays an important role in this study. Enriched encoding was used to examine 43 genes that are associated with dilated cardiomyopathy when mutated. Variants were identified with Genome Analysis Tool Kit's which led to further discovery and progress in the study. The sequencing was performed on the 43 genes, and 95 percent of targeted bases were sequenced to a read depth of more than 20 times. The main focus was on truncating variants that included nonsense, frameshift, and splicing variants, because they are predicted to have a strong effect on protein structure and function. This article was very interesting to read and potent with biological information. After taking this all in, I was interested to see what a professional in biology would think of the content. Friday the 15th of September, I sought a professional in the biology field. I read the article "Shared Genetic Predisposition in Peripartum and Dilated Cardiomyopathies" and my question was; If diagnosed early enough, could the symptoms of cardiomyopathy be prevented to lead to a full recovery given all the research? I asked Douglas Houston, a professor at the University of Iowa with a PhD this question. Starting with the physical aspects of this journey, it smelt like a zoo. I entered through the south side of the building which was the invertebrate zoology ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Scholarly Bibliography On Scholarly Journals Essay Definitions of terms Scholarly peer review Scholarly peer review, also known as refereeing, is the process of subjecting an author's scholarly manuscript to the scrutiny of others who are experts and working in the same field (Ware 2013). Scholarly/academic journal Scholarly journal, also called as academic/scientific/refereed journal or very often peer–reviewed journal, is a peer– reviewed/refereed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published. Academic journals serve as forums for the introduction and presentation for scrutiny of new research, and the critique of existing research (Blake & Bly, 2000). Scholarly article/paper Scholarly paper/article, also called as research and academic paper/article, is published in academic journals and has original research results and shows an entirely new invention. It is generally based on original research or experimentation. It is written by a researcher or expert in the field who is often affiliated with a college or university. According to Svernstrom (2014), the paper/article could be original/review/theoretical work. Emerald Group Publishing Based on its website (, Emerald is a global publisher connecting research and practice to the benefit of society. Emerald today manages a variety of digital products, a collection of closely 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 450 teaching cases. It covers sixteen major areas as follows: ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Egyptian Academic Journal Of Biological Sciences Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci., 9(3): 49–67 (2016) Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences A. Entomology ISSN 1687– 8809 Survey, Seasonal Abundance of Thrips species and First Record of Two Species Associated With Soybean and Weed Plants in Egypt A. S. Abd El–Wahab Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article History Received:30/6/2016 Accepted:5/8/2016 ________________ Keywords: Thysanoptera Thrips Soybean Identification Survey Seasonal abundance Weeds Several thrips species are known to feed on soybean (Glycine max Merr.) and can cause yield reduction. Beside, the other important reason for thrips survey is to determine its role as vectors of Tospovirus in soybean. There is little information available about thrips species present on soybean crop, and their abundance in Egypt. Field survey took place at the farm of Agricultural Experiment Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza Governorate, Egypt (season 2014) to survey the different thrips species. Soybean cv. Giza 111 was sown in late May. The experimental area received all the usual agricultural practices except for any pest control measures. Thrips species associated with soybean were collected and differentiated to species. A total of 16
  • 90. different thrips species was surveyed. These included 14 phytophagous and 2 predator thrips species. The most abundant ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Academic Decathon Math: A Personal Journal Analysis I have always been a liberal and visual arts person, relishing in the room for creativity and interpretation. The rigid and meticulous rules of STEM disciplines were always too confining to enjoy, but the subject that truly exemplified this for me was math. Consistently my least favorite course, I always kept my calculator stocked full of internet–made programs to minimize my chances of making an error. This worked well for me up until I came face to face with Academic Decathlon math. These problems convoluted basic algebraic and calculus skills into imposing monsters, especially considering the time constraint of less than one minute per problem. I scoured Texas Instruments forums, but it appeared that Aca Deca programs were few and ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Strategic Issues the Association Should Address Essay TO: APSA Council RE: Council Discussion Topic: Organized Sections This overview is designed to help launch a Council small group discussion about journals, and about strategic issues the Association may wish to address. The memo notes salient issues the Association is or will soon face. The themes included here are surely not complete and the goal is for a discussion that helps ferret out or sharpen heretofore unarticulated issues as well as the ones we see now. I. Introduction APSA Organized Sections have been a mainstay of the Association since first formed in the early 1980's. There has not been a comprehensive review of Sections and the ways in which the prominence of Sections has shaped the Association since then, ... Show more content on ... This increases the total cost of APSA membership commensurately, especially consequential if a member seeks to join multiple sections. We worry this may discourage multiple section membership, diminish opportunity for "cross–fertilization" among fields; and create sticker shock for APSA membership in general. At the same time, there may be potential value for the Association of being aligned with a "bundle" of journal content organized across topical areas – a kind of journal–based analogue to the annual meeting division structure. As a specific matter, APSA has the opportunity help the State Politics and Policy Organized Section purchase its journal from the university press that now owns it, by lending the Section money with payback revenues over 10 years. Assuming the business deal made sense, would such a step make sense from the standpoint of an Association–wide journals policy. APSA might seek to bring Section journals more under the Association umbrella itself and applying journal guidelines, unbundling subscriptions from Section membership (while leaving editorial control with the Sections.) C. Governance and Liabilities
  • 99. APSA's Organized Sections operate under the Association's Tax ID number, and legally are elements of APSA as a corporation. A few APSA sections engage in outside activities such as separate conferences. Generally, these are handled entirely by section members ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. Reflection Of Journal Writing : Personal Aspects Of... Reading your own writing can be excruciatingly boring. Your mind already knows what's on the paper because it made the words form the piece you are looking at. I always try to make the experience an adventure. Thinking of the rereading as a deep dive. Deep diving sounds exciting, almost pirate–like. You get to look for treasure. Or in this case writing devices that keep popping up in your writing. My deep dive produced a few things I hadn't noticed while writing my journals. I found that in my journals I tend to follow the troupe of chronologically filing the events, that I'm secretive and very emotional. As I dived into researching myself, I found that in my technique for journal writing I'm very straight forward. I wrote down what happened each day in chronological order. For example in Artifact 1, I go through a bad day, "Waking up late on days of my morning class is absolutely the worst." On to "When class ended I hurried out to my car to get food before work. Lo and behold, I had a parking ticket because I hadn't picked up my parking pass yet." Lastly, "I get on my comfiest pajamas, sit down and start homework, but the internet isn't working." After reading over this artifact I came to the conclusion, I do this because when I go back to reflect, it makes the most sense to go in order. When you read my journals, you get a perception of what my days are like and how I feel about them. They make sense because I go in order, which in a sense is logos. The logical ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. Review of Literacy Articles Essay I have chosen two articles that discuss the reading habit, but in a different context, one of academic articles and the other is a popular article. The title for academic article is "Understands the reading habits of children in Singapore". This article is written by Shaheen Majid and Venus Tan from Nanyang Technological University. It published in Journal of Education Media and Library Sciences in 2007. The title for popular article is "Pleasurable pursuit". This article is written by John Doraisamy and it's taken from The Star Online. It published in 2010 as education article. Both of these articles are discussing about reading habits and reading interest among children. Using these articles I can study what the different between ... Show more content on ... I found that, he has published many publications, research paper, journal article, seminar and conference paper and supervised project of PhD students. The author for popular article is John Doraisamy. In this article also mention about the author. John Doraisamy was formerly an associate professor at the Education Faculty, Universiti Malaya. This article was published in The Star Online. From my point of view, as articles in the field of education, they need to choose writers who have the authority to write on this topic. Therefore, the author who has background in this field is invited to write about this. But this does not mean that all authors of articles in The Star Online have the credibility to write such articles. This is because in this article, it should have the right facts in giving information useful to the readers. In addition, the article also gives some information on the authors to give readers the opportunity to know the background of the author himself. This means that both articles, academic article and popular article do not have much difference in terms of criteria the authority of the authors. The second criteria is purpose of the articles. Purpose of academic article is to investigate the reading habits and preferences of children, motivation behind reading and their attitudes towards reading. Obviously, this study tries to collect the data regarding this ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. Academic Journal Excerpt 22) Excerpt "Culture is composed of people's widely shared, deeply held, often unstated and unconscious assumptions, beliefs, and internal values. It is the leadership when there are no leaders" (Rosenfeld & Euchner, 2012). Source: academic journal Additive This additive material strengthens key points taught in the course. It augments my basic understanding that culture is a reservoir of knowledge, beliefs, values and experiences that tend to change from time to time to reflect the period in which we live. Contextualization All adult–learners, instructors, and political leaders should adhere to this information. I will strive to use it throughout my academic and professional journey. 23) Excerpt Rosenfeld & Euchner (2012) study used ... Show more content on ... Contextualization I learned that high–context societies or cultures tend to use more nonverbal forms of communication. People tend to make decisions based on face to face interaction with each other. This type of culture is more prevalent in Africa and Asia. On the other hand, verbal communication is more widespread in a low–context society such as the United States and Canada in which people are more task–oriented and have a tendency to codify their time and space as to separate personal from professional chores to limit stress and anxiety. 31) Excerpt Communicative expectations tend to "vary across culture. Societies varying along the cultural dimension of individualism – collectivism, for example – hold different preferences for direct versus indirect forms of communication" (p. 11, para. 4). Source: book Additive This excerpt enhances my knowledge on the varying cultural dimension of individualism and collectivism that are found in high context societies and low context societies. ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. The 8 Steps Of Kotter 's 8 Step Change Model A paper discussing positive change & John P. Kotter's 8 step change model. Why are change initiatives so difficult. Many times People 's reaction to change relies upon their understanding or idea about change . Furthermore, according to their perception it is in their advantage they do not have any problems with accepting it . If it is unimportant or irrelevant to them, they have an attitude of unbiased towards change. If they tend to believe there is some kind of loss to them, they react to it. Moreover, the loss can be concerning their direct value or it can be concerning them having to make some changes in the way they tend to work or adjusting/adapting a different technique of doing the same. Hence, change initiatives are at times ... Show more content on ... It is also important for use to create a milestone plan or strategy as we have done for all our projects/assignments. At this time, it is in execution. Thus, do not give comfortable double your energy state in executing or carrying it out. (6)Get rid of all barriers because these can also be people. Nevertheless, this happens to be a very vital step, so you have to be careful, wise, and sensible in action and thought. However, there will always be particular individuals who will have specific reservations they are holding back, so help them to bring them out and solve their issues/problems, what ever they might be. Moreover, if they continue completely remove them, anyway possible. (7)Never proclaim a sooner than expected victory because this is only a start so continue to improve at each phase/stage. Real changes are indeed deeply–rooted. Hence, measure and determined the efficiency, and make little changes and enhancements whenever possible or the need arises. (8)Make the change also part of the organizational culture. Make certain each new joiner at all stages/levels are taken into loop–the–loop. It is vital to never miss them or else we will be back where we first begin. Discuss a change that you experienced and describe exactly how successful it was. I have helped set in place an Oracle based ERP operating system in a previous company I work for. Earlier, the company was utilizing a manual type ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. When People Talk About How Fast Technology Is Evolving When people talk about how fast technology is evolving in our world today, an important factor that has come into play because of the way people exploit technology is cybersecurity. There are several directions that cybersecurity has gone in affecting the world. Most recent the past election and how another country determined the outcome of that election by gaining online contact. There are several flaws that have happened with current cybersecurity, but it can still be a good thing if better solutions are put into place, and if more cybersecurity analyst take their responsibilities more seriously. Those responsibilities can range from dealing with an incoming cyber–attack, and setting up protection for businesses that have important data. ... Show more content on ... In general, technology is never perfect, and that is why it is important that people become more informed about cybersecurity. In the online Academic Journal "Building Cybersecurity Awareness: The need for evidence–based framing strategies." By Hans de Bruijn and Marijn Janssen. Hans de Bruijn states "Almost everybody has heard of cybersecurity, however, the urgency and behavior of persons do not reflect high level of awareness. The internet is all too often considered as a safe environment for sharing information, transactions and controlling the physical world, yet cyberwars are already ongoing and there is an urgent need to be better prepared." That just shows how in reality we as a society are not looking at the bigger picture. We worry less about how with a push of a button tons of information can be stolen or even erased. As Hans mentioned cyberwars are happening in front of us without us realizing it. That is why as a society with access to a great deal of technology people need to be more aware of cybersecurity. There are many ways that the public can be made aware of it. One of those ways is to show actual evidence to people who tend to prioritize technology, and the online network instead of just giving them a warning. That way awareness can spread on how to be prepared in case that person is a target in the future. Another academic article "Cyber security for home users: A new way of protection through awareness ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Writing And Writing Of Writing Everyone says that writing of Communication has become a cliché. It is a cliché, however that is true. Personally, I do not like writing, but over time it has become a big part of me that I appreciate. Writing for me started in elementary school. I started with writing my ABCs and my name to perfection, until I did not make any mistakes. Over my years of writing I have enhanced my expressiveness, originality, and creativity. Growing up, I loved writing poems. My love for poems developed from listening and loving nursery rhymes such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary Had A Little Lamb, Ring around the Rosie, and many others. When I was five years old, I wrote and presented a poem of mine in my church auditorium with members present. I had anger problems growing up, and my psychologist taught me to let out my anger in different forms of writing. One thing I have realized is that I write good personal papers whenever I am either upset at someone or a situation. I have minimal experiences in writing academic papers. I use the writing process I was taught in high school which was: Invention, Draft and Revision, then Proof Reading and Editing. I also know how to incorporate words into sentences, and utilize sentences to form paragraphs. What are my assumptions about writing? Concerning a personal writing, nothing. Good, bad, awful, mediocre; writing is about self–expression. If it makes sense to the author, then nothing else matters. I mean, it is a personal writing; the ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Compare The Relationship Between William Wordsworth And I... From my reading of both the 'Grasmere Journals' written by Dorothy Wordsworth and also the poem 'I wandered lonely as a cloud' written by William Wordsworth, I believe that there is a strong relationship between the two. I think that both William and his sister Dorothy experienced the same relationship with the Daffodil's they saw. The only difference is that William expressed his experience through poetry while Dorothy expressed hers through diary entries. From the evidence we have with the dates of when both were written, I believe William wrote his poem based on Dorothy's journals. I would be of the opinion that Dorothy's journals were written from her experience alone while Williams's poem was written under the influence of Dorothy's 'Grasmere ... Show more content on ... Much of Dorothy's diary entries include reflective moments in her life. As Sara Crangle said ''[T]here is much of this solitary, reflective image that can be transposed to the larger depiction of Wordsworth's life.'' Dorothy's journals are mostly written either at the beginning of the day or in the evening. This time of day is when she is either reflecting on the day gone by or thinking about the day ahead. As she is often out walking with William or Coleridge it is probable that she is reflecting on these events quite a lot. On May 14th she writes ''I sate a long time upon a stone at the margin of the lake, and after a flood of tears my heart was easier.'' Dorothy explains how after she reflects she becomes happier. Reflection is a sense of relief for her. This sense of relief shows how significant writing diary entries are for her. They are her escape where she can be alone with her ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms Essay Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms Journal writing seems to be a popular element teachers use to give students the opportunity to become involved in the classroom without always speaking. However, is journal writing a beneficial tool for student learning? How can it become more effective in the classroom? There are many types of journals which can be used in a classroom. I have decided to look at the different types of journals that exist to gain a broad overview of journal usage. This is to help me decide what the most effective journal for this classroom would be. First, let us look at what journal writing is. Journal writing is a method to provide students with an alternate way of expression. It promotes individual ... Show more content on ... Journals are also a way for students to express ideas without feeling pressure to respond in a certain manner in order to receive a good grade. Along with the freedom to express thoughts and concerns, a journal also can provide the freedom in which you express these thoughts and concerns. Journals are considered an artist's notebook. Journal entries are "normally" done by using words, however there is a move to allow students to use photographs, drawings, paintings, or any creative way the student may choose to express themselves. According to Teaching Writing written by Gail Tompkins, the purpose of journal writing is for students to use journals to 1) record personal experiences, 2) explore reactions and interpretations, and 3) record and analyze information. These criteria or aspects can be applied to any and all disciplines. I think that the most important place to include journal wrtiting is in the English classroom. This is where writing begins to take shape. Since it such a vital aspect of everyday life, students should feel comfortable expressing themselves and should have the means to do so. Journals allow students the opportunity to visual express themselves and to see their ideas on paper giving ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. The World Of International Studies Research Narrative In the world of international studies there are many bias parties and individuals as there are drastically differing viewpoints regarding hot topic issues in the field. This makes for an exciting endeavor when conducting research on topics such as Private Military Companies as all different types of political personalities arise when such subjects are debated over. This characteristics of the international relations area of study also becomes apparent when authors of scholarly journals and public websites debate over fundamental issues of the aforementioned subject, such as the different rules for engagement and fighting overseas. When hunting for sources for this project, I found that the community of experts commonly ... Show more content on ... Christopher Kinsey wrote an incredibly informative article on the fundamentals of Private Military and even touches on a few closely related issues, for example, nuclear regulation was diccues twice through the article. Georgia Southern 's library website contain some very usful links and even some videos on techniques regarding how to add diversity in a research paper. One such tip was to find two different articles with completely opposite viewpoints and I believe the tactic to be very useful. Another type of strategy that one can implement when conducting research is to find an expert in the field and discusses their stance on the topic, it is almost like them verbally writing you an entirely different source with a refreshing perspective. One such expert is Dr. Lubecki. He was more than willing when asked to be interviewed for this project. He explained that regarding private militaries, they could start another major war, he used China as one excellent example, so it is better to limit their use until they are fully regulated. The idea was one that never appeared in any of the research for this project. The Power to Construct International Security was a shorter academic article that was of different origin than the other, this idea was suggested on the library website and has served as a great tool for finding an array of articles. The last source is one from a famous and reputable newspaper. I thought ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. Lindsay Markle's Academic Journal Analysis This academic journal is relevant because Lindsay Markle discusses the challenges women in the Middle East confront daily due to gender norms that are embedded in culture, religion, and family structure. These gender norms influence the way women are able to participate in their economy and in the public sphere. Although many women in Saudi Arabia are educated, many of them remain unemployed and the income gap continues to exist. Women are expected to fill the low–income positions of the informal market and are often discriminated against when applying for positions of higher status. Moreover, the feminization of family care in the Middle East inhibits women from entering the workforce. "Although many women are educated in the oil–rich countries, ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Research Methodology For Academic Journal Articles Moreover, the types of research questions and its understanding can be significant in determining the research methodology. Abstract The primary goal of this study is to systematize the knowledge in the area of different research methodological approaches applied in academic journal articles, assess their usefulness and present the results of the analysis. Key words: qualitative research, quantitative research, mixed method research Introduction Defining a case study method indicates the problem and entails choosing/finding a solution to solve it. However, to answer research questions it is vital to demonstrate deep consideration of the elements related to particular research design, as well as to show the ability to reflect upon research philosophy and approach to theory (Easterby–Smith et al., 2012; Eisendhardt, 1989). In business and management research a regular investigation not only leads to solving business problems, but also contributes to management knowledge (Edmondson and McManus, 2016). There are different methods solutions as well as various ways of conducting them. Based on literature review, we can distinguish qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methodological approaches. Despite the fact that the quantitative method based their theory on previous observations and findings, where the second uses findings and observations to test the already existing theory, these two methodological approaches are not mutually exclusive. The scholars not only define ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. Analysis Of M. Nick Hajli 's ' M ' Alexis Safoyan Professor Armstrong ENG123 O 8 October 2015 Source Evaluation 1. Thesis– The author, M. Nick Hajli, succeeds in conveying to the reader the ways in which social media provokes social interaction amongst society. Hajli specifically states that he strives to " how social media facilitate(s) the social interaction of consumers, leading to increased trust and intention to buy" ( Hajli, 387) . Furthermore, Hajli accomplishes his goal of displaying the significance of trust on the consumers' intention to buy. Hajli accomplishes these goals by explicitly stating his intentions for the entire paper in the abstract and at the beginning of each paragraph in his research. Additionally, Hajli maintains a structured format in his paper that is supported by relevant research for this topic. 2.Subject (5–8 sentences)– The subject of this journal is the impact of social media on consumers. This subject particularly pertains to the business side of social media, however, the research can be applied in multiple fields of study. The subject is broken down into a series of questions that need to be answered. These questions include: Do social media and social networking sites affect user's trust and does PU ( perceived usefulness) and trust affect the user's intention to buy? These questions, among many more, are viably answered through support in multiple complex research projects and tests. The research projects and tests are discussed in depth to support the ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. International Journal Of Academic Research In International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences October 2012, Vol. 2, No. 10 ISSN: 2222–6990 The Impact of Employment of Foreign Workers: Local Employability and Trade Union Roles in Malaysia Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed (PhD Candidate), School of Distance Education, 11800,Universiti Sains Malaysia Email: Charles Ramendran SPR Faculty of Business & Finance, UTAR Email: Peter Yacob Faculty of Business & Finance, UTAR Email: Abstract The issue of foreign workers has received increase media and national attention. However, to date there has been limited research on the nature and consequences of employment of foreign workers in Malaysia. Introduction ... Show more content on ... One of the objectives of MTUC is to protect Malaysian unemployment in which standardization and coordination of foreign workers recruitment and the supply of local employability in Malaysia are vital. However, this approach was given after found the problem difficulty to recruit local workers as they are not attracted to low salary scale and working conditions introduced by the employers on certain sectors. The objective of this paper is identifying the impact of current recruitment practices of foreign workers on local workers employability and trade Union rights in Malaysia. However, to date there has been limited research on the nature and consequences of employment of foreign workers in Malaysia and not been documented. This research would fill the gap on literature review in field of industrial relations. Literature Review Foreign Workers A foreign worker is a person who employed in a country on a temporary basis to which the person is not a citizen. Foreign workers are recruited by the company, recruitment agency or hired whilst they were job seeking in the country to supplement the workforce of the country for a limited term or to provide skills on a contractual basis that the country seeks. Those 531 International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences October 2012, Vol. 2, No. 10 ISSN: 2222–6990 workers are including skill and unskilled, legal and illegal workers. The United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All ... Get more on ...