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Evaluation Of A Program Evaluation Essay
In order to determine the effectiveness of the program and the level of participant satisfaction, Kingsley Manor will collect and analyze data with the
aim of answering the following questions: (1) Will an onsite wellness program increase the wellness and health related uality of life for older adults with
Diabetes Mellitus Type II? (2) What participant specific characteristics predict increased or decreased benefit from participation in a wellness
program? (3) Do older adults with Diabetes Mellitus Type II perceive changes in function, health, wellness or quality of life related to participation in
a wellness program? (4) How satisfied are older adults with Diabetes Mellitus Type II with a wellness program that incorporates educational and
exercise sessions?
This study will use the following Operational definitions:
1.Older adult: person aged 65 or older
2.Diabetes Mellitus Type II (DMT2): a chronic disease due to progressive insulin secretory defect on the background of insulin resistance diagnosed
by A1C or plasma glucose criteria (ADA, 2015)
3.Wellness: "an active, lifelong process of becoming aware of choices and making decisions toward a more balanced and fulfilling life; wellness
involves choices about our lives and our priorities that determine our lifestyles" (as defined by ASU, n.d.)
4.Health: "a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (as defined by WHO, 1946)
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The Program Oriented Evaluation Approaches Essay
Activity 1 Chapter 6 (Page 153)–Objectives/Program–Oriented Evaluation Approaches (OOEA): 20 Points 1.In one sentence, describe the Objectives
Oriented Evaluation Approach to program evaluation. The assessment is used to decide whether a program accomplishes the goals of the program and
ensures stakeholders stay on task producing constantly improving results by inspecting all areas of the program, including determining needs,
analyzing program costs, examining employee roles and their responsibilities, conducting an economic and efficiency audit, and deciding the next
steps the program should undertake. 2.Take one program in your school district and describe how the OOEA Approach could be used to evaluate its
efficacy. Westside Consolidated School District participates in the Summer Food Service Program that provides free meals for individuals aged
eighteen and under. An experienced unbiased evaluator should lead the evaluation and preferable have experienced unbiased assistants (i.e. out of the
district evaluators or evaluators with no direct contact or vested interest in the program). The evaluation should involve the inspection and
understanding of the stated goals of the program (i.e. to provide meals to students eighteen and under in the summer). Stated goals should be analyzed
to identify vague or redundant goals. A prior Risk Assessment Matrix is then used, modified or new one created to identify common issues of similar
programs compared to the program
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Essay about Program Evaluation and Its Usefulness
Program Evaluation
Jackie Woodard
Evaluation Methodology– HCS/549
December 6, 2010
Amer Kaissi
Program Evaluation Program evaluation is a tool used for evaluating and assessing a program in place. This paper will describe program evaluation
and how it can be useful for an organization wishing to determine the efficiency, effectiveness, and the impact of a program. Five of the most common
program evaluation models will be introduced. A number of different models are used by those who evaluate programs. This paper will describe, in
detail, the success case method for evaluations.
Program Evaluation and Its Usefulness Program evaluation is a process of assessing whether a program is efficient, effective, and has an impact on its more content...
Five Most Common Types of Program Evaluation Models The five most common types of program evaluations are ones that assess the program's
efficiency, assess the program's design and theory, assess the program's impact on the community or end user, assess the program's process or
implementation, and assess the need for the program.
Success Case Model for Evaluation According to Brinkerhoff (1983), success case evaluation seeks qualitative information about a few subjects rather
than seeking thinner, quantifiable data about many subjects. The success case model derives information from those participants who have benefited
from the program according to the goals and objectives the program intends to have. This feedback may be helpful to others who have not benefitted
as well from the program. "Success cases may be studies briefly through short interviews with a few trainees or through more elaborate approaches,
such as work–sample analysis, records analysis and observation" (Brinkerhoff, 1983, para. 9). Some uses of the success case method are illustrating that
the program has a positive impact, modifying and strengthening the program being evaluated, and building data collection methods to determine the
extent of
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Qualitative Research Evaluation Essay
Qualitative research seeks to answer the "why" and not the "how" of the research project that is being conducted, this is done through a complex
system of analyzing unstructured information such as survey's , questionnaires, interviews, interview transcripts, open end survey's, focus groups,
observations, emails, notes, video's, feed back forms and photo's; most of the time a qualitative report won't depend on statistical evidence alone it
must be accompanied by detailed facts and proven facts and not hypotheses or in accurate data, this can lead to misunderstanding of data findings and
can through the whole aim of the research project off and waste valuable time.
A qualitative research project is mainly more content...
According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) the purpose of the interview is to elicit information about and from the stakeholders experience, perceptions, and
meanings, this is critical in a qualitative research project it helps to understand what is being asked of the stakeholder. Interview data also incorporates
the stakeholders personal perspective, and gives confirmation of the data through direct observation, or from other stakeholders involved in the
research project; by eliciting the input of observation data this helps to confirm to the researcher the intent of the stakeholder, it also shows their
behavior, and their personal meaning. Documentary and artifactual data includes texts, photos, and other tangible items from the site that they are
being collected from, analyzed and reviewed. By reviewing the documents artifacts and materials of a culture provides the researcher with an
unobtrusive method of gaining information and may offer other forms of information that's unavailable from any other data source. According to
(Bamberger, et, al, 2006) journals, artifacts, photo's and artwork may provide information of occurrences that have happened before the evaluators
arrival. As in all research projects documents and artifacts include the perspective and the biases of their human creator, therefore each item must be
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Peer Review Evaluation
As a Spanish speaking native, I had difficulty with writing essays in English. I grew up taking English classes throughout all my school life, in
Puerto Rico, but it was just basic level. My last English college course was with a US 5th grade book, so you can imagine how basic was that course.
It was a drastic change from that type of course to this level of English Composition. This course, albeit short, has teaches me a lot about the mechanics
and grammar that writing an essay entails. Before this course, I use to choose the topic, looked some of the information I needed it, and started writing
without a goal or any definition, in terms of process. Now, I know that I have to choose the topic, do the research, develop a thesis statement, outline more content...
When I first saw it as one of the task for the week, I was shock and didn't know what to do or how to do it. The guideline questions help me a lot to
see what I normally wouldn't pay attention to. In evaluating my peers essay I learnt a lot about what I could do to better myself on my own writing,
also I learnt to disconnect myself and evaluate my paper as of someone else written it. I was able to see different styles of writing and learn about
different topics throughout these five weeks. Other advantage of peer review process is that the readers may not know anything about your topic, but
by the time they finish it, they should understand what you're talking about, this gives you something to keep in mind when you are writing essay.
One of the disadvantage of peer review that I could see is that we are all learning at the same time; and even though the suggestions, and comments
might be well intendent sometimes they are not always accurate. We are all on the same boat, I apologize if I made any mistakes with my
suggestions, and I appreciate all you guys help me during the peer reviews. This is a process that I'm going to use when I have to write a paper on my
other courses from this day
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Essay about Critical Thinking: Evaluation
Critical Evaluation of an Academic Source Odetta Rodriguez Capella University Critical Evaluation of an Academic Source This paper is a summary
of critical evaluation of the suitability of an article as an academic source. The title of the article is Critical Thinking: An Extended Definition. The
author, Professor Ken Petress, analyzes various definitions of critical thinking and provides his definition of the concept as well. It is vitally important
when performing research on a topic that we completely understand the topic and that we can apply certain tests or questions to the topic in order to
determine its relevance and validity. Checklist for Critical Evaluation more content...
Conceptual Foundation What are the main concepts presented in the article? What information is the author using, and what is its relationship to the
main issue? Does the information used appear relevant, significant, valid, and sufficient for the conclusions being drawn? Do you have enough
information to determine whether the information is relevant, significant, and valid? The main concepts presented in the article are the varying
definitions of each author on the concept of critical thinking. The information the author uses are definitions which are the opinions of varied authors
and are similar in foundation in that to apply critical thinking one must be able to identify a problem, pose a question(s), provide valid supporting
evidence, and come to a conclusion. Although the author's definitions do not identify a problem, questions, evidence, or conclusions, the relationship
Petress (2004) shows is that the reader must apply this process themselves as it is not always given. The information used does appear to be relevant,
significant, and valid. The references the author listed does provide enough information for me to come to this conclusion. Since this work is a
literature review and not a case study, numerical data are not necessary to determine validity of the information. Author's
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Group Evaluation Essay
As a group, it was important to us to have this in our FVC for a few reasons. One of the reasons for this was because we did not want any member
to show up and be under the influence or complain the whole time. If this were to happen, we would have to deal with that problem which would take
away time from working and would cause possibly a bigger problem. Profanity and complaining would not be tolerated also because that would then
effect the environment and atmosphere of the work place. It can be assumed that with one of those problems occurring work would not be as efficient
and scheduled as planned as we thought it would be. Thankfully, during the semester none of my group members complained or appeared to be under
the influence more content...
Even though there were problems with people pulling their own weight, I think that the outcome was great. We were able to create a program and
without the other group members, it would not have been successful. I think it is important to keep in mind the end goal while going through
some difficult stages with group members. Evaluation of Group Members This part of the paper will be about me and my peers and the grade
that I think they deserve pertaining to their performance and attendance within the group. I will grade them based off of a focus on their
participation, help with planning, attendance, and behavior. I think that these are crucial parts of "pulling your own weight" in order to help with
the group as a whole. Katie Krasinski: A+. I believe I deserve this grade for a multitude of reasons. Immediately when we got the project, I along
with Mike took some charge of the group. We wanted to meet as soon as we could so we could get a head start. As the semester continued and our
group started getting more work to do, I feel that if participation went down extremely in our group. Some members would not show up, or would try
to push back the dates we would meet just because they didn't feel like it. On the other hand, there I was clearing my busy day and plans to make time
for the
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(under the Guidance and Supervision of Prof. Limuel C. Cirineo, Ed.D)
Before anyone is going to do something, there is nothing as sensible as planning. A plan as we know is something thought about and chalked out in
advance before the real action takes place and is actually a recipe for success. But then, the word 'plan' does not need much of a definition. It has
been used so much that it has become quite hackneyed. So, we all know what it means, but how many of us really resort to planning before we start a
course of action. I'm not referring to a mental picture that we chart out in our minds that is in one word, vague. I mean a real plan in black and white,
that is, put down on more content...
This step–by–step process highlights each feasible step in the project management cycle. By appropriately incorporating each step of the model into
the planning stage, managers can effectively forecast the deliverables and avoid losing value through accurately assessing the margins that will be
produced in a given strategic initiative. The control cycle is an important part of quality control, and it not only verifies the delivery of good quality
but also identifies gaps and failures that need to be addressed. Ultimately, it is a process that continuously evolves within the production process. In this
phase, which is the third, I've learned four important steps: PLAN, DO, CHECK and ACT.
4. EVALUATION AND REFINEMENT (reported by: Ms. Bernarda T. Cudal)
After listening to the reporter, I have realized that in the Process of Project Management Cycle, we should not set aside this very important stage:
Evaluation and Refinement. It is a major part of learning, and can provide a wealth of useful information on the outcomes of a project or action, and the
dynamics of those who undertook the work. Through the identification of the highlights and lowlights of the project, evaluation draws conclusions
which can inform future decision making, and assist to define
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Disadvantages Of Evaluation In Teaching
Provus (1969:6) defined evaluation as "comparing performance against standard" which is done in most Mauritian schools. At the end of the year
learners' results are compared to set standard to evaluate what they have learned throughout the year.
There are different types of evaluation which are used in schools to evaluate learners; they are the placement evaluation, the formative evaluation, the
diagnosis evaluation and the summative evaluation. More emphasis will be made on the formative, diagnosis and summative evaluation.
Question 1 (a)
Importance of the three types of evaluation in teaching and learning
Diagnostic Evaluation
"Diagnosis consists of identifying the nature of an illness or other problem through the examination of relevant symptoms. In education, a diagnostic
test helps identify a student's learning problems so teachers can provide instruction to remedy those problems."W. James Popham educational
leadership, March 2009) more content...
This is important because it enable the teacher to know if the objectives have been met, if the diagnosis and formative assessments have been valuable
and also for accountability to stakeholders as physical education is an examinable subject at school Certificate and Higher school certificate. It also
provides feedback to stakeholders and parents as for them the most important evaluation is the summative one. This is confirmed by the definition
given by Stephen Chappuis and Jan Chappuis (in Informative Assessment, 2008: 14–19), they defined Summative assessment as "assessment of
learning, typically documents how much learning has occurred at a point in time; its purpose is to measure the level of student, school, or program
success." It is also important to us teachers because the summative evaluation enable us to do a self–evaluation and see whether there are things to be
improved in our way of
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Essay on Nutritional Assessment
Nutritional Assessment
Duane Daquioag
NURS 225
WestCoast University
Nutritional Self–Assessment Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. "It
can be used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health complications" (CDC, 2015) but it is not a reliable source of information to get
a person's body fatness or health of an individual. My BMI score is 24.4; to find that, I divided my weight in kilograms (70.9 kg) by the square of
height in meters (2.9 m). HAMWI is used to calculate the ideal body weight of an individual based on their height and body frame (FitnessHealth101,
2016). To calculate for my ideal body weight I should add 6 pounds to every more content...
January 27, 2016, it was the first day of nutrition class and this is my intake for that day: FOODS| Calories| Carbs| Fat| Protein| Cholest| Sodium|
Sugars| Fiber| Lunch| Steak – All – 8 oz Ribeye Steak, 8 oz| 580| 0g| 46g| 42g| 150mg| 110mg| 0g| 0g| Fry's Large Eggs – Over Medium, 2 egg| 144| 0g|
10g| 12g| 338mg| 142mg| 0g| 0g| Eurest – Potato Wedges, 6 ounce| 182| 33g| 4g| 4g| 0mg| 610mg| 2g| 3g| Citavo– Hot Chocolate, 1 packet| 110| 24g|
1g| 2g| 0mg| 160mg| 21g| 1g| Dinner| Thai Spice and Sushi – Baked Lobster Sushi, 1 oz| 353| 37g| 18g| 14g| 56mg| 363mg| 0g| 9g| Generic Sushi –
Baked Green Mussels, 6 mussels| 522| 33g| 37g| 19g| 190mg| 1,430mg| 10g| 1g| Tea – Tea, 1 cup| 50| 10g| 1g| 1g| 0mg| 0mg| 10g| 0g| Snacks| Dunkin
Doughnuts – Jelly Filled, 1 doughnut| 270| 32g| 14g| 3g| 0mg| 330mg| 15g| 1g| Chobani Greek Yogurt– Bluberry, 150 g| 130| 19g| 0g| 12g| 5mg| 60mg|
15g| 1g| Cheetos – Cheetos Crunchy – Small Bag, 1 package (28.3 grams)| 150| 13g| 10g| 2g| 0mg| 250mg| 1g| 1g| Snapple – Drink, 1 bottle| 190| 46g|
0g| 0g| 0mg| 15mg| 45g| 0g| TOTAL: 2,681 247g 141g 111g 739mg 3,470mg 119g 17g
I skipped breakfast that day because I always sleep in and I tend to skip breakfast everyday. After lunch I felt ok, did not feel sleepy or tired. The meal
got me full and satisfied my hunger.
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Evaluation Argument
Barbara Eddins
Introduction to Philosophy 102
Dr. Roberts
February 28, 2013 The Substance to Life
I feel like the two most important days of your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why you were born. There are all kinds of
theories of how life is supposed to be. People believe all sorts of things of how life will be like. I feel like everyone in the world was put on this plant
for a reason. We may not always know why we were put here but I think that is the goal in life to figure out why and be the best person you can be
and to fulfill that goal. I think that the substance of like to believe and have faith in God. There is a fine line for believing in God. I think we all have to
pray to find our purpose more content...
When one door closes another one opens.
I understand that everyone don't believe the same thing I do, nor will they ever. They believe that if there was a God so powerful why would let
bad things happen, but that is where faith comes in. God says that he will never leave nor forsake you and I believe that will all of my heart. God is
with you in the valley and on the mountain. God is with you even when you do not want him to be with you. He also loves you no matter what, even if
you don't love him.
I know that everyone sins including me but that is why our God is so awesome because he forgives us for doing the bad things that we do in life. He
lets us have freewill to choose what we want to believe. He does not make us believe in him but he wants us too.
The purpose of life I believe is to get to
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Module Evaluation Survey
This individual report is based on a portfolio of evidence from our group project, from the initial research, through design, development and testing of a
user–centred organisational system, in our case a university questionnaire designed to evaluate modules taught at the university, filled by the current
students and based on their module–related experience.
Aim of the project was to create user–friendly module evaluation survey containing the most relevant student experience data which results could be
visible to students and also reviewed by the academic staff. This would provide them with an easy to understand module related feedback which can
be used to deepen the understanding of how a certain module is perceived more content...
Literature Review
(a referenced critical review of the benefits and challenges of user–centred organisational systems including legal and ethical issues relating to user
(a referenced description and justification of the methods used to gather user requirements and to design, develop and test your system. Explain your
sample and ethical considerations. It should be possible to reproduce your work from your description of the methods)
First step was to review the questionnaire prototype made by university. Intended users would be students and academic staff. Decision was made to
create a Context of Use – wrote the actual conditions under which the survey will be used. Through further evaluation we identified the main
requirement which was also a technical constraint – an electronic/online rather than paper–based survey which will have to be responsive on various
To select the most effective and relevant research design, the team used a so called "Research Onion" (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, Research
Methods for Business Students, page 83, year 2015). As the most suitable research design for this project we selected the non–experimental because it
can be carried out in natural environment and survey is one example of this type
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Evaluation Essay : Architectural Engineering
Abigail Gilsdorf
Mrs. Van Lieu
English 101
14 October 2015
Evaluation Essay: Architectural Engineering
As a high schooler, I've been told repeatedly to find a career and stick to stick it. I've been pushed to figure out my life with very little to work off of.
All I was given were interest tests and orders to use my hobbies as a base. Obviously, I didn't get very far with so little to work with and was always
expecting the answer to just come to me. I suppose I have lucked out a bit and it did in a way. Thanks to my dad bouncing ideas with me, I started
looking at civil engineering and architecture. In a combination of the two, I found architectural engineering. While I've looked over it repeatedly, I've
yet to analyze it closely. So as my hopes and dreams have been pinned to it as of late, I'd like to analyze architectural engineering as a potential career
to pursue.
First off, the job of architectural engineers is fascinating. They're the ones that make all of the aspects of a building work together to make it art. While
architects make a building visual art, architectural engineers make it functional art. With civil engineers and architects, they work as a team in making
buildings structurally sound. Some may be in charge of designing the ventilation system where they can make it so the heating and air conditioning
efficiently keep the building at the desired temperature. Others may design the electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems to be as effective in
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Definition of Education Essay
Definition of Education
Education what is it? It is defined as: 1. The act or process of educating or being educated. 2. The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a
learning process. 3. A program of instruction of a specified kind or level. 4.
The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning, according to the American Heritage dictionary. Its etymology comes
from the
Latin word "educatio which means to bring up"1 But what does that tell us. It says to me that education is training not learning.
Education trains the youth into what society deems as a productive member. We are not educated to seek out what our interests are . We are educated
so we can produce things. The age more content...
It is stated nowhere. Education should be about becoming enlightened to the works of the world. I am not saying becoming a lawyer or a business
person is wrong or inimical. What I am saying is being a artist or philosopher is just as advantageous. In fact art and philosophy should be made
standard issue in schools. We all need to know how to think for ourselves. This is not an easy thing to accomplish, we would need more money for
schools in order to pay for teachers and materials. This would not completely solve the problem however.
We must change the way we think and take control of ourselves. It is essential that we not be lead blindly. It is time that we hold people accountable
for their actions. No longer are we be to lead by people just because they belong to a political party that we belong to. Instead we must be independent
in our thoughts. Most importantly education should be a tool not a crutch.
Education is defined in many ways, however, they all mean the same thing.
To be formed into the mold of a productive worker. What does this do for the world? Nothing, it creates another mindless drone to carry out the
work of its master. The people in power do not want this to change because it serves their purposes. We must change or over time we will lose our
ability to think for ourselves. Then we are truly "dammed" to subservience. What type of life could that ever be? A life in which we could not
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Argument Evaluation Essay
Argument Evaluation Essay: commercial Clash of Clans uses ethos were as Samsung uses logos to convince you to buy there product .Clash of Clans
uses Liam Neeson well known face to promote their product.Samsung's commercial uses facts about their phone to convince you to buy their
product.Both of the commercials introduce their product from the very beginning of the commercial. In the Clash of Clans commercial you can tell
what the commercial is because in the beginning it show video games characters fighting.The Samsung commercial starts by introducing their product
and stating what it does.Both products are very similar because their both electronical products .The Clash of Clans product is a video games app
created for phones .Whereas
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Definition Of Evaluation Of Sr Essay
Purpose of Evaluation SR is a 45 year old, single, African American male, who lives with his family in an urban area of Columbus, GA. SR is
currently unemployed, but is on disability. SR is presenting to see if a higher level of care is needed for his presenting symptoms. A local
outpatient community service board referred SR, after a routine appointment with his outpatient therapist because of reported aggressive behaviors,
to include homicidal threats, with multiple plans, by his family. While at the appointment his outpatient therapist reports that the client was
rambling, having racing thoughts, rapid and frequent mood swings and severe paranoia. SR reports that he is easily agitated and has anger
outbursts that accompany his mood swings. He also reports severe bouts of depression that leads to decrease in sleep and appetite, as well as
helpless, hopeless, and worthless feelings. Client reported feeling like people were talking about him, and laughing at him, while at home with his
family, he also feels that his family are out to get him, and his money, onset, x2 weeks. SR also reported current active homicidal ideations on 10
/31/16 with a plan to shoot his friend who stole money from him. Client reports onset for H/I was 10/29/16. SR has no previous homicidal attempts.
Per family, SR is very impulsive and spends his money on gambling and drugs. SR also has a 15 year addiction to cocaine, which he feels he can't kick.
SR has tried to stop in the past, but he always
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Measurement and Evaluation
In this assignment we seek to bring out the definitions of assessment which is later broken down to continuous assessment and coursework. The
substantial similarities and differences are highlighted in the essay on ways to differentiate continuous assessment and coursework. Various advantages
and disadvantages will be highlighted and explained of how continuous and coursework are useful to the student and the teacher. Assessment can be
seen to affect the three different domains as put forward by Bloom, which are the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain. Cognitive domain in
assessment is associated with the process of knowledge and understanding. While the affective domain applies to the characteristics such as attitude,
motives, more content...
| |Business Theory |100 |5.0 | |Information Technology + Mathematics |50 |2.5 | |African Studies |50 |2.5 | |Coursework Aggregate |200 |10.0 | |3 Studio
Project work | |Project 1 |0 |0.0 | |Project 2 |50 |2.5 | |Project 3 |50 |2.5 | |Project 4 |50 |2.5 | |Project 5 |50
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Evaluation and supervision are the core processes in determining standards and maintaining quality in education. The assumption is they enhance
teacher's performance and boost the learners' achievements. Evaluation is a function of policy while supervision administrative tools. This paper is
focussing on the definitions, types, purposes, roles, differences and similarities of these two key processes. It will also look at why the two are
necessary in any education system and what problems are associated with each of them.
Evaluation Defined
Chivore (1994:2) defines evaluation as a "rational enterprise which examines the effects of policies, projects and programmes on their targets–
individuals, institutions, communities". A systematic more content...
Van Staden (2000:12) says that theschool–based supervisor should be approachable, be sympathetic and have empathy, be a good listener, be decisive,
be a motivator of people, be very patient, create a feeling of trust in others, and be a strong leader. Chivore (1995:38) states that there are key areas in
education that need supervision. These area are: class activities and inspecting of exercise books, schemes and planning books, accuracy of mark
schedules after tests, administering of written work, checking on attendance registers, providing basic and necessary facilities, maintaining enough and
modern buildings, maintaining the general cleanliness of school grounds and buildings, staff developing teachers, attending to disciplinary matters of
pupils and teachers, making proper budgets, allocating resources according to school policy, recruiting new staff (trained and untrained), and
monitoring tasks and activities. All these contribute to the quality of teaching and learning in a school.
Evaluation approaches
Gatawa (1990: 60) both supervision and evaluation have approaches that are similar in nature. He has identified five curriculum evaluation approaches
namely bureaucratic evaluation, autocratic evaluation, democratic evaluation, norm–referenced
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Performance Self Evaluation Essay
In this paper I critically reflect on five different self–assessments: locus of control (LOC), emotional intelligence (EI), listening self–inventory, team
member type and conflict management. Throughout my discussion, I focus on their correlations and apply the gathered information to my work–life
experiences. I will also provide a systematic assessment of each of these questionnaires. This evaluation will address any possible weaknesses I had
found within the tests and prepare my final conclusions based upon those final educated results.
Locus of Control & Emotional Intelligence Relationship: I scored moderate on the LOC, (specifically internal LOC) and EI assessments. When
evaluating these two tests I found more content...
When I look back to rough days they were generally caused because I would blame an alternative to myself. For example, in my business 100
project we had one member who would not help. I was frustrated and attributed him for our poor mark. I now know I should have fired him and split
up his work with the rest of the team instead of leaving it to last minute. I should have taken control of my own fate and reasoned with the emotions I
was feeling at that moment. Today I feel that I have a much stronger EI and my LOC is improving subsequently.
Critical Discussion on the Emotional Intelligence Self–Assessment:
The correlation between these two surveys was clearly apparent and understandable. However, I believe my moderate score in EI in the workplace is
actually quite low. Working at a pharmacy for over two and half years I feel that I have maintained a very high level of EI as per Mayer et al's (2003)
definition: "set of skills concerned with the processing of emotion–relevant information and measured with ability–based scales" (p. 97). I have been
extremely fustrated at times but I have always kept my composure in front of the customers. Almost all of our clientel is coming to pick up medication
for their depression, sickness, pain and/or anger symptoms. Thus, the people in good mindsets are few and far between. I started this job wanting to
become a pharmacist but after working in this environment I knew that was not an
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Evaluation Of A Program Evaluation Essay

  • 1. Evaluation Of A Program Evaluation Essay PROGRAM EVALUATION In order to determine the effectiveness of the program and the level of participant satisfaction, Kingsley Manor will collect and analyze data with the aim of answering the following questions: (1) Will an onsite wellness program increase the wellness and health related uality of life for older adults with Diabetes Mellitus Type II? (2) What participant specific characteristics predict increased or decreased benefit from participation in a wellness program? (3) Do older adults with Diabetes Mellitus Type II perceive changes in function, health, wellness or quality of life related to participation in a wellness program? (4) How satisfied are older adults with Diabetes Mellitus Type II with a wellness program that incorporates educational and exercise sessions? This study will use the following Operational definitions: 1.Older adult: person aged 65 or older 2.Diabetes Mellitus Type II (DMT2): a chronic disease due to progressive insulin secretory defect on the background of insulin resistance diagnosed by A1C or plasma glucose criteria (ADA, 2015) 3.Wellness: "an active, lifelong process of becoming aware of choices and making decisions toward a more balanced and fulfilling life; wellness involves choices about our lives and our priorities that determine our lifestyles" (as defined by ASU, n.d.) 4.Health: "a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (as defined by WHO, 1946) 5. Get more content on
  • 2. The Program Oriented Evaluation Approaches Essay Activity 1 Chapter 6 (Page 153)–Objectives/Program–Oriented Evaluation Approaches (OOEA): 20 Points 1.In one sentence, describe the Objectives Oriented Evaluation Approach to program evaluation. The assessment is used to decide whether a program accomplishes the goals of the program and ensures stakeholders stay on task producing constantly improving results by inspecting all areas of the program, including determining needs, analyzing program costs, examining employee roles and their responsibilities, conducting an economic and efficiency audit, and deciding the next steps the program should undertake. 2.Take one program in your school district and describe how the OOEA Approach could be used to evaluate its efficacy. Westside Consolidated School District participates in the Summer Food Service Program that provides free meals for individuals aged eighteen and under. An experienced unbiased evaluator should lead the evaluation and preferable have experienced unbiased assistants (i.e. out of the district evaluators or evaluators with no direct contact or vested interest in the program). The evaluation should involve the inspection and understanding of the stated goals of the program (i.e. to provide meals to students eighteen and under in the summer). Stated goals should be analyzed to identify vague or redundant goals. A prior Risk Assessment Matrix is then used, modified or new one created to identify common issues of similar programs compared to the program Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Program Evaluation and Its Usefulness Program Evaluation Jackie Woodard Evaluation Methodology– HCS/549 December 6, 2010 Amer Kaissi Program Evaluation Program evaluation is a tool used for evaluating and assessing a program in place. This paper will describe program evaluation and how it can be useful for an organization wishing to determine the efficiency, effectiveness, and the impact of a program. Five of the most common program evaluation models will be introduced. A number of different models are used by those who evaluate programs. This paper will describe, in detail, the success case method for evaluations. Program Evaluation and Its Usefulness Program evaluation is a process of assessing whether a program is efficient, effective, and has an impact on its more content... Five Most Common Types of Program Evaluation Models The five most common types of program evaluations are ones that assess the program's efficiency, assess the program's design and theory, assess the program's impact on the community or end user, assess the program's process or implementation, and assess the need for the program. Success Case Model for Evaluation According to Brinkerhoff (1983), success case evaluation seeks qualitative information about a few subjects rather than seeking thinner, quantifiable data about many subjects. The success case model derives information from those participants who have benefited from the program according to the goals and objectives the program intends to have. This feedback may be helpful to others who have not benefitted as well from the program. "Success cases may be studies briefly through short interviews with a few trainees or through more elaborate approaches, such as work–sample analysis, records analysis and observation" (Brinkerhoff, 1983, para. 9). Some uses of the success case method are illustrating that the program has a positive impact, modifying and strengthening the program being evaluated, and building data collection methods to determine the extent of Get more content on
  • 4. Qualitative Research Evaluation Essay EVALUATION DATA RESEARCH Qualitative research seeks to answer the "why" and not the "how" of the research project that is being conducted, this is done through a complex system of analyzing unstructured information such as survey's , questionnaires, interviews, interview transcripts, open end survey's, focus groups, observations, emails, notes, video's, feed back forms and photo's; most of the time a qualitative report won't depend on statistical evidence alone it must be accompanied by detailed facts and proven facts and not hypotheses or in accurate data, this can lead to misunderstanding of data findings and can through the whole aim of the research project off and waste valuable time. A qualitative research project is mainly more content... According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) the purpose of the interview is to elicit information about and from the stakeholders experience, perceptions, and meanings, this is critical in a qualitative research project it helps to understand what is being asked of the stakeholder. Interview data also incorporates the stakeholders personal perspective, and gives confirmation of the data through direct observation, or from other stakeholders involved in the research project; by eliciting the input of observation data this helps to confirm to the researcher the intent of the stakeholder, it also shows their behavior, and their personal meaning. Documentary and artifactual data includes texts, photos, and other tangible items from the site that they are being collected from, analyzed and reviewed. By reviewing the documents artifacts and materials of a culture provides the researcher with an unobtrusive method of gaining information and may offer other forms of information that's unavailable from any other data source. According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) journals, artifacts, photo's and artwork may provide information of occurrences that have happened before the evaluators arrival. As in all research projects documents and artifacts include the perspective and the biases of their human creator, therefore each item must be considered Get more content on
  • 5. Peer Review Evaluation As a Spanish speaking native, I had difficulty with writing essays in English. I grew up taking English classes throughout all my school life, in Puerto Rico, but it was just basic level. My last English college course was with a US 5th grade book, so you can imagine how basic was that course. It was a drastic change from that type of course to this level of English Composition. This course, albeit short, has teaches me a lot about the mechanics and grammar that writing an essay entails. Before this course, I use to choose the topic, looked some of the information I needed it, and started writing without a goal or any definition, in terms of process. Now, I know that I have to choose the topic, do the research, develop a thesis statement, outline more content... When I first saw it as one of the task for the week, I was shock and didn't know what to do or how to do it. The guideline questions help me a lot to see what I normally wouldn't pay attention to. In evaluating my peers essay I learnt a lot about what I could do to better myself on my own writing, also I learnt to disconnect myself and evaluate my paper as of someone else written it. I was able to see different styles of writing and learn about different topics throughout these five weeks. Other advantage of peer review process is that the readers may not know anything about your topic, but by the time they finish it, they should understand what you're talking about, this gives you something to keep in mind when you are writing essay. One of the disadvantage of peer review that I could see is that we are all learning at the same time; and even though the suggestions, and comments might be well intendent sometimes they are not always accurate. We are all on the same boat, I apologize if I made any mistakes with my suggestions, and I appreciate all you guys help me during the peer reviews. This is a process that I'm going to use when I have to write a paper on my other courses from this day Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about Critical Thinking: Evaluation Critical Evaluation of an Academic Source Odetta Rodriguez Capella University Critical Evaluation of an Academic Source This paper is a summary of critical evaluation of the suitability of an article as an academic source. The title of the article is Critical Thinking: An Extended Definition. The author, Professor Ken Petress, analyzes various definitions of critical thinking and provides his definition of the concept as well. It is vitally important when performing research on a topic that we completely understand the topic and that we can apply certain tests or questions to the topic in order to determine its relevance and validity. Checklist for Critical Evaluation more content... Conceptual Foundation What are the main concepts presented in the article? What information is the author using, and what is its relationship to the main issue? Does the information used appear relevant, significant, valid, and sufficient for the conclusions being drawn? Do you have enough information to determine whether the information is relevant, significant, and valid? The main concepts presented in the article are the varying definitions of each author on the concept of critical thinking. The information the author uses are definitions which are the opinions of varied authors and are similar in foundation in that to apply critical thinking one must be able to identify a problem, pose a question(s), provide valid supporting evidence, and come to a conclusion. Although the author's definitions do not identify a problem, questions, evidence, or conclusions, the relationship Petress (2004) shows is that the reader must apply this process themselves as it is not always given. The information used does appear to be relevant, significant, and valid. The references the author listed does provide enough information for me to come to this conclusion. Since this work is a literature review and not a case study, numerical data are not necessary to determine validity of the information. Author's Get more content on
  • 7. Group Evaluation Essay As a group, it was important to us to have this in our FVC for a few reasons. One of the reasons for this was because we did not want any member to show up and be under the influence or complain the whole time. If this were to happen, we would have to deal with that problem which would take away time from working and would cause possibly a bigger problem. Profanity and complaining would not be tolerated also because that would then effect the environment and atmosphere of the work place. It can be assumed that with one of those problems occurring work would not be as efficient and scheduled as planned as we thought it would be. Thankfully, during the semester none of my group members complained or appeared to be under the influence more content... Even though there were problems with people pulling their own weight, I think that the outcome was great. We were able to create a program and without the other group members, it would not have been successful. I think it is important to keep in mind the end goal while going through some difficult stages with group members. Evaluation of Group Members This part of the paper will be about me and my peers and the grade that I think they deserve pertaining to their performance and attendance within the group. I will grade them based off of a focus on their participation, help with planning, attendance, and behavior. I think that these are crucial parts of "pulling your own weight" in order to help with the group as a whole. Katie Krasinski: A+. I believe I deserve this grade for a multitude of reasons. Immediately when we got the project, I along with Mike took some charge of the group. We wanted to meet as soon as we could so we could get a head start. As the semester continued and our group started getting more work to do, I feel that if participation went down extremely in our group. Some members would not show up, or would try to push back the dates we would meet just because they didn't feel like it. On the other hand, there I was clearing my busy day and plans to make time for the Get more content on
  • 8. Essay PROJECT PLANNING AND EVALUATION PROJECT PLANNING AND EVALUATION (under the Guidance and Supervision of Prof. Limuel C. Cirineo, Ed.D) I. INTRODUCTION: Before anyone is going to do something, there is nothing as sensible as planning. A plan as we know is something thought about and chalked out in advance before the real action takes place and is actually a recipe for success. But then, the word 'plan' does not need much of a definition. It has been used so much that it has become quite hackneyed. So, we all know what it means, but how many of us really resort to planning before we start a course of action. I'm not referring to a mental picture that we chart out in our minds that is in one word, vague. I mean a real plan in black and white, that is, put down on more content... This step–by–step process highlights each feasible step in the project management cycle. By appropriately incorporating each step of the model into the planning stage, managers can effectively forecast the deliverables and avoid losing value through accurately assessing the margins that will be produced in a given strategic initiative. The control cycle is an important part of quality control, and it not only verifies the delivery of good quality but also identifies gaps and failures that need to be addressed. Ultimately, it is a process that continuously evolves within the production process. In this phase, which is the third, I've learned four important steps: PLAN, DO, CHECK and ACT. 4. EVALUATION AND REFINEMENT (reported by: Ms. Bernarda T. Cudal) After listening to the reporter, I have realized that in the Process of Project Management Cycle, we should not set aside this very important stage: Evaluation and Refinement. It is a major part of learning, and can provide a wealth of useful information on the outcomes of a project or action, and the dynamics of those who undertook the work. Through the identification of the highlights and lowlights of the project, evaluation draws conclusions which can inform future decision making, and assist to define Get more content on
  • 9. Disadvantages Of Evaluation In Teaching Introduction Provus (1969:6) defined evaluation as "comparing performance against standard" which is done in most Mauritian schools. At the end of the year learners' results are compared to set standard to evaluate what they have learned throughout the year. There are different types of evaluation which are used in schools to evaluate learners; they are the placement evaluation, the formative evaluation, the diagnosis evaluation and the summative evaluation. More emphasis will be made on the formative, diagnosis and summative evaluation. Question 1 (a) Importance of the three types of evaluation in teaching and learning Diagnostic Evaluation "Diagnosis consists of identifying the nature of an illness or other problem through the examination of relevant symptoms. In education, a diagnostic test helps identify a student's learning problems so teachers can provide instruction to remedy those problems."W. James Popham educational leadership, March 2009) more content... This is important because it enable the teacher to know if the objectives have been met, if the diagnosis and formative assessments have been valuable and also for accountability to stakeholders as physical education is an examinable subject at school Certificate and Higher school certificate. It also provides feedback to stakeholders and parents as for them the most important evaluation is the summative one. This is confirmed by the definition given by Stephen Chappuis and Jan Chappuis (in Informative Assessment, 2008: 14–19), they defined Summative assessment as "assessment of learning, typically documents how much learning has occurred at a point in time; its purpose is to measure the level of student, school, or program success." It is also important to us teachers because the summative evaluation enable us to do a self–evaluation and see whether there are things to be improved in our way of Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Nutritional Assessment Nutritional Assessment Duane Daquioag NURS 225 WestCoast University Nutritional Self–Assessment Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. "It can be used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health complications" (CDC, 2015) but it is not a reliable source of information to get a person's body fatness or health of an individual. My BMI score is 24.4; to find that, I divided my weight in kilograms (70.9 kg) by the square of height in meters (2.9 m). HAMWI is used to calculate the ideal body weight of an individual based on their height and body frame (FitnessHealth101, 2016). To calculate for my ideal body weight I should add 6 pounds to every more content... January 27, 2016, it was the first day of nutrition class and this is my intake for that day: FOODS| Calories| Carbs| Fat| Protein| Cholest| Sodium| Sugars| Fiber| Lunch| Steak – All – 8 oz Ribeye Steak, 8 oz| 580| 0g| 46g| 42g| 150mg| 110mg| 0g| 0g| Fry's Large Eggs – Over Medium, 2 egg| 144| 0g| 10g| 12g| 338mg| 142mg| 0g| 0g| Eurest – Potato Wedges, 6 ounce| 182| 33g| 4g| 4g| 0mg| 610mg| 2g| 3g| Citavo– Hot Chocolate, 1 packet| 110| 24g| 1g| 2g| 0mg| 160mg| 21g| 1g| Dinner| Thai Spice and Sushi – Baked Lobster Sushi, 1 oz| 353| 37g| 18g| 14g| 56mg| 363mg| 0g| 9g| Generic Sushi – Baked Green Mussels, 6 mussels| 522| 33g| 37g| 19g| 190mg| 1,430mg| 10g| 1g| Tea – Tea, 1 cup| 50| 10g| 1g| 1g| 0mg| 0mg| 10g| 0g| Snacks| Dunkin Doughnuts – Jelly Filled, 1 doughnut| 270| 32g| 14g| 3g| 0mg| 330mg| 15g| 1g| Chobani Greek Yogurt– Bluberry, 150 g| 130| 19g| 0g| 12g| 5mg| 60mg| 15g| 1g| Cheetos – Cheetos Crunchy – Small Bag, 1 package (28.3 grams)| 150| 13g| 10g| 2g| 0mg| 250mg| 1g| 1g| Snapple – Drink, 1 bottle| 190| 46g| 0g| 0g| 0mg| 15mg| 45g| 0g| TOTAL: 2,681 247g 141g 111g 739mg 3,470mg 119g 17g I skipped breakfast that day because I always sleep in and I tend to skip breakfast everyday. After lunch I felt ok, did not feel sleepy or tired. The meal got me full and satisfied my hunger. Get more content on
  • 11. Evaluation Argument Barbara Eddins Introduction to Philosophy 102 Dr. Roberts February 28, 2013 The Substance to Life I feel like the two most important days of your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why you were born. There are all kinds of theories of how life is supposed to be. People believe all sorts of things of how life will be like. I feel like everyone in the world was put on this plant for a reason. We may not always know why we were put here but I think that is the goal in life to figure out why and be the best person you can be and to fulfill that goal. I think that the substance of like to believe and have faith in God. There is a fine line for believing in God. I think we all have to pray to find our purpose more content... When one door closes another one opens. I understand that everyone don't believe the same thing I do, nor will they ever. They believe that if there was a God so powerful why would let bad things happen, but that is where faith comes in. God says that he will never leave nor forsake you and I believe that will all of my heart. God is with you in the valley and on the mountain. God is with you even when you do not want him to be with you. He also loves you no matter what, even if you don't love him. I know that everyone sins including me but that is why our God is so awesome because he forgives us for doing the bad things that we do in life. He lets us have freewill to choose what we want to believe. He does not make us believe in him but he wants us too. The purpose of life I believe is to get to Get more content on
  • 12. Module Evaluation Survey Introduction This individual report is based on a portfolio of evidence from our group project, from the initial research, through design, development and testing of a user–centred organisational system, in our case a university questionnaire designed to evaluate modules taught at the university, filled by the current students and based on their module–related experience. Aim of the project was to create user–friendly module evaluation survey containing the most relevant student experience data which results could be visible to students and also reviewed by the academic staff. This would provide them with an easy to understand module related feedback which can be used to deepen the understanding of how a certain module is perceived more content... Literature Review (a referenced critical review of the benefits and challenges of user–centred organisational systems including legal and ethical issues relating to user data.) Methods (a referenced description and justification of the methods used to gather user requirements and to design, develop and test your system. Explain your sample and ethical considerations. It should be possible to reproduce your work from your description of the methods) First step was to review the questionnaire prototype made by university. Intended users would be students and academic staff. Decision was made to create a Context of Use – wrote the actual conditions under which the survey will be used. Through further evaluation we identified the main requirement which was also a technical constraint – an electronic/online rather than paper–based survey which will have to be responsive on various devices. To select the most effective and relevant research design, the team used a so called "Research Onion" (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, Research Methods for Business Students, page 83, year 2015). As the most suitable research design for this project we selected the non–experimental because it can be carried out in natural environment and survey is one example of this type Get more content on
  • 13. Evaluation Essay : Architectural Engineering Abigail Gilsdorf Mrs. Van Lieu English 101 14 October 2015 Evaluation Essay: Architectural Engineering As a high schooler, I've been told repeatedly to find a career and stick to stick it. I've been pushed to figure out my life with very little to work off of. All I was given were interest tests and orders to use my hobbies as a base. Obviously, I didn't get very far with so little to work with and was always expecting the answer to just come to me. I suppose I have lucked out a bit and it did in a way. Thanks to my dad bouncing ideas with me, I started looking at civil engineering and architecture. In a combination of the two, I found architectural engineering. While I've looked over it repeatedly, I've yet to analyze it closely. So as my hopes and dreams have been pinned to it as of late, I'd like to analyze architectural engineering as a potential career to pursue. First off, the job of architectural engineers is fascinating. They're the ones that make all of the aspects of a building work together to make it art. While architects make a building visual art, architectural engineers make it functional art. With civil engineers and architects, they work as a team in making buildings structurally sound. Some may be in charge of designing the ventilation system where they can make it so the heating and air conditioning efficiently keep the building at the desired temperature. Others may design the electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems to be as effective in Get more content on
  • 14. Definition of Education Essay Definition of Education Education what is it? It is defined as: 1. The act or process of educating or being educated. 2. The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process. 3. A program of instruction of a specified kind or level. 4. The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning, according to the American Heritage dictionary. Its etymology comes from the Latin word "educatio which means to bring up"1 But what does that tell us. It says to me that education is training not learning. Education trains the youth into what society deems as a productive member. We are not educated to seek out what our interests are . We are educated so we can produce things. The age more content... It is stated nowhere. Education should be about becoming enlightened to the works of the world. I am not saying becoming a lawyer or a business person is wrong or inimical. What I am saying is being a artist or philosopher is just as advantageous. In fact art and philosophy should be made standard issue in schools. We all need to know how to think for ourselves. This is not an easy thing to accomplish, we would need more money for schools in order to pay for teachers and materials. This would not completely solve the problem however. We must change the way we think and take control of ourselves. It is essential that we not be lead blindly. It is time that we hold people accountable for their actions. No longer are we be to lead by people just because they belong to a political party that we belong to. Instead we must be independent in our thoughts. Most importantly education should be a tool not a crutch. Education is defined in many ways, however, they all mean the same thing. To be formed into the mold of a productive worker. What does this do for the world? Nothing, it creates another mindless drone to carry out the work of its master. The people in power do not want this to change because it serves their purposes. We must change or over time we will lose our ability to think for ourselves. Then we are truly "dammed" to subservience. What type of life could that ever be? A life in which we could not Get more content on
  • 15. Argument Evaluation Essay Argument Evaluation Essay: commercial Clash of Clans uses ethos were as Samsung uses logos to convince you to buy there product .Clash of Clans uses Liam Neeson well known face to promote their product.Samsung's commercial uses facts about their phone to convince you to buy their product.Both of the commercials introduce their product from the very beginning of the commercial. In the Clash of Clans commercial you can tell what the commercial is because in the beginning it show video games characters fighting.The Samsung commercial starts by introducing their product and stating what it does.Both products are very similar because their both electronical products .The Clash of Clans product is a video games app created for phones .Whereas Get more content on
  • 16. Definition Of Evaluation Of Sr Essay Purpose of Evaluation SR is a 45 year old, single, African American male, who lives with his family in an urban area of Columbus, GA. SR is currently unemployed, but is on disability. SR is presenting to see if a higher level of care is needed for his presenting symptoms. A local outpatient community service board referred SR, after a routine appointment with his outpatient therapist because of reported aggressive behaviors, to include homicidal threats, with multiple plans, by his family. While at the appointment his outpatient therapist reports that the client was rambling, having racing thoughts, rapid and frequent mood swings and severe paranoia. SR reports that he is easily agitated and has anger outbursts that accompany his mood swings. He also reports severe bouts of depression that leads to decrease in sleep and appetite, as well as helpless, hopeless, and worthless feelings. Client reported feeling like people were talking about him, and laughing at him, while at home with his family, he also feels that his family are out to get him, and his money, onset, x2 weeks. SR also reported current active homicidal ideations on 10 /31/16 with a plan to shoot his friend who stole money from him. Client reports onset for H/I was 10/29/16. SR has no previous homicidal attempts. Per family, SR is very impulsive and spends his money on gambling and drugs. SR also has a 15 year addiction to cocaine, which he feels he can't kick. SR has tried to stop in the past, but he always Get more content on
  • 17. Measurement and Evaluation In this assignment we seek to bring out the definitions of assessment which is later broken down to continuous assessment and coursework. The substantial similarities and differences are highlighted in the essay on ways to differentiate continuous assessment and coursework. Various advantages and disadvantages will be highlighted and explained of how continuous and coursework are useful to the student and the teacher. Assessment can be seen to affect the three different domains as put forward by Bloom, which are the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain. Cognitive domain in assessment is associated with the process of knowledge and understanding. While the affective domain applies to the characteristics such as attitude, motives, more content... | |Business Theory |100 |5.0 | |Information Technology + Mathematics |50 |2.5 | |African Studies |50 |2.5 | |Coursework Aggregate |200 |10.0 | |3 Studio Project work | |Project 1 |0 |0.0 | |Project 2 |50 |2.5 | |Project 3 |50 |2.5 | |Project 4 |50 |2.5 | |Project 5 |50 Get more content on
  • 18. Evaluation and supervision are the core processes in determining standards and maintaining quality in education. The assumption is they enhance teacher's performance and boost the learners' achievements. Evaluation is a function of policy while supervision administrative tools. This paper is focussing on the definitions, types, purposes, roles, differences and similarities of these two key processes. It will also look at why the two are necessary in any education system and what problems are associated with each of them. Evaluation Defined Chivore (1994:2) defines evaluation as a "rational enterprise which examines the effects of policies, projects and programmes on their targets– individuals, institutions, communities". A systematic more content... Van Staden (2000:12) says that theschool–based supervisor should be approachable, be sympathetic and have empathy, be a good listener, be decisive, be a motivator of people, be very patient, create a feeling of trust in others, and be a strong leader. Chivore (1995:38) states that there are key areas in education that need supervision. These area are: class activities and inspecting of exercise books, schemes and planning books, accuracy of mark schedules after tests, administering of written work, checking on attendance registers, providing basic and necessary facilities, maintaining enough and modern buildings, maintaining the general cleanliness of school grounds and buildings, staff developing teachers, attending to disciplinary matters of pupils and teachers, making proper budgets, allocating resources according to school policy, recruiting new staff (trained and untrained), and monitoring tasks and activities. All these contribute to the quality of teaching and learning in a school. Evaluation approaches Gatawa (1990: 60) both supervision and evaluation have approaches that are similar in nature. He has identified five curriculum evaluation approaches namely bureaucratic evaluation, autocratic evaluation, democratic evaluation, norm–referenced Get more content on
  • 19. Performance Self Evaluation Essay Introduction: In this paper I critically reflect on five different self–assessments: locus of control (LOC), emotional intelligence (EI), listening self–inventory, team member type and conflict management. Throughout my discussion, I focus on their correlations and apply the gathered information to my work–life experiences. I will also provide a systematic assessment of each of these questionnaires. This evaluation will address any possible weaknesses I had found within the tests and prepare my final conclusions based upon those final educated results. Locus of Control & Emotional Intelligence Relationship: I scored moderate on the LOC, (specifically internal LOC) and EI assessments. When evaluating these two tests I found more content... When I look back to rough days they were generally caused because I would blame an alternative to myself. For example, in my business 100 project we had one member who would not help. I was frustrated and attributed him for our poor mark. I now know I should have fired him and split up his work with the rest of the team instead of leaving it to last minute. I should have taken control of my own fate and reasoned with the emotions I was feeling at that moment. Today I feel that I have a much stronger EI and my LOC is improving subsequently. Critical Discussion on the Emotional Intelligence Self–Assessment: The correlation between these two surveys was clearly apparent and understandable. However, I believe my moderate score in EI in the workplace is actually quite low. Working at a pharmacy for over two and half years I feel that I have maintained a very high level of EI as per Mayer et al's (2003) definition: "set of skills concerned with the processing of emotion–relevant information and measured with ability–based scales" (p. 97). I have been extremely fustrated at times but I have always kept my composure in front of the customers. Almost all of our clientel is coming to pick up medication for their depression, sickness, pain and/or anger symptoms. Thus, the people in good mindsets are few and far between. I started this job wanting to become a pharmacist but after working in this environment I knew that was not an Get more content on