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Stress-free Website Redesign for
Search and Social
Dana Lookadoo
Join us on Twitter at #Mozinar
Questions or problems? Email
Dana Lookadoo . SEO Consultant
SEO Audits & Consulting
Website Re/design Strategy
Content Development
SEO & Social Media Training
Word-of-Mouth SEO — Optimize your online conversation . @YoYoSEO
What We’re Going to Cover
What to expect with a site redesign
Goal setting & data collection
Auditing the current site
Personas & surveying your audience
Keyword strategy, IA, content & design
SEO-friendly CMS & WordPress plugins
QA, testing & launch “gotchas”
Looking good in social
BONUS: Free Excel worksheets!
Plan Your Work. Work Your Plan!
Image Credit: Paul May’s SearchLove preso:
A Relaunch Takes Planning!
Dot Calm
Planning …
Project Management …
Process …
Perseverance …
Patience …
NO Percocet!
Mind Your Ps. Get your Q!
5 Steps to Dot Calm
Discovery & Data
Migration Variables
Gather all your facts BEFORE developers & designers
get their hands dirty with a redesign!
What’s going to change?
Image credit:
Panda Recovery
Get rid of poor quality
 410 the bad apples
Improve content on the
good pages.
 301 redirect weaker
pages to new pumped-
up pages.
A redesign changes
everything. Google sees
your site as "new!”
Less is Better!
Google Webmaster Checklist: How to Move Your Content to a New Location
Visitors Overview
(new & returning)
Browsers and OS
(desktop, tablet, mobile)
Map Overlay
(visitor locations)
Referring Sites
Keyword Referrals
Really? Yes + [not provided]
Webmaster Tools
(impressions, landing pages)
Baseline Metrics – Measure what’s valuable to your business.
Weekly Baseline
Google Doc for tracking key metrics on a weekly basis!
Pages Indexed . Organic Landing Pages . Organic Traffic . Not Found Errors . Server Errors . PR . DA . PA
Thank Annie Cushing! @AnnieCushing
Most Valuable Pages
Pageviews . Unique Pageviews . Avg. Time on Page . Entrances . Bounce Rate . % Exit . Page Value
People who converted looked at these pages.
Metrics… Metrics… Metrics…
Top Landing Pages . Social Impact . What people are Pinning
Compare multiple data points!
Visibility / Rankings
Most Popular Queries
Google Webmaster Tools – Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Positions
Most Popular Pages
Top Pages > Export CSV . Sort by Inbound Links, Page Authority, Linking Root Domains
Bonus Metrics: Status Codes, Facebook Shares/Likes, Tweets, Google+1s
Competitive Benchmarks
Competitive Social
Likes . Shares . Comments . Tweets
Social Activity
Organic Search Visits . Social Interactions & Followers . Links . Brand & Mentions
Hit by Panda? Penguin?
Page Analysis . Site Authority . Broken Links . Crawl Errors . Algo Hits
SEO Auditing
Use Headings for content structure.
Pages should be structured in a
hierarchical manner.
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 2
DO NOT use text formatting to achieve
visual (fake) evidence of structure.
Use lists correctly.
<ul>, <ol>, and <dl> also convey a hierarchical
content structure.
@lookadoo IIS SEO Toolkit . Webmaster Tools
& Crawl
“We’ve said that we do use
page speed in our rankings.”
Matt Cutts, August 29, 2013
GA Speed Suggestions
Content > Site Speed > Speed Suggestions
GA Tag Assistant
Sitemap Strategy
Large Site(maps)
This XML file does not appear to have any style information
associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<sitemapindex xmlns="">
Limitations Solution
NO more than
50K URLs per
Sitemap index
NO larger than
Submit Before (& After)
robots.txt – Sitemap:
Content Scrape
Status code
Canonical URL
Content Encoding
Content Length
Content Type
Content Type Normalized
Has Links
Has Violations
Is External
Last Modified
Linked By Count
Linking To Count
Time taken
Or . . .
Content / Asset Audit
From IIS SEO Toolkit or Screaming Frog
From SEO Team’s Brain
Know Your Audience!
• Background
• Demographics
• Psychographics
• Motivations/Needs
• Activities
• New/Returning Site Visitor
Survey clients, employees, and key stakeholders.
Customer-Driven Website Redesign
Give’em What They Want!
Massive Wish List
Identify your redesign goals and conversion events.
Site Structure & Content
Choosing the Right Terms
“The content you create
should be created as if
social, search, and email
do not exist.”
Keyword research is one of the most
valuable forms of research you can
do! It's an expression of people's
desires and problems.
Brian Clark @copyblogger
Beyond the new Google Keyword Planner…
Keyword Research
Demand. Relevancy. Intent.
Keyword Evaluation
Evaluate keyword demand, market, relevancy, searcher intent, buckets,
competition, SERPs, content strength. Map to SEO landing pages!
Image Credit: SEOGadget
New URLs?
Revised IA?
Map those
keywords to
Keyword Strategy Roadmap
Surviving a Site Migration [An SEO's Guide]
IA = The Blueprint
“What I think people
should spend time and
effort (and budget) on is
site architecture (which
includes mobile
responsiveness), then
content development
and management, and
finally community
~Kate Morris
Information Architecture (IA) is
the structurethat brings all your
website content assets together
while providing a flowfor your
visitors — in languagethey
use and understand.
Logical Categories
Like goes with like. Dare we say “Silos?”
Organization & Structure
Know Your Links
Maintain link
equity to
key pages by
home page links.
Inconsistent Hierarchy
Directory structure provides topical relevance signals.
People-Friendly URLs
People-Friendly URLs
IA Framework
Blog Hierarchy Planning
Blog Specs – Plan them out!
Content Planning Framework
Content Dos & “Don’ts
Avoid(when possible) Do (as much as possible)
Promotional “marketese” Concise, objective statements
State benefits & features.
“We” & “our” statements “You” statements speak to reader.
Lengthy, complex sentences that go on and on and on… Vary sentence length.
Try a few short sentences (syncopation).
Long paragraphs (more than 3-4 sentences) 1 idea per paragraph
Concise (50% word count) & scannable!
Starting paragraphs with prepositional phrases Start with the subject or key point clearly stated –
Passive voice
(Twerking dance moves were done by Miley Cyrus.)
Active voice
(Miley Cyrus demonstrated twerking dance moves.)
“List items” in sentences Break out into bullets, 3-5.
• Short
• Sweet
• Scannable!
Readers are asking, “Why should I care?”
 1 Big Idea
Generate curiosity.
 Specific
Use phrases most important to
content and audience.
 Grab attention
Give them a reason to read more.
Promise powerful benefits!
 <= 140 characters
Make it tweetable!
 Answer… “So what?”
Magazine-Like Headlines
Image Credit:
“Today Apple reinvents the phone!”
“MacBook Air. The world’s thinnest notebook”
“The new iTunes store. All songs are DRM-free.”
SEO Notations
Integrating SEO into the Project Process
Visual Design
Learn basic color theory,
typography & design!
C.R.A.P. Design
Design for Readability
“I’m increasingly of
the opinion that all
pages designed to
contain long-form
copy that is supposed
to be read should be
designed with
readability as the
#1 priority.”
~Will Critchlow
Distilled’s recent responsive design with Readability Checklist
No Flash!
How to Convince a Client They Don't Need a Splash Page
No Frames!
No Music!
How to Convince a Client their Site Doesn't Need Music
“Would you be worried if 30% of your customers
walked in and then directly out of your store?”
Image credit:
4 of 5 Facebook Users Visit via Mobile
,, ÷   
Per Day!!!
“Google recommends webmasters follow the industry
best practice of using responsive web design,
namely serving the same HTML for all devices
and using only CSS media queries to decide
the rendering on each device.”
Building A Better Responsive Website:
Digital Asset Design
Digital Asset Design
Quality Images Go Viral
“17 Of The
Most Viral
Photos in
No Clipart!
Kills trust and authority!
Site-Wide “Boosters”
Internal Search
Language / Country
Social Buttons
Little things are big things to your visitors & increase conversions!
Social Media Assets
The Ridiculously Exhaustive Social Media Dimensions Blueprint
Site Development
Team Work!
AVOID: “I.T. said they don’t have time to implement redirects right now.
Get back to them in 6 months.”
<true story>
Specs / Requirements Doc
Goals . IA / SEO Elements . Functionality . Wireframes . Design . Schema . Analytics
Bad robots & good people can still get in robots-protected areas. Add security!
Only 1 version of each URL, especially home:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc]
rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc]
301 Redirects
Large or e-commerce site?
Set automation rules.
No time for 1-to-1 redirects?
Redirect top (key) pages.
Redirects Worksheet
410 – No Forwarding Address
Image credit:
SEO-Friendly CMS
Open Source
General (Settings > General)
Site Title: Your Blog Name
Tagline: Keyword-Rich Description Offering Your Benefits and UVP
Update Services: (Settings > Writing)
Permalinks (Settings > Permalinks) – For URL hierarhcy
Common Settings > Custom Structure: /%category%/%postname%/
Get rid of (delete) the Uncategorized default category!
with or
“Selecting the first 2 words for your page titles is probably the highest-impact
ROI-boosting design decision you make in a Web project!” ~Jacob Nielsen
Only for
blog posts
Take More Control!
WordPress Plugins - Core
Plugin Learn More…
WordPress SEO by Yoast
Google Analytics for WordPress
Digg Digg
FD Feedburner
Online Backup for WordPress
Not the Mother of All Lists
Plugin Learn More…
Jetpack by
W3 Total Cache
AuthorSure (or)
Custom About Author
WordPress Editorial Calendar
Follow and Subscribe
Responsive Slider
Yoast Local SEO ($69)
Yoast Video SEO for WordPress ($69)
Structured Markup
Facebook Open Graph (OG) protocol
and specify what to
display in Facebook and Google+.
SERPS and microdata (RDFa)
“influence” how search engine
results display –> Rich Snippets in
Google and Bing.
Maximize CTR in SERPs and social with microdata!
Schema – NAP +
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<a itemprop="url" href=""><div
itemprop="name"><strong>Your Company, Inc.</strong></div>
<div itemprop="description">Your Company specializes in in
the local geographic area.</div>
<div itemprop="address" itemscope
<span itemprop="streetAddress">7890 Tommy Tutone Drive, Ste.
<span itemprop="addressLocality">Jenny, </span>
<span itemprop="addressRegion">CA </span>
<span itemprop="postalCode">95309</span>
<span itemprop="addressCountry"> USA</span><br>
<span itemprop="telephone">(555) 876-5309</span>
Video – XML Sitemap
You can specify pages from different sites in one
Add it to robots.txt.
Submit to Google Webmaster Tools.
Bing will find it via your robots.txt.
> 50,000 entries?
Use index files for multiple sitemaps.
Wistia wins the award for Best Survey! IMHO
Open Graph & Video
“Adding them
(OG tags) around
video does a good
job to help them
show up as rich
snippets in SERPs.”
~Chris Savage, Wistia
@lookadoo for Videos
 Try to break the site!
 Broken links – Xenu
 Multiple browsers
 Mobile
 Accessible – W3C
 New Domain?
Keep both active.
 Mail Server?
 Secure Login Areas?
 Notify users!
 503 (Service Unavailable)
 Remove robots.txt Disallow.
 Update/submit XML
 If new domain, add/verify
site in Google Webmaster
 Fill out a change of address
in Webmaster Tools.
 Check Google Analytics
(added/uncommented) &
conversion tracking (goals).
 Check Header Response
 Keep track of crawling
errors to detect 301 redirect
problems and 404 errors.
Quality Assurance / Testing
Thank Webmaster Tools
 Check those 404 errors
 Check indexation
BEWARE of the unknowns…
Test & Monitor
Document QA Testing. Keep SEO/Developers Log. Annotate Google Analytics.
Launch & Promote
Crawler Control
User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /wp-includes
Disallow: /wp-content/plugins/
Block Internal Search!
<meta name="robots"
content="noindex, follow">
And… be on the lookout for 404s!
Link Reclamation / Outreach
Open Site Explorer . Majestic SEO . Webmaster Tools . Analytics: Top Referrers
Or . . .
Enterprise – Advanced Filters
Get up to 100,000 links using OSE Advanced Filters!
Local Listings
Rankings may drop, but…
Throw an online party with EPIC content & promotion!
“The search industry is
going to eventually
merge into marketing.
It’s already part of
marketing, but folks
don’t recognize it as
such. That’s going to
change, a lot, and
~Ian Lurie
Looking Good in Social
Structured Social Sharing Formula
Akvile Harlow . @AkvileHarlow . @listperation
Facebook Timeline Photos
As of 9/16/13…
og:image size:
Min. = 560x292
<title>Matt Cutts - Google+ - Google Play is celebrating
its birthday with a whole week…</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Google Play is
celebrating its birthday with a whole week of free and
discounted downloads.">
Put most
keywords in 1st
40 characters.
Front Load. Front Load. Front Load Keywords (if it’s natural)!
Google+ Post Meta Tags
SERP Snippet
Post Meta Tags
Social Control
Planning & Tagging
Add UTM tracking variables to track social traffic!
Google Authorship
Get your
personal Google
profile photo
to show in the
search results!
Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet 2.0
Open Graph . Twitter Cards . Google+ Authorship . Google+ Publisher
“For those of you considering
whether you need an SEO for
your domain migration, the
answer is…
“Yes, yes you do!”
The same goes for a redesign,
CMS migration, hosting
migration, and any URL
changes, and content planning!”
~Ruth Burr, Moz
Z Z Z Z Z. . .
Twitter: @lookadoo . @YoYoSEO
Find this recorded #Mozinar and slide deck at very soon!
Link Bundle:

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Stress-free Website Redesign for Search and Social - Mozinar

Editor's Notes

  1. Been doing SEO for &gt;10 years, started with a background in Web development, taught Web Design at Cal State Monterey Bay… bla, bla, blaYellow bracelet? I’m a cyclist!
  2. Every now and then your website needs a refresh. Maybe it’s a rebranding (SEOmoz to Moz)Moving to a new Content Management System (CMS)Or the site looks like it was built in 1996.A redesign can be a huge success – or it could fail terribly. The point of redesigning a website is not just to make it look better but to make it more user-friendly, increase its traffic and visibility in the search engines, and to engage your audience. You want something people will share in social media.Ruth Burr – Domain Migration from to* Prepare your existing site for a relaunch/migration* Secure your existing content, rankings and linking assets for the move* Manage analytics, webmaster tools and baseline reporting* Identify responsibilities and action items for SEMs in the software development life cycle* Implement post-launch tactics and strategies* Manage your digital assets in the new environment* Follow post-launch metrics* Reduce and explain the fluctuation impact in the search engines
  3. If you&apos;ve lived through a site redesign or are about to embark on migrating your site, you know that planning and strategy are key to successful implementation and to not falling off a cliff! You need to spend a lot of time in the planning phase! Project Management – Redesigning a website is a lot like building a house. The best way to success is optimizing before you begin publishing.Credit Paul May’s preso at SearchLove - Content Promotion and Outreach for Links
  4. Week after I spoke at SMX West - SEO Essentials For Your Website MigrationMeg Geddes – client from hellPlan time to plan!!
  5. BEWARE: You can expect a loss of rankings, but if you follow the right process you won’t need drugs!
  6. You can expect loss of rankings for 2-4 weeks to 3 months, possibly a couple months if you change everything.If you do it right, in the long-term you’ll get more qualified traffic.
  7. #1 is your Discovery PhaseMake sure the SEO team is involved PRIOR to letting the designers even scratch anything out on napkins!The designer usually starts with a site architecture or wireframe. Make sure the SEO team is kept in the loop as the wireframe is being created or anytime it changes, to make sure any architecture issues are caught before the site is developed and along for the ride at launch and after.
  8. Knowledge is power
  9. What&apos;s going to change? What&apos;s going to be new?Design - You may be launching without redesigning a site.URL - Insure the old URLs are redirecting, one-to-one. Make sure they are search- and people-friendly.IA structure - Make sure the information architecture is themed and logicalContent - You&apos;ll need engaging content with titles and meta descriptions that are informative and encourage click through.Plugins &amp; functionality - Different plugins - may not be the same in the new CMSKey takeaway: Gather all your facts BEFORE developers &amp; designers get their hands dirty with a relaunch. 
  10. Hit by Panda, a redesign is a good way to have Google see everything as new!!Low-quality pages on your site can have an impact on your whole domain. Remove it or reduce it. OPPORTUNITY!
  11. Stole graphic from Ruth Burr’s preso. Try to change as little as possible. 301s do not pass social value!Outside of the redesign, you want everything on your site to stay the same if possible. Same page titles, meta tags and content, including any links within the content and alt text on images. A lot of SEO’s will argue that metas don’t matter when it comes to rankings, but I like to play it safe and leave everything the same, even the most minor things. A redesign is a drastic change in the code that the search engines read, so I recommend that if you want to make changes to the on-page SEO, you give your new site a little time to acclimate first.
  12. Time to collect some dataAddressed GA as part of demographic research earlier. Use analytics &amp; webmaster tools to know how people are using your site.Get the Visitors Overview report from an unfiltered profile. Look at new &amp; returning visitors.Based on analytics, what percentage of visitors are desktop vs. tablet vs. mobile?Are you seeing different trends per device? For example, are mobile users more likely to use the contact form? Are tablet users viewing more pages overall?What are the core needs of people coming to your site? Are there different use cases?
  13. There’s so much more. Prioritize!Landing Pages, Social metrics and their contribution to conversionsPinterest web analytics - See what people are pinning from your website.Anything you can measure is a metric.
  14. Moving into visibility… How are you doing online? Oh, yes, rankings matter. But know that with personalized search, not everyone sees the same – a sample site who is not a client
  15. For what terms are you displaying?Google Webmaster Tools stats: most popular pages such as impressions, click-throughs, and average position.Low CTR helps you see what pages need some help with their Titles and Meta Descriptions!
  16. Know which pages are the most important? Which pages have the most links? Start with what Google thinks are your top pages
  17. See which pages have the most links. You’ll want to take good care of them!Majestsic SEO, OSE has a &quot;Top Pages&quot; tab for the root domain. Both tools are free. OSE requires a paid version to download the CSV and see social sharing data.Bing Webmaster Center - very detailed error reporting, link detail with the anchor text,Google Webmaster Tools also lets you do this... Shows you most linked to content – Links to Your Site under Search TrafficGoogle Analytics shows referral traffic, 404 Discovery, check to see which pages are broken or need to be 301ed
  18. How do you stack up across the board? What’s your market share?
  19. Who’s strongest in social?
  20. Social Visibility - You can also setup a spreadsheet to track fans and followers, a KPI
  21. Have an idea of your site’s overall visibility. And it’s all super pretty and broken down with Moz Analytics!
  22. It’s all part of the pre-op process – in traction!You may find 3 or more versions indexed and/or legacy URLs from a former CMS that have never been properly redirected. CLEAN UP YOUR SITE! This is most important for bigger sites, especially enterprise-level and e-commerce domains where there are multiple departments and little prioritization from the dev team – before surgery!
  23. Requires access to Google Analytics
  24. Do an SEO Audit to determine what needs to be cleaned up! No one tool paints full picture!SEOBook Toolbar, Web Developer Toolbar (like it best in ChromeMozbar shows quick overview – Firefox &amp; Chrome.Xenu for broken link checking.
  25. Browseo sees your pages like a search engine. Good for quick auditHighlights parts of pages relevant to SEO.Internal and external links can be highlighted separately on the page, as can links with the rel=”nofollow” attribute.Server response codeIs the URL redirected? If so, what kind of redirect is used?Number of words on the pageHeadings (H1-H6)Number of internal links on the page (links to pages on the same domain)Number of external links on the pageMETA information such as title tag, meta description, meta robots tag and any other tags that are presentTASK: Highlight long description, ellipsis in Preview, Links
  26. No headings as design elements!
  27. IIS &amp; Bing Webmaster toolsFetch as Googlebot– webmaster tools302s – Why the heck would you temporarily redirect a page? FIX NOW!You want to know your crawl errors up front. Fix them now if you can. They lower your overall site authority and may use up some of your crawl budgetMoz Analytics has this for PRO members
  28. Watch Your Speed! Identify areas of the site that need to be improved in the - get a video capture and timeline of speed. Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox and Chrome with Yslow
  29. PageSpeed Insights - Let Google tell you directly.
  30. Chrome Plugin - Tag Assistant helps to troubleshoot installation of various Google tags - Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, etc.Automatically validates the implementation of Google tracking scriptsGrey icon with an &apos;x&apos; - no code was found on the pageGreen indicator - valid tag was found. # in icon indicates # of tags foundBlue indicator - suggestions on improving overall tagging healthYellow indicator – tag found w minor implementation issuesRed indicator - tag was found w critical implementation issues
  31. First, check to make sure there is one! This is one area to do BEFORE a redesign to ensure all your pages are crawled.And it has to be error-free. Bing – low threshhold – devalue if &gt;1% of URLs result in errors.The Bing Sitemap Plugin is an open source server-side technology that takes care of generating XML Sitemaps compliant with Screaming Frog – paid but worth it!Used to recommend GSiteCrawler, but they are down. WordPress and many CMSs generate their own XML sitemapsGoogle Wiki of various sitemap generators: Google’s Sitemap Generator NOTE: We have no plan to enhance Google Sitemap Generator in a short term, and we encourage the community to contribute to this project.
  32. Limited to 50K URLs per sitemap. Use an index.AJ Kohn has a good article.Vanessa Fox - Metrics perspective: it may make sense to keep content types separated. When you submit an XML Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools, you can see a report of the total number of URLs in the Sitemap and the number of those URLs indexed. File must have opening and closing sitemapindex tag.Rather than submitting multiple sitemap files individually, the sitemap index file makes it easier to submit several sitemap files of any type all at once.
  33. In GWT, got to Crawl &gt; Stiemaps &gt; Add/Test Sitemap. In Bing: Configure My Site &gt; SitemapsPut a reference to your main XML file in your robots.txt! This is where Google and Bing look. The same goes for your video sitemap file, or put that in your index.
  34. Export URLs from IIS SEO Toolkit to get a CSV scrape of the site to build a content audit. Caveat: It only runs on Windows and can be a little tricky to install. It’s Screamingfrog hangs up with large sites, but it’s good for finding duplicate content.
  35. Digital asset audit – I like to use IIS SEO Toolkit for this
  36. Identify 3-5 personas with usability tests, surveys and keyword analysisSEOmoz Search SPAM game at PubCon 2009
  37. …and give them a name and faceYour full team needs to understand that your audienceis the center of your website designand content development.Come see me at PubCon for more!
  38. Select a cross section of clients, employees, media for surveys - via website, email, phone. Key stakeholders and employees are your customers, too!Get the C-Suite involved – internal surveys. 1) look and layout of the current site 2) ease of navigation 3) ability to find the information 4) overall content
  39. What information do you need most from our website – internally &amp; externally.How can the website address their questions and concerns? How can we compel them to buy, complete a contact form, or call us? Clicktools: Integrates with Salesforce – high-end, paidSurvey Monkey: On-site or email surveys, free Instantly (formerly Survey Builder): Free survey builder for web &amp; mobile insights – instant feedback
  40. Answers from internal worksheets &amp; questionnaires -&gt; wish list
  41. Brian Clark’s process: Content &gt; Social &gt; Search &gt; Email &gt; Sale5Cs of Content Creation1. Context - What&apos;s the journey you are trying to create?Find out problems and desires, make them the hero, help them on their journeyProblems and desires are on social media. Keyword research is one of the most valuable forms of research you can do. It&apos;s an expression of people&apos;s desires &amp; problems.You can see the attitudes and opinions expressed on social - Hashtags Getting sense of what the temperature is on a certain topic.Due diligence in the marketplace
  42. The Oxford Hotel in Bend, OR understands this. They spoke to their audience outside of search and social and on a card next to the pillows! Thinking about the audience!
  43. LOVE the new keyword planner. This is not a talk on how to do keyword research…Google Trends, Google Suggest – Ubersuggest, Topsy, SEOBookTopsy’s also a good tool to monitor the chatter about your site, your social movement.Moz Keyword Difficulty Tool (PAID) to download – good for knowing the SERPs! Which is where you want to spend much of your time.Bing - All query volumes and keyword suggestions are based on organic search, not on paid search.
  44. Keywords that are in demand. If you cannot compete, then brand for generic!Consider demand of the term. How relevant it is to your page. Searcher intent.nhcpenryn – 40, $0.00 – KW Difficulty 1% new hope church – 9,900, $0.61 – KW Difficulty 37% - DON’T GO THERE!
  45. This is just one worksheet we use out of a plethora of data you collect from the tools.AdGroup: From the Google AdWords Keyword Planner or competitor keywordsCount is Exact by default, even if it reads &quot;Broad.&quot;Most Relevant: Rate from 0-5 to identify terms that are relevant to audience. 5=Most Relevant.0=Not ApplicableThen filter/sort to only work on relevant terms.Searcher Intent: Nav - Navigational, looking for site., Info - Informational, researching, how to, Trans - Transactional, looking to buy, make final buying decision, to download, subscribePriority: Low, Med, High - This helps determine how much effort to place on creating content and links for phrase.Buckets: used to segment terms - by category &amp;/or intent/visitor type.Other segments to categorize:- Brand terms, - Long-tail terms (low volume, high converting), - Misspellings, - CostAdd conditional coloring to buckets.Competition: Who is ranking for phrase?SERP listings (News, Shopping, Music, Real Time, Image, Google Authorship image), Knowledge Graph, Image CarouselContent Support: Does site have content to support keyword phrase? Strong, WeakDon&apos;t map keywords that do not match content. Aim for 2 primary keyword phrases for each page &amp; 2 secondary, if enough content to support. Map top keywords to no more than 3 pages.Primary, Secondary or Supporting Content: Identify if phrase is a Primary or Secondary term for SEO targeting or if term could be used throughout site as related content or blog.NOT SHOWN: Impressions, CTR, Position from GWT
  46. Surviving a Site Migration by Richard BaxterContent has to be targeted to the users… Prioritize content based off consumer demand.Use the language of your customer!Which keywords? Look at industry trends, analytics, site search logs, webmaster tools, competitor keywords, related sites, social media, data from within your organization – customer services &amp; sales.
  47. Strategic e-architecture, the Frank Lloyd Wright of web design
  48. URLs &amp; Directory Structure, Page Titles, Keywords, Quality Content, Links &amp; Anchor Text
  49. Your IA is like the roots of an oak tree… 7-9’ deep. It has to go deep to support a growing site
  50. Head Keywords on primary SEO pages, long-tail terms further down the hierarchy, match keywords with audience needs, and the types of content on the page.Cluster / Theme Content into Buckets,Target Audience, Content with Keywords, Calls to ActionInformation Architecture is NOT just a site map.It’s NOT just classification, labels, navigation, wireframes, design, HTML 5… The navigation should also be designed using CSS instead of images so the search engines can read the text of the links.
  51. Like items go together. Put the most important (most often eaten) pages up front, on top.
  52. Directories – parent / child relationship. DO NOT put everything into the root.Plan logical categories with an internal linking structure to send PageRank to most important pages.
  53. Do not launch to find an entire section is only linked to from deep pages &amp; not from the home page anymore! Site architecture should be designed for usability first, but it’s also important to create main navigation w only most important URL’s. More URL’s in the navigation, more diluted the links become. If a page has 2-3 links going to other pages of the site, the amount of “link equity” that page has available to spread to those links is high. If you place 25 links on that page, each of those links gets a much smaller fraction of the “link juice.” Make sense?
  54. Probably a CMS limitation
  55. Use keywords, human-readable URLs. Be consistent in use of – or underscore as separator. Prefer hyphen – more readable
  56. Page names
  57. Page names are one of the “signs” on the path that let’s users know where they are. Your IA needs clear navigation and labels to send search engines and visitors to the right place!So you have your website goals, understanding of your audience, your keyword research, your site outline…Hhow do you plan all this?
  58. Worksheet for workflow…You want to make sure that the architecture is designed in a way that doesn’t put pages too deep into the site. It’s generally recommended to go no further than two or three levels, for example Anything deeper than this can be difficult to get indexed and ranked by the search engines.
  59. Plan our your blog on a separate worksheet.I normally nofollow tags, mainly because when those pages show up in SERPs, they don’t have a lot of value. Best practice is to think of tags like a recipe for what’s on the page and not duplicate any of your main categories
  60. Worksheet
  61. When writing Web copy, always remember it’s not about you. It’s about them!Your readers are asking themselves one question…Why should I care?
  62. Apple headlines are an excellent example to follow.
  63. Great Examples Of Wireframes For Web DesignTools - creates a wireframe from a site.Balsalmiq - - rapid prototyping tools
  64. Get designers and SEOs to review wireframes BEFORE developers even see them!Make your SEO notations on the wireframes to provide them with the basis for title tags, heading tags, alt text on images, not using Javascript to create menus, analytics, XML sitemaps.And tell them nice things like “You look nice today!”
  65. Learn the basics of typography and design!! Required reading for the whole world!Contrast – use strong, bold face for headings. Add contrast with strong bullets. Contrast can give focus – imagine black dots w 1 red dot.Repetition – repeat elements: heading, footers, etc.Alignment – Create a strong flush left alignment in text, no centered text. All bullets align, etc.Proximity – move like elements close together, group elements
  66. Is the font big enough? (information architects recommends 100% – i.e. the browser default size)Do the column widths allow for around 10-15 words per line?Are the lines spaced widely enough? (information architects recommends 140% leading)Is it high contrast without glare? (information architects benchmark: #333 on #fff)Is it left-aligned? (the eye is drawn back to the flat left-hand side)Is there a larger gap between paragraphs than between lines?Is the amount of clutter minimised as far as possible?Are fonts kept to a minimum? (ideally no more than 2, max 3)Does it stay readable on mobile devices?
  67. No Flash splash page or elements. Who downloads the plugin anymore??Thanks to Tony Dimmock of the UK for this example by B.U.M. Equipment.2006 article by Oatmeal on Moz
  68. Seen in the wild! You can’t make this stuff up!
  69. and an ugly website and hidden text!
  70. Music autoplay
  71. You build a single website, with one set of code, and that website automatically adapts to fit any screen size.Mobile Web traffic growing at 78% per year. August 2013: 80% of daily users log on via smartphone or tablet.
  72. When Baines &amp; Ernst saw that mobile usage was on the rise, it launched a mobile-optimized site. Maintaining content on two sites proved inefficient though, so the company used responsive web design (RWD) to build a single site serving all devices and sizes of screen. On mobile devices, pages per visit have since increased 11%, average visit duration has risen 30% and bounce rate has registered an 8% decrease, while mobile conversions have grown an impressive 51%.Airbnb using a good example of doing mobile site properly but opportunities to improve. Good to sign in using Facebook.Target - good desktop and mobile. Good usability and conversionProduct page focused on product image and no text. Enter zip, and they figure out city and state. Pay screen - only ask for credit card # and name.Allow people to collect to the full desktop version. If they have a large tablet, they may want desktop - ask wrong way and have to chose the card time. 1st choices are not common to most people.
  73. Stephen Pavlovich, Conversion Factory at Distilled SearchLoveWithin two years, 1 in 4 sales are expected to come from a mobile device. But most companies aren’t ready for this. They think it’s enough to have a mobile site but haven’t started to optimize it for conversion.The Guardian - Facebook: 4 out of 5 daily users log on via smartphone or tablet
  74. Use a wide business card as a template. You have to focus on broad brush. Use fat tip Sharpie.Adobe Reflow - Responsive designThe “mobile-first” approach to responsive design is not a new idea. Start with content &amp; only deliver content mobile users will need.Smashing Magazine – article covers goals, data, responsive navigation
  75. You want Irresistible visuals - powerful color, aesthetic balance, sleek texture, dynamic lighting ,compelling graphics.Images that will be pinned on Pinterest
  76. Unless your employees were stock photography models!Thank Charlene Goodwin, a friend and previous client who found this!
  77. It happens!Custom design your 404 page
  78. OTHER: Video, Educational Content, FAQs, Randomly Displayed Testimonials, Featured / Most Popular Products, Price Comparisons, TipsTrust seals, Security, Links, Sitemap
  79. A/B - 50% of visitors see headline 1.The other 50 % see headline 2.Test your headlines, meta descriptions, images, buttons, landing pagesFeedback army - Simple, Cheap Usability Testing
  80. Lastly in design, redesign ALL your assets, not just your site!
  81. Hammer &amp; NailsI’m going to cover some of the key items SEOs will be working together with the dev team.SEO’s need to be part of the Sprint. In website development, a sprint is a set period of time during which specific work is completed.Each sprint begins with a planning meeting. Then you have to let them do the work.
  82. Make friends!Jen Lopez from Moz used to be a developer – SEOs and Developers: 5 Ways to Build The Relationship…at PubCon when somebody said the hardest part of SEO was getting developers to implement it and there was a huge ovation in the audience.
  83. Even if you password-protect the site, add the robots.txtAbout robots.txt – in a nutshellGoogle’s Webmaster Help forums for developers:Robots.txt Specifications
  84. Then work the programmers to ensure they will setup the site so that you do not have duplicate content. Make sure they know the rules.Matt Cutts has a post describing this – “Technically all of these urls are different”TIP:Logo must link to root as well.Code for htaccess in Apache
  85. Say “NO!” to site-wide redirects! Map page-to-page.Retain site hierarchy &amp; structure.This would be done by evaluating pages with the highest PR, # of external links, Page Authority. Those that do not matter, mass redirect.The Ultimate Guide to 301 Redirects – How To by Rick DeJarnettewith examples (Apache)
  86. When deleting pages, redirect to THE most relevant page that has similar copy and meaning. If an ecommerce site, map/redirect to a related product. If none, redirect up one category.NO redirecting all links to the home page for a site relaunch or redesign. Map one-to-one! IF you absolutely don&apos;t have time for redirect page-to-page, redirect to your key top pages.If it&apos;s a large ecommerce site, set automation rules for redirects.
  87. Page is no longer available,no forwarding address is known. This condition is expected to be considered permanent.No deleting pages! No 302 pages! 301 or 410 onlyCyrus Shephard has a post - How to Completely Ruin (or Save) Your Website with Redirects
  88. Vet the CMS and vendor. Make sure you understand all of the functionality and SEO risks. Define specific SEO requirements for the CMS and talk with the vendor about them BEFOREyou sign up. Many CMS systems are not search engine-friendly out of the box). Ask about customizing and pattern-defining title tags, meta descriptions, URLs.WordPress is free. Pixelsilk is paid, SASS.Drupal, Joomla, Magento for e-commerce can also be SEO-friendly, if setup write. They take more programming time.
  89. I’m not going to cover all the settings you can address in Yoast’s WordPress SEO. You have control over.There are some basics you want to address in WordPress for best practices.
  91. This is not the mother of all plugins…
  92. Make sure your CMS supports Schema!Supported by both search enginesPRO TIP: Open Graph works for both Google and Facebook for optimizing your social snippets!
  93. Basic implementation should be on your Contact and any location pagesNAP – Name, Address, Phone # - CONSISTENCY!You can add hours of operation and more…
  94. Pushes meta data to Google and reduces the time for Google to find them. A video sitemap is essentially an XML feed which details metadata that allows search engines to find and index your videos.Use video sitemaps &amp; for website.You should also submit a video Sitemap that helps Google discover your videos and provides additional information about your video content.Distilled post - Video sitemap basics, rqd tags.
  95. Use the type to describe videos. Make sure that your video and markup are visible without executing any JavaScript or Flash.
  96. Dot your “i”s &amp; cross your “t”s – Pre Launch and then at launch. During the final days before launch, run through your punchlist1 week minimum testing.Most important is to try to break the site. Poke around and find broken links. Use various browsers &amp; operating systems.View it on a smart phone.Christmas horror story…DO NOT turn off the old server! DNS propagation can take time. Header checker – SEO Book has bulk header checker. Also like URI Valet.HTTP 503 error – Google interprets this as &quot;things here are broken, but you can try again later and the website should be back&quot; status. Instruct Search Engines to come back to site after you finish working on it.To see how your site will appear to Google, you should view your play pages in a text-only browser such as Lynx, or a more conventional browser where you&apos;ve confirmed that Flash and JavaScript are disabled.
  97. When you redesign, ALL aspects need to be tested! Test email confirmations and response pages printed out into PDFs.
  98. They also lost the ability to have social display with the new tool.If asked: /*? disallows all urls that end in an empty query string. Because ? is not a wildcard, /*? does not disallow ALL urls, just those that end in a ?.
  99. True story!
  100. Set up a team for QA and ongoing monitoring. Train them:What needs to be set up before launch? Who will monitor it?Do they know what to look for, how to spot red flags,what actions to take. Document everything, diligently.
  101. Sweep
  102. You don’t want this! Remove the robots.txt Disallow!While you’re at it…Remove comments around Google Analytics code!But, if you’re a big site like Google’s Keyword Planner or the CA DMV, Google will decide you are important enough to rank!
  103. Remove the Disallow 1st thing!No duplicate content on your internal search pages.Good reminder to watch those 404 errors
  104. Monitor what Google thinks! Watch your desktop and mobile speed after the redesign.You can also setup Google Analytics Alerts to track site speed.
  105. Do a full link analysis and determine what referring domains are out there and ask them to update their links – outreach efforts.It’s all about relationship, baby!Opportunities where people have linked to something. Set up a criteria on what is a priority:- Link count - Followed or no followed - Anchor Text – PA and DAOnce you have the list of people to contact, you need to reach out to those people. Make sure new link still adds value. Otherwise why would they update a link? Use a spreadsheet or BuzzStream for contact management.What if you cannot get them to change the link? 301 redirect in place to land on a page featuring something similar to what they expected. That same thing goes for people who have bookmarked. You want to try to retain “scent” of how search engines and users found a page and what they end up on after the redirects.Take a look at your backlink profile for dead links. Identify a list of good quality sites and start typing out some emails to get those broken links fixed with your new ones.
  106. Get links to the whole domain. Remember, especially if your site has www &amp; non-www versions.Show links ungrouped initially – nice sort by PA or DA.For link reclamation, sorting by domain helps one step. You only want to contact 1 webmaster.External, Pages on this root domain
  107. For enterprise level sites, use Advanced Filters tab to download up to 100K links instead of the 10,000 limit placed on the Inbound Links tab.Select inbound links/linking pages, include Any link from external linking pages that link to any page on the root domain. Download CSV.Can do with AHREFs also
  108. Update: Google Plus Business Page, Social network profiles, get Reviews
  109. Tell the world!Put on your viral marketing hat &amp; publish the absolutely best EPIC content. Share the heck out of your new site. Get guest bloggers to right killer posts about you. Throw an online PARTY! Moz did this tremendously with their new name. They set expectations, let everyone know when to expect it, etc.
  110. SEOs have to become marketers. SEO is the foundation, the rock upon which all the marketing should be built.Vanessa Fox’s tagline in her book, Marketing in the age of Google, reads: YOUR ONLINE STRATEGY IS YOUR BUSINESS STRATEGY
  111. Oh! La! La!Get 7 times more Social Traffic through better sharing buttons. You have to look good first!People want to share information on Twitter. You have to move your website into that market. Bottom line: How you look in social is important, and your site needs to make it easy to share.
  112. Duane Forrester of Bing discussing the impact of social media engagement signals on rankingMaybe you say “the jury is out on how social affects SEO.” If that’s you, you still want your content to be shared and get traffic. If you don’t plan your social sharing snippet andoptimize your page with the right code, your dreams of going viral with your content may flop (and probably will).
  113. Social done right, controlled by Wordpress SEO
  114. As of yesterday!Step up the photography!
  115. Actual &lt;title&gt; tag includes “Name - Google+ - ” prior to the words at the front of your share blurb.Google “reserves the right” to modify the Title tag.Titles vary depending upon the search query.Your “share blurb” may also be repeated in the SERP meta description if there is nothing else.
  116. Google stopped displaying a social share snippet, but who knows if that will change again!
  117. Here’s your URL builder!
  118. The tool is free and features four social networks to test against (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.) Additional markup is found on various tabs that include all markup and Standard SEO, Geo/Local &amp; Semantic tabs.
  119. Google automatically adds authorship
  120. Thank you, Danny Dover!
  121. An SEO can help you to Stress-Free redesign
  122. It is possible!