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Sleep & Stress Management
Dr Jason Drivere
Doctor of Chiropractic
M.S. in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction
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Legal Disclaimer
The following presentation is intended for
educational purposes only and is not a substitute
for medical advice. Please consult a physician or
a health professional if you have any questions
regarding treatment of medical conditions.
The statements in this presentation have not been
evaluated by the FDA. The products and
ingredients listed herein are not intended to
diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
Got Stress?
Take a number. One thing that binds us together in
society is that most if not all of us have to deal with
stress on a daily basis.
What is stress?
Stress is defined as state of mental or emotional strain or
tension resulting from adverse or very demanding
What is stress?
Stress in general are things in your social environment
which are taxing on you mentally, physically, and spiritually.
What are the physical
symptoms of stress?
•Low energy & fatigue
•Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation and
•Aches, pains, and tense muscles
•Chest pain and rapid heartbeat
•Frequent colds and infections
•Loss of sexual desire and/or ability.
What can you do about it?
Stress is a part of life and you have to develop strategies to
adapt to it and manage it…or typically it simply manages
Strategies to help reduce
•Exercise Regularly- exercise has been proven to have
a beneficial effect on a person's mental and physical
state. For many people exercise is an extremely
effective stress buster.
•Division of labor - try to delegate your responsibilities
at work, or share them. If you make yourself
indispensable the likelihood of your feeling highly
stressed is significantly greater.
Strategies to help reduce
• Assertiveness - don't say yes to everything. If you can't
do something well, or if something is not your
responsibility, try to seek ways of not agreeing to do
• Alcohol and drugs - alcohol and drugs should not be
the first choices to help you manage your stress better.
Consider stopping consuming them completely, or cut
down. ** If you are on medications for stress,
depression, or anxiety always consult with a physician
before altering medication dosage.**
• Caffeine - if your consumption of coffee and other
drinks which contain caffeine is excessive, cut down.
Strategies to help reduce
• Nutrition - eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Make
sure you have a healthy and balanced diet.
• Time - make sure you set aside some time each day
just for yourself. Use that time to organize your life,
relax, and pursue your own interests.
• Breathing - there are some effective breathing
techniques which will slow down your system and
help you relax.
Strategies to help reduce
• Communication - talk to you family, friends, work
colleagues and your boss. Express your thoughts
and worries.
• Seek professional help - if the stress is affecting the
way you function; go and see your doctor.
Heightened stress for prolonged periods can be bad
for your physical and mental health.
• Relaxation techniques - meditation, yoga,
chiropractic, or massage have been known to greatly
help people with stress.
Vitamin & Supplement
Support for Stress & Sleep
When necessary one should consider science-
based nutritional support to help increase the
effectiveness of stress relief strategies.
Supplements also are an easy, cost-effective and
logical method for helping to manage symptoms of
stress or sleep problems.
Many times people are often confused about what
supplements to take. I typically help them to
develop a supplement plan based on their
Vitamin & Supplement
Support for Stress & Sleep
Don’t simply trust your health to a salesperson in a retail
store. Also, be cautious when considering products
because recent studies show that store bought
supplements/herbs may not contain the listed ingredients.
Seek out the advice of a trusted nutritional health
professional to develop a treatment plan using quality
ingredients based on your individual needs.
The following slides include information including the
ingredients of a few supplements we have found to be
helpful for people suffering from stress or sleep problems.
Powerful Natural Solutions for
Sleep and Stress
America’s #1 Health Problem
Stressed &Tired
Stressed & Wired
Stressed & Hot
Stressed & Cold
Stressed & Depleted
Disturbed Sleep & Mood
Has Many Faces
• Formulated to support production of the
neurotransmitters serotonin, and
• Designed to improve problems with stress,
sleep, anxiety, cognitive function, mental
focus, ADD & OCD
• Typical dosage is 1-2 capsules, once or
twice a day.
CALM DAY Ingredients
Amount per 2 vegetarian capsules:
• 4-amino- 3-phenylbutyric acid 500 mg
• L-Taurine 500 mg
• Glycine 500 mg
• Vitamin B-5 pantothenic acid (as d-calcium
pantothenate) 10 mg
• Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxal 5-phosphate) 10 mg
• Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose (capsule),
vegetarian leucine
Focus on the Ingredients
4-amino- 3-phenylbutyric acid (also called
phenibut or fenibut)
◦ anxiety-reducing & cognition-enhancing
◦ similar to the brain chemical GABA (gamma-
aminobutyric acid) except it crossed the blood/brain
barrier (GABA does not) and can be absorbed more
◦ extensively researched in Russia
◦ studied for its ability to prevent the negative effects of
sleep deprivation, namely protecting the adrenal
glands and reducing cognitive and emotional disorders
caused by lack of sleep.
◦ researched for its ability to reduce anxiety. Phenibut is
commonly used in Russia to improve anxiety, sleep
disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorders,
and more.
Focus on the Ingredients
– a non-essential amino acid.
– has been used to protect brain cells after ischemic
– used to promote a sense of well-being and reduce
– Research has shown that glycine can subjectively
and objectively improve sleep quality.
– In a study where people’s sleep was restricted,
glycine also reduced daytime sleepiness.
Focus on the Ingredients
– An amino acid that’s a GABA-receptor agonist,
meaning it produces a GABA-like effect in the body.
• GABA is a sedating, inhibitory neurotransmitter.
– In animal studies, application of taurine with GABA,
or taurine with glycine produced stronger effects than
taking either glycine or GABA alone.
– Taurine is sometimes used to enhance sleep quality.
Focus on the Ingredients
B vitamins are involved in nerve transmission,
nerve regeneration, neurotransmitter synthesis.
Vitamin B5-a water-soluble B vitamin with
numerous biological roles.
Used by the body to manufacture, among other
things, coenzyme A which is an important
compound for energy metabolism and the
production of fatty acids, cholesterol, and the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Focus on the Ingredients
B6 is another water-soluble B vitamin. Many
functions in the body, including as a co-factor
in several reactions of amino acid metabolism.
– Used in conversion of tryptophan to serotonin
– Biosynthesis of neurotransmitters GABA, dopamine,
serotonin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.
– Pyridoxal 5-phosphate is the preferred, metabolically
active form of B-6 used in higher quality nutritional
Calm Day
• Start with 1 cap in the morning and 1 cap
in the evening on empty stomach.
• Patient should “feel it “ within a few days
(usually 1 or 2 days); if they don’t within a
week double the dosage.
• It comes in 60 or 120 cap size
• Difficulty falling asleep
• Difficulty waking up
• Daytime drowsiness
• Waking up frequently
during the night with difficulty
returning to sleep
• “Zoning out” in the middle
of a conversation or task
• Difficulty concentrating
• Clumsy and/or slower
reactions times
• Feeling emotional
• Altered memory &
Some of the expressions of sleep
disturbances are the following:
Today, the practice of “burning the candle at both ends”
has created so much sleep deprivation that what is really
abnormal sleep is now almost the norm
Disturbed Sleep & Mood
• Benzodiazpines (Valium)
• Flurazepam (Dalmane)
• Zolpidem tartrate (Ambien)
• Temazepam (Restoril)
• Triazolam (Halcion)
FDA Warning:
Commonly used Rx for sleep disorders can disrupt
performance and be addictive. Some recent studies show
that they could significantly increase the risk of dementia
and Alzheimer’s disease.
Deep Refreshing Sleep and Relaxation
Can Be Achieved Naturally and Safely By:
• Supporting a natural sleep cycle through
balancing neurotransmitter (serotonin,
dopamine and GABA) levels in the brain without
producing side effects or grogginess
• Stimulating alpha brain waves, which are
associated with an awake, yet relaxed, state
• Promoting healthy serotonin levels to
encourage falling asleep and deep sleep
What Are
• Neurotransmitters serve as
messengers, transmitting
information from one nerve
cell to another
• Deficits in specific neurotransmitters disrupt
the sleep cycle
• It is important to support healthy
neurotransmitter function when addressing
sleep disturbance
Brain Wave, Sleep
• Serotonin – influences mood,
appetite and sleep
• Dopamine – influences mood – possible depletion
during REM cycle
• GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) – mood,
cognition and sleep disorders – possible depletion
during REM cycle
Alpha & Theta
Delta & Theta{
Stage 1 Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3 & 4
Stage 5
Sleep Time
• Same exact ingredients, as Calm Day except we added 5HTP
(trytophan) and melatonin for sleep issues to further enhance
any sleep issues
• Start with 2 caps 30-60 minutes before bed and increase
dosage by 1 cap until desired effect!
• Do not use if on anti-depressants (Prozac)!!
• Youtube “60 minutes the placebo effect” and you also may
have an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
with regular consumption of antidepressants.
• Effective Serotonin Precursor for Balancing
Mood, Appetite, Sleep, Sexual Behavior and
Pain Sensation
• Excellent safety profile: Readily crosses the
blood-brain barrier
• Well-tolerated
Helps Regulate Sleep
• improves sleep quality
during stages 1, 4 and REM
• increases in REM sleep
• When using for sleep, 200
mg per day may be
preferable to higher dosages
Soulairac A, et al. Ann Med Psychol 1977;1:792-98. (French)
Guilleminault C, et al. Electroenceophalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1973;34:177-84.
Wyatt RJ, et al. Electroenceophalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1971;30:505-09.
Calm Day & Sleep Time
• Do not use if you are taking any
Benzo’s! (Valium/diazepam,
Clonazepin, Xanax) medications!
• Calm Day could be a natural
alternative to these medications.
• ***As always consult your
physician if you are considering
altering medication dosage.***
Other Key Natural Ingredients To
Safely Balance Neurotransmitters
Super B Complete:
• 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF)
• Methylcobalamin (active B12)
• Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (active Vitamin B6)
5-MTHF ● Methylcobalamin ● Vitamin B6
Supports Neurotransmitter Synthesis ● Promotes Rest
• 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) and methylcobalamin,
neuroactive forms for folic acid and vitamin B12, are helpful
with depression and restless leg syndrome.
• 5-MTHF at levels as low as 200 mcg per day may exhibit
anti-depressive effects
• Methylcobalamin influences melatonin levels – a sleep
enhancing neurotransmitter, and may improve alertness
• Vitamin B6 is required for the creation of neurotransmitters -
serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and
Am J Physiol 1975;229(3):777-82.
Ikeda M, et al. Methylcobalamin amplifies melatonin-induced circadian phase shifts by facilitation of melatonin
synthesis in the rat pineal gland. Brain Research 1998;795(1-2):98-104.
OkawaM, et al. Vitamin B12 treatment for delayed sleep phase syndrome: a multi-center double-blind study.
Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 1997;51(5):275-79.
Other Key Natural Ingredients To
Safely Balance Neurotransmitters
• Melatonin 1mg ( for children under 12 years)
• Melatonin 3mg sublingual (adults)
• Melatonin SR3 ( staying asleep)
Potential side-effects associated with 5-HTP are
– Occasional GI disturbance, heartburn, stomach pain, belching,
flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
– Anecdotal reports regarding sleep: 400-600 mg doses taken one
hour prior to bedtime may be linked to vivid dreams and/or
– Taking 100 mg 5-HTP between meals or one hour before sleep,
reduces chance of any digestive upset; titrate upward as needed
Potential herb interactions
– Do not use with botanicals known to significantly influence
serotonin balance, such as St. John’s Wort, unless under
supervision of the prescribing physician
Potential drug interactions
– Carbidopa (Lodosyn) (Parkinson’s)
– Serotonin agonists (Prozac, Zoloft), antagonists (Sansert), MAO
inhibitors, tricyclic and atypical antidepressants (Elavil)
Legal Disclaimer
U.S. law states that any substance which is claimed to
treat, cure, or prevent any disease is under the control of
the FDA and is “legally characterized as a drug” as a result
all non-drug products(vitamins, herbs, minerals, foods)
have to say the following:
The statements in this presentation have not been
evaluated by the FDA. The products and ingredients listed
herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure
any disease.
 * This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
 Tiurenkov IN. Bagmetova W. Borodkina LE. et al. [Fenibut and its citrate
prevent psychoneurological disorders caused by chronic stress (paradoxical
sleep deprivation)]. Eksp Klin Farmakol. 2012;75(6):8-13.
 Ziablintseva EA. Pavlova IV. [Influence of GABA agonist phenibut on the
neuronal activity and interaction in hippocampus and neocortex in
emotionally negative situations]. Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova. 2009
 Zyablitseva EA. Pavlova IV. Effects of the GABA receptor agonist phenibut
on behavior and respiration in rabbits in emotionally negative situations.
Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2008 Jul;38(6):555-62.
 Lapin I. Phenibut (beta-phenyl-GABA): a tranquilizer and nootropic drug.
CNS Drug Rev. 2001 Winter;7(4):471-81.
 Song NY. Shi HB. Li CY. et al. Interaction between taurine and
GABA(A)/glycine receptors in neurons of the rat anteroventral cochlear
nucleus. Brain Res. 2012 Sep 7;1472:1-10.
 Lin FJ. Pierce MM. Sehgal A. et al. Effect of caffeine and taurine on sleep-
wake activity in Drosophila melanogaster. Nat Sci Sleep. 2010 Sep
Bannai M. Kawai N. New therapeutic strategy for amino
acid medicine: glycine improves quality of sleep. J
Pharmacol Sci. 2012;118(2):145-8.
Bannai M. Kawai N. Ono K. et al. The effects of glycine
on subjective daytime performance in partially sleep-
restricted healthy volunteers. Front Neurol. 2012;3:61.
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2012.00061.
Nordqvist, C. (2014, September 5). "What is stress? How
to deal with stress." Medical News Today. Retrieved from

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Stress & sleep presentation

  • 1. Sleep & Stress Management Dr Jason Drivere Doctor of Chiropractic M.S. in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction Contact Information:
  • 2. Legal Disclaimer The following presentation is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician or a health professional if you have any questions regarding treatment of medical conditions. The statements in this presentation have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and ingredients listed herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
  • 3. Got Stress? Take a number. One thing that binds us together in society is that most if not all of us have to deal with stress on a daily basis.
  • 4. What is stress? Stress is defined as state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances..
  • 5. What is stress? Stress in general are things in your social environment which are taxing on you mentally, physically, and spiritually.
  • 6. What are the physical symptoms of stress? •Low energy & fatigue •Headaches •Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation and nausea •Aches, pains, and tense muscles •Chest pain and rapid heartbeat •Insomnia •Frequent colds and infections •Loss of sexual desire and/or ability. .
  • 7. What can you do about it? Stress is a part of life and you have to develop strategies to adapt to it and manage it…or typically it simply manages you.
  • 8. Strategies to help reduce stress •Exercise Regularly- exercise has been proven to have a beneficial effect on a person's mental and physical state. For many people exercise is an extremely effective stress buster. •Division of labor - try to delegate your responsibilities at work, or share them. If you make yourself indispensable the likelihood of your feeling highly stressed is significantly greater.
  • 9. Strategies to help reduce stress • Assertiveness - don't say yes to everything. If you can't do something well, or if something is not your responsibility, try to seek ways of not agreeing to do them. • Alcohol and drugs - alcohol and drugs should not be the first choices to help you manage your stress better. Consider stopping consuming them completely, or cut down. ** If you are on medications for stress, depression, or anxiety always consult with a physician before altering medication dosage.** • Caffeine - if your consumption of coffee and other drinks which contain caffeine is excessive, cut down.
  • 10. Strategies to help reduce stress • Nutrition - eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Make sure you have a healthy and balanced diet. • Time - make sure you set aside some time each day just for yourself. Use that time to organize your life, relax, and pursue your own interests. • Breathing - there are some effective breathing techniques which will slow down your system and help you relax.
  • 11. Strategies to help reduce stress • Communication - talk to you family, friends, work colleagues and your boss. Express your thoughts and worries. • Seek professional help - if the stress is affecting the way you function; go and see your doctor. Heightened stress for prolonged periods can be bad for your physical and mental health. • Relaxation techniques - meditation, yoga, chiropractic, or massage have been known to greatly help people with stress.
  • 12. Vitamin & Supplement Support for Stress & Sleep When necessary one should consider science- based nutritional support to help increase the effectiveness of stress relief strategies. Supplements also are an easy, cost-effective and logical method for helping to manage symptoms of stress or sleep problems. Many times people are often confused about what supplements to take. I typically help them to develop a supplement plan based on their symptoms.
  • 13. Vitamin & Supplement Support for Stress & Sleep Don’t simply trust your health to a salesperson in a retail store. Also, be cautious when considering products because recent studies show that store bought supplements/herbs may not contain the listed ingredients. Seek out the advice of a trusted nutritional health professional to develop a treatment plan using quality ingredients based on your individual needs. The following slides include information including the ingredients of a few supplements we have found to be helpful for people suffering from stress or sleep problems.
  • 14. Powerful Natural Solutions for Sleep and Stress Management America’s #1 Health Problem
  • 15. Stressed &Tired Stressed & Wired Stressed & Hot Stressed & Cold Stressed & Depleted Disturbed Sleep & Mood Stress Has Many Faces
  • 16. CALM DAY • Formulated to support production of the neurotransmitters serotonin, and dopamine.* • Designed to improve problems with stress, sleep, anxiety, cognitive function, mental focus, ADD & OCD • Typical dosage is 1-2 capsules, once or twice a day.
  • 17. CALM DAY Ingredients Amount per 2 vegetarian capsules: • 4-amino- 3-phenylbutyric acid 500 mg • L-Taurine 500 mg • Glycine 500 mg • Vitamin B-5 pantothenic acid (as d-calcium pantothenate) 10 mg • Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxal 5-phosphate) 10 mg • Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose (capsule), vegetarian leucine
  • 18. Focus on the Ingredients 4-amino- 3-phenylbutyric acid (also called phenibut or fenibut) ◦ anxiety-reducing & cognition-enhancing ◦ similar to the brain chemical GABA (gamma- aminobutyric acid) except it crossed the blood/brain barrier (GABA does not) and can be absorbed more efficiently. ◦ extensively researched in Russia ◦ studied for its ability to prevent the negative effects of sleep deprivation, namely protecting the adrenal glands and reducing cognitive and emotional disorders caused by lack of sleep. ◦ researched for its ability to reduce anxiety. Phenibut is commonly used in Russia to improve anxiety, sleep disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, and more.
  • 19. Focus on the Ingredients Glycine: – a non-essential amino acid. – has been used to protect brain cells after ischemic stroke. – used to promote a sense of well-being and reduce anxiety. – Research has shown that glycine can subjectively and objectively improve sleep quality. – In a study where people’s sleep was restricted, glycine also reduced daytime sleepiness.
  • 20. Focus on the Ingredients L-taurine: – An amino acid that’s a GABA-receptor agonist, meaning it produces a GABA-like effect in the body. • GABA is a sedating, inhibitory neurotransmitter. – In animal studies, application of taurine with GABA, or taurine with glycine produced stronger effects than taking either glycine or GABA alone. – Taurine is sometimes used to enhance sleep quality.
  • 21. Focus on the Ingredients B vitamins are involved in nerve transmission, nerve regeneration, neurotransmitter synthesis. Vitamin B5-a water-soluble B vitamin with numerous biological roles. Used by the body to manufacture, among other things, coenzyme A which is an important compound for energy metabolism and the production of fatty acids, cholesterol, and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
  • 22. Focus on the Ingredients B6 is another water-soluble B vitamin. Many functions in the body, including as a co-factor in several reactions of amino acid metabolism. – Used in conversion of tryptophan to serotonin – Biosynthesis of neurotransmitters GABA, dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. – Pyridoxal 5-phosphate is the preferred, metabolically active form of B-6 used in higher quality nutritional supplements.
  • 23. Calm Day • Start with 1 cap in the morning and 1 cap in the evening on empty stomach. • Patient should “feel it “ within a few days (usually 1 or 2 days); if they don’t within a week double the dosage. • It comes in 60 or 120 cap size
  • 24. • Difficulty falling asleep • Difficulty waking up • Daytime drowsiness • Waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep • “Zoning out” in the middle of a conversation or task • Difficulty concentrating • Clumsy and/or slower reactions times • Feeling emotional • Altered memory & judgment Some of the expressions of sleep disturbances are the following:
  • 25. Today, the practice of “burning the candle at both ends” has created so much sleep deprivation that what is really abnormal sleep is now almost the norm Disturbed Sleep & Mood
  • 26. • Benzodiazpines (Valium) • Flurazepam (Dalmane) • Zolpidem tartrate (Ambien) • Temazepam (Restoril) • Triazolam (Halcion) FDA Warning: Commonly used Rx for sleep disorders can disrupt performance and be addictive. Some recent studies show that they could significantly increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • 27. Deep Refreshing Sleep and Relaxation Can Be Achieved Naturally and Safely By: • Supporting a natural sleep cycle through balancing neurotransmitter (serotonin, dopamine and GABA) levels in the brain without producing side effects or grogginess • Stimulating alpha brain waves, which are associated with an awake, yet relaxed, state • Promoting healthy serotonin levels to encourage falling asleep and deep sleep
  • 28. What Are Neurotransmitters? • Neurotransmitters serve as messengers, transmitting information from one nerve cell to another • Deficits in specific neurotransmitters disrupt the sleep cycle • It is important to support healthy neurotransmitter function when addressing sleep disturbance
  • 29. Neurotransmitters, Brain Wave, Sleep Connection • Serotonin – influences mood, appetite and sleep • Dopamine – influences mood – possible depletion during REM cycle • GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) – mood, cognition and sleep disorders – possible depletion during REM cycle Beta Theta Alpha & Theta Delta & Theta{ Beta
  • 30. Stage 1 Stage 1 ↓SEROTONIN Stage 2 Stage 3 & 4 ↓SEROTONIN Stage 5 ↓GABA ↓Dopamine
  • 31. Sleep Time • Same exact ingredients, as Calm Day except we added 5HTP (trytophan) and melatonin for sleep issues to further enhance any sleep issues • Start with 2 caps 30-60 minutes before bed and increase dosage by 1 cap until desired effect! • Do not use if on anti-depressants (Prozac)!! • Youtube “60 minutes the placebo effect” and you also may have an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with regular consumption of antidepressants.
  • 32. Tryptophan • Effective Serotonin Precursor for Balancing Mood, Appetite, Sleep, Sexual Behavior and Pain Sensation • Excellent safety profile: Readily crosses the blood-brain barrier • Well-tolerated
  • 33. Tryptophan Helps Regulate Sleep • improves sleep quality during stages 1, 4 and REM sleep • increases in REM sleep • When using for sleep, 200 mg per day may be preferable to higher dosages Soulairac A, et al. Ann Med Psychol 1977;1:792-98. (French) Guilleminault C, et al. Electroenceophalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1973;34:177-84. Wyatt RJ, et al. Electroenceophalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1971;30:505-09.
  • 34. Calm Day & Sleep Time • Do not use if you are taking any Benzo’s! (Valium/diazepam, Clonazepin, Xanax) medications! • Calm Day could be a natural alternative to these medications. • ***As always consult your physician if you are considering altering medication dosage.***
  • 35. Other Key Natural Ingredients To Safely Balance Neurotransmitters Super B Complete: • 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) • Methylcobalamin (active B12) • Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (active Vitamin B6)
  • 36. 5-MTHF ● Methylcobalamin ● Vitamin B6 Supports Neurotransmitter Synthesis ● Promotes Rest • 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) and methylcobalamin, neuroactive forms for folic acid and vitamin B12, are helpful with depression and restless leg syndrome. • 5-MTHF at levels as low as 200 mcg per day may exhibit anti-depressive effects • Methylcobalamin influences melatonin levels – a sleep enhancing neurotransmitter, and may improve alertness • Vitamin B6 is required for the creation of neurotransmitters - serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and GABA Am J Physiol 1975;229(3):777-82. Ikeda M, et al. Methylcobalamin amplifies melatonin-induced circadian phase shifts by facilitation of melatonin synthesis in the rat pineal gland. Brain Research 1998;795(1-2):98-104. OkawaM, et al. Vitamin B12 treatment for delayed sleep phase syndrome: a multi-center double-blind study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 1997;51(5):275-79.
  • 37. Other Key Natural Ingredients To Safely Balance Neurotransmitters Melatonin • Melatonin 1mg ( for children under 12 years) • Melatonin 3mg sublingual (adults) • Melatonin SR3 ( staying asleep)
  • 38. Safety Potential side-effects associated with 5-HTP are – Occasional GI disturbance, heartburn, stomach pain, belching, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea – Anecdotal reports regarding sleep: 400-600 mg doses taken one hour prior to bedtime may be linked to vivid dreams and/or nightmares – Taking 100 mg 5-HTP between meals or one hour before sleep, reduces chance of any digestive upset; titrate upward as needed Potential herb interactions – Do not use with botanicals known to significantly influence serotonin balance, such as St. John’s Wort, unless under supervision of the prescribing physician Potential drug interactions – Carbidopa (Lodosyn) (Parkinson’s) – Serotonin agonists (Prozac, Zoloft), antagonists (Sansert), MAO inhibitors, tricyclic and atypical antidepressants (Elavil)
  • 39. Legal Disclaimer U.S. law states that any substance which is claimed to treat, cure, or prevent any disease is under the control of the FDA and is “legally characterized as a drug” as a result all non-drug products(vitamins, herbs, minerals, foods) have to say the following: The statements in this presentation have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and ingredients listed herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
  • 40. References  * This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Tiurenkov IN. Bagmetova W. Borodkina LE. et al. [Fenibut and its citrate prevent psychoneurological disorders caused by chronic stress (paradoxical sleep deprivation)]. Eksp Klin Farmakol. 2012;75(6):8-13.  Ziablintseva EA. Pavlova IV. [Influence of GABA agonist phenibut on the neuronal activity and interaction in hippocampus and neocortex in emotionally negative situations]. Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova. 2009 Sep;95(9):907-18.  Zyablitseva EA. Pavlova IV. Effects of the GABA receptor agonist phenibut on behavior and respiration in rabbits in emotionally negative situations. Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2008 Jul;38(6):555-62.  Lapin I. Phenibut (beta-phenyl-GABA): a tranquilizer and nootropic drug. CNS Drug Rev. 2001 Winter;7(4):471-81.  Song NY. Shi HB. Li CY. et al. Interaction between taurine and GABA(A)/glycine receptors in neurons of the rat anteroventral cochlear nucleus. Brain Res. 2012 Sep 7;1472:1-10.  Lin FJ. Pierce MM. Sehgal A. et al. Effect of caffeine and taurine on sleep- wake activity in Drosophila melanogaster. Nat Sci Sleep. 2010 Sep 24;2:221-31.
  • 41. References Bannai M. Kawai N. New therapeutic strategy for amino acid medicine: glycine improves quality of sleep. J Pharmacol Sci. 2012;118(2):145-8. Bannai M. Kawai N. Ono K. et al. The effects of glycine on subjective daytime performance in partially sleep- restricted healthy volunteers. Front Neurol. 2012;3:61. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2012.00061. Nordqvist, C. (2014, September 5). "What is stress? How to deal with stress." Medical News Today. Retrieved from

Editor's Notes

  1. Paying bills, relationships, driving, finances, taking children here and there, death in the family/close friend you name it.
  2. Paying bills, relationships, driving, finances, taking children here and there, death in the family/close friend you name it.
  3. Think about how you feel when you first get up in the morning(your attitude, your mood, etc.). Now think about how you feel around lunchtime in a Monday or in the evening at the end of your workday. If you tend to wake up feeling OK and by the end of the day you are an emotional wreck it is likely that you suffer from mental stress.
  4. Think about how you feel when you first get up in the morning(your attitude, your mood, etc.). Now think about how you feel around lunchtime in a Monday or in the evening at the end of your workday. If you tend to wake up feeling OK and by the end of the day you are an emotional wreck it is likely that you suffer from mental stress.
  5. Think about how you feel when you first get up in the morning(your attitude, your mood, etc.). Now think about how you feel around lunchtime in a Monday or in the evening at the end of your workday. If you tend to wake up feeling OK and by the end of the day you are an emotional wreck it is likely that you suffer from mental stress.
  6. Think about how you feel when you first get up in the morning(your attitude, your mood, etc.). Now think about how you feel around lunchtime in a Monday or in the evening at the end of your workday. If you tend to wake up feeling OK and by the end of the day you are an emotional wreck it is likely that you suffer from mental stress.
  7. Many people use coffee as an “upper” when they have tiredness and fatigue during the workday. What causes this fatigue is stress and/or poor diet(sugar crash) in most cases. Using for energy when not getting to the source of the problem simply adds to your fatigue and stress “from the caffeine” when it wears off. This is a big problem with people because they don’t have the knowledge to understand that they are increasing their stress hormones(cortisol) as a side-effect for short term energy. Eventually people essentially get addicted to caffeine and if they don’t continue to get it from coffee or other sources they will get caffeine induced headaches.
  8. Think about how you feel when you first get up in the morning(your attitude, your mood, etc.). Now think about how you feel around lunchtime in a Monday or in the evening at the end of your workday. If you tend to wake up feeling OK and by the end of the day you are an emotional wreck it is likely that you suffer from mental stress.
  9. Think about how you feel when you first get up in the morning(your attitude, your mood, etc.). Now think about how you feel around lunchtime in a Monday or in the evening at the end of your workday. If you tend to wake up feeling OK and by the end of the day you are an emotional wreck it is likely that you suffer from mental stress.
  10. The following products and ingredients are from a company I trust for nutritional management of health conditions. You don’t have to purchase products from me or from them to get favorable results, but you do need to purchase products that work if you want to see results. It is always best to seek out a science-based nutritional health professional when putting together a gameplan for improving a health condition. Otherwise you may be buying products that don’t work or have the wrong ingredients.
  11. Do you just take vitamins or do you have a custom wellness nutritional program for your condition? It is all about the quality ingredients and the desired clinical result.
  12. During the fall, winter, and spring months it would also be a good idea to get your Vitamin D levels checked since during the less sunny months optimal levels tend to be lower. Vitamin D can be attributed to improving mood, improving immunity, and reducing inflammation in the body. Bottom line it is very good for you!
  13. Benzodiazpines (Valium) use cautiously short term management of insomnia; reduce sleep-onset latency,  the number and duration of nighttime awakenings,  total sleep time Flurazepam (Dalmane) decreases daytime alertness and sedation accumulation; washout slow after termination; rapid absorption with 1/2 life 48-120 hours effective in inducing and maintaining sleep for up to one month of consecutive use Zolpidem tartrate (Ambien) no next day residual effects or rebound insomnia therapeutic gains maintained five weeks Temazepam (Restoril) 3 months of use (minimal tolerance) intermediate absorption (1/2 life 8-20 hours) moderate accumulation sleep maintenance problems generally in later life Triazolam (Halcion) fast absorption, short 1/2 life 2-6 hours; minimal accumulation after multiple dosing reduces sleep-onset latency and increases total sleep time; allows for maximal daytime alertness; may be associated with early morning awakening and daytime anxiety
  14. Target Mechanisms Stimulation of alpha brain waves, which are associated with an awake, yet relaxed, state in humans Promotion of healthy serotonin levels Promotion of relaxation, without inducing drowsiness Previous sleep research has shown that neurons using certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, have levels of activity that wax and wane in clear correlation with waking and sleeping ­ alert animals have more of these neurons firing than do sleeping animals Serotonin has been reported to play a role in the onset of sleep as well as having an effect on the amount of deep sleep. People who have a shortage of deep sleep also known as stage 4 delta sleep have problems with grogginess and alertness during their waking hours. Dopamine - The results were exciting and yet not altogether surprising. "We found a very tight correlation [between the severity of REM sleep behavior disorder and the level of decrease in dopamine], so this suggests that there's a causal effect," Gilman says. "We can't prove that. It's a correlation only, but it certainly suggests that the amount of dopamine loss in the brain is related to this disorder." GABA - Popularly referred to as the body's natural tranquilizer, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an amino acid produced in the brain. It acts as a neurotransmitter--a chemical that fosters communication between nerve cells--and helps to keep stress-related nerve impulses at bay. Normally, the brain pumps out all the GABA we need. Unfortunately, due to a poor diet, exposure to environmental toxins, or other factors, levels of GABA may become depleted. Too little of this important compound may result in anxiety, irritability, and insomnia. A deficiency of GABA has also been linked to depression.
  15. Neurotransmitters serve as data messengers, transmitting information from one nerve cell to another. Nerve cells release neurotransmitters into a small gap (synapse) between a data-sending nerve cell and a data-receiving nerve cell. In the gap, a neurotransmitter is attracted to and binds with a receptor on the receiving nerve cell and alters the activity of the receiving nerve cell. Once communication is complete, the neurotransmitter is released back into the synapse. The neurotransmitter remains there until it's taken back within the sending cell, a process called reuptake. Once back in the sending cell, the neurotransmitter is repackaged for future use or broken down by enzymes. The levels of these neurotransmitters influence how you feel as well as how you react to daily life events. Normally, your brain properly matches your emotions with the situations you face. You feel happy, for instance, when you see a loved one or feel sad when you watch a sad movie. Serotonin (ser-oh-TOE-nin) and norepinephrine (nor-ep-i-NEF-rin) are two chemicals called neurotransmitters that exist naturally in your brain and play a role in mood regulation. Serotonin plays a role in the onset of sleep as well as having an effect on the amount of deep sleep. People who have a shortage of deep sleep also known as stage 4 delta sleep have problems with grogginess and alertness during their waking hours. Dopamine (DOE-puh-mene) might also play a role in depression. Very tight correlation between the severity of REM sleep behavior disorder and the level of decrease in dopamine. Maybe there's a causal effect. Amount of dopamine loss in the brain correlates with REM disorder." Many antidepressants work by increasing the levels of these neurotransmitters in the brain synapses. GABA -Popularly referred to as the body's natural tranquilizer, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an amino acid produced in the brain. It acts as a neurotransmitter--a chemical that fosters communication between nerve cells--and helps to keep stress-related nerve impulses at bay. Normally, the brain pumps out all the GABA we need. Unfortunately, due to a poor diet, exposure to environmental toxins, or other factors, levels of GABA may become depleted. Too little of this important compound may result in anxiety, irritability, and insomnia. A deficiency of GABA has also been linked to depression.
  16. About Brain Waves Beta – alertness, concentration, cognition Alpha – relaxation, visualization, creativity Theta – meditation, intuition, memory Delta – detached awareness, healing, sleep
  17. What is sleep? You likely spend about one-third of your life in the state of unconsciousness known as sleep. But what exactly is going on while you're catching some ZZZs? Probably more than you'd expect. Serotonin – mood, appetite and sleep GABA - Too little of this important compound may result in anxiety, irritability, and insomnia. A deficiency of GABA has also been linked to depression. While sleeping, you move through six phases: Awake. It's normal to be awake for short periods during the night. Expect three to 10 brief arousals, though you probably won't remember each one. It's likely part of your body's defense mechanisms to keep you aware of what's going on around you. Stage one. During stage one, you sleep lightly and drift in and out of sleep. During this stage you're easily wakened. Your muscles begin to slow down and your eyes move very slowly. SEROTONIN Stage two. In stage two, your muscles relax. Your brain waves slow down, though occasionally you have bursts of brain activity. You spend about half of your sleep in this stage. Stages three and four. Deep sleep sets in. Your brain waves become large and slow. Your breathing becomes rhythmic, and your muscles remain relaxed. At this point your body begins releasing reparative hormones. Stages one through four are referred to as non-rapid eye movement (NREM). SEROTONIN Rapid eye movement (REM). During REM sleep your muscles stop moving completely. Your breathing and heart rate become rapid and irregular, your blood pressure is more variable, and your eyes move rapidly in bursts of activity. Your brain waves show a pattern similar to wakefulness. Scientists believe this indicates that your brain is using this time to sort and organize your memories. Dreaming takes place during this stage. If you're awakened during REM sleep, you may recall vivid dreams. DEPRESSED DOPAMINE and GABA. Throughout the night, you continuously move from one stage or type of sleep to another in cycles that can last from 70 to 90 minutes each. Early REM periods are very short, however, usually 5 to 10 minutes long. You may experience several longer REM periods as the night progresses.
  18. Soulairac et al., 1977 (French); Guilleminault et al., 1973 (one patient); Wyatt et al., 1971 5-HTP bypasses conversion of L.tryptophan by enzyme tryptophan hydrolase (P5P form of B6) which is a rate limiting step in the conversion of serotonin. This may account for inconsistancies in studies using L. tryptophan
  19. Soulairac et al., 1977 (French); Guilleminault et al., 1973 (one patient); Wyatt et al., 1971
  20. The role of vitamin B6 in our nervous system is very broad, and involves many aspects of neurological activity. One aspect focuses on the creation of an important group of messaging molecules called amines. The nervous system relies on formation of these molecules for transmission of messages from one nerve to the next. (The molecules can be classified as "neurotransmitters" for this reason.) Amines are one type of neurotransmitter in the nervous system. They are often made from parts of protein called amino acids, and the key nutrient for making this process happen is vitamin B6. Some of the amine-derived neurotransmitters that require vitamin B6 for their production include serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and GABA.
  21. B6 -Support of nervous system activity The role of vitamin B6 in our nervous system is very broad, and involves many aspects of neurological activity. One aspect focuses on the creation of an important group of messaging molecules called amines. The nervous system relies on formation of these molecules for transmission of messages from one nerve to the next. (The molecules can be classified as "neurotransmitters" for this reason.) Amines are one type of neurotransmitter in the nervous system. They are often made from parts of protein called amino acids, and the key nutrient for making this process happen is vitamin B6. Some of the amine-derived neurotransmitters that require vitamin B6 for their production include serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and GABA. B12 and Folate Mechanism of action: Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin synthesis. Coenzymes in the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), shown to have antidepressant properties B12 & Folic Acid Regulate Homocysteinecardiovascular disease and impaired immune function can contribute to sleep disturbance and restless leg Cardiovascular Effects of Homocysteine: Damages the endothelial lining - atherogenesis. Smooth muscle cell hyperplasia Fibrosis LDL converted to aggregates At arterial intima forms Foam Cells Lipids and Cholesterol released Fibrolipid plaques Am J Physiol. 1975 Sep;229(3): 777-82 “5-MTHF of folic acid was infused intravenously at a constant rate into conscious or methotrexate-pretreated rabbits. After 150 min, at equivalent plasma concentrations, folic acid or 5-MTHF readily entered the choroid plexus, but only 5-MTHF entered cerebrospinal fluid and probably brain by a saturable transport system. In contrast, after intraventricular injections, folic acid but not 5-MTHF was cleared from cerebrospinal fluid to blood by a saturable system… These results suggest that the transport system for 5-MTHF…helps maintain the cerebrospinal fluid and probably brain 5-MTHF concentrations within relatively narrow limits…”
  22. The role of vitamin B6 in our nervous system is very broad, and involves many aspects of neurological activity. One aspect focuses on the creation of an important group of messaging molecules called amines. The nervous system relies on formation of these molecules for transmission of messages from one nerve to the next. (The molecules can be classified as "neurotransmitters" for this reason.) Amines are one type of neurotransmitter in the nervous system. They are often made from parts of protein called amino acids, and the key nutrient for making this process happen is vitamin B6. Some of the amine-derived neurotransmitters that require vitamin B6 for their production include serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and GABA.
  23. Soulairac et al., 1977 (French); Guilleminault et al., 1973 (one patient); Wyatt et al., 1971 5-HTP bypasses conversion of L.tryptophan by enzyme tryptophan hydrolase (P5P form of B6) which is a rate limiting step in the conversion of serotonin. This may account for inconsistancies in studies using L. tryptophan