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Stress on Work
Most of the time people feel overloaded. They feel that they need to handle too much pressure that
they cannot keep going. Work, school, children, taxes, are just a few examples of what surrounds a
regular person that defines his whole situation as stress. It is defined as anything that challenges or
threats our well–being.
There are many causes of stress. The most important deal with financial problems, workplace stress,
personal relationships, health and irritants.
Financial problems have always been the common factor for almost every human being. Interests,
taxes, quotes, government regulations, etc., play a very important role in the daily lives of people. A
balance should always be kept in our personal and corporate finances and the ... Show more content
on ...
This person will be desperate to get a new job but not being able to get one. In various cases these
types of people start stealing to get something for their families. Most of the time they die or sent to
jail. Stress is needs to be handled correctly before it handles you.
Stress is a challenge itself. Being able to overcome them is what we need to focus in, handle it the
best we can and feeling very positive about us. It will always be there, ready to be defeated because
the human being has the absolute mental power over it. It is us that can make it grow or destroy it to
improve or worsen our lives. We know our ability to handle difficult situations, we must work to
improve it at all times, define our goals and the strategies to achieve them, be sure of what we want
and remain focused to have a better control of our lives and be happy at all times.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Differences between past and present levels of stress and causes. –
Through out the years, the levels of stress among people have clearly changed, but have these levels
been reduced or in the other hand each passing day we have a new stress overload in our backs. Well
their have been studies that each day stress levels are getting worst thanks to the constantly
increasing amount of issues we have to face in our lives, specially when referring to work. It seems
that twenty or thirty years ago, work stress levels where considerably
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Coping and Copers: What It Is to Cope, Personalities, and...
Coping and Copers: What it is to Cope, Personalities, and Effective and Non–effective Coping
Strategies Kerry Williams Psychology of Stress The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Coping and Copers: What it is to Cope, Personalities and Effective and Non–effective Coping
Strategies This essay discusses coping, a complex process exercised by people to suppress, change,
or eliminate stress or threat. This essay also discusses copers, that is, people who exhibit certain
personality characteristics, known as distress resistant personality patterns, which can significantly
influence whether they stay healthy or become ill. Also covered are coping strategies, –strategies
people draw upon to solve life's stressors, some ... Show more content on ...
Optimism is another trait or attribute displayed by Type Bs, Cs, and hardy personalities (see below).
Optimists are more inclined to appraise situations as challenging, whereas Type A personalities will
appraise the same situation as a threat. Optimists tend to focus on what they can do to change or
improve a stressful situation, rather than what they are unable to do. They are content in what they
do accomplish, and do not focus on their failures (Schafer, 2000; Morris & Maisto, 2005). The
Type C personality is formed by a number of attributes drawn from Type A and B personalities
(Schafer, 2000). Individuals with the Type C personality encounter challenges head–on with success
and vitality. Several qualities exhibited by Type Cs include their inspiring self, optimism, impulsive
nature, and their vigilant focus (Schafer, 2000). The Type C model, developed by Robert and
Marilyn Kriegel (1990, as cited in Schafer, 2000), categorises three patterns; challenge, confidence,
and control, which closely resemble the three Cs of the hardy characteristic discussed below.
Hardiness/resilience is a personality characteristic originally identified by Suzanne Kobasa (1979)
and redefined in further studies by Kobasa, Maddi, and Kahn (1982), and many others, as cited in
(Schafer, 2000; Morris & Maisto, 2005). It was established in these studies, that participants
who displayed the
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Ilm Managing Stress and Conflict in the Organisation Essay...
Assignment 2
Managing Stress and Conflict in the Organisation
Task 1
Understand the effectiveness of own organisation in dealing with workplace stress and conflict
Stress is a part of everyday life and as such is a part of all organisations. Cole in his 2004 book
'Management Theory and Practice' describes stress as:
The adverse psychological and physical reactions that occurs in individuals as a result of their being
unable to cope with the demands being made of them. (p.382)
It is estimated that stress causes the UK economy around £7 billion a year, of which £4 billion is as
a result of the 180 million working days lost due to staff taking time off work. As such the
importance, if not purely on a financial basis, can be seen to ... Show more content on ...
In relation to the management of conflict the College has several inter–related procedures. The first
and most important to this area is the Anti–Harassment procedure. This procedure deals with the
steps, first informal and then formal, that a member of staff who feels they are being harassed can go
down to resolve this conflict. Linked to this is the Disciplinary procedure under which action may
be taken upon a successful Anti–Harassment complaint. For managers there is also the Poor
Performance procedure should the conflict be in relation to the performance of a staff member. For
conflicts in relation to employment matters, pay and grading issues the College has a Grievance
The above discussed procedures are those for the whole of the College and so should be equally
applied across all departments. However with my directorate, conflict is to be avoided at all costs
and rather than rely on the College procedures the expectation is that it will be dealt with internally
within the directorate. Generally this results in compromise with no clear, long term resolution,
instead ensuring that everything is seen to be running smoothly and thus not requiring the
involvement of HR. This view is explained that is it better not to give HR an opportunity to point
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Relationship Between Perceived Stress And Psychical...
The relationship between perceived stress and psychical activities alongside age and gender
The present study examined whether five factors (smoking, exercise, work, gender and age) were
correlated with how stressed a person is. Hundred participants aged 18–49, mean age = 21.7. These
participants completed a questionnaire of a total fifteen questions, on the five factors stated
previously with an addition question on age and gender. A multiple linear regression analysis was
conducted to find whether the five factors could predict stress. The A significant model emerged: F=
22.12, df= 5.94, p<0.001. Results show that smoking, exercise and work are positively correlated
with stress and are significant predictors for stress whilst age and gender are negatively correlated
with stress hence are not significant predictors for stress. It is concluded that these findings show the
importance of exercise in life, as well as the harmful effects of smoking on health.
Perceived stress is the feeling or thought that one has about the amount of stress they are under. It is
about uncontrollability and unpredictability of one's life, dealing with irritating hassles, and one's
ability to deal with problems or difficulties. It does not look at stressful events that have happened to
a person, but how someone feels about the stresses (Gellman and Turner, 2013).
Psychologists have been looking into various areas within health psychology and some are
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A Report On International Labor Organization
The organizations and industries which deal with materials it may result in a high–riskinjuries such
as: oil industry, space agencies, nuclear power stations, chemical laboratories, aviation, constrictions
(Adel Badri, SylvieNadeaua and André Gbodossou, 2012) andthe mining plants (Hermanus, 2007).
People who work with high–risk materials. They have to check the working flow, detect
hazardpoints, understandDangers surrounding to keep people in the safe side and prevent any
accident and injuries. (R. Pretagostini et al, 2010).
In spite of definition of OHSMS in International labor organization is "A set of interrelated or
interacting elements to establish OSH policy and objectives, and to achieve those objectives (ILO,
2001)." The scope of OHSMS is probable wide. There is no specific definition for it for helping us
to determine which points should include it. The above definition is not clear. Does it deal with
management materials or workers? (Nilson, 2000) has argued about this issue. There is no Specific
points between OHS activities, management, and OHSM systems. OHSMS is not rarely understood.
It works in between two lines the evaluations and improvements continuously. (Lynda S. Robson,
The value of a risk:
Risk assessment is taken most improvement in occupational safety and health especially Risk
identification. In addition, the relationship between steps of risk and the level of occupational safety
and health. Also design stage is the most
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A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working in Banking...
Women in India have served a lot after independence. From just a experienced homemaker, women
today have gained skills and potential of not just being a homemaker but being at parity with their
male counterpart. Moreover, varying roles of working women, they have preserved the conventional
work culture of household. Now a day the companies are thriving towards high rate that the women
have to work for longer hours to sustain the standard of living and accomplish their basic needs. In
spite of having the recent technologies and services, women feel to be work loaded and stressed.
The abstract literature on stress recommends ... Show more content on ...
This is known as the repose reaction.
Unrelieved Stress. Often, up to date life poses ongoing stressful conditions that are not short–lived.
The recommendation to take action (to fight or flee) must thus be cautiously handled. Stress, after
that, turns into unrelieved.
Common unrelieved stressors contain: * Ongoing extremely pressured work * Long–term
relationship problems * Lonesomeness * Constant financial worries
Stress at work is quite a new perceptible fact of contemporary lifestyles. Occupational stress adds a
load to physical health. Work related stress in the life of controlled workers, thus, have an effect on
the wellbeing of organizations. Stress, either fast or steady, can bring risky body–mind disorders.
Instant disorders such as nervousness attacks, worry, sleeplessness, tenseness and muscle pain can
all result in unrelieved health problems. It has an effect on immune system, cardiovascular and
nervous systems and direct individuals to regular addictions. Like "stress reactions", "relaxation
responses" and stress management techniques are some of the important built–in response systems.
Unfortunately, at present, don't get peaceful and calming situations without asking. For relaxation
one has to struggle to create such circumstances. [19]
This study is carried out to investigate that how much the women workforce of the banks are
strained and how do the pressure of
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Essay on The Main Detonators of Stress
There are many reasons that can cause stress to happen. Although some people thinks that stress can
only happen to working employee with a busy lifestyle and schedule that they have to cope with this
is not true. Stress can happen to anyone no matter what status they are, whether they are single,
married, students, employee or non–employee. Some people thrive on a busy lifestyle and are able
to cope well with daily stresses. Other people feel tensed or stressed by the slightest change from
their set daily routine, but most people fall somewhere in between, but may have periods when
levels of stress increase. There are two issues that can cause stress which are personal issues and
social issues. In personal problems, the first problems is ... Show more content on ...
The next problems are the environment issues such as unsafe neighborhoods, crime–ridden cities,
and worry over personal safety may lead also to chronic stress. Lastly are traumatic events, people
who have suffered a traumatic event or life–threatening situation such as robbery or rape, or a
natural disaster often live with long–term stress. In many cases, they are actually suffering from
post–traumatic stress disorder.
Based on the online survey of 2,020 U.S. adults 18 and older, conducted in August by Harris
Interactive for the American Psychological Association, although stress levels for most Americans
are falling – but not among the Millennial generation, ages 18–33. Young adults also report more
depression and anxiety. Where for the Millennial, top stress sources are work (cited by 76%), money
(73%) and relationships (59%). The economy came in fifth, at 55%, just behind family
responsibilities, cited by 56% (USA TODAY 2013). This is shows on the figure 1 below (For more
information on the survey and results visit: ). Figure 1: The causes of millennial
The effects of stress are many and varied where some of the effects are positive, such as self–
motivation and stimulation to satisfy individual goals and objectives. Some stress can lead to bad
results such as disruptive,
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The Presentation Of Stress, Grief, And Death Essay
Stress, grief, and death are common aspects that paramedics experience and can present in many
different ways. This assignment will be identifying the presentation of stress, and strategies to
manage stress and to also maintain the personal wellbeing of paramedics, plus common stressors.
According to Lambert and Lambert (2008), stress can be arranged into a physical, enthusiastic, and
a type of human behaviour. This assignment will also be touching base on Kübler–Ross and Dual's
Model, plus general strategies to assist grieving people and relating it to paramedic practise. Cultural
specific strategies will be compared with the Māori culture and the Japanese culture about sudden
death and how they traditionally handle it. Bledsoe, Porter, and Cherry (2014) mention that
paramedics experience more death than the vast majority. This has been found to prompt total
physical and mental overload, which paramedics need to perceive and manage in order to remain
balanced (Lambert and Lambert, 2008).
Symptoms of stress as stated by Lambert and Lambert (2008), can vary amongst individuals.
Bledsoe et al, (2014) explain that a stimulus that causes stress is also known as a stressor. Bledsoe et
al, (2014) also describe the causing signs of stress can include loss of valued procession, general
displeasure and incapable methods for dealing with stress. Examples are given by Marieb and
Hoehn (2015), physical short–term stress can change in blood flow from an increased heart rate,
which will
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The Episode Of Violence Toward Me From A Patient
In this essay, I will provide the description and analysis of the episode of violence toward me from a
patient, my thoughts and feelings regarding this matter, my actions, and conclusion.
During my summer placement in Neurosurgery unit, I was assigned to care of 24–years–old patient,
Mr. R.T, who suffered from Dravet Syndrome (Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy) and
intellectual delay.
Mr. R.T. was admitted to the unit due to increased dysphagia for the past two weeks and
exacerbation of seizures. It was hard for me to find meaningful way of communication with him due
to his serious developmental delay; however, the patient was sometimes able to express his
preferences by telling "more, yes". Health care providers in the unit were aware of, and some
already experienced a behavioral aggression from Mr. R.T. When I tried to flush his Saline Lock, the
patient suddenly hit me 2 times to my left hand. I never expected this and I was emotionally
assaulted. Except for the pain in my hand, I also experienced psychological stress that could
possibly affect my caring toward the patient. I perfectly understood that he was mentally disable;
however, it took a lot of effort from me to remove the bias toward the patient. I did not demonstrate
my emotional stress to the peers and Course Director but I felt depressed for the rest of the clinical
day. Consequently, RN advised me to not continue providing any interventions for this patient
except for basic care.
After consulting with my
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Occupational Stress, Employee 's Health And Well Being, Ob...
Introduction :– The aim of the following study and observations is to address the above question
briefly. The essay covers topics like occupational stress, employee's health & well–being, OB
theories (relevant to the above question), importance of overcoming work related stress, etc. It is
widely recognised that healthy employees are happier and more productive at work. Experiencing
stress at work decreases employee's health and affects their well being and eventually has an impact
on the working of the firm or the organisation . Also, work related stress develops and increases the
levels of anxiety and depression amongst the individuals in the workforce . Therefore, it is important
to keep the allocation of workload in consideration so that it does not have a negative impact on the
well being of the people working in the organisation. What is Stress ? :– As per Oxford Living
Dictionaries, "Stress" is defined as : A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from
adverse or demanding circumstances. (2nd
Definition) When perceived demands exceed the individual's ability to cope, they can be said to be
experiencing a negative emotional state, referred to as "Stress" (Arnold,J. and Randall,R et al.,
2010) . ! On execution of considerable research, it was found that absenteeism, especially,
absenteeism due to sickness was a sign of work related or occupational stress (Ervasti et al., 2011) .
Thus, it has
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Occupational Psychology Case Study
Industrial organizational psychology is a field of psychology concerned with the application of
psychological theories and doctrine to organizations. This field concentrates on improving
workplace output and interrelated issues such as the mental and physical welfare of employees.
Experts in the industrial organizational field offer a wide variety of services including investigating
worker attitudes and conduct, assessing companies, and perform leadership training exercises. The
overall objective of this discipline is to investigate and comprehend human behavior in the office.
Occupational issues bear great significance to psychologists, given that most employees spend the
majority of their adult lives working in offices. Work acts as the defining factor for all human beings
making it an important subject to study (Avsec, 2010: Weinberg, Sutherland, Cooper, & Palgrave
Connect, 2010). Other related issues that are of interest to psychologists include correlating between
the right job and individual character set and discovering new methods of lowering workplace
Case Study Summary and Evaluation My previous job was very challenging and perhaps the cause
of most psychological and physiological problems that I am currently experiencing. I got ... Show
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An instance of unsuccessful problem–focused coping is using problem–solving to deal with the
strain when they lose a family member (Becker, 2013). Even though problem–solving may help the
stressed person in discovering a working coping strategy, this approach is not the most successful
coping technique given that certain stressors cannot be altered or personalized (Aamodt, 2013).
Problem–focused coping is highly suitable, as it eliminates the cause of stress. In the process, it
addresses the root cause of the issue and offers a long term
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Workplace Stress Article Comparison
Workplace Stress Article Comparison
In reading the three different articles dealing with stress in the workplace there seems to be a
disconnect between the people in power (employers) and the employees. While 85% of the
employers agree that workplace stress is a concern, there's a general disagreement between the two
parties on the triggers. Employees mainly believe lack of adequate hygiene factors and low pay play
a major role in workplace stress while employers feel understaffing and lack of work–life balance
are to blame (Benefits Canada.) While there are many strategies that employees can perform to
avoid workplace stress (choosing a job where one has relevant skills, interests, abilities, possessing a
contract and keeping up–to–date with
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Managing Stress During Internship Among Chemical...
Managing Stress during Internship among Chemical Engineering Students
With the given opportunity, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to each and everyone
who have been helping and involved in the process of conducting the research. To our parents, the
support and love given to us have been giving us the strength to continue and finish the research
paper. We would like to acknowledge and give our greatest gratitude to our lecturer, Puan Mazli
Shahurain for her guidance, encouragement and support throughout the completion of our research
paper. Thanks to her, for showing us examples ... Show more content on ...
Analysis of Data 12
3.6. Limitations 12
3.7. Summary 12
4.0 Introduction 13
4.1 Social support and relationship 13
4.1.1 Question 1 13
4.1.2 Question 2 14
4.2 Time Management 14
4.2.1 Question 1 14
4.2.2 Question 2 15
4.3 Stress Management Programs 15
4.3.1 Question 1 15
4.3.2 Question 2 16
4.4 Communication Skills 16
4.4.1 Question 1 16
4.4.2 Question 2 17
4.6 Best way to handle stress 17
4.7 Discussion 18
5.1 Introduction 20
5.2 Implications 20
5.3 Suggestion for Future Research 20
5.4 Conclusions 20
1.1 Introduction
For many years, engineers have transformed life and technology. Engineers are scientists,
mathematicians, inventors, and project planners combined. An engineer takes information from
various fields and applies that information to solve problems. Engineers invent solutions and
products in every field, including disciplines like aerospace, software, biomedical, chemical, civil,
mechanical, and electrical engineering. All engineers are given a similar basic education, but they
also choose one of these specific disciplines to be trained in. As for chemical engineers, they are
responsible for manufacturing chemicals and developing processes for doing so. Along with
researching the issues, the chemical engineer must
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What Is The Most Stressful Out Of Police Work Essay
Police officers face many stressful situations during their job. Most jobs have high rates of stress but
it has been Proven that police work is the most stressful out of all the jobs. There are four categories
of stress that police officers face. These four categories are external, organization, personal, and
operational stress. External stress is produced by real threats and dangers. External threats happen
outside of the office. Some examples of this are gun runs and other dangerous activities that take
part in auto pursuits. Organizational stress is produced by elements within a quasi–military
character. This stress comes from within the organization. This can be a constant adjustment of
changing duties, odd working hours, working holidays,
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The Relationship Between Job Enrichment and Abdominal Obesity
A Research Review of The Relationship Between Job Enrichment and Abdominal Obesity: A
Longitudinal Field Study of Apparently Healthy Individuals & A Starting Point for the Gap in
Seeing Obesity as a Eating and Mental Disorder Obesity is something that American's are struggling
to deal with, and are hearing about on a regular basis in today's world. From obesity in the media,
both health and appearance oriented, to the growing concerns about how this epidemic is affecting
our society, research is consistently figuring out the many ways obesity is affecting us. Another area
of concern is the occupational world; from union groups, to occupational therapists, there is a focus
towards acquiring a balance between optimal ... Show more content on ...
Obesity also affects hiring, evaluations, expectations, and individual's salaries (Judge & Cable,
2011; Pingitore, Dugoni, Tindale, & Spring, 1994; Shapiro, King, & Quinones, 2007), this produces
its own set of issues for businesses, individuals, and society; it creates a multitude of issues for
social psychologists, occupational therapists, and psychoanalytic counselors to work with. Another
way obesity relates to the counseling practice, is the sheer number of people who are obese or have
been; this is an issue because of the psychological manifestations that can happen from not only
being obese, but in becoming and recovering from being obese. As the general public has obesity as
a main concern, it is not having adequate support for treatment. Counselors across the US deal with
patients that have internalized the messages passed on from their parents and their environment.
Doctors and Counselors both help patients who have a biologically based obesity, and yet still have
some or the same cognitive issues that other people with obesity face. Does the lack of research
supporting obesity as a DSM–V eating disorder, like anorexia nervosa, have any kind of impact on
the amount of treatment, support, and recovery for individuals with obesity? METHODS Research
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Occupational Psychology
Occupational stress in an increasing topic and focus where stress is concern in the workplace. More
and more people are becoming ill due to work and have to take a number of sick days to recupriate
for more work hours. What causes this is based on a number of factors which researchers are aiming
at looking into, hence the increase of interest in the field of occupational psychology. Occupational
psychology, as the British Psychology Society puts it, is the attempt or aim of giving workers the
satisfaction of working in an effective and safe–like environment. Occupational psychologists goal
is to improve and maintain the working environment for employees which would limit the cause of
stress in the workplace and eliminating illness.
The article, Occupational ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, the more hours work equal to the more impact occupational stress would have on the
person. Take for example someone who work 40 hours a week, which is the typical timeframe. This
person is influence by work for almost 24% of their week. 24% is a lot of time, that is one–quarter
of a person time in work for the week. A lot of influence is being place in the person life and so
there is a lot of room, a lot of time and a lot of influence that the workplace can have on a person
health. Occupational stress should not be taken lightly or seem as minimum stress because it have
24% of a person time. This is why employees are encourage to take vacation every year and utilize
their sick days to recupirate and allow their body to relax and be away form the stress work
environment. Whitbourne (2010) emphasis that vacation is needed and vital to break the stress cycle
persons may experience in work. Allowing your body to relax by enjoying liesure time such as
golfing encourages the body to relax, which she said creates a better relationship with those around
you. Taking vacation from work, or from stress, is
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The Importance Of Life Changes In Your Life
Make some lifestyle changes There are some general changes that you can make to your lifestyle
that could help you feel more able to cope with pressure and stressful situations. You can: Practice
being straightforward and assertive in communicating with others. If people are making
unreasonable or unrealistic demands on you, be prepared to tell them how you feel and say no. Use
relaxation techniques. You may already know what helps you relax, like having a bath, listening to
music or taking your dog for a walk. If you know that a certain activity helps you feel more relaxed,
make sure you set aside time to do it. (See our web pages on relaxation for lots more ideas.)
Develop your interests and hobbies. Finding an activity that's completely different from the things
causing you stress is a great way to get away from everyday pressures. If stress is making you feel
lonely or isolated, shared hobbies can also be a good way to meet new people.
Make time for your friends. When you've got a lot on this might seem hard, but it can help you feel
more positive and less isolated. Chatting to friends about the things you find difficult can help you
keep things in perspective – and you can do the same for them. Laughing and smiling with them will
also produce hormones that help you to relax. Find balance in your life. You may find that one part
of your life, such as your job or taking care of young children, is taking up almost all of your time
and energy. Try
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Job Satisfaction wth Different Variables
The primary objective of the report is to measure the reliance of dependent variable i.e. job
satisfaction on several manipulated variables (motivation, stress, working conditions, etc.). Job
satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. There are several factors that
influence person's level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the fairness of the
promotion system within an organization, stress factor, the quality of the working conditions,
leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and the
clarity of the job description).
Job satisfaction is frequently measured attribute in the organizations. The measurement was done on
using rating scale where the people reported their reactions to their jobs. On the basis of these rating
scales, correlations were developed between job satisfaction and several other variables. The survey
suggests that satisfaction is strongly related to working conditions, rewards and appraisal for work
and motivation from seniors and co–workers.
Key words used: job satisfaction, motivation, stress and workload level, working environment
Job satisfaction represents an employee's beliefs about his job or job situation, that is, the employee
may believe his job is interesting, stimulating, dull or demanding. Job satisfaction, basically,
represents an employee's attitude toward his job. Job satisfaction can be influenced by variety of
factors like
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Work Related Stress Among Working Women -a Cause Effect...
The American Institute of Stress estimates that work– related stress costs American businesses about
$300 billion every year in lower productivity, higher absenteeism, low turnover rate, alcoholism,
and medical costs. Today, chronic work–related stress is not just an American affliction. In India,
over half of the call centre employees feel so stressed out by the tough working conditions that they
end up quitting.
Stress is an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to a
person's well ... Show more content on ...
YES | NO | 27 | 23 |
Q NO 2
Q NO 3
How are you affected by stress? PHYSICALLY | MENTALLY | 17 | 25 |
Q NO 4
How do you recognize that you are stressed out? OVER REACT & GET FRUSTRATED | 06 |
Q NO 5
Do you refer to doctor for stress/ Medication? YES | NO | 07 | 37 |
Q NO 6
Is your performance affected after stress at home/ workplace? YES | NO | 24 | 19 |
Q NO 7
What strategy do you adopt to comfort yourself when you are stressed out? RUN AWAY | 01 |
Q NO 8
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Definition of stress.
The word stress is a collective term and is used widely across many professions yet it is not clearly
defined and has no limitations. Stress is the new norm, be you a person, pet, practitioner, old or
young, stress dominates life and appears in magazines, on television and in newspapers that promise
guaranteed cures. My understanding of stress is that it is negative and can be categorised into two
major groups; physical stress and mental stress. Within these categories the word stress is used as a
condition, minor irritation, and crisis or even as an outcry. The word stress is derived from the Latin
verb stringo meaning to draw tight, graze or pluck (Hayward, 2005) and the meaning of stress is
forever being expanded. There is some ... Show more content on ...
The mass media and our peers are even major causes of stress in our daily life! Our knowledge of
stress is expanding as new studies are undertaken and new connections are made between stress and
other aspects of our lives. As a student of both physiology and psychology I understand stress can be
either a physical strain or injury, or a perception of one's feeling of well–being. In most cases,
physical strain will cause personal stress and vice–versa.
I perceive stress on a different scale to many other people, certain situations such as public speaking
and examinations of skill do not cause me large amounts of stress, however sailing causes me
distress and many physical changes such as hyperventilation, sweating and increased heart rate
(even a few tears perhaps). I use the word stress several times a day as a label for emotions, strain
and illness. Colloquially I use the word stress to describe insignificant feelings and events and life
threatening situations as do most people. Colloquialism aside, I am unaware of any problems
associated with the misconception of the word stress.
Stress can be both negative and positive for my performance, too much stress will cause me to burn
out but small amounts of stress actually improve my performance. An example is in a job interview;
I feel more alert and take care in what I am saying, in
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Employee Retention
Employee Retention
PSY 435
University of Phoenix
May 4, 2014
Employee retention is an essential part of any company. Lack of employees is essentially, an
incomplete business. When a business has issues with employee retention, they are typically left
with individuals who are not cut out for the job and lack any experience. Not only that, but, high
turn over costs business owners time, as well as, productivity. For an organization to continue
running properly they must implement programs that will keep their employees around. Attracting,
retaining, developing, utilization, and equitability, are all essential areas of programs that should be
implemented. JC's Casino should begin working towards these types of programs in order to ...
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The housekeeping department makes attempts at obtaining new employees, however, the attitudes of
the current employees needs improvement. In order to provide excellent service and continue this
trend with their new employees, there should be some rewards introduced. Simple things such as
coupons, movie tickets, or even a day off could really change the moral around the office.
Occupational Stressors/Alleviations
"A job stressor is a condition or situation at work that requires an adaptive response on the part of
the employee (Jex &amp; Beehr, 1991). Being Occupational Health Psychology reprimanded,
having too little time, and being told about the possibility of being fired are all examples of job
stressors (Spector, 2012, p.307). A job strain is a negative reaction of an employee to a stressor, such
as anxiety, anger, or physical symptoms such as a headache. Conflicts between employee's and their
supervisors can cause especially stressful situations within the workplace. "The severity of job stress
depends on the magnitude of the demands that are being made and the individual's sense of control
or decision–making latitude he or she has in dealing with them (American Institute of Stress, 2014,
Lets begin with the dealers inside JC's casino. As mentioned before, their supervisor is overbearing,
toxic, and evil. Based on that alone,
... Get more on ...
Work Related Depression Research Paper
Work Related Depression: Is Your Job Making Your Miserable? How much do you love your job?
Are you one of those lucky people who love their job? Do you bounce out of bed in the morning,
full of "joie de vivre," eager to face the challenges that work has to offer? Are you cheerful, and
smiling and enjoying everyone you meet? Do you feel stimulated, elated, and satisfied by the work
you have to do? Does your work feel like play? Do you feel that you are making a meaningful
contribution to society? No? This doesn't sound like you? Perhaps you are one of the millions who
are doing the daily grind, to earn a crust and feeling weighed down by the hopelessness of your
situation? Is getting out of bed hard for you in the morning? Do you drag yourself into the office
each day and force the corners of your mouth ... Show more content on ...
Walk or cycle to work. The fresh air and exercise will elevate your mood, get your blood circulating,
and keep you fit in the long term. You won't be stuck in traffic jams feeling frustrated. Instead, you
can arrive at work already feeling satisfied that you are accomplishing great self–care and fitness
levels. 4. Feel–good endorphins are released when you exercise, making it easier for you to step into
the office with a genuine smile on your face. 5. Pretend everybody you meet is an embodiment of a
divine teacher. Imagine that they have something important to teach you. Be grateful for whatever
they teach you today, even if that is how to be more patient with them! 6. Talk to your boss about
how you are feeling. Is there room for increased responsibility, more variety, or tasks that are more
challenging? If you don't ask, you won't know what the answer might be. 7. Bring plants in and keep
them watered. Plants add to the oxygen in the atmosphere and keep the air fresher. 8. Try not to take
your work home with you. Leave it at work at the end of the day and do something to nourish
yourself in the evening. You need time to decompress and recharge your
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Workplace Stress: A Case Study
"Work stress is one of the oldest issues in organizational psychology and is considered one of the
most severe occupational injuries in modern society" (Chou, Chu, Yeh, &Chen, 2014, p. 115).
Overcoming this severe issue of workplace stress is an important topic to discuss. It is defined as the
events or circumstances that cause strain to an employee, which can result in physical, mental, and
emotional consequences (Dextras–Gauthier, Marchand, & Haines, 2012; Nägel, Sonnentag, &
Kühnel, 2015). When referring to an individual's career, stress can create negative outcomes if it is
not effectively managed. For example, within the social service organizations, it is important that
there are effective stress management interventions ... Show more content on ...
The results of burnout show that there can be damage to an individual's physical health and
cognitive functioning. Studies found that there is a connection between chronic work stress and job
strain, which results in employee sick leave and the inability to function effectively (Deligkaris, et
al., 2014). In addition, results of burnout can affect the organization and the clients, due to the
possibility of inadequate services being provided or a high increase in turnover.
Another negative impact to consider when it comes to stress is organizational constraints. Pindek
and Spector (2016) show that organizational constraints are "conditions in the work that inhibit,
interfere with, or fail to support an individual's performance of job tasks", which results in
workplace stress that is linked to the strain felt by the employee (p. 7). There are various ways that
organizational constraint can create workplace stress. First, organizational constraint can be caused
by having an inadequate amount of resources (Pindek & Spector, 2016). Providing resources to the
employees allows them to be successful in accomplishing their tasks. In addition, organizational
constraints can be caused by poor interpersonal interactions, which can make assigning tasks
difficult. Furthermore, Pindek & Spector (2016) state that increasing interventions that
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Stress Among Stress And Stress
In the United States, stress problems are common. According to, "The American Psychological
Association (2017)", "Stress in America" is rated to be present in one–third of the population. There
are so many studies which associate with stress levels at any particular moment of their lives. When
stress occurs repeatedly, the incidence of its occurrence is much higher when you think of
throughout a lifespan.
When talking about stress, it's regarding the reference to the negative experiences that overwhelm
us. "Stress", it's something which gives a false impression of its true nature. It is the reaction to the
changing and demanding environment. When considered, stress is our capacity to handle those
changes which either makes you good or ... Show more content on ...
Few of them enjoy the feeling of enormously stressed, which they think as a great change. But,
others don't feel that lack of stress even for a while which is said to have a negative meaning called
"boredom". What individuals want, is to stay at the middle level; where there is a balance between
lack of stress and too much stress in all situations. These people want a little challenge and
enthusiasm, but not too much of it so that they feel overwhelmed.
At work, stress is the common cause which increasingly affects people in their day to day schedule,
in contrast to the increasing demands. It hits every aspect of life; physical, economic, social,
spiritual and mental. It is something that everyone experiences at some point of time and these can
be categorized into different types where some are long–term and others are short term. When we
take into consideration coping with it varies from an individual to individual and major and minor
events that are happening in their life. It is a hard time understanding the considerable stressors like
family, education, relationship with co–workers, and finances.
Another alarming concern is the stress related job, so it is always important to recognize the sources
that affect stress at workplace. "Stress at work as a leading safety and health problem and launched a
series of initiatives to investigate and control
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Burnout In Child Welfare Essay
Occupational burnout is a serious issue that impacts one's life in a multitude of ways. Working in
Child Welfare is a stressful and challenging job. During middle adulthood (40–60 years) many
changes occur in one's life that bring about a new set of challenges. At the intersection of burnout,
child welfare work, and middle adulthood is a combination of complex issues with many layers and
variables to examine and understand. What leads to burnout in child welfare workers who are in the
middle adulthood stage of life? How can the risk of burnout in child welfare be reduced? What
effects does burnout have on an individual? This paper will attempt to provide answers to these
questions. Studies of burnout have shown it is an especially prevalent condition among ... Show
more content on ...
Christina Maslach and Susan Jackson are the most well documented researchers on burnout and the
most frequently referenced in the literature. Maslach and Jackson (1981) defined burnout as
consisting of three component: overwhelming emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced
personal accomplishments. The feeling of being overworked/overextended and drained of physical
and emotional resources is at the core of emotional exhaustion. Depersonalization refers to a
cynical, negative attitude towards people one is interacting with (coworkers, clients, etc.), and
excessive detachment and emotional numbing from the various aspects of the job. Feelings of
emotional exhaustion subsequently lead to depersonalization. Depersonalization is a protective state
of cynicism that spurs dissonance, either cognitive or emotional, with others as a coping strategy for
work demands and exhaustion (Halbesleben & Buckley, 2004). Reduced personal accomplishment
(also referred to as personal efficacy) refers to the feeling of ineffectiveness, unproductiveness,
personal incompetence, and lack of the feeling of accomplishment on the
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Essay on Stress and Gender Differences
Introduction: Stress is a phenomenon that is experienced worldwide. It "has become a pervasive
experience in the daily lives of Canadians" (McShane & Steen, 2009, p. 90) with three out of four
Canadians claiming to feel stress either frequently or sometimes (McShane & Steen, 2009, p. 90).
There are many coping strategies available to personnel but stress levels remain high. Although both
genders encounter workplace stress, the method in which it is handled as well as the how the stress
itself is perceived is vastly different. Due to differing socialization within North America, it is
understandable that these contrasting strategies and stressors occur. Women, for example, experience
stress primarily through "gender–role stereotypes, ... Show more content on ...
The authors discovered that males tend to evaluate the resources available to them when
encountering a stressful situation and stress levels are then dependent on whether resources are
available. Alternately, females employ these resources and stress then depends on the success of
coping strategies in managing the situation. Watson et al. suggest that this displays females utilize
coping strategies before experiencing stress while males experience stress prior to using coping
strategies. Watson et al. (2011) not only documented the differences found within male and female
stress situations but also accounted for similarities between the genders. Upon entering a stressful
situation, males and females are led to coping. In fact, there is a sense of universality of stress and
coping pathways as it does not change across gender or culture. There is a sense of sameness
throughout genders, united in humanity.
Coping Strategies: Don R. Mueller (2005) agrees with Watson et al. that women are indeed better at
dealing with stress. However, he does not negate the fact that stress exists in everyone's life and
even goes so far as to proclaim, "without stress, there would be no life" (p. 29). Mueller underscores
that business stress is beginning to become a cost that employers must offset by aiding employees in
alleviating stressors. "It makes good business sense!" (p. 29) Mueller states on the issue. As a
chemistry professor, Mueller
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Managing Work Life Balance
The current economic situation has been blamed for causing income loss, extended working hours
and intense stress in workplaces all over the world. Due to this today people are being challenged to
strike a balance between work life and family life. People are overwhelmed by the demanding
careers, demanding families, a slow economy and so on. This has left people with little time for
what they need and want to do.
Motivation refers to the desire, effort and passion to achieve something (Paul, Hoang, 2007). In
business terms it is often referred to as the willingness to complete a task or job with enthusiasm.
There are different motivators for every person. Some people are motivated by fears. Others are
motivated by rewards. Many ... Show more content on ...
In order to strike work–life balance managers may have to give up the 9–5 job culture. This rigid
system can be replaced by flexi–time. This system requires employees to work a core period of the
day when they are expected to be at work but the rest of the time is flexi–time (Paul, Hoang, 2007).
This means that the staff decides where they work, subject to them getting their work completed by
set deadlines. For example an employee who is supposed to work for 40 hours in a week might work
for 10 hours from Monday to Thursday and take Friday as off or may work 25 hours in the
workplace per week and the remaining from any other location home or elsewhere. Flexi–time is
beneficial to employees as it gives them a greater degree of freedom to balance their work and
personal life, which helps in reducing stress. On the other hand organizations that use flexi–time can
have an improved image as it is seen to be providing equal opportunities to staff that are unable to
work standard hours due to their other important mostly personal commitments. A better image will
help in attracting better talent to the company. It also helps in improving motivation and hence
productivity and output of the business. Businesses that use flextime can also save on paying
overtime of their employees. Another suggestion would be teleworking which involves working
away from the workplace by using electronic forms of communication such as telephone, fax and
email. Another
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On Occupational Health Psychology Training, Professional...
On Occupational Health Psychology Training, Professional Security and Responsibility to Society:
A Doctoral Student's Opinion
Occupational Health Psychology (OHP) is an emerging field which has developed due to the
changes within the workplace and through the recognition on how the workplace impacts worker
physical and psychological health. There was no mention of the phrase "occupational health
psychology" until 1979 according to google 'ngram' which searches approximately 5 million books.
"Occupational Health Psychology" was not even a recognized term until 1990 (Adkins, 1999;
Houmont, Leka & Cox, 2007). Regardless, OHP has grown exponentially in the past 24 years. This
development was supported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
and the American Psychological Association (APA) after the Occupational Safety and Health Act of
1970 charged NIOSH with investigating behavioral antecedents of occupational disease and injury.
In 1993–1997 NIOSH and APA partnered to develop postdocs and graduate programs focusing on
OHP (Milestones in the History...2002). Currently there are fourteen universities including East
Carolina University which offer graduate training in OHP in the United States. These efforts are not
limited to the United States; there are three programs in Europe, one program in the United
Kingdom, and one program in Canada and with similar training (Graduate Training in Occupational
Health Psychology, 2013).
OHP requires a specific
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How do Working Conditions in the Workplace Affect Our...
Globalization and economic development have dramatically altered working conditions over the last
decade (Towers Watson, 2014). Restructuring, a higher workload, increased use of automation and
technology and the speed of change have had a significant impact on the organization as well as its
employees and their well–being (Clark, 2011). Working conditions refer to the organizational
structure and environment such as terms of employment, hours of work, health and safety policies,
physical environment and on–site facilities like fitness and daycare centers (Schulte and Vainio,
2010). It also includes workload, job control and support from management and colleagues (Dewe
and Cooper, 2012). The International Labour Organization (2009) considers Workplace Well–being
to relate to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to
how workers feel about their work, colleagues, management, organizational culture, structure and
policies. Employees with a high level of well–being are more productive and engaged at work
(Cooper and Cartwright, 1994). However, employee well–being is subjective. Different occupations
and individuals have different requirements for optimal well–being (Havlovic and Keenan, 1995).
Organizational initiatives and working conditions can also impact the well–being of each worker
differently. One must also consider that while employee well–being at work is impacted by working
conditions, it can also be influenced by non job
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Stress in the Workplace is a Health Issue
In a point in our lives we all experience stress and many questions arrive to what initiates stress?
what harm does it do? and how to deal with it? But, whether is at home, college or most commonly
at work it's normal to end up mentally and physically burnt–out at any job and experience stress,
especially if the person is at an entry–level. Work overload, spending long hours with little result,
pressure when meeting deadlines, problems getting along with co–workers, difficult tasks with no
breaks in between and being responsible for others can eventually have a negative effect on people
and cause them to experience different levels of stress. Typically, stress at the workplace relates to
also having a problematic boss. But fortunately, there are many solutions to deal with stress. Do the
the scientific improvements and advancements, institutions and people have been able to come up
with programs which helps manage and prevent. Some of these ways are by providing therapy,
adjusting a flexible work schedule, and communication programs. In times when stress level is high
and it becomes a health issue, its best that people change their habits or work environment and reach
out to a doctor for best medical assistance. But frequently, these relieving programs are efficient, it
helps employees develop better relationship with the managers or employers, and eventually
creating and enjoyable work environment by eliminating insignificant arguments that provokes
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Organizational Stress: Positive or Negative?
DDBA 8151 – Andrea Manzoni
Discussion 1 Module 3
Organizational Stress: Positive or Negative?
The increased uncertainty about the future, the global competition, lower living standards, the
spreading disorganization and absence of leadership are just some of the causes that concur to
generate organizational stress. Lazarus (as cited in Selart & Johansen, 2011) defined stress as the
physiological and psychological reaction of any individual against external factors called stressors.
Several studies were conducted to evaluate how these factors negatively affect the physical and
mental health of both workers and managers. For instance research conducted by the European
Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in ... Show more content on ...
Missing of an effective leadership is the main cause of disruption: the project manager is not the
level the project of this magnitude requires. This fact translates into quantity and qualitative
overload of work to the project people with clear compromise on quality of work done. This
overload generates frustration, anxiety and aggressiveness among the team. People start resigning,
with a clear impact on the project performance as it is not easy to find available and suitable
personnel in the local market. This issue increases the workload of the present staff, as no
replacement is always available immediately.
Besides the tangible effect of the stress, there is another important aspect of stressed employees
which deals with ethical conduct. One of the main tasks of a leader is to align the values of the
employees with the values of the organization. In fact, as Bass (1999) declared, transformational
leadership is required to align the individual 's values and beliefs, and the requirements of the work
position. When the alignment between personal and organizational values is missing, "attitudes will
be formed which suppress motivation, hinder performance, and result in greater levels of
dissatisfaction, turnover, and stress" (Posner, 2010, p. 536). In particular, Selart and Johansen (2011)
suggested that the stress influence the capability of people to elaborate ethical
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The Stress Level Among Employees
rest of the group. Employees who are silent about important issues may also experience
psychological stress. (Robbins, S and Judge, T, 2014). Below chart shows some other major causes
of stress when working in groups in an organization.
Fig 6 – Working with Others Is Often Irritating. (Robbins, S and Judge, T, 2014).
At any stage, if the managers and team members disagree about perceptions of organizational
support, stress level among employees increases. The employees are unsure about how to proceed
with the task in hand, if they don't know what management is expected of the task or what
management see as the project output. This scenario combined with increased job demand causes
employees to stress out more as there is no clear guidance on how proceed here. Organizational
culture with less support and encouragement for innovations, motivation and which supports risk
taking causes employees to take less interest in those innovative projects. If the task expects
improved quality while not equipping employees with any additional tools to improve delivery
efforts also cause the stress levels to be impacted. In an organization culture where employees are
expected to finish tasks very quickly and more efficiently than in the past cause employees to stress
more as new projects are assigned to them from time to time. This comes under how the
aggressiveness and outcome orientations factors are perceived. Also, some organizational culture it
is expected that employees work
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The Transactional Model Of Stress And Coping
Stressors are demands made by the internal or external environment that upset balance, thus
affecting physical and psychological well–being and requiring action to restore balance (Lazarus &
Cohen, 1977). Beginning in the 1960s and 1970s, stress was considered to be a transactional
phenomenon dependant on the meaning of the stimulus to the perceiver (Lazarus, 1966;
Antonovsky, 1979). Core Assumptions and Statements The Transactional Model of Stress and
Coping is a framework for evaluating the processes of coping with stressful events. Stressful
experiences are construed as person–environment transactions. These transactions depend on the
impact of the external stressor. This is mediated by firstly the person's appraisal of the stressor and
secondly on the social and cultural resources at his or her disposal (Lazarus & Cohen, 1977;
Antonovsky & Kats, 1967; Cohen 1984). When faced with a stressor, a person evaluates the
potential threat (primary appraisal). Primary appraisal is a person's judgment about the significance
of an event as stressful, positive, controllable, challenging or irrelevant. Facing a stressor, the second
appraisal follows, which is an assessment of people's coping resources and options (Cohen, 1984).
Secondary appraisals address what one can do about the situation. Actual coping efforts aimed at
regulation of the problem give rise to outcomes of the coping process. In the table below the key
constructs of the Transaction Model of Stress and Coping are
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Positive And Negative Effects Of Stress Essay
Employment Performance Demand Stress: Negative or Positive Effects in Adult life I. Introduction
According to The American Institute of Stress, occupational pressures and fears are the leading
source of stress for American adults (2017). Workplace stressors can have negative effects on
employee productivity. It is well established that employee reports of stressful work environments
and job conditions correspond with employee proficiency and health outcomes (Chen & Spector,
1991). It has been argued that observed relations may cause adverse tendencies (Chen & Spector,
1991). Also, employees with low levels of self–efficiency may have poorer coping mechanisms
resulting in a harder impact of workplace stressors (Bond, Flaxman & Lloyd, 2017). II. Summary of
the research reviewed Chen and Spector (1991) conducted research on stressors and strains in the
workplace, as well as, the role of negative efficiency in observed relations between the two.
Methods included assessment of five chronic work stressors: role ambiguity, role conflict,
interpersonal conflict, situational constraints, and workload. Most of the above were assessed
through direct contact; questions assessed through a number scale. Strains were measured as well,
including; overall job satisfaction, anger, perceived frustration, perceived stress, intention to quit,
healthy symptoms, and doctors' visits. Strains were also measured on numbered scales. Scales were
personalized to each stressor's need for
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Job Stress And Organizational Justice For Construction...
Project Management
Job Stress and Organizational Justice for Construction Engineers
The study on engineers on hydro project construction site to reveal the level of job stress and level
of organizational Justice Satisfaction found need of improvements to be recommended. On the basis
of this study the employee are recommended to practice proper pay, promotion and reward system
as to lower the stress due to job demand. Similarly it is recommended to improve on adequate
equipment, staff and safety as resources to minimize the Job stress on engineers. The level of stress
measured by self developed stress scale (21 items ) found mean value of (2.625) with reliability of (r
> 0.7)The stress is at moderate level as per classification of American Institute of Stress (AIS) with
mean value of (2.68) .So, more awareness is essential at hydropower projects. The overall Justice is
found just at a level of mean value (3.235) just above neutral value of (3) neither satisfied nor
dissatisfied, so recommended to improve by doing the justice to engineers employed. Intention to
stay was found just below the neutral value so classified as intended to leave moderately. The
correlation with intention to Stay was found for both stress scale negative with moderate
significance which means higher stress will cause less intention to Stay. Stress was found associated
with number of children of engineers while
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Assessment Tools : Assessment Tool Analysis
Assessment tool Analysis
Ruth Semere
University of Phoenix
July 31, 2017
Assessment tool Analysis
The purpose for this paper is to examine the assessment tools that is used in the healthcare field.
There are many different assessment tools exist but for this assignment, I will examines assessment
tools that evaluate physical measures by applying Watson's theory of human caring integrates the
mind–body–spirit dimensions because Watson's theory of human caring focuses on establishing a
caring relationship with patients, (Chesnay & Anderson, page 89, 2012). In this paper, I choose three
assessment tools: Becks depression inventory, social support questionnaire and ... Show more
content on ...
The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a 21–item self–reporting questionnaire for evaluating the
severity of depression in normal and psychiatric populations. Ferinde define BID as validated
measure that has been instrumental in leading numerous diagnoses due to its most revision.
(Farinde, 2013). There are different types of BIDs. The BDI–II does not rely on any particular
theory of depression and the questionnaire has been translated into several languages. A shorter
version of the questionnaire, the BDI Fast Screen for Medical Patients (BDI–FS), is available for
primary care use. That version contains seven self–reported items each corresponding to a major
depressive symptom in the preceding 2 weeks. The questionnaire was developed from clinical
observations of attitudes and symptoms occurring frequently in depressed psychiatric patients and
infrequently in non–depressed psychiatric patients. As it is stated in Occupational medicine,
Twenty–one questionnaire is commonly self–administered were consolidated from those
observations, 0–3 for severity. Self–administration takes 5–10 min and the recall period for the
BDI–II is 2 weeks for (major depressive symptoms), in occupational health, it can be used as a
screening tool to detect depression in normal populations or as a tool to assess symptom severity in
clinical populations. The BDI–II contains 21 items on a 4–point scale
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Part of Being a Counselor Is Dealing with Stressed or...
A significant piece in being a counselor is dealing with clients who may feel stressed or depressed.
Many clients may feel as if they have some sort of problem with either themselves or the people
around them and it is up to the counselor to work with the client to generate some sort of solution.
However, even though the counselor is supposed to remain collected, there are many opportunities
for a counselor to feel as if they are in the client's shoes. Feelings of stress and even depression have
been observed in many counselors which are one of the several health risks associated with this
career path. There are several risks associated with being a counselor. First of all, there can be a lot
of stress associated with being a counselor since many of the clients that come in for assistance are
feeling distressed. There is also a lot of responsibility associated with being a counselor that must be
fulfilled. As highlighted in the code of ethics for instance, counselors must keep all information
confidential and are expected to remain trustworthy figures regardless of the circumstances.
However, while counselors are expected to remain confidential, they must also report a client when
he/she threatens to harm themselves or someone else. This could lead the counselor to wonder about
their client outside of the workplace wondering if they are okay. For instance, they may wonder
whether "Sally" is keeping her promise of staying off of drugs or whether "Scott" will see
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Define Resilience
There are many ways to define resilience. Michael Neenan describes it as "the ability, in the face of
difficulty, to retain flexible cognitive, behavioural and emotional responses" (2009). Similarly, the
American Psychological Association offers this definition: "Resilience is the process of adapting
well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress – such as family
and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors" (Comas–
Diaz, Luthar, Maddi, O'Neill, Saakvitne & Tedeschi, n.d.). While the definitions abound, one thing
is clear: resilience is all about being able to "bounce back" after a difficult experience. Importantly,
resilience is unique from coping in that it ... Show more content on ...
In a longitudinal study, she monitored the development of a cohort of 698 children, born in 1955, at
the ages 1, 2,10, 18, 32, and 40. One–third of these children (N= 210), had experienced four or more
risk factors (e.g. poverty, pre– or perinatal complications, parental psychopathology). Within this
group, two–thirds "developed learning or behavioral problems by age 10 or had delinquency records
and/ or mental health problems by age 18" (Werner, 2005, p. 11). The other third, however, grew
into "competent, confident and caring adults," where "by the time they reached age 40, not one of
these individuals was unemployed, none had been in trouble with the law, and none had to rely on
social services" (Werner, 2005, p. 12). Werner noted that all the children in this "resilient" group
"had the opportunity to establish a close bond with at least one caregiver," supporting the argument
for external protective factors (1989, p. 74). She too found, that even at an early age, these children
were autonomous, with a tendency seek out novel experiences, suggesting they possessed unique
dispositional attributes favorable for resilience. Werner proposes one such attribute is an internal
locus of control. By high–school, the resilient group had developed an internal locus of control, and
by age 30, both the men and women in this group had scored significantly below (more than 2 SD)
the standardization group (in the internal direction) on Rotter's Locus of Control Scale (Werner,
1989, p. 74, 77). This longitudinal work suggests that some internal psychosocial elements (e.g.
internal locus of control), in addition to environmental factors (e.g. external support systems) may
foster the development of resilience. These findings are supported and supplemented by a more
recent literature review on resilience in development, which highlighted problem–solving,
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Social Disparities Within A Family Essay
Social disparities within a family can affect the way a family functions along with affecting the
individual. The affect on the children within the at–risk families can have a detrimental effect on
their current health status as well as their future. This paper will discuss the characteristics in the
creation of social disparity, the relationship of theories to individuals and families experiencing
social disparity, the theory which best applies, a plan to combat social disparities in family health,
how the interventions align with the theory, and the prediction of outcomes that will result for the
family and the individual because of the interventions.
Social Disparities in Families Social disparity which can affect the family's health can arise for
many reasons. The economic status of the families and individual can affect family health and set
the stage for how the family functions. Single parent homes are more relevant now than in past years
and this increase of one parent homes can affect the family's health. Another reason which needs to
be reviewed is the ethnicity of the family which can have an impact on the social disparity in turn
having an impact on health.
Poverty among families means the inability to supply the basic needs of daily living. Poor children
were more likely to be in fair/poor health, and Blacks had higher rates than Whites within each
socioeconomic category ((Montgomery, Kiely, & Pappas, 1996). The data for children from
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Stress On Work

  • 1. Stress on Work Most of the time people feel overloaded. They feel that they need to handle too much pressure that they cannot keep going. Work, school, children, taxes, are just a few examples of what surrounds a regular person that defines his whole situation as stress. It is defined as anything that challenges or threats our well–being. There are many causes of stress. The most important deal with financial problems, workplace stress, personal relationships, health and irritants. Financial problems have always been the common factor for almost every human being. Interests, taxes, quotes, government regulations, etc., play a very important role in the daily lives of people. A balance should always be kept in our personal and corporate finances and the ... Show more content on ... This person will be desperate to get a new job but not being able to get one. In various cases these types of people start stealing to get something for their families. Most of the time they die or sent to jail. Stress is needs to be handled correctly before it handles you. Stress is a challenge itself. Being able to overcome them is what we need to focus in, handle it the best we can and feeling very positive about us. It will always be there, ready to be defeated because the human being has the absolute mental power over it. It is us that can make it grow or destroy it to improve or worsen our lives. We know our ability to handle difficult situations, we must work to improve it at all times, define our goals and the strategies to achieve them, be sure of what we want and remain focused to have a better control of our lives and be happy at all times. Conclusions and Recommendations Differences between past and present levels of stress and causes. – Through out the years, the levels of stress among people have clearly changed, but have these levels been reduced or in the other hand each passing day we have a new stress overload in our backs. Well their have been studies that each day stress levels are getting worst thanks to the constantly increasing amount of issues we have to face in our lives, specially when referring to work. It seems that twenty or thirty years ago, work stress levels where considerably ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Coping and Copers: What It Is to Cope, Personalities, and... Coping and Copers: What it is to Cope, Personalities, and Effective and Non–effective Coping Strategies Kerry Williams Psychology of Stress The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Coping and Copers: What it is to Cope, Personalities and Effective and Non–effective Coping Strategies This essay discusses coping, a complex process exercised by people to suppress, change, or eliminate stress or threat. This essay also discusses copers, that is, people who exhibit certain personality characteristics, known as distress resistant personality patterns, which can significantly influence whether they stay healthy or become ill. Also covered are coping strategies, –strategies people draw upon to solve life's stressors, some ... Show more content on ... Optimism is another trait or attribute displayed by Type Bs, Cs, and hardy personalities (see below). Optimists are more inclined to appraise situations as challenging, whereas Type A personalities will appraise the same situation as a threat. Optimists tend to focus on what they can do to change or improve a stressful situation, rather than what they are unable to do. They are content in what they do accomplish, and do not focus on their failures (Schafer, 2000; Morris &amp; Maisto, 2005). The Type C personality is formed by a number of attributes drawn from Type A and B personalities (Schafer, 2000). Individuals with the Type C personality encounter challenges head–on with success and vitality. Several qualities exhibited by Type Cs include their inspiring self, optimism, impulsive nature, and their vigilant focus (Schafer, 2000). The Type C model, developed by Robert and Marilyn Kriegel (1990, as cited in Schafer, 2000), categorises three patterns; challenge, confidence, and control, which closely resemble the three Cs of the hardy characteristic discussed below. Hardiness/resilience is a personality characteristic originally identified by Suzanne Kobasa (1979) and redefined in further studies by Kobasa, Maddi, and Kahn (1982), and many others, as cited in (Schafer, 2000; Morris &amp; Maisto, 2005). It was established in these studies, that participants who displayed the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Ilm Managing Stress and Conflict in the Organisation Essay... Assignment 2 Managing Stress and Conflict in the Organisation Task 1 Understand the effectiveness of own organisation in dealing with workplace stress and conflict Stress is a part of everyday life and as such is a part of all organisations. Cole in his 2004 book 'Management Theory and Practice' describes stress as: The adverse psychological and physical reactions that occurs in individuals as a result of their being unable to cope with the demands being made of them. (p.382) It is estimated that stress causes the UK economy around £7 billion a year, of which £4 billion is as a result of the 180 million working days lost due to staff taking time off work. As such the importance, if not purely on a financial basis, can be seen to ... Show more content on ... In relation to the management of conflict the College has several inter–related procedures. The first and most important to this area is the Anti–Harassment procedure. This procedure deals with the steps, first informal and then formal, that a member of staff who feels they are being harassed can go down to resolve this conflict. Linked to this is the Disciplinary procedure under which action may be taken upon a successful Anti–Harassment complaint. For managers there is also the Poor Performance procedure should the conflict be in relation to the performance of a staff member. For conflicts in relation to employment matters, pay and grading issues the College has a Grievance procedure. The above discussed procedures are those for the whole of the College and so should be equally applied across all departments. However with my directorate, conflict is to be avoided at all costs and rather than rely on the College procedures the expectation is that it will be dealt with internally within the directorate. Generally this results in compromise with no clear, long term resolution, instead ensuring that everything is seen to be running smoothly and thus not requiring the involvement of HR. This view is explained that is it better not to give HR an opportunity to point score ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Relationship Between Perceived Stress And Psychical... The relationship between perceived stress and psychical activities alongside age and gender Abstract The present study examined whether five factors (smoking, exercise, work, gender and age) were correlated with how stressed a person is. Hundred participants aged 18–49, mean age = 21.7. These participants completed a questionnaire of a total fifteen questions, on the five factors stated previously with an addition question on age and gender. A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to find whether the five factors could predict stress. The A significant model emerged: F= 22.12, df= 5.94, p<0.001. Results show that smoking, exercise and work are positively correlated with stress and are significant predictors for stress whilst age and gender are negatively correlated with stress hence are not significant predictors for stress. It is concluded that these findings show the importance of exercise in life, as well as the harmful effects of smoking on health. Introduction Perceived stress is the feeling or thought that one has about the amount of stress they are under. It is about uncontrollability and unpredictability of one's life, dealing with irritating hassles, and one's ability to deal with problems or difficulties. It does not look at stressful events that have happened to a person, but how someone feels about the stresses (Gellman and Turner, 2013). Psychologists have been looking into various areas within health psychology and some are particularly ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. A Report On International Labor Organization Introduction: The organizations and industries which deal with materials it may result in a high–riskinjuries such as: oil industry, space agencies, nuclear power stations, chemical laboratories, aviation, constrictions (Adel Badri, SylvieNadeaua and André Gbodossou, 2012) andthe mining plants (Hermanus, 2007). People who work with high–risk materials. They have to check the working flow, detect hazardpoints, understandDangers surrounding to keep people in the safe side and prevent any accident and injuries. (R. Pretagostini et al, 2010). In spite of definition of OHSMS in International labor organization is "A set of interrelated or interacting elements to establish OSH policy and objectives, and to achieve those objectives (ILO, 2001)." The scope of OHSMS is probable wide. There is no specific definition for it for helping us to determine which points should include it. The above definition is not clear. Does it deal with management materials or workers? (Nilson, 2000) has argued about this issue. There is no Specific points between OHS activities, management, and OHSM systems. OHSMS is not rarely understood. It works in between two lines the evaluations and improvements continuously. (Lynda S. Robson, 2007). The value of a risk: Risk assessment is taken most improvement in occupational safety and health especially Risk identification. In addition, the relationship between steps of risk and the level of occupational safety and health. Also design stage is the most ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working in Banking... A STUDY ON WORKPLACE STRESS AMONG WOMEN WORKING IN BANKING INDUSTRY By ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: CHARU MODI ABSTRACT Women in India have served a lot after independence. From just a experienced homemaker, women today have gained skills and potential of not just being a homemaker but being at parity with their male counterpart. Moreover, varying roles of working women, they have preserved the conventional work culture of household. Now a day the companies are thriving towards high rate that the women have to work for longer hours to sustain the standard of living and accomplish their basic needs. In spite of having the recent technologies and services, women feel to be work loaded and stressed. The abstract literature on stress recommends ... Show more content on ... This is known as the repose reaction. Unrelieved Stress. Often, up to date life poses ongoing stressful conditions that are not short–lived. The recommendation to take action (to fight or flee) must thus be cautiously handled. Stress, after that, turns into unrelieved. Common unrelieved stressors contain: * Ongoing extremely pressured work * Long–term relationship problems * Lonesomeness * Constant financial worries WORK PLACE STRESS: Stress at work is quite a new perceptible fact of contemporary lifestyles. Occupational stress adds a load to physical health. Work related stress in the life of controlled workers, thus, have an effect on the wellbeing of organizations. Stress, either fast or steady, can bring risky body–mind disorders. Instant disorders such as nervousness attacks, worry, sleeplessness, tenseness and muscle pain can all result in unrelieved health problems. It has an effect on immune system, cardiovascular and nervous systems and direct individuals to regular addictions. Like "stress reactions", "relaxation responses" and stress management techniques are some of the important built–in response systems. Unfortunately, at present, don't get peaceful and calming situations without asking. For relaxation one has to struggle to create such circumstances. [19] This study is carried out to investigate that how much the women workforce of the banks are strained and how do the pressure of ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Essay on The Main Detonators of Stress There are many reasons that can cause stress to happen. Although some people thinks that stress can only happen to working employee with a busy lifestyle and schedule that they have to cope with this is not true. Stress can happen to anyone no matter what status they are, whether they are single, married, students, employee or non–employee. Some people thrive on a busy lifestyle and are able to cope well with daily stresses. Other people feel tensed or stressed by the slightest change from their set daily routine, but most people fall somewhere in between, but may have periods when levels of stress increase. There are two issues that can cause stress which are personal issues and social issues. In personal problems, the first problems is ... Show more content on ... The next problems are the environment issues such as unsafe neighborhoods, crime–ridden cities, and worry over personal safety may lead also to chronic stress. Lastly are traumatic events, people who have suffered a traumatic event or life–threatening situation such as robbery or rape, or a natural disaster often live with long–term stress. In many cases, they are actually suffering from post–traumatic stress disorder. Based on the online survey of 2,020 U.S. adults 18 and older, conducted in August by Harris Interactive for the American Psychological Association, although stress levels for most Americans are falling – but not among the Millennial generation, ages 18–33. Young adults also report more depression and anxiety. Where for the Millennial, top stress sources are work (cited by 76%), money (73%) and relationships (59%). The economy came in fifth, at 55%, just behind family responsibilities, cited by 56% (USA TODAY 2013). This is shows on the figure 1 below (For more information on the survey and results visit: ). Figure 1: The causes of millennial stress. The effects of stress are many and varied where some of the effects are positive, such as self– motivation and stimulation to satisfy individual goals and objectives. Some stress can lead to bad results such as disruptive, ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Presentation Of Stress, Grief, And Death Essay Stress, grief, and death are common aspects that paramedics experience and can present in many different ways. This assignment will be identifying the presentation of stress, and strategies to manage stress and to also maintain the personal wellbeing of paramedics, plus common stressors. According to Lambert and Lambert (2008), stress can be arranged into a physical, enthusiastic, and a type of human behaviour. This assignment will also be touching base on Kübler–Ross and Dual's Model, plus general strategies to assist grieving people and relating it to paramedic practise. Cultural specific strategies will be compared with the Māori culture and the Japanese culture about sudden death and how they traditionally handle it. Bledsoe, Porter, and Cherry (2014) mention that paramedics experience more death than the vast majority. This has been found to prompt total physical and mental overload, which paramedics need to perceive and manage in order to remain balanced (Lambert and Lambert, 2008). Symptoms of stress as stated by Lambert and Lambert (2008), can vary amongst individuals. Bledsoe et al, (2014) explain that a stimulus that causes stress is also known as a stressor. Bledsoe et al, (2014) also describe the causing signs of stress can include loss of valued procession, general displeasure and incapable methods for dealing with stress. Examples are given by Marieb and Hoehn (2015), physical short–term stress can change in blood flow from an increased heart rate, which will ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Episode Of Violence Toward Me From A Patient In this essay, I will provide the description and analysis of the episode of violence toward me from a patient, my thoughts and feelings regarding this matter, my actions, and conclusion. During my summer placement in Neurosurgery unit, I was assigned to care of 24–years–old patient, Mr. R.T, who suffered from Dravet Syndrome (Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy) and intellectual delay. Mr. R.T. was admitted to the unit due to increased dysphagia for the past two weeks and exacerbation of seizures. It was hard for me to find meaningful way of communication with him due to his serious developmental delay; however, the patient was sometimes able to express his preferences by telling "more, yes". Health care providers in the unit were aware of, and some already experienced a behavioral aggression from Mr. R.T. When I tried to flush his Saline Lock, the patient suddenly hit me 2 times to my left hand. I never expected this and I was emotionally assaulted. Except for the pain in my hand, I also experienced psychological stress that could possibly affect my caring toward the patient. I perfectly understood that he was mentally disable; however, it took a lot of effort from me to remove the bias toward the patient. I did not demonstrate my emotional stress to the peers and Course Director but I felt depressed for the rest of the clinical day. Consequently, RN advised me to not continue providing any interventions for this patient except for basic care. After consulting with my ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Occupational Stress, Employee 's Health And Well Being, Ob... Introduction :– The aim of the following study and observations is to address the above question briefly. The essay covers topics like occupational stress, employee's health & well–being, OB theories (relevant to the above question), importance of overcoming work related stress, etc. It is widely recognised that healthy employees are happier and more productive at work. Experiencing stress at work decreases employee's health and affects their well being and eventually has an impact on the working of the firm or the organisation . Also, work related stress develops and increases the levels of anxiety and depression amongst the individuals in the workforce . Therefore, it is important to keep the allocation of workload in consideration so that it does not have a negative impact on the well being of the people working in the organisation. What is Stress ? :– As per Oxford Living Dictionaries, "Stress" is defined as : A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. (2nd Definition) When perceived demands exceed the individual's ability to cope, they can be said to be experiencing a negative emotional state, referred to as "Stress" (Arnold,J. and Randall,R et al., 2010) . ! On execution of considerable research, it was found that absenteeism, especially, absenteeism due to sickness was a sign of work related or occupational stress (Ervasti et al., 2011) . Thus, it has ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Occupational Psychology Case Study Industrial organizational psychology is a field of psychology concerned with the application of psychological theories and doctrine to organizations. This field concentrates on improving workplace output and interrelated issues such as the mental and physical welfare of employees. Experts in the industrial organizational field offer a wide variety of services including investigating worker attitudes and conduct, assessing companies, and perform leadership training exercises. The overall objective of this discipline is to investigate and comprehend human behavior in the office. Occupational issues bear great significance to psychologists, given that most employees spend the majority of their adult lives working in offices. Work acts as the defining factor for all human beings making it an important subject to study (Avsec, 2010: Weinberg, Sutherland, Cooper, & Palgrave Connect, 2010). Other related issues that are of interest to psychologists include correlating between the right job and individual character set and discovering new methods of lowering workplace stress. Case Study Summary and Evaluation My previous job was very challenging and perhaps the cause of most psychological and physiological problems that I am currently experiencing. I got ... Show more content on ... An instance of unsuccessful problem–focused coping is using problem–solving to deal with the strain when they lose a family member (Becker, 2013). Even though problem–solving may help the stressed person in discovering a working coping strategy, this approach is not the most successful coping technique given that certain stressors cannot be altered or personalized (Aamodt, 2013). Problem–focused coping is highly suitable, as it eliminates the cause of stress. In the process, it addresses the root cause of the issue and offers a long term ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Workplace Stress Article Comparison Workplace Stress Article Comparison In reading the three different articles dealing with stress in the workplace there seems to be a disconnect between the people in power (employers) and the employees. While 85% of the employers agree that workplace stress is a concern, there's a general disagreement between the two parties on the triggers. Employees mainly believe lack of adequate hygiene factors and low pay play a major role in workplace stress while employers feel understaffing and lack of work–life balance are to blame (Benefits Canada.) While there are many strategies that employees can perform to avoid workplace stress (choosing a job where one has relevant skills, interests, abilities, possessing a contract and keeping up–to–date with ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Managing Stress During Internship Among Chemical... [pic] Managing Stress during Internship among Chemical Engineering Students [pic] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With the given opportunity, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to each and everyone who have been helping and involved in the process of conducting the research. To our parents, the support and love given to us have been giving us the strength to continue and finish the research paper. We would like to acknowledge and give our greatest gratitude to our lecturer, Puan Mazli Shahurain for her guidance, encouragement and support throughout the completion of our research paper. Thanks to her, for showing us examples ... Show more content on ... Analysis of Data 12 3.6. Limitations 12 3.7. Summary 12 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 13 4.0 Introduction 13 4.1 Social support and relationship 13 4.1.1 Question 1 13 4.1.2 Question 2 14 4.2 Time Management 14 4.2.1 Question 1 14 4.2.2 Question 2 15 4.3 Stress Management Programs 15 4.3.1 Question 1 15 4.3.2 Question 2 16 4.4 Communication Skills 16 4.4.1 Question 1 16 4.4.2 Question 2 17 4.6 Best way to handle stress 17 4.7 Discussion 18 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION 20 5.1 Introduction 20
  • 26. 5.2 Implications 20 5.3 Suggestion for Future Research 20 5.4 Conclusions 20 REFERENCES 21 APPENDIX 22 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction For many years, engineers have transformed life and technology. Engineers are scientists, mathematicians, inventors, and project planners combined. An engineer takes information from various fields and applies that information to solve problems. Engineers invent solutions and products in every field, including disciplines like aerospace, software, biomedical, chemical, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering. All engineers are given a similar basic education, but they also choose one of these specific disciplines to be trained in. As for chemical engineers, they are responsible for manufacturing chemicals and developing processes for doing so. Along with researching the issues, the chemical engineer must ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. What Is The Most Stressful Out Of Police Work Essay Police officers face many stressful situations during their job. Most jobs have high rates of stress but it has been Proven that police work is the most stressful out of all the jobs. There are four categories of stress that police officers face. These four categories are external, organization, personal, and operational stress. External stress is produced by real threats and dangers. External threats happen outside of the office. Some examples of this are gun runs and other dangerous activities that take part in auto pursuits. Organizational stress is produced by elements within a quasi–military character. This stress comes from within the organization. This can be a constant adjustment of changing duties, odd working hours, working holidays, ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Relationship Between Job Enrichment and Abdominal Obesity A Research Review of The Relationship Between Job Enrichment and Abdominal Obesity: A Longitudinal Field Study of Apparently Healthy Individuals & A Starting Point for the Gap in Seeing Obesity as a Eating and Mental Disorder Obesity is something that American's are struggling to deal with, and are hearing about on a regular basis in today's world. From obesity in the media, both health and appearance oriented, to the growing concerns about how this epidemic is affecting our society, research is consistently figuring out the many ways obesity is affecting us. Another area of concern is the occupational world; from union groups, to occupational therapists, there is a focus towards acquiring a balance between optimal ... Show more content on ... Obesity also affects hiring, evaluations, expectations, and individual's salaries (Judge & Cable, 2011; Pingitore, Dugoni, Tindale, & Spring, 1994; Shapiro, King, & Quinones, 2007), this produces its own set of issues for businesses, individuals, and society; it creates a multitude of issues for social psychologists, occupational therapists, and psychoanalytic counselors to work with. Another way obesity relates to the counseling practice, is the sheer number of people who are obese or have been; this is an issue because of the psychological manifestations that can happen from not only being obese, but in becoming and recovering from being obese. As the general public has obesity as a main concern, it is not having adequate support for treatment. Counselors across the US deal with patients that have internalized the messages passed on from their parents and their environment. Doctors and Counselors both help patients who have a biologically based obesity, and yet still have some or the same cognitive issues that other people with obesity face. Does the lack of research supporting obesity as a DSM–V eating disorder, like anorexia nervosa, have any kind of impact on the amount of treatment, support, and recovery for individuals with obesity? METHODS Research Design ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Occupational Psychology Occupational stress in an increasing topic and focus where stress is concern in the workplace. More and more people are becoming ill due to work and have to take a number of sick days to recupriate for more work hours. What causes this is based on a number of factors which researchers are aiming at looking into, hence the increase of interest in the field of occupational psychology. Occupational psychology, as the British Psychology Society puts it, is the attempt or aim of giving workers the satisfaction of working in an effective and safe–like environment. Occupational psychologists goal is to improve and maintain the working environment for employees which would limit the cause of stress in the workplace and eliminating illness. The article, Occupational ... Show more content on ... Therefore, the more hours work equal to the more impact occupational stress would have on the person. Take for example someone who work 40 hours a week, which is the typical timeframe. This person is influence by work for almost 24% of their week. 24% is a lot of time, that is one–quarter of a person time in work for the week. A lot of influence is being place in the person life and so there is a lot of room, a lot of time and a lot of influence that the workplace can have on a person health. Occupational stress should not be taken lightly or seem as minimum stress because it have 24% of a person time. This is why employees are encourage to take vacation every year and utilize their sick days to recupirate and allow their body to relax and be away form the stress work environment. Whitbourne (2010) emphasis that vacation is needed and vital to break the stress cycle persons may experience in work. Allowing your body to relax by enjoying liesure time such as golfing encourages the body to relax, which she said creates a better relationship with those around you. Taking vacation from work, or from stress, is ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Importance Of Life Changes In Your Life Make some lifestyle changes There are some general changes that you can make to your lifestyle that could help you feel more able to cope with pressure and stressful situations. You can: Practice being straightforward and assertive in communicating with others. If people are making unreasonable or unrealistic demands on you, be prepared to tell them how you feel and say no. Use relaxation techniques. You may already know what helps you relax, like having a bath, listening to music or taking your dog for a walk. If you know that a certain activity helps you feel more relaxed, make sure you set aside time to do it. (See our web pages on relaxation for lots more ideas.) Develop your interests and hobbies. Finding an activity that's completely different from the things causing you stress is a great way to get away from everyday pressures. If stress is making you feel lonely or isolated, shared hobbies can also be a good way to meet new people. 1312 Make time for your friends. When you've got a lot on this might seem hard, but it can help you feel more positive and less isolated. Chatting to friends about the things you find difficult can help you keep things in perspective – and you can do the same for them. Laughing and smiling with them will also produce hormones that help you to relax. Find balance in your life. You may find that one part of your life, such as your job or taking care of young children, is taking up almost all of your time and energy. Try ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Job Satisfaction wth Different Variables The primary objective of the report is to measure the reliance of dependent variable i.e. job satisfaction on several manipulated variables (motivation, stress, working conditions, etc.). Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. There are several factors that influence person's level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the fairness of the promotion system within an organization, stress factor, the quality of the working conditions, leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and the clarity of the job description). Job satisfaction is frequently measured attribute in the organizations. The measurement was done on using rating scale where the people reported their reactions to their jobs. On the basis of these rating scales, correlations were developed between job satisfaction and several other variables. The survey suggests that satisfaction is strongly related to working conditions, rewards and appraisal for work and motivation from seniors and co–workers. Key words used: job satisfaction, motivation, stress and workload level, working environment Introduction Job satisfaction represents an employee's beliefs about his job or job situation, that is, the employee may believe his job is interesting, stimulating, dull or demanding. Job satisfaction, basically, represents an employee's attitude toward his job. Job satisfaction can be influenced by variety of factors like ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Work Related Stress Among Working Women -a Cause Effect... A STUDY OF WORKPLACE STRESS AMONG WORKING WOMEN– THE CAUSE AND EFFECT ANALYSIS MRS LINA SADEKAR, MRS SHAMI PAI, ASSISTANT PROFESSORS, VVM'S SHREE DAMODAR COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMICS, MARGAO GOA. INTRODUCTION: The American Institute of Stress estimates that work– related stress costs American businesses about $300 billion every year in lower productivity, higher absenteeism, low turnover rate, alcoholism, and medical costs. Today, chronic work–related stress is not just an American affliction. In India, over half of the call centre employees feel so stressed out by the tough working conditions that they end up quitting. Stress is an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to a person's well ... Show more content on ... YES | NO | 27 | 23 | Q NO 2 Factors causing stress IMPOSSIBLE STANDARDS | 04 | WORKING IN CHANGED CIRCUMSTACES | 05 | JOB INSECURITY | 01 | WORKING WITH DISAGREEABLE PERSON | 09 | TOO MUCH RESPONSIBILITY | 14 | TOO HEAVY WORKLOAD | 14 | ANY OTHER | 03 | Q NO 3 How are you affected by stress? PHYSICALLY | MENTALLY | 17 | 25 | Q NO 4 How do you recognize that you are stressed out? OVER REACT & GET FRUSTRATED | 06 | ARGUE | 04 | FEEL MISEARABLE AND DULL | 14 | HAVE LESS ENERGY THAN USUAL | 14 | LOOSE YOUR CONTROL | 03 | SWEAT, HEADACHE, FEVERISH, ETC. | 02 | NEED A HEALTH DRINK | 03 | Q NO 5 Do you refer to doctor for stress/ Medication? YES | NO | 07 | 37 |
  • 39. Q NO 6 Is your performance affected after stress at home/ workplace? YES | NO | 24 | 19 | Q NO 7 What strategy do you adopt to comfort yourself when you are stressed out? RUN AWAY | 01 | THINK A LOT | 13 | CHOOSE A MIDDLE PATH FOR A DECISION | 07 | ENGAGE IN DELAYING OF WORK | 04 | SEEK EXCITEMENT BY DOING RECKLESS THINGS | 16 | GET ANGRY, CRY AND GIVE UP | 04 | WITHDRAW FROM WORK OF INTEREST | 06 | Q NO 8 EFFECT OF STRESS Options | Yes | No | OVER REACTIVE | 11 | 32 | DECISION MAKING ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Definition of stress. The word stress is a collective term and is used widely across many professions yet it is not clearly defined and has no limitations. Stress is the new norm, be you a person, pet, practitioner, old or young, stress dominates life and appears in magazines, on television and in newspapers that promise guaranteed cures. My understanding of stress is that it is negative and can be categorised into two major groups; physical stress and mental stress. Within these categories the word stress is used as a condition, minor irritation, and crisis or even as an outcry. The word stress is derived from the Latin verb stringo meaning to draw tight, graze or pluck (Hayward, 2005) and the meaning of stress is forever being expanded. There is some ... Show more content on ... The mass media and our peers are even major causes of stress in our daily life! Our knowledge of stress is expanding as new studies are undertaken and new connections are made between stress and other aspects of our lives. As a student of both physiology and psychology I understand stress can be either a physical strain or injury, or a perception of one's feeling of well–being. In most cases, physical strain will cause personal stress and vice–versa. I perceive stress on a different scale to many other people, certain situations such as public speaking and examinations of skill do not cause me large amounts of stress, however sailing causes me distress and many physical changes such as hyperventilation, sweating and increased heart rate (even a few tears perhaps). I use the word stress several times a day as a label for emotions, strain and illness. Colloquially I use the word stress to describe insignificant feelings and events and life threatening situations as do most people. Colloquialism aside, I am unaware of any problems associated with the misconception of the word stress. Stress can be both negative and positive for my performance, too much stress will cause me to burn out but small amounts of stress actually improve my performance. An example is in a job interview; I feel more alert and take care in what I am saying, in ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Employee Retention Employee Retention PSY 435 University of Phoenix May 4, 2014 Employee retention is an essential part of any company. Lack of employees is essentially, an incomplete business. When a business has issues with employee retention, they are typically left with individuals who are not cut out for the job and lack any experience. Not only that, but, high turn over costs business owners time, as well as, productivity. For an organization to continue running properly they must implement programs that will keep their employees around. Attracting, retaining, developing, utilization, and equitability, are all essential areas of programs that should be implemented. JC's Casino should begin working towards these types of programs in order to ... Show more content on ... The housekeeping department makes attempts at obtaining new employees, however, the attitudes of the current employees needs improvement. In order to provide excellent service and continue this trend with their new employees, there should be some rewards introduced. Simple things such as coupons, movie tickets, or even a day off could really change the moral around the office. Occupational Stressors/Alleviations "A job stressor is a condition or situation at work that requires an adaptive response on the part of the employee (Jex &amp; Beehr, 1991). Being Occupational Health Psychology reprimanded, having too little time, and being told about the possibility of being fired are all examples of job stressors (Spector, 2012, p.307). A job strain is a negative reaction of an employee to a stressor, such as anxiety, anger, or physical symptoms such as a headache. Conflicts between employee's and their supervisors can cause especially stressful situations within the workplace. "The severity of job stress depends on the magnitude of the demands that are being made and the individual's sense of control or decision–making latitude he or she has in dealing with them (American Institute of Stress, 2014, para.3)." Lets begin with the dealers inside JC's casino. As mentioned before, their supervisor is overbearing, toxic, and evil. Based on that alone, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Work Related Depression Research Paper Work Related Depression: Is Your Job Making Your Miserable? How much do you love your job? Are you one of those lucky people who love their job? Do you bounce out of bed in the morning, full of "joie de vivre," eager to face the challenges that work has to offer? Are you cheerful, and smiling and enjoying everyone you meet? Do you feel stimulated, elated, and satisfied by the work you have to do? Does your work feel like play? Do you feel that you are making a meaningful contribution to society? No? This doesn't sound like you? Perhaps you are one of the millions who are doing the daily grind, to earn a crust and feeling weighed down by the hopelessness of your situation? Is getting out of bed hard for you in the morning? Do you drag yourself into the office each day and force the corners of your mouth ... Show more content on ... Walk or cycle to work. The fresh air and exercise will elevate your mood, get your blood circulating, and keep you fit in the long term. You won't be stuck in traffic jams feeling frustrated. Instead, you can arrive at work already feeling satisfied that you are accomplishing great self–care and fitness levels. 4. Feel–good endorphins are released when you exercise, making it easier for you to step into the office with a genuine smile on your face. 5. Pretend everybody you meet is an embodiment of a divine teacher. Imagine that they have something important to teach you. Be grateful for whatever they teach you today, even if that is how to be more patient with them! 6. Talk to your boss about how you are feeling. Is there room for increased responsibility, more variety, or tasks that are more challenging? If you don't ask, you won't know what the answer might be. 7. Bring plants in and keep them watered. Plants add to the oxygen in the atmosphere and keep the air fresher. 8. Try not to take your work home with you. Leave it at work at the end of the day and do something to nourish yourself in the evening. You need time to decompress and recharge your ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Workplace Stress: A Case Study Introduction "Work stress is one of the oldest issues in organizational psychology and is considered one of the most severe occupational injuries in modern society" (Chou, Chu, Yeh, &Chen, 2014, p. 115). Overcoming this severe issue of workplace stress is an important topic to discuss. It is defined as the events or circumstances that cause strain to an employee, which can result in physical, mental, and emotional consequences (Dextras–Gauthier, Marchand, & Haines, 2012; Nägel, Sonnentag, & Kühnel, 2015). When referring to an individual's career, stress can create negative outcomes if it is not effectively managed. For example, within the social service organizations, it is important that there are effective stress management interventions ... Show more content on ... The results of burnout show that there can be damage to an individual's physical health and cognitive functioning. Studies found that there is a connection between chronic work stress and job strain, which results in employee sick leave and the inability to function effectively (Deligkaris, et al., 2014). In addition, results of burnout can affect the organization and the clients, due to the possibility of inadequate services being provided or a high increase in turnover. Another negative impact to consider when it comes to stress is organizational constraints. Pindek and Spector (2016) show that organizational constraints are "conditions in the work that inhibit, interfere with, or fail to support an individual's performance of job tasks", which results in workplace stress that is linked to the strain felt by the employee (p. 7). There are various ways that organizational constraint can create workplace stress. First, organizational constraint can be caused by having an inadequate amount of resources (Pindek & Spector, 2016). Providing resources to the employees allows them to be successful in accomplishing their tasks. In addition, organizational constraints can be caused by poor interpersonal interactions, which can make assigning tasks difficult. Furthermore, Pindek & Spector (2016) state that increasing interventions that ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Stress Among Stress And Stress In the United States, stress problems are common. According to, "The American Psychological Association (2017)", "Stress in America" is rated to be present in one–third of the population. There are so many studies which associate with stress levels at any particular moment of their lives. When stress occurs repeatedly, the incidence of its occurrence is much higher when you think of throughout a lifespan. When talking about stress, it's regarding the reference to the negative experiences that overwhelm us. "Stress", it's something which gives a false impression of its true nature. It is the reaction to the changing and demanding environment. When considered, stress is our capacity to handle those changes which either makes you good or ... Show more content on ... Few of them enjoy the feeling of enormously stressed, which they think as a great change. But, others don't feel that lack of stress even for a while which is said to have a negative meaning called "boredom". What individuals want, is to stay at the middle level; where there is a balance between lack of stress and too much stress in all situations. These people want a little challenge and enthusiasm, but not too much of it so that they feel overwhelmed. At work, stress is the common cause which increasingly affects people in their day to day schedule, in contrast to the increasing demands. It hits every aspect of life; physical, economic, social, spiritual and mental. It is something that everyone experiences at some point of time and these can be categorized into different types where some are long–term and others are short term. When we take into consideration coping with it varies from an individual to individual and major and minor events that are happening in their life. It is a hard time understanding the considerable stressors like family, education, relationship with co–workers, and finances. Another alarming concern is the stress related job, so it is always important to recognize the sources that affect stress at workplace. "Stress at work as a leading safety and health problem and launched a series of initiatives to investigate and control ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Burnout In Child Welfare Essay Occupational burnout is a serious issue that impacts one's life in a multitude of ways. Working in Child Welfare is a stressful and challenging job. During middle adulthood (40–60 years) many changes occur in one's life that bring about a new set of challenges. At the intersection of burnout, child welfare work, and middle adulthood is a combination of complex issues with many layers and variables to examine and understand. What leads to burnout in child welfare workers who are in the middle adulthood stage of life? How can the risk of burnout in child welfare be reduced? What effects does burnout have on an individual? This paper will attempt to provide answers to these questions. Studies of burnout have shown it is an especially prevalent condition among ... Show more content on ... Christina Maslach and Susan Jackson are the most well documented researchers on burnout and the most frequently referenced in the literature. Maslach and Jackson (1981) defined burnout as consisting of three component: overwhelming emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishments. The feeling of being overworked/overextended and drained of physical and emotional resources is at the core of emotional exhaustion. Depersonalization refers to a cynical, negative attitude towards people one is interacting with (coworkers, clients, etc.), and excessive detachment and emotional numbing from the various aspects of the job. Feelings of emotional exhaustion subsequently lead to depersonalization. Depersonalization is a protective state of cynicism that spurs dissonance, either cognitive or emotional, with others as a coping strategy for work demands and exhaustion (Halbesleben & Buckley, 2004). Reduced personal accomplishment (also referred to as personal efficacy) refers to the feeling of ineffectiveness, unproductiveness, personal incompetence, and lack of the feeling of accomplishment on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay on Stress and Gender Differences Introduction: Stress is a phenomenon that is experienced worldwide. It "has become a pervasive experience in the daily lives of Canadians" (McShane & Steen, 2009, p. 90) with three out of four Canadians claiming to feel stress either frequently or sometimes (McShane & Steen, 2009, p. 90). There are many coping strategies available to personnel but stress levels remain high. Although both genders encounter workplace stress, the method in which it is handled as well as the how the stress itself is perceived is vastly different. Due to differing socialization within North America, it is understandable that these contrasting strategies and stressors occur. Women, for example, experience stress primarily through "gender–role stereotypes, ... Show more content on ... The authors discovered that males tend to evaluate the resources available to them when encountering a stressful situation and stress levels are then dependent on whether resources are available. Alternately, females employ these resources and stress then depends on the success of coping strategies in managing the situation. Watson et al. suggest that this displays females utilize coping strategies before experiencing stress while males experience stress prior to using coping strategies. Watson et al. (2011) not only documented the differences found within male and female stress situations but also accounted for similarities between the genders. Upon entering a stressful situation, males and females are led to coping. In fact, there is a sense of universality of stress and coping pathways as it does not change across gender or culture. There is a sense of sameness throughout genders, united in humanity. Coping Strategies: Don R. Mueller (2005) agrees with Watson et al. that women are indeed better at dealing with stress. However, he does not negate the fact that stress exists in everyone's life and even goes so far as to proclaim, "without stress, there would be no life" (p. 29). Mueller underscores that business stress is beginning to become a cost that employers must offset by aiding employees in alleviating stressors. "It makes good business sense!" (p. 29) Mueller states on the issue. As a chemistry professor, Mueller ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Managing Work Life Balance The current economic situation has been blamed for causing income loss, extended working hours and intense stress in workplaces all over the world. Due to this today people are being challenged to strike a balance between work life and family life. People are overwhelmed by the demanding careers, demanding families, a slow economy and so on. This has left people with little time for what they need and want to do. Motivation refers to the desire, effort and passion to achieve something (Paul, Hoang, 2007). In business terms it is often referred to as the willingness to complete a task or job with enthusiasm. There are different motivators for every person. Some people are motivated by fears. Others are motivated by rewards. Many ... Show more content on ... In order to strike work–life balance managers may have to give up the 9–5 job culture. This rigid system can be replaced by flexi–time. This system requires employees to work a core period of the day when they are expected to be at work but the rest of the time is flexi–time (Paul, Hoang, 2007). This means that the staff decides where they work, subject to them getting their work completed by set deadlines. For example an employee who is supposed to work for 40 hours in a week might work for 10 hours from Monday to Thursday and take Friday as off or may work 25 hours in the workplace per week and the remaining from any other location home or elsewhere. Flexi–time is beneficial to employees as it gives them a greater degree of freedom to balance their work and personal life, which helps in reducing stress. On the other hand organizations that use flexi–time can have an improved image as it is seen to be providing equal opportunities to staff that are unable to work standard hours due to their other important mostly personal commitments. A better image will help in attracting better talent to the company. It also helps in improving motivation and hence productivity and output of the business. Businesses that use flextime can also save on paying overtime of their employees. Another suggestion would be teleworking which involves working away from the workplace by using electronic forms of communication such as telephone, fax and email. Another ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. On Occupational Health Psychology Training, Professional... On Occupational Health Psychology Training, Professional Security and Responsibility to Society: A Doctoral Student's Opinion Occupational Health Psychology (OHP) is an emerging field which has developed due to the changes within the workplace and through the recognition on how the workplace impacts worker physical and psychological health. There was no mention of the phrase "occupational health psychology" until 1979 according to google 'ngram' which searches approximately 5 million books. "Occupational Health Psychology" was not even a recognized term until 1990 (Adkins, 1999; Houmont, Leka & Cox, 2007). Regardless, OHP has grown exponentially in the past 24 years. This development was supported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the American Psychological Association (APA) after the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 charged NIOSH with investigating behavioral antecedents of occupational disease and injury. In 1993–1997 NIOSH and APA partnered to develop postdocs and graduate programs focusing on OHP (Milestones in the History...2002). Currently there are fourteen universities including East Carolina University which offer graduate training in OHP in the United States. These efforts are not limited to the United States; there are three programs in Europe, one program in the United Kingdom, and one program in Canada and with similar training (Graduate Training in Occupational Health Psychology, 2013). OHP requires a specific ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. How do Working Conditions in the Workplace Affect Our... Globalization and economic development have dramatically altered working conditions over the last decade (Towers Watson, 2014). Restructuring, a higher workload, increased use of automation and technology and the speed of change have had a significant impact on the organization as well as its employees and their well–being (Clark, 2011). Working conditions refer to the organizational structure and environment such as terms of employment, hours of work, health and safety policies, physical environment and on–site facilities like fitness and daycare centers (Schulte and Vainio, 2010). It also includes workload, job control and support from management and colleagues (Dewe and Cooper, 2012). The International Labour Organization (2009) considers Workplace Well–being to relate to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to how workers feel about their work, colleagues, management, organizational culture, structure and policies. Employees with a high level of well–being are more productive and engaged at work (Cooper and Cartwright, 1994). However, employee well–being is subjective. Different occupations and individuals have different requirements for optimal well–being (Havlovic and Keenan, 1995). Organizational initiatives and working conditions can also impact the well–being of each worker differently. One must also consider that while employee well–being at work is impacted by working conditions, it can also be influenced by non job ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Stress in the Workplace is a Health Issue THE WORKPLACE In a point in our lives we all experience stress and many questions arrive to what initiates stress? what harm does it do? and how to deal with it? But, whether is at home, college or most commonly at work it's normal to end up mentally and physically burnt–out at any job and experience stress, especially if the person is at an entry–level. Work overload, spending long hours with little result, pressure when meeting deadlines, problems getting along with co–workers, difficult tasks with no breaks in between and being responsible for others can eventually have a negative effect on people and cause them to experience different levels of stress. Typically, stress at the workplace relates to also having a problematic boss. But fortunately, there are many solutions to deal with stress. Do the the scientific improvements and advancements, institutions and people have been able to come up with programs which helps manage and prevent. Some of these ways are by providing therapy, adjusting a flexible work schedule, and communication programs. In times when stress level is high and it becomes a health issue, its best that people change their habits or work environment and reach out to a doctor for best medical assistance. But frequently, these relieving programs are efficient, it helps employees develop better relationship with the managers or employers, and eventually creating and enjoyable work environment by eliminating insignificant arguments that provokes ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Organizational Stress: Positive or Negative? DDBA 8151 – Andrea Manzoni Discussion 1 Module 3 Organizational Stress: Positive or Negative? The increased uncertainty about the future, the global competition, lower living standards, the spreading disorganization and absence of leadership are just some of the causes that concur to generate organizational stress. Lazarus (as cited in Selart & Johansen, 2011) defined stress as the physiological and psychological reaction of any individual against external factors called stressors. Several studies were conducted to evaluate how these factors negatively affect the physical and mental health of both workers and managers. For instance research conducted by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in ... Show more content on ... Missing of an effective leadership is the main cause of disruption: the project manager is not the level the project of this magnitude requires. This fact translates into quantity and qualitative overload of work to the project people with clear compromise on quality of work done. This overload generates frustration, anxiety and aggressiveness among the team. People start resigning, with a clear impact on the project performance as it is not easy to find available and suitable personnel in the local market. This issue increases the workload of the present staff, as no replacement is always available immediately. Besides the tangible effect of the stress, there is another important aspect of stressed employees which deals with ethical conduct. One of the main tasks of a leader is to align the values of the employees with the values of the organization. In fact, as Bass (1999) declared, transformational leadership is required to align the individual 's values and beliefs, and the requirements of the work position. When the alignment between personal and organizational values is missing, "attitudes will be formed which suppress motivation, hinder performance, and result in greater levels of dissatisfaction, turnover, and stress" (Posner, 2010, p. 536). In particular, Selart and Johansen (2011) suggested that the stress influence the capability of people to elaborate ethical ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Stress Level Among Employees rest of the group. Employees who are silent about important issues may also experience psychological stress. (Robbins, S and Judge, T, 2014). Below chart shows some other major causes of stress when working in groups in an organization. Fig 6 – Working with Others Is Often Irritating. (Robbins, S and Judge, T, 2014). At any stage, if the managers and team members disagree about perceptions of organizational support, stress level among employees increases. The employees are unsure about how to proceed with the task in hand, if they don't know what management is expected of the task or what management see as the project output. This scenario combined with increased job demand causes employees to stress out more as there is no clear guidance on how proceed here. Organizational culture with less support and encouragement for innovations, motivation and which supports risk taking causes employees to take less interest in those innovative projects. If the task expects improved quality while not equipping employees with any additional tools to improve delivery efforts also cause the stress levels to be impacted. In an organization culture where employees are expected to finish tasks very quickly and more efficiently than in the past cause employees to stress more as new projects are assigned to them from time to time. This comes under how the aggressiveness and outcome orientations factors are perceived. Also, some organizational culture it is expected that employees work ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Transactional Model Of Stress And Coping Stressors are demands made by the internal or external environment that upset balance, thus affecting physical and psychological well–being and requiring action to restore balance (Lazarus & Cohen, 1977). Beginning in the 1960s and 1970s, stress was considered to be a transactional phenomenon dependant on the meaning of the stimulus to the perceiver (Lazarus, 1966; Antonovsky, 1979). Core Assumptions and Statements The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping is a framework for evaluating the processes of coping with stressful events. Stressful experiences are construed as person–environment transactions. These transactions depend on the impact of the external stressor. This is mediated by firstly the person's appraisal of the stressor and secondly on the social and cultural resources at his or her disposal (Lazarus & Cohen, 1977; Antonovsky & Kats, 1967; Cohen 1984). When faced with a stressor, a person evaluates the potential threat (primary appraisal). Primary appraisal is a person's judgment about the significance of an event as stressful, positive, controllable, challenging or irrelevant. Facing a stressor, the second appraisal follows, which is an assessment of people's coping resources and options (Cohen, 1984). Secondary appraisals address what one can do about the situation. Actual coping efforts aimed at regulation of the problem give rise to outcomes of the coping process. In the table below the key constructs of the Transaction Model of Stress and Coping are ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Positive And Negative Effects Of Stress Essay Employment Performance Demand Stress: Negative or Positive Effects in Adult life I. Introduction According to The American Institute of Stress, occupational pressures and fears are the leading source of stress for American adults (2017). Workplace stressors can have negative effects on employee productivity. It is well established that employee reports of stressful work environments and job conditions correspond with employee proficiency and health outcomes (Chen & Spector, 1991). It has been argued that observed relations may cause adverse tendencies (Chen & Spector, 1991). Also, employees with low levels of self–efficiency may have poorer coping mechanisms resulting in a harder impact of workplace stressors (Bond, Flaxman & Lloyd, 2017). II. Summary of the research reviewed Chen and Spector (1991) conducted research on stressors and strains in the workplace, as well as, the role of negative efficiency in observed relations between the two. Methods included assessment of five chronic work stressors: role ambiguity, role conflict, interpersonal conflict, situational constraints, and workload. Most of the above were assessed through direct contact; questions assessed through a number scale. Strains were measured as well, including; overall job satisfaction, anger, perceived frustration, perceived stress, intention to quit, healthy symptoms, and doctors' visits. Strains were also measured on numbered scales. Scales were personalized to each stressor's need for ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Job Stress And Organizational Justice For Construction... Project Management Job Stress and Organizational Justice for Construction Engineers ______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The study on engineers on hydro project construction site to reveal the level of job stress and level of organizational Justice Satisfaction found need of improvements to be recommended. On the basis of this study the employee are recommended to practice proper pay, promotion and reward system as to lower the stress due to job demand. Similarly it is recommended to improve on adequate equipment, staff and safety as resources to minimize the Job stress on engineers. The level of stress measured by self developed stress scale (21 items ) found mean value of (2.625) with reliability of (r > 0.7)The stress is at moderate level as per classification of American Institute of Stress (AIS) with mean value of (2.68) .So, more awareness is essential at hydropower projects. The overall Justice is found just at a level of mean value (3.235) just above neutral value of (3) neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, so recommended to improve by doing the justice to engineers employed. Intention to stay was found just below the neutral value so classified as intended to leave moderately. The correlation with intention to Stay was found for both stress scale negative with moderate significance which means higher stress will cause less intention to Stay. Stress was found associated with number of children of engineers while ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Assessment Tools : Assessment Tool Analysis Running head: ASSESSMENT TOOL ANALYSIS Assessment tool Analysis Ruth Semere University of Phoenix NRU/455CC July 31, 2017 Assessment tool Analysis The purpose for this paper is to examine the assessment tools that is used in the healthcare field. There are many different assessment tools exist but for this assignment, I will examines assessment tools that evaluate physical measures by applying Watson's theory of human caring integrates the mind–body–spirit dimensions because Watson's theory of human caring focuses on establishing a caring relationship with patients, (Chesnay & Anderson, page 89, 2012). In this paper, I choose three assessment tools: Becks depression inventory, social support questionnaire and ... Show more content on ... The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a 21–item self–reporting questionnaire for evaluating the severity of depression in normal and psychiatric populations. Ferinde define BID as validated measure that has been instrumental in leading numerous diagnoses due to its most revision. (Farinde, 2013). There are different types of BIDs. The BDI–II does not rely on any particular theory of depression and the questionnaire has been translated into several languages. A shorter version of the questionnaire, the BDI Fast Screen for Medical Patients (BDI–FS), is available for primary care use. That version contains seven self–reported items each corresponding to a major depressive symptom in the preceding 2 weeks. The questionnaire was developed from clinical observations of attitudes and symptoms occurring frequently in depressed psychiatric patients and infrequently in non–depressed psychiatric patients. As it is stated in Occupational medicine, Twenty–one questionnaire is commonly self–administered were consolidated from those observations, 0–3 for severity. Self–administration takes 5–10 min and the recall period for the BDI–II is 2 weeks for (major depressive symptoms), in occupational health, it can be used as a screening tool to detect depression in normal populations or as a tool to assess symptom severity in clinical populations. The BDI–II contains 21 items on a 4–point scale ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Part of Being a Counselor Is Dealing with Stressed or... A significant piece in being a counselor is dealing with clients who may feel stressed or depressed. Many clients may feel as if they have some sort of problem with either themselves or the people around them and it is up to the counselor to work with the client to generate some sort of solution. However, even though the counselor is supposed to remain collected, there are many opportunities for a counselor to feel as if they are in the client's shoes. Feelings of stress and even depression have been observed in many counselors which are one of the several health risks associated with this career path. There are several risks associated with being a counselor. First of all, there can be a lot of stress associated with being a counselor since many of the clients that come in for assistance are feeling distressed. There is also a lot of responsibility associated with being a counselor that must be fulfilled. As highlighted in the code of ethics for instance, counselors must keep all information confidential and are expected to remain trustworthy figures regardless of the circumstances. However, while counselors are expected to remain confidential, they must also report a client when he/she threatens to harm themselves or someone else. This could lead the counselor to wonder about their client outside of the workplace wondering if they are okay. For instance, they may wonder whether "Sally" is keeping her promise of staying off of drugs or whether "Scott" will see ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Define Resilience There are many ways to define resilience. Michael Neenan describes it as "the ability, in the face of difficulty, to retain flexible cognitive, behavioural and emotional responses" (2009). Similarly, the American Psychological Association offers this definition: "Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress – such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors" (Comas– Diaz, Luthar, Maddi, O'Neill, Saakvitne & Tedeschi, n.d.). While the definitions abound, one thing is clear: resilience is all about being able to "bounce back" after a difficult experience. Importantly, resilience is unique from coping in that it ... Show more content on ... In a longitudinal study, she monitored the development of a cohort of 698 children, born in 1955, at the ages 1, 2,10, 18, 32, and 40. One–third of these children (N= 210), had experienced four or more risk factors (e.g. poverty, pre– or perinatal complications, parental psychopathology). Within this group, two–thirds "developed learning or behavioral problems by age 10 or had delinquency records and/ or mental health problems by age 18" (Werner, 2005, p. 11). The other third, however, grew into "competent, confident and caring adults," where "by the time they reached age 40, not one of these individuals was unemployed, none had been in trouble with the law, and none had to rely on social services" (Werner, 2005, p. 12). Werner noted that all the children in this "resilient" group "had the opportunity to establish a close bond with at least one caregiver," supporting the argument for external protective factors (1989, p. 74). She too found, that even at an early age, these children were autonomous, with a tendency seek out novel experiences, suggesting they possessed unique dispositional attributes favorable for resilience. Werner proposes one such attribute is an internal locus of control. By high–school, the resilient group had developed an internal locus of control, and by age 30, both the men and women in this group had scored significantly below (more than 2 SD) the standardization group (in the internal direction) on Rotter's Locus of Control Scale (Werner, 1989, p. 74, 77). This longitudinal work suggests that some internal psychosocial elements (e.g. internal locus of control), in addition to environmental factors (e.g. external support systems) may foster the development of resilience. These findings are supported and supplemented by a more recent literature review on resilience in development, which highlighted problem–solving, ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Social Disparities Within A Family Essay Social disparities within a family can affect the way a family functions along with affecting the individual. The affect on the children within the at–risk families can have a detrimental effect on their current health status as well as their future. This paper will discuss the characteristics in the creation of social disparity, the relationship of theories to individuals and families experiencing social disparity, the theory which best applies, a plan to combat social disparities in family health, how the interventions align with the theory, and the prediction of outcomes that will result for the family and the individual because of the interventions. Social Disparities in Families Social disparity which can affect the family's health can arise for many reasons. The economic status of the families and individual can affect family health and set the stage for how the family functions. Single parent homes are more relevant now than in past years and this increase of one parent homes can affect the family's health. Another reason which needs to be reviewed is the ethnicity of the family which can have an impact on the social disparity in turn having an impact on health. Economics Poverty among families means the inability to supply the basic needs of daily living. Poor children were more likely to be in fair/poor health, and Blacks had higher rates than Whites within each socioeconomic category ((Montgomery, Kiely, & Pappas, 1996). The data for children from ... Get more on ...