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Managing Work Life Balance
The current economic situation has been blamed for causing income loss, extended working hours
and intense stress in workplaces all over the world. Due to this today people are being challenged to
strike a balance between work life and family life. People are overwhelmed by the demanding
careers, demanding families, a slow economy and so on. This has left people with little time for
what they need and want to do.
Motivation refers to the desire, effort and passion to achieve something (Paul, Hoang, 2007). In
business terms it is often referred to as the willingness to complete a task or job with enthusiasm.
There are different motivators for every person. Some people are motivated by fears. Others are
motivated by rewards. Many ... Show more content on ...
In today's times people apart from money also look for time offs so that they can spend their time
with their family. Awarding them with holidays as rewards provided work does not suffer is also a
good way of reducing stress and motivating people. Another really effective way for rewarding and
motivating people at work is to recognize them for any great achievements. A pat on the back goes a
long way.
An immature manager/boss provides negative stress or distress which arises out of unreasonable
targets and deadlines which affects the health of the employees adversely. According to Rensis
Likert, (1967), these leaders are exploitative autocratic who do not trust their employees and so
order them to perform by putting pressure of performance by using threat and punishments (Paul,
Hoang, 2007). Negative stress comes with a cost. It is estimated billions of pounds every year in lost
production in UK due to stress at work (ANI, 2008).
Managers who distress their employee fail to realize that with long working hours and unrealistic
goals employees in the organization are not only losing on their standard of living but also their
quality of life.
Another important way in which a manager can help employees cope with stress is through work–
life balance. A 2001 study of women working in telecommunications companies found that
investment in work–life balance was closely correlated with higher retention
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Effects Of Stress In The Workplace
Stress in workplace is a problem in organizations and businesses throughout America and the rest of
the world. Stress can cause both physical and psychological damage to the worker. High stress
levels often cause or can worsen a long list of health issues, including heart disease, obesity,
depression and diabetes. In addition to paying 50 percent more annually in health costs for stressed
workers, employers are dealing with additional effects of stress that directly impact their
profitability, such as loss of productivity, absenteeism, turnover, and disengagement. According to
the American Institute of Stress, job stress costs US businesses more than $300 billion annually
(Business Review USA staff, 2014).
Stress is a part of everyday life, including at work. Learning how to manage stress in life, both
personally and professionally before it gets out of hand, would be more beneficial to overall health,
happiness, and prosperity. From an organizational standpoint, being proactive in helping manage
stress of employees would consequently be more prosperous.
According to the Cleveland Clinic staff, "stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an
adjustment or response" (2017). With this being said, it is understandable why stress is a recurring
part of life. Change is constant; therefore, stress is a guarantee. The Cleveland Clinic staff also state,
"The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. The body's autonomic nervous
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My Letter For A Job Worker
Miriam came into my office one day stating that lately she is feeling very stressed at work. She used
to love her job but now she feels overworked, overwhelmed, and out of control at work. She is
snapping at other employees. She feels unsure of herself at work, and incapable of leading and
assisting others. When she is home all she thinks about is work. She is having difficulty sleeping at
night, she used to be good at her job, but now she feels that she cannot cope, and she has missed
deadlines and feels un–productive. One day she went into her office and closed the door and cried
over a patient interaction. She feels that she has so much work and does not know where to start.
Miriam feels that work is affecting her whole life. She feels that her employer is making too many
changes, and that things were working well the way they were. She has a new supervisor. She liked
the previous supervisor because she always affirmed her when she did a good job. She feels that the
company should never have let her go. Miriam feels helpless and hopeless on her job. She has begun
drinking more in the evenings after work, more than she use too. She feels it helps her to relax. She
says that the drinking is getting out of hand, and she is becoming more and more frustrated with
work. Most individuals work to earn a living. They need to support their lifestyles and their families.
Some people chose their job based on salary alone, and that, while understandable in today's
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The Causes And Effects Of Workplace Stress In Society
Stress can come in all sizes and shapes, and no matter its form we are all greatly affected by it
(Abnormal Psychology Pg. 177). Stress can come from something as small as being late to
something or from something as massive as a traumatic event like war. Wherever source stress
comes from, everyone experiences it in their lives, probably on a daily basis. Americans have a few
top stressors that are common amongst most adults. These stressors include things like job pressure,
money, health, and many more. Fortunately, there are ways that adults can combat these stressors
and reduce the implication that the stress puts on their lives. One of the many stressors that
Americans are facing today is job pressure or stress related to work. Workplace stress is actually the
top stressor of adults in the United Stated (Abnormal Psychology Pg. 178). Nearly 32% of adults are
dissatisfied with the level of stress at their jobs (Abnormal Psychology Pg. 212). This stress can
come from different places including: a heavy workload, performance expectations, a boss or
coworkers, deadlines, etc. However, there are a few key steps people can take to reduce their job
pressure stress. The first step is keeping track of what stressors they encounter and where they come
from. Making a list and writing down specific stressors can be very helpful in overcoming them.
Another way to reduce job pressure is to learn to deal with stress in a healthier way. For instance,
instead of using smoking or
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Summary Of Dealing With The Stressed: Workplace Stress
The article reviewed is called "Dealing with the Stressed: Workplace Stress Costs the Economy
More Than $30 Billion a Year, and Yet Nobody Knows What It Is or How to Deal with It" by Ken
Macqueen, with Martin Patriquin and John Intini. It begins with an excellent visual of the 'cubie
world' many of use deal with on a daily basis. Authors describe a "fabric–covered box," where
"some troll in the IT department monitors your every keystroke," and where your "boss is going to
tug your electronic leash if he sees you leaving this early." Stress? "Yet Nobody Knows What It Is."
You just answered the question.
If employers took responsibility for the way employees are treated, it would mean that are admitting
to the mistreatment and disrespect. Working adults are treated like children because there is this
belief that a title or credential gives them right to treat you inappropriately. How long should
someone take this type of abuse before fighting back? This is stress. Employers are "stuck with an
addled labor force of their own creation?"
Anxiety, high blood pressure, the occasional loud outbursts ... Show more content on ...
The last argument your least favorite coworker, heavy workload, and looming deadlines are enough
to push you over the edge. Help was sought out, no one is listening nor do they care, so why should
I. Medical leave is the answer, but when she "handed her doctor's note to a supervisor and requested
leave, she was told EA had already decided to fire her. Big Mistake. The failure to investigate her
deteriorating condition or to accommodate her medical condition violated the provincial human
rights code, the tribunal concluded. Instead of investing time and energy to bringing her back,
healthy, to her workplace, it fired her. She spiraled into depression." (Macqueen, Patriquin & Intini,
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Workplace Stress
Three out of every four American workers describe their work as stressful. According to the
Holmes–Rahe Life Events Scale, which rates levels of stress, many of the most stressful events in
life are related to the workplace. Some examples are firings, business readjustments and changes in
financial status, altered responsibilities, a switch to a different line of work, trouble with the boss,
changes in work hours or conditions, retirement and vacations. Workplace stress costs American
employers an estimated $200 billion per year in lower productivity, absenteeism, staff turnover,
workers ' compensation, medical insurance and other stress–related expenses. However, stress may
not always be a bad thing. It can stimulate creativity and ... Show more content on
Get a large number of people together to point out the problem and you won 't be seen as a trouble
"Career and job ambiguity" – a feeling of helplessness and lack of control. "How can I succeed if I
don 't know what 's expected of me or if my job here is uncertain?" Stress levels are affected by
vagueness within management. A lot of people think this is a lack of communication from the
manager to the employee, but I feel that it is the responsibility of the employee to seek out what is
expected of him or her. For example, if you get a bad evaluation or raise, simply go to your boss and
ask him what you can do differently over the next year to enable you to get a better evaluation or
increase in pay.
"No feedback – good or bad" – prevents people from knowing how they are doing and whether they
are meeting expectations. Stress related to this issue is typically one of management misperception
as to the amount, importance, and effectiveness of feedback to employees. Whatever the cause,
employees are easily stressed by lack of communication in this area. This is again something you
may not have control over, but it is still a good demonstation of why a lack of communication is
"No appreciation" – lack of recognition generates stress that endangers future efforts. Human nature
requires that we demonstrate appreciation for jobs well done. Inadequate demonstration of
appreciation results in lowered productivity. This
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Workplace Stress Among The Employee
Workplace Stress among the Employee in Insurance sector: A study 1. Introduction Stress is a part
of daily living. It is an adaptive response. Stress occurs at the workplace when there is a mismatch
between the expectations of the employee and demand of the employer. Stress basically reduces a
person's ability to perform and think differently which is bad for every firm. Many researches have
been done which concluded that stressed out managers are not good for the organization. From the
individual's point of view stress is our body's physical, mental and chemical reactions to the
circumstances that confuse, endanger or irritate us. If this stress is controlled, it becomes a friend
which give strength to us but if handled poorly it becomes an enemy which can cause many diseases
like blood pressure, asthma, thyroid, ulcer etc. Stress is the output of modern lifestyles. There can be
basically 3 levels of stress– If the stress is at the optimum level–Individual will perform well to his
full capacity. If it is more than the optimum level–Negative response, individual can suffer from
health problems. If it is less than the optimum level–Individual gets bored from his work, which
reduces his efficiency. Stress can have positive as well as negative effects. If the individual can
manage the stress then it will have a positive effect as it will help
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Impacts and Ramifications of Stress in the Workplace Essay
In the workplace, stress can have some strong physical and mental effects on employees. To best
understand stress, it is first important to define it. Stress is defined as "a feeling of tension that
occurs when a person perceives that a given situation is about to exceed one's ability to cope and
consequently could endanger one's well being" (Hitt, Miller & Colella, 2011). Stress on the job is
usually the result of people feeling inadequate and unable to perform the given duties of a position
at a high level. This could be the result of not having the tools necessary to complete the work or
having an outside need that is unable to be met while performing duties. Today, we'll examine
different types of stress and the effects that ... Show more content on ...
Health problems can begin to add up over time as chronic stress is experienced. Next, stress can
either be positive or negative. Eustress is positive stress which can be invigorating and create drive
within an individual. This kind of stress causes an individual to strive toward meeting goals. A
project manager may experience eustress as critical steps on a complicated project are completed
successfully. Dystress is negative stress and is the one most people think of when thinking of stress
in general (Hitt, Miller & Colella, 2011). Dystress can lead to the chronic stress symptoms like
depression and anxiety. Stress can be further examined by exploring the demand–control model and
effort–reward model of workforce stress. The demand–control model analyzes the relationship
between an individual's workplace demands faced and control one has over meeting these demands.
If the workforce demands are high, but control over meeting these demands is low, job strain is at its
highest (Hitt, Miller & Colella, 2011). An example of this would be how a Best Buy associate is
required to ask every customer if they would like to purchase an extended warranty regardless of
whether he or she thinks a customer needs it or can afford it. The optimal result of a demand–control
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Stress Management in the Workplace
ORG 5270: Mental Health & Psychopathology in the Workplace 1
Week 2 Online Writing Assignment
Consultant For Methodist Hospital: "Stress Management Module"
Tomeka Flowers
ORG 5270
University of the Rockies
ORG 5270: Mental Health & Psychopathology in the Workplace 2
Week 2 Online Writing Assignment
In recent months Methodist Hospital have developed a stress management program. The
organization is struggling in their ability consistently manage the program. Though stress
management program was designed to offer services that can be beneficial and to their staff, they
seem to be able to inspire employees to take advantage of these services. As a result, if not utilized
by employees, the program is ... Show more content on ...
They can also determine if these factors are company–wide or specific to certain departments.
Survey all employees. Create a survey to asking the employees about the stressors faced both on–
the–job and off. Offer Confidentiality: Do not single out employees dealing with stress, and
reprimand anyone who does. Singling out employees or discussing their issues is illegal and can
result in a law suit costing millions of dollars. Incentives: Offer the employee a discount or some
type of reward for participating. This can increase the enrollment in the stress management program.
As a result, employee morale is improved as well as productivity on the job. Company–wide social
activities: "Employees are less stressed when given the opportunity to socialize with coworkers,
research shows. Options range from the simple, such as the use of
ORG 5270: Mental Health & Psychopathology in the Workplace 6 Week 2 Online Writing
Assignment games and contests, to the more involved such as company retreats with a menu of
social activities (Health Advocate, Inc. 2009)." Offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). EAPs
can lead to a decrease in worker's compensation claims, absenteeism and employer healthcare costs.
Environment Change: Institute a quiet break room: In order to decrease stress on the job, consider a
designated quiet room for employees
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An Immense Amount Of People Overdo Their Bodies As They
An immense amount of people overdo their bodies as they overload themselves with labor, and as a
result, they suffer many adverse effects. Studies have shown that participating in a steady job is
good for your health and wellbeing. It contributes to happiness and rewards us with other benefits as
well. However, overworking leads to stress, depression and emotional exhaustion. This is all due to
many factors associated with your job. The work environment, people you work with, your personal
life and health background all play a role. Furthermore, it is that work related stress and bad health
aligns with this aspect. Taking care of yourself and your health is imperative. This is why it is
crucial to give yourself fulfillment from ... Show more content on ...
Returning to work after a period of being unemployment results in remarkable physical and
psychological health improvements, vetoing the adverse effects of health when unemployed. The
result of an employee 's' worktime controls their mental health and physical wellness. According to
Leena Ala Mursula, a scholarly writer, states "In women, poor health and psychological distress
were more prevalent among those in the lowest quartile of work time control than those in the
highest after adjustment for potential confounders including other aspects of job control, odds ratios
and their 95% confidence intervals for poor health and psychological distress were 1.8 and 1.6.
Correspondingly, the adjusted sickness absence rate was 1.2 times higher in women with low work
time control than in women with high work time control." This shows that poor health and physical
suffering is more visible among people who work fewer hours than those who work overtime. In the
results of a systematic meta–review, the available evidence confirms the theory that work can
benefit an employee 's well–being. If adequate supervision is present and there are real workplace
circumstances, this is where it is most present. The benefits of working are most evident when
compared to negative mental health effects of unemployment. The possible benefits of satisfactory
work and the part it plays in accelerating
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The Pros And Cons Of Workplace Stress
Nurses face many different stressors in their day to day work life. These stressors stem from the type
of work nurses do (Raftopoulos, Charalambous and Talias, 2012). Stressors may also be caused by
the nurse's social interactions (Rodwell and Demir, 2012), for example strained relationships with
colleagues, poor leadership within the team and underappreciation. The stress can even be caused by
political issues such as job security (Boya, Demiral, Ergor, Akvardar, & De Witte, 2008) and
inadequate staffing leading to an excessive work load (Lisa Y. Adams, 2014). If the nurse is unable
to deal with this stress appropriately it can have negative impacts on his or her physical and mental
health (Marin et al.,2011). An integral aspect of coping within a stressful environment is having the
ability to bounce back and work through issues despite unfavourable circumstances, this is known as
resilience (Courtney. J, 2015). Nurses can implement strategies to build self–resilience, examples of
this could be; ensuring they have adequate social supports (Cross, 2015) and practising mindfulness
(Ludwig & Kabat–Zinn, 2008).
Nurses are at a higher risk of facing workplace stressors than those who have other occupations
because of the nature of their work (Foureur et al., 2013). Nursing staff are on the front line of
patient care, this allows them to build relationships with patients and their families (Foureur et al.,
2013). Nurses work in close proximity with patients and therefore build
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Workplace Stress In The Workplace
Nowadays workplace stress is a major concern for several organisations. According to surveys from
the American institute of stress (2017), 80% of the workers experience distress at work and half of
them prefer to learn to manage stress. In general, job stress is a common issue, which does not only
affect organisations but also workers. Noted by Stranks (2005), stress can arise from various
sources, including low ambiguity and personal conflicts which are likely to contribute to the
inefficiency of organisations and workers, namely, increasing absenteeism or low performances in
employees. The essay will primarily discuss the problems and solutions of stress for organisations
and individuals, respectively. Subsequently, it will compare the solutions for both sides of view.
Thus, this essay will seek the most effective techniques to combat workplace stress at both
organisation and individual levels by comparing several alternatives of stress management
Unquestionably, modern businesses have become more complex as compared to the past. Such
complexity contributes to high pressure at work and Fontana (1997) states that workplace stress can
come from several reasons, such as role conflict, frequent clashes with colleagues or superiors and
inadequate training. Consequently, these causes might generate detrimental effects to organisations.
Referring to EU–OSHA (2017), the negative effects include the loss of productivity, the increase in
absenteeism and other health–related costs.
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Essay about Job Stress
You haven't been at work for more then twenty minutes and already your day is going down hill.
Your phone is ringing off the hook. Papers piled on your desk , and now you have to attend a
meeting. Day after day it is the same thing at your job and you have become highly stressed out. In
my paper I am going to explain why job stress happens and ways that you can relieve it. One type of
stress is job stress. Job stress is when the stressors involved are work related. "NIOSH" the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health states, job stress is the harmful physical and emotional
responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or
needs of the worker. There are many things in life that ... Show more content on ...
If you have a lot of work to do and you feel yourself getting frustrated take a short break. If you take
five to ten minutes and walk around or listen to music this can take away some of your stress. If you
take breaks regularly you are more likely to get as stressed out. Another cause of job related stress is
impending layoffs. Not many people are safe from this because labor in the workforce is not at a
high demand right now. There's not much you can do if you are in jeopardy of being laid off besides
prepare for it. Have your resume ready and constantly try to update it. Also keep your network a live
by asking co–workers about their status and if they have heard anything about layoffs. This way you
can see where the company is making most of its cut backs. It will be easier to know if you are
endanger of being laid off. The only positive to being laid off is if you had been wanting a career
change. If you would like to pursue a different job now would be the time to attempt to. When you
are still working and looking for another job you are not in desperate need of a job like you are
when you are unemployed. The last thing that can create stress at your job is conflict with a boss or
co–workers. It might be hard to put your personality difference aside but, you have a job to do and
you need to make an effort to solve the issues that are going to cause more stress. A good way to get
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Stress In Workplace
COPING WITH STRESS IN THE WORKPLACE Linda Holland–Blackwell MGMT201 American
Public University System Executive Summary Coping with stress in the workplace can result in the
same stress as stress from any other source such as headaches, high blood pressure, indigestion, and
other physical symptoms; like irritability, anger, depression. Even if a person has a job and is
making a decent salary, there are still stress factors in the workplace that can add to daily stressors.
Some of the typical sources of stress in the workplace are work overload, a lack of meaningfulness
in work, lack of control in decision making, long hours, and a lack of job security. Burnout is the
most common stressor in the workplace. This one of the most serious effects of the workplace.
Burnout can cause extreme dissatisfaction, pessimism, unhappiness on the job, and a desire to quit.
Burnout stress can cause emotionally exhaustion. A great deal of stress comes from dealing with
other people and social interactions. Stress is also affected by status and choosing to adapt. This
paper will explore what stress is and the factors that can intensify the effects of stress in the
workplace. Stress in today's workplace is growing faster due to individuals dealing with constant
work–related demands. Most workers that take on constant demands in the workplace also deal with
conflict that can even throw off their work life balance, such as poor career development and the
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Workplace Stress In Canada
Hello everyone. This is EUNJU.
Due to a lack of work experience in Canada, I have concern about my future career life.
And, to achieve my career goals effectively, I think that being aware of a workplace stress can be
useful and helpful because it should be a part of workplace culture. Therefore, based on what I have
researched and what I have interviewed for the workplace stress,
I decide to do my presentation on the topic of 'what's bugging you at work'.
Besides of this presentation overview, I would like to introduce how I organized my presentation
briefly. Firstly, I will focus on what are some important bugging aspects at work. Then, I will
describe how does it affect you. Thirdly, I will explain how you can cope with stress ... Show more
content on ...
To draw your attention at this moment, I have compiled information as the easiest to do solutions as
you can see the screen. In order to cope with stress at work effectively, I suggest you Maintain a
balanced lifestyle, Focus on the positive aspects to work, and Clarify what is expected of you.
This is because these are easy to do by yourself without spending money to cope with stress at work.
Finally, I would like to explore what I have learn due to this assignment.
I have learned new Canadian workplace culture and solutions to the workplace stress.
From my interviewing experience, I have learned that there is remarkable aspect such as a open door
As most Canadians think being an effective team member is important, they also try to keep on the
bright side of their work life to increase their productivities.
And, what I have learned about solutions to the workplace stress can be described by one simple
We don't live to work, we work to live.
I hope this presentation helps you keep looking on the bright side of your career life.
Thank you for your attention to this
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Essay about Workplace Stress
Three out of every four American workers describe their work as stressful. According to the
Holmes–Rahe Life Events Scale, which rates levels of stress, many of the most stressful events in
life are related to the workplace. Some examples are firings, business readjustments and changes in
financial status, altered responsibilities, a switch to a different line of work, trouble with the boss,
changes in work hours or conditions, retirement and vacations. Workplace stress costs American
employers an estimated $200 billion per year in lower productivity, absenteeism, staff turnover,
workers' compensation, medical insurance and other stress–related expenses. However, stress may
not always be a bad thing. It can stimulate creativity and ... Show more content on
Others fill their days with unproductive busy–work, feeling the stress of knowing they could be
more productive. These are caused respectively by two different reasons. An employee with too
much work may be afraid to tell his/her boss because they are afraid their boss may consider them
incompetent. Too little work may be the result of an employee that doesn't speak up because he/she
doesn't want to become overwhelmed. Either situation could be resolved by better communication.
First, the overworked guy should explain to his boss that he may need more time to complete his
tasks or fewer tasks. Secondly, the person with too little to do should realize that sooner or later
someone is going to notice that they are not doing their job and explain to his boss that he would
like to be more challenged.
"Random interruptions" – telephones, walk–in visits, demands from supervisors. Goal setting and
time management strategies can increase productivity and alleviate the stressfulness of incomplete
projects. Communication isn't just talking to someone, it is other things such as pushing the do not
disturb button on a phone or closing the door in your office. These are both ways of communicating
that you cannot be disturbed.
"Pervasive uncertainty" – Hidden company problems, unsatisfactorily explained and announced
change and/or economic fluctuations all affect stress levels and productivity. This is an intentional
lack of
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Boeing´s Program to Reduce Stress Essay
Research study: Boeing's top executives in Seattle, WA implemented a program to reduce job stress.
Two groups (Managers and Employees) with two different conditions (time in therapy, e.g., 2
times/week and 4 times/week). The study will measure the stress level reduction with the use of
stress therapy (aromatherapy with essential oils). Ornelas & Kleiner (2003) mention "Aromatherapy
– means "treatment using scents" a holistic treatment of caring for the body with pleasant smelling
botanical oils that are added to your bath or massaged into your skin.
Random assignment: groups (one of two) are exposed to the aromatherapy random assignment and
available time frames. A pretest is given, a posttest to measure the employees stress levels over 3 ...
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Comparing managers before and after at both intervals, comparing employees before and after at
both intervals. There are certain assumptions to me for a 2x2 mixed–design ANOVA. These
assumptions include that the data are interval or ratio and that the population distribution of scores is
Study Design: Independent variable: managers and employees
Variable (Dependent): managers and employees reduced stress levels (aromatherapy)
The type of t–Test is level to the variance, the independent t–test two groups are discrete and is
exclusive due to the number (15) in each group, and the variance of the two groups is equal.
Two types of errors: 1. Are there a significant difference between managers and employees using
stress therapy? 2. Does stress therapy outcomes differ with more time used?
Hypothesis: 2 hour week and 4 hour week use of Aromatherapy:
H01: The difference of Setting Time in Aromatherapy there is no statistically significant interaction
μ1hr_ A = μ4hr_ A
Ha1: The difference of Setting Time in Aromatherapy there is no statistically significant interaction
μ1hr_ A ≠ μ4hr_ A
H02: The Setting groups on Aromatherapy indicates there is a statistically significant interaction
μmanager_A = μemployee_A
Ha2: The Setting groups on
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Strategies For Managing Stress At Workplace
BAIS3010 – IT Professional Development Studies
Strategies For Managing Stress At Workplace
Section: A02
Yang Liu
In this paper, I expect to discuss factors which lead to stress in the workplace. Are individuals
stressed in the workplace? What causes stress in the workplace? Who is mostly stressed: men or
women? Are individuals being exposed to stress management techniques? By recognizing stress in
the workplace, employers can act appropriately to reduce stress. The outcome can benefit social and
family relationships, as well as preserve ones health and make people more productive in
organizations. Contents
Abstract 1
Introduction 3
What is Workplace Stress? 5
What are things that cause stress at the workplace? 6
Stress at work warning signs 8
Organizational strategies for managing stress 9
Individual strategies for managing stress 10
Organizations which can help people dealing with stress. 12
Conclusion 13
Reference 14
Introduction Stress affects millions of people. One of the most common forms of stress is that
related to our careers and the workplace. In today 's economic difficulty, work related stress is even
more pronounced than ever before. Everyone who has ever held a job has, felt the pressure of work–
related stress. Any job can have stressful elements, even if you love what you do. According to the
American Psychological Association 's (APA) annual Stress in America Survey. Only 37 percent of
Americans surveyed said they were doing
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Essay on Stress in the Workplace
Ashley Jones
Final Paper: Stress in the workplace
June 18, 2012
BUS 318: Organizational Business
Instructor: Gary Priest
Final Paper: Stress in the workplace Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and their
behavior within an organized work environment. Many different facets of the business world make
up organizational behavior including: motivation, personality, leadership, communication, and so
much more. However, I plan to focus on the topic of stress within organizational behavior.
Depending on how it is handled stress can be both positive and negative. However, when it is not
recognized and handled properly stress can cause serious problems. Throughout this paper I ... Show
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Another common stressor is physical setting: "noise, lack of privacy, poor lighting, poor ventilation,
poor temperature control, or inadequate sanitary facilities. Settings where there is organizational
confusion or an overly authoritarian, laissez–faire, or crisis–centered managerial style are all
psychologically stressful." (American Psychological Association, 2012) People are most productive
when they are comfortable. If the office is too cold, too loud, unclean, etc. it could cause the
employee to shift their focus off of the task they are doing and onto whatever it is that is causing
their work environment to be less than comfortable. Finally, there are stressors in our personal lives
that may have nothing to do with work but may spill over into our work lives. Things like divorce,
birth of a child, death of a family member, and financial issues can cause stress in our personal lives.
These stressors cause us to be distracted and we lose focus on what we are doing at work. This can
cause accidents on the jobs or a decrease in productivity. Furthermore, as we let the stress of our
personal lives spill over into our work lives we may become agitated, short–tempered, and difficult
to be around. Our attitude then begins to affect those working around us, which in turn causes stress
in their lives. I am definitely guilty of letting the stress from my personal life affect my work. Even
something as small as fighting with my husband
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My Experience At The Military
I really did not know the type of work related stress I was going to get when I join the military,
because my mother was always there for me. The first time I left my home town, family and flew in
an aircraft was when I join the Unites States Air Force. During my experience 19 years in the
military, I learned that our management and supervisors work hard to learn from previously cases
and to teach how to prevent and or how to deal with stress. During this literature review, I learned
more on how some military member's coup with stress including PTSD, prepare military members
prior deployment and how veteran's experiences can mentor civilians with stressful jobs, and how
management can ease the work related stress by being a good mentor and having different styles of
leadership. Since the government are constantly trying to shut–down the monetary assistance to the
military and veterans, how they are going to get the help when in need. Sometimes it is difficult to
understand when someone turns into alcoholics and other substance abuse to include over the
counter medication. Some military members or veterans are considered binge drinkers when they
consume 3 or more drinks for a male and a female consumes 4 or more drinks in a single occasion.
Others will start to smoke to include smokeless tobacco (Allen, Crawford, Kudler 2016). For
example, some members when they are deployed to an overseas location they will use Nyquil to go
to sleep and they will become dependent.
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Essay On Stress And Burnout
Stress and Burnout in our current workforce is and has become a widespread problem and continues
to affect the American workforce. Stress can have a damaging outcome to the human body and can
lead to negative effects on individuals. Stress can never be specifically described to how it will
affect each person specifically; it varies from one person to another. However, in most all situations
the body is no longer functioning in a healthy way. In addition, Rice (1999) suggested that job
related stress leads to dissatisfaction, burnout and obsolescence. It can also lead to be health
threatening and impact one physiologically and psychologically. Work related stress also can be a
major source of family problems, poor relationships with other ... Show more content on ...
Their planning requires teachers to work long hours after school to meet expectations. Professional
development is ongoing. Teachers are expected to continue their education on weekends and even
during summer breaks. Exhaustion is experienced when a teacher feels as though all his "emotional
resources are used up" (Roloff & Brown, 2011 p.453). With all the demands this happens amongst
our teaching community often and teachers are left feeling alone. Depersonalization occurs when
one separates himself from colleagues, family, and friends. Separation may manifest through
physical isolation or through distancing oneself emotionally (Roloff & Brown, 2011).
21st century has also rapidly changed the demands that are placed on teachers now as well. Teachers
are expected to instruct, foster student's needs and even be counselors at times. Due to the break–
down of the America family, they are expected to act as social workers, health care providers, and
parents while continuing to educate the children about core content areas, technology, and the global
community (Kozol, 2008). Within these factors, teachers are also faced dealing with difficult
students daily. Students today face a great deal of challenges from behavior disorders to learning
disabilities. The drug epidemic in our state has also provided
intense circumstances for teachers as well. Since students at the elementary
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A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working in Banking...
Women in India have served a lot after independence. From just a experienced homemaker, women
today have gained skills and potential of not just being a homemaker but being at parity with their
male counterpart. Moreover, varying roles of working women, they have preserved the conventional
work culture of household. Now a day the companies are thriving towards high rate that the women
have to work for longer hours to sustain the standard of living and accomplish their basic needs. In
spite of having the recent technologies and services, women feel to be work loaded and stressed.
The abstract literature on stress recommends ... Show more content on ...
This is known as the repose reaction.
Unrelieved Stress. Often, up to date life poses ongoing stressful conditions that are not short–lived.
The recommendation to take action (to fight or flee) must thus be cautiously handled. Stress, after
that, turns into unrelieved.
Common unrelieved stressors contain: * Ongoing extremely pressured work * Long–term
relationship problems * Lonesomeness * Constant financial worries
Stress at work is quite a new perceptible fact of contemporary lifestyles. Occupational stress adds a
load to physical health. Work related stress in the life of controlled workers, thus, have an effect on
the wellbeing of organizations. Stress, either fast or steady, can bring risky body–mind disorders.
Instant disorders such as nervousness attacks, worry, sleeplessness, tenseness and muscle pain can
all result in unrelieved health problems. It has an effect on immune system, cardiovascular and
nervous systems and direct individuals to regular addictions. Like "stress reactions", "relaxation
responses" and stress management techniques are some of the important built–in response systems.
Unfortunately, at present, don't get peaceful and calming situations without asking. For relaxation
one has to struggle to create such circumstances. [19]
This study is carried out to investigate that how much the women workforce of the banks are
strained and how do the pressure of
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The Role Of Occupational Stress And The Stress
Research as well as public perception has determined that police work is one the most stressful
professions in the United States. This work will explore the influences of such occupational stress
and the stress felt by the officer's family members. Furthermore, this paper will attempt to address
the question if there are significant differences due to gender. In other words, is there a different
stress level felt when you are husband or wife of a First Responder. Finally, this work will identify
some coping mechanism for the family in order to minimize such stress levels.
Keywords: Stress, First Responder, Coping
Stress Experience by a First Responder 's Family
Scholars have identified different patterns of stress among ... Show more content on
Collectively, first responders should have a strong support group in order to manage work related
stress; however, more often than not the family is often neglected in this area. The family also
experience pressure and stress as they attempt to cope with the officer and their duties. As a result
many families deal with the fear and trauma behind closed doors.
Police officers work hand in hand with a sense of danger or uncertainty about their personal safety
as proceed to respond to each call. The need to reduce such pressure produces a powerful
justification for developing and maintaining a police culture. A police culture is often referred to a
protective wall that allows officer to be emotionally guarded while they suppress their feeling under
a great deal of stress (Woody, 2006). Additionally, there is a great deal of public suspicion about law
enforcement authority and behavior. Consequently, the police officer is prone to feel isolated from
others, including his family. Such response can have devastating and lasting effects on the family
support. Evidence suggests that emergency workers are among the subculture with the one of the
highest divorce rates. Furthermore, this profession also reports that they are among those with
multiple marriages (Regehr, 2012). Therefore, making the family nucleus a very fragile dynamic
which requires constant vigilance.
The family nucleus should not be ignored by the first responder because they are
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Stress And Stress In The Workplace
When it comes to call center agents having to go through improper training in the workplace,
increase of workload, and dealing with difficult customers. These issues can come as a negative
outcome to the organization and employees in the area of their performance at work, absent days
off, and finally leaving the employment position takes a toll on both sides of the equation.
Someone's job performance is correlated with conscientiousness, which is the personality trait of
being careful or attentive and the satisfaction a worker has at work. And according to the
Conservation of Resources (COR) theory, that is one of the two leading theories of stress and trauma
over the past 20 years, has reported that ''individuals become emotionally exhausted when they do
not have enough resources to meet work demands'' (Witt, Andrews & Carlson, 2004, p.150). The
type of resources that should be available to employees, support o of supervisors, a sense of
independence, ability to make decisions, and control (Cordes & Dougherty, 1993). Besides, those
work demands can consist of ''role conflict and ambiguity, role overload, and work pressure'' (Witt,
Andrews & Carlson, 2004, p.150. And those concepts are important to keep in mind because when
work demands ends up exceeding the resources available, job performance is reduced. When it came
to highly conscientious workers, they had to sacrifice the quantity of their work but not the quality
of their work. These type of call center agents would be
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Signs of Stress in the Police Profession
What issues can be a sign of stress in the police profession and what could be done to help prevent
it? All aspects of any job can be stressful. There are several different factors that can cause stress.
The cause of stress in the police profession is characterized by job related stress and fatigue.
According to Merriam–Webster Collegiate Dictionary (2013), stress in general is a physical,
chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease
causation (Full definition of stress, 1c.). Job stress may involve the type of work your do, your boss,
or co–workers or your hours you work. When it comes to job stress, it can take a toll on your
productivity, as well as your physical and emotional health. Job related stress is one of the most
common causes of heart disease in the workplace. However, in my current career as a Deputy
Sheriff, I have more stress from work related issues then the stress that comes from everyday life.
Besides the job related stress issues and concerns, my job is very rewarding to me. I have the
opportunity to help people and give them a sense of security. However, there are times where the
workplace is not so rewarding because we are over worked and under paid. Also the constant
changes to the workplace policies and procedures are designed to benefit the employer instead of the
employee is major cause in job stress. These types of stressful situations may affect police personnel
on every level.
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Workplace Stress: A Case Study
"Work stress is one of the oldest issues in organizational psychology and is considered one of the
most severe occupational injuries in modern society" (Chou, Chu, Yeh, &Chen, 2014, p. 115).
Overcoming this severe issue of workplace stress is an important topic to discuss. It is defined as the
events or circumstances that cause strain to an employee, which can result in physical, mental, and
emotional consequences (Dextras–Gauthier, Marchand, & Haines, 2012; Nägel, Sonnentag, &
Kühnel, 2015). When referring to an individual's career, stress can create negative outcomes if it is
not effectively managed. For example, within the social service organizations, it is important that
there are effective stress management interventions ... Show more content on ...
The results of burnout show that there can be damage to an individual's physical health and
cognitive functioning. Studies found that there is a connection between chronic work stress and job
strain, which results in employee sick leave and the inability to function effectively (Deligkaris, et
al., 2014). In addition, results of burnout can affect the organization and the clients, due to the
possibility of inadequate services being provided or a high increase in turnover.
Another negative impact to consider when it comes to stress is organizational constraints. Pindek
and Spector (2016) show that organizational constraints are "conditions in the work that inhibit,
interfere with, or fail to support an individual's performance of job tasks", which results in
workplace stress that is linked to the strain felt by the employee (p. 7). There are various ways that
organizational constraint can create workplace stress. First, organizational constraint can be caused
by having an inadequate amount of resources (Pindek & Spector, 2016). Providing resources to the
employees allows them to be successful in accomplishing their tasks. In addition, organizational
constraints can be caused by poor interpersonal interactions, which can make assigning tasks
difficult. Furthermore, Pindek & Spector (2016) state that increasing interventions that
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Stress In The Workplace Essay
Stress in the Workplace My reaction to the situation with France Telecom is that it is a tragedy, no
organization should be ok with any of their employees being stressed to the point of wanting to kill
themselves. Which reminded me of our previous discussion about job satisfaction. I don't think any
job is worth the stress that the employees of France Telecom had to endure, no matter how much
money the employees are making. I also thought, this is an important public/global health issue that
needs to be addressed.
What went wrong at France Telecom?
I believe there are more factors to consider than what was included in this case, but with the
information given, the internal factors were mainly poor management, such as the chairman Didier
Lombard. According to BBC news, "Mr. Lombard announced plans to cut 22,000 jobs and move
another 14,000 workers, as France Telecom pushed for greater efficiency in the wake of
privatization, two years earlier." (N/A, 2016) This was the main contributor to the extremely high
levels of stress the employees were under. When deciding to make changes in the organization, the
company was using psychological pressure and pathogenic restructuring that caused the employees
immense stress and the feeling
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Causes of Workplace Stress
Causes of Workplace Stress
There are many factors that can exacerbate the causes of stress in the workplace. The challenges
faced by people in the workplace make the job more exciting and interesting. However, there are
challenges that can also have negative effects. The normal reaction to stress is tension, anxiety and
excitement and work–life goes back to normal after a while. If however, the stress becomes
overwhelming or if it happens too often, there can be a problem getting back to the normal state and
one is no longer able to relax. The most common causes of stress in the workplace are the following:
Demands at work become too extreme or excessive
There is disproportion between the workload and the abilities of the ... Show more content on ...
Work bullies or co–workers who make life miserable for you can also be a cause of workplace
Job stress for women can also be caused by sexual harassment from colleagues or superiors. The
constant worry and isolation gives so much tension to a female employee leading to a hostile work
environment. This is a situation in which one is forced to deal with an intimidating and offensive
workplace everyday. This affects the ability to perform and to grow and be given credit in one's
chosen career. Success and advancement becomes hard, making the female worker frustrated and
One of the worst causes of stress in almost all workplace is a hostile working environment that can
come as a result of workplace bullying, sexual harassment or discrimination. These problems can
only be solved if a worker is well aware of her rights and if the company or the organization has
provided a proper forum that will address and solve such problems.
In the workplace, stress can be the result of any number of situations. Some examples include:
Categories of Job Stressors Examples
Factors unique to the job workload (overload and underload)
pace / variety / meaningfulness of work
autonomy (e.g., the ability to make your own decisions about our own job or about specific tasks)
shiftwork / hours of work
physical environment (noise, air quality, etc)
isolation at the workplace
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An Investigation into Related Job Stress and Job Satisfaction
This research is based on a study done at Northern Caribbean University to investigate the relation
between job satisfaction and job stress among teachers. According to French & Caplan (1972) job
stress is as a result of a misfit between an individual and their environment.
Research topic: "An investigation into related job stress and job satisfaction"
Job Stress Among Teachers
Related job stress and job satisfaction have been a topic researched by several scholars and now by
me. The issue of stress in the teaching profession as caused a serious concern for both faculty and
administrators (Schuster, 1986). The increasing stress have been creating profound impact on female
teachers (Lease, 1999), and new faculty members (Oslen, 1993). ... Show more content on ...
Some researchers have also attributed poor behavior of students as a significant contributor to the
daily stress teachers face (Geving, 2007). When one think of teaching one can also think of it as a
stressful occupation that many present teachers are quitting more than ever (Smith, 2006).
Mastery of task–management skills have been found as a critically component that new teachers
take a while to grasp which in turn fosters a recipe for stress (Brown, 2005). Researchers like Cox
(2007) have found weak administrations and school violence as a major factor which lead to
overwhelming stress and departure of many teachers. This finding was also supported by Smith
(2006). Smith's findings indicated that teaches are stressed because they don't feel safe in the
environment in which they are expected to spend most of their lives. As job commitment increase
the level of potential stress decreases (Forrest, 2006). Nevertheless, if there is a low level of
commitment then the possibility of being stressed will increase. Researches like Maslach and
Jackson (1996) have intended to three major factors that contributes to teachers being burnout.
These factors are subjective accomplishments, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.
Job Satisfaction Among Teachers
There have been several investigations to create an understanding between job satisfaction and the
teaching profession. In various studies related to job satisfaction for teachers
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Intervention Strategies To Caregive Workplace Stress
Stress Management Interventions One of the most common strategies to relieve workplace stress is
to implement an intervention. Within the literature, stress is reduced or eliminated by using stress
management interventions (SMIs) that can be used on two types of levels: individual and
organizational (Biggs et al., 2014a; Biron & Karanika–Murray, 2014; Cheung et al., 2013; Dollard
& Gordon, 2014; Fridrich, Jenny, & Bauer, 2016; Füllemann et al., 2015; Hoek et al., 2018; Hurst,
Baranik, & Daniel, 2013; Huss, 2012; Li et al., 2017; Lloyd et al., 2017; Nägel et al., 2015; Pack,
2012; Von Humboldt et al., 2013). There are benefits to using both SMIs depending on the situation
and the amount of stress experienced. However, it is important to understand ... Show more content
on ...
For example, individual SMIs that incorporates a strength–based and empowerment perspective for
social work professionals as a self–evaluation tool completed by drawing a picture (Huss, 2012).
This drawing is effective with social workers because it allows them to access not only the stressful
situation, but also their reactions, and their coping skills (Huss, 2012). Another simple individual
SMI is enjoying a leisure activity. Nägel, Sonnentag, and Kühnel (2015) described how completing
leisure activities after a stressful day at work can promote a healthy well–being. Exercising is the
most highly used leisure activity by many individuals. This type of activity promotes strength and
can decrease negative effects on physical health and sickness. Individual SMIs are beneficial
because it incorporates a strength–based perspective, which allows social workers to identify
strengths and resources when dealing with their clients and for themselves (Rice and Girvin,
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The Effect Of Spending Time On Nature And Its Stress...
Counselors dedicate their lives to helping people emotionally in need, and eventually this dedication
begins to produce distress which, if not dealt with can lead into more serious issues. One of the more
serious issues that counselors are at higher risk to experience as job–related stress increases–is
burnout. In order for counselors to maintain healthy levels of compassion while maintaining their
ability to help their clients, implementing a self–care plan. This self–care plan enables counselors to
effectively cope with frequent job–related stress. If the self–care plan does not effectively cope with
this stress, then burnout is likely to be experienced. However, there are successful strategies to
prevent burnout and enables the counselor to help hurting people for the long duration. One such
plausible self–care plan that effectively copes with job related stress includes frequent exposures to
nature and the outdoors. In this paper, I examine the relationship between spending time in nature
and its stress reducing capabilities. Because burnout is a stress induced syndrome, attempts to
decrease stress levels with nature exposures, should also prevent burnout. Unfortunately, most
counselors who experience burnout seldom engage in healthy coping strategies nor do they engage
in them frequently enough. It is important for counselors to maintain healthy coping strategies in
order to help their clients to the best of their abilities for the long duration. By
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Information Management and Organization Behavior
DEFINITION OF STRESS An emotional disorder, stress is the thought process and the physical
condition of a person. The reaction against anything that causes a person to feel fear, fidget or
threatened. It occurs when a person receives something out of habit or ability. When the stress, the
body will produce the hormone adrenaline and heart beats cortisone causes tempest, increased
respiratory more speed, and increased blood pressure. Well–designed, organized and managed work
is good for us but when insufficient attention to job design, work organization and management has
taken place, it can result in Work related stress. Work related stress develops because a person is
unable to cope with the demands being placed on them. Stress, including work related stress, can be
a significant cause of illness and is known to be linked with high levels of sickness absence, staff
turnover and other issues such as more errors. Stress can hit anyone at any level of the business and
recent research shows that work related stress is widespread and is not confined to particular sectors,
jobs or industries. That is why a population–wide approach is necessary to tackle it. Work stress is
stress arising from or affecting employment. Negative pressure, both in terms of mental, physical or
emotional, is an important factor that can threaten the harmony of quality of life does one employee.
This area has been studied by researchers for over 100 years ago. According to one study, almost 35
percent of
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Workplace Stress Article Comparison
Workplace Stress Article Comparison
In reading the three different articles dealing with stress in the workplace there seems to be a
disconnect between the people in power (employers) and the employees. While 85% of the
employers agree that workplace stress is a concern, there's a general disagreement between the two
parties on the triggers. Employees mainly believe lack of adequate hygiene factors and low pay play
a major role in workplace stress while employers feel understaffing and lack of work–life balance
are to blame (Benefits Canada.) While there are many strategies that employees can perform to
avoid workplace stress (choosing a job where one has relevant skills, interests, abilities, possessing a
contract and keeping up–to–date with
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The Effects Of Workplace Stress On The United Kingdom Courts
This study examined workplace stress in a random sample of litigated cases heard in the United
Kingdom courts. The majority of claims related to clinical depression. The alleged causes of
workplace stress most commonly cited in litigation included: excessive workload, followed by poor
management practices, organisational, economic or technical change, aggressive management style,
and bullying by co–workers. The presence of effective workplace stress management policies were
important interventions that played a particularly significant role in avoiding legal action and
reducing the detrimental experience of employees. A significant finding was that 94 per cent of the
cases were found in favour of the employer as the defendant. Implications for managerial practice
are suggested. This analysis of seventy–five cases between 2002–2014 will shed valuable light on
the nature of workplace stress claims litigated in the courts and the likely chance of success in such
Keywords: workplace stress .litigated cases.managerial . behaviour . legal rights
Relevance of the Study
Since Karasek's landmark paper appeared in 1979, stress in the work environment has received
considerable attention in a wide variety of academic literature studies as being a significant issue for
employers, workers, and wider society (Karasek, 1979; Siegrist, 1985; Johnson & Hall, 1988;
McCaig & Harrington, 1998; Smith 2001; de Lange, Taris, Kompier, Houtman, Bongers, 2008).
There is evidence from
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The Causes Of Work-Related Stress In The Workplace
Work–related stress is a very serious problem that will end up costing companies millions of dollars
as a result of employee productivity declining. It always falls back on the management team to find
solutions to their employee's stress within the means of the company. This problem needs to be
addressed very rapidly because if not dealt with the end results will be negative effects for both the
employee and employer. Employees that are stressed need to recognize the signs of stress because
they will be susceptible to mental health problems such as depression, which can lead to a build–up
of chronic diseases if exposed to prolonged stress. This essay will discuss the causes of work–
related stress and suggest some solutions.
In any organization one of the utmost crucial tasks is management. Management is the act of dealing
with or the act of controlling people or processes. For an organization to run its activities it needs to
have a very efficient management team. To manage a group can also be said it is the step of making
the choice concerning people, systems, and objectives in an organization. It is not a science but an
act which necessitates human attendance and determination. "The primary functions of any
management are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, report and budgeting"
(Nahavandi, Denhardt & Aristigueta 2015). When it comes to planning, management is involved in
the planning of all their department activities which leads to the production
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The Problems, Effects, and Solutions to Workplace Stress...
Executive Summary
This proposal examines the problems, effects, and solutions to workplace stress. In addition, I will
explain risk assessment, management, and prevention. Finally, I will review coping strategies for
workplace stress.
Holland's Automotive Repair has seventy–seven people of a wide diverse nature. Internal research
shows many employees are suffering from workplace stress. External research focuses on several
studies, models, and theories of workplace stress effects.
Workplace stress causes problems such as lack of motivation, poor health, increased safety
concerns, and overall low morale within the company. Stress related hazards target work content and
work context. Businesses endure many losses when employees' workplace stress is not controlled
and prevented.
Holland's Automotive Repair needs to establish a risk assessment and management policy to
implement immediately. The best practice is to prevent workplace stress with a well–designed work
environment. This practice will save time, resources, and money within the company.
An internal survey of Holland's Automotive Repair employees clarifies how the business can reduce
workplace stress and increase overall employee resolve. Because of the wide diversity within
Holland's Automotive Repair, specific coping skills can assist all employees with their specific
Holland's Automotive Repair business will uphold their reputation by following these guidelines.
These policies will also
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Synopsis : Tricia Monet A Young Professional With A...
Synopsis: Tricia Monet is a young professional with a bachelor's degree in accounting. After
college, Tricia worked in an accounting firm, but she determined that she enjoyed interacting with
people more than numbers. When she moved to Sioux City, Tricia applied and interviewed for an
assistant director position at Personal Reflections in the local mall. Despite having no supervisory or
managerial experience, Personal Reflections quickly offered the job to Tricia, and she accepted the
offer a few days later. During the two–week training, Tricia initially thought the people were
helpful, and she learned a lot from the class. After the initial training, the company provided little
support and guidance for their store directors.
Tricia began working at the Sioux City store where she discovered the store director, Heather
Munson, resented that she was not included in the hiring decisions. This store consistently failed to
meet its sales goals, and the store was messy and disorganized. When Tricia tried to organize the
store, Heather yelled at her for doing tasks that she did not assign. Tricia was unhappy with the
situation, but Heather suddenly went on disability leave before she quit. Tricia became the acting
director with a month of experience. She welcomed the challenge and set out to improve the store,
while the district manager hired Amy, Lori, and Tammy as the assistant directors.
Over the first month, Tricia and the assistant managers got along, and they were
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The Effects Of Stress On The Workplace
Life is full of frustrations, deadlines, and demands. Stress isn't always bad, many times it can help
people while they are performing under pressure since it will motivate them to do their best.
Scientists use the term stress to refer to any force that impairs the balance of bodily functions. From
this definition, the definition of job stress was formed. Job stress can be defined as the harmful
physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the
needs of the worker. When stress begins to become overwhelming it can cause damage in
relationships, health, and quality of life. People can protect themselves by recognizing the symptoms
of stress. Numerous studies have shown that job stress is the ... Show more content on ...
When a person faces any danger the nervous system will automatically send a signal to the brain
that makes all body functions want to flee away; known as "flight or flee" reaction. This stage is
known as the alarm stage and this type of stress can be due to an actual event such as an accident.
The alarm stage gives people extra strength to defend themselves. However, staying in the alarm
stage can lead to the second phase of stress known as resistance. During this stage the body tends to
get tense, tired, along with a weaker immune system. People will begin smoking and drinking to
come out of the stress. The reactions to this phase are anxiety, memory loss, overreacting, and
depression. When stress continues beyond the second stage then exhaustion will settle in. During
this phase the adaptive mechanisms will collapse and there are many extreme complications that
will result if this phase continues (Stages of Stress). Stress that occurs in the workplace is normal,
however excessive stress can interfere with productivity and emotional health. People can't always
control everything in their work environment and many people are often stuck in tough situations.
Any job can be stressful and in the short–term people may experience pressure to meet a deadline or
to complete a task. There are four types of stress that occur at work and they include: Time stress,
anticipatory stress, situational stress, and encounter stress. Time stress is when
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Employee Perception Of The Job Requirements At Social...
Employees of social service agencies are subject to a highly stressful work environment with
demanding expectations. Due to recent changes to healthcare reform in the United States, there are
more people in Los Angeles with health care coverage now seeking treatment for physical,
emotional and mental wellbeing, leading to rising caseloads for local social service agencies. This
means that community demands are increasing and workers take on more client's, deadlines, and
increased accountability. This study seeks to explore employee perception of the job requirements at
social service agencies in regards to the demands, organizational support and satisfaction. The recent
controversy and outrage over the death of Gabriel Fernandez, an 8 year old boy from Antelope
Valley, left in the custody of his mother and her boyfriend which resulted in his untimely death
sparked debate over negligence on the part of the Department of Child and Family Services. One
critique of the agency was reportedly due to high caseloads and backlogs of child abuse
investigations. This is an extreme example of how continued increases in employee demands play a
role in job duties and potentially affect employee satisfaction. A second example, resulted in the
lawsuits of local hospitals in Los Angeles County (Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Pacifica
Hospital of the Valley and Beverly Community Hospital Association) being accused of "patient
dumping." In this lawsuit, it was found that mentally
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Managing Work Life Balance

  • 1. Managing Work Life Balance The current economic situation has been blamed for causing income loss, extended working hours and intense stress in workplaces all over the world. Due to this today people are being challenged to strike a balance between work life and family life. People are overwhelmed by the demanding careers, demanding families, a slow economy and so on. This has left people with little time for what they need and want to do. Motivation refers to the desire, effort and passion to achieve something (Paul, Hoang, 2007). In business terms it is often referred to as the willingness to complete a task or job with enthusiasm. There are different motivators for every person. Some people are motivated by fears. Others are motivated by rewards. Many ... Show more content on ... In today's times people apart from money also look for time offs so that they can spend their time with their family. Awarding them with holidays as rewards provided work does not suffer is also a good way of reducing stress and motivating people. Another really effective way for rewarding and motivating people at work is to recognize them for any great achievements. A pat on the back goes a long way. An immature manager/boss provides negative stress or distress which arises out of unreasonable targets and deadlines which affects the health of the employees adversely. According to Rensis Likert, (1967), these leaders are exploitative autocratic who do not trust their employees and so order them to perform by putting pressure of performance by using threat and punishments (Paul, Hoang, 2007). Negative stress comes with a cost. It is estimated billions of pounds every year in lost production in UK due to stress at work (ANI, 2008). Managers who distress their employee fail to realize that with long working hours and unrealistic goals employees in the organization are not only losing on their standard of living but also their quality of life. Another important way in which a manager can help employees cope with stress is through work– life balance. A 2001 study of women working in telecommunications companies found that investment in work–life balance was closely correlated with higher retention ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Effects Of Stress In The Workplace Stress in workplace is a problem in organizations and businesses throughout America and the rest of the world. Stress can cause both physical and psychological damage to the worker. High stress levels often cause or can worsen a long list of health issues, including heart disease, obesity, depression and diabetes. In addition to paying 50 percent more annually in health costs for stressed workers, employers are dealing with additional effects of stress that directly impact their profitability, such as loss of productivity, absenteeism, turnover, and disengagement. According to the American Institute of Stress, job stress costs US businesses more than $300 billion annually (Business Review USA staff, 2014). Stress is a part of everyday life, including at work. Learning how to manage stress in life, both personally and professionally before it gets out of hand, would be more beneficial to overall health, happiness, and prosperity. From an organizational standpoint, being proactive in helping manage stress of employees would consequently be more prosperous. According to the Cleveland Clinic staff, "stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response" (2017). With this being said, it is understandable why stress is a recurring part of life. Change is constant; therefore, stress is a guarantee. The Cleveland Clinic staff also state, "The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. The body's autonomic nervous ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. My Letter For A Job Worker Miriam came into my office one day stating that lately she is feeling very stressed at work. She used to love her job but now she feels overworked, overwhelmed, and out of control at work. She is snapping at other employees. She feels unsure of herself at work, and incapable of leading and assisting others. When she is home all she thinks about is work. She is having difficulty sleeping at night, she used to be good at her job, but now she feels that she cannot cope, and she has missed deadlines and feels un–productive. One day she went into her office and closed the door and cried over a patient interaction. She feels that she has so much work and does not know where to start. Miriam feels that work is affecting her whole life. She feels that her employer is making too many changes, and that things were working well the way they were. She has a new supervisor. She liked the previous supervisor because she always affirmed her when she did a good job. She feels that the company should never have let her go. Miriam feels helpless and hopeless on her job. She has begun drinking more in the evenings after work, more than she use too. She feels it helps her to relax. She says that the drinking is getting out of hand, and she is becoming more and more frustrated with work. Most individuals work to earn a living. They need to support their lifestyles and their families. Some people chose their job based on salary alone, and that, while understandable in today's uncertain ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Causes And Effects Of Workplace Stress In Society Stress can come in all sizes and shapes, and no matter its form we are all greatly affected by it (Abnormal Psychology Pg. 177). Stress can come from something as small as being late to something or from something as massive as a traumatic event like war. Wherever source stress comes from, everyone experiences it in their lives, probably on a daily basis. Americans have a few top stressors that are common amongst most adults. These stressors include things like job pressure, money, health, and many more. Fortunately, there are ways that adults can combat these stressors and reduce the implication that the stress puts on their lives. One of the many stressors that Americans are facing today is job pressure or stress related to work. Workplace stress is actually the top stressor of adults in the United Stated (Abnormal Psychology Pg. 178). Nearly 32% of adults are dissatisfied with the level of stress at their jobs (Abnormal Psychology Pg. 212). This stress can come from different places including: a heavy workload, performance expectations, a boss or coworkers, deadlines, etc. However, there are a few key steps people can take to reduce their job pressure stress. The first step is keeping track of what stressors they encounter and where they come from. Making a list and writing down specific stressors can be very helpful in overcoming them. Another way to reduce job pressure is to learn to deal with stress in a healthier way. For instance, instead of using smoking or ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Summary Of Dealing With The Stressed: Workplace Stress The article reviewed is called "Dealing with the Stressed: Workplace Stress Costs the Economy More Than $30 Billion a Year, and Yet Nobody Knows What It Is or How to Deal with It" by Ken Macqueen, with Martin Patriquin and John Intini. It begins with an excellent visual of the 'cubie world' many of use deal with on a daily basis. Authors describe a "fabric–covered box," where "some troll in the IT department monitors your every keystroke," and where your "boss is going to tug your electronic leash if he sees you leaving this early." Stress? "Yet Nobody Knows What It Is." You just answered the question. If employers took responsibility for the way employees are treated, it would mean that are admitting to the mistreatment and disrespect. Working adults are treated like children because there is this belief that a title or credential gives them right to treat you inappropriately. How long should someone take this type of abuse before fighting back? This is stress. Employers are "stuck with an addled labor force of their own creation?" Anxiety, high blood pressure, the occasional loud outbursts ... Show more content on ... The last argument your least favorite coworker, heavy workload, and looming deadlines are enough to push you over the edge. Help was sought out, no one is listening nor do they care, so why should I. Medical leave is the answer, but when she "handed her doctor's note to a supervisor and requested leave, she was told EA had already decided to fire her. Big Mistake. The failure to investigate her deteriorating condition or to accommodate her medical condition violated the provincial human rights code, the tribunal concluded. Instead of investing time and energy to bringing her back, healthy, to her workplace, it fired her. She spiraled into depression." (Macqueen, Patriquin & Intini, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Workplace Stress Three out of every four American workers describe their work as stressful. According to the Holmes–Rahe Life Events Scale, which rates levels of stress, many of the most stressful events in life are related to the workplace. Some examples are firings, business readjustments and changes in financial status, altered responsibilities, a switch to a different line of work, trouble with the boss, changes in work hours or conditions, retirement and vacations. Workplace stress costs American employers an estimated $200 billion per year in lower productivity, absenteeism, staff turnover, workers ' compensation, medical insurance and other stress–related expenses. However, stress may not always be a bad thing. It can stimulate creativity and ... Show more content on ... Get a large number of people together to point out the problem and you won 't be seen as a trouble maker. "Career and job ambiguity" – a feeling of helplessness and lack of control. "How can I succeed if I don 't know what 's expected of me or if my job here is uncertain?" Stress levels are affected by vagueness within management. A lot of people think this is a lack of communication from the manager to the employee, but I feel that it is the responsibility of the employee to seek out what is expected of him or her. For example, if you get a bad evaluation or raise, simply go to your boss and ask him what you can do differently over the next year to enable you to get a better evaluation or increase in pay. "No feedback – good or bad" – prevents people from knowing how they are doing and whether they are meeting expectations. Stress related to this issue is typically one of management misperception as to the amount, importance, and effectiveness of feedback to employees. Whatever the cause, employees are easily stressed by lack of communication in this area. This is again something you may not have control over, but it is still a good demonstation of why a lack of communication is damaging. "No appreciation" – lack of recognition generates stress that endangers future efforts. Human nature requires that we demonstrate appreciation for jobs well done. Inadequate demonstration of appreciation results in lowered productivity. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Workplace Stress Among The Employee Workplace Stress among the Employee in Insurance sector: A study 1. Introduction Stress is a part of daily living. It is an adaptive response. Stress occurs at the workplace when there is a mismatch between the expectations of the employee and demand of the employer. Stress basically reduces a person's ability to perform and think differently which is bad for every firm. Many researches have been done which concluded that stressed out managers are not good for the organization. From the individual's point of view stress is our body's physical, mental and chemical reactions to the circumstances that confuse, endanger or irritate us. If this stress is controlled, it becomes a friend which give strength to us but if handled poorly it becomes an enemy which can cause many diseases like blood pressure, asthma, thyroid, ulcer etc. Stress is the output of modern lifestyles. There can be basically 3 levels of stress– If the stress is at the optimum level–Individual will perform well to his full capacity. If it is more than the optimum level–Negative response, individual can suffer from health problems. If it is less than the optimum level–Individual gets bored from his work, which reduces his efficiency. Stress can have positive as well as negative effects. If the individual can manage the stress then it will have a positive effect as it will help ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Impacts and Ramifications of Stress in the Workplace Essay In the workplace, stress can have some strong physical and mental effects on employees. To best understand stress, it is first important to define it. Stress is defined as "a feeling of tension that occurs when a person perceives that a given situation is about to exceed one's ability to cope and consequently could endanger one's well being" (Hitt, Miller & Colella, 2011). Stress on the job is usually the result of people feeling inadequate and unable to perform the given duties of a position at a high level. This could be the result of not having the tools necessary to complete the work or having an outside need that is unable to be met while performing duties. Today, we'll examine different types of stress and the effects that ... Show more content on ... Health problems can begin to add up over time as chronic stress is experienced. Next, stress can either be positive or negative. Eustress is positive stress which can be invigorating and create drive within an individual. This kind of stress causes an individual to strive toward meeting goals. A project manager may experience eustress as critical steps on a complicated project are completed successfully. Dystress is negative stress and is the one most people think of when thinking of stress in general (Hitt, Miller & Colella, 2011). Dystress can lead to the chronic stress symptoms like depression and anxiety. Stress can be further examined by exploring the demand–control model and effort–reward model of workforce stress. The demand–control model analyzes the relationship between an individual's workplace demands faced and control one has over meeting these demands. If the workforce demands are high, but control over meeting these demands is low, job strain is at its highest (Hitt, Miller & Colella, 2011). An example of this would be how a Best Buy associate is required to ask every customer if they would like to purchase an extended warranty regardless of whether he or she thinks a customer needs it or can afford it. The optimal result of a demand–control model ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Stress Management in the Workplace ORG 5270: Mental Health & Psychopathology in the Workplace 1 Week 2 Online Writing Assignment Consultant For Methodist Hospital: "Stress Management Module" Tomeka Flowers ORG 5270 University of the Rockies ORG 5270: Mental Health & Psychopathology in the Workplace 2 Week 2 Online Writing Assignment Abstract In recent months Methodist Hospital have developed a stress management program. The organization is struggling in their ability consistently manage the program. Though stress management program was designed to offer services that can be beneficial and to their staff, they seem to be able to inspire employees to take advantage of these services. As a result, if not utilized by employees, the program is ... Show more content on ... They can also determine if these factors are company–wide or specific to certain departments. Survey all employees. Create a survey to asking the employees about the stressors faced both on– the–job and off. Offer Confidentiality: Do not single out employees dealing with stress, and reprimand anyone who does. Singling out employees or discussing their issues is illegal and can result in a law suit costing millions of dollars. Incentives: Offer the employee a discount or some type of reward for participating. This can increase the enrollment in the stress management program. As a result, employee morale is improved as well as productivity on the job. Company–wide social activities: "Employees are less stressed when given the opportunity to socialize with coworkers, research shows. Options range from the simple, such as the use of ORG 5270: Mental Health & Psychopathology in the Workplace 6 Week 2 Online Writing Assignment games and contests, to the more involved such as company retreats with a menu of social activities (Health Advocate, Inc. 2009)." Offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). EAPs can lead to a decrease in worker's compensation claims, absenteeism and employer healthcare costs.
  • 34. Environment Change: Institute a quiet break room: In order to decrease stress on the job, consider a designated quiet room for employees ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. An Immense Amount Of People Overdo Their Bodies As They An immense amount of people overdo their bodies as they overload themselves with labor, and as a result, they suffer many adverse effects. Studies have shown that participating in a steady job is good for your health and wellbeing. It contributes to happiness and rewards us with other benefits as well. However, overworking leads to stress, depression and emotional exhaustion. This is all due to many factors associated with your job. The work environment, people you work with, your personal life and health background all play a role. Furthermore, it is that work related stress and bad health aligns with this aspect. Taking care of yourself and your health is imperative. This is why it is crucial to give yourself fulfillment from ... Show more content on ... Returning to work after a period of being unemployment results in remarkable physical and psychological health improvements, vetoing the adverse effects of health when unemployed. The result of an employee 's' worktime controls their mental health and physical wellness. According to Leena Ala Mursula, a scholarly writer, states "In women, poor health and psychological distress were more prevalent among those in the lowest quartile of work time control than those in the highest after adjustment for potential confounders including other aspects of job control, odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals for poor health and psychological distress were 1.8 and 1.6. Correspondingly, the adjusted sickness absence rate was 1.2 times higher in women with low work time control than in women with high work time control." This shows that poor health and physical suffering is more visible among people who work fewer hours than those who work overtime. In the results of a systematic meta–review, the available evidence confirms the theory that work can benefit an employee 's well–being. If adequate supervision is present and there are real workplace circumstances, this is where it is most present. The benefits of working are most evident when compared to negative mental health effects of unemployment. The possible benefits of satisfactory work and the part it plays in accelerating ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Pros And Cons Of Workplace Stress Nurses face many different stressors in their day to day work life. These stressors stem from the type of work nurses do (Raftopoulos, Charalambous and Talias, 2012). Stressors may also be caused by the nurse's social interactions (Rodwell and Demir, 2012), for example strained relationships with colleagues, poor leadership within the team and underappreciation. The stress can even be caused by political issues such as job security (Boya, Demiral, Ergor, Akvardar, & De Witte, 2008) and inadequate staffing leading to an excessive work load (Lisa Y. Adams, 2014). If the nurse is unable to deal with this stress appropriately it can have negative impacts on his or her physical and mental health (Marin et al.,2011). An integral aspect of coping within a stressful environment is having the ability to bounce back and work through issues despite unfavourable circumstances, this is known as resilience (Courtney. J, 2015). Nurses can implement strategies to build self–resilience, examples of this could be; ensuring they have adequate social supports (Cross, 2015) and practising mindfulness (Ludwig & Kabat–Zinn, 2008). Nurses are at a higher risk of facing workplace stressors than those who have other occupations because of the nature of their work (Foureur et al., 2013). Nursing staff are on the front line of patient care, this allows them to build relationships with patients and their families (Foureur et al., 2013). Nurses work in close proximity with patients and therefore build ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Workplace Stress In The Workplace Nowadays workplace stress is a major concern for several organisations. According to surveys from the American institute of stress (2017), 80% of the workers experience distress at work and half of them prefer to learn to manage stress. In general, job stress is a common issue, which does not only affect organisations but also workers. Noted by Stranks (2005), stress can arise from various sources, including low ambiguity and personal conflicts which are likely to contribute to the inefficiency of organisations and workers, namely, increasing absenteeism or low performances in employees. The essay will primarily discuss the problems and solutions of stress for organisations and individuals, respectively. Subsequently, it will compare the solutions for both sides of view. Thus, this essay will seek the most effective techniques to combat workplace stress at both organisation and individual levels by comparing several alternatives of stress management Unquestionably, modern businesses have become more complex as compared to the past. Such complexity contributes to high pressure at work and Fontana (1997) states that workplace stress can come from several reasons, such as role conflict, frequent clashes with colleagues or superiors and inadequate training. Consequently, these causes might generate detrimental effects to organisations. Referring to EU–OSHA (2017), the negative effects include the loss of productivity, the increase in absenteeism and other health–related costs. ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Essay about Job Stress You haven't been at work for more then twenty minutes and already your day is going down hill. Your phone is ringing off the hook. Papers piled on your desk , and now you have to attend a meeting. Day after day it is the same thing at your job and you have become highly stressed out. In my paper I am going to explain why job stress happens and ways that you can relieve it. One type of stress is job stress. Job stress is when the stressors involved are work related. "NIOSH" the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health states, job stress is the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. There are many things in life that ... Show more content on ... If you have a lot of work to do and you feel yourself getting frustrated take a short break. If you take five to ten minutes and walk around or listen to music this can take away some of your stress. If you take breaks regularly you are more likely to get as stressed out. Another cause of job related stress is impending layoffs. Not many people are safe from this because labor in the workforce is not at a high demand right now. There's not much you can do if you are in jeopardy of being laid off besides prepare for it. Have your resume ready and constantly try to update it. Also keep your network a live by asking co–workers about their status and if they have heard anything about layoffs. This way you can see where the company is making most of its cut backs. It will be easier to know if you are endanger of being laid off. The only positive to being laid off is if you had been wanting a career change. If you would like to pursue a different job now would be the time to attempt to. When you are still working and looking for another job you are not in desperate need of a job like you are when you are unemployed. The last thing that can create stress at your job is conflict with a boss or co–workers. It might be hard to put your personality difference aside but, you have a job to do and you need to make an effort to solve the issues that are going to cause more stress. A good way to get ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Stress In Workplace COPING WITH STRESS IN THE WORKPLACE Linda Holland–Blackwell MGMT201 American Public University System Executive Summary Coping with stress in the workplace can result in the same stress as stress from any other source such as headaches, high blood pressure, indigestion, and other physical symptoms; like irritability, anger, depression. Even if a person has a job and is making a decent salary, there are still stress factors in the workplace that can add to daily stressors. Some of the typical sources of stress in the workplace are work overload, a lack of meaningfulness in work, lack of control in decision making, long hours, and a lack of job security. Burnout is the most common stressor in the workplace. This one of the most serious effects of the workplace. Burnout can cause extreme dissatisfaction, pessimism, unhappiness on the job, and a desire to quit. Burnout stress can cause emotionally exhaustion. A great deal of stress comes from dealing with other people and social interactions. Stress is also affected by status and choosing to adapt. This paper will explore what stress is and the factors that can intensify the effects of stress in the workplace. Stress in today's workplace is growing faster due to individuals dealing with constant work–related demands. Most workers that take on constant demands in the workplace also deal with conflict that can even throw off their work life balance, such as poor career development and the physical ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Workplace Stress In Canada Hello everyone. This is EUNJU. Due to a lack of work experience in Canada, I have concern about my future career life. And, to achieve my career goals effectively, I think that being aware of a workplace stress can be useful and helpful because it should be a part of workplace culture. Therefore, based on what I have researched and what I have interviewed for the workplace stress, I decide to do my presentation on the topic of 'what's bugging you at work'. Besides of this presentation overview, I would like to introduce how I organized my presentation briefly. Firstly, I will focus on what are some important bugging aspects at work. Then, I will describe how does it affect you. Thirdly, I will explain how you can cope with stress ... Show more content on ... To draw your attention at this moment, I have compiled information as the easiest to do solutions as you can see the screen. In order to cope with stress at work effectively, I suggest you Maintain a balanced lifestyle, Focus on the positive aspects to work, and Clarify what is expected of you. This is because these are easy to do by yourself without spending money to cope with stress at work. Finally, I would like to explore what I have learn due to this assignment. I have learned new Canadian workplace culture and solutions to the workplace stress. From my interviewing experience, I have learned that there is remarkable aspect such as a open door policy. As most Canadians think being an effective team member is important, they also try to keep on the bright side of their work life to increase their productivities. And, what I have learned about solutions to the workplace stress can be described by one simple sentence. We don't live to work, we work to live. I hope this presentation helps you keep looking on the bright side of your career life. Thank you for your attention to this ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Essay about Workplace Stress Three out of every four American workers describe their work as stressful. According to the Holmes–Rahe Life Events Scale, which rates levels of stress, many of the most stressful events in life are related to the workplace. Some examples are firings, business readjustments and changes in financial status, altered responsibilities, a switch to a different line of work, trouble with the boss, changes in work hours or conditions, retirement and vacations. Workplace stress costs American employers an estimated $200 billion per year in lower productivity, absenteeism, staff turnover, workers' compensation, medical insurance and other stress–related expenses. However, stress may not always be a bad thing. It can stimulate creativity and ... Show more content on ... Others fill their days with unproductive busy–work, feeling the stress of knowing they could be more productive. These are caused respectively by two different reasons. An employee with too much work may be afraid to tell his/her boss because they are afraid their boss may consider them incompetent. Too little work may be the result of an employee that doesn't speak up because he/she doesn't want to become overwhelmed. Either situation could be resolved by better communication. First, the overworked guy should explain to his boss that he may need more time to complete his tasks or fewer tasks. Secondly, the person with too little to do should realize that sooner or later someone is going to notice that they are not doing their job and explain to his boss that he would like to be more challenged. "Random interruptions" – telephones, walk–in visits, demands from supervisors. Goal setting and time management strategies can increase productivity and alleviate the stressfulness of incomplete projects. Communication isn't just talking to someone, it is other things such as pushing the do not disturb button on a phone or closing the door in your office. These are both ways of communicating that you cannot be disturbed. "Pervasive uncertainty" – Hidden company problems, unsatisfactorily explained and announced change and/or economic fluctuations all affect stress levels and productivity. This is an intentional lack of ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Boeing´s Program to Reduce Stress Essay Research study: Boeing's top executives in Seattle, WA implemented a program to reduce job stress. Two groups (Managers and Employees) with two different conditions (time in therapy, e.g., 2 times/week and 4 times/week). The study will measure the stress level reduction with the use of stress therapy (aromatherapy with essential oils). Ornelas & Kleiner (2003) mention "Aromatherapy – means "treatment using scents" a holistic treatment of caring for the body with pleasant smelling botanical oils that are added to your bath or massaged into your skin. Random assignment: groups (one of two) are exposed to the aromatherapy random assignment and available time frames. A pretest is given, a posttest to measure the employees stress levels over 3 ... Show more content on ... Comparing managers before and after at both intervals, comparing employees before and after at both intervals. There are certain assumptions to me for a 2x2 mixed–design ANOVA. These assumptions include that the data are interval or ratio and that the population distribution of scores is symmetrical. Study Design: Independent variable: managers and employees Variable (Dependent): managers and employees reduced stress levels (aromatherapy) The type of t–Test is level to the variance, the independent t–test two groups are discrete and is exclusive due to the number (15) in each group, and the variance of the two groups is equal. Two types of errors: 1. Are there a significant difference between managers and employees using stress therapy? 2. Does stress therapy outcomes differ with more time used? Hypothesis: 2 hour week and 4 hour week use of Aromatherapy: H01: The difference of Setting Time in Aromatherapy there is no statistically significant interaction μ1hr_ A = μ4hr_ A Ha1: The difference of Setting Time in Aromatherapy there is no statistically significant interaction μ1hr_ A ≠ μ4hr_ A H02: The Setting groups on Aromatherapy indicates there is a statistically significant interaction μmanager_A = μemployee_A Ha2: The Setting groups on ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Strategies For Managing Stress At Workplace BAIS3010 – IT Professional Development Studies Strategies For Managing Stress At Workplace Section: A02 Yang Liu 11–12–2016 Abstract In this paper, I expect to discuss factors which lead to stress in the workplace. Are individuals stressed in the workplace? What causes stress in the workplace? Who is mostly stressed: men or women? Are individuals being exposed to stress management techniques? By recognizing stress in the workplace, employers can act appropriately to reduce stress. The outcome can benefit social and family relationships, as well as preserve ones health and make people more productive in organizations. Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 3 What is Workplace Stress? 5 What are things that cause stress at the workplace? 6 Stress at work warning signs 8 Organizational strategies for managing stress 9 Individual strategies for managing stress 10 Organizations which can help people dealing with stress. 12 Conclusion 13 Reference 14 Introduction Stress affects millions of people. One of the most common forms of stress is that related to our careers and the workplace. In today 's economic difficulty, work related stress is even more pronounced than ever before. Everyone who has ever held a job has, felt the pressure of work– related stress. Any job can have stressful elements, even if you love what you do. According to the American Psychological Association 's (APA) annual Stress in America Survey. Only 37 percent of Americans surveyed said they were doing ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Essay on Stress in the Workplace ← Ashley Jones Final Paper: Stress in the workplace June 18, 2012 BUS 318: Organizational Business Instructor: Gary Priest Final Paper: Stress in the workplace Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and their behavior within an organized work environment. Many different facets of the business world make up organizational behavior including: motivation, personality, leadership, communication, and so much more. However, I plan to focus on the topic of stress within organizational behavior. Depending on how it is handled stress can be both positive and negative. However, when it is not recognized and handled properly stress can cause serious problems. Throughout this paper I ... Show more content on ... Another common stressor is physical setting: "noise, lack of privacy, poor lighting, poor ventilation, poor temperature control, or inadequate sanitary facilities. Settings where there is organizational confusion or an overly authoritarian, laissez–faire, or crisis–centered managerial style are all psychologically stressful." (American Psychological Association, 2012) People are most productive when they are comfortable. If the office is too cold, too loud, unclean, etc. it could cause the employee to shift their focus off of the task they are doing and onto whatever it is that is causing their work environment to be less than comfortable. Finally, there are stressors in our personal lives that may have nothing to do with work but may spill over into our work lives. Things like divorce, birth of a child, death of a family member, and financial issues can cause stress in our personal lives. These stressors cause us to be distracted and we lose focus on what we are doing at work. This can cause accidents on the jobs or a decrease in productivity. Furthermore, as we let the stress of our personal lives spill over into our work lives we may become agitated, short–tempered, and difficult to be around. Our attitude then begins to affect those working around us, which in turn causes stress in their lives. I am definitely guilty of letting the stress from my personal life affect my work. Even something as small as fighting with my husband ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. My Experience At The Military I really did not know the type of work related stress I was going to get when I join the military, because my mother was always there for me. The first time I left my home town, family and flew in an aircraft was when I join the Unites States Air Force. During my experience 19 years in the military, I learned that our management and supervisors work hard to learn from previously cases and to teach how to prevent and or how to deal with stress. During this literature review, I learned more on how some military member's coup with stress including PTSD, prepare military members prior deployment and how veteran's experiences can mentor civilians with stressful jobs, and how management can ease the work related stress by being a good mentor and having different styles of leadership. Since the government are constantly trying to shut–down the monetary assistance to the military and veterans, how they are going to get the help when in need. Sometimes it is difficult to understand when someone turns into alcoholics and other substance abuse to include over the counter medication. Some military members or veterans are considered binge drinkers when they consume 3 or more drinks for a male and a female consumes 4 or more drinks in a single occasion. Others will start to smoke to include smokeless tobacco (Allen, Crawford, Kudler 2016). For example, some members when they are deployed to an overseas location they will use Nyquil to go to sleep and they will become dependent. ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Essay On Stress And Burnout Stress and Burnout in our current workforce is and has become a widespread problem and continues to affect the American workforce. Stress can have a damaging outcome to the human body and can lead to negative effects on individuals. Stress can never be specifically described to how it will affect each person specifically; it varies from one person to another. However, in most all situations the body is no longer functioning in a healthy way. In addition, Rice (1999) suggested that job related stress leads to dissatisfaction, burnout and obsolescence. It can also lead to be health threatening and impact one physiologically and psychologically. Work related stress also can be a major source of family problems, poor relationships with other ... Show more content on ... Their planning requires teachers to work long hours after school to meet expectations. Professional development is ongoing. Teachers are expected to continue their education on weekends and even during summer breaks. Exhaustion is experienced when a teacher feels as though all his "emotional resources are used up" (Roloff & Brown, 2011 p.453). With all the demands this happens amongst our teaching community often and teachers are left feeling alone. Depersonalization occurs when one separates himself from colleagues, family, and friends. Separation may manifest through physical isolation or through distancing oneself emotionally (Roloff & Brown, 2011). 21st century has also rapidly changed the demands that are placed on teachers now as well. Teachers are expected to instruct, foster student's needs and even be counselors at times. Due to the break– down of the America family, they are expected to act as social workers, health care providers, and parents while continuing to educate the children about core content areas, technology, and the global community (Kozol, 2008). Within these factors, teachers are also faced dealing with difficult students daily. Students today face a great deal of challenges from behavior disorders to learning disabilities. The drug epidemic in our state has also provided intense circumstances for teachers as well. Since students at the elementary ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working in Banking... A STUDY ON WORKPLACE STRESS AMONG WOMEN WORKING IN BANKING INDUSTRY By ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: CHARU MODI ABSTRACT Women in India have served a lot after independence. From just a experienced homemaker, women today have gained skills and potential of not just being a homemaker but being at parity with their male counterpart. Moreover, varying roles of working women, they have preserved the conventional work culture of household. Now a day the companies are thriving towards high rate that the women have to work for longer hours to sustain the standard of living and accomplish their basic needs. In spite of having the recent technologies and services, women feel to be work loaded and stressed. The abstract literature on stress recommends ... Show more content on ... This is known as the repose reaction. Unrelieved Stress. Often, up to date life poses ongoing stressful conditions that are not short–lived. The recommendation to take action (to fight or flee) must thus be cautiously handled. Stress, after that, turns into unrelieved. Common unrelieved stressors contain: * Ongoing extremely pressured work * Long–term relationship problems * Lonesomeness * Constant financial worries WORK PLACE STRESS: Stress at work is quite a new perceptible fact of contemporary lifestyles. Occupational stress adds a load to physical health. Work related stress in the life of controlled workers, thus, have an effect on the wellbeing of organizations. Stress, either fast or steady, can bring risky body–mind disorders. Instant disorders such as nervousness attacks, worry, sleeplessness, tenseness and muscle pain can all result in unrelieved health problems. It has an effect on immune system, cardiovascular and nervous systems and direct individuals to regular addictions. Like "stress reactions", "relaxation responses" and stress management techniques are some of the important built–in response systems. Unfortunately, at present, don't get peaceful and calming situations without asking. For relaxation one has to struggle to create such circumstances. [19] This study is carried out to investigate that how much the women workforce of the banks are strained and how do the pressure of ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. The Role Of Occupational Stress And The Stress Abstract Research as well as public perception has determined that police work is one the most stressful professions in the United States. This work will explore the influences of such occupational stress and the stress felt by the officer's family members. Furthermore, this paper will attempt to address the question if there are significant differences due to gender. In other words, is there a different stress level felt when you are husband or wife of a First Responder. Finally, this work will identify some coping mechanism for the family in order to minimize such stress levels. Keywords: Stress, First Responder, Coping Stress Experience by a First Responder 's Family Scholars have identified different patterns of stress among ... Show more content on ... Collectively, first responders should have a strong support group in order to manage work related stress; however, more often than not the family is often neglected in this area. The family also experience pressure and stress as they attempt to cope with the officer and their duties. As a result many families deal with the fear and trauma behind closed doors. Police officers work hand in hand with a sense of danger or uncertainty about their personal safety as proceed to respond to each call. The need to reduce such pressure produces a powerful justification for developing and maintaining a police culture. A police culture is often referred to a protective wall that allows officer to be emotionally guarded while they suppress their feeling under a great deal of stress (Woody, 2006). Additionally, there is a great deal of public suspicion about law enforcement authority and behavior. Consequently, the police officer is prone to feel isolated from others, including his family. Such response can have devastating and lasting effects on the family support. Evidence suggests that emergency workers are among the subculture with the one of the highest divorce rates. Furthermore, this profession also reports that they are among those with multiple marriages (Regehr, 2012). Therefore, making the family nucleus a very fragile dynamic which requires constant vigilance. The family nucleus should not be ignored by the first responder because they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Stress And Stress In The Workplace When it comes to call center agents having to go through improper training in the workplace, increase of workload, and dealing with difficult customers. These issues can come as a negative outcome to the organization and employees in the area of their performance at work, absent days off, and finally leaving the employment position takes a toll on both sides of the equation. Someone's job performance is correlated with conscientiousness, which is the personality trait of being careful or attentive and the satisfaction a worker has at work. And according to the Conservation of Resources (COR) theory, that is one of the two leading theories of stress and trauma over the past 20 years, has reported that ''individuals become emotionally exhausted when they do not have enough resources to meet work demands'' (Witt, Andrews & Carlson, 2004, p.150). The type of resources that should be available to employees, support o of supervisors, a sense of independence, ability to make decisions, and control (Cordes & Dougherty, 1993). Besides, those work demands can consist of ''role conflict and ambiguity, role overload, and work pressure'' (Witt, Andrews & Carlson, 2004, p.150. And those concepts are important to keep in mind because when work demands ends up exceeding the resources available, job performance is reduced. When it came to highly conscientious workers, they had to sacrifice the quantity of their work but not the quality of their work. These type of call center agents would be ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Signs of Stress in the Police Profession What issues can be a sign of stress in the police profession and what could be done to help prevent it? All aspects of any job can be stressful. There are several different factors that can cause stress. The cause of stress in the police profession is characterized by job related stress and fatigue. According to Merriam–Webster Collegiate Dictionary (2013), stress in general is a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation (Full definition of stress, 1c.). Job stress may involve the type of work your do, your boss, or co–workers or your hours you work. When it comes to job stress, it can take a toll on your productivity, as well as your physical and emotional health. Job related stress is one of the most common causes of heart disease in the workplace. However, in my current career as a Deputy Sheriff, I have more stress from work related issues then the stress that comes from everyday life. Besides the job related stress issues and concerns, my job is very rewarding to me. I have the opportunity to help people and give them a sense of security. However, there are times where the workplace is not so rewarding because we are over worked and under paid. Also the constant changes to the workplace policies and procedures are designed to benefit the employer instead of the employee is major cause in job stress. These types of stressful situations may affect police personnel on every level. ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Workplace Stress: A Case Study Introduction "Work stress is one of the oldest issues in organizational psychology and is considered one of the most severe occupational injuries in modern society" (Chou, Chu, Yeh, &Chen, 2014, p. 115). Overcoming this severe issue of workplace stress is an important topic to discuss. It is defined as the events or circumstances that cause strain to an employee, which can result in physical, mental, and emotional consequences (Dextras–Gauthier, Marchand, & Haines, 2012; Nägel, Sonnentag, & Kühnel, 2015). When referring to an individual's career, stress can create negative outcomes if it is not effectively managed. For example, within the social service organizations, it is important that there are effective stress management interventions ... Show more content on ... The results of burnout show that there can be damage to an individual's physical health and cognitive functioning. Studies found that there is a connection between chronic work stress and job strain, which results in employee sick leave and the inability to function effectively (Deligkaris, et al., 2014). In addition, results of burnout can affect the organization and the clients, due to the possibility of inadequate services being provided or a high increase in turnover. Another negative impact to consider when it comes to stress is organizational constraints. Pindek and Spector (2016) show that organizational constraints are "conditions in the work that inhibit, interfere with, or fail to support an individual's performance of job tasks", which results in workplace stress that is linked to the strain felt by the employee (p. 7). There are various ways that organizational constraint can create workplace stress. First, organizational constraint can be caused by having an inadequate amount of resources (Pindek & Spector, 2016). Providing resources to the employees allows them to be successful in accomplishing their tasks. In addition, organizational constraints can be caused by poor interpersonal interactions, which can make assigning tasks difficult. Furthermore, Pindek & Spector (2016) state that increasing interventions that ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Stress In The Workplace Essay TABLE OF CONTENTS STRESS IN THE WORKPLACE 3 WHAT WENT WRONG AT FRANCE TELECOM 3 SYMPTOMS OF SEVERE STRESS 4 HOW MANAGERS DECISIONS AFFECT EMPLOYEES 5 SECTION 2.1 # SECTION 2.2 # CHAPTER 3 # SECTION 3.1 # SECTION 3.2 # SECTION 3.3 # Stress in the Workplace My reaction to the situation with France Telecom is that it is a tragedy, no organization should be ok with any of their employees being stressed to the point of wanting to kill themselves. Which reminded me of our previous discussion about job satisfaction. I don't think any job is worth the stress that the employees of France Telecom had to endure, no matter how much money the employees are making. I also thought, this is an important public/global health issue that needs to be addressed. What went wrong at France Telecom? I believe there are more factors to consider than what was included in this case, but with the information given, the internal factors were mainly poor management, such as the chairman Didier Lombard. According to BBC news, "Mr. Lombard announced plans to cut 22,000 jobs and move another 14,000 workers, as France Telecom pushed for greater efficiency in the wake of privatization, two years earlier." (N/A, 2016) This was the main contributor to the extremely high levels of stress the employees were under. When deciding to make changes in the organization, the company was using psychological pressure and pathogenic restructuring that caused the employees immense stress and the feeling ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Causes of Workplace Stress Causes of Workplace Stress There are many factors that can exacerbate the causes of stress in the workplace. The challenges faced by people in the workplace make the job more exciting and interesting. However, there are challenges that can also have negative effects. The normal reaction to stress is tension, anxiety and excitement and work–life goes back to normal after a while. If however, the stress becomes overwhelming or if it happens too often, there can be a problem getting back to the normal state and one is no longer able to relax. The most common causes of stress in the workplace are the following: Demands at work become too extreme or excessive There is disproportion between the workload and the abilities of the ... Show more content on ... Work bullies or co–workers who make life miserable for you can also be a cause of workplace stress. Job stress for women can also be caused by sexual harassment from colleagues or superiors. The constant worry and isolation gives so much tension to a female employee leading to a hostile work environment. This is a situation in which one is forced to deal with an intimidating and offensive workplace everyday. This affects the ability to perform and to grow and be given credit in one's chosen career. Success and advancement becomes hard, making the female worker frustrated and unsatisfied. One of the worst causes of stress in almost all workplace is a hostile working environment that can come as a result of workplace bullying, sexual harassment or discrimination. These problems can only be solved if a worker is well aware of her rights and if the company or the organization has provided a proper forum that will address and solve such problems. In the workplace, stress can be the result of any number of situations. Some examples include: Categories of Job Stressors Examples Factors unique to the job workload (overload and underload) pace / variety / meaningfulness of work autonomy (e.g., the ability to make your own decisions about our own job or about specific tasks) shiftwork / hours of work physical environment (noise, air quality, etc) isolation at the workplace ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. An Investigation into Related Job Stress and Job Satisfaction This research is based on a study done at Northern Caribbean University to investigate the relation between job satisfaction and job stress among teachers. According to French & Caplan (1972) job stress is as a result of a misfit between an individual and their environment. Research topic: "An investigation into related job stress and job satisfaction" Job Stress Among Teachers Related job stress and job satisfaction have been a topic researched by several scholars and now by me. The issue of stress in the teaching profession as caused a serious concern for both faculty and administrators (Schuster, 1986). The increasing stress have been creating profound impact on female teachers (Lease, 1999), and new faculty members (Oslen, 1993). ... Show more content on ... Some researchers have also attributed poor behavior of students as a significant contributor to the daily stress teachers face (Geving, 2007). When one think of teaching one can also think of it as a stressful occupation that many present teachers are quitting more than ever (Smith, 2006). Mastery of task–management skills have been found as a critically component that new teachers take a while to grasp which in turn fosters a recipe for stress (Brown, 2005). Researchers like Cox (2007) have found weak administrations and school violence as a major factor which lead to overwhelming stress and departure of many teachers. This finding was also supported by Smith (2006). Smith's findings indicated that teaches are stressed because they don't feel safe in the environment in which they are expected to spend most of their lives. As job commitment increase the level of potential stress decreases (Forrest, 2006). Nevertheless, if there is a low level of commitment then the possibility of being stressed will increase. Researches like Maslach and Jackson (1996) have intended to three major factors that contributes to teachers being burnout. These factors are subjective accomplishments, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Job Satisfaction Among Teachers There have been several investigations to create an understanding between job satisfaction and the teaching profession. In various studies related to job satisfaction for teachers ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Intervention Strategies To Caregive Workplace Stress Stress Management Interventions One of the most common strategies to relieve workplace stress is to implement an intervention. Within the literature, stress is reduced or eliminated by using stress management interventions (SMIs) that can be used on two types of levels: individual and organizational (Biggs et al., 2014a; Biron & Karanika–Murray, 2014; Cheung et al., 2013; Dollard & Gordon, 2014; Fridrich, Jenny, & Bauer, 2016; Füllemann et al., 2015; Hoek et al., 2018; Hurst, Baranik, & Daniel, 2013; Huss, 2012; Li et al., 2017; Lloyd et al., 2017; Nägel et al., 2015; Pack, 2012; Von Humboldt et al., 2013). There are benefits to using both SMIs depending on the situation and the amount of stress experienced. However, it is important to understand ... Show more content on ... For example, individual SMIs that incorporates a strength–based and empowerment perspective for social work professionals as a self–evaluation tool completed by drawing a picture (Huss, 2012). This drawing is effective with social workers because it allows them to access not only the stressful situation, but also their reactions, and their coping skills (Huss, 2012). Another simple individual SMI is enjoying a leisure activity. Nägel, Sonnentag, and Kühnel (2015) described how completing leisure activities after a stressful day at work can promote a healthy well–being. Exercising is the most highly used leisure activity by many individuals. This type of activity promotes strength and can decrease negative effects on physical health and sickness. Individual SMIs are beneficial because it incorporates a strength–based perspective, which allows social workers to identify strengths and resources when dealing with their clients and for themselves (Rice and Girvin, ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. The Effect Of Spending Time On Nature And Its Stress... Counselors dedicate their lives to helping people emotionally in need, and eventually this dedication begins to produce distress which, if not dealt with can lead into more serious issues. One of the more serious issues that counselors are at higher risk to experience as job–related stress increases–is burnout. In order for counselors to maintain healthy levels of compassion while maintaining their ability to help their clients, implementing a self–care plan. This self–care plan enables counselors to effectively cope with frequent job–related stress. If the self–care plan does not effectively cope with this stress, then burnout is likely to be experienced. However, there are successful strategies to prevent burnout and enables the counselor to help hurting people for the long duration. One such plausible self–care plan that effectively copes with job related stress includes frequent exposures to nature and the outdoors. In this paper, I examine the relationship between spending time in nature and its stress reducing capabilities. Because burnout is a stress induced syndrome, attempts to decrease stress levels with nature exposures, should also prevent burnout. Unfortunately, most counselors who experience burnout seldom engage in healthy coping strategies nor do they engage in them frequently enough. It is important for counselors to maintain healthy coping strategies in order to help their clients to the best of their abilities for the long duration. By ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Information Management and Organization Behavior DEFINITION OF STRESS An emotional disorder, stress is the thought process and the physical condition of a person. The reaction against anything that causes a person to feel fear, fidget or threatened. It occurs when a person receives something out of habit or ability. When the stress, the body will produce the hormone adrenaline and heart beats cortisone causes tempest, increased respiratory more speed, and increased blood pressure. Well–designed, organized and managed work is good for us but when insufficient attention to job design, work organization and management has taken place, it can result in Work related stress. Work related stress develops because a person is unable to cope with the demands being placed on them. Stress, including work related stress, can be a significant cause of illness and is known to be linked with high levels of sickness absence, staff turnover and other issues such as more errors. Stress can hit anyone at any level of the business and recent research shows that work related stress is widespread and is not confined to particular sectors, jobs or industries. That is why a population–wide approach is necessary to tackle it. Work stress is stress arising from or affecting employment. Negative pressure, both in terms of mental, physical or emotional, is an important factor that can threaten the harmony of quality of life does one employee. This area has been studied by researchers for over 100 years ago. According to one study, almost 35 percent of ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Workplace Stress Article Comparison Workplace Stress Article Comparison In reading the three different articles dealing with stress in the workplace there seems to be a disconnect between the people in power (employers) and the employees. While 85% of the employers agree that workplace stress is a concern, there's a general disagreement between the two parties on the triggers. Employees mainly believe lack of adequate hygiene factors and low pay play a major role in workplace stress while employers feel understaffing and lack of work–life balance are to blame (Benefits Canada.) While there are many strategies that employees can perform to avoid workplace stress (choosing a job where one has relevant skills, interests, abilities, possessing a contract and keeping up–to–date with ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The Effects Of Workplace Stress On The United Kingdom Courts This study examined workplace stress in a random sample of litigated cases heard in the United Kingdom courts. The majority of claims related to clinical depression. The alleged causes of workplace stress most commonly cited in litigation included: excessive workload, followed by poor management practices, organisational, economic or technical change, aggressive management style, and bullying by co–workers. The presence of effective workplace stress management policies were important interventions that played a particularly significant role in avoiding legal action and reducing the detrimental experience of employees. A significant finding was that 94 per cent of the cases were found in favour of the employer as the defendant. Implications for managerial practice are suggested. This analysis of seventy–five cases between 2002–2014 will shed valuable light on the nature of workplace stress claims litigated in the courts and the likely chance of success in such cases. Keywords: workplace stress .litigated cases.managerial . behaviour . legal rights Relevance of the Study Since Karasek's landmark paper appeared in 1979, stress in the work environment has received considerable attention in a wide variety of academic literature studies as being a significant issue for employers, workers, and wider society (Karasek, 1979; Siegrist, 1985; Johnson & Hall, 1988; McCaig & Harrington, 1998; Smith 2001; de Lange, Taris, Kompier, Houtman, Bongers, 2008). There is evidence from ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. The Causes Of Work-Related Stress In The Workplace Work–related stress is a very serious problem that will end up costing companies millions of dollars as a result of employee productivity declining. It always falls back on the management team to find solutions to their employee's stress within the means of the company. This problem needs to be addressed very rapidly because if not dealt with the end results will be negative effects for both the employee and employer. Employees that are stressed need to recognize the signs of stress because they will be susceptible to mental health problems such as depression, which can lead to a build–up of chronic diseases if exposed to prolonged stress. This essay will discuss the causes of work– related stress and suggest some solutions. In any organization one of the utmost crucial tasks is management. Management is the act of dealing with or the act of controlling people or processes. For an organization to run its activities it needs to have a very efficient management team. To manage a group can also be said it is the step of making the choice concerning people, systems, and objectives in an organization. It is not a science but an act which necessitates human attendance and determination. "The primary functions of any management are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, report and budgeting" (Nahavandi, Denhardt & Aristigueta 2015). When it comes to planning, management is involved in the planning of all their department activities which leads to the production ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. The Problems, Effects, and Solutions to Workplace Stress... Executive Summary This proposal examines the problems, effects, and solutions to workplace stress. In addition, I will explain risk assessment, management, and prevention. Finally, I will review coping strategies for workplace stress. Holland's Automotive Repair has seventy–seven people of a wide diverse nature. Internal research shows many employees are suffering from workplace stress. External research focuses on several studies, models, and theories of workplace stress effects. Workplace stress causes problems such as lack of motivation, poor health, increased safety concerns, and overall low morale within the company. Stress related hazards target work content and work context. Businesses endure many losses when employees' workplace stress is not controlled and prevented. Holland's Automotive Repair needs to establish a risk assessment and management policy to implement immediately. The best practice is to prevent workplace stress with a well–designed work environment. This practice will save time, resources, and money within the company. An internal survey of Holland's Automotive Repair employees clarifies how the business can reduce workplace stress and increase overall employee resolve. Because of the wide diversity within Holland's Automotive Repair, specific coping skills can assist all employees with their specific needs. Holland's Automotive Repair business will uphold their reputation by following these guidelines. These policies will also ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Synopsis : Tricia Monet A Young Professional With A... Synopsis: Tricia Monet is a young professional with a bachelor's degree in accounting. After college, Tricia worked in an accounting firm, but she determined that she enjoyed interacting with people more than numbers. When she moved to Sioux City, Tricia applied and interviewed for an assistant director position at Personal Reflections in the local mall. Despite having no supervisory or managerial experience, Personal Reflections quickly offered the job to Tricia, and she accepted the offer a few days later. During the two–week training, Tricia initially thought the people were helpful, and she learned a lot from the class. After the initial training, the company provided little support and guidance for their store directors. Tricia began working at the Sioux City store where she discovered the store director, Heather Munson, resented that she was not included in the hiring decisions. This store consistently failed to meet its sales goals, and the store was messy and disorganized. When Tricia tried to organize the store, Heather yelled at her for doing tasks that she did not assign. Tricia was unhappy with the situation, but Heather suddenly went on disability leave before she quit. Tricia became the acting director with a month of experience. She welcomed the challenge and set out to improve the store, while the district manager hired Amy, Lori, and Tammy as the assistant directors. Over the first month, Tricia and the assistant managers got along, and they were ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. The Effects Of Stress On The Workplace Life is full of frustrations, deadlines, and demands. Stress isn't always bad, many times it can help people while they are performing under pressure since it will motivate them to do their best. Scientists use the term stress to refer to any force that impairs the balance of bodily functions. From this definition, the definition of job stress was formed. Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the needs of the worker. When stress begins to become overwhelming it can cause damage in relationships, health, and quality of life. People can protect themselves by recognizing the symptoms of stress. Numerous studies have shown that job stress is the ... Show more content on ... When a person faces any danger the nervous system will automatically send a signal to the brain that makes all body functions want to flee away; known as "flight or flee" reaction. This stage is known as the alarm stage and this type of stress can be due to an actual event such as an accident. The alarm stage gives people extra strength to defend themselves. However, staying in the alarm stage can lead to the second phase of stress known as resistance. During this stage the body tends to get tense, tired, along with a weaker immune system. People will begin smoking and drinking to come out of the stress. The reactions to this phase are anxiety, memory loss, overreacting, and depression. When stress continues beyond the second stage then exhaustion will settle in. During this phase the adaptive mechanisms will collapse and there are many extreme complications that will result if this phase continues (Stages of Stress). Stress that occurs in the workplace is normal, however excessive stress can interfere with productivity and emotional health. People can't always control everything in their work environment and many people are often stuck in tough situations. Any job can be stressful and in the short–term people may experience pressure to meet a deadline or to complete a task. There are four types of stress that occur at work and they include: Time stress, anticipatory stress, situational stress, and encounter stress. Time stress is when ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Employee Perception Of The Job Requirements At Social... Employees of social service agencies are subject to a highly stressful work environment with demanding expectations. Due to recent changes to healthcare reform in the United States, there are more people in Los Angeles with health care coverage now seeking treatment for physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, leading to rising caseloads for local social service agencies. This means that community demands are increasing and workers take on more client's, deadlines, and increased accountability. This study seeks to explore employee perception of the job requirements at social service agencies in regards to the demands, organizational support and satisfaction. The recent controversy and outrage over the death of Gabriel Fernandez, an 8 year old boy from Antelope Valley, left in the custody of his mother and her boyfriend which resulted in his untimely death sparked debate over negligence on the part of the Department of Child and Family Services. One critique of the agency was reportedly due to high caseloads and backlogs of child abuse investigations. This is an extreme example of how continued increases in employee demands play a role in job duties and potentially affect employee satisfaction. A second example, resulted in the lawsuits of local hospitals in Los Angeles County (Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Pacifica Hospital of the Valley and Beverly Community Hospital Association) being accused of "patient dumping." In this lawsuit, it was found that mentally ... Get more on ...