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Still Alice Analysis
I decided to do my review on the movie Still Alice. The movie started off with Alice giving a speech
in an auditorium to hundreds of people when all of a sudden she forgot part of her speech. At first,
she is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's at the age of 50. But later on, things start to get worse,
she began to forget things more and more; she was officially diagnosed from a doctor with dementia
later on. The movie itself was very saddening and showed how Alzheimer's can affect one's family,
friends, and everyday life traumatically. From the aspect of the caregiver, the symptoms of dementia
are disheartening.
Dementia itself is a progressive decline in memory, learning, and thinking abilities. In terms of
education, people with Alzheimer's have the intelligence of people who are about 10 years old in
grade school. For the sociological aspect of ... Show more content on ...
Some people view Alzheimer's patients in a negative way and don't treat of them as a normal
thinking person. Many people believe people with this disease are confused. Some research
indicated that traits like 'fun' and 'happy' were at the bottom of how someone would describe a
person with dementia. In the movie, not everyone viewed people with dementia with respect, mostly
loved ones gave the most respect to Alice throughout the movie. I think that the title of the movie
"Still Alice" brings up a good point. When someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, how much of
their identity do they still have left? It is disheartening to think about because this genetic disease
affects so many families around the world. In spirit, Alice is still there throughout the movie. But
her memory and social skills have slowly dismantled who she truly is as a person. Dementia takes
over someone's life so rapidly it is frightening. I have learned from this movie to never take any
moment for granted and to enjoy your time with loved
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Still Alice Identity
A man is only a man as long as he deems himself to be as such. In the novels, Me Before You and
Still Alice the authors, Jojo Moyes and Lisa Genova suggest that hopelessness is inescapable when a
person is stripped of what they consider to be the core essence of themselves. Will Traynor, the male
protagonist in Me Before You is an adventurous young man who found his identity though the joy of
physical thrills yet he completely lost his mobility due to a motorcycle accident which shattered his
idea of himself. By contrast, for an academic like Alice Howland, the protagonist in Still Alice, her
identity is her intelligent mind which is gradually fading due to the fact that she has developed a
case of early onset Alzheimer's disease. Both individuals ... Show more content on
Louisa remarks that Will, in his depression, " ...stared out the windows like a dog denied a walk."
(238). Will is no longer the Will he used to be as he has lost so much of himself. He cannot see
himself being truly happy in the future if he has to live bound to his wheelchair. He has lost all of
his hope and in his eyes, death seems to be the only option left for him. This is the path he chooses
for himself. Louisa confesses her love for Will and he rejects her affections. Heartbroken, she vents
to her sister saying, "I told him I loved him," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "And he just
said it wasn't enough." (119). Louisa's love is not enough to revitalize his love of life. Everyday
before his accident, Will worked to achieve his dreams. He tells Louisa during one of their first
encounters that, "I worked out what would make me happy, and I worked out what I wanted to do,
and I trained myself to do the job that would make those two things happen." (61). Will worked hard
so he could live the way he wanted to and one day the reason he worked so hard was stripped away
from him. By the time Louisa meets Will Traynor, he is already too far gone in his depression to
find another reason to live. Will lost all of his hope and in turn, lost all of his will to live. His
hopelessness killed him, his depression was merely a side
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Alzheimer's Disease In The Film, Still Alice
The movie Still Alice is about a woman named Alice Howland, a fifty–year–old, who is a famous
linguistics author and a teacher at Columbia University and is diagnosed with early–onset familial
Alzheimer's disease. This woman is incredibly smart and is known for her intellect. Alice notices
she is forgetting small things like words and names and getting lost in places she knows well. For
example, while she was on a run around campus, she completely forgot where she was and found
herself to be lost, but she eventually recognizes where she is at and continues her run. After seeing a
doctor that declared her symptoms were probably due to menopause, Alice decides to go to a
neurologist because she is sure that she has a brain tumor. The neurologist at New York Presbyterian
Hospital performs memory tests at the appointment and orders an MRI While cooking Christmas
dinner, Alice uses a covered ... Show more content on ...
Our textbook backs up this information: "The prevalence increases with age, rising from extremely
low rates in the 50s to about half of all people age 85 and older." (Kail and Cavanaugh, 2016 Ch.
14.4). As someone who has family members on both my maternal and paternal sides, I am very
scared for what the future holds, and according to the textbook, I have good reason to be: "As the
number of older adults increases rapidly over the next several decades, the number of cases is
expected to roughly triple." (Kail and Cavanaugh, 2016 Ch. 14.4). If the general number without
higher risk factors is expected to triple, there is definitely a reason for concern. As of now, there is
no cure for Alzheimer's disease, and few medications and therapies actually provide better results
over time. I believe that with further research, we could not only find out what is causing
Alzheimer's and its increase, but we can also find ways to help those inflicted with this
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Still Alice Essay
"Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by
impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and
perception." (Howard Crystal) In Health 1000 we were asked to read the book Still Alice. I have
never dealt with or have done any study on Alzheimer's disease before reading this book. After
finishing this book it has really opened my eyes to how bad of a disease and how it cripples the
mind. I never imagined the effect of this disease on a patient and the patient family. This book is
about a upper middle aged lady named Alice who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and how
she and her family learn how to deal with disease. One of the things this book ... Show more content
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John holds on to hope the whole book until he reads how the Amylix wasn't able to stabilize the
Alzheimer patients. John starts to cry after finding out, because this is basically the final straw. It
was his last ditch effort and in knowing it failed it symbolized that he failed and that Alice was
doomed. This forced him to admit to himself that the women loved and cared so much for was no
longer there and will never be there again. Alice ended up telling her colleagues about her diagnosis
much later than when she told John. She only told them when she realized how much her teaching
has slipped up and knowing it was only going to get worse with time. Alice would forget a whole
lecture even though she just spent hours reviewing and studying her notes before class. One time
she even went into her classroom and sat down for a few minutes just to get up and walk out of her
classroom without teaching one thing. Alice ends up sending a formal letter to all her colleagues
letting them know that she has Alzheimer and is going to be stepping down. Most of them stop by
her office and offer their condolences after receiving her letter. After finding out her colleagues
pretty much avoided Alice but if they did run across her they were polite, but quick to excuse
themselves from her presence. This was hurtful for Alice because she once considered everybody in
her department almost like a second family. I feel the one most effected
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What Is The Irony Of The Movie Still Alice
Since I am a big fan of Julianne Moore, I decided to watch the film "Still Alice." It was such a
touching real to life story with an excellent cast. This movie portrayed accurately so many aspects of
what those diagnosed with and their loved ones go through living with Alzheimer's disease.
In this story, it shows that Alzheimer's disease does not discriminate. It doesn't matter your
intelligence, economic status, or overall health. Anyone is susceptible to this cruel disease. Alice
seemed to be doing everything right. Exercising, taking vitamins and having strong family
relationships. The irony of the movie was that Alice was so intelligent and specialized in linguistics
and communication, but towards the end, she could barely speak. ... Show more content on ...
Not only was Alice's very respected career affected but also that of her husband and her daughter
that wanted to act. The strain on family relationships was very evident when one daughter was bitter
that the other was not present at first to help their mother. So many true emotions were shown in this
film. It was very sad to watch knowing that even though this is just a movie it is real life to so many
others. I think they hit on some key issues in this movie. The point in the movie where Alice said
that she wished it was cancer because people wear ribbons and raise awareness is a true problem
most with Alzheimer's face as most people are unaware of what Alzheimer's disease even is or how
to support someone who lives with
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Still Alice By Lisa Genova
The most interesting book I have read in the past year was "Still Alice," written by Lisa Genova.
This book narrated the life of Alice Howland, a successful Harvard psychology professor who loses
herself to Alzheimer's disease. Alice is an intelligent, ambitious woman with a loving husband,
John, and their three children. Initially, Alice starts off forgetting minor details, such as words
during her presentations or where she might place some of her belongings. Dismissing it, Alice goes
for a run in her town square where she's run for several years. She suddenly finds herself lost and
panics because she could not figure out how to get home. Eventually, she finds out she's diagnosed
with early on–set Alzheimer's and she is left to deal with her family and work life as well as do as
much as she can each day before she loses herself completely. ... Show more content on ...
Alice's story about her's and her family's struggle reaches to me because the disease takes away
someone you love slowly. This book shows Alice losing parts of herself gradually until she is
unrecognizable. However, Alice is still a person and should still be treated as one. The message this
book sends across to its audience that, although taken by Alzheimer's, Alice has emotions too and
that part is not taken away from her.
This has been the most interesting book I have read because the irony shown in this book as well as
the emotion I felt throughout reading this was different from when I read other books. As a Harvard
professor of psychology, it's ironic how Alzheimer's takes parts of her psychology. In addition, while
reading Alice's story, I felt connected to her and wanted to support her during her struggle with
Alzheimer's. My sympathy towards Alice, as many people in the book felt, taught me how someone
in her shoes would
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Everyone Forgets In Still Alice
Everyone has loved ones, but imagine if one day those loved ones became completely non–existent
to a person. 5.5 million people experience this terrible feeling. It's a disease called Alzheimer's.
Early Onset Alzheimer's is a rare and grueling disease which affects Alice, the main character in the
novel Still Alice by Lisa Genova. Although there is medication, there is nothing that will stop this
terrible disease from slowly making a person forget everything they know and love. The main
character, Alice, in the novel Still Alice, is only 50 years old. She is a professor at Harvard
University, and is a very intelligent person. Alice starts to forget some minor parts of her life, which
is no big deal, but eventually she starts to forget more important things. She goes on a run every, day
but one day she forgot how to get home. "She knew she was in Harvard Square, but she didn't know
which way was home" (Genova 21). These moments kept getting worse, so Alice went to a
specialist. At age 50, she was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's. When she told her husband
John, he refused to believe her at first. "Everyone forgets things. I can never remember where I put
my glasses. Should this doctor diagnose me with Alzheimer's, too?"(79). Eventually, John accepts
the fact that his wife is eventually not going to recognize him or even herself. Alice has three
children, each having a 50% chance of getting Alzheimer's. Alice's daughter Anna has Alzheimer's,
and she is trying to have
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Still Alice Howland's Quality Of Life
Still Alice is a captivating novel about a woman's sudden decline into early onset Alzheimer's
disease, and how Alice Howland's quality of life is altered following the diagnosis of this disease
(Genova, 2003). The foundation of quality of life lies on freedom and access to basic resources for
living (lecture 7 notes). One's quality of life increases when one has a positive outlook on life,
works on achieving goals and feels supported by their community and loved ones. To say such
disease limits or decreases one's quality of life or affects their aging progress is an understatement.
Successful Aging Successful aging, assumes that an individual is either successful (healthy) or
unsuccessful which assumes that an individual has a disability ... Show more content on ...
Just because she is unable to remember things and care for herself, Alice still keeps her quality of
life, as she has been able to come to accept her disease and lives with who she has become. In terms
of aging, Alice may not be aging successfully by definition, but in terms of being her and accepting
the new her she is. Life is a precious gift–life is not about the gifts we are given, but how we put
those gifts to use. Do you take your life for granted, or does it take a disease like Alzheimer's for
you to realize what your life is about? It's mind–boggling of how something like Alzheimer's
changes a person's entire life. However, with the support of loved ones, friends and co–workers, it is
possible for one to remain themselves, live with the disease, realize they are a new person, but the
disease does not define them. Alice may have lost her job, her memory may have worsened, her
husband may have betrayed her for a job in a new city, but she gained a relationship with her long
lost daughter Lydia. Alice lives in the moment, lives for each day, appreciates the small things and
because of that she is Still
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Still Alice: The Howard Family
Disability is a broad term used to define an impairment that affects one or more aspects of an
individual's life. The types of disabilities range from mobility, medical, cognitive, psychiatric,
developmental, environmental or sense based. These impairments can drastically change the
individual's life from the "normal" or average expectation level of functioning (Mallet & Runswick–
Cole, 2015, pgs. 3–4). Families are a complex structure that is shaped by its members, their lives
and their environment. The family systems theory defined as "the physical, social and emotional
functioning of family members is profoundly interdependent, with changes in one part of the system
reverberating in other parts of the system" (McGoldrick, & Gerson, 1985, pg. 5). When one family
member is born with or develops a disability, it affects the other family members as well. Through
the family working together as a unit, this may positively affect the individual with relation to their
disability and benefit the family as a whole. This paper will analyze the medical condition, familial
early–onset Alzheimer's disease, as a disability and how it affects the Howard family based on the
film, Still Alice. Still Alice is the ... Show more content on ...
Although Lydia learned to accept her mother's disability, the family as unit still needs to work
together. As a family they must continue to experience the stages of grief, as it is a cycle. There may
arise challenges as John and Tom's respective careers and Anna's children occupy their time but they
still need to be involved within their family. As Alice had supported them, they must work to
support Alice as she progressively loses her memory. It is through remaining together in support and
love, that all of the members can grow and develop. As a family, the Howards can build proper
copying techniques, which can help in other aspects of their
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Still Alice Humanism Analysis
Linus Pauling said, (that) "Humanism is a philosophy of joyous service for the greater good of all
humanity, of application of new ideas of scientific progress for the benefit of all" (1961). From this
speech, it displays the main them of humanism and it also inspires a several ways to many people.
In the novel Still Alice by Lisa Genova 2007, the concept of humanism influences on her
perception. This concept is a moral philosophy which mainly focuses on the value or of human
being. It uses the logical reasoning to improve the ability of human being and to understand the
world. Humanism is seemingly to looking forward to science. As a result, in Still Alice novel
manifests a lot of elements of humanism whether it be human rights, rational life and progressive
philosophy of life which are three main elements of humanism.
The idea of human rights is one of the significant elements of humanism. For example, John
Howland got promoted at work. So, he had to move to New York while Alice did not want to go to
New York. They tried to convert each other but it cannot change their own decisions. Thus, in the
end of the novel (P.325), John moved to New York and Alice still lived in Cambridge. From this, it
reveals about human rights and ... Show more content on ...
Based on the DMOZ's data in 2016, humanism claims that god is totally absent. The answer of
survival of human race is not related to god. Humanists believe in the ability of human being rather
than supernatural. To illustrate, when Alice became a patient of Alzheimer's disease, she did not go
to church for praying to god. She accepted the reality and struggled with her bad disease. So, Alice
seemed to against god can be parts of humanism. From this, it supports the element of humanism
that everything is rational not supernatural because in the end of the story there are no magic items
which can bring Alice's memory
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Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Lisa Genova, the author of Still Alice, a heartbreaking book about a 50–year–old woman's sudden
diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, graduated valedictorian from Bates College with a degree in
Biopsychology and holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard University. She is a member of the
Dementia Advocacy, Support Network International and Dementia USA and is an online columnist
for the National Alzheimer's Association. Genova's work with Alzheimer's patients has given her an
understanding of the disorder and its affect not only on the patient, but on their friends and family as
well (Simon and Schuster, n.d.). Alzheimer's disease was first defined in 1906 by a German
psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's disease is the most common ... Show more content on ...
In the book, Still Alice, Alice Howland is happily married to a successful husband with three grown
children with a house on the Cape. Alice is a Harvard professor at the height of her career when she
notices forgetfulness creeping into her life. As her memory begins to fail and confusion starts to
darken her thinking, Alice receives a devastating diagnosis: early onset Alzheimer's disease. Alice
struggles to maintain her lifestyle even as her sense of self is being stripped away, and she tries to
live in the moment, Still Alice captures what it is like literally to lose your mind (Genova, 2007).
When Alice begins to grow forgetful at first she discards it, but when she gets lost in her own
neighborhood, she realizes that something is terribly wrong. She didn't want to become someone
people avoided and feared. She wanted to live to hold her daughter, Anna's, baby and know she was
holding her grandchild. She wanted to watch her youngest daughter, Lydia act in something she was
proud of. She wanted to see her son, Tom, fall in love. She wanted to be able to read every book she
could before she could no longer read. Alice once placed her worth and identity in her academic life,
now she must examine her relationship with her husband, her expectations of her daughters and son
and her plans for herself. "Losing her yesterdays, her short–term memory hanging on by a couple of
frayed threads, she
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Still Alice By Lisa Genova Analysis
The book "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova has many text to text connections with Adele's song, "Hello".
This song released in 2015, talks about the issue of passing of loved ones. In the first verse, when
Adele sang, "[t]hey say that time's supposed to heel ya, [b]ut I ain't done much healing", relates to
how Alice feels towards the losses of her family members. While she believed that she had done
mourning over the loss of her family when "[s]he hadn't shed a single tear ...and [the] loss she felt
for her mother and sister had long been tempered by time", in reality she was never ready to
overcome this situation as later she began to cry, and the situation again seemed as "explosive and
anguished" as the first time (Genova 77). This quote supports
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Still Alice Essay
Career, emotions, values, family, and memories are all things that make a person who they are. The
film "Still Alice" is of a woman named Alice who being fifty finds out she has early onset
Alzheimer. Her life takes a turn in an unknown direction with her and her family, both having to
figure out "what to do next?". Alice and her family struggle with her disease as they each try to
make the best of a bad situation with trying to help her remember anything they can and taking care
of her as best they can. Alice struggles the most with trying to the responses from the family and the
walls they build along with losing what defines her. Alice goes through many changes with the
relationships of her family members. The response from each character ... Show more content on ...
As a wife she and her husband have gone from understanding and having easy communication
between each other; to having problems with her husband understanding her and her communication
with him slowly deteriorating. Alice was a mother who took care of her children and was involved
with them understanding their work life and their private life. Alice changes as a mother throughout
the movie she slowly progresses into the role of her children having to take care of her and her not
being able to understand them or even recognize them. Alice was a teacher that when students
picked her class they were excited and heard amazing reviews on her, but as her disease progresses,
students find her lessons to be all over the place with most of the material being hard to understand.
Alice was a scholar who loved talking in front of people and conducting research, but she eventually
had to highlight every word she reads when giving a speech. The role most important to her is the
role of a mother, because she gives up the little time she has to spend with her family. Alice no
longer teachers or try to conduct research on last time she gives that up so that the little time she
has, she can watch her daughter in a play or meet her two grandchildren. Ultimately Alice's roles as
a wife, teacher, mother, and scholar change drastically with her having
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Essay On Still Alice
I saw Still Alice this week. I wanted to see the Glen Campbell movie (which I will watch later) but
opted for this one first. What a stirring movie! Watching the progression of her decline, and
realizing that she KNEW that she was affected, was very sad. It was heartening to see the support
that her family gave her, even while dealing with their own issues. The fact that she was proactive
on the front end, in obtaining the diagnostic testing helped her family be better able to understand
what was happening and to support her. I love the fact that she and her daughter were able to have a
better relationship, and that her daughter was truly able to see her mom, even when her mom had
trouble seeing her earlier.
Seeing this film has helped me to learn to be more alert regarding what early cognitive decline
might look like in someone, and therefore, enable me to come alongside them and get some help for
them and their family. It also showed the stress involved in early–onset Alzheimer's Disease,
especially in regards to job loss, loss of social life, and the fear that comes with living with someone
with cognitive loss. However, it also showed the opportunities to show deep compassion and love.
The compassion that was shown by the nursing home "tour guide" was amazing. I was impressed by
her concern for social engagement in the residents. ... Show more content on ...
It was also very enlightening to me. Watching the struggle that Alice had as she realized what was
happening to her was heartbreaking and encouraging at the same time. She fought well – eating
right, exercising, challenging her own memory at every turn, and setting up self–supports as best she
could via her computer and phone. She tried to live each day as best she
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Character Analysis: Still Alice
In the book Still Alice the main character is diagnosed with hereditary early onset Alzheimer's, this
means that she inherited the disease from her parents and likely passed it on to her children. My
grandfather also suffered from hereditary early–onset Alzheimer's, which means my mom; aunt,
cousins, siblings and I may or may not have the Alzheimer's gene. Alzheimer's is a progressive
degenerative irreversible brain disorder with no cure to date. Early onset Alzheimer's patients can
start showing symptoms as young as 30. In Alice's case, she started showing symptoms around age
50 but nobody recognized them as Alzheimer's symptoms. I can relate to Alice and her family's
struggles with facing Alzheimer's disease because my family too has a history of Alzheimer's ...
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My grandfather suffered from the disease and passed away when I was only 16 months old. My
mother and aunt were given the choice to take the Alzheimer's gene test, to see if they had the
Alzheimer's gene. Despite being given the opportunity they decided they didn't want to live with the
burden of knowing whether or not they had the disease. This is similar to what Lydia in Still Alice
chose to do. Both her siblings took the gene test and the results came back determining that one of
her siblings was positive for the Alzheimer's gene, and one was not. "Lydia closed her eyes.
Everyone waited. Alice entertained the absurd idea that she had either resumed memorizing her
lines or fallen asleep. After an uncomfortable silence, she opened her eyes and took her turn. 'I don't
want to know'" (Genova 106). Lydia was the last of her siblings to determine if she wanted to take
the gene test and unlike her two older siblings she chose not to. Lydia's answer
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Still Alice Research Paper
Tough times may be hard but when push comes to shove, those very times can be the very things
that makes you grow stronger. In the novel Still Alice, Lisa Genova demonstrates that going through
something painful helps you grow strong. In this novel, the main character Alice goes through a lot,
as the story processed the readers come to know a lot. While not knowing herself, the readers finds
out a lot and sees just how much Alice tried to stay sane. She is dealing with lots of suffering, such
as the loss of her mother, having Alzheimers giving up who she is and finding out who is really and
truly there for her. These painful times makes Alice grow stronger as a person in the end. First and
foremost, Alice, one of her toughest times was when her mother died. Alice having Alzheimers
forgot her mother died... Which was indeed tragic and she was so devastated finding out, that she
passed bursted into tears.. She tries her best not to forget what her mother told her about butterflies
as it relates to herself as well. "Her mother had comforted her and told her not to be sad for the
butterflies, that just ... Show more content on ...
Making it difficult for people to look or be around her. Her own husband John, couldn't even look at
her anymore and left to do a lecture for work, leaving their kids to watch over her... Out of the three
kids, only Lydia the youngest was there for Alice. Alice noticed John distancing " He used to tell her
everything, and she used to listen in rapt attention. She wondered when that had changed(Genova
186)." This really hurt Alice, that was her husband... From then on, Alice had so much regret and
sorrow about having Alzheimers, she soon realized she can not change what has happened. Alice
tried to make the most of it, prioritizing things. Knowing that some things will be left undone, but at
least she
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Still Alice Alzheimer's Disease
Dung Vu
Nursing 55
October 6, 2016
"Still Alice" "Still Alice" is about a well–respected psychologist named Alice Howland diagnosed
with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is described as a progressive, incurable disease that
destroys memory and important mental functions. Alice displayed many signs and symptoms of
Alzheimer's disease, such as mental decline, difficulty thinking and understanding, disorientation,
poor concentrating, agitation, forgetfulness, self–care deficits, personality changes, getting lost and
wandering, and restlessness. Alice is smart and successful, but everything changes for the worse
when she gets diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
In Alzheimer's disease, short–term memory is strongly affected. Alice ... Show more content on ...
I was very surprised how much short–term memory is greatly affected. While Alice was looking
through her computer, she stumbled onto a file titled "Butterfly", a note that she wrote to herself. In
the note, it explained Alice is a great, special woman and if the disease has gotten progressively
worse, then it's time to commit suicide by swallowing a bottle of pills. The suicide attempt was
unsuccessful because Alice couldn't retain any of the instruction so she wasted a lot of time trying to
following direction. When she finally found the bottle, her caretaker came home and started her,
which made her spill the bottle of pills. Within seconds, Alice looks confused and forgot what she
was trying to do.
Overall, the movie portrayed Alzheimer's disease at its best. The movie was able to list all the signs
and symptoms, genetic aspect, and the hardship on the patient, family, and friends. I was surprised
that Alice had difficulties completing simple sentences and tasks. I was able to experience
Alzheimer's disease through Alice and truly understand the difficulties she went through with her
family, friends, work, and
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Psychological Issues In Still Alice
Still Alice is a 2014 Drama film based on the 2007 novel also titled Still Alice. Alice Howland,
played by Julianne Moore, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at the young age of fifty. She
has a husband who is a physician named John and three children, Lydia, Anna, and Tom. Alice was
a well–known linguistic professor at Columbia University. She got lost in one of her jogs around
campus, a place she is very familiar of. Alice's doctor diagnoses her with early onset familial
Alzheimer's disease. Alice has experiences her memory is slowly fading away, she forgets words in
her ow lectures, and has constant daydreams of her sister and mother, (who passed away in a car
crash when she was younger). As days go on, her 3 children and her husband watch as their mother
and wife slowly fade away from who she is. Alice fights her daily struggles of her mental decay, but
to make the most of her remaining time to find happiness with her love ones. John, Alice's husband
wanted her and their 3 children to get tested for the gene. Their oldest daughter Anna test results
came back positive, meaning she is at risk of developing Alzheimer's like her mother. John becomes
upset with Alice about small things, like forgetting important dinner plans, something she cannot
help to remember. John has yet to fully accept the reality of what has taken over his wife's life. He
wants his life to be how it was before Alice was diagnosed. How John handle the change did not
help Alice. She grew frantic
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Analysis Of Still Alice And The Notebook
Socioeconomic status is a defining factor in nearly every society around the world. Therefore, it is
unsurprising that the issues of class and stratification are manifest in many types of media, including
films. Like many nations, the United States operates under the class system. The sociologist Dalton
Conley defined the class system as, "an economically based hierarchical system characterized by
cohesive, oppositional groups and somewhat loose social mobility" (Conley 249). Still Alice and
The Notebook depict social stratification and the struggles between different socioeconomic classes.
Still Alice follows the life of Alice Howland, a linguistics professor at Columbia University, as she
is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's and fights to retain her memories and relationships. The
film is set in modern day America, in which there is a stigma associated with dementia, there is a
large degree of gender inequality, and some careers are viewed as prestigious (e.g. doctors and
lawyers) while others are condemned by society (e.g. starving artists). The Notebook shares the
story of Noah Calhoun as he tries to revive the memories of his wife Allie, who suffers from
dementia, by reading her the story of their undying love. While Noah reads to Allie, the movie
displays their life in the 1940s. During this time, America was facing World War II, segregation, and
a highly stratified society (U.S. Timeline, 1940–1949). When the movie shows elderly Noah and
Allie, it takes place in
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Disability In Still Alice
Independent film can be examined by 5 terms: "the relation in its work process, it means of
production, the financing of its film, its conception of quality films and its system of consumption"
(Bordwell, Staiger and Thompson, 1985, p.317). The second film that will argue the representation
of a minority group is the independent drama film, 'Still Alice' (2014) directed by Richard Glazer
with his partner Wash Westmoreland. Still Alice worked on a smaller budget in comparison to MBY
totalling up to only $5 million which was attached to small independent production company, 'Killer
Films' which is known to work with independent films. 'Still Alice' offers a form of discourse to
represent individuals from a minority group, in particular the film ... Show more content on ...
The film unlike MBY offers an authentic portrayal of the disability which critics have praised
Julianne Moore roles as Alice, gaining her Academy award for best actress that year. The narrative
of the film was praised, due to accuracy of how the symptoms were shown throughout they film,
Moore's character would often forget things and would need written props to help her remember, the
simplistic presentation of the symptoms of the disease were highly praised as they were lifelike.
According to film critic Christy Lemire (2014), that 'Still Alice' doesn't shy away from the terrifying
disease that can take away a person memories and the ability to communicate to others. He believes
the film message matters and the film has the ability to reach over millions of people who are
suffering with Alzheimer's or know of people who are. This argument from Lemire (2014),
summaries how independent films do not need to compromise any artistic nor realistic components
to tell a heart–breaking story that doesn't shy away from the story nor the
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Still Alice Movie Comparison
Still Alice is a bleak American film adapted on Lisa Genova´s novel, it takes place in New York City
in 2014, with a budget of $4 million dollars. It all started with Alice Howland, which is a professor
in the University of Columbia, celebrating her 50th birthday with her husband and her sons. Then
she goes to talk to a conference and she starts to forget little things and her memory started to fade;
after a while she visited a doctor and she had various brain studies to know what she could possibly
Alice likes to spend time on her own and to run all over the city. After that the doctors discovered
she had Alzheimer´s disease, then the whole plot tells us what is happening with her during the
I think this movie is extremely heart–breaking, because I cannot imagine how could it be possible to
be a successful woman and lose everything ... Show more content on ...
I think `Still Alice´ movie is a great comparison with `The Notebook´, because the both films shows
us a very dramatic style of life that we did not even know it could be possible, but at the same time
is horrible, also that the family is always with the sick person giving them their support and love all
time, so if we find ourselves in a situation like this, wish we will not, we always have to support our
family in difficult times.
All to all, this movie is one of the best movies you could see, obviously if you like poignant movies
and you like to cry during the movie, that is why I recommend you to have a tissue box near,
because this movie really broke my heart and I cried so much that I really need Kleenex in that
moment, but I did not have, but also to have a very close friend to hold or even just to cry
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Alzheimer's Disease In Still Alice
According to the Alzheimer's Association Alzheimer's disease is the 6th leading cause of death in
the United States. In 2017 alone, Alzheimer's and other dementias will cost the nation 259 billion
dollars. More than five million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease today and every
sixty–six seconds someone develops this impactful disease. Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
do not only affect the person with the diagnosis alone, but everyone that cares for them as well.
Reportedly thirty–five percent of caregivers of people with this disease state that their health has
gotten worse due to the care responsibilities they now have to adapt to for their loved one. It is not
only life changing for the patient, but for the family and caregiver burden is at high risk with this
disease. Still Alice, a film by directors Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland, depicts
Alzheimer's disease in an even more rare form of early ... Show more content on ...
She is a fifty–year–old well–known linguistics professor at Columbia University that has spent most
of her life studying, researching, and expanding her career. She is married to another professor from
Columbia University and together they have three children. Her son is in medical school, her older
daughter is a lawyer, and her youngest daughter is an inspiring actress that has not found much luck
in roles. The movie starts with Alice going to lecture at UCLA about her new research in young
children she has been working on. During her speech that I am sure she has done and practiced
several times before, she lost her next words mid sentence and jokingly made a comment about that
she should not have had a glass of champagne beforehand. This was the first sign the viewer saw
Alice forget something familiar she knows by heart, such as her research, her speech, her career. I
also like how the director incorporated a joke to cover up Alice's loss of
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Still Alice Story About Identity
How would you feel? If you wake up and find that you cannot remember your surrounding
everything. It is your identity recognition loss that it is much bad thing for lifestyle because identity
recognition is thing confirm human existence other than four requisites as if Alice. She is famous
professor of linguistics and she has complete family but good things are failing when she finds that
she is Alzheimer disease. Still Alice story demonstrate to love from family, individual differences
and using technology for troubleshooting. All this involves humanism. Humanism believes that
human is all living creatures have mind, love requirement, warmth and understanding from family.
You find that Alice is Alzheimer. It makes her forgets self. Physical illness brings about to spiritual
illness such as forgetting vocabularies, forgetting route that usually, patient is forgetful. Finally, she
loses brain capability and she cannot help herself but she has the best family that they can care and
strive to understand her Alzheimer. For example, Anna is oldest child that she has family. She seem
selfish but she ... Show more content on ...
You find that Still Alice story has various technologies enter to relate and they have much benefit
and they help to keep Howland's memory. Although Alice cannot memorize all stories, she has
technology that it helps resurrect her memory in the past. For example Alice gets DVD about her
remembrance from Lydia that it helps to give her absorb memory. Although her memory disappears,
DVD remains to record image, memory and Howland's speech. In conclusion, Still Alice has
concernment with humanism include relation in family, private ability and using technology for
solving that humanism is value and humanity importance. It seeks for the best life approach. It
believes in human is center of everything. Human has attempt, latency, and creation
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Still Alice Humanism
The concepts of humanism in Still Alice Humanism is a system of thought that focuses on humans,
values and beliefs that is based on the idea that problems can be solved using reason including
believes in cooperation of human to achieve greater goals and overcome obstacles. Still Alice is not
just a story about Alzheimer's disease, but there conceal with point of humanism. In the story, Alice
Howland believes in her potential. She is not feared public speaking. (Still Alice, 2007) "She
enjoyed all of the concatenated moments of presenting in front of a listening audience" (p.10) While
most people are afraid to speak in public, she love it. Humanism seeks the best approach to human
life in the world today. They have drugs for treating ... Show more content on ...
Doctors recommend Alice tells her children to check presymptomatic genetic testing. Anna has
children planning. She talked with her doctor to protect Alzheimer's disease gene to her children.
Alice determine about clinical trail. "A drug called Amylix. It appears to solitube amyloid–beta and
prevent its aggregation, so unlike the drugs you're on now, there's the hope that this could prevent
the disease from progressing further. (p.155) It is express that human have developed the knowledge
and solutions in life. Humanism believes in cooperation of human to achieve greater goals and
overcome obstacles. The memory of Alice is fading. She cannot live alone. She started acting like a
child such as she cannot find the bathroom because she lost in her own home. "It was the scared,
defeated, and unrestrained crying of a small child" (p.168) John does not mind. He gave Lydia
detailed instructions concerning Alice's in a daily life. The relationship between Lydia and Alice
became better after they have a problem. John wants to move to New York because he have offered
the position of chairman of the Cancer Biology and Genetics Program at Sloan–Kettering (p.250)
He gives Alice decide to go
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Still Alice
I Forget That I Have Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is a familiar sight to me. I had a sad experience during my work as a nurse in
my country Colombia and Spain with Alzheimer disease patients. Day by day I came to know each
patient's story because every day they were living the moment without remember the last minute.
This is also what happened to Lisa Genova's novel Still Alice. The protagonists is a 50 year old
woman, a very well organized, efficient, highly–educated, and smart Harvard professor, wife of a
successful man, and the mother of three grown children, who has diagnosed with early–onset
Alzheimer's disease. People have learned about the progression of Alice's disease through her
reactions, so feeling what she feels– a ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning she is angry and depressed with herself because she is forgetting everything that
she needs to remember every day, such as a simple and common word. Her emotional changes also
affect her relationships with others and her own feelings, because she has a negative behavior with
others when she yells or says a word of anger. I think is the way how she shows that she is trying to
avoid what is happening in her life with an incurable disease that changes the direction of her life.
She feels frustration about her memory problems because gradually she has a restriction of freedom
that means she loses privacy and independence in each activity she wants to do. We cannot imagine
what she is feeling when she is losing everything she learned, all the way back to basic activities
such as the skill to walk, eat, or even use the bathroom. Alice feels frustrated about what she is
living, because it is a way to say she is stigmatized with this disease as though she were already
dead. On the other hand, and in a positive way, she begins to enjoy her life when she shares more
time with her family. She feels curiosity about a future of her children and grandchild, and then she
wants to live to enjoy everything, despite she would "be incapable of remembering and executing
this kind of plan." (Genova 118). She creates a simple test and games to remember simple things of
her life, and she can
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The Disease In Lisa Genova's Still Alice
Still Alice by Lisa Genova is about a woman named Alice in her 50's who develops early onset
Alzheimer's. The diagnosis shocks her and her whole family as she is incredibly intelligent and so
young. The novel is about the struggles of her adjusting to the new ways her mind is working and
her family trying to figure out how to interact with their changing wife/mother. It shows one
woman's progression of the disease and the way it affects how she feels, thinks, acts, and generally
changes life as she knows it. One thing I learned from Still Alice is how hereditary the disease is.
On page 88 of the novel, the doctor tells her each of her children have a 50% chance of inheriting
the mutation that causes the disease and that if you have the mutation,
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Commentary On Still Alice By Lisa Genova
Genova, Lisa. (2015) Still Alice, Simon & Schuster Ltd: London
After gaining a PhD in Neuroscience at Harvard University, Lisa Genova wrote numerous novels
themed around her speciality of mental health. Her best–selling novel, 'Still Alice', is written from
the perspective of Alice, a successful 50 year old woman with the seemingly 'perfect life'. However,
the struggle of accepting a diagnosis of Early–Onset Alzheimer's Disease, whilst fearing the
stigmatic effect of its label, causes Alice to question her identity and purpose in life. The title of the
book graphically illustrates how, despite being the same person, the identity of someone with
Alzheimer's Disease can be forgotten.
After watching dementia turn her vibrant and intelligent grandmother into someone who neither
recognised herself nor her life, Genova was inspired to write 'Still Alice'. The narrative unfolds from
multiple perspectives, ... Show more content on ...
'Still Alice' illustrates the social work dilemma of care versus control and how those in mental
distress struggle to access their rights of choice and participation in decisions. Within mental health,
lack of inclusion usually occurs because the individual is deemed 'incapable' or their choices are
considered poor and pose risk of harm. The author cleverly demonstrates that the mental health label
is enough for Alice to feel compelled to justify her motives to others. Alice's mental health is
predominantly intact and she is able to articulate her wishes, yet Alice has to argue her case and
persuade her doctor that it is safe to prescribe medication. In addition, John, Alice's husband,
assumes that sticking to Alice's preferences is in her best interests. When John contradicts Alice's
request for coffee by stating 'she'll have tea with lemon', his action undermines Alice's
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Still Alice
I Forget That I Have Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is a familiar sight to me. I had a sad experience during my work as a nurse in
my country Colombia and Spain with Alzheimer disease patients. Day by day I came to know each
patient's story because every day they were living the moment without remember the last minute.
This is also what happened to Lisa Genova's novel Still Alice. The protagonists is a 50 year old
woman, a very well organized, efficient, highly–educated, and smart Harvard professor, wife of a
successful man, and the mother of three grown children, who has diagnosed with early–onset
Alzheimer's disease. People have learned about the progression of Alice's disease through her
reactions, so feeling what she feels– a ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning she is angry and depressed with herself because she is forgetting everything that
she needs to remember every day, such as a simple and common word. Her emotional changes also
affect her relationships with others and her own feelings, because she has a negative behavior with
others when she yells or says a word of anger. I think is the way how she shows that she is trying to
avoid what is happening in her life with an incurable disease that changes the direction of her life.
She feels frustration about her memory problems because gradually she has a restriction of freedom
that means she loses privacy and independence in each activity she wants to do. We cannot imagine
what she is feeling when she is losing everything she learned, all the way back to basic activities
such as the skill to walk, eat, or even use the bathroom. Alice feels frustrated about what she is
living, because it is a way to say she is stigmatized with this disease as though she were already
dead. On the other hand, and in a positive way, she begins to enjoy her life when she shares more
time with her family. She feels curiosity about a future of her children and grandchild, and then she
wants to live to enjoy everything, despite she would "be incapable of remembering and executing
this kind of plan." (Genova 118). She creates a simple test and games to remember simple things of
her life, and she can
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Character Analysis Of The Movie Still Alice
The movie Still Alice takes place in New York and is about a very well–known linguistics professor
who gets diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. At the beginning of the movie we see her at the
very beginning stages of her diagnosis. Her symptoms started off very minor. For example, when
she gives her speech at UCLA we see that she ends up forgetting what she's trying to say and
ultimately loses her train of thought. We also see her start to forget words as well as get lost when
she goes for a jog. At that point in time, Alice decides that she needs to see a doctor because she
thinks she has a brain tumor. The doctor decides that a MRI is necessary to find out what exactly
was going on. At this point in the movie, Alice has not told anyone about what has been going on
with her memory or about going to the doctor to get it checked out. Now, it is Christmas time and
she is shown preparing Christmas dinner. While cooking she forgets some of the names of kitchen
utensils and even forgot that she had already met her son's girlfriend. Therefore, her memory is
continuing to deteriorate. After Christmas she goes back to the neurologist where she finds out that
she needs to do a PET due to the doctor being concerned about her memory problems. At this time,
she decides to tell her husband what is going on as she is starting to get concerned. Shortly after,
they are given the new that she does in fact have early onset Alzheimer's and that it is genetic. As
the movie continues, we
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Still Alice Summary
Still Alice In this assignment, I have the opportunity to write a three page review on the book called
"Still Alice". It is indicated that this review is not intended to be a summary of the book, but a
critical analysis of the aging issues presented in the work. Therefore, each book review should make
relevant connections to information discussed in class or found in the reading. The book is about a
woman named Alice Howland who has a great life that she has built for her and her family.
However, after her 50th birthday, she declines straight into an early–onset of Alzheimer's disease
and she begins to become increasingly disoriented and forgetful. Further, the book is about how
Alzheimer's disease changes her life, her relationship with her ... Show more content on ...
In the book, readers learn that Alice's mother gave her a butterfly necklace when she was younger.
Further, when Alice was a small child, she cried over the idea that butterflies have a really short
lifespan. However, Alice's mother felt that a short life did not mean a depressing one but a beautiful
one. Therefore, in Alice's mind, she would be like the butterfly, she would have a short life but a
beautiful life. In class, I learned about caregivers and the roles that they play. In the book, readers
understand the conflict that Alice's husband, John, is experiencing when offered a new position at a
different university and his responsibilities to Alice as a caregiver and husband. Therefore, in class
we learned that the biggest challenge with spouse's caregiving is adjusting to end of parenting,
retirement schedules, financial adjustments, and health changes like dependency, long established
roles, and new demands. In the book, it showed that John largely abandoned his wife to the care of
their daughter Lydia. It was Lydia, Alice and John's youngest child and the one who had a difficult
relationship with her mother in the beginning, who had great compassion and care for her mother. It
was also surprising and amazing that Alice's disease brought their relationship back on track.
Therefore, some children's caregiver
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Still Alice By Lisa Genova Essay
This novel "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova develops the theme of struggle. This is developed through
the use of narrator's internal conflict, the setting of the story and symbols. This story is written in the
third person from Alice's perspective. In this story, Alice is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's
disease. This passage of the book tells the reader how someone with Alzheimer's disease struggles to
find out who they are and what they need. The first literary element that develops the theme of
struggle in this novel is internal conflict. Alice woke up on the couch. She'd been napping a lot
lately, sometimes twice a day. She couldn't remember when she dozed off. John was home so she
decided to go for a run. She told john and they started getting ready. ... Show more content on ...
She couldn't remember where's the washroom in her own house. She ran up and down the stairs but
she just didn't know where it was. She laid down on the floor and started crying. How Can I Be Lost
In My Own House? ( Genova, Pg 210–211) This part of the book explains how Alice is struggling
with herself to find simple things around her. In this situation, she was in her own house. It also
explains how the people around her might be struggling to see her suffering because of her disease.
This literary element was effectively used because it could help the reader understand the book in a
better way. Another literary element that was extremely helpful with developing the theme was the
setting of the story. This story takes place both in Alice's house and her work which is Harvard
University. This passage of the book tells the reader how Alice was lost at her work. Alice had to go
work. She looked at the clock it was 6:30. She left the house. She knew she was getting closer to her
work. She saw familiar buildings but she didn't wich one is her work. She was standing still. She felt
like her memory is completely
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Dementia In Still Alice
Still Alice, a film adapted from the novel Still Alice, portrays the progression of dementia through
Alice Howland, a linguistics professor, wife, and mother of three. According to the Mayo Clinic
(2016), "dementia describes a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities
severely enough to interfere with daily functioning". More specifically, Alice is diagnosed with
early–onset familial Alzheimer's disease due to her age and genetics. Still Alice includes many
examples in Alice's deteriorating episodic, semantic, skill, and working memory. Though Alice uses
strategies to fight the deterioration, the Alzheimer's eventually rids her of any form of memory.
However, Still Alice could be modified to provide a more comprehensive ... Show more content on ...
To further accentuate Alice's cognitive degeneration, a scene could be added involving her new
grandchildren. In the movie, Alice meets Anna and Charlie's twin babies for the first time, just after
they were delivered in the hospital. Upon their birth, Charlie was hesitant to let Alice hold them due
to her mental state, so this scene will further that specific plot line. The scene would take place at
their house in New York, after they have returned from an extended stay at their beach house. John
has just received his offer from the Mayo Clinic, and Lydia is planning to fly in from Los Angeles to
stay with her mother. Alice is still trying to comprehend the idea of John taking a new job in a new
state, as she was hoping he would take a sabbatical and spend a year with her during her time of
declining cognition. Anna and Charlie pay their parents a visit and bring along their new children,
Allison and Charlie Jr. The doorbell rings and John opens the door to let Anna and Charlie in. The
couple and their children move to the living room to sit on the couch with Alice. "Ann", Alice says,
thinking that her deceased sister is seated across from her. "Mom, it's Anna", she replies, as she
hands one of the twins to her mother. "What beautiful babies! Are you babysitting them? Are you
their nanny?" Alice asks, receiving a puzzled look from the others. "Alice", John says quietly, "these
are your grandchildren, Anna and Charlie's twin babies". Alice stares down at the infant in her arm
as the realization sets in, and a small tear rolls down her cheek. At this point the scene fades out and
cuts to the
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Still Alice Paper
Dementia refers to the loss of brain function and Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia. It
normally attacks old people, but research shows that even the young and energetic can suffer from
dementia. Though not totally clear, it is said to be caused by the genes and the environment. Alice
Howland is a highly esteemed professor at Harvard University living comfortably with John
Howland her husband and three children. The first signs of dementia start showing up when she
can't find her cell phone and she thinks this is normal as her husband normally misplaced his keys,
then she becomes disoriented in her home town, and is baffled when she is diagnosed with
Alzheimer's disease in its early stages. We feel for Alice because how she ... Show more content on ...
While she is out running, something happens and she can't trace her way back home in a place
where she has lived for twenty five years! After sometime, things click into place and she finds her
way home but this is enough to scare her into seeing a doctor, it is very weird and she finds it hard
to explain hence she ahead to see a Doctor diagnosed her with mild dementia (Lisa 2010). She is by
the doctor, she is a carrier of a mutated gene responsible for the disease and that there is a possibility
that her children could be carrying the disease too. There is a scene where we are presented with
Alice who wants to go put for a run with the husband and yet she cannot even put on her own sports
bra, she screams and the husband comes in only to find her with underwear over her head. Alice
herself cannot understand why she cannot put on her own sports bra something she's done a million
times and these draws us to know that the disease is taking a toll on her is when she laughs at this so
hard (Lisa 2010). The husband notices that something is amiss with Alice when she doesn't seem to
keep track of conversations in a party they were invited and forgets the names of the people she had
been earlier introduced to. When she was preparing for the lecture she took forty five minutes
preparing and when she gets into the class she has no idea about what she had prepared. She tries to
cover up for the memory loss by every means possible. She
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Still Alice : Film Analysis Of The Film Still Alice
The emotion evoking 2014, film titled Still Alice featured the many challenges a family residing in
New York City faced following the matriarch's, Alice Howland, diagnosis of a rare form of familial
Alzheimer's disease. The film opened with Alice and her Husband, John, celebrating Alice's fiftieth
birthday along with two of their three grown children, Anna and Tom, as well as their son–in–law,
Anna's husband, Charlie. The couple's third child, Lydia, was not present at the birthday dinner, as
she was aspiring to be an actress and resided in California. Within minutes of the opening scene
Alice's mild cognitive impairments became apparent through her marked confusion while
communicating with Anna and Charlie. As the film progressed, Alice herself, a renowned doctor of
linguistics and college professor, quickly became cognizant of her own declining cognitive ability as
she struggled with mundane tasks, such as imparting a lecture at the University of California Los
Angeles. The subsequent concerning episode, where Alice became disoriented and fearful in due
course while out for a run on the campus where she had taught for years and was therefore familiar
with it's geography, ultimately encouraged her to seek care from a neurologist. As the film unfolded,
Alice became open with her family regarding her recent diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, fears and
struggles. John who was physician, Anna who was a lawyer, Tom who was a medical student and
Lydia an aspiring
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How Does Still Alice Howland Use Alzheimer's
What would you do if someone in your family have Alzheimer's? Still Alice is the story about
Professor Alice Howland who has the Alzheimer's disease and a former professor at Harvard
University. In all actuality, nobody wants to lose the memories deteriorate. From the short story
have many scenes that can be found from the central character "Alice Howland" that related to the
humanism. The point can be interpreted and associated with the humanism is speaking of the
Alzheimer's Associational in the opening plenary presentation at Boston. It is program for the
annual Dementia Care Conference According to Alive as she stood on the podium, she said that "the
neural pathway I use to try to understand what you are saying, what I am thinking, and what is
happening around are gummed up with amyloid. I struggle to find the words I want to say and often
hear myself saying the wrong ones." (p.281) From this text reflected, Alice believed that although
she was Alzheimer's disease, but she tried to ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, she also added "I am a wife, mother, and friend, and soon to be grandmother. I still feel,
understand, and am worthy of the love and joy in those relationship. I am still an active participant
in society." (p.282) From this text reflected, Loss of memory's Alice that do not make she feel
worthless and enjoyable, and she has a good relationships in her family which showed that the
symptoms of Alice is not a difficulty for her. She can also coexist happily with the others in society.
In addition, Alice said that "I am someone living with Alzheimer's. I want to do that as well as I
possibly can" and "I may never be able to retrieve what I've already lost, but I can sustain what I
have. I still have a lot" (p.283) from this text Alice believed
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Non-Diegetic Techniques In Still Alice
Still Alice is a film about Alice Howland who is a professor at Columbia University majoring in
linguistics. The plot begins to climax when Alice firstly forgets a word during a lecture and during a
jog she does everyday, she became lost. Alice visits her doctor and is diagnosed with early onset
Familial Alzheimer's Disease. The director .......... has used Sounds, Costumes and Cinematography
in the film to develop the character of Alice Howland and encourage audiences to connect with her.
Non–diegetic sound is important in films as a technique for audiences to understand the specific
emotions of a scene. Sound also is used as a technique to evoke an emotional response from the
audience. Non–diegetic sound is only used in the film to highlight ... Show more content on ...
As Alice's Alzheimers progresses, her costumes change to reflect the progression of the disease. At
the beginning of the film Alice's character presents as a well–dressed middle–aged woman wearing
clothes that suited her body type and her everyday life. An example of this is at the beginning of the
film when Alice had to do presentation she was neat and well dressed in business attire for her age.
Gradually throughout the film her clothing became more underdressed and her appearance became
more dishevelled. When Alice and her husband John are at their family beach house Alice is
portrayed wearing basic clothing such as a plain black tee and jeans. This is in stark contrast to the
professional clothing that Alice is dressed in as a university lecturer at the beginning of the film.
This highlights how important costume is as a technique to reflect the storyline and character
development. By the end of the film Alice is physically unable to dress herself. Alice's husband,
John dresses Alice to visit their daughter in hospital who just had twin babies. Costume is
particularly demonstrated and pronounced in this scene particularly when comparing to the
beginning of the film where Alice is a highly independent and well dressed professional. Costumes
play a major role in the development of Alice Howland throughout her journey of having early onset
Alzheimer's disease. At the start of the film
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Still Alice
Every year, the number of people with Alzheimer's doubles every 5 years beyond the age of 65, and
as of 2013, 13 million Americans were suffering from this disease (CDC). Still Alice, written by
Lisa Genova is about a woman in her fifties who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease.
She is a very successful woman with three kids and a loving husband. She had a great career as a
cognitive psychology professor at Harvard, but that came to an end when this disease took over her
brain. As the story reads on you learn about her thoughts and overcome her hardships along with her
as she fights against this disease. You experience the losses she and her family did from Alzheimer's.
This book gives you insight into the brain of someone who ... Show more content on ...
It was also hard to keep track of time, it was hard to know how much her disease had progressed.
Another reason you may not enjoy this book is because if you have never known anyone suffering
from the disease or have any relationship with it, it may be hard to connect with the characters and
their struggles. It may sound tedious or over dramatic, but in reality, it is as scary as forgetting
where you live and walking into your neighbor's house instead of your
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A Literary Analysis Of Still Alice
A Literary Analysis of Still Alice
Still Alice (Genova, 2009) is a captivating debut novel about a 50–year–old woman's sudden decline
into early onset Alzheimer's disease. The book is written by first time author Lisa Genova, who
holds a PH.D in neuroscience from Harvard University. She's also an online columnist for the
national Alzheimer's association. Her other books include Left Neglected and Love Anthony. She
lives with her husband and two children in Cape Cod.
The theme of the book is related to the early onset Alzheimer's disease and how the main character,
Alice Howland's quality of life or in other words her lifestyle is affected due to the disease she is
diagnosed with (Genova, 2009). The novel sheds light on the lives of those ... Show more content on ...
150). Anna is Alice's oldest daughter; she's a successful lawyer and is married to Charles, also a
lawyer. Anna is strong and fiercely independent just like her mother. Anna deals with her mother's
disease by suggesting that if her mom "thinks for a second" then maybe she'll be able to remember
things (p. 173). Anna, however still makes time to care for her mom when her dad is away. Alice's
only son Tom is a minor character in the book. He is present during family gatherings and important
moments e.g. when Alice discloses that she has Alzheimer's disease (p. 103). He deals with his
mom's diagnosis by being distant. The main antagonist in the book is Alice's youngest daughter
Lydia Howland. She defies the family's educational tradition and chooses to take acting classes in
Los Angeles in hopes of becoming an actor. Lydia's decision causes a lot of conflict between her
parents. She's the only one that refuses to participate in the Alzheimer's genetic testing. However, as
Alice's condition deteriorates, Lydia becomes the most valuable player of the family; she becomes
Alice's number one advocate. She doesn't try to "test" Alice's memory but is there for her when she
needs her (p. 162). The relationship between Alice and Lydia improves. Lydia eventually listens to
her mother's advice and enrolls at Brandies University to study theater (p. 258).
The imagery in Still Alice is
... Get more on ...

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Still Alice Analysis

  • 1. Still Alice Analysis I decided to do my review on the movie Still Alice. The movie started off with Alice giving a speech in an auditorium to hundreds of people when all of a sudden she forgot part of her speech. At first, she is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's at the age of 50. But later on, things start to get worse, she began to forget things more and more; she was officially diagnosed from a doctor with dementia later on. The movie itself was very saddening and showed how Alzheimer's can affect one's family, friends, and everyday life traumatically. From the aspect of the caregiver, the symptoms of dementia are disheartening. Dementia itself is a progressive decline in memory, learning, and thinking abilities. In terms of education, people with Alzheimer's have the intelligence of people who are about 10 years old in grade school. For the sociological aspect of ... Show more content on ... Some people view Alzheimer's patients in a negative way and don't treat of them as a normal thinking person. Many people believe people with this disease are confused. Some research indicated that traits like 'fun' and 'happy' were at the bottom of how someone would describe a person with dementia. In the movie, not everyone viewed people with dementia with respect, mostly loved ones gave the most respect to Alice throughout the movie. I think that the title of the movie "Still Alice" brings up a good point. When someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, how much of their identity do they still have left? It is disheartening to think about because this genetic disease affects so many families around the world. In spirit, Alice is still there throughout the movie. But her memory and social skills have slowly dismantled who she truly is as a person. Dementia takes over someone's life so rapidly it is frightening. I have learned from this movie to never take any moment for granted and to enjoy your time with loved ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Still Alice Identity A man is only a man as long as he deems himself to be as such. In the novels, Me Before You and Still Alice the authors, Jojo Moyes and Lisa Genova suggest that hopelessness is inescapable when a person is stripped of what they consider to be the core essence of themselves. Will Traynor, the male protagonist in Me Before You is an adventurous young man who found his identity though the joy of physical thrills yet he completely lost his mobility due to a motorcycle accident which shattered his idea of himself. By contrast, for an academic like Alice Howland, the protagonist in Still Alice, her identity is her intelligent mind which is gradually fading due to the fact that she has developed a case of early onset Alzheimer's disease. Both individuals ... Show more content on ... Louisa remarks that Will, in his depression, " ...stared out the windows like a dog denied a walk." (238). Will is no longer the Will he used to be as he has lost so much of himself. He cannot see himself being truly happy in the future if he has to live bound to his wheelchair. He has lost all of his hope and in his eyes, death seems to be the only option left for him. This is the path he chooses for himself. Louisa confesses her love for Will and he rejects her affections. Heartbroken, she vents to her sister saying, "I told him I loved him," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "And he just said it wasn't enough." (119). Louisa's love is not enough to revitalize his love of life. Everyday before his accident, Will worked to achieve his dreams. He tells Louisa during one of their first encounters that, "I worked out what would make me happy, and I worked out what I wanted to do, and I trained myself to do the job that would make those two things happen." (61). Will worked hard so he could live the way he wanted to and one day the reason he worked so hard was stripped away from him. By the time Louisa meets Will Traynor, he is already too far gone in his depression to find another reason to live. Will lost all of his hope and in turn, lost all of his will to live. His hopelessness killed him, his depression was merely a side ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Alzheimer's Disease In The Film, Still Alice The movie Still Alice is about a woman named Alice Howland, a fifty–year–old, who is a famous linguistics author and a teacher at Columbia University and is diagnosed with early–onset familial Alzheimer's disease. This woman is incredibly smart and is known for her intellect. Alice notices she is forgetting small things like words and names and getting lost in places she knows well. For example, while she was on a run around campus, she completely forgot where she was and found herself to be lost, but she eventually recognizes where she is at and continues her run. After seeing a doctor that declared her symptoms were probably due to menopause, Alice decides to go to a neurologist because she is sure that she has a brain tumor. The neurologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital performs memory tests at the appointment and orders an MRI While cooking Christmas dinner, Alice uses a covered ... Show more content on ... Our textbook backs up this information: "The prevalence increases with age, rising from extremely low rates in the 50s to about half of all people age 85 and older." (Kail and Cavanaugh, 2016 Ch. 14.4). As someone who has family members on both my maternal and paternal sides, I am very scared for what the future holds, and according to the textbook, I have good reason to be: "As the number of older adults increases rapidly over the next several decades, the number of cases is expected to roughly triple." (Kail and Cavanaugh, 2016 Ch. 14.4). If the general number without higher risk factors is expected to triple, there is definitely a reason for concern. As of now, there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, and few medications and therapies actually provide better results over time. I believe that with further research, we could not only find out what is causing Alzheimer's and its increase, but we can also find ways to help those inflicted with this ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Still Alice Essay "Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception." (Howard Crystal) In Health 1000 we were asked to read the book Still Alice. I have never dealt with or have done any study on Alzheimer's disease before reading this book. After finishing this book it has really opened my eyes to how bad of a disease and how it cripples the mind. I never imagined the effect of this disease on a patient and the patient family. This book is about a upper middle aged lady named Alice who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and how she and her family learn how to deal with disease. One of the things this book ... Show more content on ... John holds on to hope the whole book until he reads how the Amylix wasn't able to stabilize the Alzheimer patients. John starts to cry after finding out, because this is basically the final straw. It was his last ditch effort and in knowing it failed it symbolized that he failed and that Alice was doomed. This forced him to admit to himself that the women loved and cared so much for was no longer there and will never be there again. Alice ended up telling her colleagues about her diagnosis much later than when she told John. She only told them when she realized how much her teaching has slipped up and knowing it was only going to get worse with time. Alice would forget a whole lecture even though she just spent hours reviewing and studying her notes before class. One time she even went into her classroom and sat down for a few minutes just to get up and walk out of her classroom without teaching one thing. Alice ends up sending a formal letter to all her colleagues letting them know that she has Alzheimer and is going to be stepping down. Most of them stop by her office and offer their condolences after receiving her letter. After finding out her colleagues pretty much avoided Alice but if they did run across her they were polite, but quick to excuse themselves from her presence. This was hurtful for Alice because she once considered everybody in her department almost like a second family. I feel the one most effected ... Get more on ...
  • 5. What Is The Irony Of The Movie Still Alice Since I am a big fan of Julianne Moore, I decided to watch the film "Still Alice." It was such a touching real to life story with an excellent cast. This movie portrayed accurately so many aspects of what those diagnosed with and their loved ones go through living with Alzheimer's disease. In this story, it shows that Alzheimer's disease does not discriminate. It doesn't matter your intelligence, economic status, or overall health. Anyone is susceptible to this cruel disease. Alice seemed to be doing everything right. Exercising, taking vitamins and having strong family relationships. The irony of the movie was that Alice was so intelligent and specialized in linguistics and communication, but towards the end, she could barely speak. ... Show more content on ... Not only was Alice's very respected career affected but also that of her husband and her daughter that wanted to act. The strain on family relationships was very evident when one daughter was bitter that the other was not present at first to help their mother. So many true emotions were shown in this film. It was very sad to watch knowing that even though this is just a movie it is real life to so many others. I think they hit on some key issues in this movie. The point in the movie where Alice said that she wished it was cancer because people wear ribbons and raise awareness is a true problem most with Alzheimer's face as most people are unaware of what Alzheimer's disease even is or how to support someone who lives with ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Still Alice By Lisa Genova The most interesting book I have read in the past year was "Still Alice," written by Lisa Genova. This book narrated the life of Alice Howland, a successful Harvard psychology professor who loses herself to Alzheimer's disease. Alice is an intelligent, ambitious woman with a loving husband, John, and their three children. Initially, Alice starts off forgetting minor details, such as words during her presentations or where she might place some of her belongings. Dismissing it, Alice goes for a run in her town square where she's run for several years. She suddenly finds herself lost and panics because she could not figure out how to get home. Eventually, she finds out she's diagnosed with early on–set Alzheimer's and she is left to deal with her family and work life as well as do as much as she can each day before she loses herself completely. ... Show more content on ... Alice's story about her's and her family's struggle reaches to me because the disease takes away someone you love slowly. This book shows Alice losing parts of herself gradually until she is unrecognizable. However, Alice is still a person and should still be treated as one. The message this book sends across to its audience that, although taken by Alzheimer's, Alice has emotions too and that part is not taken away from her. This has been the most interesting book I have read because the irony shown in this book as well as the emotion I felt throughout reading this was different from when I read other books. As a Harvard professor of psychology, it's ironic how Alzheimer's takes parts of her psychology. In addition, while reading Alice's story, I felt connected to her and wanted to support her during her struggle with Alzheimer's. My sympathy towards Alice, as many people in the book felt, taught me how someone in her shoes would ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Everyone Forgets In Still Alice Everyone has loved ones, but imagine if one day those loved ones became completely non–existent to a person. 5.5 million people experience this terrible feeling. It's a disease called Alzheimer's. Early Onset Alzheimer's is a rare and grueling disease which affects Alice, the main character in the novel Still Alice by Lisa Genova. Although there is medication, there is nothing that will stop this terrible disease from slowly making a person forget everything they know and love. The main character, Alice, in the novel Still Alice, is only 50 years old. She is a professor at Harvard University, and is a very intelligent person. Alice starts to forget some minor parts of her life, which is no big deal, but eventually she starts to forget more important things. She goes on a run every, day but one day she forgot how to get home. "She knew she was in Harvard Square, but she didn't know which way was home" (Genova 21). These moments kept getting worse, so Alice went to a specialist. At age 50, she was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's. When she told her husband John, he refused to believe her at first. "Everyone forgets things. I can never remember where I put my glasses. Should this doctor diagnose me with Alzheimer's, too?"(79). Eventually, John accepts the fact that his wife is eventually not going to recognize him or even herself. Alice has three children, each having a 50% chance of getting Alzheimer's. Alice's daughter Anna has Alzheimer's, and she is trying to have ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Still Alice Howland's Quality Of Life Still Alice is a captivating novel about a woman's sudden decline into early onset Alzheimer's disease, and how Alice Howland's quality of life is altered following the diagnosis of this disease (Genova, 2003). The foundation of quality of life lies on freedom and access to basic resources for living (lecture 7 notes). One's quality of life increases when one has a positive outlook on life, works on achieving goals and feels supported by their community and loved ones. To say such disease limits or decreases one's quality of life or affects their aging progress is an understatement. Successful Aging Successful aging, assumes that an individual is either successful (healthy) or unsuccessful which assumes that an individual has a disability ... Show more content on ... Just because she is unable to remember things and care for herself, Alice still keeps her quality of life, as she has been able to come to accept her disease and lives with who she has become. In terms of aging, Alice may not be aging successfully by definition, but in terms of being her and accepting the new her she is. Life is a precious gift–life is not about the gifts we are given, but how we put those gifts to use. Do you take your life for granted, or does it take a disease like Alzheimer's for you to realize what your life is about? It's mind–boggling of how something like Alzheimer's changes a person's entire life. However, with the support of loved ones, friends and co–workers, it is possible for one to remain themselves, live with the disease, realize they are a new person, but the disease does not define them. Alice may have lost her job, her memory may have worsened, her husband may have betrayed her for a job in a new city, but she gained a relationship with her long lost daughter Lydia. Alice lives in the moment, lives for each day, appreciates the small things and because of that she is Still ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Still Alice: The Howard Family Disability is a broad term used to define an impairment that affects one or more aspects of an individual's life. The types of disabilities range from mobility, medical, cognitive, psychiatric, developmental, environmental or sense based. These impairments can drastically change the individual's life from the "normal" or average expectation level of functioning (Mallet & Runswick– Cole, 2015, pgs. 3–4). Families are a complex structure that is shaped by its members, their lives and their environment. The family systems theory defined as "the physical, social and emotional functioning of family members is profoundly interdependent, with changes in one part of the system reverberating in other parts of the system" (McGoldrick, & Gerson, 1985, pg. 5). When one family member is born with or develops a disability, it affects the other family members as well. Through the family working together as a unit, this may positively affect the individual with relation to their disability and benefit the family as a whole. This paper will analyze the medical condition, familial early–onset Alzheimer's disease, as a disability and how it affects the Howard family based on the film, Still Alice. Still Alice is the ... Show more content on ... Although Lydia learned to accept her mother's disability, the family as unit still needs to work together. As a family they must continue to experience the stages of grief, as it is a cycle. There may arise challenges as John and Tom's respective careers and Anna's children occupy their time but they still need to be involved within their family. As Alice had supported them, they must work to support Alice as she progressively loses her memory. It is through remaining together in support and love, that all of the members can grow and develop. As a family, the Howards can build proper copying techniques, which can help in other aspects of their ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Still Alice Humanism Analysis Linus Pauling said, (that) "Humanism is a philosophy of joyous service for the greater good of all humanity, of application of new ideas of scientific progress for the benefit of all" (1961). From this speech, it displays the main them of humanism and it also inspires a several ways to many people. In the novel Still Alice by Lisa Genova 2007, the concept of humanism influences on her perception. This concept is a moral philosophy which mainly focuses on the value or of human being. It uses the logical reasoning to improve the ability of human being and to understand the world. Humanism is seemingly to looking forward to science. As a result, in Still Alice novel manifests a lot of elements of humanism whether it be human rights, rational life and progressive philosophy of life which are three main elements of humanism. The idea of human rights is one of the significant elements of humanism. For example, John Howland got promoted at work. So, he had to move to New York while Alice did not want to go to New York. They tried to convert each other but it cannot change their own decisions. Thus, in the end of the novel (P.325), John moved to New York and Alice still lived in Cambridge. From this, it reveals about human rights and ... Show more content on ... Based on the DMOZ's data in 2016, humanism claims that god is totally absent. The answer of survival of human race is not related to god. Humanists believe in the ability of human being rather than supernatural. To illustrate, when Alice became a patient of Alzheimer's disease, she did not go to church for praying to god. She accepted the reality and struggled with her bad disease. So, Alice seemed to against god can be parts of humanism. From this, it supports the element of humanism that everything is rational not supernatural because in the end of the story there are no magic items which can bring Alice's memory ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Still Alice by Lisa Genova Lisa Genova, the author of Still Alice, a heartbreaking book about a 50–year–old woman's sudden diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, graduated valedictorian from Bates College with a degree in Biopsychology and holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard University. She is a member of the Dementia Advocacy, Support Network International and Dementia USA and is an online columnist for the National Alzheimer's Association. Genova's work with Alzheimer's patients has given her an understanding of the disorder and its affect not only on the patient, but on their friends and family as well (Simon and Schuster, n.d.). Alzheimer's disease was first defined in 1906 by a German psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's disease is the most common ... Show more content on ... In the book, Still Alice, Alice Howland is happily married to a successful husband with three grown children with a house on the Cape. Alice is a Harvard professor at the height of her career when she notices forgetfulness creeping into her life. As her memory begins to fail and confusion starts to darken her thinking, Alice receives a devastating diagnosis: early onset Alzheimer's disease. Alice struggles to maintain her lifestyle even as her sense of self is being stripped away, and she tries to live in the moment, Still Alice captures what it is like literally to lose your mind (Genova, 2007). When Alice begins to grow forgetful at first she discards it, but when she gets lost in her own neighborhood, she realizes that something is terribly wrong. She didn't want to become someone people avoided and feared. She wanted to live to hold her daughter, Anna's, baby and know she was holding her grandchild. She wanted to watch her youngest daughter, Lydia act in something she was proud of. She wanted to see her son, Tom, fall in love. She wanted to be able to read every book she could before she could no longer read. Alice once placed her worth and identity in her academic life, now she must examine her relationship with her husband, her expectations of her daughters and son and her plans for herself. "Losing her yesterdays, her short–term memory hanging on by a couple of frayed threads, she ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Still Alice By Lisa Genova Analysis The book "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova has many text to text connections with Adele's song, "Hello". This song released in 2015, talks about the issue of passing of loved ones. In the first verse, when Adele sang, "[t]hey say that time's supposed to heel ya, [b]ut I ain't done much healing", relates to how Alice feels towards the losses of her family members. While she believed that she had done mourning over the loss of her family when "[s]he hadn't shed a single tear ...and [the] loss she felt for her mother and sister had long been tempered by time", in reality she was never ready to overcome this situation as later she began to cry, and the situation again seemed as "explosive and anguished" as the first time (Genova 77). This quote supports ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Still Alice Essay Career, emotions, values, family, and memories are all things that make a person who they are. The film "Still Alice" is of a woman named Alice who being fifty finds out she has early onset Alzheimer. Her life takes a turn in an unknown direction with her and her family, both having to figure out "what to do next?". Alice and her family struggle with her disease as they each try to make the best of a bad situation with trying to help her remember anything they can and taking care of her as best they can. Alice struggles the most with trying to the responses from the family and the walls they build along with losing what defines her. Alice goes through many changes with the relationships of her family members. The response from each character ... Show more content on ... As a wife she and her husband have gone from understanding and having easy communication between each other; to having problems with her husband understanding her and her communication with him slowly deteriorating. Alice was a mother who took care of her children and was involved with them understanding their work life and their private life. Alice changes as a mother throughout the movie she slowly progresses into the role of her children having to take care of her and her not being able to understand them or even recognize them. Alice was a teacher that when students picked her class they were excited and heard amazing reviews on her, but as her disease progresses, students find her lessons to be all over the place with most of the material being hard to understand. Alice was a scholar who loved talking in front of people and conducting research, but she eventually had to highlight every word she reads when giving a speech. The role most important to her is the role of a mother, because she gives up the little time she has to spend with her family. Alice no longer teachers or try to conduct research on last time she gives that up so that the little time she has, she can watch her daughter in a play or meet her two grandchildren. Ultimately Alice's roles as a wife, teacher, mother, and scholar change drastically with her having ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay On Still Alice I saw Still Alice this week. I wanted to see the Glen Campbell movie (which I will watch later) but opted for this one first. What a stirring movie! Watching the progression of her decline, and realizing that she KNEW that she was affected, was very sad. It was heartening to see the support that her family gave her, even while dealing with their own issues. The fact that she was proactive on the front end, in obtaining the diagnostic testing helped her family be better able to understand what was happening and to support her. I love the fact that she and her daughter were able to have a better relationship, and that her daughter was truly able to see her mom, even when her mom had trouble seeing her earlier. Seeing this film has helped me to learn to be more alert regarding what early cognitive decline might look like in someone, and therefore, enable me to come alongside them and get some help for them and their family. It also showed the stress involved in early–onset Alzheimer's Disease, especially in regards to job loss, loss of social life, and the fear that comes with living with someone with cognitive loss. However, it also showed the opportunities to show deep compassion and love. The compassion that was shown by the nursing home "tour guide" was amazing. I was impressed by her concern for social engagement in the residents. ... Show more content on ... It was also very enlightening to me. Watching the struggle that Alice had as she realized what was happening to her was heartbreaking and encouraging at the same time. She fought well – eating right, exercising, challenging her own memory at every turn, and setting up self–supports as best she could via her computer and phone. She tried to live each day as best she ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Character Analysis: Still Alice In the book Still Alice the main character is diagnosed with hereditary early onset Alzheimer's, this means that she inherited the disease from her parents and likely passed it on to her children. My grandfather also suffered from hereditary early–onset Alzheimer's, which means my mom; aunt, cousins, siblings and I may or may not have the Alzheimer's gene. Alzheimer's is a progressive degenerative irreversible brain disorder with no cure to date. Early onset Alzheimer's patients can start showing symptoms as young as 30. In Alice's case, she started showing symptoms around age 50 but nobody recognized them as Alzheimer's symptoms. I can relate to Alice and her family's struggles with facing Alzheimer's disease because my family too has a history of Alzheimer's ... Show more content on ... My grandfather suffered from the disease and passed away when I was only 16 months old. My mother and aunt were given the choice to take the Alzheimer's gene test, to see if they had the Alzheimer's gene. Despite being given the opportunity they decided they didn't want to live with the burden of knowing whether or not they had the disease. This is similar to what Lydia in Still Alice chose to do. Both her siblings took the gene test and the results came back determining that one of her siblings was positive for the Alzheimer's gene, and one was not. "Lydia closed her eyes. Everyone waited. Alice entertained the absurd idea that she had either resumed memorizing her lines or fallen asleep. After an uncomfortable silence, she opened her eyes and took her turn. 'I don't want to know'" (Genova 106). Lydia was the last of her siblings to determine if she wanted to take the gene test and unlike her two older siblings she chose not to. Lydia's answer ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Still Alice Research Paper Tough times may be hard but when push comes to shove, those very times can be the very things that makes you grow stronger. In the novel Still Alice, Lisa Genova demonstrates that going through something painful helps you grow strong. In this novel, the main character Alice goes through a lot, as the story processed the readers come to know a lot. While not knowing herself, the readers finds out a lot and sees just how much Alice tried to stay sane. She is dealing with lots of suffering, such as the loss of her mother, having Alzheimers giving up who she is and finding out who is really and truly there for her. These painful times makes Alice grow stronger as a person in the end. First and foremost, Alice, one of her toughest times was when her mother died. Alice having Alzheimers forgot her mother died... Which was indeed tragic and she was so devastated finding out, that she passed bursted into tears.. She tries her best not to forget what her mother told her about butterflies as it relates to herself as well. "Her mother had comforted her and told her not to be sad for the butterflies, that just ... Show more content on ... Making it difficult for people to look or be around her. Her own husband John, couldn't even look at her anymore and left to do a lecture for work, leaving their kids to watch over her... Out of the three kids, only Lydia the youngest was there for Alice. Alice noticed John distancing " He used to tell her everything, and she used to listen in rapt attention. She wondered when that had changed(Genova 186)." This really hurt Alice, that was her husband... From then on, Alice had so much regret and sorrow about having Alzheimers, she soon realized she can not change what has happened. Alice tried to make the most of it, prioritizing things. Knowing that some things will be left undone, but at least she ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Still Alice Alzheimer's Disease Dung Vu Nursing 55 October 6, 2016 "Still Alice" "Still Alice" is about a well–respected psychologist named Alice Howland diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is described as a progressive, incurable disease that destroys memory and important mental functions. Alice displayed many signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, such as mental decline, difficulty thinking and understanding, disorientation, poor concentrating, agitation, forgetfulness, self–care deficits, personality changes, getting lost and wandering, and restlessness. Alice is smart and successful, but everything changes for the worse when she gets diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. In Alzheimer's disease, short–term memory is strongly affected. Alice ... Show more content on ... I was very surprised how much short–term memory is greatly affected. While Alice was looking through her computer, she stumbled onto a file titled "Butterfly", a note that she wrote to herself. In the note, it explained Alice is a great, special woman and if the disease has gotten progressively worse, then it's time to commit suicide by swallowing a bottle of pills. The suicide attempt was unsuccessful because Alice couldn't retain any of the instruction so she wasted a lot of time trying to following direction. When she finally found the bottle, her caretaker came home and started her, which made her spill the bottle of pills. Within seconds, Alice looks confused and forgot what she was trying to do. Overall, the movie portrayed Alzheimer's disease at its best. The movie was able to list all the signs and symptoms, genetic aspect, and the hardship on the patient, family, and friends. I was surprised that Alice had difficulties completing simple sentences and tasks. I was able to experience Alzheimer's disease through Alice and truly understand the difficulties she went through with her family, friends, work, and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Psychological Issues In Still Alice Still Alice is a 2014 Drama film based on the 2007 novel also titled Still Alice. Alice Howland, played by Julianne Moore, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at the young age of fifty. She has a husband who is a physician named John and three children, Lydia, Anna, and Tom. Alice was a well–known linguistic professor at Columbia University. She got lost in one of her jogs around campus, a place she is very familiar of. Alice's doctor diagnoses her with early onset familial Alzheimer's disease. Alice has experiences her memory is slowly fading away, she forgets words in her ow lectures, and has constant daydreams of her sister and mother, (who passed away in a car crash when she was younger). As days go on, her 3 children and her husband watch as their mother and wife slowly fade away from who she is. Alice fights her daily struggles of her mental decay, but to make the most of her remaining time to find happiness with her love ones. John, Alice's husband wanted her and their 3 children to get tested for the gene. Their oldest daughter Anna test results came back positive, meaning she is at risk of developing Alzheimer's like her mother. John becomes upset with Alice about small things, like forgetting important dinner plans, something she cannot help to remember. John has yet to fully accept the reality of what has taken over his wife's life. He wants his life to be how it was before Alice was diagnosed. How John handle the change did not help Alice. She grew frantic ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Analysis Of Still Alice And The Notebook Socioeconomic status is a defining factor in nearly every society around the world. Therefore, it is unsurprising that the issues of class and stratification are manifest in many types of media, including films. Like many nations, the United States operates under the class system. The sociologist Dalton Conley defined the class system as, "an economically based hierarchical system characterized by cohesive, oppositional groups and somewhat loose social mobility" (Conley 249). Still Alice and The Notebook depict social stratification and the struggles between different socioeconomic classes. Still Alice follows the life of Alice Howland, a linguistics professor at Columbia University, as she is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's and fights to retain her memories and relationships. The film is set in modern day America, in which there is a stigma associated with dementia, there is a large degree of gender inequality, and some careers are viewed as prestigious (e.g. doctors and lawyers) while others are condemned by society (e.g. starving artists). The Notebook shares the story of Noah Calhoun as he tries to revive the memories of his wife Allie, who suffers from dementia, by reading her the story of their undying love. While Noah reads to Allie, the movie displays their life in the 1940s. During this time, America was facing World War II, segregation, and a highly stratified society (U.S. Timeline, 1940–1949). When the movie shows elderly Noah and Allie, it takes place in ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Disability In Still Alice Independent film can be examined by 5 terms: "the relation in its work process, it means of production, the financing of its film, its conception of quality films and its system of consumption" (Bordwell, Staiger and Thompson, 1985, p.317). The second film that will argue the representation of a minority group is the independent drama film, 'Still Alice' (2014) directed by Richard Glazer with his partner Wash Westmoreland. Still Alice worked on a smaller budget in comparison to MBY totalling up to only $5 million which was attached to small independent production company, 'Killer Films' which is known to work with independent films. 'Still Alice' offers a form of discourse to represent individuals from a minority group, in particular the film ... Show more content on ... The film unlike MBY offers an authentic portrayal of the disability which critics have praised Julianne Moore roles as Alice, gaining her Academy award for best actress that year. The narrative of the film was praised, due to accuracy of how the symptoms were shown throughout they film, Moore's character would often forget things and would need written props to help her remember, the simplistic presentation of the symptoms of the disease were highly praised as they were lifelike. According to film critic Christy Lemire (2014), that 'Still Alice' doesn't shy away from the terrifying disease that can take away a person memories and the ability to communicate to others. He believes the film message matters and the film has the ability to reach over millions of people who are suffering with Alzheimer's or know of people who are. This argument from Lemire (2014), summaries how independent films do not need to compromise any artistic nor realistic components to tell a heart–breaking story that doesn't shy away from the story nor the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Still Alice Movie Comparison Still Alice is a bleak American film adapted on Lisa Genova´s novel, it takes place in New York City in 2014, with a budget of $4 million dollars. It all started with Alice Howland, which is a professor in the University of Columbia, celebrating her 50th birthday with her husband and her sons. Then she goes to talk to a conference and she starts to forget little things and her memory started to fade; after a while she visited a doctor and she had various brain studies to know what she could possibly have. Alice likes to spend time on her own and to run all over the city. After that the doctors discovered she had Alzheimer´s disease, then the whole plot tells us what is happening with her during the disease. I think this movie is extremely heart–breaking, because I cannot imagine how could it be possible to be a successful woman and lose everything ... Show more content on ... I think `Still Alice´ movie is a great comparison with `The Notebook´, because the both films shows us a very dramatic style of life that we did not even know it could be possible, but at the same time is horrible, also that the family is always with the sick person giving them their support and love all time, so if we find ourselves in a situation like this, wish we will not, we always have to support our family in difficult times. All to all, this movie is one of the best movies you could see, obviously if you like poignant movies and you like to cry during the movie, that is why I recommend you to have a tissue box near, because this movie really broke my heart and I cried so much that I really need Kleenex in that moment, but I did not have, but also to have a very close friend to hold or even just to cry ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Alzheimer's Disease In Still Alice According to the Alzheimer's Association Alzheimer's disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. In 2017 alone, Alzheimer's and other dementias will cost the nation 259 billion dollars. More than five million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease today and every sixty–six seconds someone develops this impactful disease. Alzheimer's disease and other dementias do not only affect the person with the diagnosis alone, but everyone that cares for them as well. Reportedly thirty–five percent of caregivers of people with this disease state that their health has gotten worse due to the care responsibilities they now have to adapt to for their loved one. It is not only life changing for the patient, but for the family and caregiver burden is at high risk with this disease. Still Alice, a film by directors Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland, depicts Alzheimer's disease in an even more rare form of early ... Show more content on ... She is a fifty–year–old well–known linguistics professor at Columbia University that has spent most of her life studying, researching, and expanding her career. She is married to another professor from Columbia University and together they have three children. Her son is in medical school, her older daughter is a lawyer, and her youngest daughter is an inspiring actress that has not found much luck in roles. The movie starts with Alice going to lecture at UCLA about her new research in young children she has been working on. During her speech that I am sure she has done and practiced several times before, she lost her next words mid sentence and jokingly made a comment about that she should not have had a glass of champagne beforehand. This was the first sign the viewer saw Alice forget something familiar she knows by heart, such as her research, her speech, her career. I also like how the director incorporated a joke to cover up Alice's loss of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Still Alice Story About Identity How would you feel? If you wake up and find that you cannot remember your surrounding everything. It is your identity recognition loss that it is much bad thing for lifestyle because identity recognition is thing confirm human existence other than four requisites as if Alice. She is famous professor of linguistics and she has complete family but good things are failing when she finds that she is Alzheimer disease. Still Alice story demonstrate to love from family, individual differences and using technology for troubleshooting. All this involves humanism. Humanism believes that human is all living creatures have mind, love requirement, warmth and understanding from family. You find that Alice is Alzheimer. It makes her forgets self. Physical illness brings about to spiritual illness such as forgetting vocabularies, forgetting route that usually, patient is forgetful. Finally, she loses brain capability and she cannot help herself but she has the best family that they can care and strive to understand her Alzheimer. For example, Anna is oldest child that she has family. She seem selfish but she ... Show more content on ... You find that Still Alice story has various technologies enter to relate and they have much benefit and they help to keep Howland's memory. Although Alice cannot memorize all stories, she has technology that it helps resurrect her memory in the past. For example Alice gets DVD about her remembrance from Lydia that it helps to give her absorb memory. Although her memory disappears, DVD remains to record image, memory and Howland's speech. In conclusion, Still Alice has concernment with humanism include relation in family, private ability and using technology for solving that humanism is value and humanity importance. It seeks for the best life approach. It believes in human is center of everything. Human has attempt, latency, and creation ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Still Alice Humanism The concepts of humanism in Still Alice Humanism is a system of thought that focuses on humans, values and beliefs that is based on the idea that problems can be solved using reason including believes in cooperation of human to achieve greater goals and overcome obstacles. Still Alice is not just a story about Alzheimer's disease, but there conceal with point of humanism. In the story, Alice Howland believes in her potential. She is not feared public speaking. (Still Alice, 2007) "She enjoyed all of the concatenated moments of presenting in front of a listening audience" (p.10) While most people are afraid to speak in public, she love it. Humanism seeks the best approach to human life in the world today. They have drugs for treating ... Show more content on ... Doctors recommend Alice tells her children to check presymptomatic genetic testing. Anna has children planning. She talked with her doctor to protect Alzheimer's disease gene to her children. Alice determine about clinical trail. "A drug called Amylix. It appears to solitube amyloid–beta and prevent its aggregation, so unlike the drugs you're on now, there's the hope that this could prevent the disease from progressing further. (p.155) It is express that human have developed the knowledge and solutions in life. Humanism believes in cooperation of human to achieve greater goals and overcome obstacles. The memory of Alice is fading. She cannot live alone. She started acting like a child such as she cannot find the bathroom because she lost in her own home. "It was the scared, defeated, and unrestrained crying of a small child" (p.168) John does not mind. He gave Lydia detailed instructions concerning Alice's in a daily life. The relationship between Lydia and Alice became better after they have a problem. John wants to move to New York because he have offered the position of chairman of the Cancer Biology and Genetics Program at Sloan–Kettering (p.250) He gives Alice decide to go ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Still Alice I Forget That I Have Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease is a familiar sight to me. I had a sad experience during my work as a nurse in my country Colombia and Spain with Alzheimer disease patients. Day by day I came to know each patient's story because every day they were living the moment without remember the last minute. This is also what happened to Lisa Genova's novel Still Alice. The protagonists is a 50 year old woman, a very well organized, efficient, highly–educated, and smart Harvard professor, wife of a successful man, and the mother of three grown children, who has diagnosed with early–onset Alzheimer's disease. People have learned about the progression of Alice's disease through her reactions, so feeling what she feels– a ... Show more content on ... At the beginning she is angry and depressed with herself because she is forgetting everything that she needs to remember every day, such as a simple and common word. Her emotional changes also affect her relationships with others and her own feelings, because she has a negative behavior with others when she yells or says a word of anger. I think is the way how she shows that she is trying to avoid what is happening in her life with an incurable disease that changes the direction of her life. She feels frustration about her memory problems because gradually she has a restriction of freedom that means she loses privacy and independence in each activity she wants to do. We cannot imagine what she is feeling when she is losing everything she learned, all the way back to basic activities such as the skill to walk, eat, or even use the bathroom. Alice feels frustrated about what she is living, because it is a way to say she is stigmatized with this disease as though she were already dead. On the other hand, and in a positive way, she begins to enjoy her life when she shares more time with her family. She feels curiosity about a future of her children and grandchild, and then she wants to live to enjoy everything, despite she would "be incapable of remembering and executing this kind of plan." (Genova 118). She creates a simple test and games to remember simple things of her life, and she can ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Disease In Lisa Genova's Still Alice Still Alice by Lisa Genova is about a woman named Alice in her 50's who develops early onset Alzheimer's. The diagnosis shocks her and her whole family as she is incredibly intelligent and so young. The novel is about the struggles of her adjusting to the new ways her mind is working and her family trying to figure out how to interact with their changing wife/mother. It shows one woman's progression of the disease and the way it affects how she feels, thinks, acts, and generally changes life as she knows it. One thing I learned from Still Alice is how hereditary the disease is. On page 88 of the novel, the doctor tells her each of her children have a 50% chance of inheriting the mutation that causes the disease and that if you have the mutation, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Commentary On Still Alice By Lisa Genova Genova, Lisa. (2015) Still Alice, Simon & Schuster Ltd: London After gaining a PhD in Neuroscience at Harvard University, Lisa Genova wrote numerous novels themed around her speciality of mental health. Her best–selling novel, 'Still Alice', is written from the perspective of Alice, a successful 50 year old woman with the seemingly 'perfect life'. However, the struggle of accepting a diagnosis of Early–Onset Alzheimer's Disease, whilst fearing the stigmatic effect of its label, causes Alice to question her identity and purpose in life. The title of the book graphically illustrates how, despite being the same person, the identity of someone with Alzheimer's Disease can be forgotten. After watching dementia turn her vibrant and intelligent grandmother into someone who neither recognised herself nor her life, Genova was inspired to write 'Still Alice'. The narrative unfolds from multiple perspectives, ... Show more content on ... 'Still Alice' illustrates the social work dilemma of care versus control and how those in mental distress struggle to access their rights of choice and participation in decisions. Within mental health, lack of inclusion usually occurs because the individual is deemed 'incapable' or their choices are considered poor and pose risk of harm. The author cleverly demonstrates that the mental health label is enough for Alice to feel compelled to justify her motives to others. Alice's mental health is predominantly intact and she is able to articulate her wishes, yet Alice has to argue her case and persuade her doctor that it is safe to prescribe medication. In addition, John, Alice's husband, assumes that sticking to Alice's preferences is in her best interests. When John contradicts Alice's request for coffee by stating 'she'll have tea with lemon', his action undermines Alice's ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Still Alice I Forget That I Have Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease is a familiar sight to me. I had a sad experience during my work as a nurse in my country Colombia and Spain with Alzheimer disease patients. Day by day I came to know each patient's story because every day they were living the moment without remember the last minute. This is also what happened to Lisa Genova's novel Still Alice. The protagonists is a 50 year old woman, a very well organized, efficient, highly–educated, and smart Harvard professor, wife of a successful man, and the mother of three grown children, who has diagnosed with early–onset Alzheimer's disease. People have learned about the progression of Alice's disease through her reactions, so feeling what she feels– a ... Show more content on ... At the beginning she is angry and depressed with herself because she is forgetting everything that she needs to remember every day, such as a simple and common word. Her emotional changes also affect her relationships with others and her own feelings, because she has a negative behavior with others when she yells or says a word of anger. I think is the way how she shows that she is trying to avoid what is happening in her life with an incurable disease that changes the direction of her life. She feels frustration about her memory problems because gradually she has a restriction of freedom that means she loses privacy and independence in each activity she wants to do. We cannot imagine what she is feeling when she is losing everything she learned, all the way back to basic activities such as the skill to walk, eat, or even use the bathroom. Alice feels frustrated about what she is living, because it is a way to say she is stigmatized with this disease as though she were already dead. On the other hand, and in a positive way, she begins to enjoy her life when she shares more time with her family. She feels curiosity about a future of her children and grandchild, and then she wants to live to enjoy everything, despite she would "be incapable of remembering and executing this kind of plan." (Genova 118). She creates a simple test and games to remember simple things of her life, and she can ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Character Analysis Of The Movie Still Alice The movie Still Alice takes place in New York and is about a very well–known linguistics professor who gets diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. At the beginning of the movie we see her at the very beginning stages of her diagnosis. Her symptoms started off very minor. For example, when she gives her speech at UCLA we see that she ends up forgetting what she's trying to say and ultimately loses her train of thought. We also see her start to forget words as well as get lost when she goes for a jog. At that point in time, Alice decides that she needs to see a doctor because she thinks she has a brain tumor. The doctor decides that a MRI is necessary to find out what exactly was going on. At this point in the movie, Alice has not told anyone about what has been going on with her memory or about going to the doctor to get it checked out. Now, it is Christmas time and she is shown preparing Christmas dinner. While cooking she forgets some of the names of kitchen utensils and even forgot that she had already met her son's girlfriend. Therefore, her memory is continuing to deteriorate. After Christmas she goes back to the neurologist where she finds out that she needs to do a PET due to the doctor being concerned about her memory problems. At this time, she decides to tell her husband what is going on as she is starting to get concerned. Shortly after, they are given the new that she does in fact have early onset Alzheimer's and that it is genetic. As the movie continues, we ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Still Alice Summary Still Alice In this assignment, I have the opportunity to write a three page review on the book called "Still Alice". It is indicated that this review is not intended to be a summary of the book, but a critical analysis of the aging issues presented in the work. Therefore, each book review should make relevant connections to information discussed in class or found in the reading. The book is about a woman named Alice Howland who has a great life that she has built for her and her family. However, after her 50th birthday, she declines straight into an early–onset of Alzheimer's disease and she begins to become increasingly disoriented and forgetful. Further, the book is about how Alzheimer's disease changes her life, her relationship with her ... Show more content on ... In the book, readers learn that Alice's mother gave her a butterfly necklace when she was younger. Further, when Alice was a small child, she cried over the idea that butterflies have a really short lifespan. However, Alice's mother felt that a short life did not mean a depressing one but a beautiful one. Therefore, in Alice's mind, she would be like the butterfly, she would have a short life but a beautiful life. In class, I learned about caregivers and the roles that they play. In the book, readers understand the conflict that Alice's husband, John, is experiencing when offered a new position at a different university and his responsibilities to Alice as a caregiver and husband. Therefore, in class we learned that the biggest challenge with spouse's caregiving is adjusting to end of parenting, retirement schedules, financial adjustments, and health changes like dependency, long established roles, and new demands. In the book, it showed that John largely abandoned his wife to the care of their daughter Lydia. It was Lydia, Alice and John's youngest child and the one who had a difficult relationship with her mother in the beginning, who had great compassion and care for her mother. It was also surprising and amazing that Alice's disease brought their relationship back on track. Therefore, some children's caregiver ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Still Alice By Lisa Genova Essay This novel "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova develops the theme of struggle. This is developed through the use of narrator's internal conflict, the setting of the story and symbols. This story is written in the third person from Alice's perspective. In this story, Alice is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease. This passage of the book tells the reader how someone with Alzheimer's disease struggles to find out who they are and what they need. The first literary element that develops the theme of struggle in this novel is internal conflict. Alice woke up on the couch. She'd been napping a lot lately, sometimes twice a day. She couldn't remember when she dozed off. John was home so she decided to go for a run. She told john and they started getting ready. ... Show more content on ... She couldn't remember where's the washroom in her own house. She ran up and down the stairs but she just didn't know where it was. She laid down on the floor and started crying. How Can I Be Lost In My Own House? ( Genova, Pg 210–211) This part of the book explains how Alice is struggling with herself to find simple things around her. In this situation, she was in her own house. It also explains how the people around her might be struggling to see her suffering because of her disease. This literary element was effectively used because it could help the reader understand the book in a better way. Another literary element that was extremely helpful with developing the theme was the setting of the story. This story takes place both in Alice's house and her work which is Harvard University. This passage of the book tells the reader how Alice was lost at her work. Alice had to go work. She looked at the clock it was 6:30. She left the house. She knew she was getting closer to her work. She saw familiar buildings but she didn't wich one is her work. She was standing still. She felt like her memory is completely ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Dementia In Still Alice Still Alice, a film adapted from the novel Still Alice, portrays the progression of dementia through Alice Howland, a linguistics professor, wife, and mother of three. According to the Mayo Clinic (2016), "dementia describes a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with daily functioning". More specifically, Alice is diagnosed with early–onset familial Alzheimer's disease due to her age and genetics. Still Alice includes many examples in Alice's deteriorating episodic, semantic, skill, and working memory. Though Alice uses strategies to fight the deterioration, the Alzheimer's eventually rids her of any form of memory. However, Still Alice could be modified to provide a more comprehensive ... Show more content on ... To further accentuate Alice's cognitive degeneration, a scene could be added involving her new grandchildren. In the movie, Alice meets Anna and Charlie's twin babies for the first time, just after they were delivered in the hospital. Upon their birth, Charlie was hesitant to let Alice hold them due to her mental state, so this scene will further that specific plot line. The scene would take place at their house in New York, after they have returned from an extended stay at their beach house. John has just received his offer from the Mayo Clinic, and Lydia is planning to fly in from Los Angeles to stay with her mother. Alice is still trying to comprehend the idea of John taking a new job in a new state, as she was hoping he would take a sabbatical and spend a year with her during her time of declining cognition. Anna and Charlie pay their parents a visit and bring along their new children, Allison and Charlie Jr. The doorbell rings and John opens the door to let Anna and Charlie in. The couple and their children move to the living room to sit on the couch with Alice. "Ann", Alice says, thinking that her deceased sister is seated across from her. "Mom, it's Anna", she replies, as she hands one of the twins to her mother. "What beautiful babies! Are you babysitting them? Are you their nanny?" Alice asks, receiving a puzzled look from the others. "Alice", John says quietly, "these are your grandchildren, Anna and Charlie's twin babies". Alice stares down at the infant in her arm as the realization sets in, and a small tear rolls down her cheek. At this point the scene fades out and cuts to the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Still Alice Paper Dementia refers to the loss of brain function and Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia. It normally attacks old people, but research shows that even the young and energetic can suffer from dementia. Though not totally clear, it is said to be caused by the genes and the environment. Alice Howland is a highly esteemed professor at Harvard University living comfortably with John Howland her husband and three children. The first signs of dementia start showing up when she can't find her cell phone and she thinks this is normal as her husband normally misplaced his keys, then she becomes disoriented in her home town, and is baffled when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in its early stages. We feel for Alice because how she ... Show more content on ... While she is out running, something happens and she can't trace her way back home in a place where she has lived for twenty five years! After sometime, things click into place and she finds her way home but this is enough to scare her into seeing a doctor, it is very weird and she finds it hard to explain hence she ahead to see a Doctor diagnosed her with mild dementia (Lisa 2010). She is by the doctor, she is a carrier of a mutated gene responsible for the disease and that there is a possibility that her children could be carrying the disease too. There is a scene where we are presented with Alice who wants to go put for a run with the husband and yet she cannot even put on her own sports bra, she screams and the husband comes in only to find her with underwear over her head. Alice herself cannot understand why she cannot put on her own sports bra something she's done a million times and these draws us to know that the disease is taking a toll on her is when she laughs at this so hard (Lisa 2010). The husband notices that something is amiss with Alice when she doesn't seem to keep track of conversations in a party they were invited and forgets the names of the people she had been earlier introduced to. When she was preparing for the lecture she took forty five minutes preparing and when she gets into the class she has no idea about what she had prepared. She tries to cover up for the memory loss by every means possible. She ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Still Alice : Film Analysis Of The Film Still Alice Introduction The emotion evoking 2014, film titled Still Alice featured the many challenges a family residing in New York City faced following the matriarch's, Alice Howland, diagnosis of a rare form of familial Alzheimer's disease. The film opened with Alice and her Husband, John, celebrating Alice's fiftieth birthday along with two of their three grown children, Anna and Tom, as well as their son–in–law, Anna's husband, Charlie. The couple's third child, Lydia, was not present at the birthday dinner, as she was aspiring to be an actress and resided in California. Within minutes of the opening scene Alice's mild cognitive impairments became apparent through her marked confusion while communicating with Anna and Charlie. As the film progressed, Alice herself, a renowned doctor of linguistics and college professor, quickly became cognizant of her own declining cognitive ability as she struggled with mundane tasks, such as imparting a lecture at the University of California Los Angeles. The subsequent concerning episode, where Alice became disoriented and fearful in due course while out for a run on the campus where she had taught for years and was therefore familiar with it's geography, ultimately encouraged her to seek care from a neurologist. As the film unfolded, Alice became open with her family regarding her recent diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, fears and struggles. John who was physician, Anna who was a lawyer, Tom who was a medical student and Lydia an aspiring ... Get more on ...
  • 35. How Does Still Alice Howland Use Alzheimer's What would you do if someone in your family have Alzheimer's? Still Alice is the story about Professor Alice Howland who has the Alzheimer's disease and a former professor at Harvard University. In all actuality, nobody wants to lose the memories deteriorate. From the short story have many scenes that can be found from the central character "Alice Howland" that related to the humanism. The point can be interpreted and associated with the humanism is speaking of the Alzheimer's Associational in the opening plenary presentation at Boston. It is program for the annual Dementia Care Conference According to Alive as she stood on the podium, she said that "the neural pathway I use to try to understand what you are saying, what I am thinking, and what is happening around are gummed up with amyloid. I struggle to find the words I want to say and often hear myself saying the wrong ones." (p.281) From this text reflected, Alice believed that although she was Alzheimer's disease, but she tried to ... Show more content on ... Moreover, she also added "I am a wife, mother, and friend, and soon to be grandmother. I still feel, understand, and am worthy of the love and joy in those relationship. I am still an active participant in society." (p.282) From this text reflected, Loss of memory's Alice that do not make she feel worthless and enjoyable, and she has a good relationships in her family which showed that the symptoms of Alice is not a difficulty for her. She can also coexist happily with the others in society. In addition, Alice said that "I am someone living with Alzheimer's. I want to do that as well as I possibly can" and "I may never be able to retrieve what I've already lost, but I can sustain what I have. I still have a lot" (p.283) from this text Alice believed ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Non-Diegetic Techniques In Still Alice Still Alice is a film about Alice Howland who is a professor at Columbia University majoring in linguistics. The plot begins to climax when Alice firstly forgets a word during a lecture and during a jog she does everyday, she became lost. Alice visits her doctor and is diagnosed with early onset Familial Alzheimer's Disease. The director .......... has used Sounds, Costumes and Cinematography in the film to develop the character of Alice Howland and encourage audiences to connect with her. Non–diegetic sound is important in films as a technique for audiences to understand the specific emotions of a scene. Sound also is used as a technique to evoke an emotional response from the audience. Non–diegetic sound is only used in the film to highlight ... Show more content on ... As Alice's Alzheimers progresses, her costumes change to reflect the progression of the disease. At the beginning of the film Alice's character presents as a well–dressed middle–aged woman wearing clothes that suited her body type and her everyday life. An example of this is at the beginning of the film when Alice had to do presentation she was neat and well dressed in business attire for her age. Gradually throughout the film her clothing became more underdressed and her appearance became more dishevelled. When Alice and her husband John are at their family beach house Alice is portrayed wearing basic clothing such as a plain black tee and jeans. This is in stark contrast to the professional clothing that Alice is dressed in as a university lecturer at the beginning of the film. This highlights how important costume is as a technique to reflect the storyline and character development. By the end of the film Alice is physically unable to dress herself. Alice's husband, John dresses Alice to visit their daughter in hospital who just had twin babies. Costume is particularly demonstrated and pronounced in this scene particularly when comparing to the beginning of the film where Alice is a highly independent and well dressed professional. Costumes play a major role in the development of Alice Howland throughout her journey of having early onset Alzheimer's disease. At the start of the film ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Still Alice Every year, the number of people with Alzheimer's doubles every 5 years beyond the age of 65, and as of 2013, 13 million Americans were suffering from this disease (CDC). Still Alice, written by Lisa Genova is about a woman in her fifties who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease. She is a very successful woman with three kids and a loving husband. She had a great career as a cognitive psychology professor at Harvard, but that came to an end when this disease took over her brain. As the story reads on you learn about her thoughts and overcome her hardships along with her as she fights against this disease. You experience the losses she and her family did from Alzheimer's. This book gives you insight into the brain of someone who ... Show more content on ... It was also hard to keep track of time, it was hard to know how much her disease had progressed. Another reason you may not enjoy this book is because if you have never known anyone suffering from the disease or have any relationship with it, it may be hard to connect with the characters and their struggles. It may sound tedious or over dramatic, but in reality, it is as scary as forgetting where you live and walking into your neighbor's house instead of your ... Get more on ...
  • 38. A Literary Analysis Of Still Alice A Literary Analysis of Still Alice Still Alice (Genova, 2009) is a captivating debut novel about a 50–year–old woman's sudden decline into early onset Alzheimer's disease. The book is written by first time author Lisa Genova, who holds a PH.D in neuroscience from Harvard University. She's also an online columnist for the national Alzheimer's association. Her other books include Left Neglected and Love Anthony. She lives with her husband and two children in Cape Cod. The theme of the book is related to the early onset Alzheimer's disease and how the main character, Alice Howland's quality of life or in other words her lifestyle is affected due to the disease she is diagnosed with (Genova, 2009). The novel sheds light on the lives of those ... Show more content on ... 150). Anna is Alice's oldest daughter; she's a successful lawyer and is married to Charles, also a lawyer. Anna is strong and fiercely independent just like her mother. Anna deals with her mother's disease by suggesting that if her mom "thinks for a second" then maybe she'll be able to remember things (p. 173). Anna, however still makes time to care for her mom when her dad is away. Alice's only son Tom is a minor character in the book. He is present during family gatherings and important moments e.g. when Alice discloses that she has Alzheimer's disease (p. 103). He deals with his mom's diagnosis by being distant. The main antagonist in the book is Alice's youngest daughter Lydia Howland. She defies the family's educational tradition and chooses to take acting classes in Los Angeles in hopes of becoming an actor. Lydia's decision causes a lot of conflict between her parents. She's the only one that refuses to participate in the Alzheimer's genetic testing. However, as Alice's condition deteriorates, Lydia becomes the most valuable player of the family; she becomes Alice's number one advocate. She doesn't try to "test" Alice's memory but is there for her when she needs her (p. 162). The relationship between Alice and Lydia improves. Lydia eventually listens to her mother's advice and enrolls at Brandies University to study theater (p. 258). The imagery in Still Alice is ... Get more on ...