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Go Ask Alice Research Paper
Aliah Colobong
World Lit
Mrs. Evans
Getting hooked on illegal drugs could lead to a lot of bad decisions. Once addicted to drugs, it
becomes impossible to restrain yourself and resist the urge to do it again. Not only that, doing drugs
that aren't prescribed will encourage you to spiral into depression, have increased anxiety, and other
forms of mental illness, more so than prescribed drugs. Though both types of drugs, illegal and
prescribed can and will negatively impact you and the people around you and make you lose control
of yourself– physically and mentally.
Go Ask Alice is a book about a young girl who has been heavily affected by drugs and her decisions.
It's in the form of Alice's diary and her road to recovery. Herdrug more content...
There are even celebrities who died by drug overdose, ("Alcohol and Drugs: Untimely Celebrity
Deaths.", n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.). Beloved Whitney Houston was only 47
when she died of an overdose in 2012. She drowned while intoxicated and high on cocaine.
Influential singer, Amy Winehouse, died of alcohol poisoning at only the age of 27. Well
star, Marilyn Monroe died of suicide by overdosing on prescription drugs in 1962. Not only do
people die, there are cases where inspirational celebrities become victim of the negative impact
drugs can do to you. In 2014, Michael Phelps, in incredible Olympics swimmer, was suspended by
USA swimming for about six months, due to a picture of him doing marijuana five years back
surfaced. These are only a select few celebrities that have had serious consequences because of
drugs, but there are many
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Essay about Go Ask Alice By Anonymous
Teenagers of every race, religion, and clique relate deeply to the words of the anonymous teenager
within the book Go Ask Alice, by an anonymous girl whose life enters a place where, as most
teenagers, she has no idea who to turn to, or where to go. "Oh dear god, help me adjust, help
me be accepted, help me belong, don't let me be an outcast and a drag on my family,"
(Anonymous, 13). With these words, we are accepted into the girl's life, and into her heart and
mind. I chose this quote because it is one quote that I think relates to the theme. She writes in her
diary about her life, and her diary is like a best friend. It is someone she can spill all of her secrets to
and something to express her feelings. Everyone needs more content...
Once this girl started with the drugs, she could not stop. As soon as she tried the first drug, it lead
to all of the other drugs and things that she did. Her first time doing the drug was an accident, and
she did not know, but she made the wrong choice in continuing to do them. She said it gave her a
feeling of belonging and love that she had never felt before. If her parents or her close friends had
paid more attention to her, then some of the events that happened would not have happened. Her
heavy drug use lead to her runaway from home to the streets, involvement in crime, her prostitution,
and her visit to the insane asylum. She found a "best friend" (Chris) – one that would
give her drugs – and they decided to runaway and leave their family and friends to start their own
shop in San Francisco. They thought they could not handle their parents telling them what is right
and what is wrong, but that is what they needed to hear. They were naive in thinking they could live
their lives alone without any rules or any authority.
This teenager caused a lot of stress on her family and friends. When she ran away, she never
realized that her parents and siblings would spend their time worrying about her. It caused them
stress and depression because of her negative behavior. She was inconsiderate to her most loved
people, her grandma and grandpa. They truly cared about her and they were let down by the life she
was living. Some
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Go Ask Alice
Go Ask Alice is a famous frequently challenged journal by "Anonymous", an impressionable
teenage journalist that details her fall into the depths of drug culture within the late 1960s and
early 1970s. This novel was published in 1971 by Prentice Hall and although, it has been claimed
to be taken from a real diary, there's significant evidence that proves that the journal was
fabricated and a work of fiction. Beatrice Sparks, one of the editors of the book is most likely the
true author of Go Ask Alice and wrote it as a way to persuade teens to not pursue reckless decisions.
The book is highly suspicious and does not portray youth accurately or keep the story authentic. The
most prominent example being when Alice goes on a rant about adolescent risk–taking statistics that
her drug counselor told her in the class. There is little to no chance that a teenager would remember
such finely worded details to later cite within their journal, but there are more content...
She's recently moved due to her father's new job at a larger university and is dealing with the
changes that come along with uprooting yourself from where the majority of your life has taken
place. She's incredibly self–conscious about her weight and has little to no friends. During the
summer after several long and excruciating months of loneliness, Alice happens to run into one of
her old acquaintances while she's staying with her grandparents and is invited to a yearbook
signing party. Alice is beyond ecstatic but party is not all it's cracked up to be and Alice's coca–cola
is spiked with LSD without her consent. This small action sets off a chain of irresponsible events
that lead to Alice's forced admission into a mental hospital near the end of the book. These reasons
and many more are essentially the foundation for why this book has been challenged numerous
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Go Ask Alice Essay
Go Ask Alice is not just any other novel, it is written in the form of a diary. What also makes this
novel interesting is that it's claimed to be taken from an actual diary. And because of that it
caused a sensation back in 1971 when it was first published. Although some people believe it is
not taken from an actual diary, still to this day it doesn't have an author: it is written by
Anonymous. The plot of this novel is based around a 15 year old girl who starts writing in a diary
about her day to day struggles and happiness. When the novel begins, the main character who is
known as Alice is just an ordinary girl with teenager concerns. Alice is an innocent girl who falls
into a group of kids headed into a destructive path. She became seduced by the mind and mood
alternating effects of drugs such as LSD, heroine, marijuana, bennies, and dixies. Alice didn'
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As kids get older they get exposed to so many new things. And that is what the novel is showing
the reader. The novel allows the reader to view how Alice grows up in 2 years and all the things
she goes through. Another important theme is difficulties of communication. Alice is never able to
talk to anyone about her feelings which is why she writes in a diary. Also drugs and alcohol are a
reoccurring theme because those are the two things that mess with Alice's life the most. Identity is
also a main theme because there is quite some soul searching and self–indulgent whining in the
novel. Alice definitely has an almost non–existent self–esteem, so her sense of identity is determined
by the people she surrounds herself with. And the last theme that stands out more than others is lies
and deceit. One of them main ways Alice is able to pull off her shenanigans is because of a healthy
dose of self–deception and some series denial. The whole time she is doing wrong things, she is
lying to herself and her loved
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Go Ask Alice Summary
To summarize, "Go Ask Alice" is the diary of an anonymous adolescent girl, whom will call Alice.
Alice focuses on a variety of difficult adolescent issues: her crush, parents, school, sexuality, and
weight. When Alice learns that her father accepts a teaching position at a university and the family
will move at the start of the new year, her spirts pick up. The move proves to be difficult for Alice,
and she begins to feel like an outcast when the rest of her family adjusts to the move. Eventually,
Alice becomes friends with Beth and the two become best friends. However, when summer comes
Beth leaves for camp and Alice goes to stay with her grandparents. After Alice arrives at her
grandparents, she is bored but soon reunites with Jill, more content...
Chris smokes marijuana, and Alice goes back on drugs. The police raid Chris's house and the
girls are put on probation. However, Alice continues to do drug. She decides to leave and travels
with other drug users to Oregon. While at a Salvation Army, Alice meets Doris, a sexual abuse
victim, who lets her stay with her. Together, Alice and Doris hitchhike to southern California,
where Alice takes prostitutes herself for drugs. Alice talks with a priest about teen runaways, and
he calls her parents. They want her to come home. When Alice returns home, she vows to quit
drugs and start over with her family. She is happy, expect for her social isolation. She avoids the
drug users, and the "straight" students don't want anything to do with her. Around this time her
grandfather dies due to a stroke. She imagines his body underground being disturbed by maggots
and worms. She builds a relationship with her father and spends her time at his university, where he
is a professor. In the university library, Alice meets Joel. He meets her family and they approve of
him. She begins to fall for him, and dreams about marrying him. Soon after, Alice's grandmother
dies. Joel, whose mother has passed away, has a long talk about death with Alice. She shares her
passed and he is
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Go Ask Alice Essay example
Go Ask Alice!
Alice is fifteen, white, middle, class. She diets, she dates. She loves Roger but the most time he
doesn’t notice her. If she would ever sleep with a boy she would sleep with him. Alice
hates her look. She wants to be pretty and slim. Lately she loses fascination about all things. School
is boring and she doesn’t even go to parties.
Her parents want to move. Her Dad is invited to become the Dean of the Political Science at – .
Alice is happy and is not hard for her to leave the old school. But she misses her old house and her
grandparents who she calls gramp and gran. Alice has a brother called Tim and a sister Alexandria.
The two are younger than Alice. At her new school it is horrible for her. more
In the holidays she sees Roger. She feels strange after she has slept with Bill. Alice takes pills to
feel better. She feels horrible and tired. She is afraid of being pregnant but than her period starts.
Beth comes home from camp, but she is hardly the same the same person and she met some Jewish
jerks, that she’s going with.
Alice feels lonely but Roger writes her some letters. Alice gets to know Chris
Chris takes drugs too and she works in a shop where are the flippiest clothes are sold. Chris has a
boyfriend named Ted and Alice gets to know Richie. Alice and Chris want to move to San
Francisco and to look for jobs. Alice loves her family and she wants to leave them, because she
doesn’t want to know them which person she is. At first its pretty horrible in San
Francisco. Their (flat) stiffing little one room apartment is clammy and damp. They cant find
good jobs. But finally Alice takes a job in some crappy little lingerie store. Chris takes a job in the
boutique from Sheila. Sheila is very attractive and the owner of the shop. Alice gets more homesick
every day, but she is afraid of telling Chris. She quiets her job and gets a job at Mr. Maria Mellani
who is very fat and jolly man. Alice adores her job and Mellani is like second family father for her.
Alice gets to know Mr. Mellanis family and for the first time she feels happy in San Francisco.
Sheila has parties nearly
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Go Ask Alice Book Report
One of the most influential books that I have ever read was a diary–based novel called Go Ask
Alice. Go Ask Alice, which is also based on a true story, changed my view on life in so many
ways. I have had a very troubled past, and at one point in my life, I had debated on running away.
As I was reading this book, I learned all about this Alice girl's life. She was a typical teenager,
sweet and smart, and of course had boy troubles. Unfortunately, Alice had trouble fitting in
sometimes, and when she was invited to a party, of course she went. Alice ended up drinking a can
of soda with some type of drug, and after that, she was hooked. As my life was going downhill, in
the book, so was Alice's life. Alice had eventually become completely addicted
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Go Ask Alice Analysis
Initially, after reading Go Ask Alice by Anonymous, I quite enjoyed the book; it is good at showing
how difficult life can be, and the language was understandable enough that the reader could
sympathize with the protagonist after reading about her ample, outlandish trials and tribulations.
Upon a closer, second, examination, however, I was not so keen to love the book, for the language
is definitely not that of an adolescent – much less a fifteen year old girl. Additionally, the turn of
events also seemed like one big plot device, trying to sway teenagers away from drugs, instead of
personalizing the issue and getting on the level of those for which the book was created in the first
place. I am sure that drug users have fallen victim to unwanted abuse while under the influence of
their chosen drug, and some have even run away from home at a young age. This story, however,
seemed like a bunch of tragic stories compiled together in one novel, seemingly based off of
Murphy's Law. Everything bad that could happen did happen to the unfortunate teenager who played
the harrowed protagonist to this story, and that seem too convenient to more content...
As a ploy to dissuade teens from doing drugs and running away from suburban life, it does its job –
and does it well – but as an actual novel there was much to be desired. This book was so obviously
an anti–drug propaganda piece when I looked closer at it and that turned me off to really connecting
with the narrator. The teen in this story was not three–dimensional which irks me immensely; she
was a prop to be used, and, though this novel had good intentions, it was not as realistic as it could –
or should – have
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Go Ask Alice Society
Society can be cruel; and Alice could tell you all about it personally. In Go Ask Alice by Beatrice
Sparks, a 15 year old girl finds herself struggling within the battle against society and their brutal
ideals. All Alice wanted was a happy life but this can be hard to achieve within the unforgiving
surroundings in the novel which can also be seen in society today. Many connections can be made
to the book and real life through Alice's experiences and the actions of those around her.
Throughout the book Go Ask Alice, reflections on society can be seen through Alice's interpretation
on the world, how adults respond to Alice's behavior and situation, and how the book ends. The first
place that the book can be seen reflecting on society more content...
"I'm scared witless inside about going back to school but Joel and my new super straight friends
and they'll help me" (Sparks 213). This part of the book helps show that Alice has learned from
her experiences and is working to become the person that she wanted to be. She now is able to
get help from others instead of hiding her feelings and problems from the world. This connects to
society as people as a whole generally learn from the things they go through in life to become a
better person. "Diaries are great when you're young. In fact, you saved my sanity a hundred,
thousand, million times. But I think when a person gets older she should be able to discuss her
problems and thoughts with other people" (Sparks 213). This passage also supports the idea of
the book connecting to society as Alice has found a way to feel better about life. This also occurs
within life for many people as we are constantly searching for a way for life to be better and more
comfortable for ourselves and others. In conclusion, the ending of the book helps to support the idea
of the book connecting to society in real
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Go Ask Alice Essay
Go Ask Alice
Have you ever had a problem? I'm sure you have because everybody sometime in there life does.
The book I read Go Ask Alice by an anonymous author is all about problems, conflicts, and how to
deal with them.
I would give a lot of information on the author if that was possible, but the author is anonymous so I
can not do so.
From the very first page I had a hunch that this book was about a drug addiction problem.
(page 1). That was a very moving quote for me. I am not sure exactly why but I guess because it
shows how dangerous drugs can more content...
They bought a Spanish type house and they took pictures. She said it will take three or four days
for the pictures to get back. That kind of gives you some perspective on the time period because
now a days it only take an hour.
She went on a diet and lost three pounds but her mother will no longer let her diet because she thinks
that it was not healthy for her.
She wishes she could be like her mother someday. She wonders what it is like to "going all the
way" and she wishes she could talk to her mother about things like that.
So far the conflict has not been stated.
All of Alice's relatives met at her old house for Christmas. Alice felt wanted. She wishes that she
could always feel that way.
They finally got moved in there new house on January fourth.
There she goes again crying about how her first day of school was miserable and how she gained 15
pounds. She made no friends, nobody talked to her, and everybody stared at her and made her
Both of her siblings made friends there own age.
She finally made a friend named Beth. They have a lot of things in common. There is
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Essay about Go Ask Alice
Go Ask Alice, written by an anonymous author, is a diary kept by a
fifteen–year–old drug user. The author, through this book, doesn't wants his readers to
look for advise in it, but to learn about the real world in which some teenagers have to live
through. Alice, the main character, made the worst mistake ever and radically changed
her life around to fit in with the crowd . She is soon exposed to drugs, sex and violence. It
is a battle that Alice can win, but sometimes as much as you want something, the
environment around you can pull you back. The author emphasizes the fact that you
should never trust anyone, not even your own shadow. You never know what life has
prepared for you, and sometimes it's not always the more content...
Both Chris
and Jan make a huge impact on Alice's life.
Alice was a non–drug user and detested those who were into drugs. She was an
innocent young girl who was surrounded by a healthy environment . Once she begins
hanging around the "cool" crowd, her positive attitude begins to fall. She is no longer,
that girl who obeyed her parents and didn't keep anything behind their backs. The cause of
her change was caused by the atmosphere in which she revolved in. At one of Jan's
parties, Alice gets handed a glass of LSD mixed with Coke. Alice got drugged that night
and once she found out the cause of her being so happy that evening, she thought LSD
was the most amazing thing in the world. Alice became addicted to drugs and was rapidly
introduced to many others types. Alice dramatically changes from a pure child, in the
beginning of the book, into a rebel teenager who has let herself be influenced by friends.
Alice's drug addiction drives her along with her family insane. She has to fight a
truly hard battle in order for her to start a normal life again. Alice tries very hard, but the
kids at school only seem to bring her deeper into the hopeless hole. She has her family
supporting her, but the other kids encourage her to continue the drug life and
only lead her to disaster. Every time she tried to get out of her addiction, she was drawn
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Go Ask Alice Essay

  • 1. Go Ask Alice Research Paper Aliah Colobong World Lit Mrs. Evans 3.3.17 Getting hooked on illegal drugs could lead to a lot of bad decisions. Once addicted to drugs, it becomes impossible to restrain yourself and resist the urge to do it again. Not only that, doing drugs that aren't prescribed will encourage you to spiral into depression, have increased anxiety, and other forms of mental illness, more so than prescribed drugs. Though both types of drugs, illegal and prescribed can and will negatively impact you and the people around you and make you lose control of yourself– physically and mentally. Go Ask Alice is a book about a young girl who has been heavily affected by drugs and her decisions. It's in the form of Alice's diary and her road to recovery. Herdrug more content... There are even celebrities who died by drug overdose, ("Alcohol and Drugs: Untimely Celebrity Deaths.", n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2017.). Beloved Whitney Houston was only 47 when she died of an overdose in 2012. She drowned while intoxicated and high on cocaine. Influential singer, Amy Winehouse, died of alcohol poisoning at only the age of 27. Well –known star, Marilyn Monroe died of suicide by overdosing on prescription drugs in 1962. Not only do people die, there are cases where inspirational celebrities become victim of the negative impact drugs can do to you. In 2014, Michael Phelps, in incredible Olympics swimmer, was suspended by USA swimming for about six months, due to a picture of him doing marijuana five years back surfaced. These are only a select few celebrities that have had serious consequences because of drugs, but there are many Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Go Ask Alice By Anonymous Teenagers of every race, religion, and clique relate deeply to the words of the anonymous teenager within the book Go Ask Alice, by an anonymous girl whose life enters a place where, as most teenagers, she has no idea who to turn to, or where to go. "Oh dear god, help me adjust, help me be accepted, help me belong, don't let me be an outcast and a drag on my family," (Anonymous, 13). With these words, we are accepted into the girl's life, and into her heart and mind. I chose this quote because it is one quote that I think relates to the theme. She writes in her diary about her life, and her diary is like a best friend. It is someone she can spill all of her secrets to and something to express her feelings. Everyone needs more content... Once this girl started with the drugs, she could not stop. As soon as she tried the first drug, it lead to all of the other drugs and things that she did. Her first time doing the drug was an accident, and she did not know, but she made the wrong choice in continuing to do them. She said it gave her a feeling of belonging and love that she had never felt before. If her parents or her close friends had paid more attention to her, then some of the events that happened would not have happened. Her heavy drug use lead to her runaway from home to the streets, involvement in crime, her prostitution, and her visit to the insane asylum. She found a "best friend" (Chris) – one that would give her drugs – and they decided to runaway and leave their family and friends to start their own shop in San Francisco. They thought they could not handle their parents telling them what is right and what is wrong, but that is what they needed to hear. They were naive in thinking they could live their lives alone without any rules or any authority. This teenager caused a lot of stress on her family and friends. When she ran away, she never realized that her parents and siblings would spend their time worrying about her. It caused them stress and depression because of her negative behavior. She was inconsiderate to her most loved people, her grandma and grandpa. They truly cared about her and they were let down by the life she was living. Some Get more content on
  • 3. Go Ask Alice Go Ask Alice is a famous frequently challenged journal by "Anonymous", an impressionable teenage journalist that details her fall into the depths of drug culture within the late 1960s and early 1970s. This novel was published in 1971 by Prentice Hall and although, it has been claimed to be taken from a real diary, there's significant evidence that proves that the journal was fabricated and a work of fiction. Beatrice Sparks, one of the editors of the book is most likely the true author of Go Ask Alice and wrote it as a way to persuade teens to not pursue reckless decisions. The book is highly suspicious and does not portray youth accurately or keep the story authentic. The most prominent example being when Alice goes on a rant about adolescent risk–taking statistics that her drug counselor told her in the class. There is little to no chance that a teenager would remember such finely worded details to later cite within their journal, but there are more content... She's recently moved due to her father's new job at a larger university and is dealing with the changes that come along with uprooting yourself from where the majority of your life has taken place. She's incredibly self–conscious about her weight and has little to no friends. During the summer after several long and excruciating months of loneliness, Alice happens to run into one of her old acquaintances while she's staying with her grandparents and is invited to a yearbook signing party. Alice is beyond ecstatic but party is not all it's cracked up to be and Alice's coca–cola is spiked with LSD without her consent. This small action sets off a chain of irresponsible events that lead to Alice's forced admission into a mental hospital near the end of the book. These reasons and many more are essentially the foundation for why this book has been challenged numerous Get more content on
  • 4. Go Ask Alice Essay Go Ask Alice is not just any other novel, it is written in the form of a diary. What also makes this novel interesting is that it's claimed to be taken from an actual diary. And because of that it caused a sensation back in 1971 when it was first published. Although some people believe it is not taken from an actual diary, still to this day it doesn't have an author: it is written by Anonymous. The plot of this novel is based around a 15 year old girl who starts writing in a diary about her day to day struggles and happiness. When the novel begins, the main character who is known as Alice is just an ordinary girl with teenager concerns. Alice is an innocent girl who falls into a group of kids headed into a destructive path. She became seduced by the mind and mood alternating effects of drugs such as LSD, heroine, marijuana, bennies, and dixies. Alice didn' more content... As kids get older they get exposed to so many new things. And that is what the novel is showing the reader. The novel allows the reader to view how Alice grows up in 2 years and all the things she goes through. Another important theme is difficulties of communication. Alice is never able to talk to anyone about her feelings which is why she writes in a diary. Also drugs and alcohol are a reoccurring theme because those are the two things that mess with Alice's life the most. Identity is also a main theme because there is quite some soul searching and self–indulgent whining in the novel. Alice definitely has an almost non–existent self–esteem, so her sense of identity is determined by the people she surrounds herself with. And the last theme that stands out more than others is lies and deceit. One of them main ways Alice is able to pull off her shenanigans is because of a healthy dose of self–deception and some series denial. The whole time she is doing wrong things, she is lying to herself and her loved Get more content on
  • 5. Go Ask Alice Summary To summarize, "Go Ask Alice" is the diary of an anonymous adolescent girl, whom will call Alice. Alice focuses on a variety of difficult adolescent issues: her crush, parents, school, sexuality, and weight. When Alice learns that her father accepts a teaching position at a university and the family will move at the start of the new year, her spirts pick up. The move proves to be difficult for Alice, and she begins to feel like an outcast when the rest of her family adjusts to the move. Eventually, Alice becomes friends with Beth and the two become best friends. However, when summer comes Beth leaves for camp and Alice goes to stay with her grandparents. After Alice arrives at her grandparents, she is bored but soon reunites with Jill, more content... Chris smokes marijuana, and Alice goes back on drugs. The police raid Chris's house and the girls are put on probation. However, Alice continues to do drug. She decides to leave and travels with other drug users to Oregon. While at a Salvation Army, Alice meets Doris, a sexual abuse victim, who lets her stay with her. Together, Alice and Doris hitchhike to southern California, where Alice takes prostitutes herself for drugs. Alice talks with a priest about teen runaways, and he calls her parents. They want her to come home. When Alice returns home, she vows to quit drugs and start over with her family. She is happy, expect for her social isolation. She avoids the drug users, and the "straight" students don't want anything to do with her. Around this time her grandfather dies due to a stroke. She imagines his body underground being disturbed by maggots and worms. She builds a relationship with her father and spends her time at his university, where he is a professor. In the university library, Alice meets Joel. He meets her family and they approve of him. She begins to fall for him, and dreams about marrying him. Soon after, Alice's grandmother dies. Joel, whose mother has passed away, has a long talk about death with Alice. She shares her passed and he is Get more content on
  • 6. Go Ask Alice Essay example Go Ask Alice! Alice is fifteen, white, middle, class. She diets, she dates. She loves Roger but the most time he doesn’t notice her. If she would ever sleep with a boy she would sleep with him. Alice hates her look. She wants to be pretty and slim. Lately she loses fascination about all things. School is boring and she doesn’t even go to parties. Her parents want to move. Her Dad is invited to become the Dean of the Political Science at – . Alice is happy and is not hard for her to leave the old school. But she misses her old house and her grandparents who she calls gramp and gran. Alice has a brother called Tim and a sister Alexandria. The two are younger than Alice. At her new school it is horrible for her. more content... In the holidays she sees Roger. She feels strange after she has slept with Bill. Alice takes pills to feel better. She feels horrible and tired. She is afraid of being pregnant but than her period starts. Beth comes home from camp, but she is hardly the same the same person and she met some Jewish jerks, that she’s going with. Alice feels lonely but Roger writes her some letters. Alice gets to know Chris Chris takes drugs too and she works in a shop where are the flippiest clothes are sold. Chris has a boyfriend named Ted and Alice gets to know Richie. Alice and Chris want to move to San Francisco and to look for jobs. Alice loves her family and she wants to leave them, because she doesn’t want to know them which person she is. At first its pretty horrible in San Francisco. Their (flat) stiffing little one room apartment is clammy and damp. They cant find good jobs. But finally Alice takes a job in some crappy little lingerie store. Chris takes a job in the boutique from Sheila. Sheila is very attractive and the owner of the shop. Alice gets more homesick every day, but she is afraid of telling Chris. She quiets her job and gets a job at Mr. Maria Mellani who is very fat and jolly man. Alice adores her job and Mellani is like second family father for her. Alice gets to know Mr. Mellanis family and for the first time she feels happy in San Francisco. Sheila has parties nearly Get more content on
  • 7. Go Ask Alice Book Report One of the most influential books that I have ever read was a diary–based novel called Go Ask Alice. Go Ask Alice, which is also based on a true story, changed my view on life in so many ways. I have had a very troubled past, and at one point in my life, I had debated on running away. As I was reading this book, I learned all about this Alice girl's life. She was a typical teenager, sweet and smart, and of course had boy troubles. Unfortunately, Alice had trouble fitting in sometimes, and when she was invited to a party, of course she went. Alice ended up drinking a can of soda with some type of drug, and after that, she was hooked. As my life was going downhill, in the book, so was Alice's life. Alice had eventually become completely addicted Get more content on
  • 8. Go Ask Alice Analysis Initially, after reading Go Ask Alice by Anonymous, I quite enjoyed the book; it is good at showing how difficult life can be, and the language was understandable enough that the reader could sympathize with the protagonist after reading about her ample, outlandish trials and tribulations. Upon a closer, second, examination, however, I was not so keen to love the book, for the language is definitely not that of an adolescent – much less a fifteen year old girl. Additionally, the turn of events also seemed like one big plot device, trying to sway teenagers away from drugs, instead of personalizing the issue and getting on the level of those for which the book was created in the first place. I am sure that drug users have fallen victim to unwanted abuse while under the influence of their chosen drug, and some have even run away from home at a young age. This story, however, seemed like a bunch of tragic stories compiled together in one novel, seemingly based off of Murphy's Law. Everything bad that could happen did happen to the unfortunate teenager who played the harrowed protagonist to this story, and that seem too convenient to more content... As a ploy to dissuade teens from doing drugs and running away from suburban life, it does its job – and does it well – but as an actual novel there was much to be desired. This book was so obviously an anti–drug propaganda piece when I looked closer at it and that turned me off to really connecting with the narrator. The teen in this story was not three–dimensional which irks me immensely; she was a prop to be used, and, though this novel had good intentions, it was not as realistic as it could – or should – have Get more content on
  • 9. Go Ask Alice Society Society can be cruel; and Alice could tell you all about it personally. In Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks, a 15 year old girl finds herself struggling within the battle against society and their brutal ideals. All Alice wanted was a happy life but this can be hard to achieve within the unforgiving surroundings in the novel which can also be seen in society today. Many connections can be made to the book and real life through Alice's experiences and the actions of those around her. Throughout the book Go Ask Alice, reflections on society can be seen through Alice's interpretation on the world, how adults respond to Alice's behavior and situation, and how the book ends. The first place that the book can be seen reflecting on society more content... "I'm scared witless inside about going back to school but Joel and my new super straight friends and they'll help me" (Sparks 213). This part of the book helps show that Alice has learned from her experiences and is working to become the person that she wanted to be. She now is able to get help from others instead of hiding her feelings and problems from the world. This connects to society as people as a whole generally learn from the things they go through in life to become a better person. "Diaries are great when you're young. In fact, you saved my sanity a hundred, thousand, million times. But I think when a person gets older she should be able to discuss her problems and thoughts with other people" (Sparks 213). This passage also supports the idea of the book connecting to society as Alice has found a way to feel better about life. This also occurs within life for many people as we are constantly searching for a way for life to be better and more comfortable for ourselves and others. In conclusion, the ending of the book helps to support the idea of the book connecting to society in real Get more content on
  • 10. Go Ask Alice Essay Go Ask Alice Have you ever had a problem? I'm sure you have because everybody sometime in there life does. The book I read Go Ask Alice by an anonymous author is all about problems, conflicts, and how to deal with them. I would give a lot of information on the author if that was possible, but the author is anonymous so I can not do so. From the very first page I had a hunch that this book was about a drug addiction problem. "SUGAR & SPICE & EVERYTHING NICE; ACID & SMACK & NO WAY BACK" (page 1). That was a very moving quote for me. I am not sure exactly why but I guess because it shows how dangerous drugs can more content... They bought a Spanish type house and they took pictures. She said it will take three or four days for the pictures to get back. That kind of gives you some perspective on the time period because now a days it only take an hour. She went on a diet and lost three pounds but her mother will no longer let her diet because she thinks that it was not healthy for her. She wishes she could be like her mother someday. She wonders what it is like to "going all the way" and she wishes she could talk to her mother about things like that. So far the conflict has not been stated. All of Alice's relatives met at her old house for Christmas. Alice felt wanted. She wishes that she could always feel that way. They finally got moved in there new house on January fourth. There she goes again crying about how her first day of school was miserable and how she gained 15 pounds. She made no friends, nobody talked to her, and everybody stared at her and made her uncomfortable. Both of her siblings made friends there own age. She finally made a friend named Beth. They have a lot of things in common. There is Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Go Ask Alice Go Ask Alice, written by an anonymous author, is a diary kept by a fifteen–year–old drug user. The author, through this book, doesn't wants his readers to look for advise in it, but to learn about the real world in which some teenagers have to live through. Alice, the main character, made the worst mistake ever and radically changed her life around to fit in with the crowd . She is soon exposed to drugs, sex and violence. It is a battle that Alice can win, but sometimes as much as you want something, the environment around you can pull you back. The author emphasizes the fact that you should never trust anyone, not even your own shadow. You never know what life has prepared for you, and sometimes it's not always the more content... Both Chris and Jan make a huge impact on Alice's life. Alice was a non–drug user and detested those who were into drugs. She was an innocent young girl who was surrounded by a healthy environment . Once she begins hanging around the "cool" crowd, her positive attitude begins to fall. She is no longer, that girl who obeyed her parents and didn't keep anything behind their backs. The cause of her change was caused by the atmosphere in which she revolved in. At one of Jan's parties, Alice gets handed a glass of LSD mixed with Coke. Alice got drugged that night and once she found out the cause of her being so happy that evening, she thought LSD was the most amazing thing in the world. Alice became addicted to drugs and was rapidly introduced to many others types. Alice dramatically changes from a pure child, in the beginning of the book, into a rebel teenager who has let herself be influenced by friends.
  • 12. Alice's drug addiction drives her along with her family insane. She has to fight a truly hard battle in order for her to start a normal life again. Alice tries very hard, but the kids at school only seem to bring her deeper into the hopeless hole. She has her family supporting her, but the other kids encourage her to continue the drug life and only lead her to disaster. Every time she tried to get out of her addiction, she was drawn Get more content on