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Stigma Of Mental Illnesses
Mental illness is a very common part of society today yet, we brush it under the rug and avoid
facing the reality of it. This topic relates to society because those who do not not have mental illness
are also affected by the stigma of mental illnesses. All the different parts of society all view mental
illness slightly differently but it's almost always negative. The mental illness i'm using for this essay
would be the "common" disorders. This includes depression, anxiety, adhd, bipolar, and
schizophrenia which are the most common. About 1 in 5 adults in the US has in someone been
affected by mental illness at one point in their life. This essay will explain the different views of
different social groups and their thoughts on mental illnesses
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The Impact Of Mental Illnesses . Mental Illnesses Have
The Impact of Mental Illnesses Mental Illnesses have plagued our society for centuries. In fact, it is
a more common disease than people realize, "Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.–43.8 million,
or 18.5%–experiences mental illness in a given year." (Nami, org). Despite the prevalence of mental
illnesses, the stigmas associated with them are still very strong to this day, this is a result of the
deinstitutionalization of mental healthcare facilities. Many Americans who suffer from mental
Illness do not receive treatment, "Only 41% of adults in the U.S. with a mental health condition
received mental health services in the past year. Among adults with a serious mental illness, 62.9%
received mental health services in the past year" ... Show more content on ...
Kreig breaks each perspective down by the beliefs that it has and explains how deinstitutionalization
had effect on the community, the duty that people had to help these people, and rights of the
individual. The consequences of this drastic shift in healthcare were many, homelessness, increase
of suicide rates, risk of altercations with other members of society and their own family , patients
avoiding treatment and patients not receiving the type of care that they desperately need. This
process was revolutionary to the way we as society viewed those who were mentally ill. In his
paper, Markowitz compared data on the possible relations between mental illnesses and violent or
criminal behavior. He briefly touched on the impact that the change in the healthcare systems had,
"in the aftermath of deinstitutionalization, prisons and jails have supplanted public psychiatric
hospitals as institutions of social control of the mentally ill ." (Markowitz 2011). Since this change,
our prison systems have taken in a lot of these people, "it is estimated that there are now more than
three times as many persons with mental illness in jails and prisons than in psychiatric hospital. . .
The most recent study puts the estimate of the percentage of inmates with a history of mental health
problems in jails at 64% and at 56% for state prison inmates, with 50–60% reporting current
symptoms". (Markowitz, 2011, para. 8)
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Mental Illnesses In Australia
Mental illness is a health problem which affects a persons' thoughts, behaviours, feelings and
interactions with people. There are different types of mental illnesses, with different degrees of
severity. Some major types of illnesses include; schizophrenia, anxiety, bipolar mood disorder,
eating disorders, personality disorders and depression (Government of Western Australia Mental
Health Commission, 2010). Mental illnesses result from complex interactions between the body,
mind and surrounding environment of a person. Some factors which can influence mental illness
include; biological factors such as hormones and genetics, use of alcohol and drugs, long term and
acute stress, social and personal factors such as family breakdowns, violence, ... Show more content
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In Australia, the National Mental Health Policy aims to reduce the effect of mental health problems
and mental illness, including the impact of stigmas on families, the community and more so on the
individual itself (Commonwealth of Australia 2008) (Sane Australia, 2013). For ongoing reduction
of stigmas, the report Work Wanted: Mental Health and Workforce Participation further emphasises
that the Australian government should form a national education campaign with the aim to reduce
stigma and discrimination in Australian workplaces, schools and communities (Commonwealth of
Australia, 2012) (Sane Australia, 2013). The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC)
launched a project Opening Minds in 2009 to reduce the stigma of mental health conditions and to
identify and evaluate anti stigma programs held around the country and assess their effectiveness
and potential to be continued on nationally (Whalen,
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Two Types Of Mental Illnesses
A person who is diagnosed with a mental illness is faced with challenges daily. Although many
disorders are highly treatable some are not as much. Mental disorders cause abnormal thinking and
perceptions. They are known to affect thinking, mood, and behavior. There are two– hundred
different types of mental illnesses. The most common types are Anxiety disorders, Mood disorders,
Psychotic disorders, Obsessive– compulsive disorders, and Personality disorders. Two types of
disorders that are very different from one another are mood disorder depression and psychotic
disorder schizophrenia. While depression is linked to undersupply of serotonin, schizophrenia is
linked to oversupply of dopamine. Although they are different in the behavioral
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Mental Illnesses Analysis
Regarding what is known as, "mental illness" makes it hard to believe or not to believe that mental
illness is real and not a myth. With the ongoing changes that are made to diagnosing patients as well
as the symptoms they "must" encounter, it is hard to know exactly what medical abnormalities
would fall under this category to be diagnosed with what is known as a mental illness. Do to the
various definitions and meanings that fall under "mental illnesses" I would have to say that I agree
and disagree with what Thomas Szasz has written. Szasz has some great points but many that I
disagree with. Doctors, as well as, medical experts diagnose individuals with what they are thought
to be as mental illnesses. But how is a mental illness diagnosed
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Mental Illnesses
The Impact of Mental Health Illnesses on Daily Functioning Mental illnesses can have many
debilitating effects on the afflicted individual and their social system, these circumstances can
develop from the symptoms of the illness itself as well as the stigma emanating from other's
perception of the illness. Connell and Brazier (2014) recruited 19 individuals within the United
Kingdom's mental health services to participate in semi–structured interviews that revealed seven
domains of quality of life (well–being versus ill–being, hope, relationships and a sense of belonging,
autonomy, activity, self–perception, and physical health). In terms of activity, the interviewees
mentioned benefits that can be reaped from of being productive and engaging ... Show more content
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Connell and Brazier (2014) also mentioned how the interviewee's perception of ill–being derived
from the negative symptoms caused by their illness limits participation to more mundane and stress–
free situations as an effort to prevent potentially exacerbating or triggering their symptoms, despite
the fact that participation in a more diverse and challenging occupations can improve their quality of
life in the long term. Occupational therapists possess the toolset to introduce clients into more
stress–free activities and slowly grade up the activities in a comfortable manner so the client can
slowly learn how to develop strategies and behaviors to deal with more challenging situations or
tasks. Working with animals can also create a more relaxed and calming atmosphere, reducing the
severity of negative symptoms through distraction and their natural allure. This interaction may also
garner increased interest and investment in the therapeutic activity. The distraction that animals help
convey can become a teaching moment for the client to later rely on other objects, people, or in
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Essay On Mental Illnesses
According to NAMI, The National Alliance of Mental Illness 1 in 5 adults experience a mental
health condition yearly. 1 in 20 people live with a serious mental illness like, schizophrenia or
bipolar disorder. Not only does the person who is directly experiencing a mental illness suffer, but
the family, and friends are also highly affected. NAMI states that 50% of mental health conditions
begin by age 14 and 75% of mental illnesses develop by age 24. Each year, 1 in 5 children from the
ages 13–18 experiences a mental illness reported by NAMI. That's a large amount of our young
generation. Three out of four people with a mental illness report that they have experienced stigma,
a mark of disgrace that sets a person apart according to the ... Show more content on
At his White House conference on mental illness, Obama said, "We whisper about mental health
issues and avoid asking too many questions. The brain is a body part, too. We just know less about
it. And there should be no shame in discussing or seeking help for treatable illnesses that affect too
many people that we love." It is normal to become emotional with this situation. It's not abnormal to
not understand and know how to deal with this. All of us can make a difference to end this stigma.
End this silence and use your powerful voice. Do not label or judge people with a mental illness.
Treat them with respect as you would want to be treated. As our first step forward we must get the
conversation started. We can take steps today that will have a significant impact on improving the
lives of the next generation and others to come. We have the opportunity to make a difference during
our lifetimes that will carry on, be the change, and take the
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Mental Illnesses And Its Effects On Mental Illness
Mental illnesses are generally characterized by changes in mood, thought, or behavior. They can
make daily activities difficult and impair a person's ability to work, interact with family, and fulfill
other major life functions (SAMHSA, 2015). Contemplated early on in history, treatments for
mental illness looked to cure the reflections of the anger of gods, demonic possession, sorcery, the
evil eye, or an angry deity, responded with equally mystical, and brutal treatments (Nash, 2007).
Attempts to treat mental illness date back as early as 5000 BCE as verified by the discovery of
trephined skulls in regions of ancient world cultures (Porter, 2002, p. 10). Only a few realized that
individuals with mental illness should be treated humanely rather than exorcised, punished, or
banished. Psychiatry has come a long way since the days patients were shunned from society and
shackled in asylums. Experiments and techniques for treating mental illness from ancient times to
the turn of the 20th century have paved the way for the treatment plans used today.
The history of mental illness represents the ways in which trends in psychiatry and cultural
understanding of mental illness influence thoughts and attitudes towards mental health. The earliest
records of mental illness show that many cultures have viewed it as a form of religious punishment
or demonic possession. In ancient Egyptian, Indian, Greek, and Roman writings, mental illness was
categorized as a religious or personal
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Mental Illnesses In Adolescents
In cities around the world, teenagers and young adults alike constantly worry about their work, their
future opportunities, and social contact with their peers and coworkers. They emotionally and
mentally exhaust themselves over trivial matters due to society's pressure to do well. With the
constant feeling of stress, these individuals develop mental illnesses and disorders that immensely
affect their behavior. These illnesses can range from anxiety disorder, stress disorder, depression, to
even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, unlike physical illnesses, many health
professionals tend to disregard mental illnesses, labeling them as simply a figment of insanity. The
lack of emotional and mental counseling for urban youth is detrimental ... Show more content on ...
According to an article titled Teenage Mental–Health Crisis by Geraldine Bedell, it states: "Rates of
depression and anxiety among teenagers have increased by 70% in the past 25 years. The number of
children and young people turning up in A&E with a psychiatric condition has more than doubled
since 2009 and, in the past three years, hospital admissions for teenagers with eating disorders have
also almost doubled / In a 2016 survey for Parent Zone, 93% of teachers reported seeing increased
rates of mental illness among children and teenagers and 90% thought the issues were getting more
severe, with 62% dealing with a pupil's mental–health problem at least once a month and an
additional 20% doing so on a weekly or even daily basis". The age group most affected by mental
disorders are adolescents, more often living in urban areas than suburban. The majority of these
adolescents are students stressed over exams, their future opportunities, social acceptance, and
expectations placed on youth by society. Adults are aware of this, however, many do not employ
help from counselors to speak to the troubled youth. Perhaps exams are unavoidable in the school
system, but it is possible to console students and let them know that their test scores do not define
them, listen to their troubles, and offer advice. A large fraction of the population does not realize that
mental illness is not a joke. It is
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Used To Diagnose Mental Illnesses
The U.S. Department of health and human services exclaims that "Mental health includes emotions,
psychological and social well–being of the body. These affect how everyone thinks, feels and acts"
(Aspa). The U.S department of health and human services also states that "emotions and well–being
of the body is an important stage of life from childhood to adolescence through adulthood".
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, "43.8 million adults experience mental illness
each year and nearly 10 million, or 1 in 25 adults, are living with a serious mental illness." As a
result, The American Psychiatric Association has identified and classified these mental illnesses into
four categories; anxiety, mood disorders, bipolar disorders ... Show more content on
In Advocating For Psychotherapy, doctors prescribe medication, therapy sessions, and sometimes
the doctors would like the patient to receive both. However, Doctors prescribe patients different
types of medication based on how the illness has progressed. "Medication will have different effects
on children than adults." The Two major reasons are size and age. Adults are more sensitive than
kids, due to their bodies processing slowly. Therefore, adults need to take lower dosages than
children". According to American Psychotherapy Association, "the percentage of outpatient mental
health visits that involved only medication jumped from 44 percent to 57 percent between the time
periods 1998 and 2007" (Advocating For Psychotherapy). Using psychotherapy involves regular
counseling, which can be in a group or a one on one setting, which can vary in techniques.
Psychodynamic therapy lets the patient focus on his or her subconscious, emotions and behavior
problems. Patients can also take cognitive–behavioral therapy. This therapy focuses on how there is
a pattern to their thinking and behavior. Lastly, there is drug therapy, which lets patients live a
normal life with little to no psychological therapy ("Mental Disorder"). The outcome of
psychotherapy is significant in the long run. Generally, the more therapy a patient receives, the more
mentally stable he or she will become. Diagnoses and
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Mental Illnesses In The 1800s
During the 1800s, treating individuals with psychological issues was a problematic and disturbing
issue. Society didn't understand mental illness very well, so the mentally ill individuals were sent to
asylums primarily to get them off the streets. Patients in asylums were usually subjected to
conditions that today we would consider horrific and inhumane due to the lack of knowledge on
mental illnesses.
In Bly's time, mental illnesses were not taken seriously. Bly described the asylum she was admitted
to as overcrowded, cold, and dirty (ch. 7). It defeated the purpose of trying to give extra attention to
those in need. It was easy to get admitted into an institution, but nearly impossible to make it out
because the treatment was not treatment. ... Show more content on ...
Nurses are very kind and respectful. They assist patients with their showers and provide them with
additional care if needed. Most of the time, patients are allowed to wear their own clothes. Food is
much like hospital food, which consists of 2 entrees with a choice of salad, sandwich, and dessert
bar. As for activities and daily schedules, patients are given the opportunity to paint, color, and
exercise during their free time. Within business hours of the day most patients attend therapeutic
sessions with educated therapists. Overall, Conditions in asylums today are drastically different than
asylums in the 1800s due to the better understanding of mental illnesses. As time goes on and
technology advances, society will continue to advance in it's knowledge of mental
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Myths About Mental Illnesses
An estimated amount of 450,000,000 people in the world are affected by some form of mental
illness, that's 54 times the amount of people that live in New York City. Around 41,000 individuals
die due to mental illness each year, and out of all those people only 1,250,000 of them make contact
with treatment services. Many people, including those suffering from them believe several myths
about mental illness that are not true. One myth is mental illness is uncommon, actually mental
illnesses affects almost 1 in 4 Americans, mental illness can strike at anytime to anyone. Myth:
Being suicidal means i'm crazy, suicidal thoughts do not mean you're crazy it just means that you
might be suffering from a mental illness, being suicidal can be ... Show more content on ...
If we start seeing mental illness as what it is an illness, then will can save hundred among thousands
of people lives that would have ended their lives. " Depression in not selfish. Anxiety is not rude.
Schizophrenia is not wrong. Mental Illness isn't self–centered, any more than a broken leg or the flu
is self–centered. if your mental illness makes you feel guilty, review the definition of "illness"and
try to treat yourself with the same respect and concern you would show to a cancer patient or a
person with pneumonia
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Mental Illnesses : A Mental Health Disorder
Mental illnesses are brain diseases rooted in biology. Approximately one in every four adults has
experienced a mental health disorder according to the Huffington Post. National Alliance on Mental
Illness (NAMI) statistic identified mood disorders as the third most common cause for
hospitalization in the U.S. for youth and adults. Mental illness compared to other chronic diseases is
far more complicated and subjective. This serious and objective health problem has become
increasingly obvious recently. In the past years, increasing numbers of children and adolescents
experienced emotional disorders. The question of whom or what is responsible for this problem
requires understanding the factors affecting the illness in the fields of biology, ... Show more content
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Mental disorders are a wide range of mental conditions that influences a person's thinking, feeling,
mood or behavior. The most common types of disorders include: major depression, anxiety disorder,
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and ADHD
among others. Symptoms of mental illness range from mild to severe depending on different
experiences of the individual. Though common results include experiencing difficulty and
struggling to cope with daily life activities if the disorders are left untreated. The exact cause of
mental disorders are not yet known, however, through advanced research in the past decade,
researchers now view the conditions as being caused by a combination of psychological, biological,
and environmental factors. "A mental health condition isn't the result of one event. Research suggest
multiple, interlinking causes," NAMI explained. Some people experiencing a stressful lifestyle,
unhealthy environment, and biological genetic factors combined may be more susceptible to
developing a mental health condition (Mental Illness Basics). Research has also shown that people
who have experienced traumatic life events will also be more susceptible to being the victim of a
crime. Statistics show that of the one in every twenty people who live with a serious mental illness,
50% begin to show symptoms by
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Mental Illnesses In America
INTRODUCTION Mental illness is common in more than 7% of the world. The top two mental
illnesses in America are depression, and generalized anxiety disorder. The brain is changing in more
than 7% of the world. I don't think the brain can be changed by just one single thought. The brain is
made up of so many different parts that it would have to have multiple different aspects to change in
order to switch from a normal to diseased brain. SEARCH STORY I have family members with
mental illnesses, which is probably why I am so interested in this topic but I never really wanted to
do research on this up until around the summer. My sister has two mental illnesses which were
diagnosed this year, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, the ... Show more content on ...
They feel as if they can not and will never reach this simple task. They feel like they are unable to
feel normal, they have it in their head that they will always be this way. Medicine will only help for
so long before they go back to the way they were before. Those who have both anxiety and
depression are put on medication to help stop the thoughts, but sometimes they are affected by the
medicine in a bad way and cannot seem to get better. Sometimes those who are put on medication
try to slowly work their way off of it and can not go through because they are worse than before
they started. They have not only one mental illness weighing them down, but two. and it's hard to
have that many thoughts running around in your head. These diseases are not the same
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Stigmatization Of Mental Illnesses Essay
"A stigma is a distinguishing mark, establishing a border between a stigmatized person and others
attributing negative characteristics to this person." (Baumann, 2007) There are many different
factors that take part in the stigmatization of mental illnesses, however the greatest contributor is the
social distance that is created within society between individuals with a mental illness and those
without. There are two mind–sets that can increase a person's willingness to socially distance
themselves from the mentally ill. The first mindset is that mentally ill individuals are different and
therefore should be separated. The second mindset is that mentally ill individuals are perceived as
violent and this creates a need for separation with regards ... Show more content on
(Feldman and Crandall, 2007) Society has a want to protect themselves from anything they see as a
dangerous. The common idea that people that have a mental illness are dangerous is creating a
division in the world. Although the ideas may be false it is very difficult to change a popular
opinion. Since the 1950's American's have increased the belief that mental illnesses cause the
mentally ill to become violent. (Feldman and Crandall, 2007) To change these popular beliefs and
reduce the stigmatization around mental illness it is necessary to bring more awareness to all mental
illnesses. The social distancing disconnects people and does not allow for society to see how a
mental illness affects an individual. The false popular opinions are all that people really know about
mental illnesses. People suffering from mental illnesses are isolated and viewed as strangers in
society. They are viewed as dangerous or aggressive, which increases the likelihood of being
discriminated against. These two factors will lead to social distancing, which is the greatest
contributor of the stigmatization of mental illness. Without creating awareness of mental illnesses,
the stigmatization is likely to remain the same and there will always be a separation between those
with a mental illness and those
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Counseling and Mental Illnesses
Since the time of the earliest civilizations, humans sought guidance and help from others regarding
mental illness. The Ancient Greeks were the first to scientifically understand the causes of mental
illness and propose rudimentary techniques as remedies. During the 20th century, mental illness
experienced significant medical reform, creating a new idea that involved the mentally ill attending
therapy sessions led by an experienced and educated therapist or counselor. Over the centuries,
counseling therapeutic techniques, education, and employment evolved and will continue to adapt to
the latest societal needs. Early civilizations, including, the Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, and
Egyptians, believed that mental illness occurred because a demon took possession of the victim's
body. To avoid further possession, leaders or healers performed exorcisms. The exorcisms' purpose
was to make the host body so unbearable, accomplished by either flogging, starvation, prayers, and
vomiting induced drugs, that the demon would leave (Lundy 13). Around 900 B.C., a Greek
physician named Hippocrates proposed an intuitive theory regarding the causes of mental illness. He
theorized that abnormal behavior resulted from traumatic brain injury or disease. He also believed
that heredity and social stresses were other causing factors (Lundy 14). Two thousand years later
after Hippocrates' death, rudimentary medical schools and physicians developed new remedies
stemming from Hippocrates' influence.
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Mental Illnesses In Hamlet
Knowledge is power. Imagine living in poverty and not understanding or knowing that you need
help. Mental Illness can include addiction, depression, schizophrenia, and more. Having mental
health problems can be tricky, sometimes it can be hard to spot the symptoms, which is why having
the knowledge and resources can be very helpful to those in need. The government provides many
programs to help the underprivileged: food stamps, shelter, child support, etc. But you never really
hear about the government helping those with a mental illness. Mental Health America says that
"76% of youth are left with no or insufficient treatment." (Mental Health America) The government
should make it a priority to help those living in poverty with mental illnesses. ... Show more content
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Hamlet almost hurt his mother "I will speak daggers to her but use none" (Shakespeare). He also
killed Polonius, which led to a series of unfortunate events. Ophelia started to go crazy and took her
own life, Laertes came back to avenge his father but ended up dying at the end along with Claudius,
Hamlet, and Gertrude. Because no one cared about Hamlet and Ophelia due to their mental health
issues I feel like this resembles how the government acts towards those in poverty. Someone could
have talked to them, or gave them positive attention. Like the poverty they really didn't know what
was going
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Essay On Mental Illnesses
There are many mental disorders that have different effects on people and are sometimes determined
to have had an influence in some crimes. If these mental illnesses are truly what caused the
perpetrator to act out on these crimes, do they deserve to receive the help that they need and are
there any solution to help deter future crimes involving the mentally ill? If so, fixing the problem
could prove to be difficult, the community should assume a portion of the responsibility in the
finding of a solution to help not only the mentally ill but also protect anyone on the other side of
these crimes. The criminal justice system does not always handle the mentally ill properly.
According to Theodore Dalrymple there are many crimes that go unrecorded that are committed by
people with mental illnesses. (Dalrymple) It is said that these crimes go unpunished or are not dealt
with simply because they are believed to be under psychiatric treatment. This reasoning alone does
not justify not dealing with the problem, these people are in need of help which they cannot receive
by being left out on the streets. These people being left out would not only be bad for themselves but
possibly others as well. The problem does not only occur out in streets but also within the prisons.
According to Christine ... Show more content on ...
There needs to be a better understanding of these mental illnesses that these people can get the
support that they need. By further understanding what these illnesses are doing we are able to help
not only those suffering from these illnesses but also those that they might hurt. Notwithstanding the
crime that was committed, they should receive the treatment needed not only as a way to help
themselves but also doing so as a way to further help any current and future people who share these
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Mental Health Treatment Of Mental Illnesses
Approximately 20% of all children show at least minimal impairment from a mental health illness
(Odar, C. o., Canter, K., & Roberts, M. m. 2013). Around 31% of girls and 42% of boys between the
ages of 9 and 16 years old meet the criteria of at least one mental health illness (Costello, E. J.,
Mustillo, S., Erkanli, A., Keeler, G., & Angold, A. 2003). Some of these illnesses may include
schizophrenia, bipolar disease, depression, etc. These illnesses may require continuous care and
treatment for many years and can be very costly. There are many problems when it comes to the
treatment of mental illnesses. Some of these problems are access, cost and funding, and the delivery
of care.
The first problem with mental health treatment is access. ... Show more content on
The cost of outpatient treatment is expensive. Most psychiatrists' offices and hospitals require high
copayments and deductibles if the treatment is covered under the patient's insurance plan. But
according to a report done by the Center for Disease Control, people with serious mental illnesses
are less likely to have health insurance, so they would be required to pay even more money out–of–
pocket if they decide to receive treatment (Cohn, J. 2015). The funding required for treatment is also
a big issue. In the early 20th century, insurance companies did not cover mental health care at all.
Eventually, they started adding mental health coverage, and by the 1980s, managed care was
introduced and was lowering costs (Cohn, J. 2015). But patients were concerned that these lower
prices were compromising the quality of care.
The quality and delivery of care is another mental health problem in the healthcare system. Due to
the Mental Health Parity Act of 2008, insurers are required to provide the same coverage for both
mental health treatment and medical/surgical treatment (Burns, J 2014). This could cause insurers to
limit the length of stay for all patients in hospitals or residential care and could cause more
readmissions to occur. It could also cause all patients to receive insufficient treatment.
Having little access to treatment or care can affect both patients and providers. It makes it harder for
patients to receive
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The Effects Of Mental Illnesses
Mental illnesses greatly affect the lives of those they attack. However, those who are free from the
captivity of mental illnesses are generally unaware of the destruction caused by them. Mental
illnesses, such as anxiety and depression, take hold of people's lives and determine the way they go.
Unfortunately, mental illnesses are not taken seriously. Many believe that mental illnesses are "just a
phase" that people will naturally recover from. In today's society, anything that is "abnormal" is
suppressed. Sadly, this is true for mental illnesses. Those suffering from mental illnesses are
"hidden," in a sense, from the "normal" world. Mental illnesses are viewed as abnormal, and those
that hold this view wish to restrict those with mental illnesses from ... Show more content on ...
According to society, mental disorders and illnesses are abnormal. This mindset is caused by the
stigma shrouding mental conditions. However, what does "abnormal" really mean? Merriam–
Webster, one of the oldest and most common dictionaries, defines abnormal as "deviating from the
normal or average" (Merriam–Webster). If something truly is not common, thus normal or average,
then it must, by definition, be "abnormal." This raises an important question: how common are
mental illnesses? The answer to this question will help determine if mental illnesses are truly
"abnormal." According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, "Approximately 1 in 5 adults in
the U.S. ... experiences mental illness in a given year" and "Approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18
(21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life" (Mental Health By The
Numbers). Thus, while some would consider mental illnesses to be uncommon or insignificant,
mental illnesses are actually quite prevalent in this broken
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National Alliance On Mental Illnesses
There are many organizations that have a huge impact on society, the one I chose to write about is
the National Alliance on Mental Illness, also referred to as NAMI. NAMI is the most popular mental
health organization. Members of this organization work hard to better the lives of those affected by
mental illnesses. The National Alliance on Mental Health has four priorities, those are educating,
advocating, listening, and leading. Mental health is a growing topic that is hard to ignore, this is
because organizations like the NAMI have offered many educational tools in hopes of teaching
society what mental illnesses are and how to help people struggling with mental illnesses. This
organization advocates for others suffering mental illnesses, ... Show more content on ...
The NAMI has shown society how serious mental illnesses are, if one of these many illnesses is left
untreated it can lead to even more serious things. Anxiety and Depression are a deadly combination
and unfortunately, 20% of the teen population experiences and over 25 million Americans
experience it every year. Both of these mental illnesses are hard to handle and often end in suicide,
90% of people who commit suicide have a mental disorder and 50% of these suicides are caused by
depression. Every day around 121 people kill themselves and with society's help, we can end this.
Also, both of these mental illnesses can lead to eating disorders and other serious health issues.
Once everyone realizes how serious mental illnesses are, the more help these people will
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Common Mental Illnesses
Mental illnesses are illnesses that change or alter a person's thinking, feeling or mood, abilities to
learn or focus, and relate to others. Basic daily functions become excruciatingly difficult.
Experiences are different depending on patients and the disorder they may have. The most common
mental illnesses include attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, depression,
schizophrenia, and anxiety. Symptoms of mental illness vary depending on the patient and their
disorder. Common symptoms include: confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate, extreme
mood swings, thoughts of suicide or homicide, alcohol and/or drug abuse, etc. Symptoms can often
result physical issues such as stomach pains, headaches, nausea, and back
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Media Influence On Mental Illnesses
Vincent Van Gogh, Marilyn Monroe, Emily Dickinson, Beethoven and Buzz Aldrin are all renowned
professionals in their field of work, recognized and respected by people all around the world.
Although their incredible accomplishments are most memorable in people's minds, what few people
realize is that all of these inspirational, historical figures also showed signs of having bipolar
When prompted about their opinion on mental illnesses, it is common for most people to use words
such as violent, erratic, or unpredictable. Hearing people jump to such harsh conclusions about
mental illnesses raises the question about where these stereotypical, and inaccurate views came
from. The simple answer is the media. With the world as technological as it is today, people often
become influenced or gain certain opinions due to what the media and press show as well as hide
from the public.
Often times the media's inaccurate portrayal of individuals with bipolar disorder is all that the
average person is exposed to. In television shows and movies the characters with mental illnesses
are created as people who ... Show more content on ...
Although this show is a crime drama, the majority of the criminals have some degree of a mental
illness causing them to perform such heinous crimes. Seeing hundreds of mentally ill people destroy
the lives of others, the viewer gains a very specific and generalized view about mental illnesses.
This causes viewers to jump to the conclusion that every person with bipolar disorder must be prone
to violence. The reality of this is that, according to statistics, less than 20% of individuals with
bipolar disorder have ever actually had a violent episode. As with other acts of violence, there are
numerous contributing factors other than mental illnesses causing individuals to act out, such as
drug and alcohol abuse, poor influences, as well as lack of crucial
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Mental Illnesses In The Media
A large number of myths perpetuated by the news media, television, film, and newspaper industries
about mental illnesses. These myths which are created by these industries not only do damage to the
public's attitude toward the mentally ill but also to those who suffer from mental illnesses; to the
point that they will not even seek treatment because of the fear of discrimination. The following are
some of the most common myths portrayed in the media, film, and television industries
(Tartakovsky): 1. Those with mental illnesses are violent. But, studies have proven just the opposite.
People with mental illnesses are less likely to offenders of violence but more likely to be victims of
it (Tartakovsky). 2. The mentally ill are unpredictable.
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Mental Illnesses In Canada
Over the past decades, mental health has become a prominent social issue. People around the world
suffer from mental illnesses. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) reports
approximately 20% of Canadians will have a mental illness within their lifetime Fortunately, society
has become educated towards this dilemma. We now have clubs/ programs that inform about the
problem. We hear that more and more plans towards improving mental health are already in the
works (while some have been completed). Just like every social issue, mental illnesses do carry
some controversy. However, this controversy may be the reason that many do not seek help for it.
Apparently, around 50% of Canadian citizens who felt that they suffered from any ... Show more
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From personal experience, I had a couple friends who have gone through various mental illnesses
like depression and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There may not been a
scientific or logical approach towards analysing one's mental health. It does not make it anymore
real. I have witnessed a bunch of people go through this. They were known to be pretty normal and
easy going to others. When it came to me, they did not have to put up their facade. After they
confided in me with the truth, it only became clearer just how upset and depressed they really were.
At times, they do not really need to say anything. You can sense the vibe of self hatred and
extremely thoughts just pulsing through their brain. Society does not need any scientific evidence to
prove that someone is feeling emotions of resentment, sadness, anger, or grief. We can see through
one's behaviour; Maybe that person may actually reveal their true thoughts to the world.
Nevertheless, mental illness is a real problem. Having the stigma that mental disorders might not
exist can only stop those suffering from getting the treatment that they need. Removing the thought
that mental illness is merely an "illusion" can go a long
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Mental Illnesses And Mental Health
Introduction World Health Organization (WHO, 2014) defines Mental health as a state of well–
being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of
life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
Whereas Mental illnesses (MI) are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood or behavior
associated with significant distress and impaired functioning (Health Canada, 2012). MI affects
people of all ages, educational and income levels and cultures. Example of MI includes depression,
anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors. According to Center for
addiction and Mental Health (CAMH, 2009) 2% of the total population in the world are affected by
serious MI. Moreover, Public Health Agency Canada (PHAC, 2012) claims that 1 in 5 Canadians
will experience a MI in their lifetime and remaining 4 will have a friend, family member or
colleague who suffers from mental illness. It is a well–known and accepted statistic 20% of people
with mental disorders have a co–occurring substance use problem (PHAC,2012). According to the
(Health Canada, 2002), MI are a major contributor to hospital costs; the cost supporting someone
with serious MI to live in the community is $34,418 per year (all cost) and the cost of keeping
someone with serious MI in the hospital is $170,820. Therefore, at present mental illnesses is an
important challenge to public health in Canada.
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Mental Illnesses Research Paper
As many as 450 million people in the world are plagued by mental illnesses such as depression,
obsessivecompulsive disorder, Schizophrenia, and various other disorders. Though it may seem this
is a large number of people, there is an even larger number of people who disbelieve in the existence
of mental illnesses or have exaggerated ideas of what these illnesses should be. People all over the
world live with mental disorders on a day to day basis, and many of these people are treated poorly
due to the stigma mental disorders carry. though there are many disorder with proven biological and
psychological causes, there are also many false disorder projected onto others by society and false
treatments often used by family members of the mentally ... Show more content on
Another treatment for mental disorders is medication. Medication, however, has a much bigger
stigma attached to it. While it is true that some medication can worsen disorders, it is equally true
that medication has been proven to neutralize and even sometimes cure some disorders. Common
medications include Zoloft(depression and anxiety), Prozac(depression and anxiety),
ritalin(ADHDADD), and Clozaril(schizophrenia). Other forms of treatment such as yoga and other
physical activity have also proven to decrease stress and depression. Mental illnesses, while proven
easily treatable by most standards, still carries a bad stigma. This stigma causes a large amount of
misunderstanding and mistreatment towards the mentally ill. In one prison in North Carolina it was
reported that "one mentally ill inmate was kept in solitary confinement for 2491 consecutive days.
An intellectually disabled and schizophrenic man was abused and neglected, then left to rot in his
own feces and vomit, until he died of a heart attack. Force was used 81 times on another severely
mentally ill inmate.
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Mental Illnesses Research Paper
Introduction Many people around the world struggle with mental illnesses, like depression and
anxiety. With these mental illnesses, comes a stigma. A stigma is "the extreme disapproval of a
person on socially characteristic grounds that are perceived, and serve to distinguish them, from
other members of a society." Those with these disabilities are usually frowned upon, because of their
differences; people with mental illnesses are also often perceived as dangerous and insane by
society. Although there is a few who are dangerous, most of them are not, and they are no different
than the rest of us. This stigma affects not only the patient's emotion, but also makes being able to
cope with their illness much harder. The stigma gives the ... Show more content on
Mental illness is a subject slightly touched on in health classes, otherwise, it does not come up often.
Therefore, the average human does not have much knowledge on mental illnesses and how they
affect the patient's life. Doing this would lessen society's fear of those with mental illnesses and
therefore, lessen the stigma. Another solution would be to be more compassionate and caring
towards those with mental illnesses. These people are already struggling a lot, and could use the
love and respect they deserve. Also, getting those struggling professional help can lessen the
chances of those with mental illnesses from committing the crimes everyone fears they will do. If
more people tried to be caring towards these people, they would realize that those with mental
illnesses are just like everyone
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Mental Illnesses And Mental Health
Mental illnesses lead to more disability than any other chronic illnesses and contribute significantly
to the burden of diseases worldwide; moreover, the number of patients with mental illnesses and co–
occurring physical illnesses are on the rise (SAMHSA, 2012; WHO, 2011). To meet this challenge,
more psychiatric nurses with appropriate mental health training are needed, especially in the United
States and China. Psychiatric–mental health nurses work with individuals and families to assess
their mental health needs, diagnose mental disorders, and offer a range of treatment plans and
services. The misconceptions and the neglect of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (PMHN) in
nursing education curricula make the recruitment of nurses for ... Show more content on ...
As a result of this collaboration, this paper (1) describes the state of mental health nursing in the
United States and China; (2) presents and overview of contributing factors related to current
numbers and interest of new nurses in psychiatric–mental health; and (3) discusses marketing
strategies for repositioning psychiatric–mental health nursing programs in the United States and
State of Mental Health Nursing in United States and China
In the United States, mental disorders are common, often serious, yet treatable disorders that have a
major impact on the United States population. Mental disorders are prevalent among one in four
Americans and are second only to cardiovascular diseases as the leading disease burden in the
United States (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2006). According to the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in 2009 almost 20% of the United States adult
population experienced acute mental illnesses (AMI) (excluding substance use disorders) in the
previous year; and 4.8% of adults had serious mental illnesses (SMI), which equates to
approximately 11 million adults annually (SAMHSA, 2012). Serving the mental health needs is a
growing challenge worldwide. The mental health scenario in China highlights the pressing need for
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People With Mental Illnesses
Throughout history people with mental illnesses were considered to be weird, strange, a witch, or
even possessed up until now. So many people have fought for the rights of these people to be
considered normal and welcomed. Still, many other people around the world do not agree with this.
It's not fair for the people who are considered "different" to be left out and almost completely
thrown to the curb with little to no sympathy. Many of them try to commit suicide to get rid of all
the pain and suffering, but others help them get back up and help them realize that their life is not
worth throwing away. Even though some of these issues have been resolved, people need to be more
aware about some of these mental illnesses and the research scientists are doing to help them. ...
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This might be because people are not aware of what is really going on with the people around them.
So many illegal incidents have happened throughout the United States because these criminals had
untreated mental illnesses. The article, "Mental Illness Awareness and Research" states, "The
infamous 2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado; the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School
attack in Newtown, Connecticut; and the 2015 gun attack at a movie theater in Lafayette,
Louisiana," (Michael Auerbach). It is sad to find out that a lot of these incidents are due to the lack
of care for people. Another article, "Funding for Research, Not Public–Awareness Campaigns, Will
Do More for the Support and Treatment of Mental Illness" states, "According to the National
Institute of Mental Health, it is likely that tens of millions of Americans each year experience mental
illness but only half of those people seek treatment." This is the reason why people need to be aware
of the people around them. Many of them go through the pain everyday and they don't speak up and
then one day they just decide to end it. It's just
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Narrative Introduction : Mental Illnesses
Narrative Introduction:
Throughout the world, there are masses of different qualities that affect humanity. Many of the
conditions that alter human nature stem from a change that occurs in the brain. In turn, many of the
changes that occur in our brain, such as mental illnesses, are often left untold. The fact that so many
things can happen in your brain while going unnoticed by other people amazes me, along with the
illimitable ways for our brains to function. Since mental illnesses derive from the way our brain
works and are so prevalent in teens in our society today, I found mental illnesses to be an interesting
topic to learn more about. Oftentimes, I find that I am captivated by mental illnesses and the people
who suffer from them. I find them interesting because of the amount of physiological damage they
can do to a person, without showing any physical impairment. They take such a toll on people
mentally, that you think they would do the same physically, and because they do not, they are
compelling. I believe that because mental illnesses often do not have a visible effect, people who are
not suffering from them do not understand them. They often see mental illnesses as not as severe as
physical ailments. With physical illnesses, people can see something happening to someone's body
and they are more aware of it, they care and understand it more, and they take the illness more
seriously. They do all this simply because they can see the damage taking place. With
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Identifying Mental Illnesses
Mental illness refers to a condition, which affects the thinking, feeling, and mood of a person.
Apparently, this condition affects the ability of a person to function every day and the capacity to
relate to others (Tracy, 2015). Here are some diagnosis and tests that can be carried out to determine
mental illness in a person: A psychological assessment where a mental health provider helps a
patient understand the behavior patterns, feelings, thoughts, and symptoms that can cause mental
illness. At this point, a patient may be asked to fill out a questionnaire to assist in answering the
questions. Lab tests where health practitioners check out the thyroid function of a patient or screen
for drugs and alcohol. Physical examination the health practitioner tries to rule out physical issues,
which could lead to mental illness. It is ... Show more content on ...
Apparently, a psychiatrist is a qualified medical doctor who has extra training in the field of mental
illnesses and health. The work of a psychiatrist is to assess the mental condition of a patient in
coordination with their physical condition, and thus prescribe medication. Only psychiatrists have
the mandate to treat and prescribe medication to people with a mental health condition. With the
mental illnesses, the health professionals do not culture some microorganism and carry out a blood
test to establish if a patient has a mental illness. The mental illnesses are diagnosed based on the
symptoms, which a person has. Behavioral Illness Behavioral illnesses affect our conscious
(Behavioral Health Resources, 2016). For instance, behavioral illness is caused by substance abuse,
where the patient suffering from behavioral illness makes a sober, and a conscious decision to use
drugs. Other examples are eating disorders like the anorexia nervosa. Behavioral treatment centers
on the extent and
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Mental Illnesses During The Renaissance
Mental Illnesses during the Renaissance During the European Middle Ages and Renaissance, most
mental illnesses were not attributed to witchcraft or demonic possession as has been widely
believed. Witch–hunts or more precisely, trials for witchcraft, were relatively rare prior to the
fifteenth century and, in fact, appear to have been most frequent in late sixteen and seventeenth
centuries (Cohn 225). In most cases mental illnesses were believed to have physical causes (Kemp
1). Contrary to what has been written on the subject, supernatural causes of mental illness during the
Middle Ages and Renaissance were most likely only applied to a narrow range of disorders.
Although cases of mental illnesses ascribed to demonic possession may have been more wide spread
in the Middle Ages and renaissance than they are today, they were a minority of all cases of mental
illness. For example a Franciscan monk who was an influential medieval writer on medicine,
discussed mental illness in physical and environmental terms: indeed he makes no mention at all of
demonic possession (Kemp 5). From the thirteenth century until today, there are legal records
concerning insanity. The court of Wards and Liverie, was concerned to determine the sanity of
property holders (Kemp 5). Analysis of these records by ... Show more content on ...
Daniel Oxenbridge, an English physician, treated a young mentally ill woman by giving her
laxatives, bleeding her arms, legs and feet. He also shaved her head and applied clothes with
different oils on them to her head (Dreher 2). Thomas Willis, another English physician, drilled
holes in a patients head to release foul vapors and excessive humors. Thomas Willis also treated
another young lady by throwing her into a river naked, for a quarter of an hour. These patients not
only survived these treatments, they also returned to their normal selves (Dreher
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Mental Illnesses In Children
Mental illnesses in children are so complex that psychiatrists cannot always detect them. It becomes
harder and harder for specialists to diagnose cerebral illnesses in young children due to the fact that
a child's brain is not done developing until they are around the age of twenty five. That is why some
diseases, such as Bipolar Disorder, are not diagnosed until the age of twenty one or older due to the
changing of hormones and puberty occurring in the body that disrupts/limits the functions of
important glands. This is an important factor, being that over three percent of American youth under
the age of seventeen are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, or other illnesses that should not be
diagnosed until the brain is done developing, every ... Show more content on ...
They include the age and developmental status that the abuse/neglect occurred, the type of
mistreatment, the frequency of the abuse, duration, severity of the exploitation, and the relationship
between the child and the perpetrator. Even the ability to cope is damaged when experiencing
suffering. The immediate emotional effects of abuse and negligence, fear, or an inability to trust can
lead to lifelong psychological consequences like low self–esteem, depression, and relationship
difficulties. Experiencing childhood trauma and adversity comparatively like physical/sexual
misconduct can lead to countless mental illnesses. Fifty four percent of cases of depression and fifty
eight percent of suicide attempts in women were connected to traumatic and harsh home
environments. (Felitti & Anda,
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Mental Illnesses By Beattie
Mental health is the mental and emotional well–being of an individual, and like parts of the body,
the condition of the mental can also be damaged and deteriorate. These are known as mental
illnesses. Mental illnesses are when conditions affecting thinking, mood and behaviours in a
severely negative impact on how one functions in their daily lives. Mental illnesses can include an
majority of forms such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and many other mood disorders.
Although as of current mental health is not the most important health issues such as cancer, AIDS or
diabetes and other common ones. It does play a significant role in one's overall health. The status of
one's mental condition relates to one's accessibility to enjoy life and ... Show more content on ...
The model is made up both level of intervention which involves the individual and the collective
community. Within the model itself also uses two types of methods which are top–down and
bottom–up. The top–down method is where health promotion is enacted by those with authority,
power and resources that are able to produce regulations or policies into managing health such as
policies or regulations that are produced by the Minister of Health, that will be practiced and
disseminated throughout the ministry and the country through its activities. The bottom–up method
is when the engagement of health promotion is produced by from the individuals themselves or the
community and would rise up to the top of authority. Based from Beattie's model, health promotion
constitutes mainly 4 strategies for promoting health which are Health Persuasion which includes the
involvement from professionals, Personal Counselling which involves in encouraging the
individuals to make healthy wise choices in regards to their health, Community Development which
involves the community to identify and tie action towards health issues and lastly Legislative
Action, which are regulation and policies being introduced by professionals or experts intended to
protect and aid the health of the
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Taking a Look at Mental Illnesses
Mental illnesses are a serious matter that affect a person as much as someone with a physical illness.
Mental illnesses are medical conditions that affect a person's mental health. They are as serious as
other disorders such as diabetes and should be treated as so. The amount of talk by those who aren't
well informed and often assume has created many misconceptions about mental illnesses. In order to
successfully make those around people with mental illnesses to be aware of the harm these disorders
cause a person these misconceptions need to be cleared. Mental illnesses need to be treated like the
threat they indeed are like real illnesses.
Mental illnesses are conditions in which a person's mental health is affected to a point that they
aren't able to cope with life's expectations. An example is a common known disorder known as
depression, when someone experiences depression they may feel like they no longer want to thrive
and be happy in their life. This happens due to the amount of brain activity the disorder causes to
diminish. According to when a person has depression he or she may expirience
being very tired, a loss of interest in activites once enjoyed, and thoughts or attemp of suicide.
Depression is caused by a couple of factors are genes and brain chemistry which is irregular to
normal people. Stress is a major factor that affects those with the mental illness because they are not
able to cope with it like the majority of people. The fact is
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The Types Of Mental Illnesses
Types of Mental Illnesses Mental illness is divided up into two categories of mental illness
Psychosis and Neurosis. Psychosis is an extreme mental illness where the individual loses touch
with reality an example would be Schizophrenia. These mental illnesses can be treated and
controlled with medication but will never be fully cured. Neurosis is a mild mental disorder that can
be treated and cured with medication and therapy an example of this would be depression, and
anxiety disorders. Within these two categories there are mental illness with their own specific
disorders. There are twelve most common mental illnesses starting with the most common Anxiety
disorders. Anxiety disorders are when and individual responds to certain situations with fear or
dread. These disorders could be so severe they can be crippling. Anxiety disorders include
generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. Secondly there are Mood
disorders, this is when an individual has moments of extreme sadness or happiness, or their mood
fluctuates. Mood disorders include depression, and bipolar disorder. An Eating disorder is strong
opinions based on an individual's weight and what foods they consume. Eating disorders include
Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. An individual with Impulse control
and Addiction disorders is unable to resist urges or impulses. Examples of impulse control are
pyromania, and kleptomania. Addiction disorders include
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Depression : Mental And Physical Illnesses
Mental and Physical Illnesses Depression takes effect in 75 percent of people at some point during
their life, and currently, 350 million people are suffering with depression. The chance of long term
depression affecting someone I cared form wasn't that high, but it happened to my best friend.
People will tell her, "You just have to take on a different perspective of the situation." and say she
needs to "Just be happy." But it is much more complex than just telling yourself to "be happy", it has
a lot more writing to it. Had it been that my friend, Jesslyn, had broken her leg, and was upset about
the situation, people wouldn't have advised for her to "Just be happy."; they would've offered their
condolences and a helping hand. Why do ... Show more content on ...
She no longer made an effort to hang out with me, or any of her other friends. Jesslyn's grades
dropped from A's to C's, and she didn't care. Our daily conversations about our favourite things
became conversations about the weather. I asked her, "How come you never send me pictures of
your drawings like you used to?" To which she responded with, "I don't like drawing anymore." She
was losing interest and I could tell. There wasn't light in her eyes when she laughed, and there was
no emotion in her voice when she talked. She wouldn't even go to me for comfort, she suffered
silently. I always wondered why she would never open up to me, why she would never talk to me. I
knew she wasn't fine, I knew that she was hurting, but she just wouldn't allow me to help her. But I
stood by her, I was still there for her; she wasn't willing to let me in, but I was going to be waiting
for her to. She called me crying, "I can't take this sadness any longer, I need help, I need help." I was
relieved that she was finally willing to seek help. I encouraged her to hang out with me again, we'd
go to the community plaza and buy candy, and while we'd eat it we'd make up life stories for the
people who walked by. I tried to distract her from how she was feeling, I wanted to show her beauty
in the world. I wasn't the only one helping, her mom became involved and took her to see a
therapist. The therapist would tell Jesslyn to express her feelings through words, and that is
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Stigma Of Mental Illnesses

  • 1. Stigma Of Mental Illnesses Mental illness is a very common part of society today yet, we brush it under the rug and avoid facing the reality of it. This topic relates to society because those who do not not have mental illness are also affected by the stigma of mental illnesses. All the different parts of society all view mental illness slightly differently but it's almost always negative. The mental illness i'm using for this essay would be the "common" disorders. This includes depression, anxiety, adhd, bipolar, and schizophrenia which are the most common. About 1 in 5 adults in the US has in someone been affected by mental illness at one point in their life. This essay will explain the different views of different social groups and their thoughts on mental illnesses ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Impact Of Mental Illnesses . Mental Illnesses Have The Impact of Mental Illnesses Mental Illnesses have plagued our society for centuries. In fact, it is a more common disease than people realize, "Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.–43.8 million, or 18.5%–experiences mental illness in a given year." (Nami, org). Despite the prevalence of mental illnesses, the stigmas associated with them are still very strong to this day, this is a result of the deinstitutionalization of mental healthcare facilities. Many Americans who suffer from mental Illness do not receive treatment, "Only 41% of adults in the U.S. with a mental health condition received mental health services in the past year. Among adults with a serious mental illness, 62.9% received mental health services in the past year" ... Show more content on ... Kreig breaks each perspective down by the beliefs that it has and explains how deinstitutionalization had effect on the community, the duty that people had to help these people, and rights of the individual. The consequences of this drastic shift in healthcare were many, homelessness, increase of suicide rates, risk of altercations with other members of society and their own family , patients avoiding treatment and patients not receiving the type of care that they desperately need. This process was revolutionary to the way we as society viewed those who were mentally ill. In his paper, Markowitz compared data on the possible relations between mental illnesses and violent or criminal behavior. He briefly touched on the impact that the change in the healthcare systems had, "in the aftermath of deinstitutionalization, prisons and jails have supplanted public psychiatric hospitals as institutions of social control of the mentally ill ." (Markowitz 2011). Since this change, our prison systems have taken in a lot of these people, "it is estimated that there are now more than three times as many persons with mental illness in jails and prisons than in psychiatric hospital. . . The most recent study puts the estimate of the percentage of inmates with a history of mental health problems in jails at 64% and at 56% for state prison inmates, with 50–60% reporting current symptoms". (Markowitz, 2011, para. 8) Markowitz ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Mental Illnesses In Australia Mental illness is a health problem which affects a persons' thoughts, behaviours, feelings and interactions with people. There are different types of mental illnesses, with different degrees of severity. Some major types of illnesses include; schizophrenia, anxiety, bipolar mood disorder, eating disorders, personality disorders and depression (Government of Western Australia Mental Health Commission, 2010). Mental illnesses result from complex interactions between the body, mind and surrounding environment of a person. Some factors which can influence mental illness include; biological factors such as hormones and genetics, use of alcohol and drugs, long term and acute stress, social and personal factors such as family breakdowns, violence, ... Show more content on ... In Australia, the National Mental Health Policy aims to reduce the effect of mental health problems and mental illness, including the impact of stigmas on families, the community and more so on the individual itself (Commonwealth of Australia 2008) (Sane Australia, 2013). For ongoing reduction of stigmas, the report Work Wanted: Mental Health and Workforce Participation further emphasises that the Australian government should form a national education campaign with the aim to reduce stigma and discrimination in Australian workplaces, schools and communities (Commonwealth of Australia, 2012) (Sane Australia, 2013). The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) launched a project Opening Minds in 2009 to reduce the stigma of mental health conditions and to identify and evaluate anti stigma programs held around the country and assess their effectiveness and potential to be continued on nationally (Whalen, ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Two Types Of Mental Illnesses A person who is diagnosed with a mental illness is faced with challenges daily. Although many disorders are highly treatable some are not as much. Mental disorders cause abnormal thinking and perceptions. They are known to affect thinking, mood, and behavior. There are two– hundred different types of mental illnesses. The most common types are Anxiety disorders, Mood disorders, Psychotic disorders, Obsessive– compulsive disorders, and Personality disorders. Two types of disorders that are very different from one another are mood disorder depression and psychotic disorder schizophrenia. While depression is linked to undersupply of serotonin, schizophrenia is linked to oversupply of dopamine. Although they are different in the behavioral ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Mental Illnesses Analysis Regarding what is known as, "mental illness" makes it hard to believe or not to believe that mental illness is real and not a myth. With the ongoing changes that are made to diagnosing patients as well as the symptoms they "must" encounter, it is hard to know exactly what medical abnormalities would fall under this category to be diagnosed with what is known as a mental illness. Do to the various definitions and meanings that fall under "mental illnesses" I would have to say that I agree and disagree with what Thomas Szasz has written. Szasz has some great points but many that I disagree with. Doctors, as well as, medical experts diagnose individuals with what they are thought to be as mental illnesses. But how is a mental illness diagnosed ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Mental Illnesses The Impact of Mental Health Illnesses on Daily Functioning Mental illnesses can have many debilitating effects on the afflicted individual and their social system, these circumstances can develop from the symptoms of the illness itself as well as the stigma emanating from other's perception of the illness. Connell and Brazier (2014) recruited 19 individuals within the United Kingdom's mental health services to participate in semi–structured interviews that revealed seven domains of quality of life (well–being versus ill–being, hope, relationships and a sense of belonging, autonomy, activity, self–perception, and physical health). In terms of activity, the interviewees mentioned benefits that can be reaped from of being productive and engaging ... Show more content on ... Connell and Brazier (2014) also mentioned how the interviewee's perception of ill–being derived from the negative symptoms caused by their illness limits participation to more mundane and stress– free situations as an effort to prevent potentially exacerbating or triggering their symptoms, despite the fact that participation in a more diverse and challenging occupations can improve their quality of life in the long term. Occupational therapists possess the toolset to introduce clients into more stress–free activities and slowly grade up the activities in a comfortable manner so the client can slowly learn how to develop strategies and behaviors to deal with more challenging situations or tasks. Working with animals can also create a more relaxed and calming atmosphere, reducing the severity of negative symptoms through distraction and their natural allure. This interaction may also garner increased interest and investment in the therapeutic activity. The distraction that animals help convey can become a teaching moment for the client to later rely on other objects, people, or in ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Essay On Mental Illnesses According to NAMI, The National Alliance of Mental Illness 1 in 5 adults experience a mental health condition yearly. 1 in 20 people live with a serious mental illness like, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Not only does the person who is directly experiencing a mental illness suffer, but the family, and friends are also highly affected. NAMI states that 50% of mental health conditions begin by age 14 and 75% of mental illnesses develop by age 24. Each year, 1 in 5 children from the ages 13–18 experiences a mental illness reported by NAMI. That's a large amount of our young generation. Three out of four people with a mental illness report that they have experienced stigma, a mark of disgrace that sets a person apart according to the ... Show more content on ... At his White House conference on mental illness, Obama said, "We whisper about mental health issues and avoid asking too many questions. The brain is a body part, too. We just know less about it. And there should be no shame in discussing or seeking help for treatable illnesses that affect too many people that we love." It is normal to become emotional with this situation. It's not abnormal to not understand and know how to deal with this. All of us can make a difference to end this stigma. End this silence and use your powerful voice. Do not label or judge people with a mental illness. Treat them with respect as you would want to be treated. As our first step forward we must get the conversation started. We can take steps today that will have a significant impact on improving the lives of the next generation and others to come. We have the opportunity to make a difference during our lifetimes that will carry on, be the change, and take the ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Mental Illnesses And Its Effects On Mental Illness Mental illnesses are generally characterized by changes in mood, thought, or behavior. They can make daily activities difficult and impair a person's ability to work, interact with family, and fulfill other major life functions (SAMHSA, 2015). Contemplated early on in history, treatments for mental illness looked to cure the reflections of the anger of gods, demonic possession, sorcery, the evil eye, or an angry deity, responded with equally mystical, and brutal treatments (Nash, 2007). Attempts to treat mental illness date back as early as 5000 BCE as verified by the discovery of trephined skulls in regions of ancient world cultures (Porter, 2002, p. 10). Only a few realized that individuals with mental illness should be treated humanely rather than exorcised, punished, or banished. Psychiatry has come a long way since the days patients were shunned from society and shackled in asylums. Experiments and techniques for treating mental illness from ancient times to the turn of the 20th century have paved the way for the treatment plans used today. The history of mental illness represents the ways in which trends in psychiatry and cultural understanding of mental illness influence thoughts and attitudes towards mental health. The earliest records of mental illness show that many cultures have viewed it as a form of religious punishment or demonic possession. In ancient Egyptian, Indian, Greek, and Roman writings, mental illness was categorized as a religious or personal ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Mental Illnesses In Adolescents In cities around the world, teenagers and young adults alike constantly worry about their work, their future opportunities, and social contact with their peers and coworkers. They emotionally and mentally exhaust themselves over trivial matters due to society's pressure to do well. With the constant feeling of stress, these individuals develop mental illnesses and disorders that immensely affect their behavior. These illnesses can range from anxiety disorder, stress disorder, depression, to even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, unlike physical illnesses, many health professionals tend to disregard mental illnesses, labeling them as simply a figment of insanity. The lack of emotional and mental counseling for urban youth is detrimental ... Show more content on ... According to an article titled Teenage Mental–Health Crisis by Geraldine Bedell, it states: "Rates of depression and anxiety among teenagers have increased by 70% in the past 25 years. The number of children and young people turning up in A&E with a psychiatric condition has more than doubled since 2009 and, in the past three years, hospital admissions for teenagers with eating disorders have also almost doubled / In a 2016 survey for Parent Zone, 93% of teachers reported seeing increased rates of mental illness among children and teenagers and 90% thought the issues were getting more severe, with 62% dealing with a pupil's mental–health problem at least once a month and an additional 20% doing so on a weekly or even daily basis". The age group most affected by mental disorders are adolescents, more often living in urban areas than suburban. The majority of these adolescents are students stressed over exams, their future opportunities, social acceptance, and expectations placed on youth by society. Adults are aware of this, however, many do not employ help from counselors to speak to the troubled youth. Perhaps exams are unavoidable in the school system, but it is possible to console students and let them know that their test scores do not define them, listen to their troubles, and offer advice. A large fraction of the population does not realize that mental illness is not a joke. It is ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Used To Diagnose Mental Illnesses The U.S. Department of health and human services exclaims that "Mental health includes emotions, psychological and social well–being of the body. These affect how everyone thinks, feels and acts" (Aspa). The U.S department of health and human services also states that "emotions and well–being of the body is an important stage of life from childhood to adolescence through adulthood". According to the National Institute of Mental Health, "43.8 million adults experience mental illness each year and nearly 10 million, or 1 in 25 adults, are living with a serious mental illness." As a result, The American Psychiatric Association has identified and classified these mental illnesses into four categories; anxiety, mood disorders, bipolar disorders ... Show more content on ... In Advocating For Psychotherapy, doctors prescribe medication, therapy sessions, and sometimes the doctors would like the patient to receive both. However, Doctors prescribe patients different types of medication based on how the illness has progressed. "Medication will have different effects on children than adults." The Two major reasons are size and age. Adults are more sensitive than kids, due to their bodies processing slowly. Therefore, adults need to take lower dosages than children". According to American Psychotherapy Association, "the percentage of outpatient mental health visits that involved only medication jumped from 44 percent to 57 percent between the time periods 1998 and 2007" (Advocating For Psychotherapy). Using psychotherapy involves regular counseling, which can be in a group or a one on one setting, which can vary in techniques. Psychodynamic therapy lets the patient focus on his or her subconscious, emotions and behavior problems. Patients can also take cognitive–behavioral therapy. This therapy focuses on how there is a pattern to their thinking and behavior. Lastly, there is drug therapy, which lets patients live a normal life with little to no psychological therapy ("Mental Disorder"). The outcome of psychotherapy is significant in the long run. Generally, the more therapy a patient receives, the more mentally stable he or she will become. Diagnoses and ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Mental Illnesses In The 1800s During the 1800s, treating individuals with psychological issues was a problematic and disturbing issue. Society didn't understand mental illness very well, so the mentally ill individuals were sent to asylums primarily to get them off the streets. Patients in asylums were usually subjected to conditions that today we would consider horrific and inhumane due to the lack of knowledge on mental illnesses. In Bly's time, mental illnesses were not taken seriously. Bly described the asylum she was admitted to as overcrowded, cold, and dirty (ch. 7). It defeated the purpose of trying to give extra attention to those in need. It was easy to get admitted into an institution, but nearly impossible to make it out because the treatment was not treatment. ... Show more content on ... Nurses are very kind and respectful. They assist patients with their showers and provide them with additional care if needed. Most of the time, patients are allowed to wear their own clothes. Food is much like hospital food, which consists of 2 entrees with a choice of salad, sandwich, and dessert bar. As for activities and daily schedules, patients are given the opportunity to paint, color, and exercise during their free time. Within business hours of the day most patients attend therapeutic sessions with educated therapists. Overall, Conditions in asylums today are drastically different than asylums in the 1800s due to the better understanding of mental illnesses. As time goes on and technology advances, society will continue to advance in it's knowledge of mental ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Myths About Mental Illnesses An estimated amount of 450,000,000 people in the world are affected by some form of mental illness, that's 54 times the amount of people that live in New York City. Around 41,000 individuals die due to mental illness each year, and out of all those people only 1,250,000 of them make contact with treatment services. Many people, including those suffering from them believe several myths about mental illness that are not true. One myth is mental illness is uncommon, actually mental illnesses affects almost 1 in 4 Americans, mental illness can strike at anytime to anyone. Myth: Being suicidal means i'm crazy, suicidal thoughts do not mean you're crazy it just means that you might be suffering from a mental illness, being suicidal can be ... Show more content on ... If we start seeing mental illness as what it is an illness, then will can save hundred among thousands of people lives that would have ended their lives. " Depression in not selfish. Anxiety is not rude. Schizophrenia is not wrong. Mental Illness isn't self–centered, any more than a broken leg or the flu is self–centered. if your mental illness makes you feel guilty, review the definition of "illness"and try to treat yourself with the same respect and concern you would show to a cancer patient or a person with pneumonia ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Mental Illnesses : A Mental Health Disorder Mental illnesses are brain diseases rooted in biology. Approximately one in every four adults has experienced a mental health disorder according to the Huffington Post. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) statistic identified mood disorders as the third most common cause for hospitalization in the U.S. for youth and adults. Mental illness compared to other chronic diseases is far more complicated and subjective. This serious and objective health problem has become increasingly obvious recently. In the past years, increasing numbers of children and adolescents experienced emotional disorders. The question of whom or what is responsible for this problem requires understanding the factors affecting the illness in the fields of biology, ... Show more content on ... Mental disorders are a wide range of mental conditions that influences a person's thinking, feeling, mood or behavior. The most common types of disorders include: major depression, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and ADHD among others. Symptoms of mental illness range from mild to severe depending on different experiences of the individual. Though common results include experiencing difficulty and struggling to cope with daily life activities if the disorders are left untreated. The exact cause of mental disorders are not yet known, however, through advanced research in the past decade, researchers now view the conditions as being caused by a combination of psychological, biological, and environmental factors. "A mental health condition isn't the result of one event. Research suggest multiple, interlinking causes," NAMI explained. Some people experiencing a stressful lifestyle, unhealthy environment, and biological genetic factors combined may be more susceptible to developing a mental health condition (Mental Illness Basics). Research has also shown that people who have experienced traumatic life events will also be more susceptible to being the victim of a crime. Statistics show that of the one in every twenty people who live with a serious mental illness, 50% begin to show symptoms by ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Mental Illnesses In America INTRODUCTION Mental illness is common in more than 7% of the world. The top two mental illnesses in America are depression, and generalized anxiety disorder. The brain is changing in more than 7% of the world. I don't think the brain can be changed by just one single thought. The brain is made up of so many different parts that it would have to have multiple different aspects to change in order to switch from a normal to diseased brain. SEARCH STORY I have family members with mental illnesses, which is probably why I am so interested in this topic but I never really wanted to do research on this up until around the summer. My sister has two mental illnesses which were diagnosed this year, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, the ... Show more content on ... They feel as if they can not and will never reach this simple task. They feel like they are unable to feel normal, they have it in their head that they will always be this way. Medicine will only help for so long before they go back to the way they were before. Those who have both anxiety and depression are put on medication to help stop the thoughts, but sometimes they are affected by the medicine in a bad way and cannot seem to get better. Sometimes those who are put on medication try to slowly work their way off of it and can not go through because they are worse than before they started. They have not only one mental illness weighing them down, but two. and it's hard to have that many thoughts running around in your head. These diseases are not the same ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Stigmatization Of Mental Illnesses Essay "A stigma is a distinguishing mark, establishing a border between a stigmatized person and others attributing negative characteristics to this person." (Baumann, 2007) There are many different factors that take part in the stigmatization of mental illnesses, however the greatest contributor is the social distance that is created within society between individuals with a mental illness and those without. There are two mind–sets that can increase a person's willingness to socially distance themselves from the mentally ill. The first mindset is that mentally ill individuals are different and therefore should be separated. The second mindset is that mentally ill individuals are perceived as violent and this creates a need for separation with regards ... Show more content on ... (Feldman and Crandall, 2007) Society has a want to protect themselves from anything they see as a dangerous. The common idea that people that have a mental illness are dangerous is creating a division in the world. Although the ideas may be false it is very difficult to change a popular opinion. Since the 1950's American's have increased the belief that mental illnesses cause the mentally ill to become violent. (Feldman and Crandall, 2007) To change these popular beliefs and reduce the stigmatization around mental illness it is necessary to bring more awareness to all mental illnesses. The social distancing disconnects people and does not allow for society to see how a mental illness affects an individual. The false popular opinions are all that people really know about mental illnesses. People suffering from mental illnesses are isolated and viewed as strangers in society. They are viewed as dangerous or aggressive, which increases the likelihood of being discriminated against. These two factors will lead to social distancing, which is the greatest contributor of the stigmatization of mental illness. Without creating awareness of mental illnesses, the stigmatization is likely to remain the same and there will always be a separation between those with a mental illness and those ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Counseling and Mental Illnesses Since the time of the earliest civilizations, humans sought guidance and help from others regarding mental illness. The Ancient Greeks were the first to scientifically understand the causes of mental illness and propose rudimentary techniques as remedies. During the 20th century, mental illness experienced significant medical reform, creating a new idea that involved the mentally ill attending therapy sessions led by an experienced and educated therapist or counselor. Over the centuries, counseling therapeutic techniques, education, and employment evolved and will continue to adapt to the latest societal needs. Early civilizations, including, the Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, and Egyptians, believed that mental illness occurred because a demon took possession of the victim's body. To avoid further possession, leaders or healers performed exorcisms. The exorcisms' purpose was to make the host body so unbearable, accomplished by either flogging, starvation, prayers, and vomiting induced drugs, that the demon would leave (Lundy 13). Around 900 B.C., a Greek physician named Hippocrates proposed an intuitive theory regarding the causes of mental illness. He theorized that abnormal behavior resulted from traumatic brain injury or disease. He also believed that heredity and social stresses were other causing factors (Lundy 14). Two thousand years later after Hippocrates' death, rudimentary medical schools and physicians developed new remedies stemming from Hippocrates' influence. ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Mental Illnesses In Hamlet Knowledge is power. Imagine living in poverty and not understanding or knowing that you need help. Mental Illness can include addiction, depression, schizophrenia, and more. Having mental health problems can be tricky, sometimes it can be hard to spot the symptoms, which is why having the knowledge and resources can be very helpful to those in need. The government provides many programs to help the underprivileged: food stamps, shelter, child support, etc. But you never really hear about the government helping those with a mental illness. Mental Health America says that "76% of youth are left with no or insufficient treatment." (Mental Health America) The government should make it a priority to help those living in poverty with mental illnesses. ... Show more content on ... Hamlet almost hurt his mother "I will speak daggers to her but use none" (Shakespeare). He also killed Polonius, which led to a series of unfortunate events. Ophelia started to go crazy and took her own life, Laertes came back to avenge his father but ended up dying at the end along with Claudius, Hamlet, and Gertrude. Because no one cared about Hamlet and Ophelia due to their mental health issues I feel like this resembles how the government acts towards those in poverty. Someone could have talked to them, or gave them positive attention. Like the poverty they really didn't know what was going ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Essay On Mental Illnesses There are many mental disorders that have different effects on people and are sometimes determined to have had an influence in some crimes. If these mental illnesses are truly what caused the perpetrator to act out on these crimes, do they deserve to receive the help that they need and are there any solution to help deter future crimes involving the mentally ill? If so, fixing the problem could prove to be difficult, the community should assume a portion of the responsibility in the finding of a solution to help not only the mentally ill but also protect anyone on the other side of these crimes. The criminal justice system does not always handle the mentally ill properly. According to Theodore Dalrymple there are many crimes that go unrecorded that are committed by people with mental illnesses. (Dalrymple) It is said that these crimes go unpunished or are not dealt with simply because they are believed to be under psychiatric treatment. This reasoning alone does not justify not dealing with the problem, these people are in need of help which they cannot receive by being left out on the streets. These people being left out would not only be bad for themselves but possibly others as well. The problem does not only occur out in streets but also within the prisons. According to Christine ... Show more content on ... There needs to be a better understanding of these mental illnesses that these people can get the support that they need. By further understanding what these illnesses are doing we are able to help not only those suffering from these illnesses but also those that they might hurt. Notwithstanding the crime that was committed, they should receive the treatment needed not only as a way to help themselves but also doing so as a way to further help any current and future people who share these mental ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mental Health Treatment Of Mental Illnesses Approximately 20% of all children show at least minimal impairment from a mental health illness (Odar, C. o., Canter, K., & Roberts, M. m. 2013). Around 31% of girls and 42% of boys between the ages of 9 and 16 years old meet the criteria of at least one mental health illness (Costello, E. J., Mustillo, S., Erkanli, A., Keeler, G., & Angold, A. 2003). Some of these illnesses may include schizophrenia, bipolar disease, depression, etc. These illnesses may require continuous care and treatment for many years and can be very costly. There are many problems when it comes to the treatment of mental illnesses. Some of these problems are access, cost and funding, and the delivery of care. The first problem with mental health treatment is access. ... Show more content on ... The cost of outpatient treatment is expensive. Most psychiatrists' offices and hospitals require high copayments and deductibles if the treatment is covered under the patient's insurance plan. But according to a report done by the Center for Disease Control, people with serious mental illnesses are less likely to have health insurance, so they would be required to pay even more money out–of– pocket if they decide to receive treatment (Cohn, J. 2015). The funding required for treatment is also a big issue. In the early 20th century, insurance companies did not cover mental health care at all. Eventually, they started adding mental health coverage, and by the 1980s, managed care was introduced and was lowering costs (Cohn, J. 2015). But patients were concerned that these lower prices were compromising the quality of care. The quality and delivery of care is another mental health problem in the healthcare system. Due to the Mental Health Parity Act of 2008, insurers are required to provide the same coverage for both mental health treatment and medical/surgical treatment (Burns, J 2014). This could cause insurers to limit the length of stay for all patients in hospitals or residential care and could cause more readmissions to occur. It could also cause all patients to receive insufficient treatment. Implications Having little access to treatment or care can affect both patients and providers. It makes it harder for patients to receive ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Effects Of Mental Illnesses Mental illnesses greatly affect the lives of those they attack. However, those who are free from the captivity of mental illnesses are generally unaware of the destruction caused by them. Mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression, take hold of people's lives and determine the way they go. Unfortunately, mental illnesses are not taken seriously. Many believe that mental illnesses are "just a phase" that people will naturally recover from. In today's society, anything that is "abnormal" is suppressed. Sadly, this is true for mental illnesses. Those suffering from mental illnesses are "hidden," in a sense, from the "normal" world. Mental illnesses are viewed as abnormal, and those that hold this view wish to restrict those with mental illnesses from ... Show more content on ... According to society, mental disorders and illnesses are abnormal. This mindset is caused by the stigma shrouding mental conditions. However, what does "abnormal" really mean? Merriam– Webster, one of the oldest and most common dictionaries, defines abnormal as "deviating from the normal or average" (Merriam–Webster). If something truly is not common, thus normal or average, then it must, by definition, be "abnormal." This raises an important question: how common are mental illnesses? The answer to this question will help determine if mental illnesses are truly "abnormal." According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, "Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. ... experiences mental illness in a given year" and "Approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life" (Mental Health By The Numbers). Thus, while some would consider mental illnesses to be uncommon or insignificant, mental illnesses are actually quite prevalent in this broken ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. National Alliance On Mental Illnesses There are many organizations that have a huge impact on society, the one I chose to write about is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, also referred to as NAMI. NAMI is the most popular mental health organization. Members of this organization work hard to better the lives of those affected by mental illnesses. The National Alliance on Mental Health has four priorities, those are educating, advocating, listening, and leading. Mental health is a growing topic that is hard to ignore, this is because organizations like the NAMI have offered many educational tools in hopes of teaching society what mental illnesses are and how to help people struggling with mental illnesses. This organization advocates for others suffering mental illnesses, ... Show more content on ... The NAMI has shown society how serious mental illnesses are, if one of these many illnesses is left untreated it can lead to even more serious things. Anxiety and Depression are a deadly combination and unfortunately, 20% of the teen population experiences and over 25 million Americans experience it every year. Both of these mental illnesses are hard to handle and often end in suicide, 90% of people who commit suicide have a mental disorder and 50% of these suicides are caused by depression. Every day around 121 people kill themselves and with society's help, we can end this. Also, both of these mental illnesses can lead to eating disorders and other serious health issues. Once everyone realizes how serious mental illnesses are, the more help these people will ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Common Mental Illnesses Mental illnesses are illnesses that change or alter a person's thinking, feeling or mood, abilities to learn or focus, and relate to others. Basic daily functions become excruciatingly difficult. Experiences are different depending on patients and the disorder they may have. The most common mental illnesses include attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, depression, schizophrenia, and anxiety. Symptoms of mental illness vary depending on the patient and their disorder. Common symptoms include: confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate, extreme mood swings, thoughts of suicide or homicide, alcohol and/or drug abuse, etc. Symptoms can often result physical issues such as stomach pains, headaches, nausea, and back ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Media Influence On Mental Illnesses Vincent Van Gogh, Marilyn Monroe, Emily Dickinson, Beethoven and Buzz Aldrin are all renowned professionals in their field of work, recognized and respected by people all around the world. Although their incredible accomplishments are most memorable in people's minds, what few people realize is that all of these inspirational, historical figures also showed signs of having bipolar disorder. When prompted about their opinion on mental illnesses, it is common for most people to use words such as violent, erratic, or unpredictable. Hearing people jump to such harsh conclusions about mental illnesses raises the question about where these stereotypical, and inaccurate views came from. The simple answer is the media. With the world as technological as it is today, people often become influenced or gain certain opinions due to what the media and press show as well as hide from the public. Often times the media's inaccurate portrayal of individuals with bipolar disorder is all that the average person is exposed to. In television shows and movies the characters with mental illnesses are created as people who ... Show more content on ... Although this show is a crime drama, the majority of the criminals have some degree of a mental illness causing them to perform such heinous crimes. Seeing hundreds of mentally ill people destroy the lives of others, the viewer gains a very specific and generalized view about mental illnesses. This causes viewers to jump to the conclusion that every person with bipolar disorder must be prone to violence. The reality of this is that, according to statistics, less than 20% of individuals with bipolar disorder have ever actually had a violent episode. As with other acts of violence, there are numerous contributing factors other than mental illnesses causing individuals to act out, such as drug and alcohol abuse, poor influences, as well as lack of crucial ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Mental Illnesses In The Media A large number of myths perpetuated by the news media, television, film, and newspaper industries about mental illnesses. These myths which are created by these industries not only do damage to the public's attitude toward the mentally ill but also to those who suffer from mental illnesses; to the point that they will not even seek treatment because of the fear of discrimination. The following are some of the most common myths portrayed in the media, film, and television industries (Tartakovsky): 1. Those with mental illnesses are violent. But, studies have proven just the opposite. People with mental illnesses are less likely to offenders of violence but more likely to be victims of it (Tartakovsky). 2. The mentally ill are unpredictable. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Mental Illnesses In Canada Over the past decades, mental health has become a prominent social issue. People around the world suffer from mental illnesses. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) reports approximately 20% of Canadians will have a mental illness within their lifetime Fortunately, society has become educated towards this dilemma. We now have clubs/ programs that inform about the problem. We hear that more and more plans towards improving mental health are already in the works (while some have been completed). Just like every social issue, mental illnesses do carry some controversy. However, this controversy may be the reason that many do not seek help for it. Apparently, around 50% of Canadian citizens who felt that they suffered from any ... Show more content on ... From personal experience, I had a couple friends who have gone through various mental illnesses like depression and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There may not been a scientific or logical approach towards analysing one's mental health. It does not make it anymore real. I have witnessed a bunch of people go through this. They were known to be pretty normal and easy going to others. When it came to me, they did not have to put up their facade. After they confided in me with the truth, it only became clearer just how upset and depressed they really were. At times, they do not really need to say anything. You can sense the vibe of self hatred and extremely thoughts just pulsing through their brain. Society does not need any scientific evidence to prove that someone is feeling emotions of resentment, sadness, anger, or grief. We can see through one's behaviour; Maybe that person may actually reveal their true thoughts to the world. Nevertheless, mental illness is a real problem. Having the stigma that mental disorders might not exist can only stop those suffering from getting the treatment that they need. Removing the thought that mental illness is merely an "illusion" can go a long ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Mental Illnesses And Mental Health Introduction World Health Organization (WHO, 2014) defines Mental health as a state of well– being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Whereas Mental illnesses (MI) are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood or behavior associated with significant distress and impaired functioning (Health Canada, 2012). MI affects people of all ages, educational and income levels and cultures. Example of MI includes depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors. According to Center for addiction and Mental Health (CAMH, 2009) 2% of the total population in the world are affected by serious MI. Moreover, Public Health Agency Canada (PHAC, 2012) claims that 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a MI in their lifetime and remaining 4 will have a friend, family member or colleague who suffers from mental illness. It is a well–known and accepted statistic 20% of people with mental disorders have a co–occurring substance use problem (PHAC,2012). According to the (Health Canada, 2002), MI are a major contributor to hospital costs; the cost supporting someone with serious MI to live in the community is $34,418 per year (all cost) and the cost of keeping someone with serious MI in the hospital is $170,820. Therefore, at present mental illnesses is an important challenge to public health in Canada. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Mental Illnesses Research Paper As many as 450 million people in the world are plagued by mental illnesses such as depression, obsessivecompulsive disorder, Schizophrenia, and various other disorders. Though it may seem this is a large number of people, there is an even larger number of people who disbelieve in the existence of mental illnesses or have exaggerated ideas of what these illnesses should be. People all over the world live with mental disorders on a day to day basis, and many of these people are treated poorly due to the stigma mental disorders carry. though there are many disorder with proven biological and psychological causes, there are also many false disorder projected onto others by society and false treatments often used by family members of the mentally ... Show more content on ... Another treatment for mental disorders is medication. Medication, however, has a much bigger stigma attached to it. While it is true that some medication can worsen disorders, it is equally true that medication has been proven to neutralize and even sometimes cure some disorders. Common medications include Zoloft(depression and anxiety), Prozac(depression and anxiety), ritalin(ADHDADD), and Clozaril(schizophrenia). Other forms of treatment such as yoga and other physical activity have also proven to decrease stress and depression. Mental illnesses, while proven easily treatable by most standards, still carries a bad stigma. This stigma causes a large amount of misunderstanding and mistreatment towards the mentally ill. In one prison in North Carolina it was reported that "one mentally ill inmate was kept in solitary confinement for 2491 consecutive days. An intellectually disabled and schizophrenic man was abused and neglected, then left to rot in his own feces and vomit, until he died of a heart attack. Force was used 81 times on another severely mentally ill inmate. ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Mental Illnesses Research Paper Introduction Many people around the world struggle with mental illnesses, like depression and anxiety. With these mental illnesses, comes a stigma. A stigma is "the extreme disapproval of a person on socially characteristic grounds that are perceived, and serve to distinguish them, from other members of a society." Those with these disabilities are usually frowned upon, because of their differences; people with mental illnesses are also often perceived as dangerous and insane by society. Although there is a few who are dangerous, most of them are not, and they are no different than the rest of us. This stigma affects not only the patient's emotion, but also makes being able to cope with their illness much harder. The stigma gives the ... Show more content on ... Mental illness is a subject slightly touched on in health classes, otherwise, it does not come up often. Therefore, the average human does not have much knowledge on mental illnesses and how they affect the patient's life. Doing this would lessen society's fear of those with mental illnesses and therefore, lessen the stigma. Another solution would be to be more compassionate and caring towards those with mental illnesses. These people are already struggling a lot, and could use the love and respect they deserve. Also, getting those struggling professional help can lessen the chances of those with mental illnesses from committing the crimes everyone fears they will do. If more people tried to be caring towards these people, they would realize that those with mental illnesses are just like everyone ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Mental Illnesses And Mental Health Mental illnesses lead to more disability than any other chronic illnesses and contribute significantly to the burden of diseases worldwide; moreover, the number of patients with mental illnesses and co– occurring physical illnesses are on the rise (SAMHSA, 2012; WHO, 2011). To meet this challenge, more psychiatric nurses with appropriate mental health training are needed, especially in the United States and China. Psychiatric–mental health nurses work with individuals and families to assess their mental health needs, diagnose mental disorders, and offer a range of treatment plans and services. The misconceptions and the neglect of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (PMHN) in nursing education curricula make the recruitment of nurses for ... Show more content on ... As a result of this collaboration, this paper (1) describes the state of mental health nursing in the United States and China; (2) presents and overview of contributing factors related to current numbers and interest of new nurses in psychiatric–mental health; and (3) discusses marketing strategies for repositioning psychiatric–mental health nursing programs in the United States and China. State of Mental Health Nursing in United States and China In the United States, mental disorders are common, often serious, yet treatable disorders that have a major impact on the United States population. Mental disorders are prevalent among one in four Americans and are second only to cardiovascular diseases as the leading disease burden in the United States (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2006). According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in 2009 almost 20% of the United States adult population experienced acute mental illnesses (AMI) (excluding substance use disorders) in the previous year; and 4.8% of adults had serious mental illnesses (SMI), which equates to approximately 11 million adults annually (SAMHSA, 2012). Serving the mental health needs is a growing challenge worldwide. The mental health scenario in China highlights the pressing need for improved ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. People With Mental Illnesses Throughout history people with mental illnesses were considered to be weird, strange, a witch, or even possessed up until now. So many people have fought for the rights of these people to be considered normal and welcomed. Still, many other people around the world do not agree with this. It's not fair for the people who are considered "different" to be left out and almost completely thrown to the curb with little to no sympathy. Many of them try to commit suicide to get rid of all the pain and suffering, but others help them get back up and help them realize that their life is not worth throwing away. Even though some of these issues have been resolved, people need to be more aware about some of these mental illnesses and the research scientists are doing to help them. ... Show more content on ... This might be because people are not aware of what is really going on with the people around them. So many illegal incidents have happened throughout the United States because these criminals had untreated mental illnesses. The article, "Mental Illness Awareness and Research" states, "The infamous 2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado; the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School attack in Newtown, Connecticut; and the 2015 gun attack at a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana," (Michael Auerbach). It is sad to find out that a lot of these incidents are due to the lack of care for people. Another article, "Funding for Research, Not Public–Awareness Campaigns, Will Do More for the Support and Treatment of Mental Illness" states, "According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it is likely that tens of millions of Americans each year experience mental illness but only half of those people seek treatment." This is the reason why people need to be aware of the people around them. Many of them go through the pain everyday and they don't speak up and then one day they just decide to end it. It's just ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Narrative Introduction : Mental Illnesses Narrative Introduction: Throughout the world, there are masses of different qualities that affect humanity. Many of the conditions that alter human nature stem from a change that occurs in the brain. In turn, many of the changes that occur in our brain, such as mental illnesses, are often left untold. The fact that so many things can happen in your brain while going unnoticed by other people amazes me, along with the illimitable ways for our brains to function. Since mental illnesses derive from the way our brain works and are so prevalent in teens in our society today, I found mental illnesses to be an interesting topic to learn more about. Oftentimes, I find that I am captivated by mental illnesses and the people who suffer from them. I find them interesting because of the amount of physiological damage they can do to a person, without showing any physical impairment. They take such a toll on people mentally, that you think they would do the same physically, and because they do not, they are compelling. I believe that because mental illnesses often do not have a visible effect, people who are not suffering from them do not understand them. They often see mental illnesses as not as severe as physical ailments. With physical illnesses, people can see something happening to someone's body and they are more aware of it, they care and understand it more, and they take the illness more seriously. They do all this simply because they can see the damage taking place. With ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Identifying Mental Illnesses Mental illness refers to a condition, which affects the thinking, feeling, and mood of a person. Apparently, this condition affects the ability of a person to function every day and the capacity to relate to others (Tracy, 2015). Here are some diagnosis and tests that can be carried out to determine mental illness in a person: A psychological assessment where a mental health provider helps a patient understand the behavior patterns, feelings, thoughts, and symptoms that can cause mental illness. At this point, a patient may be asked to fill out a questionnaire to assist in answering the questions. Lab tests where health practitioners check out the thyroid function of a patient or screen for drugs and alcohol. Physical examination the health practitioner tries to rule out physical issues, which could lead to mental illness. It is ... Show more content on ... Apparently, a psychiatrist is a qualified medical doctor who has extra training in the field of mental illnesses and health. The work of a psychiatrist is to assess the mental condition of a patient in coordination with their physical condition, and thus prescribe medication. Only psychiatrists have the mandate to treat and prescribe medication to people with a mental health condition. With the mental illnesses, the health professionals do not culture some microorganism and carry out a blood test to establish if a patient has a mental illness. The mental illnesses are diagnosed based on the symptoms, which a person has. Behavioral Illness Behavioral illnesses affect our conscious (Behavioral Health Resources, 2016). For instance, behavioral illness is caused by substance abuse, where the patient suffering from behavioral illness makes a sober, and a conscious decision to use drugs. Other examples are eating disorders like the anorexia nervosa. Behavioral treatment centers on the extent and ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Mental Illnesses During The Renaissance Mental Illnesses during the Renaissance During the European Middle Ages and Renaissance, most mental illnesses were not attributed to witchcraft or demonic possession as has been widely believed. Witch–hunts or more precisely, trials for witchcraft, were relatively rare prior to the fifteenth century and, in fact, appear to have been most frequent in late sixteen and seventeenth centuries (Cohn 225). In most cases mental illnesses were believed to have physical causes (Kemp 1). Contrary to what has been written on the subject, supernatural causes of mental illness during the Middle Ages and Renaissance were most likely only applied to a narrow range of disorders. Although cases of mental illnesses ascribed to demonic possession may have been more wide spread in the Middle Ages and renaissance than they are today, they were a minority of all cases of mental illness. For example a Franciscan monk who was an influential medieval writer on medicine, discussed mental illness in physical and environmental terms: indeed he makes no mention at all of demonic possession (Kemp 5). From the thirteenth century until today, there are legal records concerning insanity. The court of Wards and Liverie, was concerned to determine the sanity of property holders (Kemp 5). Analysis of these records by ... Show more content on ... Daniel Oxenbridge, an English physician, treated a young mentally ill woman by giving her laxatives, bleeding her arms, legs and feet. He also shaved her head and applied clothes with different oils on them to her head (Dreher 2). Thomas Willis, another English physician, drilled holes in a patients head to release foul vapors and excessive humors. Thomas Willis also treated another young lady by throwing her into a river naked, for a quarter of an hour. These patients not only survived these treatments, they also returned to their normal selves (Dreher ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Mental Illnesses In Children Mental illnesses in children are so complex that psychiatrists cannot always detect them. It becomes harder and harder for specialists to diagnose cerebral illnesses in young children due to the fact that a child's brain is not done developing until they are around the age of twenty five. That is why some diseases, such as Bipolar Disorder, are not diagnosed until the age of twenty one or older due to the changing of hormones and puberty occurring in the body that disrupts/limits the functions of important glands. This is an important factor, being that over three percent of American youth under the age of seventeen are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, or other illnesses that should not be diagnosed until the brain is done developing, every ... Show more content on ... They include the age and developmental status that the abuse/neglect occurred, the type of mistreatment, the frequency of the abuse, duration, severity of the exploitation, and the relationship between the child and the perpetrator. Even the ability to cope is damaged when experiencing suffering. The immediate emotional effects of abuse and negligence, fear, or an inability to trust can lead to lifelong psychological consequences like low self–esteem, depression, and relationship difficulties. Experiencing childhood trauma and adversity comparatively like physical/sexual misconduct can lead to countless mental illnesses. Fifty four percent of cases of depression and fifty eight percent of suicide attempts in women were connected to traumatic and harsh home environments. (Felitti & Anda, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Mental Illnesses By Beattie Mental health is the mental and emotional well–being of an individual, and like parts of the body, the condition of the mental can also be damaged and deteriorate. These are known as mental illnesses. Mental illnesses are when conditions affecting thinking, mood and behaviours in a severely negative impact on how one functions in their daily lives. Mental illnesses can include an majority of forms such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and many other mood disorders. Although as of current mental health is not the most important health issues such as cancer, AIDS or diabetes and other common ones. It does play a significant role in one's overall health. The status of one's mental condition relates to one's accessibility to enjoy life and ... Show more content on ... The model is made up both level of intervention which involves the individual and the collective community. Within the model itself also uses two types of methods which are top–down and bottom–up. The top–down method is where health promotion is enacted by those with authority, power and resources that are able to produce regulations or policies into managing health such as policies or regulations that are produced by the Minister of Health, that will be practiced and disseminated throughout the ministry and the country through its activities. The bottom–up method is when the engagement of health promotion is produced by from the individuals themselves or the community and would rise up to the top of authority. Based from Beattie's model, health promotion constitutes mainly 4 strategies for promoting health which are Health Persuasion which includes the involvement from professionals, Personal Counselling which involves in encouraging the individuals to make healthy wise choices in regards to their health, Community Development which involves the community to identify and tie action towards health issues and lastly Legislative Action, which are regulation and policies being introduced by professionals or experts intended to protect and aid the health of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Taking a Look at Mental Illnesses Mental illnesses are a serious matter that affect a person as much as someone with a physical illness. Mental illnesses are medical conditions that affect a person's mental health. They are as serious as other disorders such as diabetes and should be treated as so. The amount of talk by those who aren't well informed and often assume has created many misconceptions about mental illnesses. In order to successfully make those around people with mental illnesses to be aware of the harm these disorders cause a person these misconceptions need to be cleared. Mental illnesses need to be treated like the threat they indeed are like real illnesses. Mental illnesses are conditions in which a person's mental health is affected to a point that they aren't able to cope with life's expectations. An example is a common known disorder known as depression, when someone experiences depression they may feel like they no longer want to thrive and be happy in their life. This happens due to the amount of brain activity the disorder causes to diminish. According to when a person has depression he or she may expirience being very tired, a loss of interest in activites once enjoyed, and thoughts or attemp of suicide. Depression is caused by a couple of factors are genes and brain chemistry which is irregular to normal people. Stress is a major factor that affects those with the mental illness because they are not able to cope with it like the majority of people. The fact is ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Types Of Mental Illnesses Types of Mental Illnesses Mental illness is divided up into two categories of mental illness Psychosis and Neurosis. Psychosis is an extreme mental illness where the individual loses touch with reality an example would be Schizophrenia. These mental illnesses can be treated and controlled with medication but will never be fully cured. Neurosis is a mild mental disorder that can be treated and cured with medication and therapy an example of this would be depression, and anxiety disorders. Within these two categories there are mental illness with their own specific disorders. There are twelve most common mental illnesses starting with the most common Anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are when and individual responds to certain situations with fear or dread. These disorders could be so severe they can be crippling. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. Secondly there are Mood disorders, this is when an individual has moments of extreme sadness or happiness, or their mood fluctuates. Mood disorders include depression, and bipolar disorder. An Eating disorder is strong opinions based on an individual's weight and what foods they consume. Eating disorders include Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. An individual with Impulse control and Addiction disorders is unable to resist urges or impulses. Examples of impulse control are pyromania, and kleptomania. Addiction disorders include ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Depression : Mental And Physical Illnesses Mental and Physical Illnesses Depression takes effect in 75 percent of people at some point during their life, and currently, 350 million people are suffering with depression. The chance of long term depression affecting someone I cared form wasn't that high, but it happened to my best friend. People will tell her, "You just have to take on a different perspective of the situation." and say she needs to "Just be happy." But it is much more complex than just telling yourself to "be happy", it has a lot more writing to it. Had it been that my friend, Jesslyn, had broken her leg, and was upset about the situation, people wouldn't have advised for her to "Just be happy."; they would've offered their condolences and a helping hand. Why do ... Show more content on ... She no longer made an effort to hang out with me, or any of her other friends. Jesslyn's grades dropped from A's to C's, and she didn't care. Our daily conversations about our favourite things became conversations about the weather. I asked her, "How come you never send me pictures of your drawings like you used to?" To which she responded with, "I don't like drawing anymore." She was losing interest and I could tell. There wasn't light in her eyes when she laughed, and there was no emotion in her voice when she talked. She wouldn't even go to me for comfort, she suffered silently. I always wondered why she would never open up to me, why she would never talk to me. I knew she wasn't fine, I knew that she was hurting, but she just wouldn't allow me to help her. But I stood by her, I was still there for her; she wasn't willing to let me in, but I was going to be waiting for her to. She called me crying, "I can't take this sadness any longer, I need help, I need help." I was relieved that she was finally willing to seek help. I encouraged her to hang out with me again, we'd go to the community plaza and buy candy, and while we'd eat it we'd make up life stories for the people who walked by. I tried to distract her from how she was feeling, I wanted to show her beauty in the world. I wasn't the only one helping, her mom became involved and took her to see a therapist. The therapist would tell Jesslyn to express her feelings through words, and that is ... Get more on ...