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What’s matter?
What are the three common
states of matter?
      1) Solids
      2) Liquids
      3) Gases
What can the states also be called? Phases
So, a phase describes a physical state of matter.
Comparison of States
               gas               liquid            solid
           Do not have     Take the shape     Definite shape
          definite shape   of the container
                            in which it is
            lots of free   little free space little free space
DENSITY   space between         between           between
             particles          particles         particles
FLOW      particles can     particles can  rigid - particles
          move past one    move/slide past      cannot
            another         one another    move/slide past
                                             one another



Robert Boyle (1627-1691)
• Boyle had the good fortune to have Robert Hooke as
  an assistant and together they made an air pump.

In 1662, Boyle published what is
   now known as Boyle's law:

 At constant temperature the volume of a gas is
inversely proportional to the pressure
Boyle’s Law :
  The volume of definite quantity of gas is inversely
  proportional to it’s pressure at constant temperature.

     Mathematically expressed as V ∝ 1 (Constant temp.)
                      ∴ V = K/P where K = constant
                           ∴ PV = K
Thus it can also be stated as
“At constant temperature the product of volume and
pressure of definite quantity of gas is constant.

      If P1 and V1 is initial pressure and volume of gas at
 constant temp and P2, V2 at final state then above equation
                       can be written as :

                     P1V1 = P2V2
Boyle’s Law

Timberlake, Chemistry 7th Edition, page 253
Boyle’s Law
1 atm              • As the
                     pressure on a
2 atm                gas increases -
                     the volume

        4 Liters
        2          • Pressure and
                     volume are
Boyle’s Law illustrated
Jacques Charles
In the century
following Boyle, a
French physicist,
Jacques Charles
(1746-1823), was
the first person
to fill a balloon
with hydrogen
gas and who
made the first
solo balloon
Volume vs. Temperature:
     Charles’ Law
            • Notice the linear
              relationship. This
              relationship between
              temperature and
              volume describes a
              “direct relationship”.
              This means when
              increases, so does
              the volume.
Charles' Law :
• ‘The volume of definite quantity of gas is directly
  proportional to its absolute temperature at
  constant pressure.’
• Mathematically expressed as
             V ∝ T (constant pressure)
             V = KT (K = constant)
             V/T = K
• If V1 and T1 are the volume and temperature of gas
  in initial state and V2, T2 at final state then above
  equation can be written as :
                 V1 = V2 or V1 = T1
“At constant volume the pressure of the given
  quantity 0f the gas is directly proportional to
  it’s absolute temperature”.

 Mathematically expressed as
                      P ∝ T (constant pressure)
                      P = KT (K = constant)
                      P/T = K
 If P1 and T1 are the volume and temperature
 of gas in initial state and P2, T2 at final state
 then above equation can be written as :
                   P1 = P2 or P1 = T1
                   T1     T2        P2      T2
Mechanics of

Timberlake, Chemistry 7th Edition, page 254
Simple gas equation                  P1     VI T I            P2 V 2 T 2

                                                     P2 V X T 2

HereV T step –volume isVx T instep – 2 stepsP V T
 P1 change in 1    P2 done two
     1 1                   1                 2 2 2

 In first step, according to Boyle’s Law
          P1V1 = P2Vx (constant temp)
          ∴Vx = P1V1

In second step, according to Charle’s Law
       Vx = V2       ∴ Vx = V2T1
       T1      T2              T2
  On combining both above steps,
       P1V1 = V2T1 ∴P1V1 = P2V2
               P1V1    =    P2 V2 .
                T1          T2
In simple form combined gas equation can be written as
             PV = K (constant)
            ∴ PV = KT
      Value of constant K depends on quantity of gas

       Here putting K = nR               KαV;Vα
       where n = quantity of gas in mole n
            R = gas constant (does not depend on quantity of

                              ∴ PV = nRT
 Above equation is called simple gas equation
Derive the value of R
 According to Ideal gas equation :   PV =
 ∴ R = PV = pressure x volume
         nT no. of moles x temp.

            force x volume
             no. of moles x temp.

                 force x (length)3
              no. of moles x temp.

          =   force x length__________
• But, force x length = work energy

∴R =   work energy________
            no. of moles x temp.

• Thus unit of R is work energy/Kelvin mole.

• It is proved by experiment that volume of one mole
  of any gas at 0°C and 1 atm pressure is 22.4 litre.
It is proved by experiment that volume of one mole of
any gas at 0°C and 1 atm pressure is 22.4 litre

  According to simple gas equation
             R = PV/nT
  where P = 1 atm        n = 1 mole
         V = 22.4 litre  T = 0°C = 273 Kelvin

  ∴ R = 1 atm x 22.4 litre
            1 mole x 273 Kelvin

     R = 0.082 litre atm/Kelvin mole
Value of gas constant R in
different unit
       Value                Unit

0.082          litre – atm / Kelvin mole } work
1.987          calorie/Kelvin mole in heat
1.987 x 10-3   Kcal / Kelvin mole energy
8.314 x 107     erg / Kelvin mole (CGS)
8.314          joule / Kelvin mole (MKS)
Standard temperature and pressure :

• The temperature of 0°C or 273
  Kelvin and pressure of 1 atmosphere
  or 760 mm is called standard temp.
  and pressure.
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure :
   The pressure of gaseous mixture is sum of partial
    pressure of each component gas’.

   Suppose A and B are the gases filled in two
    different vessel of same size and kept at same
   Let PA = partial pressure of a gm of gas A
        PB = partial pressure of b gm of gas B
    If both this gas are filled in the third container of
    same volume and kept at same temperature then
    total pressure of gases, according to Dalton law of
    partial pressure would be.
                 PTotal = PA + PB.
    Here gas A and gas B donot react with each other.
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure :
Application :
• For the gases collected over water, the total
  pressure of the gas is equal to partial pressure of
   dry gas as well as partial pressure of water
• Eg : For oxygen gas collected over water, acc. to
  Dalton’s law

•         PTotal = Pgas + PH2O    Here Pgas = PO2
∀ ∴PO2 = PTotal – PH2O
   where PTotal = pressure of gases
        PH2O = vapour pressure of water at 25°C
• When volume percentage composition is given,
   partial pressure of gas P,
  = Percentage of volume x total pressure
Graham’s law of gaseous difusion
     Graham in 1928 presented a relation between diffusion
      rate of gas and its density in the name of Graham’s law
      of diffusion of gases.

     ‘The rate of diffusion of various gases at same conditions
      of temperature and pressure is inversely proportional to
      the square root of their densities.’

     Suppose the density of any gas is (d) and its rate of
      diffusion is (r) then,
                  r α 1/ d

     The diffusion rate of two gases are compared after
      carrying out the experiment at same temperature and
• Suppose r1 and r2 are the diffusion rate of
  gas-1 and gas-2 respectively.
• The densities of these two gases at the
  same temperature and pressure are d1
  and d2 respectively.
• Acc. to Graham’s law of diffusion of
        r1/r2 =               dαM


• The ratio of densities of any two gases is
  equal to the ratio of the molecular weight
  of those two gases.
• The diffusion rate of a gas means the
  volume of the diffused gas in one second.

• diffusion rate (r) =      Volume of gas diffused (V)

                         Time required for diffusion (t)

         r= v/t
• For two gases at the same temperature and
              r1 = V1/t1 and r2 = V2/t2
• During the experiment, for convenience,
  the times required for diffusion of same
  volumes of two gases diffusing in the same
  time are measured.
 
                           
Hence the above equation can be written as follows :

  r1/r2 = V1/t1   =
                             M2 OR   V1•t2     =   =
                                                       d1   M2
              V2/t2          M1       V 2•t1           d2   M1

     V1 =
  Now if t1 = t2
                      M2

  But if V1 = V2 then
Importance of Graham’s law of gaseous
 Uranium metal has two isotopes : U235 and U238.
 U235 is very important in production of atomic energy.
 The proportion of U235 in uranium metal is only 0.7%.
 As uranium hexafluoride (UF₆) is a volatile compound
  uranium hexafluoride is prepared from uranium metal.
 The difference of molecular weight between 235UF₆ and
      UF₆ is much less. Hence, the ratio of rate of diffusion
  of these gases will be 1.0047.
 Now, if uranium hexafluoride gas is filled in a porous
  vessel allowed to have the diffusion, the amount of
      UF₆ of less density will diffused somewhat more.
  Because of the small difference in diffusion rate, a
  series of a number of experiments is constructed.
This type of work is carried out in a laboratory
extended to kilometer at oak-Ridge in tenessy
state of america.
The experiment of diffusion of this gas through
porous membranes distributed (extended) to
about a kilometer.
After a long time pure 235UF₆ is obtained which is
decomposed to get pure 235U.
 In short, the isotopes of uranium 235U and 238U
can be separated.
The importance of this law is in finding the
molecular weights of gases and the densities.
The components gases can also be separated
from the mixture of gases.
Avogadro’s Hypothesis
 Avogadro gave a principle in 1811 A.D.
  According to it, “Equal volume of the gases
  contain equal number of molecules at standard
  temperature and pressure .
 Simple gas equation is one of the methods to
  presents the Avogadro’s principle.
 One important dimension resulting from
  Avogadro’s principle is molar volume.
 Molar volume means the volume occupied by
  molecular weight expressed in gram of gas. The
  volume of 1 mole at 273 kelvin and 1
  atmosphere pressure can be found out by
  general gas equation.
• PV = nRT     where P = 1 atmosphere
                     V = ? litre
 V = nRT             n = 1 mole gas
    P                 R = 0.082 lit.a tm./k.mol.
                      T = 273 K.

 V = 1 mole x 0.082 lit.atm./k.mol. 273 ‫ ג‬kelvin
              1 atmosphere
 V = 22.4 litre

 Thus molar volume is also called gram molar
Thus molar volume is also called gram molar volume.
The presentation of Avogadro’s principle on the basis
of molar volume can be done as follows :
    “In 22.4 litre of any gas at 273 kelvin 1 atmosphere
contains 1 mole molecules.”
This statement can be given alternatively as, “The
weight of 22.4 litre of any gas at 273 kelvin
temperature and 1 atmosphere pressure, is its
molecular weight.”
According to Avogadro’s principle, “ the number of
molecules in 1 molar volume of any gas is 6.022 10 23.”
The weight of one mole of any substance is its
molecular weight.”
1 mole       6.022 x 1023

22.4 litre   Gram molecular
Kinetic molecular theory
 All the gases are composed of innumerable microscopic particles (atoms or

 The volume of molecules is negligible in comparison with the volume
  (volume of the vessel) occupied by the gas. All the molecules in each have
  same volume and weight.

 The molecules of the gas are in continuous motion.

 The molecules of the gas created (develops) pressure on the wall by striking
  with the walls of the vessel.
The molecules in the gas have no attraction or repulsion for each other.

 When the continuously moving molecules strike with one another, they
exchange the kinetic energy

As this process is continuously going on, the molecules in the gas do not
move with uniform velocity. At any time and any temperature, the velocity of
certain molecules will be very less, some will have moderate and will have very
high. Really the average velocity of each molecule
What are the different types of solids?
    There are four types of crystalline solids --

 Ionic solids-- These substances have a definite melting point
 and contain ionic bonds. An example would be sodium
 chloride (NaCl). View the 3-D structure of a salt crystal.

  Covalent solids -- These substance appear as a single giant
  molecule made up of an almost endless number of covalent bonds.
  An example would be graphite. View the 3-D structure of graphite).

  Molecular solids are represented as repeating units made up
  of molecules. An example would be ice. View the 3-D
  structure of ice.

Metallic solids are repeating units made up of metal atoms. The
valence electrons in metals are able to jump from atom to atom.
• The definate arrangement of constituent
  particle (atoms,ions or molecules) shown
  by dots in three dimension in crystal is
  known as crystal lattice.

• A tiny or smallest part of the crystal lattice
  lattice which bears all the characteristics
  of the crystal and when repeated in three
  dimension forms complete crystal structure
Unit cell of NaCl
 It is be observed that each Na+ is surrounded octahedrally by
six chloride icons and similarly each chloride icon by six Na+

Here the ionic size of Na+ ions is similar and cannot be
arranged in a manner that each ions touches its neighbour

In this configuration Na+ and Cl- ions are arranged in such a
way that they remain as near as possible with each other.

In this construction Na+ - Na+ ion is maximum. Because of a
such a arrangement, the distance between Cl- ions increased
The co-ordination number of Na+ in NaCl crystal is six and the
ratio of Na+ /Cl- radii is 0.53.
Unit cell of CsCl
If we examine the configuration of unit cell of CsCl,
it will be found that each Cs+ is surrounded by eight
Cl- and similarly each Cl- ions is surrounded by eight
Cs+ ions.
If the co-ordination number of metal ion is more in an
ionic crystal, the stability is also more.
Hence the stability of CsCl is more than that of
NaCl .
The co-ordination number of Cs+ in CsCl crystal is
eight and the ratio of Cs+ in CsCl crystal is eight and
the ratio of Cs+ / Cl- radii is 0.92.
It has body centered cubic arrangement.
Unit cell of LiI
In LiI, negative charge possessing I- is much larger in
size as compared to the positive charge possessing
Li+ ion. Hence the negatively charged ions can be
arranged very near to each other.
The positively charged ion can be arranged very
near to each other.
The positively charged ions can be easily placed in
the vacant space formed between these ions. This
type situation arises in the crystal of LiI.
The cross section of layer containing ions is shown
in figure. In this four I- ions are arranged almost
touching each other. I- ions are also above and below
of this central void of this configuration.
• Due to eight I- ions arranged in a manner touching
  each other, the shape that evolves is octahedral.
• As I- ion is big, the size of octahedral configuration is
  comparatively big.
• Li+ ion being smaller in size can be arranged easily
  in the central void (space). In this configuration,
  similarly charged I- ions are arranged near each
  other in such a manner that the attraction between
  them is less and repulsion is more.
• Thus this configuration possesses relatively less
  stability. Because of this, the melting point of LiI is
  less than that of NaCl.
Information about different co-ordination
       numbers and ratio of radii
Radii Ratio      Co-ordination      Arrangement of         Examples
(r+/r-)             number of          positive-negative
                    positive ions      ions
Upto 0.155       2                  Linear

0.155 to 0225    3                  Planer triangle

0.225 to 0.414   4                  Tetrahedral            ZnS

0.414 to 0.73    4                  Square planer

0.414 to 0.73    6                  FCC                    NaCl

0.73 to 1.0      8                  Octahedral-BCC         CsCl

Above 1.0        12                 HCP

     Fix volume
     Fluidity
     Non-compressibility
     Diffusion
     Evaporation
     Vapour pressure
     Surface tension
     Viscosity
Clearity of the term

   Diffusion :
    The property of the liquid to spread
    in another liquid.

   Evaporation :
    The property of liquids to get
    converted of its own into gaseous
    state at normal temperature
   Vapour pressure :
    The vapour exert pressure on the
    surface of the liquid at equillibrium.

   Surface tension :
    The force exerted by the molecules
    on the hypothetical line of unit
    length parellel to the surface of the
    liquid and perpendicular to the
    molecules on the other side of the
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Chemistry - Chp 14 - The Behavior of Gases - PowerPointChemistry - Chp 14 - The Behavior of Gases - PowerPoint
Chemistry - Chp 14 - The Behavior of Gases - PowerPoint
Mel Anthony Pepito

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Chemistry - Chp 14 - The Behavior of Gases - PowerPoint
Chemistry - Chp 14 - The Behavior of Gases - PowerPointChemistry - Chp 14 - The Behavior of Gases - PowerPoint
Chemistry - Chp 14 - The Behavior of Gases - PowerPoint

States of matter

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Review What’s matter? What are the three common states of matter? 1) Solids 2) Liquids 3) Gases What can the states also be called? Phases So, a phase describes a physical state of matter.
  • 5.
  • 6. Comparison of States gas liquid solid Do not have Take the shape Definite shape SHAPE definite shape of the container in which it is poured lots of free little free space little free space DENSITY space between between between particles particles particles FLOW particles can particles can rigid - particles move past one move/slide past cannot another one another move/slide past one another
  • 8. Robert Boyle (1627-1691) • Boyle had the good fortune to have Robert Hooke as an assistant and together they made an air pump. In 1662, Boyle published what is now known as Boyle's law:  At constant temperature the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure
  • 9. Boyle’s Law : The volume of definite quantity of gas is inversely proportional to it’s pressure at constant temperature. Mathematically expressed as V ∝ 1 (Constant temp.) P ∴ V = K/P where K = constant ∴ PV = K Thus it can also be stated as “At constant temperature the product of volume and pressure of definite quantity of gas is constant. If P1 and V1 is initial pressure and volume of gas at constant temp and P2, V2 at final state then above equation can be written as : P1V1 = P2V2
  • 10. Boyle’s Law Timberlake, Chemistry 7th Edition, page 253
  • 11. Boyle’s Law 1 atm • As the pressure on a 2 atm gas increases - the volume decreases 4 Liters 2 • Pressure and volume are inversely related
  • 13. Jacques Charles In the century following Boyle, a French physicist, Jacques Charles (1746-1823), was the first person to fill a balloon with hydrogen gas and who made the first solo balloon
  • 14. Volume vs. Temperature: Charles’ Law • Notice the linear relationship. This relationship between temperature and volume describes a “direct relationship”. This means when temperature increases, so does the volume.
  • 15. Charles' Law : • ‘The volume of definite quantity of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature at constant pressure.’ • Mathematically expressed as V ∝ T (constant pressure) V = KT (K = constant) V/T = K • If V1 and T1 are the volume and temperature of gas in initial state and V2, T2 at final state then above equation can be written as : V1 = V2 or V1 = T1
  • 16. GAY LUSACC LAW “At constant volume the pressure of the given quantity 0f the gas is directly proportional to it’s absolute temperature”. Mathematically expressed as P ∝ T (constant pressure) P = KT (K = constant) P/T = K If P1 and T1 are the volume and temperature of gas in initial state and P2, T2 at final state then above equation can be written as : P1 = P2 or P1 = T1 T1 T2 P2 T2
  • 17. Mechanics of Breathing Timberlake, Chemistry 7th Edition, page 254
  • 18. Simple gas equation P1 VI T I P2 V 2 T 2 P2 V X T 2 HereV T step –volume isVx T instep – 2 stepsP V T P1 change in 1 P2 done two 1 1 1 2 2 2 In first step, according to Boyle’s Law P1V1 = P2Vx (constant temp) ∴Vx = P1V1 P2 In second step, according to Charle’s Law Vx = V2 ∴ Vx = V2T1 T1 T2 T2 On combining both above steps, P1V1 = V2T1 ∴P1V1 = P2V2
  • 19. COMBINED GAS EQUATION P1V1 = P2 V2 . T1 T2 In simple form combined gas equation can be written as PV = K (constant) T ∴ PV = KT Value of constant K depends on quantity of gas Here putting K = nR KαV;Vα where n = quantity of gas in mole n R = gas constant (does not depend on quantity of Kαn gas) ∴ PV = nRT Above equation is called simple gas equation
  • 20. Derive the value of R According to Ideal gas equation : PV = nRT ∴ R = PV = pressure x volume nT no. of moles x temp. force x volume = area ______________ no. of moles x temp. force x (length)3 = (length)2 ___________ no. of moles x temp. = force x length__________
  • 21. • But, force x length = work energy ∴R = work energy________ no. of moles x temp. • Thus unit of R is work energy/Kelvin mole. • It is proved by experiment that volume of one mole of any gas at 0°C and 1 atm pressure is 22.4 litre.
  • 22. It is proved by experiment that volume of one mole of any gas at 0°C and 1 atm pressure is 22.4 litre According to simple gas equation R = PV/nT where P = 1 atm n = 1 mole V = 22.4 litre T = 0°C = 273 Kelvin ∴ R = 1 atm x 22.4 litre 1 mole x 273 Kelvin R = 0.082 litre atm/Kelvin mole
  • 23. Value of gas constant R in different unit Value Unit 0.082 litre – atm / Kelvin mole } work 1.987 calorie/Kelvin mole in heat 1.987 x 10-3 Kcal / Kelvin mole energy 8.314 x 107 erg / Kelvin mole (CGS) 8.314 joule / Kelvin mole (MKS)
  • 24. Standard temperature and pressure : • The temperature of 0°C or 273 Kelvin and pressure of 1 atmosphere or 760 mm is called standard temp. and pressure.
  • 25. Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure :  The pressure of gaseous mixture is sum of partial pressure of each component gas’.  Suppose A and B are the gases filled in two different vessel of same size and kept at same temperature.  Let PA = partial pressure of a gm of gas A PB = partial pressure of b gm of gas B  If both this gas are filled in the third container of same volume and kept at same temperature then total pressure of gases, according to Dalton law of partial pressure would be.  PTotal = PA + PB.  Here gas A and gas B donot react with each other.
  • 26. Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure :
  • 27. Application : • For the gases collected over water, the total pressure of the gas is equal to partial pressure of dry gas as well as partial pressure of water vapour. • Eg : For oxygen gas collected over water, acc. to Dalton’s law • PTotal = Pgas + PH2O Here Pgas = PO2 ∀ ∴PO2 = PTotal – PH2O where PTotal = pressure of gases PH2O = vapour pressure of water at 25°C • When volume percentage composition is given, then partial pressure of gas P, • = Percentage of volume x total pressure 100
  • 28. Graham’s law of gaseous difusion  Graham in 1928 presented a relation between diffusion rate of gas and its density in the name of Graham’s law of diffusion of gases.  ‘The rate of diffusion of various gases at same conditions of temperature and pressure is inversely proportional to the square root of their densities.’  Suppose the density of any gas is (d) and its rate of diffusion is (r) then, r α 1/ d  The diffusion rate of two gases are compared after carrying out the experiment at same temperature and pressure.
  • 29. • Suppose r1 and r2 are the diffusion rate of gas-1 and gas-2 respectively. • The densities of these two gases at the same temperature and pressure are d1 and d2 respectively. • Acc. to Graham’s law of diffusion of gases. r1/r2 = dαM = • The ratio of densities of any two gases is equal to the ratio of the molecular weight of those two gases.
  • 30. • The diffusion rate of a gas means the volume of the diffused gas in one second. • diffusion rate (r) = Volume of gas diffused (V) Time required for diffusion (t) r= v/t • For two gases at the same temperature and pressure, r1 = V1/t1 and r2 = V2/t2 • During the experiment, for convenience, the times required for diffusion of same volumes of two gases diffusing in the same time are measured.
  • 31.      Hence the above equation can be written as follows :  r1/r2 = V1/t1 = M2 OR V1•t2 = = d1 M2 V2/t2 M1 V 2•t1 d2 M1 V1 = V2    Now if t1 = t2  M2 M1 then t2 t1 =     But if V1 = V2 then M2 M1
  • 32. Importance of Graham’s law of gaseous diffusion  Uranium metal has two isotopes : U235 and U238.  U235 is very important in production of atomic energy.  The proportion of U235 in uranium metal is only 0.7%.  As uranium hexafluoride (UF₆) is a volatile compound uranium hexafluoride is prepared from uranium metal.  The difference of molecular weight between 235UF₆ and 238 UF₆ is much less. Hence, the ratio of rate of diffusion of these gases will be 1.0047.  Now, if uranium hexafluoride gas is filled in a porous vessel allowed to have the diffusion, the amount of 235 UF₆ of less density will diffused somewhat more. Because of the small difference in diffusion rate, a series of a number of experiments is constructed.
  • 33. This type of work is carried out in a laboratory extended to kilometer at oak-Ridge in tenessy state of america. The experiment of diffusion of this gas through porous membranes distributed (extended) to about a kilometer. After a long time pure 235UF₆ is obtained which is decomposed to get pure 235U. In short, the isotopes of uranium 235U and 238U can be separated. The importance of this law is in finding the molecular weights of gases and the densities. The components gases can also be separated from the mixture of gases.
  • 34. Avogadro’s Hypothesis  Avogadro gave a principle in 1811 A.D. According to it, “Equal volume of the gases contain equal number of molecules at standard temperature and pressure .  Simple gas equation is one of the methods to presents the Avogadro’s principle.  One important dimension resulting from Avogadro’s principle is molar volume.  Molar volume means the volume occupied by molecular weight expressed in gram of gas. The volume of 1 mole at 273 kelvin and 1 atmosphere pressure can be found out by general gas equation.
  • 35.
  • 36. • PV = nRT where P = 1 atmosphere V = ? litre V = nRT n = 1 mole gas P R = 0.082 lit.a tm./k.mol. T = 273 K. V = 1 mole x 0.082 lit.atm./k.mol. 273 ‫ ג‬kelvin 1 atmosphere V = 22.4 litre Thus molar volume is also called gram molar
  • 37. Thus molar volume is also called gram molar volume. The presentation of Avogadro’s principle on the basis of molar volume can be done as follows : “In 22.4 litre of any gas at 273 kelvin 1 atmosphere contains 1 mole molecules.” This statement can be given alternatively as, “The weight of 22.4 litre of any gas at 273 kelvin temperature and 1 atmosphere pressure, is its molecular weight.” According to Avogadro’s principle, “ the number of molecules in 1 molar volume of any gas is 6.022 10 23.” The weight of one mole of any substance is its molecular weight.”
  • 38. 1 mole 6.022 x 1023 22.4 litre Gram molecular weight
  • 39. Kinetic molecular theory  All the gases are composed of innumerable microscopic particles (atoms or molecules).  The volume of molecules is negligible in comparison with the volume (volume of the vessel) occupied by the gas. All the molecules in each have same volume and weight.  The molecules of the gas are in continuous motion.  The molecules of the gas created (develops) pressure on the wall by striking with the walls of the vessel. The molecules in the gas have no attraction or repulsion for each other.  When the continuously moving molecules strike with one another, they exchange the kinetic energy As this process is continuously going on, the molecules in the gas do not move with uniform velocity. At any time and any temperature, the velocity of certain molecules will be very less, some will have moderate and will have very high. Really the average velocity of each molecule
  • 40. What are the different types of solids? There are four types of crystalline solids -- Ionic solids-- These substances have a definite melting point and contain ionic bonds. An example would be sodium chloride (NaCl). View the 3-D structure of a salt crystal. Covalent solids -- These substance appear as a single giant molecule made up of an almost endless number of covalent bonds. An example would be graphite. View the 3-D structure of graphite). Molecular solids are represented as repeating units made up of molecules. An example would be ice. View the 3-D structure of ice. Metallic solids are repeating units made up of metal atoms. The valence electrons in metals are able to jump from atom to atom.
  • 41. CRYSTAL LATTICE • The definate arrangement of constituent particle (atoms,ions or molecules) shown by dots in three dimension in crystal is known as crystal lattice. UNIT CELL : • A tiny or smallest part of the crystal lattice lattice which bears all the characteristics of the crystal and when repeated in three dimension forms complete crystal structure
  • 42. UNIT CELL OF NaCl
  • 43. Unit cell of NaCl It is be observed that each Na+ is surrounded octahedrally by six chloride icons and similarly each chloride icon by six Na+ ion. Here the ionic size of Na+ ions is similar and cannot be arranged in a manner that each ions touches its neighbour ion. In this configuration Na+ and Cl- ions are arranged in such a way that they remain as near as possible with each other. In this construction Na+ - Na+ ion is maximum. Because of a such a arrangement, the distance between Cl- ions increased automatically. The co-ordination number of Na+ in NaCl crystal is six and the ratio of Na+ /Cl- radii is 0.53.
  • 44. UNIT CELL OF CsCl
  • 45. Unit cell of CsCl If we examine the configuration of unit cell of CsCl, it will be found that each Cs+ is surrounded by eight Cl- and similarly each Cl- ions is surrounded by eight Cs+ ions. If the co-ordination number of metal ion is more in an ionic crystal, the stability is also more. Hence the stability of CsCl is more than that of NaCl . The co-ordination number of Cs+ in CsCl crystal is eight and the ratio of Cs+ in CsCl crystal is eight and the ratio of Cs+ / Cl- radii is 0.92. It has body centered cubic arrangement.
  • 47. Unit cell of LiI In LiI, negative charge possessing I- is much larger in size as compared to the positive charge possessing Li+ ion. Hence the negatively charged ions can be arranged very near to each other. The positively charged ion can be arranged very near to each other. The positively charged ions can be easily placed in the vacant space formed between these ions. This type situation arises in the crystal of LiI. The cross section of layer containing ions is shown in figure. In this four I- ions are arranged almost touching each other. I- ions are also above and below of this central void of this configuration.
  • 48. UNIT CELL OF LiI • Due to eight I- ions arranged in a manner touching each other, the shape that evolves is octahedral. • As I- ion is big, the size of octahedral configuration is comparatively big. • Li+ ion being smaller in size can be arranged easily in the central void (space). In this configuration, similarly charged I- ions are arranged near each other in such a manner that the attraction between them is less and repulsion is more. • Thus this configuration possesses relatively less stability. Because of this, the melting point of LiI is less than that of NaCl.
  • 49. Information about different co-ordination numbers and ratio of radii Radii Ratio Co-ordination Arrangement of Examples (r+/r-) number of positive-negative positive ions ions Upto 0.155 2 Linear 0.155 to 0225 3 Planer triangle 0.225 to 0.414 4 Tetrahedral ZnS 0.414 to 0.73 4 Square planer 0.414 to 0.73 6 FCC NaCl 0.73 to 1.0 8 Octahedral-BCC CsCl Above 1.0 12 HCP
  • 50. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LIQUID  Fix volume  Fluidity  Non-compressibility  Diffusion  Evaporation  Vapour pressure  Surface tension  Viscosity
  • 51. Clearity of the term  Diffusion : The property of the liquid to spread in another liquid.  Evaporation : The property of liquids to get converted of its own into gaseous state at normal temperature
  • 52. Vapour pressure : The vapour exert pressure on the surface of the liquid at equillibrium.  Surface tension : The force exerted by the molecules on the hypothetical line of unit length parellel to the surface of the liquid and perpendicular to the molecules on the other side of the molecules.

Editor's Notes

  1. MECHANICS OF BREATHING Gas travels from high pressure to low pressure. This is also responsible for all weather patterns.