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Sports and Nutrition
 Balanced Diet and Nutrition: Macro and Micro Nutrients.
 Nutritive and Non-nutritive components of diet
 Eating for weight control - A healthy weight, the Pitfall of dieting, Food
Intolerance and Food Myths.
 Sports Nutrition & its Effects on performance (Fluid & Meal in take, pre,
during and post Competition).
 Food Supplements for children
Balanced diet
A diet which consist of all the essential food constituents, viz.,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in correct
proportion is called a balanced diet.
Balanced diet is that diet which consist of various constituents of food
in accurate and appropriate quantity and quality according to the
requirement of an individual.
These point sum up a balanced diet
Must contain all essential constituents in accurate amount
Should easily digestible
Consumed cooked food
Must be in defined proportion
• Science of food and relationship with health. In other words
nutrition is the science of food which comprises the dynamic
process in which the consumed food in digestion, nutrition
are absorbed and distributed to the tissues for utilization and
wastes are disposed off the body.
• Nutrients: - The energic food in our diet consists of various
types of essential chemicals for our body termed as
nutrients: - e.g. Protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins &
minerals. They are of two types.
Macro Nutrients Micro Nutrients
Fat Soluble
Water Soluble
B complex
Vitamin C
Macro Nutrients
Macro nutrients are constitute the majority of individuals
diet. They are taken in large amount. They supply energy and
needed for growth and maintenance of the body.
• Carbohydrates (Cx (H2O)y (x:y::1:2))
• Fats
• Proteins
• Water (H2O)
• Most imp. Source of energy
• Contain C(carbo), H(hydra), and O(ate)
• Organic compound that are imp. For different digestive
• Need less amount of water to digest itself
Simple Carbohydrates
•Glucose, Fructose, sucrose, Maltose,
•Soluble in water
•Sweet in taste and are called sugar
•Smaller chain
Complex Carbohydrates
•Also called as polysaccharides
•Not soluble in water
•Not Crystalline
•Not sweet in taste
•Longer chain
• Contain C, H, N, O & some time sulphur
• Large molecule, can’t absorbed directly, converted in to AMINO ACID
• Out of 23 only 9 type of amino acid must be there in the diet
• It help to create blood, muscles, nails, skin, hair and tissues in internal
• Proteins form new tissues, repair the broken tissues, regulate balance of
water and acid, transport O2 and nutrients and make antibodies.
• Excessive use can cause heart diseases, stock, kidney stone and osteoporosis
• Body required only .36 gram of protein per pound
• If not taken in proper amount can cause Marasmus and Kwashiorkor.
• It contain C(76%), O(12%) & H(12%).
• It is necessary for body function
• It keep the body warm and protect the organs.
• It help in production of hormones
Types of fats
Saturated Fats
• Increase the cholesterol
and may lead to heart
• It is found in fast food,
pastries and biscuits.
Polyunsaturated Fats and Mono-saturated Fats
• These help in lowing the blood cholesterol
• Polyunsaturated Fats are slightly better than
Mono-saturated Fats
Fats are essential in diet but the
quantity of intake should be limited
• Our blood have 90% of water and is a
compound of H & O (2:1).
• Help in transportation of nutrition.
• Help in excretion of waste from
• It regulates the body temperature.
• Vital for various chemical reaction.
• Essential for body metabolism.
Micro Nutrients
• Minerals and Vitamins come under these nutrients.
• Required in very less amount.
• Extremely essential for normal function of body.
• Help in many good chemical reaction to occur in body.
• 4% of body Weight.
• Required for healthy teeth, muscles and born.
• Important for transmitting the nerve impulses, formation of
hormones, maintaining of heartbeat.
Calcium Main element for the growth of teeth and born
Blood clothing
Defiance cause rickets
Found in cheese, milk, orange, egg, green leafy vegetable and cereals
Potassium Keep nervous and muscular system fit and active all the time
Maintain amount of water in blood and tissues
Found in banana, tomato, green leafy vegetable, citrus fruits, beans, peanuts etc.
Sodium Helps in muscular activities
Help in transmission of nerve impulse
Found in table salt, pickle, butter etc.
Magnesium Repair and maintain the body cells
Found in meat, brown rice, beans, wholegrains etc.
Phosphorus Help in formation of bones and teeth.
Keep nerves and muscles system normal
Found in egg, liver, cod liver, milk, unpolished rice etc.
Iodine Production of hormones in the thyroid gland
Significant in growth and development of body
Lack cause goiter and mental retardation
Found in iodized salt, fish and sea food
Iron Essential for production of haemoglobin
Lack cause ANAEMIA
Found in liver, egg, meat, dry fruit, spinach, green leafy vegetable and banana
Chromium Stimulates insulin activity
Defiance cause the diabetes
Found in soya beans, black gram, carrot, tomato, groundnut, bajra and barley
Copper Help iron to form haemoglobin
Found in egg, pulses and green leafy vegetable
Cobalt Protect from anemia
Found in green leafy vegetable, milk and meat
• Required in small amount to keep our body healthy
• if it is not present In our diet can cause defiance disease
• These are of two type
Discovered in 1913 by Elmer McCollum
Various form Retinol, Retinal, Retinoic acid
Help to form teeth and bones
Prompts normal vision
Resist the infection
Lack in diet cause night blindness, kerotamalacia, xerophthelmia
Found in animal liver, milk products, mango, papaya and yellow vegetable
White crystalline substance
Help in absorption of calcium and phosphorus also maintain the
level of it
Maintain the functioning of parathormone, and hormones secreted
by the parathyroid gland
Deficiency cause the rickets, osteomalacia, tetany, dental cavities
and osteoporosis.
Sunrays, milk, butter, and fish liver oils are the main source
Used for growth of many body organs
Cause low red blood count, effect the ability to produce sex hormones
Is an antioxidant and slow down the process of damaging the cells
Deficiency cause the damage of muscles and nerve cause the lost of filling
in arms and legs
Loss of body control movement, muscles weakness and vision problem
Green vegetable, kidney, liver, heart, cotton seed, sprouts, coconut oil, dry
and fresh fruits, milk meat butter and maize
Main function to clot blood
Prevent hemorrhage and excessive bleeding in wound
Deficiency may cause anemia
Found in tomato, potato, spinach, cabbage, soya beans, fish, cauliflower,
wheat, meat and egg
Taste salty
Smell like yeast
Metabolize Carbohydrates
Maintain health of liver, kidney, intestine, stomach, brain etc.
Maintain healthy and efficiency of nervous and muscles
Deficiency may cause skin disease, headache,
lack of consternation, sleeplessness, loss of appetite
Low heart beat and also retardation of muscular efficiency
May cause beriberi
Cause constipation, irritation and anger and development of body stop
Yellow in colour
Destroyed in sunlight and if food if food is cooked for longer
Preserve and maintaining the characteristic of youth,
tightness and smoothness of skin
Activity and health of tissues
Keep eyes, nose, lips and tongue in healthy state
Deficiency cause stunted growth, unhealthy skin and inflammation in eyes
Decrease the immunity power of white blood cells
Meat, fish, egg, whole grains, milk products etc.
Body dose not store it
It excreta the excess amount of vitamins
Deficiency cause pellagra
Symptoms is indigestion, fatigue, vomiting and depression
Yeast, meet, fish, milk, nuts, beans
Necessary in making blood
Vital role in breaking down of fats and carbohydrates for energy
Symptoms are fatigue, insomnia, depression, irritability, vomiting, stomach
pain and burning feet
Meat, fish, grains, yolk
Formation of haemoglobin
Keep skin healthy
Rice, wheat, egg yolk, meat
Defiance cause impaired growth, depression, muscles stain etc.
Egg, milk ,fish, fresh vegetable, cereals, etc.
Folic acid
Tasteless odourless, yellow in colour
Simple cooking destroy it
Essential for reproduction, growth and development of body
Helpful in blood formation
Deficiency cause loss of leucocytes
Yeast, spinach and liver.
Red in colour
Destroyed if food is cooked for longer time
Deficiency cause anemia
Meat, fish, Soybean paste, Soy sauce
Water Soluble
Vitamin C
• Ascorbic acid
• White crystalline substance
• Healing the wound
• Increasing the metabolism rate and help in absorbing the calcium
• Highly effective antioxidant
• Essential for growth, formation and repair of bone, skin and connective tissue.
• Maintains healthy teeth and gums.
• Deficiency cause scurey
• Adult may feel tired, weak and irritable due to lack of Vc .
• Found in pine apple, guava, lemon, amla, ber, oranges, tomato, green chilies and
Nutritive and Non-Nutritive components of diet
Vitamins a) Water soluble b) Fats soluble
Fiber or Roughage
Colour compound
Flavor compound
Plant compound
• Derived from protias means “good
substance for foodstuff”.
• The base of human cell protoplasm
contain proteins.
• Maximum found in tissues of body
• Also find in blood, secretion of endocrine
gland, bones, teeth and its delicate
• If water is taken out it will left behind
• Contain C, H, N, O & some time sulphur
• Called nitrogenous compound
• Lack effect the physical growth and
development of body
• Promote cell growth and repair.
• Help in mental development
• Known as building blocks of life
• Animal sources- egg, milk, milk
products, meat and fish.
• Vegetable sources- pulse, beans, soya
beans, musted, green peas, nuts,
groundnuts, dry fruits and food grains.
• Fuel of our body
• Provides energy to body
• Need these for formation of fats.
• People Work engaged with hard
work needs carbohydrates in there
• If we take large amount of it they
convert into fats and stored as
fatty tissues.
• Lack cause loss of body weight
• Skin become loss
• Wrinkles comes on the face
• Right amount of these are taken
cause increase body weight, high
body temperature
• The person become lazy if eat
more carbohydrates.
• Source- rice, maize, Jowar, bajara,
pulses, grams, dry pea, grapes,
potato, banana, gur, sugar etc.
• Provide heat and energy
• Regulates body temperature.
• Help in maintaining body soft and
• Protect body from extreme hot and cold
• Fats are better than carbohydrates for
• Fats digested easily and rapidly than
• If excess fat is consumed it accumulates
on the different organ and effect the
functioning of some vital organs
• If the amount of fats is less the
carbohydrate some what complete its
• Animal source- gee, butter, curd,
cheese, fish oil, meat, milk and egg,
• Plant source- sweet potato, whole corn,
dry fruit, coconut, soya beans, food
grains, musted oil, cotton oil etc.
• Vital for healthy life
• Protect from various type of disease.
• Increase immunity against disease.
• Contribute in general development of body.
• Lack of these cause deficiency disease.
Fat Soluble
Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
• Yellow in colour
• Destroyed by oxidation.
• UV rays also destroy it.
• Deficiency may cause night blindness
and xerophthelmia.
• Essential for normal growth of an
• Skin may become dry and wrinkled.
• Teeth become yellow.
• Can cause kidney stone.
• Also effect the kidney, nerve and
digestive system.
• Deficiency can cause poisonous
substance in spinal cod.
• Protect from communicable decease.
• Animal source- gee, milk, curd, egg yolk,
• Plants source- tomato, papaya, green
vegetable, orange, spinach, carrot, etc.
• White and odourless.
• Form and maintain healthy teeth and
• Enable body to accumulates phosphorus
and calcium which form bones & teeth.
• Deficiency cause rickets, ill-shaped
teeth and soft bones.
• Increase the amount to cure teeth &
• Source- egg yolk, fish, sunlight,
vegetable, cod liver oil, milk, cream,
butter, tomato, carrot, etc.
• Derived from “coagulation” means
“clotting of blood”.
• Help in blood clotting
• The blood flow continues for longer time
in case of injury if there deficiency.
• Requirement is more in pregnant ladies.
• Deficiency may cause anaemia.
• Source- cauliflower, spinach, cabbage,
tomato, potato, green vegetable, wheat,
egg, meat, etc.
Vitamin E
• Required for growth of many
organs in our body
• The deficiency disease cause on
people with some hormones
disorder, low weight, premature
• Cause anaemia, low blood count
which effect production of sex
hormones that promote
reproductive system.
• Anti-oxidant, that mean slow down
the process of damaging cells.
• Deficiency cause the damage of
muscles and nerve cause the lost
of filling in arms and legs Loss of
body control movement, muscles
weakness and vision problem
• Source- Green vegetable, kidney,
heart, liver, cotton seed, sprouts,
coconut oil, yolk, dry and fresh
fruits, milk, meat, maize and
VB1 / Thiamin
• Colourless
• Taste salty
• Smell like yeast
• Help to metabolise the
• Maintain the kidney, liver,
intestine, stomach and brains,
• Maintain health and efficiency of
nervous and muscles.
• Assimilate the vitamin A
• Deficiency cause skin disease,
headache lack of concentration,
sleeplessness, lack of appetite.
• In lack of VB can fall an
individual in to beriberi.
• Source- wheat, groundnut, green
pea, orange, pig meat, liver,
egg, green vegetable, rice and
Slide 20
Vitamin B2
Slide 21
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Slide 22
Vitamin B7
Vitamin B9
Vitamin B12
Calcium Help in formation of teeth and bones
Clot blood
Maintain balance of acid and base
Deficiency may cause asthma, rickets, skin disease such as chilblains
Source- milk, cheese, yolk, orange and green vegetable
Phosphorus Form teeth and bones
Found in egg, meat, fish, milk, liver, and un polished rice
Iron Form haemoglobin
Metabolize fat, carbohydrates and protein
Absence may cause anemia
Source- liver, meat, egg, dry fruits and green vegetable
Formation and functioning of thyroid gland
Deficiency cause goiter and may hind the growth and development
A child may remain dwarf, Skin become rough and fatty
Deficiency may stop hair growth
Iodine is less in the body the people who live far from the see
Source- sea food and iodized salt
Maintain balance of acid and base
Maintain balance of water
Help in contraction muscles
Source- milk, salt, milk products, meat, egg etc.
Potassium Deficiency cause weakness in muscles, person become lazy and may
contract Addison’s disease
Found in carrot, beat root, onion, tomato, orange, mango, banana, apple,
Sulphur Help in formation and function of cells
Helpful in formation of hair and nails
Found in egg, reddish, pulses, carrot, pea, spinach, tomato, cabbage and
Non-nutritive components
Fiber or
It can’t be digested
Improve intestinal function by adding bulk to food, Satisfies the appetite
Help to correct the disorder of large intestine and prevent constipation
Soluble fibers reduce blood sugar fluctuation and lower cholesterol and Insoluble fiber is good for stool softener
Helpful in decrease the risk of heart disease and certain type of cancer.
Source- whole wheat, fresh fruits, roots, vegetables, oats, connective tissues of meat and fish
Water in Blood (90% of water) help in transportation of nutrients
Help in excretion of waste and maintain the temperature of body
Loss of water is daily almost 2 % of body weight and regulate by intake of water(80%) and food stuff(20%)
Functions as lubricants, keep the skin moist and protect our body from stock
Excretes in form of urine, faeces, sweat and water vapour in exhale of breath
Food and diet is made more appetizing and attractive by wide relation of colours
made possible through the wide range of colour pigments
Natural pigments have colour in fruits and vegetable Colour derived from animals
and food grains are less bright
Various colour derived are red, orange, yellow, green blue and cream
Derived from both nutritive and non nutritive components of food
Some time it become very difficult to know the specific flavor
Acidic food provide sour and alkaline food gives bitter taste
Have both beneficial and harmful effects
Many inhibit cancer and some effect the indigestion of food example is caffeine.
If take in excess amount leads to high heart rate, secretion of stomach acid and
excessive urination
Meaning of Healthy weight
• Individual with healthy weight leads to healthy life with
reduced risk of disease.
• The healthy weight is considered to be the one that is between
19 and 25(BMI). If BMI is between 25 and 29 that is considered
over weight. If the BMI is greater than 29 than that is
considered to be obese “according to NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF
• In simple words it means that healthy weighted person have less
risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
Two methods to find Healthy Weight
Through height and weight chart Method to calculate BMI
• Formula
Body mass index
Weight in kg/(Height in m)2
Methods to control Body Weight
• Set an appropriate goal
• Lay stress on health not on
• Cut yours Calories
• Active life style
• Bring out support
• Yoga exercises
• Avoid fatty food
• Avoid junk and fast food
• Avoid Overeating
• Don’t eat smaller meals
• Avoid rich carbohydrate food
• Don't skip meals
• Regular exercise and physical
• Balance the intake of calories
and expenditures of calories
The pitfalls of Dieting
•Extreme reduction of
•Restriction of
Carbohydrates and
•Underestimating of
•Intake labelled food
•Not exercising
•Intake of Calories
through Beverages
•Skipping meals
Food Intolerance
• In simple words that the individual element or certain
food that can’t be properly processed or digested by the
digestive system
• Some person can tolerate it but if the person eat it in
large amount it will not be tolerate and show its
• In come gradually not frequently. It is not life time
Food Intolerance
Cause and Symptoms
• Cause due to lack or absence of an
particular type of enzyme which digest it
• Can be diet related or due to illness
• Theirs deficiency are usually innate.
• Symptoms- nausea, stomach pain,
diarrhoea, vomiting, flatulence, gas,
cramps, heartburn, headaches,
irritability, nervousness.
• Minor change in diet, stop eating the things
which cause it
• Can be cured by the need of any
• If can’t get the food then seek an medical
• Guidance can be provided by general
practitioner to assist in diagnosis and
• Managing Food intolerance, fructose
intolerance, lactose intolerance therapy and
histamine intolerance therapy can be
Potatoes make you fat
• Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred energy source. They not make you
automatically fat. No problem of taking fat in normal amount
Fat free products help you to loss fat
• Due to thinking the low calories they eat more and gain more calories i.e. 120
calories in low fat and 140 calories in normal food hence can increase body fat
Egg increase cholesterol level so don’t eat them
• Have good amount of protein, vitamins A, B, D, zinc, iron, calcium,
phosphorus, etc. also fulfill the daily requirement of cholesterol. There is no
problem of taking one egg per day
Drinking while eating food makes you fat
• The enzyme and digestive juices get diluted. It will slow down the digestion of
food which may lead to excess body fat. But the scientific fact is that drinking
water while eating in good for digestion.
Don’t take milk immediately eating fish
• Some people believe if any one do this they will get spouts on there skin. But
there is no scientific fact about this. Indeed, they can be taken together
Starve yourself if you want lose weight.
• Eating is food is most important. So, take food which are suppress appetite
and increase metabolism so you don’t eat so much. But eat food.
Exercise makes you eat more
• It help to burn calories and may cause hunger. But in research it is proven who
do exercise do not eat more calories. So there is no truth in this statement.
One word related to above explanation
1. Which diet can provide all the essential food constituents necessary for growth and
maintenance of the body?
2. Who discovered vitamin A?
3. Which mineral helps iron in the formation of haemoglobin?
4. Which vitamin was discovered by Elmer McCollum?
5. What is the name of that carbohydrate in which the ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen
atoms is not 2:1?
6. What is the other name of vitamin B2?
7. Which vitamin helps in maintaining the level of calcium and phosphorus in our body?
Fill in the black
1.Our blood contains ……………………. percent of water.
2.Minerals and ………………………… are included in
3.The deficiency of ……………………… may cause goiter.
4.About ………………………. percent of our body weight is
made up of minerals.
5.Vitamin 'C' is also known as ……………………………… .
State true or false
1.A balanced diet must contain all the essential food
constituents in adequate amount. (True/False)
2.Carbohydrates contain the elements of carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen. (True/False)
3. Glucose, fructose, sucrose and maltose are called
complex carbohydrates. (True/False)
4.Fats contain carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in the
percentage of 76, 12 and 12 respectively.(True/False)
Choose the correct answer
1. In most of the
carbohydrates, the ratio of
hydrogen atoms to oxygen
atoms is:
(a) 2 : 1
(b) 1 :2
(c) 1:3
(d) None of these
2. Trypsin helps in the digestion
(a) Vitamins
(b) Fats
(c) Protein
(d) Carbohydrates
Choose the correct answer
3. Which group of fats usually increases
the chances of heart diseases?
(a) Saturated fats
(b) Poly unsaturated fats
(c) Mono-unsaturated fats
(d) None of the above
4. Which one of the following is not the
example of macro minerals?
(a) Sodium
(b) Potassium
(c) Iron
(d) Calcium
Choose the correct answer
5. Which one of the following is an
example of water soluble vitamins?
(a) Vitamin 'D'
(b) Vitamin 'C'
(c) Vitamin 'A'
(d) Vitamin 'E'
6. Which disease is caused by the
deficiency of vitamin B,?
(a) Beriberi
(b) Pellagra
(c) Rickets
(d) Night blindness
Choose the correct answer
7. Which one of the given minerals plays
an important role in the formation of
(a) Iron
(b) Sulphur
(c) Phosphorus
(d) Sodium
8. Which one of the following is not the
non-nutritive component of diet?
(a) Roughage
(b) Colour compounds
(c) Protein
(d) Flavor compound
Choose the correct answer
9. What is the other name of Vitamin B,?
(a) Riboflavin
(b) Biotin
(c) Niacin
(d) Thiamin
10. Which Vitamin is derived from the
word "Coagulation"?
(a) Vitamin E
(b) Vitamin K
(c) Vitamin A
(d) Vitamin C
Choose the correct answer
11. Which one of the following vitamins is helpful in the clotting of blood?
(a) Vitamin K
(d) Vitamin E
(b) Vitamin C
(c) Vitamin A

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Sports and nutrition chapter 2

  • 1. Sports and Nutrition  Balanced Diet and Nutrition: Macro and Micro Nutrients.  Nutritive and Non-nutritive components of diet  Eating for weight control - A healthy weight, the Pitfall of dieting, Food Intolerance and Food Myths.  Sports Nutrition & its Effects on performance (Fluid & Meal in take, pre, during and post Competition).  Food Supplements for children
  • 2. Balanced diet A diet which consist of all the essential food constituents, viz., carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in correct proportion is called a balanced diet. Balanced diet is that diet which consist of various constituents of food in accurate and appropriate quantity and quality according to the requirement of an individual. These point sum up a balanced diet Must contain all essential constituents in accurate amount Should easily digestible Consumed cooked food Must be in defined proportion
  • 3. Nutrition • Science of food and relationship with health. In other words nutrition is the science of food which comprises the dynamic process in which the consumed food in digestion, nutrition are absorbed and distributed to the tissues for utilization and wastes are disposed off the body. • Nutrients: - The energic food in our diet consists of various types of essential chemicals for our body termed as nutrients: - e.g. Protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins & minerals. They are of two types. Macro Nutrients Micro Nutrients
  • 5. Macro Nutrients Macro nutrients are constitute the majority of individuals diet. They are taken in large amount. They supply energy and needed for growth and maintenance of the body. • Carbohydrates (Cx (H2O)y (x:y::1:2)) • Fats • Proteins • Water (H2O)
  • 6. Carbohydrates • Most imp. Source of energy • Contain C(carbo), H(hydra), and O(ate) • Organic compound that are imp. For different digestive operation • Need less amount of water to digest itself
  • 7. Simple Carbohydrates •Glucose, Fructose, sucrose, Maltose, Lactose •Soluble in water •Crystalline •Sweet in taste and are called sugar •Smaller chain
  • 8. Complex Carbohydrates •Also called as polysaccharides •Not soluble in water •Not Crystalline •Not sweet in taste •Longer chain
  • 9. Proteins • Contain C, H, N, O & some time sulphur • Large molecule, can’t absorbed directly, converted in to AMINO ACID • Out of 23 only 9 type of amino acid must be there in the diet • It help to create blood, muscles, nails, skin, hair and tissues in internal organs • Proteins form new tissues, repair the broken tissues, regulate balance of water and acid, transport O2 and nutrients and make antibodies. • Excessive use can cause heart diseases, stock, kidney stone and osteoporosis • Body required only .36 gram of protein per pound • If not taken in proper amount can cause Marasmus and Kwashiorkor.
  • 10. Fats • It contain C(76%), O(12%) & H(12%). • It is necessary for body function • It keep the body warm and protect the organs. • It help in production of hormones
  • 11. Types of fats Saturated Fats • Increase the cholesterol and may lead to heart diseases. • It is found in fast food, pastries and biscuits. Polyunsaturated Fats and Mono-saturated Fats • These help in lowing the blood cholesterol • Polyunsaturated Fats are slightly better than Mono-saturated Fats Fats are essential in diet but the quantity of intake should be limited
  • 12. Water • Our blood have 90% of water and is a compound of H & O (2:1). • Help in transportation of nutrition. • Help in excretion of waste from body • It regulates the body temperature. • Vital for various chemical reaction. • Essential for body metabolism.
  • 13. Micro Nutrients • Minerals and Vitamins come under these nutrients. • Required in very less amount. • Extremely essential for normal function of body. • Help in many good chemical reaction to occur in body.
  • 14. Minerals • 4% of body Weight. • Required for healthy teeth, muscles and born. • Important for transmitting the nerve impulses, formation of hormones, maintaining of heartbeat.
  • 15. M a c r o M i n e r a l s Calcium Main element for the growth of teeth and born Blood clothing Defiance cause rickets Found in cheese, milk, orange, egg, green leafy vegetable and cereals Potassium Keep nervous and muscular system fit and active all the time Maintain amount of water in blood and tissues Found in banana, tomato, green leafy vegetable, citrus fruits, beans, peanuts etc. Sodium Helps in muscular activities Help in transmission of nerve impulse Found in table salt, pickle, butter etc. Magnesium Repair and maintain the body cells Found in meat, brown rice, beans, wholegrains etc. Phosphorus Help in formation of bones and teeth. Keep nerves and muscles system normal Found in egg, liver, cod liver, milk, unpolished rice etc.
  • 16. M i c r o M i n e r a l s Iodine Production of hormones in the thyroid gland Significant in growth and development of body Lack cause goiter and mental retardation Found in iodized salt, fish and sea food Iron Essential for production of haemoglobin Lack cause ANAEMIA Found in liver, egg, meat, dry fruit, spinach, green leafy vegetable and banana Chromium Stimulates insulin activity Defiance cause the diabetes Found in soya beans, black gram, carrot, tomato, groundnut, bajra and barley Copper Help iron to form haemoglobin Found in egg, pulses and green leafy vegetable Cobalt Protect from anemia Found in green leafy vegetable, milk and meat
  • 17. Vitamins • Required in small amount to keep our body healthy • if it is not present In our diet can cause defiance disease • These are of two type
  • 18. F a t S o l u b l e V i t a m i n s VA (2mg) Discovered in 1913 by Elmer McCollum Various form Retinol, Retinal, Retinoic acid Help to form teeth and bones Prompts normal vision Resist the infection Lack in diet cause night blindness, kerotamalacia, xerophthelmia Found in animal liver, milk products, mango, papaya and yellow vegetable VD White crystalline substance Help in absorption of calcium and phosphorus also maintain the level of it Maintain the functioning of parathormone, and hormones secreted by the parathyroid gland Deficiency cause the rickets, osteomalacia, tetany, dental cavities and osteoporosis. Sunrays, milk, butter, and fish liver oils are the main source
  • 19. F a t S o l u b l e V i t a m i n s VE Used for growth of many body organs Cause low red blood count, effect the ability to produce sex hormones Is an antioxidant and slow down the process of damaging the cells Deficiency cause the damage of muscles and nerve cause the lost of filling in arms and legs Loss of body control movement, muscles weakness and vision problem Green vegetable, kidney, liver, heart, cotton seed, sprouts, coconut oil, dry and fresh fruits, milk meat butter and maize VK Main function to clot blood Prevent hemorrhage and excessive bleeding in wound Deficiency may cause anemia Found in tomato, potato, spinach, cabbage, soya beans, fish, cauliflower, wheat, meat and egg
  • 20. W a t e r S o l u b l e V i t a m i n s V B V B1 / Thiamin Colorless Taste salty Smell like yeast Metabolize Carbohydrates Maintain health of liver, kidney, intestine, stomach, brain etc. Maintain healthy and efficiency of nervous and muscles Deficiency may cause skin disease, headache, lack of consternation, sleeplessness, loss of appetite Low heart beat and also retardation of muscular efficiency May cause beriberi Cause constipation, irritation and anger and development of body stop V B2 / Riboflavin Yellow in colour Destroyed in sunlight and if food if food is cooked for longer Preserve and maintaining the characteristic of youth, tightness and smoothness of skin Activity and health of tissues Keep eyes, nose, lips and tongue in healthy state Deficiency cause stunted growth, unhealthy skin and inflammation in eyes Decrease the immunity power of white blood cells Meat, fish, egg, whole grains, milk products etc.
  • 21. W a t e r S o l u b l e V i t a m i n s V B V B3 or Niacin Body dose not store it It excreta the excess amount of vitamins Deficiency cause pellagra Symptoms is indigestion, fatigue, vomiting and depression Yeast, meet, fish, milk, nuts, beans V B5 or Pantothenic Necessary in making blood Vital role in breaking down of fats and carbohydrates for energy Symptoms are fatigue, insomnia, depression, irritability, vomiting, stomach pain and burning feet Meat, fish, grains, yolk V B6 Formation of haemoglobin Keep skin healthy Rice, wheat, egg yolk, meat
  • 22. W a t e r S o l u b l e V i t a m i n s V B VB7 Biotin Defiance cause impaired growth, depression, muscles stain etc. Egg, milk ,fish, fresh vegetable, cereals, etc. VB9 Folic acid Tasteless odourless, yellow in colour Simple cooking destroy it Essential for reproduction, growth and development of body Helpful in blood formation Deficiency cause loss of leucocytes Yeast, spinach and liver. VB12 Red in colour Destroyed if food is cooked for longer time Deficiency cause anemia Meat, fish, Soybean paste, Soy sauce
  • 23. Water Soluble Vitamin C • Ascorbic acid • White crystalline substance • Healing the wound • Increasing the metabolism rate and help in absorbing the calcium • Highly effective antioxidant • Essential for growth, formation and repair of bone, skin and connective tissue. • Maintains healthy teeth and gums. • Deficiency cause scurey • Adult may feel tired, weak and irritable due to lack of Vc . • Found in pine apple, guava, lemon, amla, ber, oranges, tomato, green chilies and apples.
  • 24. Nutritive and Non-Nutritive components of diet Nutritive Protein Carbohydrates Fats Vitamins a) Water soluble b) Fats soluble Minerals Non- Nutritive Fiber or Roughage Water Colour compound Flavor compound Plant compound
  • 25. Proteins • Derived from protias means “good substance for foodstuff”. • The base of human cell protoplasm contain proteins. • Maximum found in tissues of body • Also find in blood, secretion of endocrine gland, bones, teeth and its delicate tissues. • If water is taken out it will left behind • Contain C, H, N, O & some time sulphur • Called nitrogenous compound • Lack effect the physical growth and development of body • Promote cell growth and repair. • Help in mental development • Known as building blocks of life • Animal sources- egg, milk, milk products, meat and fish. • Vegetable sources- pulse, beans, soya beans, musted, green peas, nuts, groundnuts, dry fruits and food grains.
  • 26. Carbohydrates • Fuel of our body • Provides energy to body • Need these for formation of fats. • People Work engaged with hard work needs carbohydrates in there diet. • If we take large amount of it they convert into fats and stored as fatty tissues. • Lack cause loss of body weight • Skin become loss • Wrinkles comes on the face • Right amount of these are taken cause increase body weight, high body temperature • The person become lazy if eat more carbohydrates. • Source- rice, maize, Jowar, bajara, pulses, grams, dry pea, grapes, potato, banana, gur, sugar etc.
  • 27. Fats • Provide heat and energy • Regulates body temperature. • Help in maintaining body soft and smooth. • Protect body from extreme hot and cold climate. • Fats are better than carbohydrates for energy • Fats digested easily and rapidly than carbohydrates • If excess fat is consumed it accumulates on the different organ and effect the functioning of some vital organs • If the amount of fats is less the carbohydrate some what complete its need • Animal source- gee, butter, curd, cheese, fish oil, meat, milk and egg, • Plant source- sweet potato, whole corn, dry fruit, coconut, soya beans, food grains, musted oil, cotton oil etc.
  • 28. Vitamins • Vital for healthy life • Protect from various type of disease. • Increase immunity against disease. • Contribute in general development of body. • Lack of these cause deficiency disease. Fat Soluble Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Water Soluble Vitamin B Complex Vitamin C
  • 29. Vitamin A • Yellow in colour • Destroyed by oxidation. • UV rays also destroy it. • Deficiency may cause night blindness and xerophthelmia. • Essential for normal growth of an individual • Skin may become dry and wrinkled. • Teeth become yellow. • Can cause kidney stone. • Also effect the kidney, nerve and digestive system. • Deficiency can cause poisonous substance in spinal cod. • Protect from communicable decease. • Animal source- gee, milk, curd, egg yolk, fish. • Plants source- tomato, papaya, green vegetable, orange, spinach, carrot, etc.
  • 30. • White and odourless. • Form and maintain healthy teeth and bones • Enable body to accumulates phosphorus and calcium which form bones & teeth. • Deficiency cause rickets, ill-shaped teeth and soft bones. • Increase the amount to cure teeth & bones. • Source- egg yolk, fish, sunlight, vegetable, cod liver oil, milk, cream, butter, tomato, carrot, etc. • Derived from “coagulation” means “clotting of blood”. • Help in blood clotting • The blood flow continues for longer time in case of injury if there deficiency. • Requirement is more in pregnant ladies. • Deficiency may cause anaemia. • Source- cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, tomato, potato, green vegetable, wheat, egg, meat, etc.
  • 31. Vitamin E • Required for growth of many organs in our body • The deficiency disease cause on people with some hormones disorder, low weight, premature infants. • Cause anaemia, low blood count which effect production of sex hormones that promote reproductive system. • Anti-oxidant, that mean slow down the process of damaging cells. • Deficiency cause the damage of muscles and nerve cause the lost of filling in arms and legs Loss of body control movement, muscles weakness and vision problem • Source- Green vegetable, kidney, heart, liver, cotton seed, sprouts, coconut oil, yolk, dry and fresh fruits, milk, meat, maize and butter
  • 32. VB1 / Thiamin • Colourless • Taste salty • Smell like yeast • Help to metabolise the carbohydrates • Maintain the kidney, liver, intestine, stomach and brains, etc. • Maintain health and efficiency of nervous and muscles. • Assimilate the vitamin A • Deficiency cause skin disease, headache lack of concentration, sleeplessness, lack of appetite. • In lack of VB can fall an individual in to beriberi. • Source- wheat, groundnut, green pea, orange, pig meat, liver, egg, green vegetable, rice and sprouts.
  • 33. Vitamins Slide 20 Vitamin B2 Slide 21 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Slide 22 Vitamin B7 Vitamin B9 Vitamin B12
  • 34. Minerals Calcium Help in formation of teeth and bones Clot blood Maintain balance of acid and base Deficiency may cause asthma, rickets, skin disease such as chilblains Source- milk, cheese, yolk, orange and green vegetable Phosphorus Form teeth and bones Found in egg, meat, fish, milk, liver, and un polished rice Iron Form haemoglobin Metabolize fat, carbohydrates and protein Absence may cause anemia Source- liver, meat, egg, dry fruits and green vegetable
  • 35. Iodine Formation and functioning of thyroid gland Deficiency cause goiter and may hind the growth and development A child may remain dwarf, Skin become rough and fatty Deficiency may stop hair growth Iodine is less in the body the people who live far from the see Source- sea food and iodized salt Sodium Maintain balance of acid and base Maintain balance of water Help in contraction muscles Source- milk, salt, milk products, meat, egg etc. Minerals
  • 36. Minerals Potassium Deficiency cause weakness in muscles, person become lazy and may contract Addison’s disease Found in carrot, beat root, onion, tomato, orange, mango, banana, apple, etc. Sulphur Help in formation and function of cells Helpful in formation of hair and nails Found in egg, reddish, pulses, carrot, pea, spinach, tomato, cabbage and cereals
  • 37. Non-nutritive components Fiber or Roughage It can’t be digested Improve intestinal function by adding bulk to food, Satisfies the appetite Help to correct the disorder of large intestine and prevent constipation Soluble fibers reduce blood sugar fluctuation and lower cholesterol and Insoluble fiber is good for stool softener Helpful in decrease the risk of heart disease and certain type of cancer. Source- whole wheat, fresh fruits, roots, vegetables, oats, connective tissues of meat and fish Water (H2O) Water in Blood (90% of water) help in transportation of nutrients Help in excretion of waste and maintain the temperature of body Loss of water is daily almost 2 % of body weight and regulate by intake of water(80%) and food stuff(20%) Functions as lubricants, keep the skin moist and protect our body from stock Excretes in form of urine, faeces, sweat and water vapour in exhale of breath
  • 38. Colour Compound Food and diet is made more appetizing and attractive by wide relation of colours made possible through the wide range of colour pigments Natural pigments have colour in fruits and vegetable Colour derived from animals and food grains are less bright Various colour derived are red, orange, yellow, green blue and cream Flavor Compound Derived from both nutritive and non nutritive components of food Some time it become very difficult to know the specific flavor Acidic food provide sour and alkaline food gives bitter taste Plants compound Have both beneficial and harmful effects Many inhibit cancer and some effect the indigestion of food example is caffeine. If take in excess amount leads to high heart rate, secretion of stomach acid and excessive urination
  • 39. Meaning of Healthy weight • Individual with healthy weight leads to healthy life with reduced risk of disease. • The healthy weight is considered to be the one that is between 19 and 25(BMI). If BMI is between 25 and 29 that is considered over weight. If the BMI is greater than 29 than that is considered to be obese “according to NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH”. • In simple words it means that healthy weighted person have less risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
  • 40. Two methods to find Healthy Weight Through height and weight chart Method to calculate BMI • Formula Body mass index = Weight in kg/(Height in m)2
  • 41. Methods to control Body Weight • Set an appropriate goal • Lay stress on health not on Weight • Cut yours Calories • Active life style • Bring out support • Yoga exercises • Avoid fatty food • Avoid junk and fast food • Avoid Overeating • Don’t eat smaller meals frequently • Avoid rich carbohydrate food • Don't skip meals • Regular exercise and physical activity • Balance the intake of calories and expenditures of calories
  • 42. The pitfalls of Dieting •Extreme reduction of calories •Restriction of Carbohydrates and Fats •Underestimating of Calories •Intake labelled food •Not exercising •Intake of Calories through Beverages •Skipping meals
  • 43. Food Intolerance • In simple words that the individual element or certain food that can’t be properly processed or digested by the digestive system • Some person can tolerate it but if the person eat it in large amount it will not be tolerate and show its symptoms. • In come gradually not frequently. It is not life time threatening.
  • 44. Food Intolerance Cause and Symptoms • Cause due to lack or absence of an particular type of enzyme which digest it • Can be diet related or due to illness • Theirs deficiency are usually innate. • Symptoms- nausea, stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, flatulence, gas, cramps, heartburn, headaches, irritability, nervousness. Management • Minor change in diet, stop eating the things which cause it • Can be cured by the need of any professional. • If can’t get the food then seek an medical advice. • Guidance can be provided by general practitioner to assist in diagnosis and management • Managing Food intolerance, fructose intolerance, lactose intolerance therapy and histamine intolerance therapy can be applied
  • 45. FOOD MYTHS Potatoes make you fat • Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred energy source. They not make you automatically fat. No problem of taking fat in normal amount Fat free products help you to loss fat • Due to thinking the low calories they eat more and gain more calories i.e. 120 calories in low fat and 140 calories in normal food hence can increase body fat Egg increase cholesterol level so don’t eat them • Have good amount of protein, vitamins A, B, D, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc. also fulfill the daily requirement of cholesterol. There is no problem of taking one egg per day
  • 46. Drinking while eating food makes you fat • The enzyme and digestive juices get diluted. It will slow down the digestion of food which may lead to excess body fat. But the scientific fact is that drinking water while eating in good for digestion. Don’t take milk immediately eating fish • Some people believe if any one do this they will get spouts on there skin. But there is no scientific fact about this. Indeed, they can be taken together Starve yourself if you want lose weight. • Eating is food is most important. So, take food which are suppress appetite and increase metabolism so you don’t eat so much. But eat food. Exercise makes you eat more • It help to burn calories and may cause hunger. But in research it is proven who do exercise do not eat more calories. So there is no truth in this statement.
  • 47. One word related to above explanation 1. Which diet can provide all the essential food constituents necessary for growth and maintenance of the body? 2. Who discovered vitamin A? 3. Which mineral helps iron in the formation of haemoglobin? 4. Which vitamin was discovered by Elmer McCollum? 5. What is the name of that carbohydrate in which the ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms is not 2:1? 6. What is the other name of vitamin B2? 7. Which vitamin helps in maintaining the level of calcium and phosphorus in our body? 1. Balance diet, 2. Elmer McCollum, 3. copper, 4. vitamin A, 5. Rhamnose (C 6 H 12 O 5 ), 6. Riboflavin, 7. vitamin d
  • 48. Fill in the black 1.Our blood contains ……………………. percent of water. 2.Minerals and ………………………… are included in micronutrients. 3.The deficiency of ……………………… may cause goiter. 4.About ………………………. percent of our body weight is made up of minerals. 5.Vitamin 'C' is also known as ……………………………… . 1. 90, 2. vitamins, 3. iodine, 4. 4, 5. ascorbic acid
  • 49. State true or false 1.A balanced diet must contain all the essential food constituents in adequate amount. (True/False) 2.Carbohydrates contain the elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. (True/False) 3. Glucose, fructose, sucrose and maltose are called complex carbohydrates. (True/False) 4.Fats contain carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in the percentage of 76, 12 and 12 respectively.(True/False) 1. T, 2.T, 3. F, 4.T,
  • 50. Choose the correct answer 1. In most of the carbohydrates, the ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms is: (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 :2 (c) 1:3 (d) None of these 2. Trypsin helps in the digestion of: (a) Vitamins (b) Fats (c) Protein (d) Carbohydrates
  • 51. Choose the correct answer 3. Which group of fats usually increases the chances of heart diseases? (a) Saturated fats (b) Poly unsaturated fats (c) Mono-unsaturated fats (d) None of the above 4. Which one of the following is not the example of macro minerals? (a) Sodium (b) Potassium (c) Iron (d) Calcium
  • 52. Choose the correct answer 5. Which one of the following is an example of water soluble vitamins? (a) Vitamin 'D' (b) Vitamin 'C' (c) Vitamin 'A' (d) Vitamin 'E' 6. Which disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin B,? (a) Beriberi (b) Pellagra (c) Rickets (d) Night blindness
  • 53. Choose the correct answer 7. Which one of the given minerals plays an important role in the formation of haemoglobin? (a) Iron (b) Sulphur (c) Phosphorus (d) Sodium 8. Which one of the following is not the non-nutritive component of diet? (a) Roughage (b) Colour compounds (c) Protein (d) Flavor compound
  • 54. Choose the correct answer 9. What is the other name of Vitamin B,? (a) Riboflavin (b) Biotin (c) Niacin (d) Thiamin 10. Which Vitamin is derived from the word "Coagulation"? (a) Vitamin E (b) Vitamin K (c) Vitamin A (d) Vitamin C
  • 55. Choose the correct answer 11. Which one of the following vitamins is helpful in the clotting of blood? (a) Vitamin K (d) Vitamin E (b) Vitamin C (c) Vitamin A 1. A, 2. C, 3. A, 4. C, 5. B, 6. B, 7. A, 8. C, 9. C, 10. B, 11. A