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Žiga Turk, Assoc.Prof.                                                          CMIT 558 Map
   University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering

   Istanbul Technical University                                                                IT strategies
   MBA in Construction Informatics in Construction Management
                                                                             as a new
                                                                             economy              visions,
                                                                                               strategies,                  software                              product
                                                                                            requirements                   engineering                           databases
   CMIT 558:                                                                  limits of
   Information Systems for Construction                                     technology
   Management                                                                                            analysis and                             Java, XML       document
                                                                                                           design                                                management
                                                                                           modelling                                     client-server
                                                                              product       method                                        technology
                                                                             modelling                                                                             computer
                                                                                          process                          development                            integrated
   Software Engineering                                                                   modelling                                                              construction
                                                                                               thesauri                                            new ways of
                                                                                            classification                                           working
                                                                                                             information                    use                    working
                                                                                                               retrieval                 management


Learning objective                                                              Context

 how information systems are designed                                               software engineering
   management is involved as client
   IT management,                                                                   the modelling method
   IT specialists as suppliers
                                                                                    process models
 information systems development as an
                                                                                    product models
 engineering process
   software engineering
   civil engineering
 some similarities
   one of a kind product
   work on multiple projects
                                                                        3                                                                                                       4
Content                                                        Literature

 What is software engineering                                   Pressman, Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s
 Software as a process                                          Approach, McGraw Hill
 Software project management                                    Rational Website
 Software metrics (short)
 Risk management
 Analysis and design (separate presentations)
   structured method
   UML (object oriented method)
 Lab: UML

                                                           5                                                       6

Software Engineering —                                         Some Software Characteristics
 What is Software Engineering (SE)?                             Software is
   The process of building a software product.                  engineered or
                                                                developed, not
 Some questions to put SE in perspective:
                                                                manufactured in
   What are the sizes of some typical software products?
                                                                the traditional
   Maple.exe = 1.3 Mbytes.-- System over 3.8 Mbytes
                     Mbytes.--                                  sense.
   Netscape.exe = 1.26 megabytes.
                                                                Software does not
   Microsoft Office 97 > 180 megabytes.                         wear out in the
 How many people would it take to build these in                same sense as
 1 year? 2?                                                     hardware.
   What would you do if a bug could cost lives and $2           Right: hardware
   billion?                                                     failure rate
   What would you do if a delay could cost $100’s of
   millions?                                               7                                                       8
Some Software Characteristics                           Some Software Characteristics
 In theory, software                                     Reality is more like
 does not wear out                                       this.
 at all.                                                 Most serious
                                                         corporations control
 BUT,                                                    and constrain
    Hardware                                             changes.
    upgrades.                                            Most software is
    Software upgrades.                                   custom built, and
                                                         customer never really
 Right: failure curve
                                                         knows what she/he
 for software                                            wants
                                                         Right: actual failure
                                                         rate for software

                                                   9                                                      10

Some General Approaches                                 Software is complex

 Develop and use good engineering practices for          adding another button to an alarm clock costs
 building software.                                      money during manufacturing of each piece
 Make heavy use of reusable software                     the cost is manufacturer’s
 Use modern languages that support good                  adding a butting to a program may cost
 software development practices, e.g., Ada95,            something during software development (or not)
 Java.                                                   consequence is more complex software
 Use 4th generation languages.                           more difficult to use
 But, almost everything is a two-edged sword.            the user pays
    Consider long term tool maintenance.
    Right now, this is a major problem for NASA.
                                                   11                                                     12
Software Myths                                                   Software Myths
 Myth: It’s in the software. So, we can easily                    Myth: I can’t tell you how well we are doing until I get
 change it.                                                       parts of it running.
    Reality: Requirements changes are a major cause of               Reality: Formal reviews of various types both can give good
    software degradation.                                            information and are critical to success in large projects.

 Myth: We can solve schedule problems by                          Myth: The only deliverable that matters is working code.
                                                                     Reality: Documentation, test history, and program configuration
 adding more programmers.                                            are critical parts of the delivery.
    Reality: Maybe. It increases coordination efforts and
    may slow things down.                                         Myth: I am a (super) programmer. Let me program it,
                                                                  and I will get it done.
 Myth: While we don’t have all requirements in                       Reality: A sign of immaturity. A formula for failure. Software
 writing yet, we know what we want and can                           projects are done by teams, not individuals, and success
 start writing code.                                                 requires much more than just coding.
    Reality: Incomplete up-front definition is the major
    cause of software project failures.
                                                            13                                                                         14

Software Myths                                                   Software as a Process
 Myth: Writing                                                    Definition: Software Engineering is the
 code is the major                                                establishment and use of sound engineering
 part of creating a
                                                                  principles in order to obtain economically
 software product.
    Reality: Coding
                                                                  software that is reliable and works efficiently on
    may be as little                                              real machines.
    as 10% of the
    effort, and 50 -                                              Software Engineering is a layered technology.
    70% may occur
    after delivery.
 Below: Impact of

                                                            15                                                                         16
A Layered Technology                                        Some Generic Engineering
                                                            Phases: Building
 Tools                                                       System or information engineering (leading to
    Editors                                                  requirements)
    Design aids                                                Software project planning
    Compilers                                                  Requirements analysis
    Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)                 Development
 Methods                                                       Software design
    Includes standards (formal or informal)                  Coding
    May include conventions, e.g., low level such as
                conventions,                                 Testing
    naming, variable, language construct use, etc.
    May involve design methodologies.
                                                       17                                                    18

Some Generic Engineering                                    Typical activities in these phases
Phases: Maintenance
Maintenance                                                  Project tracking and control
                                                             Formal reviews
 Correction -- bugs will appear                              Software quality assurance
 Adaptation -- to changing operating systems,                Configuration management
 CPU’s, etc.                                                   versions, group of versions = configuration
 Enhancement -- changing customer needs                      Documentation
 Prevention -- software reengineering                        Reusability management
                                                             Risk management

                                                       19                                                    20
SEI Software Process Maturity                                      Software Process Models
  Level 1: Initial -- The software process is characterized         phases of problem
  as ad hoc, and occasionally even chaotic. Few processes           solving loop
  Level 2: Repeatable -- Basic project management
  processes established to track cost, schedule and
  Level 3: Defined -- Process for both management and
  engineering is documented, standardized and integrated.           problem solving
  Level 4: Managed -- Detailed measures of the process              applied recursively
  and product quality collected. Both are quantitatively
  understood and controlled.
  Level 5: Optimizing -- Continuous process improvement
  enabled by quantitative feedback and testing innovative
SEI = Software Engineering Institute, CMU.                    21                                                             22

Process models                                                     Waterfall Model
  Rapid Prototyping                                                                 System/Information
     incremental                                                    Requirements
                                                                     Requirements         Analysis
                                                                                          Analysis       Design
                                                                                                         Design    Code
     component assembly
     concurrent development
     process technology                                                                                           Maintain

                                                              23                                                             24
The Rapid Prototyping Model         Evolutionary process models:
                                    Incremental Model

                               25                                  26

Evolutionary Process Models:        Evolutionary Process Models:
The Spiral Model                    Component Assembly Model

                               27                                  28
Evolutionary Process Models:                                 Other Models
Concurrent Development Model
                                                               Formal Methods
                                                                 Rigorous mathematical representation of
                                                                 Provides basis for automatic verification test
                                                               Fourth Generation Techniques
                                                                 Use code generators to produce specific parts of
                                                               Process Technology
                                                                 Provides a variety of tools to aid software developers,
                                                                 e.g., workload flow, configuration management,
                                                                 quality assurance management, etc.
                                                        29                                                                 30

Project Management Concepts                                  Why Do Major Engineering
                                                             Undertakings Often Fail?
Why is project management important?                         Large projects often fail for two principal reasons:
 Cost                                                          Communication: Inadequate communication
    DoD already spending $30 billion annually on               leads to project failure
    software in late 80’s                                      Coordination: Lack of communication implies
    The US spent $150 billion                                  that the team can not coordinate. Thus each
    $225 billion worldwide                                     group moves in an independent direction and
 Projects frequently fail or have severe difficulties          the project will grind to a halt.
    “New” FAA air traffic control system
    They don’t meet specifications
                                                               no news to civil engineers!
    They take much longer than expected

                                                        31                                                                 32
The Spectrum of Management                                       People
 Effective Software management encompasses                        The Players -- It is important to recognize the
 three main areas:                                                different categories of people involved in a large
   People                                                         software project.
   Problem                                                        Senior Managers - who define business issues.
   Process                                                        Project Managers - who plan, motivate, organize
                                                                  and control the practitioners
                                                                  Practitioners - who deliver the technical skill that
                                                                  are necessary to engineer the project
                                                                  Customers - who specify the requirements
                                                                  End users - who interact with the software once
                                                                  it is released.
                                                            33                                                                34

Team Leadership --                                               Organisational Models:
A Critical Item                                                  Marilyn Mantei Model
 The Problem:The best programmers often make                      Democratic decentralized (DD). -- Does not have a
 poor team leaders.                                               defined leader. “Task Coordinators” are appointed to
                                                                  assure that a particular job is to be executed. These are
   Different skills are required.
                                                                  later replaced by other “Task Coordinators” as new tasks
 Technical leadership model                                       arise.
   Motivation - the ability to encourage technical people         Controlled decentralized (CD) -- Has a defined leader
   to produce to their best ability.                              who coordinates tasks, and secondary leaders who carry
   Organization - the ability to mold existing processes          out subtasks. Problem solving is done by the group,
   that will enable the initial concept to be translated          implementation is done by subgroups.
   into reality.                                                  Controlled Centralized (CC) - Top-level problem solving
   Ideas and Innovation - the ability to invite                   and team coordination managed by the team leader.
   creativeness even within a set of restrictions.                The communication between the leader and members is
                                                            35                                                                36
Project Features Impacting                                       Impact of Project Characteristics
 Difficulty of problem to be solved.                                                               democratic
 Expected size of the resultant program.
 The time the team will remain together.                                                           decentralised
 The degree to which the problem can be                                                            controlled
 modularized.                                                                                      centralised
 The required quality and reliability of the
 The rigidity of the delivery date.
 The degree of communication required for the
                                                            37                                                      38

Underlying Organizational Factors:                               How Do We Communicate?
Matrix model
 The organization has divisions organized by                      Informally - Good phone/electronic service, a
 skills, e.g., engineering, safety and mission                    clear definition of group interdependencies and
 assurance, human factors, etc.                                   good relationships help encourage
 Projects “rent” people from the divisions, as                    communication
   Who evaluates person for raises?
   Independence of reporting for safety & quality issues?
   Who is boss?

                                                            39                                                      40
Project Coordination techniques                                   Value and use of coordination
                                                                  and communication techniques
 Formal, impersonal approaches - software engineering
 documents and deliverables, technical memos, project
 milestones, schedules and control tools
 Formal interpersonal procedures - quality assurance
 activities - reviews and design and code inspections
 Informal, interpersonal procedures - group meetings
 Electronic communication - Email, bulletin boards, web
 sites, extension and video conferences
 Interpersonal network - discussions with those outside of
 the project.

                                                             41                                                        42

Summary                                                           Analysis and Design
 Software project management is an umbrella
 activity that continues throughout the life cycle                  Two primary methods today
 of the system.                                                       Structured Analysis
 Software management includes the people, the                         Object-oriented analysis
 problem, and the process.
                                                                    Some important considerations
 The most critical element in all software system
 projects is the people. The team can have an                         Analysis products must be maintainable
 number of structures that effect the way work is                     Effective partitioning is essential
 accomplished.                                                        Graphics should be used whenever possible
 However, complete, consistent problem                                Distinguish between logical and implementation
 definition and an effective process are also
 essential ingredients.                                             Separate presentations!
                                                             43                                                        44
Žiga Turk, Assoc.Prof.                                                    Software Process and Project
   University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering        Metrics: Outline
   Istanbul Technical University
   MBA in Construction Informatics in Construction Management
                                                                              Software Metrics Domains:
                                                                                 product metrics
   CMIT 558:
                                                                                 project metrics
   Information Systems for Construction
   Management                                                                    process metrics
                                                                              Software Measurement
                                                                                 size-oriented metrics
                                                                                 function-oriented metrics
    End of the short                                                             metrics for Software Quality


Measure, Metrics, and Indicator                                              Use of Software Metrics

 Measure -- Provides a quantitative indication of                             Use common sense and organizational sensitivity.
 the extent, amount, dimensions, capacity, or                                 Provide regular feedback to individuals and teams.
 size of some product or process attribute (1000                              Don’t use metrics to appraise individuals.
 lines)                                                                       Set clear goal and metrics.
 Metrics -- A quantitative measure of the degree                              Never use metrics to threaten individuals or teams
 to which a system, component, or process                                     Problems != negative. These data are merely an
 possesses a given attribute (40%)                                            indicator for process improvement.
                                                                              Don’t obsess on a single metric to the exclusion of other
 Software Metrics -- refers to a broad range of                               important metrics.
 measurements for computer software                                           Do not rely on metrics to solve your problems.
 Indicator -- a metric or combination of metrics                              Beware of people performing to metrics rather than
 that provide insight into the software process, a                            product quality or safety.
 software project, or the product itself.                               47                                                                48
Typical Causes of Product                                  Measures of Software Quality:
Defects                                                    Correctness and Maintainability
                                                            Correctness is the degree to which the software
                                                            performs its required function. The most
                                                            common measure for correctness is defects per
                                                            Maintainability is the ease that a program can be
                                                              adapted if the environment changes
                                                              enhanced if the customer desires changes in
                                                              based on the time-oriented measure mean time to

                                                      49                                                         50

Measures of Software Quality:                              Summary
Integrity and Usability
 Integrity is a system’s ability to withstand               Metrics are a tool which can be used to improve
 attacks (both accidental and intentional) on its           the productivity and quality of the software
 security                                                   system
 Usability - an attempt to quantify “user                   Process metrics takes a strategic view to the
                                                            effectiveness of a software process
 friendliness” physical/intellectual requirement to
 learn ...                                                  Project metrics are tactical that focus on project
                                                            work flow and technical approach
   time required to become moderately efficient
                                                            Size-oriented metrics use the line of code as a
   the net increase in productivity
                                                            normalizing factor
   user attitudes toward system
                                                            Function-oriented metrics use function points
                                                            Quality metrics are correctness, integrity,
                                                            maintainability, and usability.
                                                      51                                                         52
Software Project Planning                                        Software Scope

Steps to Software Planning:                                      What scope means:
  Define Software Scope                                              Literally refers to all functions performed by a system
  Determine Resources                                             Performance
  Create Project Estimates                                           Refers to processing and response time requirements

  Make or buy decision                                            Constraints
                                                                     Limits placed on the software by external hardware,
                                                                     available memory or existing systems

                                                            53                                                                 54

Scope                                                            Scope Information

  Obtaining the information                                       Some typical questions
    Communication, communication, communication!!!                Overall Goals
                                                                     Who’s request
    Meet with customer as often as needed.                           What benefit
    Have free form discussion                                        Who else has solution
    Try to understand his/her goals/constraints, not just         Understanding The Problem
    what she/he thinks they want.                                    What output
                                                                     What Problem
  Beware if ones provides detailed written                           What Issues
  specifications on what they want.                                  What Constraints
    The problem is that those writing them probably               Effectiveness of Meeting
    didn’t fully understand, and they will change.                   Are answers official
                                                                     Are my questions relevant
                                                                     Other sources of Info.
                                                            55                                                                 56
Scoping - Subsequent Meetings                                  Human Resources

 Begin high level planning                                      Scope and skills required
   Know the capabilities of existing software and staff         Organizational position and specialty must both
   Joint teams of customer and developers/analysts              be considered
   Checklist of items to cover                                  As estimate of development effort is essential to
 Organization of Information                                    determine the number of people required for the
   Get everything down with diagrams                            project.
   Create and save transcripts of Meetings
   Possibly use Web.

                                                          57                                                        58

Reusable Software Resources                                    Software Engineering
                                                               Environmental Resources
 Off-the-shelf components
 The validity pedigree is critical
                                                                Design tools
 Full experience components                                     Configuration management tools
 Partial experience components                                  Management tracking tools
 New validation will have to be performed                       Problem Reporting And Corrective Action
                                                                (PRACA) tools
                                                                Documentation tools
                                                                Hardware resources
                                                                Network support

                                                          59                                                        60
Software Project Estimation                                     Software Project Estimation

 Estimation critical -- software costs usually                   Precise estimation is difficult. So, make three
 dominate project.                                               estimates:
 Categories of estimation techniques                                optimistic
   Base estimates on similar projects                               most likely
   Use simple decomposition (possibly in combination                pessimistic
   with other methods
   Use one or more empirical models, I.e.,                       Then combine as:
    • For example # of people = LOC ÷(Duration*(LOC/PM))

    LOC = line of code                                                (S      4*S
                                                                 EV = (Sopt + 4*Sm + Spess)/6
    PM = person month

                                                           61                                                              62

Estimation Table                                                Process Based Estimation
                                                                 Decompose the process into a set of activities or tasks
                                                                 Estimate effort or cost to perform each task
                                                                 Estimate cost cost of each function
                                                                 May be done using
                                                                    LOC and
                                                                    FP estimation
                                                                    or separately

Suppose:                                                         If estimated separately, then there are two or three
                                                                 distinct cost estimates
  620 LOC/PM                                                        Reconcile differences
  $8,000/PM                                                         If radically different, perhaps
  based upon historical data. Then,                                  •   problem is not well understood, or
                                                                     •   productivity data is obsolete, or
Est. Cost = 33,200*$8,000/620 = $421,000                   63        •   the models have not been used correctly.          64
Summary                                                           Risk Management

 Project planner must estimate three things:                             Introduction
   how long project will take                                            Risk Identification
   how much effort will be required                                      Risk Projection
   how many people will be required
                                                                         Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and
 Must use decomposition and empirical modeling                           Management
   Most empirical techniques need to be calibrated to
   individual situations.
                                                                         Safety Risks and Hazards
   Use multiple techniques to gain confidence in result                  The RMMM plan
                                                                         SEI Technical Reviews

                                                             65                                                              66

Introduction                                                      Introduction

 Risk management is a process that is used                         Robert Charette presented the following
 extensively for various purposes                                  conceptual definitions of risk:
   Recall earlier questions raised about safety, costs,              Risk concerns future happenings
   etc.                                                              Risk involves change, such as changes of mind,
 According to “Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate                      opinion, action or places
 Dictionary”, risk is defined as a:                                  Risk involves choice, and the uncertainty that choice
   “possibility of loss or injury”                                   itself entails
   “the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter         Risk Characteristics :
   of an insurance contract” and                                     uncertainty: may or may not happen
   “the degree of probability of such loss.”                         loss: unwanted consequences

                                                             67                                                              68
Introduction                                                      Types of risk strategies

 Management is                                                     Reactive                                      Proactive
   “the act or art of managing” and                                    Software team does                            Begins long before
                                                                       nothing about risks until                     technical work is initiated
   “judicious use of means to accomplish an end”(1)                    something goes wrong                          Identification of potential
 RISK MANAGEMENT can be defined as:                                    “fire fighting mode”                          risks (studies of probability,
                                                                       At best, monitors the                         impact and priorities)
    “A logical process for identifying and analyzing                   projects for likely risks                     Objective: AVOID RISK
   leading to appropriate methods for handling and                                                                   Responds are in a
   monitoring exposures to loss”                                                                                     controlled and effective
 Risk management deals with:
   Systematic identification of an exposure to the risk of
   loss, &
   Making decisions on the best methods for handling
   these exposures to minimize losses
                                                             69                                                                                       70

Kinds of risks                                                    Risk Identification

 Project Risks                                                     Risk identification is a systematic attempt to
   budgetary, schedule, personnel, resource, customer              specify threats to the project plan
 Technical Risks
   design, implementation, interfacing, verification                                 Identify known and predictable risks

 Business Risks                                                                   Generic                        Product-specific
   market, strategic, management,budget                                                        Product size
                                                                                               Business impact
                                                                                               Customer characteristics
                                                                   What characteristics of     Process definition
 Risks may be:                                                     this product may threaten   Development environment
                                                                   our project plan?           Technology to be built
   Known                                                                                       Staff size and experience
   Unpredictable                                                   Risk Item List
                                                             71                                                                                       72
Risk Identification                                         Product Size Risk :

 product                                                     Estimated size of the product in LOC or FP?
 business                                                    Percentage deviation in size of product from average for
                                                             previous products?
 customer                                                    Number of users/projected changes to the requirements
 technlogy                                                   for the product?
                                                             Amount of reused software?

                                                       73                                                               74

Business Impact risks:                                      Customer related risks:
 Effect of this product on the company revenue?              Have you worked with the customer in the past?
 Visibility of this product to senior management?            Does the customer have a solid idea of what is
 Amount & quality of product documentation to be             required?
 Governmental constraints on the construction of the
                                                             Will the customer agree to have meetings?
 product?                                                    Is the customer technically sophisticated in the
                                                             product area?
                                                             Does the customer understand the software

                                                       75                                                               76
Technology Risks:                                       Process Risks

 Is the technology to be built new to your               Does senior management support a written policy statement that
                                                         emphasizes a standard process for software development ?
 organization?                                           Is there a written description of the software process to be used?
 Does the SW interface with new or unproven              Is the software process used for other projects ?
 HW/SW?                                                  Is configuration management used to maintain consistency among
                                                         system/software requirements, design, code and test?
 Do requirements demand creation of new                  Is a procedure followed for tracking subcontractor performance?
 components ?                                            Are facilitated application specification techniques used to aid in
                                                         communication between the customer and developer ?
 Do requirements impose excessive performance
                                                         Are specific methods used for software analysis?
 constraints ?                                           Do you use specific method for data and architectural design?
                                                         Are software tools used to support the software analysis and
                                                         Are tools used to create software prototypes?
                                                         Are quality/productivity metrics collected for all software projects?
                                                                                                                     projects?   78

Development Environment Risks:                          Risk Associated with Staff Size
                                                        and Experience:
 Is a software project/process management tool           Are the best people available?
 available?                                              Do the people have the right combination of
 Are tools for analysis and design available??           skills?
 Are testing tools available and appropriate for         Are staff committed for entire duration of the
 the product?                                            project?
 Are all SW tools integrated with one another?           Do staff have the right expectations about the
 Have members of the project team received               job at hand?
 training in each of the tools?                          Will turnover among staff be low enough to
                                                         allow continuity?

                                                   79                                                                            80
Risk Components and Drivers                                                    Risk Identification Table
(U.S. Air Force guidelines)
 Performance risk: the degree of uncertainty that
                                                                                                     PERFORMANCE              SUPPORT                 COST                 SCHEDULE
 the product will meet its requirements and be fit                           CATEGORY
                                                                                                    Failure to meet the requirements would     Failure results in increased costs and
 for its intended use                                                                           1                                              schedule delays with expected values in
                                                                                                  result in mission failure                    excesss of $500k
                                                                                                  Significant               Nonresponsive or   Significant financial   Unachievable
                                                                                                  degradation to
 Cost risk: the degree of uncertainty that the                                                  2                           unsupportable      shortages, budget
                                                                                                  nonachievement of
                                                                                                  technical performance software               overrun likely        delivery date
 project budget will be maintained                                                                Failure to meet the requirements would       Failure results in operational delays
                                                                                                1 degrade system performance to a point        and/or increased costs with expected
                                                                                                    where misssion success is questionable     values of $100k to $500k
 Support risk:the degree of uncertainty that the                                                    Some reduction in    Minor delays in       Some shortage of     Possible slippage in
                                                                                                2                         software             financial resources,
                                                                                                    technical performance modifications        possible overruns   delivery date
 software will be easy to correct, adapt, and                                                       Failure to meet the requirements would     Cost, impacts, and/or recoverable
                                                                                                1 result in degradation of secondary           schedule slips with expected value of $1
 enhance                                                                     MARGINAL             misssion                                     to $100K
                                                                                                  Minimal to small       Responsive            Sufficient financial    Realistic,
                                                                                                2 reduction in technical
 Schedule risk: the degree of uncertainty that the                                                performance            software support      resources            achievable schedule
                                                                                                  Failure to meet the requirements would       Error in minor cost and/or schedule
                                                                                                1 create inconvenience or nonoperational       impact with expected value of less than
 project schedule will be maintained                                                              impact                                       $1k
                                                                                                  No reduction in       Easily supportable     Possible budget         Early achievable
                                                                                                  technical performance software               underrun                delivery date

                                                                        81                                                                                                                82

Risk Projection                                                                Risk Projection
 Also called risk estimation, attempts to rate each risk in
 two ways:                                                                   Risks                                         Category Probability Impact RMMM
 Likelihood (probability)                                                    Size estimate may be significantly low              PS               60%                  2
                                                                             Larger number of users than planned                 PS               30%                  3
 Consequences                                                                Less reuse than planned                             PS               70%                  2
                                                                             End users resist system                             BU               40%                  3
                                                                             Delivery deadline will be tightened                 BU               50%                  2
 Develop a risk table                                                        Funding will be lost                                CU               40%                  1
    A risk table provides a project manager with a simple technique          Customer will change requirements                   PS               80%                  2
    for risk projection                                                      Technology will not meet expectations               TE               30%                  1
                                                                             Lack of training on tools                           DE               80%                  2
    For each identified risk, list likelihood, consequence and impact
                                                                             Staff inexperienced                                 ST               30%                  2
 Risk Assessment: Examine the accuracy of the estimates                      Staff turnover will be high                         ST               60%                  2
 that were made during risk projection. A risk referent                                         .
 level must be defined and the referent point or break
 point should be established
                                                                        83                                                                                                                84
Risk Matrix                                                                 Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and
    L     5                                                                  An effective strategy must consider three issues:
    I                                                                           risk avoidance,
    k                                                                           risk monitoring, and
          4                                                                     risk management and contingency planning. A proactive approach
    e                                                                           to risk avoidance is the best strategy.
          3                                                                  Develop a plan for risk mitigation. For example: assume
                                                                             that high staff turnover is noted as a project risk r1, some
          2                                                                  of the possible steps to be taken are these:
                                                                                meet with current staff to determine causes for turnover
          1                                                                     assume turnover will occur and develop techniques to ensure
                                                                                continuity when people leave.
                  1     2     3      4         5                                define a backup staff member for every critical technologies.
                                                                       85                                                                        86

Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and                                            Safety Risks and Hazards
 As the project proceeds, the following factors can be
 monitored:                                                                  Software safety and hazard analysis are
    general attitude of team members based on project pressures,             software quality assurance activities that focus
    the degree to which the team has jelled,                                 on the identification and assessment of potential
    interpersonal relationship among team members,
                                                                             hazard that may impact software negatively and
 availability of jobs within the company and outside it                      cause an entire system to fail.
    In addition of these factors, the project manager should monitor
    the effectiveness of risk mitigation steps. Risk management and          If hazards can be identified early in the software
    contingency planning assumes that mitigation efforts have failed         engineering process, software design features
    and that the risk has become reality.
                                                                             can be specified that will either eliminate or
                                                                             control potential hazards.

                                                                       87                                                                        88
SEI Risk Management Paradigm             Summary

                                           Risk analysis is an important part of most software projects.
                        a) Identify        Risk analysis requires a significant amount of project
                        b) Analyze         planning effort.
                        c) Plan
                        d) Track           Understanding risk helps you know where to commit your
                        e) Control         resources.
                        f) Communicate
                                           If you don’t actively attack the risks, they will actively
                                           attack you.
                                           Major projects should all have a risk management plan..

                                    89                                                                     90

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  • 1. Žiga Turk, Assoc.Prof. CMIT 558 Map University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering Istanbul Technical University IT strategies construction MBA in Construction Informatics in Construction Management as a new economy visions, strategies, software product requirements engineering databases CMIT 558: limits of Web Information Systems for Construction technology technologies, Management analysis and Java, XML document design management modelling client-server product method technology modelling computer process development integrated Software Engineering modelling construction thesauri new ways of classification working distance systems information use working retrieval management 2 Learning objective Context how information systems are designed software engineering management is involved as client IT management, the modelling method IT specialists as suppliers process models information systems development as an product models engineering process software engineering civil engineering some similarities one of a kind product work on multiple projects 3 4
  • 2. Content Literature What is software engineering Pressman, Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Software as a process Approach, McGraw Hill Software project management Rational Website Software metrics (short) Risk management Analysis and design (separate presentations) structured method UML (object oriented method) Lab: UML 5 6 Software Engineering — Some Software Characteristics Introduction What is Software Engineering (SE)? Software is The process of building a software product. engineered or developed, not Some questions to put SE in perspective: manufactured in What are the sizes of some typical software products? the traditional Maple.exe = 1.3 Mbytes.-- System over 3.8 Mbytes Mbytes.-- sense. Netscape.exe = 1.26 megabytes. Software does not Microsoft Office 97 > 180 megabytes. wear out in the How many people would it take to build these in same sense as 1 year? 2? hardware. What would you do if a bug could cost lives and $2 Right: hardware billion? failure rate What would you do if a delay could cost $100’s of millions? 7 8
  • 3. Some Software Characteristics Some Software Characteristics In theory, software Reality is more like does not wear out this. at all. Most serious corporations control BUT, and constrain Hardware changes. upgrades. Most software is Software upgrades. custom built, and customer never really Right: failure curve knows what she/he for software wants Right: actual failure rate for software 9 10 Some General Approaches Software is complex Develop and use good engineering practices for adding another button to an alarm clock costs building software. money during manufacturing of each piece Make heavy use of reusable software the cost is manufacturer’s components. Use modern languages that support good adding a butting to a program may cost software development practices, e.g., Ada95, something during software development (or not) Java. consequence is more complex software Use 4th generation languages. more difficult to use But, almost everything is a two-edged sword. the user pays Consider long term tool maintenance. Right now, this is a major problem for NASA. 11 12
  • 4. Software Myths Software Myths Myth: It’s in the software. So, we can easily Myth: I can’t tell you how well we are doing until I get change it. parts of it running. Reality: Requirements changes are a major cause of Reality: Formal reviews of various types both can give good software degradation. information and are critical to success in large projects. Myth: We can solve schedule problems by Myth: The only deliverable that matters is working code. Reality: Documentation, test history, and program configuration adding more programmers. are critical parts of the delivery. Reality: Maybe. It increases coordination efforts and may slow things down. Myth: I am a (super) programmer. Let me program it, and I will get it done. Myth: While we don’t have all requirements in Reality: A sign of immaturity. A formula for failure. Software writing yet, we know what we want and can projects are done by teams, not individuals, and success start writing code. requires much more than just coding. Reality: Incomplete up-front definition is the major up- cause of software project failures. 13 14 Software Myths Software as a Process Myth: Writing Definition: Software Engineering is the code is the major establishment and use of sound engineering part of creating a principles in order to obtain economically software product. Reality: Coding software that is reliable and works efficiently on may be as little real machines. as 10% of the effort, and 50 - Software Engineering is a layered technology. 70% may occur after delivery. Below: Impact of change. 15 16
  • 5. A Layered Technology Some Generic Engineering Phases: Building Tools System or information engineering (leading to Editors requirements) Design aids Software project planning Compilers Requirements analysis Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Development Methods Software design Includes standards (formal or informal) Coding May include conventions, e.g., low level such as conventions, Testing naming, variable, language construct use, etc. Migration May involve design methodologies. methodologies. Maintenance 17 18 Some Generic Engineering Typical activities in these phases Phases: Maintenance Maintenance Project tracking and control Formal reviews Correction -- bugs will appear Software quality assurance Adaptation -- to changing operating systems, Configuration management CPU’s, etc. versions, group of versions = configuration Enhancement -- changing customer needs Documentation Prevention -- software reengineering Reusability management Measurements Risk management 19 20
  • 6. SEI Software Process Maturity Software Process Models Model Level 1: Initial -- The software process is characterized phases of problem as ad hoc, and occasionally even chaotic. Few processes solving loop defined. Level 2: Repeatable -- Basic project management processes established to track cost, schedule and functionality. Level 3: Defined -- Process for both management and engineering is documented, standardized and integrated. problem solving Level 4: Managed -- Detailed measures of the process applied recursively and product quality collected. Both are quantitatively understood and controlled. Level 5: Optimizing -- Continuous process improvement enabled by quantitative feedback and testing innovative ideas. SEI = Software Engineering Institute, CMU. 21 22 Process models Waterfall Model Waterfall Rapid Prototyping System/Information Engineering Evolutionary incremental Requirements Requirements Analysis Analysis Design Design Code Code spiral component assembly concurrent development Test Test Other formal 4GL process technology Maintain Maintain 23 24
  • 7. The Rapid Prototyping Model Evolutionary process models: Incremental Model 25 26 Evolutionary Process Models: Evolutionary Process Models: The Spiral Model Component Assembly Model 27 28
  • 8. Evolutionary Process Models: Other Models Concurrent Development Model Formal Methods Rigorous mathematical representation of requirements Provides basis for automatic verification test generation Fourth Generation Techniques Use code generators to produce specific parts of product Process Technology Provides a variety of tools to aid software developers, e.g., workload flow, configuration management, quality assurance management, etc. 29 30 Project Management Concepts Why Do Major Engineering Undertakings Often Fail? Why is project management important? Large projects often fail for two principal reasons: Cost Communication: Inadequate communication DoD already spending $30 billion annually on leads to project failure software in late 80’s Coordination: Lack of communication implies The US spent $150 billion that the team can not coordinate. Thus each $225 billion worldwide group moves in an independent direction and Projects frequently fail or have severe difficulties the project will grind to a halt. “New” FAA air traffic control system They don’t meet specifications no news to civil engineers! They take much longer than expected 31 32
  • 9. The Spectrum of Management People Concerns Effective Software management encompasses The Players -- It is important to recognize the three main areas: different categories of people involved in a large People software project. Problem Senior Managers - who define business issues. Process Project Managers - who plan, motivate, organize and control the practitioners Practitioners - who deliver the technical skill that are necessary to engineer the project Customers - who specify the requirements End users - who interact with the software once it is released. 33 34 Team Leadership -- Organisational Models: A Critical Item Marilyn Mantei Model The Problem:The best programmers often make Democratic decentralized (DD). -- Does not have a poor team leaders. defined leader. “Task Coordinators” are appointed to assure that a particular job is to be executed. These are Different skills are required. later replaced by other “Task Coordinators” as new tasks Technical leadership model arise. Motivation - the ability to encourage technical people Controlled decentralized (CD) -- Has a defined leader to produce to their best ability. who coordinates tasks, and secondary leaders who carry Organization - the ability to mold existing processes out subtasks. Problem solving is done by the group, that will enable the initial concept to be translated implementation is done by subgroups. into reality. Controlled Centralized (CC) - Top-level problem solving Top- Ideas and Innovation - the ability to invite and team coordination managed by the team leader. creativeness even within a set of restrictions. The communication between the leader and members is vertical. 35 36
  • 10. Project Features Impacting Impact of Project Characteristics Organization Difficulty of problem to be solved. democratic decentralised Expected size of the resultant program. controlled The time the team will remain together. decentralised The degree to which the problem can be controlled modularized. centralised The required quality and reliability of the system. The rigidity of the delivery date. The degree of communication required for the project. 37 38 Underlying Organizational Factors: How Do We Communicate? Matrix model The organization has divisions organized by Informally - Good phone/electronic service, a skills, e.g., engineering, safety and mission clear definition of group interdependencies and assurance, human factors, etc. good relationships help encourage Projects “rent” people from the divisions, as communication needed. Issues Who evaluates person for raises? Independence of reporting for safety & quality issues? Who is boss? 39 40
  • 11. Project Coordination techniques Value and use of coordination and communication techniques Formal, impersonal approaches - software engineering documents and deliverables, technical memos, project milestones, schedules and control tools Formal interpersonal procedures - quality assurance activities - reviews and design and code inspections Informal, interpersonal procedures - group meetings Electronic communication - Email, bulletin boards, web sites, extension and video conferences Interpersonal network - discussions with those outside of the project. 41 42 Summary Analysis and Design Software project management is an umbrella activity that continues throughout the life cycle Two primary methods today of the system. Structured Analysis Software management includes the people, the Object-oriented analysis Object- problem, and the process. Some important considerations The most critical element in all software system projects is the people. The team can have an Analysis products must be maintainable number of structures that effect the way work is Effective partitioning is essential accomplished. Graphics should be used whenever possible However, complete, consistent problem Distinguish between logical and implementation definition and an effective process are also essential ingredients. Separate presentations! 43 44
  • 12. Žiga Turk, Assoc.Prof. Software Process and Project University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering Metrics: Outline Istanbul Technical University MBA in Construction Informatics in Construction Management Software Metrics Domains: product metrics CMIT 558: project metrics Information Systems for Construction Management process metrics Software Measurement size-oriented metrics size- function-oriented metrics function- End of the short metrics for Software Quality version 46 Measure, Metrics, and Indicator Use of Software Metrics Measure -- Provides a quantitative indication of Use common sense and organizational sensitivity. the extent, amount, dimensions, capacity, or Provide regular feedback to individuals and teams. size of some product or process attribute (1000 Don’t use metrics to appraise individuals. lines) Set clear goal and metrics. Metrics -- A quantitative measure of the degree Never use metrics to threaten individuals or teams to which a system, component, or process Problems != negative. These data are merely an possesses a given attribute (40%) indicator for process improvement. Don’t obsess on a single metric to the exclusion of other Software Metrics -- refers to a broad range of important metrics. measurements for computer software Do not rely on metrics to solve your problems. Indicator -- a metric or combination of metrics Beware of people performing to metrics rather than that provide insight into the software process, a product quality or safety. software project, or the product itself. 47 48
  • 13. Typical Causes of Product Measures of Software Quality: Defects Correctness and Maintainability Correctness is the degree to which the software performs its required function. The most common measure for correctness is defects per KLOC Maintainability is the ease that a program can be corrected: adapted if the environment changes enhanced if the customer desires changes in requirements based on the time-oriented measure mean time to time- change. 49 50 Measures of Software Quality: Summary Integrity and Usability Integrity is a system’s ability to withstand Metrics are a tool which can be used to improve attacks (both accidental and intentional) on its the productivity and quality of the software security system Usability - an attempt to quantify “user Process metrics takes a strategic view to the effectiveness of a software process friendliness” physical/intellectual requirement to learn ... Project metrics are tactical that focus on project work flow and technical approach time required to become moderately efficient Size-oriented metrics use the line of code as a the net increase in productivity normalizing factor user attitudes toward system Function-oriented metrics use function points Quality metrics are correctness, integrity, maintainability, and usability. 51 52
  • 14. Software Project Planning Software Scope Steps to Software Planning: What scope means: Functions Define Software Scope Literally refers to all functions performed by a system Determine Resources Performance Create Project Estimates Refers to processing and response time requirements Make or buy decision Constraints Limits placed on the software by external hardware, available memory or existing systems Interfaces Reliability 53 54 Scope Scope Information Obtaining the information Some typical questions Communication, communication, communication!!! Overall Goals Who’s request Meet with customer as often as needed. What benefit Have free form discussion Who else has solution Try to understand his/her goals/constraints, not just Understanding The Problem what she/he thinks they want. What output What Problem Beware if ones provides detailed written What Issues specifications on what they want. What Constraints The problem is that those writing them probably Effectiveness of Meeting didn’t fully understand, and they will change. Are answers official Are my questions relevant Other sources of Info. 55 56
  • 15. Scoping - Subsequent Meetings Human Resources Begin high level planning Scope and skills required Know the capabilities of existing software and staff Organizational position and specialty must both Joint teams of customer and developers/analysts be considered Checklist of items to cover As estimate of development effort is essential to Organization of Information determine the number of people required for the Get everything down with diagrams project. Create and save transcripts of Meetings Possibly use Web. 57 58 Reusable Software Resources Software Engineering Environmental Resources Compilers Off-the-shelf components Editors The validity pedigree is critical Design tools Full experience components Configuration management tools Partial experience components Management tracking tools New validation will have to be performed Problem Reporting And Corrective Action (PRACA) tools Documentation tools Hardware resources Network support 59 60
  • 16. Software Project Estimation Software Project Estimation Estimation critical -- software costs usually Precise estimation is difficult. So, make three dominate project. estimates: Categories of estimation techniques optimistic Base estimates on similar projects most likely Use simple decomposition (possibly in combination pessimistic with other methods Use one or more empirical models, I.e., Then combine as: • For example # of people = LOC ÷(Duration*(LOC/PM)) LOC = line of code (S 4*S EV = (Sopt + 4*Sm + Spess)/6 PM = person month 61 62 Estimation Table Process Based Estimation Decompose the process into a set of activities or tasks Estimate effort or cost to perform each task Estimate cost cost of each function May be done using LOC and FP estimation or separately Suppose: If estimated separately, then there are two or three distinct cost estimates 620 LOC/PM Reconcile differences $8,000/PM If radically different, perhaps based upon historical data. Then, • problem is not well understood, or • productivity data is obsolete, or Est. Cost = 33,200*$8,000/620 = $421,000 63 • the models have not been used correctly. 64
  • 17. Summary Risk Management Project planner must estimate three things: Introduction how long project will take Risk Identification how much effort will be required Risk Projection how many people will be required Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and Must use decomposition and empirical modeling Management Most empirical techniques need to be calibrated to individual situations. Safety Risks and Hazards Use multiple techniques to gain confidence in result The RMMM plan SEI Technical Reviews Summary 65 66 Introduction Introduction Risk management is a process that is used Robert Charette presented the following extensively for various purposes conceptual definitions of risk: Recall earlier questions raised about safety, costs, Risk concerns future happenings etc. Risk involves change, such as changes of mind, According to “Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate opinion, action or places Dictionary”, risk is defined as a: Risk involves choice, and the uncertainty that choice “possibility of loss or injury” itself entails “the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter Risk Characteristics : of an insurance contract” and uncertainty: may or may not happen “the degree of probability of such loss.” loss: unwanted consequences 67 68
  • 18. Introduction Types of risk strategies Management is Reactive Proactive “the act or art of managing” and Software team does Begins long before nothing about risks until technical work is initiated “judicious use of means to accomplish an end”(1) something goes wrong Identification of potential RISK MANAGEMENT can be defined as: “fire fighting mode” risks (studies of probability, At best, monitors the impact and priorities) “A logical process for identifying and analyzing projects for likely risks Objective: AVOID RISK leading to appropriate methods for handling and Responds are in a monitoring exposures to loss” controlled and effective manner Risk management deals with: Systematic identification of an exposure to the risk of loss, & Making decisions on the best methods for handling these exposures to minimize losses 69 70 Kinds of risks Risk Identification Project Risks Risk identification is a systematic attempt to budgetary, schedule, personnel, resource, customer specify threats to the project plan Technical Risks design, implementation, interfacing, verification Identify known and predictable risks Business Risks Generic Product-specific market, strategic, management,budget Product size Business impact Customer characteristics What characteristics of Process definition Risks may be: this product may threaten Development environment our project plan? Technology to be built Known Staff size and experience Predictable Unpredictable Risk Item List 71 72
  • 19. Risk Identification Product Size Risk : product Estimated size of the product in LOC or FP? business Percentage deviation in size of product from average for previous products? customer Number of users/projected changes to the requirements technlogy for the product? Amount of reused software? 73 74 Business Impact risks: Customer related risks: Effect of this product on the company revenue? Have you worked with the customer in the past? Visibility of this product to senior management? Does the customer have a solid idea of what is Amount & quality of product documentation to be required? produced? Governmental constraints on the construction of the Will the customer agree to have meetings? product? Is the customer technically sophisticated in the product area? Does the customer understand the software process? 75 76
  • 20. Technology Risks: Process Risks Is the technology to be built new to your Does senior management support a written policy statement that emphasizes a standard process for software development ? organization? Is there a written description of the software process to be used? used? Does the SW interface with new or unproven Is the software process used for other projects ? HW/SW? Is configuration management used to maintain consistency among system/software requirements, design, code and test? Do requirements demand creation of new Is a procedure followed for tracking subcontractor performance? components ? Are facilitated application specification techniques used to aid in communication between the customer and developer ? Do requirements impose excessive performance Are specific methods used for software analysis? constraints ? Do you use specific method for data and architectural design? Are software tools used to support the software analysis and design? Are tools used to create software prototypes? 77 Are quality/productivity metrics collected for all software projects? projects? 78 Development Environment Risks: Risk Associated with Staff Size and Experience: Is a software project/process management tool Are the best people available? available? Do the people have the right combination of Are tools for analysis and design available?? skills? Are testing tools available and appropriate for Are staff committed for entire duration of the the product? project? Are all SW tools integrated with one another? Do staff have the right expectations about the Have members of the project team received job at hand? training in each of the tools? Will turnover among staff be low enough to allow continuity? 79 80
  • 21. Risk Components and Drivers Risk Identification Table (U.S. Air Force guidelines) COMPONENTS Performance risk: the degree of uncertainty that PERFORMANCE SUPPORT COST SCHEDULE the product will meet its requirements and be fit CATEGORY Failure to meet the requirements would Failure results in increased costs and for its intended use 1 schedule delays with expected values in result in mission failure excesss of $500k CATASTROPHIC Significant Nonresponsive or Significant financial Unachievable degradation to Cost risk: the degree of uncertainty that the 2 unsupportable shortages, budget nonachievement of technical performance software overrun likely delivery date project budget will be maintained Failure to meet the requirements would Failure results in operational delays 1 degrade system performance to a point and/or increased costs with expected where misssion success is questionable values of $100k to $500k CRITICAL Support risk:the degree of uncertainty that the Some reduction in Minor delays in Some shortage of Possible slippage in 2 software financial resources, technical performance modifications possible overruns delivery date software will be easy to correct, adapt, and Failure to meet the requirements would Cost, impacts, and/or recoverable 1 result in degradation of secondary schedule slips with expected value of $1 enhance MARGINAL misssion to $100K Minimal to small Responsive Sufficient financial Realistic, 2 reduction in technical Schedule risk: the degree of uncertainty that the performance software support resources achievable schedule Failure to meet the requirements would Error in minor cost and/or schedule 1 create inconvenience or nonoperational impact with expected value of less than NEGLIGIBLE project schedule will be maintained impact $1k No reduction in Easily supportable Possible budget Early achievable 2 technical performance software underrun delivery date 81 82 Risk Projection Risk Projection Also called risk estimation, attempts to rate each risk in two ways: Risks Category Probability Impact RMMM Likelihood (probability) Size estimate may be significantly low PS 60% 2 Larger number of users than planned PS 30% 3 Consequences Less reuse than planned PS 70% 2 End users resist system BU 40% 3 Delivery deadline will be tightened BU 50% 2 Develop a risk table Funding will be lost CU 40% 1 A risk table provides a project manager with a simple technique Customer will change requirements PS 80% 2 for risk projection Technology will not meet expectations TE 30% 1 Lack of training on tools DE 80% 2 For each identified risk, list likelihood, consequence and impact impact Staff inexperienced ST 30% 2 Risk Assessment: Examine the accuracy of the estimates Staff turnover will be high ST 60% 2 . that were made during risk projection. A risk referent . . level must be defined and the referent point or break point should be established 83 84
  • 22. Risk Matrix Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and Management L 5 An effective strategy must consider three issues: I risk avoidance, k risk monitoring, and 4 risk management and contingency planning. A proactive approach e to risk avoidance is the best strategy. l 3 Develop a plan for risk mitigation. For example: assume I that high staff turnover is noted as a project risk r1, some h 2 of the possible steps to be taken are these: o meet with current staff to determine causes for turnover o 1 assume turnover will occur and develop techniques to ensure d continuity when people leave. 1 2 3 4 5 define a backup staff member for every critical technologies. Consequences 85 86 Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and Safety Risks and Hazards Management As the project proceeds, the following factors can be monitored: Software safety and hazard analysis are general attitude of team members based on project pressures, software quality assurance activities that focus the degree to which the team has jelled, on the identification and assessment of potential interpersonal relationship among team members, hazard that may impact software negatively and availability of jobs within the company and outside it cause an entire system to fail. In addition of these factors, the project manager should monitor the effectiveness of risk mitigation steps. Risk management and If hazards can be identified early in the software contingency planning assumes that mitigation efforts have failed engineering process, software design features and that the risk has become reality. can be specified that will either eliminate or control potential hazards. 87 88
  • 23. SEI Risk Management Paradigm Summary Risk analysis is an important part of most software projects. a) Identify Risk analysis requires a significant amount of project b) Analyze planning effort. c) Plan d) Track Understanding risk helps you know where to commit your e) Control resources. f) Communicate If you don’t actively attack the risks, they will actively attack you. Major projects should all have a risk management plan.. 89 90