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SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL Query Containment with
ShEx Constraints
21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and
Information Systems (ADBIS 2017)
Abdullah Abbas
Pierre Genevès
Cécile Roisin
Nabil Layaïda
24 - 27 September 2017
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
RDF (Resource Description Framework)
RDF Triple
<subject> <predicate> <object>
:p1 :named "Alice".
:p1 :likes :tennis.
:p2 :named "Bob".
:p2 :likes :soccer.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
RDF (Resource Description Framework)
RDF Triple
<subject> <predicate> <object>
:p1 :named "Alice".
:p1 :likes :tennis.
:p2 :named "Bob".
:p2 :likes :soccer.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
RDF (Resource Description Framework)
RDF Graph
<subject> <predicate> <object>
:p1 :named "Alice".
:p1 :likes :tennis.
:p2 :named "Bob".
:p2 :likes :soccer.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
RDF Graph
:p1 :named "Alice".
:p1 :likes :tennis.
:p2 :named "Bob".
:p2 :likes :soccer.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
RDF Graph
:p1 :named "Alice".
:p1 :likes :tennis.
:p2 :named "Bob".
:p2 :likes :soccer.
SPARQL query
SELECT ?name
?p :likes :tennis.
?p :named ?name.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
RDF Graph
:p1 :named "Alice".
:p1 :likes :tennis.
:p2 :named "Bob".
:p2 :likes :soccer.
SPARQL query
SELECT ?name
?p :likes :tennis.
?p :named ?name.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
RDF Graph
:p1 :named "Alice".
:p1 :likes :tennis.
:p2 :named "Bob".
:p2 :likes :soccer.
SPARQL query
SELECT ?name
?p :likes :tennis.
?p :named ?name.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Supported SPARQL Fragments
Basic SPARQL Query
SELECT ?name
?p :likes :tennis.
?p :named ?name.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Supported SPARQL Fragments
Basic SPARQL Query
SELECT ?name
?p :likes :tennis.
?p :named ?name.
SELECT ?name
?p :likes :tennis.
?p :named ?name.
?p :likes :tennis.
?p :named ?name.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Supported SPARQL Fragments
SELECT ?name, ?other
?p :likes :tennis.
?p :named ?name.
?p :likes ?other.
?p :named ?name.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
ShEx Constraints
ShEx Constraints
<Person> {
:named xsd:string ;
:likes @<Sport>
<Sport> {
:category xsd:string
RDF Graph 1 (Not valid)
:p1 :named "Bob".
:p1 :likes :soccer.
RDF Graph 2 (Valid)
:p2 :named "Bob".
:p2 :likes :soccer.
:soccer :category "team sports"
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL query containment is well studied in the
Query containment is useful for query planning and
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL query containment is well studied in the
Query containment is useful for query planning and
RDF documents in real life applications are constrained.
ShEx is an emerging schema language (FHIR, WebIndex).
Containment without constraints → False negatives
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL query containment is well studied in the
Query containment is useful for query planning and
RDF documents in real life applications are constrained.
ShEx is an emerging schema language (FHIR, WebIndex).
Containment without constraints → False negatives
SPARQL query containment in the presence of ShEx
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL query containment is well studied in the
Query containment is useful for query planning and
RDF documents in real life applications are constrained.
ShEx is an emerging schema language (FHIR, WebIndex).
Containment without constraints → False negatives
SPARQL query containment in the presence of ShEx
We benefit from existing containment solvers, and ShEx
validators. We apply novel query transformations that does
not increase the complexity of containment.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Containment Overview
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
3 Containment Procedure Definition
Procedure Overview
Query Transformation
ShEx Schema Transformation
Containment Procedure Summary
4 Alternative Method
5 Conclusion
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Containment Overview
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
3 Containment Procedure Definition
Procedure Overview
Query Transformation
ShEx Schema Transformation
Containment Procedure Summary
4 Alternative Method
5 Conclusion
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Overview
Containment Overview
Query 1 Query 2
For any dataset, the results of Query 1 are contained in the
results of Query 2.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Overview
Containment Overview
Query 1 Query 2
For any dataset, the results of Query 1 are contained in the
results of Query 2.
Containment Solver:
(𝑸 𝟏 ⊑ 𝑸 𝟐)
(𝑸 𝟏 ⋢ 𝑸 𝟐)
Input queries Results
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Overview
Containment Overview
Query 1 Query 2
For any dataset, the results of Query 1 are contained in the
results of Query 2.
RDF Data (Big)
?x name ?name.
?x role manager. }
Query 1
?x name ?name.
?x role ?role. }
Query 2 Query 2 Results
Query 1 Results
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Overview
Containment Overview
Query 1 Query 2
For any dataset, the results of Query 1 are contained in the
results of Query 2.
RDF Data (Big)
?x name ?name.
?x role manager. }
Query 1
?x name ?name.
?x role ?role. }
Query 2 Query 2 Results
Query 1 Results
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
What is ShEx?
ShEx is an RDF constraint language.
Validate RDF documents
ShEx uses logical operators to define constraints inductively:
e ::= | Σ × Γ | e∗ | e[m;n] | (e|e ) | (e e )
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
ShEx is an RDF constraint language.
Validate RDF documents
Definition (ShEx Expression)
Given a set of edge labels (Σ), and a set of types (Γ), then
Σ × Γ is a shape expression. ShEx uses logical operators to
define constraints inductively:
e ::= | Σ × Γ | e∗ | e[m;n] | (e|e ) | (e e )
Definition (ShEx Schema)
A ShEx schema is a tuple S = (Σ, Γ, δ), where δ is a type
definition function that maps elements of Γ to shape
expressions e over Σ × Γ.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
Containment with ShEx Definition
Containment with ShEx: Query 1 S Query 2
For any dataset valid with respect to the ShEx schema S, the
results of Query 1 are contained in the results of Query 2.
Containment Solver:
(𝑸 𝟏 ⊑ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐)
(𝑸 𝟏 ⋢ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐)
Input queries & schema Results
Schema (S)
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
Containment with ShEx Definition
Containment with ShEx: Query 1 S Query 2
For any dataset valid with respect to the ShEx schema S, the
results of Query 1 are contained in the results of Query 2.
Containment Solver:
(𝑸 𝟏 ⊑ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐)
(𝑸 𝟏 ⋢ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐)
Input queries & schema Results
Schema (S)
Why query containment with ShEx?
More containment cases can be inferred.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Containment Overview
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
3 Containment Procedure Definition
Procedure Overview
Query Transformation
ShEx Schema Transformation
Containment Procedure Summary
4 Alternative Method
5 Conclusion
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
Query 1
?p :named ?name .
?p :likes "tennis". }
Query 2
?p :named ?name .
?p :plays "soccer" }
Query 1 Query 2
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
Query 1 (No results)
?p :named ?name .
?p :likes "tennis". }
Query 2
?p :named ?name .
?p :plays "soccer" }
Query 1 Query 2
More Containment with ShEx?
ShEx Schema (S)
<Person> {
:named xsd:string ;
:plays xsd:string }
Query 1 S Query 2
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
OPTIONAL patterns in queries are more interesting for
query static analysis with constraints:
Semantics: Only get extended results if available.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
ShEx Schema (S)
<Product> {
:name xsd:string ;
:expiryDate xsd:date ;
:producer @<Company> + ;
:feature xsd:string }
Query 1
{ ?x :producer :p1 . ?x :feature "feature 1" }
{ ?x :feature "feature 2" . ?x :expiryDate ?d }
Query 2
{ ?x :producer ?y . ?x :feature "feature 1"}
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
ShEx Schema (S)
<Product> {
:name xsd:string ;
:expiryDate xsd:date ;
:producer @<Company> + ;
:feature xsd:string }
Query 1
{ ?x :producer :p1 . ?x :feature "feature 1" }
{ ?x :feature "feature 2" . ?x :expiryDate ?d }
Query 2
{ ?x :producer ?y . ?x :feature "feature 1"}
Results: Query 1 S Query 2
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
Complex OPTIONAL Query
{ :product1 :label ?productLabel . }
?offer :product :product1 .
?offer :price ?price .
?offer :vendor ?vendor } .
?review :reviewFor :product1 .
?review :rating ?rating .
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
Complex OPTIONAL Query
{ :product1 :label ?productLabel . }
?offer :product :product1 .
?offer :price ?price .
?offer :vendor ?vendor } .
?review :reviewFor :product1 .
?review :reviewer ?reviewer .
OPTIONAL { ?reviewer :name ?revName }} .
?review :rating ?rating .
?rating :nbOfRaters ?n }
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
Well-designed OPTIONAL Fragment
For every subpattern q = (q1 OPT q2) of q and every variable
x occurring in q, it holds that: if x occurs inside q2 and outside
q , then x also occurs inside q1.
Containment of the w.d. OPT fragment is studied. A sound and
complete procedure is available [Leterlier et al., 2012].
+ UNION at top level.
Representation as pattern trees:
((P1 OPT (P11 OPT P111 OPT P112)) OPT P12) OPT P13
P11 P12 P13
P111 P112 19/32
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Containment Overview
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
3 Containment Procedure Definition
Procedure Overview
Query Transformation
ShEx Schema Transformation
Containment Procedure Summary
4 Alternative Method
5 Conclusion
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
Procedure Overview
Procedure Overview
ShEx validator
Containment Solver
Containment Solver
SPARQL Containment
(𝑸′ 𝟏⊑ 𝑸′
(𝑸 𝟏⊑ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐)?
SPARQL Containment
with ShEx
(P1 )
(variables  IRIs)
Validate parts of the
transformed pattern
tree and eliminate
the non-valid nodes.
Q2 Q'2P2
(P2 )
Validate parts of the
transformed pattern
tree and eliminate
the non-valid nodes.
Pattern Tree
Pattern Tree
Query Transformation
Minimals discarding
schema transformation
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
Query Transformation
Query Transformation
1- Original Query Pattern (P)
?x :producer :p1 .
?x :feature "feature 1"
?x :feature "feature 2" .
?x :expiryDate ?d
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
Query Transformation
Query Transformation
2- RDF(P)
:x :producer :p1 .
:x :feature "feature 1"
:x :feature "feature 2" .
:x :expiryDate :d
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
Query Transformation
Query Transformation
3- Validate Against Schema S (Part 1)
:x :producer :p1 .
:x :feature "feature 1"
:x :feature "feature 2" .
:x :expiryDate :d
Not Valid? → Query is equivalent to the empty query!
Valid? → Validate Against Schema S (Part 1 and 2)
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
Query Transformation
Query Transformation
3- Validate Against Schema S (Part 1 and 2)
:x :producer :p1 .
:x :feature "feature 1" .
:x :feature "feature 2" .
:x :expiryDate :d
Not Valid? → Eliminate (Part 2) only!
Valid? → Keep the query as it is!
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
ShEx Schema Transformation
ShEx Schema Transformation
Minimal cardinality constraints should be ignored since the
query is not a complete representation of the data.
Assume a ShEx constraint: At least three skills for each person.
Assume a query pattern: {:p1 :skill ?x}
The presence of only one triple is not a violation, the RDF data may
still have three skills for :p1.
Thus minimal cardinality constraints must be ignored.
MIN0(.) is a transformation function that takes a ShEx
document and returns another ShEx document ignoring all
minimal cardinalities.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
Containment Procedure Summary
Containment Procedure Summary
Step 1: (Transformation)
Eliminate pattern tree nodes that are not valid.
Minimal cardinalities are not considered.
Query 1 Query 2
Step 2: (Containment)
Check the new modified queries for containment.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
Containment Procedure Summary
Containment Procedure Summary
Step 1: (Transformation)
Eliminate pattern tree nodes that are not valid.
Minimal cardinalities are not considered.
Query 1 Query 2
Step 2: (Containment)
Check the new modified queries for containment.
T(Query 1) T(Query 2) ≡ Query 1 S Query 2
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Containment Procedure Definition
Implementation and Theoretical Complexity
Queries and ShEx documents transformation implemented using java.
ShEx validator, available from [Boneva et al., 2014] (NP-c)
Containment Solver, available from [Pichler and Skritek, 2014]. (ΠP
Complexity of SPARQL containment with ShEx
SPARQL Fragment Without(ShEx) With(ShEx)
BGP [Chandra, 1977] NP-c NP-c
AND-OPT [Pichler, 2014] NP-c NP-c
AND-OPT-(UNION) [Pichler, 2014] ΠP
2-c ΠP
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Alternative Method
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Containment Overview
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
3 Containment Procedure Definition
Procedure Overview
Query Transformation
ShEx Schema Transformation
Containment Procedure Summary
4 Alternative Method
5 Conclusion
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Alternative Method
Alternative Method
We reduce query containment with ShEx into:
FOL (First Order Logic) formula satisfiability.
FOL with only two variable is a decidable FOL fragment
with NEXP-c satisfiability complexity.
It supports SPARQL fragment extensions.
Queries encoding
Schema encoding
Schema (S)
Theorem Prover
𝓐(𝑸 𝟏)⋀¬𝓐(𝑸 𝟐)
(𝑸 𝟏 ⊑ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐)
(𝑸 𝟏 ⋢ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐)
FOL Problem
FOL Problem
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Alternative Method
Alternative Method
We reduce query containment with ShEx into:
FOL (First Order Logic) formula satisfiability.
FOL with only two variable is a decidable FOL fragment
with NEXP-c satisfiability complexity.
It supports SPARQL fragment extensions.
Method 1 Method 2 (FOL)
SPARQL Fragment Without/With(ShEx) Without/With(ShEx)
BGP NP-Complete NEXP
2-Complete NEXP
AND-OPT-(UNION)-Minus  [not supported] NEXP
AND-OPT-(UNION)-FILTER  [not supported] NEXP
AND-OPT-(UNION)-PP  [not supported] NEXP
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Alternative Method
Alternative Method
We reduce query containment with ShEx into:
FOL (First Order Logic) formula satisfiability.
FOL with only two variable is a decidable FOL fragment
with NEXP-c satisfiability complexity.
It supports SPARQL fragment extensions.
Method 1 Method 2 (FOL)
SPARQL Fragment Without/With(ShEx) Without/With(ShEx)
BGP NP-Complete NEXP
2-Complete NEXP
AND-OPT-(UNION)-Minus  [not supported] NEXP
AND-OPT-(UNION)-FILTER  [not supported] NEXP
AND-OPT-(UNION)-PP  [not supported] NEXP
Method 2 is more complex but supports more fragments
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Alternative Method
Implementations Tests
2 implementations:
Method 1 (Validation+Containment)
Method 2 (FOL)
Test Queries from the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark
Hand-crafted ShEx schemas
Execution Time (with Method 1) ≈ 800 ms
Execution Time (with Method 2) ≈ 400 ms
Available implementations of FOL automated theorem provers
are highly optimized and efficient!
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Containment Overview
ShEx (Shape Expressions)
2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints
SPARQL (Conjunctive)
3 Containment Procedure Definition
Procedure Overview
Query Transformation
ShEx Schema Transformation
Containment Procedure Summary
4 Alternative Method
5 Conclusion
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx
constraints is important (due to constrained databases).
With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx
constraints is important (due to constrained databases).
With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred.
Contribution 1: We defined a sound and complete
procedure for SPARQL query containment with ShEx
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx
constraints is important (due to constrained databases).
With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred.
Contribution 1: We defined a sound and complete
procedure for SPARQL query containment with ShEx
Contribution 2: We provided the complexity bounds of
the problem considered. (ΠP
2-c for AND-OPT-(UNION))
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx
constraints is important (due to constrained databases).
With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred.
Contribution 1: We defined a sound and complete
procedure for SPARQL query containment with ShEx
Contribution 2: We provided the complexity bounds of
the problem considered. (ΠP
2-c for AND-OPT-(UNION))
Contribution 3: We implemented the procedure in a
java framework using an existing ShEx validator and an
existing containment solver.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx
constraints is important (due to constrained databases).
With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred.
Contribution 1: We defined a sound and complete
procedure for SPARQL query containment with ShEx
Contribution 2: We provided the complexity bounds of
the problem considered. (ΠP
2-c for AND-OPT-(UNION))
Contribution 3: We implemented the procedure in a
java framework using an existing ShEx validator and an
existing containment solver.
Contribution 4: Alternative method for extending the
SPARQL fragment (reducing to FOL satisfiability).
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Further Perspectives
In Application:
There exist many FOL automated theorem provers that
participate annually in competitions.
Only 1 containment solver for the AND-OPT-(UNION)
fragment is available. [Pichler and Skritek, 2014]
Using available FOL automated theorem provers allowed
for more efficient problem solving implementations (even
for small fragments).
It is clear that there exists a space to make better
implementations of the containment solver and/or of
the ShEx validator.
SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints
Thank You

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SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints

  • 1. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2017) Abdullah Abbas Pierre Genevès Cécile Roisin Nabil Layaïda 24 - 27 September 2017 1/32
  • 2. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints RDF (Resource Description Framework) RDF Triple <subject> <predicate> <object> { :p1 :named "Alice". :p1 :likes :tennis. :p2 :named "Bob". :p2 :likes :soccer. } 2/32
  • 3. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints RDF (Resource Description Framework) RDF Triple <subject> <predicate> <object> { :p1 :named "Alice". :p1 :likes :tennis. :p2 :named "Bob". :p2 :likes :soccer. } p1 “Alice”named 2/32
  • 4. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints RDF (Resource Description Framework) RDF Graph <subject> <predicate> <object> { :p1 :named "Alice". :p1 :likes :tennis. :p2 :named "Bob". :p2 :likes :soccer. } p1 “Alice” tennis p2 “Bob” soccer named likes named likes 2/32
  • 5. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints SPARQL Query RDF Graph { :p1 :named "Alice". :p1 :likes :tennis. :p2 :named "Bob". :p2 :likes :soccer. } p1 “Alice” tennis p2 “Bob” soccer named likes named likes 3/32
  • 6. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints SPARQL Query RDF Graph { :p1 :named "Alice". :p1 :likes :tennis. :p2 :named "Bob". :p2 :likes :soccer. } SPARQL query SELECT ?name WHERE { ?p :likes :tennis. ?p :named ?name. } p1 “Alice” tennis p2 “Bob” soccer named likes named likes 3/32
  • 7. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints SPARQL Query RDF Graph { :p1 :named "Alice". :p1 :likes :tennis. :p2 :named "Bob". :p2 :likes :soccer. } SPARQL query SELECT ?name WHERE { ?p :likes :tennis. ?p :named ?name. } p1 “Alice” tennis p2 “Bob” soccer ?p ?name tennis named likes named likes named likes 3/32
  • 8. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints SPARQL Query RDF Graph { :p1 :named "Alice". :p1 :likes :tennis. :p2 :named "Bob". :p2 :likes :soccer. } SPARQL query SELECT ?name WHERE { ?p :likes :tennis. ?p :named ?name. } p1 “Alice” tennis p2 “Bob” soccer ?p ?name tennis named likes named likes named likes 3/32
  • 9. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Supported SPARQL Fragments Basic SPARQL Query SELECT ?name WHERE { ?p :likes :tennis. ?p :named ?name. } 4/32
  • 10. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Supported SPARQL Fragments Basic SPARQL Query SELECT ?name WHERE { ?p :likes :tennis. ?p :named ?name. } UNION SELECT ?name WHERE { ?p :likes :tennis. ?p :named ?name. } UNION { ?p :likes :tennis. ?p :named ?name. } 4/32
  • 11. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Supported SPARQL Fragments OPTIONAL SELECT ?name, ?other WHERE { ?p :likes :tennis. ?p :named ?name. } OPTIONAL { ?p :likes ?other. ?p :named ?name. } 5/32
  • 12. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints ShEx Constraints ShEx Constraints <Person> { :named xsd:string ; :likes @<Sport> } <Sport> { :category xsd:string } RDF Graph 1 (Not valid) { :p1 :named "Bob". :p1 :likes :soccer. } RDF Graph 2 (Valid) { :p2 :named "Bob". :p2 :likes :soccer. :soccer :category "team sports" } 6/32
  • 13. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Motivation: SPARQL query containment is well studied in the literature. Query containment is useful for query planning and optimization. 7/32
  • 14. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Motivation: SPARQL query containment is well studied in the literature. Query containment is useful for query planning and optimization. RDF documents in real life applications are constrained. ShEx is an emerging schema language (FHIR, WebIndex). Containment without constraints → False negatives 7/32
  • 15. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Motivation: SPARQL query containment is well studied in the literature. Query containment is useful for query planning and optimization. RDF documents in real life applications are constrained. ShEx is an emerging schema language (FHIR, WebIndex). Containment without constraints → False negatives Purpose: SPARQL query containment in the presence of ShEx constraints. 7/32
  • 16. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Motivation: SPARQL query containment is well studied in the literature. Query containment is useful for query planning and optimization. RDF documents in real life applications are constrained. ShEx is an emerging schema language (FHIR, WebIndex). Containment without constraints → False negatives Purpose: SPARQL query containment in the presence of ShEx constraints. How? We benefit from existing containment solvers, and ShEx validators. We apply novel query transformations that does not increase the complexity of containment. 7/32
  • 17. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Table of Contents 1 Introduction Containment Overview ShEx (Shape Expressions) 2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (Conjunctive) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) 3 Containment Procedure Definition Procedure Overview Query Transformation ShEx Schema Transformation Containment Procedure Summary Complexity 4 Alternative Method 5 Conclusion 8/32
  • 18. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Introduction Table of Contents 1 Introduction Containment Overview ShEx (Shape Expressions) 2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (Conjunctive) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) 3 Containment Procedure Definition Procedure Overview Query Transformation ShEx Schema Transformation Containment Procedure Summary Complexity 4 Alternative Method 5 Conclusion 9/32
  • 19. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Introduction Containment Overview Containment Overview Query 1 Query 2 For any dataset, the results of Query 1 are contained in the results of Query 2. 10/32
  • 20. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Introduction Containment Overview Containment Overview Query 1 Query 2 For any dataset, the results of Query 1 are contained in the results of Query 2. Containment Solver: Q1 Q2 Containment Solver (𝑸 𝟏 ⊑ 𝑸 𝟐) (𝑸 𝟏 ⋢ 𝑸 𝟐) No Yes Input queries Results 10/32
  • 21. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Introduction Containment Overview Containment Overview Query 1 Query 2 For any dataset, the results of Query 1 are contained in the results of Query 2. Example: RDF Data (Big) SELECT* { ?x name ?name. ?x role manager. } Query 1 SELECT * { ?x name ?name. ?x role ?role. } Query 2 Query 2 Results Query 1 Results 10/32
  • 22. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Introduction Containment Overview Containment Overview Query 1 Query 2 For any dataset, the results of Query 1 are contained in the results of Query 2. Example: RDF Data (Big) SELECT* { ?x name ?name. ?x role manager. } Query 1 SELECT * { ?x name ?name. ?x role ?role. } Query 2 Query 2 Results Query 1 Results 10/32
  • 23. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Introduction ShEx (Shape Expressions) ShEx (Shape Expressions) What is ShEx? ShEx is an RDF constraint language. Validate RDF documents ShEx uses logical operators to define constraints inductively: e ::= | Σ × Γ | e∗ | e[m;n] | (e|e ) | (e e ) 11/32
  • 24. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Introduction ShEx (Shape Expressions) ShEx (Shape Expressions) ShEx is an RDF constraint language. Validate RDF documents Definition (ShEx Expression) Given a set of edge labels (Σ), and a set of types (Γ), then Σ × Γ is a shape expression. ShEx uses logical operators to define constraints inductively: e ::= | Σ × Γ | e∗ | e[m;n] | (e|e ) | (e e ) Definition (ShEx Schema) A ShEx schema is a tuple S = (Σ, Γ, δ), where δ is a type definition function that maps elements of Γ to shape expressions e over Σ × Γ. 12/32
  • 25. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Introduction ShEx (Shape Expressions) Containment with ShEx Definition Containment with ShEx: Query 1 S Query 2 For any dataset valid with respect to the ShEx schema S, the results of Query 1 are contained in the results of Query 2. Containment Solver: Q1 Q2 Containment Solver (𝑸 𝟏 ⊑ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐) (𝑸 𝟏 ⋢ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐) No Yes Input queries & schema Results Schema (S) 13/32
  • 26. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Introduction ShEx (Shape Expressions) Containment with ShEx Definition Containment with ShEx: Query 1 S Query 2 For any dataset valid with respect to the ShEx schema S, the results of Query 1 are contained in the results of Query 2. Containment Solver: Q1 Q2 Containment Solver (𝑸 𝟏 ⊑ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐) (𝑸 𝟏 ⋢ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐) No Yes Input queries & schema Results Schema (S) Why query containment with ShEx? More containment cases can be inferred. 13/32
  • 27. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints Table of Contents 1 Introduction Containment Overview ShEx (Shape Expressions) 2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (Conjunctive) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) 3 Containment Procedure Definition Procedure Overview Query Transformation ShEx Schema Transformation Containment Procedure Summary Complexity 4 Alternative Method 5 Conclusion 14/32
  • 28. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (Conjunctive) SPARQL (Conjunctive) Query 1 SELECT * WHERE { ?p :named ?name . ?p :likes "tennis". } Query 2 SELECT * WHERE { ?p :named ?name . ?p :plays "soccer" } Query 1 Query 2 15/32
  • 29. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (Conjunctive) SPARQL (Conjunctive) Query 1 (No results) SELECT * WHERE { ?p :named ?name . ?p :likes "tennis". } Query 2 SELECT * WHERE { ?p :named ?name . ?p :plays "soccer" } Query 1 Query 2 More Containment with ShEx? ShEx Schema (S) <Person> { :named xsd:string ; :plays xsd:string } Query 1 S Query 2 15/32
  • 30. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) OPTIONAL patterns in queries are more interesting for query static analysis with constraints: Semantics: Only get extended results if available. 16/32
  • 31. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) ShEx Schema (S) <Product> { :name xsd:string ; :expiryDate xsd:date ; :producer @<Company> + ; :feature xsd:string } Query 1 { ?x :producer :p1 . ?x :feature "feature 1" } OPTIONAL { ?x :feature "feature 2" . ?x :expiryDate ?d } Query 2 { ?x :producer ?y . ?x :feature "feature 1"} 17/32
  • 32. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) ShEx Schema (S) <Product> { :name xsd:string ; :expiryDate xsd:date ; :producer @<Company> + ; :feature xsd:string } Query 1 { ?x :producer :p1 . ?x :feature "feature 1" } OPTIONAL { ?x :feature "feature 2" . ?x :expiryDate ?d } Query 2 { ?x :producer ?y . ?x :feature "feature 1"} Results: Query 1 S Query 2 17/32
  • 33. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) Complex OPTIONAL Query { :product1 :label ?productLabel . } OPTIONAL { ?offer :product :product1 . ?offer :price ?price . ?offer :vendor ?vendor } . OPTIONAL { ?review :reviewFor :product1 . ?review :rating ?rating . } 18/32
  • 34. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) Complex OPTIONAL Query { :product1 :label ?productLabel . } OPTIONAL { ?offer :product :product1 . ?offer :price ?price . ?offer :vendor ?vendor } . OPTIONAL { ?review :reviewFor :product1 . OPTIONAL { ?review :reviewer ?reviewer . OPTIONAL { ?reviewer :name ?revName }} . ?review :rating ?rating . OPTIONAL { ?rating :nbOfRaters ?n } } 18/32
  • 35. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) Well-designed OPTIONAL Fragment Definition: For every subpattern q = (q1 OPT q2) of q and every variable x occurring in q, it holds that: if x occurs inside q2 and outside q , then x also occurs inside q1. Containment of the w.d. OPT fragment is studied. A sound and complete procedure is available [Leterlier et al., 2012]. + UNION at top level. Representation as pattern trees: ((P1 OPT (P11 OPT P111 OPT P112)) OPT P12) OPT P13 P1 P11 P12 P13 P111 P112 19/32
  • 36. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition Table of Contents 1 Introduction Containment Overview ShEx (Shape Expressions) 2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (Conjunctive) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) 3 Containment Procedure Definition Procedure Overview Query Transformation ShEx Schema Transformation Containment Procedure Summary Complexity 4 Alternative Method 5 Conclusion 20/32
  • 37. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition Procedure Overview Procedure Overview Components: ShEx validator Containment Solver Q1 S' Q'1 SPARQL Containment Solver Query SPARQL Containment (𝑸′ 𝟏⊑ 𝑸′ 𝟐)? (𝑸 𝟏⊑ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐)? SPARQL Containment with ShEx ≡ P1 𝓡𝓓𝓕 (P1 ) 𝓡𝓓𝓕(𝑷n) (variables  IRIs) Validate parts of the transformed pattern tree and eliminate the non-valid nodes. P'1 Q2 Q'2P2 𝓡𝓓𝓕 (P2 ) Validate parts of the transformed pattern tree and eliminate the non-valid nodes. P'2 Pattern Tree Pattern Tree (new) Results: Query Query Transformation Schema S 𝓜𝓘𝓝0(𝑺) Minimals discarding schema transformation 21/32
  • 38. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition Query Transformation Query Transformation 1- Original Query Pattern (P) { ?x :producer :p1 . ?x :feature "feature 1" } OPTIONAL { ?x :feature "feature 2" . ?x :expiryDate ?d } 22/32
  • 39. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition Query Transformation Query Transformation 2- RDF(P) { :x :producer :p1 . :x :feature "feature 1" } OPTIONAL { :x :feature "feature 2" . :x :expiryDate :d } 22/32
  • 40. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition Query Transformation Query Transformation 3- Validate Against Schema S (Part 1) { :x :producer :p1 . :x :feature "feature 1" } OPTIONAL { :x :feature "feature 2" . :x :expiryDate :d } Not Valid? → Query is equivalent to the empty query! Valid? → Validate Against Schema S (Part 1 and 2) 22/32
  • 41. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition Query Transformation Query Transformation 3- Validate Against Schema S (Part 1 and 2) { :x :producer :p1 . :x :feature "feature 1" . } OPTIONAL { :x :feature "feature 2" . :x :expiryDate :d } Not Valid? → Eliminate (Part 2) only! Valid? → Keep the query as it is! 22/32
  • 42. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition ShEx Schema Transformation ShEx Schema Transformation Minimal cardinality constraints should be ignored since the query is not a complete representation of the data. Example Assume a ShEx constraint: At least three skills for each person. Assume a query pattern: {:p1 :skill ?x} The presence of only one triple is not a violation, the RDF data may still have three skills for :p1. Thus minimal cardinality constraints must be ignored. MIN0(.) is a transformation function that takes a ShEx document and returns another ShEx document ignoring all minimal cardinalities. 23/32
  • 43. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition Containment Procedure Summary Containment Procedure Summary Step 1: (Transformation) Eliminate pattern tree nodes that are not valid. Minimal cardinalities are not considered. Query 1 Query 2 Step 2: (Containment) Check the new modified queries for containment. 24/32
  • 44. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition Containment Procedure Summary Containment Procedure Summary Step 1: (Transformation) Eliminate pattern tree nodes that are not valid. Minimal cardinalities are not considered. Query 1 Query 2 Step 2: (Containment) Check the new modified queries for containment. Results: T(Query 1) T(Query 2) ≡ Query 1 S Query 2 24/32
  • 45. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Containment Procedure Definition Complexity Implementation and Theoretical Complexity Implementation Queries and ShEx documents transformation implemented using java. ShEx validator, available from [Boneva et al., 2014] (NP-c) Containment Solver, available from [Pichler and Skritek, 2014]. (ΠP 2-c) Complexity of SPARQL containment with ShEx SPARQL Fragment Without(ShEx) With(ShEx) BGP [Chandra, 1977] NP-c NP-c AND-OPT [Pichler, 2014] NP-c NP-c AND-OPT-(UNION) [Pichler, 2014] ΠP 2-c ΠP 2-c 25/32
  • 46. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Alternative Method Table of Contents 1 Introduction Containment Overview ShEx (Shape Expressions) 2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (Conjunctive) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) 3 Containment Procedure Definition Procedure Overview Query Transformation ShEx Schema Transformation Containment Procedure Summary Complexity 4 Alternative Method 5 Conclusion 26/32
  • 47. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Alternative Method Alternative Method We reduce query containment with ShEx into: FOL (First Order Logic) formula satisfiability. FOL with only two variable is a decidable FOL fragment with NEXP-c satisfiability complexity. It supports SPARQL fragment extensions. Q1 Q2 Queries encoding function Schema encoding function Schema (S) FOLAutomated Theorem Prover (𝜻) 𝓐(𝑸 𝟏)⋀¬𝓐(𝑸 𝟐) axioms conjecture FOL (𝑸 𝟏 ⊑ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐) (𝑸 𝟏 ⋢ 𝑺 𝑸 𝟐) Result FOL Problem satisfiable FOL Problem unsatisfiable 27/32
  • 48. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Alternative Method Alternative Method We reduce query containment with ShEx into: FOL (First Order Logic) formula satisfiability. FOL with only two variable is a decidable FOL fragment with NEXP-c satisfiability complexity. It supports SPARQL fragment extensions. Method 1 Method 2 (FOL) SPARQL Fragment Without/With(ShEx) Without/With(ShEx) BGP NP-Complete NEXP AND-OPT NP-Complete NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION) ΠP 2-Complete NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION)-Minus [not supported] NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION)-FILTER [not supported] NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION)-PP [not supported] NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION)-MINUS-FILTER-PP [not supported] NEXP 27/32
  • 49. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Alternative Method Alternative Method We reduce query containment with ShEx into: FOL (First Order Logic) formula satisfiability. FOL with only two variable is a decidable FOL fragment with NEXP-c satisfiability complexity. It supports SPARQL fragment extensions. Method 1 Method 2 (FOL) SPARQL Fragment Without/With(ShEx) Without/With(ShEx) BGP NP-Complete NEXP AND-OPT NP-Complete NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION) ΠP 2-Complete NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION)-Minus [not supported] NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION)-FILTER [not supported] NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION)-PP [not supported] NEXP AND-OPT-(UNION)-MINUS-FILTER-PP [not supported] NEXP Method 2 is more complex but supports more fragments 27/32
  • 50. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Alternative Method Implementations Tests 2 implementations: Method 1 (Validation+Containment) Method 2 (FOL) Test Queries from the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark Hand-crafted ShEx schemas Execution Time (with Method 1) ≈ 800 ms Execution Time (with Method 2) ≈ 400 ms Available implementations of FOL automated theorem provers are highly optimized and efficient! 28/32
  • 51. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Conclusion Table of Contents 1 Introduction Containment Overview ShEx (Shape Expressions) 2 Containment Examples with ShEx Constraints SPARQL (Conjunctive) SPARQL (with OPTIONALs) 3 Containment Procedure Definition Procedure Overview Query Transformation ShEx Schema Transformation Containment Procedure Summary Complexity 4 Alternative Method 5 Conclusion 29/32
  • 52. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Conclusion Conclusion Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx constraints is important (due to constrained databases). With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred. 30/32
  • 53. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Conclusion Conclusion Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx constraints is important (due to constrained databases). With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred. Contribution 1: We defined a sound and complete procedure for SPARQL query containment with ShEx constraints. 30/32
  • 54. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Conclusion Conclusion Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx constraints is important (due to constrained databases). With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred. Contribution 1: We defined a sound and complete procedure for SPARQL query containment with ShEx constraints. Contribution 2: We provided the complexity bounds of the problem considered. (ΠP 2-c for AND-OPT-(UNION)) 30/32
  • 55. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Conclusion Conclusion Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx constraints is important (due to constrained databases). With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred. Contribution 1: We defined a sound and complete procedure for SPARQL query containment with ShEx constraints. Contribution 2: We provided the complexity bounds of the problem considered. (ΠP 2-c for AND-OPT-(UNION)) Contribution 3: We implemented the procedure in a java framework using an existing ShEx validator and an existing containment solver. 30/32
  • 56. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Conclusion Conclusion Motivation: SPARQL query containment with ShEx constraints is important (due to constrained databases). With ShEx more containment cases can be inferred. Contribution 1: We defined a sound and complete procedure for SPARQL query containment with ShEx constraints. Contribution 2: We provided the complexity bounds of the problem considered. (ΠP 2-c for AND-OPT-(UNION)) Contribution 3: We implemented the procedure in a java framework using an existing ShEx validator and an existing containment solver. Contribution 4: Alternative method for extending the SPARQL fragment (reducing to FOL satisfiability). 30/32
  • 57. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Conclusion Further Perspectives In Application: There exist many FOL automated theorem provers that participate annually in competitions. Only 1 containment solver for the AND-OPT-(UNION) fragment is available. [Pichler and Skritek, 2014] Using available FOL automated theorem provers allowed for more efficient problem solving implementations (even for small fragments). Perspective: It is clear that there exists a space to make better implementations of the containment solver and/or of the ShEx validator. 31/32
  • 58. SPARQL Query Containment with ShEx Constraints Conclusion Thank You 32/32